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The Roadrunner
           A bimonthly publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — Jan/Feb. 2007

Welcome To The New Year And All Its Best Surprises!
                                                                       Midgbuzzings by Ann Williams
  When I came to my present home in 1973, the landscaping was humdrum at best. Not long after moving day I
was in the back yard contemplating changes, when a jay flew down and landed on the west border, a bleak
stretch where nothing was growing. He had an acorn, and he wasted no time burying it. Deep into my own
thoughts about planting, I didn’t pay much attention. But it wasn’t long before I saw a stem coming up from the
jay’s excavation and bearing a tender oak leaf which had just unfolded to the sun. Now a beautiful tree shades
my summers here, its charm enhanced by a Concord grape vine which I have made no attempt to stop from
climbing upward through the leaves and branches. In late summer when the grapes are ripe, visiting birds revel
in an abundant harvest from the work of that first laborer so many years ago.
   It has occurred to me that this story is a metaphor for what happened recently in our national congressional
elections, especially for those of us whose lives are focused upon the preservation of the natural world. We had
been living so long with a government indifferent and even hostile to environmental concerns that a mood of
pessimism had descended and seemed to be pervasive. Gloom was the order of the day with all but the most
optimistic people, and many of us believed, from bitter recent experience, that fraud and faulty voting machines
would ensure an outcome friendly to the status quo.
   The same dark mood and sense of hopelessness sometimes gets the better of us in regard to such problems as
overpopulation and the effects of global warming. What many of us have understood and foreseen for decades
seems barely to have come into the consciousness of the majority of people. We know that the folly which led
to our present involvement in a horrendous and ill-conceived war is nothing new in human history, but there are
no precedents for what is happening environmentally. This man-assisted calamity is new, and in many respects
it is already dire, as the people in New Orleans understand so well.
   But every day now there seems to be some good news in relation to the environment. Locally, optimistic
members of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter, with other like-minded citizens, have succeeded in forcing developers to
build more responsibly. Just last week a federal judge ruled that the no-road policy in vast areas of our national
forests will be maintained, so that corporations will not be able to bulldoze roads through pristine woodlands to
reach leases provided for them by the federal government. Eleven states have joined in a lawsuit against the
EPA for its failure to address the conditions that lead to global warming. Whatever the decision of the Supreme
Court, it is clear that there is a movement underway, and that we can look for more such initiatives. Thanks to
the efforts of optimists, people are becoming more and more conscious of their stake in the health of the earth.
    There is a new little oak tree coming up in front of my house, rising out of the hedge where it was dropped by
some member of the present generation of jays. It isn’t well placed, but I haven’t cut it down because it
reminds me of the potential for regeneration, not only of the physical environment, but also of hope and the
human spirit. Optimism is powerful and contagious. May it grow in all of us!
                                                                 Midgebuzzings by Ann Williams

 Speaker: Garret Burke, Designer of the California Quarter. Place: Chalet Basque
2                                                                                    THE ROADRUNNER


                              “PROPOSED OHV PARK IN BAKERSFIELD”
Many members of the Chapter have been active in providing input to the county supervisors and the state OHV
commission about some of the problems that must be addressed and for which solutions found. The two most
important ones are listed below. You can have citizen input on this topic be writing either/or both your
supervisor in Kern county or to the OHV commission. Below is a summary of the two issues. Your comments
can address both of them or just one. It is very important that both groups hear from the people most affected by
this proposed development.

TOPIC 1: Of the 11,000 acres in the proposed property, the most important of interest is the preservation of the
Poso Creek region, both the riparian area and the watershed that feeds the creek. Riparian areas are rare in the
state and are continually being threatened by development. The vegetation of the area, especially the willows,
cottonwoods, and sycamores, is of prime importance to support of bird life and other species. To allow
motorized vehicles in this area, to any degree, reduces its role to support birds and other species. In addition, to
have trails in areas of unstable soils which would cause runoff into the creek would make it difficult to sustain
the riparian area. The watershed that feeds Poso Creek must not have OHV activity!
 The most reasonable and workable measure to mitigate this issue is for this 2,500 acre portion be removed from
OHV activity. This still allows almost 9,000 acres for OHV use, a reasonable amount. This unique treasure of
Kern County must be protected! The establishment of the Kern River Preserve on the South Fork proves that
preservation is a win, win choice!

TOPIC 2: Air quality and health hazards are of prime interest to those of use who live in the San Joaquin
Valley air basin, one of the most polluted in the state. OHV activity will produce fugitive dust, both PM 10 and
PM 2.5. The soils in the area are of such a nature as to be easily disturbed by OHV activity, creating clouds of
dust to be easily transmitted to other regions. Because the user vehicles are not regulated by the state air quality
guidelines, the amount of ‘smog’ producing pollutants will be higher and concentrated in the area. As to health
issues, valley fever is a disease that is produced by spores found in the soils of the area. The proposed activity in
the park will cause these spores to become air born. This will cause both riders and residents of the area to have
a high degree of possibility to contract the disease. Of special note is that many of the riders in the park will be
from outside the Valley, coming from southern California. Thus people without a resident immunity will have a
much higher degree of contracting the disease. The most reasonable and workable measure to mitigate this issue
is for this 2,500 acre portion be removed from OHV activity. This still allows almost 9,000 acres for OHV use,
a reasonable amount.

Send your letters to one or more of the following:
    Kern County Supervisor_______________               OHV Commission
    Administrative Building                             P.O. Box 942896
    1115 Truxtun Ave. 5th Floor                         Sacramento, CA 94296-0001
    Bakersfield, CA 93301
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                                                               3

“ VACATION NOTES” by Ara Marderosian
                    No, he didn’t visit the White House but he did run a Political Marathon
        During the last week of June 2006, I met with legislators and their aides in Washington D.C. to educate
them about the damage caused by Forest Service logging and about the necessity of transferring the Monument
into the National Park System. It was an exhilarating, whirlwind, five-day run through the halls of Congress
from one building to the next to meet separately with 55 congressional aides. In each meeting I showed
photographic evidence that the Forest Service logged trees in the Monument NOT to get rid of the most
flammable materials but to sell the most commercially valuable trees to the sawmill.
        In March 2006, key aides on the House Resources subcommittee had asked for pictures and information
about logging in the Monument. We supplied this data, which was used in a subcommittee hearing to grill the
Chief of the Forest Service about the illegal logging in the Trail of 100 Giants. The Chief provided factually
incorrect answers.
A Great “Souvenir” 29 Congress Reps Chastise USFS for Logging Sequoia Monument:
I helped draft a ‘sense of the congress’ letter about mismanagement of the Monument and suggested to many
congressional aides that a letter be sent to the Chief of the Forest Service. On October 19, 2006, Congressman
Pete Stark (D-CA) and 28 other Members of the House of Representatives, including those same members who
grilled the Chief, sent a letter to Mike Johanns, Secretary of Agriculture, and Dale Bosworth, Chief of the U.S.
Forest Service, demanding a halt to logging in the Giant Sequoia National Monument.
        Space limitations preclude naming and telling how others helped make this extraordinary series of
events happen. To obtain a 3.26 mb copy of the letter and see what you can do to help, please see the Action
Alert at You can reach your representative by calling the capitol switchboard at
(202) 224-3121 and telling the operator your zip code.

