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Knowledge management and
   transfer of technology in the
application of biotechnology tools
for genetic improvement of beans
  (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela
 Alfredo Romero S., Ma. Elena Morros y Delis Pérez
  Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas,

     Paper presented in the 11th International Conference on Agricultural
        International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research (ICABR)
Catholic University of Leuven, CEIS - University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rutgers University,
                         Economic Growth Center, Yale University.
                      Ravello, Scala ( Italy ) July 26 – 29, 2007
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

   • In January 2005 the execution of the project:
     Application of biotechnological tools for the
     genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus
     sp) for higher production and grain quality,
     was initiated in the framework of the
     BID/FONACIT II Biotechnology program in
   • The objectives were to promote knowledge
     sharing among farmers and researchers, to develop
     technologies required by small farmers sector, and
     strengthening of innovative methodologies for
     transferring of biotechnological inputs.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela
   1     2      3     4    5       6           1     2      3      4   5       6
 A series of strategies and activities were
  planned and executed, using:
    1. Knowledge Management
       2.and participant innovation action-
        2.R&D, transfer and
        4.strengthening of scientific and
           technological capacities (institutional
  aimed at creating an effective information and knowledge
           and human)
  flow between farmers, technicians and researchers.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

 •     To validate and strengthen instruments, resources
       and capacities in the establishment of
       communication flows among researchers of different
       institutions and other relevant actors (farmers,
       technicians, development officials and members of local
       communities) in order to stimulate their active
       participation in the development of technologies.
 •     Inducing and creating awareness and consciousness
       among different actors about the importance of
       information and knowledge sharing for transfer and
       diffusion of improved biotechnologies, and the creation
       of sustained communication networks in time and
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

Knowledge management and technology transfer
  strategies aimed to integrate and synergize several
  professional disciplines with the purpose of improving the
  efficiency and competency of technological development
  services offered by institutions, enterprises and ONGs to
  their stakeholders

Sharing and exchanging of ideas, perceptions, problems
  and possible solutions among participant actors
  (researchers, technicians, change agents and final users) in
  the planning and execution of concerted development
  actions and processes.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
 of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

• Participatory research and development has emerged as
  an institutional innovation during the last 20 years in many
  national agricultural research systems in Latin America, Asia
  and Africa
• Public institutional R&D projects using participatory
  methods now provide technical solutions amenable to
  be adapted and adopted by local groups, help in the
  improvement of production, reducing risks and costs
  and increasing profits, since they become aware and value
  first hand innovations and their advantages
• In Venezuela there have been encouraging experiences in
  the implementation of this approach in specific rural
  settings such as the highlands of Lara State in the central-
  western region
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

 According to the terms of reference outlined by the
      BID/FONACIT II Agricultural Biotechnology
      project, there were planned and executed specific and
      complementary activities for four components:

           •        Networking enhancement
           •        Biotechnology research and
           •        Human capital consolidation
           •        Technology transfer
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
    of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

•       Induction of compromise and commitment of
        the interinstitutional research team in
        structuring, designing and sharing of
        information, knowledge and purposes.

•       Promotion and use of participatory innovation
         instruments in the development of specific
         research and technology transfer activities
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

• Establishment of a climate for the free flow
    and access to information and knowledge
    processed and generated in the research

• Diffusion of principles and practices of
  shared management tools to attain identical
    behaviour and performance among research
    participants in their linking efforts with target
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

 • Creation of the National Legume Grain
   communication network, and construction
   of a web site

 • Human capital consolidation through
   specialized training courses and in service
   technological capacities
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

   • Technology transfer activities included
       planning and monitoring
       workshops, training courses,
       technical meetings and workshops
       on specific topics, with participation
       of researchers, technicians and farmers
       involved with the project.
  •Also production and editing
       publications, videos and micros for
       radio and TV broadcasting.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

RESULTS --- Networks enhancement
    •    Establishment of an interdisciplinary and
         interinstitutional networked research team. 20
         professionals of five different institutions (INIA, UCV,
         UNESR, USB and DANAC), including specialists in
         plant breeding, plant pathology, agricultural
         biotechnology, bioinformatics, food and science
         technology and technology transfer.
    •    Five planning, M&E workshops (with duration of two
         days), allowing knowledge sharing and revision of
         advancement in research objectives.
    •    A permanent information flow and exchange through
         email was maintained, facilitating the follow up
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
 of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

