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Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition
           ( (J2ME

               J2ME              1
  What’sJ2ME?
  J2ME core concepts
     Configurations (CLDC, CDC(
     Profiles (MIDP(

  MIDlet,   MIDlet Suite
  Basic   classes API
  Installation   and using the Toolkit
  Demos!!!

                            J2ME          2
    Personalized and intelligent information appliances
     are necessities in our life today.
    Such appliances can be:
      cellphones
      two-way pagers
      smart cards
      personal organizers
      palmtops
    These appliances tend to be special-purpose,
     limited-resource, network-connected devices.

                             J2ME                          3
Environment requirements
  We   need an environment which is adapted for
   constrained devices - devices that have
   limitations on what they can do when
   compared to standard desktop or server
  The constraints are:
    extremely limited memory
    small screen sizes
    alternative input methods
    slow processors

                          J2ME                     4
?So – what’s the solution

  Because  of the vast
   need, Sun has
   decided to develop a
   special edition of
   Java - J2ME (Java
   2 Micro Edition).

                    J2ME    5
J2ME   6
Java Editions
  Differentdevices have different
   requirements and different expectations
   of Java.
  One platform (solution( cannot address
   all the market segments (web server,
   video games etc.(
  Users/developers want flexibility. They
   want to choose what they want to use
   and what they do not.

                     J2ME                    7
Java Editions
  The  Java 2 Platform is split into three
  Each edition provides a complete
   environment for running Java-based
   applications, including the Java virtual
   machine (VM( and runtime classes.
  The three editions target different kinds
   of applications running on different kinds
   of devices.

                      J2ME                      8
Java Editions

                            Java 2 Platform

     Java2                       Java2               Java2
 Standard Edition           Enterprise Edition    Micro Edition
    (J2SE™)                     (J2EE™)            (J2ME™)

 Standard desktop &          Heavy duty server   Small & memory
 workstation applications    systems             constrained devices

                                    J2ME                               9
Java Editions
  Each   edition defines different sets of class
  There are thousands of core J2SE runtime
   classes, taking up to 10-20 megabytes
   of space.
  J2ME-based devices have              J2EE

   fewer classes.                            J2SE


                          J2ME                       10
PersonalJava and EmbeddedJava

  J2ME  is not the first attempt at adapting
   Java for constrained environments.
  PersonalJava
    Uses  the basic Java 1.1 runtime classes
     with a few features from Java 2.
    Implementation still requires a couple of
     megabytes of memory and a fast processor
     to run.

                      J2ME                       11
PersonalJava and EmbeddedJava

  EmbeddedJava
    Makes  every behavior of the JVM and the
     runtime classes optional - the implementor
     can choose exactly which classes and
     methods are required.
    The limitation: "write once, run anywhere".

                       J2ME                        12
J2ME Core Concepts
  Configuration

     Minimum  platform                  Profile
     required for a
     group of devices
  Profile                              Libraries

     Addresses specific             Java Language
     needs of a certain
     device family                Java Virtual Machine

  Optional   Packages
                                  Host Operating System

                           J2ME                              13
J2ME Core Concepts

 J2ME is based on 3 core concepts:
  Configurations
  Profiles
  Optional packages

                    J2ME             14

 A  configuration is a complete Java
   runtime environment, consisting of:
    Java virtual machine (VM( to execute Java
    Native code to interface to the underlying
    Set of core Java runtime classes

  Touse a configuration, a device must
   meet certain minimum requirements.
                       J2ME                       15

  The  set of core classes is normally quite
   small and must be enhanced with
   additional classes supplied by J2ME
   profiles or by configuration implementor.
  Configurations do not define any user
   interface classes.

                      J2ME                      16


          CLDC                         CDC

      Connected Limited            Connected Device
     Device Configuration            Configuration

                            J2ME                      17
    CLDC                             CDC
       For very constrained             2 MB or more
        devices                           memory for Java
       160 - 512 KB of total             platform
        memory                           32-bit processor
       16-bit or 32-bit                 High bandwidth
        processor                         network connection,
       Low power                         most often using
        consumption and                   TCP/IP
        often operating with
        battery power
       Connectivity with
        limited bandwidth
                                J2ME                            18
  Features
          missing in           The     CDC supports a
  the CLDC VM:                     complete, full-
                                   featured Java 2
    Floating point types          virtual machine
    Object finalization

    JNI or reflection

    Thread groups or
     daemon threads
    User Class loaders

  Change   in classfile
  verification  preverification
                            J2ME                         19
The KVM and CVM
  KVM   - Java virtual machines for the CLDC
  CVM - Java virtual machines for the CDC
  Written specifically to work in the constrained
   environment of a handheld or embedded
   device and to be easily ported to different
  CLDC and CDC specifications do not require
   the use of the KVM or the CVM.

