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Volume 3, Issue 1                                                                                             January 2012

                                               ATSCOM/164TH TAOG

                                         COL James Macklin, Brigade Commander

                                                  Visit us at

                        Welcome, 2012!
  January 1
New Year’s Day          Happy New Year! This is the time of the year when we all reflect on the last year and our
   January 9            lives in general. We think about what we want to bring in for the New Year and reflect on
WIND Meeting,           our best life. It is the perfect time for goal-setting! Here are seven goal-setting tips:
Regimental Con-          Make it a treat! Set up a good mood for your goal-setting time. Build a fire and pour a
 ference Room,          glass of wine, sit in the middle of a grove of trees, put on some great music, or get snuggled
                        up in your coziest sheets and pour a cup of tea. Create an environment that makes you feel
  January 10            good.
CG’s New Year’s          Set goals for all the main areas of your life. We tend to set the most intense goals in
 Reception, The         the area where we want to effect the most change. We may set all our goals regarding better
 Landing, 1300-         finances or fitness and forget to set goals in the other areas of our life. The suggested main
                        life areas to consider goal-setting are health and fitness, finances and money, career, pri-
    January 12          mary relationships (spouses), family (kids and others), friends, spirituality, education and
 Martin L. King,        personal growth.
Jr., Commemora-          Don't be too serious. These are your goals. Don't get analysis-paralysis. Get started and
  tive Program,
                        just let it flow.
  Post Theater,
     1000-1100           Keep it realistic. Set yourself up for success. Create goals that are attainable. You can
                        always increase your goal if you attain it before the year's end (see advanced goal-setting
   January 13           below).
    DONSA                Create a wish list in addition to your goals. List places you want to go, things you
  January 16            want to do and things you want to acquire.
 Martin Luther           Have fun with it, and dream! Imagine you are limitless. What would you want to do?
King, Jr. Holiday       Set your goals from your mind and your heart. Don't only "think" what you need to do;
                        think about how you "feel" about the goal. Does it feel good, happy or fun? Let your emo-
   January 20
                        tions be your guide.
Newcomers’ Wel-
 come Briefing,          Just do it! Goal-setting is one of the most important things to do to transform your life.
  The Landing                You may not know where all this "goal-setting stuff" will lead; all you need to know it
                             that it is the next step on your journey of awakening.
 January 23-26           A goal suggestion:
Aviation Senior
                        This is a very powerful personal growth goal suggestion: start a gratitude journal. Before
Leader’s Confer-
     ence               going to bed, write down five things on that day that you are grateful for. It will enable you
                        to float off to dreamland with the great feeling of gratitude and abundance.
                        Best to you in the New Year, and happy goal-setting!

                        For consultation, please contact Dale Lott, MFLC, 334-369-8556.

                    If you have questions or suggestions concerning this newsletter, please don’t hesitate to contact Marie
                        Stallworth, FRSA for 164th TAOG, Bldg. 30501, Cairns Army Airfield, Fort Rucker, AL 36362.
                                     Telephone: 334-255-8919 or Email:

                                Happy 2012,

                                I hope that everyone had a great Christmas break and
                                welcome back to work. Many of you made some New
                                Year’s Resolutions and best of luck sticking to them.
                                Welcome home to the first push from 1-58th AOB. I was
                                down range with these fine Soldiers, and it is great to see
                                them home and just in time for the holidays was a blessing.
                                We cannot wait to see the remaining Soldiers return next

At this time, we will not be having a formal hail and farewell due to the amount of training,
but in February, we will be having a farewell for the deployers. Be looking out for
information about that.

One of the first training events for the month is the 8-mile road march. That is a great way
to start the New Year. Other events include new equipment training and an M9 shooting

There has been a large arrival of new Soldiers over the last month. About five new Soldiers
have come to the unit working in the areas of medicine, a chaplain’s assistant, and personnel
management. Welcome to the newest Warhawks: PV2 Maxwell, PFC Arkansas, PFC
Munoz, SSG Seng and MSG Nesbitt.

