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June 30: DEADLINE: Chutoba & Chochin Orders
June 30: O-Toba Set Up & General Cleaning - YOUR HELP IS NEEDED
July 12-14: O-Bon Services
Aug.16-17: Bon Dance
Friday, July 12
10:00 am (Hatsubon only)
2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Saturday, July 13
10:00 am (Hatsubon only)
2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Sunday, July 14
10:00 am
O-Bon Service Schedule
Important Dates
SEE Page 9 for Chutoba and Chochin order forms >>>>
Page 2
O-Bon Service Schedule
O-Bon Services will be held as follows:
Friday, July 12 – 10:00 am (Hatsubon Families Only)
2:00 pm & 7:00pm
Saturday, July 13 – 10:00 am (Hatsubon Families Only)
2:00 pm & 7:00pm
Sunday, July 14 – 10:00 am
Sign up for O-Bon Service will begin 1 hour before 2 pm and 7 pm services. This
is on a first come first serve basis. NO phone orders will be taken.
Closing Service will be on Sunday, July 14 at 10:00am. After Closing Service,
cleanup will begin.
Parking Attendants Needed: We are in need of at least 6 parking attendants for
each 2 pm and 7 pm services. Please call Jodo Mission at 949-3995 if you are able
to help direct cars to parking spaces. We appreciate your help.
O-Toba Service Appointments: If you wish to have prayers offered in front of your
O-Toba, appointments will be accepted from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm from Wednesday,
July 3 to 10 a.m. on Sunday, July 14, 2013.
Parking Lot Repaving: From July 22 to August 1, there
will be no services held at Jodo Mission due to the
repaving of our parking lot.
As you can see, we have done a lot of patch work here
and there to cover holes due to rain. We are finally
going to repave our entire parking lot. Anyone
needing to have memorial services held during this
period will be asked to schedule them either before
or after these dates.
We apologize for this inconvenience but we do
want to complete this job before our next big event which is the Bon
Dance in August and before more rain comes in winter. Thank you very
much for your patience!
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Introduction of Sho-ryo Dana in O-Bon
1) Incense: Purify the area of Sho-
ryo Dana with the smoke of in-
2) Flower: Flower is a symbol of
purity. There are numerous flow-
ers in the Pure Land.
3) Water: Water is a symbol of of-
fering. The offered water is
called “AKA” that is translated
from a Sanskrit word “Argha”,
the most valuable thing.
4) Candle: A candle light is show-
ing us the light of wisdom and
compassion of Amida Buddha.
5), 6) Cucumber and Eggplant
with sticks: With a Cucumber,
make a horse (using sticks) for
your ancestors to return home
early. Make a Cow with an Egg
plant (using sticks) for them to
return to the Pure Land slowly.
7) Mizu-noko: The fresh cut egg-
plant and cucumber with washed
rice. Offering food in prayer to
help everyone from hunger in any
realms. (Optional)
8) Some rice in a bowl of Water
and a leaf of Lythrum ancepts:
This expands food limitlessly.
9) Nishime without meat: A tradi-
tional Japanese food used as mon-
asterial food called Sho-jin
10) Somen noodle: Somen noodle is
a symbolic food for longevity.
11) Fruits and vegetables: Offer
gifts of nature to Buddha and
12) Mochi or any favorite food: Offer gifts of nature
to Buddha and ancestors.
13) Bamboo grass: Protection to keep away the bad
spirits from the Sho-ryo Dana.
Page 3
Getting Ready for O-Bon: In the May issue of our Bulletin, we
asked if you would share some of your family’s tradition regarding
offerings at your O-Toba.
Most people offer flowers, fruits and vegetables,
candies and drinks. Each O-Toba has about a 6 inch by 6 inch
space for you to work with; otherwise you are into someone else’s
space. The photo at left shows someone with flowers and fruits
and as you can see there is not a lot of space.
Marie Otani was gracious enough to share some of her family’s customs:
While the O-Tobas are up during the O-Bon season, it is important and customary
to attend to the O-Tobas, similar to caring for gravesites or niches.
Over the many O-Bon seasons that our family has observed at Jodo Mission, we
have developed our style of caring for our O-Toba. We typically attend to those tasks
as soon as the O-Toba is set up, usually on the Sunday before O-Bon services start.
Flowers are placed at the base of the O-Toba. The temple sets up a basin and
makes available empty glass jars near the fence facing the freeway. But during the
year, our family sets aside suitable jars and we use those instead, leaving the available
jars for others who forget or don’t have suitable containers. To keep them from tipping
over with our trade winds, we tie the jars loosely to the base of the O-Toba. Tall peanut
jars fit nicely in the space below the O-Toba and have an indentation in the middle
which keeps the rope from slipping off. To help the flowers stay fresher longer, we cut
the flower stems under water.
