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Dr. Frank Chase, Jr.
Dr. FRANK CHASE, JR., is a native of Baltimore, Maryland. He
graduated from Walbrook High School in 1978 and then enlisted
and served in the United States Army for four years. During his
path in life, he has served as a teacher, counselor, mentor and
leader in men's ministries and has spoke at various men’s
conferences. He is a graduate of Washington State University and
has a BA degree in Communications with a minor in Sociology.
Because Frank believes in education, he pursued religious
degrees and graduated from North Carolina College of Theology
with a Bachelor of Biblical Studies, a Master of Arts in
Theology, and a Doctor of Theology. He also started his
publishing company, FC Publishing, LLC to self publish his first
two books. As a writer, Dr. Chase authored his first book, False
Roads to Manhood, What Women Need to Know: What Men
Need to Understand, dealing with the issues of manhood. He
recently published his second book titled, Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway, which
takes you on a proverbial archaeological quest to uncover the true meaning of biblical tithing. Not only
does the book cover the Old Testament tithe, but it examines what the New Testament teaches about
giving and so-called tithing. Dr. Chase has also authored and published religious and relationship
articles for newspapers, online magazines and print media. He has appeared on local television and
Internet radio programs. Mr. Chase is an avid racquetball player, and loves movies, reading and good
conversation, and he never shies away from talking about difficult or even controversial subjects.
Anyone who knows Frank will tell you that he has always been an analytical thinker about every aspect
of life even from childhood. It is not uncommon for people to remark that Chase is a very easy person to
talk to. Frank lives with his wife Teresa in Alabama and is the father of six children and the grandfather
of eight. Mr. Chase currently works as senior aviation writer for Army Helicopters for the Department of
the Army’s monthly publication, PS Magazine, LOGSA, located at Redstone Arsenal, AL.
About the book
KLEPTOMANIAC,	Who's	Really	Robbing	God	Anyway	is	a	trek	through	the	pages	of	the	Bible	to	find	the	
untwisted	truth	about	the	centuries-old	teachings	on	tithes	and	offerings.	Every	page	of	this	book	has	
information	that	will	make	you	become	an	analyst	in	getting	to	the	bottom	line	of	what	tithing	is	in	the	
Old	and	New	Testament.	It	takes	you	on	a	journey	to	first	define	the	word	tithe	and	then	breaks	down
the	differences	between	giving	and	tithing	as	the	Bible	instructs.	The	author	attempts	to	expose	what	
most	people	believe	as	fact	to	bring	them	to	what	the	Bible	actually	teaches	when	it	comes	to	true	
giving.	Are	the	arguments	put	forth	today	about	tithing	fact	or	fiction?	This	book	tackles	tough	
questions	like,	did	God	ever	require	a	tithe	of	money?		Was	the	contents	of	the	tithe	always	money	in	
the	Bible?	Who	is	really	robbing	God	today?	Did	God	change	the	tithe	at	some	point	in	biblical	history?	
Are	first	fruits	money?	Is	the	tithe	food,	money	or	both?	Is	the	church	the	storehouse?	Did	Jesus,	Paul	
and	the	Disciples	tithe?	Did	the	early	church	honor	a	money	tithe	system?	Are	Christians	really	cursed	
for	not	tithing	ten	percent	of	their	income?	These	questions	will	be	answered	based	on	scholarship,	
the	land,	the	language	and	the	literature	of	the	original	Biblical	people.	Not	only	will	questions	be	
answered	for	those	confused	about	whether	or	not	they	are	required	to	pay	ten	percent	of	their	
income	to	any	religious	institution,	they	will	learn	what	the	Bible	really	teaches	about	money	and	
stewardship	in	the	interest	of	seeking	truth.		