                         J2ME                        20
CLDC vs. CDC – J2SE Subset
  TheCLDC includes      The  CDC includes
  classes from:           17 packages
    java.lang           Includes more
                 classes even in the
    java.util            shared packages
  Onlyselected
  classes from each
  package are

                      J2ME                      21
CLDC vs. CDC – J2SE Subset

         J2SE    CDC   CLDC

                J2ME          22
Handling I/O
  J2SE   includes many classes for
   performing input and output.
  There are a large number of I/O classes
   and they tend to encapsulate I/O models
   that are not necessarily found on all
  For example, some handheld devices do
   not have file systems. Socket support is
   not universal, either.

                     J2ME                     23
Handling I/O in CLDC
  The  CLDC has define a new set of APIs for I/O
   called the Generic Connection Framework.
  The GCF, part of the new
   package, defines interfaces for the different
   kinds of I/O that are possible.
  The CLDC does not actually define any I/O
   implementations these are left to the profiles
   and/or the device vendor to define.

                       J2ME                     24
GCF - example

  StreamConnection conn = null;
  InputStream is = null;
  String url = "socket://";

  try {
          conn = (StreamConnection) url );
          is = conn.openInputStream();
          .... // etc. etc.
                             J2ME                        25
Handling I/O in CDC

  Since  the CDC is a superset of the
   CLDC, it includes the GCF.
  CDC also requires GCF support for two
   specific connection types: files and
  The reason: CDC includes the relevant
   classes from and

                    J2ME                   26
J2ME Core Concepts

 J2ME is based on 3 core concepts:
  Configurations
  Profiles
  Optional packages

                    J2ME             27
  Adds  domain-specific classes to a
     To fill in missing functionality
     To support specific uses of a device

  Most  profiles define user interface classes for
   building interactive applications.
  To use a profile, the device must meet the
   minimum requirements of the underlying
   configuration and of the profile.

                           J2ME                       28


   MIDP        PDAP
               PDAP           FP
                              FP           PBP
                                           PBP           PP

   Mobile     Personal    Foundation    Personal       Personal
Information    Digital      Profile    Basis Profile    Profile
   Device     Assistant
   Profile     Profile

                              J2ME                            29
MIDP – MID Profile
  MIDP is targeted at a class of devices
   known as mobile information devices
  Minimal characteristics of MIDs:
    Enough  memory to run MIDP applications
    Display of at least 96 X 56 pixels, either
     monochrome or color
    A keypad, keyboard, or touch screen
    Two-way wireless networking capability

                       J2ME                       30
MIDP - Specification

 There   are two versions of the MIDP:
   MIDP   1.0 - released in September
    2000. Many devices currently on the
    market support it.
   MIDP 2.0 - currently in proposed final
    draft form. No devices yet support it.

                    J2ME                     31
MIDP - Specification
  The  MIDP adds APIs to the basic APIs defined
   by the CLDC. The new features include:
    Support for application lifecycle management
     similar to the way applets are defined in J2SE.
    Persistent storage of data.

    HTTP-based network connectivity based on the
     CLDC's GCF.
    Simple user interface support, with enough
     flexibility to build games or business applications.

                            J2ME                            32
MIDP - Specification

  TheMIDP specification is silent about a
   number of things:
    No standard way to interface to the device's
     phonebook, in order to initiate voice calls.
    How MIDP applications are loaded onto a
     device and how they are activated or

                       J2ME                         33
MIDP Applications restrictions
  Memory     is a particularly scarce resource.
       The early Motorola J2ME-enabled phones limited
        the size of an application to 50K. Some Nokia
        phones limit them to even less, about 30K.
  MIDP  1.0 applications cannot share classes.
  Placing part of the application in a web or
   application server (as a servlet, typically) that
   the MIDP application calls is almost a
   requirement for anything serious.

                            J2ME                         34
J2ME Core Concepts

 J2ME is based on 3 core concepts:
  Configurations
  Profiles
  Optional packages

                    J2ME             35
Optional Packages
  Set of APIs in support of additional,
   common behaviors.
  Have specific dependencies on a
   particular configuration and/or one or
   more profiles.
  Examples of optional packages :
    RMI Optional Package
    Bluetooth Optional Package

    JDBC Optional Package

                      J2ME                  36
What it all means
  "J2ME   application" is an ambiguous term.
  Configuration, profile and optional packages
   should be chosen.
  CDC-based profiles make development
   simpler due to J2SE-like APIs, but don’t suit
   the low-end devices.
  CLDC-based profiles makes the development
   task harder, especially when trying to shrink
   the size of the application to run on many of
   the small devices.

                       J2ME                        37
J2ME   38
…MIDlets – The heart of J2ME

  MIDP   does not support the running of
   applications that use a static main
   method as their entry point, nor calling
   the System.exit method in order to
  Instead, we use a MIDlet, which is a MID
   Profile application.