                       KERN KAWEAH ROUND-UP
PLEASE READ IF YOU PLAN TO PARTICIPATE IN SIERRA CLUB HIKES: Everyone is welcome, Sierra Club members and non-members, to
join in any of the outdoor activities. Requirements: You must be in condition for type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity, and prepared to
sign a Sierra Club release from liability. You must be willing to follow leader’s directions. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It will be a no-go for
you. Please let the leader know ahead of time that you are intending to participate. Customary appropriate equipment includes good hiking shoes,
plenty of water, snack, sunglasses, sun tan lotion, layered clothing. Long pants recommended. Change of plans may be necessary. It is always wise to
call before coming to a listed activity.

Buena Vista Group More info? Call Donnel Lester, 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195
Meeting Notices If you have Internet access and would like to receive BVGroup meeting and activity
information by email, please contact Membership Chair, Ann Gallon, at, with Add me to
the email list. We try to keep this to once-a-month emailings. You can opt out at any time.
Buena Vista Group’s monthly Program meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the
Hill House, 700 Truxtun Ave. Breakfast is optional and costs about $7.
Tuesday Conditioning Hikes. 7 PM, 4–5 miles. Corners of Highways 178 & 184. Gordon 661. 872.2432 or
Larry 661.873.8107
Jan. 7 (sat), Kevin Scheidt, who works with REC Solar, will discuss “Making solar part of the mainstream
energy supply”. For more information contact Isabel Stierle, 661.246-6195.
Feb. 3 (sat) Brier Miron will do an overview of the Green Business Program she participated in Sacramento,
CA. This is a nonprofit program certifying businesses that go above and beyond on environmental compliance.
For more info, contact Donnel Lester at 661. 831-6784.
Jan 20 and Feb 17, saturdays) Buena Vista Group members and friends are invited to join us for the "Adopt-
A-Highway" cleanup, at 9 a.m. Meet at the Monte Carlo Club parking lot (intersection of Hwy 119 and Old
River Road). Bring water, gloves, and a hat. Work-time: about an hour and a half. More info? call Donnel at
661. 831-6784.
4                                                                                 THE ROADRUNNER

“Who Killed the Electric Car?” Bakersfield College Foundation hosted a presentation of this film at the Fox
Theater. Viewers were given a chance to ask questions of Paul Scott, advisor and “actor” in the film Mr. Scott
encouraged those interested in purchasing new cars to wait for plug-in hybrids that are due out in a few years.
Battery Recycling at BVG Meetings – bring us your old batteries, lithium ion, nickel metal hydride, NiCad,
small sealed lead-acid batteries and from cordless & cell phones, power tools, laptops, etc. Brier Miron will add
them to the Recycling Program bin she started at her company. No car batteries, please.
Condor Group Hikes?Call Dale Chitwood, 661.242.1076 More info? Mary Ann Lockhart 661.242.0432 or
email: Meets Pine Mountain Club. WANT INFORMATION ABOUT TEJON, WATER,
FEB 4 (sat) Inconvenient Truth. Film will be shown, discussion to follow. Potluck 6PM, Program 7PM. Pool
Pavilion Room, Pine Mountain Club House, PCM
Hiking program will begin again in March.
Kaweah Group More info? call Pam, 559.784.4643 or Diane, 559.781.8897.
Jan 13 (Sat) Beat the winter blahs. Potluck 6PM Turkey provided, bring side dish. RSVP and further questions?
Boyd and Mary Leavitt. 559.784.2738
Jan 18 (Thur) Committee for Responsible Growth will present powerpoint on Tulare County, relating to
General Plan Revision in progress . Community Room of Porterville Public Library . 7PM
Mineral King Group. More info? Call Chair Kim Loeb. 559.798.1764. Please visit mineralking.
for more info on group events and activities.
January 10 (Wed) - 6:00 PM - Dinner Social at Gozen Japanese Restaurant, 1115 W. Caldwell,Visalia. Please
RSVP to Bev at 559.732.3785 or
January 13 (Sat) - Outing - Join us on a snowshoe hike in Kings Canyon. We will do a 5 mile round trip to
Cherry Gap near Grants Grove. Due to the elevation and the aerobic nature of snowshoeing, this is a strenuous
outing. Participants must wear warm, layered clothing and provide their own snowshoes. After the outing, we
will dine at the coffee shop at Grants Grove. Those planning to attend, must call Joanne at 559.733.2078 for
meeting time and place. Bad weather and/or road conditions cancel.
January 22 (Mon) 5:30 PM - ExCom Meeting. All members are welcome. Contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or to RSVP and meeting location.
February 21 (Wed) - 6:00 PM - Dinner Social at Mimi's Restaurant, 4004 S. Mooney, Visalia. Please RSVP to
Bev at 559.732.3785 or
February 24 (Sat) - Outing - We will hike the North Fork Trail in the foothills near Three Rivers. This will be a
8 mile moderate hike. Call Joanne at 559.733.2078 for meeting time and place. Rain cancels.
February 26 (Mon) 5:30 PM - ExCom Meeting. All members are welcome. Contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or to RSVP and meeting location.

