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Juveniles in the Adult Justice System
Topic: "Juveniles do not belong in the Adult Justice System. Authorities who waive Juveniles into the
Adult Justice System are making a devastating impact on their futures"
This paper is about the most controversial subject in the penal system today, i.e. should juveniles be
treated as adults and be tried in the adult justice system and the negative impact on their lives. This
becomes relevant after the judgment in Roper Vs Simmons (1995) which states that there is a doubt as
to when the adolescent becomes an adult. The paper further analyses whether juveniles are different
from adults and the conclusion arrived at is that the adult world is different from the world of minors
and hence there must be total differentiation between the justice systems for juveniles and adults.
A) Introduction
This paper is an attempt to understand and point out the flaws in the legal system that has of late in
many cases begun to treat juveniles in the same footing as adult offenders. There is a raging
controversy over this move that makes young offenders to be tried and incarcerated just as if the crime
was done by an adult. The arguments over this have been made in the Supreme Court and the land mark
judgement Roper Vs Simmons (1995). However it is submitted that simple observations of the post
procedure effects on young persons have not been verified or recorded properly. If this system
continues, would it not be against the logic of creating the juvenile justice system
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Role of False Confessions
Introduction Would you ever admit to committing a crime that you didn't actually commit? Of course
not, says common sense. Naturally, it is difficult to understand why anyone would confess to a crime
they didn't commit. However, false confessions are one the leading causes of wrongful convictions.1 As
the Supreme Court of Canada noted in R v. Oickle, innocent people are induced to make false
confessions more frequently than those unacquainted with the phenomenon might expect.2 In North
America, we can trace the existence of false confessions back to the Salem Witch Trials, where a
number of women were persecuted for witchcraft on the basis of confessions that were obtained
through torture and threats.3 More recent false confessions have ... Show more content on ...
7 Amelia Hritz, Michal Blau & Sara Tomezsko, "False Confessions" online: Cornell University
Law School <>. 8
Supra note 2 at 37. 9 Ibid. 10 Richard A. Leo, Wrongly Convicted Perspectives on Failed Justice: False
Confessions, Causes, Consequences, and Solutions by Saundra D. Westervelt & John A.
Humphrey (New Jersey, USA: Rutgers University Press, 2005) at 42–44 [Leo, "Wrongly Convicted
Perspectives]. 11 Supra note 2 at 38. 12 Ibid at 38. 13 Ibid at 39. 14 Ibid at 40. 15 Leo, "Wrongly
Convicted Perspectives" supra note 10 at 43–44. 16 Ibid. 17 Ibid. Why do False Confessions lead to
Wrongful Convictions? False confessions have undeniably had a significant impact on wrongful
convictions. For example, of the Innocence Project's first 225 exonerations through DNA evidence,
23% of wrongful convictions were based
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Loan Portfolio Management
Loan Portfolio Management
L ending is the principal business activity for most commercial banks. The loan portfolio is typically
the largest asset and the predominate source of revenue. As such, it is one of the greatest sources of risk
to a bank's safety and soundness. Whether due to lax credit standards, poor portfolio risk management,
or weakness in the economy, loan portfolio problems have historically been the major cause of bank
losses and failures.
Effective management of the loan portfolio and the credit function is fundamental to a bank's safety and
soundness. Loan portfolio management (LPM) is the process by which risks that are inherent in the
credit process are managed and controlled. ... Show more content on ...
An unregulated banking financial institution might be fraud with unmanageable risks for the purpose of
maximizing its potential return. In such a situation, the banking financial institutions might find itself in
a serious financial distress instead of improving its financial health. Consequently, not only the
depositors but also the shareholders will be deprived of getting back their money from the bank. The
deterioration of loan quality also affects the intermediative efficiency of the financial institutions and
thus the economic growth process of the country. This the reason for which the banking financial
institutions are being regulated in all countries. The banking financial institutions are also the most
regulated among all types of financial institutions in all countries, because of their substantial role in
payment mechanism (in addition to protect the loan portfolio from decaying).
Portfolio management is crucial for commercial banks, be it in developed or developing countries.
Mere accumulation of deposits gives rise to entries both in liabilities and assets sides of the balance
sheets. So, portfolio management involves in both liability and assets of commercial banks. If deposits
of a bank grow at a steady rate and if loan demands can be met from deposit growth, the bank will have
no problem of liquidity. In real life, deposits do not grow steadily all the time, nor does loan demand
grow in keeping with growth in deposits.
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Week Cja/354
College of Criminal Justice and Security
CJA/354 Version 4
Criminal Law
Copyright © 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Course Description
This is an introductory course in the study of criminal law, general legal principles, and how the
criminal law functions in and affects modern society. This course highlights a variety of key topics,
including the concept of crime and the development of criminal law, defenses to criminal charges, and a
number of specific types of crimes, including personal crimes, property crimes, public order crimes,
and offenses against public morality. Legal issues affecting punishment will also be discussed, as will
ways the criminal law impacts victims of crime. ... Show more content on ...
Stu Dents
Discuss the case as if you are part of the defense team in State v. Stu Dents and the defendant wants to
plead insanity.
Write a 700– to 1,050–word paper in which you answer the following questions as a team:
Does your team feel this defendant is competent to stand trial? Why or why not?
What is required in your state for an insanity defense?
What steps must be taken to prove insanity?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. By 6 p.m., May 13, 2013 5
Week Three: Personal, Property, and Computer Crimes Details Due Points
Objectives 3.1 Define different types of homicide.
3.2 Define the meaning of corpus delicti.
3.3 Distinguish between assault, battery, and mayhem.
3.4 Identify sexual assault and the elements of sex crimes.
3.5 Define kidnapping and false imprisonment.
3.6 Differentiate between robbery, burglary, and theft.
3.7 Describe computer and high–technology crimes.
Reading Read the Week Three Read Me First.
Reading Read Ch. 14 of Contemporary Criminal Law.
Reading Read Ch. 7 of Criminal Law Today
Reading Read Ch. 8 of Criminal Law Today
Reading Read Ch. 9 of Criminal Law Today
Reading Read this week's Electronic Reserve Readings.
Participation Participate in class discussion. In class, May 20, 2013 4
Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions.
Personal Crimes Analysis For
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Plea Bargaining : An Essential Part Of Our Criminal...
Abstract Plea bargaining has been around since the early 1800's and is a process where the attorney for
the defendant negotiates a plea with the prosecuting attorney. This process which was simple in the
beginning has changed dramatically over the years. Prosecutors have made it seem they have evidence
for serious crimes and get people to plead guilty to a lesser offense. Many people will accept a plea
bargain out of fear of what will happen at trial. Everyday people who otherwise would have been
acquitted due to lack of evidence or they are really innocent will plead guilty to a lesser charge. It
wasn't until 1970 with the United States Supreme Court case of Brady v. United States that the
constitutionality of plea bargaining was established. Plea bargaining should be regulated so as not to
harm the legal system any more than it has. Plea bargaining takes away a person's right to be tried by a
jury of their peers.
Plea bargaining has become an essential part of our criminal justice system. A vast majority of criminal
cases in the United States are resolved by plea bargaining. Despite the rights that an accused has under
the US Constitution, many will still accept a plea bargain. You are presumed innocent until guilt is
proven beyond a reasonable doubt, the right to a trial by jury and to have an impartial judge. Even
though you have these rights under the Constitution very few defendants are choosing to use them,
instead relying on a plea bargain deal to be
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Same Sex Marriage
WHY GAY MARRIAGE IS WRONG Advocates of homosexual practice often argue that "gay
marriage," or at least homosexual civil unions, will reduce promiscuity and promote fidelity among
homosexual persons. Such an argument overlooks two key points. "Gay Marriage" as a Contradiction
in Terms First, legal and ecclesiastical embrace of homosexual unions is more likely to undermine the
institution of marriage and produce other negative effects than it is to make fidelity and longevity the
norm for homosexual unions. We will come back to this later. Second, and even more importantly,
homosexual unions are not wrong primarily because of their disproportionately high incidence of
promiscuity (especially among males) and ... Show more content on ...
Rather, they must come to terms with their essential masculinity. Scripture, Creation, and a Two–Sexes
Prerequisite The New Testament recognizes the importance of the Genesis creation stories for
establishing a "two–sexes" or "other–sex" prerequisite for marriage. St. Paul clearly understood same–
sex intercourse as an affront to the Creator's stamp on gender in Genesis 1–2. In his letter to the
Romans, Paul cites two prime examples of humans suppressing the truth about God evident in
creation/nature: idolatry and same–sex intercourse (1:18–27). Paul talks first about humans exchanging
the Creator for worship of idols made "in the likeness of the image of a perishable human and of birds
and animals and reptiles" (1:23); then about "females [who] exchanged the natural use" and "males
leaving behind the natural use of the female" to have intercourse with other "males" (1:26–27). This
obviously echoes Genesis 1:26–27: "Let us make a human according to our image and . . . likeness; and
let them rule over the . . . birds . . . cattle . . . and . . . reptiles. And God created the human in his image,
. . . male and female he created them." Taken together, we have not only eight points of correspondence
between Gen 1:26–27 and Rom 1:23, 26–27 but also a threefold sequential agreement: A. God's
likeness and image in humans B. Dominion over the animal kingdom C. Male–female differentiation It
would be fair to say that if there is no intertextual
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Logical Reasoning
updated: April 26, 2016 Logical Reasoning Bradley H. Dowden Philosophy Department California
State University Sacramento Sacramento, CA 95819 USA ii iii Preface Copyright © 2011–14 by
Bradley H. Dowden This book Logical Reasoning by Bradley H. Dowden is licensed under a Creative
Commons AttributionNonCommercial–NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. That is, you are free to share,
copy, distribute, store, and transmit all or any part of the work under the following conditions: (1)
Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author, namely by citing his
name, the book title, and the relevant page numbers (but not in any way that suggests that the book
Logical Reasoning or its author endorse ... Show more content on ...
vi Table of Contents
Copyright ...............................................................................................................................................iii
Praise .......................................................................................................................................................iv
Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................. v
Table of Contents CHAPTER 1
How to Reason Logically ........................................................................................ 1 Facing a Decision
as a Critical Thinker ............................................................................................... 2 Advice for Logical
Reasoners ............................................................................................................... 5 Examples of Good
Reasoning............................................................................................................. 14 Review of Major
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Separation Of Church And State Essay
Separation of Church and State
By the middle of the 20th Century, the United States had emerged as a world power. It accomplished
this through its leadership in defeating Germany and
Japan in World War II. These two countries' main objective was to enslave the world and destroy
political, religious, and economic freedom. In Germany or
Japan, anyone who disagreed with these goals, or was different was destroyed.
