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KING Magazine

I have decided to use KING magazine for my research. I chose
this magazine because it is successful and it is relevant to my
the genre of my magazine being Hip-Hop.
King is a monthly men’s magazine who’s target audience is
African America and urban. It features articles about hip-hop and
R&B, as well as articles covering sports and fashion. The
magazine is published by Harris Publications. This magazine
was a spinoff from the magazine XXL, which ceased publication
on March 31, 2009, because of a reduction in sales due to poor
economic circumstances. KING then released monthly
instalments soon and It resumed publication, this time as a
commercial magazine, in late 2009.
The magazine is mainly features high quality photo-shoots, of
women wearing little to nothing followed closely by an interview
from the featured model.
Another magazine I decided to use for my
research was Clash I also think this is a
successful magazine I chose to research this
magazine because the target audience I am
aiming my magazine towards is young black
women, this magazine has elements which
cleverly depicts on its target audience being
teenage women.

And it is a combination of this magazine and
king I plan on using to make a hip hop magazine
which is targeted at young black women.

Clash is a popular music and fashion magazine
based in the U.K. Its published every month and
the very first issue was released in June 2004
Conventions of music

  •   Masthead
  •   eye catching images
  •   Taglines
  •   Bright, eye catching
  •   Uniform colour scheme
  •   Busy front cover
  •   Bold text
  •   Often a picture of an
      artist/celebrity or band
      (celebrity endorsement)
  •   Taglines
  •   Left third
  •   Cover lines
  •    Use of bar codes
  •   Image bleed
  •   Eye catching cover lines
  •   Splashes
Magazine front cover ideas
I took inspiration from both Clash and KING the reason
I chose to research these two magazines because I
believe by following the codes and conventions of
them both and combining them I can target a unique
target audience in a genre that doesn’t normally target
this audience the audience I am targeting is young
black women through a hip hop.
I chose Clash as I particularly like there stylistic layout
and use and placement of codes and conventions, I
chose to research KING magazine to get inspiration as
to the different ways I can pose my model; I also like
the use of typography used in the mast head and
selling lines of there magazine.

My intentions is to take the classy look from Clash and
the urban look from King and merge them together to
portray young black women in a different way then
they are in hip hop and show that women do not have
to be so revealing to appear attractive.
My ideas and influences
This image shows a magazine front cover of previous issue of
“Clash” and “KING” magazine. As my target audience is young black
women I need to include particular conventions of other women's
magazines. From my research women are attracted to “pretty”,
“vibrant” and “eye catching” colours and tend to pick up a magazine
which looks appealing

On “clash” magazine I particularly liked the general colour scheme
and in particular the box advertisement in the bottom left hand
corner of the page, I figured I this could use this to add celebrity
endorsement to my magazine, in order two follow the “two step flow”
theory. So my magazine being the source of mass media I could
use celebrity endorsement to put across my message to my target

Since the magazine I am creating is a hip hop and R&B I decided I
like the use of font and typography in the masthead as its bold
effective and stands out and this is a convention that is seen
throughout “KING” magazines
Contents page ideas
                   This is the contents page for a
                    previous edition of Clash
                    magazine along with its front
                    cover I think this contents page
                    is very effective and works very
                    well with the front cover.

                   • the colour scheme is
                    consistent in both the front cover
                    as well as its contents. In this
                    case its, green, pink, the only
                    variant is the background of the
                    contents is white, but it is clear it
                    is from the dame magazine.

                   In my opinion this contents page
                    is very effective as it follows the
                    general scheme of the front
                    cover whilst following codes and
In what way does my media product use,
develop or challenge conventions of real
media products?
   My intention is to create a magazine where the outcome
    will be a combination of conventions of two separate and
    established magazines the first is “clash” the second is
    “KING” the conventions I will take from each is the use of
    font in “KING” and the generic layout and colour scheme
    from “clash” the colour scheme I will use will not only relate
    to my target audience but my genre of music as well

   my music magazine challenges other magazines on the
    market, by depicting on a target audience of young black
    women but portraying them in a different way than most
    hip-hop and R&B magazines portray them to give them a
    positive reading on the media text.

