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- I’m sure everyone has a different opinion on this
- Able to make delightful user interfaces

- This is JVFloatLabeledTextField

- Engrossing interfaces are at the core of the iPhone
- Able to make delightful user interfaces

- This is JVFloatLabeledTextField

- Engrossing interfaces are at the core of the iPhone
- With dependency managers like Carthage and CocoaPods, it’s easy to create and share your designs
- But just sharing your design isn’t enough

- You have to make it easy for people to use it

- But this reminds me of a great quote from Kent Beck…
- Everything is a tradeoff. (paraphrasing here)

- What makes a good API? There are very few clear answers, instead we have to evaluate tradeoffs
- What’s the API for JVFloatLabeledTextField?
- What’s the API for JVFloatLabeledTextField?
@interface JVFloatLabeledTextField : UITextField
@property (nonatomic, assign)
CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
@property (nonatomic, strong)
@property (nonatomic, strong)
UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
- Really nice, allows you to use UIAppearance
@interface JVFloatLabeledTextField : UITextField
@property (nonatomic, assign)
CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
@property (nonatomic, strong)
@property (nonatomic, strong)
UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
- Really nice, allows you to use UIAppearance
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.f, 0.f, 100.f, 44.f);
JVFloatLabeledTextField *textField =
[[JVFloatLabeledTextField alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
textField.placeholder = @"Price";
textField.floatingLabelYPadding = 10.f;
textField.floatingLabelTextColor = [UIColor blueColor];
- Pretty simple to use

- But it’s a specific class
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.f, 0.f, 100.f, 44.f);
JVFloatLabeledTextField *textField =
[[JVFloatLabeledTextField alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
textField.placeholder = @"Price";
textField.floatingLabelYPadding = 10.f;
textField.floatingLabelTextColor = [UIColor blueColor];
- Pretty simple to use

- But it’s a specific class
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.f, 0.f, 100.f, 44.f);
JVFloatLabeledTextField *textField =
[[JVFloatLabeledTextField alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
textField.placeholder = @"Price";
textField.floatingLabelYPadding = 10.f;
textField.floatingLabelTextColor = [UIColor blueColor];
- Pretty simple to use

- But it’s a specific class
- This is limiting
- MHTextField provides a next/previous input accessory view and scrolling, but is also a subclass

- Subclasses force us to choose one over the other
- MHTextField provides a next/previous input accessory view and scrolling, but is also a subclass

- Subclasses force us to choose one over the other
@interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField)
@property (nonatomic, assign)
CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
@property (nonatomic, strong)
@property (nonatomic, strong)
UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
@interface JVFloatLabeledTextField : UITextField
- A category in ObjC, or an extension in Swift, allows people to use the implementation with *any* text field

- But we can’t add properties on categories/extensions
@interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField)
@property (nonatomic, assign)
CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
@property (nonatomic, strong)
@property (nonatomic, strong)
UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
- A category in ObjC, or an extension in Swift, allows people to use the implementation with *any* text field

- But we can’t add properties on categories/extensions
@interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField)
@property (nonatomic, assign)
CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
@property (nonatomic, strong)
@property (nonatomic, strong)
UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
- A category in ObjC, or an extension in Swift, allows people to use the implementation with *any* text field

- But we can’t add properties on categories/extensions
@interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField) {
CGFloat _floatingLabelYPadding;
@property (nonatomic, assign)
CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
- More precisely, defining a property automatically synthesizes an instance variable

- Can’t do that on a category/extension
@interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField) {
CGFloat _floatingLabelYPadding;
@property (nonatomic, assign)
CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
- More precisely, defining a property automatically synthesizes an instance variable

- Can’t do that on a category/extension
const void * const YPaddingKey = &YPaddingKey;
- (void)setFloatingLabelYPadding:(CGFloat)yPadding {
- (CGFloat)floatingLabelYPadding {
return [objc_getAssociatedObject(self, YPaddingKey)
- An ivar won’t be auto synthesized if you define custom setters and getters

