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Family                                                         July 2012
Military families get free passes to national parks
Article from

YORKTOWN, Va. (Army News Service) From Alcatraz
Island to Zion National Park, Soldiers and their families
can visit more than 2,000 national parks, wildlife refuges,
national forests, and other public lands around the nation
this year, without paying entry fees.

Beginning Armed Forces Day, May 19, active-duty
and activated Guard and Reserve service members
 can pick up the new military version of the "America
 the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreation
Lands Annual Pass."                                                Military members and their dependents can pick up their own
                                                                   pass at any national park or wildlife refuge that charges an
The pass will be accepted at National Park Service, U.S.           entrance fee or other selected sites. They must show a valid
Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau           military identification card to obtain their pass. The pass is also
of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Army              available to dependent family members of active-duty personnel.
Corps of Engineer recreation sites that charge entrance or
standard amenity fees. With the pass, those entry fees             Where there are entrance fees, the pass covers the owner and
 will be waived.                                                   accompanying passengers in a single, private, non-commercial
                                                                   vehicle at recreation sites that charge per vehicle. At sites where
The pass is part of the "Joining Forces" initiative to             per-person entrance fees are charged, it covers the pass owner
support service members and their families, said Dr. Jill          and three accompanying adults age 16 and older. There is no
Biden.                                                             entry fee for children 15 and under.

"First Lady Michelle Obama and I started the Joining               For more information on the pass, please visit:
Forces initiative last year as a way to honor, recognize and
support our veterans and military families," Biden said.
"This effort is a wonderful way to give something back,            (A White House "Joining Forces" news release contributed to
giving our military men and women and their families a             this article.)
chance to reconnect with their loved ones, experience the
beauty of this country, and simply have a little fun."

At a ceremony May 15 at Colonial National Historical                                     In This Issue
Park in Yorktown, Va., Secretary of the Interior Ken                       Director’s Corner………………..……..……...2
Salazar, Director of the National Park Service Jon Jarvis                  Newcomers’.....………………………….....….2
and Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) Jo-                      ACS Directory...…….………………………...2
Ellen Darcy distributed the first passes to one member                     AFAP/AFTB/MRT……...…...……..…………3
from each of the military's five branches.
"Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to our servicemen and                 FRP………..…....……………………..............5
women who make great sacrifices and put their lives on                     Safety……...……...……...................................6
the lines to protect our country and preserve our freedom,"                EFMP/SOS/MFLC.………………...................7
Salazar said. "In recognition of their contributions and                   AVC/ERP………...…………………...............8
service, we are putting out a welcome mat for these brave                  Relo/Mob/Dep….………………….............9/10
men and women and their families at America's most                         Calendar..…………………………………….11
beautiful and storied sites."
Director’s Corner

                                   Carmen E. Borrero, ACS Director

     ACS Director            Family Advocacy
                                                        New to Ft. Hamilton?
    Carmen Borrero            Vincent DiMaira        Would you like to learn more
                                                     about your new community?
     718-630-4457              718-630-4460

Army Emergency Relief      Financial Readiness
    718-630-4754              718-630-4754

     Army Family
                                                        Attend Our Newcomer’s
                          Front Desk/Information
    Team Building                & Referral                  Orientation!
      John Mapes              Magda Lawrence
    718-630-4498               718-630-4754

Army Family Action Plan      Lending Closet                 July 26, 2012
                                                          Starts at 8:30 a.m.
      John Mapes            Madeline Pastorella
    718-630-4498              718-630-4754

 Army Volunteer Corps      Relocation Readiness
    Joseph Gamez            Madeline Pastorella
    718-630-4756               718-630-4462

Deployment Readiness         Sexual Assault &                        Location:
                                                       ACS Conference Room
  Madeline Pastorella        Victim Advocacy
    718-630-4462              Vincent DiMaira

                                                       Bldg. 137-C Poly Place
Employment Readiness
    Joseph Gamez                Survivor
    718-630-4756            Outreach Services
  Exceptional Family
   Member Program
    Vincent DiMaira
                                                         Please Call Maddy to
     718-630-4460                                         Reserve Your Seat
                                                           (718) 630-4754
Master Resiliency Training (MRT)
                                                 Module 2 Unit 1
                                   Activating Event, Thoughts & Consequences

                                        17 July 2012 --1300 hrs at the
                                       Army Community Service Center
                                  137 C Poly Place, 1st floor-- Fort Hamilton.
 Join us as we continue the MRT series of training. It’s not too late to join
 our class. Open to all Military, Family Members and DoD Civilians.
Call 718 630-4498 or e-mail to reserve
your seat or get information.

Army Family                  Action Plan
                                              Army Family Team Building

 Army Family Action Plan (AFAP)
 Is a program designed to give Soldiers,
 family members, retirees, DoD civilians,
 and teens an opportunity to voice their
                                                                               New to Military Life?
 concerns and suggestions on how to
 improve life and living conditions for all                                   Ever wonder why we do
 members of the Fort Hamilton community.                                            what we do?
 To inquire about AFAP classes, please                                         Join our AFTB Class!
 contact John Mapes @ 718-630-4498                                         July 03, 2012 at 11am-1230pm
                                                                          Location: ACS Conference Room
AFAP…Voice of the Army Community                                              Building 137C, 1st Floor

        Army Family Action Plan
          Bldg. 137C, Poly Place
          Phone: (718) 630-4498
                                                                            To sign up please contact:
      Program Manager, John Mapes
                                                                           John Mapes at 718-630-4498
Jillian Michaels: Put the
Brakes on Emotional Eating

