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50   Ideas for a Post-Oil Building
     Kenneth Wong | Plexus Plan Ex1 | Design 7



                      Stacked landscapes. Increasing densities
                      alongside an increase in quality of life,

                      emphasizing on both nature as well as

                      technology. MVRDV calls this creating a ‘new

                      nature’, both literally and metaphorically.


2                              Urban animal towers.
                               Intiensifying animal farming into a single buid-
                               ing may have benefits such as prevention of
                               diseases and different facilities on different
                               levels dedicated to each part of the farming

    Pig City, MVRDV, 2000-01
Hydroponics Facility:
                Cabbage, Bok Choi...

3                                       Urban Farm Towers 2.
                                        Concept can also be applied to crop produc-
                                        tion. High rise crop production minimises land
                                        area needed as newer technologies such as
                                        hydropnics and aeroponics can ensure efficient,
                                        organic production of crop for people’s daily
                                        needs. Under a more climatically controlled
                                        environment, we can better control crop disease
                                        and ensure that the crops receive an optimum
                                        amount of nutrients.


                                           Distribution Centre
4   Urban Farm Towers 3:
    Urban farm modules - an assemblage of farming
    components creating a farm city-like building.
5   Recycled + Sustainable Materials.
    We don’t necessarily have to look at manufactur-
    ing new construction materials all the time.
    Many materials around us can be reused and
    recycled. Unique properties of some natural
    products used to influence the design of our
                 +   Self-sufficient, off-the-grid-homes. Is it possi-
                     ble to harness the power of the environment - by

                     utilising clean-energy generators such as photo-

    -   =            voltaic panels, solar water heaters, wind turbines

                     and geothermal systems as alternative sources
                     of energy, to an extent that houses can be
                     independent of the city’s energy grid?
7                                  Central Business District

                                                                    Power Station

                                                                            Renewable Energy - Wind power. How can the
Residential Tower II                                                        location and form of our buildings be influenced
                                                                            by the need to harness energy from the strong
                                                                            winds that blow through our city?

                                                                       Hydroponics Farm

                                Residential Tower I
8   Hydrogen Fuel Cells.
    In the future, hydrogen could also join electricity
    as an important energy carrier. An energy carrier
    moves and delivers energy in a usable form to
    consumers. Renewable energy sources, like the
    sun and wind, can’t produce energy all the time.
    But they could, for example, produce electric en-
    ergy and hydrogen, which can be stored until it’s
    needed. Hydrogen can also be transported (like
    electricity) to locations where it is needed.
9   Renewable Energy - Hydro electricity. Could
    we create lagoons within the Port Philip Bay
    and take advantage of tidal energy to produce
    electricity? Could we create offshore develop-
    ments that take advantage of this energy? Tide
    rises and falls twice a day, where tidal streams
    are created by the flow of water from one area to
10   Renewable Energy - Biogas. Assuming that
     buildings of the future will increase in density and
     inevitably increase in size as well, the amount of
     human manure will also aubstantially increase as
     a result of a larger dwelling population. Energy
     can be produced from biogas for heating and
     lighting. Storage silos can be incorporated into
     these buildings for biogas production. After the
     gas has been taken out, the manure can also be
     distributed to crop production centres as fertilis-
     Multi renewable energy sourced facility. For
     example, a biomass energy plant might feature a
     secondary power source such as solar powered
     heating to ensure a consistent production of en-
     ergy. Similarly, a tidal energy plant offshore can
     also feature wind turbines, where it’s location is
     also ideal for harnessing wind power.
12                                                          Flexible Facades. Building facades that are cus-
                                                            tomisable to respond to changes in the weather.
                                                            Examples include motorised screens that move
                                                            in response to the changing direction of the sun’s
                                                            rays, or glass that change in opacity in response
                                                            to the intensity of light/interior temperatures.
                                                            Users should also be given opportunities to
                                                            choose from a selection of ‘facade options’ to
                                                            suit their needs.

