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IT-Enabled Business Capabilities
    For Turbulent Environments

                    Omar A. El Sawy and Paul A. Pavlou,
                               MIS Quarterly Executive,

국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   1 / 31
     Executive Summary
     The Business Capabilities Trifecta
     Prioritizing The Capabilities In The Trifecta
     Turbulent Environments Require IT To Be Woven Into The
     Enterprise Fabric
     Emerging IT Infrastructures For Turbulent Environments
     Managing The IT Function In Turbulent Environments
     CIO Guidelines For Overcoming Turbulent Environment
     Applying The Lessons Of Our Research In Practice

        국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   2 / 31
1. Executive Summary
    Turbulent environments
    IT-enabled business capabilities
        Operational capabilities
        Dynamic capabilities
        Improvisational capabilities
        Operational → Dynamic and Improvisational

    Relationships between IT infrastructure capabilities and IT-
    enabled business capabilities
    Emerging IT infrastructures

    Guidelines for CIOs to overcome the hurdles

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   3 / 31
2. The Business Capabilities

국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   4 / 31
A. The Business Capabilities Trifecta
    Operational capabilities may no longer match the rapidly
    changing environment
        Market demand
        Consumer preferences
        New technology developments
        Technological breakthroughs
        Enterprises must rapidly innovate, adapt, and reconfigure themselves to
        match the changing environment
    Enterprises need Dynamic capabilities and Improvisational
    capabilities to successfully compete in turbulent environments

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (                2009-05-08   5 / 31
B. A Collaborative Trio
    Operational capabilities
        The planned ability to effectively execute substantive day-to-day activities,
        such as manufacturing, logistics, and sales.
    Dynamic capabilities
        The planned ability to effectively reconfigure existing operational
        capabilities to match the shift in business environment.
    Improvisational capabilities
        The learned ability to spontaneously reconfigure existing resources in
        real time to build new operational capabilities that better match novel
        environmental situations.

    The Business Capabilities Trifecta

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (                   2009-05-08   6 / 31
C. Dynamic Capabilities
    A measurable model of dynamic capabilities
        Sensing the environment
            The ability to spot, interpret, and pursue the need for changing the
            enterprise’s operational capabilities by understanding market needs and
            identifying new internal and external opportunities.
            Acquiring, assimilating, and developing new knowledge needed to revamp
            operational capabilities with new knowledge and skills.
        Integrating knowledge
            Embedding new knowledge into the new operational capabilities by creating a
            shared understanding and collective sense-making.
        Coordinating activities
            Orchestrating and deploying discrete reconfigured tasks, resources, and
            activities embedded in the new operational capabilities.

            국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (                      2009-05-08   7 / 31
D. Improvisational Capabilities
    Insufficient time for formal planning
    Managers must adapt new conditions on-the-fly by acting
    outside their formal plans.
    Improvisation is likely to be a repeated activity that is
    enhanced with practice.
    Enterprises engage in improvisation in an organized manner.

    Dynamic capabilities stress disciplined flexibility, “Logic of
    Improvisational capabilities require creativity and
    intuition, “Logic of responsiveness.”

         국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   8 / 31
E. IT Infra Capas and the Biz Capas Trio
                               Strategic Advantage


 Environmental Turbulences

                         Dynamic                      Improvisational
                        Capabilities                    Capabilities

                        IT Infrastructure Capabilities

      국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (                              2009-05-08   9 / 31
F. IT Infrastructure vs IT Infra Capabilities
    IT infrastructure is the sets of IT hardware, software, and
    networks, including applications software and database
    management software, that are available to the enterprise.

    IT infrastructure capabilities are the enterprise’s ability to be
    aware of what functionalities the IT infrastructure has to offer,
    to understand when and how to use them, and, when using
    them, to take advantage of specific IT functionalities and their

         국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   10 / 31
3. Prioritizing The Capabilities In
                      The trifecta

국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   11 / 31
A. Trade-Off
    An organization’s dynamic and improvisational capabilities are
    the primary predictors of its long-term strategic advantage in
    turbulent environments.

