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Issues Of Importance Essay Topics
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Issues of Importance Essay Topics" presents a unique set of
challenges. Firstly, the topic itself is broad and open-ended, requiring a comprehensive
understanding of various social, political, environmental, or cultural issues. The difficulty lies in
selecting a specific issue or a set of issues that not only align with the theme but also resonate
with the writer's interests and values.
Furthermore, addressing the complexity of these issues demands extensive research to gather
relevant and up-to-date information. Juggling diverse perspectives and data sources while
maintaining a cohesive narrative can be challenging. The writer must navigate through the
nuances of each chosen topic, ensuring a balanced and nuanced discussion.
Another obstacle is the need for critical analysis and reflection. The essay should go beyond
surface-level exploration and delve into the underlying causes, implications, and potential
solutions for the identified issues. This requires a thoughtful and analytical approach, which can
be time-consuming and intellectually demanding.
Moreover, conveying the significance of these issues in a compelling and engaging manner is
crucial. The challenge lies in striking a balance between presenting the gravity of the problems
and offering a sense of hope or a call to action. Achieving this balance requires adept use of
language, persuasive techniques, and a thorough understanding of the target audience.
In conclusion, composing an essay on "Issues of Importance Essay Topics" requires a blend of
research, critical thinking, and effective communication. Navigating the intricacies of
multifaceted issues and presenting them coherently poses a considerable challenge. However, it
is through overcoming these challenges that one can produce a meaningful and impactful piece
of writing.
For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services available at Their expert writers can provide guidance and support in tackling complex
essay topics, ensuring a well-crafted and insightful final product.
Issues Of Importance Essay TopicsIssues Of Importance Essay Topics
Research Paper On Kingdom Of Heaven
Kingdom of Heaven is a 2005 reinvention of the historical 12th century crusaders.
French blacksmith named Balian is reunited with his father, Sir Godfrey, who
convinces him to come to Jerusalem to serve for King Baldwin IV. However
Godfrey becomes mortally wounded and dies but not before he confers knighthood
to son Balian. Once in Jerusalem, Balian finds himself tempted with love for a
forbidden queen and in the midst of decades long war over the power of Jerusalem.
Balian is forced to defend the people of Jerusalem against Saladin s approaching
So is the Kingdom of Heaven just an opportunity for the director to portray
Christians in a bad light and give praise to the Muslim community? One would
believe so due to the inaccurate, one ... Show more content on ...
Since that day many people, not just American citizen believe that all Arabians
were atrocious terrorists. Whilst the Kingdom of Heaven portrays Christians in a
negative light and Muslims in a positive one, could it be in good will to prove that
not all Arabians are awful people and that we shouldn t hold grudges? One can
believe so because there are many time in the movie when Saladin showed
forgiveness and respect towards the Christians and their beliefs. A clear example
of when Saladin showed respect and forgiveness towards the Christians was when
he stated some terms and promised to not hurt any Christian, if he was to take
Jerusalem back, even after everything the Christians did to the Muslims. No one
will be harmed, I swear to God (Saladin) Christians butchered every Muslim inside
the walls when they took the city (Balian) I am not those men, I am Saladin
(Saladin). This scene was not historically accurate because Saladin would only let
the wealthy Christian which could afford to pay to leave actually leave and the ones
that could would became his slaves, but when making a pro Muslim movie this fact
cannot be added. Instead this scene proved that Saladin was the bigger person
because he didn t hold onto grudges from the past and want revenge them, he just
want Jerusalem back and peace amongst them [Muslims] and the Christian. When the
war is over Saladin says to Balian As Salaam Alaikum
Year-Round Schooling
The average American s summer break includes exciting or leisurely vacations with
the family, cookouts with the neighbors, tanning (or burning) at the pool, and
watching fireworks on the 4th of July. Although the typical kid eagerly anticipates
this season, not everyone gets to enjoy a long summer break. About 4% of America s
educationsystems have implemented year round schooling in which the summerbreak
is swapped out for shorter breaks throughout the year (Kelsey). Though some believe
year round schooling is a better method than the traditional 9 month schedule, it
produces problems for both teachers and students.
There are various ways to organize a year round school schedule. Some use a 45 15
schedule (45 weekdays in school followed ... Show more content on
A meta analysis of research from the University of Minnesota... found that 42
studies showed no positive impact from year round schooling, while 27 studies
showed a significant positive impact, writes Jaclyn Zubrzycki. Researchers have
been unable to come to a clear conclusion. Some believe that offering more regular
breaks prevents burnout of both teachers and students (Zubrzycki). However, if
students are given homework to finish over the break (just like students are given
homework to complete over Thanksgiving or Christmas break) or teachers spend
their break preparing for the next session of school, shorter breaks do not alleviate
the problem of burnout but continue it. Students and teachers would be better off
with a long summer break to take their minds off of school and to relax without
worrying about what is coming up within the next couple of
Current Customer Relationship Management System
In 2008 Telstra transformed from its old DOS based computer systems to its current
Customer Relationship Management system (Siebel), this transition was not well
executed by its decision makers due to system bugs affecting Siebel s billing, signup
provision and activation process.
Soon after Telstras systematic transformation begun, Telstra cut 500 Jobs from
Australian based call centres and outsourced them to call centres in the Philippines.
Telstra has continuously used in its marketing the message of Telstra being an
Australian company for all Australians throughout their marketing
campaigns(Sainsbury, 2007).
Moreover, a fortnight before Telstra decided to outsource jobs to call centres in the
Philippines. The company was ... Show more content on ...
Telstra under Sol Trujillo s leadership continued to make headlines in Australian
media as Trujillo was expecting to pay himself up to $17 million for the financial
year of 2007/2008 although 66 percent of shareholders voted against the new
executive pay structure it went ahead as the votes were non binding. Furthermore,
Telstra was facing a lawsuit because s shareholders were not informed about Telstra
s decline in revenue of $1.2 billion for its fixed line phone business from 2005 2008.
Telstra settled the law suit for $300 million before further proceedings (Moran, 2007).
Trujillo s Leadership
Trujillo s managed to transform Telstra from being a product focused company to a
customer focused company by converting the company into a media company instead
of just being a telecommunications company. Telstra before Trujillo s arrival was a
company that only focused on telephone lines, internet and business directories where
Trujillo introduced the Next G Network, Bigpond, telephone and Foxtel bundle.
Furthermore, Trujillo managed to influence his followers with his Power Expert
(Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy, 2012) as he has been in the telecommunications
industry for his entire professional career this allowed his followers to trust is vision
towards the future of their company which also influenced credibility towards his
leadership style because
The Pros And Cons Of Resistance
Resistance is a destructive and violent rejection. Resistance is commonly
understood as a rejection to accept and comply with something that causes doing in
opposition to the current events. Resistance movement is an organized effort by
some part of people of a country to resist the legally established government or an
occupying power and to disrupt civil order and stability. I believe in the resistance
as I believe there can be no light without shadow; or rather, no shadow unless there is
also light. (149)
Resistance is related to power, and power is possible to understand as relational
and multiple in networks of productive interactions. Resistance is not by itself evil
or destructive , as well as not basically good , progressive or democratic . We have
to acknowledge that not only do fascist or religious fundamentalist resistance exist
but are common examples of how people try to undermine established power
relations. ... Show more content on ...
It is also is one of the origins of the resistance movement. Resistance was the
rejection of all these things: the ceasefire, the Armistice and Collaboration. It also
became a rejection of the right wing politics of Vichy, and, most difficult of all, a
rejection of the mythic status and popularity of Petain. It was a battle for the
liberation of the country, but it was also a battle for the minds and hearts of the
French people, and many Resisters have said that breaking the hold of Petainism
was the most formidable task in the first two years. After November 1942 it was
easier, for in that month the Germans occupied the whole of France and Petain
insisted on staying as head of what was now quite openly a subservient regime. But
sympathy, support, and even adoration, for Petain lived on. It still exists among a
dedicated minority
Selective Encryption Algorithm for Highly Confidential...
1. Introduction
Conventional cryptographic algorithms, which are generally aimed at encrypting like
text data (known as NaГЇve approach) not well suited for video encryption. This is
due to the fact that conventional cryptographic algorithms cannot process the large
volume of video data in real time. Selective encryption of the H.264/AVC bitstream
puts decoder to fully decode the encrypted video with degradation in video quality.
This perceptual encryption has low encryption and decryption time. The video data
are compressed to reduce the storage space required and to save bandwidth for
transmission. Video compression removes redundancy, so that it is difficult to guess
about a portion of a compressed bitstream to another. In addition, ... Show more
content on ...
From an attacker s point of view, brute force attack may break the encryption of
sign bit and level_suffix of the same length. Intra prediction mode has only nine
different values (0 8). Hence, the encryption of intra prediction mode also has the
threat of brute force attack. So, the values of level_suffix with sign bits are encrypted
with a higher length of bitstream (6 bits for luma and 4 bits for chroma), to reduce
the threat of brute force attack. However, this affects the compression bandwidth.
We have also analyzed that without making motion vectors encryption, we can t
obtain temporal redundancy. Motion vector encryptions are proposed by several
authors [4 9]. However, analysis shown in this paper said that 45 50% of motion
vectors for each frame are not encrypted. Thus, a better encryption method is
proposed at here in expense with compression bandwidth. Overall, we should create
the balance between security and the increase in compression bandwidth.
Four selective encryption methods are discussed here. A First method named NZs
in CAVLC encrypts level_suffix values with sign bits of up to three lowest
frequency non zero DCT coefficients in CAVLC encoding for all macroblocks.
Second method named NZs in CAVLC for I only , which is same as the first method
but encryption is done only in intra coded macroblocks. Third method named MV
Big Mind Analysis
A thoughtful examination of how practice and repetition helps us free ourselves
form Big mind is to set up our body and mind by using Big mind as a technique that
is designed to expand the individual s ability to make choices in life by spreading
awareness. Also, rather than to behave in an unconscious manner by using negativity.
Therefore, the Big Mindtechnique focus on practicing our posture, breathing,
practicing repetition can helps us free ourselves from experience by focusing inn
ourselves and by not being disturbed by our thoughts. Having posture helps us to
obtain a right state of mind. Also, we need to focus on breathing because it would
help us become aware of our surroundings. First, we must practice in obtaining...
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Suzuki states If you see things without realizing the background of Buddha nature
, everything appears to be in the form of suffering .But if you the background of
existence , you realize that suffering itself id how we live , how we extend our life
.So in Zen sometimes we emphasize the imbalance or disorder of life (32).t is
difficult to control because is not capable to accomplish. We must encourage
people to be mischievous instead of trying to control them. Suzuki states you want
to obtain perfect calmness in your zazen, you should not be bothered by the
various images you find in your mind. Let them come and let them go. Then they
will be under control (32).We need be able to control our mind by observing things
as they are and letting them go. Therefore, we shouldn t be bothered because it will
help us be under control. We need to able to learn how to let it come in and let it
go because if we keep it inside us it will disturb our thinking. In the other hand.
Aristotle states The same applies to the appetites and feelings of anger: by reacting
in one way or in another to given circumstances some people become self compared
(34).Aristotle and Suzuki agree that we should be able to avoid reacting in one way
due to a circumstance. Therefore, we must obtain a right state of mind in order to act
to the situation
Differentiated Instruction is Necessary to Meet the Needs...
Is differentiated instruction necessary to meet the needs of all levels of learners
within the environment based on learning styles, interests, and readiness levels?
Differentiated instruction involves daily assessment, either formal or informal, lots
of planning, and a classroom of learners working together as a community (Tilton,
2001). Differentiated instruction is a learner centered instructional design model that
acknowledges that students have individual learning styles, motivations, abilities, and,
therefore, readiness to learn.
Differentiated instruction adapts learning to the students unique differences. It is a
must for teachers to learn as much about each student as possible. Understanding
students helps guide teachers ... Show more content on ...
Learning Styles
As Dunn (1984), one of the early learning style researchers, wrote, Learning style is
the way in which each person absorbs and retains information and/or skills;
regardless of how that process is described, it is dramatically different for each
person (p. 12). Each student processes and absorbs new information in a different
way. A person s learning style, or the way he or she begins to concentrate, process, or
retain new and difficult information, influences largely the way he or she works,
teaches, leads, or does just about anything. Learning styles can affect academic
achievement and attitudes toward learning. Dunn (1995) describes how children
learn according to their visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning style that develops
through interactions of biology and experience. He states that a child processes new
information in ways that are related to environmental, emotional, sociological,
physiological and psychological elements. He maintains that uniform teaching
practices will invariably deny many students success in the classroom.
Incorporating humor and novelty into instruction can also help teachers vary their
presentation styles. Varying the content accounts for developmental differences, and
varying the process allows for different learning styles. Moreover, varying products
and performances increases student
How Culture Has Affected People Around The World
Is there such thing as universal psychological process or are we all different since
the day we were born? Most importantly, does culture affect us as a person despite
our smiliar biological needs? Social psychologists have been trying to investigate
how culture diversity has affected people around the world. In this essay, we will
look at how cultureinfluences diffferent psychological processes of humans such as
emotions, perception, and cognition. The essay will also explore on the different
factors that might affect psychological procecss besides culture.
We used the word culture in many different ways in everyday language. Most people
used the word culture to mean race, nationality, and ethnicity or even to reflect trends
in music, food, art and others. There is no single consensual definition of culture.
According to Hofstede, culture is defined as the collective programming of the human
mind that distinguishes the members of one human group from those of another. On
the other hand, Storti define culture as a system of beliefs and values shared by a
particular group of people. Although definitions of culture vary, they tend to share the
common view that culture is the set of cognitions and practices that characterise a
specific social group and distinguish it from others.
Over the years, social psychologists try to come up with different dimensions for
comparing culture. Hofsteade (1980) suggested a number of dimensions such as
power distance, uncertainty
Identify A Means Of Life In Denmark
3.1 Identify Life in Denmark is based on bicycles as a very important means of
transportation. Denmark strives to be green can be found throughout Danish
culture Cycling is an integral part of this reflects both the ecofriendly of the
country An average of 36% of all travel to work school was made by bike in order
to achieve zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2025 (Environmental Administration
2011) Facts in Copenhagen 70 % of the accidents involving cyclist are single cyclist
accidents. in bigger cities 27 % of all cyclists wear a helmet. Unfortunately, there are
obstacles to such lifestyle; one of which is the theft of bicycles. In order to attract it
is vital to provide innovative, high quality solutions for the cyclists. The
Analysis Of The Film Run, Lola Run
The film, Run, Lola, Run has very many similar structures to a video game, which
is most likely why it has been compared to a video game before. How the film is
put together (using sounds/music and different shots of the characters) makes the
film sound and look very similar to a video game to the viewers eye. The beginning
scene of the filmalmost seems like a beginning scene of a video game, with the
narration introducing what is to come by grabbing the viewer s attention, as the
camera is going through a crowd of people. The film also flashes back and forth in
the scene when the two characters are on the phone, to give more explanation to what
they are talking about. Video games do this in between the user playing the game, to
show short
The Assassination of John F Kennedy
The Assassination of John F Kennedy
From source B we can learn many things about JFK s assassination. We learn that
JFK was hit by 2 shots the second one killing him apparently hitting from the back,
into his right temple.
