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Unethical JS
JS Misconceptions and Errors
On paper, Giorgio Natili is an engineering lead
at Akamai Technologies where he spearheads
the implementation of the new web apps for the
security products line of Akamai
On the job, Giorgio is a strong proponent of
agile development practices whose passion for
usable, maintainable and testable code is only
surpassed by his determination to make things
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript3
Review the knowledge base that is behind
this presentation
An overview of the hidden gems of JavaScript
and V8
A couple of recommendations to write
effective and maintainable JavaScript
An overview of effective plain JavaScript code
style and techniques
Ethical JavaScript
Unethical, maintainable and readable are three
important adjectives, let’s review them in the context
of JavaScript
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript5
General definition and how it
is applicable to the context of
U The main principles of
maintainable code, and how to
apply them in JavaScript
Maintainable Code
M Readable code is the main
key to write scalable softwares
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript6
Lacking moral principles; unwilling to adhere to proper rules of conduct
General Definition
Not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior
More in Context
Corrupt, illegal, improper, unfair, unprofessional, unscrupulous, wrong, etc.
Which is the first step to make
JavaScript Ethical?
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript8
Maintainable Code
Code should not be rigid and not easy to change, even more, changes should be predictable
Not Rigid
Maintainability is inversely proportional to the amount of time it takes a developer to make a change and the risk that change
will break something
At the heart of maintainability is carefully constructed code that is easy to read
Long Story Short
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript9
Readability Principles
Give your objects and methods names that truly reflect the concept they are modeling, any nontechnical member of the team
should be able to understand the object
Intention-Revealing Interfaces
Calling a function should have a single outcome that is predictable due to the object’s Intention-Revealing Interface
Side-Effect-Free Functions
Avoid to modify the same data structures from different parts of the code, try to minimize race conditions
Standalone objects are ideal because they are not coupled to any other code and they can be understood in isolation
Standalone Objects
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript10
Unreadable Code
const getAction = (newPayload, isRejected) => ({
type: `${type}_${isRejected ? REJECTED : FULFILLED}`,
...newPayload ? {
payload: newPayload
} : {},
...!!meta ? { meta } : {},
...isRejected ? {
error: true
} : {}
Please, Meet the 

@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript12
More Readable
const getAction = (newPayload, isRejected) => ({
type: `${type}_${isRejected ? REJECTED : FULFILLED}`,
...( newPayload ? { payload: newPayload } : {} ),
...( !!meta ? { meta } : {} ),
...( isRejected ? { error: true } : {} )
Know your enemy and you can fight a
hundred battles without disaster Breath…
JavaScript is inconsistent by default, it’s one of the
most misunderstood languages and it wasn't
designed with the goal of being one of the most
diffused programming language
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript15
JavaScript is a language
designed in few days and with
different goals, hereby there
are design flaws
Design Flaws
D The dynamic nature of the
language creates interesting
side effects when types get
Types Conversion
T A deep dive into one of the
most ambiguous “data type”
ever invented
Truthy & Falsy
Operator overloading can be
dangerous, the + operator in
JavaScript is a clear
The Plus (+) Operator
P How the value of the this
keyword changes, it is a
reference to the object that
“owns” the executing code
Execution Context
EDifferences, similarities and
gotchas of the two most
important JavaScript’s data
Objects & Arrays
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript16
Design Flaws
If someone forgets to declare a variable as local before using it, subtle gremlins can pop up in a program
Variables are global unless declared local
Types are coerced unexpectedly by smart and fast run times
Messy Type Handling
Null belongs to a kind of object [Object], mean the object is empty; undefined is a data type, that is not defined
