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Isopod Lab Report
Introduction: Isopods can be found in many parts of the world. You can find them, clustered together
in large numbers, by overturning logs or stone. Most of the species of an isopod are omnivores and
feed on decaying plants and sometimes decaying animal matter. Their predators include shrews, a
few specialized spider species, and ants. Some of the isopod species can roll themselves tightly into
a ball when disturbed (Smigel,2008). The purpose of this lab was to create our own experiment and
we wanted to study and quantify the behavior of an isopod bug, a species of the Armadillidium, in a
heated environment it could not burrow in. For our experiment we wanted to see how a higher
temperature would affect the behavior of the isopods;
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Essay about Sowbugs Preference Lab Report
Sowbugs Lab: Will Sowbugs Prefer Grass or Sand?
Tianna Szczesniak
Biology 125–F
Tuesday/Thursday 3PM
Dr. Wittke–Thompson
December 1st, 2011
Sowbugs live in wet locations. They are found under damp objects or in organic garbage. If they
enter a building, they will often dry out and die. The purpose of this experiment was to observe the
trend of sowbug preference. Our hypothesis was that sowbugs prefer grass to sand as a ground
covering because grass is more suitable to them due to its moisture level and that it contains
decaying matter. In this experiment, we put 20 sowbugs into a container filled half with sand, and
half with grass and documented their preference. The results of this experiment show that ... Show
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One sowbug was then placed in the 3cm gap of the container and 30 seconds was started on the
stopwatch. When time was completed we observed which side, grass or sand, the sowbug had
preferred. Then, the sowbug was removed and a new one was placed in the container. The same
steps were taken for each of the 20 bugs.
Our hypothesis was that sowbugs prefer grass to sand as a ground covering because grass is more
suitable to them due to its moisture level and that it contains decaying matter. The sowbugs
preferred sand 10% more than grass (Figure 1). Table 1 shows the difference in preference for the
ground covering, with more sowbugs preferring sand to grass.
Figure 1. This pie chart shows that the sowbugs preferred sand 55%, and grass 45%.
| Observed | Expected | Grass | 9 | 10 | Sand | 11 | 10 |
Table 1. This chart shows that the observed number of sowbugs preferred grass 9 times, and sand 11
times. It also shows the expected data 10 for each preference.
The purpose of this investigation was to test sowbugs preference between grass and sand. The
results of this experiment show that sowbugs prefer sand to grass. Of the 20 sowbugs, they preferred
sand 11 times, and grass 9 times (Table 1). A possible explanation for this is because of other
contributing factors, such as endogenous rhythms (Cloudsley– Thompson, 1951). Our null
hypothesis was accepted
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Woodlouse Water Preference
Water preference of Armadillidium Vulgare (woodlouse)
Charlie Cortina
Biology 1407, Miller, 7:40–9:40
Sarah hug, Asim Ali, Edram Mubasher
This experiment tests how Armadillidium vulgare (wood lice) use their subcutaneous touch,
thermoreceptors and chemoreceptors on their antennae and limbs to sense any airborne or surface
chemicals. In this experiment, ten wood lice were placed in a choice chamber which has two
chambers; each chamber contained one piece of circular paper to cover the circumference of the
chamber. Each paper consisted of one of two different variants of NaCl water, the left side contained
0.9% and the right side contained 10%. The goal of this experiment was to test which solution
attracted the ... Show more content on ...
An alternative hypothesis was them formed which was that the woodlouse would prefer to migrate
to the 0.9% NaCl solution rather than the 10% solution. This was stated because the woodlouse live
in a moist environment thus meaning the water is fresh water rather than containing much salt. After
the results were calculated, the null hypothesis was rejected because the woodlouse favored the
solution with the least amount of salt (NaCl) which was the 0.9% side. This proved that the
woodlouse preferred a more fresh water environment. A question was then raised as to why some of
the woodlouse still decided to travel to the 10% NaCl water? This experiment could have been more
improved if the choice chamber contained the woodlouse's natural habitat which would to be to
insert grass and dirt into the choice chamber. This would have improved the experiment because it
allows the woodlouse to recognize a familiar environment rather than just travelling to a piece of
paper with different concentration of NaCl water on
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How Temperature Affects The Movement Of The Common Woodlouse
Research Question: How does temperature affect the movement of the common woodlouse,
Armadillidium vulgare
Aim: To observe the preferences of habitat temperature of woodlice
Woodlice are crustaceans and are similar to crabs. They have an exoskeleton which gives them
protection. Woodlice also have a segmented body that has 14 separate limbs. Having this many
segments allows the woodlouse to curl into a ball to protect itself from danger. However this can
only be done by certain species. One genus of woodlice that can do this is the "Armadillidiidae" or
commonly known as Pillbugs. When in danger the pillbug rolls up into a ball to protect itself. Once
out of danger it unravels and continues on as usual. How the temperature ... Show more content on ...
So that the experiment is not time consuming
Setting a time limit for the experiment as maybe an hour or two.
Species of woodlice in the experiment
It could be that different species of woodlice have different preferences and produce different results
During the process of selecting woodlice make sure to order only one species or if there are many,
then sort them out and use only one species
Woodlice 5–10
4 petri dishes
Heating pad or microwave
Ice bucket
A flat table
cartridge paper
4 pieces of Cloth
Measure 2 cm on any curved side part of each dish and mark it. Cut this two centimetres
Set the heating pad to no more than 20–35 degrees celsius. Take the cloth and two fold it. Place this
on the heating pad.
Measure the petridish height, multiply it by two and add that to two centimetres. This is the amount
of cartridge paper that is to be cut by marking and cutting through the scissors.
Put the Glue on either cut area of the petri dish(cutting was done in step 3) and attach the paper on
either side so it is like a connecting tube. make sure the side facing the ceiling is open, and the paper
is securely fastened so it doesn't leave space for soil to fall out, by making sure the paper covers
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Pill Bug Lab Report
The goal of our experiment was to determine the type of environment that pill bugs prefer. During
the experiment, the pill bugs went through three trials. The pill bugs were placed in different
environments, such as cold environment (ice), normal environment (room temperature), and hot
environment (heat) and their behavior was observed. In the first trial, all the four pill bugs were
moving in ice, room temperature, and hot environment. The average turning of bugs was 2.5 turning
in ice, 4 turning in room temperature, and 3 turning in the heat. The average round made by bugs
was 1.5 round in ice, 1 round in room temperature, and .5 round in heat. In the second trial, all four
bugs were moving in ice, room temperature, and heat. The average turning was 1 turning in ice, 2
turning in ... Show more content on ...
The pill bugs were moving more in hot environment than cold temperature and room temperature.
The pill bugs made more turning in room temperature than cold and hot environment. The pill bugs
made more rounds in room temperature than cold and hot environment. The hypothesis was that pill
bugs will react more in moisture or humid environment that others. Based on our result, the
hypothesis will be rejected. The reason why the result was not accurate can be due to limitation or
errors during the experiment. The fact that the same pill bugs were used for the three trials can be
considered as an error because bugs might be tired after the first trial. In future the experiment,
different bugs should be used in each trial. Another error can be the condensation that occurred
during the heating process. A wet paper was placed in the Petri dish. During the heating process, the
water evaporated and since the petri dish was covered with led, the vapor is transformed to water,
however, pill bugs do not live in water. In the future experiment, the petri dish should be kept open
to avoid the
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Isopods Research Paper
Isopods are one of the crustacean animals in the world. They have different kinds of isopods. In
scientific names are called; billbugs, sowbugs and woodlice. According to Dr. Richard Brusca,
approximately there are 10,000 of isopods live worldwide (tree from Brusca & Wilson 1991).
Isopods have three body parts; head (=cephalon), thorax and abdomen (=plean). Isopods have a
fourteen legs. Each side has seven legs. It has two antennas and also simple ayes. Isopods have
range in length from 0.5mm to 500mm(Bathynomus giganteus). Isopods can walk plant, soil and
wood. They can run faster on the wood. They like in the shadow area so as to hide. According to
Arizona University the female has leaf–like growths at base of some legs, while the first
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The Effects of Light and Dark Areas on a Pill Bug's...
A two–part study was recently done to show what natural habitat a Pill bug, Armadillidium vulgare,
naturally prefers: wet or dry environments along with a light or dark environment. It was
hypothesized that a Pill bug would prefer and wet and dark environment based on its natural habitat
of soil. For the wet and dry experiment, a coffee filter and soil were placed in each chamber of a
double petri dish with one being dampened before being placed in. For the light and dry experiment
a light was hung above one chamber of another double–chambered petri dish while the other
chamber was covered with aluminum foil, after placing soil in both chambers. An equal number of
Pill bugs was placed in each chamber and a study was taken for ... Show more content on ...
Once the experiment concluded, a graph was made to show the changes over time of the number of
Pill bugs found in each chamber.
Wet and Dry Environments To find whether Pill bugs gravitate toward a wet or a dry experiment,
two coffee filters were cut to the size of the petri dish and placed inside, however one was dampened
before being placed on the bottom. Dirt was then added on top to promote a more realistic
environment and five Pill bugs were placed in each side before starting to prevent bias on an
environment. A log was taken every thirty (30) seconds for ten (10) minutes on how many bugs
were in each chamber and a graph was then made to show the changes of the bugs' positions over
time. Again, if a Pill bug was in the transgression tunnel he was determined to be in a dish by the
direction he was moving or the way it's head was facing.
Dark and Light Environment After experimentation occurred it was found that Pill bugs in the
double–chamber preferred the light area over dark. The first three minutes followed hypothesized
beliefs of the Pill bugs favoring darker environments; it soon showed a predominant change in
habitual residence when through minutes five and nine the number of Pill bugs in the chamber with
a light bulb above it never came below seven at a time. For fifty percent of the time, there were two
Pill bugs in the light chamber for every one Pill bug in the dark (as the table below shows). The
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Essay about Pill Bug
The structural features of the pill bug allows it to have advantages over other organisms. The
pillbugs multi–segmented body allows it to roll into a ball if it feels threatened or in danger in order
to protect its self. Another advantage of have a multi–segmented body is it allows the pillbug to semi
curl to flip its self back over if it is knocked down. The antennae is used to sense the environment
around it, even if it is in ball shape form. The advantages of this is the pillbug will know whether or
not it is safe to come out of its ball shape form, if it had been threatened earlier. The antennae also
allows the pillbugs to send signals to one another, it is a source of communication between them.
The color of the pill ... Show more content on ...
From just one experiment it seems that the pillbugs were indifferent to the dark, except on one or
two occasions they favored the dark . Multiple tests would ensure that the data is accurate and my
conclusions would fully support my hypothesis.
If I had to create a terrarium to maintain some pillbugs in I would include objects as well as food
that are in their natural habitat. For example I would add slightly acidic soil since it what they live
in, and I would also add various sized rocks for which they could hid under. Pillbugs are relatively
easy to feed since they eat decaying leaves, rotting trees, and rotting vegetables. So for their food
they only require very little, they also eat their own feces in order to maintain a constant copper
intake which they need to survive. For this reason pill bugs don't require an excessive amount of
food. Pillbugs like all living organisms need water to maintain life. So I would keep the soil moist as
well as a little water bowl if necessary; however, pillbugs can receive water from the ground, food
and other sources like leaves. The terrarium would also include a lower temperature since the
pillbugs natural environment is in a cool, damp place. Everything included would ensure that the
pillbugs will have the best chance of survival.
I would describe the pillbugs' response to moisture as taxis instead of kinetic. When an organism has
a taxis response it either moves towards or away from a stimulus.
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Pillbug Lab Report
Pillbug Behaviour Lab Yousaf Malik Purpose: Through out the term of the course we have touched
upon animal behavior but not really really insects and in different situation. In this lab we intended
to obzerve, examine, analyze, and determine general behavior characteristics of pillbug in different
situations, these situations include dry surface, wet surface, acidic surface, and basic surface.
Materials: 10 pillbugs 3 ml of water 3 ml of Hydrochloric acid solution, 1% 3 ml of Potassium
hydroxide solution, 2% 1 Animal behavior tray 2 Filter paper 1 Camel's hair brush 1 Magnifier 2
Masking tape, pieces Procedure: Taking a Animal behavior tray put in 1 filter paper in both holes.
Keep one filter paper dry and wet the other one, now having one dry surface and one wet surface put
in 10 pillbugs Leave pill bugs in for 10 minutes, every minute observe the pillbugs and record how
many pillbugs are in each hole repeat steps 2–4 with combinations of ... Show more content on ...
This is because pillbugs breath from gills and in order for this they need water or a moist
environment. Also for the acidic surface it is because there natural habitat consists of soil that is
acidic. Between these two surfaces the prefered one is the acidic surface and this maybe just be
because it feels like home. Also the least preferred surfaces were the dry and basic surfaces. This is
because on the dry surface they are unable to breath and for the basic surface they aren't used to it
because it isn't common. Between these two surfaces they find the basic one better mainly because
of breathing and some pillbugs may live in basic soil. Over all the acidic surface is preferred for the
pillbugs although hypothesized at the beginning they would prefer the wet surface with water over
all. This lab has demonstrated the hypotheses in each experiment and efficiently put them to the
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Pill Bug Lab Report
Introduction: Terrestrial isopods, also known as pill bugs, are comprised of a variety of different
species and are known for their adaptability to different environments, which have certain
wavelengths of light and sufficient water and nutrients to survive (Danielson et. al. 1976). They are
usually found in moist, dark areas because they are extremely vulnerable to dehydration and need a
sufficient amount of water to survive (Wagler et. al. 2013). Given these simple characteristics,
isopods are of great and easy use for scientific studies. The goal of the first experiment was to
determine whether or not isopods prefer a moist environment or a dry environment. This led to the
hypothesis that isopods have a preference between wet or dry environments; ... Show more content
on ...
