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Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © &

Sri Maha Periva Thiruvadigal Saranam

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Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © &

Kanchi Periva Forum Newsletter – Volume 7
Issue: November 2012
Table of Contents

From the Editorial desk ........................................................................... 3
Periva Upadesam .................................................................................... 4
Divine experiences with Periva - English ................................................. 6
Experience # 1 – Would go on the Logs! .............................................. 6
Experience # 2 – The experiences of Milton Singer .............................. 6
Experience # 3 – Periva’s Divine Sport ................................................. 6
Divine experiences with Periva - Tamil ................................................... 7
அனுபவம் # 1 – பபரியவஹளின் உதடு பவடிப்பு ...................................... 7
அனுபவம் # 2 –சூரியனை கும்பிடு, சகல புண்யப௃ம் க஺னைக்கும் .......... 7
அனுபவம் # 3 – சங்கரன், கஹலகஹலன்

.................................................... 7

Stotra Ratnam ......................................................................................... 8
ஸ஺ந்து மதம் அற஺ந்து பகஹள்வவஹம் ...................................................... 10

Our ignorance of basic texts of Hinduism – Part 2 of 3 ......................... 13
Veda Rahasya ........................................................................................ 16
Devata Darshan..................................................................................... 18
Skanda Sashti ........................................................................................ 19
The Divine Collection at .............................................. 20
Feedback / Responses ........................................................................... 21
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From the Editorial desk
Sri Maha Periva Thiruvadigal Saranam.
We are pleased to present the seventh edition of our Kanchi Periva Forum newsletter, which is
dedicated to spreading the message and teachings of Sri Maha Periva. Every month now gets a good
addition of new members on the Forum, with the blessings of His Holiness.
As we write this newsletter, our membership has crossed 1470 (an addition of 220 since our last
newsletter), and the total number of posts is in excess of 4930. We are still well on the ratio of at least
two posts on each topic, and could see a net addition of 600+ posts within the last one month.
We also invite the attention of our new members to the following treasures, which were released in the
month of August: (click the links below to view)

Divya Darshan of Periva – absolutely rare video footage
Huge collection of rare photos of Periva – 2000 photos in all

Please also take a moment to visit the parent site which contains many hours of
Periva’s discourses – delivered by Him in His own unique style and accent.
We had a wonderful response to our special edition ebook on Navaratri that was released last month.
We look forward to releasing more such eBooks through the Forum, and invite other members who
would like to be associated in this activity as authors/co-authors/moderators in the Forum.
Our regular feature of daily divine thoughts and daily posts circulation has also caught the attention of
many devotees, and lot of members have written back with their appreciation for posting these daily
are now






We would like to convey our sincere thanks to the following members, who run the forum with their
untiring efforts (forum names used in ascending order): anusham163, brindavankanchi, radha,
saidevo, sankarcs, senzkumar, subi24, sumi and venkatswam.

Jaya Jaya Shankara, Hara Hara Shankara!

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Periva Upadesam
Punya and Paapa
Nobody wants to be known as a sinner, but all the same we
keep transgressing the bounds of morality and disobey the
divine law. We wish to enjoy the fruits of virtue without
being morally good and without doing anything meritorious.
Arjuna says to Bhagavan Krsna: "No man wants to commit
sin. Even so, Krsna, he does evil again and again. What is it
that drives him so? ". The lord replies "It is desire. Yes, it is
desire, Arjuna ".
We try to gain the object of our desire with no thought of
right or wrong (Dharma or Adharma). Is fire put out by ghee
poured into it? No, it rises higher and higher. Likewise,
when we gratify one desire, another, much worse, crops up.

Are we to take it, then, that it would be better if our desires were not satisfied? - No. Unfulfilled desire
causes anger, so too failure to obtain the object we hanker after. Like a rubber ball thrown against the
wall such an unsatisfied desire comes back to us in the form of anger and goads us into committing sin.
Krsna speaks of such anger as being next only to desire (as an evil).
Only by banishing desire from our hearts may we remain free from sin. How is it done? We cannot but
be performing our works. Even when we are physically inactive, our mind remains active. All our mental
and bodily activity revolves around our desires. And these desires thrust us deeper and deeper into sin.
Is it, then, possible to remain without doing any work? Human nature being what it is, the answer is
"No". "-- It is difficult to quell one's thinking nor is it easy to remain without doing anything-- ", says
Tayumanavasvamigal. We may stop doing work with the body, but how do we keep the mind quiet? The
mind is never still. Apart from being until itself, it incites the body to action.
We are unable either to efface our desires or to cease from all action. Does it then mean that liberation
is beyond us? Is there no way out of the problem? Yes, there is. It is not necessary that we should
altogether stop our actions in our present immature predicament. But instead of working for our selfish
ends, we ought to be engaged in such work as would bring benefits to the world as well as to our inward
life. The more we are involved in such work the less we will be drawn by desire. This will to some extent
keep us away from sin and at the same time enable us to do more meritorious work. We must learn the
habit of doing work without any selfish motives.

Work done without any desire for the fruit thereof is Punya or virtuous action.

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We sin in four different ways. With our body we do evil; with our tongue we speak untruth; with our
mind we think evil; and with our money we do so much that is wicked. We must learn to turn these very
four means of evil into instruments of virtue.
We must serve others with our body and circumambulate the Lord and prostrate ourselves before him.
In this way we earn merit. How do we use our tongue to add our stock of virtue? By muttering, by
repeating, the names of the Lord. You will perhaps excuse yourself saying: "All our time is spent in
earning our livelihood. How can we think of God or repeat his names? " A householder has a family to
maintain; but is he all the time working for it? How much time does he waste in gossip, in amusements,
in speaking ill of others, in reading the papers? Can't he spare a few moments to remember the Lord?
He need not set apart a particular hour of the day for his japa. He may think of God even on the bus or
the train as he goes to his office or any other place. Not a paisa is he going to take with him finally after
his lifelong pursuit of money. The Lord's name is the only current coin in the other world.
The mind is the abode of Isvara but we make a rubbish can of it. We must cleanse it, install the Lord in it
and be at peace with ourselves. We must devote atleast five minutes every day to meditation and
resolve to do so even if the world crashes around us. There is nothing else that will give us a helping
hand when the world cosmos is dissolved.

It is by helping the poor & by spreading glory of the Lord that we will earn merit.
Papa, sinful action, is two-pronged in its evil power. The first incites us to wrong-doing now. The second
goads us into doing evil tomorrow. For instance, if you take snuff now you suffer now. But tomorrow
also you will have the same yearning to take the same. This is what is called the vasana that comes of
habit. An effort must be made not only to reduce such vasana but also cultivate the vasana of virtue by
doing good deeds.
It is bad vasana that drags us again and again into wrong-doing. Unfortunately, we do not seem to
harbour any fear on that score. People like us, indeed even those known to have sinned much, have
become devotees of the Lord and obtained light and wisdom. How is Isvara qualified to to be called
great if he is not compassionate, and does not protect sinners also? It is because of sinners like us that
he has come to have the title of "Patitapavana" [he who sanctifies or lifts up the fallen with his grace]. It
is we who have brought him such a distinction.
"Come to me, your only refuge. I shall free you from all sins. Have no fear (sarvapapebhyo moksayisyami
ma sucah). " The assurance that Sri Krsna gives to free us from sin is absolute. So let us learn to be
courageous. To tie up an object you wind a string round it again and again. If it is to be untied you will
have to do the unwinding in a similar manner. To eradicate the vasana or sinning you must develop the
vasana of doing good to an equal degree. In between there ought to be neither haste nor anger. With
haste and anger the thread you keep unwinding will get tangled again. Isvara will come to our help if we
have patience, if we have faith in him and if we are rooted in dharma.

Jaya Jaya Shankara, Hara Hara Shankara!
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Divine experiences with Periva - English
Here are a few collections of moving experiences of devotees with Sri Maha Periva. We are only
presenting a few from the hundreds available on our Forum.