We must bid farewell to a few Soldiers along with welcoming others. SSG Farrington will
be leaving us to work recruiting duties and SSG Hussaini will be going to Eglin Airforce
Base to work with Army Special Forces. One Soldier will be medically retired SGT Kobel
and another, SPC Williams, with be leaving the Army after serving his required term.
Farewell to all of those moving on and best of luck in all they do.

CPT Douglas A. Blevins, AV, HHC 164th TAOG, Commander

                                               Page 2

                           Families of the 597th,

                           The New Year is here… welcome to 2012!

                           With a new year comes new opportunities and new resolutions.
                           Remember to keep your resolutions realistic so you do not get
                           discouraged. Here are the top ten New Year's resolutions
                           (according to the Huffington Post):

     1.   Lose Weight                                 6. Travel
     2.   Stay in Touch with family and friends       7. Volunteer
     3.   Quit Smoking                                8. Go Back to School
     4.   Save Money                                  9. Cut Back on Alcohol
     5.   Cut Your Stress                             10. Get More Sleep

What are your resolutions for 2012?
Last month went by very fast with Exodus taking up half the month. I hope everyone had a
joyous holiday season. I would like to welcome the newest members of the unit: SFC
Soraya Merles, SGT Armando Frias, SSG James Thompson and their families.

The combined HHC/597th FRG meeting for this month is currently scheduled on the 10th
with more information to follow on the location. Each FRG meeting is filled with valuable
information about your Soldiers activities, military events, and a fun activity. The meetings
are definitely worthwhile. Please come and support if you can!

During the month of January we will be celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on the 16th.
He was born on January 15th, 1928, and was 40 years old when he was assassinated on April
4th, 1968 in Memphis, TN. It is a time to reflect on everything Dr. King accomplished in the
civil and human rights movement for this great country of ours.

The ATSCOM/TAOG FRG’s Facebook site is a great resource to help discover upcoming
events and programs here at Fort Rucker. Please visit the site for more details: http://!/ATSCOMTAOG

As always, if there is anything that my wife Dejah or I can do for you, please let us know.

“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make
sure the old year leaves.” Bill Vaughn
Fast and Furious!

                                                     Page 3
                                Happy New Year 164th TAOG FAMILY!!!
                                            “Walk Wisely”
                                        As we embark upon another New Year, it comes
                                with both hopeful and challenging days. Some view this as
                                a time for a new beginning while others perceive it as a
                                means to correct past mistakes or failures. Indeed, 2012
                                will offer many incredible new opportunities for all of us,
                                but, we must ask ourselves, “How will we respond to the
                                opportunities that God sends our way?”

                               Some years ago, I was in a junction in my career making a
                               decision of which direction I should travel next with my
                               life. My mother was aware of my situation at the time,
and I still remember her saying to me, “Son, life is too short to do that which offers little
value.” In essence, she forewarned me to use my few days here on earth wisely. When
the author wrote Ephesians 5:15-17, apparently when writing to his audience, he had that
same idea in mind. Paul warned the church at Ephesus, “Therefore be careful how you
walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are
evil…understand what the will of the Lord is.”

        First, he cautioned us to be careful and walk circumspectly, meaning “looking
around.” In other words, we are to walk wisely. In order to accomplish this, we must
make the most of every opportunity God gives us. A Chinese adage says, “Opportunity
has a forelock so you can seize it when you meet it. Once it is past, you cannot seize it

       Secondly, we are admonished to understand the will of God. Without question,
2012 will have numerous distractions willing to fully occupy our time. Yet, the wise per-
son will ensure their lives are in-sync with God’s will. Basically, Paul is saying we must
discover and carry-out the will of God. In order to fulfill this task, we must pray for
His wisdom and meditate upon the Word of God, and then He will transform our mind.

         closing, due to the brevity of life, make sure you take every opportunity in 2012 to
love and spend time with your Family. Moreover, strive to do things that will last or
make an everlasting impact upon someone’s life. When walking in the will of God, leave
the consequences in His hands. Hence, walk wisely in spite of what lies ahead in 2012, as
it does not exceed the Almighty God.

