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Why do we have
  the Bible?
Why do we have
  the Bible?

            So that we can
              know God
Why do we have
  the Bible?

            So that we can
              know God

     … and know how
    to respond to God


them         us

them         us

them         us
How do you feel about the prophets in the
Old Testament?

How do you feel about the prophets in the
Old Testament?

What do you find difficult about them?

Why is it important to study them?

difficulties with
 the prophets

They have a queer way of talking, like people
who, instead of proceeding in an orderly
manner, ramble off from one thing to the next
so that you cannot make heads or tails of
them or see what they are getting at.

They have a queer way of talking, like people
who, instead of proceeding in an orderly
manner, ramble off from one thing to the next
so that you cannot make heads or tails of
them or see what they are getting at.
                                 Martin Luther

to g
           s in
          r d
     r t
    a s ie n
       r a
  b r
  n d e
Culture              Language


History              Geography

Core Themes

What are the main themes which run
throughout the whole Bible?

salvation history

. . . the Lord God banished them from the
Garden of Eden . . .
                                   Genesis 3:23

He will strike your head, and you will strike his
                                  Genesis 3:15

For God so loved the world that he gave his
one and only Son, that whoever believes in
him shall not perish but have eternal life.
                                       John 3:16

I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from
every nation and tribe and people and
language, standing in front of the throne annd
before the Lamb. They were clothed in white
robes and held palm branches in their hands.
And they were shouting wth a great roar,
‘Salvation comes from our God who sits on
the throne and from the Lamb!’
                               Revelation 7:9–10

‘I will be your God and you will be my people’

I will make you into a great nation. I will
  bless you and make you famous, and you will
  be a blessing to others. I will bless those
  who bless you and curse those who treat
  you with contempt. All the families on earth
  will be blessed through you.
                             Genesis 12:1–3, NLT
Now if you will obey me and keep my
covenant, you will be my own special treasure
from among all the peoples on the earth; for
the earth belongs to me. . . .
‘Look, this blood confirms the covenant the
Lord has made with you in giving you these
                               Exodus 19:1; 24:8

Don’t you realise that the Lord, the God of
Israel, made a lasting covenant with David,
giving him and his descendants the throne of
Israel forever?
                              2 Chronicles 13:5

‘This is my blood, which confirms the covenant
between God and his people. It is poured out
as a sacrifice for many.’
                                   Mark 14:24



God’s place
God’s             rule


    God’s place
God’s             rule
God’s             blessing

    God’s place
Four stages in the OT
and Eve
and Eve

God’s words
and Eve

Under God’s curse


There has never been another prophet in
Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to
                          Deuteronomy 34:10


God’s law


What other nation is so great as to have such
righteous decrees and laws as this body of
laws I am setting before you today?
                            Deuteronomy 4:8








Judah   Reuben


    Judah   Reuben

               Judah   Reuben
               Judah   Reuben
            Dan        Gad
               Judah   Reuben
Manasseh   Manasseh
                (half)     (half)
            Dan        Gad
               Judah   Reuben

              Manasseh   Manasseh
                (half)     (half)
            Dan        Gad
               Judah   Reuben
Zebullun              Issachar

              Manasseh   Manasseh
                (half)     (half)
            Dan        Gad
               Judah   Reuben
   Zebullun                Issachar

              Manasseh   Manasseh
                (half)     (half)
            Dan        Gad
               Judah      Reuben
   Zebullun                      Issachar

              Manasseh   Manasseh
                (half)     (half)
            Dan        Gad
               Judah         Reuben

   Zebullun                      Issachar

               Manasseh   Manasseh
                 (half)    (half)
             Dan        Gad AMMON

                  Judah      Reuben



Covenant blessings

Covenant blessings

• Life

Covenant blessings

• Life
• Health

Covenant blessings

• Life
• Health
• Abundance

Covenant blessings

• Life        • Prosperity
• Health
• Abundance

Covenant blessings

• Life        • Prosperity
• Health      • Security
• Abundance

Covenant blessings

• Life        • Prosperity
• Health      • Security
• Abundance   • Respect

Covenant curses

Covenant curses

• Disease

Covenant curses

• Disease
• Drought

Covenant curses

• Disease
• Drought
• Dearth

Covenant curses

• Disease
• Drought
• Dearth
• Danger

Covenant curses

• Disease
• Drought
• Dearth
• Danger
• Death

Covenant curses

• Disease   • Defeat
• Drought
• Dearth
• Danger
• Death

Covenant curses

• Disease   • Defeat
• Drought   • Destruction
• Dearth
• Danger
• Death

Covenant curses

• Disease   • Defeat
• Drought   • Destruction
• Dearth    • Deportation
• Danger
• Death

Covenant curses

• Disease   • Defeat
• Drought   • Destruction
• Dearth    • Deportation
• Danger    • Destitution
• Death

Covenant curses

• Disease   • Defeat
• Drought   • Destruction
• Dearth    • Deportation
• Danger    • Destitution
• Death     • Disgrace

God’s law


God’s law

The enemy
Read Deuteronomy 18:9–22

What are the people of God to avoid?

Why? What is the purpose of these pagan

What is the only valid option for God’s
people? Why?

When the Lord your God eliminates the
nations from the place where you are headed
and you dispossess them, you will settle down
in their land. After they have been destroyed
from your presence, be careful not to be
ensnared like they are; do not pursue their
gods and say, ‘How do these nations serve
their gods? I will do the same.’ . . .

You must not worship the Lord your God the
way they do! For everything that is abhorrent
to him, everything he hates, they have done
when worshipping their gods. They even burn
up their sons and daughters before their gods!
                Deuteronomy 12:29–31 (NET)

When you enter the land the Lord your God
is giving you, you must not learn the abhorrent
practices of those nations. There must never
be found among you anyone who sacrifices his
son or daughter in the fire, anyone who
practices divination, an omen reader, a
soothsayer, a sorcerer, one who casts spells,
one who conjures up spirits, a practitioner of
the occult, or a necromancer. . . .