A bad day at the office soothed by a pint of creamy ice
cream. Nightly boredom in front of the TV solved by a bag of
crunchy pretzels. Stressful family events managed with              says. "Make a list of hobbies you love and people you can turn
heaping plates of gooey pasta. Whatever the cause, millions         to. Reach out to those people and establish the ability to
of people struggle with emotional eating, which is defined as       call them at any time so they can be a support system for you.‖
eating because of an emotion, not hunger, every day. Experts
estimate that 75 percent of all overeating is fueled by             Ask for help. To avoid emotional eating, you ultimately have
emotion.                                                            to keep yourself accountable. But that doesn't mean you have
                                                                    to go at it completely alone. Find a diet buddy to confide in, or
On a recent episode of Daily Dose With Jillian Michaels,            reach out to loved ones, and ask them to cover for you when
Jillian advises Antoinette, whose son's Leukemia diagnosis          you need a little time to yourself for your favorite stress-
has led her to self-medicate with food. Twenty pounds later,        busting healthy activity, such as exercising, reading a good
she's asked for help on how to curb emotional eating.               book, or getting a quick mani-pedi.
Throughout all the family stress, Antoinette reports that
losing weight has been tough, and sticking with a diet has          "Do what you need to do to survive, to take care of your son, to
been nearly impossible, sound familiar? Try Jillian's top tips      take care of your daughter, to take care of your husband,"
for putting a stop to emotional eating and getting back on          Jillian suggests. "And that means leaning on other people.―
track with your health.
                                                                    Know your triggers. If you can't stay away from chips and
Write a list of alternatives. The No. 1 piece of advice Jillian     salsa or your favorite cereal, don't keep it in the house. You're
offers to emotional eaters: Focus on feeling good with              more likely to overindulge in your favorite comfort food when
something or someone that's not food. When she's feeling            its easily available. If your family can't live without the trigger
down, Jillian says she turns to uplifting activities, such as       foods that send you spiraling, keep them in a cabinet
riding her horse, walking her dog, or even just relaxing and        that's separate from your day-to-day foods — out of sight, out
watching a favorite TV show. "I have these behaviors that I         of mind.
turn to, that I find pleasurable, that are going to help distract
me from feeling scared, upset, emotional, or anxious," she          Analyze your hunger. When you're about to reach for that
                                                                    second serving, put the brakes on and stop to think. Are you

                                                                    really hungry, or tempted to overeat because of boredom or
                                                                    stress? If the answer is emotion, the next step is to ask yourself

                                                                    what's really missing from your life. Figure out which emotion
                                                                    is driving your eating, and take steps to solve it.

  Program                                                           Take a hike. If you're bored eating, some sort of activity is
                                                                    usually the answer. Pry yourself away from the kitchen and go
                                                                    for a brisk walk instead. If you're feeling lonely, call that friend
                                                                    who you asked to help keep you accountable. If you regularly
Dedicated to Spousal & Child
                                                                    eat to reward yourself, try a larger goal to keep you on track
                                                                    long-term, such as a massage, a movie ticket, or a long
Abuse Prevention, Education,                                        weekend away.
Prompt Reporting, Investigation,                                    Recover one day at a time. Busting long-standing habits is
& Intervention                                                      difficult, but not impossible. Each day you're able to resist
                                                                    overeating out of emotion, mark an "X" on your calendar.
To access the Family Advocacy
                                                                    You'll be less likely to break the streak if you have a visual
                                                                    reminder of how far you've come. If you do slip up, don't beat
Program, please contact Vincent                                     yourself up about it. Instead, take a step back, and create a plan
DiMaira at 718-630-4460                                             that will see you through next time.
Financially Helping Your Adult Children
Article from
Financial Readiness Program

Helping someone obtain his or her financial goals can be very
rewarding, especially if you are helping your own child.
When your adult child asks for financial help, they can be
difficult to refuse, however, you need to be careful. Every
child (even those within the same family) is different, and
you’ll need to assess each situation individually. If your
normally responsible child needs help, that can be a very
different situation than a not-yet-independent adult child       Cosigning does not equal ownership
needing financial help yet again.                                It is a common misperception that cosigning a secured loan
                                                                 entitles you to ownership. However, if you cosign a loan for a
If you feel that your normally responsible child needs help      vehicle and your name is not on the title, you are not entitled to
because of an emergency situation, you may consider              ownership of the vehicle. This is true even if you are the one
assisting them, especially if you and your spouse are in         making payments.
agreement. Be very clear with your child about the kind of
assistance you are providing, as well as the terms of that       The decision to cosign a loan for someone comes down to this:
assistance. If you offer a loan that must be repaid, discuss     Are you willing to pay the debt? If you are not willing to assume
loan terms prior to giving any money.                            totally responsibility, you should not agree to sign for the loan.
                                                                 There are other options—you could offer assistance in a
However, if you find that your adult child needs help yet        different way, one that may help your adult child get back on his
again because he or she isn’t financially responsible,           or her feet in a more responsible way.
providing them financial education rather than money is
going to help them more in the long run. Try to talk with your
child about developing a long-term financial plan as well as
possible solutions to their short-term problem. Constantly
providing your child with the money they request will not
teach them financial responsibility.

Be especially careful if your child asks for help cosigning a
loan. Cosigning a loan carries many risks and very little
reward. In fact, many financial experts believe that you
should never put your name on someone else’s loan. As a
parent, however, it can be hard not to help your own child. If
you have been asked to cosign a loan, understand the risks
before you sign on the dotted line.

You are responsible for the debt
If the primary borrower does not pay the debt as agreed, for
any reason, the creditor will hold you responsible. You should
not assume that the lender will pursue collecting from the
primary borrower if the borrower in unresponsive. In most
cases, collectors will seek payment from the person who
offers the best chance of recovering the money, which is
likely to be you, and if you do not pay, you could be sued.