   In doing so I believe I can expand the target audience of
    this magazine to the young black male as by reading my
    magazine they will have been given a different outlook on
    women as to be respected rather than just sexual objects.
How will my media product
    represent different social groups?
   My intentions are to have my magazine
    represent young women aged 17 –20.

   I would like my magazine to have a
    positive representation of women
    unlike many representations of young
    women in magazines and the general
    media today .

   My magazine will represent women as
    being independent, confident, sexy and
    respectable. I will do this through the
    pictures I take and the quotation I
    choose to display in my double page
What media institutions might
distribute my product and why
 Since I am using both KING and Clash magazines for
 my inspiration I done some research as to what media
 institutions publish them , and out of the two of them I
 believe The XXL Media Group would most likely publish
 my magazine as it XXL tends to publish urban hip hop
 and R&B music magazines which is the category my
 magazine falls into.

 I also believe this as I am following similar conventions to
 from KING in my magazine.

 The reason I don’t believe the Art8amby would distribute
 my product as they tend to distribute pop music which
 isn't the genre of my magazine and the only conventions
 I am following from Clash which is distributed by the
 Art8amby is the bright colour schemes and the generic
 layout to bring depict on my target audience being young
 black women.
Who will be the target audience
for my media product?
My music magazine is aimed at young
black women aged 17-20, who enjoy hip-
hop and R&B and are itching to know what
new music is to be expected .

As well as young women who generally
like reading and knowing about celebrities
lives and what inspired them
Stages of development part
   (original photo)This is my original
    photograph of my model the location is my
    front garden.
   I had my model pose this way to fit into the
    genre of hip-hop magazines as it displays
    her assists
   I took this photograph at night in so I could
    use the Flash setting on the camera to
    highlight features of the model.
   I had my model dress in leggings a loose
    but translucent top and heels to fit in with
    the genre as women in hip hop magazines
    reveal features of her figure
   I had her dress like this and not wear less
    clothing as I felt that would be
    inappropriate and I could still get the same
    effect whilst having my model fully clothed
Stages of development (photo)

(edited photo) Secondly I edited the
photo changing the colours my model
was wearing once I decided on the
colour scheme of my magazine I
added jewellery to the model
I did this also to fit my model in closer
relation to the design of the magazine
as a whole and the hip hop genre as
models in hip hop music magazines
are either coated in jewellery or in the
case of women dressed in very little
clothier which shows the model to be
very revealing
This is me refining and
experimenting with different
fonts, when I decided on a
suitable font and name I tried
the different colours at
different stages
Stages of development (front
 (Front cover development)The title pulse
 came from me brainstorming appropriate
 names for a hip hop magazine
 This version is just a stage of development
 I made the masthead large in font size in
 order to see different ways in which I could
 arrange it
 The image of the model has been poorly cut
 out but I only quickly added it to get a feel
 weather the magazine would work like this, I
 felt it didn’t so I changed various aspects of it
 such as the colour scheme and location and
 size of the model on the design
Stages of development (front
cover first draft)
 (magazine first draft)This is me further
 refining the main image as well as
 adding selling lines and cover lines to
 the design in order to bring my design
 in closer relation to magazines in

 The background is just an image off
 the internet I do NOT intend to use this
 image as my background. It was just a
 basis so I can see how my magazine
 could potentially look.
How will I attract my audience?
   I will attract my target audience by making sure that the
    colour scheme is consistent throughout my magazine.

   I will attract my audience by using bright colours, eye
    catching images and bold text.

   On my front cover I will have a strong masthead that
    stands out , a unique and interesting background and a
    complimentary picture of my model.