Owens Peak Group For further information call Dennis Burge, Chair 760.375.7967 Jim Nichols, Hikes
760.375.8161 email: Ridgecrest, Maturango Museum
Jan. 22(mon.) 7:30 pm: Baja California by the Peninsular Road, Steve Smith will present this program about his
recent trip. At Maturango Museum.
Jan 13 (Sat) IN AND AROUND RED ROCK CANYON STATE PARK (Located astride Hwy 14, 25 mi N of
Mojave and 18 mi S of the junction with Hwy 178) 3500 ft max elevation, <1000ft elevation gain, 8 mi RT,
route TBD) The itinerary for this hike has not been finally determined yet. It will be some combination of visits
to ghost towns, opal and other mines, superb colorful rock formations, and old movie sets. We are still in the
scouting stage, but already know that this will be a photographer's dream. The elevation gains aren't too great,
but the horizontal distance may be moderate. Therefore, this will be a "moderate" hike due to length. We will
announce details of the route when determined. Meet Sat, Jan 13 at 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                          5

lot. Call Dennis Burge at (760) 375-7967 or Jim Nichols at (760)375-8161 for more info.
Feb 10 (Sat) PANAMINT DUNES (8.5 mi N of Hwy 190 in Panamint Valley) 2635 ft max elevation, 1050 ft
gain, 8 mi RT) These lovely dunes, located at the N end of Panamint Valley on the S slopes of Hunter Mtn, can
now be explored only by a hike across the desert due to road closures. This is definitely a cooler weather
project and Feb is the perfect time to avoid being fried. What appear as mere white patches on the hillside grow
to a substantial dune complex worthy of exploration and photography as the hiker draws near. An archeological
site has been excavated or exploited at the southern base of the dunes, and the report "Archaeology in Panamint
Dunes, 1983" is available at the Maturango Museum in Ridgecrest. This same report also has "Geologic Notes
on the Panamint Dune Field" by Dr. Pierre Saint-Amand. Moderate hike due to length. Meet Sat, Feb 10 at
7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more info, call Dennis Burge at (760) 375-7967 or Jim
Nichols at (760) 375-8161.
Feb. 24th (Sat.)WORKDAY We will work with the Student Conservation Association (SCA) and affiliated
groups of the Alliance for Responsible Recreation (ARR) to do sometrail restoration and hiding of illegal OHV
routes (probably in the Rand area). Potluck will follow day’s work. For further info. call Dennis Burge
(760)375-7967 in Jan.
Feb. 26 (mon.) 7:30 pm: Mark Faull, former chief Ranger of Red Rock Canyon State Park, will tell us about the
status of Red Rock planning, and stopping OHV damage. At Maturango Museum.
!"!"!                        IN FOND REMEMBRANCE                             "!"!"
                                        Dolph Amster 1924 - 2006
Dolph came to our chapter's attention about 20 years ago when we noticed that the Chair of Sierra Club's
National Outings Committee lived in Ridgecrest but was not active in our chapter. Dolph became a long time
member of the chapter excom and helped found the Owens Peak Group. He was chapter treasurer for several
He led many international trips to places such as Norway, Russia, Nepal, Tibet and China. I never asked him
which of those stood out most in his memory, but I bet it was his first one. He went to England on the Queen
Mary and thence to Normandy where he waded ashore on D-Day +50 and served as a forward mortar observer.
He traveled across France including combat in the hedgerows and the Hurtgen Forest. Shrapnel caused him to
lose one eye. After recovering from his wounds, he returned to school in New York City and completed his PhD
in Physical Chemistry. Dolph came to Ridgecrest in 1977 and headed the Naval Weapons Center Chemistry
Division from 1977-86. (Ron Henry also worked in the NWC Chemistry Division.)
Contributions in his memory can be made to the United Way of the Indian Wells Valley.
                                                         By Art Unger and Dennis Burge
From the Chair
Last summer we visited the Le Conte Memorial Lodge in Yosemite Valley. The Valley was stupendous and the
water was running high in the Merced River while we were there. The Lodge which was built and maintained
by the Club has been deeded to Yosemite National Park but we still supply staffing for the summer months,
May-September. The Club employs a professional curator, Dr. Bonnie J. Gisel, who performs an outstanding
job providing the public with the Sierra Club message. I would like to encourage you all to consider a week’s
commitment at Le Conte; it’s a wonderful experience and an opportunity to learn about the founding of the Park
and the Sierra Club.

The Le Conte Memorial Lodge is quite interesting with something for every visitor. There is a Commerative
Wilderness Quilt Project hanging over the doorway. It is composed of squares based on drawings made by
visitors of their Park experience. There is the feel of a quiet library and the book shelves are full of texts on
nature, Joseph Le Conte, John Muir, climbing, the building architecture, etc. One corner is dedicated to
children with appropriate books and toys, plus projects for them to work on. Displays depicting the history of
the Club, John Muir’s life, and Joseph Le Conte have been designed and constructed with staff/Le Conte
Committee cooperation. One of our Chapter members, Harold Wood has been Chair and a long term member of
6                                                                                 THE ROADRUNNER

the Le Conte Committee. His wife, Janet, has also been very involved in assisting in running the facility.
You need to sign up early to volunteer so plan ahead. Your responsibility is to work 3 hours per day for five
days. Also, you are committed tlllo assisting the curator at two evening programs. You will be provided with a
camping place that you share with other volunteers. But the end reward Is a real sense of the history of the Club
and a feeling of where you fit in with preserving our environment. To volunteer call (209) 372-4542

Yours in nature, Lorraine

Chair: Lorraine Unger (Bksf), 661.323.5569; Vice-chair: Georgette Theotig (Tehachapi), 661.822.4371;
Secretary: Harry Love (Bksf), 661.589.6245; Treasurer: Janet Wood (Min King); Treasurer liaison: Richard
Garcia (Min King), 559. 592.9865; Mary Ann Lockhart (PMC), 661.242.0432; Ara Marderosian (Kernville),
760.378.4206, Gordon Nipp (Bksf), 661.872.2432; Arthur Unger (Bksf), 661.323.5569
       Meetings: All Sierra Club members welcome to attend. Call Chair to verify meeting times, places.