Your credit report may suffer

                                                                           For more information
Any late payments made by the primary borrower will appear
on your credit report. This is true even if you were unaware
that late payments were being made. In addition, the cosigned            Please call 718-630-4754
loan could change your debt-to-income ratio, making it
harder to qualify for future credit.
Take 5 for Safety
Enjoy Fireworks-Safely!
Article from
Information & Referral

Thousands of Americans enjoy shooting fireworks every            obey all local laws; always keep water handy; only use
year, and while fireworks-related injuries are on the decline,   fireworks as intended; never relight a dud; read all warning
everyone should remain vigilant when handling pyrotechnics.      labels; and never use illegal or homemade fireworks.

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, hospital              ―We have a multitude of safety tips and resources available
emergency rooms treated approximately 8,600 people for           on our website,,‖ said Apel. ―What
fireworks-related injuries during 2010. Of those injuries, 73    I always like to stress to folks is have a designated shooter,
percent occurred between June 18 and July 18. An estimated       use common sense, and remember alcohol and fireworks do
1,200 ER visits were associated with sparklers, 900 with         not mix.‖
firecrackers and 400 with bottle rockets.
                                                                 ―Parents need to teach their children fireworks safety just like
Though fireworks are readily available in many states,           they teach them other safety lessons around the house,‖ said
Soldiers, Family members and Civilians must ensure they are      Ralph Apel, spokesperson for the National Council on
buying legal fireworks and understand the hazards associated     Fireworks Safety. ―When using sparklers, individuals should
with handling explosives.                                        be 12 years old or older.‖

The USFA reports that two out of five people injured in 2010     ―There’s nothing wrong with enjoying fireworks at your
were under the age of 15, and even a seemingly harmless          home with friends and Family as long as you do so safely,‖
sparkler burns at about 2,000 F.                                 said Lt. Col. Spencer Ashford, director, U.S. Army Combat
                                                                 Readiness/Safety Center Ground Directorate. ―But sometimes
Officials at the NCFS offer the following tips for a safe,       it’s a good idea to err on the side of caution and let the pros
enjoyable fireworks display: only shoot fireworks outdoors;      handle the fireworks show.‖

                          Free Event                                              Free Event
          Independence Day Celebration                              Independence Day Celebration

               Fort Hamilton Army Base                                   Fort Hamilton Army Base

                        Sunday July 1st                                          Sunday July 1st

         Register today via the website!                            Register today via the website!
Sexual assault is a crime. Sexual assault is defined as
intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force,
physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim
does not or cannot consent. Sexual assault includes:           Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult
                                                               things anyone can go through. In its commitment to
Rape - Sexual intercourse by force and without consent.       the Families of the Fallen, the United States Army
                                                               has developed a comprehensive Survivor
Nonconsensual Sodomy - Oral or anal sex by force and          Outreach Services (SOS) Program.
without consent.
                                                               The mission of the Survivor Outreach Services
Indecent Assault - Unwanted, inappropriate sexual             (SOS) is to provide long-term support to Families
contact or fondling.                                           of our Fallen Soldiers by offering assistance with
                                                               any concerns or issues, providing information on
Carnal Knowledge - Sexual intercourse with a child            services and programs, and connecting Families to
under age 16.                                                  outreach organizations both inside and outside the
                                                               Department of Defense.
Attempts to commit these acts.
                                                               If you would like more information, please call
If you are a victim of a sexual assault, please contact the                     718-630-4754
ACS Assault Response Coordinator at 718-630-4460 or
347-452-4302 24/7.

   Military & Family Life Consultant                                Exceptional Family
                                                                  Member Program (EFMP)
           NEED TO TALK?
  Military & Family Life Consultants
  Help with the Stress of Military Life

                                                               EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program that
                                                               works with other military and civilian agencies to
                                                               provide comprehensive and coordinated medical,
                                                               educational, housing, community support, and
                                                               personnel services to Families with special needs.

       Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs)                 For any questions concerning the Exceptional
            are mental health specialist who                   Family Member Program, please contact Vincent
                                                               DiMaira, Family Advocacy Program Manager at
      provide confidential, short-term, non-medical
            counseling to Military Families.
                                                               To enroll your Family Member in EFMP, contact
      To access MFLC services please call:                     Nola Francois at Keller Army Community Hospital
               (718) 757-9408                                  at West Point. 845-938-6881
Walt Disney World’s
                  Armed Forces Salute 2012

                               (Travel must be completed by September 30. 2012)

      Active Duty and Retired U.S. Military, including members of the U.S. Coast
    Guard, and active members of the National Guard, or Reservists, may purchase
    4-Day Walt Disney World Armed Forces Salute Tickets for themselves and up to
                       five (5) family members and/or friends.

                  *4 Day Military Ticket w/ Park Hopper Option only $138.00

        *4 Day Military Ticket w/ Water Park Fun and More Options only $138.00

                   *4 Day Military Ticket w/ Park Hopper & Water Park Fun &
                                   More Options only $165.00
    Purchase your tickets at Sector NY MWR, Fort Wadsworth 718-354-4407, Military
   ID cardholder must purchase the tickets and must be present at ticket activation. Complete eligibility requirements
   available at MWR. All tickets sold are final, no refunds are available. Available only for Disney World in Florida.
   While the “Salute” Ticket offers four days of Theme Park visitation, the Water Park Fun & More option allows the
    Guests to choose one of the following for each Fun visit: “One (1) visit to DisneyQuest® Indoor Interactive Park
     *One (1) visit to Disney’s Wide World Of Sports® Complex (valid only on events days; some events require an
   additional admission charge). The Water Park Options can extend your stay, they do not count against your theme
                                        park visitations unless used the same day.