   On the contents page I will make the writing informative so
    the audience know where to look into my magazine to read
    what they want , I will also make this page visually
    attractive by following the general colour scheme of the
    front cover but with a unique and attractive layout.
   On my double page spread I will have several images of my
    model posing against shapes and text in, this I believe will
    work well in keeping the reader interested

   Once I have done this to the best o my ability I am sure the
    target audience will be attracted to my magazine.
Stages of development
(background of front cover)
(original background photo) This is my
original image that I have taken into
photo shop this photo was taken in the
day at 3 O’clock I made it black and
white in order to be able to manipulate
the levels of colour to fit exactly what I
have in mind .
The reason I took this photo in the day
was simply because I can see more of
the graphic features of the wall itself
My plan with the photo is to have my
model pose against it and I took photo
of this suburban wall to fit in closer
relation to the hip hop genre because
from my research I was the
backgrounds of magazines used real
location .
Stages of Stages of
development (background of
front cover)
My plan with the photo is to have my
model pose against it and I took photo of
this suburban wall to fit in closer relation
to the hip hop genre because from my
research I was the backgrounds of
magazines used real location
This is my original image that I have
taken into photo shop this photo was
taken in the day at 3 O’clock I made it
black and white in order to be able to
manipulate the levels of colour to fit
exactly what I have in mind.

The reason I took this photo in the day
was simply because I can see more of
the graphic features of the wall itself
Stages of development
(background of front cover)
The location of this photo is a suburban alley
way two streets away from my house I took
images of other walls but I decided to go with
this one as it was in my plan to have the
model pose against the wall

This was me developing the back round wall I
used a technique called due tone on photo
shop this feature make an image two colours
where I am able top freely adjust the levels
I chose mix between purple and pink as one
of the colours as it relates closely to my target
audience of females.
The second colour I added was black to
highlight key details of the photo I took this
photo before I took images of my model I had
to de them seperately as I didn’t want my
model to be displayed in the duo tone effect.
Stages of development (front
cover second draft)
(second Draft) this is my second draft for my
front cover I changed the colour scheme as I
felt red didn’t stand out in contrast to the
background that I have now made up my
mind on.

I then changed the size of the masthead in
order to have more room in the design as a
whole as I felt the sat head was previously
too big and didn’t follow the generic codes
and conventions of magazines.

 I added a selling line at the bottom of the
design along with the date, price and barcode
to add to the authenticity of the design.
Stages of development
contents page (part 1)
the first thing i did was take a picture of
the globe in an atlas i had at home,
secondly i took the photo into photo
shop and used duo tone with purple and
black to follow the colour scheme of the
front cover.
with this as the basis of my contents
page i now had to add relevent images.
Stages of development
contents page (part 2)

these are the three images that
feature on the contents page when
i had my photo shoot i had my
models take several pictures as i
knew i would need more than one
image to be able to create my
magazine, also magazines tent to
feature the cover model and other
models in the magazine several
time over; so i decided to follow
this convention
Stages of development
    contents page (part 3)
This is my final draft for my contents page as you can see it
features the photographs I mentioned earlier and
the background of the globe that I edited using Photoshop.
creating the contents page wasn't as challenging as the
front cover as I already
knew the color scheme I had to follow so that saved allot of
writing the contents took very little time to I simple wrote
down what I wanted
to feature in my magazine in a word document and copied
and pasted the text into the design,
then manipulated the style and scale of the font.
I made the page numbers stand out as the reader will need
to know what page different content is on.
the selling line I’ve added at the bottom I made in using
"adobe InDesign" I crated two circles and the
yellow strip the pulsating lines are several little line which
vie layered and arranged to look the way it does.
Stages of development double
page spread (part 1 )
creating the double page spread was
abit more challenging than the
contents page I started off with a black
background in "Photoshop" and added
an effect called lenses flair.