Source B also stated that 3 shots were fired from the sixth floor of the Texas
schoolbook depository. The rifleman was named Lee Harvey
Oswald. Source B declares the assassination weapon to be a Mannlincher
carcano rifle. Source B written by the Warren Commission states
Oswald had no accomplices. To me this seems quite unbelievable. People who knew
him in the marines said he had a Pathetic Shot. The gun he apparently used would not
be a weapon likely to be used in an assassination attempt, ... Show more content on ...
Source F doesn t really explain that Oswald acted alone. It states he was on the Fair
Play for Cuba committee and he was interested in left wing politics. Source F is
meant to look like a communist conspiracy because at the time Kennedy was thought
to have won a political battle over the Cuban missile crisis.
Study sources G, H, I and J
How useful are these sources in providing information to support the view that Lee
Harvey Oswald was not acting alone?
These sources are useful in providing information that Oswald didn t act alone in the
assassination of JFK.
Source G shows eyewitness accounts contradict the Warren report. Jean
Hill a schoolteacher said she heard 4 6 shots and there were different guns being
fired, she knew this, as she was familiar to guns. Gordon
Arnold a young soldier heard a shot come from behind him, as he was standing by
grassy knoll.
Source G is unreliable, as two witnesses contradicts one another.
Bonnie Williams said he ate lunch on the sixth floor and left at
12:20, he recalls nobody being there. While watching the parade Arnold
Williams said he saw a man holding a rifle with a telescopic sight at about 12:15 (on
6th floor). Arnold Williams statement seems suspicious as it should of alarmed him
Source H infers it was unlikely Oswald was a lone
Eugenesis William McIlvanney
Eugenesis is a poem written by William McIlvanney, based on what I suspect is his
depiction of humanity in the not so near future. Instead of taking you through the
whole poem word for word, what I m going to do is take a few good examples of
metaphor, simile and personification and use these to discuss the effectiveness of
McIlvanneys depiction of humanity.
Firstly I am going to discuss similes, one of the first similes you come across when
reading this poem is The rockets lay, like molar monuments . This is almost both
simile and personification, due to the use of the word lay suggesting that they lay
the way in which people would, but I will be focusing more on the simile side of
things. The part ... Show more content on ...
leading us to believe that mechanisation is forcing us to become enslaved by our own
creations, but the more thought which you indulge into this poem, the more you
realise how terrifyingly realistic and relevant it actually compared to our day to day
lives. I don t know about you, but it terrifies me thinking that in the not so near future
our relatives could be emotionless, mindless robots being unable to process their own
Immortality came wrapped in polythene is an extremely effective metaphor,
suggesting that you would be able to but your life from a shop or it could purely be
meaning that you will be able to find supliments on store shelves, wrapped in
polythene which would guarantee you immortality. Although in line 10 McIlvanney
states trhat computers and machines have discovered a synthetic/false way of
producing nutrients in thi world (future) and going by said quote, they have also
discovered how to grant people immortality, whether it be from nutrients which have
been falsely produced on computer hard drives or spare body parts which you can
purchase from local shops.
Notice that instead of using the phrase in the future I used in this world implying that
this is in no way relatable to our present time (in terms of immortality), and the use of
th capital letter on They although it is not the beginning of a new sentence meaning
that the computers
A Experiment On The Wind Tunnel
The first part of this experiment involved testing three wing designs in a wind
tunnel. First, the wind tunnel was turned on with nothing inside and the flow
velocity was recorded. Then, the first airfoil, a pre built standard NACA 0024, was
tested. It was put in the wind tunnel in the 0В° slot on the Kelvin Lift Drag Balance
arm and locked in place. The balance was then calibrated so that the LIFT value read
zero, and the wind tunnel was turned on to its high setting. Once the wind tunnel
reached its maximum speed of approximately 6 m/s, the value for LIFT was recorded
and the wind tunnel was turned off. These steps were then repeated but with the airfoil
in the 5В°, 10В°, and 15В° slots in the Kelvin Lift Drag Balance arm.
After testing the NACA 0024 airfoil, the test was repeated using the pre built
NACA 4418 airfoil. Then, the NACA 0018 airfoil was tested. This airfoil was
constructed from an assembly kit using hot glue and scissors. First, the four cross
sectional pieces were dry fitted onto the three spars. Then, one at a time, they were
hot glued into place. Next, the orange plastic locking piece was screwed securely
onto the center spar, with the rounded surface facing the leading edge of the airfoil.
Finally, the paper template was cut along the designated lines and attached to the
cross sectional pieces. First, it was fit over the locking piece on the bottom side of
the wing, and it was hot glued onto the spars, working from the trailing ends of the
Pondicherry Women In Freedom Movement
Pondicherry was under the control of the French Since 1673. The French India was
not an integrated territory. They were separated in different regions. The people of
this region were speaking different language and practicing different social habits,
initially that was accepted here. They condemned the Imperialist policy of French
India. The freedom movement started here very seriously after India s Independence.
The native Pondicherry women in too carried the task and participated in the freedom
struggle against the French rule in Pondicherry.
During the merger movement V. Subbiah, then the communist leader in Pondicherry,
organized labourers movement against the cotton textile mill management and the
French administration. The women who were working in the textile mill joined in
that protest very boldly. Those who actively participated in the movement were
Bangarrammal, Avaniammal, Thaiyanayagiammal, Aukammal, Thamayanthi,
Vijayalakshmi, ... Show more content on ...
Native women occupied a dignified place since the Chola period. During the French
colonial rule in Pondicherry, the youth and the working class always spearheaded any
political and social economic movement. The British influenced historians and native
intellectuals naturally had to come to Pondicherry. Social reformers both men and
women appeared on the Indian stage to uplift the women of the land. The women
participation in the Indian National Movement was significant. The native women
had the capacity and ability to participate in the Merger Movement in Pondicherry.1
The role played by women in the freedom struggle is one of the most unique,
fascinating and interesting aspects of modern history. But their contribution has been
hidden and not many sources are available for that. The present study brings to light
the role played and the contribution made by some eminent women fighters of
Pondicherry to the freedom struggle of
The Giver Theme
Imagine being trapped in a community and everyone is the exact same. Imagine
feeling not special in anyway. Everybody wears the same clothes, rides the same
bike, the weather is always sunny behind clouds, and there is no color. Well Jonas
had to live in the society for many years until his world was turned upside down. In
The Giver, the Giver is the receiver of memory for the community. The receiver of
memory is in charge of the memories of the past that the community doesn t know
about. The ceremony of 12 is when the people of 12 is given there jobs picked out
by the elders. The elders are the main committee of the community, they make the
decisions. Jonas was then given the one of the highest job of the community,
Reciever of memory. The job was rare and only chosen once the old receiver is
about ready to pass. The receiver of memory passes the memories of the past that
he got from the previous receiver of memory. The Giver is the receiver of memory
he gave Jonas memories he never knew about. He transferred them by putting his
hand on Jonas s back and transferring them. When his memory was gone and in the
new receiver the memory would vanish from his memory and transfer into the new
receiver s memory. Until the new receiver passes the memories on. In The Giver, By
Lois Lowry, The theme of, sameness means everything being the same and nothing
being different is supported by these symbols: No Color, Bikes, and the weather.
In The Giver there was a lot of differences in
Analysis Of The Cognitive Dissonance Theory
The cognitive dissonance theory specifies that inconsistencies in an individual s
thoughts and actions lead to mental tension, dissonance, and cause us to take actions
to reduce this dissonance. Actions include either changing the way you think about
something or the way you action. The amount of dissonance can vary depending on
justification; an unjustifiable causes more dissonance in comparison to acting with a
good enough reason, depends how the individual s morals. In Festinger and
Carlsmith s study, individuals were either given $1 or $20 to state opinions that
weren t consistent with there own. Individuals who were paid $1 had less
justification for the inconsistency which lead to higher levels of dissonance. As a
result, they were more... Show more content on ...
I m not sure if it was presented and if so, how. Informed consent is usually required at
the being of an experiment, but the text says that before the first task the experiment
only mentions the duration of the experiment and mentions the possibility of being
interviewed afterwards because of the amount of time. Also, the excessive actions,
moving spools and turning pegs for an hour, seems unethical because it could result in
future soreness and fatigue. Furthermore, the fact that the actions weren t necessarily
what they experimenter was interested in. I m sure there are other experiences that
would be perceived as boring without the possibility of future consequences, e.g.,
watching barn yard animals walk around for an hour. Something worth mentioning is
the amount of deception needed for this experiment. I understand that the
experimenter and the confederate debriefed after the experiment, but it almost
seemed excessive. They lied about the experiment, the interview, and the payment.
Such high amounts of deception can result in mental fatigue or the participant having
overall negative feelings towards the experiment because they were constantly being
tricked and
Food Controversy
Food Controversy In the food industry there have been many issues and processes
that have brought a large amount of question to the industry overall, like the meat
packing process in its early stages. I can t think of a more heated issue in the last
few passing years then the controversy over Genetically modified organisms in the
food industry. Some countries are for it some are against it. Many sides will argue
that genetically mutated organisms (GMO) are bad for the food industry while
others will argue the opposite. While genetically mutate organisms have proved to
provide many positive uses on today s earth the question still remains the same are
GMO s good for us, the environment, or at all. Also if they yield more negative...
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Now say this crop began to grow outside of where it was intended. Possibly the
seeds spread to somewhere unintended. Now we have a super crop that is
beginning to invade different parts of the already functional ecosystem in the
surrounding area. These super crops would begin to take over the already existing
species of corn, possibly wiping out the indigenous variety completely. This
hypothetical situation I just described is actually quite similar to what actually
occurred in Mexico in 2002. (Charles Clover) GMO corn crops actually crossed the
border into Mexico and weaseled its way into their southern corn crops. About
1,876 seedlings from indigenous varieties of corn from different areas in the
country were analyzed by scientists. Of these seedlings 95 percent found traces of a
gene from the cauliflower mosaic virus, which was used as a sort of on switch to
invoke insecticidal or herbicidal properties on the GMO corn crops created in the
United States. This contamination averaged 10 to 15 percent and reached a peak
of 35 percent of the rural farmers crops cross pollinated with the GMO strain.
These crops spread with such speed that this problem was unpredictable. Along with
the possibility of GMO crops spreading and taking over other strains of the crop
GMO s can also affect different species of insects in the area potentially destroying
Film Titled By Frame Essay
The documentary, Frame by Frame shows tribute to the power of photojournalism.
In Anand Gopal s book, No Good Men Among the Living, he states the Taliban,
instituted a regime of draconian purity the likes of which the world never witnessed.
All music, film, and photography which the Taliban regarded as gateway drugs to
pornography and licentiousness were banned (Gopal, 2014). The film documents the
rise of photography in Afghanistan. A powerful journey, showing real stories from a
place that has been easily forgotten. According to Mo Scarpelli, director of Frame by
Frame, Since the Taliban was ousted from power in 2001, a media revolution had
unfolded in Afghanistan; newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations had
popped up all over the place. Photojournalists had trained and hit... Show more
content on ...
While the film attempts to balance out all those portrayed, I felt the real hero of the
film was Wahidy. To her ability of taking provocative photographs of Afghan women,
a difficult task due to the conservatism the country holds. Sharing a personal story,
Wahidy at age 13, was attacked by a stranger for not wearing a burqa. It has been
well documented that women in Afghanistan have been beaten simply for
accidentally letting an inch of skin show (United Nations 2000, 7; Amnesty
International 1999; Physicians for Human Rights 1998, 52). One highlight of the film
for me, Wahidy visiting the hospital in Herat. Hoping to gain more information on
women who have committed self immolation. After being denied access to the
subjects that Wahidy hoped to photograph, she comes across a previous patient. It s
discovered that self immolation is nothing but a ruse to cover up husbands lighting
their wives on fire. The horrific torture this woman endured from her in laws and her
husband left me
Hegel s Phenomenology Of Spirit Essay
Sense Certainty to Hegel is the immediate knowledge given between our mind and
the object within the world. This type of knowledge is immediate which means its
known as soon as our mind connects or sees the object and it is also receptive
meaning we can accept the knowledge the object gives through signals or stimulus.
The first appearance of knowledge is therefore the simplest possible relation
between us and the object in question. Sense certainty aims to avoid universality as
it distorts the world in its simplification whereas particulars will portray the true
world. Hegel s Phenomenology of spirit is written in a dialectic form in which he
presents an argument before providing an immediate critique which then results in
the argument being developed. Sense certainty aims to discuss knowledge in
particulars, rather than universals when acquiring knowledge of objects. A series
of complex particulars are therefore universals according to Hegel. An example of
a particular would be discussing a particular chair which is wooden and scratched,
rather than discussing the whole concept of chairs and what they are made for and
aim to provide, which would be a seat. Hegel gives his own example of Now is
night , at first the now is a particular about the specific time of the day but in the
morning or the next day then the night is not in fact now making it not a particular
so is therefore a universal term. The Now that is Night is preserved, i.e. it is treated
as what it
Fa Mulan In The Woman Warrior
In The Woman Warrior, Maxine Hong Kingston depicts Fa Mulan as an inspirational,
incredible, young warrior. The narrator desperately needs to have the strength and
power of Fa Mulan. However, the narrator s family follows the stereotype of the
women in the kitchen and taking care of the children while the men work to
financially help the family. The narrator also feels like she knows nothing about her
ancestors. The narrator s motherand her sisters, battle against ghosts, insane asylums,
and suicide. The nameless aunt that Brave Orchid guilt trips, proves Brave Orchid s
old school lifestyle of the unfair and inequality of women. Brave Orchid infiltrated
talk story and her life of receiving a medical degree while trying to auction her
The Impact Of The International Style In Art And Deco...
