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Know Your Data:
The stats behind the alerts
Dave McAllister
Sr. OSS Technologist
©2023 F5
What’s the difference between
Mean, Median and Mode?
©2023 F5
What’s the difference between
Mean, Median and Mode?
And for extra credit, What’s the 9th Dedekind number?
©2023 F5
Monitoring is a numbers game
• Metrics are numbers that represent selected
• Generally
• Timestamped
• Key-Values
• Data, to be useful, must be
• Aggregated
• Analyzed
• Visualized
©2023 F5
• How do you deal with outliers (spikes) in
• How do you get a representative value when
values build on each other?
• How do you arrive at values to represent rate of
change over time?
Do you know what your alert is
really showing you?
Some questions to ponder
©2023 F5
Mean, Median, Mode
Represents the middle
value in a set of ordered
Measure of central
tendency, represents
average value of a set of
Value that appears most
frequently in a set of data
2, 6, 4, 9, 5, 1, 7, 8, 1, 9, 9, 1, 10, 2, 9, 6, 7, 2, 1, 4, 7, 1, 10, 9, 2, 7, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5, 6,
3, 8, 1, 8, 4, 7, 6, 3, 9, 9, 9, 4, 9, 1, 4, 1, 9, 8, 10, 10, 1, 1, 1, 7, 10, 9, 7, 3, 7, 4
Median = 6 Mode = 1
Mean = 5.444
©2023 F5
Mean, Median, Mode
2, 6, 4, 9, 5, 1, 7, 8, 1, 9, 9, 1, 10, 2, 9, 6, 7, 2, 1, 4, 7, 1, 10, 9, 2, 7, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 3, 8, 1, 8, 4, 7, 6, 3, 9, 9, 9, 4, 9, 1,
4, 1, 9, 8, 10, 10, 1, 1, 1, 7, 10, 9, 7, 3, 7, 4
Mean = 5.444
Or is it 4.130 or 2.791?
Represents the middle
value in a set of ordered
Measure of central
tendency, represents
average value of a set of
Value that appears most
frequently in a set of data
©2023 F5
Arithmetic, Harmonic, Geometric, Trimmed, Weighted, Moving
Means to an End
• Each has potential uses and drawbacks
• Often already implemented in monitoring software
• Can give very different results
• Can make like and unlike comparisons easier
©2023 F5
Also often called Average
• Most common
• Is the central point in a normal distribution
• This is not the 50% mark (mostly)
• Useful for comparing current to previous conditions
• May be aggregated into groups (time series)
In a time series, we usually calculate
constantly to incorporate new data
Amean = (100 + 200 + 300) / 3
Amean = 200 Requests per second
©2023 F5
• Multiply all the items together, take the nth
• Often used for things growing exponentially
• In DevOps
• Average number of deploys per unit of
• Average lead time for changes
• Throughput
DevOps team: optimizing app deployment
Sprint 1: 5% reduction
Sprint 2: 10% reduction
Sprint 3: 3% reduction
Sprint 4: 7% reduction
How well are they reducing deployment times?
X1=1-0.05 = 0.95, x2 = 0.90, X3 = 0.97, x4 = 0.93
GM = 0.937 or
Deployment has a 6.3% improvement
©2023 F5
• Divide n by the sum of the reciprocals
• Measure the performance where
multiple systems are involved
• Weights the lowest figure the highest
• In DevOps
• Performance within range
• Overall indication of latency or thruput
• Use in complex environments
• Especially useful for outliers
HM = 150 Requests per second
©2023 F5
Take a comparison look
What’s more important to the equation?
• Latency
• Thruput
• GM is the moral equivalent
• AM weights the larger number
• HM weights the lower value
metric AM GM HM
250 40 10000 145.00 100.00 68.97
200 50 10000 125.00 100.00 80.00
400 25 10000 212.50 100.00 47.06
198 70 13860 134.00 117.73 103.43
105 99 10395 102.00 101.96 101.91
474 73 34602 273.50 186.02 126.52
195 97 18915 146.00 137.53 129.55
196 138 27048 167.00 164.46 161.96
133 10 1330 71.50 36.47 18.60
298 55 16390 176.50 128.02 92.86
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Means overlay
©2023 F5
• Amazingly underutilized!
