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제1회 줄리아 컨퍼런스 참가 후기

& 준비 모임 이야기
우아한형제들 운영개발실 노우경

2014년 7월 18일 금요일

The Julia Language
Julia (programming language)
Multi-paradigm: multiple dispatch ("object-oriented"), procedural,
functional, meta

Designed by Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Viral B. Shah, Alan Edelman

Appeared in 2012

Stable release : 0.2.1 / 11 February 2014

Typing discipline : Dynamic with optional type annotations, and type

Influenced by MATLAB, Scheme, Lisp, C, Fortran, Wolfram Language,
Python, Perl, R, Ruby

OS : Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, Windows

MIT License

Filename extension(s) : .jl

Website :
Julia (programming language)
Julia is a high-level dynamic programming language designed to
address the requirements of high-performance numerical and
scientific computing while also being effective for general
purpose programming. Unusual aspects of Julia's design include
having a type system with parametric types in a fully dynamic
programming language and adopting multiple dispatch as its
core programming paradigm. It allows for parallel and
distributed computing; and direct calling of C and Fortran
libraries without glue code. Julia includes efficient libraries for
floating point, linear algebra, random number generation, fast
Fourier transforms, and regular expression matching.
Julia (programming language)
Julia's core is implemented in C and C++, its parser in Scheme,
and the LLVM compiler framework is used for just-in-time
generation of machine code for x86(-64) with work being done
to get it working on ARM. The standard library is implemented in
Julia itself, using Node.js's libuv library for efficient, cross-
platform I/O. The most notable aspect of Julia's implementation
is its speed, which is often within a factor of two relative to
fully optimized C code. Development of Julia began in 2009 and
an open-source version was publicized in February 2012.
제1회 줄리아 컨퍼런스

2014년 6월 26일, 27일

시카고 대학 글리쳐 센터(University of Chicago: Gleacher Center)에서 열림 


컨퍼런스 자료
Releasing Video - 8월 중 업로드

Presentations for JuliaCon

The Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing.
2014년 6월 23일 월요일 인천 공항 -> 샌프란시스코 -> 시카고

2014년 6월 24일 화요일

2014년 6월 25일 수요일

2014년 6월 26일 목요일 컨퍼런스 첫째날

2014년 6월 27일 금요일 컨퍼런스 둘째날

2014년 6월 28일 토요일 Hack Day

2014년 6월 29일 일요일

2014년 6월 30일 월요일 새벽 시카고 -> 샌프란시스코 -> 인천공항
HI-Chicago hostel
8:00 AM space opens, coffee and light breakfast

8:15 AM opening remarks

Scientific Applications Session

8:30 AM Tim Holy — Image Representation and Analysis

9:10 AM Pontus Stenetorp — Natural Language Processing with Julia

9:50 AM break

10:20 AM breakout session — speed vs. correctness (led by Arch Robison)

Optimization Session

11:10 AM Iain Dunning / Joey Huchette — JuliaOpt - Optimization Packages for Julia

11:50 AM Madeleine Udell — Convex Optimization in Julia

12:30 PM lunch

Statistics Session

2:00 PM Douglas Bates — Fitting Statistical Models with Julia

2:40 PM John Myles White — Representing Data in Julia

3:20 PM break

3:35 PM Simon Byrne — Distributions.jl

4:15 PM Dan Wlasiuk — A Brief History of TimeSeries

4:25 PM break

Julia Deployment Session

4:40 PM Reid Atcheson — Rapidly Iterating from Prototype to Near-C Performance in Julia: A Finite
Element Method Case Study

5:20 PM Avik Sengupta — Moving Julia into Production
Thursday, June 26th
오픈, 명찰

Scientific Applications Session

Optimization Session


Statistics Session

Julia Deployment Session

보트 관광
Thursday, June 26th 첫째날
Scientific Applications Session

8:30 AM Tim Holy — Image Representation and Analysis

9:10 AM Pontus Stenetorp — Natural Language Processing with Julia

9:50 AM break

10:20 AM breakout session — speed vs. correctness (led by Arch Robison)

Optimization Session

11:10 AM Iain Dunning / Joey Huchette — JuliaOpt - Optimization Packages for Julia

11:50 AM Madeleine Udell — Convex Optimization in Julia
Thursday, June 26th 오전
12:30 PM lunch