Whoever does these things is abhorrent to
the Lord and because of these detestable
things the Lord your God is about to drive
them out from before you. You must be
blameless before the Lord your God. Those
nations that you are about to dispossess listen
to omen readers and diviners, but the Lord
your God has not given you permission to do
such things. . . .

The Lord your God will raise up for you a
prophet like me from among you – from your
fellow Israelites; you must listen to him.
 . . . I will raise up a prophet like you for them
from among their fellow Israelites. I will put my
words in his mouth and he will speak to them
whatever I command. I will personally hold
responsible anyone who then pays no attention
to the words that prophet speaks in my name.
                        Deuteronomy 18:9–15,17–19
A downward spiral
(Judges 2:6 – 16:31)

from God

from God


from God


            to God
      from God


Rescuer           Crying
(Judge)           to God
        from God

Peace               Oppression

  Rescuer           Crying
  (Judge)           to God
        from God

Peace               Oppression

  Rescuer           Crying
  (Judge)           to God
The state of the nation
The state of the nation
The state of the nation
 JOSHUA:            JUDGES:
• Israel united   • Factions/rivalry
The state of the nation
 JOSHUA:           JUDGES:
• Israel united   • Factions/rivalry
• Concerned for   • Self-interest and
  God’s glory       self-indulgence
The state of the nation
 JOSHUA:              JUDGES:
• Israel united      • Factions/rivalry
• Concerned for      • Self-interest and
  God’s glory          self-indulgence
• Led by God’s       • Slide into anarchy
  appointed leader     and idolatry
• Failure to deal with pagan nations

• Failure to deal with pagan nations
• Failure to live by God’s standards

• Failure to deal with pagan nations
• Failure to live by God’s standards
• Failure to have God at the centre of life and

In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as
he saw fit.
                    Judges 17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25

• 1 Samuel 9–31
• 1 Samuel 9–31
• Reigned 1050–1010 (approx.)
• 1 Samuel 9–31
• Reigned 1050–1010 (approx.)
• Rejected because he rejected the word of the
  Lord (1 Samuel 15:23 )
• ‘The Lord has sought out a man after his own
  heart’ (1 Samuel 13:14)
• ‘The Lord has sought out a man after his own
  heart’ (1 Samuel 13:14)
• 1 Samuel 16 – 1 Kings 2 / 1 Chronicles 29
• ‘The Lord has sought out a man after his own
  heart’ (1 Samuel 13:14)
• 1 Samuel 16 – 1 Kings 2 / 1 Chronicles 29
• Reigned 1010–970 (approx.)
• 1 Kings 1 – 11 / 1 Chron. 22 – 2 Chron. 9
• 1 Kings 1 – 11 / 1 Chron. 22 – 2 Chron. 9
• Reigned 970–931 (approx.)
• 1 Kings 1 – 11 / 1 Chron. 22 – 2 Chron. 9
• Reigned 970–931 (approx.)
• The wisest man (1 Kings 3:12; see Luke 11:31)
• 1 Kings 1 – 11 / 1 Chron. 22 – 2 Chron. 9
• Reigned 970–931 (approx.)
• The wisest man (1 Kings 3:12; see Luke 11:31)
• But slipped into idolatry and unfaithfulness
  (1 Kings 11:31–35)
Rehoboam Jerusalem
922 BC

 Jeroboam Shechem
Rehoboam Jerusalem
922 BC

 Jeroboam Shechem
Rehoboam Jerusalem
922 BC

Rehoboam Jerusalem
922 BC

Rehoboam Jerusalem


Saul   David   Solomon
1050   1010    970


     Jeroboam               Rehoboam
       931                     931

                            Abijam 913


Jeroboam      Rehoboam
         931           931
      Nadab 910     Abijam 913
     Baasha 909
      Elah 886         Asa
      Zimri 885
      Omri 885
      Ahab 874
     Ahaziah 853
      Joram 852
       Jehu 841

     Jehoahaz 814

     Jehoash 798
Jeroboam      Rehoboam
         931            931
      Nadab 910     Abijam 913
     Baasha 909
      Elah 886          Asa
      Zimri 885         911
      Omri 885
      Ahab 874
     Ahaziah 853        870

      Joram 852     Jehoram 848
       Jehu 841     Ahaziah 841
                    Athaliah 841
     Jehoahaz 814
                    Jehoash 835

     Jehoash 798
God’s law

God’s law

prophets = nabi

prophets = nabi
called (by God) to call out (for God)

Prophets are called by God

Prophets are called by God
     . . . to speak from God

Prophets are called by God
     . . . to speak from God
             . . . about God



Whether he is discussing the past, present or
future, the prophet is seeking to make God
the most genuine reality that men can know
and experience.
                                   A.B. Mickelson
                     Interpreting the Bible, p. 287

not foretelling


Prophecy is essentially a ministry of disclosure,
a stripping bare. Israel’s great prophets do not
merely lift the veil of the future in order to
destroy false expectations; at the same time,
they expose the conduct of their
contemporaries. . . . Prophets tear the masks
away and show the true face of the people
behind them.
               Hans Walter Wolff, Confrontations

God’s glory

God’s ultimate concern

Glory in the Old Testament

Glory in the Old Testament
• God’s glory revealed in creation

Glory in the Old Testament
• God’s glory revealed in creation
• God’s glory rejected by human rebellion

Glory in the Old Testament
• God’s glory revealed in creation
• God’s glory rejected by human rebellion
• God’s glory revived in Israel
  [nation, temple, king]

Glory in the Old Testament
• God’s glory revealed in creation
• God’s glory rejected by human rebellion
• God’s glory revived in Israel
  [nation, temple, king]
• God’s glory defamed by idolatry

Glory in the Old Testament
• God’s glory revealed in creation
• God’s glory rejected by human rebellion
• God’s glory revived in Israel
  [nation, temple, king]
• God’s glory defamed by idolatry
• God’s glory defended by the prophets

The Bible’s Structure

Christian     Jewish

Old Testament   Tanak

New Testament

Old Testament

Old Testament

 History books

  Wisdom Lit.


Old Testament
                Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
 Pentateuch     Numbers, Deuteronomy

History books

Wisdom Lit.


