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Introduction to Science
Socrates (469 B.C. - 399 B.C.), Plato (427 B.C. - 347 B.C.), and
Aristotle (384
B.C. - 322 B.C.) are among the most famous of the Greek
(Figure 1). Plato was a student of Socrates, and Aristotle was a
student of Pla-
to. These three philosophers are considered to be the greatest
thinkers of
their time.
Aristotle’s views on science profoundly shaped medieval
academics, and his
influence extended into the Renaissance (14
- 16
century). His opinions
were the authority on science well into the 1300s.
Unfortunately, the philoso-
pher’s method was logical thinking and did not involve making
direct observa-
tions on the natural world. As a result, many of Aristotle’s
opinions were incor-
rect. Although he was extremely intelligent, he used a method
for determining
the nature of science that was insufficient for the task. For
example, in Aris-
totle’s opinion, men were bigger than women. Therefore, he
made the de-
duction that men would have more teeth than women. It is
assumed that he
never actually looked into the mouths of both men and women
and counted
their teeth. If he had, he would have found that males and
females have ex-
actly the same number of teeth (Figure 2).
In the 16
and 17
centuries, innovative thinkers began developing a new
way to investigate the world around them. They were
developing a method
that relied upon making observations of phenomena and trying
to explain
why that phenomena occurred. From these techniques, the
scientific method
was born. The scientific method is a process of investigation
that involves
Figure 1: Neoclassical statue
of ancient Greek philosopher,
Plato, in front of the Academy
of Athens in Greece.
Figure 2: Humans—male and
female—have 20 baby teeth
and 32 permanent teeth.
experimentation and observation to acquire new knowledge,
solve problems, and answer questions. Scien-
tists eventually perfected the methods and reduced it to a series
of steps (Figure 3).
Today, the scientific method is used as a systematic approach to
solving problems. Science begins with ob-
servations. Once enough observations or results from
preliminary library or experimental research have been
collected, a hypothesis can be constructed. Experiments then
either verify or disprove the hypothesis. If
enough evidence can support a hypothesis, the hypothesis can
become a theory, or proven fact. Theories
can be further refined by other hypotheses and experimentation.
An example of this is how we further refine
our knowledge of germ theory by learning about specific
pathogens. A scientific law is a summary of obser-
vations in which there are no current exceptions using the most
recent technology. It can be a general state-
ment, like the Law of Gravity (what goes up must come down),
or a mathematical relationship, like Newton’s
Law (F = ma). Scientific laws can be broken and theories can be
proven wrong as technology improves and
provides results that are exceptions to them.
The scientific method attempts to minimize the influence of bias
or prejudice in the person conducting the ex-
periment. It is human nature to have some sort of bias, and even
the best-intentioned scientists can’t escape
bias. However, in the fields of science where results have to be
reviewed and duplicated, bias must be avoid-
ed at all costs. The scientific method provides an objective
(non-biased), standardized (easily duplicated) ap-
proach to conducting experiments. Throughout this lab you will
access a series of four videos. These
videos describe the steps of the scientific method and will
provide the content necessary to answer
the post-lab questions. To further understand the scientific
method, let’s take a closer look at what each of
the steps entails. Please click on the link below to watch the
video, gain a better understand the scien-
tific method, and answer the post-lab questions.
Video 1:
Figure 3: A scientific investigation begins with an observation.
The first step in the scientific method is observation. This step
often comes naturally by watching things going
on around the world, noticing different trends, and developing
questions when something is confusing. Keep
in mind that scientists don’t just use their eyes to form an
observation. Instead, they use all of their senses to
completely observe something. The more you pay attention to
your surroundings, the more you will begin to
think like a scientist. Note that your observations don’t have to
be oriented around typical “science” things. For
instance, scientific observations don’t have to be about textbook
chemicals or reactions—they can be about
the environment, cooking, people, etc.
Gathering as much information as you can on your topic of
interest is important because you may discover
that someone has already performed an experiment on your
observation. In addition, the more information
you have on your observation of interest, the easier it will be to
make a well-informed and educated prediction
regarding what you think might happen during your experiment.
Based on your observation(s), a question can be developed.