Ballots For Sierra Club Elections
[Ballots are removed for online edition]
RICHARD GARCIA               DONNEL LESTER                development     in  all      caused by their project.
Mineral King Gp              Buena Vista Gp               shallow     groundwater      This has become a
60 year old man likes        A Sierra Club member         areas of the county.         precedent for APCDs
long walks on unpol-         since 2000. Active in the    Gathered on-the-ground       throughout the nation.
luted beaches. Would         Buena Vista Group and        evidence for two other
like a long-term rela-       an officer since 2004.       major court victories        LORRAINE UNGER
tionship with young,         Skills,   abilities and      involving       Sequoia      BUENA VISTA GP
energetic activists to       experience in human          National Monument. Ara       I enjoy my involvement
share clean air and          relations     and      or-   is also the Executive        with the Sierra Club and
water.                       ganizational      develop-   Director of the Sequoia      being the retiring Chair.
                             ment. Enjoys creative        ForestKeeper.                I would like to continue
JAN DE LEEUW                 writing, especially po-                                   on the board because I
Condor Gp                    etry                         GORDON NIPP                  know the Club's internal
Jan de Leeuw, Born                                        Buena Vista Gp               workings and I can rep-
Voorburg, Netherlands.       ARA MARDEROSIAN              Worked through the           resent the Chapter on the
PhD 1973, University of      Conservation     Chair,      Kern-Kaweah Chap to          state level and in the
Leiden. Since 1987           KK Ex-com. Served as         secure Indirect Source       National Sierra Club
Professor of Statistics at   point person for lawsuit     Review       Ordinance.      Council.
UCLA. Moved to the           to prevent approval by       Every developer must
Mountain Communities         Kern County that would       now pay a mitigation fee
in 1998.                     have            allowed      to offset the pollutants
2                                                                              THE ROADRUNNER

                                                         nonprofit National Parks Conservation Association,
            NEWS IN A                                    NPCA, today released a new economic analysis that
                                                         shows that the National Park System generates at
            NUTSHELL                                     least four dollars for state and local economies in
                                                         return for every tax dollar invested in the national
EIR and Water Condor Group wins court decision           parks’ annual budget. The national parks are now
requiring EIR for water extraction project on the        short more than $800 million annually.
Gorman hills. Final details are in the making. Full
                                                         Bakersfield Developers & Sierra Club Continue
report in the next issue. of Road runner
                                                         “Relationship” After nearly twenty conferences
Condor diet likely to be protected beginning in          with developers resulting in agreements that
the New Year. .A lawsuit was filed last week by a        involved building a solar house as example for
coalition of conservation groups, including hunters,     future purchasers, paying a house fee as mitigation
seeking to force the California Fish and Game            for impact on environment. encouraging car
Commission to stop hunters from using lead               pooling, etc. the first suit against a housing
hunting ammunition that is poisoning critically          developer had to be filed by the Chapter.
endangered California condors. Of the 46 condors
that have died sinch 1992, lead poisoning has been
the probable cause of death of the majority.             LOOKING AHEAD TO THIS
Carrizo Plain A quote from the San Luis Obispo
Tribune, 12/3/06. A federal official whom
                                                           NEW YEAR OF 2007
                                                              Some interesting destinations to put on your
environmentalists have considered to be a dogmatic
                                                         calendar for further consideration.!
opponent of efforts to reduce cattle grazing at the
                                                         CNRCC SOUTH will meet on SUNDAY,
Carrizo Plain National Monument is being
                                                         JANUARY 21, 2007, at the Angeles Chapter
reassigned by his agency. That has led to new hopes
                                                         office, 3435 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 320, Los Angeles.
that a management plan for the monument in
                                                         CNRCC statewide will meet
eastern San Luis Obispo County, home to a high
                                                         SATURDAY,”MARCH =
concentration of rare and endangered species, can        ooo
be finished.
                                                         Full announcement under Summertime. See
U.S. Court Bans Oil and Gas Roads on Roadless            below. Must commit by the end of Feb. 2007, as
National Forests                                         permit must be obtained March 1.. Call David
From Environment News Servic:e: A federal district       Hardy, 702 875-4549,
judge ruled that the Roadless Area Conservation
Rule should be applied to prohibit road construction     SUMMERTIME
on hundreds of oil and gas leases issued on national     Volunteer for Le Conte Memorial Lodge in
forest roadless areas since the rule was first enacted   Yosemite Valley. Consider a week’s commitment at
in 2001. Bush does not have the power to change          Le Conte thia summer; it’s a wonderful experience
the rule unilaterally.                                   and an opportunity to learn about the founding of
     Roadless areas are landscapes of 5,000 or more      the Park and the Sierra Club. (see more details in
continuous undeveloped acres. They provide a vital       From the Chair)
source of fresh water in the arid West, and habitat      CONDOR GROUP’S Peak to Peak…Hike from Mt.
for more than 2,000 imperiled species.                   Pinos to Cerro Noroeste in Mt. Pinos District of
Court says NO to nine construction projects              Los padres. A 10 year old            traditional hike
proposed for Yosemite                                    scheduled by the Condor Group each year
The most recent ruling in November, makes                June 2007, 7 days Paria Canyon Backpack
explicit that the National Park Service (NPS)            (PERMIT DEADLINE IS MARCH 1ST)
must follow the law and prepare a valid plan             The exact days are uncertain at this time but likely
to protect the Merced River before proceeding            to be June 12 - 18, but arriving at the trailhead June
with construction activities which would harm            11 to get an early start the next day to beat the heat
the river environment.                                   of the first 4 miles. Call or use e-mail (preferred)
Four Dollars for Every One Invested The
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                                 3

for exact days and other information. The exact         MAGIC
days will not be more that a few days different.        Read the Roadrunner and more—on the web!
Finest narrows in the world, brilliant red rock, dark   Put Sierra Club Home Page into your search engine.
                                                        Follow the directions from there. Easy as pie, really it is!
narrows, lots of wading. Fine areas for swimming
lower in canyon. Hiking with backpack is easy,
                                                        Want to contact Roadrunner editor?
mostly flat. A day or so could be 8 to 10 miles.            Mary Ann Lockhart,
About 42 miles with backpack and optional miles    or 661.242.0432
without. Limit 10. BLM fee is around $45. Send
$20 deposit made out to 'Sierra Club' to David          Want to change your address for Sierra Club publications?
Hardy, Box 99, Blue Diamond, NV 89004.                  Call 415.977.5653 and listen to menu. We are not able
                                                        to do it locally. Good luck!
Must commit by the end of Feb. 2007, as permit
must be obtained March 1. Once you have
committed, you will be given instructions about the              dddd
BLM fee and obtaining your permit. David Hardy,         Help preserve and restore!
702 875-4549,                      Making your estate plans?
                                                         Include the Sierra Club.
FALL                                                    Call John Calaway, Director of Planned Giving.
                                                        Learn about options and opportunities
Sequoia Monument in the Fall. ( Late September)         that will ensure your gifts will be used as you desire.
This weekend outing in Sequoia Monument attracts        Phone: 415.977.5639 for more information.
people of all ages from all over the country. This is
a unique opportunity to hike and explore the area
with Carla Cloer, Ara Marderosian and others who
have fought to protect it for over a quarter of a

