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Guest Speakers for January 2016 at Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Sunday, January 3, 2016 at 10 a.m.
Guest Speaker: Ashley Mizuo was the 2014 Namiye
Nakamura Scholarship recipient (Hawaii Jodo Shu Rengo
Fujinkai). She will tell us her experience the first year of college
at Loyola University in Chicago.
Sunday, January 17, 2016 at 10 a.m.
Guest Speakers: Betsy Young
and Les Goto, volunteers at the Japanese Cultural Center of
Hawaii. They will come to our Sunday Service to speak to us about the
Honouliuli Internment Camp. This internment camp is one of the
largest which interned many Japanese Americans and it was opened in
1943 and closed in 1946. They will also speak about the internment and
about the various Jodo Shu ministers who were interned.
As members of Jodo Mission of Hawaii, you are cordially welcome to attend the 2016 General
Membership Meeting on Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 10:30 a.m., following the Sunday Ser-
vice in the temple. Please join us. Following the religious and business portion, please join us for
a New Year’s party (see pags 4 and 6)
Page 2
Lectures on the New Otsutome Book
Both Rev. Nakano and Rev. Narashiba gave lectures pertaining to the new
Otsutome Book. Rev. Nakano explained the physical appearance of the new Otsutome
Book consisting of Japanese reading, Chinese characters, English translations. He also said
that Otsutome means to pray hard or to pray diligently.
Rev. Nakano also explained how you hold the juzu in Jodo Buddhism as opposed to
Jodo Shinshu. He said you offer incense three times: first, to the Buddha, second, to our
ancestors and third to purify myself.
On November 29, 2015, Rev. Narashiba read “Hotsugan-Mon” in Japanese and ex-
plained in English. He also explained the 5 stages of dying: 1) denial (denying the diagnosis is not correct);
2) anger (when the individual cannot continue being in denial and then becomes angry, why me?); 3) bargain-
ing (individual promises to do good to avoid grief); 4) depression (this fourth stage, the individual says he can-
not change, I’m going to die soon so what’s the point?” In this stage, the individual may become silent, refuse
visitors and spends much of the time mournful and sullen); and (5) acceptance (this stage the person realizes,
he cannot fight it so he may as well prepare for it).
Rev. Narashiba mentioned 9 classes of when you enter the Pure Land:
1. First Class: Many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and heavenly beings
will come down to escort you with a shining vehicle like diamonds.
2. Second Class: Smaller number but still many Buddhas, Bodhi-
sattvas and heavenly beings will come down to escort you with a shining ve-
hicle like gold.
3. Third Class: Even smaller number but still many Buddhas,
Bodhisattvas and heavenly beings will come down to escort you with a vehi-
cle decorated with golden lotus flowers.
4. Fourth Class: One small group of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and
heavenly beings and three escorts will come down to escort you with a vehi-
cle decorated with lotus flowers.
5. Fifth Class: Two big groups of escorts will come down to escort you.
6. Sixth Class: Smaller groups of escorts will come down to escort you.
7. Seventh Class: Three Buddhas will come down to escort you.
8. Eighth Class: One Buddha and two Bodhisattvas will come down to escort you.
9. Ninth Class: Nobody will come.
Original Vow: If, when I attain Buddhahood, sentient beings in the lands of the ten quarters who sincerely and
joyfully entrust themselves to me, desire to be born in my land, and call my Name, even ten times, should not
be born there, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment. Excluded, however, are those who commit the five grav-
est offenses and abuse the right Dharma.
O-Nenbutsu in the Dark: On December 20, 2015 Rev. Nakano did the O-Nenbutsu in the
dark. All the curtains were drawn and the lights turned off and everyone chanted the O-Nenbutsu for
4 to 5 minutes. In Japan, this chanting is done during the evening hours when it is dark however if
we draw the drapes, it will have the same effect. To do the O-Nenbutsu in the dark is so that you are
able to concentrate on Amida Buddha. We will try this again on January 31, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.
Service. Hopefully, we will have this on every third Sunday. Please join us.
Page 3
New Year Message
“A Happy New Year!” “ Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu!” Congratu-
lations! Another new year has opened up! First of all, I would like to thank
everyone for your help and support for Jodo Mission, especially I would like
to thank the volunteers who worked so hard last year. Because of your help,
the activities such as O-Bon, Bon Dance, Bazaar, Mochi Making and so on
were very successful.
The last year was a year of repairs. The repairs started with the first repair of our temple
treasure of “Nehan-zu” which is the hanging scroll of the scenery
of Buddha’s passing away. The scroll was damaged by moth-eaten
holes and stains. The scroll was sent to Japan and, six months
later, it came back like a new one.
