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Kirti Agarwal Rungta
Started as a hobby, I have always found solace in writing which in a way is an extension to
my thought process. It helps me build more holistic approach to handle situation. I now
professionally help brands leverage from the content I create. Weaving stories around a
brand’s product/service helps brand not only talk to their customers directly but also gauges
the realistic performances of their business goals.
I have always enjoyed weaving new stories, out of ordinary situations. Writing insightful
blogs explaining people’s behaviour, thinking pattern, buyer psychology and analytical pieces
are some of my favourites. The tone, which is an attitude that a story conveys, depends on
the type of content. But most of the times I prefer writing things with optimistic and joyful
Seth Godin, Quick Sprout, Neil Patel, Copy blogger, Both Sides of the Table, Travel Well,
Rand Fishkin, Forbes, New York Times, smashing magazine, KISSmetrics, Hubspot. These
are some of the blog site I admire and get inspirations from a lot. These are mostly marketing
blogs teaching the art of selling and engaging.
Step 1
Step 2
•Working Format
Step 3
• Work Samples
Working Format
Creating engaging and valuable content is just the end of a long exercise. The exercise
involves a lot of research, data collection and most importantly deep understanding of the
What is that we offer?
You would need us
1. If you have an amazing product /service and you want to talk to your consumer to
get their feedback and want to get Inbound Leads through Company’s Blog or
2. If you are a small business seeking to set your voice in the market as a thought
leader with brilliant insights/research on your audience, product and industry to
3. If you are a small business wanting to scale up your business by gaining traction
in the market through engaging content and building strong brand value.
4. If you are struggling aligning your Business Goal with robust Content
Marketing and need some consultation for the same.
What is our working process?
Ours is three step working structure which involves
1. Information Gathering
 Understanding the product/service
 Understanding the USP of the product/service.
 Understanding Business Goal and Objective
 Understanding Customer Demographics
 Understanding Business Challenges
 Understanding the Competition
2. Content Defining
 Aligning Business Goal with Content Objective.
 Content type
 Metrics/Pivots
3. Content Optimization
 SEO, Social Media, Back links, Images
Step 1
Step 2
•Working Format
Step 3
• Work Samples
 Proofreading,Revisions.
Know us more?
I would be glad to take up any of your content plan/marketing related queries at
Phone: +91 998 77 55 258
Even if it means getting some clarity on what to do with content and how to do it, please
don’t hesitate to get in touch.
You can also check my work and can easily reach me on my blog at
-Followed is the set of some of my work samples for your perusal.
Step 1
Step 2
•Working Format
Step 3
• Work Samples
Work Samples
Are you the sales guy with the perfect sales deck ready to showcase the promise your
product makes? Are you pitching about your awesome product around with this sales deck?
DO you also have plans now to use this very deck to email to more clients? Well! you need to
wait and think before you do the same. Here's why?
1. You loose ownership of your deck once it is sent as an email. Emails can get shared with
others without even you knowing about it. It can affect your conversion rates, you still dont
know the demographics of people who has received your deck and whether they can
comprehend things explained in your deck with ease or not.
2. Who's going to clear the doubts? Because the objective of your sales deck is to give a
comprehensive idea about your product, explain the key data and finances and future
prospect of your product it is very important for you to be with the client while he runs
through your deck. In your absence he might feel a little lost with the details and would loose
interest in your offering.
3. You deck has divided attention. How? While your client is very excited to go through your
presentation, he is still a busy man. With phone, message board and other priority things
lingering on his mind and with no obligatory alloted slot for your deck, he might tend to get
distracted with other noises around. This might affect his required focus.
The bottom line is you need to revisit your sales deck and make it pertinent to be emailed.
Here's how how should go about it.
1. Rethink your Objective:
You need to define a very clear objective in mind for your email deck. You need to ask
yourself basic questions like
- Is it a pre meeting teaser?
- Is it a Post meeting Follow Up?
- Is it to introduce your product to the client.
- Is it to explain him the financials
You cant close a deal with this Email deck and identifying the limitation of this deck is very
2. Unclutter:
Remove all other things which doesn't fall in your objective basket. Things which can raise
questions, ambiguity and would require simulations, supportings etc.. to make sense. Like
for a pre meeting teaser only the agenda of the meeting is required with the issues to be
covered to be bulleted. Explanatory stuff is just going to create redundancy.
3. Make it engaging:
Connect and talk with your client through pictorial, graphical representations, images,
examples etc.. to make your deck engaging. Infographics helps to elucidate things more
clearly. Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text . Remember you aim should be
to arrest the attention of your client.
