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Saturday, January 11, 14
Social entrepreneurship is the process of pursuing innovative 
solutions to social problems. More specifically, social entrepreneurs 
adopt a mission to create and sustain social value. They pursue 
opportunities to serve this mission, while continuously adapting and 
learning. They draw upon appropriate thinking in both the business and 
nonprofit worlds and operate in all kinds of organizations: large and 
small; new and old; religious and secular; nonprofit, for-profit, and 
Business entrepreneurs typically measure performance in profit and 
return, but social entrepreneurs also take into account a positive return 
to society. Social entrepreneurship typically furthers broad social, 
cultural, and environmental goals and is commonly associated with the 
voluntary and not-for-profit sectors.[2] Profit can at times also be a 
consideration for certain companies or other enterprises. 
Social entrepreneurship practiced in a world or international context is 
called international social entrepreneurship.[ 
Saturday, January 11, 14
Social venture capital is a form of venture capital investing that provides capital to businesses deemed socially 
and environmentally responsible. These investments are intended to both provide attractive returns to 
investors and to provide market-based solutions to social and environmental issues. Social venture capital can 
refer to debt, equity ormezzanine investments in socially oriented enterprises, which includes BoP (Base of the 
Pyramid)-targeted efforts to stimulate economic development in the poorest regions of the world.[1] 
Among the firms that deploy social venture capital include 
• Renewal2 
• Acumen Fund 
• Grassroots Business Fund 
• Triodos Bank 
• Venturesome Fund 
• Aavishkaar 
• Omidyar Network 
• Shell Foundation 
• Gray Ghost Ventures and First Light Ventures 
• RSF Social Finance 
• Root Capital[2] 
Social venture capital is a form of venture philanthropy and impact investing. Organizations providing services 
to the SVC sector include I-DEV International[3] (management strategy, business scaling, portfolio 
improvement, and exit strategy) to GIIRS,[4] which is an initiative sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation and 
others to create standardized metrics by which to compare social investment performance and criteria. Further 
service providing services are Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and theEuropean Venture 
Philanthropy Association (EVPA), an association that covers venture philanthropy funds in Europe that finance 
charities, revenue generating social enterprises and socially driven business. These growing services are 
indications of the SVC sectors' increasing popularity and development. While many of the first round of SVC 
funds established, did so with a largely non-profit, socially oriented focus (vs. one focused on profitable returns 
and long-term success), funds are beginning to increasingly recognize and put weight on the importance of exit 
strategy, ROI (financial Return on Investment) and SROI (Social Return on Investment), which includes 
conducting greater due diligence into investments and supporting capacity building or technical training for 
portfolio company management. 
Saturday, January 11, 14
Saturday, January 11, 14
Saturday, January 11, 14
Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales force 
is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the 
sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is 
referred to as the participant's "downline", and can provide multiple levels 
of compensation.[1] Other terms used for MLM include pyramid selling,[2] 
[3][4][5][6] network marketing,[7][8][9] and referral marketing.[10] 
Most commonly, the salespeople are expected to sell products directly to 
consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. 
[1] Some people use direct selling as a synonym for MLM, although MLM is 
only one type of direct selling, which started centuries ago with peddling.[1] 
Saturday, January 11, 14
TOP 25 
MLM 2013 
Saturday, January 11, 14
Saturday, January 11, 14
AFFILIATE MARKETING Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or 
more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. The 
industry has four core players: the merchant (also known as 'retailer' or 'brand'), the network (that 
contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments), the publisher 
(also known as 'the affiliate'), and the customer. The market has grown in complexity, resulting in 
the emergence of a secondary tier of players, including affiliate management agencies, super-affiliates 
and specialized third party vendors. 
Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet marketing methods to some degree, because 
affiliates often use regular advertisingmethods. Those methods include organic search engine 
optimization (SEO), paid search engine marketing (PPC - Pay Per Click), e-mail marketing, content 
marketing and in some sense display advertising. On the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less 
orthodox techniques, such as publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner. 