The second repair was to paint the window frames of the main
hall of the temple. Because of
natural aging, water started to
soak into the window frames
and damage them. I think we were very lucky that we
were able to finish it before the beginning of the rainy
The third repair was the support of
our temple bell. Again, because of
natural aging, the original hanging
bars and chains which supported our temple bell got rusted and looked
very dangerous. With very strong metal bars, a new support was weld-
ed and installed. Next time you visit the temple, please take a look at
our newly installed temple bell.
Now, the door of 2016 is open! If you are regretting about this and that, let’s leave them
behind. If many good things happened to you during the past year, let’s pray for more good
things to happen in this year again. If you lost your beloved ones, let’s pray for them to be
able to live happy and peaceful second lives in the Pure Land.
At the end of my message, I would like to thank again all of our members, supporters and
friends, and ask for your continuous support for Jodo Mission.
May Buddha keep on shining upon us and may you have a very Happy New Year!
In Gassho,
Rev. Yubun Narashiba
Jodo Mission of Hawaii
Head Minister
Attending the Inauguration Ceremony of Our Former Minister, Rev. Oeda (2)
By Rev. Yubun Narashiba
On Friday, October 16, 2015, our former minister Rev. Hiroyoshi Oeda officially succeeded his fa-
ther’s temple with the Grand Inauguration ceremony and the cerebration party was held at Sendai City of
Miyagi prefecture in Japan.
The following is a short report of my trip to Sendai to attend the ceremony and the party. The report for
Day 1 and 2 is on page 4 of our December bulletin.
Day 3 (Oct. 16, 2015)
"Today is the big day for everybody. I came here all the way from Hawaii for this day," I said to my
self. I checked the weather through the window. There wasn't even a small piece of cloud in the sky. It was a
gorgeous day.
When Rev. Yoshimizu came to pick me up at the hotel, I saw Rev. Kodo
Tanaka and Rev. Kudo were also in the car. Though it was a long ride for
50 minutes to Rev. Oeda's temple, I enjoyed the scenery of drying rice straws which
I saw here and there when I was a child.
We arrived at the temple at about 10:30 a.m. Former Hawaii ministers, Rev.
Akiya, Rev. Nakazawa and Rev. Hama-
da were there already. After a short lunch break, the ceremony
started with the procession to the main hall. As you can see in the
picture, more than 70 ministers in the procession and 250 people
lined up along the way to the main hall. The ceremony was offi-
ciated by the Archbishop Kisho Yagi of Zojo-ji Temple. The cer-
emony was not too long. Only for 2 hours of chant-
ing sutras, blessings and speeches. In his speech,
Rev. Oeda promised that he will do his best to keep
the tradition of the temple. The origin of the temple
can be traced back to July 7, 1198, when a hanging
scroll of Amida Buddha was dedicated to the grave
of Taira no Sadayoshi who was a Samurai of Heike clan.
[Continued on page 6]
Heike mon
Shinnenkai 新年会 New Year’s Party
Please join us for our New Year’s Party following the Annual General Member-
ship meeting. All members and friends are invited. Come and meet your Board
of Directors.
Date: Sunday, January 24
Time: 11:30 am (after General Membership Meeting)
Place: Jodo Mission Social Hall
Honoring Hyakusai Members (100 year olds) 百 歳 See page 6 for more information.
Page 4
Page 5
GYOKI-E CHUTOBA FORM 2016(御忌会中塔婆申し込み用紙)
Deadline: January 6, 2016
YOUR NAME(お名前):_________________PHONE(お電話番号):________
NAME OF DECEASED(亡くなった方のお名前):
One Chutoba is $ 7.00 × Total of Chutoba ______ = Total $______
(中塔婆 1本 7ドル) (本数) (合計)
Order accepted by: _______________ Date accepted: _______/______/ 2016 (In person / Mail / By phone)
Received by: _______________ Date paid: _______/______/ 2016 (Cash / Check # __________ ) Write_______
Gyoki-e (Honen Shonin’s Memorial Service)
Gyoki-e means the memorial service for Honen Shonin. Honen Shonin, who is a
founder of Jodo Shu, passed away on January 25th, 1212. He was 80 years old.
After Honen Shonin passed away, his disciples and believers started to have a me-
morial service for him on the 25th of every month. The biggest ceremony was held on
25th of January every year. This service was held not only locally in Kyoto but it spread
all over Japan. In those days, the word “Gyoki” meant the anniversary of the deaths of
the Emperors or their wives. The word “Gyoki” was such a respectable word for the
Emperor's family.
Three hundred years later, after Honen Shonin passed away, the Emperor
Gokashiwabara mandated Jodo Shu to call the anniversary of Honen Shonin’s death
“Gyoki”. Since then, people called his annual memorial service “Gyoki”. This occa-
sion implied that Honen Shonin was clearly accepted and revered by the Emperor and
the people.
