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Introduction For My College
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Introduction For My College Essay Introduction For My College Essay
Another Common Environmental Factor That Engineers Are
Another common environmental factor that engineers are concerned with when they consider the
conditions of bridges is wind loads. These are especially a hazard to cable supported bridges
because the system relies on a delicate balance of pressure that holds up the bridge, which can be
easily disturbed under high winds. One example of this is the Tacoma bridgefailure in Washington
state in 1940. While examining the evidence, engineers found that when the wind hits the body of
the bridge, it creates forces that oscillated the bridge, which caused instability (Gianni and Gazzola).
Additionally, when these bridges were built, the environment they were in was drastically different
than it is today. Although engineers took population increase... Show more content on ...
Although this was the specific reason for the collapse, the broader problem was inadequacies in
state inspections and the federal government failing to audit the state`s work adequately.
Another reason why designs of bridges fail is because there is not cohesiveness in the theory behind
construction and actual construction. Sometimes construction is either too dependent on theory or
ignorant of it, either way the assumptions made during design and construction are dangerous. This
is shown in the case of the Williamsburg Bridge where:
The rationale justifying the use of non galvanized high strength cable wires on the Williamsburg
Bridge was summarized as follows: If the wires are maintained dry, they do not need zinc coating.
If not, it will not save them in the long term. This reasoning may appear sound, yet it lacks both
the practical knowledge of life cycle cable performance and a theoretical model of wire
deterioration. (Yanev 119)
This gap between theory and practice in directly related to a gap between engineers and
management. Currently, engineers are in control of the design and construction, but the process of
this operation is given to management whose primary concern is cutting production cost.
Consequently, necessary redundancies are lost during construction. Although this eliminates initial
cost, it increases future cost because
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Female Characters Restrictions In The Age Of Innocence
Wharton and Morrison focus on their female characters restrictions in society, and the ways in
which they combat this repression. Within the stringent upper class New York City setting of
The Age of Innocence, the women are judged harshly. Society views them as their husband s
counterpart, who must dress and behave in a specific manner. As seen through May Welland,
wives played the role of a loyal and dutiful trophy for their husbands to show off. Even her own
husband, Newland Archer, views her as property, And he contemplated her absorbed young face
with a thrill of possessorship in which pride in his own masculine initiation was mingled with a
tender reverence for her abysmal purity, (Wharton 13). His pride in possessorship of his... Show
more content on ...
Yet, because of the inverse socioeconomic setting, the judgement of beauty is different. In Lorain,
Ohio, a woman s life choice is confined to marrying and having children, working for a white
family, or become a prostitute. Women in this community aspired to whiteness because society
s perception of beauty promotes this and leads the women to believe they can gain more
opportunity. Women presume that this would bring them beauty, and therefore respect. Adults,
older girls, shops, magazines, newspapers, window signs all the world had agreed that a blue
eyed, yellow haired, pink skinned doll was what every girl treasured. Here, they said, this is
beautiful, and if you are on this day worthy you may have it, (Morrison 20). It is this view in
society that causes Pecola, a thirteen year old girl, to drive herself to the point of insanity.
Morrison emphasizes Pecola s deep wish for blue eyes, through her consumption of three whole
quarts of milk, just to gaze upon Shirley Temple s beautiful eyes. Pecola concludes that if she has
blue eyes, she will then be beautiful, so therefore she will gain love, affection, and respect. She
believes people often don t look at her or listen to her, especially her parents and school teachers,
because she is ugly. Pecola s desire blue eyes, her desire for people to notice her, is what she drives
her to the point of insanity. Morrison communicates the harm and disdain that is inflicted upon
women by society focusing on their
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Parkinson s Disease And The Disease
Parkinson s disease is a chronic disorder of the nervous system with a gradual onset that
primarily affects the body s motor system. The symptoms of the disease are mainly caused by the
death of dopamine producing cells in the midbrain. Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter
that, among other things, is responsible for playing a role in how the brain controls bodily
movements. Therefore, the cardinal symptoms of the disease are movement related, including
tremor and rigid, jerky movements. Parkinson s is a progressive disease, meaning it gets worse
over time, until it eventually leads to complete disability. Parkinson s is a fairly common disease,
and several well known people, such as actor Michael J. Fox and boxer Muhammad Ali have...
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Parkinson s disease produces both motor symptoms and nonmotor symptoms. There are four
cardinal motor symptoms of Parkinson s: tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia (slow movements), and
postural instability. Tremor is the most obvious symptom of Parkinson s, as well as the most
common. The tremor is uncontrollable and is most noticeable when the limb is at rest; when
the limb is in use, the tremor disappears. Often times, the tremor only affects the hand or foot on
one side of the body, but it can eventually become bilateral. Rigidity is characterized as stiffness
and resistance to movement in the limbs. The arms, legs, face, and back are areas commonly
affected. Early on, rigidity can cause joint pain, often in the shoulder. Bradykinesia is one of the
most common symptoms of Parkinson s. It is described as slowness and difficulty in initiating
and making movements, especially repetitive movements and fine motor skills, such as writing.
Bradykinesia greatly affects the ability of the Parkinson s sufferer to perform common activities
of daily life, like getting dressed. According to Nolden (2015), postural instability is the imbalance
and loss of righting reflexes. This is usually a symptom that shows up in the late stages of
Parkinson s. Postural instability is linked with high rates of hip fractures in people with Parkinson s
disease, due to increased falls. Aside from the four cardinal motor symptoms, there are secondary
motor symptoms that go
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Feminism and Art History
The history of mankind has often been captured in snapshots between the rise and fall of great
leaders and civilizations, by artists all with a common dream of portraying what they saw during
their times. Ideologies reflective of their societies were depicted through sculptures, frescoes,
pottery, paintings, and many other methods. Many of these principals were created, celebrated,
and popularized by constituents of societies where andocentric values were applied not only to
social and political mores, but also to the various art forms as the male body was cherished and
praised and the female body was hidden away from public view. The book Feminism and Art
History: Questioning the Litany edited by Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrad, strives... Show more
content on ...
Kampen concludes by discussing how the image of women portrayed the idealistic views of
women as caretakers who stayed at home , and works of art supported this by depicting women
as В…mythological or entertaining, or as an adjunct to the patron s own status; otherwise she
might not appear. (pg. 74) The author believes that the artists were in denial of the experiences
of working women and that s why the views of working women were limited. The visual
portrayals of gender and status in Roman society stand as a bridge linking the work of art and
the work of society together as one. The final chapter that I read was one I found extremely
conflictant and interesting because not only did we touch on some of these topics in class, but
when I visited the Metropolitan Museum I actually had some of the same issues with the works I
saw there. Eve and Mary: Conflicting Images of Medieval Woman by Henry Kraus, was by far
one of the more fascinating chapters and discussed the distorted views of women as vessels that the
Devil could use to entrap a man and cause him to fall from God s grace, during medieval times and
reinforced by the Catholic Church. Monasteries were places that men could go and abstain from
worldly pleasures, proving their dedication to God and refraining from anything that could cause
them to sin either physically, emotionally, and especially spiritually. During the fourteenth century,
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Overview of Management
Running head: OVERVIEW OF MANAGEMENT Overview of Management Erminia Ponce
University of Phoenix Overview of Management Kudler Fine Foods was founded by Kathy
Kudler in 1998. Kathy once was a Vice President of Marketing of a defense contractor; Kathy
traveled constantly and endured the pressures of corporate life. Kathy ultimately wanted
something different, something less stressful and gourmet cooking seemed to relieve the stress
for her so Kathy decided to embark on an opportunity on an upscale epicurean food shop in La
Jolla. Kathy opened her first store in June, 1998 and within the year the store was profitable.
Kathy later opened two more stores by 2003, one in Del Mar and Encinitas and now Kathy is
looking at... Show more content on ...
The easily accessible Internet and the Worldwide Web revolutionized information sharing. For
the first time data could be shared in real time as text, voice, graphics, and video among anyone
with access to the Internet. (Gomez). Kudler s staff also has access to the internet as well as the
intranet to handle the day to day business of Kudler. An intranet allows an organization s
employees to communicate with each other and to access company information and databases
through his or her desktop or laptop computers. Firms that establish intranets or extranets need to
be careful about allowing access to sensitive information. (Gomez). Employees can access the
internet to arrange for packages to be picked up by UPS or the local USPS by accessing the wide
area network. Through the use of the internet Kudler has many options available, latest software,
databases. Databases are the heart of information systems. (Gomez). Competition is at the core of
a firm s success or failure. One of the most well known frameworks for analyzing competiveness
is Porter s competitive forces model. (Turban, Rainer and Porter, 2003). Each of these forces help a
company identify its strengths and threats from other competitors. The threat of entry of new
competitors. (Turban). New shops are opening everyday, supply and demand. Kudler needs to keep
up with the latest technology. The bargaining power of suppliers. (Turban). Kudler needs to
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Negative Impact Of Social Media
Social media has given businesses a newfound advantage when it comes to reaching out and
touching the community and expending its brand. As a student at California Baptist University,
I am majoring in Public relations. I have recently learned that in the world of public relations,
most businesses and organizations use social media on a daily basis. With the right amount of
research and time being invested, businesses can see all the benefits that expanding on social
media has to offer. The accessibility of social media platforms for everybody has made it easier
for all businesses and organizations to become more successful. With the rapid change in
technology, social media platforms have been increasingly growing. The use of social media is a
more easily accessed and personal way of communication. It has allowed businesses to create their
brand awareness and productively advertise. Although social media can become a strong asset, it
can also negatively effect a business.
We are currently living in the era of technology; every child, student, parent, and employee uses
one or more social media platforms on a daily basis. Some of the most visited and worldwide
platforms being used are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Snapchat. In a recent study
done by Pew Research center their social media fact sheet states, When Pew Research Center
began tracking social media adoption in 2005, just 5% of American adults used at least one of
these platforms. By 2011 that share
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Representations of Romantic Love in Poetry Across the Periods
Romantic love has been the subject of endless contemplation for poets of all periods. Intangible and
complex, love is the highest manifestation of humanity. No topic in poetry has received more
attention than romantic love. Conversely, the ultimate expression of love is through poetry. In each
poetic period, the representation of romantic lovehas been informed by the social and cultural values
of the time. Thus, across time, attitudes towards romantic love have shifted with changing values
and beliefs. Sonnet130 by William Shakespeare from the Elizabethan period, Valediction:
Forbidding Mourning by John Donne from the metaphysical period, and Lullaby by W.H. Auden
from the modern period are three poems that clearly reflect the... Show more content on ...
John Donne s A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning exemplifies the representation of love in
metaphysical poetry.
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning is one of Donne s later poems, and reflects his reputation
as the greatest poet of the metaphysical period. It was written to his wife Anne before he left for
a long trip. The poem begins quietly, at the passing away of a virtuous man . Donne movingly
uses this imagery to suggest that the parting of lovers is like death. Yet, when love is virtuous,
lovers should part with quiet dignity, and with no teare floods, nor sigh tempests move . Donne
distinguishes their love from the purely sensual love of the common people, which cannot admit
/ Absence, because it doth remove/ Those things which elemented it . Their love is the union of
their minds and souls, and therefore, cannot be broken by physical separation. Donne draws on
his vast knowledge of astronomy, alchemy, and mathematics to create three unlikely, yet poignant
conceits to support this argument. The lovers are likened to the planetary bodies, who are
sustained in their own universe and are not affected by the disasters caused by the moving of th
earth . This elevates their love above the ordinary harmes and feares of superficial love. Secondly,
their love is compared to refined gold, pure, noble and when stretched apart, endure not yet/ A
breach, but an expansion . The compass is Donne s most
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The Empire Strikes Back
I am currently a Film Production MFA student at Full Sail University. As a child I went to see
The Empire Strikes Back when it was first released. I was in such awe of the film that I knew I
wanted to make movies myself. Irvin Kirschner s name became more important to me as I got
older. He once said, I want films to haunt an audience, to give them something to remember and be
able to talk about. It is with this intention that I want to create films.
As my knowledge of filmmaking started to grow, I began learning about story plots and
character development. Sam Mendes reboot of Ian Fleming s James Bond franchise in my eyes
was one of the best story plot developments. Sam Mendes was able to give the James Bond
franchise what it had been missing: a plot. From Casino Royal, Mendes started to breathe new life
into James Bond by having him confront emotions of dealing with love and loss. With Quantum of
Solace, Bond was learning to get over the loss ... Show more content on ...
Despite the extreme pressure, he was able to get an Academy nominated performance from Denzel
Washington. The vision I would have had for Malcolm Xwould have been one of realism and
expressionism by showing internal battles with the Nation of Islam and learning the truth about
Muslims from around the world. There are three chapters that are missing from the real
biography of Malcom X, and I would explore that world where Alex Haley was an informant of
the FBI. I would shoot this movie as a docudrama, playing with not only colors, but also shooting
in black and white. This is also where I would explore his history from the foster homes that he
grew up in, the loss of his mother, and his other siblings. His story is much deeper than anyone of
this generation would ever realize, and I would bridge that gap through a new film
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Analysis Of The Book Fierce Invalids Home From Hot...
As we read through this story we become aware of Switters contradictory nature, rather than
eschewing this trait he embraces it. He is a CIA agent who hates the government. He is a pacifist
who carries a gun and so on. Switters and his grandmother, Maestra, come up with six qualities that
denote the wisdom; they may or may not be required for wisdom, but they certainly drive Tom
Robbinss writing style. GOOD INTRO
When talking about wisdom to someone unaware of the process to OF becoming wise, one may
say that wisdom is knowing all there is to know about life; another may say that wisdom is having
ultimate knowledge and insight through experience. I personally agree with Tom Robbins when he
describes the six qualities needed for wisdom.
For instance, in the novel Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climate, Switters, a rogue CIA agent,
is confined to the physical and potentially spiritual elevation of a borrowed wheelchair by the
curse of a reclusive South American shaman. This particular event occurs early on in the novel and
is a perfect example of spirituality. Both Switters and his acquaintance R. Potney Smithe had spells
cast upon them. The shaman, End of Time explained what he had done, but neither of the men
could truly believe or understand what had been done. So to test the spell Smithe touches Switters
S penis and falls to the ground, stone cold, dead. Switters couldn t comprehend the reality of dying
from some superstitious taboo. So from that day on he resides in a
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Essay On Indigo Airlines
This report seeks to recommend practical strategies on how to improve service productivity, without
neglecting service quality of Indigo Airlines.
Indigo is a budget airline company headquartered at Gurgaon, India (commenced operations from
15 August 2006), specialising in domestic flights. It is the fastest growing and largest airline in India
with a market share of 37.8% as of April 2015. The airline offers about 650 daily flights connecting
to 38 destinations which includes 5 international destinations with its primary hub at Indira Gandhi
International Airport, New Delhi. It presently operates am airline fleet of 96 aircraft belonging to
the Airbus A320 family.
For an airline transport company based in India, customers generally ... Show more content on ...
There are two main aspects that describe and affect both service quality; the actual service
customers expected (expected service) and services perceived (perceived service). Fitzsimmons
Fitzsimmons (2001) explains that the creation of customer satisfaction for a service can be
identified through a comparison between service perceptions with service expectation, see Figure 1.
Focus on utilizing secondary airports and older terminals should reduce airport fees and also up to
a certain point it is possible to avoid head on competition with or any of the high end airline
This will enable less congested airports, reduce average flight times and delay incidents.
Consequently Indigo will start to attract business travellers who value punctuality and frequency.
Other important features that can be added include innovative boarding processes that yield shorter
ground waits are
Reduce and monitor air freights Since these airlines are frequent flyers reducing the load on the
aircraft. It would also improve the flying experience, especially through
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The Oppression Of Women In Today s Western Culture
There have been many unspoken agreements made in the past 250 or so years of western culture.
There s an understanding in our community that some things just are because they are, especially
when it concerns gender. In America, men don t wear makeup or dresses. Girls aren t supposed to
be doctors, athletes, or CEOs. And in western culture, it s the simple truth that the only genders
that exist are boy, and girl. There s basis behind some of it, but one of the only reasons that it s
western philosophy is because it just... is.
Recently, however, these philosophies are being challenged. People across the world and America
are separating gender from activities and lifestyles. Male beauty gurus like Manny Gutierrez are
making waves. Marissa Mayer ... Show more content on ...
Born in nineteen fifty three, Mani Mitchell is an intersex activist who was raised as a girl but
defines as neither male nor female because of her differentiated sex organs, similarly to Cal. In
her documentary called Yellow for Hermaphrodite, she reflects on her irregular existence, she
asserts, I m not saying for a moment that I m glad all those terrible things that happened, but I
guess we have lives and I stand and reflect on mine and it has been a very extraordinary life. So Cal
s story, while technically fable, is a very real representation of what life of an intersex person in the
seventies could have been
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A Business Perspective Of Management Discipline
1. From a business perspective why is management discipline important? Compare and contrast the
management discipline to medicine and law (how are these similar and how are they different be
specific in your explanations and provide examples to support your response).
From a business perspective management discipline is as important as the next key factor to
company success because it, ...drives the field forward (Magretta, 9). Having discipline can help to
set measurable goals, stay on track, avoid distractions and complications and eventually achieve
success and business growth do to long term effectiveness and efficiency within the organizations.
In order for an organization to continually stay well organized, and strategically ... Show more
content on ...
This can affect many people, but typically the decision is the right one for the company and its
people. Medical people and people working in law have much less time and resources to make
decisions. This can ultimately affect decision makers. But thankfully, managers, medical personnel,
and law enforcement officers are all trained, regardless of time, or resources on how to effectively
and successfully make tough decisions for the betterment of situations, people, and other factors
related to the respective fields.