Keep in mind that not every question is a
“good” question to test with the scientific method. In this lab,
we will focus on “testable” questions, or ques-
tions that can be used to construct experiments. These are
questions that can be answered by doing a labor-
atory investigation. They are not opinion questions or questions
that can be answered by doing research in a
book or on the internet.
Developing a good question is important because it gives your
experiment direction and informs others of
what questions you are trying to answer in your experiment. It
must be clear. A question such as “How do stu-
dents learn best?” is not clear because there are many different
ways to test it. A better question might be “Do
students learn better before or after sleeping?” because it only
tests one particular variable. Keep in mind that
you must be able to measure the results in some way for it to be
considered a testable question.
A hypothesis is a type of prediction that forecasts (predicts)
how changing one part of an experiment will af-
fect the results. It is not a guess. It is an informed and well-
thought out prediction based upon your back-
ground research. Many times, a hypothesis is best written in the
“If _________, then ________” format. The
blank space after the “if” describes the independent variable
(e.g., the experimental component that scientists
intentionally manipulate and control). The blank space after the
“then” describes the dependent variable (e.g.,
the predicted result of the change). Please click on the link
below to watch the video, learn more about the
initial steps of the scientific method and answer the post-lab
Video 2:
After you have created a question, scientists construct a hy-
pothesis. However, in order to do this, the experimental varia-
bles must first be determined. Variables are conditions that
could affect the outcome of an experiment. Think about all of
the different things that might affect how well a student
on a test. The amount of sleep, how long they studied, how well
they paid attention in class, if they are feeling well could affect
how well they perform.
Successful experiments incorporate as few variables as possi-
ble. However, you will always have three types of variables
(Figure 4):
The independent variable is what you change in an experi-
ment. Conversely, the dependent variable is what you meas-
ure in an experiment (e.g., the results) (Figure 4). There is also
a variable called the controlled variable. This accounts for the
condition (or conditions) that must remain constant in an
ment. Experiments require controlled variables so that you can
determine if the independent variable actually caused the result
or if it was something else. In a perfect world,
all of the variables would be controlled except for the
independent variables. This can be difficult to achieve
but is a very important goal.
The procedure step is the writing of the materials used and the
steps followed when conducting an investiga-
tion. The materials list must be complete and the steps to follow
must be understandable so the activity can
be repeated. Other scientists should be able to look at your
procedure , perform the same steps, and get the
same results without you telling them anything or giving them
any clues. Procedures are best written as a
numbered sequence. It is during the procedure step that an
experiment will be conducted to test the hypothe-
sis. The experiment must be unbiased in nature, meaning that
the scientist cannot create an experiment that
will favor the outcome that they have predicted in their
hypothesis. Please click on the link below to watch the
video, learn more about testing your hypothesis and answer the
post-lab questions.
Video 3:
Figure 4: Suppose you saw a change in your
dependent variable. How do you know that
change was caused by your independent
variable? You couldn’t be sure unless you
had a control. The purpose of holding the
control constant is to observe if your inde-
pendent variable actually caused a change
in your dependent variable.
Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring
information on variables in an established, sys-
tematic fashion that enables you to answer the hypothesis.
Regardless of the experiment, accurate data col-
lection is essential to maintaining the integrity of the lab.
Accurate means “capable of providing a correct
reading or measurement.” In science, a measurement is accurate
if it correctly reflects the size of the thing
being measured. On the other hand, precise means that an
experiment is repeatable, reliable, and gets the
same measurement each time (Figure 5). We can never obtain a
perfect measurement. The best we can do
is to come as close as possible within the limitations of the
measuring instruments.
Once you have collected your data in the most accurate and
precise way, the next step is to communicate
your data. A highly effective method for communicating your
data is to visually display your results. Common
ways of doing this are to create a table or a graph.
A table is a well-organized summary of data. Tables should
display any information relevant to the hypothe-
sis. Table 1 displays data collected to test a hypothesis about
plant growth with or without added nutrients.
Tables should include a clearly stated title, labeled columns and
rows, and measurement units.
A graph is a visual representation of the relationship between
the independent and dependent variable.
Graphs help to identify trends and illustrate findings (Figures 6
and 7). Here are some of the rules to remem-
ber when graphing:
Figure 5: Left: Accurate results all hit the bulls-eye on a target.