Our Gyoki-e service will be held on January 17th at 10 a.m. Please join us.
Chutoba is available for this Gyoki-e service. At this service you may also honor
your deceased ancestors with a Chutoba prayer. See above Chutoba order form.
Founder of Jodo Shu :
Honen Shonin
Gyoki-e Service
January 17 at 10 a.m.
____ I plan to attend service
____ I do not plan to attend
MAHALO Thank you everyone who came for general clean-up of the
Temple, including the Columbarium or Nokotsudo on December 13, 2015.
Your hard work and dedication to the Temple are deeply appreciated. Thank
you to the Sunday School and Intermediate YBA for the delicious pizza lunch-
eon and visit by Santa. What an enjoyable treat after general cleaning!
Jodo Mission Office Hours:
Monday to Saturday: 8am—5pm
Sunday & Holidays: 8am—3pm
Phone: 949-3995
Page 6
Rev. Yubun Narashiba
Head Minister
Rev. Kanjun Nakano
Resident Minister
Bishop Gensho Hara
Lahaina, Maui
FAQ: How should we discard Kagami Mochi?
ANS: Because of the unique climate of Hawaii,
Kagami Mochi gets moldy much faster than in Japan.
Therefore, it is recommended to take the mochi down
after the first three holy days of the New Year (i.e. on
January 4th), although it is a common practice in Japan
to keep them until January 11th.
After you take them down, it is best to you eat
them very soon. However, in Hawaii, it is quite possible
that the Kagami Mochi is already moldy. In that case,
sprinkle a dash of salt on the Kagami Mochi to purify
them just like Sumo wrestlers purify the Sumo ring with
salt and wrap them with white paper such as paper tow-
el, and then throw them away.
Or you may soak the moldy Kagami Mochi in wa-
ter so the mold will easily rub off the mochi and can be
eaten in soups, fried or can be cooked over the hibachi.
Rev. Oeda (cont’d0
After the ceremony and picture taking,
we moved back to the Sendai city, and the re-
ception was held in the Westin Sendai Hotel.
There were about 500 people there. We
enjoyed singing, dancing and especially joyful
conversations with former Hawaii ministers.
Rev. Oeda's wife, Mari, sang two songs ac-
companied by a violin.
Day 4
It was a short but very enjoyable trip. I
feel like my soul and spirits are purified and
refreshed. Thank you very much Oeda
Hyakusai (100 year olds)
百 歳
We would like to honor all 100
year olds and older members at
our New Year’s Party. If you
know of anyone who will be
100 years old or older by
January 24 and he/she will be
attending the Shinenkai, please
call Rev. Narashiba at
949-3995 with the name of the
member. Thank you.
1 Sekitaro Hirohama
The Hirohama & Kawasugi
Kenji Fujikami
The Hashimoto Family
The Ohara Family
Haruko Ikuta
Tsugio Takamatsu Family
Tomomitsu Kawamura
The Kawamura Family
Fukuda Tokusaburo’s Father
Hon-yo Jo-dai Shin-ji
The Fukuda Family
The Nakabayashi Family
Chukichi Asamura
Toyo Asamura
The Masuda & Asamura Family
The Yamasaki & Hara Family
The Yoshizaki Family
The Matsushita Family
The Aoki Family
The Sakuda Family
The Okamura Family
Stanley Satoru Morimoto
2 Richard Hichiro Kawamoto
3 Hideo Toyoshiba
Yoshitaka Wada
4 Tamaru Muraoka
5 Kiyo Fujikami
The Fujikami Family
Shizuyo Morisako
Kasuke Yamane
Jiro Nakamura
Randall Loreg
The Loreg Family
6 Kikuyo Yamasaki
Eiichi Fujita
Shigeharu Ohata
7 Jiro Oyabu
The Oyabu & Kondo Family
Kazuko Nomiyama
Tetsuko Miyamoto