Old Testament
                Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
 Pentateuch     Numbers, Deuteronomy
                Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1–2 Samuel
History books   1–2 Kings, 1–2 Chronicles, Ezra,
                Nehemiah, Esther

Wisdom Lit.


Old Testament
                Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
 Pentateuch     Numbers, Deuteronomy
                Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1–2 Samuel
History books   1–2 Kings, 1–2 Chronicles, Ezra,
                Nehemiah, Esther
                Job, Psalms, Proverbs,
Wisdom Lit.     Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon


Old Testament
                Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
 Pentateuch     Numbers, Deuteronomy
                Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1–2 Samuel
History books   1–2 Kings, 1–2 Chronicles, Ezra,
                Nehemiah, Esther
                Job, Psalms, Proverbs,
Wisdom Lit.     Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon

                Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations,
  Prophets      Ezekiel, Daniel, Minor Prophets

New Testament

New Testament


 Timeless present


New Testament
  Revelation       Matthew Mark, Luke, John

   History         Acts

Timeless present   Romans – Jude

 Anticipation      Revelations

Old Testament   Tanak

   History      Prophets

   Wisdom       Writings


Old Testament   Tanak
  Pentateuch      Law

   History      Prophets

   Wisdom       Writings


Old Testament    Tanak
  Pentateuch    Instruction

   History      Prophets

   Wisdom        Writings


Old Testament    Tanak
  Pentateuch    Instruction

   History      Prophets

   Wisdom        Writings


Old Testament    Tanak
  Pentateuch    Instruction

   History      Prophets

   Wisdom        Writings


Old Testament    Tanak
  Pentateuch    Instruction

   History      Prophets

   Wisdom        Writings




Nevi’im Rishonim
Nevi’im Ahronim


                   Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
     Torah         Numbers, Deuteronomy

Nevi’im Rishonim
Nevi’im Ahronim


                   Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
     Torah         Numbers, Deuteronomy

Nevi’im Rishonim   Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings
Nevi’im Ahronim


                   Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
     Torah         Numbers, Deuteronomy

Nevi’im Rishonim   Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings
                   Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,
Nevi’im Ahronim    Book of the Twelve


                   Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
     Torah         Numbers, Deuteronomy

Nevi’im Rishonim   Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings
                   Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,
Nevi’im Ahronim    Book of the Twelve
                   Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song
    Ketuvim        of Solomon, Ecclesiastes,
                   Lamentations, Esther, Daniel,
                   Ezra–Nehemiah, Chronicles
                   Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
     Torah         Numbers, Deuteronomy

Nevi’im Rishonim
Former Prophets    Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings
                   Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,
 Latter Ahronim    Book of the Twelve
                   Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song
    Ketuvim        of Solomon, Ecclesiastes,
                   Lamentations, Esther, Daniel,
                   Ezra–Nehemiah, Chronicles
The Word of
 the LORD
Calling people
 back to the
 (Fee and Stuart)
Warning of


Basic pattern

Identification of
   Israel’s sin

Identification of
    Israel’s sin

Announcement of

Identification of     Declaration of
    Israel’s sin    God’s love for Israel

Announcement of

Identification of     Declaration of
    Israel’s sin    God’s love for Israel

Announcement of     Announcement of
   judgment             blessing


Old                  New
Testament       Testament

   Promise   Fulfilment
deep focus

two horizons

key themes

God is the ruler of all of
history and every nation

      Humanity’s most
    fundamental need is
    to be right with God
 Religion, politics and
society must all be on
  a firm moral base
God offers us the choice
 of judgment or hope

conditional future?

The [Latter Prophets] did not call for reform,
for they knew it was too late; the end of the
present order was near and could not be
                                 Donald Gowan
                    Reclaiming the OT p. 125–6

The future kingdom of God


These distant future events . . . are announced
to serve as beacons for God’s people –
beacons which will help them get their
bearings and set their course in life, beacons
which will give direction, hope, and
encouragement, even in the darkest hour.
                               Sidney Greidanus,
       The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text, p. 235

a universal kingdom

coming and continuing

a coming King

i o n
            c t
 e s   u
R                  99
    The glory of God

God’s glory in the prophets

God’s glory in the prophets
• God’s glory revealed as he gathers a people
  and redeems them. Jer. 31:10–11

God’s glory in the prophets
• God’s glory revealed as he gathers a people
  and redeems them. Jer. 31:10–11
• God’s glory revealed in a new Zion. Isaiah 2

God’s glory in the prophets
• God’s glory revealed as he gathers a people
  and redeems them. Jer. 31:10–11
• God’s glory revealed in a new Zion. Isaiah 2
• God’s glory revealed in new Davidic king. Jer.

God’s glory in the prophets
• God’s glory revealed as he gathers a people
  and redeems them. Jer. 31:10–11
• God’s glory revealed in a new Zion. Isaiah 2
• God’s glory revealed in new Davidic king. Jer.
• God’s glory revealed in a new temple. Ez. 47:1

God’s glory in the prophets
• God’s glory revealed as he gathers a people
  and redeems them. Jer. 31:10–11
• God’s glory revealed in a new Zion. Isaiah 2
• God’s glory revealed in new Davidic king. Jer.
• God’s glory revealed in a new temple. Ez. 47:1
• God’s glory revealed in new creation.
  Isaiah 65:17
God’s glory in the prophets
• God’s glory revealed in new covenant. Jer.