It is shown as percentage of isopods over the solution type. After the completion of the three trials of
the experiment, a chi–squared test was preformed using Microsoft Excel. In this situation, there
were no dead or outliers found and consequently there was no "other" category. After the
calculations were complete and the degree of freedom was found, the P–value was found to be
<0.001, which shows that the data collected was significant. (Table 2) Water Sucrose Ethanol NaCl
Observed 165 114 72 97 Expected 109 109 109 109 (observed–expected) 56 5 –37
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Lab Report On Pillbug
Procedure Questions 2. Throughout the three trials, the bugs seemed to either all be moving or not
moving at one time. Some bugs climbed on top of each other or rode on each other's backs. There
were a few bugs that played dead. For example, one bug laid on its back while not moving for
almost the entire lab. The bugs typically liked to stay near each other. For example, in the wet and
dry test, at one point, all of the bugs were clumped on the far side of the dry chamber. 3. Pillbug
drawing: Graph Independent Variable: The amount of time in the chambers (∆t) Dependent Variable:
The number of bugs in each chamber Analysis Some conclusions I have drawn from my data are
that in the wet and dry lab, the pillbugs preferred the ... Show more content on ...
For my procedure, I will put the filter paper in each of the chambers. Then, I will use the dropper to
put a small amount of acid on one of the pieces of filter paper, and will do the same with water on
the other side. Then, I will place 5 pillbugs on each side of the choice chambers, and I will set the
timer to 10 minutes and record how many bugs are on each side every 30 seconds. 6. In conclusion,
in the wet and acidic lab, the pillbugs preferred the wet over the acidic m because the bugs' natural
habitat has neutral pH levels. Pillbugs' Response to Light and Dark If I make one chamber light and
the other chamber dark, then the bugs will prefer the dark because their natural habitats are dark,
and bugs like to stay in their natural habitat. a. The objective of this experiment is to determine
whether the pillbugs prefer a light or dark environment. b. The materials I will use are choice
chambers, 10 pillbugs, a timer, filter paper, a n n n flashlight, and a cone made of black construction
paper. c. For my procedure, I will put the filter paper in each of the chambers. Then, I will place 5
pillbugs on each side of the choice chambers. I will put a flashlight over one of the sides, and I will
put the black cone over the other. I will set the timer to 10 minutes and record how many bugs are
on each side every 30
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Pill Bug Experiments
Roly Polys or Pill Bugs are crustaceans that leave in the dirt and soil of the Earth. They love cool
temperatures and dark environments. An experiment was conducted to see if the roly poly would go
out of its natural diet of rotted leaves and choose a new stimulus: bananas. The experiment
conducted of placing 4 different roly polys in a chamber and giving them the opportunity to choose
their favorite. Each trial was set in 2 minute intervals. The results were that majority of the trials, the
roly polys actually chose neither. Their main choice was the selection of an escape. The results
indeed did not prove our hypothesis Unexpected results could have been because they were not
hungry and just frightened to be set in a new environment so abruptly. ... Show more content on ...
17 percent of the time, the banana peel was chosen, along with the actual banana, which was
selected 17 percent as well. Together the roly polys chose either the peel or the banana 34 percent of
the time. The method of escape was chosen by the roly polys 25 percent of the time. (Figure 1)
Discussion: The expectations of this project was to accurately determine which stimulus would
satisfy a pill bug. The stimuli used were a peel and the banana it comes with, both rotted. The actual
results were in fact not the result we expected due to the circumstance that we expected the bugs
would go for the peel of the banana because its closer to their natural diet. Errors included handling
them too rough, not timing correctly, and not using proper stimuli. Unexpected results could have
come from many different factors such as: the bugs were scared, already full due to there being food
in their impromptu habitat, or they just weren't attracted to the stimuli. A good test for these
explanations would be to get comfortable, hungry pill bugs and run the experiments again to see if
we receive different results from the original experiment. A good question for this certain
experiment would be: Are banana peels the best stimuli to use for the bugs due to that they are
outside their natural diet of rotting
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Research Paper On Pillbugs
Pillbugs (Armadillidiidae) live in moist environments outdoors and usually found under rocks or
dark places like crevices. They often bury themselves several inches beneath the soil surface to
avoid hot, dry conditions (Merchant 2017). Another frequent hiding place is behind the grass edge
adjoining sidewalks and foundations (Potter 2017). Although they sometimes enter in large
numbers, they do not bite, sting, or transmit diseases, nor do they infest food, clothing or wood.
They are simply a nuisance by their presence (Potter 2017). Pill Bugs feed mostly on decaying
animals and plants as their main source of food but sometimes they feed on young plants. If they do
eat young plants it does not have any significant impact on the bug. If they
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Pill Bug Lab Report
Food Preferences in the Sow Bug (Porcellio Laevis)
The purpose of this experiment is to determine what kind of food the sow bug prefers; decaying
leaves, potatoes, grapes, or sow bug food.
If a sow bug is placed in a choice tray, and has access to decaying leaves, potatoes, grapes, and sow
bug food, the sow bug will choose the decaying leaves over its other options. This hypothesis was
based on research stating that a sow bug's main food source is decaying vegetation. This is the food
they are accustomed to and therefore will select over the other three options which they rarely if
ever would have access to.
–Twelve sow bugs
–Bisected grapes
–Chunks of potato
–Decaying leaves
–Pinch of sow bug food ... Show more content on ...
This information would suggest that the sow bugs were not especially interested in food at the time
the experiment took place.
The data gathered might not have been conclusive in discovering the preferred food source of sow
bugs, but it at least showed that the decaying leaves were what they were attracted to for whatever
reason. This information could be used in a variety of different ways. It would be helpful in pest
control as well as in keeping a sow bug alive. For people who consider sow bugs a nuisance, the
data could reduce the population of sow bugs in certain areas by removing the decaying leaves. This
would make the habitat less inviting and therefore discourage the presence of sow bugs.
When relating the information to a wider variety of topics, even though the information was not
conclusive, it came to attention that the preference of habitat or food source in sow bugs has a major
effect on the areas in which they live and on the organisms survival. Whether it is because of food
and/or environmental related issues the fact that the sow bugs preferred to reside in and/or eat the
decaying leaves shows that areas with significant quantities of decaying leaves have a chance of
being affected by sow bugs. Because decaying matter is a main food source for sow bugs it could be
assumed that if sow bugs resided in an area containing decaying leaves, they would also be
ingesting them. This would have an impact on that environment. When the sow bugs eat the
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Pillbugs and Sowbugs and Moist Environment Experiment
Introduction: Pillbugs and sowbugs are terrestrial isopods that belong to the order Isopoda and the
arthropod class crustacean. According to the Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, the
terrestrial isopods have evolved from the marine forms. However despite the fact that they seek
moist environments they must also avoid an overly moist environment (Journal of Insect Science,
2008). The two different species resemble one another phenotypically. However, pillbugs are a dark
gray and the sow bugs are a light gray with posterior projections. Pillbugs also curl into a ball when
they feel endangered and the sow bugs do not. The pill bugs used in this experiment were female.
Isopods primarily live in dark, damp habitats in order to prevent dehydration (Isopod Behavior Lab).
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the type of environment isopods prefer. First we
tested to see if the isopods preferred a dry or moist environment and then we tested to see if they
preferred the potting soil or the leaf litter environment. For the observation of isopods in response to
moisture experiment it was said that each of the two different species would prefer a different
environment. For part two, Observation of Isopods in response to other variables, it was
hypothesized that the Isopods would prefer the potting soil or the leaf litter environment. Materials
and Methods: Groups of four were constructed. For the first experiment, each group was given an
isopod chamber. One
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Blobfish Research Paper
The Blobfish's scientific name Psychrolutes marcidus. The meaning of Psychrolutes marcidus is "A
taxonomic species within the family of Psychrolutidae. The Psychrolutidae family of fish contains
about 40 species consisting of bottom dwelling marine sculpins that include tadpoles with large
heads and bodies that taper back into small flat tails. In general their fins are leaf like and lack
scales. The Blobfish was originally described in 1978 however they were more recently formally
discovered while breeding in 2000 in California. They were in an area along with other fish and
octopi who were also breeding. This fish is not esthetically pleasing; it's large bulbous nose and
drooping face give the impression that it is constantly grumpy.
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Pill Bug Experiment Essay
Isopod Experiment This experiment was conducted on pillbugs (Armadillidiidae) from the class
Malacostraca and order Isopods. These bugs were used to preform a Natural Experiment to test their
response and attraction to chocolate and/or vanilla flavored chips. During the experiment, the pill–
bugs will have the opportunity to choose between the two kinds of chips and the favored flavor will
be noted for each bug. Introduction The isopods used for this experiment range in color from gray to
brown and were about 8.5 to 18 mm in length. Each Isopod's head had one pair of antennae and one
pair of antennules, both used to detect sensory stimuli from the environment around the pillbug.
Their bodies were made of a hard thorax with seven segments and an abdomen. Each pillbug had
seven pairs of legs, one for each segment of its thorax. Pill bugs breathe through gill–like structures
and must live in moist places. Although pillbugs are nocturnal Isopods, they can still be found
during the day in dark, humid places like under fallen leaves, rocks, or logs. They live their entire
lives on land and are terrestrial crustaceans. Fondly known as roly–poly due to its ability to roll into
ball when disturbed, pillbugs feed mainly on decaying plant leaves and other decomposing ... Show
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They have eyes that can detect light, but have poor vision otherwise. Pillbugs can use their sense of
smell to find food, identify mates and other pillbugs. There antennae are used for touching and can
detect objects they brush up against. Not only can they detect different chemicals with their
antennae, but they can also produce a chemical called an aggregate pheromone which other pillbugs
can detect. Pillbugs use this pheromone to mark their trails which lets other pillbugs find them. The
presence of this pheromone also works to show other pillbugs that this habitat is desirable and
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Pillbug Lab Report
The pill bugs lab was done to solve the problem of which type of food the pill bugs preferred,
cucumber of pepperoni. My hypothesis was that the pill bugs will favor cucumber over pepperoni.
In order to carry out this experiment, we used the chamber method to determine which food was
favored by the pill bugs. Pieces of cucumber and pepperoni were placed on each end. Then five pill
bugs were placed in each chamber, and their movement was observed and recorded. Because the
results were so close to each other, we concluded that their reaction to the stimulus was a kinesis
reaction, and it is only random. My hypothesis was not true because the standard error from the
number of pill bugs in cucumber chamber and pepperoni chamber overlapped. This means that there
is no scientific reason for why the pill bugs chose cucumber over pepperoni. I learned many new
things in this experiment, such as, how to use a choice chamber, and how to calculate the standard
deviation and error of the data. Also, I learned how pill bugs react to an outside threat.
In this lab, the problem was to figure out which type of food, cucumber or pepperoni, do pill bugs
prefer. I already knew that pill bugs live in moist areas that are near the water. They are found under
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All of the data we gathered did not support our hypothesis, such as: in table 2 and graph 1, the
number of pill bugs that favored cucumber was very close to the number of pill bugs that favored
pepperoni. The chamber with cucumber had averages of 4.4, 5.8, and 5.2 during the three trials. On
the other hand, the chamber with pepperoni had averages of 5.6, 4.2, and 4.8 during the three trials.
Both sets of data are very close, and they do not give a Conclusive proof that pill bugs favor
cucumbers over pepperoni. Moreover, according to graph 2, the standard error for cucumber
chamber and pepperoni chamber
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Pill Bug Lab Report Results
Analysis: The data and results from this experiment were mixed and unclear. We chose to do three
separate trials, with a different group member in charge of each of them. From the beginning, we
observed that the pill bugs had no sense of where they were being put in captivity and were inactive
in middle of the enclosure. This shows the rolly pollies applied a more kinesis approach to their
animal movement, since they were not aware of their surroundings. Eventually, the isopods scattered
about the different environments, probably to find a way to escape. The bugs even worked together
to boost each other up over the edge of the enclosure, and we needed to place them back inside.
Although the environments were the same (wet or dry soil), we recognized that each of them was
slightly ... Show more content on ...
In contrast, my pill bugs preferred the dry soil, because it was a mixture of roots and chunks of soil
that they could burrow underneath. Because of their burrowing it was difficult to keep track of the
number of pill bugs on the dry side, so I had to count the number on the wet side. I had an average
of 2.2 pill bugs in the wet soil, and 9.7 on the dry soil. Gaby's soil to water ratio was more accurate,
therefore generating more even results. She had 6.5 average pill bugs on the wet side, and 5.5 in the
dry soil. As supported by the data, we can conclude that the pill bugs were able to individually adapt
to the environment that best suited each of them. Some preferred the wet soil and others liked the
dry, but overall it is all about survival. Animal behavior is centered around the theme of natural
selection and survival of the fittest, because an animal's main goal is to survive and reproduce. The
ability for pill bugs to adapt to new environments benefits their survival skills and increases their
chance of reproduction. Eventually their increase in survival skills will result in the evolutionary
growth of pill bugs, who will become stronger and less
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Pillbug Lab Report
Pill Bug Lab 1. Abstract/Background: Isopods are land dwelling crustaceans also known as pill
bugs. In the lab the isopods will be studied on ethology which is the study of animal behavior. The
taxis and kinesis will also be studied of the isopods. Taxis is when a certain factor attracts or repels
an individual. Kinesis is when an individual randomly moves because of a certain factor. 2.