Experience # 1 – Would go on the Logs!
The Place: Among the few villages in the name Rishivantiyam in Tamilnadu, the Rishivantiyam of the
Thanjavur district. A lonely, old house on the border of the village. The Time: A short while before the
daybreak in the 1930s.
"Where is he? Where is he?", saying these words aloud in a fit of anger, an old brahmin widow looks to
her left as far as her eyes would go on the street. (On her right, the village suddenly ends.)
Read more:

Experience # 2 – The experiences of Milton Singer
When I was in Madras in the winter of 1954-55 I heard references on a number of occasions to Swami
Sankaracharya which greatly aroused my curiosity. Some of these references were made by avid
followers of the Swami, others by the critics, but all singled him out as person of unusual position and
attainment. (My) interviews (with Him) were among the highlights of my visit to India and still stand out
with great vividness.
For an American, the setting of the meetings under a green tree in the garden of the Conjeevaram Mutt
was in itself most charming and, I may say, misleading since I did not at the first interview recognize the
Swami still under the tree until my companions had prostrated themselves before him. But the most
memorable part of these interviews was the Swami himself.
Read more:

Experience # 3 – Periva’s Divine Sport
There was utter chaos in Sri Matha one day. Periyaval was not to be seen anywhere. "How did he vanish
when so many surrounded him and watched him all the while? What were the close attendants and
guards doing anyway? The Senior Manager was furious with the guards and attendants, and scolded
Things had been quite normal that morning. Periyaval had got up very early as usual, bathed, completed
his japa and daily routine of penance, then performed the ritualistic worship of Sri Candramoulisvara,
gave tirtha prasada to devotees, bathed again, performed anustana and then went in for bhiksa. After
that he was not to be seen.
Read more:

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Divine experiences with Periva - Tamil
பபரியவஹளுைைஹை பக்தர்களின் அனுபவ சஹகரத்த஺ல஺ருந்து ச஺ல துளிகள் இங்வக உங்களுக்கஹக:

அனுபவம் # 1 – பபரியவாளின் உதடு பவடிப்பு
பல வர்ஶங்களுக்கு ப௃ன்ைஹல், ஒருப௃னற நல்ல பைிக்கஹலம். பபரியவஹளின் உதடுகள் ஒவர







கஹட்டிக்பகஹள்ளஹமல் எப்வபஹதும் வபஹல வருபவர்களிைம் வபச஺க் பகஹண்டிருந்தஹர். அம்மஹத஺ரி




ஆைஹல், பபரியவஹ








மஹட்ைஹர். என்ை பண்ணுவது?

அனுபவம் # 2 –சூரியனை கும்பிடு, சகல புண்யமும் கினைக்கும்
க஺ரஹமத்த஺ல் ப௃கஹம். விவசஹய வவனல பசய்யும் ஒரு பபண்மைி, தரிசைத்துக்கு வந்தஹள்.








"என்ை வவனல பண்வற?"
"வயல் வவனலக்கு வபஹவறன், சஹம஺. ஆறு பசங்கள். மஹம஺யஹ, என்க஺ட்ை இருக்கு. கஹனலயிவல
வசஹறஹக்க஺ பவச்ச஺ட்டு வபஹயிடுவவன். இருட்டிைப்புறம்தஹன் வட்டுக்கு வருவவன். நஹன் எப்படி
சஹம஺னய கும்பிைறது? வகஹயிலுக்கு வபஹறது? உைம்பும் கனளச்சுப் வபஹவுது. சஹம஺ கும்பிைவவ
வநரம஺ல்வல, சஹம஺.."

அனுபவம் # 3 – சங்கரன், காலகாலன்





















வவதஹந்த நூல்கள் பலவற்னறப் படித்துப் புரிந்துபகஹண்டிருந்தஹர். னகவல்ய நவை ீதம், உள்ளது
நஹற்பது வபஹன்ற நூல்கள் எல்லஹம் மைப்பஹைம்.

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Stotra Ratnam
In this edition, we shall understand the meaning of the simple yet powerful “Mahalakshmi Ashtakam”,
an eight para slokam addressed to Goddess Lakshmi, who is worshipped now during the Diwali
celebrations. The translation presented below is by Sri P.R.Ramachander, who has kindly consented to
using his content for public benefit.
Mahalakshmi, who is the consort of Vishnu is worshipped as goddess of wealth by the Hindus. In the
beginning of creation she took form from the left side of Vishnu and was later born again from the sea
of milk, when the devas churned it for getting nectar. She resides on the chest of Maha Vishnu as “Sri
Vatsa”.It was she who took birth as Seetha and Rukmani. This very simple prayer is very ancient and has
been chanted by generations for solving all their problems.
Mahalakshmi Ashtakam–Lyrics

Mahalakshmi Ashtakam – Meaning

Namasthesthu Maha Maye,
Sree peede, sura poojithe,
Sanka , chakra, Gadha hasthe,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe.

Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi,
Who is the great enchantress,
Who lives in riches,
Who is worshipped by Gods,
And who has conch, wheel and mace in her hands.

Namasthe garudarude,
Kolasura bhayam kari,
Sarva papa hare , devi,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe

Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi.
Who rides on an eagle,
Who created fear to Kolasura,
And is the goddess who can destroy all sins

Sarvagne Sarva varadhe,
Sarva dushta Bhayam karee,
Sarva dukha hare, devi,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe

Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi.
Who knows everything,
Who can grant anything,
Who appears fearsome to bad people,
And is the goddess who can destroy all sorrows

Sidhi budhi pradhe devi,
Bhakthi mukthi pradayinee,
Manthra moorthe , sada devi,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe

Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi,
Who grants intelligence and occult powers,
Who grants devotion to God and salvation,
Who can be personified by holy chants,
And who is Goddess forever.

Adhyantha rahithe , devi,
Adhi Shakthi maheswari,
Yogaje yoga sambhoothe,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe.

Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi.
Who neither has an end nor beginning,
Who is the primeval power,
Who is the greates Goddess,
Who is born out of hard penance,
And who can be personified by meditation.

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Sthoola Sukshma maha roudhre,
Maha Shakthi Maho dhare,
Maha papa hare devi,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe

Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi,
Who is micro and also gross,
Who is most fearsome ,
Who is the greatest strength,
Who within her holds the worlds,
And is the Goddess who can destroy sins.

Padmasana sthithe, devi,
Para brahma swaroopini,
Para mesi, jagan matha,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe

Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi,
Who is the goddess who has the seat of Lotus,
Who is the personification of the ultimate truth,
Who is Goddess of all,
And who is the mother of all the worlds

Swethambara dhare, devi,
Nanalankara bhooshithe,
Jagat sthithe, jagan matha,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe

Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi,
Who wears white cloth,
Who wears variety of ornaments,
Who is everywhere in the world,
And who is the mother of all the worlds.

Maha lakmyashtakam stotram,
Ya padeth Bhakthiman nara,
Sarva sidhi mavapnothi,
Rajyam prapnothi sarvadha

Those men who read this octet praising Mahalakshmi,
With devotion and discipline,
Would make all powers as his own,,
And also would attain the kingdom for ever

A beautiful presentation of this stotram (sung by the popular singer Sadhna Sargam) can
be seen in the below link – this enables you to hear and sing along for the second time, so
it would be very useful to learn the sloka:

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ஹிந்து மதம் அறிந்து பகாள்வவாம்
ஸ஺ந்து மதத்த஺ல் கைவுள் ஒருவரஹ, இல்னல பலரஹ?
ஆக்கம்:”அடிவயனுக்கடிவயன்” (த஺ரு ரமஹமைி பஹலஹஜ஺ அவர்கள்)





"ஏன், எப்படி, எதற்கு"


விைவும்வபஹது, நம்ம஺ல் பபரும்பஹலஹை இந்துக்கள் வினை பதரியஹமல்
த஺ைறுவது, நம்



கஹரைம். தனழக்கஹமல஺ருப்பது






க்ஷீைிப்பதற்கும், பலவைமனைவதற்கும் இது ஒரு ப௃க்க஺ய கஹரைம்.


வினைனய, தஹவை

பசய்யஹமல், வினை





தவறல்லவஹ? ப௃யற்ச஺ பசய்யஹமல஺ருப்பது தவறு. ப௃யற்ச஺ பசய்வனதப்
பற்ற஺ வயஹச஺க்கவவ வயஹச஺க்கஹமல஺ருப்பது ம஺கப் பபரிய தவறு.



பசய்தவர்களுக்கு, ப௃யற்ச஺

வதனவயில்னல. ஏபைன்றஹல்




பசய்க஺ன்றவர்களுக்கு, இந்த



உனையஹர், இகழ்ச்ச஺

அனையஹர்". அவர்கள் கண்டிப்பஹக கைவுள் ஒருவரஹ, இல்னல கைவுளர்
பலரஹ என்று அற஺ந்து பகஹண்டுவிடுவஹர்கபளன்பது த஺ண்ைம்.
கைவுள் என்பவர் நம்னம வபஹன்வறஹ (எ.கஹ.: மைித உருவம்), அல்லது
விலங்னகப் வபஹன்வறஹ

(எ.கஹ.: ச஺ங்க


தஹன், ச஺வன்,விஷ்ணு, ப௃ருகன், விநஹயகர், சக்த஺

அன்னை, ஒவ்பவஹருவரும்


உருவம், வரஹக உருவம்) என்று


வதஹன்றுக஺றது. அப்படிபயன்றால், இந்து






உண்னமயல்லவாஎன்று ச஺லருக்கு சந்வதகம் வதஹன்றும்.

பசஹன்ைஹல், கைவுள்



உண்னம. பல

கைவுளர் என்பதும் உண்னம. எப்படி மஹறுபட்ை கருத்துகள் இரண்டும்
ஒருவரஹ, இல்னல
ப௃ன், கைவுள்




உருவப௃ள்ளவரஹ, இல்னல

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ந஺னைக்கலஹம்! கைவுள்




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வவண்டும். கைவுள்

உருவப௃ள்ளவர். இவ்விரண்டு

உருவமற்றவர். அவத




ஆைஹல், இரண்டும் உண்னம.
கைவுனள நம்னமப் வபஹல், பிற உயிரிைங்கனளப் வபஹல், பிற உயிரற்ற
பபஹருட்கனளப் வபஹல் ஒரு வனரயனறக்குள் பகாண்டு வர முடியாது.
அதைஹல், கைவுள் ஒவர சமயத்த஺ல் உருவமற்றவரும்,



ஆத்மஹவவ. அனைத்தும், அனைவரும்

ஆத்மஹவவ! ஆத்மஹ உருவமற்றதஹல், கைவுள் உருவமற்றவர். சஹதஹரை


பகஹள்ள, புரிந்து

பகஹள்ள, உைர்ந்து

பல வடிவங்கனள ஏற்றுக்பகஹள்ளும் சக்த஺ பனைத்தவர்.