- We can dynamically tack on objects using the runtime
const void * const YPaddingKey = &YPaddingKey;
- (void)setFloatingLabelYPadding:(CGFloat)yPadding {
- (CGFloat)floatingLabelYPadding {
return [objc_getAssociatedObject(self, YPaddingKey)
- An ivar won’t be auto synthesized if you define custom setters and getters

- We can dynamically tack on objects using the runtime
const void * const YPaddingKey = &YPaddingKey;
- (void)setFloatingLabelYPadding:(CGFloat)yPadding {
- (CGFloat)floatingLabelYPadding {
return [objc_getAssociatedObject(self, YPaddingKey)
- An ivar won’t be auto synthesized if you define custom setters and getters

- We can dynamically tack on objects using the runtime
@interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField)
@property (nonatomic, assign)
CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
@property (nonatomic, strong)
@property (nonatomic, strong)
UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
- So we just do the same for every property, right?
@interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField)
@property (nonatomic, assign)
CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
@property (nonatomic, strong)
@property (nonatomic, strong)
UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
- So we just do the same for every property, right?
const void * const YPaddingKey = &YPaddingKey;
const void * const FontKey = &FontKey;
const void * const TextColorKey = &TextColorKey;
- (void)setFloatingLabelYPadding:(CGFloat)yPadding {
- (CGFloat)floatingLabelYPadding {
return [objc_getAssociatedObject(self, YPaddingKey)
- Results in a ton of code for only 3 properties
- (UIFont *)floatingLabelFont {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, FontKey);
- (void)setFloatingLabelTextColor:(UIColor *)color {
- (UIColor *)floatingLabelTextColor {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, TextColorKey);
- Results in a ton of code for only 3 properties
extension UITextField {
var floatingLabelYPadding: CGFloat {
set {
get {
if let padding = objc_getAssociatedObject(
self, YPaddingKey) as? CGFloat {
return padding
} else {
return 0
- In Swift, it’s worse—notice we have to be explicit about the fact that the assoc object might not be set, or may not be the
right type. 

- And so much code!
extension UITextField {
var floatingLabelYPadding: CGFloat {
set {
get {
if let padding = objc_getAssociatedObject(
self, YPaddingKey) as? CGFloat {
return padding
} else {
return 0
- In Swift, it’s worse—notice we have to be explicit about the fact that the assoc object might not be set, or may not be the
right type. 

- And so much code!
set {
get {
if let color = objc_getAssociatedObject(
self, TextColorKey) as? UIColor {
return color
} else {
return UIColor.blackColor()
- In Swift, it’s worse—notice we have to be explicit about the fact that the assoc object might not be set, or may not be the
right type. 

- And so much code!
- Defining two methods for every new property is nuts

- Too much boilerplate code, but also…
// objc4-532/runtime/

// class AssociationsManager manages a lock / hash table
// singleton pair. Allocating an instance acquires the
// lock, and calling its assocations() method
// lazily allocates it.
class AssociationsManager {
static OSSpinLock _lock;
// associative references:
// object pointer -> PtrPtrHashMap.
static AssociationsHashMap *_map;
AssociationsManager() { OSSpinLockLock(&_lock); }
~AssociationsManager() { OSSpinLockUnlock(&_lock); }
- Associated objects are stored in a global hashmap

- The more you add, the worse performance/memory usage gets

- Of course, reference counting also works this way, but…
CGFloat *floatingLabelYPadding
UIFont *floatingLabelFont
UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor
UIColor *floatingLabelActiveColor
BOOL animateEvenIfNotFirstResponder

- Instead, we can encapsulate these properties in a single “options”, or “configuration” object
CGFloat *floatingLabelYPadding
UIFont *floatingLabelFont
UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor
UIColor *floatingLabelActiveColor
BOOL animateEvenIfNotFirstResponder
- Instead, we can encapsulate these properties in a single “options”, or “configuration” object
CGFloat *floatingLabelYPadding
UIFont *floatingLabelFont
UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor
UIColor *floatingLabelActiveColor
BOOL animateEvenIfNotFirstResponder