                    J2ME                  39
…MIDlets – The heart of J2ME

  Every application must extend
  javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet class
  to allow the application management
  software to:
    control the MIDlet
    be able to retrieve properties from the
     application descriptor
    notify and request state changes

                        J2ME                   40
…MIDlets – The heart of J2ME

  The  extending class is the main class of
   the application.
  The MIDlet class defines abstract
   methods that the main class implements
   (for example: startApp(), destroyApp(),

                     J2ME                      41
MIDlet Suite

  One  or more MIDlets are packaged
   together into a MIDlet suite, composed
    JAR (Java archive) file
    JAD (Java Application Descriptor) file

  Allthe user-defined classes and
   resources required by the suite's MIDlets
   must be in the JAR file.

                       J2ME                   42
MIDlet Suite

  The  JAR file must also include a
   manifest that describe the MIDlets in the
  The application descriptor (JAD)
   contains similar information, and is used
   by devices to obtain information about a
   MIDlet suite without having to download
   and install the MIDlet suite first.

                     J2ME                      43
Creating a MIDlet

                J2ME   44
Creating a MIDlet            Importing MIDP

    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;

                      J2ME                    45
Creating a MIDlet
                               Extends MIDlet

     public class HelloMIDlet
         extends MIDlet
         implements CommandListener {

                       J2ME                     46
Creating a MIDlet

                                         Creating the
                                         form, adding

 public HelloMIDlet() {
     mMainForm = new Form("HelloMIDlet");
     mMainForm.append(new StringItem(null,
              "Hello, Seminar Software Design!"));
     mMainForm.addCommand(new Command("Exit",
              Command.EXIT, 0));

                          J2ME                          47
Sample MIDP classes API

  MIDlet
  Form
  Command
    CommandListener

    ItemCommandListener

  Item

                       J2ME   48
Sample classes API

 MIDlet   – Base class
  Form
  Command
    CommandListener

    ItemCommandListener

  Item

                       J2ME   49
MIDlet class API
 protected abstract void startApp()
 protected abstract void pauseApp()
 protected abstract void
  destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
 public final String
  getAppProperty(String key)
 public final void notifyDestroyed()

                   J2ME                 50
Sample classes API
  MIDlet

  Command
    CommandListener

    ItemCommandListener

  Item

                       J2ME   51
Form class
 A  Form is a Screen that contains an arbitrary
   mixture of items: images, read-only text fields,
   editable text fields, editable date fields,
   gauges, choice groups, and custom items.
  In general, any subclass of the Item class may
   be contained within a form.
  The implementation handles layout, traversal,
   and scrolling.

                         J2ME                         52
Form class API

 Item   management
   public int append(Item item)
   public Item get(int itemNum)

  publicvoid
  Listener iListener)

                 J2ME              53
Sample classes API

  MIDlet
  Form
    CommandListener

    ItemCommadListener

  Item

                       J2ME   54
Command class
  The Command class represents the semantic
   meaning of an action. Command objects are
   presented in the user interface.
  The action itself is implemented in a
   CommandListener object.
  The CommandListener is associated with a
   Displayable or an Item.
  Once the Command is called – the
   CommandListener is invoked, and the action is

                       J2ME                    55
Command class

  Command label
   public String getLabel()

  Command type
   public int getCommandType()

  Command priority
   public int getPriority()

                J2ME              56
CommandListener class API

  Thisobject is a listener for Commands
  that are attached to a Displayable.
  public void
  commandAction(Command c,
  Displayable d)

                    J2ME                   57
ItemCommandListener class API

  When   a command (attached to an Item)
   is invoked, the application is notified by
   having the commandAction() method
   called on the ItemCommandListener that
   had been set on the Item.
  public void
   commandAction(Command c,
   Item item)

                      J2ME                      58
Sample classes API

  MIDlet
  Form
  Command
    CommandListener

    ItemCommandListener


                       J2ME   59
Item class

 A  superclass for components that can be
   added to a Form.
  All Item objects have a label field
  Choose the Item’s layout, size, and
  Attach Commands

                    J2ME                 60
Item class API

  public void
   setDefaultCommand(Command cmd)
  public void
   mandListener listener)
  public void
  public int getPreferredWidth()

                 J2ME               61
…Getting Started

      step: Download sun’s J2ME
    Wireless Toolkit from:
   2nd step: Make sure you have J2SE
    SDK installed
   3rd step: Install the J2ME Toolkit.

                      J2ME                        62
….After the installation
  Shortcuts   are available from the start menu.

  New  directories

                          J2ME                      63
Using KToolbar

            J2ME   64
Creating a new Application
  Press  “New Project”.
  Enter the project’s name and the MIDlet’s
   class name.
  New directories will automatically be created.