உருவப௃ள்ளவரும் கூை.

மட்டுவம” என்று


உருவமற்றவரஹ, இல்னல

ஓரளவுக்கு தர்க்க

பகஹள்ள, கைவுள்

பசான்ைால், கைவுள்

பபஹருள். அதைஹல் கைவுள்


ரீதியில் வினை



ப௃டிந்தது. உருவமற்ற

கைவுனள உருவகப் படுத்துவது,சஹதஹரை மக்களுக்கு இனற பக்த஺னய
வளர்க்கபவன்பது இன்பைஹரு கஹரைம்.

இப்பபஹழுது நமது ப௃தல் வகள்வி.... கைவுள் உருவப௃ள்ளவவரஹ,
இல்னல உருவமற்றவவரஹ, கைவுள் ஒருவரஹ, இல்னல கைவுளர் பலரஹ?
இதற்கு தர்க்க ரீதியில் வினை காணுவது இயலாது. இதற்கு வினை
கஹை, இந்து






இவ்விக வஹழ்வில், ஒருவர் ஆைஹக இருந்தஹல், தன் பபற்வறஹர்களுக்கு
மகைஹகவும், தன்

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கைவைஹகவும், தஹன்



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வமலஹளரஹகவும், ச஺லருக்கு


க஻ ழ்

பைியஹளரஹகவும், இருக்கலஹம். எல்லஹம் ஒருவவர.




மகன், தன்




பபற்றுள்ள பல்வவறு பைங்கனள (ஒரு பைத்த஺ல் மனைவியுைன், ஒரு

பபற்வறஹருைன், ஒரு




நண்பபரஹருவருக்கு கஹண்பிக்கும்வபஹது, அந்நண்பர் "உைக்கு இவ்வளவு




அது எவ்வளவு நனகப்பிற்குரியவதஹ,

கைவுளரஹ?" என்று வகட்பது.





ஒருவர், பல

(மகன், கைவன், தந்னத,...)பபறுக஺றஹவரஹ, அவத



வபஹன்வற, இனற


பசய்பவர்கள் கைவுனள தந்னதயஹக, தஹயஹக, கஹதலரஹக, குழந்னதயஹக,

நண்பரஹக, பல்வவறு உருவத்த஺ல் கஹண்க஺றஹர்கள். இது இந்து மதத்தின்



பகஹள்ளஹமல், புரிந்து


தஹன், ச஺ல

பகஹள்ளஹமல், உைர்ந்து

மதத்த஺ைர், 'இந்து

மதத்த஺ல் இவ்வளவு கைவுளரஹ?' என்று ஏளைம் பசய்யும்வபஹது, எள்ளி
நனகயஹடும்வபஹது, நம் இந்துமதத்த஺ைர் பலர் பத஺ல் பசஹல்ல ப௃டியஹமல்





ச஺றப்னப, நமது




பகஹள்ளஹமல஺ருப்பது, தன்


அற஺ந்து பகஹள்ளஹத ஒரு ச஺ங்கத்த஺ற்குச் சமஹைம். தன் பலத்னத அற஺ந்து
பகஹள்ளஹத ச஺ங்கம், ச஺ங்கவம

அல்ல. தன்



பகஹள்ளஹத ஜஹம்பவஹன், ஜஹம்பவஹவை அல்ல.

பஜய பஜய சங்கர! ஸர ஸர சங்கர!

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Our ignorance of basic texts of Hinduism – Part 2 of 3
(Excerpts from our Periva’s discourses, continued from the previous edition)

Many Hindus are ignorant of the scripture
that is the very source of their religion they do not know even its name. "What
does it matter if we don't know? " they ask.
"What do we gain by knowing it? "

Though we are heirs to a great
civilization, a civilization that is
universally admired, we are ignorant
of its springs. "Who cares about our
culture? Money is all that we need, " such is
the attitude of our people and they keep
flying from continent to continent in search
of a fortune.
Some of them come to me and tell me: "People abroad ask us about our religion,
about the Vedas, about the Upanishads. They want to know all about the Gita and
yoga, about our tenples and Puranas and about so many other things. We find it
difficult to answer their questions. In fact we seem to know less than what they
already know about these matters. We are indeed ashamed of ourselves. So
would you please briefly put together the concepts of our religion and
philosophy? "
What does this mean? We are proud of living as foreigners in our own

land, but the foreigners themselves think poorly of us for being so. We
are inheritors of the world's oldest religion and culture; yet we have no concern
for them ourselves. How would you then expect foreigners to have any respect
for us?
Perhaps it would have mattered much if we were an unlettered people. Others
would have thought us to be ignorant, not anything worse. But what is the reality
today? We read and write and talk a great deal. Science and technology, politics,
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cinema, fiction -- these are our interests. Yet foreigners think poorly of us because
we ignore what is unique to our land, the sastras relating to the Self.
There are so many books on our religion but we seem to have no need for any of
them. All our reading consists of foreign literature. We know all the works of
Milton and Wordsworth, but know precious little of the poetry of Bhavabhuti and
Ottakkuttar. We are acquainted with the history of the Louis dynasty and of the
Tsars, but we know nothing of the solar and lunar dynasties of our own country.
Why, we do not know even the names of the seers of the various gotras. We are
thoroughly acquainted with things that are of no relevance to us, but of the
subjects that have aroused the wonder of the world we are ignorant, ignorant
even of the names of the sastras on which they are founded. Even if men

learned in the scriptures come forward to speak about them we
refuse to listen to them. It causes me great pain that our country and
countrymen have descended to such abysmal depths of ignorance.
The reason for this sorry state of affairs is that we
are not as anxious to know about our culture, as
we are to find out how much it would fetch us in
terms of money. Indeed the true purpose of
earning money and other activities of ours must
be to know this culture fully, live in consonance
with its spirit and experience a sense of
fulfilment. Why should we care to know about
our religion? A question like this is absurd.

Religion itself is the purpose of all our
actions --it is its own purpose. The need be
no purpose for religion although the performance
of religious rites brings us great benefits such as
tranquility of mind, affection for all and, finally,

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Unmindful of all this, we want to know whether it would fetch us money. If we
were truly interested in religion and truly attached to it, we would never be
worried about the purpose served by it.
"Brahmanena niskarano dharmah sadango Vedadhyeyo jneyasca, " so say the
sastras. It means that a Brahmin must learn the Vedas and sastras not

because there is any reason for it, not because there is any purpose
served by the same. It is only in our childhood that we learn the subject
without asking question about how useful it is. A schoolgoing chiild does not ask
:"Why should I learn history or geography? "
Our religious texts must be taught early in life.
When a child grows up and goes to college, he
believes his studies will prove useful to him. If he
reads for a B.L. or L.L.B. degree, it is to become a
lawyer. Similarly, if he reads for an L. T (or B. Ed.
) degree or on M. B. B. S. , it is to become a
teacher or a doctor. If you ask a teenager to
study our religious texts, he would retort: "Why
should I learn them? How will it help in my
career? " So religious texts should be

taught in childhood itself, that is before the
youngster is old enough to question you about
their utility [or harbour doubts about the same].
Only then will we develop an interest in our religion and sastras. Do we pay our
children for their being interested in sports, music or cinema? Similarly, they must
be made to take an interest in religion also and such interest must be created in
the same way as in sports and entertainment. If children take to sports and
entertainment which afford only temporary pleasure, they are bound to take
religion which will confer on them everlasting happiness. The present sorry

state of affairs is due to our basic education being flawed.

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Veda Rahasya
Let us continue our journey in to the rich secrets of science embedded in our Vedas and Upanishads. In
this edition, we will learn the meaning of the Hamsa Upanishad. As earlier, we shall draw on the
resources offered by

Hamsa Upanishad
This Upanishad talks about the famous Sanskrit term "Hamsa". This Upanishad is part of the Sukla Yajur
Shanti Paata:
Om ! That (world) is a complete whole. This (world) too is a complete whole. From the complete whole
only, the (other) complete whole rose. Even after removing the complete whole from the (other)
complete whole, still the complete whole remains unaltered and undisturbed.
Om Shanti ! Shanti ! Shanti !
The Upanishad:
The Sage Gowthama says (addressing the Sage Sanathkumaara): “O the wise one, who has learnt and
understood all the dharmaas (the virtues)! The one who is an expert in all the treasured doctrines of
knowledge (or the saastraas)!
Please advice me as to what is the right path to be adopted to understand Brahma Vidya (the knowledge
of the Brahman or the Atma or the Supreme Soul) and to attain its ultimate stage of pure (spiritual)
knowledge (identity of the soul).
Sanathkumara replies thus: “You can now hear from me that principle (or the tattva) which was taught
by Devi Paarvathi (Goddess Ambal, in the form of consort of Siva), after understanding the thoughts of
Lord Siva and after analyzing fully well all the saastraas”.
Sanathkumara continues: “This is a top secret; and is preserved very carefully as a treasure by the Yogis
(those who have known their real identity); this principle clarifies and makes one understand the Hamsa
(the Swan) aspect.
It gives liberation and pure knowledge as the end result for the follower. And as such, this should not be
talked about in clear detail with those who are not capable enough to understand this and who are not
qualified enough to attain such results”.