Problem: Do pill bugs prefer a room temperature environment over a warm environment? 3.
Hypothesis: If the pill bugs are given a choice between a room temperature environment or a warm
environment, then the pill bugs will prefer the room temperature. 4. Materials: Connected Chambers
At Least 10 Isopods Warm Water Plastic Water Holder Small Paint Brush ... Show more content on ...
Conclusion/Discussion: The important procedures of this experiment was to observe the pill bugs
and determine whether they prefer a certain environment over another. The results and data of the
lab show and prove that the isopods prefered the room temperature environment over the warm
environment. The hypothesis is accepted because it states that if the isopods were given a choice of
a room temperature environment or a warm environment, the isopods will choose the room
temperature environment, and the isopods chose the room temperature environment. The control of
this experiment was the room temperature chamber. 8. Error Analysis: In this experiment there were
many possible errors. One of the big errors that was made was that instead of using the plastic water
holder to hold the warm water, the experiment was done by putting a wet room temperature paper in
one chamber and a another paper dipped in warm water for the other chamber. The data was
recorded half way through the experiment but unfortunately it isn't present as of now. Another error
that was present was that when the time was started, the isopods were interrupted with a paint brush
trying to move them. That could have slightly skewed the start of the data. One other error could
have been not paying attention to the time and counting the isopods at different time
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Effect Of Number Of Pill Bugs On The Light Lab Report
Based on the data, the number of pill bugs on the dark side is higher at almost every minute
compared the number of bugs on the light side. In the beginning, the pill bugs are evenly spread out
on both sides. However, as time goes on, the number of pill bugs on the dark side increased rapidly,
while the number on the light side decreases. Based on the graph, starting at about three minutes, the
number of bugs on the dark side begins to increase significantly. The pill bugs quickly react and
choose a best fit environment for themselves. Eventually, at nine minutes there are nine pill bugs on
the dark side and only one on the light side. At the end of ten minutes, all ten of the bugs are on the
dark side. If the experiment went on for a longer ... Show more content on ...
This result was consistent with the other groups who tested out this question. They also got that the
pill bugs preferred a dark environment. Furthermore, the data supports many studies that state that
pill bugs prefer a dark and moist environment because that best replicates their natural habitat and
provides for their needs. For example, one website claims that pill bugs will prefer the darkness and
encourages the reader to test it. Another does multiple experiments on the pills bugs and in their
experiment the pill bugs prefer the dark environment. After learning that pill bugs do not prefer light
areas, I would want to test if there are other colored lights that attract them instead. An experiment
can be done by keeping one chamber dark and using different colored lights such as red, green, or
blue on the other side to see if it attracts any of the pill
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Isopod Lab Report
Isopod affinity for acidic environments Materials and Methods A choice chamber was used in the
experiment. This apparatus is two large petri dishes that are connected by a middle segment that will
contain no treatment. This middle compartment acts as a storage area for the isopods to be held
before the experiment begins. In all four experiments, a total of 64 isopods were used. For each
experiment sixteen isopods were placed in the middle compartment of the choice chamber, eight
Porcellio scaber, and eight Amadillidium vulgare. In this experiment, weak forms of an acid and a
base was used. Whether there is an acid or base used in the experiment is the independent variable
and the number of individuals that chose the acidic chamber over the
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Pillbug Lab Report
Background Information: This experiment was performed using the crustacean Armadillidium
vulgare, also known as the pillbug. Pillbugs mate in the spring, and it takes several weeks for their
fertilized eggs to hatch. After hatching the offspring spend an additional six weeks in a pouch under
the female pillbug. Pillbugs eat dead and decaying organic matter, so they are often found in dark
damp places. Another reason they like damp places is because they have gills that must be kept
moist. The gills are located on the thorax, which is covered by large exoskeleton plates. The thorax
is also where the pillbug's seven pairs of legs are located. The pillbug also has the nickname "roly–
poly," this is because the pillbug has a defensive mechanism where it rolls into a tight ball, using the
large exoskeleton plates of its thorax to protect its head and underside. Purpose: ... Show more
content on ...
This will help improve the understanding of pillbugs' behavior as well as provide the students
performing the experiment with more experience with lab work, and a better understanding of the
scientific method. Hypotheses: If a pillbug is exposed to fine sand, then it will have no reaction. If a
pillbug is exposed to flour, then it will have no reaction. If a pillbug is exposed to sugar, then it will
be attracted to the sugar. If a pillbug is exposed to bread, then it will be attracted to the bread. If a
pillbug is exposed to water, then it will be attracted to the water. If a pillbug is exposed to tea, then it
will be attracted to the tea. If a pillbug is exposed to soda, then it will be repelled by the soda. If a
pillbug is exposed to milk, then it will be attracted to the soda. Materials: Glass bowls, one to hold
the pillbugs that have not been tested, one to hold those that have been tested, and four to hold the
materials that pillbugs will be exposed to Fine sand,
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Research Paper On Pillbugs
Pillbugs (Armadillidiidae) live in moist environments outdoors and usually found under rocks or
dark places like crevices. They often bury themselves several inches beneath the soil surface to
avoid hot, dry conditions (Merchant 2017). Another frequent hiding place is behind the grass edge
adjoining sidewalks and foundations (Potter 2017). Although they sometimes enter in large
numbers, they do not bite, sting, or transmit diseases, nor do they infest food, clothing or wood.
They are simply a nuisance by their presence (Potter 2017). Pill Bugs feed mostly on decaying
animals and plants as their main source of food but sometimes they feed on young plants. If they do
eat young plants it does not have any significant impact on the bug. If they
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The Effects Of Coca-Cola On Isopods
The Effects of Coca–Cola on Isopods By Caitlin Tremucha and Stephanie Merheb Introduction In
the experiment, the main purpose is to learn about isopod behavior and how they react when placed
in a chamber with Coca–Cola and water on opposite ends. Isopods, commonly known as pill bugs,
are generally slow moving crustaceans. These organisms have weak eyesight and are usually drawn
to the scent of their own species. Isopods absorb oxygen through their gills and only function when
they are wet. As a result, they tend to avoid light to prevent themselves from drying out. This
product was chosen because it was previously known that most organisms such as ants or house flies
are attracted to sugary products. According to the Coca–Cola nutritional ... Show more content on ...
The two liquids used were originally placed in the center of each circular section of the chamber.
Due to the fact that the isopods use their antennas to feel their surroundings as they move around
instead of relying on their poor vision, throughout the tests the crustaceans constantly lingered the
perimeter of the chamber, resulting in inaccurate data. Because of this, the procedure had to be
reconstructed by changing the placement of the liquids to an area near the edges of the circular
sections in order to obtain accurate data. As stated earlier, another experimental error that occurred
was the interference with the isopods. In the experiment, when setting the isopod onto the center of
the chamber, the organisms would roll up on instinct, causing themselves to lay on their backs when
unrolling and subsequently struggling to stand upright. Due to this, interfering with the isopods was
an obligation. The use of a paintbrush was needed to assist the organisms to return to their feet and
to continue on with the experiment
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Pill Bug Experiment Essay
Animal Behavior Why do organisms respond to environmental factors? Organisms keep themselves
in the most favorable conditions in order to survive. Pill bugs are members of the terrestrial isopod
family. Terrestrial Isopods retrieve oxygen through their gills and live in dark damp environments.
These organisms eat decaying plant and animal matter. Sow bugs, also known as pill bugs were
tested to see how they react or respond to environmental factors. In this lab two different
experiments were conducted. During the first experiment pill bugs were tested to see if they prefer a
light environment or a dark environment. Throughout second experiment the pill bugs were tested to
see how many of the bugs prefer an environment with vinegar or environment ... Show more content
on ...
For the dark environment we cut out a sheet of black paper and taped it to the top of the observation
chamber, for the light environment two flashlights were above the chamber. A funnel was used to
put the bugs in the middle and keep them there until the timer was started. After thirty seconds when
the pill bugs were released our group counted how many bugs were either in the neutral, dark, or
light section of the observation chamber this is how the data was collected. This experiment had two
trials, so the data, that was collected during both trials were averaged out. During the second
experiment that was conducted the pill bugs were once again placed in the middle of the observation
chamber with the funnel, but this time one section of the chamber had soil with three drops of water,
while the other section of the chamber had soil with 3 drops of vinegar. Once thirty seconds had past
after the bugs had been released each member of the group counted how many bugs were on each
sections of the chamber. This experiment was done twice and then the data was averaged out the
data. This method of collecting data was chosen because this was the simplest and most efficient
way of collecting
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Pill Bugs Experiment Lab Report
All living things respond to stimuli, including animals. In our experiment, we tested how roly–
polies, or pill bugs, respond to two types of material: wet sand and wet dirt. Pill bugs are isopods, a
group of 10,000 species living on land and in fresh water and ocean. They are under the phylum
Arthropoda, class Crustacea, containing both crabs and shrimp. Pill bugs generally live in dark,
moist environments with the decaying matter they eat. The guiding question was "Why do living
organisms respond to environmental factors?". Environmental factors that pill bugs respond to
include water and soil since they live in damp environments. We used these two factors in our
experiment. Our goal was to see whether pill bugs would continue to choose the ... Show more
content on ...
The number of pill bugs in the sand was never above one, while the number in the dirt did not drop
below seven. There were about three to five bugs in the bridge in each minute. The data was
analyzed in terms of kinesis, random movement, or taxis, movement away or towards a stimulus.
Seven of the twelve pillbugs immediately moved into the dirt dish within the first minute, exhibiting
taxis. This stays relatively constant throughout the experiment, meaning there was little movement
once a pill bug had gone there. As this line graph can show movement over time, we can see that a
pill bug moved from the bridge to the sand dish at four minutes. However, since it left two minutes
later, it suggests that it was a movement of kinesis rather than taxis. Since the 6 mL of water is
constant with both dishes, this preference to the dirt dish must be from the soil itself. This
corroborates the claim because the pill bugs mainly responded positively to the stimulus, dirt. The
dirt more closely matches the natural habitat the bugs are found in than the sand. In nature, the dirt
would provide them with decaying matter to consume for energy. We also observed that the pill
bugs in the dirt burrowed into the material, while the ones in the sand did not. To the bugs, wet sand
is dense and hard, while wet dirt can still be moved around. This burrowing behavior seems to be an
innate trait that is a
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Pill Bug Experiment Lab Report
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to observe the pill bugs' behaviors when introduced to a
stimuli, a strong scent, and it is important to notice whether the pill bugs perform taxis or kinesis as
a result of the stimuli. In addition, the purpose is to learn how to properly design an experiment is.
Introduction: Pill bugs are crustaceans that are unlike lobsters, crabs, shrimp, etc. Pillbugs spend
their entire lives on land and can be found in damp environments. Since pill bugs do not have a good
waterproofing cuticle wax, they must live in damp environments, so they will not dry out. Their
outer cuticle is segmented which gives them the unique ability to roll up into a ball when disturbed.
Pill bugs consume rotting vegetation such ... Show more content on ...
All the others stayed in the same side they were in at the beginning of the interval (unscented side).
4 min. 30 sec. 8 2 Three of the pill bugs went to the scented side, then two of those three came back.
The remaining 7 pill bugs moved a little on the same side they were on starting at that interval. 5
min. 6 4 They moved more in this trial. The pill bugs that started on the unscented side moved to the
scented side. When one of the pill bugs in the unscented side started moving around, 3 more
followed and they went to the scented side for the last trial. The histogram shows that the of the
amount of pill bugs on the scented side was typically less than the amount of pill bugs on the
unscented. The amount of pill bugs seen on the scented filter paper most often was within the range
of 4.0 to 6.0. While the amount of pill bugs seen on the unscented filter paper most frequently was
within the range of 8.0 to 10.0. The reason that the graph shows that there were some changes in the
amount of pill bugs on each side of the apparatus is because the pill bugs perform kinesis in result of
the stimuli, which means their movement is
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Sowbug Lab Report
The purpose of this experiment is to determine which stimuli sowbugs prefer more, moist or dark.
However, to confirm that sowbugs prefer dark and moist environments we had to create an
experiment to prove this. We proved sowbugs prefer dark environments by using a lamp to create a
light environment and cardboard over half the petri dish to create the dark environment; the
sowbugs chose the dark side. Then we proved sowbugs preferred moist environments over dry ones
by creating a wet environment on one side and a dry environment on the other side of the petri dish.
After our final experiment, we were able to determine that sowbugs prefer the dark stimuli over
moist stimuli. Introduction Sowbugs, or Oniscus spp., are interesting creatures ... Show more
content on ...
The first variable tested was phototaxis, the movement toward or away from light. To do this, we
used an empty petri dish and filled the bottom of it with filter paper. We then added five sowbugs to
the petri dish and placed a lid on top. After leaving the sowbugs alone for three minutes to get
acclimated to their new environment, we placed a lamp directly over the petri dish. Then we laid a
piece of cardboard over the petri dish to cover exactly half of it, leaving the other half exposed to the
lamp. We want the cardboard to cover close to half of it as possible to make the data as accurate as
possible. The lamp was then turned on and the number of sowbugs in the light and dark locations
were recorded every minute for the next twelve minutes. As shown in Table 1, we determined that
sowbugs are effected negatively by phototaxis. The second variable tested was hydrotaxis in
sowbugs. To do this, we first removed the cardboard shade cover. We did this to remove the dark
environment variable. This way the only variable being test is wet versus dry. We then opened the
lid and placed drops of water on approximately half of the petri dish and placed the lid back on it.