Kama Takara
Ruth Shigeko Tarumoto
8 Matsujiro Otani (1)
The Otani Family
The Yanagihara Family
Toshio Isoibe
The Isobe Family
Matsujiro Otani (2)
Taketo Sumimoto (1)
Juichi Uesugi
Fusataro Higuchi
Taketo Sumimoto (2)
Kenji Miyakawa
Nobu Kishimoto
9 Taka Tomonari
The Tomonari Family
Asa Hayashi
Hisako Takamura
10 Hiroko Yoza
The Yoza Family
Kami Higa
The Higa Family
Bishop Ninryo Nago
The Nago & Kunimoto Family
11 Tokoe Imaguchi
The Imaguchi Family
Hatsuko Hayashi
The Hayashi Family
Masakichi Teruya
Reginald Hisao Hisamura
Uichiro Ishii
Kohei Umeda
Matsuyo Yamamoto
Tadashi Yanagihara
12 Heiji Fukuda (1)
Heiji Fukuda (2)
The Fukuda Family
Nagao Yamada
Shokichi Harada
13 Bishop Jiko Kuya
Shima Morita
Shizue Fujita
Shima Morita
14 Akitaka Chikamoto
The Ohta Family
Genzo Yanagihara
The Yanagihara Family
Tsuchiyo Kimoto
Miyoko Kaya
James Akira Tamura
15 Tane Nagata (1)
The Nagata Family
Sukeichi Kameoka
The Kameoka Family
Tane Nagata (2)
Mildred Misako Tanimura
Shizue Kimura
16 Take Shinagawa
Tomojiro Fujita
The Fujita Family
Kenji Iwamoto
Chiyoka Mizuno
Seiichi Shimamoto
17 Hanayo Taniguchi
Kame Okamoto
Moto Kawasugi
Nobuo Hayashi
18 Kiyomatsu Daitoku (1)
The Daitoku Family
The Kawauchi Family
Katsutoshi Takada
The Takada Family
Kiyomatsu Daitoku (2)
Itaro Kurihara
The Kurihara Family
Masao Ishii
Shoichi Ishida
19 Tai Kawano
The Kawano Family
Chiyo Tomai
The Tomai Family
Miyo Ueno
The Ueno Family
20 Shinazo Nishiguchi
The Nishiguchi Family
Noboru Ajimura
The Ajimura Family
Kiku Kimura
Yuriko Nishimoto
21 Sueko Higashimura
Kiku Kimura
The Kimura & Muroshige
Masao Teruya
Takeo Yamane
Shimo Hatanaka
Hiroshi Furuya
Tsuneko Shintaku
Koichi Ronald Namihira
Aileen Mitsuyo Kishida
22 Masae Tanimura
Konoshin Kimura
Fukukichi Tatei
23 Shokichi Fukumoto
The Fukumoto Family
Takeo Yoshihara
The Yoshihara Family
The Tanaka Family
Jiro Kiyama
Ralph Toshiaki Hashimoto
Terry Kazuo Yorimoto
24 Heikichi Isobe
The Isobe Family
Machi Yokoyama
The Yokoyama & Morita Family
Toranosuke Kinoshita
Tane Kinoshita
The Kinoshita Family
Tsune Aoki
George Masao Tanaka
Helen Katsuko Ito
Tetsuo Shinohara
25 Taka Fukuda
The Fukuda Family
Saiichi Hyodo
Joseph Yoshihiko Fujihana
Sadako Oki
Teruko Mamiya
The Sato Omura Family
Takeshi Tanaka
26 Take Arita
The Arita Family
Haruo Nakamura
The Nakamura Family
Kimio Yagi
The Yagi Family
Sueyoshi Yanagihara
Yoshi Yamamoto
Chester Takeo Kaita
27 Seiichi Fujimoto
The Fujimoto Family
Takeshi Sato
Charles Shoichi Kimura
Hiroko Nakano
Yoshiro Ohta
The Ohta Family
28 Yoshie Sato
The Sato & Suzuki Family
Sae Higashimura
The Higashimura Family
Tome Yamanaka
The Yamanaka Family
Chizuko Saeki
Sadamu Iwamoto
Yooko Fujimoto
29 Tomo Isobe
Hana Kinoshita
The Kinoshita Family
Jisaburo Kanemoto
The Kanemoto & Miyamoto
Kansuke Shintani
Fusao Taniguchi
Ralph Hitoshi Tanaka
Toshito Fukuda
Hisayo Higashi
30 Kumaichi Tomonari
The Tomonari Family
Tsunejiro Kawasaki
The Kawasaki & Nakagawa
Ine Yoshizaki
The Yoshizaki Family
Tomota Kakehashi
Masao Kume
Akio Matsuda
Kiyoshi Kamimura
Barbara Okimoto
31 You Kawamura
The Kawamura Family
Shizuko Aoyama
Kaname Yamanaka
Takeo Tanaka
Shigeno Ohara
Perpetual Memorial Service (Eitaikyo)
For January
The Jodo Mission of Hawaii
extends its sincere condolences
to the family members and
loved ones of the following
members who have recently left
this world for the Pure Land.
