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Try these tasty tips for toning that tummy!
The bulge stops here. Doing 200 crunches a day is not enough to give you a washboard
stomach - you also need to eat the right foods that will burn through stubborn fat and
promote lean, mean muscle growth. Protein-rich foods play a particularly important role in
helping your body to build muscle and stop storing fat, and you should make sure that every
meal or snack includes a dose of this magic nutrient while also sticking to a balanced, varied

Here is our list of foods that will give your natural fat burners a turbo-boost and give you
tight, toned, to-die-for abs.

A veritable protein-powerhouse, eggs make the perfect breakfast or post-workout meal as
they stop lean muscle from being broken down, while their high level of vitamin B12 has the
opposite effect on fat cells (B vitamins also give you energy, so you'll feel super pumped
when doing sit-ups).

If you are worried about your cholesterol, you can cut out the egg yolks and still benefit
from the high-protein content in the whites. For ultra-convenience, we love liquid egg whites
after we've pounded our stomachs in the gym.

Lean meat
Power to the protein! Meats like turkey and beef are full of the stuff, which makes them
adept at building muscle and strengthening the immune system, but you need to make sure
you buy as good a quality meat as you can afford (go free-range or organic) and always look
for the leanest cuts of beef, such as rump, topside or fillet.

Beef is also full of those fat-destroying B vitamins, which is an added bonus.

Mackerel and other oily fish
Don't be fooled into thinking these delicious fish, which are full of omega-3 fatty acids, will
make you put on weight rather then lose it.

They might contain significant levels of fat, but these are indisputably 'healthy' fats that
work with the high levels of protein to increase muscle mass and stop your body from
storing fat on your waist.
They also protect your immune system, so you can keep exercising without feeling run down
or ill. You should aim to eat three portions of oily fish a week.

You weren't expecting that, were you? Nuts have a reputation for being eye-wateringly high
in fat - but in fact they are another source of 'good' fats and nuts such as almonds and
Brazils are the perfect snack to carry around with you.

If you feel hungry during the day, eat a handful of nuts to fight cravings and prevent muscle
loss (other snacks such as chocolate, crisps and biscuits contain dreaded trans-fats - the
worst possible for your waistline).

Olive oil
It goes without saying that you should be cooking with olive oil rather than other,
unhealthier fats such as butter or vegetable oil. Olive oil actually encourages your body to
burn fat and reduces your cholesterol, which means your heart benefits too.

Just one ounce of olive oil contains almost 90% of your daily recommended amount of
monounsaturated fat. If you are hard enough, down a shot of olive oil once a day - your
stomach will thank you for it.

Most beans (and we're talking about the likes of kidney, lima, fava and edamame rather
than canned baked beans, which can be high in sugar) are full to the brim with protein, as
well as dietary fibre (good for your digestive system) and iron.

To get the full benefits - make sure you cook them thoroughly, as this makes it easier for
your system to properly break down the proteins essential for keeping your muscles toned
and your waistline slim. Legumes, such as lentils, are another great source of protein and

Whole grains
Your body still needs carbohydrates (every meal should include a fine balance of protein,
carbs and fat) so don't cut them out of your diet altogether.
If you want a flat stomach, then you need to stop eating processed carbs like white bread,
pasta and white rice. Instead, swap them for fibre-rich, unprocessed whole grains, including
wholegrain bread, pasta, rice and cereals to stop your body from storing fat.

Low fat dairy
As most of you are probably already aware, cheese is the enemy of our waistlines. But it
doesn't have to be. You should still eat cheese and other dairy products such as milk and
yoghurt, but make sure you switch to a low-fat variety.

As well as strengthening bones, low-fat dairy products are thought to help you rip through
fat reserves. Research carried out at Purdue University found that those who consumed
three cups of low-fat milk a day gained less weight over two years compared to those on
low-calcium diets.

Peanut butter
Another reason why protein is so fantastic at burning fat is that the body requires more
energy to process it than it does carbs and fat, so you burn more calories in the process. As
well as being tastier than David Beckham in a pair of swim shorts, peanut butter is
essentially liquid protein, and it's a top choice for a pre-workout breakfast.

Leafy vegetables
Low in calories and fat (obviously), green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and lettuce
are packed with fat-burning fibre as well as an endless list of vitamins and minerals.

Fibre (just like protein) has the added benefit of making you feel full, so they are a great
way to bulk up your diet and keep you from craving carbs or sweet snacks - which are the
enemy of your stomach.

10 brain-boosting super foods
Does your brain need a boost after a long, hard morning in the office?

Do you need to focus your mind after going that little bit too far when out on the town last
Then why not try the brain-boosting super foods that are guaranteed to stimulate your
struggling synapses!

Oily fish
Oily fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are
essential for increasing brain function and improving cognitive strength and alertness.

Berries are rich in antioxidants and are thought to help build healthy connections between
brain cells. Blueberries are widely considered to be one of the healthiest foods around -
these sweet little bursts of goodness are also rich in fibre, which helps improve your
cardiovascular system as well as your brain.

Dark chocolate
It's true - chocolate can be good for you! Dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa) has plenty of
brain-boosting compounds, is rich in antioxidants and has just the right amount of caffeine
to keep you alert. It also sends your serotonin skyrocketing, so you can stay happy during
those long, boring days in the office.