• After several informal meetings with other
  researchers, technicians and farmers in different areas
  and localities in the country, in 2006 it was created
  the Edible Grain Legumes National Network,
  with an initial membership of 75 actors, including 26
  researchers, 25 technicians, 10 extension officers and
  14 farmers leaders of cooperatives or farmers
• 5 regional chapters of the network have been
  organized so far, in order to facilitate interaction
  diffusion of relevant information, and new members
  are requesting participation through these chapters.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

  • A web site for the Network is already in
    the internet (,
    with information relevant for its
    members, with basic information of the
    project, news, events, technical/scientific
    documents and links all related to edible
    bean production, consumption, genetic
    improvement and application of
    biotechnological tools.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

 • A illustrated catalogue of 300 local
   indigenous varieties and materials preserved
   in the legumes seed bank was designed and
   constructed, in electronic format, will be
   accessible through the website.

 • A data base for registering and consultation
   of information on local varieties seeds
   managed by farmers was developed and will
   be soon available through the website.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

RESULTS --- Human capital consolidation
  Eight members of the research team have
  received specialized training in different topics
  (seed conservation, in vitro culture, biometrics
  and bioinformatics, knowledge management and
  ICT, molecular markers, biotechnological tools
  for genetic improvement) in recognized
  international institutes (CIAT-Colombia, INRA-
  France, CSIC/INIA-Spain, CATIE-Costa Rica).
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

        Short courses and workshops
        Seven researchers participated in international
        courses or workshops related to water stress,
        nutritional improvement, genomics and
        proteomics, knowledge management and
        information systems).
        Theses. Three students from Venezuelan
        universities developed their research theses in
        the context of the research and development
        component objectives of the project.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

      RESULTS – Technology Transfer
      International events
     Several events bringing together researchers, technicians and
     farmers took place, in order and share information about grain
     legume improvement and production and to promote the use of

          • Andean Meeting of Rural Biotechnological
            Enterprises for Endogenous Development. In a 3 day
            meeting organized in august 2005, jointly with
            approximately 200 participants from the Andean countries
            (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú and Venezuela).
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

    RESULTS – Technology Transfer
    Bean biotechhnology Symposium
         In the framework of the 2005 Agricultural
         And Food Biotechnology Venezuelan
         Network Meeting, held in Maracay,
         Venezuela, in December 2005, the project
         sponsored the Bean Biotechnology
         International Symposium, with
         participation fo several specialists from
         international research institutions
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela
RESULTS – Technology Transfer
National events
    • Farmers seed day. In October 29, 2005, took place
      the first Farmers seed day in Sanare, Lara State, where small
      farmers from the area exhibited their local seed varieties and
      materials, The event was repeated in October 2006 in Sanare,
      and several Farmers Seed days have been organized in other
      local communities in Táchira and Trujillo states.
    • In the framework of the 2005 Fair of Family consumption,
      which took place in October 2005, it was organized the
      Edible Bean Gastronomic Festival, where more than
      500 consumers participated in a tasting table for the promotion
      of alternative ways of beans consumption, and in a survey of
      bean consumer preferences.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

    RESULTS – Technology Transfer
    Other events included worshops on:
    •   Participatory bean improvement,
    •   Farmers seed preservation,
    •   Biofertilizers production and
    •   Fermented flour bean use,
    • Biotechnology and rural innovation

    with participation of members of the research team as
    facilitators, 20 technicians and 65 farmers, aimed to the
    diffusion and application of such innovative techniques
    among farmers groups involves in the project.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

    RESULTS – Technology Transfer
       Papers presented in scientific and
        technical events
    19 presentations with partial results and advancements of
      the project were presented in different national and
      international events.