Statistics Session

2:00 PM Douglas Bates — Fitting Statistical Models with Julia

2:40 PM John Myles White — Representing Data in Julia

3:20 PM break

3:35 PM Simon Byrne — Distributions.jl

4:15 PM Dan Wlasiuk — A Brief History of TimeSeries

4:25 PM break

Julia Deployment Session

4:40 PM Reid Atcheson — Rapidly Iterating from Prototype to Near-C Performance in Julia: A Finite
Element Method Case Study

5:20 PM Avik Sengupta — Moving Julia into Production
Thursday, June 26th 오후
보트 관광
* John Myles White에게 DataFrames SubDataArray 물어봄

보트 타러 가기 전
~$ julia	
_ _ _(_)_ | A fresh approach to technical computing	
(_) | (_) (_) | Documentation:	
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "help()" to list help topics	
| | | | | | |/ _` | |	
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 0.3.0-prerelease+3896 (2014-06-26 00:40 UTC)	
_/ |__'_|_|_|__'_| | Commit e1260bc (0 days old master)	
|__/ | x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0	
julia> using DataFrames	
julia> df = DataFrame(A=1:9)	
9x1 DataFrame	
| Row # | A |	
| 1 | 1 |	
| 2 | 2 |	
| 3 | 3 |	
| 4 | 4 |	
| 5 | 5 |	
| 6 | 6 |	
| 7 | 7 |	
| 8 | 8 |	
| 9 | 9 |
julia> df	
4x2 DataFrame	
| Row # | A | B |	
| 1 | 1 | 3 |	
| 2 | 1 | 4 |	
| 3 | 2 | 3 |	
| 4 | 2 | 4 |	
julia> countmap	
countmap (generic function with 4 methods)	
julia> using RDatasets	
ERROR: RDatasets not found	
in require at loading.jl:47	
julia> Pkg.add("RDatasets")	
INFO: Cloning cache of RDatasets from git://	
INFO: Installing RDatasets v0.1.1	
INFO: Package database updated	
INFO: METADATA is out-of-date — you may not have the latest version of RDatasets	
INFO: Use `Pkg.update()` to get the latest versions of your packages	
julia> using RDatasets
julia> df	
4x2 DataFrame	
| Row # | A | B |	
| 1 | 1 | 3 |	
| 2 | 1 | 4 |	
| 3 | 2 | 3 |	
| 4 | 2 | 4 |	
julia> by(df, :B, df -> countmap(df[:A]))	
2x2 DataFrame	
| Row # | B | x1 |	
| 1 | 3 | [2=>1,1=>1] |	
| 2 | 4 | [2=>1,1=>1] |
Keno Fischer는 코딩 중
보트 관광
숙소로 귀환
8:00 AM space opens, coffee and light breakfast

Core Julia Session

8:30 AM Arch Robison — Practical Vectorization in Julia

9:10 AM Jeff Bezanson — Introduction to Julia Internals

9:50 AM Julia Core Team panel

10:20 AM break

10:40 AM Leah Hanson — TypeCheck: Static Analysis in Julia

11:20 AM Keno Fischer — The design and implementation of the Julia Debugger

12:00 PM breakout session — package ecosystem (led by Iain Dunning)

12:30 AM lunch

Graphics and Multimedia Session

2:00 PM Yuri Vishnevsky — Generative Art with Julia

2:10 PM Michael Bean — Publishing Online Interactive Julia Models

2:50 PM Daniel C. Jones — Gadfly: native Julia plotting and visualization

3:30 PM break

3:50 PM Spencer Russell — Realtime Audio in Julia with AudioIO.jl

4:30 PM breakout session — graphics and visualization (led by Daniel C. Jones)
Friday, June 27th
Core Julia Session

코어 팀 패널

Core Julia Session


Graphics and Multimedia Session
Friday, June 27th 둘째날
8:00 AM space opens, coffee and light breakfast

Core Julia Session

8:30 AM Arch Robison — Practical Vectorization in Julia

9:10 AM Jeff Bezanson — Introduction to Julia Internals

9:50 AM Julia Core Team panel

10:20 AM break

10:40 AM Leah Hanson — TypeCheck: Static Analysis in Julia

11:20 AM Keno Fischer — The design and implementation of the Julia Debugger

12:00 PM breakout session — package ecosystem (led by Iain Dunning)
Friday, June 27th 오전
julia-parser.scm : 파서, LISP로 구현


ast.c : interface to front-end, obtains and translates syntax trees

toplevel.c : evaluating top-level expressions, loading source files


gf.c : Generic Functions

. method table and lookup

. GF constructor, add_method

. dispatch

. static parameter inference

. method specialization, invoking type inference

- widens (union…)

