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Kubernetes Certification Training
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Kubernetes Certification Training
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Basic Questions
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by Kubernetes?01
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by Kubernetes?01
Kubernetes is an open-source container management (orchestration) tool. It’s container
management responsibilities include container deployment, scaling & descaling of
containers & container load balancing.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
How is Kubernetes related to Docker?02
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
How is Kubernetes related to Docker?02
Docker is responsible for managing the lifecycle of containers and these containers are
manually linked and orchestrated with Kubernetes
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Tell the difference between deploying applications on host and containers?03
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Tell the difference between deploying applications on host and containers?03
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by Container Orchestration?04
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by Container Orchestration?04
Container Orchestration cab be thought of as an automated management with
immense coordination with all the containers present in the cluster.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Why do we need Container Orchestration?05
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Why do we need Container Orchestration?05
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
How is Kubernetes different from Docker Swarm?06
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
How is Kubernetes different from Docker Swarm?06
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are the features of Kubernetes?07
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are the features of Kubernetes?07
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
How does Kubernetes simplify Containerized Deployment08
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
How does Kubernetes simplify Containerized Deployment08
A typical application have a cluster of containers across multiple hosts and these
containers need to talk to each other. So, Kubernetes offers the required configurations
for the user after the application state has been defined.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you know about Cluster in Kubernetes?09
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you know about Cluster in Kubernetes?09
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What is the Google Container Engine?10
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What is the Google Container Engine?10
A Google Container Engine also known as the GKE, is an open source container
management system which is based on Kubernetes. This is mainly a container
orchestration and management system for Dockers containers and clusters.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What is a Heapster?11
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What is a Heapster?11
Heapster supports Kubernetes natively on all the setups and is a cluster-wide aggregator
of monitoring and event data.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What is a Minikube?12
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What is a Minikube?12
This is a tool that runs a single node Kubernetes cluster inside a virtual machine,
simplifying it for the people to learn about it.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What is a Kubectl?13
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What is a Kubectl?13
Kubectl is the command line interface available to run the commands against Kubernetes
clusters. So, it various features such as describing the command, operations, and
providing examples for each operation.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What is a Kubelet?14
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What is a Kubelet?14
As, we all know that the basic unit of Kubernetes is the pod, and Kubelet is a process that
runs all the pods present in the clusters.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by node in Kubernetes?15
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by node in Kubernetes?15
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are the different components of Kubernetes architecture?16
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are the different components of Kubernetes architecture?16
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by KUBE proxy?17
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by KUBE proxy?17
Kube-proxy can perform simple TCP/UDP packet forwarding across backend network
service and is present on every node. It is a network proxy which reflects the services as
configured in kubernetes API on each node.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Can you brief on the working of Master node?18
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Can you brief on the working of Master node?18
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What is the role of kube - scheduler and kube - apiserver?19
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What is the role of kube - scheduler and kube - apiserver?19
Kube-scheduler is responsible for distribution and management of workloads and the
Kube-api-server validates and configures data for the API objects such as the pods,
services etc.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you know about Kubernetes Controller Manager?20
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you know about Kubernetes Controller Manager?20
Controller Manager is daemon that
embeds controllers. It basically does
namespace creation and garbage
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Can you elaborate about the working of ETCD?21
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Can you elaborate about the working of ETCD?21
Provides reliable datastore through
distributed locking mechanism, writes
barriers and ensure that leader is
sending heartbeats periodically.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are the different types of services used?22
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are the different types of services used?22
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
How can you achieve load balancing in Kubernetes?23
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
How can you achieve load balancing in Kubernetes?23
Load-balancer configuration depends upon the
cloud provider. Few cloud providers allow to
configure your own IP.Just incase IP is not
specified then a temporary IP is assigned.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Can you elaborate on Ingress Networks in Kubernetes?24
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Can you elaborate on Ingress Networks in Kubernetes?24
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand about cloud controller manager in Kubernetes?25
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand about cloud controller manager in Kubernetes?25
Cloud controller manager helps abstracting
the cloud specific code from the core
kubernetes specific code.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by Container Resource Monitoring?26
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by Container Resource Monitoring?26
Monitors the kubernetes cluster environment is much different from regular client-server
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Can you tell the difference between Replica Set & Replication Controller27
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Can you tell the difference between Replica Set & Replication Controller27
Both of them use different types of selectors to replicate the pods. So, Replica Set uses
Set-Based selectors while replication controllers use Equity-Based selectors
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by Headless Service?28
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by Headless Service?28
When you don’t want load-balancing or a single cluster Ip, you use Headless service. So,
this allows to reduce coupling to Kubernetes system.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are the best security practices that you can follow?29
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are the best security practices that you can follow?29
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by federated clusters?30
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What do you understand by federated clusters?30
Scenario – Based
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Suppose there is a company handing various number of products and as it’s business
expanded rapidly, their monolithic application cause problem.