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January-February 2007 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club

  • 1. The Roadrunner A bimonthly publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — Jan/Feb. 2007 Welcome To The New Year And All Its Best Surprises! Midgbuzzings by Ann Williams When I came to my present home in 1973, the landscaping was humdrum at best. Not long after moving day I was in the back yard contemplating changes, when a jay flew down and landed on the west border, a bleak stretch where nothing was growing. He had an acorn, and he wasted no time burying it. Deep into my own thoughts about planting, I didn’t pay much attention. But it wasn’t long before I saw a stem coming up from the jay’s excavation and bearing a tender oak leaf which had just unfolded to the sun. Now a beautiful tree shades my summers here, its charm enhanced by a Concord grape vine which I have made no attempt to stop from climbing upward through the leaves and branches. In late summer when the grapes are ripe, visiting birds revel in an abundant harvest from the work of that first laborer so many years ago. It has occurred to me that this story is a metaphor for what happened recently in our national congressional elections, especially for those of us whose lives are focused upon the preservation of the natural world. We had been living so long with a government indifferent and even hostile to environmental concerns that a mood of pessimism had descended and seemed to be pervasive. Gloom was the order of the day with all but the most optimistic people, and many of us believed, from bitter recent experience, that fraud and faulty voting machines would ensure an outcome friendly to the status quo. The same dark mood and sense of hopelessness sometimes gets the better of us in regard to such problems as overpopulation and the effects of global warming. What many of us have understood and foreseen for decades seems barely to have come into the consciousness of the majority of people. We know that the folly which led to our present involvement in a horrendous and ill-conceived war is nothing new in human history, but there are no precedents for what is happening environmentally. This man-assisted calamity is new, and in many respects it is already dire, as the people in New Orleans understand so well. But every day now there seems to be some good news in relation to the environment. Locally, optimistic members of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter, with other like-minded citizens, have succeeded in forcing developers to build more responsibly. Just last week a federal judge ruled that the no-road policy in vast areas of our national forests will be maintained, so that corporations will not be able to bulldoze roads through pristine woodlands to reach leases provided for them by the federal government. Eleven states have joined in a lawsuit against the EPA for its failure to address the conditions that lead to global warming. Whatever the decision of the Supreme Court, it is clear that there is a movement underway, and that we can look for more such initiatives. Thanks to the efforts of optimists, people are becoming more and more conscious of their stake in the health of the earth. There is a new little oak tree coming up in front of my house, rising out of the hedge where it was dropped by some member of the present generation of jays. It isn’t well placed, but I haven’t cut it down because it reminds me of the potential for regeneration, not only of the physical environment, but also of hope and the human spirit. Optimism is powerful and contagious. May it grow in all of us! Midgebuzzings by Ann Williams SAVE THE DATE….SPRING BANQUET SATURDAY, APRIL 21. 2007 Speaker: Garret Burke, Designer of the California Quarter. Place: Chalet Basque
  • 2. 2 THE ROADRUNNER PLEASE NOTE; THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE WAS INCLUDED IN THE PRINTED VERSION OF THE ROADRUNNEr. Since then, THE DECISION WAS MADE BY THE STATE PARKS NOT TO USE THE SITE FOR AN OHV PARK. IT IS PRINTED HERE JUST FOR THE RECORD….AND THE PROS AND CONS INCUDED IN THIS ARTICLE MAY BE OF USE IN THE FUTURE . “PROPOSED OHV PARK IN BAKERSFIELD” Many members of the Chapter have been active in providing input to the county supervisors and the state OHV commission about some of the problems that must be addressed and for which solutions found. The two most important ones are listed below. You can have citizen input on this topic be writing either/or both your supervisor in Kern county or to the OHV commission. Below is a summary of the two issues. Your comments can address both of them or just one. It is very important that both groups hear from the people most affected by this proposed development. TOPIC 1: Of the 11,000 acres in the proposed property, the most important of interest is the preservation of the Poso Creek region, both the riparian area and the watershed that feeds the creek. Riparian areas are rare in the state and are continually being threatened by development. The vegetation of the area, especially the willows, cottonwoods, and sycamores, is of prime importance to support of bird life and other species. To allow motorized vehicles in this area, to any degree, reduces its role to support birds and other species. In addition, to have trails in areas of unstable soils which would cause runoff into the creek would make it difficult to sustain the riparian area. The watershed that feeds Poso Creek must not have OHV activity! The most reasonable and workable measure to mitigate this issue is for this 2,500 acre portion be removed from OHV activity. This still allows almost 9,000 acres for OHV use, a reasonable amount. This unique treasure of Kern County must be protected! The establishment of the Kern River Preserve on the South Fork proves that preservation is a win, win choice! TOPIC 2: Air quality and health hazards are of prime interest to those of use who live in the San Joaquin Valley air basin, one of the most polluted in the state. OHV activity will produce fugitive dust, both PM 10 and PM 2.5. The soils in the area are of such a nature as to be easily disturbed by OHV activity, creating clouds of dust to be easily transmitted to other regions. Because the user vehicles are not regulated by the state air quality guidelines, the amount of ‘smog’ producing pollutants will be higher and concentrated in the area. As to health issues, valley fever is a disease that is produced by spores found in the soils of the area. The proposed activity in the park will cause these spores to become air born. This will cause both riders and residents of the area to have a high degree of possibility to contract the disease. Of special note is that many of the riders in the park will be from outside the Valley, coming from southern California. Thus people without a resident immunity will have a much higher degree of contracting the disease. The most reasonable and workable measure to mitigate this issue is for this 2,500 acre portion be removed from OHV activity. This still allows almost 9,000 acres for OHV use, a reasonable amount. Send your letters to one or more of the following: Kern County Supervisor_______________ OHV Commission Administrative Building P.O. Box 942896 1115 Truxtun Ave. 5th Floor Sacramento, CA 94296-0001 Bakersfield, CA 93301