This fiery staple of Indian and Thai cuisine often contains potent spices that are known to
reduce inflammation. On top of this, animal studies have shown that curcumin - curry's
active ingredient - is effective at clearing away proteins called amyloid plaques, which can
cause serious brain problems.

Former U.S. president George W. Bush may have been vocal in his hatred of this much-
maligned foodstuff, but it is known to increase brain power. Broccoli and other green
vegetables such as kale, cabbage and brussels sprouts are filled with antioxidants like
vitamin C, as well as brain-protecting plant compounds called carotenoids.

Seeds such as pumpkin seeds contain lots of brilliant mind-boosting minerals like zinc and
Wholegrain foods
Eating a diet rich in whole grain foods is proven to increase cognitive function. One recent
study found that women who increased their intake of folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6
(all of which are found in whole grains) were significantly better at recalling information than
those who did not.

Avocado is rich in Vitamin E - an important antioxidant for maintaining a healthy brain.

Green and black tea
A fresh-brewed cup of tea is a rich source of catechines (antioxidants), which are great for
boosting your brain. However, tea does of course contain caffeine, so avoid drinking more
than two to three cups a day.

Staying hydrated is vital as every cell in your body needs water to thrive. Studies show that
people who are well hydrated score significantly better in tests of brainpower, compared
with those who aren't drinking enough.

21 expert diet tips

The best in the business reveal what you should know about losing weight...

What's the difference between a healthy diet and a dangerous one, a workable one and one
that sees you secretly stuffing your face with chocolate cake just two days after you promised
not to. Tried and tested expert advice, that's what. So, in honour of that little black dress
you've been dying to fit into, we asked 6 diet and nutrition experts for their top tips on
getting rid of those extra kilos. And no, there's no carb-hating or mealmissing involved...

Cheenu Prashar, Consultant Dietician, Max Healthcare
1. I never skip breakfast as it can leave one hungry, tired and looking for less healthy food
later in the day. I begin my day with high-fibre, low-fat breakfast of porridge, muesli, oats,
wholewheat bread, and sprouts.

2. Another reason not to miss brekky: it takes care of indigestion, which occurs when you
skip a meal or overeat. A light lemony drink after meals also aids in better digestion.

3. I look for ways to walk and move around every minutes during the day. Taking the stairs
more often and parking farther away from your destination, going and grabbing a glass of
water on my own, are simple ways to stay active.

Kiran Sawhney, nutritionist
1. Consistence, dedication and strong willpower in following a fitness regime is what works.
We are disciplined for a bit, and then tend to binge, which ruins the entire rhythm. Build
your willpower by achieving small missions every day.

2. Adopt a variety of fitness regimes, on different days. If you do kickboxing one day, try
pilates, walking, swimming and aerobics on other days of the week so you don't get bored.

3. Cardio is very important as it tones up your system. Exercise is a great way to cut flab, but
you must get a personal trainer, who will teach you the right techniques to aid weight loss.
They may be expensive, but they are worth it.

Reeta Shankar, dietician
1. Should start their day with protein so that there is no extra insulin in the system. I have egg
white, milk and sprouts or cottage cheese, oats and bran, so that my body gets the right
complex carbs.

2. The aim is to stay full for as long as possible, so mix some moong dal into your flour. It is
quite filling and will cut your craving for big meals or snacking.

3. Dinner should always be light, so try grilled chicken or just a soup. Veggies are ideal
they're light on the system and natural. Eat as much as you like.

Shikha Sharma, dietician
1. I think skipping alcohol is one of the best way to stay fit and healthy. Alcohol has empty
calories and no nutritional benefit. It also stimulates appetite and interferes with your sleep.
A loss-loss, really.

2. Instead of a sugary treat, which you may want to indulge in after a meal, try a fruit instead.
Fruits satisfy a sweet tooth in the same way cake might, but it's much healthier.

3. Liquid food is a great way to lose weight. Soups and juices give you instant energy without
the carbs, plus they nourish the body. However, a liquid diet doesn't work for everybody, so
consult your doctor before starting one.

Ishi Khosla, dietician
1. I typically avoid sugar in my drinks, or restrict it to a small spoon in my morning tea. Sugar
is empty, fattening calories, so large quantities are best avoided. To cut your intake, watch
out for the worst offenders: drinks and baked goods.
2. Not having big meals at night is a perfect way to cut calories. Towards the end of the day,
your metabolism slows down, so stick to small portions and light foods.

3. Fill up your plate with veggies instead of starchy stuff, which will make you feel awfully full
and add calories. If possible, make yourself an organic meal it's light, and great for your

Rachna Sethi, nutritionist
1. Increase your fibre intake by eating whole foods and grains instead of processed foods.
Avoid white rice and refined cereals.

2. Substitute junk food with homemade, healthy snacks. You can make burgers or pizzas at
home, which will not have trans fatty acids. You can also attempt continental style
idlisinstead of sambhar, have it with green veggies.

3. Add soyabean to your diet and have it at least once in a week as it helps strengthen the
bones. You can boil soya, make it into a paste and add it in your meals, or just have soya milk
(especially great for those who want to keep fit the right way, without skipping meals or
starving). Soya has many nutrients, as does tofu, which you stock at home.

Kajal Pandya, nutritionist, Vedanta, MediCity
1. Have lots of fruits and salads, as they have antioxidants and minerals which boost your
body, plus they are low in fat and calories. They also eliminate wastes quickly and help
reduce cravings for sweets.