Affiliate marketing is commonly confused with referral marketing, as both forms of marketing use 
third parties to drive sales to the retailer.[1] However, both are distinct forms of marketing and the 
main difference between them is that affiliate marketing relies purely on financial motivations to 
drive sales while referral marketing relies on trust and personal relationships to drive sales.[1] 
Affiliate marketing is frequently overlooked by advertisers.[2] While search engines, e-mail, and 
website syndication capture much of the attention of online retailers, affiliate marketing carries a 
much lower profile. Still, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers' marketing 
Saturday, January 11, 14
Saturday, January 11, 14
Saturday, January 11, 14
Crowdfunding (alternately crowd financing, equity crowdfunding, crowd equity, crowd-sourced 
fundraising) is the collective effort of individuals who network and pool their money, usually via the 
Internet, to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations.[1][2] Crowdfunding is used in 
support of a wide variety of activities, including disaster relief, citizen journalism, support of artists by 
fans, political campaigns, startup company funding,[3] motion picture promotion,[4] free software 
development, inventions development, scientific research,[5] and civic projects.[6] 
Crowdfunding can also refer to the funding of a company by selling small amounts of equity to many 
investors. This form of crowdfunding has recently received attention from policymakers in the United 
States with direct mention in the JOBS Act; legislation that allows for a wider pool of small investors 
with fewer restrictions.[2] While the JOBS Act awaits implementation, hybrid models, such as Mosaic 
Inc., are using existing securities laws to enable the public in approved states to invest directly in 
projects as part of a crowd. 
Crowdfunding has its origins in the concept of crowdsourcing, which is the broader concept of an 
individual reaching a goal by receiving and leveraging small contributions from many parties. 
Crowdfunding is the application of this concept to the collection of funds through small contributions 
from many parties in order to finance a particular project or venture.[7] 
Crowdfunding models involve a variety of participants.[8] They include the people or organizations that 
propose the ideas and/or projects to be funded, and the crowd of people who support the proposals. 
Crowdfunding is then supported by an organization (the "platform") which brings together the project 
initiator and the crowd. 
Saturday, January 11, 14
Saturday, January 11, 14
Saturday, January 11, 14
Saturday, January 11, 14
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system and digital currency introduced as open source software in 2009 by pseudonymousdeveloper Satoshi 
Nakamoto. It is a cryptocurrency, so-called because it uses cryptography to control the creation and transfer of money.[5] Users send payments by 
broadcasting digitally signed messages to the network. Participants known asminers verify and timestamp transactions into a shared public 
database called the block chain, for which they are rewarded with transaction fees and newly minted bitcoins.[6] Conventionally "Bitcoin" capitalized 
refers to the technology and network whereas "bitcoins" lowercase refers to the currency itself.[7] 
Bitcoin has been a subject of scrutiny due to ties with illicit activity. In 2013 the FBI shut down the Silk Road online black market and seized 144,000 
bitcoins, US$28.5 million at the time.[8] The United States, however, is currently considered to be Bitcoin friendly compared to other governments. 
[citation needed] In China, new rules mean bitcoins cannot be exchanged for local currency,[9] and the European Banking Authority has warned that 
Bitcoin lacks consumer protections.[10] Theft of bitcoins can occur, and chargebacks are impossible.[11] 
Commercial use of Bitcoin, illicit or otherwise, is currently small compared to its use by speculators, which has fueled price volatility.[12] Bitcoin as 
a form of payment for products and services has seen growth, however, and merchants have an incentive to accept the currency because 
transaction fees are lower than the 2–3% typically imposed by credit cardprocessors.[13] 
Saturday, January 11, 14
Saturday, January 11, 14
Greetings Summit Of Moors, 
Phase one apportions a couple of proven and successful concepts 
together to create a positive movement forward for our people. Getting straight to 
the point it is this writer’s sound opinion that business Ownership is the key to our 
re-emergence as a mighty people. Trade was and still is our forte,’ sadly we have 
forgotten that part of our enriched heritage. The question begins then with how do 
wake up a sleeping Giant who has forgotten that he or she is a Giant? Perhaps the 
answer lies in our systematically designed predicament of being the leading 
currency spending consumer based group in the world and the least likely to own a 
Business here in the U.S.of A or in the World. 
On a much more positive note, Melanated people here in U.S. of A. are 
already extremely wealthy collectively as a whole. The second wealthiest 
person in the U.S. of A only invest Berkshire Hathaway’s money in companies 
that market or trade in goods, products and services that people need and must 
use each and every day in order for them to live a normal life of existence. The 
unfortunate thing is most goods services and products that we as a people give our 
money to are things that we also a people take for granted. 