Food for the ancestors is placed on the shelf in front of the O-Toba. We typical-
ly get oranges since they last longer and are resistant to the weather. To prevent the
orange from rolling on the shelf, we put the orange in a paper bowl. To allow rain
water to drain, we poke holes in the base of the bowl. Then we attach the bowl to the
shelf with a little tape, being careful not to block the drain holes. Blue painter’s tape
leaves little or no residue.
THANK YOU Marie for sharing. Please note that everyone is welcome to use
the empty bottles provided near the water basin usually located near the fence fac-
ing the freeway as Marie mentioned above.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Page 4
Continued from page 7:
next year, it will be the same ritual, but different. You will be older, stronger or weaker, but
wiser. So we should cherish and treat each person, each daily activity and encounter with
courtesy and kindness. Maybe not so comfortable, but soon, part of us.
So, today, this is the first time for me to offer amacha to Oshyakasama here with you,
and to remember, “Ichi go ichi e.” COL Walter Ozawa
Kurtistown Jodo Mission First Step Preschool
Kurtistown First Step Preschool: On April 28, 2013, Kurtistown Jodo
Mission had a dedication of their new First Step Preschool. Rev. Bunyu Shirahata,
Chairperson of Jodo Shu Preschool/Kindergarten Association in Japan sent the follow-
ing message:
Mr. Neil Gyotoku,
Director, First Step Preschool
I would like to express my congratulations on the opening of the First Step Preschool.
On behalf of Jodo Shu Preschool/Kindergarten Association, consisting of about 430
schools that provide early education with the spirit of Honen-sama, I would like to of-
fer a message of solidarity.
I understand that church members, all the parties concerned, and Rev. Miyazaki have
overcome many hardships in order to open the First Step Preschool. This is a very
happy occasion not only for you but for us, the Jodo Shu Preschool/Kindergarten
Association members, that your effort has borne fruit today.
Hawaii and Japan are physically very far from each other; however, I am hoping to
build good relationships under the one spirit of Honen-sama. I am praying that the
First Step Preschool prospers as an indispensable facility for the local community and
its children.
In Gassho,
Rev. Bunyu Shirahata
Chairperson of Jodo Shu Preschool/Kindergarten Association
Page 5
Page 6
Sewing Circle:
June 8 and 22
at 8:00 a.m.
Any person interested is
welcome to participate
No Sunday School in June
& July
Fujinkai Meeting
(Women’s association)
6/2/13 @ 8:30 a.m.
YBA Meeting
Meeting in June
♪ ♪ Jodo Mission of Hawaii ♪ ♪
Children’s Choir “Malama”
No Malama Children’s Choir in June,
July and August
♫ ♪ Ukulele by Stuart Nago ♫
Please come and enjoy
ukulele music by Stuart
Nago on Sunday, June 16
at 10:00 a.m. after Sunday
Service. He may also play
his guitar or introduce a new
song he wrote.
Father’s Day
June 16th is Father’s Day
We always remember our Mothers, but do
we always remember our Fathers? What do you
remember about your Father, Dad, Daddy, Otoo-
Please come to our Father’s Day Service and honor
your father by your presence on June 16th at 10 a.m.
Punahou Students came to help:
Katie and Travis came one day as a
service project to help with cleaning
the temple grounds.
THANK YOU Katie and Travis.
Hope you come back soon!
Mother’s Day Photos
Above are Sunday School students, Takeru, Skyler, A’Marie,
Himaware and Sophie with Sunday School coordinators Kay
Oshiro and assistant Jo Ann Matsuo. Sunday School and the
Intermediate YBA, consisting of the Oshiro family provided
a wonderful lunch for everyone to enjoy. Red carnations
were given to all mothers. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
[Apology for not having any photos of Sunday School
Hanamatsuri Guest Speaker
COL Walter Ozawa
On April 28, 2013, COL Walter Ozawa was our
guest speaker. If you were not here to listen to his
talk, you missed out on a very personable person
who met almost everyone here and a wonderful
speaker. Some remembered him from many years
ago when he was our guest speaker.
Sketch to the right is a self-portrait by COL
Ozawa himself. His son, Ryan Ozawa, serves on
the Jodo Mission Board of Directors.
Below are portions of his talk:
Today is a happy day. An omedetai day! For millions of Buddhists, we remember today
as the birthday of Oshyakasama, Siddhartha Gautama, Amida Buddha. My father was a
Soto Zen priest, and so I, of course attended many Hanamatsuri services. And like you,
poured amacha or sweet tea over Amida Buddha in a hanamido. And like most of you, my
childhood memories include decorating the hanamido with flowers, and listening to stories
about when Prince Siddhartha Gautama who was born in Lumbini Garden, India, and who
grew up to become the Enlightened One, Shyakamuni Buddha.