  • 3. THE ROADRUNNER 3 “ VACATION NOTES” by Ara Marderosian No, he didn’t visit the White House but he did run a Political Marathon During the last week of June 2006, I met with legislators and their aides in Washington D.C. to educate them about the damage caused by Forest Service logging and about the necessity of transferring the Monument into the National Park System. It was an exhilarating, whirlwind, five-day run through the halls of Congress from one building to the next to meet separately with 55 congressional aides. In each meeting I showed photographic evidence that the Forest Service logged trees in the Monument NOT to get rid of the most flammable materials but to sell the most commercially valuable trees to the sawmill. In March 2006, key aides on the House Resources subcommittee had asked for pictures and information about logging in the Monument. We supplied this data, which was used in a subcommittee hearing to grill the Chief of the Forest Service about the illegal logging in the Trail of 100 Giants. The Chief provided factually incorrect answers. A Great “Souvenir” 29 Congress Reps Chastise USFS for Logging Sequoia Monument: I helped draft a ‘sense of the congress’ letter about mismanagement of the Monument and suggested to many congressional aides that a letter be sent to the Chief of the Forest Service. On October 19, 2006, Congressman Pete Stark (D-CA) and 28 other Members of the House of Representatives, including those same members who grilled the Chief, sent a letter to Mike Johanns, Secretary of Agriculture, and Dale Bosworth, Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, demanding a halt to logging in the Giant Sequoia National Monument. Space limitations preclude naming and telling how others helped make this extraordinary series of events happen. To obtain a 3.26 mb copy of the letter and see what you can do to help, please see the Action Alert at You can reach your representative by calling the capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and telling the operator your zip code. KERN KAWEAH ROUND-UP PLEASE READ IF YOU PLAN TO PARTICIPATE IN SIERRA CLUB HIKES: Everyone is welcome, Sierra Club members and non-members, to join in any of the outdoor activities. Requirements: You must be in condition for type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity, and prepared to sign a Sierra Club release from liability. You must be willing to follow leader’s directions. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It will be a no-go for you. Please let the leader know ahead of time that you are intending to participate. Customary appropriate equipment includes good hiking shoes, plenty of water, snack, sunglasses, sun tan lotion, layered clothing. Long pants recommended. Change of plans may be necessary. It is always wise to call before coming to a listed activity. Buena Vista Group More info? Call Donnel Lester, 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195 Meeting Notices If you have Internet access and would like to receive BVGroup meeting and activity information by email, please contact Membership Chair, Ann Gallon, at, with Add me to the email list. We try to keep this to once-a-month emailings. You can opt out at any time. Buena Vista Group’s monthly Program meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the Hill House, 700 Truxtun Ave. Breakfast is optional and costs about $7. Tuesday Conditioning Hikes. 7 PM, 4–5 miles. Corners of Highways 178 & 184. Gordon 661. 872.2432 or Larry 661.873.8107 Jan. 7 (sat), Kevin Scheidt, who works with REC Solar, will discuss “Making solar part of the mainstream energy supply”. For more information contact Isabel Stierle, 661.246-6195. Feb. 3 (sat) Brier Miron will do an overview of the Green Business Program she participated in Sacramento, CA. This is a nonprofit program certifying businesses that go above and beyond on environmental compliance. For more info, contact Donnel Lester at 661. 831-6784. Jan 20 and Feb 17, saturdays) Buena Vista Group members and friends are invited to join us for the "Adopt- A-Highway" cleanup, at 9 a.m. Meet at the Monte Carlo Club parking lot (intersection of Hwy 119 and Old River Road). Bring water, gloves, and a hat. Work-time: about an hour and a half. More info? call Donnel at 661. 831-6784.
  • 4. 4 THE ROADRUNNER Activities: “Who Killed the Electric Car?” Bakersfield College Foundation hosted a presentation of this film at the Fox Theater. Viewers were given a chance to ask questions of Paul Scott, advisor and “actor” in the film Mr. Scott encouraged those interested in purchasing new cars to wait for plug-in hybrids that are due out in a few years. Battery Recycling at BVG Meetings – bring us your old batteries, lithium ion, nickel metal hydride, NiCad, small sealed lead-acid batteries and from cordless & cell phones, power tools, laptops, etc. Brier Miron will add them to the Recycling Program bin she started at her company. No car batteries, please. Condor Group Hikes?Call Dale Chitwood, 661.242.1076 More info? Mary Ann Lockhart 661.242.0432 or email: Meets Pine Mountain Club. WANT INFORMATION ABOUT TEJON, WATER, TRAFFIC AND MUCH MORE??? LOOK AT http://www. FEB 4 (sat) Inconvenient Truth. Film will be shown, discussion to follow. Potluck 6PM, Program 7PM. Pool Pavilion Room, Pine Mountain Club House, PCM Hiking program will begin again in March. Kaweah Group More info? call Pam, 559.784.4643 or Diane, 559.781.8897. Jan 13 (Sat) Beat the winter blahs. Potluck 6PM Turkey provided, bring side dish. RSVP and further questions? Boyd and Mary Leavitt. 559.784.2738 Jan 18 (Thur) Committee for Responsible Growth will present powerpoint on Tulare County, relating to General Plan Revision in progress . Community Room of Porterville Public Library . 