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20   March 2012 • Nursing Management                                               

         Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
[Chronic disease] series                                                                                                   1.9
                                                                                                                   CONTACT HOURS

       Pain and
obesity                                 Obesity-related pain conditions can limit quality of life.
                                        Consider the use of a multimodal pain management
                                        regimen to increase pain relief and positive outcomes
                                        in obese patients.
                                        By Yvonne D’Arcy, MS, CRNP, CNS

                                O       b
                                        besity is a national health issue that
                                        affects every aspect of healthcare.
                                        Comorbidities, such as diabetes,
                                        hypertension, and dyslipidemia,
                                        contribute to the complexity of care
                                        required for effective treatment of
                                                                                     Healthcare practitioners need to
                                                                                  provide obese patients with a venue
                                                                                  to discuss pain management issues.
                                                                                  Information on obesity’s impact on
                                                                                  pain and weight reduction strategies,
                                                                                  coupled with pain management
                                        obese patients and are commonly           techniques, will help patients improve
                                        addressed by healthcare practitioners.    their health and pain relief.
                                        However, pain-related comorbidi-
                                        ties, such as diabetic neuropathy or      Prevalence of obesity
                                        low back pain related to an obese         The prevalence of obesity is a global
                                        body structure, appear to receive         issue that’s increasing dramatically.
                                        less attention. This may be related       The World Health Organization
                                        to the need to address the signifi-       (WHO) reports that more than 1
                                        cant issues of disease management,        billion people worldwide are over-
                                        such as glycemic control and BP           weight; 300 million meet the criteria
                                        management, in the short period           for obesity.1 By 2030, if current pat-
                                        of time that the primary care pro-        terns persist, 58% of the world’s
                                        vider has available for seeing each       population is expected to be obese
                                        patient. “Simple” pain issues may         or overweight.2 The two main con-
                                        be overlooked while discussing            tributing factors to obesity identi-
                                        more life-threatening health issues.      fied at the WHO regional meetings                                                     Nursing Management • March 2012 21

        Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
[Chronic disease] series

    were diet and lack of exercise. Obe-      • Overweight is classified by a           mediate insulin resistance and create
    sity has serious consequences. In         BMI of 25.0 to 29.9.                      a proinflammatory state that has
    2002, the WHO identified the burden       • Obese Class I is classified by a        been associated with increased joint
    of noncommunicable diseases, such         BMI of 30.0 to 34.9.                      inflammation and osteoarthritis.4
    as cardiovascular disease, diabetes,      • Obese Class II is classified by a          Increases in BMI can be directly
    cancers, and obesity-related condi-       BMI of 35 to 39.9.                        linked to a greater incidence of
    tions, as accounting for 60% of global    • Obese Class III—morbid obesity—         pain-related conditions. Obesity
    deaths and 47% of the global burden       is classified by a BMI of over 40.3       has been cited as a contributor to
    of these diseases.1                          Using a BMI can help determine         the development of low back pain
       Given the serious health repercus-     if the patient has an increased           (possibly a result of increased load
    sions of obesity, it appears inevita-     potential for developing a comor-         on spinal structures). Diabetes
    ble that obesity-related pain has         bid condition that will result in         increases with the duration and
    taken a back seat to the more serious     pain. For example, the higher the         degree of obesity, which can result
    consequences of obesity. However,         patient’s weight and the longer the       in diabetic neuropathy in poorly
    for the obese to become more active       duration of obesity, the higher the       controlled diabetes. There’s also
                                                                                        research indicating that obesity is
                                                                                        an exacerbating factor for migraine

[                                                                              ]