       Research papers
    4 Research articles have been published so far, and 4 more
      are under preparation for delivery by the end of 2007.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

  RESULTS – Technology Transfer
    •      INIA/FONACIT 2005. ¿Que es eso que llaman
          Biotecnología?. (Comp. y edición: Ma. Elena Morros y
          Alfredo Romero S.). Barquisimeto. INIA/FONACIT. 20p.
          (Serie D N°4). Tiraje: 7000 ejemplares.
    •     I NIA/FONACIT. 2005. Tesoros de la cocina a base de
          caraotas y otros granos. (comp. y edición: Ma. Elena
          Morros y Francisco Ramos). Barquisimeto,
          INIA/FONACIT. 72p. (Serie Pub. Especial N° 6). Tiraje:
          4000 ejemplares.
    •     ROMERO S., A.; PÉREZ, D.; GÁMEZ, J. (Editores). 2006.
          Memorias del Encuentro Andino de Empresas Rurales de
          Base Biotecnológica en el marco del Desarrollo
          Endógeno. Maracay, INIA/FONACIT/
          PROCIANDINO/FONTAGRO. 122p. Tiraje 500 ejempl
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

RESULTS – Technology Transfer
Audiovisual editing and production
Video: 4 micros in video format have been produced:
 •     Biotechnology, participation and endogenous development,
       12 min. January 6006
 •     Sharing knowledge and experiences in agricultural
       biotechnology, Testimonials, 12 min. May 2006
 •     The Andean meeting of agricultural biotechnology
       enterprises. 22 min.. November 2006
 •      Biotechnological applications in Bean improvement and
       production. May 2007. 15 min.
 Radio: Three 2’ micro programs for radio broadcasting were
       produced: Biotechnology and Bean production, Participant
       Innovation in biotechnology and Biodiversity and
       Agriculture. November 2005, broadcasted during 2006
       through the national network of community radio stations.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

  The planning and execution of networks enhancement,
   human capital consolidation and technology transfer,
   have allowed the establishment of permanent
   information and communication flows throughout the
   last two years, facilitating the diffusion and knowledge
   and technologies among relevant audiences (researchers,
   technicians, farmers, policy makers) and their active
   participation in the innovation process for
   biotechnological applications in the genetic
   improvement and production of common beans
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

 Preliminary results indicate an increase in
  knowledge sharing activities, high participation
  of farmers and technicians in scientific/
  technological research and development, wide
  diffusion of information through participation in
  scientific events, internet (web site), printed
  materials, and training courses and the
  establishment of a communication network of
  around 350 members.
Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application
of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela

    Knowledge levels, awareness and interest for
     biotechnological applications and products have
     increased in the group of almost 350 actors involved in
     the different activities undertaken by the project.

    Institutional innovation has been ameliorated and
     incorporated in the organizations involved, specifically
     the enabling of concrete instruments and mechanisms
     for farmers participation and communication networks,
     widening the range of the research and development
     process, in order to promote the use of biotechnological
     inputs adapted to the local contexts of rural
Knowledge management and transfer of technology applications...icabr2007

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Knowledge management and transfer of technology applications...icabr2007