Riley Tetsumi Mende 62
Helen Setsuko Takaoka 81
Shizue Ushijima 91
Ronald Tatsushi Nakamoto 86
Mae Vinta Yamamoto 78
Richard Kazuo Harada 87
Joyce Tomoe Yoshikawa 93

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Jodo Mission Bulletin - January 2016

  • 1. JodoMissionofHawaii Bulletin-JANUARY2016 (#1230-0116) JodoMissionofHawaii 1429MakikiSt. HonoluluHI96814 AddressServiceRequested Guest Speakers for January 2016 at Jodo Mission of Hawaii Sunday, January 3, 2016 at 10 a.m. Guest Speaker: Ashley Mizuo was the 2014 Namiye Nakamura Scholarship recipient (Hawaii Jodo Shu Rengo Fujinkai). She will tell us her experience the first year of college at Loyola University in Chicago. Sunday, January 17, 2016 at 10 a.m. Guest Speakers: Betsy Young and Les Goto, volunteers at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii. They will come to our Sunday Service to speak to us about the Honouliuli Internment Camp. This internment camp is one of the largest which interned many Japanese Americans and it was opened in 1943 and closed in 1946. They will also speak about the internment and about the various Jodo Shu ministers who were interned. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING As members of Jodo Mission of Hawaii, you are cordially welcome to attend the 2016 General Membership Meeting on Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 10:30 a.m., following the Sunday Ser- vice in the temple. Please join us. Following the religious and business portion, please join us for a New Year’s party (see pags 4 and 6)
  • 2. Page 2 Lectures on the New Otsutome Book Both Rev. Nakano and Rev. Narashiba gave lectures pertaining to the new Otsutome Book. Rev. Nakano explained the physical appearance of the new Otsutome Book consisting of Japanese reading, Chinese characters, English translations. He also said that Otsutome means to pray hard or to pray diligently. Rev. Nakano also explained how you hold the juzu in Jodo Buddhism as opposed to Jodo Shinshu. He said you offer incense three times: first, to the Buddha, second, to our ancestors and third to purify myself. On November 29, 2015, Rev. Narashiba read “Hotsugan-Mon” in Japanese and ex- plained in English. He also explained the 5 stages of dying: 1) denial (denying the diagnosis is not correct); 2) anger (when the individual cannot continue being in denial and then becomes angry, why me?); 3) bargain- ing (individual promises to do good to avoid grief); 4) depression (this fourth stage, the individual says he can- not change, I’m going to die soon so what’s the point?” In this stage, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors and spends much of the time mournful and sullen); and (5) acceptance (this stage the person realizes, he cannot fight it so he may as well prepare for it). Rev. Narashiba mentioned 9 classes of when you enter the Pure Land: 1. First Class: Many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and heavenly beings will come down to escort you with a shining vehicle like diamonds. 2. Second Class: Smaller number but still many Buddhas, Bodhi- sattvas and heavenly beings will come down to escort you with a shining ve- hicle like gold. 3. Third Class: Even smaller number but still many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and heavenly beings will come down to escort you with a vehi- cle decorated with golden lotus flowers. 4. Fourth Class: One small group of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and heavenly beings and three escorts will come down to escort you with a vehi- cle decorated with lotus flowers. 5. Fifth Class: Two big groups of escorts will come down to escort you. 6. Sixth Class: Smaller groups of escorts will come down to escort you. 7. Seventh Class: Three Buddhas will come down to escort you. 8. Eighth Class: One Buddha and two Bodhisattvas will come down to escort you. 9. Ninth Class: Nobody will come. Original Vow: If, when I attain Buddhahood, sentient beings in the lands of the ten quarters who sincerely and joyfully entrust themselves to me, desire to be born in my land, and call my Name, even ten times, should not be born there, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment. Excluded, however, are those who commit the five grav- est offenses and abuse the right Dharma. O-Nenbutsu in the Dark: On December 20, 2015 Rev. Nakano did the O-Nenbutsu in the dark. All the curtains were drawn and the lights turned off and everyone chanted the O-Nenbutsu for 4 to 5 minutes. In Japan, this chanting is done during the evening hours when it is dark however if we draw the drapes, it will have the same effect. To do the O-Nenbutsu in the dark is so that you are able to concentrate on Amida Buddha. We will try this again on January 31, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. Service. Hopefully, we will have this on every third Sunday. Please join us.