    A    multimodal pain management regimen
    that combines medications and complementary
                                                                                           Women diagnosed with osteo-
                                                                                        arthritis have a BMI that’s 24%
                                                                                        higher than average.6 In a study of
                                                                                        677 patients who had a total knee
                                                                                        replacement and 547 patients who
    techniques can help increase pain relief in                                         had a total hip replacement with at
    obese patients.                                                                     least one MetS risk factor, findings
                                                                                        indicated the outcome of the sur-
                                                                                        geries was negatively affected by
                                                                                        metabolic abnormalities.4 The
                                                                                        two major factors that affected
    and attain a higher quality of life,      amounts of body fat causing               negative outcomes were obesity
    pain management is a key factor.          increased insulin resistance, which       and hypertension.4
    Lifestyle changes alone may not           can be a part of metabolic syn-              Because of obesity, women may
    reduce the pain of osteoarthritis or      drome (MetS).3 MetS is a syndrome         also suffer from low self-esteem
    low back pain complicated by obe-         that includes the conditions of           that can lead to depression. Because
    sity. Unfortunately, some healthcare      hypertension, central adiposity, ele-     depression may present comorbidly
    providers see the obese patient as        vated fasting blood glucose, and          with chronic pain, these patients
    someone who has created their             dyslipidemia with high triglycer-         have an increased risk factor for
    own problem, one that weight loss         ides and low high-density lipopro-        both pain and depression.
    would solve. The answer isn’t that        tein cholesterol.3
    simple. There are metabolic issues           When insulin resistance is present     Fibromyalgia
    that need consideration when              alongside MetS, negative effects on       Obesity is a common comorbidity
    assessing the full picture of obesity-    the patient’s health are increased.       of fibromyalgia.7,8 Studies indicate
    related pain.                             MetS can cause higher rates of dia-       that 32% to 50% of patients with
                                              betes and cardiovascular disease,         fibromyalgia are obese; an addi-
    Factors for pain assessment               especially in women. There’s also a       tional 21% to 28% are overweight.9,10
    One way to categorize obese               positive correlation between MetS         In the general population, fibromy-
    patients is by using body mass            and increased systemic inflammation,      algia affects about 3% to 5% of the
    index (BMI). Classifications are          which is fed by adipose tissue.4          U.S. population.7,8 It affects more
    as follows:                               Tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6,     women than men and is character-
    • Normal weight is classified by a        and C-reactive protein are all factors    ized by chronic widespread pain
    BMI of 18.5 to 24.9.                      secreted by adipose tissue that           on both sides of the body with