This was a common practice in these two fascist countries. Unfortunately, at the same time of its
emergence as a world power, the United States began to slip into a form of judicial fascism. This slide
began when the U.S. Supreme Court began to abandon the religious principles on which this nation was
The ... Show more content on ...
America's p.3)
The Supreme Court says that these men's intent was to keep religion and politics separate. John Quincy
Adams, in a speech on July 4,1837 asked the crowd, "Why is it, that next to the birthday of the Savior
of the World, your most joyous and venerated festival returns on this day?" He goes on to explain the
important ties between the birthday of the nation and the birthday of Jesus Christ. He says that the
Declaration of Independence was first organized on the foundation of Jesus' mission on Earth, and that
the Declaration "laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity.
Adams stressed that the major impact of the Revolution was that Christian principles and civil
government were connected in an "indissoluble" bond. (Barton, America's p.17)
Why is the Supreme Court blind to such evidence as this? John Quincy Adams was an extremely well
educated man, so he is a very reliable source.
Other Founding Fathers were very outspoken about Christian beliefs.
John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and one of the men most responsible for the
Constitution declared, "Providence(heaven) has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is
the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christian
(Barton, America's p.8) Doesn't this tell our Supreme Court anything? Shouldn't
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The New Jim Crow By Michelle Alexander Essay
In the book The New Jim Crow author Michelle Alexander argues that a racial caste system still exists
in the United States. Furthermore, this caste system is set up by the social control that is created by the
discriminatory practices of the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs and mass incarcerations create a racial
"undercaste" of African–Americans, by marginalizing ex–offenders in America. Within her arguments
she describes the racist practices of, and policies surrounding, the War on Drugs. These extend from the
police force on the ground, who are apprehending the criminals or, in many cases, innocent people, all
the way to the practices of prosecuting and sentencing of these people. There are many instances where
the injustices extend all the way to the Supreme Court. However, that may not be surprising given the
fact that the War on Drugs is a federal government institution. This racism, while inherent, is not
always apparent. In this paper I will assess the broken practices that the War on Drugs implements,
including mass incarceration, and how racism is the basis for these practices. However, while it does
show that racism does exist in these practices, Alexander doesn't necessarily show that racism is the
reason behind the War on Drugs and mass incarceration, but rather a by–product.
Racism is the main theme that you see throughout the whole book. Alexander begins her narrative with
a history of racism in this country. Beginning with the inception of slavery in the
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Habeas Corpus and the Use of Military Tribunals Essay
Habeas Corpus and the Use of Military Tribunals
In America Under the Threat of Terrorism
It was on this date one hundred forty two years ago (April 25, 1861), that President Abraham Lincoln
sent a letter to Lt. General Winfield Scott authorizing the suspension of "The Privilege of the Writ of
Habeas Corpus" . Lincoln had been president for less than two months and was facing, what was up to
that time and arguably may still be the greatest threat to the survival of the United States since the
Founding Fathers launched this "Great Experiment". Only eleven days earlier Major Robert Anderson,
the commander of the federal garrison at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, had to surrender the fort to the
Confederate Army. Lincoln was ... Show more content on ...
With the recent "war" on terrorism our government has moved to curtail and, in some cases, to deny
United States citizens their constitutional rights to due process. The delicate balance between the
fundamental right to the due process of law and national security is the focus of this research paper and
is structured as follows:
Introduction to Habeas Corpus
A Brief History of Habeas Corpus
A Brief History of Military Tribunals
The Case of Jose Padilla
Introduction to Habeas Corpus
Habeas corpus [Law Latin "that you have the body"] A writ employed to bring a person before a court
to ensure the party's imprisonment or detention is not illegal." Meant to ensure that a prisoner is
accorded due process of law, it does not determine guilt or innocence.
Responding to abusive detention of persons without legal authority, public pressure on caused the
English Parliament to adopt the Habeas Corpus Act, 1679. This fundamental right against illegal
imprisonment was highly regarded by the British colonists in America as a safeguard of that it was
which established a critical right that written into the main body of the U.S. Constitution and "may be
suspended only in time of rebellion or invasion."
Habeas corpus rights are supposed to serve as the federal guarantee that local officials respect the
Constitution. In other words, if a
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Dorothy L. Sayers’ Gaudy Night Essay
Dorothy L. Sayers' Gaudy Night
When Gayle Wald wrote, "Sayers's career writing detective stories effectively ends with Gaudy Night"
(108), she did not present a new argument, but continued the tradition that Gaudy Night does not center
on the detective story. Barbara Harrison even labeled Dorothy Sayers's Lord Peter/Harriet Vane books,
Strong Poison, Gaudy Night, and Busman's Honeymoon, as "deliriously happy–ending romances" (66).
The label stretches the definition of a romance, but Gaudy Night indeed has very little to do with crime.
Sayers encrypted the real story within her detective novel. This story behind the story narrates love and
human relationships. In fact, the crimes in Gaudy Night only supply a convenient way for ... Show
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We usually think of crypts as graves or coded messages, similar to the letter in Have His Carcasse. The
notion of a crypt, however, contains a deeper psychological meaning. Crypts deal with the ideas of
introjection and incorporation. These concepts identify the alternative ways in which the psyche
handles trauma. When the psyche introjects a trauma, the trauma melds into the subconscious. If the
psyche successfully assimilates the trauma, it unites with the rest of the psyche, much like a cube of ice
(the trauma) melting in a glass of water (the psyche). Incorporation occurs when trauma embeds itself
into the psyche, but remains separate and, therefore, separable. If we return to the idea of the psyche as
a glass of water, incorporation resembles what happens when a Ping–Pong ball (the trauma) drops into
a glass of water. The ball remains a lump in the psyche. Jacques Derrida wrote about the crypt "sealing
the loss of the object, but also marking the refusal to mourn . . . I pretend to keep the dead alive, intact,
safe (save) inside me, but it is only to refuse, in a necessarily equivocal way, to love the dead as a living
part of me, dead save in me, through the process of introjection, as happens in so–called normal
mourning" ("Foreword" 17). The tomb stands then as an incorporation of the trauma of death. We
physically mark the place of rest as a mirror of our inability to assimilate that trauma
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Domestic Violence And Its Effects On Society
Domestic violence can be described as authority misused by one person in a relationship to control the
other. It is the establishment of fear and control in one's relationship through violence and other forms
of abuse. Domestic violence can be in a form of physical assault, sexual assault, social abuse,
psychological abuse, and financial abuse. The occurrence of the violence can be sometimes on and off,
occasional or long–lasting. Many may confuse the term domestic violence as a simple argument, but
that is not true. Domestic violence is a pattern of using threats and force to make someone do
something. Many abusers use threats, physical and sexual violence, emotional insults and economic
deprivation as a way to dominate their ... Show more content on ...
Wife beating was similar to rape or abortion back then, it was viewed as a private and shameful act,
that's why only a few women discussed their issue.
Men hit women with immunity until feminist activists' renamed wife beating as domestic violence, and
described its victims as "battered women." Many women searched for help all around, they needed
protection. Activists created a system of shelters for women who tried to escape, often with their
children, because the violence threatened by their spouse.
Congressional passage of violence against women act was ultimately spurred on by decades of growing
unease over the rising violent crime rate and a focus on women as crime victims. Beginning in the
1960s, the violent crime rate rose steadily, igniting concern from both the public and the federal
government. Supplementing the concern for the nation's rising violent crime rate was the concern for
violence against women. In the 1970s, grassroots organizations began to stress the need for attitudinal
change regarding violence against women. These organizations sought a change in attitude among both
the public as well as the law enforcement community.