    Operational capabilities can only offer a series of short-term
    temporary advantages that are likely to be fleeting as the
    environment changes and new contingencies emerge.

    The more turbulent the environment, the more valuable an
    enterprise’s dynamic and improvisational capabilities become.

    The case of IndyMac Bank’s e-MITS system

         국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   12 / 31
A. Trade-Off (continued)
    The more turbulent the environment, the more resources are
    needed to build and enhance an enterprise’s operational

    In moderately turbulent environments, dynamic capabilities are
    the primary influential capability in reconfiguring existing
    operational capabilities.

    In highly turbulent environments, improvisational capabilities
    completely dominate the reconfiguration process.

    As turbulence increases to very high levels, improvisation
    capabilities become more influential than dynamic capabilities.
         국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   13 / 31
4. T. E. Require IT To Be Woven
        Into The Enterprise Fabric

국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   14 / 31
A. Connection, Immersion, Fusion
    Relationship between IT infrastructure and the business
    context has been changed during the last 20 years.
    Connection(1970s) > Immersion(1990s) > Fusion(most
        Connection: IT was viewed as a tool that supported business processes.
        Immersion: IT infrastructure was viewed as a business enabler.
        Fusion: IT becomes part of the integral fabric of an enterprise.

    Fusion is the most effective form of IT-business coupling in
    turbulent environments.
        The necessary shared mindset is most common in progressive
        enterprises in industries that are undergoing major IT-enabled business
    Case of Marshall Industries

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (                2009-05-08   15 / 31
5. Emerging IT Infrastructures
      For Turbulent Environments

국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   16 / 31
A. Influence to Dynamic Capabilities
    IT infrastructure capabilities can affect an enterprise’s strategic
    advantage indirectly.
    IT infrastructure capabilities help an enterprise to:
        Stay responsive to market intelligence by affectively sensing the
        Acquire, assimilate, and use knowledge by effectively
        coding, synthesizing, and sharing knowledge to generate new learning.
        Make information visible and accessible, facilitate information sharing and
        support rich communication, which in turn enhances the enterprise’s
        ability for integrating knowledge.
        Allocate resources to tasks, monitor performance, and indentify
        synergies among people and tasks, thus enhancing the enterprise’s ability
        for coordinating activities.

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (                  2009-05-08   17 / 31
B. Influence to Improvisational Capabilities
    IT infrastructure capabilities can improve an enterprise’s
    awareness of internal and external conditions by:
        Providing access to information.
        Providing enhanced information flows that enable the information to be
        Enhancing collaboration.

    IT infrastructure capabilities facilitate the sharing and building
    of colleagues’ ideas through brainstorming and real-time

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (              2009-05-08    18 / 31
C. Three Types of Architectures
    Event-driven Architectures
        To help create real-time enterprises that can react quickly to market
        A “publish/subscribe” architecture that enabled information about
        business events to be distributed in real time across private and public
        networks on an exception basis
        Based around the techniques and tools of complex event processing in
        distributed enterprise systems.
        Vigilant Information Systems
            “alertly watchful”
            The concept of an observe-orient-decide-act(OODA) loop. They include:
                Observing requirements

                Orienting requirements

                Deciding requirements

                Acting requirements

            국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (                   2009-05-08   19 / 31
C. Three Types of Architectures (continued)
    Service-oriented Architectures(SOAs)
        Based on Web services that allow applications to be more modular
        First, an SOA allows different flexible different flexible configurations of
        smaller modules to be more easily enabled and activated.
        Second, the domain knowledge needed to outsource the development of
        a smaller application module is much less, resulting in much faster
        application development time.
        Third, an organized approach to getting things done quickly yields higher
        quality applications than when “fighting fires” under time pressure.
        An effective way of conserving IT investments because it removes the
        need for massive integration and re-integration expenditures when
        requirements change.
        Moving to an SOA and Web services creates a whole new set of
        enterprise requirements.