    22   March 2012 • Nursing Management                                                

              Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
hyperalgesia in at least 11 of 18         bral disks and indirect effects of ath-      Even patients who were over-
specific points. In addition to the       erosclerosis on decreasing blood          weight but not morbidly obese had
widespread pain, patients may             flow to the lumbar spine.3                a 2.2-increased risk factor for devel-
also experience sleep disturbances,          Many practitioners feel that           oping knee osteoarthritis when
chronic fatigue, functional disabil-      weight loss is the solution to treat-     compared with their normal weight
ity, mood disorder, “fibro fog”           ing low back pain in these patients.      counterparts.12 In the United King-
memory loss, headache, paresthesia,       There are two important issues to         dom, it’s estimated that 69% of
and irritable bowel disorder.7,8          consider. After low back pain is          knee replacement surgeries in
   In a study of 215 patients with        already occurring, weight loss may        middle-age women are attributed
fibromyalgia, 30% were overweight,        not reverse the effect of mechanical      to obesity.13
with an additional 47% recognized         load bearing, and not all weight             For the morbidly obese, knee
as obese. The obese patients reported     loss strategies have the same result      osteoarthritis presents a bigger
greater sensitivity to tender point       on low back pain. In two studies of       problem. If lifestyle changes and
palpation (especially in the lower        morbidly obese patients who had           increased exercise can’t produce
body), decreased physical strength        bariatric surgery, there was a sig-       weight loss or favorable outcomes,
and lower body flexibility, and shorter   nificant decrease in low back pain        total joint replacement is consid-
sleep duration with greater restless-     after surgery.11 In a nonsurgical         ered. If surgery is necessary, recon-
ness while sleeping.8                     weight loss program, there was            ditioning after surgery can be
   Research hasn’t clearly defined        little evidence that demonstrated         complicated further by difficulty
the cause and effect relationship         improvement in low back pain.11           with mobility.
between obesity and fibromyalgia.         Multidisciplinary programs that
Animal studies suggest there’s a          include exercise and weight loss,         Pain management
link between greater levels of proin-     as well as dietary and behavioral         Treatment options for the obese
flammatory cytokines resulting in         modification, have a better outcome       patient with pain include medica-
central sensitization.8 The list of       than treatment plans that aren’t as       tions and nonpharmacologic modal-
mechanisms that might contribute          comprehensive.                            ities, such as acupuncture or yoga.
to a link between fibromyalgia and           It’s important to note that no         When discussing options for con-
obesity include impaired physical         matter which type of treatment is         trolling pain, it’s important to
activity, cognitive and sleep distur-     selected to reduce low back pain,         inform patients that a combination
bances, psychiatric comorbidity and       the ability of patients to adhere to      of treatments is more likely to pro-
depression, dysfunction of the thy-       the treatment requirements should         duce optimum pain reduction.
roid gland, and impairment of the         be considered to achieve the best            Medications can be affected by
endogenous opioid system.7 The            possible outcome for the patient.         the ratio of adipose tissue to lean
only demonstrated outcome was             In low back pain, weight loss may         body tissue. In the obese patient,
that obesity contributes to the con-      have a positive effect and help to        there’s a higher ratio of adipose
tinued presence of fibromyalgia and       relieve the pain.                         tissue when compared with lean
increases its severity.                                                             body tissue, which is thought to
                                          Osteoarthritis                            interfere with the protein binding
Low back pain                             Symptomatic osteoarthritis is the         of drugs, allowing an increased
Findings indicate that if a patient is    presence of radiographic findings of      concentration into the free plasma
obese at age 23, there’s a risk of low    osteoarthritis in combination with        concentration. Although obesity
back pain within 10 years. As obese       symptoms attributable to osteoar-         increases the total volume of both
patients get older, the probability of    thritis.12 Magnetic resonance imag-       lean and adipose tissue when com-
developing low back pain increases.3      ing findings include cartilage lesion,    pared with nonobese patients of
There have also been associations         osteophytes, bone marrow lesions,         the same age, height, and sex, this
that show a BMI of over 30 puts           synovitis, effusion, and subchondral      difference requires individualized
patients at greater risk for low back     bone attrition.12 The two major risk      prescriptions for obese patients to
pain.11 Suspected mechanisms for          factors for developing osteoarthritis     ensure that medications are dosed
the increased occurrence of low           are obesity and being female; knee        appropriately.14
back pain in the obese patient are        injury is also a predisposition to           For most obese patients in pain,
mechanical stress on the interverte-      developing knee osteoarthritis.           opioids will be considered for pain                                                       Nursing Management • March 2012 23

          Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
[Chronic disease] series

    management. Some aren’t candidates          General recommendations for            tions and less research to support
    for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory       pain management after surgery for         use at this time.16
    drugs due to impaired organ func-        obese individuals include:15                 The use of regional blocks with
    tion, such as renal dysfunction, or      • the use of multimodal analgesia         local anesthetic for adjunct pain
    comorbidities, such as diabetes or       using regional and opioid sparing         relief is recommended, as well as
    the potential for gastric bleeding.      techniques                                epidural pain management for sur-
       Additional options for pain           • avoidance of sedatives, especially      gical pain. These techniques can
    management in the obese patient          when combined with opioids                reduce the need for opioids and can
    can include not only medication          • noninvasive ventilation with            have a positive effect on the risk of
    management but also the use of           supplemental oxygen                       respiratory depression. Obese
    regional analgesia such as blocks        • early mobilization and ambulation       patients will need less local anes-
    and physical therapy programs            • elevating the head of the bed to        thetic when administered as an epi-
    geared to patients who need a less       30 degrees                                dural as compared with nonobese
    strenuous approach. Referrals to         • a low threshold for pulse oxime-        patients. This can be correlated with
    pain clinics, physical therapy pro-      try, which should be continuous and       the decreased cerebrospinal fluid
    grams designed for the obese             combined with end-tidal carbon            volumes in obese individuals.14
    patient, and physiatrists can help       dioxide monitoring for added safety
                                                                                       Nonpharmacologic treatment
                                                                                       Less-invasive adjuvant pain relief