Our premise is that we identify Ten goods and services that Melanated people 
who look like you and I use or have to use on a daily bases. 
We have identified eight potential products thus far which are products, 
goods or services that our people consume and or use daily, as follows. 
Number one, our FOOD which includes all things Agricultural. 
Number two, WATER which we absolutely must locate and purchase our own water 
sources allowing for the creation of our very own water bottling company. 
1. Number three, our CLOTHING, which requires that we re-establish the old but 
not outdated concept of the cottage industry by utilizing a wonder crop called Kenaf (Kenaf 
[etymology: Persian], Hibiscus cannabinus, is a plant in the Malvaceae family. Hibiscus cannabinus is in the genus 
Hibiscus and is probably native to southern Asia, though its exact natural origin is unknown. Wikipedia) to produce 
fiber for our garments. 
Number four, our very own all natural 100% pure castile soap company which is 
another cottage industry business that will create hundreds if not thousands of 
small home based businesses. 
Number five, all natural TOOTHPASTE which goes without speaking because this 
product is an absolute necessity that we have use for on daily basis 
Number six, WOMEN’S HANDBAG this business gives our sisters a real sense of pride, 
it will afford them the ability to own a part of the company that created the most utilized 
accessory that sisters have in their possession on a daily basis more than anything else that 
this writer could think of. 
Number seven, SEEDS, this business should actually be in the number one position of 
this list. More importantly the seeds that we speak about here are indigenous seed, you 
may be asking yourself why is seed on the list if by chance that question crossed your 
mind, the answer to that question is without the proper seed we will Cease to be human 
because we must be completely NON GMO when it comes to our approach to a holistic 
approach dealing with food that we put in our mouths. 
Number Eight, WOMEN’S FEMININE PRODUCTS, this business will encompass all 
of the products essential to the Well Being & Hygiene of our Women in the community. 
We will research the multiple products that Women use and create Holistic & Healthy 
Alternatives to the Commercial Products 
Saturday, January 11, 14
Number nine, SEVEN HEAVEN SEA MOSS? 92 Trace Minerals, Super Foods, Cures 
Malnutrition, Highest Concentration of Iodine, Great Source of Calcium, Potassium, 
Magnesium, Iron 
We will develop Ten Business plans based on consumerable goods that are used 
daily by our people. The Ten companies will be placed in an incubator that will 
guide each Business through the start up pains all the way up the road to becoming 
functional daily Revenue producing entities. Each of these businesses have 
something to offer Melaninated Consumers that they must have or use daily. As 
mentioned earlier our people are the least likely group in this country to own a 
The best way to change that mindset is to make your customers owners or shares 
holders when they purchase goods from you by giving them a physical stock 
certificate or a share in your company. 
When they the customer gets that share or certificate in their hands it will change 
their outlook of who they are and it will instantly make them a business owner. 
What happens is, your business will have a customer for life and a new sales 
person on the team as well because when they become share holders they will now 
have a stake in something which will go a long way towards changing their 
mindset about Ownership. 
To launch these companies we are seeking 100,000 investors to invest $125.00 
each which will raise $12,500,000.00. Or 10,000 investors to invest $1,250.00 
each which will raise $12,500,000.00 
must think globally first and locally second in building our Business plans. As a 
once upon a time master traders we can no longer think to trade our goods and 
services with Melanated people only and survive as a true Business in the digital 
age. Real Estate has moved from the corner store to real-estate in cyberspace the 
gateway to every country and continent in the world. Technology is advancing 
much to rapidly to do business from an old school paradigm or mindset. 
In the new business paradigm we must turn socializing into networking at all times 
because networking is the new life line to any business. A Business must create a 
relationship with those customers who trade with them in order to keep that 
customer coming back to buy that businesses goods. Turning your customers into 
partners in your Business makes perfect sense because you will be creating your 
best cheerleaders or pied-pipers per se when you offer quality goods and services 
and your best critics when your service or products lack quality. All in all what you 
must visualize for your business is a win, win for you and those who purchase your 
goods and services. 