4. One Idea/ Slide: Cut down noise from your presentation, amplify the signal. Your slide
should be free from all the verbal clarification, thats a role you have to play and not your
deck. Thinking?what does that mean? Well the text on each slide. ideally shouldnt be more
than six words, if its more your audience might not be able to absorb it. Use images,
inforgraphics etc.. to convey the rest of the message. An remember "AN EXTRA SLIDE WILL
5. Add Help Text: While you try to make your email deck self explanatory, sparingly used
help text can ease your client's discomfort and can make the objective smooth to
6. Enticing Title Slide: Get away from making a long, generic titles. The title should make
people more curious and intrigued to read through your presentation. e.g " No 1, way to
make your title enticing", the title should promise benefits for eg. "Ten tips to make a
beautiful work protfolio", it should higlight concern e.g "Common mistakes while making a
Sale Pitch Presentation" and last but not the least it should convey the heart of your story.
e.g "How to kill the audience with a "Dabang" Presentation." Also it is very imporatnt to use
large fonts to ensure readabilty from the attachment preview.
7. Have a clear Call To Action: Like every story has an end, every deck should also have a
pivot which dictates the completion of its objective. It should imbibe enthusiasm in your
audience. The call to action should be direct, quick, should have low action barrier and
should highlight benefits. e.g" Sign up for getting regular tips on making winning
presentations." Provide link for the page then and there. " Share this presenation to get free
pass for XYZ event"
8. Make it Self Sufficient: Prepare your presentation in entirety. Don’t wait for second
chance to present another sequel, in order to make sense for the first one. The message
delivered should be clear and complete. Get away from putting extra reference attachment,
downloadable files etc.. it distracts the audience and creates a barrier for smooth
communication. By the end of the deck the client shouldn’t be free from any ambiguity and
should get the objective of your presentation clearly.
9. Rename the file: The name of the file is a very important aspect, think about how the
other person is going to search for the file on his computer. It should be elaborative,
something like a subject line to a letter e.g " XYZ's standards for giving presentations", "XYZ
Ltd. Team Introduction"
10. Metrics: Gauging performance is very important. It gives way for improvisations and
hence can be very productive for the growth. Understanding the behaviour of your audience
is very critical. Information like Read/Unread, Refered/ Not Refered, Time spent on
presentation, Visits, Unique Visits etc.. can be good metrics to understand the effectivemess
of your presentation. And hence it is always a good practice to upload and share hyperlinks
for your deck in the email. This way you save your audience fro the hassle of downloading
heavy files.
These are few elementary things that should be taken care of to initiate the sales cycle for a
qualified prospect. It will lay the foundation of your product story and can turn your prospect
into a lead.
Happy Selling!!
It was one of those times when you subtly try to impress your company by your “out of box”
thinking and end up making fool of yourself, just to make the matter worse this time the
company was too smart to see my attempts inside out and very brutally dismissed it all! But
the good thing that came out of the entire drama was an intriguing discussion on what
exactly is “out of box” thinking. If we are not born with that sort of intellect is there any
scope that we can get it/ learn it from somewhere.
The discussion started with the generic interpretation of intellect, not many of us will deny
that the guy who scored maximum in school exams was the one who was tagged as
“Intellectual” and we complacently believed it. Since then our mind has made this as a boxed
definition, a pattern of what being an “Intellectual” mean.
Second point that was discussed was “When do you practice thinking?” I was anyways not
very comfortable with the question, why the hell do I have to practice thinking it’s just a
means by which you try to sort out your problems, isn’t it? I remember ever since I appended
start ups as my area of interest I am trying to find out problems that my amazing idea can
sort out for people and hence make money from it, I am restlessly trying to excavate
problems just to come out with a good business idea. Although back in my mind the initial
idea behind Twitter did distract me sometimes thinking as to what problem did it sort and
why did it even start. Anyways getting back to the point I answered I practice thinking to
solve a problem. I thought that was the most concise and clear reply I could give for this
question but to my surprise he (company) laughed and declared “I can never think Out of
Box”. Honestly that really hit me considering already I was deeply saddened by the absence
of Chocó brownie on my plate which he ate while I was trying to think.
What I realized is that my mind has boxed thinking as mere “Problem solving technique”, it
may be because we never had Thinking as a subject in our school/college etc… And we
always practiced it while we are on some issue which
1. Needed urgent attention
2. Promised immediate gratification if solved successfully.
So in our day to day practice we try to gather information around the problem and try to
eliminate the patterns which are new to our mind and choose the solution that best fits the
pattern already set in our mind through our past experiences, knowledge or previously
locked assumptions. We very graciously eliminate any new assumption and thus bolt our self
in the existing dominant patterns/boxes. However Thinking in reality has many facet to it,
problem solving is just one plot where we practice it extensively.