• Center value of a sorted list
• Median is always the 50% point of a normal curve
Mean 25.25
Median 26
©2023 F5
Choosing Between Mean and Median
• Mean can be impacted by outliers
• Resilience is better in median
• In DevOps
• Response time monitoring
• Anomaly Detection
• Capacity Planning
Old New
Outlier 250
25.54 Mean 31.15
26 Median 26.5
©2023 F5
Old New
Outlier 291
21.90 Mean 28.63
22 Median 22.5
18.61 Harmonic 19.06
©2023 F5
If you are using P95
you are using using a percentage value
©2023 F5
Slight sidetrack: Measure of Variability
How the numbers behave.
• Standard Deviation
• Range
• InterQuartile Range (IQR)
• Variance
• Clusters
• Outliers
Properly used, variability can
help you target outliers
©2023 F5
Those outside edges are good candidates for outliers
Outlier Formula, visually
Outlier Formula
©2023 F5
How about the Mode?
• The most commonly recurring
value in the set
• Often presented as a histograph
• Not commonly used in DevOps,
mostly inferential
• Log Analysis
• Security Monitoring
• User Behavior Analysis
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Mode Chart
©2023 F5
Slight sidetrack: Descriptive versus Inferential stats
• Descriptive uses the whole data set to draw statistical conclusions
• Used for visualization
• Can define and extract trends
• Inferential uses a sampled set to draw conclusions
• Used for predictions or hypotenuse testing
• Can also visualize
• But this leads us to sampling
©2023 F5
Dealing with the data
• Monitoring is now a data problem
• Observability signals: Metrics, Traces, Logs
• Analysis is often
• Aggregated or Analyzed in segments: Time-defined
• Sampled and inferential
• Random sampling
• Stratified sampling
• Cluster sampling
• Systematic sampling
• Purposive sampling
©2023 F5
Sampling No Sampling
©2023 F5
• Changes behavior from Descriptive to Inferential
• Can hide outlier behavior
• Metrics are not usually sampled
• May make forensics tougher
• Lack of direct correlation
• A necessary evil
• But understand what you are giving up
©2023 F5
• Normal
• Data equally distributed
• Poisson
• used to model the occurrence of rare
• Beta
• Success/failure of binomial events
• Exponential
• Time between async events
• Weibull
• Likelihood of failure
• Log-normal
• Values based on many small events
©2023 F5
Slight sidetrack: Standard deviation
• Measures the variability of your data
• Identifies trends and outliers
• NOT percentage based
• Except with coefficient of variability
• CV=Mean / std dev X 100
• Useful for measurement ignoring range
• SRE cases
• Lead times
• Recovery times
• Anomalies (alerts)
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
©2023 F5
Deeper dive: Weibull
• Usually used for time-to-failure
• Defined by a Shape and a Scale
• This can be challenging
• Don’t ask the math
• F(t)=1−e−(t/λ)β
• R does it for you!