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram just name a few have created socializing portals that 
can be used to raise money for any idea that one may have. We believe that these 
portals help to level out the playing field for start ups and small businesses to 
compete for customers. In the late 1960’s a very successful company got its start 
selling soap powder by creating a networking army of distributors that sold their 
product to family and friends and beyond by going door to door and paved the way 
for a new industry. Madame C.J. Walker was the pioneer to the networking 
concept of selling her methods of taking care the hair of the sisters in her era. 
Saturday, January 11, 14
Saturday, January 11, 14
Feeder Matrix 
Payment Plan 
Saturday, January 11, 14

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  • 2. SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP Social entrepreneurship is the process of pursuing innovative solutions to social problems. More specifically, social entrepreneurs adopt a mission to create and sustain social value. They pursue opportunities to serve this mission, while continuously adapting and learning. They draw upon appropriate thinking in both the business and nonprofit worlds and operate in all kinds of organizations: large and small; new and old; religious and secular; nonprofit, for-profit, and hybrid.[1] Business entrepreneurs typically measure performance in profit and return, but social entrepreneurs also take into account a positive return to society. Social entrepreneurship typically furthers broad social, cultural, and environmental goals and is commonly associated with the voluntary and not-for-profit sectors.[2] Profit can at times also be a consideration for certain companies or other enterprises. Social entrepreneurship practiced in a world or international context is called international social entrepreneurship.[ Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 3. SOCIAL VENTURE CAPITAL Social venture capital is a form of venture capital investing that provides capital to businesses deemed socially and environmentally responsible. These investments are intended to both provide attractive returns to investors and to provide market-based solutions to social and environmental issues. Social venture capital can refer to debt, equity ormezzanine investments in socially oriented enterprises, which includes BoP (Base of the Pyramid)-targeted efforts to stimulate economic development in the poorest regions of the world.[1] Among the firms that deploy social venture capital include • Renewal2 • Acumen Fund • Grassroots Business Fund • Triodos Bank • Venturesome Fund • Aavishkaar • Omidyar Network • Shell Foundation • Gray Ghost Ventures and First Light Ventures • RSF Social Finance • Root Capital[2] Social venture capital is a form of venture philanthropy and impact investing. Organizations providing services to the SVC sector include I-DEV International[3] (management strategy, business scaling, portfolio improvement, and exit strategy) to GIIRS,[4] which is an initiative sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation and others to create standardized metrics by which to compare social investment performance and criteria. Further service providing services are Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and theEuropean Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA), an association that covers venture philanthropy funds in Europe that finance charities, revenue generating social enterprises and socially driven business. These growing services are indications of the SVC sectors' increasing popularity and development. While many of the first round of SVC funds established, did so with a largely non-profit, socially oriented focus (vs. one focused on profitable returns and long-term success), funds are beginning to increasingly recognize and put weight on the importance of exit strategy, ROI (financial Return on Investment) and SROI (Social Return on Investment), which includes conducting greater due diligence into investments and supporting capacity building or technical training for portfolio company management. Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 6. MULTI- LEVEL MARKETING (MLM) Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant's "downline", and can provide multiple levels of compensation.[1] Other terms used for MLM include pyramid selling,[2] [3][4][5][6] network marketing,[7][8][9] and referral marketing.[10] Most commonly, the salespeople are expected to sell products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. [1] Some people use direct selling as a synonym for MLM, although MLM is only one type of direct selling, which started centuries ago with peddling.[1] [7][11] Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 7. TOP 25 EARNERS MLM 2013 Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 8. TOP 25 NETWORK MARKETING COMPANIES Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 9. AFFILIATE MARKETING Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. The industry has four core players: the merchant (also known as 'retailer' or 'brand'), the network (that contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments), the publisher (also known as 'the affiliate'), and the customer. The market has grown in complexity, resulting in the emergence of a secondary tier of players, including affiliate management agencies, super-affiliates and specialized third party vendors. Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet marketing methods to some degree, because affiliates often use regular advertisingmethods. Those methods include organic search engine optimization (SEO), paid search engine marketing (PPC - Pay Per Click), e-mail marketing, content marketing and in some sense display advertising. On the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques, such as publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner. Affiliate marketing is commonly confused with referral marketing, as both forms of marketing use third parties to drive sales to the retailer.