7PM Mineral King Group. More info? Call Chair Kim Loeb. 559.798.1764. Please visit mineralking. for more info on group events and activities. January 10 (Wed) - 6:00 PM - Dinner Social at Gozen Japanese Restaurant, 1115 W. Caldwell,Visalia. Please RSVP to Bev at 559.732.3785 or January 13 (Sat) - Outing - Join us on a snowshoe hike in Kings Canyon. We will do a 5 mile round trip to Cherry Gap near Grants Grove. Due to the elevation and the aerobic nature of snowshoeing, this is a strenuous outing. Participants must wear warm, layered clothing and provide their own snowshoes. After the outing, we will dine at the coffee shop at Grants Grove. Those planning to attend, must call Joanne at 559.733.2078 for meeting time and place. Bad weather and/or road conditions cancel. January 22 (Mon) 5:30 PM - ExCom Meeting. All members are welcome. Contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or to RSVP and meeting location. February 21 (Wed) - 6:00 PM - Dinner Social at Mimi's Restaurant, 4004 S. Mooney, Visalia. Please RSVP to Bev at 559.732.3785 or February 24 (Sat) - Outing - We will hike the North Fork Trail in the foothills near Three Rivers. This will be a 8 mile moderate hike. Call Joanne at 559.733.2078 for meeting time and place. Rain cancels. February 26 (Mon) 5:30 PM - ExCom Meeting. All members are welcome. Contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or to RSVP and meeting location. Owens Peak Group For further information call Dennis Burge, Chair 760.375.7967 Jim Nichols, Hikes 760.375.8161 email: Ridgecrest, Maturango Museum Jan. 22(mon.) 7:30 pm: Baja California by the Peninsular Road, Steve Smith will present this program about his recent trip. At Maturango Museum. Jan 13 (Sat) IN AND AROUND RED ROCK CANYON STATE PARK (Located astride Hwy 14, 25 mi N of Mojave and 18 mi S of the junction with Hwy 178) 3500 ft max elevation, <1000ft elevation gain, 8 mi RT, route TBD) The itinerary for this hike has not been finally determined yet. It will be some combination of visits to ghost towns, opal and other mines, superb colorful rock formations, and old movie sets. We are still in the scouting stage, but already know that this will be a photographer's dream. The elevation gains aren't too great, but the horizontal distance may be moderate. Therefore, this will be a "moderate" hike due to length. We will announce details of the route when determined. Meet Sat, Jan 13 at 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking
  • 5. THE ROADRUNNER 5 lot. Call Dennis Burge at (760) 375-7967 or Jim Nichols at (760)375-8161 for more info. Feb 10 (Sat) PANAMINT DUNES (8.5 mi N of Hwy 190 in Panamint Valley) 2635 ft max elevation, 1050 ft gain, 8 mi RT) These lovely dunes, located at the N end of Panamint Valley on the S slopes of Hunter Mtn, can now be explored only by a hike across the desert due to road closures. This is definitely a cooler weather project and Feb is the perfect time to avoid being fried. What appear as mere white patches on the hillside grow to a substantial dune complex worthy of exploration and photography as the hiker draws near. An archeological site has been excavated or exploited at the southern base of the dunes, and the report "Archaeology in Panamint Dunes, 1983" is available at the Maturango Museum in Ridgecrest. This same report also has "Geologic Notes on the Panamint Dune Field" by Dr. Pierre Saint-Amand. Moderate hike due to length. Meet Sat, Feb 10 at 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more info, call Dennis Burge at (760) 375-7967 or Jim Nichols at (760) 375-8161. Feb. 24th (Sat.)WORKDAY We will work with the Student Conservation Association (SCA) and affiliated groups of the Alliance for Responsible Recreation (ARR) to do sometrail restoration and hiding of illegal OHV routes (probably in the Rand area). Potluck will follow day’s work. For further info. call Dennis Burge (760)375-7967 in Jan. Feb. 26 (mon.) 7:30 pm: Mark Faull, former chief Ranger of Red Rock Canyon State Park, will tell us about the status of Red Rock planning, and stopping OHV damage. At Maturango Museum. !"!"! IN FOND REMEMBRANCE "!"!" Dolph Amster 1924 - 2006 Dolph came to our chapter's attention about 20 years ago when we noticed that the Chair of Sierra Club's National Outings Committee lived in Ridgecrest but was not active in our chapter. Dolph became a long time member of the chapter excom and helped found the Owens Peak Group. He was chapter treasurer for several years. He led many international trips to places such as Norway, Russia, Nepal, Tibet and China. I never asked him which of those stood out most in his memory, but I bet it was his first one. He went to England on the Queen Mary and thence to Normandy where he waded ashore on D-Day +50 and served as a forward mortar observer. He traveled across France including combat in the hedgerows and the Hurtgen Forest. Shrapnel caused him to lose one eye. After recovering from his wounds, he returned to school in New York City and completed his PhD in Physical Chemistry. Dolph came to Ridgecrest in 1977 and headed the Naval Weapons Center Chemistry Division from 1977-86. (Ron Henry also worked in the NWC Chemistry Division.) Contributions in his memory can be made to the United Way of the Indian Wells Valley. By Art Unger and Dennis Burge From the Chair Last summer we visited the Le Conte Memorial Lodge in Yosemite Valley. The Valley was stupendous and the water was running high in the Merced River while we were there. The Lodge which was built and maintained by the Club has been deeded to Yosemite National Park but we still supply staffing for the summer months, May-September. The Club employs a professional curator, Dr. Bonnie J. Gisel, who performs an outstanding job providing the public with the Sierra Club message. I would like to encourage you all to consider a week’s commitment at Le Conte; it’s a wonderful experience and an opportunity to learn about the founding of the Park and the Sierra Club. The Le Conte Memorial Lodge is quite interesting with something for every visitor. There is a Commerative Wilderness Quilt Project hanging over the doorway. It is composed of squares based on drawings made by visitors of their Park experience. There is the feel of a quiet library and the book shelves are full of texts on nature, Joseph Le Conte, John Muir, climbing, the building architecture, etc. One corner is dedicated to children with appropriate books and toys, plus projects for them to work on. Displays depicting the history of the Club, John Muir’s life, and Joseph Le Conte have been designed and constructed with staff/Le Conte Committee cooperation. One of our Chapter members, Harold Wood has been Chair and a long term member of
  • 6. 6 THE ROADRUNNER the Le Conte Committee. His wife, Janet, has also been very involved in assisting in running the facility. You need to sign up early to volunteer so plan ahead. Your responsibility is to work 3 hours per day for five days. Also, you are committed tlllo assisting the curator at two evening programs. You will be provided with a camping place that you share with other volunteers. But the end reward Is a real sense of the history of the Club and a feeling of where you fit in with preserving our environment. To volunteer call (209) 372-4542 Yours in nature, Lorraine KERN KAWEAH CHAPTER OFFICERS AND MEMBERS for 2006: Chair: Lorraine Unger (Bksf), 661.323.5569; Vice-chair: Georgette Theotig (Tehachapi), 661.822.4371; Secretary: Harry Love (Bksf), 661.589.6245; Treasurer: Janet Wood (Min King); Treasurer liaison: Richard Garcia (Min King), 559. 