How do you they shifted from monolithic to microservices, and deployed their containers
in Kubernetes.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Suppose there is a company handing various number of products and as it’s business
expanded rapidly, their monolithic application cause problem.
How do you they shifted from monolithic to microservices, and deployed their containers
in Kubernetes.
Well, as microservices handle their own databases, moving from monolithic architecture
to containerization, can make applications and databases from third-party servers to its
own clusters on Docker and Kubernetes
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
A multinational company with a very much distributed system, with various number
of data centers, virtual machines, and many employees working on various tasks.
How do you think can such company manage all the tasks in a consistent way with
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
A multinational company with a very much distributed system, with various number
of data centers, virtual machines, and many employees working on various tasks.
How do you think can such company manage all the tasks in a consistent way with
A company with a distributed systems, may have many clusters associated with it. So,
these clusters can communicate with each other via the cluster networking with the help
of the suitable network plugins.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Consider a situation, where a company wants to increase it’s efficiency and
speed of it’s technological operations by maintaining minimal costs.
How do you think they will try to achieve this?
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Consider a situation, where a company wants to increase it’s efficiency and
speed of it’s technological operations by maintaining minimal costs.
How do you think they will try to achieve this?
The company can adopt the DevOps methodology by launching a CI/CD pipeline to reduce
the deployment time. So, this will automatically increase the company’s rate to scale
across various environments with container orchestration.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Suppose a company wants to revise it’s deployment methods and wants to
build a platform which is much more scalable and responsive.
How do you think this company can achieve this to satisfy their customers?
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Suppose a company wants to revise it’s deployment methods and wants to
build a platform which is much more scalable and responsive.
How do you think this company can achieve this to satisfy their customers?
The company can come up with a plan to use a cloud service such as AWS. So, with this
the teams can be very autonomous in building and delivering their applications very
quickly and frequently.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
A multinational company with a very much distributed system, with various number
of data centers, virtual machines, and many employees working on various tasks.
How do you think can such company manage all the tasks in a consistent way with
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
A multinational company with a very much distributed system, with various number
of data centers, virtual machines, and many employees working on various tasks.
How do you think can such company manage all the tasks in a consistent way with
I think the company should first move the services to Docker containers, and then they
can orchestrate the containers to create efficiencies and manage them in a decentralized
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
It’s a known fact that the shift from monolithic to microservices solves the
problem from development side, but increases the problem at deployment side.
How can you solve the problem at the deployment side?
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
It’s a known fact that the shift from monolithic to microservices solves the
problem from development side, but increases the problem at deployment side.
How can you solve the problem at the deployment side?
Well, the problem at the deployment side can be solved by implementing the container
orchestration platform at the data centres. So, this will not only increase the resilience,
but will also improve the performance impact.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Suppose a company wants to optimize the distribution of it’s workloads, by
adopting new technologies.
How can the company achieve this distribution of resources efficiently?
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Suppose a company wants to optimize the distribution of it’s workloads, by
adopting new technologies.