                        J2ME                        65
Where to place your files?
 J2ME/apps/{proj}       source, resource, and binary
 J2ME/apps/{proj}/bin   JAR, JAD, unpacked manifest
 J2ME/apps/{proj}/lib   external class libraries, (JAR or
                        ZIP) for a specific project
 J2ME/apps/{proj}/res   resource files

 J2ME/apps/{proj}/src   source files

                        external class libraries, (JAR or
 J2ME/apps/lib          ZIP) for all KToolbar projects.
                           J2ME                             66
And then what?
  Choose      the target platform
  Write your code Java Technology for the Wireless
      JTWI - conforms to
      Industry (JSR-185).
  Save
      MIDP1.0 - includes MIDP 1.0 and CLDC 1.0
      Custom - user defined settings, you can select project
  Build
      profile, configurations and various APIs.
   (Compile + Preverify)
  Run

                                   J2ME                        67
Distribution to actual devices

  Create  a package
  Place your code somewhere on the net.
  Update .jad file
  Download the application to your mobile
  Start playing… 

                    J2ME                     68
Some other issues

  OTA  provisioning
  Using Servlets
  Working with EclipseME
  Web services

                   J2ME     69
!The END

   J2ME    70

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  • 1. Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition ( (J2ME J2ME 1
  • 2. Contents  What’sJ2ME?  J2ME core concepts  Configurations (CLDC, CDC(  Profiles (MIDP(  MIDlet, MIDlet Suite  Basic classes API  Installation and using the Toolkit  Demos!!! J2ME 2
  • 3. Introduction  Personalized and intelligent information appliances are necessities in our life today.  Such appliances can be:  cellphones  two-way pagers  smart cards  personal organizers  palmtops  These appliances tend to be special-purpose, limited-resource, network-connected devices. J2ME 3
  • 4. Environment requirements  We need an environment which is adapted for constrained devices - devices that have limitations on what they can do when compared to standard desktop or server computers.  The constraints are:  extremely limited memory  small screen sizes  alternative input methods  slow processors J2ME 4
  • 5. ?So – what’s the solution  Because of the vast need, Sun has decided to develop a special edition of Java - J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition). J2ME 5
  • 6. J2ME 6
  • 7. Java Editions  Differentdevices have different requirements and different expectations of Java.  One platform (solution( cannot address all the market segments (web server, video games etc.(  Users/developers want flexibility. They want to choose what they want to use and what they do not. J2ME 7
  • 8. Java Editions  The Java 2 Platform is split into three editions.  Each edition provides a complete environment for running Java-based applications, including the Java virtual machine (VM( and runtime classes.  The three editions target different kinds of applications running on different kinds of devices. J2ME 8
  • 9. Java Editions Java 2 Platform Java2 Java2 Java2 Standard Edition Enterprise Edition Micro Edition (J2SE™) (J2EE™) (J2ME™) Standard desktop & Heavy duty server Small & memory workstation applications systems constrained devices J2ME 9
  • 10. Java Editions  Each edition defines different sets of class libraries.  There are thousands of core J2SE runtime classes, taking up to 10-20 megabytes of space.  J2ME-based devices have J2EE fewer classes. J2SE J2ME J2ME 10
  • 11. PersonalJava and EmbeddedJava  J2ME is not the first attempt at adapting Java for constrained environments.  PersonalJava  Uses the basic Java 1.1 runtime classes with a few features from Java 2.  Implementation still requires a couple of megabytes of memory and a fast processor to run. J2ME 11
  • 12. PersonalJava and EmbeddedJava  EmbeddedJava  Makes every behavior of the JVM and the runtime classes optional - the implementor can choose exactly which classes and methods are required.  The limitation: "write once, run anywhere". J2ME 12
  • 13. J2ME Core Concepts  Configuration Profiles J2ME  Minimum platform Profile required for a group of devices J2ME  Profile Libraries Configuration  Addresses specific Java Language needs of a certain device family Java Virtual Machine  Optional Packages Host Operating System J2ME 13
  • 14. J2ME Core Concepts J2ME is based on 3 core concepts:  Configurations  Profiles  Optional packages J2ME 14
  • 15. Configurations A configuration is a complete Java runtime environment, consisting of:  Java virtual machine (VM( to execute Java bytecode  Native code to interface to the underlying system  Set of core Java runtime classes  Touse a configuration, a device must meet certain minimum requirements. J2ME 15
  • 16. Configurations  The set of core classes is normally quite small and must be enhanced with additional classes supplied by J2ME profiles or by configuration implementor.  Configurations do not define any user interface classes. J2ME 16
  • 17. Configurations Configuration Configuration CLDC CLDC CDC CDC Connected Limited Connected Device Device Configuration Configuration J2ME 17
  • 18. CLDC vs. CDC  CLDC  CDC  For very constrained  2 MB or more devices memory for Java  160 - 512 KB of total platform memory  32-bit processor  16-bit or 32-bit  High bandwidth processor network connection,  Low power most often using consumption and TCP/IP often operating with battery power  Connectivity with limited bandwidth J2ME 18