I just returned from a short visit to Fukuoka, Japan, to accompany my wife to Itoshima
City Hall to receive a copy of her father’s koseki , or family register. He was born in Hatae
machi, and my wife’s maiden name is Hatae, and while we are all familiar with her mother’s
family since she was born in Hawaii, the Yamachika side, she did not know much about her
father. In our travels to Japan, we observed the Buddhist traditions and rituals are melded
into the Japanese people, as if it was in their DNA. As a young boy, I remember getting up
early in the mornings when my father would read okyo and chant every morning to begin
the day. He would strike the temple bell at the same time every day. You could tell time by
the otera no kane, ringing . . . kan, kan …
Rituals are important to us. For many, we are taught from a very young age to do things
over and over until they become not just second nature, but really part of our being. It
makes us feel safe, it comforts us, because we know that generations before us have also
done the same, and sometimes we don’t even know why. And, because most services are in
Japanese, we don’t understand. . . . .
There is a saying in Japanese “Ichi go ichi e” which means “once in a lifetime” or
“cherish every encounter as if it were your last.” If you are familiar with tea ceremony, you
may know this saying. Literally it means, “meeting only once.” It does not mean meeting
someone for the first and last time, but it refers to the ideal state of mind when encountering
other people—to value every meeting as if it is a once in a lifetime meeting. Even if you
meet someone for the second or third or more time, each time will always be under a differ-
ent circumstance. So, “Ichi go ichi e” is an everyday occurrence. Offering amacha or
sweet tea to Amida Buddha today, the child will be the first time for today, for this year and
[continued on page 4]
Page 7
Honolulu Jodo Shu Fujinkai
Date: Sunday, June 23, 2013
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Place: Jodo Mission of Hawaii Social Hall
1429 Makiki Street, Honolulu, Hawaii
PH: 949-3995
We plan to have a variety of sales vendors (keiki
futons, pillow cases) Tupperware, jewelry, T-shirts,
blouses, Thirty-one bags.
Also, we plan to have a lot of food items so
if you get hungry, you will be able to pur-
chase something: tsukemono, sushi, popular
spam musubi, baked goods, i.e. cookies, etc.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Any craft vendor interested in reserving a table may contact
Jodo Mission of Hawaii, Telephone: 949-3995 for an application (first
come, first serve; deadline June 9).
Page 8
Obon Services will be held Friday, July 12th
to Sunday, July 14th
, at Jodo Mission of Hawaii
DEADLINE: June 30, 2013
YOUR NAME(お名前):___________________________________________PHONE(お電話番号):________________
NAME OF DECEASED(亡くなった方のお名前):
One Chutoba is $ 7.00 × Total of Chutoba ______ = Total $______
(中塔婆 1本 7ドル) (本数) (合計)
On which day are you coming?
Please circle date and time.
Fri, July 12 2 pm or 7 pm
Sat, July 13 2 pm or 7 pm
Sun, July 14 10 am
Cannot attend the service
DEADLINE: June 30, 2013
YOUR NAME (お名前):______________________________________PHONE : (お電話番号) :_________________
NAME OF DECEASED(亡くなった方のお名前):
LARGE(大)____×$10.00 + SMALL(小)____×$7.00 = TOTAL(合計)$______________
Order accepted by : _______________ Date accepted : _______/______/ 2013 ( In person / Mail / By phone )
Received by : _______________ Date paid : _______/______/ 2013 (Cash / Check # __________ ) Write_______
( Cut )
Order accepted by : _______________ Date accepted : _______/______/ 2013 ( In person / Mail / By phone )
Received by : _______________ Date paid : _______/______/ 2013 (Cash / Check # __________ ) Write_______
Page 9
The Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends its sincere
condolences to the family members and loved ones of
the following members who have recently left this
world for the Pure Land.