How can the company achieve this distribution of resources efficiently?
To optimize the distribution of resources, the company can allocates the available
resources into containers, so that these can be required when they are needed.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Consider a car pooling company wants to increase their number of servers by
simultaneously scaling their platform.
How do you think will the company deal with the servers and their installation?
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Consider a car pooling company wants to increase their number of servers by
simultaneously scaling their platform.
How do you think will the company deal with the servers and their installation?
The company can use the concept of containerization, and deploy clusters. Then, these
clusters can use network plugins to perform the communication, and finally they can use
the monitoring tools to monitor their actions.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Consider a scenario where a company wants to provide all the required
hand-outs to it’s customers having various environments.
How do you think they can achieve this critical target in a dynamic manner?
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Consider a scenario where a company wants to provide all the required
hand-outs to it’s customers having various environments.
How do you think they can achieve this critical target in a dynamic manner?
They can use a cross-sectional team to build a web application using Kubernetes, so that
they can achieve their target of getting their deployments into production within the
minimum time-frame.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Suppose a company wants to run various workloads on different cloud
infrastructure from bare metal to public cloud.
How will the company achieve this with the presence of different interfaces?
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Suppose a company wants to run various workloads on different cloud
infrastructure from bare metal to public cloud.
How will the company achieve this with the presence of different interfaces?
The company can target universal set of portable concepts across all the clouds by
decomposing their infrastructure into microservices.
Scenario – Based
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are minions Kubernetes cluster ?41
They are cartoon character
They are work-horse / worker node of the cluster
They are monitoring engine used widely in kubernetes
They are docker container service.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are minions Kubernetes cluster ?41
They are cartoon character
They are work-horse / worker node of the cluster
They are monitoring engine used widely in kubernetes
They are docker container service.
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Kubernetes cluster data is stored in which of the following?42
None of the above
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Kubernetes cluster data is stored in which of the following?42
None of the above
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Which of them is a Kubernetes Controller?43
Rolling Updates
Both ReplicaSet and Deployment
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Which of them is a Kubernetes Controller?43
Rolling Updates
Both ReplicaSet and Deployment
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Which of the following are core Kubernetes objects44
All of the above
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Which of the following are core Kubernetes objects44
All of the above
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Where does the Kube-proxy process run on?45
Master node
Worker node
Kubernetes Cluster Services
None of the above
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
Where does the Kube-proxy process run on?45
Master node
Worker node
Kubernetes Cluster Services
None of the above
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are the responsibilities of node controller?46
To assign a CIDR block to the nodes
To maintain the list of nodes
To monitor the health of the nodes
All of the above
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are the responsibilities of node controller?46
To assign a CIDR block to the nodes
To maintain the list of nodes
To monitor the health of the nodes
All of the above
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are the responsibilities of replication controller?47
Update or delete multiple pods with single command
Creates a new pod, if the existing pod crashes
All of the above
Helps to achieve the desired state
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What are the responsibilities of replication controller?47
Update or delete multiple pods with single command
Creates a new pod, if the existing pod crashes
All of the above
Helps to achieve the desired state
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
How to define a service without a selector?48
Specify the external name
Specify an end point with IP Address and port
Just by specifying the IP address
Specifying the label and api-version
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
How to define a service without a selector?48
Specify the external name
Specify an end point with IP Address and port
Just by specifying the IP address
Specifying the label and api-version
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What did the 1.8 version of Kubernetes introduce?49
Taints and Tolerations
Cluster level Logging
Federated Clusters
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
What did the 1.8 version of Kubernetes introduce?49
Taints and Tolerations
Cluster level Logging
Federated Clusters
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
The handler is invoked by Kubelet to check if a container's IP address is open
or not is?50
None of the above
Kubernetes Certification Training
Kubernetes Interview Questions
The handler is invoked by Kubelet to check if a container's IP address is open
or not is?50
None of the above
Features Kubernetes Docker Swarm
Installation & Cluster
Installation is very Complicated, but
once setup cluster is very strong
Installation is very simple, but
cluster is not very strong
GUI GUI is the Kubernetes Dashboard There is no GUI
Scalability Highly scalable and scales fast Highly scalable and scales 5x fast
than Kubernetes
Auto scaling Kubernetes can do auto scaling Docker swarm cannot do auto
Load Balancing Manual intervention needed for load
balancing traffic between different
containers and pods
Docker swarm does auto load
balancing of traffic between
containers in the cluster
Rolling Updates &
Can deploy rolling updates and does
automatic roll backs
Can deploy rolling updates, but n
automatic rollbacks
DATA Volumes Can share storage volumes only with
the other containers in the same pod
Can share storage volumes with a
other container
Apply security updates to
Environment regularly
Defines strict policy/rules
for resources
Implement network segmentation
Log everything on the production
Restrict access to ETCD
Implement Continuous Security
Vulnerability Scanning
Provide limited direct access to
Kubernetes nodes
Use images from authorized
repository only
Defines resources quota
Enables auditing

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Kubernetes Interview Questions And Answers | Kubernetes Tutorial | Kubernetes Training | Edureka

  • 1.