[                                                                             ]
                                                                                       modalities can also be considered.
                                                                                       In one study, aromatherapy with

    R   ecognizing the patient’s pain and working
    with the patient to help minimize the effects of
                                                                                       lavender was shown to decrease
                                                                                       morphine dosage needed for pain
                                                                                       management in the postanesthesia
                                                                                       unit, although more research is
                                                                                       needed.15 Relaxation techniques
    the pain can lead to a more positive outcome.                                      such as music or relaxation tapes
                                                                                       can provide a way to avoid medica-
                                                                                       tions through distraction. Reiki or
                                                                                       therapeutic touch can also provide
                                                                                       relaxation. In the outpatient setting,
    reduce pain and increase function-       • arterial BP management                  patients can participate in pool
    ality. If the obese patient needs a      • placement in a nursing specialty        exercise therapy to lessen the
    surgical intervention, additional        area, such as an ICU or step-down         burden on joints.
    concerns will need to be addressed.      unit, with continuous, postoperative
       Sedation and the maintenance of       monitoring until oxygen saturation        Rising to the challenge
    a patent airway are always concerns      is greater than 90% while asleep          It can be a challenge to provide
    when opioids are used for obese          without supplemental oxygen.              effective pain management for obese
    patients, especially in the postoper-       When obese patients use patient-       patients; however, a multimodal
    ative time period when anesthetic        controlled analgesia, the use of con-     pain management regimen that com-
    agents have been used. However,          tinuous infusion is contraindicated.      bines medications and complemen-
    reviews indicate that two factors,       Opioid requirements aren’t related        tary techniques can help increase
    site of surgery (especially bariatric    to body surface, age, gender, or          pain relief. Recognizing that the
    surgery) and coexisting sleep apnea,     anesthetic regimen.15 Adding a            patient may need to be in an area
    have been cited as contributory to an    nonopioid medication can decrease         with continuous monitoring will
    increased risk of pulmonary com-         pain and provide an opioid-sparing        help lessen the potential for adverse
    plications in obese patients.15 Most     effect.15,16 Other medications such       events in postoperative patients.
    obese patients can tolerate opioids in   as clonidine, ketamine, and dexme-        Always remember that most obese
    the usual doses, although they require   detomidine could be useful adju-          patients are very familiar with the
    close monitoring, especially for seda-   vants for postoperative pain relief,      healthcare system and may have
    tion and respiratory depression.         but have significant contraindica-        had less than positive experiences.