2. Drink lots of waterit removes toxins and helps cushion your joints. Studies have also
proven that a low consumption of water allows more fat to be deposited instead of being
metabolized into energy.

3. Scientists have discovered that stress could make you gain weight. Relaxation is the key to
many health problems, so indulge in daily meditation.

Want to reduce your belly fat? Eat apples,
green peas and beans
Washington, June 28 (ANI): Are you tired of having belly fat? Now, eat two small apples, one
cup of green peas and one-half cup of pinto beans and exercise vigorously for 30 minutes,
two to four times a week.

cording to the researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, vegetables, fruit and beans
contain more soluble fiber and will help reduce visceral fat, or belly fat, around the

They found that for every 10-gram increase in soluble fiber eaten per day, visceral fat was
reduced by 3.7 percent over five years. In addition, increased moderate activity resulted in a
7.4 percent decrease in the rate of visceral fat accumulation over the same time period.
"We know that a higher rate of visceral fat is associated with high blood pressure, diabetes
and fatty liver disease," said Kristen Hairston, assistant professor of internal medicine at
Wake Forest Baptist and lead researcher on the study.

"Our study found that making a few simple changes can have a big health impact," he added.

The researchers examined whether lifestyle factors, such as diet and frequency of exercise,
were associated with a five-year change in abdominal fat of African Americans and Hispanic

At the beginning of the study, which involved 1,114 people, the participants were given a
physical exam, an extensive questionnaire on lifestyle issues, and a CT scan. Five years later,
the exact same process was repeated.

The researchers found that increased soluble fiber intake was associated with a decreased
rate of accumulated visceral fat, but not subcutaneous fat.

"There is mounting evidence that eating more soluble fiber and increasing exercise reduces
visceral or belly fat, although we still don't know how it works," said Hairston.

The results are published in the June 16 online issue of the journal Obesity. (ANI)

60 ways to look young (and feel great)

'Beauty is what health and happiness look like on the outside,' Good Housekeeping told
readers in 1916.

Our advice has changed little since because we've always extolled the fundamentals: The
right diet, exercise and spirit promote long life - and keep you looking and feeling young. (Of
course, a fabulous haircut, lipstick, and the right pair of jeans can't hurt, either.)
Here's the ultimate clock-resetting guide - beauty how-to and health must-do.

Mind your brain

These strategies will help keep you sharp-witted(and healthy, too!) throughout your life

Drink up

Your coffee, that is. Swedish and Finnish researchers found that moderate consumption of
coffee (3-5 small cups a day) cuts the risk of dementia by 65 percent.

Get moving

Middle-aged women and men who exercise 5-6 times a week (brisk walking is okay) are far
less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment later in life.

Check your numbers

High cholesterol in your 40s can up your chances of developing Alzheimer's later in life,
researchers reported at a 2008 meeting of the American Academy of Neurology.

Also Keep an eye on

Your high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Low levels are linked to memory loss and dementia, a
University College, London, study of 3,673 participants found.

Watch your weight

Obesity can increase the dementia risk by 80 percent, a Johns Hopkins, US, study found.
Most dangerous: fat around your middle.
Be a groupie

Payoffs from having a circle of friends or people you see regularly at a club or other
Lower blood pressure
Delayed memory loss
Reduced risk of recurrent stroke and even the common cold

Save your skin

Choose the right products but follow through with some mustdos as well... Your chest is thin-
skinned, making it susceptible to sun damage. to renew it, gently exfoliate regularly with a
face scrub. Wear a hat that has at least a three-inch brim in order to shade your face. or carry
a parasol. on cold days, give your face extra protection with a super-rich thick moisturiser.
Use sunscreen with a minimum spf of 15 - no matter where you live or what your skin colour,
use every day, whether it's winter or summer. and don't forget the after-sun face wash.

Keep an eye on your vision

Dark green leafy vegetables are prime sources of both lutein and zeaxanthin,
plant pigments that protect your eyes from uv damage. make lettuce salads - and make sure
spinach is on the menu, too.

Happy birthday!

Celebrating one of these milestones? Gift yourself new cosmetics and a new look. Move
beyond the bare essentials.

Don't hold back - treat yourself to...

AT 30 tinted moisturisers, loose body powders and shimmers.
AT 40 lengthening mascara, eyelid primer.
AT 50 rosy blush, glowy foundation.
AT 60 shimmery shadow, hydrating lipstick.

Dress code

7 fashion tricks that will make you look younger-instantly
1. Try the new black - It's actually black and white; the combination makes you look
    sophisticated but still playful.
    2. Experiment with a new trend - It updates your look and gives you a more youthful vibe.
    3. Learn the power of shapewear - They can give you a sleeker line by invisibly smoothing the
    areas that bulge out a bit. A more supportive bra adds lift - and subtracts years.
    4. Show some leg - Who said that once you're 40, hems should be below the knee? At the
    knee or just above is most flattering.
    5. Skip the Mommy jeans - A dark wash, lower waist, and slimmer-cut jeans will give you the
    impression of legs you had in high school.
    6. Go casual - A T-shirt under your jacket instead of a buttondown shirt, for example, can
    make you look younger.
    7. Keep it in proportion - A slim pant, paired with a longer tunic, will take away years (and
    conceal extra pounds).

    Go fish

    For omega-3-rich sources. The fatty acids in these cold-water fish fight inflammation
    (precursor to heart disease, arthritis, diabetes) and boost mood.