In order to make an “Out of Box” statement you have to carve out your own BOX first. We
very often misjudge creativity with randomness/chances but I was surprised to discover
creativity can also be constructively practiced with various design models (Six Thinking
Hats/ CORT method), it involves change in perception, taking risks, provocation. Intellect
lies in this art of finding out your way through this maze. Horizontal thinking implies our
dream stage and vertical stage implies the methodical implementation/execution stage,
design thinking lies in between these stages.
So I guess Twitter was not launched to solve any problem it was launched to experiment one
of these newly designed boxes (different medium of communication) and all the risks paid
off today. As for my restless mind I got some respite in the fact that I can stop identifying
JUST the problem to start and try practicing to carve a NEW BOX.
The tourism statistics in the first quarter and up to MAY’09 as compiled by the Department
of Tourism shows a sharp decline in the industry by a whopping 40-45%.
This depressing situation can either be defended by obvious reasons which every sector
seems to be falling trap to. i.e. Recession or specifically for this sector even Terrorism can
justify the letdown.
These factors did play their parts but are these the only reasons are the
Recently, I happened to run into few students of my age (or may be younger) from London
while returning back from Mumbai, obviously taken back by the fact that most of them have
already explored many parts of the world on their own..(Intention here is not to highlight my
grief and envy for these not so qualified tyros, who happened to look more contended to me,
thanks to Indian technocrats burning midnight oil to work for them) but to highlight
RECESSION couldn’t be a major reason to hamper tourism in India, cost
affordability is high for them.
So, these students looked perplexed regarding their itinerary, as they had nothing to keep
this confusion at bay. Call it their ignorance or impetuosity they were holding onto a book,
INDIAN TRAVEL DESTINATION (travel guide) to guide them (Was really surprised by their
At the same time I was feeling sorry for the sad state of administration and management
here to capitalize on such customers they could cater and give life to their tumbling balance
Moreover, the escalating cases of robbery, molestation against these visitors have added fuel
to the problem. Ugly incidents of rape, sledging, bluffing gives hard time to these holidaying
tourists to trust in our law and order system. Tourism police seems to be mourning with our
belligerent politicians on the recent issue of the latter’s security. After all they are big assets
we can’t afford to loose.
According to Tourism Statistics India, tally of domestic tourists is almost four
hundred times more than the international tourist, which clearly shows that the
scope of growth for tourism industry is wide if exploited optimally and efficiently.
Anyways coming back to those students, Out of many doubts befuddling my mind about
what could/should be done to tackle this problem, one thing that propped out in my mind
instantaneously was, why do we have only four to five tourism trains in India?Let
me take you through some of the statistics on one of the most celebrated tourism train
called Palace on Wheels.
Palace on Wheels
India’s first luxury train started in 1982 on 26th of January.
Concept derived from the royal background of the coaches, originally meant to be the
personal railway coaches of the erstwhile rulers of the princely states of
the Nizam of Hyderabad
And the Viceroy of British India.
Route followed
Eight day journey
Departs from New Delhi
travels around Rajasthan with stops in Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Sawai Madhopur,
Chittaurgarh, Udaipur, Bharatpur, and Agra.
Facilities and capacity
52 rooms, allocated to single, double and Triple occupancies
104 passengers in fully booked tour.
Occupancy Type (Lean Season)
September ’09 to April ’10
Single Occupancy US $ 500.00 Us $ 670.00
Double Occupancy US $ 375.00 Us $ 500.00
Triple Occupancy US $ 340.00 Us $ 450.00
This excludes tariffs and taxes.
So, the average cost comes out to be around Rs.3500-4000 for eight days of
bliss and royal treatment. This not only serves the purpose of luring the customers but
satiates the inquisitiveness of visitors for our rich culture and heritage and saves them from
all the confusions and doubts, which sometime curtails them to take a plunge.
Can’t we come up with more of these ventures to tap the market instead of brooding over ill
fate and covering our limitations with macro issues?
These grass root reforms require commitment not just from people in the authority but also
from people like us, to come out with interesting strategies and plans to make it happen. If
those students can dare to enjoy on their convictions why can’t we!
From idea to prototype!
Ever wondered how to take your idea from ideation to execution, here is a chance for you to
get a hands-on at this exercise. Startup Garage, a two day weekend workshop focused at
taking an idea from validation grill to a working demo is scheduled to be held in Mumbai 18-
19th June 2011, Bangalore 25-26th June 2011 and Pune 2nd-3rd July 2011.