Fumiye Teruya 82
Carole Masako Yano 68
Kikue Akamine Yogi 95
Jodo Mission Office Hours:
Monday to Saturday
Sunday & Holidays
Phone: 949-3995
Rev. Yubun Narashiba
Head Minister
Rev. Kanjun Nakano
Resident Minister
Rev. Dwight
Retired MinisterPage 10
Rev. Yasuhiro
Apology for April Eitaikyo List: We apolo-
gize for not listing the following death in April Bul-
4/30: Mitoshi Tanaka
Island Temple Phone No. Dates Times
Oahu Betsuin 949-3995 Aug 16 to 17 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Haleiwa 637-4382 July 26 to 27 7/26: 8 pm – 10 pm
7/27: 8 pm – 11 pm
Big Island
Call Rev. Miyazaki
(808) 935-6996
August 3 8:00 pm
Hilo July 12 to 13 7/12: 7:30 pm
7/13: 8:00 pm
Hakalau August 17 8:00 pm
Call Rev. Wansa
(808) 775-0965
August 10 6:30 pm
Kohala July 13 6:30 pm
Hawi August 3 6:30 pm
Maui Kahului Call Rev. John Hara
(808) 244-0066
August 10 7:00 pm
Wailuku June 28 7:00 pm
Lahaina (808) 661-4304 July 6 7:00 pm
Kapaa (808) 822-4319 August 2 to 3 7:30 pmKauai
Koloa (808) 742-6735 July 5 to 6 7:30 pm
1 Tatsuo Nonaka
2 Takayo Fukuda
The Fukuda Family
Yasuichi Nakai
The Nakai Family
Kikue Tejima
The Tejima Family
Yasu Kawamura
Fujio Fujita
4 Rui Yasumoto
Shizutaro Kimura
Fujiko Teruya
Katsu Yokoyama
Susan Teruko Lubick
5 Kamematsu Kano
The Kano & Watanabe
Shuichi Arakawa
Yoshikazu Ebisuzaki
Tamon Yamaguchi
Japanese Marines
6 Chujiro Nishimura
The Nishimura Family
Matsu Wakagi
The Wakagi Family
Tomo Daitoku (2)
The Daitoku, Fujimoto,
& Kawauchi Families
Shinichi Fukuda
The Fukuda Family
Miyoshi Takara
7 Ayako Morikawa
The Morikawa Family
Taki Asai
Kichi Kunihisa
Shina Kotake
8 Soichi Hirano
The Hirano & Kaneko
The Hirota Family
Saku Yokoyama
9 Sueko Tanimura
The Tanimura Family
Kenzaburo Ishii
The Ishii Family
Emi Kawamoto
10 Hosuke Miyagawa
The Miyagawa Family
Ariki Fujimoto
Hisako Mitani
Mieko Ono
BerthaTakako Homareda
12 Bunjiro Umemoto
The Umemoto Family
Mitsuyoshi Okamura
The Okamura Family
13 Charlse Harumi
Takabayashi (2)
Jeane SachikoEbisuzaki
14 Masuzo Konaka
The Konaka, Yano,
& Hayashi Families
Kiichi Morisako
Katsuko Sakakibara
Shigeki Narahara
15 Yoshio Morita
The Morita Family
Kikutaro Higashide
The Higashide
& Fuyukawa Families
Albert Akira Sakuda
16 Onichi Chinen
The Chinen Family
Chiyo Heirakuji
Harry NoboruMatsumoto
Iwao Oki
17 Natsu Kawamura
The Kawamura Family
Senjiro Ogawa
Ichiro Nakatsuka
The Hirotsu Family
Helen Miyoko Oda
Hachijiro Homareda
18 Bunkichi Kamimura
Tama Morita
The Morita Family
Chiyo Mori
Hatsuyo Yoshikawa
Kame Uyehara
The Uyehara family
KayKimiko Yamamoto
19 Kiyomatsu Ueno
The Ueno Family
Shinei Kanehira
The Kanehira Family
Mitsuru Ogi
Kenichi Naito
Sam SaburoTaniguchi
Kikuyo Morioka
Miyoshi Akashi
20 Hisataro Yanagihara
The Yanagihara Family
Naoji Yokoyama
Moushi Kobashigawa
Kame Uyehara
Ichitaro Matsuda
Hisakichi Yamamoto
Wade Kenji Sakai
21 Sumi Takeda
The Takeda Family
Komanoshin Masatsugu
Teruo Masatsugu
Ayako Tasaka
Suzuko Shigehara
22 Isuke Iwasaki
Murakami's Baby
Kazumi Mizuta
Yoshimi Maruuchi
Edward Isamu Kimoto
Moshi Takara
Takara’s Baby
23 Isamu Yonemoto
The Yonemoto Family
Yoshio Higa
The Higa Family
Yoshiko Hamasaki
Jonosuke Arakawa
Kosuke Takara
Kihachi Kishimoto
24 Yoshito Ebisuya
The Ebisuya Family
The Fujii Family
Tokiko Karakake
25 Hana Mitsutani
The Mitsutani Family
Nobuyuki Nishida
Yukio Hirata
Akio Nathon Tagami
26 Fuji Yano
The Yano, Konaka,
& Hayashi Families
Daizo Kawamura
The Kawamura Family
Mokunosuke Taniguchi
Isamu Nakano
Keigo Soma
Claris SadakoYamamoto
27 Ron Kiyoshi Amasaki
Akira Shimoda
28 Shintaro Masuda
The Masuda & Asamura
Ryoshichi Himuro
The Himuro Family
Kiyoichi Oshiro
29 Kumanosuke Morikawa
The Morikawa Family
Sadamu Yanagihara
The Yanagihara Family
Kinuyo Karimoto
Ziu Takaoka
Kiichi Takaoka
Shizuko Heirakuji
Grace Kawafuchi
30 Hana Ishizaki
Tsurue Nagaishi
The Nakauye Family
John Yoshito Nakauye
Koei Takara
Gerald Kenji Sato
EITAIKYO (Perpetual Memorial Service) for June

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Ryan Ozawa
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Ryan Ozawa
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Jodo Mission Bulletin - June 2013

  • 1. June 30: DEADLINE: Chutoba & Chochin Orders June 30: O-Toba Set Up & General Cleaning - YOUR HELP IS NEEDED July 12-14: O-Bon Services Aug.16-17: Bon Dance Friday, July 12 10:00 am (Hatsubon only) 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm Saturday, July 13 10:00 am (Hatsubon only) 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm Sunday, July 14 10:00 am O-Bon Service Schedule Important Dates SEE Page 9 for Chutoba and Chochin order forms >>>> (#1199-0613) JodoMissionofHawaii 1429MakikiStreet HonoluluHI96814 AddressServiceRequested JodoMissionofHawaii Bulletin-JUNE2013