    24   March 2012 • Nursing Management                                               

             Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Journal of pain

  • 1. Roy S c ot t 20 March 2012 • Nursing Management Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 2. [Chronic disease] series 1.9 CONTACT HOURS Pain and obesity Obesity-related pain conditions can limit quality of life. Consider the use of a multimodal pain management regimen to increase pain relief and positive outcomes in obese patients. By Yvonne D’Arcy, MS, CRNP, CNS O b besity is a national health issue that affects every aspect of healthcare. a Comorbidities, such as diabetes, C hypertension, and dyslipidemia, h contribute to the complexity of care required for effective treatment of Healthcare practitioners need to provide obese patients with a venue to discuss pain management issues. Information on obesity’s impact on pain and weight reduction strategies, coupled with pain management obese patients and are commonly techniques, will help patients improve addressed by healthcare practitioners. their health and pain relief. However, pain-related comorbidi- ties, such as diabetic neuropathy or Prevalence of obesity low back pain related to an obese The prevalence of obesity is a global body structure, appear to receive issue that’s increasing dramatically. less attention. This may be related The World Health Organization to the need to address the signifi- (WHO) reports that more than 1 cant issues of disease management, billion people worldwide are over- such as glycemic control and BP weight; 300 million meet the criteria management, in the short period for obesity.1 By 2030, if current pat- of time that the primary care pro- terns persist, 58% of the world’s vider has available for seeing each population is expected to be obese patient. “Simple” pain issues may or overweight.2 The two main con- be overlooked while discussing tributing factors to obesity identi- more life-threatening health issues. fied at the WHO regional meetings Nursing Management • March 2012 21 Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 3. [Chronic disease] series were diet and lack of exercise. Obe- • Overweight is classified by a mediate insulin resistance and create sity has serious consequences. In BMI of 25.0 to 29.9. a proinflammatory state that has 2002, the WHO identified the burden • Obese Class I is classified by a been associated with increased joint of noncommunicable diseases, such BMI of 30.0 to 34.9. inflammation and osteoarthritis.4 as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, • Obese Class II is classified by a Increases in BMI can be directly cancers, and obesity-related condi- BMI of 35 to 39.9. linked to a greater incidence of tions, as accounting for 60% of global • Obese Class III—morbid obesity— pain-related conditions. Obesity deaths and 47% of the global burden is classified by a BMI of over 40.3 has been cited as a contributor to of these diseases.1 Using a BMI can help determine the development of low back pain Given the serious health repercus- if the patient has an increased (possibly a result of increased load sions of obesity, it appears inevita- potential for developing a comor- on spinal structures). Diabetes ble that obesity-related pain has bid condition that will result in increases with the duration and taken a back seat to the more serious pain. For example, the higher the degree of obesity, which can result consequences of obesity. However, patient’s weight and the longer the in diabetic neuropathy in poorly for the obese to become more active duration of obesity, the higher the controlled diabetes. There’s also research indicating that obesity is an exacerbating factor for migraine [ ] headaches.5 A multimodal pain management regimen that combines medications and complementary Women diagnosed with osteo- arthritis have a BMI that’s 24% higher than average.6 In a study of 677 patients who had a total knee replacement and 547 patients who techniques can help increase pain relief in had a total hip replacement with at obese patients. least one MetS risk factor, findings indicated the outcome of the sur- geries was negatively affected by metabolic abnormalities.4 The two major factors that affected and attain a higher quality of life, amounts of body fat causing negative outcomes were obesity pain management is a key factor. increased insulin resistance, which and hypertension.4 Lifestyle changes alone may not can be a part of metabolic syn- Because of obesity, women may reduce the pain of osteoarthritis or drome (MetS).3 MetS is a syndrome also suffer from low self-esteem low back pain complicated by obe- that includes the conditions of that can lead to depression. Because sity. Unfortunately, some healthcare hypertension, central adiposity, ele- depression may present comorbidly providers see the obese patient as vated fasting blood glucose, and with chronic pain, these patients someone who has created their dyslipidemia with high triglycer- have an increased risk factor for own problem, one that weight loss ides and low high-density lipopro- both pain and depression. would solve. The answer isn’t that tein cholesterol.3 simple. There are metabolic issues When insulin resistance is present Fibromyalgia that need consideration when alongside MetS, negative effects on Obesity is a common comorbidity assessing the full picture of obesity- the patient’s health are increased. of fibromyalgia.7,8 Studies indicate related pain. MetS