50 startup enthusiasts based on their experience and zeal to work on new ideas will be
shortlisted from the exhaustive list of applications. Ideas from the internet consumer market
are invited and will be selected by the panel based on the market opportunity and feasibility
of execution during the two days of the event. After the pitching and validation teams will be
formed around those ideas to work on further substantiation and development of a working
Participants will include a good mix of people from diverse background that includes
technical developers, designers and business developers. The workshop also promises two
day long interaction session with mentors; these are invited guests who are successfully
running their startups in various domains. The motto is to learn while you actually create
stuff unlike the normal lecture sessions. These mentors will work with teams throughout the
event to finally build a prototype of the idea. The final day will see a launch of all the
developed demos in front of eminent panelist.
Startup Garage conducted its first workshop in Pune from 29th April 2011- 1st May 2011 at
MIT. This time Startup Garage is held in support with Mentor Edge (IIM, Ahmedabad) as
event partner and ET Now as its media partner.
So in case you are looking for a workshop to not just work on cool ideas but also to meet
interesting people and leverage from the experience of eminent mentors don’t give even give
it a second thought and register for the workshop at earliest. To know more about the
workshop Click here.
Also, follow them on FB and Twitter
Alchemy of Desire
Unlike many books I have read where I tend to develop a consistent sense of liking or
disliking for the book and the protagonist/subject it talks about, I have had a surreal love
hate relationship with this book. When I started of, the first three pages made me feel
disgusted with the selfishness and unreasoned honesty of the character. The cursory
transition from an incestuous relationship he shared with his girlfriend, seeking peace and
pleasure in her body in times of extreme disgust or exhilarating achievements, to just a
perfunctory act made me question his sensibilities and existence of anything real in life. I got
harrowed with the justification given for such acts. Though the book discussed the alchemy
with utmost honesty and elaborative/seductive/erotic plots, the uncertainty in behavior,
attitude, feelings, acts it uncovered at times made me feel helpless and announced the act of
controlling things/situations futile. Just when I summoned the theory it advocated, the
youthful and crude description by which he weaved the vivid heuristic assumptions we make
for ourselves and world around us took me by an awe, I wanted to critique each one of it but
I just couldn’t. I would like to share couple of notes I made from this book
“Each one thought his self-worth was directly proportional to the number of people who
read him. It had little to do how much you knew or how good you really were- things
outside of yourself determining your sense of yourself.”
”The universal law of men, you are not what you see reflected in the mirror you are who
you see shining in other men’s eye.”
“Petty success is a disaster.”
“My life was a lie and I couldn’t suspend disbelief forever”.
“When lovers bare their bodies they have sex, When lovers bare their souls they taste
“It [Mahabharata] understands the world is powered by desire, and that desire is an
unknowable thing. Desire conjures death, destruction, distress. But also creates love,
beauty, art. It is our greatest undoing and the only reason for all doing. And doing is life,
doing is karma.”
“Desire is a wonderfully promiscuous thing, but when it is trapped in monogamy it cannot
survive without love”
I can go on forever here but I would rather let you read this book to understand it better. My
takeaway would be “Immortality is farce, the sooner we understand it the better it will be for
us to calm down our ever rattling mind.”

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Content Marketing 101 (and how to write a kick ass blog post)Content Marketing 101 (and how to write a kick ass blog post)
Content Marketing 101 (and how to write a kick ass blog post)
Content marketing Guide & Tips for Affiliate marketer & content Writter
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How to write a blog?