Monetary	tithing	has	been	taught	as	an	undisputed	fact	in	churches	for	centuries.	Kleptomaniac:	Who's	
Really	Robbing	God	Anyway	challenges	that	assumption	and	puts	modern	tithe	teachings	under	the	
microscope	of	scripture.	This	book	examines	the	word	tithe	from	the	original	Hebrew	language	and	
presents	the	authentic	meaning	of	the	orthodox	term	based	on	the	land,	language	and	literature	of	the	
Hebrew	people.		
For	church-goers	who	are	tired	of	being	told	they	rob	God	of	tithes	and	offerings	every	Saturday	and	
Sunday,	and	that	God	requires	a	tenth	of	their	income	until	death,	this	new	book	opens	the	biblical	
scroll	and	shines	a	light	on	the	truth	of	scripture	by	debunking	centuries-old	tithe	doctrines,	which	say	
a	tithe	is	ten	percent	of	a	person's	income.	The	author	also	explains	why	many	church-goers	are	not	
the	ones	who	really	rob	God.	But	exposes	who	the	real	God	robbers	are	in	this	shocking	tithe	
Title: Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway?
Author: Dr. Frank Chase, Jr.
Publisher Book Baby/FC Publishing, LLC Format: Paperback and E-book
Pub Date: September 2005 Pages: 400
Price: $17.47 Trim: 6 x 9
E-book: $2.99 Genre: Non-Fiction
ISBN: 978-0-97552-177-9
BLOG for Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway?
Why I Wrote Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway?
Writing	Kleptomaniac:	Who’s	Really	Robbing	God	Anyway	was	a	journey	into	seeking	truth	and	fact.	In		
my	research	journey	to	rediscover	biblical	tithing	I	found	the	truth.	What	I	learned	about	a	century’s	
old	teaching	called	tithing	was	astonishing	and	shocking.	My	quest		took	me	to	places	in	the	biblical	
world	I	never	thought	about	or	considered.	Does	the	modern	day	multifaceted	tithing	system	have	any	
resemblance	to	biblical	tithing	is	the	ultimate	and	proverbial	sixty-four	thousand	dollar	question.		The	
hermeneutical	and	exegetical	answer	based	on	the	land,	the	language	and	the	literature	of	the	biblical	
Hebrew	people	is	no!	God	never	issued	a	new	commandment	to	convert	the	orthodox	biblical	food	
tithe	into	money	as	a	method	to	support	the	New	Testament	church	in	age	of	grace.	The	change	of	
economic	systems	across	history	from	agricultural	to	monetary	did	not	cause	God	to	change	his	holy	
food	tithe	to	money.	
That	is	the	purpose	of	why	I	wrote	this	book.	I	wanted	to	give	readers	another	perspective	that	could	
be	researched	and	proved.	This	book	started	out	as	a	117	page	power	point	study	and	morphed	into	a	
400	page	book	after	years	of	research.		
I	practiced	tax-deductible	greenback	tithing	for	30	years.	After	extensive	research	on	the	subject	and	
prayer,	I	discovered	the	Bible	never	endorsed	monetary	tithing	as	a	command	or	a	principal	in	the	New	
Testament.	When	I	peeled	back	the	tithing	onion	in	biblical	and	secular	history,	shock	and	dismay	beat	
upon	my	theological	head	like	a	2x4.	When	I	regained	theological	consciousness,	it	was	apparent	
money	tithing	as	it	is	taught	today	is	suspect.	The	Savior	followed	613	instructions	of	the	Law	and	the	
only	authentic	stipulated	tithing	law	He	endorsed	was	the	tithe	the	Bible	emphatically	claims	are	
eatable	items	such	as	crops,	cattle,	herd,	flocks	and	sheep.	In	Jesus’	own	words,	in	Matthew	23:23,	he	
acknowledges	that	the	Pharisees	tithed	mint,	rue	and	cumin,	which	were	eatable	items	and	yet	
somehow	people	assume	money	is	implied?	The	bottom	line;	tithing	is	not	money,	but	food	and	
Yahweh	never	commuted	the	food	tithe	to	money	in	the	1st	
century	nor	the	21st
	century.	Defining	the	
authentic	biblical	tithe	to	include	non-food	sources	is	not	mentioned	in	the	Holy	Scriptures.	To	
command	the	tithe	of	money	is	“teaching	for	doctrines	the	commandments	of	men”	(Matthew	15:9).	