null and undefined
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript17
Type Conversion
Type conversion behaves differently according to the type the interpreter is expecting and to the operator in the expression
Automatic Type Conversion
Most arithmetic operators in Javascript convert their arguments to numbers, the exception is the plus operator
Addictive Overload
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript18
Conversion Madness
let pi = Math.PI,
str = ""+ pi, // to string
int = ~~pi, // to integer
float = 1 * str, // to float
bool = !!pi, // to boolean
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript19
Truthy & Falsy
Like most computer languages, JavaScript supports Boolean data types
Boolean Data Types
In addition, everything in JavaScript has an inherent Boolean value, generally known as either truthy or falsy
JavaScript Madeness
When a value is truthy or falsy in JavaScript, it doesn’t mean that the value is true or false; it means that the value coerces to
true or false when evaluated in a boolean context
Practically Speaking
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript20
Falsy Values
0 (zero)
"" (empty string)
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript21
Comparing Falsy Values
false == 0; // true
false == ""; // true
0 == ""; // true
null == false; // false
null == null; // true
undefined == undefined; // true
undefined == null; // true
NaN == null; // false
NaN == NaN; // false
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript22
The Falsehood of false
let hello = (value) => {
if (!value) {
return `Bye ${value}`;
return `Hi ${value}`;
hello(false); // 'Bye false'
hello(null); // 'Bye null'
hello([]); // 'Hi '
hello(new Boolean(false)); // 'Hi false'
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript23
Say it again, please…
Write safer code by using the strict
comparison operator (===)
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript25
The Plus (+) Operator
This operator is used to concatenate strings or sum the numbers
Concatenate and Sum
Considering that only strings and numbers can be added, the runtime apply data type conversions to keep the values around
the operator consistent
Automatic Conversion
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript26
Automatic Conversion
let a = "12";
+a; // -> Number(a) -> 12
a + "hello"; // -> String(a) + "hello" -> 12hello
"hello" + a; // -> "hello" + String(b)
a + 6; // -> Number(a) + 6
6 + a; // -> 6 + Number(b)
let b = "wtf";
a + b; // -> ToPrimitive(a) + ToPrimitive(b) -> 12wtf
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript27
ToPrimitive(input, PreferredType?)
• If input is primitive, return it as is
• Otherwise, if input is an object, calls obj.valueOf(); if the result is
primitive, return it
• Otherwise, call obj.toString(); if the result is a primitive, return it
• Otherwise, throw a TypeError
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript28
Unexpected Behavior
[] + []; // -> ''
[] + {}; // -> '[object Object]'
{} + {}; // -> NaN
{} + []; // -> 0
[1, 3, 5] + 1; // -> "1,3,51"
10 + true; // -> 11
8 + null; // -> 8
12 + undefined; // -> NaN
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript29
Where is this?
let obj = {
name: 'giorgio',
sayHi: function(msg) {
console.log(`Hi, I'm ${}`, msg);
}, otherObject = { name: 'mario' };
let speak = obj.sayHi;
speak('nice to meet you'); // -> Hi, I'm nice to meet you, 'nice to meet you'); // -> Hi, I'm mario nice to meet you
speak.apply(obj, ['nice to meet you']); // -> Hi, I'm giorgio nice to meet you
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript30
Object and Array
Every object in JavaScript is an associative array whose keys are strings; when an object other than a string is used as a key
in JavaScript, no error occurs
Objects are Associative Arrays
Arrays are a type of object (off course!) for storing multiple values in a single variable where each value gets numeric index
Array-like objects look like arrays, they have various numbered elements and a length property; but that’s where the
similarity stops (aka document.forms)
Array-like Objects
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript31
Unexpected Behavior
let foo = new Object();
let bar = new Object;
let map = {};
map[foo] = "foo";
map[bar] = "bar";
console.log(map[foo]); // -> "bar"
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript32
WTF ?!?
Do you not destroy your enemies when you
make them your friends?
