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Red Hat OpenShift Workshop
Deploy MySQL and Wordpress on CodeReady Containers
Mihai Criveti, Cloud Native Solutioning Leader, RHCE
November 23, 2020
OpenShift Workshop
CodeReady Containers
Project Configuration
Deploy MySQL
Scaling Applications
Next Steps
OpenShift Workshop
Scenario Overview
Figure 1: WordPress and MySQL on OpenShift
0. Test MySQL + Wordpress using podman.
1. Install CodeReady Containers
2. Create a project called wordpress
3. Create users and groups and setup htpassword authentication
• User admin as cluster admin
• developers:developer as edit for project
• leaders:leader as self-provisioner group
• testers:tester as view for project
4. Deploy mysql from and configure the secret
5. Deploy wordpress from
6. Create a route and test wordpress
7. Scale
8. Setup probes and monitoring
CodeReady Containers
Install CodeReady Containers
Download CodeReady Containers
Go to and download CodeReady Containers and the Pull Secret.
Unpack the archive
tar Jxf crc-linux-amd64.tar.xz
cd crc-linux-1.14.0-amd64
Setup CRC
./crc setup
./crc config set memory 16536
./crc config set cpus 8
./crc start
Deleting and Recreating your CRC
./crc stop
./crc delete
Connect to OCP
Setup the environment and autocomplete
eval $(./crc oc-env)
source <(oc completion zsh)
export API=https://api.crc.testing:6443
Get console info and login
./crc console --credentials
./crc console
export KUBEPASS=abcd
oc login -u kubeadmin -p $KUBEPASS $API
oc whoami; oc whoami --show-server
Setup users and OAuth
Create a random user password
export PASS=$(openssl rand -hex 15)
echo $PASS > password
Create users using htpasswd
yum provides htpasswd; sudo dnf install httpd-tools
htpasswd -c -b -B htpass-secret admin $PASS
htpasswd -b -B htpass-secret developer $PASS
htpasswd -b -B htpass-secret leader $PASS
htpasswd -b -B htpass-secret tester $PASS
cat htpass-secret
Setup secrets
Create OpenShift secrets in the openshift-config namespace
oc get secret/htpass-secret -n openshift-config
oc create secret generic htpass-secret -o yaml -n openshift-config 
--from-file=htpasswd=htpass-secret --dry-run | oc create -f -
oc create secret generic htpass-secret -o yaml -n openshift-config 
--from-file=htpasswd=htpass-secret --dry-run | oc replace -f -
oc extract secret/htpass-secret -n openshift-config --to - 
| tee htpass-secret
Setup cluster OAuth
Get oauth to edit
oc get oauth cluster -o yaml | tee oauth.yaml
Setup identityProviders
Edit oauth.yaml
- htpasswd:
name: htpass-secret
mappingMethod: claim
name: htpasswd_provider
type: HTPasswd
oc replace -f oauth.yaml
Setup cluster admin
Give the admin user cluster-admin permissions
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin
Login as admin
oc login -u admin -p $PASS
oc login -u admin -p $PASS --loglevel 10 $API
oc whoami
Setup groups
Create groups
oc adm groups new leaders
oc adm groups new developers
oc adm groups new testers
oc get groups
Setup groups users
oc adm groups add-users leaders leader
oc adm groups add-users developers developer
oc adm groups add-users testers tester
oc get groups
Setup self-provisioning
Disable self-provisioning for all users
oc api-resources | grep rbac
oc get clusterrolebindings | grep self
oc describe clusterrolebindings self-provisioner
oc adm policy remove-cluster-role-from-group 
self-provisioner system:authenticated:oauth
Leaders can create projects
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-group self-provisioner leaders
Project Configuration
Create a project and setup policies
Create a new project and assign to developer
oc login -u leader -p $PASS $API
oc new-project wordpress
oc adm policy add-role-to-group edit developers
oc adm policy add-role-to-group view testers
oc login -u developer -p $PASS
Setup Quotas
oc create --save-config dev-quota.yaml
# or
oc create quota dev-quota --hard services=10,cpu=1300,memory=2Gi
oc get resource quota
oc describe quota
Deploy MySQL
Create a project and setup policies
Create a new project and assign to developer
oc login -u leader -p $PASS $API
oc new-project wordpress
oc adm policy add-role-to-group edit developers
oc adm policy add-role-to-group view testers
oc login -u developer -p $PASS
Deploy MySQL
Create a mysql secret
oc create secret generic mysql 
--from-literal database=wordpress 
--from-literal user=wpuser 
--from-literal password=password
Deploy MySQL from Red Hat
oc new-app --name mysql 
Check status - env is not yet set, app will crash
oc get dc,pod
oc status
oc logs pod/mysql-1-xxxxx
Configure my.cnf with ConfigMaps
Create a my.cnf file from the existing one
oc rsh mysql-2-hcstt cat /etc/my.cnf > my.cnf
echo 'default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password' >> my.cnf
Create a configmap
oc create configmap mysql-config --from-file my.cnf