    Block Out Dates for WDW Block Out dates July 4th, 2012, tickets will not be valid at Magic Kingdom. To visit the
          Magic Kingdom during the block out dates, you must order the standard military discounted tickets.

                                                             Employment Readiness Program
 Army Volunteer Corps
                                                             Employment Readiness Offers:
 Lend a hand….make a difference
  Meet New People                                                   Job Search Assistance
  Become Active in Your Community                                   Resume Development
  Gain New Job Skills                                               Career Planning
  Feel Good About Yourself                                          Vacancy Listings
  Enhance Job Opportunities
  Gain Experience
                                                                     Job Search Training
  Network                                                           Computer & Internet Access

     Volunteer Today!
                                                              To Schedule an appointment, please call
TO REGISTER please call (718) 630-4756                            Joseph Gamez at (718) 630-4756
PCS Financial Tips for
Military Families
Article from
Relocation Program

Whether your family is planning for a PCS move now or in a
few years, questions about finances undoubtedly will arise.
The following tips can help you plan financially for your next

Get on the same page. Start by talking with your spouse about       percent of military personnel live off-base. As you create a
your family’s finances. These steps can help you initiate a         budget detailing expected income and expenses at your new
discussion that is productive and may help prevent potential        duty station, be sure to compare current and future Basic
financial difficulties.                                             Allowance for Housing (BAH) to determine how much house
                                                                    you can afford. Use the BAH Calculator from the Defense
Close out and transfer accounts. Make a list of all your            Travel Management Office to find out your specific
financial accounts. Note which accounts can be transferred          allowance.
and ones that need to be closed and reopened in your new
location. Take advantage of the move as a way to shop for           Save those receipts! Be sure to keep all your receipts and put
lower rates on some financial products (e.g., homeowners’ or        them in a central place—including expenses that don’t qualify
renters’ insurance).                                                for reimbursement—because they may qualify as tax
                                                                    deductions. Pay off your bills immediately.
Pay all your current bills. To avoid negative impact on your
credit, be sure to pay all close-out bills such as electricity,     Get answers to your questions. As you plan your move,
water, etc., before leaving. Provide all organizations with a       financial questions may arise, such as whether to buy or rent a
forwarding address as there may be unpaid bills that will           home. The Foundation’s Money and Mobility publication
follow you.                                                         includes a chapter dedicated to PCS moves, complete with
                                                                    resources, worksheets, checklists and the Make a Moving
Compare the value of your housing allowance. Sixty-five             Fund worksheet to help you plan.

                    Military Youth on the Move
                                                                    box, so label each one as you go.
                           Relo/Mob/Dep Program
                                                                       Plan for the trip. Don't forget to keep out a few things that
                   Getting packed can be a lot of hard work          you'll need along the way. Whether you're driving or flying
and kind of frustrating if you feel like you've done it a million   to your new home, you'll want to have books or magazines
times before. If you've moved before, you probably have a           handy, some entertainment like CDs or your MP3 player, and
good idea about what worked and what didn't last time               maybe something to do like a travel size video game.
around. Use your own ideas, and check out some of the tips
below for some helpful information.                                    Make a separate box or bag for your first few nights at
                                                                    your new installation. It might take a while for you to get
   Get organized first. Sort through your room and closet to        into your permanent home and to get fully unpacked, so keep
figure out what you want to keep and what you are ready to          a few important things in a box or bag that you can easily get
give away or get rid of. Make a trip to the installation thrift     to like pajamas, a toothbrush, a pillow and blanket, and the
store, relief society, church or charity and donate those old       book you are reading.
clothes and games you're no longer interested in.
                                                                    Helpful Tips
   Separate things into piles when you pack. You don't want         Get involved. Ask your parents how else you can help with
to put your sports equipment with your video games or your          the move. Maybe you can help plan a garage sale or help a
favorite dress with your gym shoes. Make sure the things you        younger sibling with packing.
put into boxes go together and can't harm one another.
                                                                    Make packing as enjoyable as possible. Invite some friends
   Get markers and label your boxes. When it's finally time         over to help, play some music, and laugh about some of your
to unpack at your new home, it's nice to know what's in each        old clothes and music you've still got around.
Waiting Families                          Relocation Program
                                           eSponsorship Application & Training
            Spouses Support Group
                  3rd Saturday, Monthly

                                          Training Sponsors to Assist Relocating
                                            Service Members & Their Families

                                            Sponsorship Training Available
                                                on the following date:

                                               September 17, 2012
          NYC Aquarium                          Location ACS, Bldg. 137
           July 21, 2012                            1300 – 1400 hrs.
       10:00 am to 4:00 pm,
 Meet at ACS, Bldg. 137C, 1st Floor
   Please call to reserve your seat!!         For more information contact
        Phone: 718-630-4754                Madeline Pastorella 718-630-4754/4462

           Loan Closet                      Mobilization & Deployment
   Need to borrow something?                Immigration & Naturalization
     Visit our Lending Closet                      Assistance:
Dishes, pots, pans, & baby strollers,
     sleeping mats, & more!