164th TAOG UMT
CH (MAJ) A. Gerald DuBose / SSG Farrington            Office: 255-8968       BB: 470-6436
SSG Seng

                                             Page 4

                         Your Soldier Is Home – Now What?
Being reunited with your Soldier is very exciting, but can also be very stressful as the Sol-
dier readjusts to being home and the Family is readjusting to having their Soldier home.
Resources, agencies, organizations, and assistance are available to you. Here are a few
things to think about as you transition and readjust to having your Family back together

Helpful Resources

Military OneSource or 1-800-343-9647
This DoD portal offers a toll free telephone number and web site with 24/7 capability for
confidential counseling, to either speak or email a master level consultant, at no cost. As-
sistance to Soldiers and Family members includes: Child care, personal finances, emo-
tional support during deployments, relocation information, resources needed for special
circumstances, or private counseling in the local community.

Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC)
This Center provides multiple Family services and connections for wounded Soldiers and
Families, and DA civilians. Some of these services are: Military personnel services/
benefits, Substance Abuse Services, Information and Referral, Financial Counseling,
Transition/Employment Counseling, Education Counseling, Child Care and Youth Ser-
vices, Pastoral Services, and Legal Services. A virtual SFAC (vSFAC) is a web-based
system of information and support that is available as well, and especially helpful for
Families who are not near an installation.

Installation’s Support Services such as Army Community Service (ACS), Family Ad-
vocacy Program (FAP), and Child Youth Services (CYS).

Medical Provider
Your doctor or medical professional can help determine what may be causing your diffi-
culties and refer you to the appropriate specialist for help.

Mental/Behavioral Health Services
Within the Army and local community, trained medical and counseling staff provide
emotional and mental health services.

There is also your Chaplain, Military Family Life Consultant, and School Counselor.

For more information and referral, please contact these service or myself at 334-255-
8919 or for further contact information.

                                             Page 5
                                        Happy New Year,

                                        The Christmas wrapping went well and thank you to

                                        everyone that helped. The funds we raised will benefit the

                                        FRG towards training, socials, and deployment resources.

                                        With the upcoming deployment on the horizon for our

                                        ATSSE, Air Traffic Services Standardization Element, we

need to be thinking about a key caller or two for that team. There will also be times when we get

together and put care packages together for the team downrange. We will need to do everything we

can to take care of them.

The January FRG social will not be at The Commons as usual so be looking out for where the new

location will be.

Again, here are the CURRENT POSITIONS we have and those that are available.

FRG Leader: Megan Blevins

Co FRG Leader: Natasha Perez – Will come available soon.

Treasurer: Judy Nobles

Co Treasurer: Christina Seng

Activities Coordinator: Julie Smith


Key Caller 59TH: REQUIRED

If you would like to know what the required positions duty descriptions are, please let me


~Megan Blevins, HHC/597th FRG Leader

                                                      Page 6
December 31st

New Year’s Eve Bowling Party

Start the New Year off with a Smash!! Make it a Bowling Party at Rucker
Lanes. Family Friendly bowling times run from 2:00 - 4:00 pm and 6:00 – 8:00
pm and the cost is $40 per lane (up to 8 people). This price includes 2 hours of
Xtreme Bowling, Shoe Rental, and Buffet. The Adult Bowling Time runs from
10:00 pm – 1:00 am and the cost is $56 per lane (up to 8 people). This price includes 3 hours of Xtreme
Bowling, shoe rental, Countdown to Midnight and Champagne Toast* (21 and Older), and New Year’s
Eve Buffet. A $20 deposit is required… non-refundable 24 hours before the event! SPACES ARE LIM-
ITED – ONLY 20 LANES AVAILABLE. Call Rucker Lanes at 255-9503 to reserve your lanes to help
smash in the New Year. Open to the Public.