  • 2. Kubernetes Certification Training Stats Of Kubernetes Popularity in GitHub 388,100 Comments 28,519 Stars 680 Reviews 2.7 billion 60 percent 6525
  • 3. Kubernetes Certification Training Top Users Of Kubernetes
  • 5. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by Kubernetes?01
  • 6. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by Kubernetes?01 Kubernetes is an open-source container management (orchestration) tool. It’s container management responsibilities include container deployment, scaling & descaling of containers & container load balancing.
  • 7. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions How is Kubernetes related to Docker?02
  • 8. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions How is Kubernetes related to Docker?02 Docker is responsible for managing the lifecycle of containers and these containers are manually linked and orchestrated with Kubernetes
  • 9. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Tell the difference between deploying applications on host and containers?03
  • 10. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Tell the difference between deploying applications on host and containers?03
  • 11. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by Container Orchestration?04
  • 12. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by Container Orchestration?04 Container Orchestration cab be thought of as an automated management with immense coordination with all the containers present in the cluster.
  • 13. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Why do we need Container Orchestration?05
  • 14. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Why do we need Container Orchestration?05
  • 15. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions How is Kubernetes different from Docker Swarm?06
  • 16. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions How is Kubernetes different from Docker Swarm?06
  • 17. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are the features of Kubernetes?07
  • 18. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are the features of Kubernetes?07
  • 19. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions How does Kubernetes simplify Containerized Deployment08
  • 20. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions How does Kubernetes simplify Containerized Deployment08 A typical application have a cluster of containers across multiple hosts and these containers need to talk to each other. So, Kubernetes offers the required configurations for the user after the application state has been defined.
  • 21. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you know about Cluster in Kubernetes?09
  • 22. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you know about Cluster in Kubernetes?09
  • 23. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What is the Google Container Engine?10
  • 24. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What is the Google Container Engine?10 A Google Container Engine also known as the GKE, is an open source container management system which is based on Kubernetes. This is mainly a container orchestration and management system for Dockers containers and clusters.
  • 25. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What is a Heapster?11
  • 26. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What is a Heapster?11 Heapster supports Kubernetes natively on all the setups and is a cluster-wide aggregator of monitoring and event data.
  • 27. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What is a Minikube?12
  • 28. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What is a Minikube?12 This is a tool that runs a single node Kubernetes cluster inside a virtual machine, simplifying it for the people to learn about it.
  • 29. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What is a Kubectl?13
  • 30. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What is a Kubectl?13 Kubectl is the command line interface available to run the commands against Kubernetes clusters. So, it various features such as describing the command, operations, and providing examples for each operation.
  • 31. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What is a Kubelet?14
  • 32. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What is a Kubelet?14 As, we all know that the basic unit of Kubernetes is the pod, and Kubelet is a process that runs all the pods present in the clusters.