     Loblolly House, Kieran Timberlake & Associates, 2007
13                                                          Kit of Parts. Buildings could also be composed
                                                            entirely of off-site fabricated, ready-made com-
                                                            ponents which can assembled quickly on-site.
                                                            This minimises disruption/inconveneince to activ-
                                                            ity in the site surroundings. Lengthy on-site con-
                                                            struction and fabrication of materials contribute
                                                            a fair deal to air and noise pollution in the area.
                                                            The idea of the building as a kit of ready-made
                                                            parts also mean that these parts can be disas-
                                                            sembled with minimal decomposed debris and
                                                            can be relocated and reassembled elsewhere.

     Loblolly House, Kieran Timberlake & Associates, 2007
     CITY   Location. Location.
            Location of newly developed ‘Green’ Power
            Plants nearer to buildings as they are less/not
            pollutive or hazardous. It also minimizes loss
            of energy (wire resistance) as a result of trans-
            porting them over greater distances.
15              RESIDENTIAL

                           PUBLIC SPACE AGRICULTURE
               RESIDENTIAL              AGRICULTURE
            T R A N S P O R TT R A N S P O R T
                PUBLIC SPACE       PUBLIC SPACE           Repeating ground planes. Building on the

                AGRICULTURE        AGRICULTURE            concept of stacked landscapes, the ground
                                                          plane should be re-activated on the upper lev-
                RESIDENTIAL        RESIDENTIAL            els, thus expanding circulation between build-
                AGRICULTURE        AGRICULTURE
                                                          ings as well as creating multi-tiered landscape
                RESIDENTIAL        RESIDENTIAL            of public spaces such as gardens within or
                PUBLIC SPACE       PUBLIC SPACE           between buildings.

         TRANSPORT             TRANSPORT
                                                              Increase Building Envelope. Higher density
                                                              from higher plot ratio can be achieved from
                                                              increasing the maximum height allowed for
                              PUBLIC SPACE AGRICULTURE
                 RESIDENTIAL               AGRICULTURE
                                                              buildings. High rise buildings allow for more
            TR    A   N   S P O R TT R A N S P O R T
                 PUBLIC SPACE           PUBLIC SPACE

                                                              programme units.
                 AGRICULTURE            AGRICULTURE

                 RESIDENTIAL            RESIDENTIAL
                 AGRICULTURE            AGRICULTURE

                 RESIDENTIAL            RESIDENTIAL

                 PUBLIC SPACE           PUBLIC SPACE

         TRANSPORT                 TR    ANSPO           RT
17               RESIDENTIAL

                              PUBLIC SPACE AGRICULTURE                         Build underground. Instead of building up-
                 RESIDENTIAL               AGRICULTURE
            TR    A   N   S P O R TT R A N S P O R T
                                                                               wards, we can take the building extrusion in the
                 PUBLIC SPACE                    PUBLIC SPACE
                                                                               other direction. 1. This takes advantage of the
                 AGRICULTURE                     AGRICULTURE

                                                                               earth’s geothermal properties for natural insula-
                 RESIDENTIAL                     RESIDENTIAL
                 AGRICULTURE                     AGRICULTURE

                                                                               tion to maintain constant temperature throughout
                                                                               the year. 2. Higher urban density is achieved
                 RESIDENTIAL                     RESIDENTIAL
                 PUBLIC SPACE                    PUBLIC SPACE
                                                                               without much necessary expanding infrastruc-
                                                                               ture laterally as in the case of building upwards.

                                                                               Existing infrastructure such as transport can
         TRANSPORT                       TRANSPO                          RT
                                                                               remain on the ground plain as voids created from

                                                                               the downward extrusion opens up new architec-
                                                                               tural typologies. Energy production facilities can

                                                                               then take advantages of freed up space above
                      P U B L I C S PA C E
                                                                               the ground plane.
                                 TR     A    N   SPO     RT
                                                       Performative architecture. Morpho-ecologies
                                                       deals with the differentiation of material systems,
                                                       integrating ecological, topological and structural
                                                       performance to determine the composition of a
                                                       building. Methods of assessment and production
                                                       include parametrics, generative components,
                                                       scripting, etc.