I did this because I felt it brought my
magazine in closer relation to my
target audience of young black
females, fancy effects like these keep
the reader interested.
Stages of development double
page spread (part 2 )
secondly I added several purple
sphere's initially I then thought to have
my model pose along the different
spheres as if there are solid objects, the
same principle applies to the "N" in
canace being elongated on the last
stroke of the letter the "exclusive
interview with" was something I decided
to put there simply to follow the codes
and conventions of magazines.

from my research I realised that the
typography used in the top left corner of
double page spreads tent to stand out,
so the reader can understand what the
page is about without having to read too
Stages of development double
page spread (part 3 )
The interview questions i had
scripted a while ago and
interviewed my model on the 18th
of January 2012.

The interview went smoothly my
model gave very open responses
to the questions i asked her i then
typed up the interview on microsoft
word the very same day and
pasted the interview into the
Stages of development double
page spread (part 4 )
this stage was reletivly simple aswell i
simple used other photo's i took of my
model on the day of the photshoot this
was something I had in mind from
before which is why I have had her
pose this way, in order to fit amounts
the shapes. I think this adds a nice
effect as it shows different view points
of my model and engages my target

this in turn further adds to the point of
what my model said in interview that a
female doesn't have to were next to no
clothing to be considered attractive.
Analysing my final front cover
for my music magazine                three smaller images to
                                     advertise other features in
                                     the magazine

Masthead – the main title of the
magazine. Normally Including
the date and price of the                     Strapline – this is a
magazine. The font used on the                smaller headline
masthead is “Horizon BT”, I
                                              which gives a
chose this font because I think it
relates to the genre of my                    general summary of
magazine and is visually                      my magazine .
appealing                                     The font is Space
                                              bd BT

       The left side –
       makes the magazine                     complimentary
       easy to recognise in                   main image- I used
       shops as it is filled                  this image to attract
       with interesting text                  my audience. The
                                              model is the main
       that varies in size                    focus of my
Analysing my final contents
page for my music magazine

 The colour
 scheme relates         Different pictures of the
 to the front           model are used to make
 cover of my            the reader want to read on
 magazine               further.

 I placed the text in
 columns to follow
 codes and
                        I included the editors letter
 conventions            because I think it is effective
                        if the editor speaks to their
                        audience. As It makes the
                        reader feel important.
Analysing my double page
   Head line – shows the reader
   what or who the page is about.
   I decided to use purple as it
   stands out on a black
   background, bold writing in
   lower and upper case because
   It stands out to the reader,
   especially the background

Quotations to show the reader what
the person in the double page has said
as it may interest the reader making
them read on

   eye-catching photo’s
   to keep the reader
   instructed as it looks
   appealing visually
Feedback Contents page
I took my front cover to
Facebook for feedback
to be able to improve it
a lot liked the colour
scheme but disagreed
with the placement of

But the page number
was missing
Feedback feature page

I took my front
cover to
Facebook for
feedback to
be able to
improve it a
lot liked the
scheme but
disagreed it
had grammar
Feedback front cover
I took my front cover
to Facebook for
feedback to be able
to improve it a lot
liked the colour
scheme but
disagreed with the
placement of font
Magazine Final draft

This is my final draft after
taking into account my
feedback I removed the text
that covered my model and
simplified the earpiece in the
corner of the design as I felt
the word “free” didn’t need to
be there as it was self
Final draft contents page
From my feedback I changed the
page number to “2” as the
contents page is the second
page in a magazine and I
increased the brightness on the
third photo and to make it clearly
visible as my reviewers said.
Final draft feature page

The changes I
made to this was a
simple case of
punctuation and
colour coding I put
the questions in
pink so the reader
can easily
questions and
answers in the
My improvement

         On the left is my
         preliminary task for a
         school magazine since
         then I feel I have greatly

         In my Photoshop
         techniques and my eye
         for designing as I whole,
         the clear difference
         comes from my
         improved understanding
         of codes and
         conventions of
         magazines and through
         extensive research.
My improvement

         On the left is my
         preliminary task for a
         school magazine

         And on the right is my
         final music magazine
What have I learned from the process
and construction of my media product
   In the beginning of the course I had no knowledge, ideas, or
    experience with the program Adobe InDesign have never I worked
    on producing a magazine before.