JVFloatLabeledOptions *options
- Instead, we can encapsulate these properties in a single “options”, or “configuration” object
@interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField)
@property (nonatomic, copy)
JVFloatLabeledOptions *options;
- Now we have just one property, options
@interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField)
@property (nonatomic, copy)
JVFloatLabeledOptions *options;
- Now we have just one property, options
@interface JVFloatLabeledOptions : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, assign)
CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
@property (nonatomic, strong)
@property (nonatomic, strong)
UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
- From within the implementation, we can access properties on this object

- They’re ordinary properties—no runtime
- So what are the tradeoffs of using categories over subclasses?
- You don’t have to choose between one set of functionality or another

- You don’t have to choose floating labels *or* a cool input accessory—you can have both
- Runtime manipulation makes this approach a little less safe, a little less performant
- I used this and other patterns in an open-source UI library I developed last year, MDCSwipeToChoose

- Category on UIView
- I used this and other patterns in an open-source UI library I developed last year, MDCSwipeToChoose

- Category on UIView
MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new];
options.threshold = 130.f;
options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) {
if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
} else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) {
bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
[webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options];
- Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view

- We create the options object and set its properties

- Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer
MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new];
options.threshold = 130.f;
options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) {
if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
} else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) {
bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
[webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options];
- Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view

- We create the options object and set its properties

- Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer
MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new];
options.threshold = 130.f;
options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) {
if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
} else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) {
bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
[webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options];
- Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view

- We create the options object and set its properties

- Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer
MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new];
options.threshold = 130.f;
options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) {
if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
} else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) {
bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
[webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options];
- Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view

- We create the options object and set its properties

- Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer
MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new];
options.threshold = 130.f;
options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) {
if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
} else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) {
bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
[webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options];
- Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view

- We create the options object and set its properties

- Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer
MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new];
options.threshold = 130.f;
options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) {
if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
} else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) {
bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
[webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options];
- Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view

- We create the options object and set its properties

- Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer
MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new];
options.threshold = 130.f;
options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) {
if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
} else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) {
bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
[webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options];
- Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view

- We create the options object and set its properties

- Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer
- The view category is configured has a threshold—when the center of the view moves out of the threshold, it gets swiped

- I don’t have to worry about the threshold changing, or the pan block, or anything
- The view category is configured has a threshold—when the center of the view moves out of the threshold, it gets swiped

- I don’t have to worry about the threshold changing, or the pan block, or anything
- The view category is configured has a threshold—when the center of the view moves out of the threshold, it gets swiped

- I don’t have to worry about the threshold changing, or the pan block, or anything
MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new];
options.threshold = 130.f;
options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) {
if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
} else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) {
bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
[webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options];
- Another thing to note: the pan block takes a single parameter
MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new];
options.threshold = 130.f;
options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) {
if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
} else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) {
bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio;
dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f;
[webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options];
- Another thing to note: the pan block takes a single parameter
// AFNetworking/AFSecurityPolicy.m
- (BOOL)evaluateServerTrust:(SecTrustRef)serverTrust {
return [self evaluateServerTrust:serverTrust
// ...
- With public methods, you can define new methods, and have the old call the new with default parameters
// AFNetworking/AFSecurityPolicy.m
- (BOOL)evaluateServerTrust:(SecTrustRef)serverTrust {
return [self evaluateServerTrust:serverTrust
- (BOOL)evaluateServerTrust:(SecTrustRef)serverTrust
forDomain:(NSString *)domain {
// ...
- With public methods, you can define new methods, and have the old call the new with default parameters
func evaluateServerTrust(
trust: SecTrustRef) -> Bool {
// ...
- Even easier in Swift—just define default parameters
func evaluateServerTrust(
trust: SecTrustRef, domain: String? = nil) -> Bool {
// ...
- Even easier in Swift—just define default parameters
options.onPan = ^(UIView *view,
MDCSwipeDirection direction) {
if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
// ...panning to the left.
- Obj-C or Swift, block params and delegate callbacks lock you into an API

- So if we add a parameter here…
options.onPan = ^(UIView *view,
MDCSwipeDirection direction,
CGFloat thresholdRatio) {
if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
// ...panning to the left.
- Obj-C or Swift, block params and delegate callbacks lock you into an API