     Shading Structure, Michael Hensel with AA, 2008
     ‘100 Mile’ Building. Materials sourced from
     the building should not be from distances over
     100 miles from the site. This limits distances
     travelled as well as encourages material pro-
     duction within a given radii of the site.
Farms as nodal points that influence

20   development.

     Reconsidering agriculture centres as determi-
     nants of a sustainable city instead of agriculture
     sectors as supportive components of a business
     financial centre can improve the self-sufficiency
     of the city. If we rethink our ideas of a farm from
     a laterally spread out, high land area component,
     to an integrated facility that takes up smaller
     building footprints and incorporated in the city
     centre, we might achieve a more self-sufficient
     and sustainable urban fabric.
21   Farms located on main transport intersections.

     New ‘urban farms’ should be located on main
     intersections of transport networks to facilitate
     efficient distribution of crops. The distribution of
     crops should be mainly via rail instead of via road,
     where trains have larger load capacity and are not
     affected by traffic congestions. With farms located
     within cities, distribution could be via more envi-
     ronmentally friendly light rail systems.
22   Urban Farm Belt. Ignoring site boundaries and
     the site as specific, an ‘infrastructural belt’ of
     farms could weave through the city as attach-
     ments complementing the existing buildings in
     the city. In this way, a new zone is introduced
     into the city. It starts first as individual pro-
     grammes inserted alongside existing buildings,
     depending initially their infrastructure for circu-
     lation and servicing, but eventually joining up
     with other similar units to form a self-supporting
     network infrastructure of farms in the city.
23   Centralised Amenities.

     Centralised amenities around transport intersec-
     tions. Encourages use of public transport where
     the building housing these amenities becomes
     an interchange serving different needs of users
     under one roof.
24   Permaculture.
     Permaculture - an approach to designing
     human settlements and perenial agricul-
     tural systems that mimic the relationships
     found in natural ecologies. Proposal to
     introduce urban ‘Huertas’ featured like
     sky gardens in high rise balconies, or as a
     building programme - ‘Organoponicas’.
25   Extensive roof gardens & green walls.
     Reduces rate and volume of storm-water runoff.
     Acts as a protective membrane from extreme tem-
     perature fluctuations and UV rays.
     Acts as an air filter as well as an insulating skin,
     improving air quality and reducing energy required
     for air conditioning.
     1 Storey Building grass roof with 100mm of me-
     dium = 25% reduction in cooling needs. (Canadian
     Govt. Environment Regulatory and Research Arm)
     1sqm of Green Roof = 0.2kg of airborne particles/
     Vertical Greening. Greater proportion of
     green spaces within a building to act as green
     lungs. Could crop production start to occur on
     vertical planes. if not stepped planes to save
27   Ventiform.

     The shape of a post-oil building that depends
     on wind power as its main source of energy
     will have to be able to channel maximum air
     flow through the building as well as be aerody-
     namically adapting to changes in wind direc-
     tion. Foster and partner’s project attempting to
     integrate an electricity generating wind turbine
     into a mixed-use, high-rise building. Venti-
     facts - rocks carved into aerodynamic forms
     by windblown sand. (eg. Enercon E66 wind
     turbine to power 1500 suburban homes.)
28   Photovoltaic facade.
     Exisitng skin of building could be utilised to
     generate electricity for consumption within. Large
     surface area of facade sufficient to achieve an
     off-the-grid building.
29   Ventilation.

     Emphasis on stack and cross ventilation as
     passive cooling measures to reduce electricity
     consumption for air conditioning.
30   Integrating recycling chutes alongside
     existing rubbish chutes.

     With dedicated chutes for rubbish and re-
     cyclable materials in high rise buildings,
     users will find an increased convenience
     accessing and depositing unwanted
     household material. Currently, only rub-
     bish chutes are a standard feature in high
     rise residential developments, while recy-
     clable materials can be brought to central
     areas for collection. Perhaps this feature
     can further promote habits of reusing,
     reducing, and recycling.
31       Hydroponics + Aquaculture.