Kirti Agarwal Rungta- Final Portfolio

  • 2. INTRODUCTION NAME KIRTI AGARWAL RUNGTA EDUCATION B.TECH, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PAST WORK EXPERIENCES ACCENTURE TECH. (.NET, SQL, HTML, CSS) SHOP SOCIALLY (CONTENT WRITING, SOCIAL MEDIA CONSUMER ANALYSIS) SOKRATI (DIGITAL ADVERTISING AGENCY ( FACEBOOK MARKERTING, SEO )) SKILLS ANALYZING DATA, COLLABORATING IDEAS, CREATIVE THINKING, SELLING WRITING SKILL INTEREST Started as a hobby, I have always found solace in writing which in a way is an extension to my thought process. It helps me build more holistic approach to handle situation. I now professionally help brands leverage from the content I create. Weaving stories around a brand’s product/service helps brand not only talk to their customers directly but also gauges the realistic performances of their business goals. STYLE AND TONE I have always enjoyed weaving new stories, out of ordinary situations. Writing insightful blogs explaining people’s behaviour, thinking pattern, buyer psychology and analytical pieces are some of my favourites. The tone, which is an attitude that a story conveys, depends on the type of content. But most of the times I prefer writing things with optimistic and joyful tone. BLOGS I FOLLOW Seth Godin, Quick Sprout, Neil Patel, Copy blogger, Both Sides of the Table, Travel Well, Rand Fishkin, Forbes, New York Times, smashing magazine, KISSmetrics, Hubspot. These are some of the blog site I admire and get inspirations from a lot. These are mostly marketing blogs teaching the art of selling and engaging. Step 1 •Introduction Step 2 •Working Format Step 3 • Work Samples
  • 3. Working Format Creating engaging and valuable content is just the end of a long exercise. The exercise involves a lot of research, data collection and most importantly deep understanding of the businesses. What is that we offer? You would need us 1. If you have an amazing product /service and you want to talk to your consumer to get their feedback and want to get Inbound Leads through Company’s Blog or website. 2. If you are a small business seeking to set your voice in the market as a thought leader with brilliant insights/research on your audience, product and industry to share. 3. If you are a small business wanting to scale up your business by gaining traction in the market through engaging content and building strong brand value. 4. If you are struggling aligning your Business Goal with robust Content Marketing and need some consultation for the same. What is our working process? Ours is three step working structure which involves 1. Information Gathering  Understanding the product/service  Understanding the USP of the product/service.  Understanding Business Goal and Objective  Understanding Customer Demographics  Understanding Business Challenges  Understanding the Competition 2. Content Defining  Aligning Business Goal with Content Objective.  Content type  Metrics/Pivots 3. Content Optimization  SEO, Social Media, Back links, Images Step 1 •Introduction Step 2 •Working Format Step 3 • Work Samples
  • 4.  Proofreading,Revisions. Know us more? I would be glad to take up any of your content plan/marketing related queries at Email: Phone: +91 998 77 55 258 Even if it means getting some clarity on what to do with content and how to do it, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can also check my work and can easily reach me on my blog at -Followed is the set of some of my work samples for your perusal.
  • 5. Clients Step 1 •Introduction Step 2 •Working Format Step 3 • Work Samples
  • 6. Work Samples CLIENT: DECK ROOSTER (A PRESENTATION DESIGN COMPANY). CONTENT OBJECTIVE: TO EDUCATE MASSES ON MAKING SALES PRESENTATION FOR EMAILS CONTENT TYPE: BLOG TONE: INFORMATIVE, SERIOUS TOP TEN THINGS TO TURN AROUND YOUR SALES DECK INTO A PERFECT EMAIL. Are you the sales guy with the perfect sales deck ready to showcase the promise your product makes? Are you pitching about your awesome product around with this sales deck? DO you also have plans now to use this very deck to email to more clients? Well! you need to wait and think before you do the same. Here's why? 1. You loose ownership of your deck once it is sent as an email. Emails can get shared with others without even you knowing about it. It can affect your conversion rates, you still dont know the demographics of people who has received your deck and whether they can comprehend things explained in your deck with ease or not. 2. Who's going to clear the doubts? Because the objective of your sales deck is to give a comprehensive idea about your product, explain the key data and finances and future prospect of your product it is very important for you to be with the client while he runs through your deck. In your absence he might feel a little lost with the details and would loose interest in your offering. 3. You deck has divided attention. How? While your client is very excited to go through your presentation, he is still a busy man. With phone, message board and other priority things lingering on his mind and with no obligatory alloted slot for your deck, he might tend to get distracted with other noises around. This might affect his required focus. The bottom line is you need to revisit your sales deck and make it pertinent to be emailed. Here's how how should go about it. 1. Rethink your Objective: You need to define a very clear objective in mind for your email deck. You need to ask yourself basic questions like - Is it a pre meeting teaser? - Is it a Post meeting Follow Up? - Is it to introduce your product to the client. - Is it to explain him the financials
  • 7. You cant close a deal with this Email deck and identifying the limitation of this deck is very important. 2. Unclutter: Remove all other things which doesn't fall in your objective basket. Things which can raise questions, ambiguity and would require simulations, supportings etc.. to make sense. Like for a pre meeting teaser only the agenda of the meeting is required with the issues to be covered to be bulleted. Explanatory stuff is just going to create redundancy. 3. Make it engaging: Connect and talk with your client through pictorial, graphical representations, images, examples etc.. to make your deck engaging. Infographics helps to elucidate things more clearly. Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text . Remember you aim should be to arrest the attention of your client. 4. One Idea/ Slide: Cut down noise from your presentation, amplify the signal. Your slide should be free from all the verbal clarification, thats a role you have to play and not your deck. Thinking?what does that mean? Well the text on each slide. ideally shouldnt be more than six words, if its more your audience might not be able to absorb it. Use images, inforgraphics etc.. to convey the rest of the message. An remember "AN EXTRA SLIDE WILL COST YOU NOTHING" 5. Add Help Text: While you try to make your email deck self explanatory, sparingly used help text can ease your client's discomfort and can make the objective smooth to comprehend. 