- So if we add a parameter here…
view.onPan = ^(UIView *view,
MDCSwipeDirection direction) {
if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
// ...

subview.onPan = ^(UIView *view,
MDCSwipeDirection direction) {
// ...

void (^onPanBlock)(UIView *view,

MDCSwipeDirection direction) = nil;

subview.onPan = onPanBlock;
- …every callsite breaks
view.onPan = ^(UIView *view,
MDCSwipeDirection direction) {
if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
// ...

subview.onPan = ^(UIView *view,
MDCSwipeDirection direction) {
// ...

void (^onPanBlock)(UIView *view,

MDCSwipeDirection direction) = nil;

subview.onPan = onPanBlock;
- …every callsite breaks
options.onPan = ^(UIView *view,
MDCSwipeDirection direction,
CGFloat thresholdRatio) {
if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
// ...panning to the left.
- Instead, you could encapsulate params in an object
options.onPan = ^(UIView *view,
MDCSwipeDirection direction,
CGFloat thresholdRatio) {
if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
// ...panning to the left.
options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) {
if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
- Instead, you could encapsulate params in an object
@interface MDCPanState : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly)
UIView *view;
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly)
MDCSwipeDirection direction; DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly)
CGFloat thresholdRatio;
- This is a design pattern that Martin Fowler calls “parameter objects”

- One benefit is that it’s easy to change

- Deprecation can help you slowly phase out APIs
@interface MDCPanState : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly)
UIView *view;
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly)
MDCSwipeDirection direction; DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly)
CGFloat thresholdRatio;
- This is a design pattern that Martin Fowler calls “parameter objects”

- One benefit is that it’s easy to change

- Deprecation can help you slowly phase out APIs
options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) {
if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
// ...panning to the left.
- Users will see a warning when they attempt to use the deprecated property
options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) {
if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
// ...panning to the left.
- Users will see a warning when they attempt to use the deprecated property
@protocol MDCSwipeToChooseDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)swipeToChooseView:(UIView *)view
- Same goes for delegates and other protocols—changing params is a major version bump

- Use parameter object for future-proofing
@protocol MDCSwipeToChooseDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)swipeToChooseView:(UIView *)view
- Same goes for delegates and other protocols—changing params is a major version bump

- Use parameter object for future-proofing
@protocol MDCSwipeToChooseDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)swipeToChooseView:(UIView *)view
wasChosenWithParameters:(MDCChosenParameters *)params;
- Same goes for delegates and other protocols—changing params is a major version bump

- Use parameter object for future-proofing
- So what are the tradeoffs of parameter objects?
- Future-proof block or protocol APIs
- Small perf overhead of creating object.

- Large dev overhead of defining new class

- Use sparingly, for public APIs that may change?
- You can compose categories, with some runtime hacking
- Configuration objects allow you to initialize an object with a set of parameters you can easily change
- Set it and forget it—if you allow your objects to change and mutate, you’re going to be chasing subtle bugs
- Use parameter objects to version your APIs