    Best high-in-fat:

•   Salmon (canned is fine)
•   Mackerel
•   Sardines
•   Pomfret
•   Rohu
    If you can't find these fish, or your tastes are more turf than surf, then take fish
    oil supplements containing 500mg of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA
    (Docosahexaenoic acid). Seven Seas Seacod and Maxepa are locally available
    brands. While you can get omega-3s from plant sources, they're in a form that
    don't give you similar protection.

    Love lessons

    A study conducted at Columbia and Yale Universities found that elderly women
    who named their husbands as their primary confidants had a reduced risk of
    dying over the next six years. Bonus: Their husbands lived longer, too.The give-
    and-take of couple-dom may help keep the neurons firing, say Scandinavian
    researchers whose study of 1,400 men and women found that people who live
alone at mid-life are twice as likely to develop cognitive impairment later in life
as against those who are paired up.

A hand up

Pure lemon juice is one of the finest things for the hands,' Good Housekeeping
reported in 1897, foreshadowing today's fruit-acid craze. While citric acid
remains a great slougher, here are two more smooth moves: To avoid chapping,
always dry hands thoroughly and follow with a hand cream. Keep gloves in your
kitchen and bathrooms, to protect your hands whenever you're washing or

Build a better memory

Our ability to commit new information to memory - and then retrieve it when
we need it - slows down over the years.

To minimise the decline:

Practise paying attention Forcing yourself to observe and recall the details of
your day - which tie did your husband wear? Did the supermarket cashier have
her hair up or brushed back - sharpens your memory, even if you never need the

Watch TV, or unwind in whatever way works for you - a long walk, a chat with a
girl friend. Stress hormones (cortisol) may interfere with encoding and
retrieving information; as you age, chronic elevated cortisol levels are linked to
memory impairment.

Do crossword puzzles, or learn a new instrument or language. Mentally
challenging activities build fresh connections in your brain, creating "cognitive
reserves" that may protect memory later in life.

Shine on

'The price of a head of good hair is never ending vigilance,' warned Good
Housekeeping in 1910. Today, thanks to new techniques and products, you can
drop your guard but keep your looks.

1. Gray hair, which can be coarse, needs extra conditioning. Try hair products
which soften hair. Hot oil treatments are still your best bet.
2. Hair becomes drier as you age; keep it healthy-looking with frequent trims
and deep-conditioning.
A cut above

Ask your hair stylist for bangs. They look young and fun, and hide forehead
lines.Make waves. Stick-straight hair can look severe (read: older); gentle curls
soften the contours of your face.

Short cuts create the illusion of more hair. If you prefer to keep your hair long,
add face-framing layers for a subtle lift.

A la smart menu

'Proper diet? will tend to ward off diseases,' Good Housekeeping said in 1919.
Today, research has identified specific foods that can help you stay healthy and
happy:? Berries of all hues are rich in antioxidants. They combat chemicals that
can cause cell-damage and chronic inflammation. Spinach and other dark leafy
greens deliver Vitamin K, which strengthens bones. Red wine contains
resveratrol, an antioxidant, inflammation-deterrent, and artery-protector. Curd
and other dairy products are a terrific source of bone-building protein and

In a Japanese study conducted recently, eating 1/4 cup of curd a day led to a 50
percent reduction in tooth loss, possibly because of the probiotics in curd.
Whole grains can protect against diabetes, heart disease, stroke, colon cancer,
and gum disease. Dark chocolate helps keep your arteries functioning well. But
have no more than 42gm a day. Too much will pack on the heartdamaging kilos.

Keeping lips luscious

Whatever your challenge - dryness, shape - there is a solution.

Lift droopy corners, apply a basic colour first, then go over the centre of lips
with a slightly deeper shade.Prevent the lipstick from melting away into lines.
Use a pencil to line lips before you apply lipstick. Then, avoid too-creamy or
glossy formulations, which tend to migrate or melt into those lines.

Soften your pout. Gently rub a warm, damp washcloth over your lips to slough
dead skin. Follow with a balm.

What's so funny about that
A University of Maryland, US, research found that laughing can increase blood
flow by 22 percent and may protect against heart problems. It also relieves

As the crow's(feet) fly
In 1931, Good Housekeeping referred to them as those "hateful little lines," and
advised - as a deterrent - avoiding 'visual strains of all kinds,' including 'lack of
glasses when they are not needed.' Besides not smoking, here's how you can
minimise the dreaded crinkles:
After you've washed your face, pat around your eyes to dry the delicate skin -
rubbing stretches it.
Even if you have oily skin and don't use a face cream, moisturise around your
eyes twice a day. Apply moisturiser with your ring finger; it's your weakest one
and thus least likely to cause damage to your eyes, or result in wrinkles.

Master your metabolism

You'll reverse middle-aged spread - and help keep your body slim and strong for
years to come. Shed pounds slowly Crash dieting leads to greater loss of
metabolism-boosting muscle. A fast-like diet will drop the average woman's
metabolic rate by at least 25 percent.

Pump iron
Adding weight training to your cardio routine helps you avoid losing the 2.3kg
muscle that otherwise disappear every decade, simply from getting older.
Switch it up
Trying different routines keeps muscles from getting bored - they have to work
in new(challenging) ways.