  • 3. Page 3 New Year Message “A Happy New Year!” “ Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu!” Congratu- lations! Another new year has opened up! First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your help and support for Jodo Mission, especially I would like to thank the volunteers who worked so hard last year. Because of your help, the activities such as O-Bon, Bon Dance, Bazaar, Mochi Making and so on were very successful. The last year was a year of repairs. The repairs started with the first repair of our temple treasure of “Nehan-zu” which is the hanging scroll of the scenery of Buddha’s passing away. The scroll was damaged by moth-eaten holes and stains. The scroll was sent to Japan and, six months later, it came back like a new one. The second repair was to paint the window frames of the main hall of the temple. Because of natural aging, water started to soak into the window frames and damage them. I think we were very lucky that we were able to finish it before the beginning of the rainy season. The third repair was the support of our temple bell. Again, because of natural aging, the original hanging bars and chains which supported our temple bell got rusted and looked very dangerous. With very strong metal bars, a new support was weld- ed and installed. Next time you visit the temple, please take a look at our newly installed temple bell. Now, the door of 2016 is open! If you are regretting about this and that, let’s leave them behind. If many good things happened to you during the past year, let’s pray for more good things to happen in this year again. If you lost your beloved ones, let’s pray for them to be able to live happy and peaceful second lives in the Pure Land. At the end of my message, I would like to thank again all of our members, supporters and friends, and ask for your continuous support for Jodo Mission. May Buddha keep on shining upon us and may you have a very Happy New Year! In Gassho, Rev. Yubun Narashiba Jodo Mission of Hawaii Head Minister
  • 4. Attending the Inauguration Ceremony of Our Former Minister, Rev. Oeda (2) By Rev. Yubun Narashiba On Friday, October 16, 2015, our former minister Rev. Hiroyoshi Oeda officially succeeded his fa- ther’s temple with the Grand Inauguration ceremony and the cerebration party was held at Sendai City of Miyagi prefecture in Japan. The following is a short report of my trip to Sendai to attend the ceremony and the party. The report for Day 1 and 2 is on page 4 of our December bulletin. Day 3 (Oct. 16, 2015) "Today is the big day for everybody. I came here all the way from Hawaii for this day," I said to my self. I checked the weather through the window. There wasn't even a small piece of cloud in the sky. It was a gorgeous day. When Rev. Yoshimizu came to pick me up at the hotel, I saw Rev. Kodo Tanaka and Rev. Kudo were also in the car. Though it was a long ride for 50 minutes to Rev. Oeda's temple, I enjoyed the scenery of drying rice straws which I saw here and there when I was a child. We arrived at the temple at about 10:30 a.m. Former Hawaii ministers, Rev. Akiya, Rev. Nakazawa and Rev. Hama- da were there already. After a short lunch break, the ceremony started with the procession to the main hall. As you can see in the picture, more than 70 ministers in the procession and 250 people lined up along the way to the main hall. The ceremony was offi- ciated by the Archbishop Kisho Yagi of Zojo-ji Temple. The cer- emony was not too long. Only for 2 hours of chant- ing sutras, blessings and speeches. In his speech, Rev. Oeda promised that he will do his best to keep the tradition of the temple. The origin of the temple can be traced back to July 7, 1198, when a hanging scroll of Amida Buddha was dedicated to the grave of Taira no Sadayoshi who was a Samurai of Heike clan. [Continued on page 6] Heike mon Shinnenkai 新年会 New Year’s Party Please join us for our New Year’s Party following the Annual General Member- ship meeting. All members and friends are invited. Come and meet your Board of Directors. Date: Sunday, January 24 Time: 11:30 am (after General Membership Meeting) Place: Jodo Mission Social Hall Honoring Hyakusai Members (100 year olds) 百 歳 See page 6 for more information. Page 4
  • 5. Page 5 GYOKI-E CHUTOBA FORM 2016(御忌会中塔婆申し込み用紙) Deadline: January 6, 2016 YOUR NAME(お名前):_________________PHONE(お電話番号):________ NAME OF DECEASED(亡くなった方のお名前): 1._________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________ 4.____________________________________________________________ One Chutoba is $ 7.00 × Total of Chutoba ______ = Total $______ (中塔婆 1本 7ドル) (本数) (合計) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Order accepted by: _______________ Date accepted: _______/______/ 2016 (In person / Mail / By phone) Received by: _______________ Date paid: _______/______/ 2016 (Cash / Check # __________ ) Write_______ -------------------——---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gyoki-e (Honen Shonin’s Memorial Service) Gyoki-e means the memorial service for Honen Shonin. Honen Shonin, who is a founder of Jodo Shu, passed away on January 25th, 1212. He was 80 years old. After Honen Shonin passed away, his disciples and believers started to have a me- morial service for him on the 25th of every month. The biggest ceremony was held on 25th of January every year. This service was held not only locally in Kyoto but it spread all over Japan. In those days, the word “Gyoki” meant the anniversary of the deaths of the Emperors or their wives. The word “Gyoki” was such a respectable word for the Emperor's family. Three hundred years later, after Honen Shonin passed away, the Emperor Gokashiwabara mandated Jodo Shu to call the anniversary of Honen Shonin’s death “Gyoki”. Since then, people called his annual memorial service “Gyoki”. This occa- sion implied that Honen Shonin was clearly accepted and revered by the Emperor and the people. Our Gyoki-e service will be held on January 17th at 10 a.m. Please join us. Chutoba is available for this Gyoki-e service. At this service you may also honor your deceased ancestors with a Chutoba prayer. See above Chutoba order form. Founder of Jodo Shu : Honen Shonin (1133-1212) Gyoki-e Service January 17 at 10 a.m. ____ I plan to attend service ____ I do not plan to attend MAHALO Thank you everyone who came for general clean-up of the Temple, including the Columbarium or Nokotsudo on December 13, 2015. Your hard work and dedication to the Temple are deeply appreciated. Thank you to the Sunday School and Intermediate YBA for the delicious pizza lunch- eon and visit by Santa. What an enjoyable treat after general cleaning!