  • 1. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela Alfredo Romero S., Ma. Elena Morros y Delis Pérez Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas, Venezuela Paper presented in the 11th International Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research (ICABR) Catholic University of Leuven, CEIS - University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rutgers University, Economic Growth Center, Yale University. Ravello, Scala ( Italy ) July 26 – 29, 2007
  • 2. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela • In January 2005 the execution of the project: Application of biotechnological tools for the genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) for higher production and grain quality, was initiated in the framework of the BID/FONACIT II Biotechnology program in Venezuela. • The objectives were to promote knowledge sharing among farmers and researchers, to develop technologies required by small farmers sector, and strengthening of innovative methodologies for transferring of biotechnological inputs.
  • 3. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6  A series of strategies and activities were planned and executed, using: 1. Knowledge Management 2.and participant innovation action- research, 3.Components: 1.networking, 2.R&D, transfer and 4.strengthening of scientific and technological capacities (institutional aimed at creating an effective information and knowledge and human) flow between farmers, technicians and researchers.
  • 4. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela Objectives • To validate and strengthen instruments, resources and capacities in the establishment of communication flows among researchers of different institutions and other relevant actors (farmers, technicians, development officials and members of local communities) in order to stimulate their active participation in the development of technologies. • Inducing and creating awareness and consciousness among different actors about the importance of information and knowledge sharing for transfer and diffusion of improved biotechnologies, and the creation of sustained communication networks in time and space.
  • 5. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela Knowledge management and technology transfer strategies aimed to integrate and synergize several professional disciplines with the purpose of improving the efficiency and competency of technological development services offered by institutions, enterprises and ONGs to their stakeholders Sharing and exchanging of ideas, perceptions, problems and possible solutions among participant actors (researchers, technicians, change agents and final users) in the planning and execution of concerted development actions and processes.
  • 6. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela • Participatory research and development has emerged as an institutional innovation during the last 20 years in many national agricultural research systems in Latin America, Asia and Africa • Public institutional R&D projects using participatory methods now provide technical solutions amenable to be adapted and adopted by local groups, help in the improvement of production, reducing risks and costs and increasing profits, since they become aware and value first hand innovations and their advantages • In Venezuela there have been encouraging experiences in the implementation of this approach in specific rural settings such as the highlands of Lara State in the central- western region
  • 7. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela Methodology According to the terms of reference outlined by the BID/FONACIT II Agricultural Biotechnology project, there were planned and executed specific and complementary activities for four components: • Networking enhancement • Biotechnology research and development • Human capital consolidation • Technology transfer
  • 8. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela Strategies • Induction of compromise and commitment of the interinstitutional research team in structuring, designing and sharing of information, knowledge and purposes. • Promotion and use of participatory innovation instruments in the development of specific research and technology transfer activities
  • 9. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela • Establishment of a climate for the free flow and access to information and knowledge processed and generated in the research process. • Diffusion of principles and practices of shared management tools to attain identical behaviour and performance among research participants in their linking efforts with target audiences.
  • 10. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela • Creation of the National Legume Grain communication network, and construction of a web site • Human capital consolidation through specialized training courses and in service technological capacities
  • 11. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela • Technology transfer activities included planning and monitoring workshops, training courses, technical meetings and workshops on specific topics, with participation of researchers, technicians and farmers involved with the project. •Also production and editing publications, videos and micros for radio and TV broadcasting.
  • 12. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela RESULTS --- Networks enhancement • Establishment of an interdisciplinary and interinstitutional networked research team. 20 professionals of five different institutions (INIA, UCV, UNESR, USB and DANAC), including specialists in plant breeding, plant pathology, agricultural biotechnology, bioinformatics, food and science technology and technology transfer. • Five planning, M&E workshops (with duration of two days), allowing knowledge sharing and revision of advancement in research objectives. • A permanent information flow and exchange through email was maintained, facilitating the follow up
  • 13. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela • After several informal meetings with other researchers, technicians and farmers in different areas and localities in the country, in 2006 it was created the Edible Grain Legumes National Network, with an initial membership of 75 actors, including 26 researchers, 25 technicians, 10 extension officers and 14 farmers leaders of cooperatives or farmers associations. • 5 regional chapters of the network have been organized so far, in order to facilitate interaction diffusion of relevant information, and new members are requesting participation through these chapters.
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  • 15. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela • A web site for the Network is already in the internet (, with information relevant for its members, with basic information of the project, news, events, technical/scientific documents and links all related to edible bean production, consumption, genetic improvement and application of biotechnological tools.
  • 16. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela • A illustrated catalogue of 300 local indigenous varieties and materials preserved in the legumes seed bank was designed and constructed, in electronic format, will be accessible through the website. • A data base for registering and consultation of information on local varieties seeds managed by farmers was developed and will be soon available through the website.