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More says Sanathkumara: “Let us now go ahead and explain in detail - to that celibate, who has won his
senses and who has true devotion towards his Guru - all about how to meditate and chant the slogan or
mantra – ‘hamsa hamsa’ ”.
“That one who understands the Supreme Being which resides in all beings like the inherent presence of
fire in the firelogs and of oil in gingelly seeds, he will never die or attain the fate of other mortals.”
Shanti Paata:
Om ! That (world) is a complete whole. This (world) too is a complete whole. From the complete whole
only, the (other) complete whole rose. Even after removing the complete whole from the (other)
complete whole, still the complete whole remains unaltered and undisturbed.

Om Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!

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Devata Darshan
In this edition, we will get some insight into the very popular Garbha Rakshaambigai temple, located in
Thirukkarugavur, Thanjavur district.
Thirukkarugavur is the first among the Pancha
Aranya Sthalams - group of five temples which
include Thirukkarugavur, Alangudi, Avalivanallur,
Haridwaramangalam and Thirukollambudhoor.
How to reach:
This temple is located in a small village, 7 Kms
from Papanasam railway station. This sthalam is
20 Kms in the south-west direction from Kumbakonam and 20 Kms in the north-east direction from
The Temple:
The sivalingam in the main sanctum of this temple is a Swayambu Lingam, one out of the 64 in the
world. This Lingam is made up of ant hill mud. Hence there is no water abhishekam for this Lord. The
special feature of this temple is that the moon's rays falls on the Sivalingam on the full moon day in
the Tamil month of Panguni (March/April) every year.
Vedhikai, wife of Niruthuva Munivar and resident of this sthalam, was in the advanced stage of
pregnancy. Her husband had gone to a distant place on some work. As it was summer time, she was
very tired and was taking rest in her house. Another sage by name Oorthuva Paathar, who was passing
by her house, was also very tired due the hot sun and hoped to get food and water from the inmates
of this house.
In spite of calling for help, no one came from inside the house and when the sage looked inside, he
saw Vedhikai in a sleeping position showing her back to the sage. Not realising that Vedhikai was
pregnant, he cursed her and went away. But by the time Vedhikai realised that someone has visited
her house, sage Oorthuva Munivar had already left the place.
Afraid of sage's curse, Vedhikai prayed to Mullaivana Nathar and His consort for safe delivery of her
child. Lord Shiva's consort Uma Maheswari took necessary precautions and saw to it that Vedhikai
gave birth to the child normally without any trouble. Vedhikai's husband Niruthuva Munivar came to
know about these details from his wife on his return. He prayed to the goddess Uma Maheswari that
She should protect the foetus of any pregnat woman who visits this sthalam and offers worship to
Her. Goddess Uma Maheswari gave this boon to Niruthuva Munivar and She is known from that day as
Garbha Rakshaambikai..
Mullaivananathar/ Mullaivaneswarar, Garbha Rakshaambikai

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Skanda Sashti
This month witnesses the Skanda Sashti occasion on 18th November 2012, followed by the popular Soora
Samhaaram on 19th November 2012.
Our moderator Sri Venkatswam has come forward to share a huge lot of treasures to our members on
this occasion, which would guide you to properly celebrate the festival and observe the rituals with
complete satisfaction.
He has provided us with quite a few documents which are now being shared through this newsletter –
our sincere thanks to him for making this happen.
Here are the documents for you to download:
a) Skanda Sashti 2012 – details from Vaidhikasri
b) Skanda Sashti Pooja – Poorva & Uttara Pooja details
c) Skanda Sashti – main pooja details
d) Skanda Sashti Vratham details (Tamil)
e) Skanda Ashtottara Satha Naamavali

Kanda Sashti Kavacham – English & Tamil

g) Kandar Anubhuti
h) Sri Subrahmanya Bhujangam

Sri Subramanya Namaste – an article in which Periva explains the importance and greatness of
Sri Subramanyar – excellent one, not to be missed.

Jaya Jaya Sankara, Hara Hara Sankara!

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The Divine Collection at

For the benefit of our members, we are showcasing below a quick
view of the divine treasure contained in our parent site - at, which serves as a great single-point collection of
articles, photos, videos, blogs and audios of Sri Maha Periva.
Please pass on/share this website to as many of your
friends/groups/networks as possible, and spread the blessings of His

Click to watch our
exclusive video of Periva
An organized collection
of videos about Periva

Largest online audio library
of Periva Upadesams

Blog on Periva
with daily updates

Collection of videos on
Periva on Youtube

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Link to the Kanchi
Periva Forum

Videos shot at Periva
Aradhana – 2011

Periva Photos –
Album view

Click to read a random
post from the Periva Blog

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Feedback / Responses
On the topic “Athithi Bhojanam”
Thanks for this. Could not help my eyes getting wet. –Sri Venkatswam

On the topic “Ebook # 6– Navaratri Special Edition ebook”
SUPER FANTASTIC. Solluvatharku vaarthaikale illai. In future expecting more like this. Very kind
of you. Thanks a lot. .– Sri Sambasivan C

On the topic “Periva’s compassion towards a poor scholar”
Sarveswaran! Sarvagnan! Sakshat Parameswaran! Karunya deivam! எந்த வபனர பவச்சு
கூப்ட்ைஹலும் மைஷ஼ ந஺னறய மஹட்வைங்க஺றது ! இந்த பஹரத புண்ய பூம஺ என்ை
தவம் பசய்தவதஹ இந்த நைமஹடும் பதய்வம் நம்ம஺னைவய இருந்ததும், இன்னும்
இருப்பதும்! ஜய ஜய சங்கர! ஸர ஸர சங்கர! – Sri Anusham163

On the topic “My experience with His Holiness - Silpi”
NAMASKARS. nice and worth to kept in our POOJA as well as to be worshiped one.actually
"MAHA PERIYAVA 'reflects the grace of "JAGATH PITHROWS"to us through "HIS JOTHI
CHACHUS". NAMASKARS - Sri V Lalithakumar.

On the topic Kamakshi Amman and Maha Periva
கஹஞ்ச஺ கஹமவகஹடி மஸஹ பபரியவஹ த஺ருவடிகள் சரைம்! - I am blessed to
have found this forum – Smt Chitrabhi
I am no cry baby. But every time I read an article my eyes well up. Whoever thought of this idea.
Avarukku en 1008 namaskarangal – Sri V Aanand70
Really scintillating to hear all the episodes. May such things be on the rise. – Sri Sundaresan K S

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Kanchi Periva Forum Newsletter - Volume 7