Code gen…
Jeff Bezanson

Introduction to Julia Internals
줄리아 코어 팀 패널 토론
Julia Core Team panel
Stefan Karpinski <>

Jameson Nash <>

Keno Fischer <>

Viral B. Shah <>

Jeff Bezanson <>

Alan Edelman

얘기 나눈 주제들

GPU Kernel for Julia, Higher Level Abstract, Funding

Improve Anonymous Function,

Inline functions, GC improvement in 0.4

Graphics (GTK, Cairo), Binary packages

Flow control comprehension

- Multi-dimension Cases, General Matrix
Julia Core Team panel - 줄리아 코어 팀 패널 토론
* 화요일부터 3일만에 LLVM 백단 줄리아 @cpp 매크로로 도는 디버거 짬

* 당일 새벽 2시에 완성했다고

# Agenda

* Design

* The Debugger

* Calling C++ from Julia

LLVM 디버거

코드 그래프
Keno Fischer

The design and implementation of the Julia Debugger
인도 음식점
12:30 AM lunch

Graphics and Multimedia Session

2:00 PM Yuri Vishnevsky — Generative Art with Julia

2:10 PM Michael Bean — Publishing Online Interactive Julia Models

2:50 PM Daniel C. Jones — Gadfly: native Julia plotting and visualization

3:30 PM break

3:50 PM Spencer Russell — Realtime Audio in Julia with AudioIO.jl

4:30 PM breakout session — graphics and visualization (led by Daniel C. Jones)
Friday, June 27th 오후
펍 가서 일차 이차
Friday, June 27th 저녁
Hack Day

June 28 11:00 AM

Ida Noyes Hall at University of Chicago

Saturday, June 28th 셋째날
다녀온 소감
* 70명 규모의 소규모 컨퍼런스

* 직접 만나고 왔다

* 재미있다
질문 답변
공유 모임을 준비하며
* 까먹기 전에 공유하자
공유 모임을 준비하며 (2)
구글 닥스 공유
공유 모임을 준비하며 (3)
2014.7.4 금요일 삼백집 점심 미팅

2014.7.13 일요일 2시 건대입구 : 강현구님, 김정훈님

2014.7.10 목요일 7시 후크해적선 : 김정훈님, 김윤재님, 양원석님

2014.7.11 금요일 점심 미팅

2014.7.15 화요일 7시 후크해적선 : 강현구님, 김정훈님, 김윤재님

2014.7.17 목요일 8시 후크해적선 : 강현구님, 김정훈님
공유 모임을 준비하며 (4)
2014.7.13 일요일 2시 건대입구 : 강현구님, 김정훈님

시작 : 7,8,8

종료 : 8,7,8
공유 모임을 준비하며
2014.7.13 일요일 2시 건대입구 : 강현구님, 김정훈님
공유 모임을 준비하며 (5)
2014.7.10 목요일 7시 후크해적선 : 김정훈님, 김윤재님, 양원석님

시작 : 4, 7, 5, 7

종료 : 6, 6, 7, 8
공유 모임을 준비하며 (6)
2014.7.15 화요일 7시 후크해적선 : 강현구님, 김정훈님, 김윤재님

시작 : 4, 6, 5, 6

종료 : 4, 5, 4, 6
공유 모임을 준비하며 (7)
2014.7.17 목요일 8시 후크해적선 : 강현구님, 김정훈님

시작 : 7

끝 : 5, 7, 7
• 듣느라 수고하셨습니다

• 강현구님, 김정훈님, 김윤재님, 양원석님 도와주셔서 감사합니다
후원 이미지

Hack Day 사진

컨퍼런스 사진 - Twitter #juliacon

John Myles White 사진

Keno Fischer 사진 - Networking in Julia

사진 출처

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JuliaCon - 제1회 줄리아 컨퍼런스 참가 후기 & 준비 모임 이야기