                                            Provided to Active Duty, eligible
                                          reservists, retirees & Family Members.
                                            This service offers information on
                                             Immigration and Naturalization
                                              policies, procedures and forms.
          Fort Hamilton
    Army Community Service                   Due to the high demand of this
  Relocation Readiness Program            service, appointments are preferred.
      Bldg. 137C Poly Place
                                            To schedule an appointment call
          718-630-4754                              (718) 630-4462
Sunday       Monday       Tuesday           Wednesday            Thursday         Friday           Saturday

1             2              3                   4                    5              6              7
                             AFTB –Training              Happy        ACS HOURS      ACS HOURS
                             0830-1630                                0800-1630      0800-1630
                             ACS Conf Rm.
                                                     4 th of July!!
                                                                      Computer Lab   Computer Lab
                                                                      0800-1600      0800-1600

8             9              10                  11                   12             13             14
              ACS HOURS      ACS HOURS           ACS HOURS            ACS HOURS      ACS HOURS
              0800-1630      0800-1630           0800-1630            0800-1630      0800-1630
              Computer Lab   Computer Lab        Computer Lab         Computer Lab   Computer Lab
              0800-1600      0800-1600           0800-1600            0800-1600      0800-1600

15            16             17                  18                   19             20             21
              ACS HOURS      Master Resiliency   ACS HOURS            ACS HOURS      ACS HOURS      Waiting Families
              0800-1630      Training            0800-1630            0800-1630      0800-1630      NY Aquarium
              Computer Lab   1300-1400           Computer Lab         Computer Lab   Computer Lab   1300-1600 Meet
              0800-1600      ACS Conf. Rm.       0800-1600            0800-1600      0800-1600      @ ACS Conf. Rm.

22            23             24                  25                   26             27             28
              ACS HOURS      ACS HOURS           ACS HOURS            Newcomer’s     ACS HOURS
              0800-1630      0800-1630           0800-1630            0830-1130      0800-1630
              Computer Lab   Computer Lab        Computer Lab         ACS Conf Rm.   Computer Lab
              0800-1600      0800-1600           0800-1600                           0800-1600

29            30             31
              ACS HOURS      ACS HOURS
              0800-1630      0800-1630
              Computer Lab   Computer Lab
              0800-1600      0800-1600