Also,	tithing	money	violates	what	Yeshua	said,	“Thus	have	ye	made	the	commandment	of	God	of	none	
effect	by	your	tradition”	(Matt	15:6).	The	New	Testament	has	no	tithing	commands;	however,	you	will	
find	much	concerning	abundant	giving	from	the	heart.
I	wrote	this	book	to	start	a	conversation	about	tithing	and	to	dig	up	how	and	why	money	tithing	came	
into	existence	and	the	reasons	and	justifications	to	commute	the	food	tithe	to	money.		While	writing	
this	book,	I	had	to	quarantine	my	anger	as	I	discovered	truth	after	truth	so	that	my	emotions	would	not	
cloud	my	analysis	and	research.	
When	I	began	this	journey	to	learn	more	about	orthodox	biblical	tithing,	I	followed	the	example	of	
Yeshua	(Jesus)	who	said,	“You	search	the	Scriptures…”	My	research	journey	began	with	reading	
multiple	books	and	hundreds	of	articles	on	tithing.	As	a	theologian,	I	felt	it	was	my	duty	to	share	my	
findings	with	the	world	and	let	each	individual	reader	determine	the	validity	of	my	research.	I	felt	it	
would	have	been	a	disservice	to	practice	self-censorship	and	not	share	what	I	had	learned.			As	I	
uncovered	the	facts	on	tithing,	I	quickly	realized	during	the	writing	process	that	I	would	never	be	able	
to	put	in	a	book	all	that	I	had	learned.	Writing	this	book	has	been	an	amazing	biblical,	proverbial,	
archeological	journey	of	epic	proportions.		In	the	quest	for	truth	and	understanding,	no	stoned	was	left	
unturned.	Writing	this	book	taught	me	more	about	the	Bible	than	I	had	ever	learned	before	in	my	life.		
I	truly	received	an	education	in	the	practice	of	biblical	tithing,	and	I	think	writing	this	book	will	give	
every	reader	an	education	in	this	subject	that	has	not	studied	extensively	in	seminaries	and	theological	
Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway Book Reviews
Midwest Book Review for Kleptomaniac: Who's Really Robbing God Anyway?
Reviewed	by	D.	Donovan,	Senior	Reviewer,	Midwest	Book	Review	
Kleptomaniac:	Who's	Really	Robbing	God	Anyway?	Dr.	Frank	Chase	Jr.,	TH.D	Book	Baby		ebook:	9780975521762,	$2.99
Print:	9780975521779,	$17.47		
Kleptomaniac:	Who's	Really	Robbing	God	Anyway?	The	Untwisted	Truth	About	the	Centuries	Old	
Tithes	and	Offering	Deception	examines	the	history	of	church	tithes,	a	practice	from	the	early	days	of	
Christianity	which	takes	a	darker	turn	as	its	history	and	connections	to	actual	Scripture	are	probed	
from	its	original	applications	to	modern	times.	But	if	readers	expect	a	supportive	Scripture-based	
emphasis	on	the	value	of	tithes,	it	should	be	advised	that	Kleptomaniac	does	not	toe	a	party	line	of	
religious	propriety	but	offers	a	sobering	and	critical	examination	of	the	notion	of	tithes	and	how	it	has	
changed	over	the	centuries.	
Church-goers	who	struggle	with	the	idea	of	tithes	and	Church	donation	processes	will	discover	that	
there's	reason	for	their	concerns.	There	is	an	ongoing	battle	for	truth	and	orthodoxy	surrounding	these	
matters,	and	this	too	is	covered	as	Kleptomaniac	analyzes	the	Biblical	roots	and	intention	of	tithes	and	
how	the	Church	has	applied	them	over	the	centuries.	