Right: Precise re-
sults may not hit the bulls-eye, but they all hit the same region.
Variable Height Wk. 1 (mm) Height Wk. 2 (mm) Height Wk. 3
(mm) Height Wk. 4 (mm)
(without nutrients)
3.4 3.6 3.7 4.0
(with nutrients)
3.5 3.7 4.1 4.6
Table 1: Plant Growth With and Without Added Nutrients
(horizontal), with the dependent variable on
the y-axis (vertical).
with the lower numbers starting in the
lower and left hand corners of both axes.
if you begin by numbering 0, 10, 20, do not
jump to 25 and then 32.
- and y-axes with a unit and
label such that they correspond to the data
table from which they come. For example, if you titled your
table “Top Speed of Different Car Models,”
the graph title should reference this information as well.
Did you know that there are codes of ethics in scientific
research, even for students?
Some of these principles are:
analysis, and data in-
and critically examine
your own work
Figure 6: Sample bar graph. Bar graphs are best for
demonstrating comparisons be-
tween categories or trial events.
Figure 7: Sample line graph. Line graphs are best used to show
how changes occur for
a variable over time.
Scientists draw conclusions by examining the data from the
experiment. There are basically two possible
outcomes. Either the experiment supported the hypothesis and it
can be regarded as true, or the experiment
disproved the hypothesis (Figure 8). If the hypothesis is false, it
is always recommended that you repeat the
steps in the scientific method and make adjustments to your
hypothesis. If the hypothesis turns out to be
false, there are some questions to ask to find out why:
Please click on the link below to watch the video, gain a better
understand how to
interpret your results and answer the post-lab questions.
Video 4:
Figure 8: Scientists docu-
ment in pen and date all of
their work to maintain the
integrity of their results as
well as to help ensure repro-
Lab Report
Title A short statement summarizing the topic.
A brief summary of the methods, results and conclusions. It
should not exceed 200
words and should be the last part written.
An overview of why the experiment was conducted. It should
- Provide an overview of what is already known
and what questions
remain unresolved. Be sure the reader is given enough
information to know why
and how the experiment was performed.
- Explain the purpose of the experiment (i.e. "I
want to determine if tak-
ing baby aspirin every day prevents second heart attacks.")
- This is your "prediction" as to what will happen
when you do the ex-
Materials and Meth-
A detailed (step-by-step) description of what was used to
conduct the experiment and
how it was done. The description should be exact enough that
someone reading the
report can replicate the experiment.
Data and observations obtained during the experiment. This
section should be clear
and concise. Tables and graphs are often appropriate in this
section. Interpretations
should not be included here.
Data analysis, interpretations, and experimental conclusions.
your findings. Look for common
themes, relationships,
and points that perhaps generate more questions.
time of day, etc.) that
may have played a role in the experiment.
could be done to control for these factors in
future experiments.
Conclusion A short, concise summary that states what has been
You should reference any articles, books, magazines,
interviews, newspapers, etc.
that were used to support your background, experimental
protocols, discussions and
conclusions. Your references should be written in the APA
format. The following web
site is a helpful citation maker
Table 2: Components of a Lab Report
A scientist’s experiment is often communicated through a lab
report. Table 2 outlines each component of a
lab report.
Week 1 - Laboratory
Before beginning this Lab, read “Lab 1: Introduction to
Science” in your Environmental Science Student Manual. This
lab includes a video containing several questions and critical
thinking activities that focus on the scientific method, lab
reporting, and data collection and management. As you view the
video, you will be prompted to stop and answer the Exercise 1
questions on the Week One Lab Reporting Form. Make sure to
complete all of the following items before submission:
· Read through the introductory material.
· View the Lab 1 videos and answer Exercise 1 Questions 1
through 10 in complete sentences on the Week One Lab
Reporting Form.
· Video 1 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
· Video 2 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
· Video 3 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
· Video 4 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Submit the Lab One Reporting Form via Waypoint. The
document does not need to include a title page or other APA
formatting; however, any outside sources utilized in your
answers must be referenced in proper APA format as outlined in
the Ashford Writing Center.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Lab 1 – Introduction to Science
Exercise 1: The Scientific Method
In this exercise, you will answer the questions based on what
you have seen in the videos throughout the lab. Be sure to pay
careful attention to the videos – you will not only need them to
complete this exercise successfully, but also to have a firm
understanding of the scientific method for future labs.