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July 2012 newsletter

  • 1. Family July 2012 Times Military families get free passes to national parks Article from YORKTOWN, Va. (Army News Service) From Alcatraz Island to Zion National Park, Soldiers and their families can visit more than 2,000 national parks, wildlife refuges, national forests, and other public lands around the nation this year, without paying entry fees. Beginning Armed Forces Day, May 19, active-duty and activated Guard and Reserve service members can pick up the new military version of the "America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Annual Pass." Military members and their dependents can pick up their own pass at any national park or wildlife refuge that charges an The pass will be accepted at National Park Service, U.S. entrance fee or other selected sites. They must show a valid Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau military identification card to obtain their pass. The pass is also of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Army available to dependent family members of active-duty personnel. Corps of Engineer recreation sites that charge entrance or standard amenity fees. With the pass, those entry fees Where there are entrance fees, the pass covers the owner and will be waived. accompanying passengers in a single, private, non-commercial vehicle at recreation sites that charge per vehicle. At sites where The pass is part of the "Joining Forces" initiative to per-person entrance fees are charged, it covers the pass owner support service members and their families, said Dr. Jill and three accompanying adults age 16 and older. There is no Biden. entry fee for children 15 and under. "First Lady Michelle Obama and I started the Joining For more information on the pass, please visit: Forces initiative last year as a way to honor, recognize and support our veterans and military families," Biden said. "This effort is a wonderful way to give something back, (A White House "Joining Forces" news release contributed to giving our military men and women and their families a this article.) chance to reconnect with their loved ones, experience the beauty of this country, and simply have a little fun." At a ceremony May 15 at Colonial National Historical In This Issue Park in Yorktown, Va., Secretary of the Interior Ken Director’s Corner………………..……..……...2 Salazar, Director of the National Park Service Jon Jarvis Newcomers’.....………………………….....….2 and Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) Jo- ACS Directory...…….………………………...2 Ellen Darcy distributed the first passes to one member AFAP/AFTB/MRT……...…...……..…………3 from each of the military's five branches. FAP…………...…..…………………………...4 "Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to our servicemen and FRP………..…....……………………..............5 women who make great sacrifices and put their lives on Safety……...……...……...................................6 the lines to protect our country and preserve our freedom," EFMP/SOS/MFLC.………………...................7 Salazar said. "In recognition of their contributions and AVC/ERP………...…………………...............8 service, we are putting out a welcome mat for these brave Relo/Mob/Dep….………………….............9/10 men and women and their families at America's most Calendar..…………………………………….11 beautiful and storied sites."
  • 2. Director’s Corner Carmen E. Borrero, ACS Director ACS PROGRAMS & STAFF ACS Director Family Advocacy New to Ft. Hamilton? Carmen Borrero Vincent DiMaira Would you like to learn more about your new community? 718-630-4457 718-630-4460 Army Emergency Relief Financial Readiness 718-630-4754 718-630-4754 Army Family Attend Our Newcomer’s Front Desk/Information Team Building & Referral Orientation! John Mapes Magda Lawrence 718-630-4498 718-630-4754 Army Family Action Plan Lending Closet July 26, 2012 Starts at 8:30 a.m. John Mapes Madeline Pastorella 718-630-4498 718-630-4754 Army Volunteer Corps Relocation Readiness Joseph Gamez Madeline Pastorella 718-630-4756 718-630-4462 Deployment Readiness Sexual Assault & Location: ACS Conference Room Madeline Pastorella Victim Advocacy 718-630-4462 Vincent DiMaira Bldg. 137-C Poly Place 718-630-4460 Employment Readiness Joseph Gamez Survivor 718-630-4756 Outreach Services 718-630-4754 Exceptional Family Member Program Vincent DiMaira Please Call Maddy to 718-630-4460 Reserve Your Seat (718) 630-4754
  • 3. Master Resiliency Training (MRT) Module 2 Unit 1 Activating Event, Thoughts & Consequences 17 July 2012 --1300 hrs at the Army Community Service Center 137 C Poly Place, 1st floor-- Fort Hamilton. Join us as we continue the MRT series of training. It’s not too late to join our class. Open to all Military, Family Members and DoD Civilians. Call 718 630-4498 or e-mail to reserve your seat or get information. Army Family Action Plan Army Family Team Building Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) Is a program designed to give Soldiers, family members, retirees, DoD civilians, and teens an opportunity to voice their New to Military Life? concerns and suggestions on how to improve life and living conditions for all Ever wonder why we do members of the Fort Hamilton community. what we do? To inquire about AFAP classes, please Join our AFTB Class! contact John Mapes @ 718-630-4498 July 03, 2012 at 11am-1230pm Location: ACS Conference Room AFAP…Voice of the Army Community Building 137C, 1st Floor Army Family Action Plan Bldg. 137C, Poly Place Phone: (718) 630-4498 To sign up please contact: Program Manager, John Mapes John Mapes at 718-630-4498
  • 4. Jillian Michaels: Put the Brakes on Emotional Eating A bad day at the office soothed by a pint of creamy ice cream. Nightly boredom in front of the TV solved by a bag of crunchy pretzels. Stressful family events managed with says. "Make a list of hobbies you love and people you can turn heaping plates of gooey pasta. Whatever the cause, millions to. Reach out to those people and establish the ability to of people struggle with emotional eating, which is defined as call them at any time so they can be a support system for you.‖ eating because of an emotion, not hunger, every day. Experts estimate that 75 percent of all overeating is fueled by Ask for help. To avoid emotional eating, you ultimately have emotion. to keep yourself accountable. But that doesn't mean you have to go at it completely alone. Find a diet buddy to confide in, or On a recent episode of Daily Dose With Jillian Michaels, reach out to loved ones, and ask them to cover for you when Jillian advises Antoinette, whose son's Leukemia diagnosis you need a little time to yourself for your favorite stress- has led her to self-medicate with food. Twenty pounds later, busting healthy activity, such as exercising, reading a good she's asked for help on how to curb emotional eating. book, or getting a quick mani-pedi. Throughout all the family stress, Antoinette reports that losing weight has been tough, and sticking with a diet has "Do what you need to do to survive, to take care of your son, to been nearly impossible, sound familiar? Try Jillian's top tips take care of your daughter, to take care of your husband," for putting a stop to emotional eating and getting back on Jillian suggests. "And that means leaning on other people.― track with your health. Know your triggers. If you can't stay away from chips and Write a list of alternatives. The No. 1 piece of advice Jillian salsa or your favorite cereal, don't keep it in the house. You're offers to emotional eaters: Focus on feeling good with more likely to overindulge in your favorite comfort food when something or someone that's not food. When she's feeling its easily available. If your family can't live without the trigger down, Jillian says she turns to uplifting activities, such as foods that send you spiraling, keep them in a cabinet riding her horse, walking her dog, or even just relaxing and that's separate from your day-to-day foods — out of sight, out watching a favorite TV show. "I have these behaviors that I of mind. turn to, that I find pleasurable, that are going to help distract me from feeling scared, upset, emotional, or anxious," she Analyze your hunger. When you're about to reach for that second serving, put the brakes on and stop to think. Are you Family really hungry, or tempted to overeat because of boredom or stress? If the answer is emotion, the next step is to ask yourself Advocacy what's really missing from your life. Figure out which emotion is driving your eating, and take steps to solve it. Program Take a hike. If you're bored eating, some sort of activity is usually the answer. Pry yourself away from the kitchen and go for a brisk walk instead. If you're feeling lonely, call that friend who you asked to help keep you accountable. If you regularly Dedicated to Spousal & Child eat to reward yourself, try a larger goal to keep you on track long-term, such as a massage, a movie ticket, or a long Abuse Prevention, Education, weekend away. Prompt Reporting, Investigation, Recover one day at a time. Busting long-standing habits is & Intervention difficult, but not impossible. Each day you're able to resist overeating out of emotion, mark an "X" on your calendar. To access the Family Advocacy You'll be less likely to break the streak if you have a visual reminder of how far you've come. If you do slip up, don't beat Program, please contact Vincent yourself up about it. Instead, take a step back, and create a plan DiMaira at 718-630-4460 that will see you through next time.