4 Eye-Openers

1. Curl your lashes.
2. Cover dark undereye circles without telltale chalkiness - apply powder
foundation in a shade that matches your skin tone to the darkened areas, then
pat with a damp sponge.
3. Liner trick - choose a creamy eyeliner pencil. Hard pencils can pull at delicate
4. Because of its texture, the skin around your eyes looks youngest with just a
bare minimum of setting powder.

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  • 1. Try these tasty tips for toning that tummy! The bulge stops here. Doing 200 crunches a day is not enough to give you a washboard stomach - you also need to eat the right foods that will burn through stubborn fat and promote lean, mean muscle growth. Protein-rich foods play a particularly important role in helping your body to build muscle and stop storing fat, and you should make sure that every meal or snack includes a dose of this magic nutrient while also sticking to a balanced, varied diet. Here is our list of foods that will give your natural fat burners a turbo-boost and give you tight, toned, to-die-for abs. Eggs A veritable protein-powerhouse, eggs make the perfect breakfast or post-workout meal as they stop lean muscle from being broken down, while their high level of vitamin B12 has the opposite effect on fat cells (B vitamins also give you energy, so you'll feel super pumped when doing sit-ups). If you are worried about your cholesterol, you can cut out the egg yolks and still benefit from the high-protein content in the whites. For ultra-convenience, we love liquid egg whites after we've pounded our stomachs in the gym. Lean meat Power to the protein! Meats like turkey and beef are full of the stuff, which makes them adept at building muscle and strengthening the immune system, but you need to make sure you buy as good a quality meat as you can afford (go free-range or organic) and always look for the leanest cuts of beef, such as rump, topside or fillet. Beef is also full of those fat-destroying B vitamins, which is an added bonus. Mackerel and other oily fish Don't be fooled into thinking these delicious fish, which are full of omega-3 fatty acids, will make you put on weight rather then lose it. They might contain significant levels of fat, but these are indisputably 'healthy' fats that work with the high levels of protein to increase muscle mass and stop your body from storing fat on your waist.
  • 2. They also protect your immune system, so you can keep exercising without feeling run down or ill. You should aim to eat three portions of oily fish a week. Nuts You weren't expecting that, were you? Nuts have a reputation for being eye-wateringly high in fat - but in fact they are another source of 'good' fats and nuts such as almonds and Brazils are the perfect snack to carry around with you. If you feel hungry during the day, eat a handful of nuts to fight cravings and prevent muscle loss (other snacks such as chocolate, crisps and biscuits contain dreaded trans-fats - the worst possible for your waistline). Olive oil It goes without saying that you should be cooking with olive oil rather than other, unhealthier fats such as butter or vegetable oil. Olive oil actually encourages your body to burn fat and reduces your cholesterol, which means your heart benefits too. Just one ounce of olive oil contains almost 90% of your daily recommended amount of monounsaturated fat. If you are hard enough, down a shot of olive oil once a day - your stomach will thank you for it. Beans Most beans (and we're talking about the likes of kidney, lima, fava and edamame rather than canned baked beans, which can be high in sugar) are full to the brim with protein, as well as dietary fibre (good for your digestive system) and iron. To get the full benefits - make sure you cook them thoroughly, as this makes it easier for your system to properly break down the proteins essential for keeping your muscles toned and your waistline slim. Legumes, such as lentils, are another great source of protein and vitamins. Whole grains Your body still needs carbohydrates (every meal should include a fine balance of protein, carbs and fat) so don't cut them out of your diet altogether.
  • 3. If you want a flat stomach, then you need to stop eating processed carbs like white bread, pasta and white rice. Instead, swap them for fibre-rich, unprocessed whole grains, including wholegrain bread, pasta, rice and cereals to stop your body from storing fat. Low fat dairy As most of you are probably already aware, cheese is the enemy of our waistlines. But it doesn't have to be. You should still eat cheese and other dairy products such as milk and yoghurt, but make sure you switch to a low-fat variety. As well as strengthening bones, low-fat dairy products are thought to help you rip through fat reserves. Research carried out at Purdue University found that those who consumed three cups of low-fat milk a day gained less weight over two years compared to those on low-calcium diets. Peanut butter Another reason why protein is so fantastic at burning fat is that the body requires more energy to process it than it does carbs and fat, so you burn more calories in the process. As well as being tastier than David Beckham in a pair of swim shorts, peanut butter is essentially liquid protein, and it's a top choice for a pre-workout breakfast. Leafy vegetables Low in calories and fat (obviously), green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and lettuce are packed with fat-burning fibre as well as an endless list of vitamins and minerals. Fibre (just like protein) has the added benefit of making you feel full, so they are a great way to bulk up your diet and keep you from craving carbs or sweet snacks - which are the enemy of your stomach. 10 brain-boosting super foods Does your brain need a boost after a long, hard morning in the office? Do you need to focus your mind after going that little bit too far when out on the town last night?