   But never the less I have discovered it takes a great deal of time,
    effort and planning to put a magazine together.

   I have learnt that with InDesign you can cleverly manipulate text
    and the placement of images on a page InDesign has probably
    helped substantially without it I would not have been able to of
    created my magazine.

   Photoshop was simple to use as I have worked with it in another A-
    level subject Graphic design and it is a useful program to edit and
    manipulate photo's have found Photoshop very useful when editing
    my photos. Without it my images would not stand out or have any
    kind of effect
My media products

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Jerome Blake A/S Media Coursework

  • 1.
  • 2. KING Magazine I have decided to use KING magazine for my research. I chose this magazine because it is successful and it is relevant to my the genre of my magazine being Hip-Hop. King is a monthly men’s magazine who’s target audience is African America and urban. It features articles about hip-hop and R&B, as well as articles covering sports and fashion. The magazine is published by Harris Publications. This magazine was a spinoff from the magazine XXL, which ceased publication on March 31, 2009, because of a reduction in sales due to poor economic circumstances. KING then released monthly instalments soon and It resumed publication, this time as a commercial magazine, in late 2009. The magazine is mainly features high quality photo-shoots, of women wearing little to nothing followed closely by an interview from the featured model.
  • 3. CLASH Another magazine I decided to use for my research was Clash I also think this is a successful magazine I chose to research this magazine because the target audience I am aiming my magazine towards is young black women, this magazine has elements which cleverly depicts on its target audience being teenage women. And it is a combination of this magazine and king I plan on using to make a hip hop magazine which is targeted at young black women. Clash is a popular music and fashion magazine based in the U.K. Its published every month and the very first issue was released in June 2004
  • 4. Conventions of music magazines • Masthead • eye catching images • Taglines • Bright, eye catching colours • Uniform colour scheme • Busy front cover • Bold text • Often a picture of an artist/celebrity or band (celebrity endorsement) • Taglines • Left third • Cover lines • Use of bar codes • Image bleed • Eye catching cover lines • Splashes
  • 5. Magazine front cover ideas I took inspiration from both Clash and KING the reason I chose to research these two magazines because I believe by following the codes and conventions of them both and combining them I can target a unique target audience in a genre that doesn’t normally target this audience the audience I am targeting is young black women through a hip hop. I chose Clash as I particularly like there stylistic layout and use and placement of codes and conventions, I chose to research KING magazine to get inspiration as to the different ways I can pose my model; I also like the use of typography used in the mast head and selling lines of there magazine. My intentions is to take the classy look from Clash and the urban look from King and merge them together to portray young black women in a different way then they are in hip hop and show that women do not have to be so revealing to appear attractive.
  • 6. My ideas and influences This image shows a magazine front cover of previous issue of “Clash” and “KING” magazine. As my target audience is young black women I need to include particular conventions of other women's magazines. From my research women are attracted to “pretty”, “vibrant” and “eye catching” colours and tend to pick up a magazine which looks appealing On “clash” magazine I particularly liked the general colour scheme and in particular the box advertisement in the bottom left hand corner of the page, I figured I this could use this to add celebrity endorsement to my magazine, in order two follow the “two step flow” theory. So my magazine being the source of mass media I could use celebrity endorsement to put across my message to my target audience. Since the magazine I am creating is a hip hop and R&B I decided I like the use of font and typography in the masthead as its bold effective and stands out and this is a convention that is seen throughout “KING” magazines
  • 7. Contents page ideas  This is the contents page for a previous edition of Clash magazine along with its front cover I think this contents page is very effective and works very well with the front cover. because  • the colour scheme is consistent in both the front cover as well as its contents. In this case its, green, pink, the only variant is the background of the contents is white, but it is clear it is from the dame magazine.  In my opinion this contents page is very effective as it follows the general scheme of the front cover whilst following codes and conventions