During the 1970's, feminists tried to reach out and teach women that violence was wrong and that they
had the right to be free from it. "We will not be beaten" became the slogan of the
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The Criminal Trial Process: From Jury Selection to Sentencing
The Criminal Trial: Trail Process: From Jury Selection to Sentencing Introduction The criminal trial
process is an interesting process that takes place in Courtrooms all across the United States and
throughout the globe. This study intends to set out the various steps in the criminal trial process in the
American justice system. A trial is described as a "legal forum for resolving individual disputes, and in
the case of a criminal charge, it is a means for establishing whether an accused person is legally guilty
of an offense. The trial process varies with respect to whether the matter at issue is civil in nature or
criminal. In either case, a jury acts as a fact–finding body for the court in assessing information and
evidence that is presented by the respective parties in a case. A judge presides over the court and
addresses all the legal issues that arise during the trial. A judge also instructs the jury how to apply the
facts to the laws that will govern in a given case." (3rd Judicial District, 2012) I. Jury Selection The
first phase of a criminal jury trial is focused on selecting specific jurors, which is accomplished through
a process referred to as 'voir dire' which is a screening of potential jurors. In the criminal trial involving
an offense categorized as a felony "12 jurors and up to six alternate jurors may be chosen." (3rd Judicial
District, ) Voir dire of the jury involves the prosecuting and defense attorneys questioning the potential
jurors and
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COGNITIVE–BEHAVIORAL THERAPY FOR OCD This page intentionally left blank
New York London © 2004 The Guilford Press A Division of Guilford Publications, Inc. 72 Spring
Street, New York, NY 10012 All rights reserved Paperback edition 2007 Except as
noted, no part of this book may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or
otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher. Printed in the United States of America This
book is printed on acid–free paper. Last digit is print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 LIMITED ... Show more
content on ...
However, by the late 1980s and early 1990s, behavioral researchers like Paul Salkovskis and Jack
Rachman were advocating a more integrative theory and treatment of OCD, an approach that
amalgamated the behavioral treatment of OCD with Beck's (1976) cognitive theory of emotional
disorders. From these two theoretical perspectives on clinical disorders, a new cognitive–behavioral
approach to obsessions and compulsions was born. In many respects, my own professional
development has taken a path similar to that seen in cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) for
obsessional states. My roots are in the behavioral tradition, dating back to the early 1980s when I was a
graduate student at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, England. My interest in OCD and unwanted
intrusive thoughts was sparked by the stimulating discussions and innovative research of the clinical
faculty, most notably Jack Rachman and Padmal de Silva. My doctoral thesis on the psychophysiology
of mental control and unwanted intrusive thoughts was an outgrowth of their insights into the pathology
of obsessional thought. vii viii Preface In the late 1980s, I was introduced to the cognitive perspective
on clinical disorders by Aaron T. Beck. I was privileged to spend a few months at the Center for
Cognitive Therapy in Philadelphia, where I received training in Beck's therapy approach. Over the last
15 years I have
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Supreme Court Cases Essay
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. vs. Sawyer Also commonly referred to as The Steel Seizure Case, it was
a United States Supreme Court decision that limited the power of the President of the United States to
seize private property in the absence of either specifically enumerated authority under Article Two of
the US Constitution or statutory authority conferred on him by Congress. The Majority decision was
that the President had no power to act except in those cases expressly or implicitly authorized by the
Constitution or an act of Congress. Marbury vs. Madison: A landmark case in United States Law and
the basis for the exercise of judicial review in the United States, ... Show more content on ...
Plessey boarded a car of the East Louisiana Railroad that was designated by whites for use by white
patrons only. Although Plessey was one–eighth black and seven–eighths white, under Louisiana state
law he was classified as an African–American, and thus required to sit in the "colored" car. When
Plessey refused to leave the white car and move to the colored car, he was arrested and jailed. The
Court rejected Plessey's arguments based on the Thirteenth Amendment, seeing no way in which the
Louisiana statute violated it. In addition, the majority of the Court rejected the view that the Louisiana
law implied any inferiority of blacks, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. Instead, it contended
that the law separated the two races as a matter of public policy. Smith v. Allwright: An important
decision of the United States Supreme Court with regard to voting rights and, by extension, racial
desegregation. Lonnie E. Smith, a black voter in Texas, sued for the right to vote in a primary election
being conducted by the Democratic Party. The law he challenged allowed the party to enforce a rule
requiring all voters in its primary to be white. At this point in history, the Republican Party was so weak
in the South that most Southern elections were decided by the outcome of the Democratic primary.
Southern States claimed that the Democratic Party was a private organization, while Smith said that the
law in question essentially disenfranchised him by
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Social Networking Sites-Boon/Bane
Social networking:
For years, social networking sites didn't exist, but yet people kept in touch. These days, with social
networking sites becoming a part and parcel of our daily lives, there are advantages and disadvantages
that come along with them. For example, you can make a friend from Timbuktu and on the flip side
your account can get hacked and you can find yourself in a big mess.
A recent research revealed that teenagers tend to hide the real stuff by using code language you may
never understand. Teens are basically using them to stop parents and employers from judging them on
the basis of their social activities such as partying, drinking and drugs.
Instead of writing they are drunk, teens post 'Getting MWI' or mad with it', ... Show more content on ...
Another user promptly replied with a prescription: "Ignorance is bliss." The conversation was then
interrupted by a user who accused the two of being undeserving "beggars" who had cornered seats in
schools, colleges and government offices. Soon, the thread was ablaze with hundreds of responses in a
free–for–all mudslinging competition and a crash course in the choicest Hindi expletives.
Social networking sites Orkut and Facebook have become a fertile ground for scores of groups based
on ethnicity and caste. Key in the word 'caste' into either site, or indeed others, and up pops a cascading
list of virtual caste colonies, some of which aim to unite members and some which spew venom. Orkut
has thousands of these communities – for instance, 'Brahmins Culture and Tradition' , 'I Hate Intercaste
Marriage' and 'The Great Maratha' – which have hundreds of members.
Interestingly, participants of these groups are increasing rather than dying down. A study by Sunil
Gangavane and Urvi Shah, researchers at PUKAR (Partners for Urban Knowledge, Action and
Research) found that 32 random Orkut communities based on caste showed an increase of nearly
30,000 members in just three months. Gangavane and Shah, who joined these communities to keep tabs
on them, primarily wanted to document the involvement of
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Juvenile Crime Issues in Today’s Criminal Justice System
part 5
Special Issues
The accused has these common law, constitutional, statutory, and humanitarian rights that may be
threatened by technological advances and other developments:
© © © ©
chapter 15
Juvenile Justice
chapter 16
Drugs and Crime
chapter 17
Terrorism and Multinational Criminal Justice
chapter 18
The Future of Criminal Justice
These individual rights must be effectively balanced against these present and emerging community
concerns: Widespread drug abuse among youth The threat of juvenile crime Urban gang violence
High–technology, computer, and Internet crime (cybercrime) Terrorism and narcoterrorism
Occupational and whitecollar crime
A right to privacy A right to be assumed innocent A right ... Show more content on ...
We fight for their innocence and their dreams. It is a fight for our future.
–Former U.S. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales
Our society's fearful of our kids. I think we don't know how to set limits on them. They begin to behave
in severely outrageous ways, and nobody stops them.
–David York, cofounder of Toughlove International1
A few years ago, 13–year–old Tavaris Knight was convicted by a criminal court jury in Tampa, Florida,
of kidnapping and raping a 43–year–old woman. Prosecutors proved that Knight, who was 12 at the
time of the offense, had used a silver toy gun to force the woman away from her four young children at
a playground and into the surrounding woods. Knight raped the woman twice and beat her with the
gun, which he left behind.2 Knight's case had been transferred to adult criminal court because of the
serious nature of his crimes. In closing arguments, prosecutor Michael Sinacore pointed to Knight,
saying, "That young man is not a child. He stopped being a child when he forced [his victim] into the
woods and raped her."3 Following conviction, Knight was sentenced to 15 years in prison by Florida
Circuit Judge Jack Espinosa, Jr. Knight will likely be held at a youth facility for sexual offenders until
he is 21, at which time he could be transferred to another youth offender facility until the age of 25,
followed by adult prison.4 Crimes committed by preteens are not that unusual. In 2005, for example, a
nine–yearold girl,
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Akram Dejam Case Study
Mr. Akram Dejam is a foreign resident alien. He arrived in the United States in 1996 from Yugoslavia.
His immigration and naturalization file indicates that he was born in 1970 in Sarajevo. In connection
with his immigration, Mr. Dejam stated that during the years 1988¬ to 1993 he was a student. Recently,
the U.S. Office of Special Investigations (OSI) received information that Mr. Dejam was perhaps not
just a student during these years. In fact, he may have been a war criminal, formerly engaged in
atrocities during the on–going civil war in his home country. Based on this information, the OSI is now
investigating Mr. Dejam. In connection with this investigation, OSI has issued an administrative
subpoena demanding that Dejam produce documents ... Show more content on ...
Gecas, 830 F. Supp. 1403 Gecas stated in his application for an Immigrant Visa that, during the years
1938 through 1944, he was a "pupil" in Lithuania. Gecas swore that this information was true. The
petitioner now claims to have evidence that, during this period, Gecas, in fact, assisted the Nazi forces
then occupying Lithuania, and that he participated in the persecution of persons because of their race,
religion, and/or political opinion. Had this information been known to petitioner at the time of Gecas's
immigration, he would have been disqualified from entering the United States. In furtherance of its
investigation into Gecas's wartime activities, the petitioner, through its Office of Special Investigations
("OSI"), issued an administrative subpoena commanding Gecas to give testimony and to produce
documents relating both to his immigration to the United States, and to his activities in Europe between
1940 and 1945. Gecas does not challenge the validity of the administrative subpoena. Nor does he
argue that OSI is without the power to issue such subpoenas. Finally, it is undisputed that, although he
faces the possibility of deportation, Gecas faces no threat of criminal prosecution in the United States.