Then we recorded the number of sowbugs in both the wet and dry locations every minute for the
next twelve minutes. As shown in Table 2, the sowbugs in our experiment were positively
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Biology Investigation: The Crustacean Porcellio Scaber
* Biology Investigation 3.1 Porcellio Scaber (Slater, Woodlouse) Task 1 The crustacean Porcellio
Scaber, or more commonly known as the woodlouse, is a species usually found in leaf litter or in
fallen trees and bark. It feeds on detritus like many other isopods of its type, and is generally
predated on by small mammals, lizards and some insects. The woodlouse habitat reflects its need to
avoid warm and dry areas. The woodlouse is prone to desiccation (drying out) due to its body's large
surface area to volume ratio. This results in a variety of behavioural adaptations that help it conserve
moisture and avoid desiccation. The woodlouse exhibits negative phototaxes behaviour, this results
in them moving away from brighter areas in ... Show more content on ...
Draw a 2cmx2cm grid with the crayon covering the section of black paper. 11. Place the bucket onto
the grid with the open end facing down. 12. Trace the buckets circumference onto the black paper
with the crayon. Dot the square in the centre of this circle. This will be the starting point for the
woodlice. 13. Turn on the bulb to the specific voltage for the trial. 14. Take readings for Lux,
Humidity and Temperature (In this investigation, readings were taking by putting the sensor up
through the lip of the bucket). In future trials attempt to match them to these readings. It is more
efficient to do all trials on the same day to make sure of the same humidity and temperature. 15.
Place woodlouse onto starting square and quickly start the stopwatch while counting the number of
squares the woodlouse moves. 16. After 2 minutes stop the stopwatch and note the amount of
squares the woodlouse travelled in that time. 17. Repeat steps 13–16 for each specific voltage. 18.
Change woodlice and start the next set of trials. 19. Repeat until 7 trials have been conducted.
Results: * Column1 | * Average | * 10V | 27 | * 11V | 34.7 | * 12V | 40.9 | * 13V | 45.6 | * 14V | 64.3
| * 15V | 97 | Conclusion: In conclusion the hypothesis proved to be correct. During the investigation
the woodlice did indeed have a faster
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Isopod Lab Report
Daniela Dominguez–Ramos (Lab Partners: Efrain Garcia, Gladys Cornejo, Nathalia Dominguez)
Mr. Sover
Boston College
18 September 2015
The effect of dark vs light on Isopod's behavior
The purpose of this lab was to test the effect of light versus darkness on isopod's behavior. Isopods
are not insects or bugs. They are related to crabs and lobsters. They are crustaceans. Isopods live in
the sea, or on land. We tested the effect of dark and light on isopods performance. The independent
variable is light versus dark. The dependent variable is the number of isopods on each side of the
chamber. My hypothesis was, if they choose dark or light, the number of isopods
10 isopods
1 sorting brush
Stop watch
Aluminum foil
Cover one side of the ... Show more content on ...
There was more higher number of isopds in the light side then the dark side. In total 67 times the
isopods will stay or move to the light side of the chamber during the 10 minutes and for the dark
side 33 times times the isopods stayed or moved to the dark side. Is 34 times less than the light side.
The isopods probably acted this way because the light of the classroom attracted them to the light
side of the chamber instead of the dark side which was covered by the aluminum soil.
The independent and dependent variable in this experiment are. The dependent variable was the
number of isopod's on each side of the chamber. The independent variable was the two conditions
which in this experiment it was dark vs. light.
The movement that the isopod's did was kinesis. The reason why is kinesis is because the isopods
were scrambling to get to place that was dark or light. They didn't go straight forward to one side or
the other which that would be
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Pill Bug Research Paper
Armadillidium vulgare are commonly known as pill–bug. Pill–bugs belong to the kingdom Animalia
and are classified as Malacostraca. Belonging to the order of Isopoda, they belong to the
Armadillidiidae family, and classified into the genus Armadillidium. A. vulgare are found in soil
with a preference to moist environment (Holland 2014). This species see with ommatidia, smell
using esthetascs, and touch with tactile setae to sense their environment (Holland 2014). Migita and
Moriyama (2004) declare that in unknown environments, animal behaves inappropriately by
expressing their innate or learned behavioral patterns. A. vulgare are often found constantly moving
around the edge of the Petri dish because the environment is unfamiliar and appears as an obstacle
(Migita and Moriyama 2004). One observation of pill bug's movement is when they follow each
other. Males can detect females through distance chemical communication (Beauché and Richard
2013). Due to aggregation pheromone, the A. vulgare are attracted to each other. Unlike other
isopods, A. vulgare locomotor activity is presence in the morning and the species exhibit positive
phototaxis when temperature increase (Cloudsley–Thompson 1952). Cloudsley–Thompson (1952)
also found that response to light is greater when the species have been in the darkness. Refinetti
(2000) found ... Show more content on ...
vulgare when exposed to different colored light environment. The study reveals that in the presence
of white light environment, A. vulgare are more active. On the other hand, they are least active in
the blue light environment. The results also contradict the prediction because the control group
contains more kinesis than the red light group. While the white light resembles daylight, blue light
with the lowest wavelength out of the treatments cause the lowest circadian rhythm in A.
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Sowbug Lab Report
Title: The Preferences of Sowbugs: Glucose vs. Sodium chloride
Abstract: This experiment was exploring our curiosity of sowbugs and their preferences. Our main
question was about how the sowbugs natural diet can affect their preference for sodium chloride also
known as table salt and glucose which is also known as sugar. The experiment involved testing how
much time each sowbug spent in each substance when in a tray with both salt and sugar on opposite
Background: Sowbugs are a type of insect called arthropods. Arthropods are insects that have a
segmented body with jointed appendages. The sowbug has gills on the underside of their bodies that
have to be kept moist in order to breath. The anatomy of the sowbug allows them to live in ... Show
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The strange in our experiment was that we observed the bugs a clear preference was not shown.We
had two main outliers in our results which were bugs two and four. In trial two the sowbug had very
strong preference towards glucose and in trial four the sowbug had a strong preference for sodium
chloride. The data collected gives off the impression that the sowbugs had an overall preference for
the sodium chloride but in reality while collecting data we saw a preference for glucose, The
sowbugs always went in the direction of of the glucose and showed that they were more inclined to
spend time in glucose rather than sodium chloride. The results did not have a clear trend as we
observed the five different sowbugs in some cases the designated sowbug would be repelled by the
sodium chloride or would just continuously crawl in a figure eight formation. An outside factor that
could have had an effect on how our data came out was if the sowbugs we decided to test had any
prior exposure to the same sodium chloride or glucose we were using, if so that could of had an
effect on how they reacted to the substances, there was no way of checking for this so our results
could be skewed in that manner but we could not say for sure.
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Pill Bug Research Paper
Pill Bug Life History and Behavior Paper Pill Bugs are an interesting creature you will usually find
under rocks, boards, and/or decaying vegetation. They are classified as terrestrial Isopods; they are
classified as Crustaceans which are a smaller group of Arthropoda. Pill Bugs are usually called
sowbugs or woodlice. These creatures can live from 2 to 3 years. Pill Bugs are usually found under
rocks, boards, and decaying vegetation. They like cool dark places with a humid damp temperature.
Although most species live in this environment, some like the Trachelipus rathkei live under fallen
wood or peeling bark. Unlike others the Porcellio spinicornis will usually be found around limestone
or cement. They hide in these places during day and eat at night. ... Show more content on ...
Their natural lifespan consists of 2 to 3 years. During that time they will mature after a year. They
usually reproduce from May to September. The females can take up to a couple of days for the pill
bug to hatch then they will stay in the mothers pouch, marsupium, for a couple of hours feeding off
of them. There are over 4000 known species in the world. Only 12 species are found in North and
Central America and several in the Florida wet lands. The only known species of rolling up into a
ball is the Cylisticus convexus. These are a common one fount throughout North America. They can
be up to 8–12 mm in length as an adult. The most common one is the Trachelipus rathkei, growing
from 10–15 mm, which rolls up in to a "C" when disturbed or threatened. They use this mechanism
as a defense. Pill bugs are significant for their decomposition such as earthworms and snails. They
are also capable of eating copper, zinc, lead, and cadmium. These creatures are also not a bug since
they are part of the Crustaceans meaning which are related to shrimp, crabs, and lobster. These all
have a hard shell and have multiple legs on each
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Effect Of Music On Pillbugs
We conducted a controlled experiment to determine which variable, Music or no music, would have
the greater averaging effect on the pillbugs. In our hypothesis we stated that if we have music on one
side, and no music on the other, the pill bugs will all attract to the side with no music. A Styrofoam
divider was placed into the shoe box, with 5 pillbugs on each side. One side was playing music, and
the other side wasn't. This experiment was timed for 10 minutes, after every minute the pill bugs
were counted on the side with music, and on the side without. In our experiment the independent
variable was the music, our dependent variable was the pillbugs, and our controlled variable was the
amount of pillbugs used. The side with the music averaged
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Isopod Behavior Lab Report
Stephen Pidliskey
P1 Park
Background Information:
In our lab we were working with isopods, also known as pill bugs or rollie pollies. The isopods that
we worked with were land isopods. They like to live in moist places under untouched objects such
as boards, bricks, rotting logs and or rocks. Basically, they will live anywhere! If you are lucky
enough, you can even find them next to buildings where it is moist and if there is food. All living
organisms like certain things and don't like certain things, for example; most animals will try to eat
something sugary or sweet, like a piece of candy. While the same animal my not wanting to eat
something that is not sugary or sweet like peas.
Every organism ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of our lab we had placed the pill bugs in the petri dish with dry filter paper and we
observed their behavior. The pill bugs were going around the inside rim of petri in circles following
each other, almost as if it were a game of tag. The pill bugs never seemed to stop moving, flipping
over and were constantly climbing. Some of the pill bugs even tried to escape from the petri dish,
but our group was quick to make that didn't happen. As our lab went on, we placed the 4 different
pieces of filter paper with solutions on them and then added 4 pill bugs to it. We collected lots of
information during this procedure.
This table represents how many pill bugs were on each slice of filter paper, that had a different
solution on each of them, over 30 second intervals lasting 5 minutes. This is what were recorded our
data on for this part of the lab.
The purpose of our experiment was to observe the behavior of the pill bugs. We were trying to find
exactly whether the pill bugs would be attracted or repelled by the chemicals. The chemicals used
were vinegar, water, salt solution and a sugar
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Pillbug Research Paper
Introduction Armadillidium vulgare commonly known as pillbug is an isopod, a type of non–insect
arthropod also known terrestrial crustacean. (Pillbug – Armadillidium Vulgare). The pillbugs roll
into a pill form when threatened hence the name pillbug. Pillbugs are active during night but can be
found during the day in the soil or under debris or between rocks. Pillbugs can reach a length of up
to 18 mm when matured (Capinera, 2001). In this experiment, I investigated whether pillbugs are
attracted towards a specific or different food types? I think this is a significant question because
knowing what type of food pillbugs consume is very helpful in studying the characteristics and
nature of pillbugs. What lead me in asking this question is that I was studying the nature of pillbugs
and found that pillbugs feed on decomposing materials, and I thought what if decomposing
materials were removed, what food the pillbugs would consume. To find this out, I set up behavior
observation chamber (BOC) with 3 different foods; carrot, kale and tuna. I was interested in ... Show
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of pillbugs were attracted towards the chamber with the kale in it when compared to the other
chambers. My hypothesis that the greater no. of pillbugs will end in the tuna chamber was rejected
based on findings. One observation that I noticed was, the pillbugs were interested in kale because it
gave them a surface to hide under. Once the pillbugs were in the kale chamber, they directly went
under the kale and stayed there. One thing I could've done better with the experiment was break the
kale into smaller bits so that the pillbugs had no chance of hiding underneath it. Another factor to
consider was, the amount of light that was present during the experiment, pillbugs are nocturnal,
which means that they are active night. If this experiment were to be retested, I would strongly
suggest to use the same size bits of food and for the test to be done at night or a much darker
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Essay about Pill Bug Lab
ABSTRACT Pill bugs live in an outside environment where they are able to get the necessary
amount of energy from organic matter. This environment is where water and organic matter is
plentiful. In there natural habitat, pill bugs are found in dark, damp places. Living in moist places is
important for pill bugs so they can take in enough water, and if water is not available, they group
together to prevent water loss. Pill bugs most often live in dark places because they have a negative
photo taxis. Darker places also tend to be cooler and damper. Each experiment connected to how the
pill bugs would behave in a certain environment. We were able to test these experiments in a
laboratory way to see if the natural environments were also true. ... Show more content on ...
Kinesis occurs when the animal moves in a random motion in response to the stimulus. Throughout
this lab, we put the pillbugs through four different tests. These experiments are to test to see if these
animals will prefer a certain habitat rather than another and how they show this is through either
kinesis movement or taxis movement. MATERIALS AND METHODS In all labs, a lab book and a
pen or pencil are essential to record the number of pillbugs. The times come up fast so you have to
make sure you are watching the clock or stop watch. Obviously, do not poke the pillbugs or try and
force them into a certain chamber aggressively, this will aggravate them and cause unreliable results.