God’s glory in the prophets
• God’s glory revealed in new covenant. Jer.
• God will be shepherd Ezekiel 34:11–13, 26–31

God’s glory in the prophets
• God’s glory revealed in new covenant. Jer.
• God will be shepherd Ezekiel 34:11–13, 26–31
• God’s righteousness revealed in salvation of
  nations. Isaiah 42:6b–7; 49:6b

God’s glory in the prophets
• God’s glory revealed in new covenant. Jer.
• God will be shepherd Ezekiel 34:11–13, 26–31
• God’s righteousness revealed in salvation of
  nations. Isaiah 42:6b–7; 49:6b
• The Lord’s anointed will do this. Isaiah 11:1–4;
  42:1; 49:1–3; 50:4; 59:21; 61:1

Read Joel and see how these key themes are


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I. Introducing the Old Testament Prophets

  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Why do we have the Bible?
  • 6. Why do we have the Bible? So that we can know God
  • 7. Why do we have the Bible? So that we can know God … and know how to respond to God
  • 8.
  • 9. GOD us
  • 10. GOD them us
  • 11. GOD them us
  • 12. GOD them us
  • 13. How do you feel about the prophets in the Old Testament? 6
  • 14. How do you feel about the prophets in the Old Testament? What do you find difficult about them? Why is it important to study them? 6
  • 16. They have a queer way of talking, like people who, instead of proceeding in an orderly manner, ramble off from one thing to the next so that you cannot make heads or tails of them or see what they are getting at. 8
  • 17. They have a queer way of talking, like people who, instead of proceeding in an orderly manner, ramble off from one thing to the next so that you cannot make heads or tails of them or see what they are getting at. Martin Luther 8
  • 18. to g s in r d r t a s ie n r a b r n d e u
  • 19. 10
  • 20. Culture Language Religion History Geography 10
  • 22. What are the main themes which run throughout the whole Bible? 12
  • 24. . . . the Lord God banished them from the Garden of Eden . . . Genesis 3:23 14
  • 25. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel. Genesis 3:15 15
  • 26. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 16
  • 27. I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne annd before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands. And they were shouting wth a great roar, ‘Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne and from the Lamb!’ Revelation 7:9–10 17
  • 29. ‘I will be your God and you will be my people’ 19
  • 30. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you. Genesis 12:1–3, NLT
  • 31. Now if you will obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my own special treasure from among all the peoples on the earth; for the earth belongs to me. . . . ‘Look, this blood confirms the covenant the Lord has made with you in giving you these instructions.’ Exodus 19:1; 24:8 21
  • 32. Don’t you realise that the Lord, the God of Israel, made a lasting covenant with David, giving him and his descendants the throne of Israel forever? 2 Chronicles 13:5 22
  • 33. ‘This is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice for many.’ Mark 14:24 23
  • 34. kingdom 24
  • 37. God’s rule God’s people God’s place
  • 38. God’s rule God’s blessing God’s people God’s place
  • 39. Four stages in the OT
  • 42. God’s words Relationship Adam and Eve Eden
  • 43.
  • 45. Moses 29
  • 46. There has never been another prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. Deuteronomy 34:10 30
  • 49. God’s law Covenant Israel Canaan
  • 50. What other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today? Deuteronomy 4:8 32
  • 51.
  • 55.
  • 58. Manasseh (half) Gad Reuben
  • 59. Manasseh (half) Gad Judah Reuben
  • 60. Manasseh (half) Gad Judah Reuben Simeon
  • 61. Manasseh (half) Gad Benjamin Judah Reuben Simeon
  • 62. Manasseh (half) Ephraim Gad Benjamin Judah Reuben Simeon
  • 63. Manasseh (half) Ephraim Dan Gad Benjamin Judah Reuben Simeon
  • 64. Manasseh Manasseh (half) (half) Ephraim Dan Gad Benjamin Judah Reuben Simeon
  • 65. Issachar Manasseh Manasseh (half) (half) Ephraim Dan Gad Benjamin Judah Reuben Simeon
  • 66. Zebullun Issachar Manasseh Manasseh (half) (half) Ephraim Dan Gad Benjamin Judah Reuben Simeon
  • 67. er Ash Zebullun Issachar Manasseh Manasseh (half) (half) Ephraim Dan Gad Benjamin Judah Reuben Simeon
  • 68. li hta er Ash Nap Zebullun Issachar Manasseh Manasseh (half) (half) Ephraim Dan Gad Benjamin Judah Reuben Simeon
  • 69. li ARAM hta er Ash Nap Zebullun Issachar Manasseh Manasseh (half) (half) Ephraim Dan Gad AMMON Benjamin ES IN Judah Reuben T IS Simeon IL MOAB PH EDOM MIDIAN AMALEK
  • 73. Covenant blessings • Life • Health • Abundance 35
  • 74. Covenant blessings • Life • Prosperity • Health • Abundance 35
  • 75. Covenant blessings • Life • Prosperity • Health • Security • Abundance 35
  • 76. Covenant blessings • Life • Prosperity • Health • Security • Abundance • Respect 35
  • 80. Covenant curses • Disease • Drought • Dearth 36
  • 81. Covenant curses • Disease • Drought • Dearth • Danger 36
  • 82. Covenant curses • Disease • Drought • Dearth • Danger • Death 36
  • 83. Covenant curses • Disease • Defeat • Drought • Dearth • Danger • Death 36
  • 84. Covenant curses • Disease • Defeat • Drought • Destruction • Dearth • Danger • Death 36
  • 85. Covenant curses • Disease • Defeat • Drought • Destruction • Dearth • Deportation • Danger • Death 36
  • 86. Covenant curses • Disease • Defeat • Drought • Destruction • Dearth • Deportation • Danger • Destitution • Death 36
  • 87. Covenant curses • Disease • Defeat • Drought • Destruction • Dearth • Deportation • Danger • Destitution • Death • Disgrace 36
  • 88. God’s law Covenant Israel Canaan/Israel
  • 89. God’s law Covenant Canaan/Israel
  • 90. The enemy within 38
  • 91. 39
  • 92. 39
  • 93. 39
  • 94. 39
  • 95. 39
  • 96. 40
  • 97. Read Deuteronomy 18:9–22 What are the people of God to avoid? Why? What is the purpose of these pagan practices? What is the only valid option for God’s people? Why? 40
  • 98. When the Lord your God eliminates the nations from the place where you are headed and you dispossess them, you will settle down in their land. After they have been destroyed from your presence, be careful not to be ensnared like they are; do not pursue their gods and say, ‘How do these nations serve their gods? I will do the same.’ . . . 41
  • 99. You must not worship the Lord your God the way they do! For everything that is abhorrent to him, everything he hates, they have done when worshipping their gods. They even burn up their sons and daughters before their gods! Deuteronomy 12:29–31 (NET) 42