  • 4. Then why not try the brain-boosting super foods that are guaranteed to stimulate your struggling synapses! Oily fish Oily fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for increasing brain function and improving cognitive strength and alertness. Blueberries Berries are rich in antioxidants and are thought to help build healthy connections between brain cells. Blueberries are widely considered to be one of the healthiest foods around - these sweet little bursts of goodness are also rich in fibre, which helps improve your cardiovascular system as well as your brain. Dark chocolate It's true - chocolate can be good for you! Dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa) has plenty of brain-boosting compounds, is rich in antioxidants and has just the right amount of caffeine to keep you alert. It also sends your serotonin skyrocketing, so you can stay happy during those long, boring days in the office. Curry This fiery staple of Indian and Thai cuisine often contains potent spices that are known to reduce inflammation. On top of this, animal studies have shown that curcumin - curry's active ingredient - is effective at clearing away proteins called amyloid plaques, which can cause serious brain problems. Broccoli Former U.S. president George W. Bush may have been vocal in his hatred of this much- maligned foodstuff, but it is known to increase brain power. Broccoli and other green vegetables such as kale, cabbage and brussels sprouts are filled with antioxidants like vitamin C, as well as brain-protecting plant compounds called carotenoids. Seeds Seeds such as pumpkin seeds contain lots of brilliant mind-boosting minerals like zinc and magnesium.
  • 5. Wholegrain foods Eating a diet rich in whole grain foods is proven to increase cognitive function. One recent study found that women who increased their intake of folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 (all of which are found in whole grains) were significantly better at recalling information than those who did not. Avocado Avocado is rich in Vitamin E - an important antioxidant for maintaining a healthy brain. Green and black tea A fresh-brewed cup of tea is a rich source of catechines (antioxidants), which are great for boosting your brain. However, tea does of course contain caffeine, so avoid drinking more than two to three cups a day. Water Staying hydrated is vital as every cell in your body needs water to thrive. Studies show that people who are well hydrated score significantly better in tests of brainpower, compared with those who aren't drinking enough. 21 expert diet tips The best in the business reveal what you should know about losing weight... What's the difference between a healthy diet and a dangerous one, a workable one and one that sees you secretly stuffing your face with chocolate cake just two days after you promised not to. Tried and tested expert advice, that's what. So, in honour of that little black dress you've been dying to fit into, we asked 6 diet and nutrition experts for their top tips on
  • 6. getting rid of those extra kilos. And no, there's no carb-hating or mealmissing involved... Cheenu Prashar, Consultant Dietician, Max Healthcare 1. I never skip breakfast as it can leave one hungry, tired and looking for less healthy food later in the day. I begin my day with high-fibre, low-fat breakfast of porridge, muesli, oats, wholewheat bread, and sprouts. 2. Another reason not to miss brekky: it takes care of indigestion, which occurs when you skip a meal or overeat. A light lemony drink after meals also aids in better digestion. 3. I look for ways to walk and move around every minutes during the day. Taking the stairs more often and parking farther away from your destination, going and grabbing a glass of water on my own, are simple ways to stay active. Kiran Sawhney, nutritionist 1. Consistence, dedication and strong willpower in following a fitness regime is what works. We are disciplined for a bit, and then tend to binge, which ruins the entire rhythm. Build your willpower by achieving small missions every day. 2. Adopt a variety of fitness regimes, on different days. If you do kickboxing one day, try pilates, walking, swimming and aerobics on other days of the week so you don't get bored. 3. Cardio is very important as it tones up your system. Exercise is a great way to cut flab, but you must get a personal trainer, who will teach you the right techniques to aid weight loss. They may be expensive, but they are worth it. Reeta Shankar, dietician 1. Should start their day with protein so that there is no extra insulin in the system. I have egg white, milk and sprouts or cottage cheese, oats and bran, so that my body gets the right complex carbs. 2. The aim is to stay full for as long as possible, so mix some moong dal into your flour. It is quite filling and will cut your craving for big meals or snacking. 3. Dinner should always be light, so try grilled chicken or just a soup. Veggies are ideal they're light on the system and natural. Eat as much as you like. Shikha Sharma, dietician 1. I think skipping alcohol is one of the best way to stay fit and healthy. Alcohol has empty calories and no nutritional benefit. It also stimulates appetite and interferes with your sleep. A loss-loss, really. 2. Instead of a sugary treat, which you may want to indulge in after a meal, try a fruit instead. Fruits satisfy a sweet tooth in the same way cake might, but it's much healthier. 3. Liquid food is a great way to lose weight. Soups and juices give you instant energy without the carbs, plus they nourish the body. However, a liquid diet doesn't work for everybody, so consult your doctor before starting one. Ishi Khosla, dietician 1. I typically avoid sugar in my drinks, or restrict it to a small spoon in my morning tea. Sugar is empty, fattening calories, so large quantities are best avoided. To cut your intake, watch out for the worst offenders: drinks and baked goods.