2. What is the goal of the Magretta book, What Management Is? Support your response with
specific page numbers from your readings in APA style.
Most books can be broken down into one or several main goals. This book, What Management is?
Is no different. The foremost goal of this book is to present a coherent view of the whole, of the
work known as general management (Magretta, 9). Furthermore, the goal includes the attempt to
deliver a concise synthesis of important ideas and practices. For instance, value creation, business
models, competitive strategies, performance metrics and more (Magretta, 9). In simple terms this
book aims to directly allow readers to easily and purposefully understand the main theory of
management and why it is important to not just employees and business, but to the entire
globe.What Management is? Looks at the world of management as more of real world approach,
rather than just plain old
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The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time -...
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time Original Writing Christopher Boone is a
fifteen year old boy with Asperger s Syndrome. He knows a great deal about maths and has a
very logical way of thinking. Christopher knows very little about human beings and their
behaviour and gets very confused and frustrated by most conversations. He loves lists, timetables,
patterns and the truth. He hates the colour yellow, because of custard, bananas and double yellow
lines and he also hates the colour brown because of dirt, gravy and wood. One of the affects of his
Asperger s syndrome means Christopher also hates being touched. He has never gone further than
the end of the road on his own, but when he... Show more content on ...
The events that follow lead Christopher to the answers he is looking for in solving The Curious
Incident about Wellington and discovering his fathers secrets surrounding his mother. The
Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time is the story of Christopher s roller coaster
journey of mystery. He discovers the truth about his fathers reckless lies and searches for the
answers to the secrets his father has hidden for so long. Screenplay The chapter I have chosen to
adapt is when Christopher decides to go to Swindon train station to make a journey to London in
search of his mother. As Christopher stands at the bottom of the concrete steps leading to the
Stations entrance the audience can see fear in his face. He is wearing a pair of scruffy blue
jeans, white trainers with blue laces, a red jumper and a navy parker style coat. He stands out
from others around him as it is a warm summer afternoon and everyone is wearing shorts, skirts
and summer outfits. He is a pale undersized boy with brown unkempt hair. Christopher looks up
at the large white sign that says in bold black writing SW ND N RAIN ST TION Christopher
frowns at the sign as there are clearly some letters missing we see that this bothers him. People are
hurrying past him as he stands frozen with dread at having to climb the steps. He becomes very
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Henry Kissinger Won The Nobel Peace Prize
Henry Alfred Kissinger was born on May 27, 1923, in FГјrth, Germany. From 1949 to 1963 Henry
was married to Ann Fleischer. They got divorced, and Henry remarried Nancy Kissinger. The
first think Kissinger did for a living was a professor at Harvard. Henry Kissinger was Secretary
of State from 1973 to 1977. He later became the Secretary of National Security Diplomat and a
political scientist. He wrote books that were mainly about politics. Kissinger is known to many
people as inhuman because of some of the quotes he has said.
Henry Kissinger co won the Nobel Peace Prize mainly because of his actions during the Vietnam
war. He made peace between Vietnam and the U.S.A, but not everyone agreed with his actions.
After he won the prize, people started
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The Importance Of Crosswalks
Every day Public Administration #3 The observed activity was crosswalks. Crosswalks enable
pedestrians to cross busy and hazardous roadways more safely. Prior to the advent of crosswalks
pedestrians would cross the street anywhere and were at risk of injury even by horse powered
vehicles. This is important to Public Administrationas it is a safety concern for the public. This paper
will discuss the use, funding, government and citizen involvement, and how the chosen topic of
crosswalks are related to Public Administration.
PA Activity
As addresses the specific part of pedestrian safety that was observed was Crosswalks. Crosswalks
are typically denoted by two painted white lines running parallel with bars painted in between them
that ... Show more content on ...
Alissa Torres the chief planner from the Orange County Office of Policy and Public involvement,
whom I interviewed about pedestrian safety and Public Administration, but they are carried out and
put into place on a city level. Locally the Orange County Traffic and Transportation Department is
the one in charge of these and many other regulations. The current head is Hazem El Assar Chief
Citizen Involvement Citizens have several ways to get involved. Meeting are open to the public at
both the level of the Florida legislature and meetings held by the Orange County Planning and
Zoning Commission. Meetings by the Planning and Zoning Commission are televised as well
according to Dr. Torres. Currently no meetings are planned for the rest of this year.
Any Citizen has access to crosswalks and any citizen can submit a request or review for safety. All
citizens have a right to safety. Pedestrians are merely people traveling without a road based vehicle.
Any person who would choose to become a pedestrian would very likely be using this service if
they are abiding by the law. Therefore, this service affects everyone and can be used by anyone.
The construction and up keep of crosswalks is paid for by taxes as many forms of Public
Administration are. The two forms of taxes that pay for this service are sales taxes and Gasoline
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Examples Of Social Deviance Goode
Social Deviance
According to Erich Goode, individuals living in poverty are considered to be deviant in the U.S
culture because of two reasons. Goode terms the first reason as priority, explaining that the poor get
exposed to deviant attitudes mush earlier in life. They therefore have higher chances of learning
and internalizing deviant attitudes. The second reason has to do with the intensity of interaction
between the poor and deviants. Most deviant people are to be found in areas inhabited or
frequented by the poor. The frequent association with deviants gives the poor higher chances of
developing deviant attitudes and skills. Goode maintains that one learns deviance the same way one
learns to clean their teeth. People living in poverty
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The Similarities And Differences Of Ancient Egyptian Religion
Ancient religion was about the relationship between human man, the gods, and the earth. The
Egyptian civilization was a theocratic monarchy, which means a form of government in which God
or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God s or deity s laws being interpreted by the
ecclesiastical authorities ( The Egyptian religion
begins with Shu and Tefnut, who mated and gave birth to Geb and Nut, Geb and Nut were brother
and sister, but they fell deeply in love. They mated and gave birth to Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys,
and Horus; these are the five most recognized and important gods in the Egyptian religion, they
gave birth to the rest of the gods.
The way the Egyptians recognized
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Inside Sport By Robert Drane Summary
There was a time when Billie Jean King was always in the news. Robert Drane writes about the
uphills of women s tennis for Inside Sport. Being a respected tennis athlete as a girl in the 1970s
was all but easy, but Billie Jean King demanded the respect she deserved. Drane shows the
readers that King altered the way women s sports were looked at, which led to an even bigger
movement in women s equality. King had always been a huge feminist advocate and Drane writes
about her strength as a player and a person. Using logical facts and King s credibility the article
successfully shows how King changed the course of women s tennis, when it seemed there was no
First, Drane goes on to show the reader that King was highly respected in women s tennis. He
states, After all, she won a total of 12 grand slam singles titles, including six Wimbledons, a total of
39 grand slam titles altogether, and had celebrated rivalries with Margaret Court, Chris Evert, and
Martina Navratilova. She had so ... Show more content on ...
Former Wimbledon champion, Bobby Riggs decided that women s tennis was not worthy of any
fame, as he claimed he could beat any of their top players, even at age 55. Drane writes that King
was challenged by him in a match, it was a famous match named the battle of the sexes. King
knew that losing this match would set us back 50 years... It would ruin women s tennis and
affect all women s self esteem. After he beat Australia s Margaret Court, he dubbed himself as a
hustler . King wanted to prove herself and make Riggs eat his words as they say. So she did, when
she won 6 4, 6 3, 6 3, against Riggs. The event drew 30,500 people and was aired in 37 countries.
The stats do not lie, King was a force to be reckoned with and she would not back down when it
came to saving her good name and the reputation of women around the
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Fashion Channel Case Hbr Essay
Case Report 1: The Fashion Channel
1) What is expected outcome of each of the targeting scenarios? (complete both the Ad Revenue and
Financial calculators to fully understand the financial impact of the scenarios)
Ad Revenue Calculator| | | | | | | Current| 2007 Base| Scenario 1| Scenario 2| Scenario 3| TV HH|
110.000.000| 110.000.000| 110.000.000| 110.000.000| 110.000.000| Average Rating| 1,0%| 1,0%|
1,2%| 0,8%| 1,2%| Average Viewers (Thousand)| 1100| 1100| 1320| 880| 1320| Average CPM*|
$2,00| $2,00| $1,80| $3,50| $2,50| Average Revenue/Ad Minute**| $2.200| $2.200| $2.376| $3.080|
$3.300| Ad Minutes/Week| 2016| 2016| 2016| 2016| 2016| Weeks/Year| 52| 52| 52... Show more
content on ...
Although there is a cost of 20 million on programming, having average rating 1,2% with a
relatively high CPM makes Ad Revenue higher and as a result Net Income becomes $168 million.
Net income in Scenario 2 is $151 million lower than Scenario 3, whereas Scenario 1 has the lowest
$77 million.
2) Analyze the segmentation options and discuss pros and cons of each.
Targeting on women aged 18 to 34, with a cross segment strategy by focusing on on Fashionistas,
Planners amp; Shoppers and Situationalists.
Increase in rating from 1.0 to 1.2 with the increase in awareness and viewing of the channel by
investing in a major marketing and advertisement campaign. We can expect promising returns in the
long run with the rise of popularity of the network.
While the level competition is getting higher, we cannot wait for the long run, what we need is
instant return for short run. The strategy does not put an end to competition to gain Premium
segments so there is a risk of facing lower CPM. Since there is no real change in viewers type and
programming, the CPM will drop by 10% or more and
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Voltaire s Candide As A Satire
Candide is a satire written by Voltaire, a French historian and philosopher who is known for
criticizing the authority and the Catholic Church. He also dedicated his life to study literature and
advocate the freedom of religion. Voltaire is the spiritual mentor and leader of the French
Enlightenment in the eighteenth century and he believes that the power of reason and rational
thought would lead people to a better social structure. This novel not only expressed Voltaires hatred
of the Christian regimes but also criticized Leibniz s philosophy of absolute optimism.
In this novel, Candide teacher, Pangloss who believed in optimism, kept telling Candide that this
world is the best of all possible world. Even when Candide suffered incredible
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Effect Of Smartphones On Advertising
Dr. Fusani
Zack Mineo
Spring 2016
The Effect of Smartphones on Advertising The amount of smartphones users have nearly doubled
within the past 5 years, from 35% to 70%.( 2014 Marketing Statistics Infographic ). As the number
of users continues to rise, advertising will continue to integrate with smartphones. Smartphones
have dramatically changed the way consumers are approached by advertising companies. Before we
can understand how smartphones have changed the advertising industry, we must first recognize
that advertising and smartphones were not always related. By answering the following two
question, it will further examine the effect of smartphones on advertising. How have smartphones
impacted the advertising industry? How effective advertising on smartphones is?
Background of advertising
Before I can explain the effects of smartphones on advertising, we must first understand what the
goal of advertising was before smartphones. According to Joseph Dominik Advertising is any
form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, and services, usually paid for
by an identified sponsor. (Dominick 350). The first appearance of advertising on radio dates
back to 1922 when the Queensboro Realty Company paid a few hundred dollars for a talk radio
show to commend living in country lots from Queensboro Realty. (Dominick 179). Since then
advertising has grown rapidly especially during the time of the depression and World War II.
President Franklin D Roosevelt wanted
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Charles Perrault’s Cinderella
In Cinderella by Charles Perrault, the story depicts an imaginative fairytale through the hardships of
a mistreated daughter and the magic of a fairy; in essence, Cinderella demonstrates that focusing on
materialism is more important and more effective other than working up the path to majesty.
Cinderellais a character who is often mistreated by her stepmother and god sisters. Bearing
unsuitable personalities, they treat her harshly, leaving all of the chores to her. However, she
admits that her tattered clothes are not worthy of a formal event, and continues to be belittled by
her stepsisters. Portrayed with low self esteem and insecurity, she does not respond harshly to their
cruel insults. As a result, the main character relies on... Show more content on ...
However, her true beauty lies within her skin, as Perrault s interprets Cinderella as a hundred
times more handsome than her sisters . He aims to focus more on female recognition and self
fulfillment, rather than provide a base for all readers to understand fully (HuМ€hn). At an
elementary level, this may not influence children to an extent, but other stories that reproduce
this same structure of plot elements could possibly influence children in the future. For instance,
she was not the hero of the story. The Prince isn t the hero until he discovers her lost possession,
a glass slipper, and searched for the person that fits. As told by Perrault, he had done nothing but
look at her all the time, and that most certainly he was very much in love with the beautiful
owner of the glass slipper. This enforces the fact that her beauty prevails over her actual
personality but not behavior, and the appearance and mannerisms surely impressed the Prince.
The Prince stereotypes the role of women being in need of a destined lover. He is the one that
identifies Cinderella as the one in the dress, though excluding behavior, her appearance dazzles
him for two nights at the ball. Most importantly, he s not the hero of the fairytale, but readers can
interpret the fairy godmother as the savior of Cinderella s demise. The role of magic comes in part
with the acceptance of achieving the imagery of an elegant woman, impressing the Prince who
gains interest in her. The
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Charles L Reason s Influence Of Education
Charles L Reason was born on July 21,1818 in New York City. His parents, Michiel and Elizabeth
Reason, were immigrants from Haiti who arrived in the United States shortly after the Haitian
Revolution of 1793.
His parents emphasized the importance of education, and very early on the young Reason showed
that he had a calling for mathematics and showed that he was an excellent student at and African
American free school. An excellent student in mathematics, At the age of 14 he came an instructor
teaching for a salary (this became a striking matter for the news), receiving a salary of $25 a year.
Reason helped in creating a calling for the first New York State Convention of Negroes in 1840 that
provided training in the industrial
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Cognitive Flexibility Concept Analysis
The most important concept from module five I find is cognitive flexibility. As the Flight Chief of
the Optometry flight in my squadron, I am constantly practicing this element. My position requires
me to incorporate different strategies and planning into my day to day activities, which involves
my subordinates, my peers, and my supervisor. Cognitive flexibility allows me to create different
scenarios in my mind and prepare for any unexpected issues that can affect my flight on any given
day. Whether I am working a squadron function from my desk or providing patient cares in our
treatment room, I habitually exercise my cognitive flexibility by scanning the environment ,
develop an understanding , and create strategies to enable me as an adaptable leader.... Show more
content on ...
This document will effects my subordinates and me because it will affect our training requirements,
mission capabilities, and operational stress. I must maintain one hundred percent staffing on my
UMD so my flight is still operational even if one of my subordinate is unavailable such as
someone taking leave. I have witness a failed management of the UDM during my last tour in
Korea we lost an enlisted position slot at Osan Air Base. This affected the flight because it reduced
our clinic capability to sixty six percent. A reduction of thirty three percent caused an increase in
work stress to my subordinate after I had left due to my permanent change in duty station while he
was still station in Korea. As a result, the clinic had to cut additional programs and reduced manning
assist to Kunsan Air
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Women s Athletic Teams For Women
Over 400 Division I men s athletic teams have been disbanded from existence since the inception
of Title IX. Title IX, implemented in 1972, is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits
discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. (Keating)
Title IX has achieved great success with women s sports since the inception and the number of
females in sports is six times greater since the inception of Title IX( Although it
has had great strides with women, it is disadvantaging men, especially in athletics. Title IX
requires that colleges give the same amount of scholarships to women as they do men. On paper,
this seems to be a great idea, but the consequences were never taken into consideration and caused
tremendous problems. In order to give the same amount of scholarships to men and women and be
compliant with Title IX, men s athletic teams have been cut in the process. Men losing the
opportunity to receive scholarships for their respective sport at a collegeof their choice and sports
teams getting cut is an issue that needs to be solved. Men s sports teams cannot keep on being
cut, for there are ways in which Title IX must be enhanced to benefit everyone. The problems of
men s athletic teams being cut can be solved by reducing outrageous spending, add women s
programs, and give more control to colleges. Before Title IX was created, fewer than 32,000
women took part in college athletics while over 170,000 men
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Bmw s Operation Management
BAD 429
Operation Management
Project: BMW
Rodolphe Beyrouthy
Presented to:
Table of contents:
Executive summary................................................................................................3
Charts .........................................................................................4 6
History..........................................................................................7 10
Design of goods and services..............................................................10 11
Managing quality........................................................................... 11 12
Process and capacity design.............................................................. 12
Location strategy...........................................................................13 14
Layout strategy............................................................................. 14
Human resource and job design.........................................................15
Supply chain management............................................................... 15 16 ... Show more content on ...
BMW is currently the 1st most valuable car brand in the world and the 23rd most valuable brand
in the world; in 2011 it was the 2nd right behind Toyota. BMW s brand value increased 10%
while Toyota s brand value decreased by 10%. It currently own Rolls Royce Motor Cars which is a
British manufacturer of luxury automobiles and MINI which is a British automotive marque which
specializes in small cars.
BMW s main products are:
1 Series: The 1 Series was introduced in 2004 and was the first sports hatch in the highly
competitive compact car segment.
3 Series: The 3 Series is the benchmark premium sports saloon, and continues to define the compact
executive car segment. It was launched in 1975.
5 Series: The 5 Series car was launched in 1972 and is available in both Saloon and Touring
models with a number of petrol and diesel engine options. The 5 Series is known for its agility,
performance and driving dynamics.
6 Series: The 6 Series comes in two models, CoupГ© and Convertible, and is available in a
Launched in 2003, the 6 Series has become renowned for its sporting elegance and cutting edge
7 Series: The 7 Series is BMW s luxury Saloon, combining performance, elegance and dynamic
X5: The X5 was the first car in the Sports Activity Vehicle Segment, when it launched in 1999.