Plain JavaScript
An overview of data structures, loops, execution
context and hidden gems of JavaScript and its
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript35
Implementing hash tables in
JavaScript using ES6 API
Hash Tables
H Exploring the nasty truth about
Arrays in JavaScript
A Gotchas and improvements of
loops in JavaScript
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript36
Hash Tables
In JavaScript, all non-scalar objects behave as associative arrays; the object can use other objects or strings as keys
Hash Tables in JavaScript
The truth is that hash tables don’t exist in JavaScript because an object by default inherits the methods of the Object data
Inheritance Issue
Creating an object with a null prototype is a solution to mitigate the inheritance issue
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript37
Objects Based Hash Tables
let hash = {};
hash['name'] = 'giorgio';
hash['surname'] = 'natili';
for(let i in hash) {
console.log(`${i} ${hash[i]}`);
console.log(typeof hash); // -> object
console.log(hash.hasOwnProperty('surname')); // -> true
console.log(!!hash['surname']); // -> true
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript38
ES6 Hash Tables (Map)
let map = new Map()
map.set('name', 'giorgio');
map.set('surname', 'natili');
map.forEach((item) => { console.log(item); })
console.log(map.get('name')); // -> giorgio
console.log(map.get('surname')); // -> natili
Wait a minute, are you forgetting about Set?
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript40
ES6 Hash Tables (Set)
let set = new Set(['giorgio', 'natili'])
for (let x of set) {
Jenniffer W. DoeMinimal X Template41
Map & Set
There is a strong symmetry between Map and
Set, but these data structures should be used
in the right scenario
Same same, but different
Map and Set constructors and methods are
both chainable
Both Map and Set are available in a weak
flavor that facilitate garbage collection and
prevent potential memory leaks
Weak Collections
Both Map and Set get designed with the
iteration use case in mind, the entries()
and values() methods represent the
standard way to iterate over collections
Hash Tables still not exist, but at least
collections are predictable
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript43
In JavaScript, there isn’t an Array datatype, the result of the comparison typeof [] == 'object' is true
The numeric keys used to access the elements of an Array are strings
The length property is not read only, by incrementing or decrementing it, you actually change the data structure
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript44
Array Length
let data = ['First', 'Second', 'Third'];
console.log(data.length, data); // -> 3, ["First", "Second", "Third"]
console.log(data.length, data); // -> 2, ["First", "Second"]
console.log(data.length, data); // -> 3, ["First", "Second", undefined]
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript45
Looping and Iterating
The for-in statement by itself is not a "bad practice", however it can be mis-used, for example, to iterate over arrays or
array-like objects data rather than on their properties
Looping Over Properties
The for-of is the most concise, direct syntax for looping through array and array-like objects elements; it avoids all the
pitfalls of for–in and works with break, continue, and return
Looping Over Data
The map(), filter(), and reduce() methods are a key element to get a cleaner syntax to filter data structures
Mapping and Filtering
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript46
The for-in & for-of
let array = ['First', 'Second', 'Third']; = "Cool!";
for (let p in array) {
console.log(p); // -> 0, 1, 2, name
for (let p of array) {
console.log(p); // -> "First", "Second", "Third"
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript47
Not so bad
Poor Naming
Poor naming is a cross language issue, anyway,
JavaScript dynamic nature deeply influence naming
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript49
Poor variable names are one
of the root causes of bugs and
V A function is an action, poor
function names make your
code difficult to understand
F Classes try to group traits and
behaviors of a software, poor
naming brings to
unmaintainable models
Modules are another tool to
group reusable code, poor
modules naming seriously
impact code readability
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript50
let data = ['First', 'Second', 'Third'];
let total = data.length;
let that = this;
let e1, e2;
e1 = document.getElementById('value1').innerHTML;
e1 = document.getElementById('value2').innerHTML;
if (e1 > e2) {
// Do something
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript51
function showFailureTextDiv(flag) {
if (parseInt(flag) == 0) {
document.getElementById('FailureTextDiv').style.display = "block";
}else {
document.getElementById('FailureTextDiv').style.display = "none";
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript52
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript53
import { utils } from 'utils/utils.js';
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript54
Somewhere During Code Review
Ethical JS
Writing idiomatic JavaScript is the first step to write
ethical code, on top of this it’s mandatory to apply
best practices and master the platform
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript56
Review in practice how to
master the execution context
of JavaScript
Execution Context
Rethink how use a function,
return always a value and