  • 8. In what way does my media product use, develop or challenge conventions of real media products?  My intention is to create a magazine where the outcome will be a combination of conventions of two separate and established magazines the first is “clash” the second is “KING” the conventions I will take from each is the use of font in “KING” and the generic layout and colour scheme from “clash” the colour scheme I will use will not only relate to my target audience but my genre of music as well  my music magazine challenges other magazines on the market, by depicting on a target audience of young black women but portraying them in a different way than most hip-hop and R&B magazines portray them to give them a positive reading on the media text.  In doing so I believe I can expand the target audience of this magazine to the young black male as by reading my magazine they will have been given a different outlook on women as to be respected rather than just sexual objects.
  • 9. How will my media product represent different social groups?  My intentions are to have my magazine represent young women aged 17 –20.  I would like my magazine to have a positive representation of women unlike many representations of young women in magazines and the general media today .  My magazine will represent women as being independent, confident, sexy and respectable. I will do this through the pictures I take and the quotation I choose to display in my double page spread.
  • 10. What media institutions might distribute my product and why Since I am using both KING and Clash magazines for my inspiration I done some research as to what media institutions publish them , and out of the two of them I believe The XXL Media Group would most likely publish my magazine as it XXL tends to publish urban hip hop and R&B music magazines which is the category my magazine falls into. I also believe this as I am following similar conventions to from KING in my magazine. The reason I don’t believe the Art8amby would distribute my product as they tend to distribute pop music which isn't the genre of my magazine and the only conventions I am following from Clash which is distributed by the Art8amby is the bright colour schemes and the generic layout to bring depict on my target audience being young black women.
  • 11. Who will be the target audience for my media product? My music magazine is aimed at young black women aged 17-20, who enjoy hip- hop and R&B and are itching to know what new music is to be expected . As well as young women who generally like reading and knowing about celebrities lives and what inspired them
  • 12. Stages of development part 1  (original photo)This is my original photograph of my model the location is my front garden.  I had my model pose this way to fit into the genre of hip-hop magazines as it displays her assists  I took this photograph at night in so I could use the Flash setting on the camera to highlight features of the model.  I had my model dress in leggings a loose but translucent top and heels to fit in with the genre as women in hip hop magazines reveal features of her figure  I had her dress like this and not wear less clothing as I felt that would be inappropriate and I could still get the same effect whilst having my model fully clothed
  • 13. Stages of development (photo) (edited photo) Secondly I edited the photo changing the colours my model was wearing once I decided on the colour scheme of my magazine I added jewellery to the model I did this also to fit my model in closer relation to the design of the magazine as a whole and the hip hop genre as well. models in hip hop music magazines are either coated in jewellery or in the case of women dressed in very little clothier which shows the model to be very revealing
  • 14. This is me refining and experimenting with different fonts, when I decided on a suitable font and name I tried the different colours at different stages
  • 15. Stages of development (front cover) (Front cover development)The title pulse came from me brainstorming appropriate names for a hip hop magazine This version is just a stage of development I made the masthead large in font size in order to see different ways in which I could arrange it The image of the model has been poorly cut out but I only quickly added it to get a feel weather the magazine would work like this, I felt it didn’t so I changed various aspects of it such as the colour scheme and location and size of the model on the design
  • 16. Stages of development (front cover first draft) (magazine first draft)This is me further refining the main image as well as adding selling lines and cover lines to the design in order to bring my design in closer relation to magazines in general. The background is just an image off the internet I do NOT intend to use this image as my background. It was just a basis so I can see how my magazine could potentially look.
  • 17. How will I attract my audience?  I will attract my target audience by making sure that the colour scheme is consistent throughout my magazine.  I will attract my audience by using bright colours, eye catching images and bold text.  On my front cover I will have a strong masthead that stands out , a unique and interesting background and a complimentary picture of my model.  On the contents page I will make the writing informative so the audience know where to look into my magazine to read what they want , I will also make this page visually attractive by following the general colour scheme of the front cover but with a unique and attractive layout.  On my double page spread I will have several images of my model posing against shapes and text in, this I believe will work well in keeping the reader interested  Once I have done this to the best o my ability I am sure the target audience will be attracted to my magazine.