6. Enticing Title Slide: Get away from making a long, generic titles. The title should make people more curious and intrigued to read through your presentation. e.g " No 1, way to make your title enticing", the title should promise benefits for eg. "Ten tips to make a beautiful work protfolio", it should higlight concern e.g "Common mistakes while making a Sale Pitch Presentation" and last but not the least it should convey the heart of your story. e.g "How to kill the audience with a "Dabang" Presentation." Also it is very imporatnt to use large fonts to ensure readabilty from the attachment preview. 7. Have a clear Call To Action: Like every story has an end, every deck should also have a pivot which dictates the completion of its objective. It should imbibe enthusiasm in your audience. The call to action should be direct, quick, should have low action barrier and should highlight benefits. e.g" Sign up for getting regular tips on making winning presentations." Provide link for the page then and there. " Share this presenation to get free pass for XYZ event" 8. Make it Self Sufficient: Prepare your presentation in entirety. Don’t wait for second chance to present another sequel, in order to make sense for the first one. The message delivered should be clear and complete. Get away from putting extra reference attachment, downloadable files etc.. it distracts the audience and creates a barrier for smooth communication. By the end of the deck the client shouldn’t be free from any ambiguity and should get the objective of your presentation clearly. 9. Rename the file: The name of the file is a very important aspect, think about how the
  • 8. other person is going to search for the file on his computer. It should be elaborative, something like a subject line to a letter e.g " XYZ's standards for giving presentations", "XYZ Ltd. Team Introduction" 10. Metrics: Gauging performance is very important. It gives way for improvisations and hence can be very productive for the growth. Understanding the behaviour of your audience is very critical. Information like Read/Unread, Refered/ Not Refered, Time spent on presentation, Visits, Unique Visits etc.. can be good metrics to understand the effectivemess of your presentation. And hence it is always a good practice to upload and share hyperlinks for your deck in the email. This way you save your audience fro the hassle of downloading heavy files. These are few elementary things that should be taken care of to initiate the sales cycle for a qualified prospect. It will lay the foundation of your product story and can turn your prospect into a lead. Happy Selling!!
  • 9. PORTAL: WORDPRESS.COM PROBLEM: INSIGHTS CONTENT OBJECTIVE: POTRAY “DISCUSSION INSIGHTS” THROUGH A BLOG CONTENT TYPE: BLOG/ARTICLE TONE: SUBTLE, CASUAL THERE IS NOTHING AS “OUT OF BOX” THINKING! It was one of those times when you subtly try to impress your company by your “out of box” thinking and end up making fool of yourself, just to make the matter worse this time the company was too smart to see my attempts inside out and very brutally dismissed it all! But the good thing that came out of the entire drama was an intriguing discussion on what exactly is “out of box” thinking. If we are not born with that sort of intellect is there any scope that we can get it/ learn it from somewhere. The discussion started with the generic interpretation of intellect, not many of us will deny that the guy who scored maximum in school exams was the one who was tagged as “Intellectual” and we complacently believed it. Since then our mind has made this as a boxed definition, a pattern of what being an “Intellectual” mean. Second point that was discussed was “When do you practice thinking?” I was anyways not very comfortable with the question, why the hell do I have to practice thinking it’s just a means by which you try to sort out your problems, isn’t it? I remember ever since I appended start ups as my area of interest I am trying to find out problems that my amazing idea can sort out for people and hence make money from it, I am restlessly trying to excavate problems just to come out with a good business idea. Although back in my mind the initial idea behind Twitter did distract me sometimes thinking as to what problem did it sort and why did it even start. Anyways getting back to the point I answered I practice thinking to solve a problem. I thought that was the most concise and clear reply I could give for this question but to my surprise he (company) laughed and declared “I can never think Out of Box”. Honestly that really hit me considering already I was deeply saddened by the absence of Chocó brownie on my plate which he ate while I was trying to think. What I realized is that my mind has boxed thinking as mere “Problem solving technique”, it may be because we never had Thinking as a subject in our school/college etc… And we always practiced it while we are on some issue which 1. Needed urgent attention
  • 10. 2. Promised immediate gratification if solved successfully. So in our day to day practice we try to gather information around the problem and try to eliminate the patterns which are new to our mind and choose the solution that best fits the pattern already set in our mind through our past experiences, knowledge or previously locked assumptions. We very graciously eliminate any new assumption and thus bolt our self in the existing dominant patterns/boxes. However Thinking in reality has many facet to it, problem solving is just one plot where we practice it extensively. In order to make an “Out of Box” statement you have to carve out your own BOX first. We very often misjudge creativity with randomness/chances but I was surprised to discover creativity can also be constructively practiced with various design models (Six Thinking Hats/ CORT method), it involves change in perception, taking risks, provocation. Intellect lies in this art of finding out your way through this maze. Horizontal thinking implies our dream stage and vertical stage implies the methodical implementation/execution stage, design thinking lies in between these stages. So I guess Twitter was not launched to solve any problem it was launched to experiment one of these newly designed boxes (different medium of communication) and all the risks paid off today. As for my restless mind I got some respite in the fact that I can stop identifying JUST the problem to start and try practicing to carve a NEW BOX.