  • 1. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Sri Maha Periva Thiruvadigal Saranam For private circulation only Page 1 of 22
  • 2. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Kanchi Periva Forum Newsletter – Volume 7 Issue: November 2012 Table of Contents From the Editorial desk ........................................................................... 3 Periva Upadesam .................................................................................... 4 Divine experiences with Periva - English ................................................. 6 Experience # 1 – Would go on the Logs! .............................................. 6 Experience # 2 – The experiences of Milton Singer .............................. 6 Experience # 3 – Periva’s Divine Sport ................................................. 6 Divine experiences with Periva - Tamil ................................................... 7 அனுபவம் # 1 – பபரியவஹளின் உதடு பவடிப்பு ...................................... 7 அனுபவம் # 2 –சூரியனை கும்பிடு, சகல புண்யப௃ம் க஺னைக்கும் .......... 7 அனுபவம் # 3 – சங்கரன், கஹலகஹலன் .................................................... 7 Stotra Ratnam ......................................................................................... 8 ஸ஺ந்து மதம் அற஺ந்து பகஹள்வவஹம் ...................................................... 10 Our ignorance of basic texts of Hinduism – Part 2 of 3 ......................... 13 Veda Rahasya ........................................................................................ 16 Devata Darshan..................................................................................... 18 Skanda Sashti ........................................................................................ 19 The Divine Collection at .............................................. 20 Feedback / Responses ........................................................................... 21 For private circulation only Page 2 of 22
  • 3. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & From the Editorial desk Sri Maha Periva Thiruvadigal Saranam. We are pleased to present the seventh edition of our Kanchi Periva Forum newsletter, which is dedicated to spreading the message and teachings of Sri Maha Periva. Every month now gets a good addition of new members on the Forum, with the blessings of His Holiness. As we write this newsletter, our membership has crossed 1470 (an addition of 220 since our last newsletter), and the total number of posts is in excess of 4930. We are still well on the ratio of at least two posts on each topic, and could see a net addition of 600+ posts within the last one month. We also invite the attention of our new members to the following treasures, which were released in the month of August: (click the links below to view)   Divya Darshan of Periva – absolutely rare video footage Huge collection of rare photos of Periva – 2000 photos in all Please also take a moment to visit the parent site which contains many hours of Periva’s discourses – delivered by Him in His own unique style and accent. We had a wonderful response to our special edition ebook on Navaratri that was released last month. We look forward to releasing more such eBooks through the Forum, and invite other members who would like to be associated in this activity as authors/co-authors/moderators in the Forum. Our regular feature of daily divine thoughts and daily posts circulation has also caught the attention of many devotees, and lot of members have written back with their appreciation for posting these daily messages. We are now active on Facebook as well – and We would like to convey our sincere thanks to the following members, who run the forum with their untiring efforts (forum names used in ascending order): anusham163, brindavankanchi, radha, saidevo, sankarcs, senzkumar, subi24, sumi and venkatswam. Jaya Jaya Shankara, Hara Hara Shankara! For private circulation only Page 3 of 22
  • 4. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Periva Upadesam Punya and Paapa Nobody wants to be known as a sinner, but all the same we keep transgressing the bounds of morality and disobey the divine law. We wish to enjoy the fruits of virtue without being morally good and without doing anything meritorious. Arjuna says to Bhagavan Krsna: "No man wants to commit sin. Even so, Krsna, he does evil again and again. What is it that drives him so? ". The lord replies "It is desire. Yes, it is desire, Arjuna ". We try to gain the object of our desire with no thought of right or wrong (Dharma or Adharma). Is fire put out by ghee poured into it? No, it rises higher and higher. Likewise, when we gratify one desire, another, much worse, crops up. Are we to take it, then, that it would be better if our desires were not satisfied? - No. Unfulfilled desire causes anger, so too failure to obtain the object we hanker after. Like a rubber ball thrown against the wall such an unsatisfied desire comes back to us in the form of anger and goads us into committing sin. Krsna speaks of such anger as being next only to desire (as an evil). Only by banishing desire from our hearts may we remain free from sin. How is it done? We cannot but be performing our works. Even when we are physically inactive, our mind remains active. All our mental and bodily activity revolves around our desires. And these desires thrust us deeper and deeper into sin. Is it, then, possible to remain without doing any work? Human nature being what it is, the answer is "No". "-- It is difficult to quell one's thinking nor is it easy to remain without doing anything-- ", says Tayumanavasvamigal. We may stop doing work with the body, but how do we keep the mind quiet? The mind is never still. Apart from being until itself, it incites the body to action. We are unable either to efface our desires or to cease from all action. Does it then mean that liberation is beyond us? Is there no way out of the problem? Yes, there is. It is not necessary that we should altogether stop our actions in our present immature predicament. But instead of working for our selfish ends, we ought to be engaged in such work as would bring benefits to the world as well as to our inward life. The more we are involved in such work the less we will be drawn by desire. This will to some extent keep us away from sin and at the same time enable us to do more meritorious work. We must learn the habit of doing work without any selfish motives. Work done without any desire for the fruit thereof is Punya or virtuous action. For private circulation only Page 4 of 22
  • 5. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & We sin in four different ways. With our body we do evil; with our tongue we speak untruth; with our mind we think evil; and with our money we do so much that is wicked. We must learn to turn these very four means of evil into instruments of virtue. We must serve others with our body and circumambulate the Lord and prostrate ourselves before him. In this way we earn merit. How do we use our tongue to add our stock of virtue? By muttering, by repeating, the names of the Lord. You will perhaps excuse yourself saying: "All our time is spent in earning our livelihood. How can we think of God or repeat his names? " A householder has a family to maintain; but is he all the time working for it? How much time does he waste in gossip, in amusements, in speaking ill of others, in reading the papers? Can't he spare a few moments to remember the Lord? He need not set apart a particular hour of the day for his japa. He may think of God even on the bus or the train as he goes to his office or any other place. Not a paisa is he going to take with him finally after his lifelong pursuit of money. The Lord's name is the only current coin in the other world. The mind is the abode of Isvara but we make a rubbish can of it. We must cleanse it, install the Lord in it and be at peace with ourselves. We must devote atleast five minutes every day to meditation and resolve to do so even if the world crashes around us. There is nothing else that will give us a helping hand when the world cosmos is dissolved. It is by helping the poor & by spreading glory of the Lord that we will earn merit. Papa, sinful action, is two-pronged in its evil power. The first incites us to wrong-doing now. The second goads us into doing evil tomorrow. For instance, if you take snuff now you suffer now. But tomorrow also you will have the same yearning to take the same. This is what is called the vasana that comes of habit. An effort must be made not only to reduce such vasana but also cultivate the vasana of virtue by doing good deeds. It is bad vasana that drags us again and again into wrong-doing. Unfortunately, we do not seem to harbour any fear on that score. People like us, indeed even those known to have sinned much, have become devotees of the Lord and obtained light and wisdom. How is Isvara qualified to to be called great if he is not compassionate, and does not protect sinners also? It is because of sinners like us that he has come to have the title of "Patitapavana" [he who sanctifies or lifts up the fallen with his grace]. It is we who have brought him such a distinction. "Come to me, your only refuge. I shall free you from all sins. Have no fear (sarvapapebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah). " The assurance that Sri Krsna gives to free us from sin is absolute. So let us learn to be courageous. To tie up an object you wind a string round it again and again. If it is to be untied you will have to do the unwinding in a similar manner. To eradicate the vasana or sinning you must develop the vasana of doing good to an equal degree. In between there ought to be neither haste nor anger. With haste and anger the thread you keep unwinding will get tangled again. Isvara will come to our help if we have patience, if we have faith in him and if we are rooted in dharma. Jaya Jaya Shankara, Hara Hara Shankara! For private circulation only Page 5 of 22