  • 5. Financially Helping Your Adult Children Article from Financial Readiness Program Helping someone obtain his or her financial goals can be very rewarding, especially if you are helping your own child. When your adult child asks for financial help, they can be difficult to refuse, however, you need to be careful. Every child (even those within the same family) is different, and you’ll need to assess each situation individually. If your normally responsible child needs help, that can be a very different situation than a not-yet-independent adult child Cosigning does not equal ownership needing financial help yet again. It is a common misperception that cosigning a secured loan entitles you to ownership. However, if you cosign a loan for a If you feel that your normally responsible child needs help vehicle and your name is not on the title, you are not entitled to because of an emergency situation, you may consider ownership of the vehicle. This is true even if you are the one assisting them, especially if you and your spouse are in making payments. agreement. Be very clear with your child about the kind of assistance you are providing, as well as the terms of that The decision to cosign a loan for someone comes down to this: assistance. If you offer a loan that must be repaid, discuss Are you willing to pay the debt? If you are not willing to assume loan terms prior to giving any money. totally responsibility, you should not agree to sign for the loan. There are other options—you could offer assistance in a However, if you find that your adult child needs help yet different way, one that may help your adult child get back on his again because he or she isn’t financially responsible, or her feet in a more responsible way. providing them financial education rather than money is going to help them more in the long run. Try to talk with your child about developing a long-term financial plan as well as possible solutions to their short-term problem. Constantly providing your child with the money they request will not teach them financial responsibility. Be especially careful if your child asks for help cosigning a loan. Cosigning a loan carries many risks and very little reward. In fact, many financial experts believe that you should never put your name on someone else’s loan. As a parent, however, it can be hard not to help your own child. If you have been asked to cosign a loan, understand the risks before you sign on the dotted line. You are responsible for the debt If the primary borrower does not pay the debt as agreed, for any reason, the creditor will hold you responsible. You should not assume that the lender will pursue collecting from the primary borrower if the borrower in unresponsive. In most cases, collectors will seek payment from the person who offers the best chance of recovering the money, which is likely to be you, and if you do not pay, you could be sued. Your credit report may suffer For more information Any late payments made by the primary borrower will appear on your credit report. This is true even if you were unaware that late payments were being made. In addition, the cosigned Please call 718-630-4754 loan could change your debt-to-income ratio, making it harder to qualify for future credit.
  • 6. Take 5 for Safety Enjoy Fireworks-Safely! Article from Information & Referral Thousands of Americans enjoy shooting fireworks every obey all local laws; always keep water handy; only use year, and while fireworks-related injuries are on the decline, fireworks as intended; never relight a dud; read all warning everyone should remain vigilant when handling pyrotechnics. labels; and never use illegal or homemade fireworks. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, hospital ―We have a multitude of safety tips and resources available emergency rooms treated approximately 8,600 people for on our website,,‖ said Apel. ―What fireworks-related injuries during 2010. Of those injuries, 73 I always like to stress to folks is have a designated shooter, percent occurred between June 18 and July 18. An estimated use common sense, and remember alcohol and fireworks do 1,200 ER visits were associated with sparklers, 900 with not mix.‖ firecrackers and 400 with bottle rockets. ―Parents need to teach their children fireworks safety just like Though fireworks are readily available in many states, they teach them other safety lessons around the house,‖ said Soldiers, Family members and Civilians must ensure they are Ralph Apel, spokesperson for the National Council on buying legal fireworks and understand the hazards associated Fireworks Safety. ―When using sparklers, individuals should with handling explosives. be 12 years old or older.‖ The USFA reports that two out of five people injured in 2010 ―There’s nothing wrong with enjoying fireworks at your were under the age of 15, and even a seemingly harmless home with friends and Family as long as you do so safely,‖ sparkler burns at about 2,000 F. said Lt. Col. Spencer Ashford, director, U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center Ground Directorate. ―But sometimes Officials at the NCFS offer the following tips for a safe, it’s a good idea to err on the side of caution and let the pros enjoyable fireworks display: only shoot fireworks outdoors; handle the fireworks show.‖ Free Event Free Event Independence Day Celebration Independence Day Celebration Fort Hamilton Army Base Fort Hamilton Army Base Sunday July 1st Sunday July 1st Register today via the website! Register today via the website!
  • 7. Prevention Sexual assault is a crime. Sexual assault is defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent. Sexual assault includes: Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things anyone can go through. In its commitment to Rape - Sexual intercourse by force and without consent. the Families of the Fallen, the United States Army has developed a comprehensive Survivor Nonconsensual Sodomy - Oral or anal sex by force and Outreach Services (SOS) Program. without consent. The mission of the Survivor Outreach Services Indecent Assault - Unwanted, inappropriate sexual (SOS) is to provide long-term support to Families contact or fondling. of our Fallen Soldiers by offering assistance with any concerns or issues, providing information on Carnal Knowledge - Sexual intercourse with a child services and programs, and connecting Families to under age 16. outreach organizations both inside and outside the Department of Defense. Attempts to commit these acts. If you would like more information, please call If you are a victim of a sexual assault, please contact the 718-630-4754 ACS Assault Response Coordinator at 718-630-4460 or 347-452-4302 24/7. Military & Family Life Consultant Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) NEED TO TALK? Military & Family Life Consultants Help with the Stress of Military Life EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program that works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated medical, educational, housing, community support, and personnel services to Families with special needs. Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs) For any questions concerning the Exceptional are mental health specialist who Family Member Program, please contact Vincent DiMaira, Family Advocacy Program Manager at provide confidential, short-term, non-medical 718-630-4460 counseling to Military Families. To enroll your Family Member in EFMP, contact To access MFLC services please call: Nola Francois at Keller Army Community Hospital (718) 757-9408 at West Point. 845-938-6881