  • 19. CLDC vs. CDC - VM  Features missing in  The CDC supports a the CLDC VM: complete, full- featured Java 2  Floating point types virtual machine  Object finalization  JNI or reflection  Thread groups or daemon threads  User Class loaders  Change in classfile verification  preverification J2ME 19
  • 20. The KVM and CVM  KVM - Java virtual machines for the CLDC  CVM - Java virtual machines for the CDC  Written specifically to work in the constrained environment of a handheld or embedded device and to be easily ported to different platforms.  CLDC and CDC specifications do not require the use of the KVM or the CVM. J2ME 20
  • 21. CLDC vs. CDC – J2SE Subset  TheCLDC includes  The CDC includes classes from: 17 packages  java.lang  Includes more  classes even in the  java.util shared packages  Onlyselected classes from each package are included J2ME 21
  • 22. CLDC vs. CDC – J2SE Subset J2SE CDC CLDC J2ME 22
  • 23. Handling I/O  J2SE includes many classes for performing input and output.  There are a large number of I/O classes and they tend to encapsulate I/O models that are not necessarily found on all devices.  For example, some handheld devices do not have file systems. Socket support is not universal, either. J2ME 23
  • 24. Handling I/O in CLDC  The CLDC has define a new set of APIs for I/O called the Generic Connection Framework.  The GCF, part of the new package, defines interfaces for the different kinds of I/O that are possible.  The CLDC does not actually define any I/O implementations these are left to the profiles and/or the device vendor to define. J2ME 24
  • 25. GCF - example import*; import*; StreamConnection conn = null; InputStream is = null; String url = "socket://"; try { conn = (StreamConnection) url ); is = conn.openInputStream(); .... // etc. etc. }… J2ME 25
  • 26. Handling I/O in CDC  Since the CDC is a superset of the CLDC, it includes the GCF.  CDC also requires GCF support for two specific connection types: files and datagrams.  The reason: CDC includes the relevant classes from and packages. J2ME 26
  • 27. J2ME Core Concepts J2ME is based on 3 core concepts:  Configurations  Profiles  Optional packages J2ME 27
  • 28. Profiles  Adds domain-specific classes to a configuration:  To fill in missing functionality  To support specific uses of a device  Most profiles define user interface classes for building interactive applications.  To use a profile, the device must meet the minimum requirements of the underlying configuration and of the profile. J2ME 28
  • 29. Profiles Profile Profile MIDP MIDP PDAP PDAP FP FP PBP PBP PP PP Mobile Personal Foundation Personal Personal Information Digital Profile Basis Profile Profile Device Assistant Profile Profile J2ME 29
  • 30. MIDP – MID Profile  MIDP is targeted at a class of devices known as mobile information devices (MIDs).  Minimal characteristics of MIDs:  Enough memory to run MIDP applications  Display of at least 96 X 56 pixels, either monochrome or color  A keypad, keyboard, or touch screen  Two-way wireless networking capability J2ME 30
  • 31. MIDP - Specification There are two versions of the MIDP: MIDP 1.0 - released in September 2000. Many devices currently on the market support it. MIDP 2.0 - currently in proposed final draft form. No devices yet support it. J2ME 31
  • 32. MIDP - Specification  The MIDP adds APIs to the basic APIs defined by the CLDC. The new features include:  Support for application lifecycle management similar to the way applets are defined in J2SE.  Persistent storage of data.  HTTP-based network connectivity based on the CLDC's GCF.  Simple user interface support, with enough flexibility to build games or business applications. J2ME 32
  • 33. MIDP - Specification  TheMIDP specification is silent about a number of things:  No standard way to interface to the device's phonebook, in order to initiate voice calls.  How MIDP applications are loaded onto a device and how they are activated or deactivated. J2ME 33
  • 34. MIDP Applications restrictions  Memory is a particularly scarce resource.  The early Motorola J2ME-enabled phones limited the size of an application to 50K. Some Nokia phones limit them to even less, about 30K.  MIDP 1.0 applications cannot share classes.  Placing part of the application in a web or application server (as a servlet, typically) that the MIDP application calls is almost a requirement for anything serious. J2ME 34
  • 35. J2ME Core Concepts J2ME is based on 3 core concepts:  Configurations  Profiles  Optional packages J2ME 35
  • 36. Optional Packages  Set of APIs in support of additional, common behaviors.  Have specific dependencies on a particular configuration and/or one or more profiles.  Examples of optional packages :  RMI Optional Package  Bluetooth Optional Package  JDBC Optional Package J2ME 36
  • 37. What it all means  "J2ME application" is an ambiguous term.  Configuration, profile and optional packages should be chosen.  CDC-based profiles make development simpler due to J2SE-like APIs, but don’t suit the low-end devices.  CLDC-based profiles makes the development task harder, especially when trying to shrink the size of the application to run on many of the small devices. J2ME 37
  • 38. J2ME 38
  • 39. …MIDlets – The heart of J2ME  MIDP does not support the running of applications that use a static main method as their entry point, nor calling the System.exit method in order to terminate.  Instead, we use a MIDlet, which is a MID Profile application. J2ME 39
  • 40. …MIDlets – The heart of J2ME  Every application must extend javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet class to allow the application management software to:  control the MIDlet  be able to retrieve properties from the application descriptor  notify and request state changes J2ME 40