  • 6. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Divine experiences with Periva - English Here are a few collections of moving experiences of devotees with Sri Maha Periva. We are only presenting a few from the hundreds available on our Forum. Experience # 1 – Would go on the Logs! The Place: Among the few villages in the name Rishivantiyam in Tamilnadu, the Rishivantiyam of the Thanjavur district. A lonely, old house on the border of the village. The Time: A short while before the daybreak in the 1930s. "Where is he? Where is he?", saying these words aloud in a fit of anger, an old brahmin widow looks to her left as far as her eyes would go on the street. (On her right, the village suddenly ends.) Read more: Experience # 2 – The experiences of Milton Singer When I was in Madras in the winter of 1954-55 I heard references on a number of occasions to Swami Sankaracharya which greatly aroused my curiosity. Some of these references were made by avid followers of the Swami, others by the critics, but all singled him out as person of unusual position and attainment. (My) interviews (with Him) were among the highlights of my visit to India and still stand out with great vividness. For an American, the setting of the meetings under a green tree in the garden of the Conjeevaram Mutt was in itself most charming and, I may say, misleading since I did not at the first interview recognize the Swami still under the tree until my companions had prostrated themselves before him. But the most memorable part of these interviews was the Swami himself. Read more: Experience # 3 – Periva’s Divine Sport There was utter chaos in Sri Matha one day. Periyaval was not to be seen anywhere. "How did he vanish when so many surrounded him and watched him all the while? What were the close attendants and guards doing anyway? The Senior Manager was furious with the guards and attendants, and scolded them. Things had been quite normal that morning. Periyaval had got up very early as usual, bathed, completed his japa and daily routine of penance, then performed the ritualistic worship of Sri Candramoulisvara, gave tirtha prasada to devotees, bathed again, performed anustana and then went in for bhiksa. After that he was not to be seen. Read more: For private circulation only Page 6 of 22
  • 7. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Divine experiences with Periva - Tamil பபரியவஹளுைைஹை பக்தர்களின் அனுபவ சஹகரத்த஺ல஺ருந்து ச஺ல துளிகள் இங்வக உங்களுக்கஹக: அனுபவம் # 1 – பபரியவாளின் உதடு பவடிப்பு பல வர்ஶங்களுக்கு ப௃ன்ைஹல், ஒருப௃னற நல்ல பைிக்கஹலம். பபரியவஹளின் உதடுகள் ஒவர பவடிப்பஹக பவடித்த஺ருந்தது. வபசக்கூை ப௃டியஹமல் வவதனை இருந்தஹலும் எதுவுவம கஹட்டிக்பகஹள்ளஹமல் எப்வபஹதும் வபஹல வருபவர்களிைம் வபச஺க் பகஹண்டிருந்தஹர். அம்மஹத஺ரி உதடு பவடிக்கும்வபஹது, சரியஹக஺விடும். அடிக்கடி ஆைஹல், பபரியவஹ பவண்னை கனைகளில் தைவிக் விற்கும் பகஹண்வை இருந்தஹல்,பவடிப்பு பவண்னைனய தைவிக் பகஹள்ள மஹட்ைஹர். என்ை பண்ணுவது? வமலும்: அனுபவம் # 2 –சூரியனை கும்பிடு, சகல புண்யமும் கினைக்கும் க஺ரஹமத்த஺ல் ப௃கஹம். விவசஹய வவனல பசய்யும் ஒரு பபண்மைி, தரிசைத்துக்கு வந்தஹள். பபரியவஹள் எத஺ரில் னகனய கூப்பிக்பகஹண்டு ந஺ன்றஹள். பநஞ்சு பைபைபவன்று அடித்து பகஹண்டிருந்தது. "என்ை வவனல பண்வற?" "வயல் வவனலக்கு வபஹவறன், சஹம஺. ஆறு பசங்கள். மஹம஺யஹ, என்க஺ட்ை இருக்கு. கஹனலயிவல வசஹறஹக்க஺ பவச்ச஺ட்டு வபஹயிடுவவன். இருட்டிைப்புறம்தஹன் வட்டுக்கு வருவவன். நஹன் எப்படி ீ சஹம஺னய கும்பிைறது? வகஹயிலுக்கு வபஹறது? உைம்பும் கனளச்சுப் வபஹவுது. சஹம஺ கும்பிைவவ வநரம஺ல்வல, சஹம஺.." வமலும்: அனுபவம் # 3 – சங்கரன், காலகாலன் தம஺ழ் வவத தரிசைம் விசஹரம். பசய்து ஒன்ற஺க்கட்னை. சங்கரிப்பஹட்டி என்று பகஹண்டிருக்கவவண்டும் ஷம்ஸ்க்ருதத்த஺ல் ஒரு ப௃த஺ய அம்னமயஹர். என்பதற்கஹகவவ அட்சரம் பபரியவஹனள கஹஞ்ச஺யில் கூைத்பதரியஹது. ஆைஹல் த஺ைப௃ம் தங்க஺யிருந்தஹர். தம஺ழ஺ல஺ருந்த வவதஹந்த நூல்கள் பலவற்னறப் படித்துப் புரிந்துபகஹண்டிருந்தஹர். னகவல்ய நவை ீதம், உள்ளது நஹற்பது வபஹன்ற நூல்கள் எல்லஹம் மைப்பஹைம். வமலும்: For private circulation only Page 7 of 22
  • 8. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Stotra Ratnam In this edition, we shall understand the meaning of the simple yet powerful “Mahalakshmi Ashtakam”, an eight para slokam addressed to Goddess Lakshmi, who is worshipped now during the Diwali celebrations. The translation presented below is by Sri P.R.Ramachander, who has kindly consented to using his content for public benefit. Mahalakshmi, who is the consort of Vishnu is worshipped as goddess of wealth by the Hindus. In the beginning of creation she took form from the left side of Vishnu and was later born again from the sea of milk, when the devas churned it for getting nectar. She resides on the chest of Maha Vishnu as “Sri Vatsa”.It was she who took birth as Seetha and Rukmani. This very simple prayer is very ancient and has been chanted by generations for solving all their problems. Mahalakshmi Ashtakam–Lyrics Mahalakshmi Ashtakam – Meaning Namasthesthu Maha Maye, Sree peede, sura poojithe, Sanka , chakra, Gadha hasthe, Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe. Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi, Who is the great enchantress, Who lives in riches, Who is worshipped by Gods, And who has conch, wheel and mace in her hands. Namasthe garudarude, Kolasura bhayam kari, Sarva papa hare , devi, Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi. Who rides on an eagle, Who created fear to Kolasura, And is the goddess who can destroy all sins Sarvagne Sarva varadhe, Sarva dushta Bhayam karee, Sarva dukha hare, devi, Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi. Who knows everything, Who can grant anything, Who appears fearsome to bad people, And is the goddess who can destroy all sorrows Sidhi budhi pradhe devi, Bhakthi mukthi pradayinee, Manthra moorthe , sada devi, Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi, Who grants intelligence and occult powers, Who grants devotion to God and salvation, Who can be personified by holy chants, And who is Goddess forever. Adhyantha rahithe , devi, Adhi Shakthi maheswari, Yogaje yoga sambhoothe, Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe. Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi. Who neither has an end nor beginning, Who is the primeval power, Who is the greates Goddess, Who is born out of hard penance, And who can be personified by meditation. For private circulation only Page 8 of 22
  • 9. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Sthoola Sukshma maha roudhre, Maha Shakthi Maho dhare, Maha papa hare devi, Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi, Who is micro and also gross, Who is most fearsome , Who is the greatest strength, Who within her holds the worlds, And is the Goddess who can destroy sins. Padmasana sthithe, devi, Para brahma swaroopini, Para mesi, jagan matha, Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi, Who is the goddess who has the seat of Lotus, Who is the personification of the ultimate truth, Who is Goddess of all, And who is the mother of all the worlds Swethambara dhare, devi, Nanalankara bhooshithe, Jagat sthithe, jagan matha, Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi, Who wears white cloth, Who wears variety of ornaments, Who is everywhere in the world, And who is the mother of all the worlds. Phalasruti: Maha lakmyashtakam stotram, Ya padeth Bhakthiman nara, Sarva sidhi mavapnothi, Rajyam prapnothi sarvadha Those men who read this octet praising Mahalakshmi, With devotion and discipline, Would make all powers as his own,, And also would attain the kingdom for ever A beautiful presentation of this stotram (sung by the popular singer Sadhna Sargam) can be seen in the below link – this enables you to hear and sing along for the second time, so it would be very useful to learn the sloka: For private circulation only Page 9 of 22