         Aquaponic modules featuring tanks that veg-
         etables grow by fertilising them with nutrient-
         rich water from fish tanks underneath. Fish

         tanks can consist of cultivated native fish to
         be sold in markets eventually. Such a system
         would need to be carried out in a large scale in
         order for it to be commercially profitable.

     Skybridges. Link buildings to one another. Activates new
     planes for circulation, thus creating a more porous urban
     space. Skybridges act like spatial layers creating loops so
     that users do not not need to proceed to the ground floor
     to get to another building. This way, human density and
     traffic flow can be managed in zones.
     Example shown is the Linked Hybrid project by Steven
     Holl, 2003-09.
33   Lighting.
     Abundant use of natural lighting in buildings.
     Reduction in energy used to illuminate interiors
     of buildings.
34          Parking.

            Parking provisions for vehicles should be
            reduced to a minimum as people are encour-
            aged to take public transport. Less parking
            spaces required frees up space for more
            programmatic functions in a building, such as
            to make provisions for public transport infra-
35   Replacing Vehicles.

     Additional parking facilities for bicycles.
     Light Rail System stopping at every building.
     Capsule hotels in case you need to spend the
     night without heading home. (If your home is
     not within the building)
     High capacity lifts will replace the need for
     cars as they connect people to diffrent floors
     tens of storeys apart.

     Gallery space that encourages ideas of sus-
     tainability. These could be ideas-in-progress
     spaces can increase public awareness of the
     changing city, showing examples from new
     farming techniques to a city without cars.
37   Colour of buildings.
     The albedo of building facades could lead to
     substantial energy losses or gains required in
     maintaining internal air conditions within the
     building. The colour of the building in relation
     to sun orientation should be taken into serious

     Interior lighting. Energy saving measures might
     also include light-emitting diodes (LED) technol-
     ogy as they save on unit space, have longer
     lifespan and provide a higher luminance to en-
     ergy ratio.
     Gym equipment such as treadmills, elliptical
     runners and rowing machines could be sourc-
     es of dynamic energy transformations that
     could contribute to the building’s energy grid.
     Sun orientation.
     Emphasis on sun orientation -
     determines the amount of radiation it re-
     ceives. This influences the programmatic
     layout of buildings.
41   Brise Soleil. Sun shading systems are
     integral in complementing a building’s ori-
     entation to the sun’s path. They allow for
     low incidence of sunlight to penetrate the
     interior during winter and provide shade
     from the sun during summer.
42   Insulation.

     Appropriate application of glazing, double/triple
     glazing as well as thermal massing to miti-
     gate heat loss/gain. New technologies include
     a Panelite IGU which has the adaptibility of
     tubular polycarbonate honeycomb core for use
     in glazing and curtain walls. These panels can
     also be used for sliding, pivoting and partition
     walls and ceilings.
43   Commuter-focused corridor as a building.
     Park and ride schemes encourage people to
     take public transport. If the ride component of
     this scheme can be further expanded to incor-
     porate other modes of commuting such as jog-
     ging tracks, cycling paths or even swimming
     lanes, the buildings on either end would need
     to provide facilities for showering and chang-
     ing. Commuting to work can also be a healthy
     lifestyle experience.

                                  Community Urban Farms or ‘Safeway’ farm/
                                  market. Minimizes distance crops are sourced
                                  from and delivered to, reducing cost of

Shared crop production


                                                  Community Barter Trade Markets. If urban
                                                  ‘huertas’ are small in scale in residential de-
                                                  velopments, community barter trade markets
                                                  allow exchange of crops grown by households.
                                                  This creates a community supported network
                                                  of crop production, where a household ‘huerta’
                                                  can choose to focus on cultivating a particular

                                                  type of crop.


