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Traditional bread is in your diet and contains a hidden compound that makes it
almost impossible to burn fat and lose weight!
There are few foods that are more comforting and more enjoyable than bread ... Whether it's
a hot piece of focaccia soaked in olive oil .. a sandwich on a chewy baguette ... a lightning
croissant ... or even the simplest slice of toast with butter ..
Just thinking about these foods makes your mouth water!
And the happy "intoxication" you experience when you eat bread is real.
` In fact, it could be said that bread is the original food addiction.
Traditional bread produces compounds called gluteo morphine . And, as their name suggests,
these compounds engage opioid receptors in the brain - the same receptors triggered by drugs such
as morphine and heroin.
Very similar compounds, called Caso morphins , are found in cheese.
This would definitely explain the euphoria of the pleasure you feel when you bite into a slice
of pizza crust with melted cheese!
And just to make sure you keep coming back for more - the increase in blood sugar you get
from high-carb bread raises dopamine - the "neurochemical craving" from which the word "drug"
So , it is not logical to say
that ... Bread is a medicine that
causes a repetitive cycle of cravings -
for more bread!
Our love story with
comforting (and captivating) bread is
as old as recorded history ...
The Bible practically
commands the followers to eat it: "
Give us this day our daily bread ..."
It was so revered in ancient
Greece that the rest of the meal was
called opson - meaning "spice" or
accompanying bread.
However, that fuzzy glow you
feel when you bite into a slice of
warm bread is short-lived.
And, unfortunately ...
Those few moments of toasted
happiness have a heavy price
The well- known cardiologist, Dr.
William Davis, calls wheat " perfect chronic
And for a poison, we definitely eat a
lot of it. The average American consumes 55
pounds of wheat flour every year - making
refined flour the number one source of calories in the American diet ! See
more here
Functional nutrition expert Chris Kresserdescribes this as "a public health catastrophe ”.
And it's one you've probably experienced directly ...
Eating traditional bread can cause a number of symptoms. It may make you feel slow and
foggy. Or cause you to gain unsightly fat on your stomach, buttocks and thighs ... while packing
deadly visceral fat in around the internal organs.
And part of the reason is because ...
You know how important it is to keep your blood sugar stable ...
The rapid rise in blood sugar and insulin promotes a cascade of inflammation and oxidation.
Triggering these forces again and again dramatically increases the risk of cancer,
Alzheimer's, heart disease, fatty liver, diabetes, macular degeneration, physical aging (wrinkles) and
And did you know that wheat - including so-called "healthy" whole wheat, raises your blood
sugar more than almost any other food ... even when you eat the same amount of carbohydrates?
This is because 75% of the carbohydrates in wheat are in the form of amylopectin A.
his compound is unique due to the speed with which it is converted into glucose.
According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , eating just
two slices of whole wheat bread raises your blood sugar more than eating a can of soda, eating
candy, or helping six teaspoons of table sugar!
And if the threat of diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome is not enough ... the
damage that traditional bread can do in the gut should make you think hard before you grease your
next cookie!
Unfortunately, however, there is a BIG misconception about bread and gut.
And it cost millions of people their health and pleasure in life ...
Don't be fooled by this common (and deadly) thing about bread…
You are probably familiar with celiac disease. It is the most serious - and often life-
threatening - sensitivity to gluten-containing cereals.
Many who suffer from this condition cannot eat even the slightest spot of wheat without
severe digestive pain ... and other embarrassing symptoms. Other diseases, such as Crohn's and
inflammatory bowel disease, also lead to debilitating cramps, bloating and other digestive ailments
when wheat is consumed.
This leads many people to believe that as long as you can eat bread without belly problems -
then you need to be clear ... without harm!
Don't be fooled by this dangerous myth!
The truth is that almost 50% of newly diagnosed celiac patients have no digestive symptoms!
See more here
In other words, half of
people who are EXTREMELY
sensitive to wheat can still
consume it without the typical
"stomach problems".
Even if you feel "good"
after eating bread, each bite
causes silent damage to your gut
- and quietly sets you up for
serious illness!
Dr. Alessio Fasano is a
professor of medicine and a
distinguished researcher, with
more than 240 peer-review
papers in his credit.
C esearch its - in addition
to dozens of scientists from
around the world - shows that wheat causes chronic inflammation of the intestine. The compounds
inside it can also directly affect any tissue in your body.
And you don't need a certain genetics for damage to occur ...
It happens to EVERYONE who consumes it!
Of course, the inflammatory protein we call " gluten" is partly to blame.