His only complaint is that his answers to the investigator's questions, along with the production of the
requested documents, would expose him to possible criminal prosecution in a foreign country. Gecas
argues that the Fifth Amendment to the
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The Effects Of Cyberbullying On The Internet
This research benefits everyone who engages in the social networking on the internet with the primary
focus being the school aged adolescents and their parents. By exposing the issue in hand and the
negative impacts it carries will hopefully create positive response. Not only is cyberbullying a huge
threat in present time, but it can also lead to long term effects that could permanently ruin an individual
going through adulthood. Some of these devastating effects include: suicide, grades start dropping,
overall school participation begins to decline, depression, and vengeance (Mirsky, E. L., & Omar, H. A.
2015). The more society becomes involves in the situation, the better chance society has in creating
new laws to combat cyberbullying ... Show more content on ...
present laws that are in place become a problem. The country has become divided when it comes to
laws against cyberbullying. Several have implemented cyberbullying into their statutes and others have
not. The computer and fraud abuse act (CFAA) is the only current federal law that is even remotely
close and relevant to cyber laws and the prosecution of cyberbullying. The CFAA was set in stone in
1984 by congress as an anti–hacking law when computer crime started to become popular (King, A. V.
2010). This act was originally referred to as the counterfeit Access Device and Computer Fraud Abuse
Act, this statute only covered large financial institutions and government computers (PBS, 2012).
During 1996, certain amendments were pushed towards the CFAA under the US Patriot act.
Furthermore, during that year the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act was introduced
during this time. This act included language that was associated with any computer linked to the
internet (PBS, 2012). CFAA's main concern focuses on the language aspect of it. This is because the
language was too vague and this prevented crimes associated with computer fraud from ever being
prosecuted. According to King (2010), the argument that is brought up is that the CFAA tends to focus
their attention around a crucial phase which states, that by law it is illegal to deliberately gain entrée to
a computer without proper
... Get more on ...
R. V. Keegstra : in Support of the Dissent Essay
R. V. Keegstra : In Support of the Dissent
Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for PHL613, Philosophy of Law
Sean Peters
500 204 129
April 11, 2012
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Overview of R. V. Keegstra 2
Why does Freedom of Speech in Democracy Matter? 2 Factors of the Offense Principle 3 Why not
Moralism? 4
Philosophical Analysis 4 Criticism 6 Recommendations 7
Conclusion 8
Appendices 9 Appendix 1 – Research and Methodology 9
Works Cited 11
What does freedom of expression really mean? Why is it important to our democratic society? In the
landmark case of R. v. Keegstra (1990), the issues of freedom of expression ... Show more content on ...
Joel Feinberg, defines the Offense Principle as " it is always a good reason in support of a proposed
criminal prohibition that it is probably necessary to prevent serious offense [as opposed to injury or
harm] to persons other than the actor, and would probably be an effect means to that end if enacted."
(Feinberg, 1984). I believe that this principle serves as the best way to analyze R. V. Keegstra. There
are many factors that fall under the Offense Principle, such as extent, duration, social value of speech,
the ease with which it can be avoided, the motives of the speaker, the number of people offended, and
the general interests of the community at large, however, I will only touch a few. Based off of these
factors, Keegstra and Zundel should be prosecuted, but not those from "Go Yankee, go". Zundel and
"Go Yankee, go" are to be discussed in a later section of this essay.
Extent – Keegstra communicated Anti–Semitic statements to many years worth of students, would test
on beliefs and would generally give better marks to those who answered based off Keegstra's beliefs.
Duration – Keegstra carried out his anti–Semitic communication to his students for years. Whereas,
"Yankee, go home" was a flying marketing campaign.
Number of people offended – while the number of people offended might be higher with "Yankee, go
home", the fact that Keegstra's message was communicated to students, should
... Get more on ...
National Security Outline Essay
CHAPTER 1: National Security Law and the Role of Tipson 1
CHAPTER 2: Theoretical approaches to national security & world order 4
CHAPTER 3: Development of the International Law of Conflict Management 5
CHAPTER 4: The Use of Force in International Relations: Norms Concerning the Initiation of
Coercion (JNM) 7
CHAPTER 5: Institutional Modes of Conflict Management 17
The United Nations System 17
Proposals for Strengthening Management Institutional Modes of Conduct 23
CHAPTER 6: The Laws of War and Neutrality 24
CHAPTER 7: War Crimes and Nuremberg Principle 28
CHAPTER 12: Nuclear Weapons: Deployment, Targeting and Deterrence 33
CHAPTER 13: Arms Control in the Nuclear Age 36
Chapter 14: ... Show more content on ...
–Military Sufficiency
–Issue is how much military capability is enough – is it enough to have the same capabilities as
potential threats or should we pursue superior capabilities –US leaders have varied greatly on how
much is enough –Domestic strength
–Important goal is to seek political cohesion, economic vitality, and good educational policies at home
because it will help country to prevail during war (increases domestic support and morale)
–Economic vitality and educational strength also provide resources to implement national security, help
develop weapons to compete with enemies, and allow country to mobilize quickly in time of crisis –
World Order –Some argue that balance of power is best way to achieve world order
–Others argue that we need to organize and civilize international politics to achieve world order – 4
variations on how to do this:
–1–Judicial approach – resolve differences between countries through third–party judges and arbitrators
–2–Contractual approach –use collective agreements to limit use of force (consider Kellogg–Briand
Pact) –3–Legislative approach – League of Nations, UN
–4–Diplomatic approach – use diplomacy between national leaders to achieve stability –Global Welfare
–Protecting human rights and promoting democracy are the important methods here –Doing these will
improve domestic strength and world order as
... Get more on ...
Marvin Anderson Case
Justice System Unit Essay Marvin Anderson is a man who was falsely accused of abduction, rape,
robbery, and sodomy. This is his story. On July 17, 1982, a young woman was raped by a black man
whom she said was a total stranger. After she reported the crime, a police officer singled out Anderson
as a suspect because the perpetrator had told the victim that he "had a white girl," and Anderson was the
only black man the officer knew who lived with a white woman. Because Anderson had no criminal
record, the officer went to Anderson's employer and obtained a color employment photo identification
card. The victim was shown the color identification card, along with six black–and–white mug shots,
and identified Anderson as her assailant. Within an ... Show more content on ...
because it seems that our system isn't providing we the people, with the justice that is deserved. Such as
the case of State of Texas V. Tim Cole, which is a serious cause for concern of the state of our criminal
justice system. Tim Cole, who was a college student at the time, was falsely accused of rape. He
pledged many times that these accusations were wrong and he didn't do it that they have the wrong guy
but these pleas were instantly dismissed due to the eyewitness testimony declaring he was the man at
fault, but the most disturbing detail is that this was all caused by government misconduct and the victim
was indeed manipulated. The odds were stacked against Tim Cole before he even walked into the
identification line. They had gathered Cole and a few other citizens who looked not even remotely close
to the true criminal whoraoed and assaulted the victim. The cops withheld the information that the killer
might not have even been in her college dormitory room at Texas Tech University. The shaken up and
traumatized victim couldn't recall the true criminal's face and was forced to pick the closest resembling
one in her mind which was the only black face that was in the room. Those cops had not checked if she
was confident nor did they care, their mindset was as long as someone is going to jail our job is "done".
Not Timothy Cole though, that man refused to take any deals that would lower his sentence due to
... Get more on ...
Mental Health Issues In Criminal Justice Essay
In the realm of prosecuting violent crime, a dichotomy of belief exists surrounding mental health. We
can choose to believe that not all violent criminals suffer from a mental health disorder. The alternative
is to believe that the perpetrators of these violent crimes by nature are mentally ill; this assumption,
however, undermines an entire criminal justice system which places treating mental health as a far
lesser subordinate to removing criminals from society. It's clear that the criminal justice system in the
United States doesn't favor the latter. While the threshold for diagnosis of some mental illness is
relatively low, legally "the bar for exemptions of incompetence or mental retardation require an
extreme level of debilitation" (Wallace). This legal standard cultivates an expectation that criminals are
no more complex than the ... Show more content on ...
In discussing culpability, Laurence Steinberg's journal "Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice"
notes that "a person who causes criminal harm is a fully responsible moral agent (and deserves full
punishment) if, in choosing to engage in the wrongful conduct, he has the capacity to make a rational
decision and a "fair opportunity" to choose not to engage in the harmful conduct" (472). The problem is
that in any seriously violent case, mental disorders obstruct 'fair opportunity.' Elaine Whitfield Sharp, a
defense attorney in Massachusetts, discusses this further in a 2010 article from The Atlantic. "Most
criminals I deal with are very narcissistic," she explains, "they're blame–shifters, manipulative, and
can't feel anyone else's pain but their own" –a hallmark lack of empathy which spans across all cases of
violent crime. Each of the traits Whitfield Sharp goes on to describe fall easily within the spectrum of
mental illness–or, as she bluntly states, "'it's a
... Get more on ...
Aristotle Vs. Aristotle's Rhetoric And Dialectic
In Rhetoric, Aristotle states, "Let rhetoric be [defined as] an ability, in each [particular case], to see the
available means of persuasion" (Kennedy, 2007, p. 37). Aristotle is saying that rhetoric is not just the
art of persuasion through speech. He was saying that rhetoric is the art of discovering the methods of
persuasion available in all situations. This relates to the goal of many figures in the current day political
climate. This goal is to discover methods of persuading as many people as possible as often as possible.
A politician's use or rhetoric can be compared to Aristotle's study of rhetoric in that both utilize the
artistic proofs and practice the three species of rhetoric. Aristotle's definition of rhetoric closely
matches the goals of modern politicians, and so rhetoric has become ingrained into our modern day
political process.