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iOS API Design

  • 2. what’sthecoolestthingabout iOSdevelopment? - I’m sure everyone has a different opinion on this
  • 3. - Able to make delightful user interfaces
 - This is JVFloatLabeledTextField - Engrossing interfaces are at the core of the iPhone
  • 4. - Able to make delightful user interfaces
 - This is JVFloatLabeledTextField - Engrossing interfaces are at the core of the iPhone
  • 5. sharingiscaring - With dependency managers like Carthage and CocoaPods, it’s easy to create and share your designs
  • 6. showyoucarewithyourAPI - But just sharing your design isn’t enough
 - You have to make it easy for people to use it - But this reminds me of a great quote from Kent Beck…
  • 7. “🙅” -KentBeck - Everything is a tradeoff. (paraphrasing here)
 - What makes a good API? There are very few clear answers, instead we have to evaluate tradeoffs
  • 8. - What’s the API for JVFloatLabeledTextField?
  • 9. - What’s the API for JVFloatLabeledTextField?
  • 10. @interface JVFloatLabeledTextField : UITextField @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *floatingLabelFont UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @end - Really nice, allows you to use UIAppearance
  • 11. @interface JVFloatLabeledTextField : UITextField @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *floatingLabelFont UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @end - Really nice, allows you to use UIAppearance
  • 12. CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.f, 0.f, 100.f, 44.f); JVFloatLabeledTextField *textField = [[JVFloatLabeledTextField alloc] initWithFrame:frame]; textField.placeholder = @"Price"; textField.floatingLabelYPadding = 10.f; textField.floatingLabelTextColor = [UIColor blueColor]; - Pretty simple to use
 - But it’s a specific class
  • 13. CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.f, 0.f, 100.f, 44.f); JVFloatLabeledTextField *textField = [[JVFloatLabeledTextField alloc] initWithFrame:frame]; textField.placeholder = @"Price"; textField.floatingLabelYPadding = 10.f; textField.floatingLabelTextColor = [UIColor blueColor]; - Pretty simple to use
 - But it’s a specific class
  • 14. CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.f, 0.f, 100.f, 44.f); JVFloatLabeledTextField *textField = [[JVFloatLabeledTextField alloc] initWithFrame:frame]; textField.placeholder = @"Price"; textField.floatingLabelYPadding = 10.f; textField.floatingLabelTextColor = [UIColor blueColor]; - Pretty simple to use
 - But it’s a specific class
  • 16. - MHTextField provides a next/previous input accessory view and scrolling, but is also a subclass
 - Subclasses force us to choose one over the other
  • 17. - MHTextField provides a next/previous input accessory view and scrolling, but is also a subclass
 - Subclasses force us to choose one over the other
  • 18. @interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField) @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *floatingLabelFont UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @end @interface JVFloatLabeledTextField : UITextField - A category in ObjC, or an extension in Swift, allows people to use the implementation with *any* text field
 - But we can’t add properties on categories/extensions
  • 19. @interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField) @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *floatingLabelFont UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @end - A category in ObjC, or an extension in Swift, allows people to use the implementation with *any* text field
 - But we can’t add properties on categories/extensions
  • 20. @interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField) @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *floatingLabelFont UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @end - A category in ObjC, or an extension in Swift, allows people to use the implementation with *any* text field
 - But we can’t add properties on categories/extensions
  • 21. @interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField) { CGFloat _floatingLabelYPadding; } @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @end - More precisely, defining a property automatically synthesizes an instance variable
 - Can’t do that on a category/extension
  • 22. @interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField) { CGFloat _floatingLabelYPadding; } @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @end - More precisely, defining a property automatically synthesizes an instance variable
 - Can’t do that on a category/extension
  • 23. const void * const YPaddingKey = &YPaddingKey; - (void)setFloatingLabelYPadding:(CGFloat)yPadding { objc_setAssociatedObject( self, YPaddingKey, @(yPadding), OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC ); } - (CGFloat)floatingLabelYPadding { return [objc_getAssociatedObject(self, YPaddingKey) floatValue]; } - An ivar won’t be auto synthesized if you define custom setters and getters
 - We can dynamically tack on objects using the runtime
  • 24. const void * const YPaddingKey = &YPaddingKey; - (void)setFloatingLabelYPadding:(CGFloat)yPadding { objc_setAssociatedObject( self, YPaddingKey, @(yPadding), OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC ); } - (CGFloat)floatingLabelYPadding { return [objc_getAssociatedObject(self, YPaddingKey) floatValue]; } - An ivar won’t be auto synthesized if you define custom setters and getters
 - We can dynamically tack on objects using the runtime
  • 25. const void * const YPaddingKey = &YPaddingKey; - (void)setFloatingLabelYPadding:(CGFloat)yPadding { objc_setAssociatedObject( self, YPaddingKey, @(yPadding), OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC ); } - (CGFloat)floatingLabelYPadding { return [objc_getAssociatedObject(self, YPaddingKey) floatValue]; } - An ivar won’t be auto synthesized if you define custom setters and getters