Component Time-to-Failure
Spinning Rust 500 hours
Memory 1000 hours
Power Supply 1500 hours
CPU 2000 hours
SSD 2500 hours
data <- c(500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500)
fit.weib <- fitdist(data, "weibull")
Fitting of the distribution ' weibull ' by maximum likelihood
Parameters : shape 1.0624082 scale 2158.256
p.failure <- pweibull(300, shape = fit.weib$estimate[1],
scale = fit.weib$estimate[2])
1 - p.failure
Failure (disk, memory) = 64.81%
Failure (entire system) = 75.52%
Fmemory(300)≈1− −0.3490≈0.2959Fmemory(300)≈1−e−0.3490≈0.2959
Fpower(300)≈1− −0.2327≈0.2092Fpower(300)≈1−e−0.2327≈0.2092
FCPU(300)≈1− −0.1745≈0.1593FCPU(300)≈1−e−0.1745≈0.1593
FSSD(300)≈1− −0.1396≈0.1298FSSD(300)≈1−e−0.1396≈0.1298
©2023 F5
Deeper dive: Exponential
• Models the “rate” (time between
events that are unrelated)
• Use cases
• Network performance
• User Requests (traces)
• Messaging service
• System failures
• f(x) = me–mx
• λ = 1/µ
• e ~ 2.71828182846
metric AM GM HM
250 40 10000 145.00 100.00 68.97
200 50 10000 125.00 100.00 80.00
400 25 10000 212.50 100.00 47.06
198 70 13860 134.00 117.73 103.43
105 99 10395 102.00 101.96 101.91
474 73 34602 273.50 186.02 126.52
195 97 18915 146.00 137.53 129.55
196 138 27048 167.00 164.46 161.96
133 10 1330 71.50 36.47 18.60
298 55 16390 176.50 128.02 92.86
λ = 1/244.9
Probability density of 158 ms = 0.2142%
Cumulative density = 47.5422%
Expdist median ≈ 169.7 ms
λ = 1/65.7
Probability density at 58 count = 0.628%
Cumulative density = 58.7%
Expdist median ≈ 45.6
©2023 F5
You may stumble upon:
“On scale, statistics are not your friend”
On scale, probability is not your friend.
Slight Sidetrack
and a pet peeve
©2023 F5
Conditional Probability – The Monty Hall Problem
Bayes Theorem
• You have three doors
• Behind one of them is a car
• The other two are goats
• You pick Door # 2
1 3
©2023 F5
Conditional Probability – The Monty Hall Problem
Bayes Theorem
• You have three doors
• Behind one of them is a car
• The other two are goats
• You pick Door # 2
• The host shows you door # 1 and
offers to let you switch
• Do you switch or not?
1 3
©2023 F5
Conditional Probability
Bayes Theorem
• Mathematical framework for
updating probability for an event as
new information becomes available
• Based on this theorem
• Initial probability of Door 2 = 1/3
• Initial probability of Doors 1 or 3 = 2/3
• Since it isn’t behind Door # 1 then
Door # 3 is the remaining 2/3
1 3
©2023 F5
Bayes Theorem in DevOps
Incident Troubleshooting
• You're seeing an increase in error rates
after a recent deployment. Historically,
80% of such incidents have been tied to
database issues after major updates.
• Bayes' theorem suggests that the
current issue is database-related
considering the recent deployment and
historical data.
Predictive Monitoring
• Historically there's a 5% chance that
your application will crash on any given
day. Now, you get alerts about
increasing memory consumption.
• Bayes' theorem indicates the probability
of an impending application crash.
Optimizing A/B Testing
• You're testing a new feature against a
baseline to determine its impact on
server load. Initially, both variants might
be assumed equally likely to have an
• Data from the test allows you to update
the probability distribution of the effect
of the new feature on server load.
Bayes' theorem provides a mathematical framework for incorporating new evidence into existing beliefs
©2023 F5
Common Pitfalls in Statistics
Looking at the
wrong central
Ignoring Scale Confusing
correlation with
Getting causation
Failing to see
©2023 F5
Correlation and Causation
©2023 F5
• Statistics are how we tend to analyze our metrics
• Statistics are aggregation and reduction to reveal central tendencies
• They do not show individual behavior
• Most choices make use of very few basics
• But other choices may show amazing inferential results
• And finally
©2023 F5
• Statistics are how we tend to analyze our metrics
• Statistics are aggregation and reduction to reveal central tendencies
• They do not show individual behavior
• Most choices make use of very few basics
• But other choices may show amazing inferential results
• And finally
The most effective debugging tool is still careful thought,
coupled with judiciously placed print statements.
-Brian Kernighan Unix for Beginners 1979
©2023 F5
D(9) = 286 386 577 668 298
411 128 469 151 667 598
498 812 366
©2023 F5
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Know Your Data: The stats behind your alerts

  • 1. Know Your Data: The stats behind the alerts Dave McAllister Sr. OSS Technologist NGINX
  • 2. ©2023 F5 2 Quick: What’s the difference between Mean, Median and Mode?
  • 3. ©2023 F5 3 Quick: What’s the difference between Mean, Median and Mode? And for extra credit, What’s the 9th Dedekind number?