  • 10. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & ஹிந்து மதம் அறிந்து பகாள்வவாம் ஸ஺ந்து மதத்த஺ல் கைவுள் ஒருவரஹ, இல்னல பலரஹ? ஆக்கம்:”அடிவயனுக்கடிவயன்” (த஺ரு ரமஹமைி பஹலஹஜ஺ அவர்கள்) இந்து மதத்த஺ல் இவ்வளவு கைவுளர் "ஏன், எப்படி, எதற்கு" என்று விைவும்வபஹது, நம்ம஺ல் பபரும்பஹலஹை இந்துக்கள் வினை பதரியஹமல் த஺ைறுவது, நம் மதம் தனழக்கஹமல஺ருப்பதற்கு கஹரைம். தனழக்கஹமல஺ருப்பது மட்டுமல்ல, ஒரு ப௃க்க஺யமஹை இந்து மதம் க்ஷீைிப்பதற்கும், பலவைமனைவதற்கும் இது ஒரு ப௃க்க஺ய கஹரைம். ீ எந்த வகள்விக்கும் வினைனய, தஹவை பசய்யஹமல், வினை அற஺ய பதரியவில்னல என்று ப௃யற்ச஺வய கூறுவது தவறல்லவஹ? ப௃யற்ச஺ பசய்யஹமல஺ருப்பது தவறு. ப௃யற்ச஺ பசய்வனதப் பற்ற஺ வயஹச஺க்கவவ வயஹச஺க்கஹமல஺ருப்பது ம஺கப் பபரிய தவறு. கைவுள் ஒருவரஹ என்று பசய்தவர்களுக்கு, ப௃யற்ச஺ வதனவயில்னல. ஏபைன்றஹல் அற஺ந்து பகஹள்ள ப௃யற்ச஺ பசய்க஺ன்றவர்களுக்கு, இந்த கட்டுனர "ப௃யற்ச஺ உனையஹர், இகழ்ச்ச஺ அனையஹர்". அவர்கள் கண்டிப்பஹக கைவுள் ஒருவரஹ, இல்னல கைவுளர் பலரஹ என்று அற஺ந்து பகஹண்டுவிடுவஹர்கபளன்பது த஺ண்ைம். கைவுள் என்பவர் நம்னம வபஹன்வறஹ (எ.கஹ.: மைித உருவம்), அல்லது விலங்னகப் வபஹன்வறஹ (எ.கஹ.: ச஺ங்க ந஺னைப்பதஹல் தஹன், ச஺வன்,விஷ்ணு, ப௃ருகன், விநஹயகர், சக்த஺ அன்னை, ஒவ்பவஹருவரும் தைித் உருவம், வரஹக உருவம்) என்று தைி வதஹன்றுக஺றது. அப்படிபயன்றால், இந்து நபர் என்று மதக் ந஺னைக்கத் கைவுளர் உண்னமயல்லவாஎன்று ச஺லருக்கு சந்வதகம் வதஹன்றும். சுருக்கமஹச் பசஹன்ைஹல், கைவுள் ஒருவர் என்பதும் உண்னம. பல கைவுளர் என்பதும் உண்னம. எப்படி மஹறுபட்ை கருத்துகள் இரண்டும் உண்னமயஹக ஒருவரஹ, இல்னல ப௃ன், கைவுள் இருக்க கைவுளர் ப௃டியுபமன்று பலரஹ என்று உருவப௃ள்ளவரஹ, இல்னல For private circulation only ந஺னைக்கலஹம்! கைவுள் அற஺ந்து பகஹள்வதற்கு உருவமற்றவரஹ என்று Page 10 of 22
  • 11. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & அற஺ந்து பகஹள்ள வவண்டும். கைவுள் உருவப௃ள்ளவர். இவ்விரண்டு உருவமற்றவர். அவத கூற்றுகளும் சமயம் மஹறுபட்டிருக்க஺ன்றை. ஆைஹல், இரண்டும் உண்னம. கைவுனள நம்னமப் வபஹல், பிற உயிரிைங்கனளப் வபஹல், பிற உயிரற்ற பபஹருட்கனளப் வபஹல் ஒரு வனரயனறக்குள் பகாண்டு வர முடியாது. அதைஹல், கைவுள் ஒவர சமயத்த஺ல் உருவமற்றவரும், உருவம஺ல்லஹதவரும். அத்னவத தத்துவப்படி கைவுள் ஆத்மஹவவ. அனைத்தும், அனைவரும் ஆத்மஹவவ! ஆத்மஹ உருவமற்றதஹல், கைவுள் உருவமற்றவர். சஹதஹரை மக்கள் அற஺ந்து பகஹள்ள, புரிந்து பகஹள்ள, உைர்ந்து பல வடிவங்கனள ஏற்றுக்பகஹள்ளும் சக்த஺ பனைத்தவர். “கைவுள் உருவமற்றவர் உருவவமற்றுக்பகஹள்ள உருவப௃ள்ளவரும் கூை. கைவுள் மட்டுவம” என்று சக்த஺யற்றவபரன்று உருவமற்றவரஹ, இல்னல ஓரளவுக்கு தர்க்க பகஹள்ள, கைவுள் பசான்ைால், கைவுள் பபஹருள். அதைஹல் கைவுள் உருவப௃ள்ளவரஹ ரீதியில் வினை கஹை என்பனத ப௃டிந்தது. உருவமற்ற கைவுனள உருவகப் படுத்துவது,சஹதஹரை மக்களுக்கு இனற பக்த஺னய வளர்க்கபவன்பது இன்பைஹரு கஹரைம். இப்பபஹழுது நமது ப௃தல் வகள்வி.... கைவுள் உருவப௃ள்ளவவரஹ, இல்னல உருவமற்றவவரஹ, கைவுள் ஒருவரஹ, இல்னல கைவுளர் பலரஹ? இதற்கு தர்க்க ரீதியில் வினை காணுவது இயலாது. இதற்கு வினை கஹை, இந்து மத அடிப்பனை சற்று பதளிவாகத் பதரிந்திருக்க வவண்டும். இவ்விக வஹழ்வில், ஒருவர் ஆைஹக இருந்தஹல், தன் பபற்வறஹர்களுக்கு மகைஹகவும், தன் குழந்னதகளுக்கு For private circulation only மனைவிக்கு கைவைஹகவும், தஹன் தந்னதயஹகவும்,அலுவலகத்த஺ல் பபற்ற ச஺லருக்கு Page 11 of 22
  • 12. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & வமலஹளரஹகவும், ச஺லருக்கு அவர்கள் க஻ ழ் பைியஹளரஹகவும், இருக்கலஹம். எல்லஹம் ஒருவவர. வமற் பசஹன்ை எடுத்துக்கஹட்டிலுள்ளவரின் வவனல மகன், தன் பசய்யும் தந்னத இைம் பபற்றுள்ள பல்வவறு பைங்கனள (ஒரு பைத்த஺ல் மனைவியுைன், ஒரு பைத்த஺ல் பபற்வறஹருைன், ஒரு பைத்த஺ல் மகனுைன்) தன் நண்பபரஹருவருக்கு கஹண்பிக்கும்வபஹது, அந்நண்பர் "உைக்கு இவ்வளவு தந்னதயரஹ" அவ்வளவு என்று வகட்ைஹல் நனகப்பிற்குரியது அது எவ்வளவு நனகப்பிற்குரியவதஹ, "இந்து கைவுளரஹ?" என்று வகட்பது. இக வஹழ்வில் எப்படி ஒவர மதத்த஺ல் ஒருவர், பல (மகன், கைவன், தந்னத,...)பபறுக஺றஹவரஹ, அவத இவ்வளவு பட்ைங்கனளப் வபஹன்வற, இனற பக்த஺ பசய்பவர்கள் கைவுனள தந்னதயஹக, தஹயஹக, கஹதலரஹக, குழந்னதயஹக, நண்பரஹக, பல்வவறு உருவத்த஺ல் கஹண்க஺றஹர்கள். இது இந்து மதத்தின் சிறப்பம்சம். இது பதரிந்து பகஹள்ளஹமல் பகஹள்ளஹமல், புரிந்து இருப்பதஹல் தஹன், ச஺ல பகஹள்ளஹமல், உைர்ந்து வவற்று மதத்த஺ைர், 'இந்து மதத்த஺ல் இவ்வளவு கைவுளரஹ?' என்று ஏளைம் பசய்யும்வபஹது, எள்ளி நனகயஹடும்வபஹது, நம் இந்துமதத்த஺ைர் பலர் பத஺ல் பசஹல்ல ப௃டியஹமல் த஺ைறுக஺வறஹம். நமது பலத்னத அல்லது அல்லது ச஺றப்னபத் ச஺றப்னப, நமது பதரிந்து இந்து மதத்த஺ன் பகஹள்ளஹமல஺ருப்பது, தன் பலத்னத பலத்னத அற஺ந்து பகஹள்ளஹத ஒரு ச஺ங்கத்த஺ற்குச் சமஹைம். தன் பலத்னத அற஺ந்து பகஹள்ளஹத ச஺ங்கம், ச஺ங்கவம அல்ல. தன் பலத்னத அற஺ந்து பகஹள்ளஹத ஜஹம்பவஹன், ஜஹம்பவஹவை அல்ல. பஜய பஜய சங்கர! ஸர ஸர சங்கர! For private circulation only Page 12 of 22
  • 13. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Our ignorance of basic texts of Hinduism – Part 2 of 3 (Excerpts from our Periva’s discourses, continued from the previous edition) Many Hindus are ignorant of the scripture that is the very source of their religion they do not know even its name. "What does it matter if we don't know? " they ask. "What do we gain by knowing it? " Though we are heirs to a great civilization, a civilization that is universally admired, we are ignorant of its springs. "Who cares about our culture? Money is all that we need, " such is the attitude of our people and they keep flying from continent to continent in search of a fortune. Some of them come to me and tell me: "People abroad ask us about our religion, about the Vedas, about the Upanishads. They want to know all about the Gita and yoga, about our tenples and Puranas and about so many other things. We find it difficult to answer their questions. In fact we seem to know less than what they already know about these matters. We are indeed ashamed of ourselves. So would you please briefly put together the concepts of our religion and philosophy? " What does this mean? We are proud of living as foreigners in our own land, but the foreigners themselves think poorly of us for being so. We are inheritors of the world's oldest religion and culture; yet we have no concern for them ourselves. How would you then expect foreigners to have any respect for us? Perhaps it would have mattered much if we were an unlettered people. Others would have thought us to be ignorant, not anything worse. But what is the reality today? We read and write and talk a great deal. Science and technology, politics, For private circulation only Page 13 of 22
  • 14. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & cinema, fiction -- these are our interests. Yet foreigners think poorly of us because we ignore what is unique to our land, the sastras relating to the Self. There are so many books on our religion but we seem to have no need for any of them. All our reading consists of foreign literature. We know all the works of Milton and Wordsworth, but know precious little of the poetry of Bhavabhuti and Ottakkuttar. We are acquainted with the history of the Louis dynasty and of the Tsars, but we know nothing of the solar and lunar dynasties of our own country. Why, we do not know even the names of the seers of the various gotras. We are thoroughly acquainted with things that are of no relevance to us, but of the subjects that have aroused the wonder of the world we are ignorant, ignorant even of the names of the sastras on which they are founded. Even if men learned in the scriptures come forward to speak about them we refuse to listen to them. It causes me great pain that our country and countrymen have descended to such abysmal depths of ignorance. The reason for this sorry state of affairs is that we are not as anxious to know about our culture, as we are to find out how much it would fetch us in terms of money. Indeed the true purpose of earning money and other activities of ours must be to know this culture fully, live in consonance with its spirit and experience a sense of fulfilment. Why should we care to know about our religion? A question like this is absurd. Religion itself is the purpose of all our actions --it is its own purpose. The need be no purpose for religion although the performance of religious rites brings us great benefits such as tranquility of mind, affection for all and, finally, liberation. For private circulation only Page 14 of 22
  • 15. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Unmindful of all this, we want to know whether it would fetch us money. If we were truly interested in religion and truly attached to it, we would never be worried about the purpose served by it. "Brahmanena niskarano dharmah sadango Vedadhyeyo jneyasca, " so say the sastras. It means that a Brahmin must learn the Vedas and sastras not because there is any reason for it, not because there is any purpose served by the same. It is only in our childhood that we learn the subject without asking question about how useful it is. A schoolgoing chiild does not ask :"Why should I learn history or geography? " Our religious texts must be taught early in life. When a child grows up and goes to college, he believes his studies will prove useful to him. If he reads for a B.L. or L.L.B. degree, it is to become a lawyer. Similarly, if he reads for an L. T (or B. Ed. ) degree or on M. B. B. S. , it is to become a teacher or a doctor. If you ask a teenager to study our religious texts, he would retort: "Why should I learn them? How will it help in my career? " So religious texts should be taught in childhood itself, that is before the youngster is old enough to question you about their utility [or harbour doubts about the same]. Only then will we develop an interest in our religion and sastras. Do we pay our children for their being interested in sports, music or cinema? Similarly, they must be made to take an interest in religion also and such interest must be created in the same way as in sports and entertainment. If children take to sports and entertainment which afford only temporary pleasure, they are bound to take religion which will confer on them everlasting happiness. The present sorry state of affairs is due to our basic education being flawed. For private circulation only Page 15 of 22