In fact, the New England Journal of Medicine lists 55 conditions that can be caused by
gluten - ranging from as "benign" as canker sores to serious diseases like cancer! [3]
But gluten is only a FRACTION of the story, because ...
A study published in Plant Physiology shows that modern wheat is able to produce at least
23,788 unique proteins - and any of these can trigger an inflammatory response.
This is why some people react severely to wheat - but do NOT react to gluten (even in high
The most dangerous wheat proteins are known as lectins - the primary compounds used by
plants to protect themselves from insects, bacteria ... and YOU!
Lectins are actually designed to poison you. In fact, the poison known as ricin - deadly in
small amounts of half a grain of sand - is a lectin.
Of course, most lectins won't kill you overnight ... but they can make you VERY sick over
Among the most dangerous is wheat germ agglutinin (WGA).
It can exert these effects in minimal concentrates - and only one grain of wheat contains 16.7
trillion molecules of this toxic compound!
Just imagine the dose you receive when you eat bread at almost every meal. And don't
forget ... the highest concentrations are found in whole and sprouted grains that are supposed to be
"healthy". And if that's not enough, WGA is also the reason. ..
Why it is almost impossible to burn fat and lose weight when you eat bread!
You've probably heard of insulin as a "fat storage hormone."
C hen insulin and glucose levels are high, storing fat increases and burning fat stops!
Therefore , traditional bread with high blood glucose is so effective to make GRAS!
But it also gets WORSE, because ... see more here
Studies show that wheat germ agglutinin is a "dead sound" for insulin. [16]
In fact, a report in The American Journal of Physiology shows that WGA binds directly to
insulin receptors - which increases fat storage and blocks your ability to burn stored fat! [17]
And this is not the only way this killer bread compound interrupts your hormonal function ...
WGA also blocks the hormone leptin.
Leptin is extremely important when it comes to appetite and weight. It's the molecule that
tells your brain when it's time to eat ... and when you're tired.
Can you imagine what happens to your body when your "signal to eat" is broken?
So, WGA is not only toxic to almost every cell in your body, but it can also make you FAT
and prevent you from losing extra pounds!
It kind of makes you think
twice about traditional bread,
doesn't it?
Well, don't worry,
because you're about to find out
How can you
actually take your bread ... AND
be well too!
But first, it's
important to understand what
lectins do with GUT ...
Because that has caused nearly 50 million Americans - and millions more worldwide - to
become disabling!
Lectins are often described as "sticky" molecules. They use this property to bind to cell
membranes ... especially the cells that cover your intestines.
This can interfere with digestion. But it also causes chronic inflammation
The lining of the intestine is extremely sensitive
So sensitive that it is slightly damaged every time you eat (even when choosing the
healthiest foods). Normally, the damage is repaired quickly and the lining of the intestine is
regenerated with new cells.
D lectins slow down vital regeneration to a crawl ...
By attaching to the intestinal wall, they prevent cells from regenerating fast enough to keep
your intestinal mucosa intact.
But I don't just slow down the repair, because ...
Lectins are designed to attack your gut!
Sticky lectins embed in the intestinal wall and separate the "tight junctions" between the
This ignites the flames of inflammation (even if you do not notice any discomfort). So,
lectins not only cause a fire in your stomach ... but also prevent repair and regeneration.
I'm like an arsonist who sets a building on fire ... and then blocks the road so firefighters
can't put out the fire!
And let me tell you ... Why is that Bread-Eaten Belly Flame so dangerous ?
When your gut is healthy, beneficial nutrients easily pass through ... While bacteria, viruses,
yeasts, allergenic proteins and pieces of undigested food are blocked from entering the bloodstream.
But when the critical intestinal barrier is inflamed - and the "tight junctions" are removed -
the harmful substances drain from the digestive system into the blood.
What And once these compounds are in your blood, they can wreak havoc on every aspect
of your health! This dangerous condition is called "leaky gut". The most confusing part of the gut
with leaks is that many symptoms of this serious digestive disorder have NOTHING to do with
abdominal discomfort or "stomach problems"… Given all these (apparently) unrelated symptoms -
and there may be MANY more - it is easy to see why so many sufferers are undiagnosed. Unwanted
substances that drain from the digestive tract into the blood promote constant inflammation - the
cornerstone of the disease.
But what makes the immune system could be worse!
P is as pathogens, proteins and particles of undigested foods leak into the blood, your
immune system launches an attack against the invading "foreigners."
This dramatically increases the number and severity of food allergies, intolerances and
seasonal allergies that you may encounter. And it is the main cause of the modern allergy epidemic.