  • 4. ©2023 F5 5 Monitoring is a numbers game • Metrics are numbers that represent selected behavior • Generally • Timestamped • Key-Values • Data, to be useful, must be • Aggregated • Analyzed • Visualized
  • 5. ©2023 F5 6 • How do you deal with outliers (spikes) in monitoring? • How do you get a representative value when values build on each other? • How do you arrive at values to represent rate of change over time? Do you know what your alert is really showing you? Some questions to ponder
  • 6. ©2023 F5 7 Mean, Median, Mode Median: Represents the middle value in a set of ordered data Mean: Measure of central tendency, represents average value of a set of data Mode: Value that appears most frequently in a set of data Data: 2, 6, 4, 9, 5, 1, 7, 8, 1, 9, 9, 1, 10, 2, 9, 6, 7, 2, 1, 4, 7, 1, 10, 9, 2, 7, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 3, 8, 1, 8, 4, 7, 6, 3, 9, 9, 9, 4, 9, 1, 4, 1, 9, 8, 10, 10, 1, 1, 1, 7, 10, 9, 7, 3, 7, 4 Median = 6 Mode = 1 Mean = 5.444
  • 7. ©2023 F5 8 Mean, Median, Mode Data: 2, 6, 4, 9, 5, 1, 7, 8, 1, 9, 9, 1, 10, 2, 9, 6, 7, 2, 1, 4, 7, 1, 10, 9, 2, 7, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 3, 8, 1, 8, 4, 7, 6, 3, 9, 9, 9, 4, 9, 1, 4, 1, 9, 8, 10, 10, 1, 1, 1, 7, 10, 9, 7, 3, 7, 4 Mean = 5.444 Or is it 4.130 or 2.791? Median: Represents the middle value in a set of ordered data Mean: Measure of central tendency, represents average value of a set of data Mode: Value that appears most frequently in a set of data
  • 8. ©2023 F5 9 Arithmetic, Harmonic, Geometric, Trimmed, Weighted, Moving Means to an End • Each has potential uses and drawbacks • Often already implemented in monitoring software • Can give very different results • Can make like and unlike comparisons easier
  • 9. ©2023 F5 10 Also often called Average • Most common • Is the central point in a normal distribution • This is not the 50% mark (mostly) • Useful for comparing current to previous conditions • May be aggregated into groups (time series) In a time series, we usually calculate constantly to incorporate new data Arithmetic Internet Load Balancer 300 Request/sec 200 Request/sec 100 Request/sec Amean = (100 + 200 + 300) / 3 Amean = 200 Requests per second
  • 10. ©2023 F5 11 • Multiply all the items together, take the nth root • Often used for things growing exponentially • In DevOps • Average number of deploys per unit of time • Average lead time for changes • MTTR • Throughput Geometric DevOps team: optimizing app deployment Sprint 1: 5% reduction Sprint 2: 10% reduction Sprint 3: 3% reduction Sprint 4: 7% reduction How well are they reducing deployment times? X1=1-0.05 = 0.95, x2 = 0.90, X3 = 0.97, x4 = 0.93 GM = 0.937 or Deployment has a 6.3% improvement
  • 11. ©2023 F5 12 Harmonic • Divide n by the sum of the reciprocals • Measure the performance where multiple systems are involved • Weights the lowest figure the highest • In DevOps • Performance within range • Overall indication of latency or thruput • Use in complex environments • Especially useful for outliers Internet Load Balancer 300 Request/sec 200 Request/sec 100 Request/sec HM = 150 Requests per second
  • 12. ©2023 F5 13 Take a comparison look What’s more important to the equation? • Latency • Thruput • GM is the moral equivalent • AM weights the larger number • HM weights the lower value Average Latency ms/sec Average Count/sec Suggested metric AM GM HM 250 40 10000 145.00 100.00 68.97 200 50 10000 125.00 100.00 80.00 400 25 10000 212.50 100.00 47.06 198 70 13860 134.00 117.73 103.43 105 99 10395 102.00 101.96 101.91 474 73 34602 273.50 186.02 126.52 195 97 18915 146.00 137.53 129.55 196 138 27048 167.00 164.46 161.96 133 10 1330 71.50 36.47 18.60 298 55 16390 176.50 128.02 92.86 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Means overlay AM GM HM
  • 13. ©2023 F5 14 • Amazingly underutilized! • Center value of a sorted list • Median is always the 50% point of a normal curve Median Mean 25.25 Median 26
  • 14. ©2023 F5 15 Choosing Between Mean and Median • Mean can be impacted by outliers • Resilience is better in median • In DevOps • Response time monitoring • Anomaly Detection • Capacity Planning Old New Outlier 250 25.54 Mean 31.15 26 Median 26.5
  • 15. ©2023 F5 16 Old New Outlier 291 21.90 Mean 28.63 22 Median 22.5 18.61 Harmonic 19.06
  • 16. ©2023 F5 17 If you are using P95 you are using using a percentage value Congrats!