  • 100. When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, you must not learn the abhorrent practices of those nations. There must never be found among you anyone who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, anyone who practices divination, an omen reader, a soothsayer, a sorcerer, one who casts spells, one who conjures up spirits, a practitioner of the occult, or a necromancer. . . . 43
  • 101. Whoever does these things is abhorrent to the Lord and because of these detestable things the Lord your God is about to drive them out from before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God. Those nations that you are about to dispossess listen to omen readers and diviners, but the Lord your God has not given you permission to do such things. . . . 44
  • 102. The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you – from your fellow Israelites; you must listen to him. . . . I will raise up a prophet like you for them from among their fellow Israelites. I will put my words in his mouth and he will speak to them whatever I command. I will personally hold responsible anyone who then pays no attention to the words that prophet speaks in my name. Deuteronomy 18:9–15,17–19 45
  • 103. A downward spiral (Judges 2:6 – 16:31) 46
  • 104. 47
  • 106. Turning from God Oppression 47
  • 107. Turning from God Oppression Crying to God 47
  • 108. Turning from God Oppression Rescuer Crying (Judge) to God 47
  • 109. Turning from God Peace Oppression Rescuer Crying (Judge) to God 47
  • 110. Turning from God Peace Oppression Rescuer Crying (Judge) to God 47
  • 111. The state of the nation
  • 112. The state of the nation JOSHUA: JUDGES:
  • 113. The state of the nation JOSHUA: JUDGES: • Israel united • Factions/rivalry
  • 114. The state of the nation JOSHUA: JUDGES: • Israel united • Factions/rivalry • Concerned for • Self-interest and God’s glory self-indulgence
  • 115. The state of the nation JOSHUA: JUDGES: • Israel united • Factions/rivalry • Concerned for • Self-interest and God’s glory self-indulgence • Led by God’s • Slide into anarchy appointed leader and idolatry
  • 116. 49
  • 117. • Failure to deal with pagan nations 49
  • 118. • Failure to deal with pagan nations • Failure to live by God’s standards 49
  • 119. • Failure to deal with pagan nations • Failure to live by God’s standards • Failure to have God at the centre of life and worship 49
  • 120. In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit. Judges 17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25 50
  • 121. Saul
  • 122. Saul • 1 Samuel 9–31
  • 123. Saul • 1 Samuel 9–31 • Reigned 1050–1010 (approx.)
  • 124. Saul • 1 Samuel 9–31 • Reigned 1050–1010 (approx.) • Rejected because he rejected the word of the Lord (1 Samuel 15:23 )
  • 125. David
  • 126. David • ‘The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart’ (1 Samuel 13:14)
  • 127. David • ‘The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart’ (1 Samuel 13:14) • 1 Samuel 16 – 1 Kings 2 / 1 Chronicles 29
  • 128. David • ‘The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart’ (1 Samuel 13:14) • 1 Samuel 16 – 1 Kings 2 / 1 Chronicles 29 • Reigned 1010–970 (approx.)
  • 130. Solomon • 1 Kings 1 – 11 / 1 Chron. 22 – 2 Chron. 9
  • 131. Solomon • 1 Kings 1 – 11 / 1 Chron. 22 – 2 Chron. 9 • Reigned 970–931 (approx.)
  • 132. Solomon • 1 Kings 1 – 11 / 1 Chron. 22 – 2 Chron. 9 • Reigned 970–931 (approx.) • The wisest man (1 Kings 3:12; see Luke 11:31)
  • 133. Solomon • 1 Kings 1 – 11 / 1 Chron. 22 – 2 Chron. 9 • Reigned 970–931 (approx.) • The wisest man (1 Kings 3:12; see Luke 11:31) • But slipped into idolatry and unfaithfulness (1 Kings 11:31–35)
  • 136. 922 BC Jeroboam Shechem Rehoboam Jerusalem
  • 137. 922 BC ISRAEL Jeroboam Shechem Rehoboam Jerusalem
  • 138. 922 BC ISRAEL Samaria Jeroboam Rehoboam Jerusalem
  • 140. Saul 1050 55
  • 141. Rehoboam 931 Saul David Solomon 1050 1010 970 Jeroboam 931 55
  • 142. 1050 Saul 1010 David 970 Solomon Jeroboam Rehoboam 931 931 Abijam 913 Asa 55 911
  • 143. Jeroboam Rehoboam 931 931 Nadab 910 Abijam 913 Baasha 909 Elah 886 Asa 911 Zimri 885 Omri 885 Ahab 874 Ahaziah 853 Joram 852 Jehu 841 Jehoahaz 814 55 Jehoash 798
  • 144. Jeroboam Rehoboam 931 931 Nadab 910 Abijam 913 Baasha 909 Elah 886 Asa 911 Asa Zimri 885 911 Omri 885 Ahab 874 Jehoshaphat Ahaziah 853 870 Joram 852 Jehoram 848 Jehu 841 Ahaziah 841 Athaliah 841 Jehoahaz 814 Jehoash 835 55 Jehoash 798
  • 145. God’s law Covenant Israel
  • 146. God’s law Covenant Israel
  • 148. prophets = nabi called (by God) to call out (for God) 57
  • 149. 58
  • 150. Prophets are called by God 58
  • 151. Prophets are called by God . . . to speak from God 58
  • 152. Prophets are called by God . . . to speak from God . . . about God 58
  • 153. authority 59
  • 154. uniformity 60
  • 155. Whether he is discussing the past, present or future, the prophet is seeking to make God the most genuine reality that men can know and experience. A.B. Mickelson Interpreting the Bible, p. 287 61
  • 158. Prophecy is essentially a ministry of disclosure, a stripping bare. Israel’s great prophets do not merely lift the veil of the future in order to destroy false expectations; at the same time, they expose the conduct of their contemporaries. . . . Prophets tear the masks away and show the true face of the people behind them. Hans Walter Wolff, Confrontations 64
  • 161. Glory in the Old Testament 67
  • 162. Glory in the Old Testament • God’s glory revealed in creation 67
  • 163. Glory in the Old Testament • God’s glory revealed in creation • God’s glory rejected by human rebellion 67
  • 164. Glory in the Old Testament • God’s glory revealed in creation • God’s glory rejected by human rebellion • God’s glory revived in Israel [nation, temple, king] 67
  • 165. Glory in the Old Testament • God’s glory revealed in creation • God’s glory rejected by human rebellion • God’s glory revived in Israel [nation, temple, king] • God’s glory defamed by idolatry 67
  • 166. Glory in the Old Testament • God’s glory revealed in creation • God’s glory rejected by human rebellion • God’s glory revived in Israel [nation, temple, king] • God’s glory defamed by idolatry • God’s glory defended by the prophets 67
  • 168. Christian Jewish Old Testament Tanak New Testament 69
  • 170. Old Testament Pentateuch History books Wisdom Lit. Prophets 70
  • 171. Old Testament Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Pentateuch Numbers, Deuteronomy History books Wisdom Lit. Prophets 70
  • 172. Old Testament Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Pentateuch Numbers, Deuteronomy Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1–2 Samuel History books 1–2 Kings, 1–2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther Wisdom Lit. Prophets 70