Your immune system is not designed to engage in an endless war. Constant hypervigilance
has a negative effect. As your overtaxed system becomes weaker, you become more susceptible to
disease and infection. But a weaker immune system could be the least of your problems ...
What happens when your own body turns against you?
see more here
Your immune system has incredible power to destroy tissues and cells . That's how it
protects you. But you want this defensive weapon to be aimed at the enemy ...
You do NOT want the weapon pointed at YOU!
And that's exactly what happens when your immune system is "triggered" by every bite of
food you eat. Constantly over-stimulated, he loses his ability to recognize the "self" from the "non-
Instead of destroying foreign invaders, it makes war on healthy tissues and organs. Your own
body begins to attack your colon ... your thyroid ... your joints ... your nervous system ... and even
your brain!
There are more than 100 different autoimmune conditions and the number of people affected
right now is staggering!
According to the American Autoimmune Association, 50 million Americans suffer from at
least one of these conditions. This is almost one in five people in the US (plus 100 million more
Autoimmune disease is one of the top 10 causes of death in women under the age of 65. And
it can be incredibly debilitating before it kills you.
Revealing symptoms
A crushing fatigue and
Chronic joint, muscle and
bone pain
Headache , brain fog and
poor concentration
Insomnia, mood swings,
anxiety and depression
Digestive problems ... skin
problems ... sinus infections
This is truly an epidemic!
But not all is bad news
today ... And I have BIG news!
In many cases, the leaky gut, autoimmune diseases and a number of diet-related conditions
can be reversed . And they can always be prevented , because ...
The cause (and healing) begins with the food on the plate!
However, if you think this means replacing traditional bread with commercial gluten-free
varieties (or many of the recipes you see online ) please reconsider, because ...
ajoritatea gluten-free bread (and cereals, biscuits, cookies and other snacks) using ingredients that
are not much better - or worse - than those prepared with wheat! Like other processed foods, they
usually contain chemical preservatives, soy protein, dough balms, inflammatory seed oils, corn
syrup and rice ... and often GMOs.
And, in most cases, they also contain LECTINS!
If gluten-free bread contains flour made from rice, corn, beans, buckwheat, barley, rye, teff
or quinoa - then it is LOADED with lectins that pierce the intestines that you need to avoid!
Some are even more dangerous than wheat lectins. This means that your favorite gluten-free
bread could cause the same health problems as traditional bread.
And that's not all, because ...
Most gluten-free products will raise
your blood sugar
Instead of wheat, most
gluten-free products and recipes use
flour and starch with glycemic
values that are not at the top!
Many of these ingredients
increase blood sugar faster and
more than the wheat itself!
It's no surprise that most
people actually gain weight on a
“gluten-free” diet! In fact, a study
published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found that 81% of people on a gluten-free
diet weigh more at the end of two years! But this is not the only reason to avoid these foods.
You should also know that ... Some gluten-free products contain
90 times more arsenic than the EPA allows for drinking water!
Chronic arsenic exposure can lead to headaches, fatigue, brain fog and digestive problems ...
not to mention heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
And it can happen at VERY SMALL levels!
A rsenicul is a poison dangerous . And that's why you should "Say No" to rice flour and rice
syrup - which are common ingredients on the gluten-free aisle!
Rice plants use silica to strengthen their stems.
But arsenic "looks" like plant silica, so it's easily extracted from the soil. And it can be a
major problem - even with organic varieties!
Consumer Reports conducted a study of the problem, testing over 200 samples from 65
different products containing rice. They found arsenic in EVERY product tested. In fact, some
popular gluten-free products contained up to 90 times more arsenic than is allowed in drinking
Keep this in mind the next time you walk down the gluten-free aisle.
But just because traditional bread and most “gluten-free” varieties are off the menu… That
does NOT mean you can never enjoy bread again, because ...
You are about to discover how you can get your bread ... And be well!
If all this washing of bread made you swear buns, biscuits and baguettes forever , I
After all, nothing is more important than your health!
But it would be a shame to lose these simple (and delicious) pleasures forever. You must not
give up your joy of freshly baked bread. See more here
You don't have to give up the pleasure of a hot stack of French toast ... a cheeseburger on a
REAL bun ... or a crusty piece of garlic bread to go with bolognese and meatballs.
And say goodbye to the temptation to "cheat" on a healthy diet, because ...
Enjoying these foods can actually help you stay healthy!
D e Ketogenic and Paleo Diets are extremely popular for a good reason ...
Because it works! Millions of people have experienced radically improved health and faster
fat loss, eating in a cereal- free , low-carb way ... and aligned with our ancestral genetic plan!