1. Make an observation – Write down any observations you
have made regarding the effect of pollution on the environment.
Answer =
2. Do background research – Utilizing the scholarly source
(provided here), describe how pollution might affect yeast.
Answer =
3. Construct a hypothesis – Based on your research from
question 2, develop an if-then hypothesis relating to the effect
of pollution on yeast respiration.
Answer =
4. Test with an experiment – Identify the dependent variable,
independent variable, and the controlled variables for the
Answer =
5. Analyze results – Record your observations of the three test
tubes before incubation and compare them to the observations
provided in the video.
Answer =
Test Tube
Initial Appearance
Yeast with No Pollutant
Yeast with Salt Water
Yeast with Detergent
6. Analyze results – Record your observations of the three test
tubes after incubation.
Answer =
Test Tube
Final Appearance
Yeast with No Pollutant
Yeast with Salt Water
Yeast with Detergent
7. Analyze results – The table below shows sample data
regarding the amount of carbon dioxide produced by each tube.
Determine what type of graph would be the most appropriate for
displaying the data and explain why you chose that graph. Then,
make a graph. Use Microsoft Excel or a free graphing program
(for example, to
create the graph. Submit this with your post-lab questions.
Amount CO2 Produced (mL) After 1 Hour
Yeast with No Pollutant
7 mL
Yeast with Salt Water
0.5 mL
Yeast with Detergent
0 mL
Answer =
8. Draw conclusions – Interpret the data from the graph in
Question 7. What conclusions can you make based on this
Answer =
9. Draw conclusions – Based on your observations and your
graph, would you reject or accept the hypothesis you made in
Question 3? Why?
Answer =
10. Draw conclusions – Imagine you are an environmental
scientist employed by a city. Some residents have expressed
concerns regarding how salt is applied to roadways in the winter
because of the harm it may cause aquatic life in area streams.
Propose an experiment using yeast to determine if salt pollution
runoff is a potential concern in your community.
Answer =
Any sources utilized should be listed here.
© eScience Labs, 2016

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Introduction to Science 12  The Scientific M.docx

  • 1. Introduction to Science 12 Socrates (469 B.C. - 399 B.C.), Plato (427 B.C. - 347 B.C.), and Aristotle (384 B.C. - 322 B.C.) are among the most famous of the Greek
  • 2. philosophers (Figure 1). Plato was a student of Socrates, and Aristotle was a student of Pla- to. These three philosophers are considered to be the greatest thinkers of their time. Aristotle’s views on science profoundly shaped medieval academics, and his influence extended into the Renaissance (14 th - 16 th century). His opinions were the authority on science well into the 1300s. Unfortunately, the philoso- pher’s method was logical thinking and did not involve making direct observa- tions on the natural world. As a result, many of Aristotle’s opinions were incor- rect. Although he was extremely intelligent, he used a method for determining the nature of science that was insufficient for the task. For example, in Aris-
  • 3. totle’s opinion, men were bigger than women. Therefore, he made the de- duction that men would have more teeth than women. It is assumed that he never actually looked into the mouths of both men and women and counted their teeth. If he had, he would have found that males and females have ex- actly the same number of teeth (Figure 2). In the 16 th and 17 th centuries, innovative thinkers began developing a new way to investigate the world around them. They were developing a method that relied upon making observations of phenomena and trying to explain why that phenomena occurred. From these techniques, the scientific method was born. The scientific method is a process of investigation that involves Figure 1: Neoclassical statue
  • 4. of ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, in front of the Academy of Athens in Greece. Figure 2: Humans—male and female—have 20 baby teeth and 32 permanent teeth. 13 experimentation and observation to acquire new knowledge, solve problems, and answer questions. Scien- tists eventually perfected the methods and reduced it to a series of steps (Figure 3). Today, the scientific method is used as a systematic approach to solving problems. Science begins with ob- servations. Once enough observations or results from preliminary library or experimental research have been collected, a hypothesis can be constructed. Experiments then either verify or disprove the hypothesis. If enough evidence can support a hypothesis, the hypothesis can become a theory, or proven fact. Theories can be further refined by other hypotheses and experimentation. An example of this is how we further refine
  • 5. our knowledge of germ theory by learning about specific pathogens. A scientific law is a summary of obser- vations in which there are no current exceptions using the most recent technology. It can be a general state- ment, like the Law of Gravity (what goes up must come down), or a mathematical relationship, like Newton’s Law (F = ma). Scientific laws can be broken and theories can be proven wrong as technology improves and provides results that are exceptions to them. The scientific method attempts to minimize the influence of bias or prejudice in the person conducting the ex- periment. It is human nature to have some sort of bias, and even the best-intentioned scientists can’t escape bias. However, in the fields of science where results have to be reviewed and duplicated, bias must be avoid- ed at all costs. The scientific method provides an objective (non-biased), standardized (easily duplicated) ap- proach to conducting experiments. Throughout this lab you will access a series of four videos. These videos describe the steps of the scientific method and will provide the content necessary to answer the post-lab questions. To further understand the scientific method, let’s take a closer look at what each of