[1] However, both are distinct forms of marketing and the main difference between them is that affiliate marketing relies purely on financial motivations to drive sales while referral marketing relies on trust and personal relationships to drive sales.[1] Affiliate marketing is frequently overlooked by advertisers.[2] While search engines, e-mail, and website syndication capture much of the attention of online retailers, affiliate marketing carries a much lower profile. Still, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers' marketing strategies Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 12. CROWDFUNDING Crowdfunding (alternately crowd financing, equity crowdfunding, crowd equity, crowd-sourced fundraising) is the collective effort of individuals who network and pool their money, usually via the Internet, to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations.[1][2] Crowdfunding is used in support of a wide variety of activities, including disaster relief, citizen journalism, support of artists by fans, political campaigns, startup company funding,[3] motion picture promotion,[4] free software development, inventions development, scientific research,[5] and civic projects.[6] Crowdfunding can also refer to the funding of a company by selling small amounts of equity to many investors. This form of crowdfunding has recently received attention from policymakers in the United States with direct mention in the JOBS Act; legislation that allows for a wider pool of small investors with fewer restrictions.[2] While the JOBS Act awaits implementation, hybrid models, such as Mosaic Inc., are using existing securities laws to enable the public in approved states to invest directly in projects as part of a crowd. Crowdfunding has its origins in the concept of crowdsourcing, which is the broader concept of an individual reaching a goal by receiving and leveraging small contributions from many parties. Crowdfunding is the application of this concept to the collection of funds through small contributions from many parties in order to finance a particular project or venture.[7] Crowdfunding models involve a variety of participants.[8] They include the people or organizations that propose the ideas and/or projects to be funded, and the crowd of people who support the proposals. Crowdfunding is then supported by an organization (the "platform") which brings together the project initiator and the crowd. Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 13. TOP CROWDFUNDING WEBSITES Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 14. TOP 100 CROWDFUNDING SITES Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 15. CREATE NICHE GROUPS IN YOUR CITY & BUILD NETWORK!!!! Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 16. CRYPTO CURRENCY Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system and digital currency introduced as open source software in 2009 by pseudonymousdeveloper Satoshi Nakamoto. It is a cryptocurrency, so-called because it uses cryptography to control the creation and transfer of money.[5] Users send payments by broadcasting digitally signed messages to the network. Participants known asminers verify and timestamp transactions into a shared public database called the block chain, for which they are rewarded with transaction fees and newly minted bitcoins.[6] Conventionally "Bitcoin" capitalized refers to the technology and network whereas "bitcoins" lowercase refers to the currency itself.[7] Bitcoin has been a subject of scrutiny due to ties with illicit activity. In 2013 the FBI shut down the Silk Road online black market and seized 144,000 bitcoins, US$28.5 million at the time.[8] The United States, however, is currently considered to be Bitcoin friendly compared to other governments. [citation needed] In China, new rules mean bitcoins cannot be exchanged for local currency,[9] and the European Banking Authority has warned that Bitcoin lacks consumer protections.[10] Theft of bitcoins can occur, and chargebacks are impossible.[11] Commercial use of Bitcoin, illicit or otherwise, is currently small compared to its use by speculators, which has fueled price volatility.[12] Bitcoin as a form of payment for products and services has seen growth, however, and merchants have an incentive to accept the currency because transaction fees are lower than the 2–3% typically imposed by credit cardprocessors.[13] Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 18. Greetings Summit Of Moors, Phase one apportions a couple of proven and successful concepts together to create a positive movement forward for our people. Getting straight to the point it is this writer’s sound opinion that business Ownership is the key to our re-emergence as a mighty people. Trade was and still is our forte,’ sadly we have forgotten that part of our enriched heritage. The question begins then with how do wake up a sleeping Giant who has forgotten that he or she is a Giant? Perhaps the answer lies in our systematically designed predicament of being the leading currency spending consumer based group in the world and the least likely to own a Business here in the U.S.of A or in the World. On a much more positive note, Melanated people here in U.S. of A. are already extremely wealthy collectively as a whole. The second wealthiest person in the U.S. of A only invest Berkshire Hathaway’s money in companies that market or trade in goods, products and services that people need and must use each and every day in order for them to live a normal life of existence. The unfortunate thing is most goods services and products that we as a people give our money to are things that we also a people take for granted. Our premise is that we identify Ten goods and services that Melanated people who look like you and I use or have to use on a daily bases. We have identified eight potential products thus far which are products, goods or services that our people consume and or use daily, as follows. Number one, our FOOD which includes all things Agricultural. Number two, WATER which we absolutely must locate and purchase our own water sources allowing for the creation of our very own water bottling company. 