  • 2. Page 2 O-Bon Service Schedule O-Bon Services will be held as follows: Friday, July 12 – 10:00 am (Hatsubon Families Only) 2:00 pm & 7:00pm Saturday, July 13 – 10:00 am (Hatsubon Families Only) 2:00 pm & 7:00pm Sunday, July 14 – 10:00 am Sign up for O-Bon Service will begin 1 hour before 2 pm and 7 pm services. This is on a first come first serve basis. NO phone orders will be taken. Closing Service will be on Sunday, July 14 at 10:00am. After Closing Service, cleanup will begin. Parking Attendants Needed: We are in need of at least 6 parking attendants for each 2 pm and 7 pm services. Please call Jodo Mission at 949-3995 if you are able to help direct cars to parking spaces. We appreciate your help. O-Toba Service Appointments: If you wish to have prayers offered in front of your O-Toba, appointments will be accepted from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm from Wednesday, July 3 to 10 a.m. on Sunday, July 14, 2013. Announcements ******************************************************************* Parking Lot Repaving: From July 22 to August 1, there will be no services held at Jodo Mission due to the repaving of our parking lot. As you can see, we have done a lot of patch work here and there to cover holes due to rain. We are finally going to repave our entire parking lot. Anyone needing to have memorial services held during this period will be asked to schedule them either before or after these dates. We apologize for this inconvenience but we do want to complete this job before our next big event which is the Bon Dance in August and before more rain comes in winter. Thank you very much for your patience!
  • 3. ② ① ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦⑧⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑪ ⑬ ⑬ Introduction of Sho-ryo Dana in O-Bon Butsudan 1) Incense: Purify the area of Sho- ryo Dana with the smoke of in- cense 2) Flower: Flower is a symbol of purity. There are numerous flow- ers in the Pure Land. 3) Water: Water is a symbol of of- fering. The offered water is called “AKA” that is translated from a Sanskrit word “Argha”, the most valuable thing. 4) Candle: A candle light is show- ing us the light of wisdom and compassion of Amida Buddha. 5), 6) Cucumber and Eggplant with sticks: With a Cucumber, make a horse (using sticks) for your ancestors to return home early. Make a Cow with an Egg plant (using sticks) for them to return to the Pure Land slowly. 7) Mizu-noko: The fresh cut egg- plant and cucumber with washed rice. Offering food in prayer to help everyone from hunger in any realms. (Optional) 8) Some rice in a bowl of Water and a leaf of Lythrum ancepts: This expands food limitlessly. (Optional) 9) Nishime without meat: A tradi- tional Japanese food used as mon- asterial food called Sho-jin Ryo-ri. 10) Somen noodle: Somen noodle is a symbolic food for longevity. 11) Fruits and vegetables: Offer gifts of nature to Buddha and ancestors. 12) Mochi or any favorite food: Offer gifts of nature to Buddha and ancestors. 13) Bamboo grass: Protection to keep away the bad spirits from the Sho-ryo Dana. Page 3
  • 4. Getting Ready for O-Bon: In the May issue of our Bulletin, we asked if you would share some of your family’s tradition regarding offerings at your O-Toba. Most people offer flowers, fruits and vegetables, candies and drinks. Each O-Toba has about a 6 inch by 6 inch space for you to work with; otherwise you are into someone else’s space. The photo at left shows someone with flowers and fruits and as you can see there is not a lot of space. Marie Otani was gracious enough to share some of her family’s customs: While the O-Tobas are up during the O-Bon season, it is important and customary to attend to the O-Tobas, similar to caring for gravesites or niches. Over the many O-Bon seasons that our family has observed at Jodo Mission, we have developed our style of caring for our O-Toba. We typically attend to those tasks as soon as the O-Toba is set up, usually on the Sunday before O-Bon services start. Flowers are placed at the base of the O-Toba. The temple sets up a basin and makes available empty glass