  • 17. ©2023 F5 18 Slight sidetrack: Measure of Variability How the numbers behave. • Standard Deviation • Range • InterQuartile Range (IQR) • Variance • Clusters • Outliers Properly used, variability can help you target outliers
  • 18. ©2023 F5 19 Those outside edges are good candidates for outliers Outlier Formula, visually Q2 IQR Outlier Formula Q3 Q1
  • 19. ©2023 F5 20 How about the Mode? • The most commonly recurring value in the set • Often presented as a histograph • Not commonly used in DevOps, mostly inferential • Log Analysis • Security Monitoring • User Behavior Analysis 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Mode Chart
  • 20. ©2023 F5 21 Slight sidetrack: Descriptive versus Inferential stats • Descriptive uses the whole data set to draw statistical conclusions • Used for visualization • Can define and extract trends • Inferential uses a sampled set to draw conclusions • Used for predictions or hypotenuse testing • Can also visualize • But this leads us to sampling
  • 21. ©2023 F5 22 Dealing with the data • Monitoring is now a data problem • Observability signals: Metrics, Traces, Logs • Analysis is often • Aggregated or Analyzed in segments: Time-defined • Sampled and inferential • Random sampling • Stratified sampling • Cluster sampling • Systematic sampling • Purposive sampling
  • 23. ©2023 F5 24 • Changes behavior from Descriptive to Inferential • Can hide outlier behavior • Metrics are not usually sampled • May make forensics tougher • Lack of direct correlation • A necessary evil • But understand what you are giving up Sampling
  • 24. ©2023 F5 25 Distributions • Normal • Data equally distributed • Poisson • used to model the occurrence of rare events • Beta • Success/failure of binomial events • Exponential • Time between async events • Weibull • Likelihood of failure • Log-normal • Values based on many small events
  • 25. ©2023 F5 26 Slight sidetrack: Standard deviation • Measures the variability of your data • Identifies trends and outliers • NOT percentage based • Except with coefficient of variability • CV=Mean / std dev X 100 • Useful for measurement ignoring range • SRE cases • Lead times • Recovery times • Anomalies (alerts) • SLO / SLI This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
  • 26. ©2023 F5 27 Deeper dive: Weibull • Usually used for time-to-failure • Defined by a Shape and a Scale parameter • This can be challenging • Don’t ask the math • F(t)=1−e−(t/λ)β • R does it for you! Component Time-to-Failure Spinning Rust 500 hours Memory 1000 hours Power Supply 1500 hours CPU 2000 hours SSD 2500 hours library(fitdistrplus) data <- c(500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500) fit.weib <- fitdist(data, "weibull") summary(fit.weib) Fitting of the distribution ' weibull ' by maximum likelihood Parameters : shape 1.0624082 scale 2158.256 p.failure <- pweibull(300, shape = fit.weib$estimate[1], scale = fit.weib$estimate[2]) 1 - p.failure Failure (disk, memory) = 64.81% Failure (entire system) = 75.52% Fdisk(300)≈1−e−0.6918≈0.50025 Fmemory(300)≈1− −0.3490≈0.2959Fmemory(300)≈1−e−0.3490≈0.2959 Fpower(300)≈1− −0.2327≈0.2092Fpower(300)≈1−e−0.2327≈0.2092 FCPU(300)≈1− −0.1745≈0.1593FCPU(300)≈1−e−0.1745≈0.1593 FSSD(300)≈1− −0.1396≈0.1298FSSD(300)≈1−e−0.1396≈0.1298