1. Number three, our CLOTHING, which requires that we re-establish the old but not outdated concept of the cottage industry by utilizing a wonder crop called Kenaf (Kenaf [etymology: Persian], Hibiscus cannabinus, is a plant in the Malvaceae family. Hibiscus cannabinus is in the genus Hibiscus and is probably native to southern Asia, though its exact natural origin is unknown. Wikipedia) to produce fiber for our garments. 2. Number four, our very own all natural 100% pure castile soap company which is another cottage industry business that will create hundreds if not thousands of small home based businesses. Number five, all natural TOOTHPASTE which goes without speaking because this product is an absolute necessity that we have use for on daily basis Number six, WOMEN’S HANDBAG this business gives our sisters a real sense of pride, it will afford them the ability to own a part of the company that created the most utilized accessory that sisters have in their possession on a daily basis more than anything else that this writer could think of. Number seven, SEEDS, this business should actually be in the number one position of this list. More importantly the seeds that we speak about here are indigenous seed, you may be asking yourself why is seed on the list if by chance that question crossed your mind, the answer to that question is without the proper seed we will Cease to be human because we must be completely NON GMO when it comes to our approach to a holistic approach dealing with food that we put in our mouths. Number Eight, WOMEN’S FEMININE PRODUCTS, this business will encompass all of the products essential to the Well Being & Hygiene of our Women in the community. We will research the multiple products that Women use and create Holistic & Healthy Alternatives to the Commercial Products Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 19. Number nine, SEVEN HEAVEN SEA MOSS? 92 Trace Minerals, Super Foods, Cures Malnutrition, Highest Concentration of Iodine, Great Source of Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron We will develop Ten Business plans based on consumerable goods that are used daily by our people. The Ten companies will be placed in an incubator that will guide each Business through the start up pains all the way up the road to becoming functional daily Revenue producing entities. Each of these businesses have something to offer Melaninated Consumers that they must have or use daily. As mentioned earlier our people are the least likely group in this country to own a business. The best way to change that mindset is to make your customers owners or shares holders when they purchase goods from you by giving them a physical stock certificate or a share in your company. When they the customer gets that share or certificate in their hands it will change their outlook of who they are and it will instantly make them a business owner. What happens is, your business will have a customer for life and a new sales person on the team as well because when they become share holders they will now have a stake in something which will go a long way towards changing their mindset about Ownership. To launch these companies we are seeking 100,000 investors to invest $125.00 each which will raise $12,500,000.00. Or 10,000 investors to invest $1,250.00 each which will raise $12,500,000.00 must think globally first and locally second in building our Business plans. As a once upon a time master traders we can no longer think to trade our goods and services with Melanated people only and survive as a true Business in the digital age. Real Estate has moved from the corner store to real-estate in cyberspace the gateway to every country and continent in the world. Technology is advancing much to rapidly to do business from an old school paradigm or mindset. In the new business paradigm we must turn socializing into networking at all times because networking is the new life line to any business. A Business must create a relationship with those customers who trade with them in order to keep that customer coming back to buy that businesses goods. Turning your customers into partners in your Business makes perfect sense because you will be creating your best cheerleaders or pied-pipers per se when you offer quality goods and services and your best critics when your service or products lack quality. All in all what you must visualize for your business is a win, win for you and those who purchase your goods and services. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram just name a few have created socializing portals that can be used to raise money for any idea that one may have. We believe that these portals help to level out the playing field for start ups and small businesses to compete for customers. In the late 1960’s a very successful company got its start selling soap powder by creating a networking army of distributors that sold their product to family and friends and beyond by going door to door and paved the way for a new industry. Madame C.J. Walker was the pioneer to the networking concept of selling her methods of taking care the hair of the sisters in her era. Saturday, January 11, 14
  • 21. Feeder Matrix Payment Plan Saturday, January 11, 14