  • 6. Jodo Mission Office Hours: Monday to Saturday: 8am—5pm Sunday & Holidays: 8am—3pm Phone: 949-3995 Website: Page 6 Rev. Yubun Narashiba Head Minister Rev. Kanjun Nakano Resident Minister Bishop Gensho Hara Lahaina, Maui FAQ: How should we discard Kagami Mochi? ANS: Because of the unique climate of Hawaii, Kagami Mochi gets moldy much faster than in Japan. Therefore, it is recommended to take the mochi down after the first three holy days of the New Year (i.e. on January 4th), although it is a common practice in Japan to keep them until January 11th. After you take them down, it is best to you eat them very soon. However, in Hawaii, it is quite possible that the Kagami Mochi is already moldy. In that case, sprinkle a dash of salt on the Kagami Mochi to purify them just like Sumo wrestlers purify the Sumo ring with salt and wrap them with white paper such as paper tow- el, and then throw them away. Or you may soak the moldy Kagami Mochi in wa- ter so the mold will easily rub off the mochi and can be eaten in soups, fried or can be cooked over the hibachi. Rev. Oeda (cont’d0 After the ceremony and picture taking, we moved back to the Sendai city, and the re- ception was held in the Westin Sendai Hotel. There were about 500 people there. We enjoyed singing, dancing and especially joyful conversations with former Hawaii ministers. Rev. Oeda's wife, Mari, sang two songs ac- companied by a violin. Day 4 It was a short but very enjoyable trip. I feel like my soul and spirits are purified and refreshed. Thank you very much Oeda sensei. Hyakusai (100 year olds) 百 歳 We would like to honor all 100 year olds and older members at our New Year’s Party. If you know of anyone who will be 100 years old or older by January 24 and he/she will be attending the Shinenkai, please call Rev. Narashiba at 949-3995 with the name of the member. Thank you.
  • 7. 1 Sekitaro Hirohama The Hirohama & Kawasugi Family Kenji Fujikami The Hashimoto Family The Ohara Family Haruko Ikuta Tsugio Takamatsu Family Tomomitsu Kawamura The Kawamura Family Fukuda Tokusaburo’s Father Hon-yo Jo-dai Shin-ji The Fukuda Family The Nakabayashi Family Chukichi Asamura Toyo Asamura The Masuda & Asamura Family The Yamasaki & Hara Family The Yoshizaki Family The Matsushita Family The Aoki Family The Sakuda Family The Okamura Family Stanley Satoru Morimoto 2 Richard Hichiro Kawamoto 3 Hideo Toyoshiba Yoshitaka Wada 4 Tamaru Muraoka 5 Kiyo Fujikami The Fujikami Family Shizuyo Morisako Kasuke Yamane Jiro Nakamura Randall Loreg The Loreg Family 6 Kikuyo Yamasaki Eiichi Fujita Shigeharu Ohata 7 Jiro Oyabu The Oyabu & Kondo Family Kazuko Nomiyama Tetsuko Miyamoto Kama Takara Ruth Shigeko Tarumoto 8 Matsujiro Otani (1) The Otani Family The Yanagihara Family Toshio Isoibe The Isobe Family Matsujiro Otani (2) Taketo Sumimoto (1) Juichi Uesugi Fusataro Higuchi Taketo Sumimoto (2) Kenji Miyakawa Nobu Kishimoto 9 Taka Tomonari The Tomonari Family Asa Hayashi Hisako Takamura 10 Hiroko Yoza The Yoza Family Kami Higa The Higa Family Bishop Ninryo Nago The Nago & Kunimoto Family 11 Tokoe Imaguchi The Imaguchi Family Hatsuko Hayashi The Hayashi Family Masakichi Teruya Reginald Hisao Hisamura Uichiro Ishii Kohei Umeda Matsuyo Yamamoto Tadashi Yanagihara 12 Heiji Fukuda (1) Heiji Fukuda (2) The Fukuda Family Nagao Yamada Shokichi Harada 13 Bishop Jiko Kuya Shima Morita Shizue Fujita Shima Morita 14 Akitaka Chikamoto The Ohta Family Genzo Yanagihara The Yanagihara Family Tsuchiyo Kimoto Miyoko Kaya James Akira Tamura 15 Tane Nagata (1) The Nagata Family Sukeichi