These can appeal to buyers who
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A Brief Look at Kevin Andrew Lynch
Kevin Andrew Lynch Kevin Andrew Lynch has been instrumental in more than one ways and
he has shaped our society in ways that nobody would have thought possible prior tot his. He is
of the opinion that the world is a changing place and it has been changing since the time of the
industrial revolution and that this is an ongoing process. He thinks that it is going to continue
for the next half a century or so and until then the things will be quite rapid paced. The idea is
that be it rural or urban the areas have to be accessible and anything and everything that has in
store something good for the people would have a lot of value for the people. Someone might be
gaining out of it all and someone else might be at a loss but that is the way the world function.
There is always a flip side to every coin and it is something that cannot be avoided. But there has
been a notable influx towards the urban areas and this is something that has been common to the
entire world and it will continue to be this way for all the times to come. Kevin believes that it is
up to us to be stern and astute in our approach. Things may changeand people might find it difficult
to adapt to the changes but the changes come about in the first place because the
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Should I Be An Avid Concert Goer And All Around Explorer
Growing up as a wanderess, one would think that I would have mastered the art of clubbing.
However, that couldn t be any further than the truth. While I might be an avid concert goer and all
around explorer, why would I ever engage in clubbing? I don t drink and the thought of standing in
a dark room with strangers with no purpose seemed odd to me. Truthfully, the closest I have ever
had to a clublike experience would be the horrific house party of 12. Needless to say, that was
enough to cement my belief that it would be unenjoyable. Sitting around Friday afternoon with no
plans yet set in stone, suggesting that we go out for girls nightlater that evening via group chat
seemed perfectly normal. Bouncing ideas off each other, I brought up the idea of wanting to
check out a club. Apparently that caught everyone off guard; instantly the conversation died and I
was greeted with several phone calls asking whether or not I was okay and how long I had left .
Anyone who knows me knows that while I may love concerts I simply view clubbing as Prom
minus chaperones. If you could not tell, I was not fond of the idea of prom either and so opted
out. It is not that I am prude of any sort but what is the point of spending hours in line just to enter
a dark room only to be grinded on and groped by strangers?
Once I thoroughly reassured everyone that I was in my right state of mind, preparations for that
evening began. Frankly speaking I never realized how much time and
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Survey Of Cognitive Remediation Practices For Individuals...
Survey of Cognitive Remediation Practices for Individuals with Schizophrenia: Implementation and
Jessica Ryan Cuttance, M.S., CRC
Dr. Dara Chan, ScD, CRC
Dr. Mark Klinger, PhD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Cognitive impairment (CI) is observed in the vast majority of individuals with schizophrenia and
has long been identified as a principal contributor to functional deficits. To date, pro cognitive
pharmacologic therapies have been largely unsuccessful in addressing CI and as such, psychosocial
treatments for cognitive enhancement in schizophrenia are increasingly important. Cognitive
remediation (CR) training is a set of methods that employ principles of neuroplasticity for cognitive
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Rehabilitation counselors can play an important role in ensuring these interventions are made
available to individuals with schizophrenia, part 5rdes aicularly in vocational rehabilitation settings
where CR has been shown to improve supported employment outcomes.
Keywords : Schizophrenia, Cognitive Remediation, Cognition, Neurocognition, Cognitive
Enhancement Therapy, Evidence based.
Survey of Cognitive Remediation Practices for Individuals with Schizophrenia: Implementation and
Schizophrenia is a severe and chronic mental illness characterized by substantial cognitive,
emotional and perceptual deficits. The symptoms and dysfunctions of schizophrenia manifest
themselves in varying states of severity across individuals but are often associated with high rates
of mortality, substance abuse, and co morbidity with other mental disorders. In addition to earlier
mortality rates (Crump, Winkleby, Sundquist Sundquist, 2013), symptoms of schizophrenia often
interfere with one s ability to function and perform daily tasks. Cognitive impairment (CI) has
specifically been identified as a critical barrier to functional recovery for individuals and as a
result, cognitive remediation (CR) programs are increasingly employed as treatment interventions
to address these issues. Empirical support for the benefits of CR on cognition in schizophrenia is
growing; however, the best
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L. A. Noire Research Papers
L.A. Noire is a 2011 action thriller crime video game developed by Team Bondi and published by
Rockstar Games. The game was released for Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Microsoft Windows.
The game takes place in 1947 Los Angeles where the player plays as a Los Angeles Police
Department (LAPD) officer. The game provides difficult challenges where the player will have to
use critical thinking skills to investigate the crime scene, find clues, solve riddles, interrogate
suspects, and connect the dots to solve the case.
L.A Noire cover art
L.A. Noire is set in 1947 Los Angeles, a glamorous city of wealth and fame, but is also a corrupted
city where crime and drug dealing is alive. The player plays the role of a Los Angeles ... Show more
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Clue from Buyer Beware case, Patrol desk
Interrogation from The Studio Secretary Murder case, Homicide desk
What most suspects will do throughout the game is that they will not hand themselves over. The
suspect will most likely run away or get in a car so the player must tackle them or tail them down
with a car. If the chase takes a seemingly long time and the player did not tackle them yet, the
suspect will eventually stop and fight.
Some suspects are bosses of large industries and they will send armed goons to fight. The player
will go through a big shootout and will have to gun their way through to get to the main suspect.
Story line
The story of the game is set 1947 Los Angeles in Hollywood s golden age, a couple of years after
World War II. Cole Phelps is surviving soldier who is starting his career as a police officer. After
solving a couple of cases on Patrol, Phelps is later promoted to the Traffic desk and he would soon
continue to work his way up to Homicide, Vice, and Arson desks.
Cole Phelps
A U.S. Marine Lieutenant during World War II. He was reckless and overconfident. Phelps fought
in Okinawa, where he gave poor orders
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Unconventional Warfare
Reading Colonel Maxwell s article, I started to think of the United States (U.S.) Unconventional
Warfare (UW) history. If you look at our nation s history prior to the 1900s, I believe the policy
makers may have understood UW better, but more importantly, they did not have to deal with
the modern day constraints of employing UW today. The issue today is not do we understand
UW, as much as the employment of UW in the world we live in today. We live in the age of I
have to have it all now, and of the twenty four hour news cycle age. Employing UW with actual
U.S. military personal on the ground working should have a low profile by nature for UW.
Unfortunately, low profile is almost impossible to obtain when you have boots on the ground and...
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does not have a joint doctrine developed for UW, but I do not believe that has prevented us from
employing UW as a strategy to support U.S. interest. Even without a joint doctrine, the U.S. has
had and I feel still has the capability to employ UW. The real issue is policy and decisions
makers in Washington have no patience for UW to be successful as a real strategy. The other
issue is policies can change every four to eight years in our country. Do not get me wrong I like
our democratic political system, but I do not think the Taliban has to worry about pole numbers
or a change in their administration when it comes to making strategic level decisions. Even with
a complete grasp of UW, I believe UW would have a limited chance of a successful end state
because of time along with the modern day information age. An example, which he quoted, was
Afghanistan after 9/11. It had complete support of our policy makers and the public. The
general understanding of a successful end state was to have the Taliban removed. Success was
quick, public opinion was high, and UW was the flavor of the day, it was the quick fix in 2003.
History tells us that all changed, then the presentation of information changed followed by public
opinion and the final change policy change. The biggest issue for US policies makers is any
employment of U.S. forces in a conventional or UW capacity has a time clock as one of the
requirements for
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The Philosophy Of Aristotle s Philosophy
Within each of our existences, we as social creatures desire friendship/social interaction which
comforts us on the confusing journey we call life. I believe that through my interpretation of
Aristotle s philosophy, that we all have friends when seeing the world through Aristotle s
philosophy. Aristotle describes friendshipas being made up of mutual feelings of good intentions
between two individuals. According to him, there are 3 different types of friendships that make
up the base of social interactions. The first out of 3 types of friendships that he talks about is
Utility based friendships. These types of friendships are based on the benefits/trading that the
two individuals can gain from each other. These are most often formed by individuals with
opposite personalities. The decision making process involved in forming these types of
relationships are based on long term benefit, or time to benefit ratio. This type of relationship is
characterized as shallow, weak, and easily dissolved. The most problems occur in this type of
relationship due to the deviation in valuing one another s service. For example, Billy and Bob
are friends/roommates, Billy made a painting as a gift for Bob in exchange for paying his half of
the rent, Bob believes that while being appreciative of the painting, that it is worth less than the
price of the rent he couldn t pay and insists that Bob either starts pulling his own weight or hits the
road to find additional income and a different
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Essay on The Truth Behind Music and Television
How many hours, on average, do young adults spend listening to music and watching television?
For music, young adults spend about two and a half hours listening throughout the day. Music is
merely organized sound that is meaningful and designed to entertain the audience listening. Music
and television are more than just relaxing activities to spend extra time but can affect the
psychological and developmental process of young adults. It may help young adults get their
feelings across easily, but it does more harm than good. Parents and even experts know and have
proven that listening to certain types of music and watching too much televisionare corrupting the
minds of young adults. For toddlers and infants, they observe about two... Show more content on ...
The type of music they listen to is usually the mood they are in at the time (Mariam). Listening to
their favorite kind of music is a way for them to express themselves. People try to find something
in every song to try to connect to it. If it is through the lyrics, the story behind it, or even the way
that the song makes them feel. The reason young adults listen to music is to connect with it and to
articulate their feelings in ways that they would not be able to do through their actions. The lyrics
rapped by the artists can be things going on in their own personal lives (Mariam). Even the artist is
using music to express the way that they feeling in the moment when they wrote the song. The
music that one listens to makes them the way that they are and influence the way that they think.
Some music today can lead the young adults listening to it make them make idiotic choices.
Everyone listens to music, and it influences one s actions in a drastic way. Rap music highly
exposes drugs, sex, and violence to the people who listen to it. This raw material is not the best
for young adults. When a person likes a certain artist, he or she will make choices as if they were
the artist so that they can be similar to them. The kind of music that is vulgar and unsuitable for
young adults is causing them to use drugs, have sex, and break the law. With the explicit and
inappropriate songs influence the
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The American Football Club History
Even for a club based in the Cradle of Football , Everton s history is startling. In their 138 years
of existence, they have spent only four years outside the top flight of English football. During this
time, they have won nine League titles, five FA Cups and the 1985 Cup Winners Cup. Since 1892,
the club has been playing its home games at Goodison Park, the first major football stadium in
Having been founded in 1878, Everton quickly emerged as one of the top football clubs of its era.
They were among the twelve founding members of the Football League, the first professional
football competition in the world. Their first taste of silverware came in 1891, with the club
winning its first League title in a dominating fashion. It wasn t ... Show more content on ...
The post war period was far less kind to the club, which initially struggled to rediscover their
earlier form. Their fortunes changed with the appointment of Harry Catterick as manager in 1961;
under his authoritative presence, Everton claimed another League title in 1963. In 1966, they came
from 2 0 down to beat Sheffield Wednesday in the FA Cupfinal. The club won their seventh League
title in 1970, but the rest of the decade was a fairly disappointing affair, mostly due to their arch
rivals Liverpool dominating the domestic competitions.
Everton s final claim to fame came in the mid 80s, with Howard Kendall taking over managerial
duties. Having won the 1984 FA Cup, the club won its first Double the following year; after
claiming a League title, they won the Cup Winners Cup by defeating Rapid Wien 3 1 in the final.
Under Kendall, the club would win their ninth (and as of yet, final) League title in 1987, with the
Heysel tragedy preventing them from competing for European trophies.
The club was far less fortunate in the Premier League era, with the 1995 FA Cup being their only
trophy in the two decades that followed. After being regulars in the lower half of the league table
for a while, they had a mini resurgence under David Moyes, who led the club to a fourth place
league finish in 2005 and the FA Cup final in
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Camp Luminescence Research Paper
Luminescence. A light shining brightly in the otherwise dark night sky. Camp Luminescence, a
Mars Surface Base camp will be the first human base on another planet. When humans hundreds of
years later look back, they will remember this mission as the first human settlement of a planet
beyond Earth. Camp Luminescence will shine on Mars, both metaphorically and literally, as a
symbol of the beginning of a new journey. Camp Luminescence will light the way for the thousands
of deep space manned missions that will surely follow.
Mission Goals
The primary goal of this mission is to set up and maintain a long term base on Mars in order to
analyze the Martian atmosphere as well as the surface and sub surface environment. This mission
will serve as a step forward into a permanent human ... Show more content on ...
Research conducted within the Science Starliner is primarily health research as well as other
experiments on the Mars surface and atmosphere that are either outside the research capabilities
of the Resource and Astronomical Starliner or do not fit into their scopes. The Science Starliner
will conduct research on muscle atrophy, bone density, radiation and the human body, as well as
how the Mars environment affects humans. While the Science Starliner s research will be
primarily health based, it will also conduct biological research and microgravity research as well
as focus on developing new technologies in the lab that can aid in the camp s daily
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Remembering the Disremembered Essay
Remembering the Disremembered
Everybody knew what she was called, but nobody anywhere knew her name. Disremembered
and unaccounted for, she cannot be lost because no one is looking for her, and even if they
were, how can they call her if they don t know her name? Although she has claim, she is not
claimed. In the place where long grass opens, the girl who waited to be loved and cry shame
erupts into her separate parts, to make it easy for the chewing laughter to swallow her all away.
It was not a story to pass on.
Toni Morrison, Beloved
To write history means giving dates their physiognomy.
Walter Benjamin
For philosopher, essayist and critic Walter Benjamin, history is catastrophe. Standing as he does at
the ... Show more content on ...
In this, the dusk of the 20th century, to whom has the task of Benjamin s storyteller fallen? One
such contemporary storyteller is African American writer Toni Morrison, who in her novel Beloved
brings our present face to face with the image of the smashed bodies of Black slaves, forcing us to
re member and account for their experiences.
Benjamin has identified the catastrophe of history with the loss of communicable experience and
hence meaning in human life. The processes initiated in the Enlightenment, perpetuated in the rise
of positivistic philosophy, and culminating in the horrors of World War I have stripped humanity of
its experiential reality.
It is as if something that seemed inalienable to us, the securest among our possessions, were taken
from us: the ability to exchange experiences. . . For never has experience been contradicted more
thoroughly than strategic experience by tactical warfare, economic experience by inflation, bodily
experience by mechanical warfare, moral experience by those in power (Illuminations, 83 84).
What is lost is the art of the storyteller who, in the telling of the stories of a culture, passed on the
tradition from one generation to the next and with it the wisdom of experience. This wisdom is
nothing less than the knowledge and skill necessary to integrate the experiences contained in
tradition into the real lives of the listeners, to make them conscious of history.
The story places us
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The Affordable Parking System
In recent years, parking a automobile has become a heavy downside in giant cities with
increasing rate of personal vehicles. With the rising downside of parking cars, the normal parking
system that doesn t offer any info regarding out there parking areas wouldn t be able to handle the
matter effectively. the everyday parking area system would solely be able to offer information of
accessible parking locations or another system would need human resources to see and supply
information regarding the situation of the available parking locations. These varieties of parking
systems would solely offer marginal information on the out there parking locations and wouldn t be
able to handle the parking problems effectively. in and of itself these systems
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Jealousy In Ray Bradbury s All Summer In A Day
Jealousy and patience what do they have in common and how are they different, Ray Bradbury s
story All Summer in a Day is a good example of how they are alike and how they are different.
All Summer in a Day a story by Ray Bradbury takes place on the planet Venus where it rains all
the time, and every seven years the Sun comes out for at least an hour, and some nine year olds
do not believe Margot about the sun (how it looks and feels), eventually they put her in a closet
and then minutes later the sun comes out. Two of the many themes in All Summer in a Day are
jealousy can hurt people and blind people and patience is a virtue. All Summer in a Day a story by
Ray Bradbury is full of examples of theme but two main ones are jealousy can... Show more content
on ...
In All Summer in a Day the main character Margot says Oh,but Margot whispered helpless. But
this is the day, the scientist predict, they say, they know, the sun... also it states All a joke! said
the boy, The children do not believe Margot about the predictions on when the sun will shine,
this is because the children don t have the kind of patience to wait for the sun. Also in Ray
Bradbury s story All Summer in a Day when the children are coming back in from being out in
the sun there is a small conversation that states Will it be seven more years? Yes. Seven. then one
of them gave a little cry. Margot! What? She s still in the closet where we locked her. Margot
This is a good example of patience is a virtue because in this part the children are now realizing the
mistake they had made for the impatience and jealousy that they had felt because of Margot and her
statements. Anyone maybe wondering how are these themes are tied together and to the thesis,
well if it is thought about for long enough they might recognize how first of all is the themes are
interconnected ,and the themes are of the many that there are, they are some of the main
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The Anunciation And Expulsion From Paradise Summary
Giovani di Paolo s The Annunciation and Expulsion from Paradise is currently in the National
Gallery of Art in Washington DC. According to the panel next to the artwork, the piece was
finished in 1435 CE and made of tempera on panel. This Sienese altarpiece from the start of the
Italian Renaissance shows the experimentation of form at that time. Giovanni di Paolo uses
golden texture to display divinity, line to illustrate architectural perspective, and a strategic use of
scale throughout the composition in order to portray the importance of the religious context. The
golden foil that compliments tempera works at the time draws your eye to specific points in the
piece. Drawing your eye to the upper left corner, the golden material then aids the eye in traveling
down towards the bottom right corner. Because the largest golden form is in the upper right
corner, your sight starts there. This is where god is represented and the symbol for divinity starts.
Divinity implied by golden nimbuses or halos continue throughout the piece around the head of
divine figures. The only two figures on the left without nimbuses represent Adam and Eve who are
no longer divine one kicked out of paradise. This relates to the second part of the title, Expulsion
from Paradise. For obvious cultural reasons, the angels have the heavenly halos. One angel is
specifically known, Archangel Gabriel, because of the annunciationscene with Mary in the center.
Joseph, at the right, and Mary both also
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Comparing the Constitution as a Source of Law With Other...