minimize side effects
Evolve the code base to have
a more manageable software
A Code readability starts with
good names, and a clean
Clean Syntax
A quick overview of a couple
of libraries that can help
improving your JavaScript
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript57
Mastering Execution Context
Never pass the context around by trapping it in variables that get enclosed in a closure, use the Function and Reflect API
Take Advantage of the Context
Be accurate when passing arguments to functions executed within a different context, avoid null values proliferating around
the code base
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript58
Execution Context
let func = () => {
return arguments.length;
func.apply(void 0, null); // -> 0
Reflect.apply(func, void 0, null); // -> TypeError
let obj = document.createElement('object');
typeof obj; // -> "function", can be called
obj.apply; // -> undefined, no Function.prototype
Reflect.apply(obj, thisArg, argList); // -> works properly
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript59
Reflect vs Object
The Reflect module is a more natural place for many of the reflection methods previously defined on Object
Many operations in Reflect are similar to ES5 operations defined on Object, such as
Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor and Reflect.defineProperty; anyway, the return value is usually more
Return Values
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript60
Clean Syntax
Never pass the context around by trapping it in variables that get enclosed in a closure, use the Function and Reflect API
Use the Context
Be accurate when passing arguments to functions executed within a different context, avoid null values proliferating around
the code base
The map(), filter(), and reduce() methods are a key element to get a cleaner syntax to filter data structures
Mapping and Filtering
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript61
Parens, Braces, Linebreaks
// Examples of really cramped syntax
if(condition) doSomething();
while(condition) iterating++;
for(var i=0;i<100;i++) someIterativeFn();
// Use whitespace to promote readability
if ( condition ) {
// statements
while ( condition ) {
// statements
for ( var i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
// statements
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript62
Assignments, Declarations, Function
// Bad
var foo = "",
bar = "";
var qux;
function foo() {
// some statements here
var bar = "",
// Good
var foo = "";
var bar = "";
var qux;
function foo() {
var bar = "",
// all statements after the variables declarations.
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript63
Early Returns
function returnLate( foo ) {
var ret;
if ( foo ) {
ret = "foo";
} else {
ret = "bar";
return ret;
function returnEarly( foo ) {
if ( foo ) {
return "foo";
return "bar";
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript64
Mastering Coercions
// coercions
string === number; // -> false
string === number + ""; // -> true
+string === number; // -> true
bool === number; // -> false
+bool === number; // -> true
bool === string; // -> false
bool === !!string; // -> true
// evaluate truthiness
if ( array.length > 0 )
if ( array.length ) // -> Better
if ( array.length === 0 )
if ( !array.length ) // -> Better
if ( string !== "" )
if ( string ) // -> Better
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript65
Be Functional
It’s not a buzzword, it’s a true different way to think about data structures and functions
Functions are side effects free and always return a value
Threat your model as a single source of truth
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript66
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript67
RxJS is an implementation of the Observer pattern on steroids, it hides the complexity of loops and observing / subscribing
Hide Complexity
It provides built in operators to debounce, take, throttle, etc. data streams
Built-in Operators
By hiding the complexity, RxJS provide a pragmatic approach to declarative programming
Declarative Approach
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript68
Declarative Programming
const task_stream =
// Makes a stream of all the tasks in the database
// Get tasks only for this user
filter((task) => task.user_id == user_id).
// Get tasks that are uncompleted
filter((task) => !task.completed).
// Only get name of task
map((task) =>
Always write code as the maintainer is a
psychopath that knows where you live
Try to oversimplify modules, and to keep the
code simple
Never fight for a standard, fight only for
maintainability and readability
Write easy to test code, when tests get
complicated there are design flaws
When there’s no way to avoid complexity,
hide it with an abstraction layer
@giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript76
Write Ethical JS Modern API Track the Tech Debt Remove Unneeded Code
There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the
other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult..
-C.A.R. Hoare

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  • 2. UnethicalJavaScript IMAGE 2 @giorgionatili On paper, Giorgio Natili is an engineering lead at Akamai Technologies where he spearheads the implementation of the new web apps for the security products line of Akamai On the job, Giorgio is a strong proponent of agile development practices whose passion for usable, maintainable and testable code is only surpassed by his determination to make things work.