oc set volume dc/mysql --add --name mysql-config --overwrite 
--type=configmap --configmap-name=mysql-config 
Check the settings
oc describe configmaps mysql-config
oc set volume dc --all
oc get all -l app=mysql
Configure the environment to use secrets
Set the environment to use the secret and config file
oc set env dc/mysql --from=secret/mysql 
--prefix=MYSQL_ DEFAULTS_FILE=/etc/mysql-config/my.cnf
oc set env pods --all --list
Get status
oc get dc,pod
oc status
oc logs pod/mysql-3-deploy
oc logs pod/mysql-3-xxxx
oc get all -l app=mysql
Test your database
Log into your container using oc rsh
oc rsh mysql-2-xxxxx
mysql -u wpuser --password=password wordpress -e 'show databases;'
Deploy the Wordpress Pods
Deploy wordpress
oc new-app --name wordpress 
-e WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress 
Get status
oc get pod
oc logs pod/wordpress-1-7kf49
Create a service account
Create a service account
oc login -u admin -p $PASS
oc create sa wordpress-sa
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z wordpress-sa
Set wordpress-sa for the deploymentconfig
oc login -u developer -p $PASS
oc set serviceaccount deploymentconfig wordpress wordpress-sa
Get the status
oc get all
oc get events
oc logs pod/wordpress-2-468kp
Expose the application
Create a route
oc expose svc/wordpress
oc get routes
Setup WordPress
Go to http://wordpress-wordpress.apps-crc.testing/ to setup WordPress.
Deleting individual apps
oc delete all -l app=wordpress
oc delete all -l app=mysql
Deleting the entire project
oc delete projects wordpress
Debug a deployment as root to check for permissions
oc debug -t deployment/wordpress --as-root
Replace the image
oc debug -t deployment/mysql 
Scaling Applications
Manual Scaling
Get the dc
oc get dc
mysql 5 1 1
wordpress 2 1 1
Scale the dc
oc scale dc wordpress --replicas=3
oc get dc,pod
Create a PostgreSQL Operator using CLI
• MariaDB ?
• PostgreSQL
Next Steps
Next Steps
1. Add Health Checks
2. Scale up the application
3. Set up auto-scaling
4. Use a MySQL Operator to manage the database instead.

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Kubernetes Story - Day 3: Deploying and Scaling Applications on OpenShift

  • 1. Red Hat OpenShift Workshop Deploy MySQL and Wordpress on CodeReady Containers Mihai Criveti, Cloud Native Solutioning Leader, RHCE November 23, 2020 1
  • 2. OpenShift Workshop CodeReady Containers Project Configuration Deploy MySQL Wordpress Scaling Applications Next Steps 2
  • 4. Scenario Overview Figure 1: WordPress and MySQL on OpenShift 3
  • 5. Steps 0. Test MySQL + Wordpress using podman. 1. Install CodeReady Containers 2. Create a project called wordpress 3. Create users and groups and setup htpassword authentication • User admin as cluster admin • developers:developer as edit for project • leaders:leader as self-provisioner group • testers:tester as view for project 4. Deploy mysql from and configure the secret 5. Deploy wordpress from 6. Create a route and test wordpress 7. Scale 8. Setup probes and monitoring 4
  • 8. Install CodeReady Containers Download CodeReady Containers Go to and download CodeReady Containers and the Pull Secret. Unpack the archive tar Jxf crc-linux-amd64.tar.xz cd crc-linux-1.14.0-amd64 Setup CRC ./crc setup ./crc config set memory 16536 ./crc config set cpus 8 ./crc start 6
  • 9. Deleting and Recreating your CRC ./crc stop ./crc delete 7
  • 10. Connect to OCP Setup the environment and autocomplete eval $(./crc oc-env) source <(oc completion zsh) export API=https://api.crc.testing:6443 Get console info and login ./crc console --credentials ./crc console export KUBEPASS=abcd oc login -u kubeadmin -p $KUBEPASS $API oc whoami; oc whoami --show-server 8
  • 11. Setup users and OAuth Create a random user password export PASS=$(openssl rand -hex 15) echo $PASS > password Create users using htpasswd yum provides htpasswd; sudo dnf install httpd-tools htpasswd -c -b -B htpass-secret admin $PASS htpasswd -b -B htpass-secret developer $PASS htpasswd -b -B htpass-secret leader $PASS htpasswd -b -B htpass-secret tester $PASS cat htpass-secret 9
  • 12. Setup secrets Create OpenShift secrets in the openshift-config namespace oc get secret/htpass-secret -n openshift-config oc create secret generic htpass-secret -o yaml -n openshift-config --from-file=htpasswd=htpass-secret --dry-run | oc create -f - oc create secret generic htpass-secret -o yaml -n openshift-config --from-file=htpasswd=htpass-secret --dry-run | oc replace -f - oc extract secret/htpass-secret -n openshift-config --to - | tee htpass-secret 10
  • 13. Setup cluster OAuth Get oauth to edit oc get oauth cluster -o yaml | tee oauth.yaml 11
  • 14. Setup identityProviders Edit oauth.yaml spec: identityProviders: - htpasswd: fileData: name: htpass-secret mappingMethod: claim name: htpasswd_provider type: HTPasswd Apply oc replace -f oauth.yaml 12