  • 33. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by node in Kubernetes?15
  • 34. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by node in Kubernetes?15
  • 36. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are the different components of Kubernetes architecture?16
  • 37. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are the different components of Kubernetes architecture?16
  • 38. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by KUBE proxy?17
  • 39. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by KUBE proxy?17 Kube-proxy can perform simple TCP/UDP packet forwarding across backend network service and is present on every node. It is a network proxy which reflects the services as configured in kubernetes API on each node.
  • 40. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Can you brief on the working of Master node?18
  • 41. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Can you brief on the working of Master node?18
  • 42. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What is the role of kube - scheduler and kube - apiserver?19
  • 43. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What is the role of kube - scheduler and kube - apiserver?19 Kube-scheduler is responsible for distribution and management of workloads and the Kube-api-server validates and configures data for the API objects such as the pods, services etc.
  • 44. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you know about Kubernetes Controller Manager?20
  • 45. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you know about Kubernetes Controller Manager?20 Controller Manager is daemon that embeds controllers. It basically does namespace creation and garbage collection
  • 46. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Can you elaborate about the working of ETCD?21
  • 47. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Can you elaborate about the working of ETCD?21 Provides reliable datastore through distributed locking mechanism, writes barriers and ensure that leader is sending heartbeats periodically.
  • 48. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are the different types of services used?22
  • 49. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are the different types of services used?22
  • 50. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions How can you achieve load balancing in Kubernetes?23
  • 51. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions How can you achieve load balancing in Kubernetes?23 Load-balancer configuration depends upon the cloud provider. Few cloud providers allow to configure your own IP.Just incase IP is not specified then a temporary IP is assigned.
  • 52. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Can you elaborate on Ingress Networks in Kubernetes?24
  • 53. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Can you elaborate on Ingress Networks in Kubernetes?24
  • 54. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand about cloud controller manager in Kubernetes?25
  • 55. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand about cloud controller manager in Kubernetes?25 Cloud controller manager helps abstracting the cloud specific code from the core kubernetes specific code.
  • 56. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by Container Resource Monitoring?26
  • 57. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by Container Resource Monitoring?26 Monitors the kubernetes cluster environment is much different from regular client-server architecture.
  • 58. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Can you tell the difference between Replica Set & Replication Controller27
  • 59. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Can you tell the difference between Replica Set & Replication Controller27 Both of them use different types of selectors to replicate the pods. So, Replica Set uses Set-Based selectors while replication controllers use Equity-Based selectors
  • 60. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by Headless Service?28
  • 61. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by Headless Service?28 When you don’t want load-balancing or a single cluster Ip, you use Headless service. So, this allows to reduce coupling to Kubernetes system.
  • 62. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are the best security practices that you can follow?29
  • 63. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are the best security practices that you can follow?29
  • 64. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by federated clusters?30
  • 65. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What do you understand by federated clusters?30
  • 67. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Suppose there is a company handing various number of products and as it’s business expanded rapidly, their monolithic application cause problem. 31 How do you they shifted from monolithic to microservices, and deployed their containers in Kubernetes.
  • 68. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Suppose there is a company handing various number of products and as it’s business expanded rapidly, their monolithic application cause problem. 31 How do you they shifted from monolithic to microservices, and deployed their containers in Kubernetes. Well, as microservices handle their own databases, moving from monolithic architecture to containerization, can make applications and databases from third-party servers to its own clusters on Docker and Kubernetes
  • 69. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions A multinational company with a very much distributed system, with various number of data centers, virtual machines, and many employees working on various tasks. 32 How do you think can such company manage all the tasks in a consistent way with Kubernetes?
  • 70. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions A multinational company with a very much distributed system, with various number of data centers, virtual machines, and many employees working on various tasks. 32 How do you think can such company manage all the tasks in a consistent way with Kubernetes? A company with a distributed systems, may have many clusters associated with it. So, these clusters can communicate with each other via the cluster networking with the help of the suitable network plugins.