  • 3. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript3 Agenda Review the knowledge base that is behind this presentation Definitions An overview of the hidden gems of JavaScript and V8 Misconceptions A couple of recommendations to write effective and maintainable JavaScript Conclusions An overview of effective plain JavaScript code style and techniques Ethical JavaScript
  • 4. UnethicalJavaScript4 Intro Unethical, maintainable and readable are three important adjectives, let’s review them in the context of JavaScript
  • 5. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript5 Topics General definition and how it is applicable to the context of JavaScript Unethical U The main principles of maintainable code, and how to apply them in JavaScript Maintainable Code M Readable code is the main key to write scalable softwares Readability R
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  • 8. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript8 Maintainable Code Code should not be rigid and not easy to change, even more, changes should be predictable Not Rigid Maintainability is inversely proportional to the amount of time it takes a developer to make a change and the risk that change will break something Measurable At the heart of maintainability is carefully constructed code that is easy to read Long Story Short
  • 9. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript9 Readability Principles Give your objects and methods names that truly reflect the concept they are modeling, any nontechnical member of the team should be able to understand the object Intention-Revealing Interfaces Calling a function should have a single outcome that is predictable due to the object’s Intention-Revealing Interface Side-Effect-Free Functions Avoid to modify the same data structures from different parts of the code, try to minimize race conditions Immutability Standalone objects are ideal because they are not coupled to any other code and they can be understood in isolation Standalone Objects
  • 10. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript10 Unreadable Code const getAction = (newPayload, isRejected) => ({ type: `${type}_${isRejected ? REJECTED : FULFILLED}`, ...newPayload ? { payload: newPayload } : {}, ...!!meta ? { meta } : {}, ...isRejected ? { error: true } : {} });
  • 11. Please, Meet the 
  • 12. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript12 More Readable const getAction = (newPayload, isRejected) => ({ type: `${type}_${isRejected ? REJECTED : FULFILLED}`, ...( newPayload ? { payload: newPayload } : {} ), ...( !!meta ? { meta } : {} ), ...( isRejected ? { error: true } : {} ) });
  • 13. Know your enemy and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster Breath…
  • 14. UnethicalJavaScript14 Inconsistency JavaScript is inconsistent by default, it’s one of the most misunderstood languages and it wasn't designed with the goal of being one of the most diffused programming language
  • 15. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript15 Topics JavaScript is a language designed in few days and with different goals, hereby there are design flaws Design Flaws D The dynamic nature of the language creates interesting side effects when types get converted Types Conversion T A deep dive into one of the most ambiguous “data type” ever invented Truthy & Falsy W Operator overloading can be dangerous, the + operator in JavaScript is a clear demonstration The Plus (+) Operator P How the value of the this keyword changes, it is a reference to the object that “owns” the executing code Execution Context EDifferences, similarities and gotchas of the two most important JavaScript’s data structures Objects & Arrays O
  • 16. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript16 Design Flaws If someone forgets to declare a variable as local before using it, subtle gremlins can pop up in a program Variables are global unless declared local Types are coerced unexpectedly by smart and fast run times Messy Type Handling Null belongs to a kind of object [Object], mean the object is empty; undefined is a data type, that is not defined null and undefined
  • 17. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript17 Type Conversion Type conversion behaves differently according to the type the interpreter is expecting and to the operator in the expression Automatic Type Conversion Most arithmetic operators in Javascript convert their arguments to numbers, the exception is the plus operator Addictive Overload
  • 18. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript18 Conversion Madness let pi = Math.PI, str = ""+ pi, // to string int = ~~pi, // to integer float = 1 * str, // to float bool = !!pi, // to boolean
  • 19. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript19 Truthy & Falsy Like most computer languages, JavaScript supports Boolean data types Boolean Data Types In addition, everything in JavaScript has an inherent Boolean value, generally known as either truthy or falsy JavaScript Madeness When a value is truthy or falsy in JavaScript, it doesn’t mean that the value is true or false; it means that the value coerces to true or false when evaluated in a boolean context Practically Speaking