When you are trying to get your pillbugs, use a paintbrush to sweep them onto your brush and then
carefully place them into the choice chamber dish that is provided for you. Make sure to get 10
pillbugs so you can have five in each chamber. If they look dead, they are most likely just curled up.
During the various tests, make sure to take notes on the appearance, the types of movements (kinesis
or taxis) and the interactions between the animals. The first experiment is to find out if the pillbugs
prefer dark or light environments. The choice chambers have a little passageway between the
chambers. Make sure to gently place five pillbugs on each side and then block off that doorway with
a cardboard barrier of some sorts. Pick one of the chambers and then cover that chamber with
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Isopod Lab Report

  • 1. Isopod Lab Report Introduction: Isopods can be found in many parts of the world. You can find them, clustered together in large numbers, by overturning logs or stone. Most of the species of an isopod are omnivores and feed on decaying plants and sometimes decaying animal matter. Their predators include shrews, a few specialized spider species, and ants. Some of the isopod species can roll themselves tightly into a ball when disturbed (Smigel,2008). The purpose of this lab was to create our own experiment and we wanted to study and quantify the behavior of an isopod bug, a species of the Armadillidium, in a heated environment it could not burrow in. For our experiment we wanted to see how a higher temperature would affect the behavior of the isopods; ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Essay about Sowbugs Preference Lab Report Sowbugs Lab: Will Sowbugs Prefer Grass or Sand? Tianna Szczesniak Biology 125–F Tuesday/Thursday 3PM Dr. Wittke–Thompson December 1st, 2011 ABSTRACT Sowbugs live in wet locations. They are found under damp objects or in organic garbage. If they enter a building, they will often dry out and die. The purpose of this experiment was to observe the trend of sowbug preference. Our hypothesis was that sowbugs prefer grass to sand as a ground covering because grass is more suitable to them due to its moisture level and that it contains decaying matter. In this experiment, we put 20 sowbugs into a container filled half with sand, and half with grass and documented their preference. The results of this experiment show that ... Show more content on ... One sowbug was then placed in the 3cm gap of the container and 30 seconds was started on the stopwatch. When time was completed we observed which side, grass or sand, the sowbug had preferred. Then, the sowbug was removed and a new one was placed in the container. The same steps were taken for each of the 20 bugs. RESULTS Our hypothesis was that sowbugs prefer grass to sand as a ground covering because grass is more suitable to them due to its moisture level and that it contains decaying matter. The sowbugs preferred sand 10% more than grass (Figure 1). Table 1 shows the difference in preference for the ground covering, with more sowbugs preferring sand to grass. Figure 1. This pie chart shows that the sowbugs preferred sand 55%, and grass 45%. | Observed | Expected | Grass | 9 | 10 | Sand | 11 | 10 | Table 1. This chart shows that the observed number of sowbugs preferred grass 9 times, and sand 11
  • 4. times. It also shows the expected data 10 for each preference. DISCUSSION The purpose of this investigation was to test sowbugs preference between grass and sand. The results of this experiment show that sowbugs prefer sand to grass. Of the 20 sowbugs, they preferred sand 11 times, and grass 9 times (Table 1). A possible explanation for this is because of other contributing factors, such as endogenous rhythms (Cloudsley– Thompson, 1951). Our null hypothesis was accepted ... Get more on ...
  • 5.
  • 6. Woodlouse Water Preference Water preference of Armadillidium Vulgare (woodlouse) Charlie Cortina Biology 1407, Miller, 7:40–9:40 7/28/2015 Sarah hug, Asim Ali, Edram Mubasher Abstract This experiment tests how Armadillidium vulgare (wood lice) use their subcutaneous touch, thermoreceptors and chemoreceptors on their antennae and limbs to sense any airborne or surface chemicals. In this experiment, ten wood lice were placed in a choice chamber which has two chambers; each chamber contained one piece of circular paper to cover the circumference of the chamber. Each paper consisted of one of two different variants of NaCl water, the left side contained 0.9% and the right side contained 10%. The goal of this experiment was to test which solution attracted the ... Show more content on ... An alternative hypothesis was them formed which was that the woodlouse would prefer to migrate to the 0.9% NaCl solution rather than the 10% solution. This was stated because the woodlouse live in a moist environment thus meaning the water is fresh water rather than containing much salt. After the results were calculated, the null hypothesis was rejected because the woodlouse favored the solution with the least amount of salt (NaCl) which was the 0.9% side. This proved that the woodlouse preferred a more fresh water environment. A question was then raised as to why some of the woodlouse still decided to travel to the 10% NaCl water? This experiment could have been more improved if the choice chamber contained the woodlouse's natural habitat which would to be to insert grass and dirt into the choice chamber. This would have improved the experiment because it allows the woodlouse to recognize a familiar environment rather than just travelling to a piece of paper with different concentration of NaCl water on ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. How Temperature Affects The Movement Of The Common Woodlouse Research Question: How does temperature affect the movement of the common woodlouse, Armadillidium vulgare Aim: To observe the preferences of habitat temperature of woodlice Information Woodlice are crustaceans and are similar to crabs. They have an exoskeleton which gives them protection. Woodlice also have a segmented body that has 14 separate limbs. Having this many segments allows the woodlouse to curl into a ball to protect itself from danger. However this can only be done by certain species. One genus of woodlice that can do this is the "Armadillidiidae" or commonly known as Pillbugs. When in danger the pillbug rolls up into a ball to protect itself. Once out of danger it unravels and continues on as usual. How the temperature ... Show more content on ... So that the experiment is not time consuming Setting a time limit for the experiment as maybe an hour or two. Species of woodlice in the experiment It could be that different species of woodlice have different preferences and produce different results During the process of selecting woodlice make sure to order only one species or if there are many, then sort them out and use only one species Materials Woodlice 5–10 4 petri dishes Heating pad or microwave Ice bucket Soil A flat table Thermometers cartridge paper Ruler Scissors Glue 4 pieces of Cloth Method
  • 9. Measure 2 cm on any curved side part of each dish and mark it. Cut this two centimetres Set the heating pad to no more than 20–35 degrees celsius. Take the cloth and two fold it. Place this on the heating pad. Measure the petridish height, multiply it by two and add that to two centimetres. This is the amount of cartridge paper that is to be cut by marking and cutting through the scissors. Put the Glue on either cut area of the petri dish(cutting was done in step 3) and attach the paper on either side so it is like a connecting tube. make sure the side facing the ceiling is open, and the paper is securely fastened so it doesn't leave space for soil to fall out, by making sure the paper covers ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Pill Bug Lab Report Result The goal of our experiment was to determine the type of environment that pill bugs prefer. During the experiment, the pill bugs went through three trials. The pill bugs were placed in different environments, such as cold environment (ice), normal environment (room temperature), and hot environment (heat) and their behavior was observed. In the first trial, all the four pill bugs were moving in ice, room temperature, and hot environment. The average turning of bugs was 2.5 turning in ice, 4 turning in room temperature, and 3 turning in the heat. The average round made by bugs was 1.5 round in ice, 1 round in room temperature, and .5 round in heat. In the second trial, all four bugs were moving in ice, room temperature, and heat. The average turning was 1 turning in ice, 2 turning in ... Show more content on ... The pill bugs were moving more in hot environment than cold temperature and room temperature. The pill bugs made more turning in room temperature than cold and hot environment. The pill bugs made more rounds in room temperature than cold and hot environment. The hypothesis was that pill bugs will react more in moisture or humid environment that others. Based on our result, the hypothesis will be rejected. The reason why the result was not accurate can be due to limitation or errors during the experiment. The fact that the same pill bugs were used for the three trials can be considered as an error because bugs might be tired after the first trial. In future the experiment, different bugs should be used in each trial. Another error can be the condensation that occurred during the heating process. A wet paper was placed in the Petri dish. During the heating process, the water evaporated and since the petri dish was covered with led, the vapor is transformed to water, however, pill bugs do not live in water. In the future experiment, the petri dish should be kept open to avoid the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Isopods Research Paper Isopods are one of the crustacean animals in the world. They have different kinds of isopods. In scientific names are called; billbugs, sowbugs and woodlice. According to Dr. Richard Brusca, approximately there are 10,000 of isopods live worldwide (tree from Brusca & Wilson 1991). Isopods have three body parts; head (=cephalon), thorax and abdomen (=plean). Isopods have a fourteen legs. Each side has seven legs. It has two antennas and also simple ayes. Isopods have range in length from 0.5mm to 500mm(Bathynomus giganteus). Isopods can walk plant, soil and wood. They can run faster on the wood. They like in the shadow area so as to hide. According to Arizona University the female has leaf–like growths at base of some legs, while the first ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Effects of Light and Dark Areas on a Pill Bug's... Abstract A two–part study was recently done to show what natural habitat a Pill bug, Armadillidium vulgare, naturally prefers: wet or dry environments along with a light or dark environment. It was hypothesized that a Pill bug would prefer and wet and dark environment based on its natural habitat of soil. For the wet and dry experiment, a coffee filter and soil were placed in each chamber of a double petri dish with one being dampened before being placed in. For the light and dry experiment a light was hung above one chamber of another double–chambered petri dish while the other chamber was covered with aluminum foil, after placing soil in both chambers. An equal number of Pill bugs was placed in each chamber and a study was taken for ... Show more content on ... Once the experiment concluded, a graph was made to show the changes over time of the number of Pill bugs found in each chamber. Wet and Dry Environments To find whether Pill bugs gravitate toward a wet or a dry experiment, two coffee filters were cut to the size of the petri dish and placed inside, however one was dampened before being placed on the bottom. Dirt was then added on top to promote a more realistic environment and five Pill bugs were placed in each side before starting to prevent bias on an environment. A log was taken every thirty (30) seconds for ten (10) minutes on how many bugs were in each chamber and a graph was then made to show the changes of the bugs' positions over time. Again, if a Pill bug was in the transgression tunnel he was determined to be in a dish by the direction he was moving or the way it's head was facing. Results Dark and Light Environment After experimentation occurred it was found that Pill bugs in the double–chamber preferred the light area over dark. The first three minutes followed hypothesized beliefs of the Pill bugs favoring darker environments; it soon showed a predominant change in habitual residence when through minutes five and nine the number of Pill bugs in the chamber with a light bulb above it never came below seven at a time. For fifty percent of the time, there were two Pill bugs in the light chamber for every one Pill bug in the dark (as the table below shows). The statistics ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Essay about Pill Bug Assessment The structural features of the pill bug allows it to have advantages over other organisms. The pillbugs multi–segmented body allows it to roll into a ball if it feels threatened or in danger in order to protect its self. Another advantage of have a multi–segmented body is it allows the pillbug to semi curl to flip its self back over if it is knocked down. The antennae is used to sense the environment around it, even if it is in ball shape form. The advantages of this is the pillbug will know whether or not it is safe to come out of its ball shape form, if it had been threatened earlier. The antennae also allows the pillbugs to send signals to one another, it is a source of communication between them. The color of the pill ... Show more content on ... From just one experiment it seems that the pillbugs were indifferent to the dark, except on one or two occasions they favored the dark . Multiple tests would ensure that the data is accurate and my conclusions would fully support my hypothesis. If I had to create a terrarium to maintain some pillbugs in I would include objects as well as food that are in their natural habitat. For example I would add slightly acidic soil since it what they live in, and I would also add various sized rocks for which they could hid under. Pillbugs are relatively easy to feed since they eat decaying leaves, rotting trees, and rotting vegetables. So for their food they only require very little, they also eat their own feces in order to maintain a constant copper intake which they need to survive. For this reason pill bugs don't require an excessive amount of food. Pillbugs like all living organisms need water to maintain life. So I would keep the soil moist as well as a little water bowl if necessary; however, pillbugs can receive water from the ground, food and other sources like leaves. The terrarium would also include a lower temperature since the pillbugs natural environment is in a cool, damp place. Everything included would ensure that the pillbugs will have the best chance of survival. I would describe the pillbugs' response to moisture as taxis instead of kinetic. When an organism has a taxis response it either moves towards or away from a stimulus. ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Pillbug Lab Report Pillbug Behaviour Lab Yousaf Malik Purpose: Through out the term of the course we have touched upon animal behavior but not really really insects and in different situation. In this lab we intended to obzerve, examine, analyze, and determine general behavior characteristics of pillbug in different situations, these situations include dry surface, wet surface, acidic surface, and basic surface. Materials: 10 pillbugs 3 ml of water 3 ml of Hydrochloric acid solution, 1% 3 ml of Potassium hydroxide solution, 2% 1 Animal behavior tray 2 Filter paper 1 Camel's hair brush 1 Magnifier 2 Masking tape, pieces Procedure: Taking a Animal behavior tray put in 1 filter paper in both holes. Keep one filter paper dry and wet the other one, now having one dry surface and one wet surface put in 10 pillbugs Leave pill bugs in for 10 minutes, every minute observe the pillbugs and record how many pillbugs are in each hole repeat steps 2–4 with combinations of ... Show more content on ... This is because pillbugs breath from gills and in order for this they need water or a moist environment. Also for the acidic surface it is because there natural habitat consists of soil that is acidic. Between these two surfaces the prefered one is the acidic surface and this maybe just be because it feels like home. Also the least preferred surfaces were the dry and basic surfaces. This is because on the dry surface they are unable to breath and for the basic surface they aren't used to it because it isn't common. Between these two surfaces they find the basic one better mainly because of breathing and some pillbugs may live in basic soil. Over all the acidic surface is preferred for the pillbugs although hypothesized at the beginning they would prefer the wet surface with water over all. This lab has demonstrated the hypotheses in each experiment and efficiently put them to the ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Pill Bug Lab Report Introduction: Terrestrial isopods, also known as pill bugs, are comprised of a variety of different species and are known for their adaptability to different environments, which have certain wavelengths of light and sufficient water and nutrients to survive (Danielson et. al. 1976). They are usually found in moist, dark areas because they are extremely vulnerable to dehydration and need a sufficient amount of water to survive (Wagler et. al. 2013). Given these simple characteristics, isopods are of great and easy use for scientific studies. The goal of the first experiment was to determine whether or not isopods prefer a moist environment or a dry environment. This led to the hypothesis that isopods have a preference between wet or dry environments; ... Show more content on ... It is shown as percentage of isopods over the solution type. After the completion of the three trials of the experiment, a chi–squared test was preformed using Microsoft Excel. In this situation, there were no dead or outliers found and consequently there was no "other" category. After the calculations were complete and the degree of freedom was found, the P–value was found to be <0.001, which shows that the data collected was significant. (Table 2) Water Sucrose Ethanol NaCl Observed 165 114 72 97 Expected 109 109 109 109 (observed–expected) 56 5 –37 ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Lab Report On Pillbug Procedure Questions 2. Throughout the three trials, the bugs seemed to either all be moving or not moving at one time. Some bugs climbed on top of each other or rode on each other's backs. There were a few bugs that played dead. For example, one bug laid on its back while not moving for almost the entire lab. The bugs typically liked to stay near each other. For example, in the wet and dry test, at one point, all of the bugs were clumped on the far side of the dry chamber. 