  • 6. the steps entails. Please click on the link below to watch the video, gain a better understand the scien- tific method, and answer the post-lab questions. Video 1: d_01.mp4 Figure 3: A scientific investigation begins with an observation. d_01.mp4 14 The first step in the scientific method is observation. This step often comes naturally by watching things going on around the world, noticing different trends, and developing questions when something is confusing. Keep in mind that scientists don’t just use their eyes to form an observation. Instead, they use all of their senses to completely observe something. The more you pay attention to your surroundings, the more you will begin to think like a scientist. Note that your observations don’t have to be oriented around typical “science” things. For instance, scientific observations don’t have to be about textbook chemicals or reactions—they can be about
  • 7. the environment, cooking, people, etc. Gathering as much information as you can on your topic of interest is important because you may discover that someone has already performed an experiment on your observation. In addition, the more information you have on your observation of interest, the easier it will be to make a well-informed and educated prediction regarding what you think might happen during your experiment. Based on your observation(s), a question can be developed. Keep in mind that not every question is a “good” question to test with the scientific method. In this lab, we will focus on “testable” questions, or ques- tions that can be used to construct experiments. These are questions that can be answered by doing a labor- atory investigation. They are not opinion questions or questions that can be answered by doing research in a book or on the internet. Developing a good question is important because it gives your experiment direction and informs others of what questions you are trying to answer in your experiment. It must be clear. A question such as “How do stu-
  • 8. dents learn best?” is not clear because there are many different ways to test it. A better question might be “Do students learn better before or after sleeping?” because it only tests one particular variable. Keep in mind that you must be able to measure the results in some way for it to be considered a testable question. A hypothesis is a type of prediction that forecasts (predicts) how changing one part of an experiment will af- fect the results. It is not a guess. It is an informed and well- thought out prediction based upon your back- ground research. Many times, a hypothesis is best written in the “If _________, then ________” format. The blank space after the “if” describes the independent variable (e.g., the experimental component that scientists intentionally manipulate and control). The blank space after the “then” describes the dependent variable (e.g., the predicted result of the change). Please click on the link below to watch the video, learn more about the initial steps of the scientific method and answer the post-lab questions. Video 2: d_02.mp4
  • 9. d_02.mp4 d_02.mp4 d_02.mp4 15 After you have created a question, scientists construct a hy- pothesis. However, in order to do this, the experimental varia- bles must first be determined. Variables are conditions that could affect the outcome of an experiment. Think about all of the different things that might affect how well a student performs on a test. The amount of sleep, how long they studied, how well they paid attention in class, if they are feeling well could affect how well they perform. Successful experiments incorporate as few variables as possi- ble. However, you will always have three types of variables (Figure 4):
  • 10. The independent variable is what you change in an experi- ment. Conversely, the dependent variable is what you meas- ure in an experiment (e.g., the results) (Figure 4). There is also a variable called the controlled variable. This accounts for the condition (or conditions) that must remain constant in an experi- ment. Experiments require controlled variables so that you can determine if the independent variable actually caused the result or if it was something else. In a perfect world, all of the variables would be controlled except for the independent variables. This can be difficult to achieve but is a very important goal. The procedure step is the writing of the materials used and the steps followed when conducting an investiga- tion. The materials list must be complete and the steps to follow must be understandable so the activity can be repeated. Other scientists should be able to look at your procedure , perform the same steps, and get the same results without you telling them anything or giving them
  • 11. any clues. Procedures are best written as a numbered sequence. It is during the procedure step that an experiment will be conducted to test the hypothe- sis. The experiment must be unbiased in nature, meaning that the scientist cannot create an experiment that will favor the outcome that they have predicted in their hypothesis. Please click on the link below to watch the video, learn more about testing your hypothesis and answer the post-lab questions. Video 3: d_03.mp4 Figure 4: Suppose you saw a change in your dependent variable. How do you know that change was caused by your independent variable? You couldn’t be sure unless you had a control. The purpose of holding the control constant is to observe if your inde- pendent variable actually caused a change in your dependent variable.