Comparing the Constitution as a Source of Law with Other Legal Sources As July 4th gets ever
closer, this is the time to appreciate our founding fathers and the Constitution they drafted in the
early years of the United States. The Constitution is a major document within American history that
sits at the very foundation of other legal processes here in the United States. It helps protect
relations between states, our legal process, and our basic rights as American citizens. Other
legal sources, such as state and local laws do have some similarities, but are mostly vastly
different based on their inherent specific nature; these laws are much more specific to a more
designated section of the American public, whereas Constitutional laws are meant to transcend
border and demographic differences. To understand how the legal standing of the Constitution
differs from other sources of law, it is first imperative to understand the definition of law itself.
According to the research, laws explain what is required, permitted, or prohibited behavior in
advance of the action (Connelly 2011 p 4). Our legal system provides the measures and
restrictions for our behavior and relation to one another. For example, murder is not acceptable,
and so it is against the law. However, not all laws are so black and white, and many of them have
been established and adopted to fit a very specific niche within American life and culture. There are
some similarities and differences between
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The Creation Of The New German Nation, Or What Would Become
The creation of the new German nation, or what would become known as the German Unification,
mirrored similar revolutions around the globe, including that of the Meiji Restoration and the Ita
lian Unification. Undoubtably, by the turn of 1871, a new German Empire emerged, but what
remains in uncertain territories, is whether this new German Empirewas created from above or
below. Neither position can be disregarded or invalidated, as the power of the people holds equal
significance to that of the people in power. However, as clearly highlighted by Ernest Renan in a
declaration of nationhood, we [the people] are what you make us; we are what you are ,
demonstrates the complex relationship between a nation, its leaders and their people.... Show more
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The Danes and Alsace Lorrainers were inconvenienced by war, as their respective nations loss to
Germany had left their lands to be transferred from one nation to another and they somewhat
found themselves left to be an alienated minority in a new country that was not their own. While,
the Poles were the butt of historic German feelings of superiority , as they d generally found
themselves within the German Empire and along with the other minorities, they were all, in one
way or another, treated as actual or potential enemies of the Empire . Essentially, this was a
period of internal division in Germany , as the minorities of the Poles, the Danes and Alsace
Lorrainers combined with others that opposed the nature of the new German nation, including
many catholics, set the reality that although the new German nation had been created from above,
it was yet to be brought into existence below. This left the creation of the German nation to
mirror the reality of Italian unification, as highlight by Massimo d Azeglio we have made Italy,
now we have to make the Italians . Therefore, the German nation was created from above, but it
also needed to be created from below as well.
With the German nation having been created from above, it then needed its citizens to be created as
well. In order to combat the minorities, those that oppose the new German Empire and to truely
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Narnia Movie And Book Comparison Essay
Being an extraordinary writer, C. S. Lewis s books series The Chronicles of Narnia have been
made into a series of movies that are delightful for all ages. The main series of movies was
created by Disney and varies from the books more than another version that was created by the
BBC. Although the movies are good and are said follow the story it could be said when comparing
the two The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe in can be said that the
book is better because it lets the reader live the story instead of just watching it. The book
elaborates more when the wardrobe is first entered, when Aslanis killed and brought back to life,
and then again when the end battle happens. In the beginning of the book The Lion, The Witch, and
The Wardrobe it begins... Show more content on ...
The children arrive and are greeted by the old Professor, he is so odd looking the Lucy is scared
of him. After a small amount of conversation, the oldest child, Peter, decides to go from room to
room exploring. Soon they happen upon a room with nothing in it but a wardrobe. Lucy, being
the curious child she is, decides to stay behind and look through the wardrobe as her siblings
wander off. She enters it and find she can go further back than she thought the wardrobe went.
She then abruptly feels pine tree needles. Lucy then sees a light that is a long way off from
where the back of the wardrobe should be, this light leads her into Narnia. During this same scene
in the movie The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe the children flee because of the air raid that
happens in the beginning of the movie. They leave because the government decides to send all the
children out of the city. Unlike in the book when sent away from the city because of the threat of
air raids. The children are picked up by the uptight housekeeper Mrs. Macready who consequently
shows them around the house telling them the rules of the house the main one being don t
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bus330 final Essay
Marketing Manager of Oreos
Bus 330
Dr. Shiquita P. Blue
Marketing Manager
In this written assignment, I will be accepting the role of a marketing manager that will select a
product (good or service) that s sold in the United States and has sales opportunities in a foreign
market. The product I have chosen is Oreo s, are the world s favorite cookie. Throughout this
assignment, I will apply my critical thinking skills and the knowledge I have attained throughout
this course to the product that I have chosen.
The first steps in marketing are putting the right product out at the right price and the right time.
All of us have grown up with Oreo cookies, we all have our disputes as to the way to eat them
dunking them in milk or ... Show more content on ...
In order for me to apply the STP approach in the American and foreign market is first I will have
to determine which types of customers exist, select which ones we would be able to serve best,
and then implement our segmentation by improving our cookies for that segment and show that
we made the choice to stand out and remain rare. The primary segment is one for who the
product is designed for, maximum revenue will come from the primary target market. These
customers that share common characteristics and behaviors account for the highest capacity of
sales and are most likely to buy now. The positioning of Oreo cookie is tempting to kids and
teenagers they are the highest consumers of cookies. The secondary market is future primary
buyers, persons buying at a high rate in a small segment and people who influence primary buyers.
However their characteristics and buying behaviors usually are different from those of the primary
market. For example this would be the persons that live a fast passed life style like adults, and
working parents, and grandparents. In order s to implement our target, we must begin positioning
by choosing what image the company would like to portray to our consumers. One way is for the
company to maintain a strong competitive advantage.
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Terrorism In Kenya Essay
Terrorism in Kenya
Kenya has been the battlefield of tragic terrorist attacks on western interests twice since 1998
once in 1998 when the US embassy was attacked and a second time in 2002 when a Israeli owned
Paradise hotel was bombed. In 1980, Jewish owned Norfolk hotel was attacked by the PLO. Every
single attack shared a common thread of irony: the majority of the lives lost were Kenyan, even
though the ideology behind the attacks suggests that Kenyan and Kenyans were not involved in the
political dynamic that precipitated the attacks.
The paper seeks to understand the political, social and cultural variables that have thrown Kenya
into the geo political limelight insofar as the so called War on Terrorism is... Show more content on ...
In 1980 terrorists linked to the Palestinian Liberation Organization attacked the Jewish owned
Norfolk hotel in Nairobi killing 15 people, most of them Kenyans.
In 1998, the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya and the one in neighboring Tanzania were bombed.
According to official Kenyan government figures, 213 people were killed in the blast that gutted
the U.S. Embassy building in downtown Nairobi. That included 12 American workers and 34 of
their Kenyan colleagues, called foreign service nationals [FSNs]. More than 4,000 Kenyans were
also injured in the explosion.
In 2002, three suicide bombers attacked an Israeli owned hotel, killing 11 Kenyans, 3 Israelis and
wounding dozens. Almost simultaneously, at least two missiles were fired at but missed an Israeli
airliner taking off from Mombasa airport. A previously unknown militant group calling itself The
Government of Universal Palestine in Exile, The Army of Palestine, issued a statement in Lebanon
claiming responsibility saying the operations were timed to mark the eve of the anniversary of the
Nov. 29, 1947, decision by the United Nations to partition Palestine and allow creation of a Jewish
More recently, in May 2003, warnings of possible imminent attacks in Kenya were issued on by
officials in Washington, London and Berlin. Britain ordered British airlines to halt flights to Kenya
due to fears
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Essay On The Door 42
Door #42 I don t know exactly how it started. I woke up on the concrete ground, and the smell of
copper and mildew invaded my nose. I eventually sat up and begin moving my limbs around to
make sure I wasn t hurt. While stretching out my back, I heard a rustling in the corner. A human,
based on the outline. I slowly stood up and crept over to them. Sitting up, I could tell it was a
boy, and a scared one at that. He stood up and looked at me with wide frightened eyes. I m Beau.
Who are you? Why am I he...? His voice drifted away as he took in the situation. Mason. I don t
know where we are, but we are gonna get out. Beau slowly stood up and begin brushing himself
off and I did the same. Looking around the room, I saw that one side... Show more content on ...
Suddenly a person fell from the darkness in the high ceiling, landing with a sickening crunch on
the ground. They had made no sound falling, and certainly wouldn t be making any noise now.
Beau began crying and clutching his chest. Beau, I m gonna get us out I promise. You have to
be quiet or someone will hear us. Stepping over piles of bones and puddles, we found out doors
ringed the floor level, Each one about four steps apart. They all had numbers on them, from #1
#70. All of them had a padlock on them. They were all shaped and colored differently, some
rotting and falling apart and others looked brand new. We eventually came across a yellowed
paper on the wall with a riddle on it. Use your brain to play this game, or we will take it from you
and isn t that such a shame? In this room is the key, if you find it you re halfway free. Choose the
wrong door, you will regret it for sure... I looked around the chamber and decided I would look in
the cages first for the key. I went halfway up the stairs, and leaped onto the nearest one and
reached through the bars and began sifting through bones. I lept from cage to cage, sifting
through bones and running my fingers through the puddles. I found the key in a cage that was
above door #33. I made my way back to the stairs and showed Beau the key. Which door do you
want Beau? 17. #17 was a deep burgundy with a gold handle. I took a deep breath and put the key
in the lock. It
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Influential Ideas For Protestant Theology
John Calvin was the son of bourgeois parents in Picardy, France (Brophy, 431). First, he studied
at the University of Paris to obtain a Master of the Arts degree, and then he went on to study law
at OrlГ©ans, where he received a doctorate of law (Brophy, 431). When he converted to
Protestantism he was forced to flee Paris and eventually ended up in Geneva, Switzerland, where
he wrote his Draft of Ecclesiastical Ordinances, along with many other significant writings (Brophy,
432). This document is a primary source because John Calvinwrote it in 1541 in Geneva (Brophy,
432). Calvin wrote this draft in order to educate people about the reforms he desired to see in the
church throughout England (Brophy, 432). His writings were one of the most influential ideas for
Protestant theology (Cole, 318). When Calvin converted to Protestantism, he wanted to create
reforms within the church so that there was proper structure for both the church and government
(Cole, 319). The best way for him to get the reforms he wanted was to write them down, which he
did in the Draft of Ecclesiastical Ordinances. Calvin s Draft of Ecclesiastical Ordinances is about
the structure of the church and government he wished to see (Brophy, 434). Unlike our government
today, Calvin did not see a need for separation of church and state. Calvin s ideal government was
one that was tied directly to the church, and the church officials would also be the government
officials. The draft includes the duties,
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Monomyth In The Lion King
Rebecca and Phillip Stein (2017) discuss monomyth, a hero s journey, in their book Anthropology
of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft. In the text, they use the definition of a monomyth given by
Joseph Campbell. Campbell defines it as when A hero ventures forth from the world of common
day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive
victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons
on his fellow man. (Stein Stein, 2017.) According to the text, a hero s journey has three stages: the
departure, the initiation, and the return. (Stein and Stein, 2017.) The Disney movie, The Lion King,
is a monomyth movie about a young lion who abandons his role as king of the Pride lands and
must come back to save his family and his land when danger ensues. Simba is the son of Mufasa,
the current king, therefore he is the rightful heir to the throne. This is the common day world
that Simba lives in. His uncle, Scar, is filled with hatred towards both Simba and Mufasa,
because he believes he deserves to be king. He comes up with an elaborate plan to kill them
both. He tricks Simba into thinking that his father has a surprise for him, and he instructs Simba
to wait inside of a canyon while he fetches his Mufasa. Scar deliberately starts a stampede of
wildebeests to try and kill Simba. Mufasa arrives to the canyon to witness Simba clinging for his
life, on a lone shrub s branch, as thousands of
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African Americans in American Society 1920s
African Americans in the 1920s
Cast down your bucket where you are. Cast it down among the eight millions of Negroes... Booker
T. Washington, 1895 Atlanta Compromise
Throughout US history, there is an abundance of racism, segregation and discrimination towards
the African Americanpeople. In 1619, the first African slaves were brought to Jamestown to
produce tobacco, tea, cotton, coffee and other precious commodities. In this time period, 12 million
Africans were forcibly transported to the Americas, where they worked as slaves until 1865, where
the 13th Amendment abolished slavery. Although suppressed by whites and organisations such as
the Ku Klux Klan, African Americans in the 1920s began to work towards social,... Show more
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Despite the cultural developments in Harlem and the formation of the African American identity,
white culture found it extremely difficult to accept their black neighbours, leading to racial
tensions, and often as a result, lynchings. One such example of racial tension leading to horrific
consequences was the Tulsa Race Riots. In 1921, Tulsa Oklahoma was experiencing an economic
boom thanks to the discovery of oil. Due to this African Americans also prospered, although
confined to the Greenwood section of the city, also referred to as the Black Wall Street, due to a
number of wealthy black entrepreneurs residing there. At this time, membership in the Ku Klux
Klan was rising and there was an active chapter in Tulsa. On Memorial Day, a riot was triggered
by a report in several white newspapers that a white, female elevator operator had been allegedly
raped by black youths. In response to this, rumours circulated around the city that a mob was going
to attempt to lynch the youths, then a group of armed African Americans bolted to the local police
station in order to stop the lynching mob, that did not exist. A
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The Major Developments of Early Human and Social Evolution
Describe the major developments of early human and social evolution. Throughout, discuss tool
manufacturing, language development, agriculture, social behavior, and population growth. The
first tools developed during the Paleolithic Era were made from chipped stones, wood and bone,
and nets from plant fibers and animal sinew (Holt, Rinehart, Wilson, n.d.: 2). The Neolithic Era
brought forth greater specialization. People began to make chisels, drills, and saws to address
specific needs and also polished stones to create sharper and more defined points (Holt, Rinehart,
Wilson, n.d.: 2). Language scholars trace the development of the first forms of systematized
language to this era: The crucial evolutionary development that led to the burst in creativity in the
Neolithic was the emergence of human language as a method for integrating across cognitive
modules (MacWhinney 2005: 383). During this era, the use of stones began to have a utilitarian
purpose in a manner that showed more sophisticated thinking. The most significant development
during the Neolithic Era was the development of agriculture. This occurred approximately 10,000
years ago in human history. Humans began to domesticate animals and engage in selective
breeding. With the end of the Ice Age, new plants became available and were cultivated to provide
a more stable food source than hunting and gathering. Humans began to domesticate plants as well.
People had long observed wild plants as they gathered
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Kevlar Leather Jacket Pros And Cons
In the decades since I first climbed on top of a motorcycle, I have seen a lot of changes. Riding
partners have come and gone, laws have evolved, and the public s perception of bikers has,
thankfully, improved. The biking community is in a state of perpetual change, just like the world
around it, but one thing remains constant: leather jackets. Both stylish and secure, leather has been
relied upon by bikers throughout history to keep them safe from the elements and protect them
during falls and crashes.
The leather jacket is as synonymous with motorcycles as two wheels and an engine, but an
increasing number of bikers are leaving behind their leather jackets in favor of alternatives of a
different material, such as mesh or Kevlar. Some readers may be unfamiliar with the latter, which
hasn t received as much publicity as some other protective materials, but if Kevlar motorcycle
jackets can gain global attention, it is quite possible they can dethrone their leather opponents.
But what exactly does a ... Show more content on ...
Leather jackets tend to offer very poor ventilation, even when they are fitted with mesh vents. If
you live in a cold climate, this likely won t be a problem, but those who attempt to ride in a leather
motorcycle jacket during warmer months will be putting themselves at risk of heat stroke.
As the world becomes increasingly more mindful, the cruelty associated with leather jackets
becomes a bigger and bigger problem. Leather, as most of us know but do our best to ignore, is
made from the skin of animals, most commonly cows. Killing animals for the sake of clothing is,
admittedly, pretty horrendous, and many animal loving bikers have moved on to textile motorcycle
jackets while actively campaigning against leather protective equipment.
Kevlar Motorcycle Jackets
The Pros
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Food Regulation In High School
WHAT will it take to get Americans to change our eating habits? (Bittman) Nothing can, if it has
not worked yet, nothing will work. Food regulation is a huge topic that has been going around for
a couple of years in schools and restaurants. The way food regulation works is that schools are
now serving more fruits and vegetables than carbs or meat. There are several people that agree with
foodregulation in schools and restaurants, but others have different opinions. I believe that food
regulation is wrong, I think so because a high schooler needs a certain amount of calories to stay
healthy, and some kids do not have parents that will provide food for them when they get home.
Another big reason I refute with it also is because there are hundreds... Show more content on ...