  • 41. …MIDlets – The heart of J2ME  The extending class is the main class of the application.  The MIDlet class defines abstract methods that the main class implements (for example: startApp(), destroyApp(), notifyDestroyed()). J2ME 41
  • 42. MIDlet Suite  One or more MIDlets are packaged together into a MIDlet suite, composed of:  JAR (Java archive) file  JAD (Java Application Descriptor) file  Allthe user-defined classes and resources required by the suite's MIDlets must be in the JAR file. J2ME 42
  • 43. MIDlet Suite  The JAR file must also include a manifest that describe the MIDlets in the suite.  The application descriptor (JAD) contains similar information, and is used by devices to obtain information about a MIDlet suite without having to download and install the MIDlet suite first. J2ME 43
  • 44. Creating a MIDlet J2ME 44
  • 45. Creating a MIDlet Importing MIDP specific packages import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; J2ME 45
  • 46. Creating a MIDlet Extends MIDlet Implements CommandListener public class HelloMIDlet extends MIDlet implements CommandListener { J2ME 46
  • 47. Creating a MIDlet Creating the form, adding the Commands public HelloMIDlet() { mMainForm = new Form("HelloMIDlet"); mMainForm.append(new StringItem(null, "Hello, Seminar Software Design!")); mMainForm.addCommand(new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 0)); mMainForm.setCommandListener(this); } J2ME 47
  • 48. Sample MIDP classes API  MIDlet  Form  Command  CommandListener  ItemCommandListener  Item J2ME 48
  • 49. Sample classes API MIDlet – Base class  Form  Command  CommandListener  ItemCommandListener  Item J2ME 49
  • 50. MIDlet class API  protected abstract void startApp()  protected abstract void pauseApp()  protected abstract void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)  public final String getAppProperty(String key)  public final void notifyDestroyed() J2ME 50
  • 51. Sample classes API  MIDlet Form  Command  CommandListener  ItemCommandListener  Item J2ME 51
  • 52. Form class A Form is a Screen that contains an arbitrary mixture of items: images, read-only text fields, editable text fields, editable date fields, gauges, choice groups, and custom items.  In general, any subclass of the Item class may be contained within a form.  The implementation handles layout, traversal, and scrolling. J2ME 52
  • 53. Form class API Item management public int append(Item item) public Item get(int itemNum) Layout  publicvoid setItemStateListener(ItemState Listener iListener) J2ME 53
  • 54. Sample classes API  MIDlet  Form Command  CommandListener  ItemCommadListener  Item J2ME 54
  • 55. Command class  The Command class represents the semantic meaning of an action. Command objects are presented in the user interface.  The action itself is implemented in a CommandListener object.  The CommandListener is associated with a Displayable or an Item.  Once the Command is called – the CommandListener is invoked, and the action is performed. J2ME 55
  • 56. Command class  Command label public String getLabel()  Command type public int getCommandType()  Command priority public int getPriority() J2ME 56
  • 57. CommandListener class API  Thisobject is a listener for Commands that are attached to a Displayable.  public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) J2ME 57
  • 58. ItemCommandListener class API  When a command (attached to an Item) is invoked, the application is notified by having the commandAction() method called on the ItemCommandListener that had been set on the Item.  public void commandAction(Command c, Item item) J2ME 58
  • 59. Sample classes API  MIDlet  Form  Command  CommandListener  ItemCommandListener Item J2ME 59
  • 60. Item class A superclass for components that can be added to a Form.  All Item objects have a label field  Choose the Item’s layout, size, and appearance  Attach Commands J2ME 60
  • 61. Item class API  public void setDefaultCommand(Command cmd)  public void setItemCommandListener(ItemCom mandListener listener)  public void notifyStateChanged()  public int getPreferredWidth() J2ME 61
  • 62. …Getting Started 1st step: Download sun’s J2ME Wireless Toolkit from: ownload-2_1.html 2nd step: Make sure you have J2SE SDK installed 3rd step: Install the J2ME Toolkit. J2ME 62
  • 63. ….After the installation  Shortcuts are available from the start menu.  New directories created J2ME 63
  • 64. Using KToolbar J2ME 64
  • 65. Creating a new Application  Press “New Project”.  Enter the project’s name and the MIDlet’s class name.  New directories will automatically be created. J2ME 65
  • 66. Where to place your files? J2ME/apps/{proj} source, resource, and binary files J2ME/apps/{proj}/bin JAR, JAD, unpacked manifest files. J2ME/apps/{proj}/lib external class libraries, (JAR or ZIP) for a specific project J2ME/apps/{proj}/res resource files J2ME/apps/{proj}/src source files external class libraries, (JAR or J2ME/apps/lib ZIP) for all KToolbar projects. J2ME 66
  • 67. And then what?  Choose the target platform  Write your code Java Technology for the Wireless JTWI - conforms to Industry (JSR-185).  Save MIDP1.0 - includes MIDP 1.0 and CLDC 1.0 Custom - user defined settings, you can select project  Build profile, configurations and various APIs. (Compile + Preverify)  Run J2ME 67
  • 68. Distribution to actual devices  Create a package  Place your code somewhere on the net.  Update .jad file  Download the application to your mobile  Start playing…  J2ME 68
  • 69. Some other issues  OTA provisioning  Using Servlets  Working with EclipseME  Web services J2ME 69
  • 70. !The END J2ME 70