Personally, I feel and look your best when you follow a paleo-ketogenic of our ancient
ancestors mânca.Evit foods you do not normally consumed - and cerealele.Şi target ratio of
macronutrients rich in healthy fats, moderate protein and very low in carbohydrates.
Ace st way to eat can reprogram metabolism - from burning sugar to a BURNER GRAS!
This is what makes keto so powerful for weight loss! It can also provide major health
benefits - including protection against cancer, heart disease and di Abete .Îmbunătăţeşte hormonal
balance and almost every aspect of brain health.
But let's get back to the
subject of bread ... Because you're
probably wondering - Where does
bread fit into a very low-carb, no-
grain diet?
If you could enjoy TRUE
bread again - without worrying
about your health or weight?
What if you could dip
your teeth into a sandwich thick
enough to make Dagwood
proud ... a gummy pretzel ... or a
piece of fresh focaccia ...
And what happens if these
delicious breads with real food do
not contain cereals, rich in
healthy fats and VERY low in carbohydrates? See here more
With such a bread you will not feel the need to "cheat" a healthy diet ...
In fact, the opportunity to enjoy HEALTHY BREAD will help you to respect your best
And I'm NOT talking about second-degree imitations that don't match the real thing.
I mean divine delicious bread - so good it could be served in a restaurant.
I'm talking about some of ... The best breads you've ever tasted ... With the same taste and
fresh aroma in the oven that you know and love!
You are about to discover how delicious and truly healthy bread can be ...
So say goodbye to gentle and boring imitations! And just imagine anointing some of these
beautiful Sturdy B Buns
In a moment, I will show you how easy (and cheap) it is to put these breads on the table. But
first, it is important to understand ... How these healthy keto-friendly breads were created (and why
they are so special)! I made it my mission to create nutritious and healthy bread recipes,
M I set out to discover how
to use "smart ingredients" to achieve
all the attributes you love about ...
bread without gluten, grains and
My goal was to create REAL
bread with good ingredients for
you ... easy to make and tasted so
delicious that it can be served in a
fine restaurant.
D I had no idea how hard it
would be .. What we thought could
take several months - it took years!
When I started, most people hadn't
even heard the term "gluten-free." There were very few cereal-free bread recipes online (and it
produced awful results, to be honest). There were no products in the modeling store and no guides
to follow. . I had to literally reinvent the rules of baking. Baking is the science of chemistry. And
baking with cereal-free, low-glycemic ingredients is an EXACT science. Sometimes just an extra
teaspoon of ONE ingredient can turn something delicious ... into a disaster.
You can't simply replace wheat flour with almond or coconut flour and expect a recipe to
touch the "magic" characteristics of bread. And don't forget - many of the properties we love most
about bread are from the cause of gluten!
Gluten helps you create that crusty texture on the outside, chewy-on the inside. It provides
stability and structure and helps the bread to grow. This is what makes pizza dough crusty, chewed
and spread.
It was not easy to realize all the attributes of grain-based bread ... without grain.
I had to figure out how to use new ingredients - testing hundreds of combinations several
times - while documenting each experiment.
But in 2014, Healing Gourmet published our recipes in a book called " Better Breads."
I knew that "a few" people wanted to enjoy healthy bread, but I had no idea what answer it
would generate. It was an instant success, because over 100,000 people discovered that you can
really have your own bread ... And be well. ™
People around the world have written to tell me how happy they are to enjoy bread again -
without worrying about gluten, cereals, carbohydrates, inflammatory oils and other unhealthy
Some of these people hadn't eaten bread - or anything like that - for years. The ingredients in
traditional bread were simply too harmful to their health.
I heard stories of people crying with tears of joy, being able to bite again into a real
sandwich. Others were simply grateful that they could enjoy bread - without cheating on their
healthy diet! We were grateful for the praise, but we knew the recipes could be even better ..
So I selected the best of the best and went back to the test kitchen.
We continued changes and tests Simplifying the methods of preparation ... improving the
mixture of ingredients ... adding new recipes to the collection - and ensuring that each of them was
aligned with the "magic macros" of the keto diet.
Each recipe was carefully tested until we got the perfect texture, crumbs and ease of
And I refused to be content with anything less than extraordinary taste
The recipes in this book represent more than a decade of dedicated effort in our test kitchen.
Each uses functional ingredients that actually protect - not destroy - your health.
These breads are truly metabolic foods that can
help you sculpt a lean body, instead of inflating your
muffin countertop!