Chapter 1 Introduction
In 1890s, Art and Crafts movement started and its architecture worked in different
kind of media cooperate with the artist to bring in a greater unity to the arts. Most of
the Arts and Crafts architectures being build along together with the sculptures, tiled
decoration and some with highly symbolic imagery. As an example, the Standen
located at East Grinstead, England showing the different kind of bricks and tiles for
the building s wall.
After the Arts and Crafts movement, Art Decoarchitecture style was started before
the International Style was found. Art deco architecture mostly using materials such
as stucco, concrete and smooth surface stone. Glass blocks with steel and aluminum
frame already found before the ... Show more content on ...
It is the Capital of Malaysia and most of the government office building was built
in this city. Kuala Lumpur is a busy city and with a lots of skyscrapers and colonial
architecture. The international style architecture was started in the late 90 s and
early 2000s. Buildings that used glasses as the part of the external structure appear
all over the city of Kuala Lumpur, as we can see that the Petronas Twin Tower as the
most prominent example. After a few years of developing, there are more and more
modern buildings such as those office towers and the shopping complex being build
around the
Characteristics And Developing A Performance Profile For
Introduction Professional careers in sports such as rugby have characteristics
unlike other vocation (Price, 2007). Rugby union is a high contact sport that
requires players to possess a diverse range of attributes (Smart 2011). Each playing
position has role responsibilities that are both unique and common to other
positions in the team (Greenwood, 1997). Numerous studies have highlighted
differences in physical between playing levels and positions. In a study by Parsons
and Hughes (2001), the skill demands for each playing position were analysed with
reference to on and off the ball supporting activities, with the total number of
behaviours found to differ between playing positions, emphasising the different
requirements of each playing role (Hughes, Hughes, Williams, James, Vuckovic
Locke, 2012). This paper will focus on identifying important characteristics and
developing a performance profile for a Loose Forward postion at club level.
Performance Profiling The performance profile was developed by Butler (1989) and
was based upon Kelly s (1991) personal construct theory (Nicholls, 2014).
Performance profiling helps to aid in identifying an appropriate intervention, to
maximise athletes motivation and adherence to a program and to monitor any
changes over time (Mackenzie, 2003). The profile generally focuses on the
psychological, physical, technical, and tactical qualities of an elite performer.
Physical Characteristics Field based contact team such as rugby union
Devil Facial Tumor Disease Analysis
Devil Facial Tumor Disease (DFTD) can be recognized by lumps around the face and
(, 2008),which causes starvation in 12 18 months due to
feeding difficulties and therefore death (Deakin and Belov, 2012) . This fatal
disease affects only Tasmanian devils, marsupial carnivores of Tasmania. Scientists
reported that devils may be responding to DFTD by breeding earlier before the
disease kills them, which could help the species survive longer (Hamede, McCallum
and Jones, 2012).
DFTD spreads due to biting between animals during mating or feeding. The cancer
cells themselves are the infective agent, as opposed to a transmissible virus that leads
to Tumor formation. in the case of the devils (Pearse et al., 2012), the genes that
could differentiate between own and foreign cells are so similar between the cancer
and host, that the devil s immune system does not identify the cancer, ... Show more
content on ...
FLPTer have been used to quantify the marker gene movement and evolution in strain
1 to strain 4
The aim of the practical is to investigate the nature of the chromosomal changes or
rearrangements in this cancer using FLPTer.
Females used to breed at two years of age began breeding at two years of age and
that many devil females now begin to reproduce at just one year. It could be that
DFTD has selected for younger breeding females (Deakin et al., 2012). Females with
genes for early breeding would be advantageous over standard breeding times females
, and due to this reproduction difference, the population may have undergone
evolution(McCallum et al., 2009). Alternatively, it could be that the population
genetic makeup have not undergone any changes,but with more food access due to a
reduced devil populations(, 2008), younger females are now
able to
Lucille Clifton Study The Masters Summary
(An Analysis of poetry during the Harlem Renissance)
The Harlem Renaissance marks a time in history where colored artist were finally
taken seriously in American society. The Harlem Renaissance was what Nathan
Huggins has called, a channeling of energy from political and social criticism into
poetry, fiction, music, and art. They were finally given a voice and when someone
started to hear them, they began to shout. Pride was taken in their culture and race,
and while no style was shared among the artists, an urgent need to take note and
document their peoples experiences became prominent in the work. A cultural
identity was being expressed and shared among the people. During the Harlem
Renaissance, colored voices began to take rise ... Show more content on ...
This poem deals with not just studying and modeling after European poetry, but
also with giving a voice to women at the time. Wall states that, Lucille Clifton s
poem Study the Masters implores readers to pay attention to invisible women.
Especially colored women, who were at the bottom of the pecking order underneath
white and black men, and also white women. The poem is discussing how you don t
have to model after the European masters anymore, its time to establish an American
identity, a specific cultural identity among the states to say. Clifton is also hinting
towards the fact that not every master has to be a man, it could also be the woman
that irons his sheets for when a master rests. Style expresses, The poem protests the
women s exclusion from national history even as it insists on her centrality to it.
Clifton is saying that women have a voice in this, too. It is not just the men that can
contribute to the cultural identity of the colored. Clifton is exhibiting here that a
master does not have to be someone white, male, or european. It s time to start
creating our own masters for a new
Equity Finance And Debt Finance
Stockholders are those entities who provide a company with the risk capital such as
preference share owners and ordinary share owners (Freeman and Reed, 1983).
Generally, stockholderis one of long term finance providers with the aim to maximize
their wealth.According toBrickleyet al. (1985), long term financeproviders are more
likely to focus on the matter whether the financial structure in the company is sound
or not and the durability of profitabilityrather than temporary profits that a potentially
risky financial structure may bring. In addition, different company will encounter
different problems when changing their capital structure. This part therefor mainly
focus on equity finance and debt finance in small and medium sized enterprises
(SMEs) and listed company.
From the perspective of stockholders, debt finance may be more attractive
compared with other financial approaches. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, it
may ensurestockholders ownership unchanged (Mooij, 2012). If the board of the
company intend to adopt the approach of equity finance such as issuing new rights,
there is a possibility that the former stockholders may not be able to purchase all
new issuing rights and then lead to dilution of control which they do not expect.
Secondly, debt finance is a relatively cost effective method as there is tax advantage
of debt.If a firm only has equity finance, an extra tax then needed to pay because
dividends which come from profits are income for investors which
Coach Thad Matta Research Paper
The Ohio State men s basketball team has had back to back disappointing seasons
and most people believe that head Coach Thad Matta should be fired from his job.
Ohio State is a program that over the last ten years has been accustomed to winning
games and being at the top of the Big Ten standings, and the last two years under
coach Matta were not up to most fans standards. I believe that Thad Matta should not
be fired and that he will turn the program around if given more time.
Thad Matta has been one of the most successful coaches in the country at his time at
The Ohio State University. Comparing him to Michigan State s head coach Tom
Izzo, Thad Matta has a higher winning percentage, more regular season conference
championships, and more conference tournament championships in his coaching
career, which is also five years shorter than Izzo s, according to sports Then if you compare Matta to the past Ohio State coaches he easily
surfaces into the top pair. Coach Matta is the winningest coach in Ohio State history
(Brown). When he was hired in 2004 the buckeyes basketball program was in the
bottom of the Big Ten conference. In ... Show more content on ...
What they don t think about is what the Ohio State basketball program was like
before he arrived. Ohio State was not a national powerhouse before Thad Matta got
their, and he turned them into one in less than three years. He has taken a school that
is known for their great football teams and turned them into a respectable basketball
program in the Big Ten. Ohio State under Matta has had some good runs into the
NCAA tournament running the same offensive system they do now. The problem
with Ohio State is not their offense, it s on the defensive side of the court. When they
were making tournament runs into the final four they had great defensive players like
guards Aaron Craft and Shannon
The Stereotypes In The Battle Of Algiers
The Battle of Algiers is a cinematic representation of the events that led up to
Algerian independence. It is a reconstruction of the years 1954 to 1957 when the
battle for the Algerian capital intensified as the citizens edged closer to independence
. It features a variety of skirmishes between the National Liberation Front and the
French colonialists. The FLN are made up of armed insurgents seeking to liberate the
country and meet resistance from French authorities seeking to repel them. The filmis
meant to show the gore and violence that emanated from the war with both sides
responsible for indiscriminate loss of life. The movie depicts a variety of memorable
scenes with the three women, three bombs sequence of particular importance .... Show
more content on ...
The three women are on a mission to bomb a sector of the city with European
occupants. Their mission, though ultimately involving the killing of innocents, is
portrayed in a way that the audience sympathizes with. They are made to want the
move to become a success. The way in which the women are placed in a close
perspective helps the audience identify with them. In the end the women are seen as
courageous and are able to complete their mission as a means of attaining vengeance.
The political dimensions envisioned in the film are the impact of violence against
violence as both sides attempt to take an aggressive stance on each other . It is meant
to ensure that the viewer digests what is happening in the film and is conversant with
Safe Re-Entry of Spacecraft
In safe re entry, there are various issues that need to be considered such as re entry
angle, heat build up, high g forces, ionisation black out and landing on the ground.
The Apollo spacecraft returning from the moon, the US space shuttle and the Russian
Vostok spacecraft are examples of spacecraft which have successfully addressed these
issues, and have safely returned to Earth.
Re entry of spacecraft begins with astronauts usually retro firing their spacecraft s
rockets where they position rockets to point ahead of themselves and execute a
short burn that will slow down the spacecraft, allowing it to drop down into the
atmosphere into an elliptical orbit at an altitude of about 100 kilometres. The time,
direction and duration of the burn must be controlled carefully to achieve an
optimum re entry angle. The trajectory on re entry into the atmosphere must be at
precisely a correct angle that is specific to the velocity of the spacecraft involved.
The re entry angle must be chosen carefully as it also affects the space crafts heat
build up and ionisation black put period. If the spacecraft enters too steeply, it
enters the atmosphere too fast, penetrating to the deeper denser layers before
slowing, increasing the heat built up and the spacecraft may burn up due to the heat.
The high g forces experienced in such an entry could also destroy the spacecraft and
injure the passengers. If the angle of re entry is too shallow, the spacecraft may
bounce or skip off the
Rite Of Spring Monologue
Uproarious laughter! Outcries of boos and grunts! Scarfs, hats, and shoes being
thrown everywhere! And, worst of all, people getting trampled and beaten on for no
reason. Believe it or not, that is what I had witnessed in the audience last night at the
premiere of a new ballet called
The Rite of Spring by up and coming Russian composer, Igor Stravinsky. Although
this ballet was not well received by its audience, the theater was so packed that it
took me over 15 minutes to find a decent seat to sit in! As soon as the beginning
started with it s very poetic and dreamy bassoon solo, the audience started to laugh
and giggle. That puzzled me because I was enjoying the bassoon solo a lot and
actually found it to be quite mesmerizing. I felt really pleased by ... Show more
content on ...
I felt very indifferent to the music because it sounded like Stravinsky took random
notes from several keys at the same time and threw them onto paper without caring
about beauty. In addition, I absolutely hated the dancing
(or should I say stomping) that I saw! Although we Parisians requested Russian
ballet with an exotic and oriental character to it, stomping is not necessary! It mocks
the elegance and grace that so many dancers work so hard at perfecting for
performance on stage. When The Rite of
Spring finally reached the Sacrificial Dance section, it messed with my already upset
ears and mind even more than any other section of the ballet. It sounded extremely
nightmarish to me through its outpourings of even more weird types of dissonances
and unpredictable rhythmic unevenness that made me feel sick, especially as the
music gradually grew wilder until the end.
The Rite of Spring was unlike anything that I had heard before which is great, but
the severe novelty of the music made it very difficult to listen to and appreciate. As
soon as it ended,
Literature Review On Communication Satisfaction
LITERATURE REVIEW Communication Satisfaction
Engin and Akgöz (2013) explains communication satisfaction as a criteria or a
theory constructing concept about the upward and downward communication among
executives and employees containing work related information. They state that when
an employee is satisfied with the communication within the organization, it is
expected that they will perform and be at their best. However, misunderstandings
from the inability of managers to communicate effectively to their subordinates lead
to poor performance (Chitrao, 2014). According to Greenbaum, Clampitt, and
Willihnganz (1988), the Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire has been proven
to be the most widely used method to measure organizational communication
satisfaction. Downs and Clampitt developed the questionnaire and eventually did a
critical review on studies of communication satisfaction (as cited in Engin and
Akgöz, 2013) and Zwije Koning De Jong (2007) evaluated the communication
satisfaction questionnaire and compared it to the critical incident technique to see
which method is better to measure communication satisfaction. They mention that
employee attitude and judgment in many communication practices are the main focus
of the questionnaire as these factors show the influence of communication
satisfaction on employee behavior. ... Show more content on ...
The eight dimensions are communication climate, supervisory communication,
organizational integration, media quality, horizontal or informal communication,
organizational perspective, relationship with subordinates and personal feedback. The
researchers felt that the most
Although stated as a good method to measure communication satisfaction (Zwije
Koning De Jong, 2007), they believe that it is not recommended for diagnosing
communication problems and generating recommendations. Employee
Research Paper On Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer: My grandpa had prostate cancer. He went to see his doctor after he
found an abnormal lump on his neck. After going through Computerized tomography
scan, ultrasound of the prostate and biopsy of the cancer tissue. The doctor
diagnosed him with stage IV prostate cancer. The cancer has spread to other areas of
his body through the lymph nodes. He gone through rounds of chemotherapy along
with surgery to remove the prostate, and hormone therapy to help fight the cancer.
Hypertension: My grandparents have primary hypertension, which is hypertension
with no identifiable cause. They were diagnosed with hypertension after their doctor
found their blood pressure was about 140 /90 mm Hg during one of their annual
physicals. The physician
The Lice Short Story
A Home for the Lice Have you ever wanted to know why lice chose people and why
they chose our hair? Well, I have an explanation for it. I have the story of all of
their adventures. It all starts from the beginning of time. From the start, lice have
always loved jungle like places. For example, grass. That is where they
commenced. They loved it there, they built forts, food storages, and all sorts of
things. That is until the bug came around. It had wings the size of the grass and
claws the size of three blocks of dirt. This may not sound very big to us humans, but
to lice, the size of dust, it was terrifying. Anyways, the bug would raid their forts and
destroy everything. So the lice packed up what they had left and went off in search
of another place to... Show more content on ...
Some lice were hopeful, but some were hopeless for they had such terrible luck.