  • 173. Old Testament Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Pentateuch Numbers, Deuteronomy Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1–2 Samuel History books 1–2 Kings, 1–2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Wisdom Lit. Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon Prophets 70
  • 174. Old Testament Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Pentateuch Numbers, Deuteronomy Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1–2 Samuel History books 1–2 Kings, 1–2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Wisdom Lit. Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Prophets Ezekiel, Daniel, Minor Prophets 70
  • 176. New Testament Revelation History Timeless present Anticipation 71
  • 177. New Testament Revelation Matthew Mark, Luke, John History Acts Timeless present Romans – Jude Anticipation Revelations 71
  • 178. Old Testament Tanak Pentateuch Law History Prophets Wisdom Writings Prophets 72
  • 179. Old Testament Tanak Pentateuch Law History Prophets Wisdom Writings Prophets 72
  • 180. Old Testament Tanak Pentateuch Instruction Law History Prophets Wisdom Writings Prophets 72
  • 181. Old Testament Tanak Pentateuch Instruction Law History Prophets History Wisdom Writings Prophets 72
  • 182. Old Testament Tanak Pentateuch Instruction Law History Prophets History Wisdom Writings Prophets Wisdom History Prophets 72
  • 183. Old Testament Tanak Pentateuch Instruction Torah Law History Prophets Nevi’im History Wisdom Writings Ketuvim Prophets Wisdom History Prophets 72
  • 184. Tanak Torah Nevi’im Rishonim Nevi’im Ahronim Nevi’im Ketuvim 73
  • 185. Tanak Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Torah Numbers, Deuteronomy Nevi’im Rishonim Nevi’im Ahronim Nevi’im Ketuvim 73
  • 186. Tanak Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Torah Numbers, Deuteronomy Nevi’im Rishonim Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings Nevi’im Nevi’im Ahronim Ketuvim 73
  • 187. Tanak Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Torah Numbers, Deuteronomy Nevi’im Rishonim Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings Nevi’im Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Nevi’im Ahronim Book of the Twelve Ketuvim 73
  • 188. Tanak Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Torah Numbers, Deuteronomy Nevi’im Rishonim Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings Nevi’im Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Nevi’im Ahronim Book of the Twelve Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song Ketuvim of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra–Nehemiah, Chronicles 73
  • 189. Tanak Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Torah Numbers, Deuteronomy Nevi’im Rishonim Former Prophets Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings Nevi’im Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Nevi’imProphets Latter Ahronim Book of the Twelve Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song Writings Ketuvim of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra–Nehemiah, Chronicles 73
  • 190. The Word of the LORD 74
  • 191. Calling people back to the covenant
  • 197. 80
  • 198. Identification of Israel’s sin 80
  • 199. Identification of Israel’s sin Announcement of judgment 80
  • 200. Identification of Declaration of Israel’s sin God’s love for Israel Announcement of judgment 80
  • 201. Identification of Declaration of Israel’s sin God’s love for Israel Announcement of Announcement of judgment blessing 80
  • 202.
  • 203. Old Testament Promise
  • 204. Old New Testament Testament Promise Fulfilment
  • 205. deep focus 82
  • 206.
  • 208. 85
  • 209. key themes 86
  • 210. 1 God is the ruler of all of history and every nation 87
  • 211. 2 Humanity’s most fundamental need is to be right with God 88
  • 212. 3 Religion, politics and society must all be on a firm moral base 89
  • 213. 4 God offers us the choice of judgment or hope 90
  • 215. The [Latter Prophets] did not call for reform, for they knew it was too late; the end of the present order was near and could not be averted. Donald Gowan Reclaiming the OT p. 125–6 92
  • 216. 5 The future kingdom of God 93
  • 217. beacons 94
  • 218. These distant future events . . . are announced to serve as beacons for God’s people – beacons which will help them get their bearings and set their course in life, beacons which will give direction, hope, and encouragement, even in the darkest hour. Sidney Greidanus, The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text, p. 235 95
  • 222. Death 99
  • 223. i o n c t rre e s u R 99
  • 224. 6 The glory of God 100
  • 225. God’s glory in the prophets 101
  • 226. God’s glory in the prophets • God’s glory revealed as he gathers a people and redeems them. Jer. 31:10–11 101
  • 227. God’s glory in the prophets • God’s glory revealed as he gathers a people and redeems them. Jer. 31:10–11 • God’s glory revealed in a new Zion. Isaiah 2 101
  • 228. God’s glory in the prophets • God’s glory revealed as he gathers a people and redeems them. Jer. 31:10–11 • God’s glory revealed in a new Zion. Isaiah 2 • God’s glory revealed in new Davidic king. Jer. 23:5–6 101
  • 229. God’s glory in the prophets • God’s glory revealed as he gathers a people and redeems them. Jer. 31:10–11 • God’s glory revealed in a new Zion. Isaiah 2 • God’s glory revealed in new Davidic king. Jer. 23:5–6 • God’s glory revealed in a new temple. Ez. 47:1 101
  • 230. God’s glory in the prophets • God’s glory revealed as he gathers a people and redeems them. Jer. 31:10–11 • God’s glory revealed in a new Zion. Isaiah 2 • God’s glory revealed in new Davidic king. Jer. 23:5–6 • God’s glory revealed in a new temple. Ez. 47:1 • God’s glory revealed in new creation. Isaiah 65:17 101
  • 231. God’s glory in the prophets • God’s glory revealed in new covenant. Jer. 31:31–33 102
  • 232. God’s glory in the prophets • God’s glory revealed in new covenant. Jer. 31:31–33 • God will be shepherd Ezekiel 34:11–13, 26–31 102
  • 233. God’s glory in the prophets • God’s glory revealed in new covenant. Jer. 31:31–33 • God will be shepherd Ezekiel 34:11–13, 26–31 • God’s righteousness revealed in salvation of nations. Isaiah 42:6b–7; 49:6b 102
  • 234. God’s glory in the prophets • God’s glory revealed in new covenant. Jer. 31:31–33 • God will be shepherd Ezekiel 34:11–13, 26–31 • God’s righteousness revealed in salvation of nations. Isaiah 42:6b–7; 49:6b • The Lord’s anointed will do this. Isaiah 11:1–4; 42:1; 49:1–3; 50:4; 59:21; 61:1 102
  • 235. Read Joel and see how these key themes are explored. 103