 - We can dynamically tack on objects using the runtime
  • 26. @interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField) @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *floatingLabelFont UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @end - So we just do the same for every property, right?
  • 27. @interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField) @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *floatingLabelFont UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @end - So we just do the same for every property, right?
  • 28. const void * const YPaddingKey = &YPaddingKey; const void * const FontKey = &FontKey; const void * const TextColorKey = &TextColorKey; - (void)setFloatingLabelYPadding:(CGFloat)yPadding { objc_setAssociatedObject( self, YPaddingKey, @(yPadding), OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC ); } - (CGFloat)floatingLabelYPadding { return [objc_getAssociatedObject(self, YPaddingKey) floatValue]; } - Results in a ton of code for only 3 properties
  • 29. } - (UIFont *)floatingLabelFont { return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, FontKey); } - (void)setFloatingLabelTextColor:(UIColor *)color { objc_setAssociatedObject( self, TextColorKey, color, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC ); } - (UIColor *)floatingLabelTextColor { return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, TextColorKey); } - Results in a ton of code for only 3 properties
  • 30. extension UITextField { var floatingLabelYPadding: CGFloat { set { objc_setAssociatedObject( self, YPaddingKey, newValue, UInt(OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN) ) } get { if let padding = objc_getAssociatedObject( self, YPaddingKey) as? CGFloat { return padding } else { return 0 } - In Swift, it’s worse—notice we have to be explicit about the fact that the assoc object might not be set, or may not be the right type. - And so much code!
  • 31. extension UITextField { var floatingLabelYPadding: CGFloat { set { objc_setAssociatedObject( self, YPaddingKey, newValue, UInt(OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN) ) } get { if let padding = objc_getAssociatedObject( self, YPaddingKey) as? CGFloat { return padding } else { return 0 } - In Swift, it’s worse—notice we have to be explicit about the fact that the assoc object might not be set, or may not be the right type. - And so much code!
  • 32. set { objc_setAssociatedObject( self, TextColorKey, newValue, UInt(OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) ) } get { if let color = objc_getAssociatedObject( self, TextColorKey) as? UIColor { return color } else { return UIColor.blackColor() } } } } - In Swift, it’s worse—notice we have to be explicit about the fact that the assoc object might not be set, or may not be the right type. - And so much code!
  • 33. doesn’tscale - Defining two methods for every new property is nuts
 - Too much boilerplate code, but also…
  • 34. // objc4-532/runtime/
 // class AssociationsManager manages a lock / hash table // singleton pair. Allocating an instance acquires the // lock, and calling its assocations() method // lazily allocates it. class AssociationsManager { static OSSpinLock _lock; // associative references: // object pointer -> PtrPtrHashMap. static AssociationsHashMap *_map; public: AssociationsManager() { OSSpinLockLock(&_lock); } ~AssociationsManager() { OSSpinLockUnlock(&_lock); } }; - Associated objects are stored in a global hashmap
 - The more you add, the worse performance/memory usage gets
 - Of course, reference counting also works this way, but…
  • 35. CGFloat *floatingLabelYPadding UIFont *floatingLabelFont UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UIColor *floatingLabelActiveColor BOOL animateEvenIfNotFirstResponder UITextField
 (JVFloatLabeledTextField) - Instead, we can encapsulate these properties in a single “options”, or “configuration” object
  • 36. CGFloat *floatingLabelYPadding UIFont *floatingLabelFont UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UIColor *floatingLabelActiveColor BOOL animateEvenIfNotFirstResponder JVFloatLabeledOptions - Instead, we can encapsulate these properties in a single “options”, or “configuration” object
  • 37. CGFloat *floatingLabelYPadding UIFont *floatingLabelFont UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UIColor *floatingLabelActiveColor BOOL animateEvenIfNotFirstResponder JVFloatLabeledOptions UITextField
 (JVFloatLabeledTextField) JVFloatLabeledOptions *options - Instead, we can encapsulate these properties in a single “options”, or “configuration” object
  • 38. @interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField) @property (nonatomic, copy) JVFloatLabeledOptions *options; @end - Now we have just one property, options
  • 39. @interface UITextField (JVFloatLabeledTextField) @property (nonatomic, copy) JVFloatLabeledOptions *options; @end - Now we have just one property, options
  • 40. @interface JVFloatLabeledOptions : NSObject @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat floatingLabelYPadding UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *floatingLabelFont UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *floatingLabelTextColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; @end - From within the implementation, we can access properties on this object
 - They’re ordinary properties—no runtime
  • 41. 🙅 - So what are the tradeoffs of using categories over subclasses?
  • 42. composemultiplecategories - You don’t have to choose between one set of functionality or another
 - You don’t have to choose floating labels *or* a cool input accessory—you can have both
  • 43. runtimesorcery - Runtime manipulation makes this approach a little less safe, a little less performant