Aristotle views rhetoric as the counterpart to dialectic, and points out several key differences. Aristotle
says that both rhetoric and dialectic begin with "endoxa", or reasoning from a commonly held belief or
opinion (Herrick, 2016, p. 71). Both rhetoric and dialectic must be based on a logical argument.
Rhetoric takes that argument and adds elements of the speaker's character and emotions, creating a
more diverse method of persuading an audience. Dialectic favors a fact–based dialogue and does not
rely on the speaker's character and emotions. Rhetoric and dialectic are both methods of addressing
questions. These questions do
... Get more on ...

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Juveniles In The Adult Justice System

  • 1. Juveniles in the Adult Justice System Topic: "Juveniles do not belong in the Adult Justice System. Authorities who waive Juveniles into the Adult Justice System are making a devastating impact on their futures" Abstract This paper is about the most controversial subject in the penal system today, i.e. should juveniles be treated as adults and be tried in the adult justice system and the negative impact on their lives. This becomes relevant after the judgment in Roper Vs Simmons (1995) which states that there is a doubt as to when the adolescent becomes an adult. The paper further analyses whether juveniles are different from adults and the conclusion arrived at is that the adult world is different from the world of minors and hence there must be total differentiation between the justice systems for juveniles and adults. A) Introduction This paper is an attempt to understand and point out the flaws in the legal system that has of late in many cases begun to treat juveniles in the same footing as adult offenders. There is a raging controversy over this move that makes young offenders to be tried and incarcerated just as if the crime was done by an adult. The arguments over this have been made in the Supreme Court and the land mark judgement Roper Vs Simmons (1995). However it is submitted that simple observations of the post procedure effects on young persons have not been verified or recorded properly. If this system continues, would it not be against the logic of creating the juvenile justice system ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Role of False Confessions Introduction Would you ever admit to committing a crime that you didn't actually commit? Of course not, says common sense. Naturally, it is difficult to understand why anyone would confess to a crime they didn't commit. However, false confessions are one the leading causes of wrongful convictions.1 As the Supreme Court of Canada noted in R v. Oickle, innocent people are induced to make false confessions more frequently than those unacquainted with the phenomenon might expect.2 In North America, we can trace the existence of false confessions back to the Salem Witch Trials, where a number of women were persecuted for witchcraft on the basis of confessions that were obtained through torture and threats.3 More recent false confessions have ... Show more content on ... 7 Amelia Hritz, Michal Blau & Sara Tomezsko, "False Confessions" online: Cornell University Law School <>. 8 Supra note 2 at 37. 9 Ibid. 10 Richard A. Leo, Wrongly Convicted Perspectives on Failed Justice: False Confessions, Causes, Consequences, and Solutions by Saundra D. Westervelt & John A. Humphrey (New Jersey, USA: Rutgers University Press, 2005) at 42–44 [Leo, "Wrongly Convicted Perspectives]. 11 Supra note 2 at 38. 12 Ibid at 38. 13 Ibid at 39. 14 Ibid at 40. 15 Leo, "Wrongly Convicted Perspectives" supra note 10 at 43–44. 16 Ibid. 17 Ibid. Why do False Confessions lead to Wrongful Convictions? False confessions have undeniably had a significant impact on wrongful convictions. For example, of the Innocence Project's first 225 exonerations through DNA evidence, 23% of wrongful convictions were based ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Loan Portfolio Management Loan Portfolio Management Introduction Background: L ending is the principal business activity for most commercial banks. The loan portfolio is typically the largest asset and the predominate source of revenue. As such, it is one of the greatest sources of risk to a bank's safety and soundness. Whether due to lax credit standards, poor portfolio risk management, or weakness in the economy, loan portfolio problems have historically been the major cause of bank losses and failures. Effective management of the loan portfolio and the credit function is fundamental to a bank's safety and soundness. Loan portfolio management (LPM) is the process by which risks that are inherent in the credit process are managed and controlled. ... Show more content on ... An unregulated banking financial institution might be fraud with unmanageable risks for the purpose of maximizing its potential return. In such a situation, the banking financial institutions might find itself in a serious financial distress instead of improving its financial health. Consequently, not only the depositors but also the shareholders will be deprived of getting back their money from the bank. The deterioration of loan quality also affects the intermediative efficiency of the financial institutions and thus the economic growth process of the country. This the reason for which the banking financial institutions are being regulated in all countries. The banking financial institutions are also the most regulated among all types of financial institutions in all countries, because of their substantial role in payment mechanism (in addition to protect the loan portfolio from decaying). Portfolio management is crucial for commercial banks, be it in developed or developing countries. Mere accumulation of deposits gives rise to entries both in liabilities and assets sides of the balance sheets. So, portfolio management involves in both liability and assets of commercial banks. If deposits of a bank grow at a steady rate and if loan demands can be met from deposit growth, the bank will have no problem of liquidity. In real life, deposits do not grow steadily all the time, nor does loan demand grow in keeping with growth in deposits. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Week Cja/354 Syllabus College of Criminal Justice and Security CJA/354 Version 4 Criminal Law Copyright © 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This is an introductory course in the study of criminal law, general legal principles, and how the criminal law functions in and affects modern society. This course highlights a variety of key topics, including the concept of crime and the development of criminal law, defenses to criminal charges, and a number of specific types of crimes, including personal crimes, property crimes, public order crimes, and offenses against public morality. Legal issues affecting punishment will also be discussed, as will ways the criminal law impacts victims of crime. ... Show more content on ... Stu Dents Discuss the case as if you are part of the defense team in State v. Stu Dents and the defendant wants to plead insanity. Write a 700– to 1,050–word paper in which you answer the following questions as a team: Does your team feel this defendant is competent to stand trial? Why or why not? What is required in your state for an insanity defense? What steps must be taken to prove insanity? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. By 6 p.m., May 13, 2013 5 Week Three: Personal, Property, and Computer Crimes Details Due Points Objectives 3.1 Define different types of homicide. 3.2 Define the meaning of corpus delicti. 3.3 Distinguish between assault, battery, and mayhem. 3.4 Identify sexual assault and the elements of sex crimes. 3.5 Define kidnapping and false imprisonment. 3.6 Differentiate between robbery, burglary, and theft. 3.7 Describe computer and high–technology crimes. Reading Read the Week Three Read Me First. Reading Read Ch. 14 of Contemporary Criminal Law. Reading Read Ch. 7 of Criminal Law Today Reading Read Ch. 8 of Criminal Law Today
  • 5. Reading Read Ch. 9 of Criminal Law Today Reading Read this week's Electronic Reserve Readings. Participation Participate in class discussion. In class, May 20, 2013 4 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. Individual Personal Crimes Analysis For ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Plea Bargaining : An Essential Part Of Our Criminal... Abstract Plea bargaining has been around since the early 1800's and is a process where the attorney for the defendant negotiates a plea with the prosecuting attorney. This process which was simple in the beginning has changed dramatically over the years. Prosecutors have made it seem they have evidence for serious crimes and get people to plead guilty to a lesser offense. Many people will accept a plea bargain out of fear of what will happen at trial. Everyday people who otherwise would have been acquitted due to lack of evidence or they are really innocent will plead guilty to a lesser charge. It wasn't until 1970 with the United States Supreme Court case of Brady v. United States that the constitutionality of plea bargaining was established. Plea bargaining should be regulated so as not to harm the legal system any more than it has. Plea bargaining takes away a person's right to be tried by a jury of their peers. Plea bargaining has become an essential part of our criminal justice system. A vast majority of criminal cases in the United States are resolved by plea bargaining. Despite the rights that an accused has under the US Constitution, many will still accept a plea bargain. You are presumed innocent until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt, the right to a trial by jury and to have an impartial judge. Even though you have these rights under the Constitution very few defendants are choosing to use them, instead relying on a plea bargain deal to be ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Same Sex Marriage WHY GAY MARRIAGE IS WRONG Advocates of homosexual practice often argue that "gay marriage," or at least homosexual civil unions, will reduce promiscuity and promote fidelity among homosexual persons. Such an argument overlooks two key points. "Gay Marriage" as a Contradiction in Terms First, legal and ecclesiastical embrace of homosexual unions is more likely to undermine the institution of marriage and produce other negative effects than it is to make fidelity and longevity the norm for homosexual unions. We will come back to this later. Second, and even more importantly, homosexual unions are not wrong primarily because of their disproportionately high incidence of promiscuity (especially among males) and ... Show more content on ... Rather, they must come to terms with their essential masculinity. Scripture, Creation, and a Two–Sexes Prerequisite The New Testament recognizes the importance of the Genesis creation stories for establishing a "two–sexes" or "other–sex" prerequisite for marriage. St. Paul clearly understood same– sex intercourse as an affront to the Creator's stamp on gender in Genesis 1–2. In his letter to the Romans, Paul cites two prime examples of humans suppressing the truth about God evident in creation/nature: idolatry and same–sex intercourse (1:18–27). Paul talks first about humans exchanging the Creator for worship of idols made "in the likeness of the image of a perishable human and of birds and animals and reptiles" (1:23); then about "females [who] exchanged the natural use" and "males leaving behind the natural use of the female" to have intercourse with other "males" (1:26–27). This obviously echoes Genesis 1:26–27: "Let us make a human according to our image and . . . likeness; and let them rule over the . . . birds . . . cattle . . . and . . . reptiles. And God created the human in his image, . . . male and female he created them." Taken together, we have not only eight points of correspondence between Gen 1:26–27 and Rom 1:23, 26–27 but also a threefold sequential agreement: A. God's likeness and image in humans B. Dominion over the animal kingdom C. Male–female differentiation It would be fair to say that if there is no intertextual ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Logical Reasoning updated: April 26, 2016 Logical Reasoning Bradley H. Dowden Philosophy Department California State University Sacramento Sacramento, CA 95819 USA ii iii Preface Copyright © 2011–14 by Bradley H. Dowden This book Logical Reasoning by Bradley H. Dowden is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial–NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. That is, you are free to share, copy, distribute, store, and transmit all or any part of the work under the following conditions: (1) Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author, namely by citing his name, the book title, and the relevant page numbers (but not in any way that suggests that the book Logical Reasoning or its author endorse ... Show more content on ... vi Table of Contents Preface.........................................................................................................................................................iii Copyright ...............................................................................................................................................iii Praise .......................................................................................................................................................iv Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................. v Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 How to Reason Logically ........................................................................................ 