  • 15. Setup cluster admin Give the admin user cluster-admin permissions oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin Login as admin oc login -u admin -p $PASS oc login -u admin -p $PASS --loglevel 10 $API oc whoami 13
  • 16. Setup groups Create groups oc adm groups new leaders oc adm groups new developers oc adm groups new testers oc get groups Setup groups users oc adm groups add-users leaders leader oc adm groups add-users developers developer oc adm groups add-users testers tester oc get groups 14
  • 17. Setup self-provisioning Disable self-provisioning for all users oc api-resources | grep rbac oc get clusterrolebindings | grep self oc describe clusterrolebindings self-provisioner oc adm policy remove-cluster-role-from-group self-provisioner system:authenticated:oauth Leaders can create projects oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-group self-provisioner leaders 15
  • 19. Create a project and setup policies Create a new project and assign to developer oc login -u leader -p $PASS $API oc new-project wordpress oc adm policy add-role-to-group edit developers oc adm policy add-role-to-group view testers oc login -u developer -p $PASS 16
  • 20. Setup Quotas oc create --save-config dev-quota.yaml # or oc create quota dev-quota --hard services=10,cpu=1300,memory=2Gi oc get resource quota oc describe quota 17
  • 22. Create a project and setup policies Create a new project and assign to developer oc login -u leader -p $PASS $API oc new-project wordpress oc adm policy add-role-to-group edit developers oc adm policy add-role-to-group view testers oc login -u developer -p $PASS 18
  • 23. Deploy MySQL Create a mysql secret oc create secret generic mysql --from-literal database=wordpress --from-literal user=wpuser --from-literal password=password Deploy MySQL from Red Hat oc new-app --name mysql --as-deployment-config=true Check status - env is not yet set, app will crash oc get dc,pod oc status oc logs pod/mysql-1-xxxxx 19
  • 24. Configure my.cnf with ConfigMaps Create a my.cnf file from the existing one oc rsh mysql-2-hcstt cat /etc/my.cnf > my.cnf echo 'default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password' >> my.cnf Create a configmap oc create configmap mysql-config --from-file my.cnf oc set volume dc/mysql --add --name mysql-config --overwrite --type=configmap --configmap-name=mysql-config --mount-path=/etc/mysql-config Check the settings oc describe configmaps mysql-config oc set volume dc --all oc get all -l app=mysql 20
  • 25. Configure the environment to use secrets Set the environment to use the secret and config file oc set env dc/mysql --from=secret/mysql --prefix=MYSQL_ DEFAULTS_FILE=/etc/mysql-config/my.cnf oc set env pods --all --list Get status oc get dc,pod oc status oc logs pod/mysql-3-deploy oc logs pod/mysql-3-xxxx oc get all -l app=mysql 21
  • 26. Test your database Log into your container using oc rsh oc rsh mysql-2-xxxxx mysql -u wpuser --password=password wordpress -e 'show databases;' exit 22
  • 28. Deploy the Wordpress Pods Deploy wordpress oc new-app --name wordpress --docker-image -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=mysql -e WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress -e WORDPRESS_DB_USER=wpuser -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=password --as-deployment-config=true Get status oc get pod oc logs pod/wordpress-1-7kf49 23
  • 29. Create a service account Create a service account oc login -u admin -p $PASS oc create sa wordpress-sa oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z wordpress-sa Set wordpress-sa for the deploymentconfig oc login -u developer -p $PASS oc set serviceaccount deploymentconfig wordpress wordpress-sa Get the status oc get all oc get events oc logs pod/wordpress-2-468kp 24
  • 30. Expose the application Create a route oc expose svc/wordpress oc get routes Setup WordPress Go to http://wordpress-wordpress.apps-crc.testing/ to setup WordPress. 25
  • 31. Cleanup Deleting individual apps oc delete all -l app=wordpress oc delete all -l app=mysql Deleting the entire project oc delete projects wordpress 26
  • 32. Debugging Debug a deployment as root to check for permissions oc debug -t deployment/wordpress --as-root Replace the image oc debug -t deployment/mysql --image 27
  • 34. Manual Scaling Get the dc oc get dc NAME REVISION DESIRED CURRENT mysql 5 1 1 wordpress 2 1 1 Scale the dc oc scale dc wordpress --replicas=3 oc get dc,pod 28
  • 35. Create a PostgreSQL Operator using CLI Operators • MariaDB ? • PostgreSQL 29
  • 37. Next Steps 1. Add Health Checks 2. Scale up the application 3. Set up auto-scaling 4. Use a MySQL Operator to manage the database instead. 30