  • 20. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript20 Falsy Values false void 0 (zero) "" (empty string) null undefined NaN
  • 21. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript21 Comparing Falsy Values false == 0; // true false == ""; // true 0 == ""; // true null == false; // false null == null; // true undefined == undefined; // true undefined == null; // true NaN == null; // false NaN == NaN; // false
  • 22. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript22 The Falsehood of false let hello = (value) => { if (!value) { return `Bye ${value}`; } return `Hi ${value}`; } hello(false); // 'Bye false' hello(null); // 'Bye null' hello([]); // 'Hi ' hello(new Boolean(false)); // 'Hi false'
  • 24. Write safer code by using the strict comparison operator (===)
  • 25. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript25 The Plus (+) Operator This operator is used to concatenate strings or sum the numbers Concatenate and Sum Considering that only strings and numbers can be added, the runtime apply data type conversions to keep the values around the operator consistent Automatic Conversion
  • 26. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript26 Automatic Conversion let a = "12"; +a; // -> Number(a) -> 12 a + "hello"; // -> String(a) + "hello" -> 12hello "hello" + a; // -> "hello" + String(b) a + 6; // -> Number(a) + 6 6 + a; // -> 6 + Number(b) let b = "wtf"; a + b; // -> ToPrimitive(a) + ToPrimitive(b) -> 12wtf
  • 27. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript27 ToPrimitive ToPrimitive(input, PreferredType?) • If input is primitive, return it as is • Otherwise, if input is an object, calls obj.valueOf(); if the result is primitive, return it • Otherwise, call obj.toString(); if the result is a primitive, return it • Otherwise, throw a TypeError
  • 28. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript28 Unexpected Behavior [] + []; // -> '' [] + {}; // -> '[object Object]' {} + {}; // -> NaN {} + []; // -> 0 [1, 3, 5] + 1; // -> "1,3,51" 10 + true; // -> 11 8 + null; // -> 8 12 + undefined; // -> NaN
  • 29. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript29 Where is this? let obj = { name: 'giorgio', sayHi: function(msg) { console.log(`Hi, I'm ${}`, msg); } }, otherObject = { name: 'mario' }; let speak = obj.sayHi; speak('nice to meet you'); // -> Hi, I'm nice to meet you, 'nice to meet you'); // -> Hi, I'm mario nice to meet you speak.apply(obj, ['nice to meet you']); // -> Hi, I'm giorgio nice to meet you
  • 30. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript30 Object and Array Every object in JavaScript is an associative array whose keys are strings; when an object other than a string is used as a key in JavaScript, no error occurs Objects are Associative Arrays Arrays are a type of object (off course!) for storing multiple values in a single variable where each value gets numeric index Arrays Array-like objects look like arrays, they have various numbered elements and a length property; but that’s where the similarity stops (aka document.forms) Array-like Objects
  • 31. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript31 Unexpected Behavior let foo = new Object(); let bar = new Object; let map = {}; map[foo] = "foo"; map[bar] = "bar"; console.log(map[foo]); // -> "bar"
  • 33. Do you not destroy your enemies when you make them your friends?
  • 34. UnethicalJavaScript34 Plain JavaScript An overview of data structures, loops, execution context and hidden gems of JavaScript and its runtimes
  • 35. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript35 Topics Implementing hash tables in JavaScript using ES6 API Hash Tables H Exploring the nasty truth about Arrays in JavaScript Arrays A Gotchas and improvements of loops in JavaScript Loops L
  • 36. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript36 Hash Tables In JavaScript, all non-scalar objects behave as associative arrays; the object can use other objects or strings as keys Hash Tables in JavaScript The truth is that hash tables don’t exist in JavaScript because an object by default inherits the methods of the Object data type Inheritance Issue Creating an object with a null prototype is a solution to mitigate the inheritance issue Mitigation
  • 37. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript37 Objects Based Hash Tables let hash = {}; hash['name'] = 'giorgio'; hash['surname'] = 'natili'; for(let i in hash) { console.log(`${i} ${hash[i]}`); } console.log(typeof hash); // -> object console.log(hash.hasOwnProperty('surname')); // -> true console.log(!!hash['surname']); // -> true
  • 38. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript38 ES6 Hash Tables (Map) let map = new Map() map.set('name', 'giorgio'); map.set('surname', 'natili'); map.forEach((item) => { console.log(item); }) console.log(map.get('name')); // -> giorgio console.log(map.get('surname')); // -> natili
  • 39. Wait a minute, are you forgetting about Set?