The weary lice first went to the lips. That didn t work out because the lips were
constantly moving, shaking lice families off to the ground. Also when the women
put on lipstick the lice would become trapped in what seemed like quicksand. The
lice packed up and went to the nose. Many of the lice adored it there. It was the
perfect climate for them. Unfortunately they moved there in the winter when the
humans had colds. Sneezes were like a hurricane, runny noses were like
mudslides, and a blowing nose was like a tsunami. They shortly decided it wasn t
safe for them to live there. Once again they packed up and left. Their next stop was
the eyelashes and eyebrows. It wasn t very hairy or concealing, but it had to work
for the time being. They quickly found this would not work either. Humans would
pluck their eyebrows and pluck the lice out with them. They would also put mascara
on their eyelashes causing the lice to be stuck in what felt like tar. The worst part
was the crying. It was like a tsunami similar to the nose, but 10 times worse. The
desperate lice loaded up their things and
Case 4Takamatsu Case Analysis
Case 4: Takamatsu Case Analysis (25 points)
Executive Summary
Takamatsu Sports Enterprise is a sporting company that has recently experienced a
considerably large loss in net profit. Mr. Takamatsu has begun to look into the
problem of the company and believes that Ms. Ota is the problem in the loss of sales.
Although Mr. Takamatsu thinks that Ms. Ota is the problem, it really is Mr. Fujita.
He has inefficient training and sales.
If Mr. Takamatsu gets Mr. Fujita the appropriate training, he can increase his sales,
and that would relate to increasing the profit in Takamatsu s Sports Enterprise.
Key Issue
Who is the most profitable sales representative? The lease? Are Mr Takamatsu s
concerns about Ms. Ota s performance valid?
The key ... Show more content on ...
Takamatsu to return his company to profitability?
Based on the analysis, the recommendations our group would give to Mr. Takamatsu
to return his company to profitability would be to motivate his sales representatives.
The reason
Managing Information System
Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction2 1.1 Definition of crowd funding2 1.2 The history
of crowd funding3 1.3 Objectives of Research4 2.0 Review of literatures5 2.1
Awareness about crowd funding mechanism5 2.2 Legal Challenges8 2.2.1 Navigating
the Prospectus Rules8 2.2.2 Information Requirements Often Overlooked8 2.2.3 Role
of Crowd fundingPlatforms and Further Considerations8 2.3 FinanceChallenges9 2.4
Interest rate10 2.5 Success factors11 2.5.1 Crowd funding fit12 2.5.2 Realistic
pricing12 2.5.3 Building trust12 2.5.4 Media expertise12 3.0 Methodology14 3.1
Introduction14 3.2 Research approach qualitative14 3.3 Sampling strategy14 3.4
Data collection14 3.5 Data analysis... Show more content on ...
Then the other sites followed it like Fundageek.
Electric Eel Shock, a rock band come from Japan, which is the first band don t have
a previous significant recording deal but fully accept crowd funding after it has
toured the whole world. As an unsigned band, they raised ВЈ10,000 from 100 fans
(the Samurai 100) in 2004. After two years, all these people became the fastest band
with a budget for $50,000 through SellaBand.
For another industry, the independent director Mark Tapio Kines created a website
in 1997, it is used for his first feature Foreign Correspondents. In 1999, he raised over
$125,000 through the Internet from more than 25 fans. The purpose of the funds is
try to complete his film.
Another woman Franny Armstrong, created a donation system later for her feature
film Age of Stupid . From June 2004 to June 2009, she raised ВЈ1,500,000 in five
years. What s more, a public Internet donation campaign which is launched by a
entrepreneurs who is come from French, and a produces Benjamin Pommeraud to
fund their short science fiction film, Demain la Veille. In three weeks, they raised
$50,000 for their film.
The first crowd funding web site for education is Adopt A Class, which is
documented as the first one in 2000.
The earliest known citation for crowd funding was used by Michael Sullivan in
fundavlog on August 12, 2006.
1.3 Objectives of Research
To comprehend the awareness of crowd funding mechanism in the
The Constitutional Provisions Of India
INTRODUCTION India has certain constitutional provisions and laws that make it
obligatory for the state to provide the right to adequate housing to all its citizens.
The Constitution of India is firmly grounded in the principles of liberty, fraternity,
equality and justice. The list of constitutional provisions that have a bearing on the
right to adequate housing including women s and children s rights to adequate
housing, are: equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws
Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of
birth (Article 15 (1)) Special provisions in favour of women and children based on
the principle of protective discrimination (Article 15 (3)) Equality of opportunity
in matters relating to employment or appointment to any office under the State
(Article 16) Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India (Article 19(1)
(d)) Freedom to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India (Article 19 (1)
(e)) Right of all citizens to practice any profession, or to carry on 9 any occupation,
trade or business (Article 19 (1) (g)) Right to life and personal liberty (Article 21)
DEFINITIONS Disability as defined by the Act (Person with Disability Act, 1995)
covers blindness, low vision, leprosy cured, hearing impairment, locomotor disability,
mental retardation and mental illness as well as multiple disability. (l) Impairment
Missing or defective body part, an amputated Limb, paralysis after
The Book of Exodus is not a narrative of slavery. The Book...
The Book of Exodus is not a narrative of slavery. The Book of Exodus is not a
condemnation of slavery. The Book of Exodus is not an escapee s manual. The
Book of Exodus does not even incorporate one journal entry, one trial transcript, or
one eye witness account of the slavery endured by the Israelites in Egypt. Despite its
lack of address, the Book of Exodus solidifies man s need for Godand God s need for
worship. Before returning to Egypt with his purpose at hand, Mosesdiscovers God on
Mt. Sinai during a solitary journey with his father in law s flock. By bringing
Moses to a mountain, God shows Moses that holiness is not a quality known to
man; holiness is known only to God. God may reveal holiness to man, as he does to
Moses;... Show more content on ...
Immediately thereafter, God introduces Himself, I am the God of your father, the
God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. (Exodus 3:6) God s
relationship to Moses renews generation after generation, from host to host and
blessed father to blessed son. Without this continuity, God would be a stranger, or
at best a long lost relative, someone whom Moses would not need and probably
would not recognize. Recognition of God s sovereignty is at the heart of worship,
the driving theme of the Book of Exodus, and the reason God so severely punishes
the Egyptians. God does not punish the Egyptians for keeping the Israelites as
slaves. God punishes the Egyptians for Pharaoh s attempt to better God by
sacrificing His firstborn: Israel. Although many arguments can be made against
human sacrifice, none mitigates God s anger with Pharaoh. In general, God s anger
is rarely pacified: not even Moses protects the Israelite idol worshipers at Mt. Sinai.
At Moses command, the Levites slay three thousand of their brothers, friends, and
neighbors the innocent along with the guilty. Believing God s wrath has branded
them with righteousness, Moses praises the survivors as blessed. God has other
plans: another plague. With the deaths of those who break Faith, God is satisfied. As
Supreme Ruler, God defends those who worship Him and destroys those who
worship idols. After leading the defeat of the Amalekites at Rephidim, Moses
The Legal Rights Of Mr. Bob Wheelie
The following document provides information for Mr. Bob Wheelie to help him
understand his legal rights and to help him resolve his conflict with Mr. Spoke.
This document will be offering knowledge on the following matters an overview or
guide on what false or misleading statements or claims are, what are the penalties
impacted with making false or misleading claims and statements, the laws and
regulations that comply with the situations such as information on contracts,
commonwealth laws and legislations and an overview of a similar court case that
has occurred with the outcome. A misrepresentation is a statement or a claim made
by one to another that can either be misleading or false. This can happen not only
is written contracts or contracts but also verbally, it can be as simple as when a
person is talking to another and has provided them with information that is incorrect.
For a business it is illegal or unlawful to be involved or make any statements in
matters that can be mislead or misinformed or is likely to be mislead or misinformed
to its customers or other businesses. The following can be classified as being
misleading, the failure to disclose relevant information, predictions, opinions and
promises. The conducts for the misleading or miss informing whether by action or
statement includes advertising, any form of statements, promotions, quotations and
by any representation made by a person.2 A form of misleading information or
deceptiveness can be in the form
Walmart s Accounting Principles
Four Accounting Principles
Sharon Wallace
American Intercontinental University
Accounting Principles
Four Accounting Principles
Accounting principles used by Wal Mart and the core function of its departments.
Wal Mart s strength and weaknesses will be listed. Wal Mart s last two years of
accounting statements are also present.
FOUR ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES There are four key assumptions in the
generally accepted accounting principles. The key assumptions in generally accepted
accounting principles are business entity, going concern, monetary unit and time
period principle. Wal Mart uses ... Show more content on ...
You should present all the facts you are aware of without any of your personal
opinion, bias, or judgment to make the investigation true. I believe this is a good
way to keep a corporation honest is by encouraging people to contact the right
people if they believe you are not being honest.(Wal Mart stores, 2012). According to
Wal Mart s financial statement they are following these guide lines they also show
you their debt. 2011| |
2010| |
2009| |
2008| |
Operating Results (1)
Net sales
Net sales increase
Comparable store sales in the United States (2)
Wal Mart U.S.
Sam s Club
Gross profit margin | | $418,952
24.7% | | $405,132
24.9%| | $401,087
24.2%| | $373,821
24.0%| | $344,759
Operating, selling, general and administrative expenses,| |
as a percentage of net sales
Operating income
Income from continuing operations attributable to Wal Mart | | 19.3%
$ 25,542
15,355| | 19.7%
$ 24,002
14,449| | 19.3%
$ 22,767
13,235| | 19.0%
$ 21,916
12,841| | 18.5%
$ 20,552
Net income per share of common stock:
Alpha Spectroscopy Is A Technique For Quantification Of...
Alpha spectroscopy is a technique for quantification of alpha particles and
identification of its parent radionuclide using a silicon diode semiconductor detector
[Knoll, 2010]. These detectors operate in a vacuum to enable them to detect alpha
particles emitted from a source without degradation of the alpha particleenergy. The
alpha particles are transformed into electrical pulses which are amplified and shaped
prior to conversion into a differentiated pulse height spectrum by a multichannel
analyzer. The resultant spectrum is characteristic of the energy of the originally
alpha particle and can therefore be used to identify the parent radionuclide [Boll et al,
This technique is excellent for differentiation of alpha emitters due to peak
resolution of as high as 10 keV with typical resolution of 25 30 keV [Knoll, 2010].
The detection efficiency is relatively poor (3 20%), but because of the inherently
low background of less than one count per hour in carefully controlled systems, low
minimum detection concentrations are achievable [Knoll, 2010]. The method has a
high sensitivity for detecting alpha emitting radionuclides. The ability to
discriminate among different energy levels can be used for isotope specific
measurements. If the alpha source is prepared in a proper way, there is no significant
self absorption in the alpha source itself [Knoll, 2010].
The modern version of the silicon diode semiconductor detector is the passivated
implanted planar silicon
Comparing The Nursing Code Of Ethics And Nurse Bill Of
In the last few years the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT)
community have made major strides in a positive direction toward equal rights within
the legal system, including the recent Supreme Court decision ruling that same sex
marriages will be recognized in all 50 states. Sixteen of those states and the District of
Columbia have full anti discrimination laws that include protecting gender identity
and expression. This leaves roughly 70% of the country s population living in states
without comprehensive anti discrimination laws (Cobos Jones, 2009). The work has
just begun, as the LGBTpopulation continue to face discrimination regarding
education, employment, housing, and healthcare.
In 1981, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus ... Show more content on ...
Justice is the ethical obligation to treat all people fairly, with distributive justice
expanding to include equal access to healthcare for all people (Aiken, 2004).
Transgender patients are currently being denied this right. Aiken includes non
maleficence as a requirement that health care providers do no harm, yet transgender
patients are subjected to harm verbally and physically with each encounter (2004). It
is every nurse s moral obligation to respect each person and their difference, and
provide them with the medical care that they deserve, otherwise nurses are practicing
immorally against the ANA s ethical
California Irrigation System
Getting rid of fracking can be a great step forward for the farming business, as a
state we are already pulling water from wherever it is that we can and with the
idea of getting rid of fracking we will have more water for us to work with. In
California 70% of our fresh water goes to San Francisco and Los Angeles, the other
30% goes to the Central Valley for farming. The Central Valley on its own is the
one that provides all of California s crops. Given that it is so important to people in
California to keep water coming to the central valley for food, we believe we should
make sure we have enough water to keep providing ourselves with that necessity.
California was finally alleviated from the everlasting 6 year drought. No thanks to
human... Show more content on ...
Fracking is the process of injecting liquid at high pressure to force open existing
fissures and extract oil or gas. This is a dangerous process in which California
should permanently exterminate because it is detrimental to Californian s health
and land. Either permanently removing fracking or going along with Long s plan
would be a great help. Long in his article describes a solution by installing a
3.9MW solar installation near a body of water. This will significantly help with the
body of water by having solar rays crack the hydrogen out of the water. Irrigation is
also another topic in which water can be heavily conserved. There are different
type of irrigation systems in which California has in placed. Although the one that
California should have solely use is the drip irrigation because it saves an
enormous amount of water per year. Drip Irrigation is the proposed irrigation
system because it only uses 10.5% water per year compared to furrow and center
pivot which uses 42.2% and 47.3% water. Drip irrigation is the better option when
considering irrigation because not only is the fertilizer and nutrient loss minimized
due to reduced leaching but water application efficiency is high in managed
correctly. The variation in supply can be heavily regulated by the valves and
drippers which can be handled by the handler. It not only reduces energy most by
using lower pressure, it
Data Collection And Analysis On Azerbaijan
In this study research focuses on interviews with political officials, experts and
secondary data collection and analysis. The main part of the research stems from
interviews in Azerbaijan 5 interviews, 2 interviews in Beijing, and two Skype
interviews with international experts. Totally, I had 9 respondents to conduct my
research. Of these, I did 7 face to face interviews, and other 2 interviews were
conducted via Skype video call. On January I travelled to Azerbaijan, Baku (to the
capital city) for gathering interviews and related important documents. Apart from
interviews, my research focuses on secondary data collection and analysis. With
secondary data I mean various types of secondary resources such as reports, ... Show
more content on ...
From this perspective this study has an exploratory character as well.