This	book	is	dedicated	"To	those	who	have	suffered	the	wrath	of	family,	friends,	pastors,	churches	and	
other	Christians	for	changing	their	giving	practice	from	mandatory	tithing	to	New	Covenant,	post-tithe	
freewill	giving,	remember,	this	fight	to	reveal	the	truth	about	tithing	started	centuries	ago.	People	
from	many	denominations	and	religious	groups	have	held	views	against	tithing	long	before	we	were	
born	and	the	debate	still	rages	on	in	the	annals	of	theology."	
That	tithing	has	long	been	a	powerful	controversy	is	reflected	in	the	Introduction's	dedication:	"To	
those	who	have	been	excommunicated	from	their	church,	to	those	who	feel	shunned,	to	those	who	
have	lost	friends,	to	those	who	have	been	cut	off	from	fellowship	and	to	those	who	want	to	give	from	
their	heart	without	a	percentage	mandate,	your	voices	will	echo	through	the	pages	of	this	book.	Also,	
to	the	believers	from	past	generations	who	died	never	knowing	that	a	curse	on	their	lives	never	existed	
for	not	tithing,	may	this	book	be	a	light	to	your	descendants	who	are	still	afraid	to	question	tithing."	
Despite	its	fiery	contentions,	Kleptomaniac's	approach	rests	firmly	on	a	combination	of	historical	
precedent,	experience	and	analysis,	and	Scriptural	quotes	that	back	Dr.	Frank	Chase	Jr.'s	scrutiny.	
Chapters	thus	adopt	a	scholarly	tone	as	they	pull	quotes	from	Scripture	to	analyze	them:	"I	will	
examine	the	different	tithes	as	separate	items	for	context.	The	Bible	gives	specific	instructions	on	how	
to	distribute	the	tithe	and	to	whom	the	tithe	belonged.	Who	did	God	command	to	receive	the	tithe	
and	who	paid	the	tithe?	Numbers	18,	lays	out	the	legal	legislation	on	tithes	under	the	law.	However,	
before	we	look	at	this	text,	let's	jump	forward	to	the	New	Testament.	Hebrews	7:5	is	the	nail	in	the	
proverbial	coffin	that	says	who	can	collect	tithes."	
From	keywords	and	comparing	Bible	references	to	how	tithes	were	(and	are)	being	stolen	from	early	to	
modern	times,	Dr.	Chase's	scholarly	analysis	is	precise,	well	detailed	and	reasoned,	intricately	
researched	and	referenced,	and	yet	is	very	accessible	to	lay	audiences:	"I	think	this	book	presents	
convincing	doctrinal	evidence	that	no	money	tithe	argument	can	be	established	because	it	is	
inconsistent	with	Scripture,	context	and	history.	Although	the	Bible	clearly	describes	that	tithing	took
place	in	many	verses,	it	does	not	mean	that	we	continue	the	practice	through	commuting	the	tithe	to	
money.	The	description	of	tithing	food	in	the	Old	Testament	does	not	equate	to	a	money	tithe		
prescription	in	the	New	Testament."	
Dr.	Chase's	attention	to	detail	in	covering	the	history	of	tithing	and	his	analysis	of	what	constitutes	an	
authentic	tithe	in	keeping	with	God'	Biblical	directives	includes	a	great	deal	of	research	into	early	Greek	
and	Hebrew	writings,	creating	a	weighty	yet	authoritative,	accessible	piece	filled	with	empirical	
evidence	and	discussions	central	to	the	tithe's	place	in	Christian	theology.	Although	its	research-backed	
history	is	not	light	reading,	its	attention	to	well-	researched	detail	is	impeccably	presented,	and	
represents	a	breath	of	fresh	air	to	a	topic	typically	laden	with	more	emotion	than	reasoned	inspection.	
The	result	is	a	thought-provoking	read	which	is	very	highly	recommended	for	any	Church	member	
interested	in	the	history	and	ongoing	debate	over	tithes,	their	mandate,	and	where	and	how	they	are	
spent.	D.	Donovan,	Senior	Reviewer,	Midwest	Book	Review.		