can cause higher rates of dia- that 32% to 50% of patients with betes and cardiovascular disease, fibromyalgia are obese; an addi- Factors for pain assessment especially in women. There’s also a tional 21% to 28% are overweight.9,10 One way to categorize obese positive correlation between MetS In the general population, fibromy- patients is by using body mass and increased systemic inflammation, algia affects about 3% to 5% of the index (BMI). Classifications are which is fed by adipose tissue.4 U.S. population.7,8 It affects more as follows: Tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6, women than men and is character- • Normal weight is classified by a and C-reactive protein are all factors ized by chronic widespread pain BMI of 18.5 to 24.9. secreted by adipose tissue that on both sides of the body with 22 March 2012 • Nursing Management Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 4. hyperalgesia in at least 11 of 18 bral disks and indirect effects of ath- Even patients who were over- specific points. In addition to the erosclerosis on decreasing blood weight but not morbidly obese had widespread pain, patients may flow to the lumbar spine.3 a 2.2-increased risk factor for devel- also experience sleep disturbances, Many practitioners feel that oping knee osteoarthritis when chronic fatigue, functional disabil- weight loss is the solution to treat- compared with their normal weight ity, mood disorder, “fibro fog” ing low back pain in these patients. counterparts.12 In the United King- memory loss, headache, paresthesia, There are two important issues to dom, it’s estimated that 69% of and irritable bowel disorder.7,8 consider. After low back pain is knee replacement surgeries in In a study of 215 patients with already occurring, weight loss may middle-age women are attributed fibromyalgia, 30% were overweight, not reverse the effect of mechanical to obesity.13 with an additional 47% recognized load bearing, and not all weight For the morbidly obese, knee as obese. The obese patients reported loss strategies have the same result osteoarthritis presents a bigger greater sensitivity to tender point on low back pain. In two studies of problem. If lifestyle changes and palpation (especially in the lower morbidly obese patients who had increased exercise can’t produce body), decreased physical strength bariatric surgery, there was a sig- weight loss or favorable outcomes, and lower body flexibility, and shorter nificant decrease in low back pain total joint replacement is consid- sleep duration with greater restless- after surgery.11 In a nonsurgical ered. If surgery is necessary, recon- ness while sleeping.8 weight loss program, there was ditioning after surgery can be Research hasn’t clearly defined little evidence that demonstrated complicated further by difficulty the cause and effect relationship improvement in low back pain.11 with mobility. between obesity and fibromyalgia. Multidisciplinary programs that Animal studies suggest there’s a include exercise and weight loss, Pain management link between greater levels of proin- as well as dietary and behavioral Treatment options for the obese flammatory cytokines resulting in modification, have a better outcome patient with pain include medica- central sensitization.8 The list of than treatment plans that aren’t as tions and nonpharmacologic modal- mechanisms that might contribute comprehensive. ities, such as acupuncture or yoga. to a link between fibromyalgia and It’s important to note that no When discussing options for con- obesity include impaired physical matter which type of treatment is trolling pain, it’s important to activity, cognitive and sleep distur- selected to reduce low back pain, inform patients that a combination bances, psychiatric comorbidity and the ability of patients to adhere to of treatments is more likely to pro- depression, dysfunction of the thy- the treatment requirements should duce optimum pain reduction. roid gland, and impairment of the be considered to achieve the best Medications can be affected by endogenous opioid system.7 The possible outcome for the patient. the ratio of adipose tissue to lean only demonstrated outcome was In low back pain, weight loss may body tissue. In the obese patient, that obesity contributes to the con- have a positive effect and help to there’s a higher ratio of adipose tinued presence of fibromyalgia and relieve the pain. tissue when compared with lean increases its severity. body tissue, which is thought to Osteoarthritis interfere with the protein binding Low back pain Symptomatic osteoarthritis is the of drugs, allowing an increased Findings indicate that if a patient is presence of radiographic findings of concentration into the free plasma obese at age 23, there’s a risk of low osteoarthritis in combination with concentration. Although obesity back pain within 10 years. As obese symptoms attributable to osteoar- increases the total volume of both patients get older, the probability of thritis.12 Magnetic resonance imag- lean and adipose tissue when com- developing low back pain increases.3 ing findings include cartilage lesion, pared with nonobese patients of There have also been associations osteophytes, bone marrow lesions, the same age, height, and sex, this that show a BMI of over 30 puts synovitis, effusion, and subchondral difference requires individualized patients at greater risk for low back bone attrition.12 The two major risk prescriptions for obese patients to pain.11 Suspected mechanisms for factors for developing osteoarthritis ensure that medications are dosed the increased occurrence of low are obesity and being female; knee appropriately.14 back pain in the obese patient are injury is also a predisposition to For most obese patients in pain, mechanical stress on the interverte- developing knee osteoarthritis. opioids will be considered for pain Nursing Management • March 2012 23 Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