At this school they fingerprint the students so they can monitor their diet. We will also be able
to monitor what children are buying to make sure they are eating a healthy diet. (Olson) In that
quote Olson writes about how the school is going to an extent where they are monitoring what
kids buy now. They did not only take away our freedom of what we can eat, but they took away
our freedom on what and what not we can buy. Washington Puyallup School District spent
$38,695 on devices that would map the veins in a student s palm. (Olson) Schools are using over
$30,000 in technology that can keep up with a student s diet. Why not spend that on technology
that can be used to further knowledge the children. The money could be used in a physical
education class by buying equipment to show kids how to lose weight. After the school used the
$38,695 on the palm scanners, parents hated the idea of the school knowing what they are eating
and buying. If the school district needs my signature in order to obtain my daughter s photograph
and use that photograph in publication because of privacy issue, then I believe I would have to
sign an authorization to use my child s identity. (Olson) That quote was said by an enraged parent
that was tired of the scanning system. The school ended up totally getting rid of the palm scanning
system. That is good, now the
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Understanding The Ideal Occlusion
Ideal occlusion there is no such thing as a bad occlusal contact, it is only intolerable number of
times for that patient in that time in their life to function or parafunction on it. Certain features
considered in the ideal occlusion are (5)
At system level a) coincidence of centric occlusion and centric relation (CO = CR), b) when there
is freedom for the mandible to move slightly forwards from the CR in the same horizontal and
sagittal plane it is called freedom in centric occlusion, c) when the mandible moves there is
immediate and lasting posterior disclusion called anterior guidance on front teeth
At tooth level a) cusp tip to flat fossa contact that is no incline contacts, b) occlusal forces directed
down the long axis of root. ... Show more content on ...
a) To avoid occlusion changing procedures in a healthy functioning patient
b) To recognize that irreversible treatments are rarely required in the management of orofacial pain
Following guidelines are suggested for good occlusal practice (5)
a) examination of the patient must involve the teeth, periodontal tissues and articulatory system
b) there is no such thing as an intrinsically bad occlusal contact, only an intolerable number of times
to parafunction on it
c) patients occlusion should be recorded before any treatment is started
d) compare the patients occlusion against the benchmark of ideal occlusion
e) record patients occlusion before, during and after the
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  • 1. Introduction For My College Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Introduction For My College Essay Introduction For My College Essay
  • 2. Another Common Environmental Factor That Engineers Are Another common environmental factor that engineers are concerned with when they consider the conditions of bridges is wind loads. These are especially a hazard to cable supported bridges because the system relies on a delicate balance of pressure that holds up the bridge, which can be easily disturbed under high winds. One example of this is the Tacoma bridgefailure in Washington state in 1940. While examining the evidence, engineers found that when the wind hits the body of the bridge, it creates forces that oscillated the bridge, which caused instability (Gianni and Gazzola). Additionally, when these bridges were built, the environment they were in was drastically different than it is today. Although engineers took population increase... Show more content on ... Although this was the specific reason for the collapse, the broader problem was inadequacies in state inspections and the federal government failing to audit the state`s work adequately. Another reason why designs of bridges fail is because there is not cohesiveness in the theory behind construction and actual construction. Sometimes construction is either too dependent on theory or ignorant of it, either way the assumptions made during design and construction are dangerous. This is shown in the case of the Williamsburg Bridge where: The rationale justifying the use of non galvanized high strength cable wires on the Williamsburg Bridge was summarized as follows: If the wires are maintained dry, they do not need zinc coating. If not, it will not save them in the long term. This reasoning may appear sound, yet it lacks both the practical knowledge of life cycle cable performance and a theoretical model of wire deterioration. (Yanev 119) This gap between theory and practice in directly related to a gap between engineers and management. Currently, engineers are in control of the design and construction, but the process of this operation is given to management whose primary concern is cutting production cost. Consequently, necessary redundancies are lost during construction. Although this eliminates initial cost, it increases future cost because ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Female Characters Restrictions In The Age Of Innocence Wharton and Morrison focus on their female characters restrictions in society, and the ways in which they combat this repression. Within the stringent upper class New York City setting of The Age of Innocence, the women are judged harshly. Society views them as their husband s counterpart, who must dress and behave in a specific manner. As seen through May Welland, wives played the role of a loyal and dutiful trophy for their husbands to show off. Even her own husband, Newland Archer, views her as property, And he contemplated her absorbed young face with a thrill of possessorship in which pride in his own masculine initiation was mingled with a tender reverence for her abysmal purity, (Wharton 13). His pride in possessorship of his... Show more content on ... Yet, because of the inverse socioeconomic setting, the judgement of beauty is different. In Lorain, Ohio, a woman s life choice is confined to marrying and having children, working for a white family, or become a prostitute. Women in this community aspired to whiteness because society s perception of beauty promotes this and leads the women to believe they can gain more opportunity. Women presume that this would bring them beauty, and therefore respect. Adults, older girls, shops, magazines, newspapers, window signs all the world had agreed that a blue eyed, yellow haired, pink skinned doll was what every girl treasured. Here, they said, this is beautiful, and if you are on this day worthy you may have it, (Morrison 20). It is this view in society that causes Pecola, a thirteen year old girl, to drive herself to the point of insanity. Morrison emphasizes Pecola s deep wish for blue eyes, through her consumption of three whole quarts of milk, just to gaze upon Shirley Temple s beautiful eyes. Pecola concludes that if she has blue eyes, she will then be beautiful, so therefore she will gain love, affection, and respect. She believes people often don t look at her or listen to her, especially her parents and school teachers, because she is ugly. Pecola s desire blue eyes, her desire for people to notice her, is what she drives her to the point of insanity. Morrison communicates the harm and disdain that is inflicted upon women by society focusing on their ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Parkinson s Disease And The Disease Parkinson s disease is a chronic disorder of the nervous system with a gradual onset that primarily affects the body s motor system. The symptoms of the disease are mainly caused by the death of dopamine producing cells in the midbrain. Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter that, among other things, is responsible for playing a role in how the brain controls bodily movements. Therefore, the cardinal symptoms of the disease are movement related, including tremor and rigid, jerky movements. Parkinson s is a progressive disease, meaning it gets worse over time, until it eventually leads to complete disability. Parkinson s is a fairly common disease, and several well known people, such as actor Michael J. Fox and boxer Muhammad Ali have... Show more content on ... Parkinson s disease produces both motor symptoms and nonmotor symptoms. There are four cardinal motor symptoms of Parkinson s: tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia (slow movements), and postural instability. Tremor is the most obvious symptom of Parkinson s, as well as the most common. The tremor is uncontrollable and is most noticeable when the limb is at rest; when the limb is in use, the tremor disappears. Often times, the tremor only affects the hand or foot on one side of the body, but it can eventually become bilateral. Rigidity is characterized as stiffness and resistance to movement in the limbs. The arms, legs, face, and back are areas commonly affected. Early on, rigidity can cause joint pain, often in the shoulder. Bradykinesia is one of the most common symptoms of Parkinson s. It is described as slowness and difficulty in initiating and making movements, especially repetitive movements and fine motor skills, such as writing. Bradykinesia greatly affects the ability of the Parkinson s sufferer to perform common activities of daily life, like getting dressed. According to Nolden (2015), postural instability is the imbalance and loss of righting reflexes. This is usually a symptom that shows up in the late stages of Parkinson s. Postural instability is linked with high rates of hip fractures in people with Parkinson s disease, due to increased falls. Aside from the four cardinal motor symptoms, there are secondary motor symptoms that go ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Feminism and Art History The history of mankind has often been captured in snapshots between the rise and fall of great leaders and civilizations, by artists all with a common dream of portraying what they saw during their times. Ideologies reflective of their societies were depicted through sculptures, frescoes, pottery, paintings, and many other methods. Many of these principals were created, celebrated, and popularized by constituents of societies where andocentric values were applied not only to social and political mores, but also to the various art forms as the male body was cherished and praised and the female body was hidden away from public view. The book Feminism and Art History: Questioning the Litany edited by Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrad, strives... Show more content on ... Kampen concludes by discussing how the image of women portrayed the idealistic views of women as caretakers who stayed at home , and works of art supported this by depicting women as В…mythological or entertaining, or as an adjunct to the patron s own status; otherwise she might not appear. (pg. 74) The author believes that the artists were in denial of the experiences of working women and that s why the views of working women were limited. The visual portrayals of gender and status in Roman society stand as a bridge linking the work of art and the work of society together as one. The final chapter that I read was one I found extremely conflictant and interesting because not only did we touch on some of these topics in class, but when I visited the Metropolitan Museum I actually had some of the same issues with the works I saw there. Eve and Mary: Conflicting Images of Medieval Woman by Henry Kraus, was by far one of the more fascinating chapters and discussed the distorted views of women as vessels that the Devil could use to entrap a man and cause him to fall from God s grace, during medieval times and reinforced by the Catholic Church. Monasteries were places that men could go and abstain from worldly pleasures, proving their dedication to God and refraining from anything that could cause them to sin either physically, emotionally, and especially spiritually. During the fourteenth century, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Overview of Management Running head: OVERVIEW OF MANAGEMENT Overview of Management Erminia Ponce University of Phoenix Overview of Management Kudler Fine Foods was founded by Kathy Kudler in 1998. Kathy once was a Vice President of Marketing of a defense contractor; Kathy traveled constantly and endured the pressures of corporate life. Kathy ultimately wanted something different, something less stressful and gourmet cooking seemed to relieve the stress for her so Kathy decided to embark on an opportunity on an upscale epicurean food shop in La Jolla. Kathy opened her first store in June, 1998 and within the year the store was profitable. Kathy later opened two more stores by 2003, one in Del Mar and Encinitas and now Kathy is looking at... Show more content on ... The easily accessible Internet and the Worldwide Web revolutionized information sharing. For the first time data could be shared in real time as text, voice, graphics, and video among anyone with access to the Internet. (Gomez). Kudler s staff also has access to the internet as well as the intranet to handle the day to day business of Kudler. An intranet allows an organization s employees to communicate with each other and to access company information and databases through his or her desktop or laptop computers. Firms that establish intranets or extranets need to be careful about allowing access to sensitive information. (Gomez). Employees can access the internet to arrange for packages to be picked up by UPS or the local USPS by accessing the wide area network. Through the use of the internet Kudler has many options available, latest software, databases. Databases are the heart of information systems. (Gomez). Competition is at the core of a firm s success or failure. One of the most well known frameworks for analyzing competiveness is Porter s competitive forces model. (Turban, Rainer and Porter, 2003). Each of these forces help a company identify its strengths and threats from other competitors. The threat of entry of new competitors. (Turban). New shops are opening everyday, supply and demand. Kudler needs to keep up with the latest technology. The bargaining power of suppliers. (Turban). Kudler needs to ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Negative Impact Of Social Media Social media has given businesses a newfound advantage when it comes to reaching out and touching the community and expending its brand. As a student at California Baptist University, I am majoring in Public relations. I have recently learned that in the world of public relations, most businesses and organizations use social media on a daily basis. With the right amount of research and time being invested, businesses can see all the benefits that expanding on social media has to offer. The accessibility of social media platforms for everybody has made it easier for all businesses and organizations to become more successful. With the rapid change in technology, social media platforms have been increasingly growing. The use of social media is a more easily accessed and personal way of communication. It has allowed businesses to create their brand awareness and productively advertise. Although social media can become a strong asset, it can also negatively effect a business. We are currently living in the era of technology; every child, student, parent, and employee uses one or more social media platforms on a daily basis. Some of the most visited and worldwide platforms being used are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Snapchat. In a recent study done by Pew Research center their social media fact sheet states, When Pew Research Center began tracking social media adoption in 2005, just 5% of American adults used at least one of these platforms. By 2011 that share ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Representations of Romantic Love in Poetry Across the Periods Romantic love has been the subject of endless contemplation for poets of all periods. Intangible and complex, love is the highest manifestation of humanity. No topic in poetry has received more attention than romantic love. Conversely, the ultimate expression of love is through poetry. In each poetic period, the representation of romantic lovehas been informed by the social and cultural values of the time. Thus, across time, attitudes towards romantic love have shifted with changing values and beliefs. Sonnet130 by William Shakespeare from the Elizabethan period, Valediction: Forbidding Mourning by John Donne from the metaphysical period, and Lullaby by W.H. Auden from the modern period are three poems that clearly reflect the... Show more content on ... John Donne s A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning exemplifies the representation of love in metaphysical poetry. A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning is one of Donne s later poems, and reflects his reputation as the greatest poet of the metaphysical period. It was written to his wife Anne before he left for a long trip. The poem begins quietly, at the passing away of a virtuous man . Donne movingly uses this imagery to suggest that the parting of lovers is like death. Yet, when love is virtuous, lovers should part with quiet dignity, and with no teare floods, nor sigh tempests move . Donne distinguishes their love from the purely sensual love of the common people, which cannot admit / Absence, because it doth remove/ Those things which elemented it . Their love is the union of their minds and souls, and therefore, cannot be broken by physical separation. Donne draws on his vast knowledge of astronomy, alchemy, and mathematics to create three unlikely, yet poignant conceits to support this argument. The lovers are likened to the planetary bodies, who are sustained in their own universe and are not affected by the disasters caused by the moving of th earth . This elevates their love above the ordinary harmes and feares of superficial love. Secondly, their love is compared to refined gold, pure, noble and when stretched apart, endure not yet/ A breach, but an expansion . The compass is Donne s most ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Empire Strikes Back I am currently a Film Production MFA student at Full Sail University. As a child I went to see The Empire Strikes Back when it was first released. I was in such awe of the film that I knew I wanted to make movies myself. Irvin Kirschner s name became more important to me as I got older. He once said, I want films to haunt an audience, to give them something to remember and be able to talk about. It is with this intention that I want to create films. As my knowledge of filmmaking started to grow, I began learning about story plots and character development. Sam Mendes reboot of Ian Fleming s James Bond franchise in my eyes was one of the best story plot developments. Sam Mendes was able to give the James Bond franchise what it had been missing: a plot. From Casino Royal, Mendes started to breathe new life into James Bond by having him confront emotions of dealing with love and loss. With Quantum of Solace, Bond was learning to get over the loss ... Show more content on ... Despite the extreme pressure, he was able to get an Academy nominated performance from Denzel Washington. The vision I would have had for Malcolm Xwould have been one of realism and expressionism by showing internal battles with the Nation of Islam and learning the truth about Muslims from around the world. There are three chapters that are missing from the real biography of Malcom X, and I would explore that world where Alex Haley was an informant of the FBI. I would shoot this movie as a docudrama, playing with not only colors, but also shooting in black and white. This is also where I would explore his history from the foster homes that he grew up in, the loss of his mother, and his other siblings. His story is much deeper than anyone of this generation would ever realize, and I would bridge that gap through a new film ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Analysis Of The Book Fierce Invalids Home From Hot... As we read through this story we become aware of Switters contradictory nature, rather than eschewing this trait he embraces it. He is a CIA agent who hates the government. He is a pacifist who carries a gun and so on. Switters and his grandmother, Maestra, come up with six qualities that denote the wisdom; they may or may not be required for wisdom, but they certainly drive Tom Robbinss writing style. GOOD INTRO When talking about wisdom to someone unaware of the process to OF becoming wise, one may say that wisdom is knowing all there is to know about life; another may say that wisdom is having ultimate knowledge and insight through experience. I personally agree with Tom Robbins when he describes the six qualities needed for wisdom. For instance, in the novel Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climate, Switters, a rogue CIA agent, is confined to the physical and potentially spiritual elevation of a borrowed wheelchair by the curse of a reclusive South American shaman. This particular event occurs early on in the novel and is a perfect example of spirituality. Both Switters and his acquaintance R. Potney Smithe had spells cast upon them. The shaman, End of Time explained what he had done, but neither of the men could truly believe or understand what had been done. So to test the spell Smithe touches Switters S penis and falls to the ground, stone cold, dead. Switters couldn t comprehend the reality of dying from some superstitious taboo. So from that day on he resides in a ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay On Indigo Airlines Introduction This report seeks to recommend practical strategies on how to improve service productivity, without neglecting service quality of Indigo Airlines. Indigo is a budget airline company headquartered at Gurgaon, India (commenced operations from 15 August 2006), specialising in domestic flights. It is the fastest growing and largest airline in India with a market share of 37.8% as of April 2015. The airline offers about 650 daily flights connecting to 38 destinations which includes 5 international destinations with its primary hub at Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi. It presently operates am airline fleet of 96 aircraft belonging to the Airbus A320 family. For an airline transport company based in India, customers generally ... Show more content on ... There are two main aspects that describe and affect both service quality; the actual service customers expected (expected service) and services perceived (perceived service). Fitzsimmons Fitzsimmons (2001) explains that the creation of customer satisfaction for a service can be identified through a comparison between service perceptions with service expectation, see Figure 1. Methods Focus on utilizing secondary airports and older terminals should reduce airport fees and also up to a certain point it is possible to avoid head on competition with or any of the high end airline services. This will enable less congested airports, reduce average flight times and delay incidents. Consequently Indigo will start to attract business travellers who value punctuality and frequency. Other important features that can be added include innovative boarding processes that yield shorter ground waits are Reduce and monitor air freights Since these airlines are frequent flyers reducing the load on the aircraft. It would also improve the flying experience, especially through ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Oppression Of Women In Today s Western Culture There have been many unspoken agreements made in the past 250 or so years of western culture. There s an understanding in our community that some things just are because they are, especially when it concerns gender. In America, men don t wear makeup or dresses. Girls aren t supposed to be doctors, athletes, or CEOs. And in western culture, it s the simple truth that the only genders that exist are boy, and girl. There s basis behind some of it, but one of the only reasons that it s western philosophy is because it just... is. Recently, however, these philosophies are being challenged. People across the world and America are separating gender from activities and lifestyles. Male beauty gurus like Manny Gutierrez are making waves. Marissa Mayer ... Show more content on ... Born in nineteen fifty three, Mani Mitchell is an intersex activist who was raised as a girl but defines as neither male nor female because of her differentiated sex organs, similarly to Cal. In her documentary called Yellow for Hermaphrodite, she reflects on her irregular existence, she asserts, I m not saying for a moment that I m glad all those terrible things that happened, but I guess we have lives and I stand and reflect on mine and it has been a very extraordinary life. So Cal s story, while technically fable, is a very real representation of what life of an intersex person in the seventies could have been ... Get more on ...