January 9th

Alabama vs LSU Championship Game at Mother Rucker’s

Come out to Mother Rucker ‘s on January 9th starting at 7:30 pm to watch Alabama &
LSU Championship football game. We will be doing a tailgate BBQ on the back patio,
which will include BBQ ribs, fries and coleslaw; $12 for the Rib Platter. There will be
beer specials and door prize give-a-ways. Open to the Public ages 18 and over. Mother Rucker’s
Sports Bar 503-0396.
January 20th

Comedy Live at Rucker

Comedy Live at Rucker will feature comedians Richie Holliday and Collin Moulton.
Doors will open at 7pm and the comedy show will last from 8:00-9:45pm. The show is consid-
ered Adult Rated and is for ages 18 and up. Advanced tickets are $10 and are available at The
Landing Zone until 4pm on January 20th. Tickets are $15 at the door. Comedy Patrons are in-
vited to hear the DJ in the Landing Zone after the show. For more information please contact
Family & MWR at 255-9810. This event is Open to the Public.

Check out the January Fort Rucker @ Ease Guide to Family & MWR .
Visit to see all your entertainment and family needs.

                                                   Page 7
January 5
Hunter Education Courses at The Tri-State
Gun Club on Dale County Road 437 from
5:30-9:30 p.m., call 255-4305

January 6
Promotion Points Parent Support Program at
the Early Childhood Activity Center, 3705
Dean Street from 9:00-11:00 a.m., call 255-

January 12-February 23
Becoming a Love and Logic Parent Workshop
at the Early Childhood Activity Center, 3705
Dean Street from 9:00-11:00 a.m., call 255-

January 18 &19
AFTB Level III Training, at The Commons,
Bldg 8950, from 8:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m., call

January 20
Newcomers Welcome at The Landing from
8:30-10:30 a.m., call 255-3161.

January 23
CYSS Parent Advisory Council Meeting, at
the Youth Center on 7th Division Rd, Bldg.
2806 from 12:00-1:00 p.m., call 255-2958.

January 24 & 26
Financial Readiness Program: Home Buying
& Selling Workshop at The Commons, Bldg
8950 from 6:30-8:00 p.m., call 255-9639.

January 26
Get R.E.A.L. (Rucker Experience, Army
Learning) at The Commons, Bldg 8950 from
8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

January 31
Stress Management Workshop at the Early
Childhood Activity Center from 9-11 a.m.,
call 255-3898
                                               Page 8
KiD’s CoRnEr