jars near the fence facing the freeway. But during the year, our family sets aside suitable jars and we use those instead, leaving the available jars for others who forget or don’t have suitable containers. To keep them from tipping over with our trade winds, we tie the jars loosely to the base of the O-Toba. Tall peanut jars fit nicely in the space below the O-Toba and have an indentation in the middle which keeps the rope from slipping off. To help the flowers stay fresher longer, we cut the flower stems under water. Food for the ancestors is placed on the shelf in front of the O-Toba. We typical- ly get oranges since they last longer and are resistant to the weather. To prevent the orange from rolling on the shelf, we put the orange in a paper bowl. To allow rain water to drain, we poke holes in the base of the bowl. Then we attach the bowl to the shelf with a little tape, being careful not to block the drain holes. Blue painter’s tape leaves little or no residue. THANK YOU Marie for sharing. Please note that everyone is welcome to use the empty bottles provided near the water basin usually located near the fence fac- ing the freeway as Marie mentioned above. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Page 4 Continued from page 7: next year, it will be the same ritual, but different. You will be older, stronger or weaker, but wiser. So we should cherish and treat each person, each daily activity and encounter with courtesy and kindness. Maybe not so comfortable, but soon, part of us. So, today, this is the first time for me to offer amacha to Oshyakasama here with you, and to remember, “Ichi go ichi e.” COL Walter Ozawa
  • 5. Kurtistown Jodo Mission First Step Preschool Kurtistown First Step Preschool: On April 28, 2013, Kurtistown Jodo Mission had a dedication of their new First Step Preschool. Rev. Bunyu Shirahata, Chairperson of Jodo Shu Preschool/Kindergarten Association in Japan sent the follow- ing message: Mr. Neil Gyotoku, Director, First Step Preschool I would like to express my congratulations on the opening of the First Step Preschool. On behalf of Jodo Shu Preschool/Kindergarten Association, consisting of about 430 schools that provide early education with the spirit of Honen-sama, I would like to of- fer a message of solidarity. I understand that church members, all the parties concerned, and Rev. Miyazaki have overcome many hardships in order to open the First Step Preschool. This is a very happy occasion not only for you but for us, the Jodo Shu Preschool/Kindergarten Association members, that your effort has borne fruit today. Hawaii and Japan are physically very far from each other; however, I am hoping to build good relationships under the one spirit of Honen-sama. I am praying that the First Step Preschool prospers as an indispensable facility for the local community and its children. In Gassho, Rev. Bunyu Shirahata Chairperson of Jodo Shu Preschool/Kindergarten Association Page 5
  • 6. Page 6 Sewing Circle: June 8 and 22 at 8:00 a.m. Any person interested is welcome to participate SUNDAY SCHOOL No Sunday School in June & July Fujinkai Meeting (Women’s association) 6/2/13 @ 8:30 a.m. YBA Meeting NO YBA Meeting in June ♪ ♪ Jodo Mission of Hawaii ♪ ♪ Children’s Choir “Malama” こども合唱団マラマ No Malama Children’s Choir in June, July and August ♫ ♪ Ukulele by Stuart Nago ♫ Please come and enjoy ukulele music by Stuart Nago on Sunday, June 16 at 10:00 a.m. after Sunday Service. He may also play his guitar or introduce a new song he wrote. ANNOUNCEMENTS Father’s Day June 16th is Father’s Day We always remember our Mothers, but do we always remember our Fathers? What do you remember about your Father, Dad, Daddy, Otoo- san? Please come to our Father’s Day Service and honor your father by your presence on June 16th at 10 a.m. Punahou Students came to help: Katie and Travis came one day as a service project to help with cleaning the temple grounds. THANK YOU Katie and Travis. Hope you come back soon! Mother’s Day Photos Above are Sunday School students, Takeru, Skyler, A’Marie, Himaware and Sophie with Sunday School coordinators Kay Oshiro and assistant Jo Ann Matsuo. Sunday School and the Intermediate YBA, consisting of the Oshiro family provided a wonderful lunch for everyone to enjoy. Red carnations were given to all mothers. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! [Apology for not having any photos of Sunday School Mothers.]