And yet, they are so authentically delicious that
you will never miss the bread stuffed with cereals and
carbohydrates that you consumed. I'm talking about
REAL BREAD ... as good as any of you have ever tasted!
I've been baking and making low-carb, low-carb
breads for a long time - and I assure you there's
NOTHING like this. These truly healthy creations taste
ONLY like what is true!
download recipes here

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Keto bread

  • 1. Traditional bread is in your diet and contains a hidden compound that makes it almost impossible to burn fat and lose weight! There are few foods that are more comforting and more enjoyable than bread ... Whether it's a hot piece of focaccia soaked in olive oil .. a sandwich on a chewy baguette ... a lightning croissant ... or even the simplest slice of toast with butter .. Just thinking about these foods makes your mouth water! And the happy "intoxication" you experience when you eat bread is real. ` In fact, it could be said that bread is the original food addiction. Traditional bread produces compounds called gluteo morphine . And, as their name suggests, these compounds engage opioid receptors in the brain - the same receptors triggered by drugs such as morphine and heroin. Very similar compounds, called Caso morphins , are found in cheese. This would definitely explain the euphoria of the pleasure you feel when you bite into a slice of pizza crust with melted cheese! And just to make sure you keep coming back for more - the increase in blood sugar you get from high-carb bread raises dopamine - the "neurochemical craving" from which the word "drug" comes. So , it is not logical to say that ... Bread is a medicine that causes a repetitive cycle of cravings - for more bread! Our love story with comforting (and captivating) bread is as old as recorded history ... The Bible practically commands the followers to eat it: " Give us this day our daily bread ..." It was so revered in ancient Greece that the rest of the meal was called opson - meaning "spice" or accompanying bread. However, that fuzzy glow you feel when you bite into a slice of warm bread is short-lived. And, unfortunately ... Those few moments of toasted happiness have a heavy price The well- known cardiologist, Dr. William Davis, calls wheat " perfect chronic poison." And for a poison, we definitely eat a lot of it. The average American consumes 55 pounds of wheat flour every year - making
  • 2. refined flour the number one source of calories in the American diet ! See more here Functional nutrition expert Chris Kresserdescribes this as "a public health catastrophe ”. And it's one you've probably experienced directly ... Eating traditional bread can cause a number of symptoms. It may make you feel slow and foggy. Or cause you to gain unsightly fat on your stomach, buttocks and thighs ... while packing deadly visceral fat in around the internal organs. And part of the reason is because ... You know how important it is to keep your blood sugar stable ... The rapid rise in blood sugar and insulin promotes a cascade of inflammation and oxidation. Triggering these forces again and again dramatically increases the risk of cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease, fatty liver, diabetes, macular degeneration, physical aging (wrinkles) and more! And did you know that wheat - including so-called "healthy" whole wheat, raises your blood sugar more than almost any other food ... even when you eat the same amount of carbohydrates? This is because 75% of the carbohydrates in wheat are in the form of amylopectin A. his compound is unique due to the speed with which it is converted into glucose. According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , eating just two slices of whole wheat bread raises your blood sugar more than eating a can of soda, eating candy, or helping six teaspoons of table sugar! And if the threat of diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome is not enough ... the damage that traditional bread can do in the gut should make you think hard before you grease your next cookie! Unfortunately, however, there is a BIG misconception about bread and gut. And it cost millions of people their health and pleasure in life ... Don't be fooled by this common (and deadly) thing about bread… You are probably familiar with celiac disease. It is the most serious - and often life- threatening - sensitivity to gluten-containing cereals.
  • 3. Many who suffer from this condition cannot eat even the slightest spot of wheat without severe digestive pain ... and other embarrassing symptoms. Other diseases, such as Crohn's and inflammatory bowel disease, also lead to debilitating cramps, bloating and other digestive ailments when wheat is consumed. This leads many people to believe that as long as you can eat bread without belly problems - then you need to be clear ... without harm! Don't be fooled by this dangerous myth! The truth is that almost 50% of newly diagnosed celiac patients have no digestive symptoms! See more here In other words, half of people who are EXTREMELY sensitive to wheat can still consume it without the typical "stomach problems". Even if you feel "good" after eating bread, each bite causes silent damage to your gut - and quietly sets you up for serious illness! Dr. Alessio Fasano is a professor of medicine and a distinguished researcher, with more than 240 peer-review papers in his credit. C esearch its - in addition to dozens of scientists from around the world - shows that wheat causes chronic inflammation of the intestine. The compounds inside it can also directly affect any tissue in your body. And you don't need a certain genetics for damage to occur ... It happens to EVERYONE who consumes it! Of course, the inflammatory protein we call " gluten" is partly to blame. In fact, the New England Journal of Medicine lists 55 conditions that can be caused by gluten - ranging from as "benign" as canker sores to serious diseases like cancer! [3] But gluten is only a FRACTION of the story, because ... A study published in Plant Physiology shows that modern wheat is able to produce at least 23,788 unique proteins - and any of these can trigger an inflammatory response. This is why some people react severely to wheat - but do NOT react to gluten (even in high doses). The most dangerous wheat proteins are known as lectins - the primary compounds used by plants to protect themselves from insects, bacteria ... and YOU! Lectins are actually designed to poison you. In fact, the poison known as ricin - deadly in small amounts of half a grain of sand - is a lectin. Of course, most lectins won't kill you overnight ... but they can make you VERY sick over time! Among the most dangerous is wheat germ agglutinin (WGA).