Reader’s Favorite Book Review for Kleptomaniac: Who's Really Robbing God Anyway?
Reviewed	by	Ray	Simmons	for	Readers'	Favorite	
Kleptomaniac:	Who’s	Really	Robbing	God	Anyway?	The	untwisted	truth	about	the	centuries-old	tithes	
and	offering	deception	by	Dr.	Frank	Chase	Jr,	TH.	D	fills	a	narrow	but	very	real	niche	in	the	area	of	
biblically	derived	lessons	and	advice	on	the	subject	of	tithes	and	offerings.	I	would	have	thought	most	
Christians	would	research	this	topic	themselves	if	it	were	very	important	to	them,	but	to	have	all	the	
references	in	one	book,	along	with	sound	commentary	and	advice	from	a	biblical	scholar,	certainly	
makes	it	easier.	Dr.	Frank	Chase	Jr.	describes	his	own	evolution	of	ideas	about	tithing	and	I	must	say	we	
went	through	many	of	the	same	phases	in	pretty	much	the	same	order.	I	stopped	evolving	while	Frank	
Chase	Jr.	went	on	to	write	this	book	that	helps	other	Christians	who	have	the	same	questions	he	had.	
Christianity	at	its	best.	
Kleptomaniac:	Who’s	Really	Robbing	God	Anyway?	may	have	more	biblical	quotes	and	references	to	
tithing	and	money	in	general	than	any	book	I	have	ever	read,	save,	of	course,	the	Bible	itself.	It	is
written	in	a	very	smooth	and	articulate	style	that	I’m	guessing	will	be	understandable	to	most	people,	
but	at	the	same	time	Dr.	Frank	Chase	Jr’s	education	and	vocabulary	are	evident	on	every	page.	As	is	his	
faith	and	his	desire	to	help.	From	Abraham	to	Paul,	Frank	Chase	Jr.	delves	into	the	origin,	the	
definition,	the	application,	and	even	the	abuse	of	the	custom	of	tithing.	It	is	an	interesting	and	
sometimes	colorful	history	and	one	Christians	should	certainly	be	more	aware	of.	This	book	will	help	
Reviewed	by	John	Staughton	of	Self	Publishing	Review	
Kleptomaniac	is	an	insightful	and	well-constructed	argument	on	tithing	and	offerings	at	church,	not	
only	defending	the	author’s	decision	not	to	give	money	blindly,	but	also	defending	his	right	to	seek	the	
truth	in	Bible	Scripture.	
Everything	that	the	author	Frank	Chase	Jr.	says	is	backed	up	in	some	way	with	huge	amounts	of	
research,	resulting	in	a	comprehensive	and	rather	airtight	argument	against	this	unfair	system	that	is	
often	foisted	on	believers.	
The	balanced	approach	of	the	book	is	particularly	enjoyable;	there	are	no	judgments	or	inflammatory	
language,	but	there	is	simply	impassioned	debate	from	a	man	who	cares	enough	about	his	religion	to	
perform	his	due	diligence.	
There	are	a	few	points	that	seem	to	veer	off	into	unsupported	opinions,	but	these	are	few	and	far	
between.	Furthermore,	there	are	a	number	of	spots	where	word	choice	is	a	bit	odd	(e.g.,	“I	
asphyxiated	on	verses	about	tithing”,	rather	than	fixated)	and	some	grammatical	editing	is	needed	
here	before	this	is	published.	However,	despite	the	delicate	subject	matter,	the	author	approaches	the	
topic	with	well-researched	evidence,	solid	facts,	and	his	own	firm	beliefs,	to	deliver	a	very	insightful	
read	recommended	for	those	interested	in	or	needing	information	on	Church	culture	and	community.
Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway
Book Bubble Excerpts and Thoughts
1.	Is	the	Church	the	Storehouse	for	Tithing?	
2.	Did	Jesus	Collect	Tithes?	
3.	Will	a	Man	Rob	God?	
4.	Eating	Tithes	vs.	Paying	Tithes:	
5.	What	are	First	Fruits	in	the	Bible?
6.	Official	Orthodox	Biblical	Tithing	Has	Passed	Away:	
7.	Jesus	and	his	Ministry	Never	Received	Tithes:	
8.	Paul	Never	Taught	Believers	to	Tithe	Money:	
9.		The	Church	and	Its	Money	Grab	Tactics:	
10.		Monetary	Tithing	is	not	a	Foregone	Conclusion:	
11.	Money	Tithing	or	Eatible	tithing,	Which	One?	
12.	Arguments	Against	Tithing	Has	a	Long	History:	
13.	What	Does	True	Giving	Look	Like?	
14.	Tithing	on	Increase:	
15.	The	Law	Does	Not	Teach	Monetary	Tithing:	
16.	Research	Brings	Truth:	
17.	Understanding	Tithing	Starts	With	a	Definition:	
18.	The	Fight	Continues:	
	Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway Book Excerpt
Chapter 7
The Tithe In Israel
There are varying beliefs and theological arguments on whether there were one, two or
three tithes in Israel. This chapter examines different tithing practices and will not focus on
the number of tithes. Individual study of the doctrine of one tithe in Israel is a must for
understanding the tithe practices of the Hebrew people. No matter what position you take on
how many tithes, it is important to understand the tithe in Hebrew is always food and never
money. This chapter examines a tithe from agricultural production and another from an
increase in animals (livestock), which came from farmers and herders who tithed based on
Leviticus 27:30-33.
Based on the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE), the view is, “there is an
obvious apparent discrepancy between the legislation in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. It is
harmonized in Jewish [Hebrew] tradition, not only theoretically, but in practice, by considering
the tithes as three different tithes, which are named the first tithe, the second tithe and the
poor tithe, which is called the third tithe.” The ISBE also suggests that all three tithes came
from the original tithe and three separate tithes did not exist. That issue is not a topic of this
chapter, but it is worth individual research because some Jewish historians suggest Israel paid
three different tithes. The orthodox tithe in Israel is often misinterpreted and commuted to
cold hard cash because of a lack of understanding of the history, culture, religious practices
and customs of the Hebrew people.
In Leviticus 27:30 and 32 the Bible clearly defines what is tithed. It says, And all the
tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD’s. It is
holy to the LORD. … 32 And concerning the tithe of the herd or the flock, of whatever passes
under the rod, the tenth one shall be holy to the LORD” (NKJV). Based on the language used
in the ISBE, this tithe is the first tithe or sometimes referred to as the Levitical tithe as detailed
in Numbers chapter 18.
God’s giving instructions to Israel on redeeming people and property included those
who didn’t want to tithe but desired to exchange the tithe for a price. The Hebrew Israelites
kept the tithe but paid money to buyback the tithe with a service fee added. The instructions
Yahweh gave to the Israelites allowed them to redeem (or buyback) the crop tithe but not the
tithe from the herds or flocks as stated in Leviticus 27:33. Even though the verse does not say
who the tithe belongs to, then how would God collect the tithe from the Israelites? Would he
stick his hand out of the heavens to earth and collect the tithe? He said the tithe is holy unto
Him and set apart for His use. To determine who God set apart the tithe for, we need to
further investigate scripture to find out. And to set the record straight, the Bible says the tithe
belongs to the Levites as their inheritance from God. Before the law, no tithe command
existed and all giving fell under the auspices of gratitude or freewill giving. Now when God
speaks to Moses, he commands a tithe as part of the law and introduces a middleman, the
Levites. The tithe Abram gave before the law didn’t come from a pre-law principle but
happened based on customs for the rules of war. Tithing existed long before Abram gave a
tithe to Melchizedek. When God instructs Moses on the tithing laws, He defines what the tithe
is. In Numbers and Deuteronomy, God states to whom and where Israel should tithe. The
context of Leviticus 27:30-33 shows the tithe is land based, which makes Israel an agricultural
economy. Israel had monetary system and never tithed money in a partial agricultural
economy. Author Ron Knot addresses the buyback program in his book, Tithing Fact or
Fiction? He writes, “The tithe was known to be the Lords property while it was still growing in
the field. In Ancient times, the farmer could buy his tithe back from the Lord by paying the
priest 120% of its value in money. The priest in turn, would give the tithe (produce) back to
the farmer and take the money and then buy a replacement tithe. Money was used but never
as a substitute for a tithe. The priests would never present money to the Lord since His tithe
was to be holy to the Him and money was not holy (Leviticus 27:30). It must be remembered,
the biblical definition of a tithe included what the tithe was composed of, which was
agricultural products only.”