  • 44. - I used this and other patterns in an open-source UI library I developed last year, MDCSwipeToChoose
 - Category on UIView
  • 45. - I used this and other patterns in an open-source UI library I developed last year, MDCSwipeToChoose
 - Category on UIView
  • 46. MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new]; options.threshold = 130.f; options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) { if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; } else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) { bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; } }; [webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options]; - Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view
 - We create the options object and set its properties - Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer feature
  • 47. MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new]; options.threshold = 130.f; options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) { if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; } else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) { bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; } }; [webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options]; - Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view
 - We create the options object and set its properties - Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer feature
  • 48. MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new]; options.threshold = 130.f; options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) { if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; } else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) { bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; } }; [webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options]; - Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view
 - We create the options object and set its properties - Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer feature
  • 49. MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new]; options.threshold = 130.f; options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) { if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; } else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) { bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; } }; [webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options]; - Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view
 - We create the options object and set its properties - Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer feature
  • 50. MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new]; options.threshold = 130.f; options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) { if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; } else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) { bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; } }; [webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options]; - Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view
 - We create the options object and set its properties - Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer feature
  • 51. MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new]; options.threshold = 130.f; options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) { if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; } else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) { bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; } }; [webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options]; - Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view
 - We create the options object and set its properties - Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer feature
  • 52. MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new]; options.threshold = 130.f; options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) { if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; } else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) { bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; } }; [webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options]; - Add swiping behavior to any view—here a web view
 - We create the options object and set its properties - Then we setup the view using the options—this can only be done once, so the properties can’t be changed—a killer feature
  • 53. - The view category is configured has a threshold—when the center of the view moves out of the threshold, it gets swiped offscreen
 - I don’t have to worry about the threshold changing, or the pan block, or anything
  • 54. - The view category is configured has a threshold—when the center of the view moves out of the threshold, it gets swiped offscreen
 - I don’t have to worry about the threshold changing, or the pan block, or anything
  • 55. - The view category is configured has a threshold—when the center of the view moves out of the threshold, it gets swiped offscreen
 - I don’t have to worry about the threshold changing, or the pan block, or anything
  • 56. MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new]; options.threshold = 130.f; options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) { if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; } else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) { bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; } }; [webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options]; - Another thing to note: the pan block takes a single parameter
  • 57. MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new]; options.threshold = 130.f; options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) { if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { bookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; dontBookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; } else if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionRight) { bookmarkView.alpha = state.thresholdRatio; dontBookmarkView.alpha = 0.f; } }; [webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options]; - Another thing to note: the pan block takes a single parameter