6:15 p.m. to 10:15

                          Page 9
All Conveniently Located at Fort Rucker, Alabama

        Page 10

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January 2012 Newsletter

  • 1. Volume 3, Issue 1 January 2012 ATSCOM/164TH TAOG FREEDOM/GUARDIAN COL James Macklin, Brigade Commander Visit us at Welcome, 2012! January 1 New Year’s Day Happy New Year! This is the time of the year when we all reflect on the last year and our January 9 lives in general. We think about what we want to bring in for the New Year and reflect on WIND Meeting, our best life. It is the perfect time for goal-setting! Here are seven goal-setting tips: Regimental Con-  Make it a treat! Set up a good mood for your goal-setting time. Build a fire and pour a ference Room, glass of wine, sit in the middle of a grove of trees, put on some great music, or get snuggled 1000-1100 up in your coziest sheets and pour a cup of tea. Create an environment that makes you feel January 10 good. CG’s New Year’s  Set goals for all the main areas of your life. We tend to set the most intense goals in Reception, The the area where we want to effect the most change. We may set all our goals regarding better Landing, 1300- finances or fitness and forget to set goals in the other areas of our life. The suggested main 1700 life areas to consider goal-setting are health and fitness, finances and money, career, pri- January 12 mary relationships (spouses), family (kids and others), friends, spirituality, education and Martin L. King, personal growth. Jr., Commemora-  Don't be too serious. These are your goals. Don't get analysis-paralysis. Get started and tive Program, just let it flow. Post Theater, 1000-1100  Keep it realistic. Set yourself up for success. Create goals that are attainable. You can always increase your goal if you attain it before the year's end (see advanced goal-setting January 13 below). DONSA  Create a wish list in addition to your goals. List places you want to go, things you January 16 want to do and things you want to acquire. Martin Luther  Have fun with it, and dream! Imagine you are limitless. What would you want to do? King, Jr. Holiday Set your goals from your mind and your heart. Don't only "think" what you need to do; think about how you "feel" about the goal. Does it feel good, happy or fun? Let your emo- January 20 tions be your guide. Newcomers’ Wel- come Briefing,  Just do it! Goal-setting is one of the most important things to do to transform your life. The Landing You may not know where all this "goal-setting stuff" will lead; all you need to know it that it is the next step on your journey of awakening. January 23-26  A goal suggestion: Aviation Senior This is a very powerful personal growth goal suggestion: start a gratitude journal. Before Leader’s Confer- ence going to bed, write down five things on that day that you are grateful for. It will enable you to float off to dreamland with the great feeling of gratitude and abundance. Best to you in the New Year, and happy goal-setting! For consultation, please contact Dale Lott, MFLC, 334-369-8556. If you have questions or suggestions concerning this newsletter, please don’t hesitate to contact Marie Stallworth, FRSA for 164th TAOG, Bldg. 30501, Cairns Army Airfield, Fort Rucker, AL 36362. Telephone: 334-255-8919 or Email:
  • 2. HHC 164TH TAOG Happy 2012, I hope that everyone had a great Christmas break and welcome back to work. Many of you made some New Year’s Resolutions and best of luck sticking to them. Welcome home to the first push from 1-58th AOB. I was down range with these fine Soldiers, and it is great to see them home and just in time for the holidays was a blessing. We cannot wait to see the remaining Soldiers return next month. At this time, we will not be having a formal hail and farewell due to the amount of training, but in February, we will be having a farewell for the deployers. Be looking out for information about that. TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES One of the first training events for the month is the 8-mile road march. That is a great way to start the New Year. Other events include new equipment training and an M9 shooting range. NEW ARRIVALS There has been a large arrival of new Soldiers over the last month. About five new Soldiers have come to the unit working in the areas of medicine, a chaplain’s assistant, and personnel management. Welcome to the newest Warhawks: PV2 Maxwell, PFC Arkansas, PFC Munoz, SSG Seng and MSG Nesbitt. FAREWELLS We must bid farewell to a few Soldiers along with welcoming others. SSG Farrington will be leaving us to work recruiting duties and SSG Hussaini will be going to Eglin Airforce Base to work with Army Special Forces. One Soldier will be medically retired SGT Kobel and another, SPC Williams, with be leaving the Army after serving his required term. Farewell to all of those moving on and best of luck in all they do. CPT Douglas A. Blevins, AV, HHC 164th TAOG, Commander Page 2