  • 18. Stages of development (background of front cover) (original background photo) This is my original image that I have taken into photo shop this photo was taken in the day at 3 O’clock I made it black and white in order to be able to manipulate the levels of colour to fit exactly what I have in mind . The reason I took this photo in the day was simply because I can see more of the graphic features of the wall itself My plan with the photo is to have my model pose against it and I took photo of this suburban wall to fit in closer relation to the hip hop genre because from my research I was the backgrounds of magazines used real location .
  • 19. Stages of Stages of development (background of front cover) My plan with the photo is to have my model pose against it and I took photo of this suburban wall to fit in closer relation to the hip hop genre because from my research I was the backgrounds of magazines used real location This is my original image that I have taken into photo shop this photo was taken in the day at 3 O’clock I made it black and white in order to be able to manipulate the levels of colour to fit exactly what I have in mind. The reason I took this photo in the day was simply because I can see more of the graphic features of the wall itself
  • 20. Stages of development (background of front cover) The location of this photo is a suburban alley way two streets away from my house I took images of other walls but I decided to go with this one as it was in my plan to have the model pose against the wall This was me developing the back round wall I used a technique called due tone on photo shop this feature make an image two colours where I am able top freely adjust the levels I chose mix between purple and pink as one of the colours as it relates closely to my target audience of females. The second colour I added was black to highlight key details of the photo I took this photo before I took images of my model I had to de them seperately as I didn’t want my model to be displayed in the duo tone effect.
  • 21. Stages of development (front cover second draft) (second Draft) this is my second draft for my front cover I changed the colour scheme as I felt red didn’t stand out in contrast to the background that I have now made up my mind on. I then changed the size of the masthead in order to have more room in the design as a whole as I felt the sat head was previously too big and didn’t follow the generic codes and conventions of magazines. I added a selling line at the bottom of the design along with the date, price and barcode to add to the authenticity of the design.
  • 22. Stages of development contents page (part 1) the first thing i did was take a picture of the globe in an atlas i had at home, secondly i took the photo into photo shop and used duo tone with purple and black to follow the colour scheme of the front cover. with this as the basis of my contents page i now had to add relevent images.
  • 23. Stages of development contents page (part 2) these are the three images that feature on the contents page when i had my photo shoot i had my models take several pictures as i knew i would need more than one image to be able to create my magazine, also magazines tent to feature the cover model and other models in the magazine several time over; so i decided to follow this convention
  • 24. Stages of development contents page (part 3) This is my final draft for my contents page as you can see it features the photographs I mentioned earlier and the background of the globe that I edited using Photoshop. creating the contents page wasn't as challenging as the front cover as I already knew the color scheme I had to follow so that saved allot of time. writing the contents took very little time to I simple wrote down what I wanted to feature in my magazine in a word document and copied and pasted the text into the design, then manipulated the style and scale of the font. I made the page numbers stand out as the reader will need to know what page different content is on. the selling line I’ve added at the bottom I made in using "adobe InDesign" I crated two circles and the yellow strip the pulsating lines are several little line which vie layered and arranged to look the way it does.
  • 25. Stages of development double page spread (part 1 ) creating the double page spread was abit more challenging than the contents page I started off with a black background in "Photoshop" and added an effect called lenses flair. I did this because I felt it brought my magazine in closer relation to my target audience of young black females, fancy effects like these keep the reader interested.
  • 26. Stages of development double page spread (part 2 ) secondly I added several purple sphere's initially I then thought to have my model pose along the different spheres as if there are solid objects, the same principle applies to the "N" in canace being elongated on the last stroke of the letter the "exclusive interview with" was something I decided to put there simply to follow the codes and conventions of magazines. from my research I realised that the typography used in the top left corner of double page spreads tent to stand out, so the reader can understand what the page is about without having to read too much.