  • 7. Hanamatsuri Guest Speaker COL Walter Ozawa On April 28, 2013, COL Walter Ozawa was our guest speaker. If you were not here to listen to his talk, you missed out on a very personable person who met almost everyone here and a wonderful speaker. Some remembered him from many years ago when he was our guest speaker. Sketch to the right is a self-portrait by COL Ozawa himself. His son, Ryan Ozawa, serves on the Jodo Mission Board of Directors. Below are portions of his talk: Today is a happy day. An omedetai day! For millions of Buddhists, we remember today as the birthday of Oshyakasama, Siddhartha Gautama, Amida Buddha. My father was a Soto Zen priest, and so I, of course attended many Hanamatsuri services. And like you, poured amacha or sweet tea over Amida Buddha in a hanamido. And like most of you, my childhood memories include decorating the hanamido with flowers, and listening to stories about when Prince Siddhartha Gautama who was born in Lumbini Garden, India, and who grew up to become the Enlightened One, Shyakamuni Buddha. I just returned from a short visit to Fukuoka, Japan, to accompany my wife to Itoshima City Hall to receive a copy of her father’s koseki , or family register. He was born in Hatae machi, and my wife’s maiden name is Hatae, and while we are all familiar with her mother’s family since she was born in Hawaii, the Yamachika side, she did not know much about her father. In our travels to Japan, we observed the Buddhist traditions and rituals are melded into the Japanese people, as if it was in their DNA. As a young boy, I remember getting up early in the mornings when my father would read okyo and chant every morning to begin the day. He would strike the temple bell at the same time every day. You could tell time by the otera no kane, ringing . . . kan, kan … Rituals are important to us. For many, we are taught from a very young age to do things over and over until they become not just second nature, but really part of our being. It makes us feel safe, it comforts us, because we know that generations before us have also done the same, and sometimes we don’t even know why. And, because most services are in Japanese, we don’t understand. . . . . There is a saying in Japanese “Ichi go ichi e” which means “once in a lifetime” or “cherish every encounter as if it were your last.” If you are familiar with tea ceremony, you may know this saying. Literally it means, “meeting only once.” It does not mean meeting someone for the first and last time, but it refers to the ideal state of mind when encountering other people—to value every meeting as if it is a once in a lifetime meeting. Even if you meet someone for the second or third or more time, each time will always be under a differ- ent circumstance. So, “Ichi go ichi e” is an everyday occurrence. Offering amacha or sweet tea to Amida Buddha today, the child will be the first time for today, for this year and [continued on page 4] Page 7
  • 8. ホノルル浄土宗婦人会 Honolulu Jodo Shu Fujinkai CRAFT FAIR Date: Sunday, June 23, 2013 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Place: Jodo Mission of Hawaii Social Hall 1429 Makiki Street, Honolulu, Hawaii PH: 949-3995 We plan to have a variety of sales vendors (keiki futons, pillow cases) Tupperware, jewelry, T-shirts, blouses, Thirty-one bags. Also, we plan to have a lot of food items so if you get hungry, you will be able to pur- chase something: tsukemono, sushi, popular spam musubi, baked goods, i.e. cookies, etc. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Any craft vendor interested in reserving a table may contact Jodo Mission of Hawaii, Telephone: 949-3995 for an application (first come, first serve; deadline June 9). Page 8
  • 9. OBON CHUTOBA ORDER FORM Obon Services will be held Friday, July 12th to Sunday, July 14th , at Jodo Mission of Hawaii DEADLINE: June 30, 2013 YOUR NAME(お名前):___________________________________________PHONE(お電話番号):________________ NAME OF DECEASED(亡くなった方のお名前): 1._________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________ One Chutoba is $ 7.00 × Total of Chutoba ______ = Total $______ (中塔婆 1本 7ドル) (本数) (合計) On which day are you coming? (いつお参りにこられますか?) Please circle date and time. Fri, July 12 2 pm or 7 pm Sat, July 13 2 pm or 7 pm Sun, July 14 10 am Or Cannot attend the service ORDER FORM FOR CHOCHIN (LANTERN、ちょうちん申し込み用紙) DEADLINE: June 30, 2013 YOUR NAME (お名前):______________________________________PHONE : (お電話番号) :_________________ NAME OF DECEASED(亡くなった方のお名前): 1.____________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________ 4.____________________________________________________________ LARGE(大)____×$10.00 + SMALL(小)____×$7.00 = TOTAL(合計)$______________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Order accepted by : _______________ Date accepted : _______/______/ 2013 ( In person / Mail / By phone ) Received by : _______________ Date paid : _______/______/ 2013 (Cash / Check # __________ ) Write_______ ( Cut ) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Order accepted by : _______________ Date accepted : _______/______/ 2013 ( In person / Mail / By phone ) Received by : _______________ Date paid : _______/______/ 2013 (Cash / Check # __________ ) Write_______ Page 9