  • 17.
  • 18. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela RESULTS --- Human capital consolidation Eight members of the research team have received specialized training in different topics (seed conservation, in vitro culture, biometrics and bioinformatics, knowledge management and ICT, molecular markers, biotechnological tools for genetic improvement) in recognized international institutes (CIAT-Colombia, INRA- France, CSIC/INIA-Spain, CATIE-Costa Rica).
  • 19. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela Short courses and workshops Seven researchers participated in international courses or workshops related to water stress, nutritional improvement, genomics and proteomics, knowledge management and information systems). Theses. Three students from Venezuelan universities developed their research theses in the context of the research and development component objectives of the project.
  • 20. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela RESULTS – Technology Transfer International events Several events bringing together researchers, technicians and farmers took place, in order and share information about grain legume improvement and production and to promote the use of biotechnology: • Andean Meeting of Rural Biotechnological Enterprises for Endogenous Development. In a 3 day meeting organized in august 2005, jointly with IICA/PROCIANDINO and FONTAGRO, approximately 200 participants from the Andean countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú and Venezuela).
  • 21.
  • 22. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela RESULTS – Technology Transfer Bean biotechhnology Symposium In the framework of the 2005 Agricultural And Food Biotechnology Venezuelan Network Meeting, held in Maracay, Venezuela, in December 2005, the project sponsored the Bean Biotechnology International Symposium, with participation fo several specialists from international research institutions
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  • 24. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela RESULTS – Technology Transfer National events • Farmers seed day. In October 29, 2005, took place the first Farmers seed day in Sanare, Lara State, where small farmers from the area exhibited their local seed varieties and materials, The event was repeated in October 2006 in Sanare, and several Farmers Seed days have been organized in other local communities in Táchira and Trujillo states. • In the framework of the 2005 Fair of Family consumption, which took place in October 2005, it was organized the Edible Bean Gastronomic Festival, where more than 500 consumers participated in a tasting table for the promotion of alternative ways of beans consumption, and in a survey of bean consumer preferences.
  • 25.
  • 26. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela RESULTS – Technology Transfer Other events included worshops on: • Participatory bean improvement, • Farmers seed preservation, • Biofertilizers production and • Fermented flour bean use, • Biotechnology and rural innovation with participation of members of the research team as facilitators, 20 technicians and 65 farmers, aimed to the diffusion and application of such innovative techniques among farmers groups involves in the project.
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  • 30. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela RESULTS – Technology Transfer Papers presented in scientific and technical events 19 presentations with partial results and advancements of the project were presented in different national and international events. Research papers 4 Research articles have been published so far, and 4 more are under preparation for delivery by the end of 2007.
  • 31. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela RESULTS – Technology Transfer Publications • INIA/FONACIT 2005. ¿Que es eso que llaman Biotecnología?. (Comp. y edición: Ma. Elena Morros y Alfredo Romero S.). Barquisimeto. INIA/FONACIT. 20p. (Serie D N°4). Tiraje: 7000 ejemplares. • I NIA/FONACIT. 2005. Tesoros de la cocina a base de caraotas y otros granos. (comp. y edición: Ma. Elena Morros y Francisco Ramos). Barquisimeto, INIA/FONACIT. 72p. (Serie Pub. Especial N° 6). Tiraje: 4000 ejemplares. • ROMERO S., A.; PÉREZ, D.; GÁMEZ, J. (Editores). 2006. Memorias del Encuentro Andino de Empresas Rurales de Base Biotecnológica en el marco del Desarrollo Endógeno. Maracay, INIA/FONACIT/ PROCIANDINO/FONTAGRO. 122p. Tiraje 500 ejempl
  • 32. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela RESULTS – Technology Transfer Audiovisual editing and production Video: 4 micros in video format have been produced: • Biotechnology, participation and endogenous development, 12 min. January 6006 • Sharing knowledge and experiences in agricultural biotechnology, Testimonials, 12 min. May 2006 • The Andean meeting of agricultural biotechnology enterprises. 22 min.. November 2006 • Biotechnological applications in Bean improvement and production. May 2007. 15 min. Radio: Three 2’ micro programs for radio broadcasting were produced: Biotechnology and Bean production, Participant Innovation in biotechnology and Biodiversity and Agriculture. November 2005, broadcasted during 2006 through the national network of community radio stations.
  • 33. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela Conclusions  The planning and execution of networks enhancement, human capital consolidation and technology transfer, have allowed the establishment of permanent information and communication flows throughout the last two years, facilitating the diffusion and knowledge and technologies among relevant audiences (researchers, technicians, farmers, policy makers) and their active participation in the innovation process for biotechnological applications in the genetic improvement and production of common beans
  • 34. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela Conclusions  Preliminary results indicate an increase in knowledge sharing activities, high participation of farmers and technicians in scientific/ technological research and development, wide diffusion of information through participation in scientific events, internet (web site), printed materials, and training courses and the establishment of a communication network of around 350 members.
  • 35. Knowledge management and transfer of technology in the application of biotechnology tools for genetic improvement of beans (Phaseoulus sp) in Venezuela Conclusions  Knowledge levels, awareness and interest for biotechnological applications and products have increased in the group of almost 350 actors involved in the different activities undertaken by the project.  Institutional innovation has been ameliorated and incorporated in the organizations involved, specifically the enabling of concrete instruments and mechanisms for farmers participation and communication networks, widening the range of the research and development process, in order to promote the use of biotechnological inputs adapted to the local contexts of rural communities.