  • 27. Stages of development double page spread (part 3 ) The interview questions i had scripted a while ago and interviewed my model on the 18th of January 2012. The interview went smoothly my model gave very open responses to the questions i asked her i then typed up the interview on microsoft word the very same day and pasted the interview into the design
  • 28. Stages of development double page spread (part 4 ) this stage was reletivly simple aswell i simple used other photo's i took of my model on the day of the photshoot this was something I had in mind from before which is why I have had her pose this way, in order to fit amounts the shapes. I think this adds a nice effect as it shows different view points of my model and engages my target audience. this in turn further adds to the point of what my model said in interview that a female doesn't have to were next to no clothing to be considered attractive.
  • 29. Analysing my final front cover for my music magazine three smaller images to advertise other features in the magazine Masthead – the main title of the magazine. Normally Including the date and price of the Strapline – this is a magazine. The font used on the smaller headline masthead is “Horizon BT”, I which gives a chose this font because I think it relates to the genre of my general summary of magazine and is visually my magazine . appealing The font is Space bd BT The left side – Strong makes the magazine complimentary easy to recognise in main image- I used shops as it is filled this image to attract with interesting text my audience. The model is the main that varies in size focus of my magazine
  • 30. Analysing my final contents page for my music magazine The colour scheme relates Different pictures of the to the front model are used to make cover of my the reader want to read on magazine further. I placed the text in columns to follow codes and I included the editors letter conventions because I think it is effective if the editor speaks to their audience. As It makes the reader feel important.
  • 31. Analysing my double page spread Head line – shows the reader what or who the page is about. I decided to use purple as it stands out on a black background, bold writing in lower and upper case because It stands out to the reader, especially the background Quotations to show the reader what the person in the double page has said as it may interest the reader making them read on eye-catching photo’s to keep the reader instructed as it looks appealing visually
  • 32. Feedback Contents page I took my front cover to Facebook for feedback to be able to improve it a lot liked the colour scheme but disagreed with the placement of font. But the page number was missing
  • 33. Feedback feature page I took my front cover to Facebook for feedback to be able to improve it a lot liked the colour scheme but disagreed it had grammar errors
  • 34. Feedback front cover I took my front cover to Facebook for feedback to be able to improve it a lot liked the colour scheme but disagreed with the placement of font
  • 35. Magazine Final draft This is my final draft after taking into account my feedback I removed the text that covered my model and simplified the earpiece in the corner of the design as I felt the word “free” didn’t need to be there as it was self explanatory
  • 36. Final draft contents page From my feedback I changed the page number to “2” as the contents page is the second page in a magazine and I increased the brightness on the third photo and to make it clearly visible as my reviewers said.
  • 37. Final draft feature page The changes I made to this was a simple case of grammar punctuation and colour coding I put the questions in pink so the reader can easily distinguish questions and answers in the interview.
  • 38. My improvement On the left is my preliminary task for a school magazine since then I feel I have greatly progressed. In my Photoshop techniques and my eye for designing as I whole, the clear difference comes from my improved understanding of codes and conventions of magazines and through extensive research.
  • 39. My improvement On the left is my preliminary task for a school magazine And on the right is my final music magazine
  • 40. What have I learned from the process and construction of my media product  In the beginning of the course I had no knowledge, ideas, or experience with the program Adobe InDesign have never I worked on producing a magazine before.  But never the less I have discovered it takes a great deal of time, effort and planning to put a magazine together.  I have learnt that with InDesign you can cleverly manipulate text and the placement of images on a page InDesign has probably helped substantially without it I would not have been able to of created my magazine.  Photoshop was simple to use as I have worked with it in another A- level subject Graphic design and it is a useful program to edit and manipulate photo's have found Photoshop very useful when editing my photos. Without it my images would not stand out or have any kind of effect