Editor's Notes

  1. Bible: bestselling book of all time; central to Western Culture; God’s self-disclosure Prophets: Nothing ever equalled the collection of literature by the prophets Who is the greatest prophet? Moses – Deuteronomy 34:10
  2. Difficult because collections of spoken oracles, not necessarily in chronological order
  3. Difficult because collections of spoken oracles, not necessarily in chronological order
  4. Language; Culture; Geography; History; Religion
  5. Core themes of BIBLE, not prophets only
  6. God reversing the effects of sin and establishing a new creation. QUESTION: What are the key stages of salvation history?
  7. God‘s commitment to his people: ‘I will be your God and you will be my people’ QUESTION: What are the major covenants?
  8. Judah, led by King Abijah, took 400k soldiers to meet Jeroboam with 800k. Abijah shouts this from Mount Zemaraim to Jeroboam
  9. God‘s people in God‘s place enjoying God‘s presence. QUESTION: How can we summarise what God’s kingdom means throughout Scripture?
  10. Marcus: God’s place = God’s household; Where God is Marcus adds God’s deliverance
  11. Marcus: God’s place = God’s household; Where God is Marcus adds God’s deliverance
  12. Marcus: God’s place = God’s household; Where God is Marcus adds God’s deliverance
  13. Marcus: God’s place = God’s household; Where God is Marcus adds God’s deliverance
  14. Marcus: God’s place = God’s household; Where God is Marcus adds God’s deliverance
  15. Marcus: God’s place = God’s household; Where God is Marcus adds God’s deliverance
  16. The kingdom revealed in Eden Gen 1–2
  17. The kingdom revealed in Eden Gen 1–2
  18. The kingdom revealed in Eden Gen 1–2
  19. The kingdom resisted; Genesis 3–11
  20. The kingdom resisted; Genesis 3–11
  21. The kingdom resisted; Genesis 3–11
  22. The kingdom resisted; Genesis 3–11
  23. greatest prophet; prior to Moses God communicated directly with heads of families/key individuals (esp. Patriarchs). Moses leading people with 600k families – God speaks to nation through one man People wanted a (speaking) mediator: Deuteronomy 18:15–16
  24. cf Aaron and Miriam’s complaint and God’s answer Nu. 12:1–8. Moses in entirely different category from all other prophets Later prophets to be like Moses (Deut. 18) - he is fountainhead of prophetism (contradicts religious evolution - peak first) – but never greater
  25. The kingdom revealed in Israel – Gen 12 – 1 Kings 11 / 2 Chronicles 9
  26. The kingdom revealed in Israel – Gen 12 – 1 Kings 11 / 2 Chronicles 9
  27. The kingdom revealed in Israel – Gen 12 – 1 Kings 11 / 2 Chronicles 9
  28. Moses addressing people in plain of Moab Israel was to have unique function among nations of earth
  29. Joshua 11:16-23 (note: ‘all’) cf 13:1; 23:1-13 (lots still to do)
  30. Joshua 11:16-23 (note: ‘all’) cf 13:1; 23:1-13 (lots still to do)
  31. Joshua 11:16-23 (note: ‘all’) cf 13:1; 23:1-13 (lots still to do)
  32. Joshua 11:16-23 (note: ‘all’) cf 13:1; 23:1-13 (lots still to do)
  33. Joshua 11:16-23 (note: ‘all’) cf 13:1; 23:1-13 (lots still to do)
  34. Joshua 11:16-23 (note: ‘all’) cf 13:1; 23:1-13 (lots still to do)
  35. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  36. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  37. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  38. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  39. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  40. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  41. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  42. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  43. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  44. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  45. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  46. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  47. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  48. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  49. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  50. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  51. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  52. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  53. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  54. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  55. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  56. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  57. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  58. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  59. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  60. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  61. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  62. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  63. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  64. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  65. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  66. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  67. How the West was won (or not) Transjordan = Gilead
  68. Note: these are corporate, not individual Life or death in promised land: Lev 26:1–39; Deut 4:15–40; 28 – 32 (note 30:11–20)
  69. Note: these are corporate, not individual Life or death in promised land: Lev 26:1–39; Deut 4:15–40; 28 – 32 (note 30:11–20)
  70. Note: these are corporate, not individual Life or death in promised land: Lev 26:1–39; Deut 4:15–40; 28 – 32 (note 30:11–20)
  71. Note: these are corporate, not individual Life or death in promised land: Lev 26:1–39; Deut 4:15–40; 28 – 32 (note 30:11–20)
  72. Note: these are corporate, not individual Life or death in promised land: Lev 26:1–39; Deut 4:15–40; 28 – 32 (note 30:11–20)
  73. Note: these are corporate, not individual Life or death in promised land: Lev 26:1–39; Deut 4:15–40; 28 – 32 (note 30:11–20)
  74. 10 ‘D’s These are corporate
  75. 10 ‘D’s These are corporate
  76. 10 ‘D’s These are corporate
  77. 10 ‘D’s These are corporate
  78. 10 ‘D’s These are corporate