  • 27. ©2023 F5 28 Deeper dive: Exponential • Models the “rate” (time between events that are unrelated) • Use cases • Network performance • User Requests (traces) • Messaging service • System failures • f(x) = me–mx • λ = 1/µ • e ~ 2.71828182846 Average Latency ms/sec Average Count/sec Suggested metric AM GM HM 250 40 10000 145.00 100.00 68.97 200 50 10000 125.00 100.00 80.00 400 25 10000 212.50 100.00 47.06 198 70 13860 134.00 117.73 103.43 105 99 10395 102.00 101.96 101.91 474 73 34602 273.50 186.02 126.52 195 97 18915 146.00 137.53 129.55 196 138 27048 167.00 164.46 161.96 133 10 1330 71.50 36.47 18.60 298 55 16390 176.50 128.02 92.86 Latency λ = 1/244.9 Probability density of 158 ms = 0.2142% Cumulative density = 47.5422% Expdist median ≈ 169.7 ms Throughput λ = 1/65.7 Probability density at 58 count = 0.628% Cumulative density = 58.7% Expdist median ≈ 45.6
  • 28. ©2023 F5 29 You may stumble upon: “On scale, statistics are not your friend” WRONG On scale, probability is not your friend. Slight Sidetrack and a pet peeve
  • 29. ©2023 F5 30 Conditional Probability – The Monty Hall Problem Bayes Theorem • You have three doors • Behind one of them is a car • The other two are goats • You pick Door # 2 1 3 2
  • 30. ©2023 F5 31 Conditional Probability – The Monty Hall Problem Bayes Theorem • You have three doors • Behind one of them is a car • The other two are goats • You pick Door # 2 • The host shows you door # 1 and offers to let you switch • Do you switch or not? 1 3 2
  • 31. ©2023 F5 32 Conditional Probability Bayes Theorem • Mathematical framework for updating probability for an event as new information becomes available • Based on this theorem • Initial probability of Door 2 = 1/3 • Initial probability of Doors 1 or 3 = 2/3 • Since it isn’t behind Door # 1 then Door # 3 is the remaining 2/3 1 3 2
  • 32. ©2023 F5 33 Bayes Theorem in DevOps Incident Troubleshooting • You're seeing an increase in error rates after a recent deployment. Historically, 80% of such incidents have been tied to database issues after major updates. • Bayes' theorem suggests that the current issue is database-related considering the recent deployment and historical data. Predictive Monitoring • Historically there's a 5% chance that your application will crash on any given day. Now, you get alerts about increasing memory consumption. • Bayes' theorem indicates the probability of an impending application crash. Optimizing A/B Testing • You're testing a new feature against a baseline to determine its impact on server load. Initially, both variants might be assumed equally likely to have an effect. • Data from the test allows you to update the probability distribution of the effect of the new feature on server load. Bayes' theorem provides a mathematical framework for incorporating new evidence into existing beliefs
  • 33. ©2023 F5 34 Common Pitfalls in Statistics Looking at the wrong central measure Ignoring Scale Confusing correlation with causation Getting causation backwards Failing to see biases
  • 35. ©2023 F5 36 • Statistics are how we tend to analyze our metrics • Statistics are aggregation and reduction to reveal central tendencies • They do not show individual behavior • Most choices make use of very few basics • But other choices may show amazing inferential results • And finally Summary
  • 36. ©2023 F5 37 • Statistics are how we tend to analyze our metrics • Statistics are aggregation and reduction to reveal central tendencies • They do not show individual behavior • Most choices make use of very few basics • But other choices may show amazing inferential results • And finally Summary The most effective debugging tool is still careful thought, coupled with judiciously placed print statements. -Brian Kernighan Unix for Beginners 1979
  • 37. ©2023 F5 38 D(9) = 286 386 577 668 298 411 128 469 151 667 598 498 812 366