  • 7. 2. Not having big meals at night is a perfect way to cut calories. Towards the end of the day, your metabolism slows down, so stick to small portions and light foods. 3. Fill up your plate with veggies instead of starchy stuff, which will make you feel awfully full and add calories. If possible, make yourself an organic meal it's light, and great for your body. Rachna Sethi, nutritionist 1. Increase your fibre intake by eating whole foods and grains instead of processed foods. Avoid white rice and refined cereals. 2. Substitute junk food with homemade, healthy snacks. You can make burgers or pizzas at home, which will not have trans fatty acids. You can also attempt continental style idlisinstead of sambhar, have it with green veggies. 3. Add soyabean to your diet and have it at least once in a week as it helps strengthen the bones. You can boil soya, make it into a paste and add it in your meals, or just have soya milk (especially great for those who want to keep fit the right way, without skipping meals or starving). Soya has many nutrients, as does tofu, which you stock at home. Kajal Pandya, nutritionist, Vedanta, MediCity 1. Have lots of fruits and salads, as they have antioxidants and minerals which boost your body, plus they are low in fat and calories. They also eliminate wastes quickly and help reduce cravings for sweets. 2. Drink lots of waterit removes toxins and helps cushion your joints. Studies have also proven that a low consumption of water allows more fat to be deposited instead of being metabolized into energy. 3. Scientists have discovered that stress could make you gain weight. Relaxation is the key to many health problems, so indulge in daily meditation. Want to reduce your belly fat? Eat apples, green peas and beans Washington, June 28 (ANI): Are you tired of having belly fat? Now, eat two small apples, one cup of green peas and one-half cup of pinto beans and exercise vigorously for 30 minutes, two to four times a week. cording to the researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, vegetables, fruit and beans contain more soluble fiber and will help reduce visceral fat, or belly fat, around the midsection. They found that for every 10-gram increase in soluble fiber eaten per day, visceral fat was reduced by 3.7 percent over five years. In addition, increased moderate activity resulted in a 7.4 percent decrease in the rate of visceral fat accumulation over the same time period.
  • 8. "We know that a higher rate of visceral fat is associated with high blood pressure, diabetes and fatty liver disease," said Kristen Hairston, assistant professor of internal medicine at Wake Forest Baptist and lead researcher on the study. "Our study found that making a few simple changes can have a big health impact," he added. The researchers examined whether lifestyle factors, such as diet and frequency of exercise, were associated with a five-year change in abdominal fat of African Americans and Hispanic Americans. At the beginning of the study, which involved 1,114 people, the participants were given a physical exam, an extensive questionnaire on lifestyle issues, and a CT scan. Five years later, the exact same process was repeated. The researchers found that increased soluble fiber intake was associated with a decreased rate of accumulated visceral fat, but not subcutaneous fat. "There is mounting evidence that eating more soluble fiber and increasing exercise reduces visceral or belly fat, although we still don't know how it works," said Hairston. The results are published in the June 16 online issue of the journal Obesity. (ANI) 60 ways to look young (and feel great) 'Beauty is what health and happiness look like on the outside,' Good Housekeeping told readers in 1916. Our advice has changed little since because we've always extolled the fundamentals: The right diet, exercise and spirit promote long life - and keep you looking and feeling young. (Of course, a fabulous haircut, lipstick, and the right pair of jeans can't hurt, either.)
  • 9. Here's the ultimate clock-resetting guide - beauty how-to and health must-do. Mind your brain These strategies will help keep you sharp-witted(and healthy, too!) throughout your life Drink up Your coffee, that is. Swedish and Finnish researchers found that moderate consumption of coffee (3-5 small cups a day) cuts the risk of dementia by 65 percent. Get moving Middle-aged women and men who exercise 5-6 times a week (brisk walking is okay) are far less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment later in life. Check your numbers High cholesterol in your 40s can up your chances of developing Alzheimer's later in life, researchers reported at a 2008 meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Also Keep an eye on Your high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Low levels are linked to memory loss and dementia, a University College, London, study of 3,673 participants found. Watch your weight Obesity can increase the dementia risk by 80 percent, a Johns Hopkins, US, study found. Most dangerous: fat around your middle.
  • 10. Be a groupie Payoffs from having a circle of friends or people you see regularly at a club or other gathering: Lower blood pressure Delayed memory loss Reduced risk of recurrent stroke and even the common cold Save your skin Choose the right products but follow through with some mustdos as well... Your chest is thin- skinned, making it susceptible to sun damage. to renew it, gently exfoliate regularly with a face scrub. Wear a hat that has at least a three-inch brim in order to shade your face. or carry a parasol. on cold days, give your face extra protection with a super-rich thick moisturiser. Use sunscreen with a minimum spf of 15 - no matter where you live or what your skin colour, use every day, whether it's winter or summer. and don't forget the after-sun face wash. Keep an eye on your vision Dark green leafy vegetables are prime sources of both lutein and zeaxanthin, plant pigments that protect your eyes from uv damage. make lettuce salads - and make sure spinach is on the menu, too. Happy birthday! Celebrating one of these milestones? Gift yourself new cosmetics and a new look. Move beyond the bare essentials. Don't hold back - treat yourself to... AT 30 tinted moisturisers, loose body powders and shimmers. AT 40 lengthening mascara, eyelid primer. AT 50 rosy blush, glowy foundation. AT 60 shimmery shadow, hydrating lipstick. Dress code 7 fashion tricks that will make you look younger-instantly