  • 58. // AFNetworking/AFSecurityPolicy.m - (BOOL)evaluateServerTrust:(SecTrustRef)serverTrust { return [self evaluateServerTrust:serverTrust forDomain:nil]; } // ... - With public methods, you can define new methods, and have the old call the new with default parameters
  • 59. // AFNetworking/AFSecurityPolicy.m - (BOOL)evaluateServerTrust:(SecTrustRef)serverTrust { return [self evaluateServerTrust:serverTrust forDomain:nil]; } - (BOOL)evaluateServerTrust:(SecTrustRef)serverTrust forDomain:(NSString *)domain { // ... } - With public methods, you can define new methods, and have the old call the new with default parameters
  • 60. func evaluateServerTrust( trust: SecTrustRef) -> Bool { // ... } - Even easier in Swift—just define default parameters
  • 61. func evaluateServerTrust( trust: SecTrustRef, domain: String? = nil) -> Bool { // ... } - Even easier in Swift—just define default parameters
  • 62. options.onPan = ^(UIView *view, MDCSwipeDirection direction) { if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { // ...panning to the left. } }; - Obj-C or Swift, block params and delegate callbacks lock you into an API
 - So if we add a parameter here…
  • 63. options.onPan = ^(UIView *view, MDCSwipeDirection direction, CGFloat thresholdRatio) { if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { // ...panning to the left. } }; - Obj-C or Swift, block params and delegate callbacks lock you into an API
 - So if we add a parameter here…
  • 64. view.onPan = ^(UIView *view, MDCSwipeDirection direction) { if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { // ... } }; 
 subview.onPan = ^(UIView *view, MDCSwipeDirection direction) { // ... };
 void (^onPanBlock)(UIView *view,
 MDCSwipeDirection direction) = nil;
 subview.onPan = onPanBlock; - …every callsite breaks
  • 65. view.onPan = ^(UIView *view, MDCSwipeDirection direction) { if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { // ... } }; 
 subview.onPan = ^(UIView *view, MDCSwipeDirection direction) { // ... };
 void (^onPanBlock)(UIView *view,
 MDCSwipeDirection direction) = nil;
 subview.onPan = onPanBlock; - …every callsite breaks
  • 66. options.onPan = ^(UIView *view, MDCSwipeDirection direction, CGFloat thresholdRatio) { if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { // ...panning to the left. } }; - Instead, you could encapsulate params in an object
  • 67. options.onPan = ^(UIView *view, MDCSwipeDirection direction, CGFloat thresholdRatio) { if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { // ...panning to the left. } }; options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) { if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { - Instead, you could encapsulate params in an object
  • 68. @interface MDCPanState : NSObject @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) UIView *view; @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) MDCSwipeDirection direction; DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGFloat thresholdRatio; @end - This is a design pattern that Martin Fowler calls “parameter objects”
 - One benefit is that it’s easy to change
 - Deprecation can help you slowly phase out APIs
  • 69. @interface MDCPanState : NSObject @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) UIView *view; @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) MDCSwipeDirection direction; DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGFloat thresholdRatio; @end - This is a design pattern that Martin Fowler calls “parameter objects”
 - One benefit is that it’s easy to change
 - Deprecation can help you slowly phase out APIs
  • 70. options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) { if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { // ...panning to the left. } }; - Users will see a warning when they attempt to use the deprecated property
  • 71. options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state) { if (state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) { // ...panning to the left. } }; - Users will see a warning when they attempt to use the deprecated property
  • 72. @protocol MDCSwipeToChooseDelegate <NSObject> @optional - (void)swipeToChooseView:(UIView *)view wasChosenWithDirection:(MDCSwipeDirection)direction; @end - Same goes for delegates and other protocols—changing params is a major version bump
 - Use parameter object for future-proofing
  • 73. @protocol MDCSwipeToChooseDelegate <NSObject> @optional - (void)swipeToChooseView:(UIView *)view wasChosenWithDirection:(MDCSwipeDirection)direction momentum:(CGFloat)momentum; @end - Same goes for delegates and other protocols—changing params is a major version bump
 - Use parameter object for future-proofing
  • 74. @protocol MDCSwipeToChooseDelegate <NSObject> @optional - (void)swipeToChooseView:(UIView *)view wasChosenWithParameters:(MDCChosenParameters *)params; @end - Same goes for delegates and other protocols—changing params is a major version bump
 - Use parameter object for future-proofing
  • 75. 🙅 - So what are the tradeoffs of parameter objects?
  • 77. overhead - Small perf overhead of creating object.
 - Large dev overhead of defining new class
 - Use sparingly, for public APIs that may change?
  • 78. 1.Categoriesvs.Subclasses - You can compose categories, with some runtime hacking
  • 79. 2.Configurationobjects - Configuration objects allow you to initialize an object with a set of parameters you can easily change
  • 80. 3.Alwayspreferimmutability - Set it and forget it—if you allow your objects to change and mutate, you’re going to be chasing subtle bugs
  • 81. 4.Parameterobjects - Use parameter objects to version your APIs