  • 13. A Business Perspective Of Management Discipline 1. From a business perspective why is management discipline important? Compare and contrast the management discipline to medicine and law (how are these similar and how are they different be specific in your explanations and provide examples to support your response). From a business perspective management discipline is as important as the next key factor to company success because it, ...drives the field forward (Magretta, 9). Having discipline can help to set measurable goals, stay on track, avoid distractions and complications and eventually achieve success and business growth do to long term effectiveness and efficiency within the organizations. In order for an organization to continually stay well organized, and strategically ... Show more content on ... This can affect many people, but typically the decision is the right one for the company and its people. Medical people and people working in law have much less time and resources to make decisions. This can ultimately affect decision makers. But thankfully, managers, medical personnel, and law enforcement officers are all trained, regardless of time, or resources on how to effectively and successfully make tough decisions for the betterment of situations, people, and other factors related to the respective fields. 2. What is the goal of the Magretta book, What Management Is? Support your response with specific page numbers from your readings in APA style. Most books can be broken down into one or several main goals. This book, What Management is? Is no different. The foremost goal of this book is to present a coherent view of the whole, of the work known as general management (Magretta, 9). Furthermore, the goal includes the attempt to deliver a concise synthesis of important ideas and practices. For instance, value creation, business models, competitive strategies, performance metrics and more (Magretta, 9). In simple terms this book aims to directly allow readers to easily and purposefully understand the main theory of management and why it is important to not just employees and business, but to the entire globe.What Management is? Looks at the world of management as more of real world approach, rather than just plain old ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time -... The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time Original Writing Christopher Boone is a fifteen year old boy with Asperger s Syndrome. He knows a great deal about maths and has a very logical way of thinking. Christopher knows very little about human beings and their behaviour and gets very confused and frustrated by most conversations. He loves lists, timetables, patterns and the truth. He hates the colour yellow, because of custard, bananas and double yellow lines and he also hates the colour brown because of dirt, gravy and wood. One of the affects of his Asperger s syndrome means Christopher also hates being touched. He has never gone further than the end of the road on his own, but when he... Show more content on ... The events that follow lead Christopher to the answers he is looking for in solving The Curious Incident about Wellington and discovering his fathers secrets surrounding his mother. The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time is the story of Christopher s roller coaster journey of mystery. He discovers the truth about his fathers reckless lies and searches for the answers to the secrets his father has hidden for so long. Screenplay The chapter I have chosen to adapt is when Christopher decides to go to Swindon train station to make a journey to London in search of his mother. As Christopher stands at the bottom of the concrete steps leading to the Stations entrance the audience can see fear in his face. He is wearing a pair of scruffy blue jeans, white trainers with blue laces, a red jumper and a navy parker style coat. He stands out from others around him as it is a warm summer afternoon and everyone is wearing shorts, skirts and summer outfits. He is a pale undersized boy with brown unkempt hair. Christopher looks up at the large white sign that says in bold black writing SW ND N RAIN ST TION Christopher frowns at the sign as there are clearly some letters missing we see that this bothers him. People are hurrying past him as he stands frozen with dread at having to climb the steps. He becomes very ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Henry Kissinger Won The Nobel Peace Prize Henry Alfred Kissinger was born on May 27, 1923, in FГјrth, Germany. From 1949 to 1963 Henry was married to Ann Fleischer. They got divorced, and Henry remarried Nancy Kissinger. The first think Kissinger did for a living was a professor at Harvard. Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977. He later became the Secretary of National Security Diplomat and a political scientist. He wrote books that were mainly about politics. Kissinger is known to many people as inhuman because of some of the quotes he has said. Henry Kissinger co won the Nobel Peace Prize mainly because of his actions during the Vietnam war. He made peace between Vietnam and the U.S.A, but not everyone agreed with his actions. After he won the prize, people started ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Importance Of Crosswalks Every day Public Administration #3 The observed activity was crosswalks. Crosswalks enable pedestrians to cross busy and hazardous roadways more safely. Prior to the advent of crosswalks pedestrians would cross the street anywhere and were at risk of injury even by horse powered vehicles. This is important to Public Administrationas it is a safety concern for the public. This paper will discuss the use, funding, government and citizen involvement, and how the chosen topic of crosswalks are related to Public Administration. PA Activity As addresses the specific part of pedestrian safety that was observed was Crosswalks. Crosswalks are typically denoted by two painted white lines running parallel with bars painted in between them that ... Show more content on ... Alissa Torres the chief planner from the Orange County Office of Policy and Public involvement, whom I interviewed about pedestrian safety and Public Administration, but they are carried out and put into place on a city level. Locally the Orange County Traffic and Transportation Department is the one in charge of these and many other regulations. The current head is Hazem El Assar Chief Engineer. Citizen Involvement Citizens have several ways to get involved. Meeting are open to the public at both the level of the Florida legislature and meetings held by the Orange County Planning and Zoning Commission. Meetings by the Planning and Zoning Commission are televised as well according to Dr. Torres. Currently no meetings are planned for the rest of this year. Any Citizen has access to crosswalks and any citizen can submit a request or review for safety. All citizens have a right to safety. Pedestrians are merely people traveling without a road based vehicle. Any person who would choose to become a pedestrian would very likely be using this service if they are abiding by the law. Therefore, this service affects everyone and can be used by anyone. Funding The construction and up keep of crosswalks is paid for by taxes as many forms of Public Administration are. The two forms of taxes that pay for this service are sales taxes and Gasoline ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Examples Of Social Deviance Goode Social Deviance According to Erich Goode, individuals living in poverty are considered to be deviant in the U.S culture because of two reasons. Goode terms the first reason as priority, explaining that the poor get exposed to deviant attitudes mush earlier in life. They therefore have higher chances of learning and internalizing deviant attitudes. The second reason has to do with the intensity of interaction between the poor and deviants. Most deviant people are to be found in areas inhabited or frequented by the poor. The frequent association with deviants gives the poor higher chances of developing deviant attitudes and skills. Goode maintains that one learns deviance the same way one learns to clean their teeth. People living in poverty ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Similarities And Differences Of Ancient Egyptian Religion Ancient religion was about the relationship between human man, the gods, and the earth. The Egyptian civilization was a theocratic monarchy, which means a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God s or deity s laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities ( The Egyptian religion begins with Shu and Tefnut, who mated and gave birth to Geb and Nut, Geb and Nut were brother and sister, but they fell deeply in love. They mated and gave birth to Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys, and Horus; these are the five most recognized and important gods in the Egyptian religion, they gave birth to the rest of the gods. The way the Egyptians recognized ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Inside Sport By Robert Drane Summary There was a time when Billie Jean King was always in the news. Robert Drane writes about the uphills of women s tennis for Inside Sport. Being a respected tennis athlete as a girl in the 1970s was all but easy, but Billie Jean King demanded the respect she deserved. Drane shows the readers that King altered the way women s sports were looked at, which led to an even bigger movement in women s equality. King had always been a huge feminist advocate and Drane writes about her strength as a player and a person. Using logical facts and King s credibility the article successfully shows how King changed the course of women s tennis, when it seemed there was no hope. First, Drane goes on to show the reader that King was highly respected in women s tennis. He states, After all, she won a total of 12 grand slam singles titles, including six Wimbledons, a total of 39 grand slam titles altogether, and had celebrated rivalries with Margaret Court, Chris Evert, and Martina Navratilova. She had so ... Show more content on ... Former Wimbledon champion, Bobby Riggs decided that women s tennis was not worthy of any fame, as he claimed he could beat any of their top players, even at age 55. Drane writes that King was challenged by him in a match, it was a famous match named the battle of the sexes. King knew that losing this match would set us back 50 years... It would ruin women s tennis and affect all women s self esteem. After he beat Australia s Margaret Court, he dubbed himself as a hustler . King wanted to prove herself and make Riggs eat his words as they say. So she did, when she won 6 4, 6 3, 6 3, against Riggs. The event drew 30,500 people and was aired in 37 countries. The stats do not lie, King was a force to be reckoned with and she would not back down when it came to saving her good name and the reputation of women around the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Fashion Channel Case Hbr Essay Case Report 1: The Fashion Channel 1) What is expected outcome of each of the targeting scenarios? (complete both the Ad Revenue and Financial calculators to fully understand the financial impact of the scenarios) Ad Revenue Calculator| | | | | | | Current| 2007 Base| Scenario 1| Scenario 2| Scenario 3| TV HH| 110.000.000| 110.000.000| 110.000.000| 110.000.000| 110.000.000| Average Rating| 1,0%| 1,0%| 1,2%| 0,8%| 1,2%| Average Viewers (Thousand)| 1100| 1100| 1320| 880| 1320| Average CPM*| $2,00| $2,00| $1,80| $3,50| $2,50| Average Revenue/Ad Minute**| $2.200| $2.200| $2.376| $3.080| $3.300| Ad Minutes/Week| 2016| 2016| 2016| 2016| 2016| Weeks/Year| 52| 52| 52... Show more content on ... Although there is a cost of 20 million on programming, having average rating 1,2% with a relatively high CPM makes Ad Revenue higher and as a result Net Income becomes $168 million. Net income in Scenario 2 is $151 million lower than Scenario 3, whereas Scenario 1 has the lowest $77 million. 2) Analyze the segmentation options and discuss pros and cons of each. Scenario1: Targeting on women aged 18 to 34, with a cross segment strategy by focusing on on Fashionistas, Planners amp; Shoppers and Situationalists. Advantages: Increase in rating from 1.0 to 1.2 with the increase in awareness and viewing of the channel by investing in a major marketing and advertisement campaign. We can expect promising returns in the long run with the rise of popularity of the network. Disadvantages: While the level competition is getting higher, we cannot wait for the long run, what we need is instant return for short run. The strategy does not put an end to competition to gain Premium segments so there is a risk of facing lower CPM. Since there is no real change in viewers type and programming, the CPM will drop by 10% or more and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Voltaire s Candide As A Satire Candide is a satire written by Voltaire, a French historian and philosopher who is known for criticizing the authority and the Catholic Church. He also dedicated his life to study literature and advocate the freedom of religion. Voltaire is the spiritual mentor and leader of the French Enlightenment in the eighteenth century and he believes that the power of reason and rational thought would lead people to a better social structure. This novel not only expressed Voltaires hatred of the Christian regimes but also criticized Leibniz s philosophy of absolute optimism. In this novel, Candide teacher, Pangloss who believed in optimism, kept telling Candide that this world is the best of all possible world. Even when Candide suffered incredible ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Effect Of Smartphones On Advertising Dr. Fusani Zack Mineo Spring 2016 The Effect of Smartphones on Advertising The amount of smartphones users have nearly doubled within the past 5 years, from 35% to 70%.( 2014 Marketing Statistics Infographic ). As the number of users continues to rise, advertising will continue to integrate with smartphones. Smartphones have dramatically changed the way consumers are approached by advertising companies. Before we can understand how smartphones have changed the advertising industry, we must first recognize that advertising and smartphones were not always related. By answering the following two question, it will further examine the effect of smartphones on advertising. How have smartphones impacted the advertising industry? How effective advertising on smartphones is? Background of advertising Before I can explain the effects of smartphones on advertising, we must first understand what the goal of advertising was before smartphones. According to Joseph Dominik Advertising is any form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, and services, usually paid for by an identified sponsor. (Dominick 350). The first appearance of advertising on radio dates back to 1922 when the Queensboro Realty Company paid a few hundred dollars for a talk radio show to commend living in country lots from Queensboro Realty. (Dominick 179). Since then advertising has grown rapidly especially during the time of the depression and World War II. President Franklin D Roosevelt wanted ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Charles Perrault’s Cinderella In Cinderella by Charles Perrault, the story depicts an imaginative fairytale through the hardships of a mistreated daughter and the magic of a fairy; in essence, Cinderella demonstrates that focusing on materialism is more important and more effective other than working up the path to majesty. Cinderellais a character who is often mistreated by her stepmother and god sisters. Bearing unsuitable personalities, they treat her harshly, leaving all of the chores to her. However, she admits that her tattered clothes are not worthy of a formal event, and continues to be belittled by her stepsisters. Portrayed with low self esteem and insecurity, she does not respond harshly to their cruel insults. As a result, the main character relies on... Show more content on ... However, her true beauty lies within her skin, as Perrault s interprets Cinderella as a hundred times more handsome than her sisters . He aims to focus more on female recognition and self fulfillment, rather than provide a base for all readers to understand fully (HuМ€hn). At an elementary level, this may not influence children to an extent, but other stories that reproduce this same structure of plot elements could possibly influence children in the future. For instance, she was not the hero of the story. The Prince isn t the hero until he discovers her lost possession, a glass slipper, and searched for the person that fits. As told by Perrault, he had done nothing but look at her all the time, and that most certainly he was very much in love with the beautiful owner of the glass slipper. This enforces the fact that her beauty prevails over her actual personality but not behavior, and the appearance and mannerisms surely impressed the Prince. The Prince stereotypes the role of women being in need of a destined lover. He is the one that identifies Cinderella as the one in the dress, though excluding behavior, her appearance dazzles him for two nights at the ball. Most importantly, he s not the hero of the fairytale, but readers can interpret the fairy godmother as the savior of Cinderella s demise. The role of magic comes in part with the acceptance of achieving the imagery of an elegant woman, impressing the Prince who gains interest in her. The ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Charles L Reason s Influence Of Education Charles L Reason was born on July 21,1818 in New York City. His parents, Michiel and Elizabeth Reason, were immigrants from Haiti who arrived in the United States shortly after the Haitian Revolution of 1793. His parents emphasized the importance of education, and very early on the young Reason showed that he had a calling for mathematics and showed that he was an excellent student at and African American free school. An excellent student in mathematics, At the age of 14 he came an instructor teaching for a salary (this became a striking matter for the news), receiving a salary of $25 a year. Reason helped in creating a calling for the first New York State Convention of Negroes in 1840 that provided training in the industrial ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Cognitive Flexibility Concept Analysis The most important concept from module five I find is cognitive flexibility. As the Flight Chief of the Optometry flight in my squadron, I am constantly practicing this element. My position requires me to incorporate different strategies and planning into my day to day activities, which involves my subordinates, my peers, and my supervisor. Cognitive flexibility allows me to create different scenarios in my mind and prepare for any unexpected issues that can affect my flight on any given day. Whether I am working a squadron function from my desk or providing patient cares in our treatment room, I habitually exercise my cognitive flexibility by scanning the environment , develop an understanding , and create strategies to enable me as an adaptable leader.... Show more content on ... This document will effects my subordinates and me because it will affect our training requirements, mission capabilities, and operational stress. I must maintain one hundred percent staffing on my UMD so my flight is still operational even if one of my subordinate is unavailable such as someone taking leave. I have witness a failed management of the UDM during my last tour in Korea we lost an enlisted position slot at Osan Air Base. This affected the flight because it reduced our clinic capability to sixty six percent. A reduction of thirty three percent caused an increase in work stress to my subordinate after I had left due to my permanent change in duty station while he was still station in Korea. As a result, the clinic had to cut additional programs and reduced manning assist to Kunsan Air ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Women s Athletic Teams For Women Over 400 Division I men s athletic teams have been disbanded from existence since the inception of Title IX. Title IX, implemented in 1972, is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. (Keating) Title IX has achieved great success with women s sports since the inception and the number of females in sports is six times greater since the inception of Title IX( Although it has had great strides with women, it is disadvantaging men, especially in athletics. Title IX requires that colleges give the same amount of scholarships to women as they do men. On paper, this seems to be a great idea, but the consequences were never taken into consideration and caused tremendous problems. In order to give the same amount of scholarships to men and women and be compliant with Title IX, men s athletic teams have been cut in the process. Men losing the opportunity to receive scholarships for their respective sport at a collegeof their choice and sports teams getting cut is an issue that needs to be solved. Men s sports teams cannot keep on being cut, for there are ways in which Title IX must be enhanced to benefit everyone. The problems of men s athletic teams being cut can be solved by reducing outrageous spending, add women s programs, and give more control to colleges. Before Title IX was created, fewer than 32,000 women took part in college athletics while over 170,000 men ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Bmw s Operation Management BAD 429 Operation Management Project: BMW By: Rodolphe Beyrouthy Presented to: Table of contents: Executive summary................................................................................................3 Charts .........................................................................................4 6 Introduction...................................................................................7 History..........................................................................................7 10 Design of goods and services..............................................................10 11 Managing quality........................................................................... 11 12 Process and capacity design.............................................................. 12 Location strategy...........................................................................13 14 Layout strategy............................................................................. 14 Human resource and job design.........................................................15 Supply chain management............................................................... 15 16 ... Show more content on ... BMW is currently the 1st most valuable car brand in the world and the 23rd most valuable brand in the world; in 2011 it was the 2nd right behind Toyota. BMW s brand value increased 10% while Toyota s brand value decreased by 10%. It currently own Rolls Royce Motor Cars which is a British manufacturer of luxury automobiles and MINI which is a British automotive marque which specializes in small cars. BMW s main products are: 1 Series: The 1 Series was introduced in 2004 and was the first sports hatch in the highly competitive compact car segment. 3 Series: The 3 Series is the benchmark premium sports saloon, and continues to define the compact executive car segment. It was launched in 1975. 5 Series: The 5 Series car was launched in 1972 and is available in both Saloon and Touring models with a number of petrol and diesel engine options. The 5 Series is known for its agility, performance and driving dynamics. 6 Series: The 6 Series comes in two models, CoupГ© and Convertible, and is available in a
  • 28. Launched in 2003, the 6 Series has become renowned for its sporting elegance and cutting edge design. 7 Series: The 7 Series is BMW s luxury Saloon, combining performance, elegance and dynamic appeal. X5: The X5 was the first car in the Sports Activity Vehicle Segment, when it launched in 1999. These can appeal to buyers who ... Get more on ...