Editor's Notes

  1. Stat with: Who doesn’t own a cellphone? Say that it is different than anything we knew until today.
  2. The main difference is the size of libraries. 10-20 megabytes – too big for the majority of devices. Fewer classes – especially the smaller devices.
  3. The Java runtime environment can only be used by the implementor and cannot be exposed to third parties
  4. Class files are processed by an off-device class verifier, a process called preverification . At runtime, the VM uses information inserted into the class files by the preverifier to perform the final verification steps. Files that have not been processed by the preverifier are not loaded since they cannot be verified.
  5. Many device manufacturers license the KVM or CVM from Sun Microsystems to serve as the core of their J2ME implementation, they are not required for J2ME compliance.
  6. Only selected classes from each package are included: for example, the java.util.Vector and java.util.Hashtable classes are included, but none of the collection classes are. The largest package is the java.lang package, which defines the classes that are fundamental to any java application, classes like java.lang.Object or java.lang.Integer. The subset only includes abstract and memory-based classes and interfaces like or The java.util subset only includes a few utility classes.
  7. It defines interfaces and a factory class for creating objects that implement those interfaces.
  8. The code above assumes that the device knows how to map the "socket" protocol in the URL to an object that implements the GCF's StreamConnection interface, which defines methods for obtaining the input and output streams of a socket connection. It should be noted, however, that the CLDC does not actually define any I/O implementations. In other words, the CLDC defines the interfaces of the GCF, but the implementation classes -- the ones that do the actual I/O -- are left to the profiles and/or the device vendor to define. For example, the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) -- a CLDC-based profile -- requires support for a subset of HTTP 1.1 and so it recognizes the "http" protocol in URLs and returns objects that implement the GCF's ContentConnection interface.
  9. By itself, the CLDC is a limited programming platform. Because it does not define any user interface classes or implement any I/O models, about all you can do for output is write to the System.out stream, which may or may not be captured to a console or file. You really need the extra classes defined by a J2ME profile (like those of the MIDP) or device-specific classes (like those on the RIM BlackBerry devices or certain Japanese i-Mode phones) to do anything interactive.
  10. Several profiles in various stages of development: Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) - CLDC-based, used for running applications on cellphones and interactive pagers with small screens, wireless HTTP connectivity, and limited memory. Personal Digital Assistant Profile (PDAP) – CLDC-based, extends MIDP with additional classes and features for more powerful handheld devices. Foundation Profile (FP) – CDC-based, extends the CDC with additional J2SE classes. Personal Basis Profile (PBP) - extends the FP with lightweight (AWT-derived) user interface classes and a new application model. Personal Profile extends the PBP with applet support and heavyweight UI classes.
  11. Almost any wireless device built these days fits the definition of a MID, including low-end cellphones. Personal digital assistants (PDAs) can also be considered to be MIDs because wireless networking is now an option for most PDAs, but MIDP doesn't target these devices. Personal digital assistants (PDAs) can also be considered to be MIDs because wireless networking is now an option for most PDAs, but MIDP doesn't target these devices specifically: PDAs have more memory, larger screens, and interesting information management capabilities that are more effectively exploited using other profiles.
  12. The MIDP 1.0 specification was defined by an expert group consisting of all the major players in the wireless and handheld device arena, including familiar names like Motorola, Nokia, Ericsson, Research in Motion, and Symbian. It has a lot of support in the telecommunications industry, and handset manufacturers like Motorola and Nokia in particular are devoting a lot of development effort to supporting MIDP in a wide range of their devices.
  13. J2ME enabled phones raised to 100K on more recent models
  14. Have minimum requirements. RMI – Remote Method Invocation JDBC – Java Data Base Connectivity
  15. The first concept we have to understand is the MIDlet
  16. Extends MIDlet like extending Applet class