  • 1. JuliaCon 제1회 줄리아 컨퍼런스 참가 후기 & 준비 모임 이야기 우아한형제들 운영개발실 노우경 2014년 7월 18일 금요일 피터팬다락방
  • 3. Julia (programming language) Multi-paradigm: multiple dispatch ("object-oriented"), procedural, functional, meta ! Designed by Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Viral B. Shah, Alan Edelman Appeared in 2012 Stable release : 0.2.1 / 11 February 2014 ! Typing discipline : Dynamic with optional type annotations, and type inference ! Influenced by MATLAB, Scheme, Lisp, C, Fortran, Wolfram Language, Python, Perl, R, Ruby ! OS : Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, Windows MIT License Filename extension(s) : .jl Website :
  • 4. Julia (programming language) Julia is a high-level dynamic programming language designed to address the requirements of high-performance numerical and scientific computing while also being effective for general purpose programming. Unusual aspects of Julia's design include having a type system with parametric types in a fully dynamic programming language and adopting multiple dispatch as its core programming paradigm. It allows for parallel and distributed computing; and direct calling of C and Fortran libraries without glue code. Julia includes efficient libraries for floating point, linear algebra, random number generation, fast Fourier transforms, and regular expression matching.
  • 5. Julia (programming language) Julia's core is implemented in C and C++, its parser in Scheme, and the LLVM compiler framework is used for just-in-time generation of machine code for x86(-64) with work being done to get it working on ARM. The standard library is implemented in Julia itself, using Node.js's libuv library for efficient, cross- platform I/O. The most notable aspect of Julia's implementation is its speed, which is often within a factor of two relative to fully optimized C code. Development of Julia began in 2009 and an open-source version was publicized in February 2012.
  • 6. 제1회 줄리아 컨퍼런스 2014년 6월 26일, 27일 시카고 대학 글리쳐 센터(University of Chicago: Gleacher Center)에서 열림 ! JuliaCon
  • 8. 컨퍼런스 자료 Releasing Video - 8월 중 업로드 ! Presentations for JuliaCon ! The Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing.
  • 9. 2014년 6월 23일 월요일 인천 공항 -> 샌프란시스코 -> 시카고 2014년 6월 24일 화요일 2014년 6월 25일 수요일 2014년 6월 26일 목요일 컨퍼런스 첫째날 2014년 6월 27일 금요일 컨퍼런스 둘째날 2014년 6월 28일 토요일 Hack Day 2014년 6월 29일 일요일 2014년 6월 30일 월요일 새벽 시카고 -> 샌프란시스코 -> 인천공항 일정
  • 11. 8:00 AM space opens, coffee and light breakfast 8:15 AM opening remarks ! Scientific Applications Session 8:30 AM Tim Holy — Image Representation and Analysis 9:10 AM Pontus Stenetorp — Natural Language Processing with Julia 9:50 AM break 10:20 AM breakout session — speed vs. correctness (led by Arch Robison) ! Optimization Session 11:10 AM Iain Dunning / Joey Huchette — JuliaOpt - Optimization Packages for Julia 11:50 AM Madeleine Udell — Convex Optimization in Julia ! 12:30 PM lunch ! Statistics Session 2:00 PM Douglas Bates — Fitting Statistical Models with Julia 2:40 PM John Myles White — Representing Data in Julia 3:20 PM break 3:35 PM Simon Byrne — Distributions.jl 4:15 PM Dan Wlasiuk — A Brief History of TimeSeries 4:25 PM break ! Julia Deployment Session 4:40 PM Reid Atcheson — Rapidly Iterating from Prototype to Near-C Performance in Julia: A Finite Element Method Case Study 5:20 PM Avik Sengupta — Moving Julia into Production Thursday, June 26th
  • 12. 오픈, 명찰 ! Scientific Applications Session ! Optimization Session ! 점심 ! Statistics Session ! Julia Deployment Session ! 보트 관광 Thursday, June 26th 첫째날