  • 12. d_03.mp4 16 Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables in an established, sys- tematic fashion that enables you to answer the hypothesis. Regardless of the experiment, accurate data col- lection is essential to maintaining the integrity of the lab. Accurate means “capable of providing a correct reading or measurement.” In science, a measurement is accurate if it correctly reflects the size of the thing being measured. On the other hand, precise means that an experiment is repeatable, reliable, and gets the same measurement each time (Figure 5). We can never obtain a perfect measurement. The best we can do is to come as close as possible within the limitations of the measuring instruments. Once you have collected your data in the most accurate and precise way, the next step is to communicate your data. A highly effective method for communicating your data is to visually display your results. Common ways of doing this are to create a table or a graph.
  • 13. A table is a well-organized summary of data. Tables should display any information relevant to the hypothe- sis. Table 1 displays data collected to test a hypothesis about plant growth with or without added nutrients. Tables should include a clearly stated title, labeled columns and rows, and measurement units. A graph is a visual representation of the relationship between the independent and dependent variable. Graphs help to identify trends and illustrate findings (Figures 6 and 7). Here are some of the rules to remem- ber when graphing: Figure 5: Left: Accurate results all hit the bulls-eye on a target. Right: Precise re- sults may not hit the bulls-eye, but they all hit the same region. Variable Height Wk. 1 (mm) Height Wk. 2 (mm) Height Wk. 3 (mm) Height Wk. 4 (mm) Control (without nutrients) 3.4 3.6 3.7 4.0 Independent (with nutrients) 3.5 3.7 4.1 4.6 Table 1: Plant Growth With and Without Added Nutrients
  • 14. 17 -axis (horizontal), with the dependent variable on the y-axis (vertical). with the lower numbers starting in the lower and left hand corners of both axes. if you begin by numbering 0, 10, 20, do not jump to 25 and then 32. - and y-axes with a unit and label such that they correspond to the data table from which they come. For example, if you titled your table “Top Speed of Different Car Models,” the graph title should reference this information as well. Did you know that there are codes of ethics in scientific research, even for students? Some of these principles are:
  • 15. analysis, and data in- terpretation and critically examine your own work Figure 6: Sample bar graph. Bar graphs are best for demonstrating comparisons be- tween categories or trial events. 18 Figure 7: Sample line graph. Line graphs are best used to show how changes occur for a variable over time. Scientists draw conclusions by examining the data from the experiment. There are basically two possible outcomes. Either the experiment supported the hypothesis and it can be regarded as true, or the experiment disproved the hypothesis (Figure 8). If the hypothesis is false, it is always recommended that you repeat the steps in the scientific method and make adjustments to your hypothesis. If the hypothesis turns out to be
  • 16. false, there are some questions to ask to find out why: Please click on the link below to watch the video, gain a better understand how to interpret your results and answer the post-lab questions. Video 4: Ashford_04.mp4 Figure 8: Scientists docu- ment in pen and date all of their work to maintain the integrity of their results as well as to help ensure repro- ducibility. d_04.mp4 d_04.mp4
  • 17. 19 Lab Report Section Purpose Title A short statement summarizing the topic. Abstract A brief summary of the methods, results and conclusions. It should not exceed 200 words and should be the last part written. Introduction An overview of why the experiment was conducted. It should include: - Provide an overview of what is already known and what questions remain unresolved. Be sure the reader is given enough information to know why and how the experiment was performed. - Explain the purpose of the experiment (i.e. "I want to determine if tak- ing baby aspirin every day prevents second heart attacks.") - This is your "prediction" as to what will happen when you do the ex-
  • 18. periment. Materials and Meth- ods A detailed (step-by-step) description of what was used to conduct the experiment and how it was done. The description should be exact enough that someone reading the report can replicate the experiment. Results Data and observations obtained during the experiment. This section should be clear and concise. Tables and graphs are often appropriate in this section. Interpretations should not be included here. Discussion Data analysis, interpretations, and experimental conclusions. your findings. Look for common themes, relationships, and points that perhaps generate more questions. time of day, etc.) that