46   TIilapia
                               Inland fish farms. Do fish necessarily have to
                               be harvested from open seas or fish farms just
     Murray Cod
                               off the coast? If fish can be cultivated inland,
     Blue Grenadier            then the carbon trail can be reduced through
                               less dependence on ships and overland trans-
     Trouts                    port.

47   Institute/Museum of Urban Agriculture.
     Along introduction of new building types, an
     institute/museum of urban agriculture acts
     as a research and development facility that
     builds upon the examples seen in the ‘huertas’
     of Cuba. This building will promote a culture
     of sustainable living and educate the public
     through a detailed documentation of the evolu-
     tion of agriculture.
48   Energy Stations I.
     Stations generating their own power (eg so-
     lar energy) will provide energy for vehicles to
     ‘plug-in’ and charge their battery cells.
     Energy Stations II. Stations generating their
     own power (eg solar energy) featured at each
     train station to recharge the electric trains
     sufficiently for it to arrive at the next station.
     Energy Stations III.
     Offshore Stations generating their own power
     from hydroelectricity act as new ‘fuel’ stations,
     recharging sea vessels that don’t need to rely
     on oil for fuel.

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Kennethwong 50ideasforapostoilbuilding

  • 1. 50 Ideas for a Post-Oil Building Kenneth Wong | Plexus Plan Ex1 | Design 7
  • 2. 1 PUBLIC SPACE RT AGRICULTURE O RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE P Stacked landscapes. Increasing densities alongside an increase in quality of life, S emphasizing on both nature as well as RESIDENTIAL technology. MVRDV calls this creating a ‘new N nature’, both literally and metaphorically. PUBLIC SPACE A R COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE T TRANSPORT
  • 3. 2 Urban animal towers. Intiensifying animal farming into a single buid- ing may have benefits such as prevention of diseases and different facilities on different levels dedicated to each part of the farming process. Pig City, MVRDV, 2000-01
  • 4. Hydroponics Facility: Cabbage, Bok Choi... 3 Urban Farm Towers 2. Concept can also be applied to crop produc- tion. High rise crop production minimises land area needed as newer technologies such as hydropnics and aeroponics can ensure efficient, organic production of crop for people’s daily needs. Under a more climatically controlled environment, we can better control crop disease and ensure that the crops receive an optimum Carrots amount of nutrients. Onions Mushrooms Distribution Centre
  • 5. 4 Urban Farm Towers 3: Urban farm modules - an assemblage of farming components creating a farm city-like building.
  • 6. 5 Recycled + Sustainable Materials. We don’t necessarily have to look at manufactur- ing new construction materials all the time. Many materials around us can be reused and recycled. Unique properties of some natural products used to influence the design of our buildings.
  • 7. 6 + Self-sufficient, off-the-grid-homes. Is it possi- ble to harness the power of the environment - by + utilising clean-energy generators such as photo- - = voltaic panels, solar water heaters, wind turbines =) and geothermal systems as alternative sources of energy, to an extent that houses can be independent of the city’s energy grid?
  • 8. 7 Central Business District Power Station Renewable Energy - Wind power. How can the Residential Tower II location and form of our buildings be influenced University by the need to harness energy from the strong winds that blow through our city? Hydroponics Farm Residential Tower I
  • 9. 8 Hydrogen Fuel Cells. In the future, hydrogen could also join electricity as an important energy carrier. An energy carrier moves and delivers energy in a usable form to consumers. Renewable energy sources, like the sun and wind, can’t produce energy all the time. But they could, for example, produce electric en- ergy and hydrogen, which can be stored until it’s needed. Hydrogen can also be transported (like electricity) to locations where it is needed.
  • 10. 9 Renewable Energy - Hydro electricity. Could we create lagoons within the Port Philip Bay and take advantage of tidal energy to produce electricity? Could we create offshore develop- ments that take advantage of this energy? Tide rises and falls twice a day, where tidal streams are created by the flow of water from one area to another.