1 Facing a Decision as a Critical Thinker ............................................................................................... 2 Advice for Logical Reasoners ............................................................................................................... 5 Examples of Good Reasoning............................................................................................................. 14 Review of Major Points ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Separation Of Church And State Essay Separation of Church and State By the middle of the 20th Century, the United States had emerged as a world power. It accomplished this through its leadership in defeating Germany and Japan in World War II. These two countries' main objective was to enslave the world and destroy political, religious, and economic freedom. In Germany or Japan, anyone who disagreed with these goals, or was different was destroyed. This was a common practice in these two fascist countries. Unfortunately, at the same time of its emergence as a world power, the United States began to slip into a form of judicial fascism. This slide began when the U.S. Supreme Court began to abandon the religious principles on which this nation was founded. The ... Show more content on ... (Barton, America's p.3) The Supreme Court says that these men's intent was to keep religion and politics separate. John Quincy Adams, in a speech on July 4,1837 asked the crowd, "Why is it, that next to the birthday of the Savior of the World, your most joyous and venerated festival returns on this day?" He goes on to explain the important ties between the birthday of the nation and the birthday of Jesus Christ. He says that the Declaration of Independence was first organized on the foundation of Jesus' mission on Earth, and that the Declaration "laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity. Adams stressed that the major impact of the Revolution was that Christian principles and civil government were connected in an "indissoluble" bond. (Barton, America's p.17) Why is the Supreme Court blind to such evidence as this? John Quincy Adams was an extremely well educated man, so he is a very reliable source. Other Founding Fathers were very outspoken about Christian beliefs. John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and one of the men most responsible for the Constitution declared, "Providence(heaven) has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christian rulers." (Barton, America's p.8) Doesn't this tell our Supreme Court anything? Shouldn't ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The New Jim Crow By Michelle Alexander Essay In the book The New Jim Crow author Michelle Alexander argues that a racial caste system still exists in the United States. Furthermore, this caste system is set up by the social control that is created by the discriminatory practices of the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs and mass incarcerations create a racial "undercaste" of African–Americans, by marginalizing ex–offenders in America. Within her arguments she describes the racist practices of, and policies surrounding, the War on Drugs. These extend from the police force on the ground, who are apprehending the criminals or, in many cases, innocent people, all the way to the practices of prosecuting and sentencing of these people. There are many instances where the injustices extend all the way to the Supreme Court. However, that may not be surprising given the fact that the War on Drugs is a federal government institution. This racism, while inherent, is not always apparent. In this paper I will assess the broken practices that the War on Drugs implements, including mass incarceration, and how racism is the basis for these practices. However, while it does show that racism does exist in these practices, Alexander doesn't necessarily show that racism is the reason behind the War on Drugs and mass incarceration, but rather a by–product. Racism is the main theme that you see throughout the whole book. Alexander begins her narrative with a history of racism in this country. Beginning with the inception of slavery in the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Habeas Corpus and the Use of Military Tribunals Essay Habeas Corpus and the Use of Military Tribunals In America Under the Threat of Terrorism Introduction It was on this date one hundred forty two years ago (April 25, 1861), that President Abraham Lincoln sent a letter to Lt. General Winfield Scott authorizing the suspension of "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus" . Lincoln had been president for less than two months and was facing, what was up to that time and arguably may still be the greatest threat to the survival of the United States since the Founding Fathers launched this "Great Experiment". Only eleven days earlier Major Robert Anderson, the commander of the federal garrison at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, had to surrender the fort to the Confederate Army. Lincoln was ... Show more content on ... With the recent "war" on terrorism our government has moved to curtail and, in some cases, to deny United States citizens their constitutional rights to due process. The delicate balance between the fundamental right to the due process of law and national security is the focus of this research paper and is structured as follows: Introduction to Habeas Corpus A Brief History of Habeas Corpus A Brief History of Military Tribunals The Case of Jose Padilla Conclusions Introduction to Habeas Corpus Habeas corpus [Law Latin "that you have the body"] A writ employed to bring a person before a court to ensure the party's imprisonment or detention is not illegal." Meant to ensure that a prisoner is accorded due process of law, it does not determine guilt or innocence. Responding to abusive detention of persons without legal authority, public pressure on caused the English Parliament to adopt the Habeas Corpus Act, 1679. This fundamental right against illegal imprisonment was highly regarded by the British colonists in America as a safeguard of that it was which established a critical right that written into the main body of the U.S. Constitution and "may be suspended only in time of rebellion or invasion." Habeas corpus rights are supposed to serve as the federal guarantee that local officials respect the Constitution. In other words, if a ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Dorothy L. Sayers’ Gaudy Night Essay Dorothy L. Sayers' Gaudy Night When Gayle Wald wrote, "Sayers's career writing detective stories effectively ends with Gaudy Night" (108), she did not present a new argument, but continued the tradition that Gaudy Night does not center on the detective story. Barbara Harrison even labeled Dorothy Sayers's Lord Peter/Harriet Vane books, Strong Poison, Gaudy Night, and Busman's Honeymoon, as "deliriously happy–ending romances" (66). The label stretches the definition of a romance, but Gaudy Night indeed has very little to do with crime. Sayers encrypted the real story within her detective novel. This story behind the story narrates love and human relationships. In fact, the crimes in Gaudy Night only supply a convenient way for ... Show more content on ... We usually think of crypts as graves or coded messages, similar to the letter in Have His Carcasse. The notion of a crypt, however, contains a deeper psychological meaning. Crypts deal with the ideas of introjection and incorporation. These concepts identify the alternative ways in which the psyche handles trauma. When the psyche introjects a trauma, the trauma melds into the subconscious. If the psyche successfully assimilates the trauma, it unites with the rest of the psyche, much like a cube of ice (the trauma) melting in a glass of water (the psyche). Incorporation occurs when trauma embeds itself into the psyche, but remains separate and, therefore, separable. If we return to the idea of the psyche as a glass of water, incorporation resembles what happens when a Ping–Pong ball (the trauma) drops into a glass of water. The ball remains a lump in the psyche. Jacques Derrida wrote about the crypt "sealing the loss of the object, but also marking the refusal to mourn . . . I pretend to keep the dead alive, intact, safe (save) inside me, but it is only to refuse, in a necessarily equivocal way, to love the dead as a living part of me, dead save in me, through the process of introjection, as happens in so–called normal mourning" ("Foreword" 17). The tomb stands then as an incorporation of the trauma of death. We physically mark the place of rest as a mirror of our inability to assimilate that trauma ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Domestic Violence And Its Effects On Society Domestic violence can be described as authority misused by one person in a relationship to control the other. It is the establishment of fear and control in one's relationship through violence and other forms of abuse. Domestic violence can be in a form of physical assault, sexual assault, social abuse, psychological abuse, and financial abuse. The occurrence of the violence can be sometimes on and off, occasional or long–lasting. Many may confuse the term domestic violence as a simple argument, but that is not true. Domestic violence is a pattern of using threats and force to make someone do something. Many abusers use threats, physical and sexual violence, emotional insults and economic deprivation as a way to dominate their ... Show more content on ... Wife beating was similar to rape or abortion back then, it was viewed as a private and shameful act, that's why only a few women discussed their issue. Men hit women with immunity until feminist activists' renamed wife beating as domestic violence, and described its victims as "battered women." Many women searched for help all around, they needed protection. Activists created a system of shelters for women who tried to escape, often with their children, because the violence threatened by their spouse. Congressional passage of violence against women act was ultimately spurred on by decades of growing unease over the rising violent crime rate and a focus on women as crime victims. Beginning in the 1960s, the violent crime rate rose steadily, igniting concern from both the public and the federal government. Supplementing the concern for the nation's rising violent crime rate was the concern for violence against women. In the 1970s, grassroots organizations began to stress the need for attitudinal change regarding violence against women. These organizations sought a change in attitude among both the public as well as the law enforcement community. During the 1970's, feminists tried to reach out and teach women that violence was wrong and that they had the right to be free from it. "We will not be beaten" became the slogan of the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Criminal Trial Process: From Jury Selection to Sentencing The Criminal Trial: Trail Process: From Jury Selection to Sentencing Introduction The criminal trial process is an interesting process that takes place in Courtrooms all across the United States and throughout the globe. This study intends to set out the various steps in the criminal trial process in the American justice system. A trial is described as a "legal forum for resolving individual disputes, and in the case of a criminal charge, it is a means for establishing whether an accused person is legally guilty of an offense. The trial process varies with respect to whether the matter at issue is civil in nature or criminal. In either case, a jury acts as a fact–finding body for the court in assessing information and evidence that is presented by the respective parties in a case. A judge presides over the court and addresses all the legal issues that arise during the trial. A judge also instructs the jury how to apply the facts to the laws that will govern in a given case." (3rd Judicial District, 2012) I. Jury Selection The first phase of a criminal jury trial is focused on selecting specific jurors, which is accomplished through a process referred to as 'voir dire' which is a screening of potential jurors. In the criminal trial involving an offense categorized as a felony "12 jurors and up to six alternate jurors may be chosen." (3rd Judicial District, ) Voir dire of the jury involves the prosecuting and defense attorneys questioning the potential jurors and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Ocd COGNITIVE–BEHAVIORAL THERAPY FOR OCD This page intentionally left blank COGNITIVE–BEHAVIORAL THERAPY FOR OCD DAVID A. CLARK THE GUILFORD PRESS New York London © 2004 The Guilford Press