  • 11. CLIENT: TRAK.IN BUSINESS PROBLEM: DECLINING TOURISM STATS CONTENT OBJECTIVE: INFORM THE AUDIENCE ABOUT CURRENT STATE AND INTRODUCE ATTRACTIVE PACKAGES. CONTENT TYPE: BLOG/ARTICLE TONE: INFORMATIVE, SERIOUS INDIAN TOURISM INDUSTRY ON A DOWNWARD TREND ? The tourism statistics in the first quarter and up to MAY’09 as compiled by the Department of Tourism shows a sharp decline in the industry by a whopping 40-45%. This depressing situation can either be defended by obvious reasons which every sector seems to be falling trap to. i.e. Recession or specifically for this sector even Terrorism can justify the letdown. These factors did play their parts but are these the only reasons are the question? Recently, I happened to run into few students of my age (or may be younger) from London while returning back from Mumbai, obviously taken back by the fact that most of them have already explored many parts of the world on their own..(Intention here is not to highlight my grief and envy for these not so qualified tyros, who happened to look more contended to me, thanks to Indian technocrats burning midnight oil to work for them) but to highlight RECESSION couldn’t be a major reason to hamper tourism in India, cost affordability is high for them. So, these students looked perplexed regarding their itinerary, as they had nothing to keep this confusion at bay. Call it their ignorance or impetuosity they were holding onto a book, INDIAN TRAVEL DESTINATION (travel guide) to guide them (Was really surprised by their inquisitiveness) At the same time I was feeling sorry for the sad state of administration and management here to capitalize on such customers they could cater and give life to their tumbling balance sheets. Moreover, the escalating cases of robbery, molestation against these visitors have added fuel to the problem. Ugly incidents of rape, sledging, bluffing gives hard time to these holidaying tourists to trust in our law and order system. Tourism police seems to be mourning with our belligerent politicians on the recent issue of the latter’s security. After all they are big assets we can’t afford to loose. According to Tourism Statistics India, tally of domestic tourists is almost four hundred times more than the international tourist, which clearly shows that the scope of growth for tourism industry is wide if exploited optimally and efficiently. Anyways coming back to those students, Out of many doubts befuddling my mind about what could/should be done to tackle this problem, one thing that propped out in my mind instantaneously was, why do we have only four to five tourism trains in India?Let me take you through some of the statistics on one of the most celebrated tourism train called Palace on Wheels. Palace on Wheels
  • 12. India’s first luxury train started in 1982 on 26th of January. Concept derived from the royal background of the coaches, originally meant to be the personal railway coaches of the erstwhile rulers of the princely states of Rajputana Gujarat the Nizam of Hyderabad And the Viceroy of British India. Route followed Eight day journey Departs from New Delhi travels around Rajasthan with stops in Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Sawai Madhopur, Chittaurgarh, Udaipur, Bharatpur, and Agra. Facilities and capacity 52 rooms, allocated to single, double and Triple occupancies 104 passengers in fully booked tour. PALACE ON WHEELS TARIFF (PER PERSON, PER NIGHT) Occupancy Type (Lean Season) August’09 September ’09 to April ’10 Single Occupancy US $ 500.00 Us $ 670.00 Double Occupancy US $ 375.00 Us $ 500.00 Triple Occupancy US $ 340.00 Us $ 450.00 This excludes tariffs and taxes. So, the average cost comes out to be around Rs.3500-4000 for eight days of bliss and royal treatment. This not only serves the purpose of luring the customers but satiates the inquisitiveness of visitors for our rich culture and heritage and saves them from all the confusions and doubts, which sometime curtails them to take a plunge. Can’t we come up with more of these ventures to tap the market instead of brooding over ill fate and covering our limitations with macro issues? These grass root reforms require commitment not just from people in the authority but also from people like us, to come out with interesting strategies and plans to make it happen. If those students can dare to enjoy on their convictions why can’t we!