  • 11. 10 Renewable Energy - Biogas. Assuming that buildings of the future will increase in density and inevitably increase in size as well, the amount of human manure will also aubstantially increase as a result of a larger dwelling population. Energy can be produced from biogas for heating and lighting. Storage silos can be incorporated into these buildings for biogas production. After the gas has been taken out, the manure can also be distributed to crop production centres as fertilis- ers.
  • 12. 11 Multi renewable energy sourced facility. For example, a biomass energy plant might feature a secondary power source such as solar powered heating to ensure a consistent production of en- ergy. Similarly, a tidal energy plant offshore can also feature wind turbines, where it’s location is also ideal for harnessing wind power.
  • 13. 12 Flexible Facades. Building facades that are cus- tomisable to respond to changes in the weather. Examples include motorised screens that move in response to the changing direction of the sun’s rays, or glass that change in opacity in response to the intensity of light/interior temperatures. Users should also be given opportunities to choose from a selection of ‘facade options’ to suit their needs. Loblolly House, Kieran Timberlake & Associates, 2007
  • 14. 13 Kit of Parts. Buildings could also be composed entirely of off-site fabricated, ready-made com- ponents which can assembled quickly on-site. This minimises disruption/inconveneince to activ- ity in the site surroundings. Lengthy on-site con- struction and fabrication of materials contribute a fair deal to air and noise pollution in the area. The idea of the building as a kit of ready-made parts also mean that these parts can be disas- sembled with minimal decomposed debris and can be relocated and reassembled elsewhere. Loblolly House, Kieran Timberlake & Associates, 2007
  • 15. 14 CITY Location. Location. Location of newly developed ‘Green’ Power Plants nearer to buildings as they are less/not pollutive or hazardous. It also minimizes loss of energy (wire resistance) as a result of trans- porting them over greater distances.
  • 16. 15 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE PUBLIC SPACE AGRICULTURE RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE T R A N S P O R TT R A N S P O R T PUBLIC SPACE PUBLIC SPACE Repeating ground planes. Building on the TRANSPORT AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE concept of stacked landscapes, the ground plane should be re-activated on the upper lev- RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL els, thus expanding circulation between build- AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE ings as well as creating multi-tiered landscape RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL of public spaces such as gardens within or PUBLIC SPACE PUBLIC SPACE between buildings. COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE TRANSPORT TRANSPORT
  • 18. 17 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE PUBLIC SPACE AGRICULTURE Build underground. Instead of building up- RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE TR A N S P O R TT R A N S P O R T wards, we can take the building extrusion in the PUBLIC SPACE PUBLIC SPACE other direction. 1. This takes advantage of the AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE earth’s geothermal properties for natural insula- RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE SPORT tion to maintain constant temperature throughout the year. 2. Higher urban density is achieved RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL PUBLIC SPACE PUBLIC SPACE without much necessary expanding infrastruc- ture laterally as in the case of building upwards. COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE AN Existing infrastructure such as transport can TRANSPORT TRANSPO RT remain on the ground plain as voids created from TR COMMERCIAL the downward extrusion opens up new architec- tural typologies. Energy production facilities can COMMERCIAL TRANSPORT then take advantages of freed up space above P U B L I C S PA C E COMMERCIAL the ground plane. TR A N SPO RT
  • 19. 18 Performative architecture. Morpho-ecologies deals with the differentiation of material systems, integrating ecological, topological and structural performance to determine the composition of a building. Methods of assessment and production include parametrics, generative components, scripting, etc. Shading Structure, Michael Hensel with AA, 2008
  • 20. 19 ‘100 Mile’ Building. Materials sourced from the building should not be from distances over 100 miles from the site. This limits distances travelled as well as encourages material pro- duction within a given radii of the site.