  • 40. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript40 ES6 Hash Tables (Set) let set = new Set(['giorgio', 'natili']) .add(42); for (let x of set) { console.log(x); }
  • 41. Jenniffer W. DoeMinimal X Template41 Map & Set There is a strong symmetry between Map and Set, but these data structures should be used in the right scenario Same same, but different Map and Set constructors and methods are both chainable Chainable Both Map and Set are available in a weak flavor that facilitate garbage collection and prevent potential memory leaks Weak Collections Both Map and Set get designed with the iteration use case in mind, the entries() and values() methods represent the standard way to iterate over collections Iterable
  • 42. Hash Tables still not exist, but at least collections are predictable
  • 43. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript43 Arrays In JavaScript, there isn’t an Array datatype, the result of the comparison typeof [] == 'object' is true Existence The numeric keys used to access the elements of an Array are strings Keys The length property is not read only, by incrementing or decrementing it, you actually change the data structure Length
  • 44. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript44 Array Length let data = ['First', 'Second', 'Third']; console.log(data.length, data); // -> 3, ["First", "Second", "Third"] data.length--; console.log(data.length, data); // -> 2, ["First", "Second"] data.length++; console.log(data.length, data); // -> 3, ["First", "Second", undefined]
  • 45. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript45 Looping and Iterating The for-in statement by itself is not a "bad practice", however it can be mis-used, for example, to iterate over arrays or array-like objects data rather than on their properties Looping Over Properties The for-of is the most concise, direct syntax for looping through array and array-like objects elements; it avoids all the pitfalls of for–in and works with break, continue, and return Looping Over Data The map(), filter(), and reduce() methods are a key element to get a cleaner syntax to filter data structures Mapping and Filtering
  • 46. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript46 The for-in & for-of let array = ['First', 'Second', 'Third']; = "Cool!"; for (let p in array) { console.log(p); // -> 0, 1, 2, name } for (let p of array) { console.log(p); // -> "First", "Second", "Third" }
  • 48. UnethicalJavaScript48 Poor Naming Poor naming is a cross language issue, anyway, JavaScript dynamic nature deeply influence naming conventions.
  • 49. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript49 Topics Poor variable names are one of the root causes of bugs and regressions Variables V A function is an action, poor function names make your code difficult to understand Functions F Classes try to group traits and behaviors of a software, poor naming brings to unmaintainable models Classes C Modules are another tool to group reusable code, poor modules naming seriously impact code readability Modules M
  • 50. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript50 Variables let data = ['First', 'Second', 'Third']; let total = data.length; let that = this; let e1, e2; e1 = document.getElementById('value1').innerHTML; e1 = document.getElementById('value2').innerHTML; if (e1 > e2) { // Do something }
  • 51. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript51 Functions function showFailureTextDiv(flag) { if (parseInt(flag) == 0) { document.getElementById('FailureTextDiv').style.display = "block"; }else { document.getElementById('FailureTextDiv').style.display = "none"; } return; }
  • 55. UnethicalJavaScript55 Ethical JS Writing idiomatic JavaScript is the first step to write ethical code, on top of this it’s mandatory to apply best practices and master the platform ethical
  • 56. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript56 Topics Review in practice how to master the execution context of JavaScript Execution Context M Rethink how use a function, return always a value and minimize side effects Functional F Evolve the code base to have a more manageable software ESNext API A Code readability starts with good names, and a clean syntax Clean Syntax D A quick overview of a couple of libraries that can help improving your JavaScript Libraries L
  • 57. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript57 Mastering Execution Context Never pass the context around by trapping it in variables that get enclosed in a closure, use the Function and Reflect API instead Take Advantage of the Context Be accurate when passing arguments to functions executed within a different context, avoid null values proliferating around the code base Arguments