  • 29. A Brief Look at Kevin Andrew Lynch Kevin Andrew Lynch Kevin Andrew Lynch has been instrumental in more than one ways and he has shaped our society in ways that nobody would have thought possible prior tot his. He is of the opinion that the world is a changing place and it has been changing since the time of the industrial revolution and that this is an ongoing process. He thinks that it is going to continue for the next half a century or so and until then the things will be quite rapid paced. The idea is that be it rural or urban the areas have to be accessible and anything and everything that has in store something good for the people would have a lot of value for the people. Someone might be gaining out of it all and someone else might be at a loss but that is the way the world function. There is always a flip side to every coin and it is something that cannot be avoided. But there has been a notable influx towards the urban areas and this is something that has been common to the entire world and it will continue to be this way for all the times to come. Kevin believes that it is up to us to be stern and astute in our approach. Things may changeand people might find it difficult to adapt to the changes but the changes come about in the first place because the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Should I Be An Avid Concert Goer And All Around Explorer Growing up as a wanderess, one would think that I would have mastered the art of clubbing. However, that couldn t be any further than the truth. While I might be an avid concert goer and all around explorer, why would I ever engage in clubbing? I don t drink and the thought of standing in a dark room with strangers with no purpose seemed odd to me. Truthfully, the closest I have ever had to a clublike experience would be the horrific house party of 12. Needless to say, that was enough to cement my belief that it would be unenjoyable. Sitting around Friday afternoon with no plans yet set in stone, suggesting that we go out for girls nightlater that evening via group chat seemed perfectly normal. Bouncing ideas off each other, I brought up the idea of wanting to check out a club. Apparently that caught everyone off guard; instantly the conversation died and I was greeted with several phone calls asking whether or not I was okay and how long I had left . Anyone who knows me knows that while I may love concerts I simply view clubbing as Prom minus chaperones. If you could not tell, I was not fond of the idea of prom either and so opted out. It is not that I am prude of any sort but what is the point of spending hours in line just to enter a dark room only to be grinded on and groped by strangers? Once I thoroughly reassured everyone that I was in my right state of mind, preparations for that evening began. Frankly speaking I never realized how much time and ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Survey Of Cognitive Remediation Practices For Individuals... Survey of Cognitive Remediation Practices for Individuals with Schizophrenia: Implementation and Barriers Jessica Ryan Cuttance, M.S., CRC Dr. Dara Chan, ScD, CRC Dr. Mark Klinger, PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Abstract Cognitive impairment (CI) is observed in the vast majority of individuals with schizophrenia and has long been identified as a principal contributor to functional deficits. To date, pro cognitive pharmacologic therapies have been largely unsuccessful in addressing CI and as such, psychosocial treatments for cognitive enhancement in schizophrenia are increasingly important. Cognitive remediation (CR) training is a set of methods that employ principles of neuroplasticity for cognitive ... Show more content on ... Rehabilitation counselors can play an important role in ensuring these interventions are made available to individuals with schizophrenia, part 5rdes aicularly in vocational rehabilitation settings where CR has been shown to improve supported employment outcomes. Keywords : Schizophrenia, Cognitive Remediation, Cognition, Neurocognition, Cognitive Enhancement Therapy, Evidence based. Survey of Cognitive Remediation Practices for Individuals with Schizophrenia: Implementation and Barriers Schizophrenia is a severe and chronic mental illness characterized by substantial cognitive, emotional and perceptual deficits. The symptoms and dysfunctions of schizophrenia manifest themselves in varying states of severity across individuals but are often associated with high rates of mortality, substance abuse, and co morbidity with other mental disorders. In addition to earlier mortality rates (Crump, Winkleby, Sundquist Sundquist, 2013), symptoms of schizophrenia often interfere with one s ability to function and perform daily tasks. Cognitive impairment (CI) has specifically been identified as a critical barrier to functional recovery for individuals and as a result, cognitive remediation (CR) programs are increasingly employed as treatment interventions to address these issues. Empirical support for the benefits of CR on cognition in schizophrenia is growing; however, the best ... Get more on ...
  • 32. L. A. Noire Research Papers L.A. Noire is a 2011 action thriller crime video game developed by Team Bondi and published by Rockstar Games. The game was released for Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Microsoft Windows. The game takes place in 1947 Los Angeles where the player plays as a Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officer. The game provides difficult challenges where the player will have to use critical thinking skills to investigate the crime scene, find clues, solve riddles, interrogate suspects, and connect the dots to solve the case. L.A Noire cover art Gameplay/Mechanics L.A. Noire is set in 1947 Los Angeles, a glamorous city of wealth and fame, but is also a corrupted city where crime and drug dealing is alive. The player plays the role of a Los Angeles ... Show more content on ... Clue from Buyer Beware case, Patrol desk Interrogation from The Studio Secretary Murder case, Homicide desk What most suspects will do throughout the game is that they will not hand themselves over. The suspect will most likely run away or get in a car so the player must tackle them or tail them down with a car. If the chase takes a seemingly long time and the player did not tackle them yet, the suspect will eventually stop and fight. Some suspects are bosses of large industries and they will send armed goons to fight. The player will go through a big shootout and will have to gun their way through to get to the main suspect. Story line The story of the game is set 1947 Los Angeles in Hollywood s golden age, a couple of years after World War II. Cole Phelps is surviving soldier who is starting his career as a police officer. After solving a couple of cases on Patrol, Phelps is later promoted to the Traffic desk and he would soon continue to work his way up to Homicide, Vice, and Arson desks. Characters Cole Phelps A U.S. Marine Lieutenant during World War II. He was reckless and overconfident. Phelps fought in Okinawa, where he gave poor orders ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Unconventional Warfare Reading Colonel Maxwell s article, I started to think of the United States (U.S.) Unconventional Warfare (UW) history. If you look at our nation s history prior to the 1900s, I believe the policy makers may have understood UW better, but more importantly, they did not have to deal with the modern day constraints of employing UW today. The issue today is not do we understand UW, as much as the employment of UW in the world we live in today. We live in the age of I have to have it all now, and of the twenty four hour news cycle age. Employing UW with actual U.S. military personal on the ground working should have a low profile by nature for UW. Unfortunately, low profile is almost impossible to obtain when you have boots on the ground and... Show more content on ... does not have a joint doctrine developed for UW, but I do not believe that has prevented us from employing UW as a strategy to support U.S. interest. Even without a joint doctrine, the U.S. has had and I feel still has the capability to employ UW. The real issue is policy and decisions makers in Washington have no patience for UW to be successful as a real strategy. The other issue is policies can change every four to eight years in our country. Do not get me wrong I like our democratic political system, but I do not think the Taliban has to worry about pole numbers or a change in their administration when it comes to making strategic level decisions. Even with a complete grasp of UW, I believe UW would have a limited chance of a successful end state because of time along with the modern day information age. An example, which he quoted, was Afghanistan after 9/11. It had complete support of our policy makers and the public. The general understanding of a successful end state was to have the Taliban removed. Success was quick, public opinion was high, and UW was the flavor of the day, it was the quick fix in 2003. History tells us that all changed, then the presentation of information changed followed by public opinion and the final change policy change. The biggest issue for US policies makers is any employment of U.S. forces in a conventional or UW capacity has a time clock as one of the requirements for ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Philosophy Of Aristotle s Philosophy Within each of our existences, we as social creatures desire friendship/social interaction which comforts us on the confusing journey we call life. I believe that through my interpretation of Aristotle s philosophy, that we all have friends when seeing the world through Aristotle s philosophy. Aristotle describes friendshipas being made up of mutual feelings of good intentions between two individuals. According to him, there are 3 different types of friendships that make up the base of social interactions. The first out of 3 types of friendships that he talks about is Utility based friendships. These types of friendships are based on the benefits/trading that the two individuals can gain from each other. These are most often formed by individuals with opposite personalities. The decision making process involved in forming these types of relationships are based on long term benefit, or time to benefit ratio. This type of relationship is characterized as shallow, weak, and easily dissolved. The most problems occur in this type of relationship due to the deviation in valuing one another s service. For example, Billy and Bob are friends/roommates, Billy made a painting as a gift for Bob in exchange for paying his half of the rent, Bob believes that while being appreciative of the painting, that it is worth less than the price of the rent he couldn t pay and insists that Bob either starts pulling his own weight or hits the road to find additional income and a different ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Essay on The Truth Behind Music and Television How many hours, on average, do young adults spend listening to music and watching television? For music, young adults spend about two and a half hours listening throughout the day. Music is merely organized sound that is meaningful and designed to entertain the audience listening. Music and television are more than just relaxing activities to spend extra time but can affect the psychological and developmental process of young adults. It may help young adults get their feelings across easily, but it does more harm than good. Parents and even experts know and have proven that listening to certain types of music and watching too much televisionare corrupting the minds of young adults. For toddlers and infants, they observe about two... Show more content on ... The type of music they listen to is usually the mood they are in at the time (Mariam). Listening to their favorite kind of music is a way for them to express themselves. People try to find something in every song to try to connect to it. If it is through the lyrics, the story behind it, or even the way that the song makes them feel. The reason young adults listen to music is to connect with it and to articulate their feelings in ways that they would not be able to do through their actions. The lyrics rapped by the artists can be things going on in their own personal lives (Mariam). Even the artist is using music to express the way that they feeling in the moment when they wrote the song. The music that one listens to makes them the way that they are and influence the way that they think. Some music today can lead the young adults listening to it make them make idiotic choices. Everyone listens to music, and it influences one s actions in a drastic way. Rap music highly exposes drugs, sex, and violence to the people who listen to it. This raw material is not the best for young adults. When a person likes a certain artist, he or she will make choices as if they were the artist so that they can be similar to them. The kind of music that is vulgar and unsuitable for young adults is causing them to use drugs, have sex, and break the law. With the explicit and inappropriate songs influence the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The American Football Club History Even for a club based in the Cradle of Football , Everton s history is startling. In their 138 years of existence, they have spent only four years outside the top flight of English football. During this time, they have won nine League titles, five FA Cups and the 1985 Cup Winners Cup. Since 1892, the club has been playing its home games at Goodison Park, the first major football stadium in England. Having been founded in 1878, Everton quickly emerged as one of the top football clubs of its era. They were among the twelve founding members of the Football League, the first professional football competition in the world. Their first taste of silverware came in 1891, with the club winning its first League title in a dominating fashion. It wasn t ... Show more content on ... The post war period was far less kind to the club, which initially struggled to rediscover their earlier form. Their fortunes changed with the appointment of Harry Catterick as manager in 1961; under his authoritative presence, Everton claimed another League title in 1963. In 1966, they came from 2 0 down to beat Sheffield Wednesday in the FA Cupfinal. The club won their seventh League title in 1970, but the rest of the decade was a fairly disappointing affair, mostly due to their arch rivals Liverpool dominating the domestic competitions. Everton s final claim to fame came in the mid 80s, with Howard Kendall taking over managerial duties. Having won the 1984 FA Cup, the club won its first Double the following year; after claiming a League title, they won the Cup Winners Cup by defeating Rapid Wien 3 1 in the final. Under Kendall, the club would win their ninth (and as of yet, final) League title in 1987, with the Heysel tragedy preventing them from competing for European trophies. The club was far less fortunate in the Premier League era, with the 1995 FA Cup being their only trophy in the two decades that followed. After being regulars in the lower half of the league table for a while, they had a mini resurgence under David Moyes, who led the club to a fourth place league finish in 2005 and the FA Cup final in ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Camp Luminescence Research Paper Luminescence. A light shining brightly in the otherwise dark night sky. Camp Luminescence, a Mars Surface Base camp will be the first human base on another planet. When humans hundreds of years later look back, they will remember this mission as the first human settlement of a planet beyond Earth. Camp Luminescence will shine on Mars, both metaphorically and literally, as a symbol of the beginning of a new journey. Camp Luminescence will light the way for the thousands of deep space manned missions that will surely follow. Mission Goals The primary goal of this mission is to set up and maintain a long term base on Mars in order to analyze the Martian atmosphere as well as the surface and sub surface environment. This mission will serve as a step forward into a permanent human ... Show more content on ... Research conducted within the Science Starliner is primarily health research as well as other experiments on the Mars surface and atmosphere that are either outside the research capabilities of the Resource and Astronomical Starliner or do not fit into their scopes. The Science Starliner will conduct research on muscle atrophy, bone density, radiation and the human body, as well as how the Mars environment affects humans. While the Science Starliner s research will be primarily health based, it will also conduct biological research and microgravity research as well as focus on developing new technologies in the lab that can aid in the camp s daily ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Remembering the Disremembered Essay Remembering the Disremembered Everybody knew what she was called, but nobody anywhere knew her name. Disremembered and unaccounted for, she cannot be lost because no one is looking for her, and even if they were, how can they call her if they don t know her name? Although she has claim, she is not claimed. In the place where long grass opens, the girl who waited to be loved and cry shame erupts into her separate parts, to make it easy for the chewing laughter to swallow her all away. It was not a story to pass on. Toni Morrison, Beloved To write history means giving dates their physiognomy. Walter Benjamin For philosopher, essayist and critic Walter Benjamin, history is catastrophe. Standing as he does at the ... Show more content on ... In this, the dusk of the 20th century, to whom has the task of Benjamin s storyteller fallen? One such contemporary storyteller is African American writer Toni Morrison, who in her novel Beloved brings our present face to face with the image of the smashed bodies of Black slaves, forcing us to re member and account for their experiences. I Benjamin has identified the catastrophe of history with the loss of communicable experience and hence meaning in human life. The processes initiated in the Enlightenment, perpetuated in the rise of positivistic philosophy, and culminating in the horrors of World War I have stripped humanity of its experiential reality. It is as if something that seemed inalienable to us, the securest among our possessions, were taken from us: the ability to exchange experiences. . . For never has experience been contradicted more thoroughly than strategic experience by tactical warfare, economic experience by inflation, bodily experience by mechanical warfare, moral experience by those in power (Illuminations, 83 84). What is lost is the art of the storyteller who, in the telling of the stories of a culture, passed on the tradition from one generation to the next and with it the wisdom of experience. This wisdom is nothing less than the knowledge and skill necessary to integrate the experiences contained in tradition into the real lives of the listeners, to make them conscious of history. The story places us
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  • 40. The Affordable Parking System In recent years, parking a automobile has become a heavy downside in giant cities with increasing rate of personal vehicles. With the rising downside of parking cars, the normal parking system that doesn t offer any info regarding out there parking areas wouldn t be able to handle the matter effectively. the everyday parking area system would solely be able to offer information of accessible parking locations or another system would need human resources to see and supply information regarding the situation of the available parking locations. These varieties of parking systems would solely offer marginal information on the out there parking locations and wouldn t be able to handle the parking problems effectively. in and of itself these systems ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Jealousy In Ray Bradbury s All Summer In A Day Jealousy and patience what do they have in common and how are they different, Ray Bradbury s story All Summer in a Day is a good example of how they are alike and how they are different. All Summer in a Day a story by Ray Bradbury takes place on the planet Venus where it rains all the time, and every seven years the Sun comes out for at least an hour, and some nine year olds do not believe Margot about the sun (how it looks and feels), eventually they put her in a closet and then minutes later the sun comes out. Two of the many themes in All Summer in a Day are jealousy can hurt people and blind people and patience is a virtue. All Summer in a Day a story by Ray Bradbury is full of examples of theme but two main ones are jealousy can... Show more content on ... In All Summer in a Day the main character Margot says Oh,but Margot whispered helpless. But this is the day, the scientist predict, they say, they know, the sun... also it states All a joke! said the boy, The children do not believe Margot about the predictions on when the sun will shine, this is because the children don t have the kind of patience to wait for the sun. Also in Ray Bradbury s story All Summer in a Day when the children are coming back in from being out in the sun there is a small conversation that states Will it be seven more years? Yes. Seven. then one of them gave a little cry. Margot! What? She s still in the closet where we locked her. Margot This is a good example of patience is a virtue because in this part the children are now realizing the mistake they had made for the impatience and jealousy that they had felt because of Margot and her statements. Anyone maybe wondering how are these themes are tied together and to the thesis, well if it is thought about for long enough they might recognize how first of all is the themes are interconnected ,and the themes are of the many that there are, they are some of the main ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Anunciation And Expulsion From Paradise Summary Giovani di Paolo s The Annunciation and Expulsion from Paradise is currently in the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. According to the panel next to the artwork, the piece was finished in 1435 CE and made of tempera on panel. This Sienese altarpiece from the start of the Italian Renaissance shows the experimentation of form at that time. Giovanni di Paolo uses golden texture to display divinity, line to illustrate architectural perspective, and a strategic use of scale throughout the composition in order to portray the importance of the religious context. The golden foil that compliments tempera works at the time draws your eye to specific points in the piece. Drawing your eye to the upper left corner, the golden material then aids the eye in traveling down towards the bottom right corner. Because the largest golden form is in the upper right corner, your sight starts there. This is where god is represented and the symbol for divinity starts. Divinity implied by golden nimbuses or halos continue throughout the piece around the head of divine figures. The only two figures on the left without nimbuses represent Adam and Eve who are no longer divine one kicked out of paradise. This relates to the second part of the title, Expulsion from Paradise. For obvious cultural reasons, the angels have the heavenly halos. One angel is specifically known, Archangel Gabriel, because of the annunciationscene with Mary in the center. Joseph, at the right, and Mary both also ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Comparing the Constitution as a Source of Law With Other... Comparing the Constitution as a Source of Law with Other Legal Sources As July 4th gets ever closer, this is the time to appreciate our founding fathers and the Constitution they drafted in the early years of the United States. The Constitution is a major document within American history that sits at the very foundation of other legal processes here in the United States. It helps protect relations between states, our legal process, and our basic rights as American citizens. Other legal sources, such as state and local laws do have some similarities, but are mostly vastly different based on their inherent specific nature; these laws are much more specific to a more designated section of the American public, whereas Constitutional laws are meant to transcend border and demographic differences. To understand how the legal standing of the Constitution differs from other sources of law, it is first imperative to understand the definition of law itself. According to the research, laws explain what is required, permitted, or prohibited behavior in advance of the action (Connelly 2011 p 4). Our legal system provides the measures and restrictions for our behavior and relation to one another. For example, murder is not acceptable, and so it is against the law. However, not all laws are so black and white, and many of them have been established and adopted to fit a very specific niche within American life and culture. There are some similarities and differences between ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Creation Of The New German Nation, Or What Would Become The creation of the new German nation, or what would become known as the German Unification, mirrored similar revolutions around the globe, including that of the Meiji Restoration and the Ita lian Unification. Undoubtably, by the turn of 1871, a new German Empire emerged, but what remains in uncertain territories, is whether this new German Empirewas created from above or below. Neither position can be disregarded or invalidated, as the power of the people holds equal significance to that of the people in power. However, as clearly highlighted by Ernest Renan in a declaration of nationhood, we [the people] are what you make us; we are what you are , demonstrates the complex relationship between a nation, its leaders and their people.... Show more content on ... The Danes and Alsace Lorrainers were inconvenienced by war, as their respective nations loss to Germany had left their lands to be transferred from one nation to another and they somewhat found themselves left to be an alienated minority in a new country that was not their own. While, the Poles were the butt of historic German feelings of superiority , as they d generally found themselves within the German Empire and along with the other minorities, they were all, in one way or another, treated as actual or potential enemies of the Empire . Essentially, this was a period of internal division in Germany , as the minorities of the Poles, the Danes and Alsace Lorrainers combined with others that opposed the nature of the new German nation, including many catholics, set the reality that although the new German nation had been created from above, it was yet to be brought into existence below. This left the creation of the German nation to mirror the reality of Italian unification, as highlight by Massimo d Azeglio we have made Italy, now we have to make the Italians . Therefore, the German nation was created from above, but it also needed to be created from below as well. With the German nation having been created from above, it then needed its citizens to be created as well. In order to combat the minorities, those that oppose the new German Empire and to truely ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Narnia Movie And Book Comparison Essay Being an extraordinary writer, C. S. Lewis s books series The Chronicles of Narnia have been made into a series of movies that are delightful for all ages. The main series of movies was created by Disney and varies from the books more than another version that was created by the BBC. Although the movies are good and are said follow the story it could be said when comparing the two The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe in can be said that the book is better because it lets the reader live the story instead of just watching it. The book elaborates more when the wardrobe is first entered, when Aslanis killed and brought back to life, and then again when the end battle happens. In the beginning of the book The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe it begins... Show more content on ... The children arrive and are greeted by the old Professor, he is so odd looking the Lucy is scared of him. After a small amount of conversation, the oldest child, Peter, decides to go from room to room exploring. Soon they happen upon a room with nothing in it but a wardrobe. Lucy, being the curious child she is, decides to stay behind and look through the wardrobe as her siblings wander off. She enters it and find she can go further back than she thought the wardrobe went. She then abruptly feels pine tree needles. Lucy then sees a light that is a long way off from where the back of the wardrobe should be, this light leads her into Narnia. During this same scene in the movie The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe the children flee because of the air raid that happens in the beginning of the movie. They leave because the government decides to send all the children out of the city. Unlike in the book when sent away from the city because of the threat of air raids. The children are picked up by the uptight housekeeper Mrs. Macready who consequently shows them around the house telling them the rules of the house the main one being don t ... Get more on ...