  • 13. CLIENT: START UP GARAGE (ENTREPRENEURSHIP WORKSHOP EVENT) CONTENT OBJECTIVE: PROMOTIONAL PRESS RELEASE OF THE EVENT CONTENT TYPE: PR RELEASE FOR ET NOW. TONE: INFORMATIVE, RESPONSIVE From idea to prototype! Ever wondered how to take your idea from ideation to execution, here is a chance for you to get a hands-on at this exercise. Startup Garage, a two day weekend workshop focused at taking an idea from validation grill to a working demo is scheduled to be held in Mumbai 18- 19th June 2011, Bangalore 25-26th June 2011 and Pune 2nd-3rd July 2011. 50 startup enthusiasts based on their experience and zeal to work on new ideas will be shortlisted from the exhaustive list of applications. Ideas from the internet consumer market are invited and will be selected by the panel based on the market opportunity and feasibility of execution during the two days of the event. After the pitching and validation teams will be formed around those ideas to work on further substantiation and development of a working demo. Participants will include a good mix of people from diverse background that includes technical developers, designers and business developers. The workshop also promises two day long interaction session with mentors; these are invited guests who are successfully running their startups in various domains. The motto is to learn while you actually create stuff unlike the normal lecture sessions. These mentors will work with teams throughout the event to finally build a prototype of the idea. The final day will see a launch of all the developed demos in front of eminent panelist. Startup Garage conducted its first workshop in Pune from 29th April 2011- 1st May 2011 at MIT. This time Startup Garage is held in support with Mentor Edge (IIM, Ahmedabad) as event partner and ET Now as its media partner. So in case you are looking for a workshop to not just work on cool ideas but also to meet interesting people and leverage from the experience of eminent mentors don’t give even give it a second thought and register for the workshop at earliest. To know more about the workshop Click here. Also, follow them on FB and Twitter
  • 14. CLIENT: GOOD READS CONTENT OBJECTIVE: BOOK REVIEW CONTENT TYPE: TEXT REVIEW TONE: ACKNOWLEDGING, ODIC Alchemy of Desire Unlike many books I have read where I tend to develop a consistent sense of liking or disliking for the book and the protagonist/subject it talks about, I have had a surreal love hate relationship with this book. When I started of, the first three pages made me feel disgusted with the selfishness and unreasoned honesty of the character. The cursory transition from an incestuous relationship he shared with his girlfriend, seeking peace and pleasure in her body in times of extreme disgust or exhilarating achievements, to just a perfunctory act made me question his sensibilities and existence of anything real in life. I got harrowed with the justification given for such acts. Though the book discussed the alchemy with utmost honesty and elaborative/seductive/erotic plots, the uncertainty in behavior, attitude, feelings, acts it uncovered at times made me feel helpless and announced the act of controlling things/situations futile. Just when I summoned the theory it advocated, the youthful and crude description by which he weaved the vivid heuristic assumptions we make for ourselves and world around us took me by an awe, I wanted to critique each one of it but I just couldn’t. I would like to share couple of notes I made from this book “Each one thought his self-worth was directly proportional to the number of people who read him. It had little to do how much you knew or how good you really were- things outside of yourself determining your sense of yourself.” ”The universal law of men, you are not what you see reflected in the mirror you are who you see shining in other men’s eye.” “Petty success is a disaster.” “My life was a lie and I couldn’t suspend disbelief forever”. “When lovers bare their bodies they have sex, When lovers bare their souls they taste Godhead’ “It [Mahabharata] understands the world is powered by desire, and that desire is an unknowable thing. Desire conjures death, destruction, distress. But also creates love, beauty, art. It is our greatest undoing and the only reason for all doing. And doing is life, doing is karma.”
  • 15. “Desire is a wonderfully promiscuous thing, but when it is trapped in monogamy it cannot survive without love” I can go on forever here but I would rather let you read this book to understand it better. My takeaway would be “Immortality is farce, the sooner we understand it the better it will be for us to calm down our ever rattling mind.”