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (                  2009-05-08   20 / 31
C. Three Types of Architectures (continued)
    Self-learning Architectures
        Each time a business process is executed, the architecture can “learn”
        A self-learning architecture expands the knowledge-creating capacity of
        business processes and enriches the interactions between processes and
        all who touch them.
        A case of Dot Hill

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (              2009-05-08   21 / 31
6. Managing The IT Function In
        Turbulent Environments

국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   22 / 31
A. The Application Infrastructure
    The IT infrastructures typically implemented in enterprises
    today are encumbered by legacy architectures.
    CIOs need to make changes in both the application
    infrastructure and the IT human resources (HR) infrastructure.

    The Applications Infrastructure
        CIOs can take operational steps at the application infrastructure level to
        cement more effective contextual coupling.
        “Venture systems” layer is the application layer that is closest to the
        customer. This means the layer needs to be the most dynamic and highly
        “Simultaneous loose/tight coupling” is providing reconfigurability at the
        top layer rather than the ERP/transactions layer.

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (                 2009-05-08   23 / 31
A. The Application Infrastructure (continued)
    The Application Infrastructure
        The core needs tightly controlled specifications and requirements, and a
        disciplined way of maintaining architectural integrity as modifications are
        made in response to business requirement changes.
        There also needs to be a mutual accommodation across the business
        units, the IT department, and IT vendors.
        One approach is to have an acceptable level of user-controlled
        reconfigurability in applications sensitive to changes in the business
        Standardized software applications are used in a best of breed fashion in
        some contexts.

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (                  2009-05-08   24 / 31
B. The IT Human Resource Infrastructure
    The IT Human Resource Infrastructure
        The IT fusion mindset requires that system developers receive extensive
        training on the business context.
        And that business users are trained to be savvy about IT in the
        application context.
        In enterprises in highly dynamic environments that worried the most
        about contextual coupling at the application level, system developers
        were continually trained to act as business partners, rather than just as
        problem solvers and requirements translators.
        A “slowing down to go faster” principle is most important when the
        pace is frenzied.
        IT developers who interface directly with demanding business customers,
        who are using their dynamic improvisational capabilities, are especially

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (               2009-05-08   25 / 31
7. CIO Guidelines For
               Overcoming T. E. Hurdles

국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   26 / 31
A. Hurdles and Guidelines
    Hurdle No. 1: IT Seen Primarily as an Enable of Operational
        Enterprises should put dynamic and improvisational capabilities in the
        foreground and relegate operational capabilities on the background.
    Hurdle No. 2: Improvisation Seen as Unacceptable
        Enterprises should develop improvisational capabilities for highly
        turbulent environments.
    Hurdle No. 3: IT Not Woven Into the Enterprise’s Business
        Enterprises should consider IT as integral to the business fabric.

    Hurdle No. 4: Limited Availability of IT Infrastructures for
    Supporting Dynamic and Improvisational Capabilities
        Enterprises need to focus on leveraging the effects of their IT infras on
        dynamic and improvisational capabilities, rather than operational ones.

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (                  2009-05-08   27 / 31
A. Hurdles and Guidelines (continued)
    Hurdle No. 5: Difficulty of Funding Emerging IT Infrastructures
    for Business Agility
        Enterprises should embrace emerging reconfigurable IT infrastructures
        sooner, rather than later.
    Hurdle No. 6: Resistance to Loose/Tight Coupling
        The IT department should embed IT processes into the enterprise’s
        business units.
    Hurdle No. 7: The Temptation to Cut Corners
        Enterprises should implement IT HR policies that foster inner calm and

           국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (               2009-05-08   28 / 31
8. Applying The Lessons Of Our
             Research In Practice

국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   29 / 31
A. Two trade-offs
    The first trade-off is between IT support for short-term
    efficiencies in the enterprise’s existing operational capabilities
    and processes, and support for its dynamic and improvisational
    The second trade-off is between reconfiguring existing
    operational capabilities by leveraging dynamic (planned
    reconfiguration) capabilities and improvisational (spontaneous
    reconfiguration) capabilities, versus deploying IT
    infrastructures that enable these capabilities.