A Division of Guilford Publications, Inc. 72 Spring Street, New York, NY 10012 All rights reserved Paperback edition 2007 Except as noted, no part of this book may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher. Printed in the United States of America This book is printed on acid–free paper. Last digit is print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 LIMITED ... Show more content on ... However, by the late 1980s and early 1990s, behavioral researchers like Paul Salkovskis and Jack Rachman were advocating a more integrative theory and treatment of OCD, an approach that amalgamated the behavioral treatment of OCD with Beck's (1976) cognitive theory of emotional disorders. From these two theoretical perspectives on clinical disorders, a new cognitive–behavioral approach to obsessions and compulsions was born. In many respects, my own professional development has taken a path similar to that seen in cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) for obsessional states. My roots are in the behavioral tradition, dating back to the early 1980s when I was a graduate student at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, England. My interest in OCD and unwanted intrusive thoughts was sparked by the stimulating discussions and innovative research of the clinical faculty, most notably Jack Rachman and Padmal de Silva. My doctoral thesis on the psychophysiology of mental control and unwanted intrusive thoughts was an outgrowth of their insights into the pathology of obsessional thought. vii viii Preface In the late 1980s, I was introduced to the cognitive perspective on clinical disorders by Aaron T. Beck. I was privileged to spend a few months at the Center for Cognitive Therapy in Philadelphia, where I received training in Beck's therapy approach. Over the last 15 years I have ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Supreme Court Cases Essay Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. vs. Sawyer Also commonly referred to as The Steel Seizure Case, it was a United States Supreme Court decision that limited the power of the President of the United States to seize private property in the absence of either specifically enumerated authority under Article Two of the US Constitution or statutory authority conferred on him by Congress. The Majority decision was that the President had no power to act except in those cases expressly or implicitly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress. Marbury vs. Madison: A landmark case in United States Law and the basis for the exercise of judicial review in the United States, ... Show more content on ... Plessey boarded a car of the East Louisiana Railroad that was designated by whites for use by white patrons only. Although Plessey was one–eighth black and seven–eighths white, under Louisiana state law he was classified as an African–American, and thus required to sit in the "colored" car. When Plessey refused to leave the white car and move to the colored car, he was arrested and jailed. The Court rejected Plessey's arguments based on the Thirteenth Amendment, seeing no way in which the Louisiana statute violated it. In addition, the majority of the Court rejected the view that the Louisiana law implied any inferiority of blacks, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. Instead, it contended that the law separated the two races as a matter of public policy. Smith v. Allwright: An important decision of the United States Supreme Court with regard to voting rights and, by extension, racial desegregation. Lonnie E. Smith, a black voter in Texas, sued for the right to vote in a primary election being conducted by the Democratic Party. The law he challenged allowed the party to enforce a rule requiring all voters in its primary to be white. At this point in history, the Republican Party was so weak in the South that most Southern elections were decided by the outcome of the Democratic primary. Southern States claimed that the Democratic Party was a private organization, while Smith said that the law in question essentially disenfranchised him by ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Social Networking Sites-Boon/Bane Social networking: For years, social networking sites didn't exist, but yet people kept in touch. These days, with social networking sites becoming a part and parcel of our daily lives, there are advantages and disadvantages that come along with them. For example, you can make a friend from Timbuktu and on the flip side your account can get hacked and you can find yourself in a big mess. A recent research revealed that teenagers tend to hide the real stuff by using code language you may never understand. Teens are basically using them to stop parents and employers from judging them on the basis of their social activities such as partying, drinking and drugs. Instead of writing they are drunk, teens post 'Getting MWI' or mad with it', ... Show more content on ... Another user promptly replied with a prescription: "Ignorance is bliss." The conversation was then interrupted by a user who accused the two of being undeserving "beggars" who had cornered seats in schools, colleges and government offices. Soon, the thread was ablaze with hundreds of responses in a free–for–all mudslinging competition and a crash course in the choicest Hindi expletives. Social networking sites Orkut and Facebook have become a fertile ground for scores of groups based on ethnicity and caste. Key in the word 'caste' into either site, or indeed others, and up pops a cascading list of virtual caste colonies, some of which aim to unite members and some which spew venom. Orkut has thousands of these communities – for instance, 'Brahmins Culture and Tradition' , 'I Hate Intercaste Marriage' and 'The Great Maratha' – which have hundreds of members. Interestingly, participants of these groups are increasing rather than dying down. A study by Sunil Gangavane and Urvi Shah, researchers at PUKAR (Partners for Urban Knowledge, Action and Research) found that 32 random Orkut communities based on caste showed an increase of nearly 30,000 members in just three months. Gangavane and Shah, who joined these communities to keep tabs on them, primarily wanted to document the involvement of ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Juvenile Crime Issues in Today’s Criminal Justice System part 5 Special Issues ISSUES FOR THE FUTURE The accused has these common law, constitutional, statutory, and humanitarian rights that may be threatened by technological advances and other developments: © © © © chapter 15 Juvenile Justice chapter 16 Drugs and Crime chapter 17 Terrorism and Multinational Criminal Justice chapter 18 The Future of Criminal Justice These individual rights must be effectively balanced against these present and emerging community concerns: Widespread drug abuse among youth The threat of juvenile crime Urban gang violence High–technology, computer, and Internet crime (cybercrime) Terrorism and narcoterrorism Occupational and whitecollar crime © © A right to privacy A right to be assumed innocent A right ... Show more content on ... We fight for their innocence and their dreams. It is a fight for our future. –Former U.S. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales Our society's fearful of our kids. I think we don't know how to set limits on them. They begin to behave in severely outrageous ways, and nobody stops them. –David York, cofounder of Toughlove International1 INTRODUCTION
  • 19. A few years ago, 13–year–old Tavaris Knight was convicted by a criminal court jury in Tampa, Florida, of kidnapping and raping a 43–year–old woman. Prosecutors proved that Knight, who was 12 at the time of the offense, had used a silver toy gun to force the woman away from her four young children at a playground and into the surrounding woods. Knight raped the woman twice and beat her with the gun, which he left behind.2 Knight's case had been transferred to adult criminal court because of the serious nature of his crimes. In closing arguments, prosecutor Michael Sinacore pointed to Knight, saying, "That young man is not a child. He stopped being a child when he forced [his victim] into the woods and raped her."3 Following conviction, Knight was sentenced to 15 years in prison by Florida Circuit Judge Jack Espinosa, Jr. Knight will likely be held at a youth facility for sexual offenders until he is 21, at which time he could be transferred to another youth offender facility until the age of 25, followed by adult prison.4 Crimes committed by preteens are not that unusual. In 2005, for example, a nine–yearold girl, ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Akram Dejam Case Study Mr. Akram Dejam is a foreign resident alien. He arrived in the United States in 1996 from Yugoslavia. His immigration and naturalization file indicates that he was born in 1970 in Sarajevo. In connection with his immigration, Mr. Dejam stated that during the years 1988¬ to 1993 he was a student. Recently, the U.S. Office of Special Investigations (OSI) received information that Mr. Dejam was perhaps not just a student during these years. In fact, he may have been a war criminal, formerly engaged in atrocities during the on–going civil war in his home country. Based on this information, the OSI is now investigating Mr. Dejam. In connection with this investigation, OSI has issued an administrative subpoena demanding that Dejam produce documents ... Show more content on ... Gecas, 830 F. Supp. 1403 Gecas stated in his application for an Immigrant Visa that, during the years 1938 through 1944, he was a "pupil" in Lithuania. Gecas swore that this information was true. The petitioner now claims to have evidence that, during this period, Gecas, in fact, assisted the Nazi forces then occupying Lithuania, and that he participated in the persecution of persons because of their race, religion, and/or political opinion. Had this information been known to petitioner at the time of Gecas's immigration, he would have been disqualified from entering the United States. In furtherance of its investigation into Gecas's wartime activities, the petitioner, through its Office of Special Investigations ("OSI"), issued an administrative subpoena commanding Gecas to give testimony and to produce documents relating both to his immigration to the United States, and to his activities in Europe between 1940 and 1945. Gecas does not challenge the validity of the administrative subpoena. Nor does he argue that OSI is without the power to issue such subpoenas. Finally, it is undisputed that, although he faces the possibility of deportation, Gecas faces no threat of criminal prosecution in the United States. His only complaint is that his answers to the investigator's questions, along with the production of the requested documents, would expose him to possible criminal prosecution in a foreign country. Gecas argues that the Fifth Amendment to the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Effects Of Cyberbullying On The Internet This research benefits everyone who engages in the social networking on the internet with the primary focus being the school aged adolescents and their parents. By exposing the issue in hand and the negative impacts it carries will hopefully create positive response. Not only is cyberbullying a huge threat in present time, but it can also lead to long term effects that could permanently ruin an individual going through adulthood. Some of these devastating effects include: suicide, grades start dropping, overall school participation begins to decline, depression, and vengeance (Mirsky, E. L., & Omar, H. A. 2015). The more society becomes involves in the situation, the better chance society has in creating new laws to combat cyberbullying ... Show more content on ... present laws that are in place become a problem. The country has become divided when it comes to laws against cyberbullying. Several have implemented cyberbullying into their statutes and others have not. The computer and fraud abuse act (CFAA) is the only current federal law that is even remotely close and relevant to cyber laws and the prosecution of cyberbullying. The CFAA was set in stone in 1984 by congress as an anti–hacking law when computer crime started to become popular (King, A. V. 2010). This act was originally referred to as the counterfeit Access Device and Computer Fraud Abuse Act, this statute only covered large financial institutions and government computers (PBS, 2012). During 1996, certain amendments were pushed towards the CFAA under the US Patriot act. Furthermore, during that year the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act was introduced during this time. This act included language that was associated with any computer linked to the internet (PBS, 2012). CFAA's main concern focuses on the language aspect of it. This is because the language was too vague and this prevented crimes associated with computer fraud from ever being prosecuted. According to King (2010), the argument that is brought up is that the CFAA tends to focus their attention around a crucial phase which states, that by law it is illegal to deliberately gain entrée to a computer without proper ... Get more on ...