3. Pillbug drawing: Graph Independent Variable: The amount of time in the chambers (∆t) Dependent Variable: The number of bugs in each chamber Analysis Some conclusions I have drawn from my data are that in the wet and dry lab, the pillbugs preferred the ... Show more content on ... For my procedure, I will put the filter paper in each of the chambers. Then, I will use the dropper to put a small amount of acid on one of the pieces of filter paper, and will do the same with water on the other side. Then, I will place 5 pillbugs on each side of the choice chambers, and I will set the timer to 10 minutes and record how many bugs are on each side every 30 seconds. 6. In conclusion, in the wet and acidic lab, the pillbugs preferred the wet over the acidic m because the bugs' natural habitat has neutral pH levels. Pillbugs' Response to Light and Dark If I make one chamber light and the other chamber dark, then the bugs will prefer the dark because their natural habitats are dark, and bugs like to stay in their natural habitat. a. The objective of this experiment is to determine whether the pillbugs prefer a light or dark environment. b. The materials I will use are choice chambers, 10 pillbugs, a timer, filter paper, a n n n flashlight, and a cone made of black construction paper. c. For my procedure, I will put the filter paper in each of the chambers. Then, I will place 5 pillbugs on each side of the choice chambers. I will put a flashlight over one of the sides, and I will put the black cone over the other. I will set the timer to 10 minutes and record how many bugs are on each side every 30 ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Pill Bug Experiments Roly Polys or Pill Bugs are crustaceans that leave in the dirt and soil of the Earth. They love cool temperatures and dark environments. An experiment was conducted to see if the roly poly would go out of its natural diet of rotted leaves and choose a new stimulus: bananas. The experiment conducted of placing 4 different roly polys in a chamber and giving them the opportunity to choose their favorite. Each trial was set in 2 minute intervals. The results were that majority of the trials, the roly polys actually chose neither. Their main choice was the selection of an escape. The results indeed did not prove our hypothesis Unexpected results could have been because they were not hungry and just frightened to be set in a new environment so abruptly. ... Show more content on ... 17 percent of the time, the banana peel was chosen, along with the actual banana, which was selected 17 percent as well. Together the roly polys chose either the peel or the banana 34 percent of the time. The method of escape was chosen by the roly polys 25 percent of the time. (Figure 1) Discussion: The expectations of this project was to accurately determine which stimulus would satisfy a pill bug. The stimuli used were a peel and the banana it comes with, both rotted. The actual results were in fact not the result we expected due to the circumstance that we expected the bugs would go for the peel of the banana because its closer to their natural diet. Errors included handling them too rough, not timing correctly, and not using proper stimuli. Unexpected results could have come from many different factors such as: the bugs were scared, already full due to there being food in their impromptu habitat, or they just weren't attracted to the stimuli. A good test for these explanations would be to get comfortable, hungry pill bugs and run the experiments again to see if we receive different results from the original experiment. A good question for this certain experiment would be: Are banana peels the best stimuli to use for the bugs due to that they are outside their natural diet of rotting ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Research Paper On Pillbugs Pillbugs (Armadillidiidae) live in moist environments outdoors and usually found under rocks or dark places like crevices. They often bury themselves several inches beneath the soil surface to avoid hot, dry conditions (Merchant 2017). Another frequent hiding place is behind the grass edge adjoining sidewalks and foundations (Potter 2017). Although they sometimes enter in large numbers, they do not bite, sting, or transmit diseases, nor do they infest food, clothing or wood. They are simply a nuisance by their presence (Potter 2017). Pill Bugs feed mostly on decaying animals and plants as their main source of food but sometimes they feed on young plants. If they do eat young plants it does not have any significant impact on the bug. If they ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Pill Bug Lab Report Food Preferences in the Sow Bug (Porcellio Laevis) Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to determine what kind of food the sow bug prefers; decaying leaves, potatoes, grapes, or sow bug food. Hypothesis If a sow bug is placed in a choice tray, and has access to decaying leaves, potatoes, grapes, and sow bug food, the sow bug will choose the decaying leaves over its other options. This hypothesis was based on research stating that a sow bug's main food source is decaying vegetation. This is the food they are accustomed to and therefore will select over the other three options which they rarely if ever would have access to. Materials –Twelve sow bugs –Bisected grapes –Chunks of potato –Decaying leaves –Pinch of sow bug food ... Show more content on ... This information would suggest that the sow bugs were not especially interested in food at the time the experiment took place. The data gathered might not have been conclusive in discovering the preferred food source of sow bugs, but it at least showed that the decaying leaves were what they were attracted to for whatever reason. This information could be used in a variety of different ways. It would be helpful in pest control as well as in keeping a sow bug alive. For people who consider sow bugs a nuisance, the data could reduce the population of sow bugs in certain areas by removing the decaying leaves. This would make the habitat less inviting and therefore discourage the presence of sow bugs.
  • 30. When relating the information to a wider variety of topics, even though the information was not conclusive, it came to attention that the preference of habitat or food source in sow bugs has a major effect on the areas in which they live and on the organisms survival. Whether it is because of food and/or environmental related issues the fact that the sow bugs preferred to reside in and/or eat the decaying leaves shows that areas with significant quantities of decaying leaves have a chance of being affected by sow bugs. Because decaying matter is a main food source for sow bugs it could be assumed that if sow bugs resided in an area containing decaying leaves, they would also be ingesting them. This would have an impact on that environment. When the sow bugs eat the ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. Pillbugs and Sowbugs and Moist Environment Experiment Introduction: Pillbugs and sowbugs are terrestrial isopods that belong to the order Isopoda and the arthropod class crustacean. According to the Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, the terrestrial isopods have evolved from the marine forms. However despite the fact that they seek moist environments they must also avoid an overly moist environment (Journal of Insect Science, 2008). The two different species resemble one another phenotypically. However, pillbugs are a dark gray and the sow bugs are a light gray with posterior projections. Pillbugs also curl into a ball when they feel endangered and the sow bugs do not. The pill bugs used in this experiment were female. Isopods primarily live in dark, damp habitats in order to prevent dehydration (Isopod Behavior Lab). The purpose of this experiment was to determine the type of environment isopods prefer. First we tested to see if the isopods preferred a dry or moist environment and then we tested to see if they preferred the potting soil or the leaf litter environment. For the observation of isopods in response to moisture experiment it was said that each of the two different species would prefer a different environment. For part two, Observation of Isopods in response to other variables, it was hypothesized that the Isopods would prefer the potting soil or the leaf litter environment. Materials and Methods: Groups of four were constructed. For the first experiment, each group was given an isopod chamber. One ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. Blobfish Research Paper The Blobfish's scientific name Psychrolutes marcidus. The meaning of Psychrolutes marcidus is "A taxonomic species within the family of Psychrolutidae. The Psychrolutidae family of fish contains about 40 species consisting of bottom dwelling marine sculpins that include tadpoles with large heads and bodies that taper back into small flat tails. In general their fins are leaf like and lack scales. The Blobfish was originally described in 1978 however they were more recently formally discovered while breeding in 2000 in California. They were in an area along with other fish and octopi who were also breeding. This fish is not esthetically pleasing; it's large bulbous nose and drooping face give the impression that it is constantly grumpy. ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Pill Bug Experiment Essay Isopod Experiment This experiment was conducted on pillbugs (Armadillidiidae) from the class Malacostraca and order Isopods. These bugs were used to preform a Natural Experiment to test their response and attraction to chocolate and/or vanilla flavored chips. During the experiment, the pill– bugs will have the opportunity to choose between the two kinds of chips and the favored flavor will be noted for each bug. Introduction The isopods used for this experiment range in color from gray to brown and were about 8.5 to 18 mm in length. Each Isopod's head had one pair of antennae and one pair of antennules, both used to detect sensory stimuli from the environment around the pillbug. Their bodies were made of a hard thorax with seven segments and an abdomen. Each pillbug had seven pairs of legs, one for each segment of its thorax. Pill bugs breathe through gill–like structures and must live in moist places. Although pillbugs are nocturnal Isopods, they can still be found during the day in dark, humid places like under fallen leaves, rocks, or logs. They live their entire lives on land and are terrestrial crustaceans. Fondly known as roly–poly due to its ability to roll into ball when disturbed, pillbugs feed mainly on decaying plant leaves and other decomposing ... Show more content on ... They have eyes that can detect light, but have poor vision otherwise. Pillbugs can use their sense of smell to find food, identify mates and other pillbugs. There antennae are used for touching and can detect objects they brush up against. Not only can they detect different chemicals with their antennae, but they can also produce a chemical called an aggregate pheromone which other pillbugs can detect. Pillbugs use this pheromone to mark their trails which lets other pillbugs find them. The presence of this pheromone also works to show other pillbugs that this habitat is desirable and ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Pillbug Lab Report The pill bugs lab was done to solve the problem of which type of food the pill bugs preferred, cucumber of pepperoni. My hypothesis was that the pill bugs will favor cucumber over pepperoni. In order to carry out this experiment, we used the chamber method to determine which food was favored by the pill bugs. Pieces of cucumber and pepperoni were placed on each end. Then five pill bugs were placed in each chamber, and their movement was observed and recorded. Because the results were so close to each other, we concluded that their reaction to the stimulus was a kinesis reaction, and it is only random. My hypothesis was not true because the standard error from the number of pill bugs in cucumber chamber and pepperoni chamber overlapped. This means that there is no scientific reason for why the pill bugs chose cucumber over pepperoni. I learned many new things in this experiment, such as, how to use a choice chamber, and how to calculate the standard deviation and error of the data. Also, I learned how pill bugs react to an outside threat. Introduction: In this lab, the problem was to figure out which type of food, cucumber or pepperoni, do pill bugs prefer. I already knew that pill bugs live in moist areas that are near the water. They are found under ... Show more content on ... All of the data we gathered did not support our hypothesis, such as: in table 2 and graph 1, the number of pill bugs that favored cucumber was very close to the number of pill bugs that favored pepperoni. The chamber with cucumber had averages of 4.4, 5.8, and 5.2 during the three trials. On the other hand, the chamber with pepperoni had averages of 5.6, 4.2, and 4.8 during the three trials. Both sets of data are very close, and they do not give a Conclusive proof that pill bugs favor cucumbers over pepperoni. Moreover, according to graph 2, the standard error for cucumber chamber and pepperoni chamber ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Pill Bug Lab Report Results Analysis: The data and results from this experiment were mixed and unclear. We chose to do three separate trials, with a different group member in charge of each of them. From the beginning, we observed that the pill bugs had no sense of where they were being put in captivity and were inactive in middle of the enclosure. This shows the rolly pollies applied a more kinesis approach to their animal movement, since they were not aware of their surroundings. Eventually, the isopods scattered about the different environments, probably to find a way to escape. The bugs even worked together to boost each other up over the edge of the enclosure, and we needed to place them back inside. Although the environments were the same (wet or dry soil), we recognized that each of them was slightly ... Show more content on ... In contrast, my pill bugs preferred the dry soil, because it was a mixture of roots and chunks of soil that they could burrow underneath. Because of their burrowing it was difficult to keep track of the number of pill bugs on the dry side, so I had to count the number on the wet side. I had an average of 2.2 pill bugs in the wet soil, and 9.7 on the dry soil. Gaby's soil to water ratio was more accurate, therefore generating more even results. She had 6.5 average pill bugs on the wet side, and 5.5 in the dry soil. As supported by the data, we can conclude that the pill bugs were able to individually adapt to the environment that best suited each of them. Some preferred the wet soil and others liked the dry, but overall it is all about survival. Animal behavior is centered around the theme of natural selection and survival of the fittest, because an animal's main goal is to survive and reproduce. The ability for pill bugs to adapt to new environments benefits their survival skills and increases their chance of reproduction. Eventually their increase in survival skills will result in the evolutionary growth of pill bugs, who will become stronger and less ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Pillbug Lab Report Pill Bug Lab 1. Abstract/Background: Isopods are land dwelling crustaceans also known as pill bugs. In the lab the isopods will be studied on ethology which is the study of animal behavior. The taxis and kinesis will also be studied of the isopods. Taxis is when a certain factor attracts or repels an individual. Kinesis is when an individual randomly moves because of a certain factor. 2. Problem: Do pill bugs prefer a room temperature environment over a warm environment? 3. Hypothesis: If the pill bugs are given a choice between a room temperature environment or a warm environment, then the pill bugs will prefer the room temperature. 4. Materials: Connected Chambers At Least 10 Isopods Warm Water Plastic Water Holder Small Paint Brush ... Show more content on ... Conclusion/Discussion: The important procedures of this experiment was to observe the pill bugs and determine whether they prefer a certain environment over another. The results and data of the lab show and prove that the isopods prefered the room temperature environment over the warm environment. The hypothesis is accepted because it states that if the isopods were given a choice of a room temperature environment or a warm environment, the isopods will choose the room temperature environment, and the isopods chose the room temperature environment. The control of this experiment was the room temperature chamber. 8. Error Analysis: In this experiment there were many possible errors. One of the big errors that was made was that instead of using the plastic water holder to hold the warm water, the experiment was done by putting a wet room temperature paper in one chamber and a another paper dipped in warm water for the other chamber. The data was recorded half way through the experiment but unfortunately it isn't present as of now. Another error that was present was that when the time was started, the isopods were interrupted with a paint brush trying to move them. That could have slightly skewed the start of the data. One other error could have been not paying attention to the time and counting the isopods at different time ... Get more on ...