  • 8. Walt Disney World’s Armed Forces Salute 2012 (Travel must be completed by September 30. 2012) Active Duty and Retired U.S. Military, including members of the U.S. Coast Guard, and active members of the National Guard, or Reservists, may purchase 4-Day Walt Disney World Armed Forces Salute Tickets for themselves and up to five (5) family members and/or friends. *4 Day Military Ticket w/ Park Hopper Option only $138.00 *4 Day Military Ticket w/ Water Park Fun and More Options only $138.00 *4 Day Military Ticket w/ Park Hopper & Water Park Fun & More Options only $165.00 Purchase your tickets at Sector NY MWR, Fort Wadsworth 718-354-4407, Military ID cardholder must purchase the tickets and must be present at ticket activation. Complete eligibility requirements available at MWR. All tickets sold are final, no refunds are available. Available only for Disney World in Florida. While the “Salute” Ticket offers four days of Theme Park visitation, the Water Park Fun & More option allows the Guests to choose one of the following for each Fun visit: “One (1) visit to DisneyQuest® Indoor Interactive Park *One (1) visit to Disney’s Wide World Of Sports® Complex (valid only on events days; some events require an additional admission charge). The Water Park Options can extend your stay, they do not count against your theme park visitations unless used the same day. Block Out Dates for WDW Block Out dates July 4th, 2012, tickets will not be valid at Magic Kingdom. To visit the Magic Kingdom during the block out dates, you must order the standard military discounted tickets. Employment Readiness Program Army Volunteer Corps Employment Readiness Offers: Lend a hand….make a difference Meet New People Job Search Assistance Become Active in Your Community Resume Development Gain New Job Skills Career Planning Feel Good About Yourself Vacancy Listings Enhance Job Opportunities Gain Experience Job Search Training Network Computer & Internet Access Volunteer Today! To Schedule an appointment, please call TO REGISTER please call (718) 630-4756 Joseph Gamez at (718) 630-4756
  • 9. PCS Financial Tips for Military Families Article from Relocation Program Whether your family is planning for a PCS move now or in a few years, questions about finances undoubtedly will arise. The following tips can help you plan financially for your next move. Get on the same page. Start by talking with your spouse about percent of military personnel live off-base. As you create a your family’s finances. These steps can help you initiate a budget detailing expected income and expenses at your new discussion that is productive and may help prevent potential duty station, be sure to compare current and future Basic financial difficulties. Allowance for Housing (BAH) to determine how much house you can afford. Use the BAH Calculator from the Defense Close out and transfer accounts. Make a list of all your Travel Management Office to find out your specific financial accounts. Note which accounts can be transferred allowance. and ones that need to be closed and reopened in your new location. Take advantage of the move as a way to shop for Save those receipts! Be sure to keep all your receipts and put lower rates on some financial products (e.g., homeowners’ or them in a central place—including expenses that don’t qualify renters’ insurance). for reimbursement—because they may qualify as tax deductions. Pay off your bills immediately. Pay all your current bills. To avoid negative impact on your credit, be sure to pay all close-out bills such as electricity, Get answers to your questions. As you plan your move, water, etc., before leaving. Provide all organizations with a financial questions may arise, such as whether to buy or rent a forwarding address as there may be unpaid bills that will home. The Foundation’s Money and Mobility publication follow you. includes a chapter dedicated to PCS moves, complete with resources, worksheets, checklists and the Make a Moving Compare the value of your housing allowance. Sixty-five Fund worksheet to help you plan. Military Youth on the Move box, so label each one as you go. Relo/Mob/Dep Program Plan for the trip. Don't forget to keep out a few things that Getting packed can be a lot of hard work you'll need along the way. Whether you're driving or flying and kind of frustrating if you feel like you've done it a million to your new home, you'll want to have books or magazines times before. If you've moved before, you probably have a handy, some entertainment like CDs or your MP3 player, and good idea about what worked and what didn't last time maybe something to do like a travel size video game. around. Use your own ideas, and check out some of the tips below for some helpful information. Make a separate box or bag for your first few nights at your new installation. It might take a while for you to get Get organized first. Sort through your room and closet to into your permanent home and to get fully unpacked, so keep figure out what you want to keep and what you are ready to a few important things in a box or bag that you can easily get give away or get rid of. Make a trip to the installation thrift to like pajamas, a toothbrush, a pillow and blanket, and the store, relief society, church or charity and donate those old book you are reading. clothes and games you're no longer interested in. Helpful Tips Separate things into piles when you pack. You don't want Get involved. Ask your parents how else you can help with to put your sports equipment with your video games or your the move. Maybe you can help plan a garage sale or help a favorite dress with your gym shoes. Make sure the things you younger sibling with packing. put into boxes go together and can't harm one another. Make packing as enjoyable as possible. Invite some friends Get markers and label your boxes. When it's finally time over to help, play some music, and laugh about some of your to unpack at your new home, it's nice to know what's in each old clothes and music you've still got around.
  • 10. Waiting Families Relocation Program eSponsorship Application & Training Spouses Support Group 3rd Saturday, Monthly Training Sponsors to Assist Relocating Service Members & Their Families Sponsorship Training Available on the following date: September 17, 2012 NYC Aquarium Location ACS, Bldg. 137 July 21, 2012 1300 – 1400 hrs. 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Meet at ACS, Bldg. 137C, 1st Floor Please call to reserve your seat!! For more information contact Phone: 718-630-4754 Madeline Pastorella 718-630-4754/4462 Loan Closet Mobilization & Deployment Need to borrow something? Immigration & Naturalization Visit our Lending Closet Assistance: Dishes, pots, pans, & baby strollers, sleeping mats, & more! Provided to Active Duty, eligible reservists, retirees & Family Members. This service offers information on Immigration and Naturalization policies, procedures and forms. Fort Hamilton Army Community Service Due to the high demand of this Relocation Readiness Program service, appointments are preferred. Bldg. 137C Poly Place To schedule an appointment call 718-630-4754 (718) 630-4462
  • 11. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AFTB –Training Happy ACS HOURS ACS HOURS 0830-1630 0800-1630 0800-1630 ACS Conf Rm. 4 th of July!! Computer Lab Computer Lab 0800-1600 0800-1600 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ACS HOURS ACS HOURS ACS HOURS ACS HOURS ACS HOURS 0800-1630 0800-1630 0800-1630 0800-1630 0800-1630 Computer Lab Computer Lab Computer Lab Computer Lab Computer Lab 0800-1600 0800-1600 0800-1600 0800-1600 0800-1600 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ACS HOURS Master Resiliency ACS HOURS ACS HOURS ACS HOURS Waiting Families 0800-1630 Training 0800-1630 0800-1630 0800-1630 NY Aquarium Computer Lab 1300-1400 Computer Lab Computer Lab Computer Lab 1300-1600 Meet 0800-1600 ACS Conf. Rm. 0800-1600 0800-1600 0800-1600 @ ACS Conf. Rm. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ACS HOURS ACS HOURS ACS HOURS Newcomer’s ACS HOURS 0800-1630 0800-1630 0800-1630 0830-1130 0800-1630 Computer Lab Computer Lab Computer Lab ACS Conf Rm. Computer Lab 0800-1600 0800-1600 0800-1600 0800-1600 29 30 31 ACS HOURS ACS HOURS 0800-1630 0800-1630 Computer Lab Computer Lab 0800-1600 0800-1600