As the topic is related to the political sphere many problems occurred during the
sampling procedure. The main focus of the study to identify the risk factors and
their effects for Azerbaijan to be a transport hub. Due to that reason I planned to do
semi structured interviews with political officials, scholars, from Azerbaijan to
understand the officials points of view about the issue. Firstly, I started with the help
of Centre for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and
I did one of my interviews there. They referred me other experts who focus this study
I would like to mention that finding respondents for my research was a little bit
difficult. Because the topic is related to political sphere. I was planning to do
interviews with for instance, deputies of National Assembly, senior advisors from
Ministry of Transport of Azerbaijan, officials from Port of Baku and so on. From
this point of view, conducting my research I needed political official, scholars,
transport and logistics experts. First problem came from the topic. China s
relationship with South Caucasus, especially with Azerbaijan is brand new topic for
scholars. Due to that reason finding experts and scholar who has deep knowledge on
this topic made problem for my sampling. As the topic relates to sensitive issue
limitations of answers during the

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Issues Of Importance Essay Topics.pdf

  • 1. Issues Of Importance Essay Topics Crafting an essay on the subject of "Issues of Importance Essay Topics" presents a unique set of challenges. Firstly, the topic itself is broad and open-ended, requiring a comprehensive understanding of various social, political, environmental, or cultural issues. The difficulty lies in selecting a specific issue or a set of issues that not only align with the theme but also resonate with the writer's interests and values. Furthermore, addressing the complexity of these issues demands extensive research to gather relevant and up-to-date information. Juggling diverse perspectives and data sources while maintaining a cohesive narrative can be challenging. The writer must navigate through the nuances of each chosen topic, ensuring a balanced and nuanced discussion. Another obstacle is the need for critical analysis and reflection. The essay should go beyond surface-level exploration and delve into the underlying causes, implications, and potential solutions for the identified issues. This requires a thoughtful and analytical approach, which can be time-consuming and intellectually demanding. Moreover, conveying the significance of these issues in a compelling and engaging manner is crucial. The challenge lies in striking a balance between presenting the gravity of the problems and offering a sense of hope or a call to action. Achieving this balance requires adept use of language, persuasive techniques, and a thorough understanding of the target audience. In conclusion, composing an essay on "Issues of Importance Essay Topics" requires a blend of research, critical thinking, and effective communication. Navigating the intricacies of multifaceted issues and presenting them coherently poses a considerable challenge. However, it is through overcoming these challenges that one can produce a meaningful and impactful piece of writing. For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services available at Their expert writers can provide guidance and support in tackling complex essay topics, ensuring a well-crafted and insightful final product. Issues Of Importance Essay TopicsIssues Of Importance Essay Topics
  • 2. Research Paper On Kingdom Of Heaven Kingdom of Heaven is a 2005 reinvention of the historical 12th century crusaders. French blacksmith named Balian is reunited with his father, Sir Godfrey, who convinces him to come to Jerusalem to serve for King Baldwin IV. However Godfrey becomes mortally wounded and dies but not before he confers knighthood to son Balian. Once in Jerusalem, Balian finds himself tempted with love for a forbidden queen and in the midst of decades long war over the power of Jerusalem. Balian is forced to defend the people of Jerusalem against Saladin s approaching army. So is the Kingdom of Heaven just an opportunity for the director to portray Christians in a bad light and give praise to the Muslim community? One would believe so due to the inaccurate, one ... Show more content on ... Since that day many people, not just American citizen believe that all Arabians were atrocious terrorists. Whilst the Kingdom of Heaven portrays Christians in a negative light and Muslims in a positive one, could it be in good will to prove that not all Arabians are awful people and that we shouldn t hold grudges? One can believe so because there are many time in the movie when Saladin showed forgiveness and respect towards the Christians and their beliefs. A clear example of when Saladin showed respect and forgiveness towards the Christians was when he stated some terms and promised to not hurt any Christian, if he was to take Jerusalem back, even after everything the Christians did to the Muslims. No one will be harmed, I swear to God (Saladin) Christians butchered every Muslim inside the walls when they took the city (Balian) I am not those men, I am Saladin (Saladin). This scene was not historically accurate because Saladin would only let the wealthy Christian which could afford to pay to leave actually leave and the ones that could would became his slaves, but when making a pro Muslim movie this fact cannot be added. Instead this scene proved that Saladin was the bigger person because he didn t hold onto grudges from the past and want revenge them, he just want Jerusalem back and peace amongst them [Muslims] and the Christian. When the war is over Saladin says to Balian As Salaam Alaikum
  • 3. Year-Round Schooling The average American s summer break includes exciting or leisurely vacations with the family, cookouts with the neighbors, tanning (or burning) at the pool, and watching fireworks on the 4th of July. Although the typical kid eagerly anticipates this season, not everyone gets to enjoy a long summer break. About 4% of America s educationsystems have implemented year round schooling in which the summerbreak is swapped out for shorter breaks throughout the year (Kelsey). Though some believe year round schooling is a better method than the traditional 9 month schedule, it produces problems for both teachers and students. There are various ways to organize a year round school schedule. Some use a 45 15 schedule (45 weekdays in school followed ... Show more content on ... A meta analysis of research from the University of Minnesota... found that 42 studies showed no positive impact from year round schooling, while 27 studies showed a significant positive impact, writes Jaclyn Zubrzycki. Researchers have been unable to come to a clear conclusion. Some believe that offering more regular breaks prevents burnout of both teachers and students (Zubrzycki). However, if students are given homework to finish over the break (just like students are given homework to complete over Thanksgiving or Christmas break) or teachers spend their break preparing for the next session of school, shorter breaks do not alleviate the problem of burnout but continue it. Students and teachers would be better off with a long summer break to take their minds off of school and to relax without worrying about what is coming up within the next couple of
  • 4. Current Customer Relationship Management System Situation In 2008 Telstra transformed from its old DOS based computer systems to its current Customer Relationship Management system (Siebel), this transition was not well executed by its decision makers due to system bugs affecting Siebel s billing, signup provision and activation process. Soon after Telstras systematic transformation begun, Telstra cut 500 Jobs from Australian based call centres and outsourced them to call centres in the Philippines. Telstra has continuously used in its marketing the message of Telstra being an Australian company for all Australians throughout their marketing campaigns(Sainsbury, 2007). Moreover, a fortnight before Telstra decided to outsource jobs to call centres in the Philippines. The company was ... Show more content on ... Telstra under Sol Trujillo s leadership continued to make headlines in Australian media as Trujillo was expecting to pay himself up to $17 million for the financial year of 2007/2008 although 66 percent of shareholders voted against the new executive pay structure it went ahead as the votes were non binding. Furthermore, Telstra was facing a lawsuit because s shareholders were not informed about Telstra s decline in revenue of $1.2 billion for its fixed line phone business from 2005 2008. Telstra settled the law suit for $300 million before further proceedings (Moran, 2007). Trujillo s Leadership Influence Trujillo s managed to transform Telstra from being a product focused company to a customer focused company by converting the company into a media company instead of just being a telecommunications company. Telstra before Trujillo s arrival was a company that only focused on telephone lines, internet and business directories where Trujillo introduced the Next G Network, Bigpond, telephone and Foxtel bundle. Furthermore, Trujillo managed to influence his followers with his Power Expert (Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy, 2012) as he has been in the telecommunications industry for his entire professional career this allowed his followers to trust is vision towards the future of their company which also influenced credibility towards his leadership style because
  • 5. The Pros And Cons Of Resistance Resistance is a destructive and violent rejection. Resistance is commonly understood as a rejection to accept and comply with something that causes doing in opposition to the current events. Resistance movement is an organized effort by some part of people of a country to resist the legally established government or an occupying power and to disrupt civil order and stability. I believe in the resistance as I believe there can be no light without shadow; or rather, no shadow unless there is also light. (149) Resistance is related to power, and power is possible to understand as relational and multiple in networks of productive interactions. Resistance is not by itself evil or destructive , as well as not basically good , progressive or democratic . We have to acknowledge that not only do fascist or religious fundamentalist resistance exist but are common examples of how people try to undermine established power relations. ... Show more content on ... It is also is one of the origins of the resistance movement. Resistance was the rejection of all these things: the ceasefire, the Armistice and Collaboration. It also became a rejection of the right wing politics of Vichy, and, most difficult of all, a rejection of the mythic status and popularity of Petain. It was a battle for the liberation of the country, but it was also a battle for the minds and hearts of the French people, and many Resisters have said that breaking the hold of Petainism was the most formidable task in the first two years. After November 1942 it was easier, for in that month the Germans occupied the whole of France and Petain insisted on staying as head of what was now quite openly a subservient regime. But sympathy, support, and even adoration, for Petain lived on. It still exists among a dedicated minority
  • 6. Selective Encryption Algorithm for Highly Confidential... 1. Introduction Conventional cryptographic algorithms, which are generally aimed at encrypting like text data (known as NaГЇve approach) not well suited for video encryption. This is due to the fact that conventional cryptographic algorithms cannot process the large volume of video data in real time. Selective encryption of the H.264/AVC bitstream puts decoder to fully decode the encrypted video with degradation in video quality. This perceptual encryption has low encryption and decryption time. The video data are compressed to reduce the storage space required and to save bandwidth for transmission. Video compression removes redundancy, so that it is difficult to guess about a portion of a compressed bitstream to another. In addition, ... Show more content on ... From an attacker s point of view, brute force attack may break the encryption of sign bit and level_suffix of the same length. Intra prediction mode has only nine different values (0 8). Hence, the encryption of intra prediction mode also has the threat of brute force attack. So, the values of level_suffix with sign bits are encrypted with a higher length of bitstream (6 bits for luma and 4 bits for chroma), to reduce the threat of brute force attack. However, this affects the compression bandwidth. We have also analyzed that without making motion vectors encryption, we can t obtain temporal redundancy. Motion vector encryptions are proposed by several authors [4 9]. However, analysis shown in this paper said that 45 50% of motion vectors for each frame are not encrypted. Thus, a better encryption method is proposed at here in expense with compression bandwidth. Overall, we should create the balance between security and the increase in compression bandwidth. Four selective encryption methods are discussed here. A First method named NZs in CAVLC encrypts level_suffix values with sign bits of up to three lowest frequency non zero DCT coefficients in CAVLC encoding for all macroblocks. Second method named NZs in CAVLC for I only , which is same as the first method but encryption is done only in intra coded macroblocks. Third method named MV
  • 7. Big Mind Analysis A thoughtful examination of how practice and repetition helps us free ourselves form Big mind is to set up our body and mind by using Big mind as a technique that is designed to expand the individual s ability to make choices in life by spreading awareness. Also, rather than to behave in an unconscious manner by using negativity. Therefore, the Big Mindtechnique focus on practicing our posture, breathing, practicing repetition can helps us free ourselves from experience by focusing inn ourselves and by not being disturbed by our thoughts. Having posture helps us to obtain a right state of mind. Also, we need to focus on breathing because it would help us become aware of our surroundings. First, we must practice in obtaining... Show more content on ... Suzuki states If you see things without realizing the background of Buddha nature , everything appears to be in the form of suffering .But if you the background of existence , you realize that suffering itself id how we live , how we extend our life .So in Zen sometimes we emphasize the imbalance or disorder of life (32).t is difficult to control because is not capable to accomplish. We must encourage people to be mischievous instead of trying to control them. Suzuki states you want to obtain perfect calmness in your zazen, you should not be bothered by the various images you find in your mind. Let them come and let them go. Then they will be under control (32).We need be able to control our mind by observing things as they are and letting them go. Therefore, we shouldn t be bothered because it will help us be under control. We need to able to learn how to let it come in and let it go because if we keep it inside us it will disturb our thinking. In the other hand. Aristotle states The same applies to the appetites and feelings of anger: by reacting in one way or in another to given circumstances some people become self compared (34).Aristotle and Suzuki agree that we should be able to avoid reacting in one way due to a circumstance. Therefore, we must obtain a right state of mind in order to act to the situation
  • 8. Differentiated Instruction is Necessary to Meet the Needs... Is differentiated instruction necessary to meet the needs of all levels of learners within the environment based on learning styles, interests, and readiness levels? Differentiated instruction involves daily assessment, either formal or informal, lots of planning, and a classroom of learners working together as a community (Tilton, 2001). Differentiated instruction is a learner centered instructional design model that acknowledges that students have individual learning styles, motivations, abilities, and, therefore, readiness to learn. Differentiated instruction adapts learning to the students unique differences. It is a must for teachers to learn as much about each student as possible. Understanding students helps guide teachers ... Show more content on ... Learning Styles As Dunn (1984), one of the early learning style researchers, wrote, Learning style is the way in which each person absorbs and retains information and/or skills; regardless of how that process is described, it is dramatically different for each person (p. 12). Each student processes and absorbs new information in a different way. A person s learning style, or the way he or she begins to concentrate, process, or retain new and difficult information, influences largely the way he or she works, teaches, leads, or does just about anything. Learning styles can affect academic achievement and attitudes toward learning. Dunn (1995) describes how children learn according to their visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning style that develops through interactions of biology and experience. He states that a child processes new information in ways that are related to environmental, emotional, sociological, physiological and psychological elements. He maintains that uniform teaching practices will invariably deny many students success in the classroom. Incorporating humor and novelty into instruction can also help teachers vary their presentation styles. Varying the content accounts for developmental differences, and varying the process allows for different learning styles. Moreover, varying products and performances increases student
  • 9. How Culture Has Affected People Around The World Is there such thing as universal psychological process or are we all different since the day we were born? Most importantly, does culture affect us as a person despite our smiliar biological needs? Social psychologists have been trying to investigate how culture diversity has affected people around the world. In this essay, we will look at how cultureinfluences diffferent psychological processes of humans such as emotions, perception, and cognition. The essay will also explore on the different factors that might affect psychological procecss besides culture. We used the word culture in many different ways in everyday language. Most people used the word culture to mean race, nationality, and ethnicity or even to reflect trends in music, food, art and others. There is no single consensual definition of culture. According to Hofstede, culture is defined as the collective programming of the human mind that distinguishes the members of one human group from those of another. On the other hand, Storti define culture as a system of beliefs and values shared by a particular group of people. Although definitions of culture vary, they tend to share the common view that culture is the set of cognitions and practices that characterise a specific social group and distinguish it from others. Over the years, social psychologists try to come up with different dimensions for comparing culture. Hofsteade (1980) suggested a number of dimensions such as power distance, uncertainty