         국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   30 / 31
Thank you! 

국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 (             2009-05-08   31 / 31

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IT-Enabled Business Capabilities For turbulent Environments

  • 1. IT-Enabled Business Capabilities For Turbulent Environments Omar A. El Sawy and Paul A. Pavlou, MIS Quarterly Executive, 2008, pp.139-150. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 1 / 31
  • 2. Contents Executive Summary 1. The Business Capabilities Trifecta 2. Prioritizing The Capabilities In The Trifecta 3. Turbulent Environments Require IT To Be Woven Into The 4. Enterprise Fabric Emerging IT Infrastructures For Turbulent Environments 5. Managing The IT Function In Turbulent Environments 6. CIO Guidelines For Overcoming Turbulent Environment 7. Hurdles Applying The Lessons Of Our Research In Practice 8. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 2 / 31
  • 3. 1. Executive Summary Turbulent environments  IT-enabled business capabilities  Operational capabilities  Dynamic capabilities  Improvisational capabilities  Operational → Dynamic and Improvisational  Relationships between IT infrastructure capabilities and IT-  enabled business capabilities Emerging IT infrastructures  Event-drive  Service-oriented  Self-learning  Guidelines for CIOs to overcome the hurdles  정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 3 / 31
  • 4. 2. The Business Capabilities Trifecta 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 4 / 31
  • 5. A. The Business Capabilities Trifecta Operational capabilities may no longer match the rapidly  changing environment Market demand  Consumer preferences  New technology developments  Technological breakthroughs  Enterprises must rapidly innovate, adapt, and reconfigure themselves to  match the changing environment Enterprises need Dynamic capabilities and Improvisational  capabilities to successfully compete in turbulent environments 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 5 / 31
  • 6. B. A Collaborative Trio Operational capabilities  The planned ability to effectively execute substantive day-to-day activities,  such as manufacturing, logistics, and sales. Dynamic capabilities  The planned ability to effectively reconfigure existing operational  capabilities to match the shift in business environment. Improvisational capabilities  The learned ability to spontaneously reconfigure existing resources in  real time to build new operational capabilities that better match novel environmental situations. The Business Capabilities Trifecta  정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 6 / 31
  • 7. C. Dynamic Capabilities A measurable model of dynamic capabilities  Sensing the environment  The ability to spot, interpret, and pursue the need for changing the  enterprise’s operational capabilities by understanding market needs and identifying new internal and external opportunities. Learning  Acquiring, assimilating, and developing new knowledge needed to revamp  operational capabilities with new knowledge and skills. Integrating knowledge  Embedding new knowledge into the new operational capabilities by creating a  shared understanding and collective sense-making. Coordinating activities  Orchestrating and deploying discrete reconfigured tasks, resources, and  activities embedded in the new operational capabilities. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 7 / 31
  • 8. D. Improvisational Capabilities Insufficient time for formal planning  Managers must adapt new conditions on-the-fly by acting  outside their formal plans. Improvisation is likely to be a repeated activity that is  enhanced with practice. Enterprises engage in improvisation in an organized manner.  Dynamic capabilities stress disciplined flexibility, “Logic of  opportunity.” Improvisational capabilities require creativity and  intuition, “Logic of responsiveness.” 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 8 / 31
  • 9. E. IT Infra Capas and the Biz Capas Trio Strategic Advantage Operational Capabilities Environmental Turbulences Dynamic Improvisational Capabilities Capabilities IT Infrastructure Capabilities 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 9 / 31
  • 10. F. IT Infrastructure vs IT Infra Capabilities IT infrastructure is the sets of IT hardware, software, and  networks, including applications software and database management software, that are available to the enterprise. IT infrastructure capabilities are the enterprise’s ability to be  aware of what functionalities the IT infrastructure has to offer, to understand when and how to use them, and, when using them, to take advantage of specific IT functionalities and their combinations. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 10 / 31
  • 11. 3. Prioritizing The Capabilities In The trifecta 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 11 / 31