  • 43.
  • 44. Effect Of Number Of Pill Bugs On The Light Lab Report Based on the data, the number of pill bugs on the dark side is higher at almost every minute compared the number of bugs on the light side. In the beginning, the pill bugs are evenly spread out on both sides. However, as time goes on, the number of pill bugs on the dark side increased rapidly, while the number on the light side decreases. Based on the graph, starting at about three minutes, the number of bugs on the dark side begins to increase significantly. The pill bugs quickly react and choose a best fit environment for themselves. Eventually, at nine minutes there are nine pill bugs on the dark side and only one on the light side. At the end of ten minutes, all ten of the bugs are on the dark side. If the experiment went on for a longer ... Show more content on ... This result was consistent with the other groups who tested out this question. They also got that the pill bugs preferred a dark environment. Furthermore, the data supports many studies that state that pill bugs prefer a dark and moist environment because that best replicates their natural habitat and provides for their needs. For example, one website claims that pill bugs will prefer the darkness and encourages the reader to test it. Another does multiple experiments on the pills bugs and in their experiment the pill bugs prefer the dark environment. After learning that pill bugs do not prefer light areas, I would want to test if there are other colored lights that attract them instead. An experiment can be done by keeping one chamber dark and using different colored lights such as red, green, or blue on the other side to see if it attracts any of the pill ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Isopod Lab Report Isopod affinity for acidic environments Materials and Methods A choice chamber was used in the experiment. This apparatus is two large petri dishes that are connected by a middle segment that will contain no treatment. This middle compartment acts as a storage area for the isopods to be held before the experiment begins. In all four experiments, a total of 64 isopods were used. For each experiment sixteen isopods were placed in the middle compartment of the choice chamber, eight Porcellio scaber, and eight Amadillidium vulgare. In this experiment, weak forms of an acid and a base was used. Whether there is an acid or base used in the experiment is the independent variable and the number of individuals that chose the acidic chamber over the ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. Pillbug Lab Report Background Information: This experiment was performed using the crustacean Armadillidium vulgare, also known as the pillbug. Pillbugs mate in the spring, and it takes several weeks for their fertilized eggs to hatch. After hatching the offspring spend an additional six weeks in a pouch under the female pillbug. Pillbugs eat dead and decaying organic matter, so they are often found in dark damp places. Another reason they like damp places is because they have gills that must be kept moist. The gills are located on the thorax, which is covered by large exoskeleton plates. The thorax is also where the pillbug's seven pairs of legs are located. The pillbug also has the nickname "roly– poly," this is because the pillbug has a defensive mechanism where it rolls into a tight ball, using the large exoskeleton plates of its thorax to protect its head and underside. Purpose: ... Show more content on ... This will help improve the understanding of pillbugs' behavior as well as provide the students performing the experiment with more experience with lab work, and a better understanding of the scientific method. Hypotheses: If a pillbug is exposed to fine sand, then it will have no reaction. If a pillbug is exposed to flour, then it will have no reaction. If a pillbug is exposed to sugar, then it will be attracted to the sugar. If a pillbug is exposed to bread, then it will be attracted to the bread. If a pillbug is exposed to water, then it will be attracted to the water. If a pillbug is exposed to tea, then it will be attracted to the tea. If a pillbug is exposed to soda, then it will be repelled by the soda. If a pillbug is exposed to milk, then it will be attracted to the soda. Materials: Glass bowls, one to hold the pillbugs that have not been tested, one to hold those that have been tested, and four to hold the materials that pillbugs will be exposed to Fine sand, ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Research Paper On Pillbugs Pillbugs (Armadillidiidae) live in moist environments outdoors and usually found under rocks or dark places like crevices. They often bury themselves several inches beneath the soil surface to avoid hot, dry conditions (Merchant 2017). Another frequent hiding place is behind the grass edge adjoining sidewalks and foundations (Potter 2017). Although they sometimes enter in large numbers, they do not bite, sting, or transmit diseases, nor do they infest food, clothing or wood. They are simply a nuisance by their presence (Potter 2017). Pill Bugs feed mostly on decaying animals and plants as their main source of food but sometimes they feed on young plants. If they do eat young plants it does not have any significant impact on the bug. If they ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. The Effects Of Coca-Cola On Isopods The Effects of Coca–Cola on Isopods By Caitlin Tremucha and Stephanie Merheb Introduction In the experiment, the main purpose is to learn about isopod behavior and how they react when placed in a chamber with Coca–Cola and water on opposite ends. Isopods, commonly known as pill bugs, are generally slow moving crustaceans. These organisms have weak eyesight and are usually drawn to the scent of their own species. Isopods absorb oxygen through their gills and only function when they are wet. As a result, they tend to avoid light to prevent themselves from drying out. This product was chosen because it was previously known that most organisms such as ants or house flies are attracted to sugary products. According to the Coca–Cola nutritional ... Show more content on ... The two liquids used were originally placed in the center of each circular section of the chamber. Due to the fact that the isopods use their antennas to feel their surroundings as they move around instead of relying on their poor vision, throughout the tests the crustaceans constantly lingered the perimeter of the chamber, resulting in inaccurate data. Because of this, the procedure had to be reconstructed by changing the placement of the liquids to an area near the edges of the circular sections in order to obtain accurate data. As stated earlier, another experimental error that occurred was the interference with the isopods. In the experiment, when setting the isopod onto the center of the chamber, the organisms would roll up on instinct, causing themselves to lay on their backs when unrolling and subsequently struggling to stand upright. Due to this, interfering with the isopods was an obligation. The use of a paintbrush was needed to assist the organisms to return to their feet and to continue on with the experiment ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Pill Bug Experiment Essay Animal Behavior Why do organisms respond to environmental factors? Organisms keep themselves in the most favorable conditions in order to survive. Pill bugs are members of the terrestrial isopod family. Terrestrial Isopods retrieve oxygen through their gills and live in dark damp environments. These organisms eat decaying plant and animal matter. Sow bugs, also known as pill bugs were tested to see how they react or respond to environmental factors. In this lab two different experiments were conducted. During the first experiment pill bugs were tested to see if they prefer a light environment or a dark environment. Throughout second experiment the pill bugs were tested to see how many of the bugs prefer an environment with vinegar or environment ... Show more content on ... For the dark environment we cut out a sheet of black paper and taped it to the top of the observation chamber, for the light environment two flashlights were above the chamber. A funnel was used to put the bugs in the middle and keep them there until the timer was started. After thirty seconds when the pill bugs were released our group counted how many bugs were either in the neutral, dark, or light section of the observation chamber this is how the data was collected. This experiment had two trials, so the data, that was collected during both trials were averaged out. During the second experiment that was conducted the pill bugs were once again placed in the middle of the observation chamber with the funnel, but this time one section of the chamber had soil with three drops of water, while the other section of the chamber had soil with 3 drops of vinegar. Once thirty seconds had past after the bugs had been released each member of the group counted how many bugs were on each sections of the chamber. This experiment was done twice and then the data was averaged out the data. This method of collecting data was chosen because this was the simplest and most efficient way of collecting ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Pill Bugs Experiment Lab Report All living things respond to stimuli, including animals. In our experiment, we tested how roly– polies, or pill bugs, respond to two types of material: wet sand and wet dirt. Pill bugs are isopods, a group of 10,000 species living on land and in fresh water and ocean. They are under the phylum Arthropoda, class Crustacea, containing both crabs and shrimp. Pill bugs generally live in dark, moist environments with the decaying matter they eat. The guiding question was "Why do living organisms respond to environmental factors?". Environmental factors that pill bugs respond to include water and soil since they live in damp environments. We used these two factors in our experiment. Our goal was to see whether pill bugs would continue to choose the ... Show more content on ... The number of pill bugs in the sand was never above one, while the number in the dirt did not drop below seven. There were about three to five bugs in the bridge in each minute. The data was analyzed in terms of kinesis, random movement, or taxis, movement away or towards a stimulus. Seven of the twelve pillbugs immediately moved into the dirt dish within the first minute, exhibiting taxis. This stays relatively constant throughout the experiment, meaning there was little movement once a pill bug had gone there. As this line graph can show movement over time, we can see that a pill bug moved from the bridge to the sand dish at four minutes. However, since it left two minutes later, it suggests that it was a movement of kinesis rather than taxis. Since the 6 mL of water is constant with both dishes, this preference to the dirt dish must be from the soil itself. This corroborates the claim because the pill bugs mainly responded positively to the stimulus, dirt. The dirt more closely matches the natural habitat the bugs are found in than the sand. In nature, the dirt would provide them with decaying matter to consume for energy. We also observed that the pill bugs in the dirt burrowed into the material, while the ones in the sand did not. To the bugs, wet sand is dense and hard, while wet dirt can still be moved around. This burrowing behavior seems to be an innate trait that is a ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Pill Bug Experiment Lab Report Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to observe the pill bugs' behaviors when introduced to a stimuli, a strong scent, and it is important to notice whether the pill bugs perform taxis or kinesis as a result of the stimuli. In addition, the purpose is to learn how to properly design an experiment is. Introduction: Pill bugs are crustaceans that are unlike lobsters, crabs, shrimp, etc. Pillbugs spend their entire lives on land and can be found in damp environments. Since pill bugs do not have a good waterproofing cuticle wax, they must live in damp environments, so they will not dry out. Their outer cuticle is segmented which gives them the unique ability to roll up into a ball when disturbed. Pill bugs consume rotting vegetation such ... Show more content on ... All the others stayed in the same side they were in at the beginning of the interval (unscented side). 4 min. 30 sec. 8 2 Three of the pill bugs went to the scented side, then two of those three came back. The remaining 7 pill bugs moved a little on the same side they were on starting at that interval. 5 min. 6 4 They moved more in this trial. The pill bugs that started on the unscented side moved to the scented side. When one of the pill bugs in the unscented side started moving around, 3 more followed and they went to the scented side for the last trial. The histogram shows that the of the amount of pill bugs on the scented side was typically less than the amount of pill bugs on the unscented. The amount of pill bugs seen on the scented filter paper most often was within the range of 4.0 to 6.0. While the amount of pill bugs seen on the unscented filter paper most frequently was within the range of 8.0 to 10.0. The reason that the graph shows that there were some changes in the amount of pill bugs on each side of the apparatus is because the pill bugs perform kinesis in result of the stimuli, which means their movement is ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Sowbug Lab Report The purpose of this experiment is to determine which stimuli sowbugs prefer more, moist or dark. However, to confirm that sowbugs prefer dark and moist environments we had to create an experiment to prove this. We proved sowbugs prefer dark environments by using a lamp to create a light environment and cardboard over half the petri dish to create the dark environment; the sowbugs chose the dark side. Then we proved sowbugs preferred moist environments over dry ones by creating a wet environment on one side and a dry environment on the other side of the petri dish. After our final experiment, we were able to determine that sowbugs prefer the dark stimuli over moist stimuli. Introduction Sowbugs, or Oniscus spp., are interesting creatures ... Show more content on ... The first variable tested was phototaxis, the movement toward or away from light. To do this, we used an empty petri dish and filled the bottom of it with filter paper. We then added five sowbugs to the petri dish and placed a lid on top. After leaving the sowbugs alone for three minutes to get acclimated to their new environment, we placed a lamp directly over the petri dish. Then we laid a piece of cardboard over the petri dish to cover exactly half of it, leaving the other half exposed to the lamp. We want the cardboard to cover close to half of it as possible to make the data as accurate as possible. The lamp was then turned on and the number of sowbugs in the light and dark locations were recorded every minute for the next twelve minutes. As shown in Table 1, we determined that sowbugs are effected negatively by phototaxis. The second variable tested was hydrotaxis in sowbugs. To do this, we first removed the cardboard shade cover. We did this to remove the dark environment variable. This way the only variable being test is wet versus dry. We then opened the lid and placed drops of water on approximately half of the petri dish and placed the lid back on it. Then we recorded the number of sowbugs in both the wet and dry locations every minute for the next twelve minutes. As shown in Table 2, the sowbugs in our experiment were positively ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Biology Investigation: The Crustacean Porcellio Scaber * Biology Investigation 3.1 Porcellio Scaber (Slater, Woodlouse) Task 1 The crustacean Porcellio Scaber, or more commonly known as the woodlouse, is a species usually found in leaf litter or in fallen trees and bark. It feeds on detritus like many other isopods of its type, and is generally predated on by small mammals, lizards and some insects. The woodlouse habitat reflects its need to avoid warm and dry areas. The woodlouse is prone to desiccation (drying out) due to its body's large surface area to volume ratio. This results in a variety of behavioural adaptations that help it conserve moisture and avoid desiccation. The woodlouse exhibits negative phototaxes behaviour, this results in them moving away from brighter areas in ... Show more content on ... Draw a 2cmx2cm grid with the crayon covering the section of black paper. 11. Place the bucket onto the grid with the open end facing down. 12. Trace the buckets circumference onto the black paper with the crayon. Dot the square in the centre of this circle. This will be the starting point for the woodlice. 13. Turn on the bulb to the specific voltage for the trial. 14. Take readings for Lux, Humidity and Temperature (In this investigation, readings were taking by putting the sensor up through the lip of the bucket). In future trials attempt to match them to these readings. It is more efficient to do all trials on the same day to make sure of the same humidity and temperature. 15. Place woodlouse onto starting square and quickly start the stopwatch while counting the number of squares the woodlouse moves. 16. After 2 minutes stop the stopwatch and note the amount of squares the woodlouse travelled in that time. 17. Repeat steps 13–16 for each specific voltage. 18. Change woodlice and start the next set of trials. 19. Repeat until 7 trials have been conducted. Results: * Column1 | * Average | * 10V | 27 | * 11V | 34.7 | * 12V | 40.9 | * 13V | 45.6 | * 14V | 64.3 | * 15V | 97 | Conclusion: In conclusion the hypothesis proved to be correct. During the investigation the woodlice did indeed have a faster ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Isopod Lab Report Daniela Dominguez–Ramos (Lab Partners: Efrain Garcia, Gladys Cornejo, Nathalia Dominguez) Mr. Sover Boston College 18 September 2015 The effect of dark vs light on Isopod's behavior Introduction The purpose of this lab was to test the effect of light versus darkness on isopod's behavior. Isopods are not insects or bugs. They are related to crabs and lobsters. They are crustaceans. Isopods live in the sea, or on land. We tested the effect of dark and light on isopods performance. The independent variable is light versus dark. The dependent variable is the number of isopods on each side of the chamber. My hypothesis was, if they choose dark or light, the number of isopods Material Chamber 10 isopods 1 sorting brush Stop watch Aluminum foil Procedure Cover one side of the ... Show more content on ... There was more higher number of isopds in the light side then the dark side. In total 67 times the isopods will stay or move to the light side of the chamber during the 10 minutes and for the dark side 33 times times the isopods stayed or moved to the dark side. Is 34 times less than the light side. The isopods probably acted this way because the light of the classroom attracted them to the light side of the chamber instead of the dark side which was covered by the aluminum soil. The independent and dependent variable in this experiment are. The dependent variable was the number of isopod's on each side of the chamber. The independent variable was the two conditions which in this experiment it was dark vs. light.