  • 5. [Chronic disease] series management. Some aren’t candidates General recommendations for tions and less research to support for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain management after surgery for use at this time.16 drugs due to impaired organ func- obese individuals include:15 The use of regional blocks with tion, such as renal dysfunction, or • the use of multimodal analgesia local anesthetic for adjunct pain comorbidities, such as diabetes or using regional and opioid sparing relief is recommended, as well as the potential for gastric bleeding. techniques epidural pain management for sur- Additional options for pain • avoidance of sedatives, especially gical pain. These techniques can management in the obese patient when combined with opioids reduce the need for opioids and can can include not only medication • noninvasive ventilation with have a positive effect on the risk of management but also the use of supplemental oxygen respiratory depression. Obese regional analgesia such as blocks • early mobilization and ambulation patients will need less local anes- and physical therapy programs • elevating the head of the bed to thetic when administered as an epi- geared to patients who need a less 30 degrees dural as compared with nonobese strenuous approach. Referrals to • a low threshold for pulse oxime- patients. This can be correlated with pain clinics, physical therapy pro- try, which should be continuous and the decreased cerebrospinal fluid grams designed for the obese combined with end-tidal carbon volumes in obese individuals.14 patient, and physiatrists can help dioxide monitoring for added safety Nonpharmacologic treatment Less-invasive adjuvant pain relief [ ] modalities can also be considered. In one study, aromatherapy with R ecognizing the patient’s pain and working with the patient to help minimize the effects of lavender was shown to decrease morphine dosage needed for pain management in the postanesthesia unit, although more research is needed.15 Relaxation techniques the pain can lead to a more positive outcome. such as music or relaxation tapes can provide a way to avoid medica- tions through distraction. Reiki or therapeutic touch can also provide relaxation. In the outpatient setting, reduce pain and increase function- • arterial BP management patients can participate in pool ality. If the obese patient needs a • placement in a nursing specialty exercise therapy to lessen the surgical intervention, additional area, such as an ICU or step-down burden on joints. concerns will need to be addressed. unit, with continuous, postoperative Sedation and the maintenance of monitoring until oxygen saturation Rising to the challenge a patent airway are always concerns is greater than 90% while asleep It can be a challenge to provide when opioids are used for obese without supplemental oxygen. effective pain management for obese patients, especially in the postoper- When obese patients use patient- patients; however, a multimodal ative time period when anesthetic controlled analgesia, the use of con- pain management regimen that com- agents have been used. However, tinuous infusion is contraindicated. bines medications and complemen- reviews indicate that two factors, Opioid requirements aren’t related tary techniques can help increase site of surgery (especially bariatric to body surface, age, gender, or pain relief. Recognizing that the surgery) and coexisting sleep apnea, anesthetic regimen.15 Adding a patient may need to be in an area have been cited as contributory to an nonopioid medication can decrease with continuous monitoring will increased risk of pulmonary com- pain and provide an opioid-sparing help lessen the potential for adverse plications in obese patients.15 Most effect.15,16 Other medications such events in postoperative patients. obese patients can tolerate opioids in as clonidine, ketamine, and dexme- Always remember that most obese the usual doses, although they require detomidine could be useful adju- patients are very familiar with the close monitoring, especially for seda- vants for postoperative pain relief, healthcare system and may have tion and respiratory depression. but have significant contraindica- had less than positive experiences. 24 March 2012 • Nursing Management Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Pilot This article is adapted from “Practical consider- 2011;76(13):1135-1138. evaluation of a multidisciplinary, medically ations for pain management in obese patients,” 6. Sowers MF, Yosef M, Jamadar D, Jacobson J, supervised, nonsurgical weight loss program The Nurse Practitioner Journal, December 2011. Karvonen-Gutierrez C, Jaffe M. BMI vs body on the severity of low back pain in obese composition and radiographically defined adults. Spine J. 2011;11(3):197-204. DOI-10.1097/01.NUMA.0000411905.59061.5e ▲ ▲ For more than 20 additional continuing education articles related to pain topics, go to Earn CE credit online: Go to and receive a certificate within minutes. 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