  • 12. A. Trade-Off An organization’s dynamic and improvisational capabilities are  the primary predictors of its long-term strategic advantage in turbulent environments. Operational capabilities can only offer a series of short-term  temporary advantages that are likely to be fleeting as the environment changes and new contingencies emerge. The more turbulent the environment, the more valuable an  enterprise’s dynamic and improvisational capabilities become. The case of IndyMac Bank’s e-MITS system  정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 12 / 31
  • 13. A. Trade-Off (continued) The more turbulent the environment, the more resources are  needed to build and enhance an enterprise’s operational capabilities. In moderately turbulent environments, dynamic capabilities are  the primary influential capability in reconfiguring existing operational capabilities. In highly turbulent environments, improvisational capabilities  completely dominate the reconfiguration process. As turbulence increases to very high levels, improvisation  capabilities become more influential than dynamic capabilities. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 13 / 31
  • 14. 4. T. E. Require IT To Be Woven Into The Enterprise Fabric 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 14 / 31
  • 15. A. Connection, Immersion, Fusion Relationship between IT infrastructure and the business  context has been changed during the last 20 years. Connection(1970s) > Immersion(1990s) > Fusion(most  recently) Connection: IT was viewed as a tool that supported business processes.  Immersion: IT infrastructure was viewed as a business enabler.  Fusion: IT becomes part of the integral fabric of an enterprise.  Fusion is the most effective form of IT-business coupling in  turbulent environments. The necessary shared mindset is most common in progressive  enterprises in industries that are undergoing major IT-enabled business transformation. Case of Marshall Industries  정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 15 / 31
  • 16. 5. Emerging IT Infrastructures For Turbulent Environments 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 16 / 31
  • 17. A. Influence to Dynamic Capabilities IT infrastructure capabilities can affect an enterprise’s strategic  advantage indirectly. IT infrastructure capabilities help an enterprise to:  Stay responsive to market intelligence by affectively sensing the  environment. Acquire, assimilate, and use knowledge by effectively  coding, synthesizing, and sharing knowledge to generate new learning. Make information visible and accessible, facilitate information sharing and  support rich communication, which in turn enhances the enterprise’s ability for integrating knowledge. Allocate resources to tasks, monitor performance, and indentify  synergies among people and tasks, thus enhancing the enterprise’s ability for coordinating activities. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 17 / 31
  • 18. B. Influence to Improvisational Capabilities IT infrastructure capabilities can improve an enterprise’s  awareness of internal and external conditions by: Providing access to information.  Providing enhanced information flows that enable the information to be  shared. Enhancing collaboration.  IT infrastructure capabilities facilitate the sharing and building  of colleagues’ ideas through brainstorming and real-time interaction. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 18 / 31
  • 19. C. Three Types of Architectures Event-driven Architectures  To help create real-time enterprises that can react quickly to market  events A “publish/subscribe” architecture that enabled information about  business events to be distributed in real time across private and public networks on an exception basis Based around the techniques and tools of complex event processing in  distributed enterprise systems. Vigilant Information Systems  “alertly watchful”  The concept of an observe-orient-decide-act(OODA) loop. They include:  Observing requirements  Orienting requirements  Deciding requirements  Acting requirements  정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 19 / 31
  • 20. C. Three Types of Architectures (continued) Service-oriented Architectures(SOAs)  Based on Web services that allow applications to be more modular  (“Lego-like”) First, an SOA allows different flexible different flexible configurations of  smaller modules to be more easily enabled and activated. Second, the domain knowledge needed to outsource the development of  a smaller application module is much less, resulting in much faster application development time. Third, an organized approach to getting things done quickly yields higher  quality applications than when “fighting fires” under time pressure. An effective way of conserving IT investments because it removes the  need for massive integration and re-integration expenditures when requirements change. Moving to an SOA and Web services creates a whole new set of  enterprise requirements. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 20 / 31