  • 4. It can exert these effects in minimal concentrates - and only one grain of wheat contains 16.7 trillion molecules of this toxic compound! Just imagine the dose you receive when you eat bread at almost every meal. And don't forget ... the highest concentrations are found in whole and sprouted grains that are supposed to be "healthy". And if that's not enough, WGA is also the reason. .. Why it is almost impossible to burn fat and lose weight when you eat bread! You've probably heard of insulin as a "fat storage hormone." C hen insulin and glucose levels are high, storing fat increases and burning fat stops! Therefore , traditional bread with high blood glucose is so effective to make GRAS! But it also gets WORSE, because ... see more here Studies show that wheat germ agglutinin is a "dead sound" for insulin. [16] In fact, a report in The American Journal of Physiology shows that WGA binds directly to insulin receptors - which increases fat storage and blocks your ability to burn stored fat! [17] And this is not the only way this killer bread compound interrupts your hormonal function ... WGA also blocks the hormone leptin. Leptin is extremely important when it comes to appetite and weight. It's the molecule that tells your brain when it's time to eat ... and when you're tired. Can you imagine what happens to your body when your "signal to eat" is broken? So, WGA is not only toxic to almost every cell in your body, but it can also make you FAT and prevent you from losing extra pounds! It kind of makes you think twice about traditional bread, doesn't it? Well, don't worry, because you're about to find out How can you actually take your bread ... AND be well too! But first, it's important to understand what lectins do with GUT ...
  • 5. Because that has caused nearly 50 million Americans - and millions more worldwide - to become disabling! Lectins are often described as "sticky" molecules. They use this property to bind to cell membranes ... especially the cells that cover your intestines. This can interfere with digestion. But it also causes chronic inflammation The lining of the intestine is extremely sensitive So sensitive that it is slightly damaged every time you eat (even when choosing the healthiest foods). Normally, the damage is repaired quickly and the lining of the intestine is regenerated with new cells. D lectins slow down vital regeneration to a crawl ... By attaching to the intestinal wall, they prevent cells from regenerating fast enough to keep your intestinal mucosa intact. But I don't just slow down the repair, because ... Lectins are designed to attack your gut! Sticky lectins embed in the intestinal wall and separate the "tight junctions" between the cells. This ignites the flames of inflammation (even if you do not notice any discomfort). So, lectins not only cause a fire in your stomach ... but also prevent repair and regeneration. I'm like an arsonist who sets a building on fire ... and then blocks the road so firefighters can't put out the fire! And let me tell you ... Why is that Bread-Eaten Belly Flame so dangerous ? When your gut is healthy, beneficial nutrients easily pass through ... While bacteria, viruses, yeasts, allergenic proteins and pieces of undigested food are blocked from entering the bloodstream. But when the critical intestinal barrier is inflamed - and the "tight junctions" are removed - the harmful substances drain from the digestive system into the blood. What And once these compounds are in your blood, they can wreak havoc on every aspect of your health! This dangerous condition is called "leaky gut". The most confusing part of the gut with leaks is that many symptoms of this serious digestive disorder have NOTHING to do with abdominal discomfort or "stomach problems"… Given all these (apparently) unrelated symptoms - and there may be MANY more - it is easy to see why so many sufferers are undiagnosed. Unwanted substances that drain from the digestive tract into the blood promote constant inflammation - the cornerstone of the disease. But what makes the immune system could be worse! P is as pathogens, proteins and particles of undigested foods leak into the blood, your immune system launches an attack against the invading "foreigners." This dramatically increases the number and severity of food allergies, intolerances and seasonal allergies that you may encounter. And it is the main cause of the modern allergy epidemic. Your immune system is not designed to engage in an endless war. Constant hypervigilance has a negative effect. As your overtaxed system becomes weaker, you become more susceptible to disease and infection. But a weaker immune system could be the least of your problems ... What happens when your own body turns against you?