  • 46. bus330 final Essay Marketing Manager of Oreos Bus 330 Dr. Shiquita P. Blue 01/20/2014 Marketing Manager In this written assignment, I will be accepting the role of a marketing manager that will select a product (good or service) that s sold in the United States and has sales opportunities in a foreign market. The product I have chosen is Oreo s, are the world s favorite cookie. Throughout this assignment, I will apply my critical thinking skills and the knowledge I have attained throughout this course to the product that I have chosen. The first steps in marketing are putting the right product out at the right price and the right time. All of us have grown up with Oreo cookies, we all have our disputes as to the way to eat them dunking them in milk or ... Show more content on ... In order for me to apply the STP approach in the American and foreign market is first I will have to determine which types of customers exist, select which ones we would be able to serve best, and then implement our segmentation by improving our cookies for that segment and show that we made the choice to stand out and remain rare. The primary segment is one for who the product is designed for, maximum revenue will come from the primary target market. These customers that share common characteristics and behaviors account for the highest capacity of sales and are most likely to buy now. The positioning of Oreo cookie is tempting to kids and teenagers they are the highest consumers of cookies. The secondary market is future primary buyers, persons buying at a high rate in a small segment and people who influence primary buyers. However their characteristics and buying behaviors usually are different from those of the primary market. For example this would be the persons that live a fast passed life style like adults, and working parents, and grandparents. In order s to implement our target, we must begin positioning by choosing what image the company would like to portray to our consumers. One way is for the company to maintain a strong competitive advantage. ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Terrorism In Kenya Essay Terrorism in Kenya Introduction Kenya has been the battlefield of tragic terrorist attacks on western interests twice since 1998 once in 1998 when the US embassy was attacked and a second time in 2002 when a Israeli owned Paradise hotel was bombed. In 1980, Jewish owned Norfolk hotel was attacked by the PLO. Every single attack shared a common thread of irony: the majority of the lives lost were Kenyan, even though the ideology behind the attacks suggests that Kenyan and Kenyans were not involved in the political dynamic that precipitated the attacks. The paper seeks to understand the political, social and cultural variables that have thrown Kenya into the geo political limelight insofar as the so called War on Terrorism is... Show more content on ... [1] In 1980 terrorists linked to the Palestinian Liberation Organization attacked the Jewish owned Norfolk hotel in Nairobi killing 15 people, most of them Kenyans. In 1998, the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya and the one in neighboring Tanzania were bombed. According to official Kenyan government figures, 213 people were killed in the blast that gutted the U.S. Embassy building in downtown Nairobi. That included 12 American workers and 34 of their Kenyan colleagues, called foreign service nationals [FSNs]. More than 4,000 Kenyans were also injured in the explosion. In 2002, three suicide bombers attacked an Israeli owned hotel, killing 11 Kenyans, 3 Israelis and wounding dozens. Almost simultaneously, at least two missiles were fired at but missed an Israeli airliner taking off from Mombasa airport. A previously unknown militant group calling itself The Government of Universal Palestine in Exile, The Army of Palestine, issued a statement in Lebanon claiming responsibility saying the operations were timed to mark the eve of the anniversary of the Nov. 29, 1947, decision by the United Nations to partition Palestine and allow creation of a Jewish state.[2] More recently, in May 2003, warnings of possible imminent attacks in Kenya were issued on by officials in Washington, London and Berlin. Britain ordered British airlines to halt flights to Kenya due to fears ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Essay On The Door 42 Door #42 I don t know exactly how it started. I woke up on the concrete ground, and the smell of copper and mildew invaded my nose. I eventually sat up and begin moving my limbs around to make sure I wasn t hurt. While stretching out my back, I heard a rustling in the corner. A human, based on the outline. I slowly stood up and crept over to them. Sitting up, I could tell it was a boy, and a scared one at that. He stood up and looked at me with wide frightened eyes. I m Beau. Who are you? Why am I he...? His voice drifted away as he took in the situation. Mason. I don t know where we are, but we are gonna get out. Beau slowly stood up and begin brushing himself off and I did the same. Looking around the room, I saw that one side... Show more content on ... Suddenly a person fell from the darkness in the high ceiling, landing with a sickening crunch on the ground. They had made no sound falling, and certainly wouldn t be making any noise now. Beau began crying and clutching his chest. Beau, I m gonna get us out I promise. You have to be quiet or someone will hear us. Stepping over piles of bones and puddles, we found out doors ringed the floor level, Each one about four steps apart. They all had numbers on them, from #1 #70. All of them had a padlock on them. They were all shaped and colored differently, some rotting and falling apart and others looked brand new. We eventually came across a yellowed paper on the wall with a riddle on it. Use your brain to play this game, or we will take it from you and isn t that such a shame? In this room is the key, if you find it you re halfway free. Choose the wrong door, you will regret it for sure... I looked around the chamber and decided I would look in the cages first for the key. I went halfway up the stairs, and leaped onto the nearest one and reached through the bars and began sifting through bones. I lept from cage to cage, sifting through bones and running my fingers through the puddles. I found the key in a cage that was above door #33. I made my way back to the stairs and showed Beau the key. Which door do you want Beau? 17. #17 was a deep burgundy with a gold handle. I took a deep breath and put the key in the lock. It ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Influential Ideas For Protestant Theology John Calvin was the son of bourgeois parents in Picardy, France (Brophy, 431). First, he studied at the University of Paris to obtain a Master of the Arts degree, and then he went on to study law at OrlГ©ans, where he received a doctorate of law (Brophy, 431). When he converted to Protestantism he was forced to flee Paris and eventually ended up in Geneva, Switzerland, where he wrote his Draft of Ecclesiastical Ordinances, along with many other significant writings (Brophy, 432). This document is a primary source because John Calvinwrote it in 1541 in Geneva (Brophy, 432). Calvin wrote this draft in order to educate people about the reforms he desired to see in the church throughout England (Brophy, 432). His writings were one of the most influential ideas for Protestant theology (Cole, 318). When Calvin converted to Protestantism, he wanted to create reforms within the church so that there was proper structure for both the church and government (Cole, 319). The best way for him to get the reforms he wanted was to write them down, which he did in the Draft of Ecclesiastical Ordinances. Calvin s Draft of Ecclesiastical Ordinances is about the structure of the church and government he wished to see (Brophy, 434). Unlike our government today, Calvin did not see a need for separation of church and state. Calvin s ideal government was one that was tied directly to the church, and the church officials would also be the government officials. The draft includes the duties, ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Monomyth In The Lion King Rebecca and Phillip Stein (2017) discuss monomyth, a hero s journey, in their book Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft. In the text, they use the definition of a monomyth given by Joseph Campbell. Campbell defines it as when A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man. (Stein Stein, 2017.) According to the text, a hero s journey has three stages: the departure, the initiation, and the return. (Stein and Stein, 2017.) The Disney movie, The Lion King, is a monomyth movie about a young lion who abandons his role as king of the Pride lands and must come back to save his family and his land when danger ensues. Simba is the son of Mufasa, the current king, therefore he is the rightful heir to the throne. This is the common day world that Simba lives in. His uncle, Scar, is filled with hatred towards both Simba and Mufasa, because he believes he deserves to be king. He comes up with an elaborate plan to kill them both. He tricks Simba into thinking that his father has a surprise for him, and he instructs Simba to wait inside of a canyon while he fetches his Mufasa. Scar deliberately starts a stampede of wildebeests to try and kill Simba. Mufasa arrives to the canyon to witness Simba clinging for his life, on a lone shrub s branch, as thousands of ... Get more on ...
  • 51. African Americans in American Society 1920s African Americans in the 1920s * Cast down your bucket where you are. Cast it down among the eight millions of Negroes... Booker T. Washington, 1895 Atlanta Compromise Throughout US history, there is an abundance of racism, segregation and discrimination towards the African Americanpeople. In 1619, the first African slaves were brought to Jamestown to produce tobacco, tea, cotton, coffee and other precious commodities. In this time period, 12 million Africans were forcibly transported to the Americas, where they worked as slaves until 1865, where the 13th Amendment abolished slavery. Although suppressed by whites and organisations such as the Ku Klux Klan, African Americans in the 1920s began to work towards social,... Show more content on ... Despite the cultural developments in Harlem and the formation of the African American identity, white culture found it extremely difficult to accept their black neighbours, leading to racial tensions, and often as a result, lynchings. One such example of racial tension leading to horrific consequences was the Tulsa Race Riots. In 1921, Tulsa Oklahoma was experiencing an economic boom thanks to the discovery of oil. Due to this African Americans also prospered, although confined to the Greenwood section of the city, also referred to as the Black Wall Street, due to a number of wealthy black entrepreneurs residing there. At this time, membership in the Ku Klux Klan was rising and there was an active chapter in Tulsa. On Memorial Day, a riot was triggered by a report in several white newspapers that a white, female elevator operator had been allegedly raped by black youths. In response to this, rumours circulated around the city that a mob was going to attempt to lynch the youths, then a group of armed African Americans bolted to the local police station in order to stop the lynching mob, that did not exist. A ... Get more on ...
  • 52. The Major Developments of Early Human and Social Evolution Describe the major developments of early human and social evolution. Throughout, discuss tool manufacturing, language development, agriculture, social behavior, and population growth. The first tools developed during the Paleolithic Era were made from chipped stones, wood and bone, and nets from plant fibers and animal sinew (Holt, Rinehart, Wilson, n.d.: 2). The Neolithic Era brought forth greater specialization. People began to make chisels, drills, and saws to address specific needs and also polished stones to create sharper and more defined points (Holt, Rinehart, Wilson, n.d.: 2). Language scholars trace the development of the first forms of systematized language to this era: The crucial evolutionary development that led to the burst in creativity in the Neolithic was the emergence of human language as a method for integrating across cognitive modules (MacWhinney 2005: 383). During this era, the use of stones began to have a utilitarian purpose in a manner that showed more sophisticated thinking. The most significant development during the Neolithic Era was the development of agriculture. This occurred approximately 10,000 years ago in human history. Humans began to domesticate animals and engage in selective breeding. With the end of the Ice Age, new plants became available and were cultivated to provide a more stable food source than hunting and gathering. Humans began to domesticate plants as well. People had long observed wild plants as they gathered ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Kevlar Leather Jacket Pros And Cons Introduction In the decades since I first climbed on top of a motorcycle, I have seen a lot of changes. Riding partners have come and gone, laws have evolved, and the public s perception of bikers has, thankfully, improved. The biking community is in a state of perpetual change, just like the world around it, but one thing remains constant: leather jackets. Both stylish and secure, leather has been relied upon by bikers throughout history to keep them safe from the elements and protect them during falls and crashes. The leather jacket is as synonymous with motorcycles as two wheels and an engine, but an increasing number of bikers are leaving behind their leather jackets in favor of alternatives of a different material, such as mesh or Kevlar. Some readers may be unfamiliar with the latter, which hasn t received as much publicity as some other protective materials, but if Kevlar motorcycle jackets can gain global attention, it is quite possible they can dethrone their leather opponents. But what exactly does a ... Show more content on ... Leather jackets tend to offer very poor ventilation, even when they are fitted with mesh vents. If you live in a cold climate, this likely won t be a problem, but those who attempt to ride in a leather motorcycle jacket during warmer months will be putting themselves at risk of heat stroke. Cruel As the world becomes increasingly more mindful, the cruelty associated with leather jackets becomes a bigger and bigger problem. Leather, as most of us know but do our best to ignore, is made from the skin of animals, most commonly cows. Killing animals for the sake of clothing is, admittedly, pretty horrendous, and many animal loving bikers have moved on to textile motorcycle jackets while actively campaigning against leather protective equipment. Kevlar Motorcycle Jackets The Pros Strong ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Food Regulation In High School WHAT will it take to get Americans to change our eating habits? (Bittman) Nothing can, if it has not worked yet, nothing will work. Food regulation is a huge topic that has been going around for a couple of years in schools and restaurants. The way food regulation works is that schools are now serving more fruits and vegetables than carbs or meat. There are several people that agree with foodregulation in schools and restaurants, but others have different opinions. I believe that food regulation is wrong, I think so because a high schooler needs a certain amount of calories to stay healthy, and some kids do not have parents that will provide food for them when they get home. Another big reason I refute with it also is because there are hundreds... Show more content on ... At this school they fingerprint the students so they can monitor their diet. We will also be able to monitor what children are buying to make sure they are eating a healthy diet. (Olson) In that quote Olson writes about how the school is going to an extent where they are monitoring what kids buy now. They did not only take away our freedom of what we can eat, but they took away our freedom on what and what not we can buy. Washington Puyallup School District spent $38,695 on devices that would map the veins in a student s palm. (Olson) Schools are using over $30,000 in technology that can keep up with a student s diet. Why not spend that on technology that can be used to further knowledge the children. The money could be used in a physical education class by buying equipment to show kids how to lose weight. After the school used the $38,695 on the palm scanners, parents hated the idea of the school knowing what they are eating and buying. If the school district needs my signature in order to obtain my daughter s photograph and use that photograph in publication because of privacy issue, then I believe I would have to sign an authorization to use my child s identity. (Olson) That quote was said by an enraged parent that was tired of the scanning system. The school ended up totally getting rid of the palm scanning system. That is good, now the ... Get more on ...
  • 55. Understanding The Ideal Occlusion Ideal occlusion there is no such thing as a bad occlusal contact, it is only intolerable number of times for that patient in that time in their life to function or parafunction on it. Certain features considered in the ideal occlusion are (5) At system level a) coincidence of centric occlusion and centric relation (CO = CR), b) when there is freedom for the mandible to move slightly forwards from the CR in the same horizontal and sagittal plane it is called freedom in centric occlusion, c) when the mandible moves there is immediate and lasting posterior disclusion called anterior guidance on front teeth At tooth level a) cusp tip to flat fossa contact that is no incline contacts, b) occlusal forces directed down the long axis of root. ... Show more content on ... a) To avoid occlusion changing procedures in a healthy functioning patient b) To recognize that irreversible treatments are rarely required in the management of orofacial pain patients Following guidelines are suggested for good occlusal practice (5) a) examination of the patient must involve the teeth, periodontal tissues and articulatory system b) there is no such thing as an intrinsically bad occlusal contact, only an intolerable number of times to parafunction on it c) patients occlusion should be recorded before any treatment is started d) compare the patients occlusion against the benchmark of ideal occlusion e) record patients occlusion before, during and after the ... Get more on ...