  • 19. may have played a role in the experiment. could be done to control for these factors in future experiments. Conclusion A short, concise summary that states what has been learned. References You should reference any articles, books, magazines, interviews, newspapers, etc. that were used to support your background, experimental protocols, discussions and conclusions. Your references should be written in the APA format. The following web site is a helpful citation maker Table 2: Components of a Lab Report A scientist’s experiment is often communicated through a lab report. Table 2 outlines each component of a lab report. Week 1 - Laboratory Laboratory
  • 20. Before beginning this Lab, read “Lab 1: Introduction to Science” in your Environmental Science Student Manual. This lab includes a video containing several questions and critical thinking activities that focus on the scientific method, lab reporting, and data collection and management. As you view the video, you will be prompted to stop and answer the Exercise 1 questions on the Week One Lab Reporting Form. Make sure to complete all of the following items before submission: · Read through the introductory material. · View the Lab 1 videos and answer Exercise 1 Questions 1 through 10 in complete sentences on the Week One Lab Reporting Form. · Video 1 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. · Video 2 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. · Video 3 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. · Video 4 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Submit the Lab One Reporting Form via Waypoint. The document does not need to include a title page or other APA formatting; however, any outside sources utilized in your answers must be referenced in proper APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. Lab 1 – Introduction to Science Exercise 1: The Scientific Method In this exercise, you will answer the questions based on what you have seen in the videos throughout the lab. Be sure to pay careful attention to the videos – you will not only need them to
  • 21. complete this exercise successfully, but also to have a firm understanding of the scientific method for future labs. QUESTIONS 1. Make an observation – Write down any observations you have made regarding the effect of pollution on the environment. Answer = 2. Do background research – Utilizing the scholarly source (provided here), describe how pollution might affect yeast. Answer = 3. Construct a hypothesis – Based on your research from question 2, develop an if-then hypothesis relating to the effect of pollution on yeast respiration. Answer = 4. Test with an experiment – Identify the dependent variable, independent variable, and the controlled variables for the experiment. Answer = 5. Analyze results – Record your observations of the three test tubes before incubation and compare them to the observations provided in the video. Answer = Test Tube Initial Appearance Yeast with No Pollutant Yeast with Salt Water Yeast with Detergent 6. Analyze results – Record your observations of the three test
  • 22. tubes after incubation. Answer = Test Tube Final Appearance Yeast with No Pollutant Yeast with Salt Water Yeast with Detergent 7. Analyze results – The table below shows sample data regarding the amount of carbon dioxide produced by each tube. Determine what type of graph would be the most appropriate for displaying the data and explain why you chose that graph. Then, make a graph. Use Microsoft Excel or a free graphing program (for example, to create the graph. Submit this with your post-lab questions. Sample Amount CO2 Produced (mL) After 1 Hour Yeast with No Pollutant 7 mL Yeast with Salt Water 0.5 mL Yeast with Detergent 0 mL Answer = 8. Draw conclusions – Interpret the data from the graph in Question 7. What conclusions can you make based on this graph? Answer = 9. Draw conclusions – Based on your observations and your graph, would you reject or accept the hypothesis you made in
  • 23. Question 3? Why? Answer = 10. Draw conclusions – Imagine you are an environmental scientist employed by a city. Some residents have expressed concerns regarding how salt is applied to roadways in the winter because of the harm it may cause aquatic life in area streams. Propose an experiment using yeast to determine if salt pollution runoff is a potential concern in your community. Answer = References Any sources utilized should be listed here. © eScience Labs, 2016