  • 6. see more here Your immune system has incredible power to destroy tissues and cells . That's how it protects you. But you want this defensive weapon to be aimed at the enemy ... You do NOT want the weapon pointed at YOU! And that's exactly what happens when your immune system is "triggered" by every bite of food you eat. Constantly over-stimulated, he loses his ability to recognize the "self" from the "non- self." Instead of destroying foreign invaders, it makes war on healthy tissues and organs. Your own body begins to attack your colon ... your thyroid ... your joints ... your nervous system ... and even your brain! There are more than 100 different autoimmune conditions and the number of people affected right now is staggering! According to the American Autoimmune Association, 50 million Americans suffer from at least one of these conditions. This is almost one in five people in the US (plus 100 million more worldwide)! Autoimmune disease is one of the top 10 causes of death in women under the age of 65. And it can be incredibly debilitating before it kills you. Revealing symptoms include: A crushing fatigue and weakness Chronic joint, muscle and bone pain Headache , brain fog and poor concentration Insomnia, mood swings, anxiety and depression Digestive problems ... skin problems ... sinus infections This is truly an epidemic! But not all is bad news
  • 7. today ... And I have BIG news! In many cases, the leaky gut, autoimmune diseases and a number of diet-related conditions can be reversed . And they can always be prevented , because ... The cause (and healing) begins with the food on the plate! However, if you think this means replacing traditional bread with commercial gluten-free varieties (or many of the recipes you see online ) please reconsider, because ... M ajoritatea gluten-free bread (and cereals, biscuits, cookies and other snacks) using ingredients that are not much better - or worse - than those prepared with wheat! Like other processed foods, they usually contain chemical preservatives, soy protein, dough balms, inflammatory seed oils, corn syrup and rice ... and often GMOs. And, in most cases, they also contain LECTINS! If gluten-free bread contains flour made from rice, corn, beans, buckwheat, barley, rye, teff or quinoa - then it is LOADED with lectins that pierce the intestines that you need to avoid! Some are even more dangerous than wheat lectins. This means that your favorite gluten-free bread could cause the same health problems as traditional bread. And that's not all, because ... Most gluten-free products will raise your blood sugar Instead of wheat, most gluten-free products and recipes use flour and starch with glycemic values that are not at the top! Many of these ingredients increase blood sugar faster and more than the wheat itself! It's no surprise that most people actually gain weight on a “gluten-free” diet! In fact, a study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found that 81% of people on a gluten-free diet weigh more at the end of two years! But this is not the only reason to avoid these foods. You should also know that ... Some gluten-free products contain
  • 8. 90 times more arsenic than the EPA allows for drinking water! Chronic arsenic exposure can lead to headaches, fatigue, brain fog and digestive problems ... not to mention heart disease, cancer and diabetes. And it can happen at VERY SMALL levels! A rsenicul is a poison dangerous . And that's why you should "Say No" to rice flour and rice syrup - which are common ingredients on the gluten-free aisle! Rice plants use silica to strengthen their stems. But arsenic "looks" like plant silica, so it's easily extracted from the soil. And it can be a major problem - even with organic varieties! Consumer Reports conducted a study of the problem, testing over 200 samples from 65 different products containing rice. They found arsenic in EVERY product tested. In fact, some popular gluten-free products contained up to 90 times more arsenic than is allowed in drinking water! Keep this in mind the next time you walk down the gluten-free aisle. But just because traditional bread and most “gluten-free” varieties are off the menu… That does NOT mean you can never enjoy bread again, because ... You are about to discover how you can get your bread ... And be well! If all this washing of bread made you swear buns, biscuits and baguettes forever , I understand. After all, nothing is more important than your health! But it would be a shame to lose these simple (and delicious) pleasures forever. You must not give up your joy of freshly baked bread. See more here You don't have to give up the pleasure of a hot stack of French toast ... a cheeseburger on a REAL bun ... or a crusty piece of garlic bread to go with bolognese and meatballs. And say goodbye to the temptation to "cheat" on a healthy diet, because ... Enjoying these foods can actually help you stay healthy! D e Ketogenic and Paleo Diets are extremely popular for a good reason ...