  • 71. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Consider a situation, where a company wants to increase it’s efficiency and speed of it’s technological operations by maintaining minimal costs. 33 How do you think they will try to achieve this?
  • 72. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Consider a situation, where a company wants to increase it’s efficiency and speed of it’s technological operations by maintaining minimal costs. 33 How do you think they will try to achieve this? The company can adopt the DevOps methodology by launching a CI/CD pipeline to reduce the deployment time. So, this will automatically increase the company’s rate to scale across various environments with container orchestration.
  • 73. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Suppose a company wants to revise it’s deployment methods and wants to build a platform which is much more scalable and responsive. 34 How do you think this company can achieve this to satisfy their customers?
  • 74. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Suppose a company wants to revise it’s deployment methods and wants to build a platform which is much more scalable and responsive. 34 How do you think this company can achieve this to satisfy their customers? The company can come up with a plan to use a cloud service such as AWS. So, with this the teams can be very autonomous in building and delivering their applications very quickly and frequently.
  • 75. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions A multinational company with a very much distributed system, with various number of data centers, virtual machines, and many employees working on various tasks. 35 How do you think can such company manage all the tasks in a consistent way with Kubernetes?
  • 76. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions A multinational company with a very much distributed system, with various number of data centers, virtual machines, and many employees working on various tasks. 35 How do you think can such company manage all the tasks in a consistent way with Kubernetes? I think the company should first move the services to Docker containers, and then they can orchestrate the containers to create efficiencies and manage them in a decentralized manner.
  • 77. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions It’s a known fact that the shift from monolithic to microservices solves the problem from development side, but increases the problem at deployment side. 36 How can you solve the problem at the deployment side?
  • 78. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions It’s a known fact that the shift from monolithic to microservices solves the problem from development side, but increases the problem at deployment side. 36 How can you solve the problem at the deployment side? Well, the problem at the deployment side can be solved by implementing the container orchestration platform at the data centres. So, this will not only increase the resilience, but will also improve the performance impact.
  • 79. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Suppose a company wants to optimize the distribution of it’s workloads, by adopting new technologies. 37 How can the company achieve this distribution of resources efficiently?
  • 80. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Suppose a company wants to optimize the distribution of it’s workloads, by adopting new technologies. 37 How can the company achieve this distribution of resources efficiently? To optimize the distribution of resources, the company can allocates the available resources into containers, so that these can be required when they are needed.
  • 81. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Consider a car pooling company wants to increase their number of servers by simultaneously scaling their platform. 38 How do you think will the company deal with the servers and their installation?
  • 82. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Consider a car pooling company wants to increase their number of servers by simultaneously scaling their platform. 38 How do you think will the company deal with the servers and their installation? The company can use the concept of containerization, and deploy clusters. Then, these clusters can use network plugins to perform the communication, and finally they can use the monitoring tools to monitor their actions.
  • 83. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Consider a scenario where a company wants to provide all the required hand-outs to it’s customers having various environments. 39 How do you think they can achieve this critical target in a dynamic manner?
  • 84. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Consider a scenario where a company wants to provide all the required hand-outs to it’s customers having various environments. 39 How do you think they can achieve this critical target in a dynamic manner? They can use a cross-sectional team to build a web application using Kubernetes, so that they can achieve their target of getting their deployments into production within the minimum time-frame.
  • 85. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Suppose a company wants to run various workloads on different cloud infrastructure from bare metal to public cloud. 40 How will the company achieve this with the presence of different interfaces?
  • 86. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Suppose a company wants to run various workloads on different cloud infrastructure from bare metal to public cloud. 40 How will the company achieve this with the presence of different interfaces? The company can target universal set of portable concepts across all the clouds by decomposing their infrastructure into microservices.
  • 88. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are minions Kubernetes cluster ?41 They are cartoon character They are work-horse / worker node of the cluster They are monitoring engine used widely in kubernetes They are docker container service.