  • 10. Obituaries The Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends its sincere condolences to the family members and loved ones of the following members who have recently left this world for the Pure Land. Fumiye Teruya 82 Carole Masako Yano 68 Kikue Akamine Yogi 95 Jodo Mission Office Hours: Monday to Saturday 8am—5pm Sunday & Holidays 8am—3pm Phone: 949-3995 Website: Rev. Yubun Narashiba Head Minister Rev. Kanjun Nakano Resident Minister Rev. Dwight Nakamura Retired MinisterPage 10 Rev. Yasuhiro Watanabe 2013 BON DANCE SCHEDULE OF JODO SHU TEMPLES Apology for April Eitaikyo List: We apolo- gize for not listing the following death in April Bul- letin: 4/30: Mitoshi Tanaka Island Temple Phone No. Dates Times Oahu Betsuin 949-3995 Aug 16 to 17 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Haleiwa 637-4382 July 26 to 27 7/26: 8 pm – 10 pm 7/27: 8 pm – 11 pm Big Island [Hawaii] Kurtistown Call Rev. Miyazaki (808) 935-6996 August 3 8:00 pm Hilo July 12 to 13 7/12: 7:30 pm 7/13: 8:00 pm Hakalau August 17 8:00 pm Hamakua Call Rev. Wansa (808) 775-0965 August 10 6:30 pm Kohala July 13 6:30 pm Hawi August 3 6:30 pm Maui Kahului Call Rev. John Hara (808) 244-0066 August 10 7:00 pm Wailuku June 28 7:00 pm Lahaina (808) 661-4304 July 6 7:00 pm Kapaa (808) 822-4319 August 2 to 3 7:30 pmKauai Koloa (808) 742-6735 July 5 to 6 7:30 pm
  • 11. 1 Tatsuo Nonaka 2 Takayo Fukuda The Fukuda Family Yasuichi Nakai The Nakai Family Kikue Tejima The Tejima Family Yasu Kawamura Fujio Fujita 4 Rui Yasumoto Shizutaro Kimura Fujiko Teruya Katsu Yokoyama Susan Teruko Lubick 5 Kamematsu Kano The Kano & Watanabe Families Shuichi Arakawa Yoshikazu Ebisuzaki Tamon Yamaguchi Japanese Marines 6 Chujiro Nishimura The Nishimura Family Matsu Wakagi The Wakagi Family Tomo Daitoku (2) The Daitoku, Fujimoto, & Kawauchi Families Shinichi Fukuda The Fukuda Family Miyoshi Takara 7 Ayako Morikawa The Morikawa Family Taki Asai Kichi Kunihisa Shina Kotake 8 Soichi Hirano The Hirano & Kaneko Families The Hirota Family Saku Yokoyama 9 Sueko Tanimura The Tanimura Family Kenzaburo Ishii The Ishii Family Emi Kawamoto 10 Hosuke Miyagawa The Miyagawa Family Ariki Fujimoto Hisako Mitani Mieko Ono BerthaTakako Homareda 12 Bunjiro Umemoto The Umemoto Family Mitsuyoshi Okamura The Okamura Family 13 Charlse Harumi Takabayashi (2) Jeane SachikoEbisuzaki 14 Masuzo Konaka The Konaka, Yano, & Hayashi Families Kiichi Morisako Katsuko Sakakibara Shigeki Narahara 15 Yoshio Morita The Morita Family Kikutaro Higashide The Higashide & Fuyukawa Families Albert Akira Sakuda 16 Onichi Chinen The Chinen Family Chiyo Heirakuji Harry NoboruMatsumoto Iwao Oki 17 Natsu Kawamura The Kawamura Family Senjiro Ogawa Ichiro Nakatsuka The Hirotsu Family Helen Miyoko Oda Hachijiro Homareda 18 Bunkichi Kamimura Tama Morita The Morita Family Chiyo Mori Hatsuyo Yoshikawa Kame Uyehara The Uyehara family KayKimiko Yamamoto 19 Kiyomatsu Ueno The Ueno Family Shinei Kanehira The Kanehira Family Mitsuru Ogi Kenichi Naito Sam SaburoTaniguchi Kikuyo Morioka Miyoshi Akashi 20 Hisataro Yanagihara The Yanagihara Family Naoji Yokoyama Moushi Kobashigawa Kame Uyehara Ichitaro Matsuda Hisakichi Yamamoto Wade Kenji Sakai 21 Sumi Takeda The Takeda Family Komanoshin Masatsugu Teruo Masatsugu Ayako Tasaka Suzuko Shigehara 22 Isuke Iwasaki Murakami's Baby Kazumi Mizuta Yoshimi Maruuchi Edward Isamu Kimoto Moshi Takara Takara’s Baby 23 Isamu Yonemoto The Yonemoto Family Yoshio Higa The Higa Family Yoshiko Hamasaki Jonosuke Arakawa Kosuke Takara Kihachi Kishimoto 24 Yoshito Ebisuya The Ebisuya Family The Fujii Family Tokiko Karakake 25 Hana Mitsutani The Mitsutani Family Nobuyuki Nishida Yukio Hirata Akio Nathon Tagami 26 Fuji Yano The Yano, Konaka, & Hayashi Families Daizo Kawamura The Kawamura Family Mokunosuke Taniguchi Isamu Nakano Keigo Soma Claris SadakoYamamoto 27 Ron Kiyoshi Amasaki Akira Shimoda 28 Shintaro Masuda The Masuda & Asamura Families Ryoshichi Himuro The Himuro Family Kiyoichi Oshiro 29 Kumanosuke Morikawa The Morikawa Family Sadamu Yanagihara The Yanagihara Family Kinuyo Karimoto Ziu Takaoka Kiichi Takaoka Shizuko Heirakuji Grace Kawafuchi 30 Hana Ishizaki Tsurue Nagaishi The Nakauye Family John Yoshito Nakauye Koei Takara Gerald Kenji Sato EITAIKYO (Perpetual Memorial Service) for June