  • 21. Farms as nodal points that influence 20 development. Reconsidering agriculture centres as determi- nants of a sustainable city instead of agriculture sectors as supportive components of a business financial centre can improve the self-sufficiency of the city. If we rethink our ideas of a farm from a laterally spread out, high land area component, to an integrated facility that takes up smaller building footprints and incorporated in the city centre, we might achieve a more self-sufficient and sustainable urban fabric.
  • 22. 21 Farms located on main transport intersections. New ‘urban farms’ should be located on main intersections of transport networks to facilitate efficient distribution of crops. The distribution of crops should be mainly via rail instead of via road, where trains have larger load capacity and are not affected by traffic congestions. With farms located within cities, distribution could be via more envi- ronmentally friendly light rail systems.
  • 23. 22 Urban Farm Belt. Ignoring site boundaries and the site as specific, an ‘infrastructural belt’ of farms could weave through the city as attach- ments complementing the existing buildings in the city. In this way, a new zone is introduced into the city. It starts first as individual pro- grammes inserted alongside existing buildings, depending initially their infrastructure for circu- lation and servicing, but eventually joining up with other similar units to form a self-supporting network infrastructure of farms in the city.
  • 24. 23 Centralised Amenities. Centralised amenities around transport intersec- tions. Encourages use of public transport where the building housing these amenities becomes an interchange serving different needs of users under one roof.
  • 25. 24 Permaculture. Permaculture - an approach to designing human settlements and perenial agricul- tural systems that mimic the relationships found in natural ecologies. Proposal to introduce urban ‘Huertas’ featured like sky gardens in high rise balconies, or as a building programme - ‘Organoponicas’.
  • 26. 25 Extensive roof gardens & green walls. Reduces rate and volume of storm-water runoff. Acts as a protective membrane from extreme tem- perature fluctuations and UV rays. Acts as an air filter as well as an insulating skin, improving air quality and reducing energy required for air conditioning. 1 Storey Building grass roof with 100mm of me- dium = 25% reduction in cooling needs. (Canadian Govt. Environment Regulatory and Research Arm) 1sqm of Green Roof = 0.2kg of airborne particles/ year.
  • 27. 26 Vertical Greening. Greater proportion of green spaces within a building to act as green lungs. Could crop production start to occur on vertical planes. if not stepped planes to save space?
  • 28. 27 Ventiform. The shape of a post-oil building that depends on wind power as its main source of energy will have to be able to channel maximum air flow through the building as well as be aerody- namically adapting to changes in wind direc- tion. Foster and partner’s project attempting to integrate an electricity generating wind turbine into a mixed-use, high-rise building. Venti- facts - rocks carved into aerodynamic forms by windblown sand. (eg. Enercon E66 wind turbine to power 1500 suburban homes.)
  • 29. 28 Photovoltaic facade. Exisitng skin of building could be utilised to generate electricity for consumption within. Large surface area of facade sufficient to achieve an off-the-grid building.
  • 30. 29 Ventilation. Emphasis on stack and cross ventilation as passive cooling measures to reduce electricity consumption for air conditioning.
  • 31. 30 Integrating recycling chutes alongside existing rubbish chutes. With dedicated chutes for rubbish and re- cyclable materials in high rise buildings, users will find an increased convenience accessing and depositing unwanted household material. Currently, only rub- bish chutes are a standard feature in high rise residential developments, while recy- clable materials can be brought to central areas for collection. Perhaps this feature can further promote habits of reusing, reducing, and recycling.
  • 32. 31 Hydroponics + Aquaculture. Aquaponic modules featuring tanks that veg- etables grow by fertilising them with nutrient- rich water from fish tanks underneath. Fish + tanks can consist of cultivated native fish to be sold in markets eventually. Such a system would need to be carried out in a large scale in order for it to be commercially profitable.
  • 33. 32 Skybridges. Link buildings to one another. Activates new planes for circulation, thus creating a more porous urban space. Skybridges act like spatial layers creating loops so that users do not not need to proceed to the ground floor to get to another building. This way, human density and traffic flow can be managed in zones. Example shown is the Linked Hybrid project by Steven Holl, 2003-09.
  • 34. 33 Lighting. Abundant use of natural lighting in buildings. Reduction in energy used to illuminate interiors of buildings.