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  • 15. Scientific Applications Session 8:30 AM Tim Holy — Image Representation and Analysis 9:10 AM Pontus Stenetorp — Natural Language Processing with Julia 9:50 AM break 10:20 AM breakout session — speed vs. correctness (led by Arch Robison) ! Optimization Session 11:10 AM Iain Dunning / Joey Huchette — JuliaOpt - Optimization Packages for Julia 11:50 AM Madeleine Udell — Convex Optimization in Julia Thursday, June 26th 오전
  • 16. 12:30 PM lunch ! Statistics Session 2:00 PM Douglas Bates — Fitting Statistical Models with Julia 2:40 PM John Myles White — Representing Data in Julia 3:20 PM break 3:35 PM Simon Byrne — Distributions.jl 4:15 PM Dan Wlasiuk — A Brief History of TimeSeries 4:25 PM break ! Julia Deployment Session 4:40 PM Reid Atcheson — Rapidly Iterating from Prototype to Near-C Performance in Julia: A Finite Element Method Case Study 5:20 PM Avik Sengupta — Moving Julia into Production Thursday, June 26th 오후
  • 18. * John Myles White에게 DataFrames SubDataArray 물어봄 보트 타러 가기 전
  • 19. ~$ julia _ _ _ _(_)_ | A fresh approach to technical computing (_) | (_) (_) | Documentation: _ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "help()" to list help topics | | | | | | |/ _` | | | | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 0.3.0-prerelease+3896 (2014-06-26 00:40 UTC) _/ |__'_|_|_|__'_| | Commit e1260bc (0 days old master) |__/ | x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0 ! julia> using DataFrames ! julia> df = DataFrame(A=1:9) 9x1 DataFrame |-------|---| | Row # | A | | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 3 | | 4 | 4 | | 5 | 5 | | 6 | 6 | | 7 | 7 | | 8 | 8 | | 9 | 9 |
  • 20. julia> df 4x2 DataFrame |-------|---|---| | Row # | A | B | | 1 | 1 | 3 | | 2 | 1 | 4 | | 3 | 2 | 3 | | 4 | 2 | 4 | ! julia> countmap countmap (generic function with 4 methods) ! julia> using RDatasets ERROR: RDatasets not found in require at loading.jl:47 ! julia> Pkg.add("RDatasets") INFO: Cloning cache of RDatasets from git:// INFO: Installing RDatasets v0.1.1 INFO: Package database updated INFO: METADATA is out-of-date — you may not have the latest version of RDatasets INFO: Use `Pkg.update()` to get the latest versions of your packages ! julia> using RDatasets
  • 21. julia> df 4x2 DataFrame |-------|---|---| | Row # | A | B | | 1 | 1 | 3 | | 2 | 1 | 4 | | 3 | 2 | 3 | | 4 | 2 | 4 | ! julia> by(df, :B, df -> countmap(df[:A])) 2x2 DataFrame |-------|---|-------------| | Row # | B | x1 | | 1 | 3 | [2=>1,1=>1] | | 2 | 4 | [2=>1,1=>1] |
  • 22. Keno Fischer는 코딩 중 보트 관광
  • 24. 8:00 AM space opens, coffee and light breakfast ! Core Julia Session 8:30 AM Arch Robison — Practical Vectorization in Julia 9:10 AM Jeff Bezanson — Introduction to Julia Internals ! 9:50 AM Julia Core Team panel 10:20 AM break ! 10:40 AM Leah Hanson — TypeCheck: Static Analysis in Julia 11:20 AM Keno Fischer — The design and implementation of the Julia Debugger 12:00 PM breakout session — package ecosystem (led by Iain Dunning) ! 12:30 AM lunch ! Graphics and Multimedia Session 2:00 PM Yuri Vishnevsky — Generative Art with Julia 2:10 PM Michael Bean — Publishing Online Interactive Julia Models 2:50 PM Daniel C. Jones — Gadfly: native Julia plotting and visualization 3:30 PM break 3:50 PM Spencer Russell — Realtime Audio in Julia with AudioIO.jl 4:30 PM breakout session — graphics and visualization (led by Daniel C. Jones) Friday, June 27th