  • 10. Identify A Means Of Life In Denmark 3.1 Identify Life in Denmark is based on bicycles as a very important means of transportation. Denmark strives to be green can be found throughout Danish culture Cycling is an integral part of this reflects both the ecofriendly of the country An average of 36% of all travel to work school was made by bike in order to achieve zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2025 (Environmental Administration 2011) Facts in Copenhagen 70 % of the accidents involving cyclist are single cyclist accidents. in bigger cities 27 % of all cyclists wear a helmet. Unfortunately, there are obstacles to such lifestyle; one of which is the theft of bicycles. In order to attract it is vital to provide innovative, high quality solutions for the cyclists. The
  • 11. Analysis Of The Film Run, Lola Run The film, Run, Lola, Run has very many similar structures to a video game, which is most likely why it has been compared to a video game before. How the film is put together (using sounds/music and different shots of the characters) makes the film sound and look very similar to a video game to the viewers eye. The beginning scene of the filmalmost seems like a beginning scene of a video game, with the narration introducing what is to come by grabbing the viewer s attention, as the camera is going through a crowd of people. The film also flashes back and forth in the scene when the two characters are on the phone, to give more explanation to what they are talking about. Video games do this in between the user playing the game, to show short
  • 12. The Assassination of John F Kennedy The Assassination of John F Kennedy From source B we can learn many things about JFK s assassination. We learn that JFK was hit by 2 shots the second one killing him apparently hitting from the back, into his right temple. Source B also stated that 3 shots were fired from the sixth floor of the Texas schoolbook depository. The rifleman was named Lee Harvey Oswald. Source B declares the assassination weapon to be a Mannlincher carcano rifle. Source B written by the Warren Commission states Oswald had no accomplices. To me this seems quite unbelievable. People who knew him in the marines said he had a Pathetic Shot. The gun he apparently used would not be a weapon likely to be used in an assassination attempt, ... Show more content on ... Source F doesn t really explain that Oswald acted alone. It states he was on the Fair Play for Cuba committee and he was interested in left wing politics. Source F is meant to look like a communist conspiracy because at the time Kennedy was thought to have won a political battle over the Cuban missile crisis. Study sources G, H, I and J How useful are these sources in providing information to support the view that Lee Harvey Oswald was not acting alone? These sources are useful in providing information that Oswald didn t act alone in the assassination of JFK. Source G shows eyewitness accounts contradict the Warren report. Jean Hill a schoolteacher said she heard 4 6 shots and there were different guns being fired, she knew this, as she was familiar to guns. Gordon Arnold a young soldier heard a shot come from behind him, as he was standing by grassy knoll. Source G is unreliable, as two witnesses contradicts one another. Bonnie Williams said he ate lunch on the sixth floor and left at 12:20, he recalls nobody being there. While watching the parade Arnold Williams said he saw a man holding a rifle with a telescopic sight at about 12:15 (on 6th floor). Arnold Williams statement seems suspicious as it should of alarmed him more. Source H infers it was unlikely Oswald was a lone
  • 13. Eugenesis. Eugenesis William McIlvanney Eugenesis is a poem written by William McIlvanney, based on what I suspect is his depiction of humanity in the not so near future. Instead of taking you through the whole poem word for word, what I m going to do is take a few good examples of metaphor, simile and personification and use these to discuss the effectiveness of McIlvanneys depiction of humanity. Firstly I am going to discuss similes, one of the first similes you come across when reading this poem is The rockets lay, like molar monuments . This is almost both simile and personification, due to the use of the word lay suggesting that they lay the way in which people would, but I will be focusing more on the simile side of things. The part ... Show more content on ... leading us to believe that mechanisation is forcing us to become enslaved by our own creations, but the more thought which you indulge into this poem, the more you realise how terrifyingly realistic and relevant it actually compared to our day to day lives. I don t know about you, but it terrifies me thinking that in the not so near future our relatives could be emotionless, mindless robots being unable to process their own thoughts. Immortality came wrapped in polythene is an extremely effective metaphor, suggesting that you would be able to but your life from a shop or it could purely be meaning that you will be able to find supliments on store shelves, wrapped in polythene which would guarantee you immortality. Although in line 10 McIlvanney states trhat computers and machines have discovered a synthetic/false way of producing nutrients in thi world (future) and going by said quote, they have also discovered how to grant people immortality, whether it be from nutrients which have been falsely produced on computer hard drives or spare body parts which you can purchase from local shops. Notice that instead of using the phrase in the future I used in this world implying that this is in no way relatable to our present time (in terms of immortality), and the use of th capital letter on They although it is not the beginning of a new sentence meaning that the computers
  • 14. A Experiment On The Wind Tunnel The first part of this experiment involved testing three wing designs in a wind tunnel. First, the wind tunnel was turned on with nothing inside and the flow velocity was recorded. Then, the first airfoil, a pre built standard NACA 0024, was tested. It was put in the wind tunnel in the 0В° slot on the Kelvin Lift Drag Balance arm and locked in place. The balance was then calibrated so that the LIFT value read zero, and the wind tunnel was turned on to its high setting. Once the wind tunnel reached its maximum speed of approximately 6 m/s, the value for LIFT was recorded and the wind tunnel was turned off. These steps were then repeated but with the airfoil in the 5В°, 10В°, and 15В° slots in the Kelvin Lift Drag Balance arm. After testing the NACA 0024 airfoil, the test was repeated using the pre built NACA 4418 airfoil. Then, the NACA 0018 airfoil was tested. This airfoil was constructed from an assembly kit using hot glue and scissors. First, the four cross sectional pieces were dry fitted onto the three spars. Then, one at a time, they were hot glued into place. Next, the orange plastic locking piece was screwed securely onto the center spar, with the rounded surface facing the leading edge of the airfoil. Finally, the paper template was cut along the designated lines and attached to the cross sectional pieces. First, it was fit over the locking piece on the bottom side of the wing, and it was hot glued onto the spars, working from the trailing ends of the underside
  • 15. Pondicherry Women In Freedom Movement Pondicherry was under the control of the French Since 1673. The French India was not an integrated territory. They were separated in different regions. The people of this region were speaking different language and practicing different social habits, initially that was accepted here. They condemned the Imperialist policy of French India. The freedom movement started here very seriously after India s Independence. The native Pondicherry women in too carried the task and participated in the freedom struggle against the French rule in Pondicherry. During the merger movement V. Subbiah, then the communist leader in Pondicherry, organized labourers movement against the cotton textile mill management and the French administration. The women who were working in the textile mill joined in that protest very boldly. Those who actively participated in the movement were Bangarrammal, Avaniammal, Thaiyanayagiammal, Aukammal, Thamayanthi, Vijayalakshmi, ... Show more content on ... Native women occupied a dignified place since the Chola period. During the French colonial rule in Pondicherry, the youth and the working class always spearheaded any political and social economic movement. The British influenced historians and native intellectuals naturally had to come to Pondicherry. Social reformers both men and women appeared on the Indian stage to uplift the women of the land. The women participation in the Indian National Movement was significant. The native women had the capacity and ability to participate in the Merger Movement in Pondicherry.1 The role played by women in the freedom struggle is one of the most unique, fascinating and interesting aspects of modern history. But their contribution has been hidden and not many sources are available for that. The present study brings to light the role played and the contribution made by some eminent women fighters of Pondicherry to the freedom struggle of
  • 16. The Giver Theme Imagine being trapped in a community and everyone is the exact same. Imagine feeling not special in anyway. Everybody wears the same clothes, rides the same bike, the weather is always sunny behind clouds, and there is no color. Well Jonas had to live in the society for many years until his world was turned upside down. In The Giver, the Giver is the receiver of memory for the community. The receiver of memory is in charge of the memories of the past that the community doesn t know about. The ceremony of 12 is when the people of 12 is given there jobs picked out by the elders. The elders are the main committee of the community, they make the decisions. Jonas was then given the one of the highest job of the community, Reciever of memory. The job was rare and only chosen once the old receiver is about ready to pass. The receiver of memory passes the memories of the past that he got from the previous receiver of memory. The Giver is the receiver of memory he gave Jonas memories he never knew about. He transferred them by putting his hand on Jonas s back and transferring them. When his memory was gone and in the new receiver the memory would vanish from his memory and transfer into the new receiver s memory. Until the new receiver passes the memories on. In The Giver, By Lois Lowry, The theme of, sameness means everything being the same and nothing being different is supported by these symbols: No Color, Bikes, and the weather. In The Giver there was a lot of differences in
  • 17. Analysis Of The Cognitive Dissonance Theory The cognitive dissonance theory specifies that inconsistencies in an individual s thoughts and actions lead to mental tension, dissonance, and cause us to take actions to reduce this dissonance. Actions include either changing the way you think about something or the way you action. The amount of dissonance can vary depending on justification; an unjustifiable causes more dissonance in comparison to acting with a good enough reason, depends how the individual s morals. In Festinger and Carlsmith s study, individuals were either given $1 or $20 to state opinions that weren t consistent with there own. Individuals who were paid $1 had less justification for the inconsistency which lead to higher levels of dissonance. As a result, they were more... Show more content on ... I m not sure if it was presented and if so, how. Informed consent is usually required at the being of an experiment, but the text says that before the first task the experiment only mentions the duration of the experiment and mentions the possibility of being interviewed afterwards because of the amount of time. Also, the excessive actions, moving spools and turning pegs for an hour, seems unethical because it could result in future soreness and fatigue. Furthermore, the fact that the actions weren t necessarily what they experimenter was interested in. I m sure there are other experiences that would be perceived as boring without the possibility of future consequences, e.g., watching barn yard animals walk around for an hour. Something worth mentioning is the amount of deception needed for this experiment. I understand that the experimenter and the confederate debriefed after the experiment, but it almost seemed excessive. They lied about the experiment, the interview, and the payment. Such high amounts of deception can result in mental fatigue or the participant having overall negative feelings towards the experiment because they were constantly being tricked and
  • 18. Food Controversy Food Controversy In the food industry there have been many issues and processes that have brought a large amount of question to the industry overall, like the meat packing process in its early stages. I can t think of a more heated issue in the last few passing years then the controversy over Genetically modified organisms in the food industry. Some countries are for it some are against it. Many sides will argue that genetically mutated organisms (GMO) are bad for the food industry while others will argue the opposite. While genetically mutate organisms have proved to provide many positive uses on today s earth the question still remains the same are GMO s good for us, the environment, or at all. Also if they yield more negative... Show more content on ... Now say this crop began to grow outside of where it was intended. Possibly the seeds spread to somewhere unintended. Now we have a super crop that is beginning to invade different parts of the already functional ecosystem in the surrounding area. These super crops would begin to take over the already existing species of corn, possibly wiping out the indigenous variety completely. This hypothetical situation I just described is actually quite similar to what actually occurred in Mexico in 2002. (Charles Clover) GMO corn crops actually crossed the border into Mexico and weaseled its way into their southern corn crops. About 1,876 seedlings from indigenous varieties of corn from different areas in the country were analyzed by scientists. Of these seedlings 95 percent found traces of a gene from the cauliflower mosaic virus, which was used as a sort of on switch to invoke insecticidal or herbicidal properties on the GMO corn crops created in the United States. This contamination averaged 10 to 15 percent and reached a peak of 35 percent of the rural farmers crops cross pollinated with the GMO strain. These crops spread with such speed that this problem was unpredictable. Along with the possibility of GMO crops spreading and taking over other strains of the crop GMO s can also affect different species of insects in the area potentially destroying the
  • 19. Film Titled By Frame Essay The documentary, Frame by Frame shows tribute to the power of photojournalism. In Anand Gopal s book, No Good Men Among the Living, he states the Taliban, instituted a regime of draconian purity the likes of which the world never witnessed. All music, film, and photography which the Taliban regarded as gateway drugs to pornography and licentiousness were banned (Gopal, 2014). The film documents the rise of photography in Afghanistan. A powerful journey, showing real stories from a place that has been easily forgotten. According to Mo Scarpelli, director of Frame by Frame, Since the Taliban was ousted from power in 2001, a media revolution had unfolded in Afghanistan; newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations had popped up all over the place. Photojournalists had trained and hit... Show more content on ... While the film attempts to balance out all those portrayed, I felt the real hero of the film was Wahidy. To her ability of taking provocative photographs of Afghan women, a difficult task due to the conservatism the country holds. Sharing a personal story, Wahidy at age 13, was attacked by a stranger for not wearing a burqa. It has been well documented that women in Afghanistan have been beaten simply for accidentally letting an inch of skin show (United Nations 2000, 7; Amnesty International 1999; Physicians for Human Rights 1998, 52). One highlight of the film for me, Wahidy visiting the hospital in Herat. Hoping to gain more information on women who have committed self immolation. After being denied access to the subjects that Wahidy hoped to photograph, she comes across a previous patient. It s discovered that self immolation is nothing but a ruse to cover up husbands lighting their wives on fire. The horrific torture this woman endured from her in laws and her husband left me
  • 20. Hegel s Phenomenology Of Spirit Essay Sense Certainty to Hegel is the immediate knowledge given between our mind and the object within the world. This type of knowledge is immediate which means its known as soon as our mind connects or sees the object and it is also receptive meaning we can accept the knowledge the object gives through signals or stimulus. The first appearance of knowledge is therefore the simplest possible relation between us and the object in question. Sense certainty aims to avoid universality as it distorts the world in its simplification whereas particulars will portray the true world. Hegel s Phenomenology of spirit is written in a dialectic form in which he presents an argument before providing an immediate critique which then results in the argument being developed. Sense certainty aims to discuss knowledge in particulars, rather than universals when acquiring knowledge of objects. A series of complex particulars are therefore universals according to Hegel. An example of a particular would be discussing a particular chair which is wooden and scratched, rather than discussing the whole concept of chairs and what they are made for and aim to provide, which would be a seat. Hegel gives his own example of Now is night , at first the now is a particular about the specific time of the day but in the morning or the next day then the night is not in fact now making it not a particular so is therefore a universal term. The Now that is Night is preserved, i.e. it is treated as what it