  • 35. 34 Parking. FULL Parking provisions for vehicles should be reduced to a minimum as people are encour- aged to take public transport. Less parking spaces required frees up space for more programmatic functions in a building, such as to make provisions for public transport infra- structure.
  • 36. 35 Replacing Vehicles. Additional parking facilities for bicycles. Light Rail System stopping at every building. Capsule hotels in case you need to spend the night without heading home. (If your home is not within the building) High capacity lifts will replace the need for cars as they connect people to diffrent floors tens of storeys apart.
  • 37. 36 Education. Gallery space that encourages ideas of sus- tainability. These could be ideas-in-progress spaces can increase public awareness of the changing city, showing examples from new farming techniques to a city without cars.
  • 38. 37 Colour of buildings. The albedo of building facades could lead to substantial energy losses or gains required in maintaining internal air conditions within the building. The colour of the building in relation to sun orientation should be taken into serious consideration.
  • 39. 38 Interior lighting. Energy saving measures might also include light-emitting diodes (LED) technol- ogy as they save on unit space, have longer lifespan and provide a higher luminance to en- ergy ratio.
  • 40. 39 Manpower. Gym equipment such as treadmills, elliptical runners and rowing machines could be sourc- es of dynamic energy transformations that could contribute to the building’s energy grid.
  • 41. 40 Sun orientation. Emphasis on sun orientation - determines the amount of radiation it re- ceives. This influences the programmatic layout of buildings.
  • 42. 41 Brise Soleil. Sun shading systems are integral in complementing a building’s ori- entation to the sun’s path. They allow for low incidence of sunlight to penetrate the interior during winter and provide shade from the sun during summer.
  • 43. 42 Insulation. Appropriate application of glazing, double/triple glazing as well as thermal massing to miti- gate heat loss/gain. New technologies include a Panelite IGU which has the adaptibility of tubular polycarbonate honeycomb core for use in glazing and curtain walls. These panels can also be used for sliding, pivoting and partition walls and ceilings.
  • 44. 43 Commuter-focused corridor as a building. Park and ride schemes encourage people to take public transport. If the ride component of this scheme can be further expanded to incor- porate other modes of commuting such as jog- ging tracks, cycling paths or even swimming lanes, the buildings on either end would need to provide facilities for showering and chang- ing. Commuting to work can also be a healthy lifestyle experience.
  • 45. 44 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL Community Urban Farms or ‘Safeway’ farm/ market. Minimizes distance crops are sourced from and delivered to, reducing cost of logistics. AGRICULTURE
  • 46. Shared crop production 45 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL Community Barter Trade Markets. If urban ‘huertas’ are small in scale in residential de- velopments, community barter trade markets allow exchange of crops grown by households. This creates a community supported network of crop production, where a household ‘huerta’ can choose to focus on cultivating a particular TRANSPORT type of crop. RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL
  • 47. 46 TIilapia Inland fish farms. Do fish necessarily have to be harvested from open seas or fish farms just Murray Cod off the coast? If fish can be cultivated inland, Blue Grenadier then the carbon trail can be reduced through less dependence on ships and overland trans- Trouts port. Salmon DISTRIBUTION
  • 48. 47 Institute/Museum of Urban Agriculture. Along introduction of new building types, an institute/museum of urban agriculture acts as a research and development facility that builds upon the examples seen in the ‘huertas’ of Cuba. This building will promote a culture of sustainable living and educate the public through a detailed documentation of the evolu- tion of agriculture.
  • 49. 48 Energy Stations I. Stations generating their own power (eg so- lar energy) will provide energy for vehicles to ‘plug-in’ and charge their battery cells.
  • 50. 49 Energy Stations II. Stations generating their own power (eg solar energy) featured at each train station to recharge the electric trains sufficiently for it to arrive at the next station.
  • 51. 50 Energy Stations III. Offshore Stations generating their own power from hydroelectricity act as new ‘fuel’ stations, recharging sea vessels that don’t need to rely on oil for fuel.