Kameoka The Kameoka Family Tane Nagata (2) Mildred Misako Tanimura Shizue Kimura 16 Take Shinagawa Tomojiro Fujita The Fujita Family Kenji Iwamoto Chiyoka Mizuno Seiichi Shimamoto 17 Hanayo Taniguchi Kame Okamoto Moto Kawasugi Nobuo Hayashi 18 Kiyomatsu Daitoku (1) The Daitoku Family The Kawauchi Family Katsutoshi Takada The Takada Family Kiyomatsu Daitoku (2) Itaro Kurihara The Kurihara Family Masao Ishii Shoichi Ishida 19 Tai Kawano The Kawano Family Chiyo Tomai The Tomai Family Miyo Ueno The Ueno Family 20 Shinazo Nishiguchi The Nishiguchi Family Noboru Ajimura The Ajimura Family Kiku Kimura Yuriko Nishimoto 21 Sueko Higashimura Kiku Kimura The Kimura & Muroshige Family Masao Teruya Takeo Yamane Shimo Hatanaka Hiroshi Furuya Tsuneko Shintaku Koichi Ronald Namihira Aileen Mitsuyo Kishida 22 Masae Tanimura Konoshin Kimura Fukukichi Tatei 23 Shokichi Fukumoto The Fukumoto Family Takeo Yoshihara The Yoshihara Family The Tanaka Family Jiro Kiyama Ralph Toshiaki Hashimoto Terry Kazuo Yorimoto 24 Heikichi Isobe The Isobe Family Machi Yokoyama The Yokoyama & Morita Family Toranosuke Kinoshita Tane Kinoshita The Kinoshita Family Tsune Aoki George Masao Tanaka Helen Katsuko Ito Tetsuo Shinohara 25 Taka Fukuda The Fukuda Family Saiichi Hyodo Joseph Yoshihiko Fujihana Sadako Oki Teruko Mamiya The Sato Omura Family Takeshi Tanaka 26 Take Arita The Arita Family Haruo Nakamura The Nakamura Family Kimio Yagi The Yagi Family Sueyoshi Yanagihara Yoshi Yamamoto Chester Takeo Kaita 27 Seiichi Fujimoto The Fujimoto Family Takeshi Sato Charles Shoichi Kimura Hiroko Nakano Yoshiro Ohta The Ohta Family 28 Yoshie Sato The Sato & Suzuki Family Sae Higashimura The Higashimura Family Tome Yamanaka The Yamanaka Family Chizuko Saeki Sadamu Iwamoto Yooko Fujimoto 29 Tomo Isobe Hana Kinoshita The Kinoshita Family Jisaburo Kanemoto The Kanemoto & Miyamoto Family Kansuke Shintani Fusao Taniguchi Ralph Hitoshi Tanaka Toshito Fukuda Hisayo Higashi 30 Kumaichi Tomonari The Tomonari Family Tsunejiro Kawasaki The Kawasaki & Nakagawa Family Ine Yoshizaki The Yoshizaki Family Tomota Kakehashi Masao Kume Akio Matsuda Kiyoshi Kamimura Barbara Okimoto 31 You Kawamura The Kawamura Family Shizuko Aoyama Kaname Yamanaka Takeo Tanaka Shigeno Ohara Perpetual Memorial Service (Eitaikyo) For January Obituaries The Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends its sincere condolences to the family members and loved ones of the following members who have recently left this world for the Pure Land. Riley Tetsumi Mende 62 Helen Setsuko Takaoka 81 Shizue Ushijima 91 Ronald Tatsushi Nakamoto 86 Mae Vinta Yamamoto 78 Richard Kazuo Harada 87 Joyce Tomoe Yoshikawa 93
  • 8. SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 9:30amMorningService Everyday January2016JodoMissionofHawaii Phone:949-3995 10:00amFamilyService 11:00amSundaySchool 11:45amBoardMeeting 10:00NEWYEAR SERVICE 8:30amFujinkaiMtg. 10:00SundayService 11:00Sr.YBAMeeting 10:00Gyoki-eService (HonenShonin’sMemorial Service) COMINGEVENTS:Feb.14,2016Nehan-eFamilyService Feb21,2016DenDenMushiPanelTheaterStudents Feb28,2016FujinkaiNewYear’sparty 10amSundayService 10:30GeneralMembershipMtg 11:30amNewYear’sParty inSocialHall(SundaySchool willalsojoinparty) Fujinkai (women’sassociation) Jan.3:8:30am IkoiHall SundaySchool WewelcomechildrentojoinourSunday School.Let’senjoystudyingOnembutsuby doingvariousactivities. January10at11:00a.m. January24at11:00a,m. SeniorYBA Jan.3,2015 at11:00a.m. SewingCircle:Noclass DeadlinetoOrder Chutoba 3110:00SundayService (O-NenbutsuintheDark)