  • 21. Fa Mulan In The Woman Warrior In The Woman Warrior, Maxine Hong Kingston depicts Fa Mulan as an inspirational, incredible, young warrior. The narrator desperately needs to have the strength and power of Fa Mulan. However, the narrator s family follows the stereotype of the women in the kitchen and taking care of the children while the men work to financially help the family. The narrator also feels like she knows nothing about her ancestors. The narrator s motherand her sisters, battle against ghosts, insane asylums, and suicide. The nameless aunt that Brave Orchid guilt trips, proves Brave Orchid s old school lifestyle of the unfair and inequality of women. Brave Orchid infiltrated talk story and her life of receiving a medical degree while trying to auction her daughter
  • 22. The Impact Of The International Style In Art And Deco... Chapter 1 Introduction In 1890s, Art and Crafts movement started and its architecture worked in different kind of media cooperate with the artist to bring in a greater unity to the arts. Most of the Arts and Crafts architectures being build along together with the sculptures, tiled decoration and some with highly symbolic imagery. As an example, the Standen located at East Grinstead, England showing the different kind of bricks and tiles for the building s wall. After the Arts and Crafts movement, Art Decoarchitecture style was started before the International Style was found. Art deco architecture mostly using materials such as stucco, concrete and smooth surface stone. Glass blocks with steel and aluminum frame already found before the ... Show more content on ... It is the Capital of Malaysia and most of the government office building was built in this city. Kuala Lumpur is a busy city and with a lots of skyscrapers and colonial architecture. The international style architecture was started in the late 90 s and early 2000s. Buildings that used glasses as the part of the external structure appear all over the city of Kuala Lumpur, as we can see that the Petronas Twin Tower as the most prominent example. After a few years of developing, there are more and more modern buildings such as those office towers and the shopping complex being build around the
  • 23. Characteristics And Developing A Performance Profile For A... Introduction Professional careers in sports such as rugby have characteristics unlike other vocation (Price, 2007). Rugby union is a high contact sport that requires players to possess a diverse range of attributes (Smart 2011). Each playing position has role responsibilities that are both unique and common to other positions in the team (Greenwood, 1997). Numerous studies have highlighted differences in physical between playing levels and positions. In a study by Parsons and Hughes (2001), the skill demands for each playing position were analysed with reference to on and off the ball supporting activities, with the total number of behaviours found to differ between playing positions, emphasising the different requirements of each playing role (Hughes, Hughes, Williams, James, Vuckovic Locke, 2012). This paper will focus on identifying important characteristics and developing a performance profile for a Loose Forward postion at club level. Performance Profiling The performance profile was developed by Butler (1989) and was based upon Kelly s (1991) personal construct theory (Nicholls, 2014). Performance profiling helps to aid in identifying an appropriate intervention, to maximise athletes motivation and adherence to a program and to monitor any changes over time (Mackenzie, 2003). The profile generally focuses on the psychological, physical, technical, and tactical qualities of an elite performer. Physical Characteristics Field based contact team such as rugby union
  • 24. Devil Facial Tumor Disease Analysis Devil Facial Tumor Disease (DFTD) can be recognized by lumps around the face and neck. (, 2008),which causes starvation in 12 18 months due to feeding difficulties and therefore death (Deakin and Belov, 2012) . This fatal disease affects only Tasmanian devils, marsupial carnivores of Tasmania. Scientists reported that devils may be responding to DFTD by breeding earlier before the disease kills them, which could help the species survive longer (Hamede, McCallum and Jones, 2012). DFTD spreads due to biting between animals during mating or feeding. The cancer cells themselves are the infective agent, as opposed to a transmissible virus that leads to Tumor formation. in the case of the devils (Pearse et al., 2012), the genes that could differentiate between own and foreign cells are so similar between the cancer and host, that the devil s immune system does not identify the cancer, ... Show more content on ... FLPTer have been used to quantify the marker gene movement and evolution in strain 1 to strain 4 The aim of the practical is to investigate the nature of the chromosomal changes or rearrangements in this cancer using FLPTer. Females used to breed at two years of age began breeding at two years of age and that many devil females now begin to reproduce at just one year. It could be that DFTD has selected for younger breeding females (Deakin et al., 2012). Females with genes for early breeding would be advantageous over standard breeding times females , and due to this reproduction difference, the population may have undergone evolution(McCallum et al., 2009). Alternatively, it could be that the population genetic makeup have not undergone any changes,but with more food access due to a reduced devil populations(, 2008), younger females are now able to
  • 25. Lucille Clifton Study The Masters Summary Harlem (An Analysis of poetry during the Harlem Renissance) The Harlem Renaissance marks a time in history where colored artist were finally taken seriously in American society. The Harlem Renaissance was what Nathan Huggins has called, a channeling of energy from political and social criticism into poetry, fiction, music, and art. They were finally given a voice and when someone started to hear them, they began to shout. Pride was taken in their culture and race, and while no style was shared among the artists, an urgent need to take note and document their peoples experiences became prominent in the work. A cultural identity was being expressed and shared among the people. During the Harlem Renaissance, colored voices began to take rise ... Show more content on ... This poem deals with not just studying and modeling after European poetry, but also with giving a voice to women at the time. Wall states that, Lucille Clifton s poem Study the Masters implores readers to pay attention to invisible women. Especially colored women, who were at the bottom of the pecking order underneath white and black men, and also white women. The poem is discussing how you don t have to model after the European masters anymore, its time to establish an American identity, a specific cultural identity among the states to say. Clifton is also hinting towards the fact that not every master has to be a man, it could also be the woman that irons his sheets for when a master rests. Style expresses, The poem protests the women s exclusion from national history even as it insists on her centrality to it. Clifton is saying that women have a voice in this, too. It is not just the men that can contribute to the cultural identity of the colored. Clifton is exhibiting here that a master does not have to be someone white, male, or european. It s time to start creating our own masters for a new
  • 26. Equity Finance And Debt Finance Stockholders are those entities who provide a company with the risk capital such as preference share owners and ordinary share owners (Freeman and Reed, 1983). Generally, stockholderis one of long term finance providers with the aim to maximize their wealth.According toBrickleyet al. (1985), long term financeproviders are more likely to focus on the matter whether the financial structure in the company is sound or not and the durability of profitabilityrather than temporary profits that a potentially risky financial structure may bring. In addition, different company will encounter different problems when changing their capital structure. This part therefor mainly focus on equity finance and debt finance in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and listed company. From the perspective of stockholders, debt finance may be more attractive compared with other financial approaches. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, it may ensurestockholders ownership unchanged (Mooij, 2012). If the board of the company intend to adopt the approach of equity finance such as issuing new rights, there is a possibility that the former stockholders may not be able to purchase all new issuing rights and then lead to dilution of control which they do not expect. Secondly, debt finance is a relatively cost effective method as there is tax advantage of debt.If a firm only has equity finance, an extra tax then needed to pay because dividends which come from profits are income for investors which
  • 27. Coach Thad Matta Research Paper The Ohio State men s basketball team has had back to back disappointing seasons and most people believe that head Coach Thad Matta should be fired from his job. Ohio State is a program that over the last ten years has been accustomed to winning games and being at the top of the Big Ten standings, and the last two years under coach Matta were not up to most fans standards. I believe that Thad Matta should not be fired and that he will turn the program around if given more time. Thad Matta has been one of the most successful coaches in the country at his time at The Ohio State University. Comparing him to Michigan State s head coach Tom Izzo, Thad Matta has a higher winning percentage, more regular season conference championships, and more conference tournament championships in his coaching career, which is also five years shorter than Izzo s, according to sports Then if you compare Matta to the past Ohio State coaches he easily surfaces into the top pair. Coach Matta is the winningest coach in Ohio State history (Brown). When he was hired in 2004 the buckeyes basketball program was in the bottom of the Big Ten conference. In ... Show more content on ... What they don t think about is what the Ohio State basketball program was like before he arrived. Ohio State was not a national powerhouse before Thad Matta got their, and he turned them into one in less than three years. He has taken a school that is known for their great football teams and turned them into a respectable basketball program in the Big Ten. Ohio State under Matta has had some good runs into the NCAA tournament running the same offensive system they do now. The problem with Ohio State is not their offense, it s on the defensive side of the court. When they were making tournament runs into the final four they had great defensive players like guards Aaron Craft and Shannon
  • 28. The Stereotypes In The Battle Of Algiers The Battle of Algiers is a cinematic representation of the events that led up to Algerian independence. It is a reconstruction of the years 1954 to 1957 when the battle for the Algerian capital intensified as the citizens edged closer to independence . It features a variety of skirmishes between the National Liberation Front and the French colonialists. The FLN are made up of armed insurgents seeking to liberate the country and meet resistance from French authorities seeking to repel them. The filmis meant to show the gore and violence that emanated from the war with both sides responsible for indiscriminate loss of life. The movie depicts a variety of memorable scenes with the three women, three bombs sequence of particular importance .... Show more content on ... The three women are on a mission to bomb a sector of the city with European occupants. Their mission, though ultimately involving the killing of innocents, is portrayed in a way that the audience sympathizes with. They are made to want the move to become a success. The way in which the women are placed in a close perspective helps the audience identify with them. In the end the women are seen as courageous and are able to complete their mission as a means of attaining vengeance. The political dimensions envisioned in the film are the impact of violence against violence as both sides attempt to take an aggressive stance on each other . It is meant to ensure that the viewer digests what is happening in the film and is conversant with the
  • 29. Safe Re-Entry of Spacecraft In safe re entry, there are various issues that need to be considered such as re entry angle, heat build up, high g forces, ionisation black out and landing on the ground. The Apollo spacecraft returning from the moon, the US space shuttle and the Russian Vostok spacecraft are examples of spacecraft which have successfully addressed these issues, and have safely returned to Earth. Re entry of spacecraft begins with astronauts usually retro firing their spacecraft s rockets where they position rockets to point ahead of themselves and execute a short burn that will slow down the spacecraft, allowing it to drop down into the atmosphere into an elliptical orbit at an altitude of about 100 kilometres. The time, direction and duration of the burn must be controlled carefully to achieve an optimum re entry angle. The trajectory on re entry into the atmosphere must be at precisely a correct angle that is specific to the velocity of the spacecraft involved. The re entry angle must be chosen carefully as it also affects the space crafts heat build up and ionisation black put period. If the spacecraft enters too steeply, it enters the atmosphere too fast, penetrating to the deeper denser layers before slowing, increasing the heat built up and the spacecraft may burn up due to the heat. The high g forces experienced in such an entry could also destroy the spacecraft and injure the passengers. If the angle of re entry is too shallow, the spacecraft may bounce or skip off the
  • 30. Rite Of Spring Monologue Uproarious laughter! Outcries of boos and grunts! Scarfs, hats, and shoes being thrown everywhere! And, worst of all, people getting trampled and beaten on for no reason. Believe it or not, that is what I had witnessed in the audience last night at the premiere of a new ballet called The Rite of Spring by up and coming Russian composer, Igor Stravinsky. Although this ballet was not well received by its audience, the theater was so packed that it took me over 15 minutes to find a decent seat to sit in! As soon as the beginning started with it s very poetic and dreamy bassoon solo, the audience started to laugh and giggle. That puzzled me because I was enjoying the bassoon solo a lot and actually found it to be quite mesmerizing. I felt really pleased by ... Show more content on ... I felt very indifferent to the music because it sounded like Stravinsky took random notes from several keys at the same time and threw them onto paper without caring about beauty. In addition, I absolutely hated the dancing (or should I say stomping) that I saw! Although we Parisians requested Russian ballet with an exotic and oriental character to it, stomping is not necessary! It mocks the elegance and grace that so many dancers work so hard at perfecting for performance on stage. When The Rite of Spring finally reached the Sacrificial Dance section, it messed with my already upset ears and mind even more than any other section of the ballet. It sounded extremely nightmarish to me through its outpourings of even more weird types of dissonances and unpredictable rhythmic unevenness that made me feel sick, especially as the music gradually grew wilder until the end. The Rite of Spring was unlike anything that I had heard before which is great, but the severe novelty of the music made it very difficult to listen to and appreciate. As soon as it ended,
  • 31. Literature Review On Communication Satisfaction LITERATURE REVIEW Communication Satisfaction Engin and AkgГ¶z (2013) explains communication satisfaction as a criteria or a theory constructing concept about the upward and downward communication among executives and employees containing work related information. They state that when an employee is satisfied with the communication within the organization, it is expected that they will perform and be at their best. However, misunderstandings from the inability of managers to communicate effectively to their subordinates lead to poor performance (Chitrao, 2014). According to Greenbaum, Clampitt, and Willihnganz (1988), the Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire has been proven to be the most widely used method to measure organizational communication satisfaction. Downs and Clampitt developed the questionnaire and eventually did a critical review on studies of communication satisfaction (as cited in Engin and AkgГ¶z, 2013) and Zwije Koning De Jong (2007) evaluated the communication satisfaction questionnaire and compared it to the critical incident technique to see which method is better to measure communication satisfaction. They mention that employee attitude and judgment in many communication practices are the main focus of the questionnaire as these factors show the influence of communication satisfaction on employee behavior. ... Show more content on ... The eight dimensions are communication climate, supervisory communication, organizational integration, media quality, horizontal or informal communication, organizational perspective, relationship with subordinates and personal feedback. The researchers felt that the most Although stated as a good method to measure communication satisfaction (Zwije Koning De Jong, 2007), they believe that it is not recommended for diagnosing communication problems and generating recommendations. Employee
  • 32. Research Paper On Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer: My grandpa had prostate cancer. He went to see his doctor after he found an abnormal lump on his neck. After going through Computerized tomography scan, ultrasound of the prostate and biopsy of the cancer tissue. The doctor diagnosed him with stage IV prostate cancer. The cancer has spread to other areas of his body through the lymph nodes. He gone through rounds of chemotherapy along with surgery to remove the prostate, and hormone therapy to help fight the cancer. Hypertension: My grandparents have primary hypertension, which is hypertension with no identifiable cause. They were diagnosed with hypertension after their doctor found their blood pressure was about 140 /90 mm Hg during one of their annual physicals. The physician