  • 65. The movement that the isopod's did was kinesis. The reason why is kinesis is because the isopods were scrambling to get to place that was dark or light. They didn't go straight forward to one side or the other which that would be ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Pill Bug Research Paper Armadillidium vulgare are commonly known as pill–bug. Pill–bugs belong to the kingdom Animalia and are classified as Malacostraca. Belonging to the order of Isopoda, they belong to the Armadillidiidae family, and classified into the genus Armadillidium. A. vulgare are found in soil with a preference to moist environment (Holland 2014). This species see with ommatidia, smell using esthetascs, and touch with tactile setae to sense their environment (Holland 2014). Migita and Moriyama (2004) declare that in unknown environments, animal behaves inappropriately by expressing their innate or learned behavioral patterns. A. vulgare are often found constantly moving around the edge of the Petri dish because the environment is unfamiliar and appears as an obstacle (Migita and Moriyama 2004). One observation of pill bug's movement is when they follow each other. Males can detect females through distance chemical communication (Beauché and Richard 2013). Due to aggregation pheromone, the A. vulgare are attracted to each other. Unlike other isopods, A. vulgare locomotor activity is presence in the morning and the species exhibit positive phototaxis when temperature increase (Cloudsley–Thompson 1952). Cloudsley–Thompson (1952) also found that response to light is greater when the species have been in the darkness. Refinetti (2000) found ... Show more content on ... vulgare when exposed to different colored light environment. The study reveals that in the presence of white light environment, A. vulgare are more active. On the other hand, they are least active in the blue light environment. The results also contradict the prediction because the control group contains more kinesis than the red light group. While the white light resembles daylight, blue light with the lowest wavelength out of the treatments cause the lowest circadian rhythm in A. ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Sowbug Lab Report Title: The Preferences of Sowbugs: Glucose vs. Sodium chloride Abstract: This experiment was exploring our curiosity of sowbugs and their preferences. Our main question was about how the sowbugs natural diet can affect their preference for sodium chloride also known as table salt and glucose which is also known as sugar. The experiment involved testing how much time each sowbug spent in each substance when in a tray with both salt and sugar on opposite sides. Background: Sowbugs are a type of insect called arthropods. Arthropods are insects that have a segmented body with jointed appendages. The sowbug has gills on the underside of their bodies that have to be kept moist in order to breath. The anatomy of the sowbug allows them to live in ... Show more content on ... The strange in our experiment was that we observed the bugs a clear preference was not shown.We had two main outliers in our results which were bugs two and four. In trial two the sowbug had very strong preference towards glucose and in trial four the sowbug had a strong preference for sodium chloride. The data collected gives off the impression that the sowbugs had an overall preference for the sodium chloride but in reality while collecting data we saw a preference for glucose, The sowbugs always went in the direction of of the glucose and showed that they were more inclined to spend time in glucose rather than sodium chloride. The results did not have a clear trend as we observed the five different sowbugs in some cases the designated sowbug would be repelled by the sodium chloride or would just continuously crawl in a figure eight formation. An outside factor that could have had an effect on how our data came out was if the sowbugs we decided to test had any prior exposure to the same sodium chloride or glucose we were using, if so that could of had an effect on how they reacted to the substances, there was no way of checking for this so our results could be skewed in that manner but we could not say for sure. ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Pill Bug Research Paper Pill Bug Life History and Behavior Paper Pill Bugs are an interesting creature you will usually find under rocks, boards, and/or decaying vegetation. They are classified as terrestrial Isopods; they are classified as Crustaceans which are a smaller group of Arthropoda. Pill Bugs are usually called sowbugs or woodlice. These creatures can live from 2 to 3 years. Pill Bugs are usually found under rocks, boards, and decaying vegetation. They like cool dark places with a humid damp temperature. Although most species live in this environment, some like the Trachelipus rathkei live under fallen wood or peeling bark. Unlike others the Porcellio spinicornis will usually be found around limestone or cement. They hide in these places during day and eat at night. ... Show more content on ... Their natural lifespan consists of 2 to 3 years. During that time they will mature after a year. They usually reproduce from May to September. The females can take up to a couple of days for the pill bug to hatch then they will stay in the mothers pouch, marsupium, for a couple of hours feeding off of them. There are over 4000 known species in the world. Only 12 species are found in North and Central America and several in the Florida wet lands. The only known species of rolling up into a ball is the Cylisticus convexus. These are a common one fount throughout North America. They can be up to 8–12 mm in length as an adult. The most common one is the Trachelipus rathkei, growing from 10–15 mm, which rolls up in to a "C" when disturbed or threatened. They use this mechanism as a defense. Pill bugs are significant for their decomposition such as earthworms and snails. They are also capable of eating copper, zinc, lead, and cadmium. These creatures are also not a bug since they are part of the Crustaceans meaning which are related to shrimp, crabs, and lobster. These all have a hard shell and have multiple legs on each ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Effect Of Music On Pillbugs We conducted a controlled experiment to determine which variable, Music or no music, would have the greater averaging effect on the pillbugs. In our hypothesis we stated that if we have music on one side, and no music on the other, the pill bugs will all attract to the side with no music. A Styrofoam divider was placed into the shoe box, with 5 pillbugs on each side. One side was playing music, and the other side wasn't. This experiment was timed for 10 minutes, after every minute the pill bugs were counted on the side with music, and on the side without. In our experiment the independent variable was the music, our dependent variable was the pillbugs, and our controlled variable was the amount of pillbugs used. The side with the music averaged ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Isopod Behavior Lab Report Stephen Pidliskey 09/15/07 P1 Park ISOPOD BEHAVIOR LAB REPORT Background Information: In our lab we were working with isopods, also known as pill bugs or rollie pollies. The isopods that we worked with were land isopods. They like to live in moist places under untouched objects such as boards, bricks, rotting logs and or rocks. Basically, they will live anywhere! If you are lucky enough, you can even find them next to buildings where it is moist and if there is food. All living organisms like certain things and don't like certain things, for example; most animals will try to eat something sugary or sweet, like a piece of candy. While the same animal my not wanting to eat something that is not sugary or sweet like peas. Every organism ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of our lab we had placed the pill bugs in the petri dish with dry filter paper and we observed their behavior. The pill bugs were going around the inside rim of petri in circles following each other, almost as if it were a game of tag. The pill bugs never seemed to stop moving, flipping over and were constantly climbing. Some of the pill bugs even tried to escape from the petri dish, but our group was quick to make that didn't happen. As our lab went on, we placed the 4 different pieces of filter paper with solutions on them and then added 4 pill bugs to it. We collected lots of information during this procedure. This table represents how many pill bugs were on each slice of filter paper, that had a different solution on each of them, over 30 second intervals lasting 5 minutes. This is what were recorded our data on for this part of the lab. Conclusions: The purpose of our experiment was to observe the behavior of the pill bugs. We were trying to find
  • 76. exactly whether the pill bugs would be attracted or repelled by the chemicals. The chemicals used were vinegar, water, salt solution and a sugar ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Pillbug Research Paper Introduction Armadillidium vulgare commonly known as pillbug is an isopod, a type of non–insect arthropod also known terrestrial crustacean. (Pillbug – Armadillidium Vulgare). The pillbugs roll into a pill form when threatened hence the name pillbug. Pillbugs are active during night but can be found during the day in the soil or under debris or between rocks. Pillbugs can reach a length of up to 18 mm when matured (Capinera, 2001). In this experiment, I investigated whether pillbugs are attracted towards a specific or different food types? I think this is a significant question because knowing what type of food pillbugs consume is very helpful in studying the characteristics and nature of pillbugs. What lead me in asking this question is that I was studying the nature of pillbugs and found that pillbugs feed on decomposing materials, and I thought what if decomposing materials were removed, what food the pillbugs would consume. To find this out, I set up behavior observation chamber (BOC) with 3 different foods; carrot, kale and tuna. I was interested in ... Show more content on ... of pillbugs were attracted towards the chamber with the kale in it when compared to the other chambers. My hypothesis that the greater no. of pillbugs will end in the tuna chamber was rejected based on findings. One observation that I noticed was, the pillbugs were interested in kale because it gave them a surface to hide under. Once the pillbugs were in the kale chamber, they directly went under the kale and stayed there. One thing I could've done better with the experiment was break the kale into smaller bits so that the pillbugs had no chance of hiding underneath it. Another factor to consider was, the amount of light that was present during the experiment, pillbugs are nocturnal, which means that they are active night. If this experiment were to be retested, I would strongly suggest to use the same size bits of food and for the test to be done at night or a much darker ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Essay about Pill Bug Lab ABSTRACT Pill bugs live in an outside environment where they are able to get the necessary amount of energy from organic matter. This environment is where water and organic matter is plentiful. In there natural habitat, pill bugs are found in dark, damp places. Living in moist places is important for pill bugs so they can take in enough water, and if water is not available, they group together to prevent water loss. Pill bugs most often live in dark places because they have a negative photo taxis. Darker places also tend to be cooler and damper. Each experiment connected to how the pill bugs would behave in a certain environment. We were able to test these experiments in a laboratory way to see if the natural environments were also true. ... Show more content on ... Kinesis occurs when the animal moves in a random motion in response to the stimulus. Throughout this lab, we put the pillbugs through four different tests. These experiments are to test to see if these animals will prefer a certain habitat rather than another and how they show this is through either kinesis movement or taxis movement. MATERIALS AND METHODS In all labs, a lab book and a pen or pencil are essential to record the number of pillbugs. The times come up fast so you have to make sure you are watching the clock or stop watch. Obviously, do not poke the pillbugs or try and force them into a certain chamber aggressively, this will aggravate them and cause unreliable results. When you are trying to get your pillbugs, use a paintbrush to sweep them onto your brush and then carefully place them into the choice chamber dish that is provided for you. Make sure to get 10 pillbugs so you can have five in each chamber. If they look dead, they are most likely just curled up. During the various tests, make sure to take notes on the appearance, the types of movements (kinesis or taxis) and the interactions between the animals. The first experiment is to find out if the pillbugs prefer dark or light environments. The choice chambers have a little passageway between the chambers. Make sure to gently place five pillbugs on each side and then block off that doorway with a cardboard barrier of some sorts. Pick one of the chambers and then cover that chamber with ... Get more on ...