  • 11. 1. Try the new black - It's actually black and white; the combination makes you look sophisticated but still playful. 2. Experiment with a new trend - It updates your look and gives you a more youthful vibe. 3. Learn the power of shapewear - They can give you a sleeker line by invisibly smoothing the areas that bulge out a bit. A more supportive bra adds lift - and subtracts years. 4. Show some leg - Who said that once you're 40, hems should be below the knee? At the knee or just above is most flattering. 5. Skip the Mommy jeans - A dark wash, lower waist, and slimmer-cut jeans will give you the impression of legs you had in high school. 6. Go casual - A T-shirt under your jacket instead of a buttondown shirt, for example, can make you look younger. 7. Keep it in proportion - A slim pant, paired with a longer tunic, will take away years (and conceal extra pounds). Go fish For omega-3-rich sources. The fatty acids in these cold-water fish fight inflammation (precursor to heart disease, arthritis, diabetes) and boost mood. Best high-in-fat: • Salmon (canned is fine) • Mackerel • Sardines • Pomfret • Rohu If you can't find these fish, or your tastes are more turf than surf, then take fish oil supplements containing 500mg of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). Seven Seas Seacod and Maxepa are locally available brands. While you can get omega-3s from plant sources, they're in a form that don't give you similar protection. Love lessons A study conducted at Columbia and Yale Universities found that elderly women who named their husbands as their primary confidants had a reduced risk of dying over the next six years. Bonus: Their husbands lived longer, too.The give- and-take of couple-dom may help keep the neurons firing, say Scandinavian researchers whose study of 1,400 men and women found that people who live
  • 12. alone at mid-life are twice as likely to develop cognitive impairment later in life as against those who are paired up. A hand up Pure lemon juice is one of the finest things for the hands,' Good Housekeeping reported in 1897, foreshadowing today's fruit-acid craze. While citric acid remains a great slougher, here are two more smooth moves: To avoid chapping, always dry hands thoroughly and follow with a hand cream. Keep gloves in your kitchen and bathrooms, to protect your hands whenever you're washing or cleaning. Build a better memory Our ability to commit new information to memory - and then retrieve it when we need it - slows down over the years. To minimise the decline: Practise paying attention Forcing yourself to observe and recall the details of your day - which tie did your husband wear? Did the supermarket cashier have her hair up or brushed back - sharpens your memory, even if you never need the information. Watch TV, or unwind in whatever way works for you - a long walk, a chat with a girl friend. Stress hormones (cortisol) may interfere with encoding and retrieving information; as you age, chronic elevated cortisol levels are linked to memory impairment. Do crossword puzzles, or learn a new instrument or language. Mentally challenging activities build fresh connections in your brain, creating "cognitive reserves" that may protect memory later in life. Shine on 'The price of a head of good hair is never ending vigilance,' warned Good Housekeeping in 1910. Today, thanks to new techniques and products, you can drop your guard but keep your looks. 1. Gray hair, which can be coarse, needs extra conditioning. Try hair products which soften hair. Hot oil treatments are still your best bet. 2. Hair becomes drier as you age; keep it healthy-looking with frequent trims and deep-conditioning.
  • 13. A cut above Ask your hair stylist for bangs. They look young and fun, and hide forehead lines.Make waves. Stick-straight hair can look severe (read: older); gentle curls soften the contours of your face. Short cuts create the illusion of more hair. If you prefer to keep your hair long, add face-framing layers for a subtle lift. A la smart menu 'Proper diet? will tend to ward off diseases,' Good Housekeeping said in 1919. Today, research has identified specific foods that can help you stay healthy and happy:? Berries of all hues are rich in antioxidants. They combat chemicals that can cause cell-damage and chronic inflammation. Spinach and other dark leafy greens deliver Vitamin K, which strengthens bones. Red wine contains resveratrol, an antioxidant, inflammation-deterrent, and artery-protector. Curd and other dairy products are a terrific source of bone-building protein and calcium. In a Japanese study conducted recently, eating 1/4 cup of curd a day led to a 50 percent reduction in tooth loss, possibly because of the probiotics in curd. Whole grains can protect against diabetes, heart disease, stroke, colon cancer, and gum disease. Dark chocolate helps keep your arteries functioning well. But have no more than 42gm a day. Too much will pack on the heartdamaging kilos. Keeping lips luscious Whatever your challenge - dryness, shape - there is a solution. Lift droopy corners, apply a basic colour first, then go over the centre of lips with a slightly deeper shade.Prevent the lipstick from melting away into lines. Use a pencil to line lips before you apply lipstick. Then, avoid too-creamy or glossy formulations, which tend to migrate or melt into those lines. Soften your pout. Gently rub a warm, damp washcloth over your lips to slough dead skin. Follow with a balm. What's so funny about that A University of Maryland, US, research found that laughing can increase blood flow by 22 percent and may protect against heart problems. It also relieves stress. As the crow's(feet) fly
  • 14. In 1931, Good Housekeeping referred to them as those "hateful little lines," and advised - as a deterrent - avoiding 'visual strains of all kinds,' including 'lack of glasses when they are not needed.' Besides not smoking, here's how you can minimise the dreaded crinkles: After you've washed your face, pat around your eyes to dry the delicate skin - rubbing stretches it. Even if you have oily skin and don't use a face cream, moisturise around your eyes twice a day. Apply moisturiser with your ring finger; it's your weakest one and thus least likely to cause damage to your eyes, or result in wrinkles. Master your metabolism You'll reverse middle-aged spread - and help keep your body slim and strong for years to come. Shed pounds slowly Crash dieting leads to greater loss of metabolism-boosting muscle. A fast-like diet will drop the average woman's metabolic rate by at least 25 percent. Pump iron Adding weight training to your cardio routine helps you avoid losing the 2.3kg muscle that otherwise disappear every decade, simply from getting older. Switch it up Trying different routines keeps muscles from getting bored - they have to work in new(challenging) ways. 4 Eye-Openers 1. Curl your lashes. 2. Cover dark undereye circles without telltale chalkiness - apply powder foundation in a shade that matches your skin tone to the darkened areas, then pat with a damp sponge. 3. Liner trick - choose a creamy eyeliner pencil. Hard pencils can pull at delicate skin. 4. Because of its texture, the skin around your eyes looks youngest with just a bare minimum of setting powder.