  • 33. The Lice Short Story A Home for the Lice Have you ever wanted to know why lice chose people and why they chose our hair? Well, I have an explanation for it. I have the story of all of their adventures. It all starts from the beginning of time. From the start, lice have always loved jungle like places. For example, grass. That is where they commenced. They loved it there, they built forts, food storages, and all sorts of things. That is until the bug came around. It had wings the size of the grass and claws the size of three blocks of dirt. This may not sound very big to us humans, but to lice, the size of dust, it was terrifying. Anyways, the bug would raid their forts and destroy everything. So the lice packed up what they had left and went off in search of another place to... Show more content on ... Some lice were hopeful, but some were hopeless for they had such terrible luck. The weary lice first went to the lips. That didn t work out because the lips were constantly moving, shaking lice families off to the ground. Also when the women put on lipstick the lice would become trapped in what seemed like quicksand. The lice packed up and went to the nose. Many of the lice adored it there. It was the perfect climate for them. Unfortunately they moved there in the winter when the humans had colds. Sneezes were like a hurricane, runny noses were like mudslides, and a blowing nose was like a tsunami. They shortly decided it wasn t safe for them to live there. Once again they packed up and left. Their next stop was the eyelashes and eyebrows. It wasn t very hairy or concealing, but it had to work for the time being. They quickly found this would not work either. Humans would pluck their eyebrows and pluck the lice out with them. They would also put mascara on their eyelashes causing the lice to be stuck in what felt like tar. The worst part was the crying. It was like a tsunami similar to the nose, but 10 times worse. The desperate lice loaded up their things and
  • 34. Case 4Takamatsu Case Analysis Case 4: Takamatsu Case Analysis (25 points) Executive Summary Takamatsu Sports Enterprise is a sporting company that has recently experienced a considerably large loss in net profit. Mr. Takamatsu has begun to look into the problem of the company and believes that Ms. Ota is the problem in the loss of sales. Although Mr. Takamatsu thinks that Ms. Ota is the problem, it really is Mr. Fujita. He has inefficient training and sales. If Mr. Takamatsu gets Mr. Fujita the appropriate training, he can increase his sales, and that would relate to increasing the profit in Takamatsu s Sports Enterprise. Key Issue Who is the most profitable sales representative? The lease? Are Mr Takamatsu s concerns about Ms. Ota s performance valid? The key ... Show more content on ... Takamatsu to return his company to profitability? Based on the analysis, the recommendations our group would give to Mr. Takamatsu to return his company to profitability would be to motivate his sales representatives. The reason
  • 35. Managing Information System Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction2 1.1 Definition of crowd funding2 1.2 The history of crowd funding3 1.3 Objectives of Research4 2.0 Review of literatures5 2.1 Awareness about crowd funding mechanism5 2.2 Legal Challenges8 2.2.1 Navigating the Prospectus Rules8 2.2.2 Information Requirements Often Overlooked8 2.2.3 Role of Crowd fundingPlatforms and Further Considerations8 2.3 FinanceChallenges9 2.4 Interest rate10 2.5 Success factors11 2.5.1 Crowd funding fit12 2.5.2 Realistic pricing12 2.5.3 Building trust12 2.5.4 Media expertise12 3.0 Methodology14 3.1 Introduction14 3.2 Research approach qualitative14 3.3 Sampling strategy14 3.4 Data collection14 3.5 Data analysis... Show more content on ... Then the other sites followed it like Fundageek. Electric Eel Shock, a rock band come from Japan, which is the first band don t have a previous significant recording deal but fully accept crowd funding after it has toured the whole world. As an unsigned band, they raised ВЈ10,000 from 100 fans (the Samurai 100) in 2004. After two years, all these people became the fastest band with a budget for $50,000 through SellaBand. For another industry, the independent director Mark Tapio Kines created a website in 1997, it is used for his first feature Foreign Correspondents. In 1999, he raised over $125,000 through the Internet from more than 25 fans. The purpose of the funds is try to complete his film. Another woman Franny Armstrong, created a donation system later for her feature film Age of Stupid . From June 2004 to June 2009, she raised ВЈ1,500,000 in five years. What s more, a public Internet donation campaign which is launched by a entrepreneurs who is come from French, and a produces Benjamin Pommeraud to fund their short science fiction film, Demain la Veille. In three weeks, they raised $50,000 for their film. The first crowd funding web site for education is Adopt A Class, which is documented as the first one in 2000. The earliest known citation for crowd funding was used by Michael Sullivan in fundavlog on August 12, 2006. 1.3 Objectives of Research To comprehend the awareness of crowd funding mechanism in the
  • 36. The Constitutional Provisions Of India INTRODUCTION India has certain constitutional provisions and laws that make it obligatory for the state to provide the right to adequate housing to all its citizens. The Constitution of India is firmly grounded in the principles of liberty, fraternity, equality and justice. The list of constitutional provisions that have a bearing on the right to adequate housing including women s and children s rights to adequate housing, are: equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth (Article 15 (1)) Special provisions in favour of women and children based on the principle of protective discrimination (Article 15 (3)) Equality of opportunity in matters relating to employment or appointment to any office under the State (Article 16) Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India (Article 19(1) (d)) Freedom to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India (Article 19 (1) (e)) Right of all citizens to practice any profession, or to carry on 9 any occupation, trade or business (Article 19 (1) (g)) Right to life and personal liberty (Article 21) DEFINITIONS Disability as defined by the Act (Person with Disability Act, 1995) covers blindness, low vision, leprosy cured, hearing impairment, locomotor disability, mental retardation and mental illness as well as multiple disability. (l) Impairment Missing or defective body part, an amputated Limb, paralysis after
  • 37. The Book of Exodus is not a narrative of slavery. The Book... The Book of Exodus is not a narrative of slavery. The Book of Exodus is not a condemnation of slavery. The Book of Exodus is not an escapee s manual. The Book of Exodus does not even incorporate one journal entry, one trial transcript, or one eye witness account of the slavery endured by the Israelites in Egypt. Despite its lack of address, the Book of Exodus solidifies man s need for Godand God s need for worship. Before returning to Egypt with his purpose at hand, Mosesdiscovers God on Mt. Sinai during a solitary journey with his father in law s flock. By bringing Moses to a mountain, God shows Moses that holiness is not a quality known to man; holiness is known only to God. God may reveal holiness to man, as he does to Moses;... Show more content on ... Immediately thereafter, God introduces Himself, I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. (Exodus 3:6) God s relationship to Moses renews generation after generation, from host to host and blessed father to blessed son. Without this continuity, God would be a stranger, or at best a long lost relative, someone whom Moses would not need and probably would not recognize. Recognition of God s sovereignty is at the heart of worship, the driving theme of the Book of Exodus, and the reason God so severely punishes the Egyptians. God does not punish the Egyptians for keeping the Israelites as slaves. God punishes the Egyptians for Pharaoh s attempt to better God by sacrificing His firstborn: Israel. Although many arguments can be made against human sacrifice, none mitigates God s anger with Pharaoh. In general, God s anger is rarely pacified: not even Moses protects the Israelite idol worshipers at Mt. Sinai. At Moses command, the Levites slay three thousand of their brothers, friends, and neighbors the innocent along with the guilty. Believing God s wrath has branded them with righteousness, Moses praises the survivors as blessed. God has other plans: another plague. With the deaths of those who break Faith, God is satisfied. As Supreme Ruler, God defends those who worship Him and destroys those who worship idols. After leading the defeat of the Amalekites at Rephidim, Moses
  • 38. The Legal Rights Of Mr. Bob Wheelie The following document provides information for Mr. Bob Wheelie to help him understand his legal rights and to help him resolve his conflict with Mr. Spoke. This document will be offering knowledge on the following matters an overview or guide on what false or misleading statements or claims are, what are the penalties impacted with making false or misleading claims and statements, the laws and regulations that comply with the situations such as information on contracts, commonwealth laws and legislations and an overview of a similar court case that has occurred with the outcome. A misrepresentation is a statement or a claim made by one to another that can either be misleading or false. This can happen not only is written contracts or contracts but also verbally, it can be as simple as when a person is talking to another and has provided them with information that is incorrect. For a business it is illegal or unlawful to be involved or make any statements in matters that can be mislead or misinformed or is likely to be mislead or misinformed to its customers or other businesses. The following can be classified as being misleading, the failure to disclose relevant information, predictions, opinions and promises. The conducts for the misleading or miss informing whether by action or statement includes advertising, any form of statements, promotions, quotations and by any representation made by a person.2 A form of misleading information or deceptiveness can be in the form
  • 39. Walmart s Accounting Principles Four Accounting Principles Sharon Wallace American Intercontinental University Accounting Principles 2012 Four Accounting Principles ABSTRACT Accounting principles used by Wal Mart and the core function of its departments. Wal Mart s strength and weaknesses will be listed. Wal Mart s last two years of accounting statements are also present. FOUR ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES There are four key assumptions in the generally accepted accounting principles. The key assumptions in generally accepted accounting principles are business entity, going concern, monetary unit and time period principle. Wal Mart uses ... Show more content on ... You should present all the facts you are aware of without any of your personal opinion, bias, or judgment to make the investigation true. I believe this is a good way to keep a corporation honest is by encouraging people to contact the right people if they believe you are not being honest.(Wal Mart stores, 2012). According to Wal Mart s financial statement they are following these guide lines they also show you their debt. 2011| | 2010| | 2009| | 2008| | 2007| | Operating Results (1) Net sales Net sales increase Comparable store sales in the United States (2) Wal Mart U.S. Sam s Club Gross profit margin | | $418,952 3.4% 0.6% 1.5%
  • 40. 3.9% 24.7% | | $405,132 1.0% 0.8% 0.7% 1.4% 24.9%| | $401,087 7.3% 3.5% 3.2% 4.9% 24.2%| | $373,821 8.4% 1.6% 1.0% 4.9% 24.0%| | $344,759 11.6% 2.0% 1.9% 2.5% 23.4%| Operating, selling, general and administrative expenses,| | as a percentage of net sales Operating income Income from continuing operations attributable to Wal Mart | | 19.3% $ 25,542 15,355| | 19.7% $ 24,002 14,449| | 19.3% $ 22,767 13,235| | 19.0% $ 21,916 12,841| | 18.5% $ 20,552 12,224| Net income per share of common stock:
  • 41. Alpha Spectroscopy Is A Technique For Quantification Of... Alpha spectroscopy is a technique for quantification of alpha particles and identification of its parent radionuclide using a silicon diode semiconductor detector [Knoll, 2010]. These detectors operate in a vacuum to enable them to detect alpha particles emitted from a source without degradation of the alpha particleenergy. The alpha particles are transformed into electrical pulses which are amplified and shaped prior to conversion into a differentiated pulse height spectrum by a multichannel analyzer. The resultant spectrum is characteristic of the energy of the originally alpha particle and can therefore be used to identify the parent radionuclide [Boll et al, 1997]. This technique is excellent for differentiation of alpha emitters due to peak resolution of as high as 10 keV with typical resolution of 25 30 keV [Knoll, 2010]. The detection efficiency is relatively poor (3 20%), but because of the inherently low background of less than one count per hour in carefully controlled systems, low minimum detection concentrations are achievable [Knoll, 2010]. The method has a high sensitivity for detecting alpha emitting radionuclides. The ability to discriminate among different energy levels can be used for isotope specific measurements. If the alpha source is prepared in a proper way, there is no significant self absorption in the alpha source itself [Knoll, 2010]. The modern version of the silicon diode semiconductor detector is the passivated implanted planar silicon
  • 42. Comparing The Nursing Code Of Ethics And Nurse Bill Of Rights In the last few years the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community have made major strides in a positive direction toward equal rights within the legal system, including the recent Supreme Court decision ruling that same sex marriages will be recognized in all 50 states. Sixteen of those states and the District of Columbia have full anti discrimination laws that include protecting gender identity and expression. This leaves roughly 70% of the country s population living in states without comprehensive anti discrimination laws (Cobos Jones, 2009). The work has just begun, as the LGBTpopulation continue to face discrimination regarding education, employment, housing, and healthcare. In 1981, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus ... Show more content on ... Justice is the ethical obligation to treat all people fairly, with distributive justice expanding to include equal access to healthcare for all people (Aiken, 2004). Transgender patients are currently being denied this right. Aiken includes non maleficence as a requirement that health care providers do no harm, yet transgender patients are subjected to harm verbally and physically with each encounter (2004). It is every nurse s moral obligation to respect each person and their difference, and provide them with the medical care that they deserve, otherwise nurses are practicing immorally against the ANA s ethical
  • 43. California Irrigation System Getting rid of fracking can be a great step forward for the farming business, as a state we are already pulling water from wherever it is that we can and with the idea of getting rid of fracking we will have more water for us to work with. In California 70% of our fresh water goes to San Francisco and Los Angeles, the other 30% goes to the Central Valley for farming. The Central Valley on its own is the one that provides all of California s crops. Given that it is so important to people in California to keep water coming to the central valley for food, we believe we should make sure we have enough water to keep providing ourselves with that necessity. California was finally alleviated from the everlasting 6 year drought. No thanks to human... Show more content on ... Fracking is the process of injecting liquid at high pressure to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas. This is a dangerous process in which California should permanently exterminate because it is detrimental to Californian s health and land. Either permanently removing fracking or going along with Long s plan would be a great help. Long in his article describes a solution by installing a 3.9MW solar installation near a body of water. This will significantly help with the body of water by having solar rays crack the hydrogen out of the water. Irrigation is also another topic in which water can be heavily conserved. There are different type of irrigation systems in which California has in placed. Although the one that California should have solely use is the drip irrigation because it saves an enormous amount of water per year. Drip Irrigation is the proposed irrigation system because it only uses 10.5% water per year compared to furrow and center pivot which uses 42.2% and 47.3% water. Drip irrigation is the better option when considering irrigation because not only is the fertilizer and nutrient loss minimized due to reduced leaching but water application efficiency is high in managed correctly. The variation in supply can be heavily regulated by the valves and drippers which can be handled by the handler. It not only reduces energy most by using lower pressure, it
  • 44. Data Collection And Analysis On Azerbaijan Methodology Overview In this study research focuses on interviews with political officials, experts and secondary data collection and analysis. The main part of the research stems from interviews in Azerbaijan 5 interviews, 2 interviews in Beijing, and two Skype interviews with international experts. Totally, I had 9 respondents to conduct my research. Of these, I did 7 face to face interviews, and other 2 interviews were conducted via Skype video call. On January I travelled to Azerbaijan, Baku (to the capital city) for gathering interviews and related important documents. Apart from interviews, my research focuses on secondary data collection and analysis. With secondary data I mean various types of secondary resources such as reports, ... Show more content on ... From this perspective this study has an exploratory character as well. Sampling As the topic is related to the political sphere many problems occurred during the sampling procedure. The main focus of the study to identify the risk factors and their effects for Azerbaijan to be a transport hub. Due to that reason I planned to do semi structured interviews with political officials, scholars, from Azerbaijan to understand the officials points of view about the issue. Firstly, I started with the help of Centre for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and I did one of my interviews there. They referred me other experts who focus this study arena. I would like to mention that finding respondents for my research was a little bit difficult. Because the topic is related to political sphere. I was planning to do interviews with for instance, deputies of National Assembly, senior advisors from Ministry of Transport of Azerbaijan, officials from Port of Baku and so on. From this point of view, conducting my research I needed political official, scholars, transport and logistics experts. First problem came from the topic. China s relationship with South Caucasus, especially with Azerbaijan is brand new topic for scholars. Due to that reason finding experts and scholar who has deep knowledge on this topic made problem for my sampling. As the topic relates to sensitive issue limitations of answers during the