  • 58. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript58 Execution Context let func = () => { return arguments.length; } func.apply(void 0, null); // -> 0 Reflect.apply(func, void 0, null); // -> TypeError let obj = document.createElement('object'); typeof obj; // -> "function", can be called obj.apply; // -> undefined, no Function.prototype Reflect.apply(obj, thisArg, argList); // -> works properly
  • 59. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript59 Reflect vs Object The Reflect module is a more natural place for many of the reflection methods previously defined on Object Reflection Many operations in Reflect are similar to ES5 operations defined on Object, such as Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor and Reflect.defineProperty; anyway, the return value is usually more meaningful Return Values
  • 60. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript60 Clean Syntax Never pass the context around by trapping it in variables that get enclosed in a closure, use the Function and Reflect API instead Use the Context Be accurate when passing arguments to functions executed within a different context, avoid null values proliferating around the code base Arguments The map(), filter(), and reduce() methods are a key element to get a cleaner syntax to filter data structures Mapping and Filtering
  • 61. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript61 Parens, Braces, Linebreaks // Examples of really cramped syntax if(condition) doSomething(); while(condition) iterating++; for(var i=0;i<100;i++) someIterativeFn(); // Use whitespace to promote readability if ( condition ) { // statements } while ( condition ) { // statements } for ( var i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) { // statements }
  • 62. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript62 Assignments, Declarations, Function // Bad var foo = "", bar = ""; var qux; function foo() { // some statements here var bar = "", qux; } // Good var foo = ""; var bar = ""; var qux; function foo() { var bar = "", qux; // all statements after the variables declarations. }
  • 63. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript63 Early Returns function returnLate( foo ) { var ret; if ( foo ) { ret = "foo"; } else { ret = "bar"; } return ret; } function returnEarly( foo ) { if ( foo ) { return "foo"; } return "bar"; }
  • 64. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript64 Mastering Coercions // coercions string === number; // -> false string === number + ""; // -> true +string === number; // -> true bool === number; // -> false +bool === number; // -> true bool === string; // -> false bool === !!string; // -> true // evaluate truthiness if ( array.length > 0 ) if ( array.length ) // -> Better if ( array.length === 0 ) if ( !array.length ) // -> Better if ( string !== "" ) if ( string ) // -> Better
  • 65. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript65 Be Functional It’s not a buzzword, it’s a true different way to think about data structures and functions Buzzword Functions are side effects free and always return a value Functions Threat your model as a single source of truth Immutability
  • 67. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript67 RxJS RxJS is an implementation of the Observer pattern on steroids, it hides the complexity of loops and observing / subscribing Hide Complexity It provides built in operators to debounce, take, throttle, etc. data streams Built-in Operators By hiding the complexity, RxJS provide a pragmatic approach to declarative programming Declarative Approach
  • 68. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript68 Declarative Programming const task_stream = // Makes a stream of all the tasks in the database getTasks(). // Get tasks only for this user filter((task) => task.user_id == user_id). // Get tasks that are uncompleted filter((task) => !task.completed). // Only get name of task map((task) =>
  • 70. Always write code as the maintainer is a psychopath that knows where you live
  • 71. Try to oversimplify modules, and to keep the code simple
  • 72. Never fight for a standard, fight only for maintainability and readability
  • 73. Write easy to test code, when tests get complicated there are design flaws
  • 74. When there’s no way to avoid complexity, hide it with an abstraction layer
  • 76. @giorgionatiliUnethical JavaScript76 Thanks! Write Ethical JS Modern API Track the Tech Debt Remove Unneeded Code There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult.. -C.A.R. Hoare