  • 9. Because it works! Millions of people have experienced radically improved health and faster fat loss, eating in a cereal- free , low-carb way ... and aligned with our ancestral genetic plan! Personally, I feel and look your best when you follow a paleo-ketogenic of our ancient ancestors mânca.Evit foods you do not normally consumed - and cerealele.Şi target ratio of macronutrients rich in healthy fats, moderate protein and very low in carbohydrates. Ace st way to eat can reprogram metabolism - from burning sugar to a BURNER GRAS! This is what makes keto so powerful for weight loss! It can also provide major health benefits - including protection against cancer, heart disease and di Abete .Îmbunătăţeşte hormonal balance and almost every aspect of brain health. But let's get back to the subject of bread ... Because you're probably wondering - Where does bread fit into a very low-carb, no- grain diet? If you could enjoy TRUE bread again - without worrying about your health or weight? What if you could dip your teeth into a sandwich thick enough to make Dagwood proud ... a gummy pretzel ... or a piece of fresh focaccia ... And what happens if these delicious breads with real food do not contain cereals, rich in healthy fats and VERY low in carbohydrates? See here more With such a bread you will not feel the need to "cheat" a healthy diet ... In fact, the opportunity to enjoy HEALTHY BREAD will help you to respect your best intentions! And I'm NOT talking about second-degree imitations that don't match the real thing. I mean divine delicious bread - so good it could be served in a restaurant. I'm talking about some of ... The best breads you've ever tasted ... With the same taste and fresh aroma in the oven that you know and love! You are about to discover how delicious and truly healthy bread can be ... So say goodbye to gentle and boring imitations! And just imagine anointing some of these beautiful Sturdy B Buns In a moment, I will show you how easy (and cheap) it is to put these breads on the table. But first, it is important to understand ... How these healthy keto-friendly breads were created (and why they are so special)! I made it my mission to create nutritious and healthy bread recipes,
  • 10. M I set out to discover how to use "smart ingredients" to achieve all the attributes you love about ... bread without gluten, grains and carbohydrates. My goal was to create REAL bread with good ingredients for you ... easy to make and tasted so delicious that it can be served in a fine restaurant. D I had no idea how hard it would be .. What we thought could take several months - it took years! When I started, most people hadn't even heard the term "gluten-free." There were very few cereal-free bread recipes online (and it produced awful results, to be honest). There were no products in the modeling store and no guides to follow. . I had to literally reinvent the rules of baking. Baking is the science of chemistry. And baking with cereal-free, low-glycemic ingredients is an EXACT science. Sometimes just an extra teaspoon of ONE ingredient can turn something delicious ... into a disaster. You can't simply replace wheat flour with almond or coconut flour and expect a recipe to touch the "magic" characteristics of bread. And don't forget - many of the properties we love most about bread are from the cause of gluten! Gluten helps you create that crusty texture on the outside, chewy-on the inside. It provides stability and structure and helps the bread to grow. This is what makes pizza dough crusty, chewed and spread. It was not easy to realize all the attributes of grain-based bread ... without grain. I had to figure out how to use new ingredients - testing hundreds of combinations several times - while documenting each experiment. But in 2014, Healing Gourmet published our recipes in a book called " Better Breads." I knew that "a few" people wanted to enjoy healthy bread, but I had no idea what answer it would generate. It was an instant success, because over 100,000 people discovered that you can really have your own bread ... And be well. ™ People around the world have written to tell me how happy they are to enjoy bread again - without worrying about gluten, cereals, carbohydrates, inflammatory oils and other unhealthy ingredients. Some of these people hadn't eaten bread - or anything like that - for years. The ingredients in traditional bread were simply too harmful to their health. I heard stories of people crying with tears of joy, being able to bite again into a real sandwich. Others were simply grateful that they could enjoy bread - without cheating on their healthy diet! We were grateful for the praise, but we knew the recipes could be even better .. So I selected the best of the best and went back to the test kitchen. We continued changes and tests Simplifying the methods of preparation ... improving the mixture of ingredients ... adding new recipes to the collection - and ensuring that each of them was aligned with the "magic macros" of the keto diet. Each recipe was carefully tested until we got the perfect texture, crumbs and ease of preparation.
  • 11. And I refused to be content with anything less than extraordinary taste The recipes in this book represent more than a decade of dedicated effort in our test kitchen. Each uses functional ingredients that actually protect - not destroy - your health. These breads are truly metabolic foods that can help you sculpt a lean body, instead of inflating your muffin countertop! And yet, they are so authentically delicious that you will never miss the bread stuffed with cereals and carbohydrates that you consumed. I'm talking about REAL BREAD ... as good as any of you have ever tasted! I've been baking and making low-carb, low-carb breads for a long time - and I assure you there's NOTHING like this. These truly healthy creations taste ONLY like what is true! download recipes here