  • 25. Core Julia Session ! 코어 팀 패널 ! Core Julia Session ! 점심 ! Graphics and Multimedia Session Friday, June 27th 둘째날
  • 26. 8:00 AM space opens, coffee and light breakfast ! Core Julia Session 8:30 AM Arch Robison — Practical Vectorization in Julia 9:10 AM Jeff Bezanson — Introduction to Julia Internals ! 9:50 AM Julia Core Team panel 10:20 AM break ! 10:40 AM Leah Hanson — TypeCheck: Static Analysis in Julia 11:20 AM Keno Fischer — The design and implementation of the Julia Debugger 12:00 PM breakout session — package ecosystem (led by Iain Dunning) Friday, June 27th 오전
  • 27. julia-parser.scm : 파서, LISP로 구현 julia-syntax.scm ! ast.c : interface to front-end, obtains and translates syntax trees toplevel.c : evaluating top-level expressions, loading source files interpreter.c ! gf.c : Generic Functions . method table and lookup . GF constructor, add_method . dispatch . static parameter inference . method specialization, invoking type inference - widens (union…) ! Code gen… Jeff Bezanson Introduction to Julia Internals
  • 28. 줄리아 코어 팀 패널 토론 Julia Core Team panel
  • 30. Stefan Karpinski <> Jameson Nash <> Keno Fischer <> Viral B. Shah <> Jeff Bezanson <> Alan Edelman ! 얘기 나눈 주제들 GPU Kernel for Julia, Higher Level Abstract, Funding Improve Anonymous Function, Inline functions, GC improvement in 0.4 Graphics (GTK, Cairo), Binary packages Flow control comprehension - Multi-dimension Cases, General Matrix Julia Core Team panel - 줄리아 코어 팀 패널 토론
  • 31. * 화요일부터 3일만에 LLVM 백단 줄리아 @cpp 매크로로 도는 디버거 짬 * 당일 새벽 2시에 완성했다고 ! # Agenda * Design * The Debugger * Calling C++ from Julia ! LLVM 디버거 코드 그래프 Keno Fischer The design and implementation of the Julia Debugger
  • 33. 12:30 AM lunch ! Graphics and Multimedia Session 2:00 PM Yuri Vishnevsky — Generative Art with Julia 2:10 PM Michael Bean — Publishing Online Interactive Julia Models 2:50 PM Daniel C. Jones — Gadfly: native Julia plotting and visualization 3:30 PM break 3:50 PM Spencer Russell — Realtime Audio in Julia with AudioIO.jl 4:30 PM breakout session — graphics and visualization (led by Daniel C. Jones) Friday, June 27th 오후
  • 34. 펍 가서 일차 이차 Friday, June 27th 저녁
  • 35. Hack Day ! June 28 11:00 AM Ida Noyes Hall at University of Chicago Saturday, June 28th 셋째날
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  • 38. 다녀온 소감 * 70명 규모의 소규모 컨퍼런스 * 직접 만나고 왔다 * 재미있다
  • 41. 공유 모임을 준비하며 * 까먹기 전에 공유하자
  • 42. 공유 모임을 준비하며 (2) 구글 닥스 공유
  • 43. 공유 모임을 준비하며 (3) 2014.7.4 금요일 삼백집 점심 미팅 2014.7.13 일요일 2시 건대입구 : 강현구님, 김정훈님 2014.7.10 목요일 7시 후크해적선 : 김정훈님, 김윤재님, 양원석님 2014.7.11 금요일 점심 미팅 2014.7.15 화요일 7시 후크해적선 : 강현구님, 김정훈님, 김윤재님 2014.7.17 목요일 8시 후크해적선 : 강현구님, 김정훈님
  • 44. 공유 모임을 준비하며 (4) 2014.7.13 일요일 2시 건대입구 : 강현구님, 김정훈님 ! 시작 : 7,8,8 종료 : 8,7,8
  • 45. 공유 모임을 준비하며 2014.7.13 일요일 2시 건대입구 : 강현구님, 김정훈님
  • 46. 공유 모임을 준비하며 (5) 2014.7.10 목요일 7시 후크해적선 : 김정훈님, 김윤재님, 양원석님 ! 시작 : 4, 7, 5, 7 종료 : 6, 6, 7, 8
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  • 48. 공유 모임을 준비하며 (6) 2014.7.15 화요일 7시 후크해적선 : 강현구님, 김정훈님, 김윤재님 ! 시작 : 4, 6, 5, 6 종료 : 4, 5, 4, 6
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  • 50. 공유 모임을 준비하며 (7) 2014.7.17 목요일 8시 후크해적선 : 강현구님, 김정훈님 ! 시작 : 7 끝 : 5, 7, 7
  • 51.
  • 52. • 듣느라 수고하셨습니다 • 강현구님, 김정훈님, 김윤재님, 양원석님 도와주셔서 감사합니다 쌩유
  • 53. 후원 이미지 images/sponsors ! Hack Day 사진 ! 컨퍼런스 사진 - Twitter #juliacon ! John Myles White 사진 schmoozing-at-strata/ ! Keno Fischer 사진 - Networking in Julia 사진 출처
  • 54.