We know the tithe is not money based on the Hebrew word for land. The keyword in
Leviticus 27:30 refers to land. The tithe comes from the land. Land in Hebrew is erets
(Strong’s #776). It represents the earth, arable ground or owned land. The land God speaks
of is the land He promised Abram in Genesis 13:17. If God promised Abram land, then how
would God give Abram the land of Canaan that other people occupied? God’s promise fits the
Hebrew meaning because erets also means owned land. It is important to note that tithing
had not started yet in Leviticus because Israel still roamed the wilderness. Leviticus gives
details of the tithe requirements for implementation once they got into the land of Canaan.
Let’s look at Leviticus 27:30-33 with an eye of critical examination. From the scripture,
we can extrapolate that the tithe is agricultural products (seed of the land and fruit of the
tree) and herds and flocks. Now, the scripture does not say 10 percent of the herds or flocks.
It says the tenth animal that passed under the shepherd’s rod is the tithe, not the first tenth
that is common in tithe teachings taught today. The first 10th
of your check goes to God is the
message every time the church doors open, but when examining the scriptures, God never
says that in Leviticus. Since farmers and cattle herders tithed in Israel, make sure you
understand that Yahweh meant what he said about the tenth animal. If a cattle herder had
less than 9 cattle in a birth cycle, whether sheep, bulls, or goats, they did not tithe because
God wanted the tenth animal from the increase not the ninth. Herders tithed only the tenth
animal no matter whether its condition was good or bad. The scripture text accepted the
eleventh animal as a tithe if the herder thought the tenth did not meet the standard. Despite
the condition of the tenth animal, it became the tithe and could not be exchanged for a good
animal because the tenth animal was holy unto the Lord. Israel paid a tithe on an increase and
never on a decrease. For example, if you have nine sheep and during the birth cycle, those
sheep would need to give birth to ten or more calves to tithe on the increase. If you had less
than ten, you did not tithe. When you examine the Jewish Mishnah, which is a compilation of
Jewish oral traditions called the Oral Law, the text reveals that whatsoever is kept watch over,
cultivated, and grows from the soil; whatever is used for food (excluding unclean) is what is
tithed. The tenth sheep, the tenth goat, the tenth bull was the tithe, not ten percent.
Remember if a herdsman had nine cattle, he didn’t tithe because the tenth animal that passed
under the rod belonged to God as the tithe despite its condition.
No one can assume from silence in scripture that a man in Israel tithed a tenth of his
income from making a living, harvesting clams. If he raised walnuts and sold some to the
marketplace, it was not titheable based on the empirical and historical definition of the word
tithe as eatable items. Leviticus chapter 27 focuses on vows. The chapter ends with a critical
introduction to tithing meaning it was not the writer’s intention to lay out a full description of
the tithe laws. The fuller descriptions of the tithe laws are in Numbers and Deuteronomy.
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Some Readers of Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway
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COACH International Ministries
Dave Stewart
St John's Parish Diary for June 2024.pdf
St John's Parish Diary for June 2024.pdfSt John's Parish Diary for June 2024.pdf
St John's Parish Diary for June 2024.pdf
Chris Lyne

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