  • 89. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are minions Kubernetes cluster ?41 They are cartoon character They are work-horse / worker node of the cluster They are monitoring engine used widely in kubernetes They are docker container service.
  • 90. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Kubernetes cluster data is stored in which of the following?42 Kube-apiserver Kubelet Etcd None of the above
  • 91. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Kubernetes cluster data is stored in which of the following?42 Kube-apiserver Kubelet Etcd None of the above
  • 92. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Which of them is a Kubernetes Controller?43 ReplicaSet Deployment Rolling Updates Both ReplicaSet and Deployment
  • 93. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Which of them is a Kubernetes Controller?43 ReplicaSet Deployment Rolling Updates Both ReplicaSet and Deployment
  • 94. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Which of the following are core Kubernetes objects44 Pods Services Volumes All of the above
  • 95. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Which of the following are core Kubernetes objects44 Pods Services Volumes All of the above
  • 96. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Where does the Kube-proxy process run on?45 Master node Worker node Kubernetes Cluster Services None of the above
  • 97. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions Where does the Kube-proxy process run on?45 Master node Worker node Kubernetes Cluster Services None of the above
  • 98. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are the responsibilities of node controller?46 To assign a CIDR block to the nodes To maintain the list of nodes To monitor the health of the nodes All of the above
  • 99. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are the responsibilities of node controller?46 To assign a CIDR block to the nodes To maintain the list of nodes To monitor the health of the nodes All of the above
  • 100. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are the responsibilities of replication controller?47 Update or delete multiple pods with single command Kube-proxy Creates a new pod, if the existing pod crashes All of the above Helps to achieve the desired state
  • 101. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What are the responsibilities of replication controller?47 Update or delete multiple pods with single command Kube-proxy Creates a new pod, if the existing pod crashes All of the above Helps to achieve the desired state
  • 102. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions How to define a service without a selector?48 Specify the external name Specify an end point with IP Address and port Just by specifying the IP address Specifying the label and api-version
  • 103. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions How to define a service without a selector?48 Specify the external name Specify an end point with IP Address and port Just by specifying the IP address Specifying the label and api-version
  • 104. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What did the 1.8 version of Kubernetes introduce?49 Taints and Tolerations Cluster level Logging Secrets Federated Clusters
  • 105. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions What did the 1.8 version of Kubernetes introduce?49 Taints and Tolerations Cluster level Logging Secrets Federated Clusters
  • 106. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions The handler is invoked by Kubelet to check if a container's IP address is open or not is?50 HTTPGetAction ExecAction TCPSocketAction None of the above
  • 107. Kubernetes Certification Training Kubernetes Interview Questions The handler is invoked by Kubelet to check if a container's IP address is open or not is?50 HTTPGetAction ExecAction TCPSocketAction None of the above
  • 108. Features Kubernetes Docker Swarm Installation & Cluster Config Installation is very Complicated, but once setup cluster is very strong Installation is very simple, but cluster is not very strong GUI GUI is the Kubernetes Dashboard There is no GUI Scalability Highly scalable and scales fast Highly scalable and scales 5x fast than Kubernetes Auto scaling Kubernetes can do auto scaling Docker swarm cannot do auto scaling Load Balancing Manual intervention needed for load balancing traffic between different containers and pods Docker swarm does auto load balancing of traffic between containers in the cluster Rolling Updates & Rollbacks Can deploy rolling updates and does automatic roll backs Can deploy rolling updates, but n automatic rollbacks DATA Volumes Can share storage volumes only with the other containers in the same pod Can share storage volumes with a other container
  • 109. Apply security updates to Environment regularly Defines strict policy/rules for resources Implement network segmentation Log everything on the production environment Restrict access to ETCD Implement Continuous Security Vulnerability Scanning Provide limited direct access to Kubernetes nodes Use images from authorized repository only Defines resources quota Enables auditing