  • 16. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Veda Rahasya Let us continue our journey in to the rich secrets of science embedded in our Vedas and Upanishads. In this edition, we will learn the meaning of the Hamsa Upanishad. As earlier, we shall draw on the resources offered by Hamsa Upanishad Introduction: This Upanishad talks about the famous Sanskrit term "Hamsa". This Upanishad is part of the Sukla Yajur Veda. Shanti Paata: Om ! That (world) is a complete whole. This (world) too is a complete whole. From the complete whole only, the (other) complete whole rose. Even after removing the complete whole from the (other) complete whole, still the complete whole remains unaltered and undisturbed. Om Shanti ! Shanti ! Shanti ! The Upanishad: The Sage Gowthama says (addressing the Sage Sanathkumaara): “O the wise one, who has learnt and understood all the dharmaas (the virtues)! The one who is an expert in all the treasured doctrines of knowledge (or the saastraas)! Please advice me as to what is the right path to be adopted to understand Brahma Vidya (the knowledge of the Brahman or the Atma or the Supreme Soul) and to attain its ultimate stage of pure (spiritual) knowledge (identity of the soul). Sanathkumara replies thus: “You can now hear from me that principle (or the tattva) which was taught by Devi Paarvathi (Goddess Ambal, in the form of consort of Siva), after understanding the thoughts of Lord Siva and after analyzing fully well all the saastraas”. Sanathkumara continues: “This is a top secret; and is preserved very carefully as a treasure by the Yogis (those who have known their real identity); this principle clarifies and makes one understand the Hamsa (the Swan) aspect. It gives liberation and pure knowledge as the end result for the follower. And as such, this should not be talked about in clear detail with those who are not capable enough to understand this and who are not qualified enough to attain such results”. For private circulation only Page 16 of 22
  • 17. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & More says Sanathkumara: “Let us now go ahead and explain in detail - to that celibate, who has won his senses and who has true devotion towards his Guru - all about how to meditate and chant the slogan or mantra – ‘hamsa hamsa’ ”. “That one who understands the Supreme Being which resides in all beings like the inherent presence of fire in the firelogs and of oil in gingelly seeds, he will never die or attain the fate of other mortals.” Shanti Paata: Om ! That (world) is a complete whole. This (world) too is a complete whole. From the complete whole only, the (other) complete whole rose. Even after removing the complete whole from the (other) complete whole, still the complete whole remains unaltered and undisturbed. Om Shanti! Shanti! Shanti! For private circulation only Page 17 of 22
  • 18. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Devata Darshan In this edition, we will get some insight into the very popular Garbha Rakshaambigai temple, located in Thirukkarugavur, Thanjavur district. Thirukkarugavur is the first among the Pancha Aranya Sthalams - group of five temples which include Thirukkarugavur, Alangudi, Avalivanallur, Haridwaramangalam and Thirukollambudhoor. How to reach: This temple is located in a small village, 7 Kms from Papanasam railway station. This sthalam is 20 Kms in the south-west direction from Kumbakonam and 20 Kms in the north-east direction from Thanjavur. The Temple: The sivalingam in the main sanctum of this temple is a Swayambu Lingam, one out of the 64 in the world. This Lingam is made up of ant hill mud. Hence there is no water abhishekam for this Lord. The special feature of this temple is that the moon's rays falls on the Sivalingam on the full moon day in the Tamil month of Panguni (March/April) every year. Legend: Vedhikai, wife of Niruthuva Munivar and resident of this sthalam, was in the advanced stage of pregnancy. Her husband had gone to a distant place on some work. As it was summer time, she was very tired and was taking rest in her house. Another sage by name Oorthuva Paathar, who was passing by her house, was also very tired due the hot sun and hoped to get food and water from the inmates of this house. In spite of calling for help, no one came from inside the house and when the sage looked inside, he saw Vedhikai in a sleeping position showing her back to the sage. Not realising that Vedhikai was pregnant, he cursed her and went away. But by the time Vedhikai realised that someone has visited her house, sage Oorthuva Munivar had already left the place. Afraid of sage's curse, Vedhikai prayed to Mullaivana Nathar and His consort for safe delivery of her child. Lord Shiva's consort Uma Maheswari took necessary precautions and saw to it that Vedhikai gave birth to the child normally without any trouble. Vedhikai's husband Niruthuva Munivar came to know about these details from his wife on his return. He prayed to the goddess Uma Maheswari that She should protect the foetus of any pregnat woman who visits this sthalam and offers worship to Her. Goddess Uma Maheswari gave this boon to Niruthuva Munivar and She is known from that day as Garbha Rakshaambikai.. Deities: Mullaivananathar/ Mullaivaneswarar, Garbha Rakshaambikai Source: For private circulation only Page 18 of 22
  • 19. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Skanda Sashti This month witnesses the Skanda Sashti occasion on 18th November 2012, followed by the popular Soora Samhaaram on 19th November 2012. Our moderator Sri Venkatswam has come forward to share a huge lot of treasures to our members on this occasion, which would guide you to properly celebrate the festival and observe the rituals with complete satisfaction. He has provided us with quite a few documents which are now being shared through this newsletter – our sincere thanks to him for making this happen. Here are the documents for you to download: a) Skanda Sashti 2012 – details from Vaidhikasri magazine b) Skanda Sashti Pooja – Poorva & Uttara Pooja details c) Skanda Sashti – main pooja details d) Skanda Sashti Vratham details (Tamil) e) Skanda Ashtottara Satha Naamavali f) Kanda Sashti Kavacham – English & Tamil g) Kandar Anubhuti h) Sri Subrahmanya Bhujangam i) Sri Subramanya Namaste – an article in which Periva explains the importance and greatness of Sri Subramanyar – excellent one, not to be missed. Jaya Jaya Sankara, Hara Hara Sankara! For private circulation only Page 19 of 22
  • 20. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & The Divine Collection at For the benefit of our members, we are showcasing below a quick view of the divine treasure contained in our parent site - at, which serves as a great single-point collection of articles, photos, videos, blogs and audios of Sri Maha Periva. Please pass on/share this website to as many of your friends/groups/networks as possible, and spread the blessings of His Holiness. Click to watch our exclusive video of Periva An organized collection of videos about Periva Largest online audio library of Periva Upadesams Blog on Periva with daily updates Collection of videos on Periva on Youtube For private circulation only Link to the Kanchi Periva Forum Videos shot at Periva Aradhana – 2011 Periva Photos – Album view Click to read a random post from the Periva Blog Page 20 of 22
  • 21. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & Feedback / Responses On the topic “Athithi Bhojanam” Thanks for this. Could not help my eyes getting wet. –Sri Venkatswam On the topic “Ebook # 6– Navaratri Special Edition ebook” SUPER FANTASTIC. Solluvatharku vaarthaikale illai. In future expecting more like this. Very kind of you. Thanks a lot. .– Sri Sambasivan C On the topic “Periva’s compassion towards a poor scholar” Sarveswaran! Sarvagnan! Sakshat Parameswaran! Karunya deivam! எந்த வபனர பவச்சு கூப்ட்ைஹலும் மைஷ஼ ந஺னறய மஹட்வைங்க஺றது ! இந்த பஹரத புண்ய பூம஺ என்ை தவம் பசய்தவதஹ இந்த நைமஹடும் பதய்வம் நம்ம஺னைவய இருந்ததும், இன்னும் இருப்பதும்! ஜய ஜய சங்கர! ஸர ஸர சங்கர! – Sri Anusham163 On the topic “My experience with His Holiness - Silpi” NAMASKARS. nice and worth to kept in our POOJA as well as to be worshiped one.actually "MAHA PERIYAVA 'reflects the grace of "JAGATH PITHROWS"to us through "HIS JOTHI CHACHUS". NAMASKARS - Sri V Lalithakumar. On the topic Kamakshi Amman and Maha Periva கஹஞ்ச஺ கஹமவகஹடி மஸஹ பபரியவஹ த஺ருவடிகள் சரைம்! - I am blessed to have found this forum – Smt Chitrabhi I am no cry baby. But every time I read an article my eyes well up. Whoever thought of this idea. Avarukku en 1008 namaskarangal – Sri V Aanand70 Really scintillating to hear all the episodes. May such things be on the rise. – Sri Sundaresan K S For private circulation only Page 21 of 22
  • 22. Newsletter of Kanchi Periva Forum Volume 7 © & For private circulation only Page 22 of 22