  • 3. 597TH MAINTENANCE DETACHMENT Families of the 597th, The New Year is here… welcome to 2012! With a new year comes new opportunities and new resolutions. Remember to keep your resolutions realistic so you do not get discouraged. Here are the top ten New Year's resolutions (according to the Huffington Post): 1. Lose Weight 6. Travel 2. Stay in Touch with family and friends 7. Volunteer 3. Quit Smoking 8. Go Back to School 4. Save Money 9. Cut Back on Alcohol 5. Cut Your Stress 10. Get More Sleep What are your resolutions for 2012? Last month went by very fast with Exodus taking up half the month. I hope everyone had a joyous holiday season. I would like to welcome the newest members of the unit: SFC Soraya Merles, SGT Armando Frias, SSG James Thompson and their families. The combined HHC/597th FRG meeting for this month is currently scheduled on the 10th with more information to follow on the location. Each FRG meeting is filled with valuable information about your Soldiers activities, military events, and a fun activity. The meetings are definitely worthwhile. Please come and support if you can! During the month of January we will be celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on the 16th. He was born on January 15th, 1928, and was 40 years old when he was assassinated on April 4th, 1968 in Memphis, TN. It is a time to reflect on everything Dr. King accomplished in the civil and human rights movement for this great country of ours. The ATSCOM/TAOG FRG’s Facebook site is a great resource to help discover upcoming events and programs here at Fort Rucker. Please visit the site for more details: http://!/ATSCOMTAOG As always, if there is anything that my wife Dejah or I can do for you, please let us know. “An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.” Bill Vaughn Fast and Furious! Page 3
  • 4. CHAPLAIN Happy New Year 164th TAOG FAMILY!!! “Walk Wisely” As we embark upon another New Year, it comes with both hopeful and challenging days. Some view this as a time for a new beginning while others perceive it as a means to correct past mistakes or failures. Indeed, 2012 will offer many incredible new opportunities for all of us, but, we must ask ourselves, “How will we respond to the opportunities that God sends our way?” Some years ago, I was in a junction in my career making a decision of which direction I should travel next with my life. My mother was aware of my situation at the time, and I still remember her saying to me, “Son, life is too short to do that which offers little value.” In essence, she forewarned me to use my few days here on earth wisely. When the author wrote Ephesians 5:15-17, apparently when writing to his audience, he had that same idea in mind. Paul warned the church at Ephesus, “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil…understand what the will of the Lord is.” First, he cautioned us to be careful and walk circumspectly, meaning “looking around.” In other words, we are to walk wisely. In order to accomplish this, we must make the most of every opportunity God gives us. A Chinese adage says, “Opportunity has a forelock so you can seize it when you meet it. Once it is past, you cannot seize it again.” Secondly, we are admonished to understand the will of God. Without question, 2012 will have numerous distractions willing to fully occupy our time. Yet, the wise per- son will ensure their lives are in-sync with God’s will. Basically, Paul is saying we must discover and carry-out the will of God. In order to fulfill this task, we must pray for His wisdom and meditate upon the Word of God, and then He will transform our mind. closing, due to the brevity of life, make sure you take every opportunity in 2012 to love and spend time with your Family. Moreover, strive to do things that will last or make an everlasting impact upon someone’s life. When walking in the will of God, leave the consequences in His hands. Hence, walk wisely in spite of what lies ahead in 2012, as it does not exceed the Almighty God. 164th TAOG UMT CH (MAJ) A. Gerald DuBose / SSG Farrington Office: 255-8968 BB: 470-6436 SSG Seng Page 4
  • 5. FAMILY READINESS SUPPORT ASSISTANT, FRSA Your Soldier Is Home – Now What? Being reunited with your Soldier is very exciting, but can also be very stressful as the Sol- dier readjusts to being home and the Family is readjusting to having their Soldier home. Resources, agencies, organizations, and assistance are available to you. Here are a few things to think about as you transition and readjust to having your Family back together again: Helpful Resources Military OneSource or 1-800-343-9647 This DoD portal offers a toll free telephone number and web site with 24/7 capability for confidential counseling, to either speak or email a master level consultant, at no cost. As- sistance to Soldiers and Family members includes: Child care, personal finances, emo- tional support during deployments, relocation information, resources needed for special circumstances, or private counseling in the local community. Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC) This Center provides multiple Family services and connections for wounded Soldiers and Families, and DA civilians. Some of these services are: Military personnel services/ benefits, Substance Abuse Services, Information and Referral, Financial Counseling, Transition/Employment Counseling, Education Counseling, Child Care and Youth Ser- vices, Pastoral Services, and Legal Services. A virtual SFAC (vSFAC) is a web-based system of information and support that is available as well, and especially helpful for Families who are not near an installation. Installation’s Support Services such as Army Community Service (ACS), Family Ad- vocacy Program (FAP), and Child Youth Services (CYS). Medical Provider Your doctor or medical professional can help determine what may be causing your diffi- culties and refer you to the appropriate specialist for help. Mental/Behavioral Health Services Within the Army and local community, trained medical and counseling staff provide emotional and mental health services. There is also your Chaplain, Military Family Life Consultant, and School Counselor. For more information and referral, please contact these service or myself at 334-255- 8919 or for further contact information. Page 5
  • 6. TAOG FRG LEADER Happy New Year, The Christmas wrapping went well and thank you to everyone that helped. The funds we raised will benefit the FRG towards training, socials, and deployment resources. With the upcoming deployment on the horizon for our ATSSE, Air Traffic Services Standardization Element, we need to be thinking about a key caller or two for that team. There will also be times when we get together and put care packages together for the team downrange. We will need to do everything we can to take care of them. The January FRG social will not be at The Commons as usual so be looking out for where the new location will be. Again, here are the CURRENT POSITIONS we have and those that are available. FRG Leader: Megan Blevins Co FRG Leader: Natasha Perez – Will come available soon. Treasurer: Judy Nobles Co Treasurer: Christina Seng Activities Coordinator: Julie Smith Key Caller HHC: REQUIRED Key Caller 59TH: REQUIRED If you would like to know what the required positions duty descriptions are, please let me know. ~Megan Blevins, HHC/597th FRG Leader Page 6
  • 7. December 31st New Year’s Eve Bowling Party Start the New Year off with a Smash!! Make it a Bowling Party at Rucker Lanes. Family Friendly bowling times run from 2:00 - 4:00 pm and 6:00 – 8:00 pm and the cost is $40 per lane (up to 8 people). This price includes 2 hours of Xtreme Bowling, Shoe Rental, and Buffet. The Adult Bowling Time runs from 10:00 pm – 1:00 am and the cost is $56 per lane (up to 8 people). This price includes 3 hours of Xtreme Bowling, shoe rental, Countdown to Midnight and Champagne Toast* (21 and Older), and New Year’s Eve Buffet. A $20 deposit is required… non-refundable 24 hours before the event! SPACES ARE LIM- ITED – ONLY 20 LANES AVAILABLE. Call Rucker Lanes at 255-9503 to reserve your lanes to help smash in the New Year. Open to the Public. January 9th Alabama vs LSU Championship Game at Mother Rucker’s Come out to Mother Rucker ‘s on January 9th starting at 7:30 pm to watch Alabama & LSU Championship football game. We will be doing a tailgate BBQ on the back patio, which will include BBQ ribs, fries and coleslaw; $12 for the Rib Platter. There will be beer specials and door prize give-a-ways. Open to the Public ages 18 and over. Mother Rucker’s Sports Bar 503-0396. January 20th Comedy Live at Rucker Comedy Live at Rucker will feature comedians Richie Holliday and Collin Moulton. Doors will open at 7pm and the comedy show will last from 8:00-9:45pm. The show is consid- ered Adult Rated and is for ages 18 and up. Advanced tickets are $10 and are available at The Landing Zone until 4pm on January 20th. Tickets are $15 at the door. Comedy Patrons are in- vited to hear the DJ in the Landing Zone after the show. For more information please contact Family & MWR at 255-9810. This event is Open to the Public. Check out the January Fort Rucker @ Ease Guide to Family & MWR . Visit to see all your entertainment and family needs. Page 7
  • 8. January 5 Hunter Education Courses at The Tri-State Gun Club on Dale County Road 437 from 5:30-9:30 p.m., call 255-4305 January 6 Promotion Points Parent Support Program at the Early Childhood Activity Center, 3705 Dean Street from 9:00-11:00 a.m., call 255- 3898 January 12-February 23 Becoming a Love and Logic Parent Workshop at the Early Childhood Activity Center, 3705 Dean Street from 9:00-11:00 a.m., call 255- 3898 January 18 &19 AFTB Level III Training, at The Commons, Bldg 8950, from 8:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m., call 255-2382. January 20 Newcomers Welcome at The Landing from 8:30-10:30 a.m., call 255-3161. January 23 CYSS Parent Advisory Council Meeting, at the Youth Center on 7th Division Rd, Bldg. 2806 from 12:00-1:00 p.m., call 255-2958. January 24 & 26 Financial Readiness Program: Home Buying & Selling Workshop at The Commons, Bldg 8950 from 6:30-8:00 p.m., call 255-9639. January 26 Get R.E.A.L. (Rucker Experience, Army Learning) at The Commons, Bldg 8950 from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. January 31 Stress Management Workshop at the Early Childhood Activity Center from 9-11 a.m., call 255-3898 Page 8
  • 9. KiD’s CoRnEr 6:15 p.m. to 10:15 Page 9
  • 10. All Conveniently Located at Fort Rucker, Alabama Page 10