  • 22. R. V. Keegstra : in Support of the Dissent Essay R. V. Keegstra : In Support of the Dissent Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for PHL613, Philosophy of Law Sean Peters 500 204 129 April 11, 2012 Table of Contents Introduction 1 Overview of R. V. Keegstra 2 Why does Freedom of Speech in Democracy Matter? 2 Factors of the Offense Principle 3 Why not Moralism? 4 Philosophical Analysis 4 Criticism 6 Recommendations 7 Conclusion 8 Appendices 9 Appendix 1 – Research and Methodology 9 Works Cited 11 Introduction What does freedom of expression really mean? Why is it important to our democratic society? In the landmark case of R. v. Keegstra (1990), the issues of freedom of expression ... Show more content on ... Joel Feinberg, defines the Offense Principle as " it is always a good reason in support of a proposed criminal prohibition that it is probably necessary to prevent serious offense [as opposed to injury or harm] to persons other than the actor, and would probably be an effect means to that end if enacted." (Feinberg, 1984). I believe that this principle serves as the best way to analyze R. V. Keegstra. There are many factors that fall under the Offense Principle, such as extent, duration, social value of speech, the ease with which it can be avoided, the motives of the speaker, the number of people offended, and the general interests of the community at large, however, I will only touch a few. Based off of these factors, Keegstra and Zundel should be prosecuted, but not those from "Go Yankee, go". Zundel and
  • 23. "Go Yankee, go" are to be discussed in a later section of this essay. Extent – Keegstra communicated Anti–Semitic statements to many years worth of students, would test on beliefs and would generally give better marks to those who answered based off Keegstra's beliefs. Duration – Keegstra carried out his anti–Semitic communication to his students for years. Whereas, "Yankee, go home" was a flying marketing campaign. Number of people offended – while the number of people offended might be higher with "Yankee, go home", the fact that Keegstra's message was communicated to students, should ... Get more on ...
  • 24. National Security Outline Essay TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR NSL READING CHAPTER 1: National Security Law and the Role of Tipson 1 CHAPTER 2: Theoretical approaches to national security & world order 4 CHAPTER 3: Development of the International Law of Conflict Management 5 CHAPTER 4: The Use of Force in International Relations: Norms Concerning the Initiation of Coercion (JNM) 7 CHAPTER 5: Institutional Modes of Conflict Management 17 The United Nations System 17 Proposals for Strengthening Management Institutional Modes of Conduct 23 CHAPTER 6: The Laws of War and Neutrality 24 CHAPTER 7: War Crimes and Nuremberg Principle 28 CHAPTER 12: Nuclear Weapons: Deployment, Targeting and Deterrence 33 CHAPTER 13: Arms Control in the Nuclear Age 36 Chapter 14: ... Show more content on ... –Military Sufficiency –Issue is how much military capability is enough – is it enough to have the same capabilities as potential threats or should we pursue superior capabilities –US leaders have varied greatly on how much is enough –Domestic strength –Important goal is to seek political cohesion, economic vitality, and good educational policies at home because it will help country to prevail during war (increases domestic support and morale) –Economic vitality and educational strength also provide resources to implement national security, help develop weapons to compete with enemies, and allow country to mobilize quickly in time of crisis – World Order –Some argue that balance of power is best way to achieve world order –Others argue that we need to organize and civilize international politics to achieve world order – 4 variations on how to do this: –1–Judicial approach – resolve differences between countries through third–party judges and arbitrators –2–Contractual approach –use collective agreements to limit use of force (consider Kellogg–Briand Pact) –3–Legislative approach – League of Nations, UN –4–Diplomatic approach – use diplomacy between national leaders to achieve stability –Global Welfare –Protecting human rights and promoting democracy are the important methods here –Doing these will improve domestic strength and world order as ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Marvin Anderson Case Justice System Unit Essay Marvin Anderson is a man who was falsely accused of abduction, rape, robbery, and sodomy. This is his story. On July 17, 1982, a young woman was raped by a black man whom she said was a total stranger. After she reported the crime, a police officer singled out Anderson as a suspect because the perpetrator had told the victim that he "had a white girl," and Anderson was the only black man the officer knew who lived with a white woman. Because Anderson had no criminal record, the officer went to Anderson's employer and obtained a color employment photo identification card. The victim was shown the color identification card, along with six black–and–white mug shots, and identified Anderson as her assailant. Within an ... Show more content on ... because it seems that our system isn't providing we the people, with the justice that is deserved. Such as the case of State of Texas V. Tim Cole, which is a serious cause for concern of the state of our criminal justice system. Tim Cole, who was a college student at the time, was falsely accused of rape. He pledged many times that these accusations were wrong and he didn't do it that they have the wrong guy but these pleas were instantly dismissed due to the eyewitness testimony declaring he was the man at fault, but the most disturbing detail is that this was all caused by government misconduct and the victim was indeed manipulated. The odds were stacked against Tim Cole before he even walked into the identification line. They had gathered Cole and a few other citizens who looked not even remotely close to the true criminal whoraoed and assaulted the victim. The cops withheld the information that the killer might not have even been in her college dormitory room at Texas Tech University. The shaken up and traumatized victim couldn't recall the true criminal's face and was forced to pick the closest resembling one in her mind which was the only black face that was in the room. Those cops had not checked if she was confident nor did they care, their mindset was as long as someone is going to jail our job is "done". Not Timothy Cole though, that man refused to take any deals that would lower his sentence due to ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Mental Health Issues In Criminal Justice Essay In the realm of prosecuting violent crime, a dichotomy of belief exists surrounding mental health. We can choose to believe that not all violent criminals suffer from a mental health disorder. The alternative is to believe that the perpetrators of these violent crimes by nature are mentally ill; this assumption, however, undermines an entire criminal justice system which places treating mental health as a far lesser subordinate to removing criminals from society. It's clear that the criminal justice system in the United States doesn't favor the latter. While the threshold for diagnosis of some mental illness is relatively low, legally "the bar for exemptions of incompetence or mental retardation require an extreme level of debilitation" (Wallace). This legal standard cultivates an expectation that criminals are no more complex than the ... Show more content on ... In discussing culpability, Laurence Steinberg's journal "Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice" notes that "a person who causes criminal harm is a fully responsible moral agent (and deserves full punishment) if, in choosing to engage in the wrongful conduct, he has the capacity to make a rational decision and a "fair opportunity" to choose not to engage in the harmful conduct" (472). The problem is that in any seriously violent case, mental disorders obstruct 'fair opportunity.' Elaine Whitfield Sharp, a defense attorney in Massachusetts, discusses this further in a 2010 article from The Atlantic. "Most criminals I deal with are very narcissistic," she explains, "they're blame–shifters, manipulative, and can't feel anyone else's pain but their own" –a hallmark lack of empathy which spans across all cases of violent crime. Each of the traits Whitfield Sharp goes on to describe fall easily within the spectrum of mental illness–or, as she bluntly states, "'it's a ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Aristotle Vs. Aristotle's Rhetoric And Dialectic In Rhetoric, Aristotle states, "Let rhetoric be [defined as] an ability, in each [particular case], to see the available means of persuasion" (Kennedy, 2007, p. 37). Aristotle is saying that rhetoric is not just the art of persuasion through speech. He was saying that rhetoric is the art of discovering the methods of persuasion available in all situations. This relates to the goal of many figures in the current day political climate. This goal is to discover methods of persuading as many people as possible as often as possible. A politician's use or rhetoric can be compared to Aristotle's study of rhetoric in that both utilize the artistic proofs and practice the three species of rhetoric. Aristotle's definition of rhetoric closely matches the goals of modern politicians, and so rhetoric has become ingrained into our modern day political process. Aristotle views rhetoric as the counterpart to dialectic, and points out several key differences. Aristotle says that both rhetoric and dialectic begin with "endoxa", or reasoning from a commonly held belief or opinion (Herrick, 2016, p. 71). Both rhetoric and dialectic must be based on a logical argument. Rhetoric takes that argument and adds elements of the speaker's character and emotions, creating a more diverse method of persuading an audience. Dialectic favors a fact–based dialogue and does not rely on the speaker's character and emotions. Rhetoric and dialectic are both methods of addressing questions. These questions do ... Get more on ...