592.9865; Mary Ann Lockhart (PMC), 661.242.0432; Ara Marderosian (Kernville), 760.378.4206, Gordon Nipp (Bksf), 661.872.2432; Arthur Unger (Bksf), 661.323.5569 Meetings: All Sierra Club members welcome to attend. Call Chair to verify meeting times, places. Ballots For Sierra Club Elections [Ballots are removed for online edition] RICHARD GARCIA DONNEL LESTER development in all caused by their project. Mineral King Gp Buena Vista Gp shallow groundwater This has become a 60 year old man likes A Sierra Club member areas of the county. precedent for APCDs long walks on unpol- since 2000. Active in the Gathered on-the-ground throughout the nation. luted beaches. Would Buena Vista Group and evidence for two other like a long-term rela- an officer since 2004. major court victories LORRAINE UNGER tionship with young, Skills, abilities and involving Sequoia BUENA VISTA GP energetic activists to experience in human National Monument. Ara I enjoy my involvement share clean air and relations and or- is also the Executive with the Sierra Club and water. ganizational develop- Director of the Sequoia being the retiring Chair. ment. Enjoys creative ForestKeeper. I would like to continue JAN DE LEEUW writing, especially po- on the board because I Condor Gp etry GORDON NIPP know the Club's internal Jan de Leeuw, Born Buena Vista Gp workings and I can rep- Voorburg, Netherlands. ARA MARDEROSIAN Worked through the resent the Chapter on the PhD 1973, University of Conservation Chair, Kern-Kaweah Chap to state level and in the Leiden. Since 1987 KK Ex-com. Served as secure Indirect Source National Sierra Club Professor of Statistics at point person for lawsuit Review Ordinance. Council. UCLA. Moved to the to prevent approval by Every developer must Mountain Communities Kern County that would now pay a mitigation fee in 1998. have allowed to offset the pollutants
  • 7. 2 THE ROADRUNNER nonprofit National Parks Conservation Association, NEWS IN A NPCA, today released a new economic analysis that shows that the National Park System generates at NUTSHELL least four dollars for state and local economies in return for every tax dollar invested in the national EIR and Water Condor Group wins court decision parks’ annual budget. The national parks are now requiring EIR for water extraction project on the short more than $800 million annually. Gorman hills. Final details are in the making. Full Bakersfield Developers & Sierra Club Continue report in the next issue. of Road runner “Relationship” After nearly twenty conferences Condor diet likely to be protected beginning in with developers resulting in agreements that the New Year. .A lawsuit was filed last week by a involved building a solar house as example for coalition of conservation groups, including hunters, future purchasers, paying a house fee as mitigation seeking to force the California Fish and Game for impact on environment. encouraging car Commission to stop hunters from using lead pooling, etc. the first suit against a housing hunting ammunition that is poisoning critically developer had to be filed by the Chapter. endangered California condors. Of the 46 condors that have died sinch 1992, lead poisoning has been the probable cause of death of the majority. LOOKING AHEAD TO THIS Carrizo Plain A quote from the San Luis Obispo Tribune, 12/3/06. A federal official whom NEW YEAR OF 2007 Some interesting destinations to put on your environmentalists have considered to be a dogmatic calendar for further consideration.! opponent of efforts to reduce cattle grazing at the CNRCC SOUTH will meet on SUNDAY, Carrizo Plain National Monument is being JANUARY 21, 2007, at the Angeles Chapter reassigned by his agency. That has led to new hopes office, 3435 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 320, Los Angeles. that a management plan for the monument in CNRCC statewide will meet eastern San Luis Obispo County, home to a high SATURDAY,”MARCH = concentration of rare and endangered species, can ooo be finished. Full announcement under Summertime. See U.S. Court Bans Oil and Gas Roads on Roadless below. Must commit by the end of Feb. 2007, as National Forests permit must be obtained March 1.. Call David From Environment News Servic:e: A federal district Hardy, 702 875-4549, judge ruled that the Roadless Area Conservation Rule should be applied to prohibit road construction SUMMERTIME on hundreds of oil and gas leases issued on national Volunteer for Le Conte Memorial Lodge in forest roadless areas since the rule was first enacted Yosemite Valley. Consider a week’s commitment at in 2001. Bush does not have the power to change Le Conte thia summer; it’s a wonderful experience the rule unilaterally. and an opportunity to learn about the founding of Roadless areas are landscapes of 5,000 or more the Park and the Sierra Club. (see more details in continuous undeveloped acres. They provide a vital From the Chair) source of fresh water in the arid West, and habitat CONDOR GROUP’S Peak to Peak…Hike from Mt. for more than 2,000 imperiled species. Pinos to Cerro Noroeste in Mt. Pinos District of Court says NO to nine construction projects Los padres. A 10 year old traditional hike proposed for Yosemite scheduled by the Condor Group each year The most recent ruling in November, makes June 2007, 7 days Paria Canyon Backpack explicit that the National Park Service (NPS) (PERMIT DEADLINE IS MARCH 1ST) must follow the law and prepare a valid plan The exact days are uncertain at this time but likely to protect the Merced River before proceeding to be June 12 - 18, but arriving at the trailhead June with construction activities which would harm 11 to get an early start the next day to beat the heat the river environment. of the first 4 miles. Call or use e-mail (preferred) Four Dollars for Every One Invested The
  • 8. THE ROADRUNNER 3 for exact days and other information. The exact MAGIC days will not be more that a few days different. Read the Roadrunner and more—on the web! Finest narrows in the world, brilliant red rock, dark Put Sierra Club Home Page into your search engine. Follow the directions from there. Easy as pie, really it is! narrows, lots of wading. Fine areas for swimming lower in canyon. Hiking with backpack is easy, Want to contact Roadrunner editor? mostly flat. A day or so could be 8 to 10 miles. Mary Ann Lockhart, About 42 miles with backpack and optional miles or 661.242.0432 without. Limit 10. BLM fee is around $45. Send $20 deposit made out to 'Sierra Club' to David Want to change your address for Sierra Club publications? Hardy, Box 99, Blue Diamond, NV 89004. Call 415.977.5653 and listen to menu. We are not able to do it locally. Good luck! Must commit by the end of Feb. 2007, as permit must be obtained March 1. Once you have committed, you will be given instructions about the dddd BLM fee and obtaining your permit. David Hardy, Help preserve and restore! 702 875-4549, Making your estate plans? Include the Sierra Club. FALL Call John Calaway, Director of Planned Giving. Learn about options and opportunities Sequoia Monument in the Fall. ( Late September) that will ensure your gifts will be used as you desire. This weekend outing in Sequoia Monument attracts Phone: 415.977.5639 for more information. people of all ages from all over the country. This is dddd a unique opportunity to hike and explore the area with Carla Cloer, Ara Marderosian and others who have fought to protect it for over a quarter of a century."