  17. A Java Application Descriptor (JAD) file. This file contains a predefined set of attributes that allows the device application management software to identify, retrieve, and install the MIDlets. A Java Archive (JAR) file. The JAR file contains Java classes for each MIDlet in the suite and Java classes that are shared between MIDlets. The JAR file also contains resource files used by the MIDlets and a manifest file.
  18. Show manifest and jad files
  19. Show the DEMO – HelloSuite.
  20. The items contained within a Form may be edited using append, delete, insert, and set methods. Items within a Form are referred to by their indexes An item may be placed within at most one Form Items Layout - Layout policy in Form is organized around rows . Forms grow vertically and scroll vertically as necessary. The height of a Form varies depending upon the number of rows and the height of each row. An implementation may choose to lay out Items in a left-to-right or right-to-left direction depending upon the language conventions in use. You can use LAYOUT_LEFT, LAYOUT_RIGHT,LAYOUT_CENTER, considering row-breaks etc.
  21. Displayable: (an object that has the capability of being placed on the display(Screen,Canvas)
  22. Possible Command types: The defined types are BACK , CANCEL , EXIT , HELP , ITEM , OK , SCREEN , and STOP .
  23. CommandListener – attaching the listener to the entire screen, the command can be of type SCREEN or anything else…
  24. ItemCommandListener attaching the listener to a specific item, the command should be of type ITEM. A listener type for receiving notification of commands that have been invoked on Item objects.
  25. Item has many layouts, including LAYOUT_DEFAULT , LAYOUT_LEFT , LAYOUT_RIGHT , LAYOUT_CENTER , LAYOUT_TOP , LAYOUT_BOTTOM , LAYOUT_VCENTER , LAYOUT_NEWLINE_BEFORE , LAYOUT_NEWLINE_AFTER , LAYOUT_SHRINK, LAYOUT_VSHRINK , LAYOUT_EXPAND , LAYOUT_VEXPAND , LAYOUT_2 Sizes: the implementor can set the sizes of an item. If the application attempts to lock a preferred size dimension to a value smaller than the minimum or larger than the maximum, the implementation may disregard the requested value and instead use either the minimum or maximum as appropriate. If this occurs, the actual values used must be visible to the application via the values returned from the getPreferredWidth and getPreferredHeight methods. Appearance: The StringItem and ImageItem classes have an appearance mode attribute that can be set in their constructors. This attribute can have one of the values PLAIN, HYPERLINK, or BUTTON
  26. There’s sun’s download center Choose the relevant operating system. Available for windows, linux, solaris. (not for OS X, although MIDP is available). You need java sdk 1.3 or higher Install the toolkit in a directory with no space in its name…
  27. KToolbar is the main working tool to handle J2ME applications You can create a new project, open an existing one, choose the emulator device, change the settings, build (compile and preverify) and run the simulation.
  28. When creating a new project, you have to give it a name ( the name of the project will be the name of the directory under apps), and give the name of the MIDlet class.
  29. Target setting - The project settings information and tabs change based on the selection you choose for the target platform. Some project settings are not applicable for a selected target platform. Building using the KToolbar – creating the classes and the .jad file Preverify – makes sure that the .jad is updated with the .jar files. That the used classes in the application are available in the chosen target platform. Doing so allows the device using the application without further checking which require more memory and cpu. Run – with the emulator, from the KToolbar
  30. Finally, MIDlets are bundled into MIDlet suites for distribution to actual devices. This process entails JARing the MIDlet suite class files and the resource files, and putting some extra information in the JAR manifest. Again, these chores are best left to the J2ME Wireless Toolkit. To bundle up your MIDlet suite, select Project | Package from the menu. The .jad and .jar files for the MIDlet suite will be generated and placed in the bin directory of the project. The .jad file should contain the correct address of where the files are located on the net.
  31. Once your application is in a stable state, you are ready to see how your application performs in a more realistic environment, that is the downloading and running of your application onto a mobile device from a browser or server. At this point, you will want to run your application using Over-The-Air (OTA) provisioning. The J2ME Wireless Toolkit simulates OTA provisioning, that allows you to test the functionality of your application and demonstrate the full provisioning process of your MIDlet suite from a web server to a device. With simulated OTA provisioning in the Wireless Toolkit, the MIDlet suite is packaged in the JAR and JAD format, deployed to the provisioning server, and downloaded to an emulated device.