  • 21. C. Three Types of Architectures (continued) Self-learning Architectures  Each time a business process is executed, the architecture can “learn”  on-the-fly. A self-learning architecture expands the knowledge-creating capacity of  business processes and enriches the interactions between processes and all who touch them. A case of Dot Hill  정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 21 / 31
  • 22. 6. Managing The IT Function In Turbulent Environments 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 22 / 31
  • 23. A. The Application Infrastructure The IT infrastructures typically implemented in enterprises  today are encumbered by legacy architectures. CIOs need to make changes in both the application  infrastructure and the IT human resources (HR) infrastructure. The Applications Infrastructure  CIOs can take operational steps at the application infrastructure level to  cement more effective contextual coupling. “Venture systems” layer is the application layer that is closest to the  customer. This means the layer needs to be the most dynamic and highly configurable. “Simultaneous loose/tight coupling” is providing reconfigurability at the  top layer rather than the ERP/transactions layer. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 23 / 31
  • 24. A. The Application Infrastructure (continued) The Application Infrastructure  The core needs tightly controlled specifications and requirements, and a  disciplined way of maintaining architectural integrity as modifications are made in response to business requirement changes. There also needs to be a mutual accommodation across the business  units, the IT department, and IT vendors. One approach is to have an acceptable level of user-controlled  reconfigurability in applications sensitive to changes in the business environment. Standardized software applications are used in a best of breed fashion in  some contexts. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 24 / 31
  • 25. B. The IT Human Resource Infrastructure The IT Human Resource Infrastructure  The IT fusion mindset requires that system developers receive extensive  training on the business context. And that business users are trained to be savvy about IT in the  application context. In enterprises in highly dynamic environments that worried the most  about contextual coupling at the application level, system developers were continually trained to act as business partners, rather than just as problem solvers and requirements translators. A “slowing down to go faster” principle is most important when the  pace is frenzied. IT developers who interface directly with demanding business customers,  who are using their dynamic improvisational capabilities, are especially crucial. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 25 / 31
  • 26. 7. CIO Guidelines For Overcoming T. E. Hurdles 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 26 / 31
  • 27. A. Hurdles and Guidelines Hurdle No. 1: IT Seen Primarily as an Enable of Operational  Capabilities Enterprises should put dynamic and improvisational capabilities in the  foreground and relegate operational capabilities on the background. Hurdle No. 2: Improvisation Seen as Unacceptable  Enterprises should develop improvisational capabilities for highly  turbulent environments. Hurdle No. 3: IT Not Woven Into the Enterprise’s Business  Fabric Enterprises should consider IT as integral to the business fabric.  Hurdle No. 4: Limited Availability of IT Infrastructures for  Supporting Dynamic and Improvisational Capabilities Enterprises need to focus on leveraging the effects of their IT infras on  dynamic and improvisational capabilities, rather than operational ones. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 27 / 31
  • 28. A. Hurdles and Guidelines (continued) Hurdle No. 5: Difficulty of Funding Emerging IT Infrastructures  for Business Agility Enterprises should embrace emerging reconfigurable IT infrastructures  sooner, rather than later. Hurdle No. 6: Resistance to Loose/Tight Coupling  The IT department should embed IT processes into the enterprise’s  business units. Hurdle No. 7: The Temptation to Cut Corners  Enterprises should implement IT HR policies that foster inner calm and  discipline. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 28 / 31
  • 29. 8. Applying The Lessons Of Our Research In Practice 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 29 / 31
  • 30. A. Two trade-offs The first trade-off is between IT support for short-term  efficiencies in the enterprise’s existing operational capabilities and processes, and support for its dynamic and improvisational capabilities. The second trade-off is between reconfiguring existing  operational capabilities by leveraging dynamic (planned reconfiguration) capabilities and improvisational (spontaneous reconfiguration) capabilities, versus deploying IT infrastructures that enable these capabilities. 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 30 / 31
  • 31. Thank you!  business-capabilities 정보자원관리론 국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원 차상민 ( 2009-05-08 31 / 31