  79. 10 ‘D’s These are corporate
  80. 10 ‘D’s These are corporate
  81. 10 ‘D’s These are corporate
  82. 10 ‘D’s These are corporate
  83. 10 ‘D’s These are corporate
  84. Warned against settling in with Canaanites by Joshua and Moses (Josh 23)
  85. Warned against settling in with Canaanites by Joshua and Moses (Josh 23) Bronze figure of Baal; Canaanite, about 1400-1200 BC, from Syria Ugaritic Baal figure Limestone stela with dedication to Baal, from Carthage 2nd-1st century BC; symbolism is Canaanite, with 2 representations of goddess Tanit Phoenician Astarte; 6th century from Tharros, Sardinia Gold god Hittite, about 1400-1200 BC, from Anatolia
  86. Warned against settling in with Canaanites by Joshua and Moses (Josh 23) Bronze figure of Baal; Canaanite, about 1400-1200 BC, from Syria Ugaritic Baal figure Limestone stela with dedication to Baal, from Carthage 2nd-1st century BC; symbolism is Canaanite, with 2 representations of goddess Tanit Phoenician Astarte; 6th century from Tharros, Sardinia Gold god Hittite, about 1400-1200 BC, from Anatolia
  87. Warned against settling in with Canaanites by Joshua and Moses (Josh 23) Bronze figure of Baal; Canaanite, about 1400-1200 BC, from Syria Ugaritic Baal figure Limestone stela with dedication to Baal, from Carthage 2nd-1st century BC; symbolism is Canaanite, with 2 representations of goddess Tanit Phoenician Astarte; 6th century from Tharros, Sardinia Gold god Hittite, about 1400-1200 BC, from Anatolia
  88. Warned against settling in with Canaanites by Joshua and Moses (Josh 23) Bronze figure of Baal; Canaanite, about 1400-1200 BC, from Syria Ugaritic Baal figure Limestone stela with dedication to Baal, from Carthage 2nd-1st century BC; symbolism is Canaanite, with 2 representations of goddess Tanit Phoenician Astarte; 6th century from Tharros, Sardinia Gold god Hittite, about 1400-1200 BC, from Anatolia
  89. Note God’s initiative in raising up future prophet(s)
  90. 1. Othniel 2. Ehud 3. Shamgar 4. Deborah/Barak 5. Gideon 6. Tola 7. Jair 8. Jephthah 9. Ibzan 10. Elon 11. Abdon 12. Samson Othniel is reliable, highly competent and faithful to God Problems - idolatry; covenants
  91. 1. Othniel 2. Ehud 3. Shamgar 4. Deborah/Barak 5. Gideon 6. Tola 7. Jair 8. Jephthah 9. Ibzan 10. Elon 11. Abdon 12. Samson Othniel is reliable, highly competent and faithful to God Problems - idolatry; covenants
  92. 1. Othniel 2. Ehud 3. Shamgar 4. Deborah/Barak 5. Gideon 6. Tola 7. Jair 8. Jephthah 9. Ibzan 10. Elon 11. Abdon 12. Samson Othniel is reliable, highly competent and faithful to God Problems - idolatry; covenants
  93. 1. Othniel 2. Ehud 3. Shamgar 4. Deborah/Barak 5. Gideon 6. Tola 7. Jair 8. Jephthah 9. Ibzan 10. Elon 11. Abdon 12. Samson Othniel is reliable, highly competent and faithful to God Problems - idolatry; covenants
  94. 1. Othniel 2. Ehud 3. Shamgar 4. Deborah/Barak 5. Gideon 6. Tola 7. Jair 8. Jephthah 9. Ibzan 10. Elon 11. Abdon 12. Samson Othniel is reliable, highly competent and faithful to God Problems - idolatry; covenants
  95. 1. Othniel 2. Ehud 3. Shamgar 4. Deborah/Barak 5. Gideon 6. Tola 7. Jair 8. Jephthah 9. Ibzan 10. Elon 11. Abdon 12. Samson Othniel is reliable, highly competent and faithful to God Problems - idolatry; covenants
  96. 1. Othniel 2. Ehud 3. Shamgar 4. Deborah/Barak 5. Gideon 6. Tola 7. Jair 8. Jephthah 9. Ibzan 10. Elon 11. Abdon 12. Samson Othniel is reliable, highly competent and faithful to God Problems - idolatry; covenants
  97. 1. Othniel 2. Ehud 3. Shamgar 4. Deborah/Barak 5. Gideon 6. Tola 7. Jair 8. Jephthah 9. Ibzan 10. Elon 11. Abdon 12. Samson Othniel is reliable, highly competent and faithful to God Problems - idolatry; covenants
  98. 1. Othniel 2. Ehud 3. Shamgar 4. Deborah/Barak 5. Gideon 6. Tola 7. Jair 8. Jephthah 9. Ibzan 10. Elon 11. Abdon 12. Samson Othniel is reliable, highly competent and faithful to God Problems - idolatry; covenants
  99. 1. Othniel 2. Ehud 3. Shamgar 4. Deborah/Barak 5. Gideon 6. Tola 7. Jair 8. Jephthah 9. Ibzan 10. Elon 11. Abdon 12. Samson Othniel is reliable, highly competent and faithful to God Problems - idolatry; covenants
  100. triple failure
  101. triple failure
  102. triple failure
  103. Emphasising the advantages of a monarchy over anarchy Deuteronomy 17:14-20
  104. Note 2 Samuel 7:8-16
  105. Note 2 Samuel 7:8-16
  106. Note 2 Samuel 7:8-16
  107. Note 1 Kings 8:56-61
  108. Note 1 Kings 8:56-61
  109. Note 1 Kings 8:56-61
  110. Note 1 Kings 8:56-61
  111. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  112. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  113. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  114. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  115. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  116. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  117. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  118. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  119. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  120. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  121. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  122. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  123. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  124. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  125. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  126. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  127. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  128. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  129. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  130. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  131. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  132. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  133. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  134. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  135. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  136. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  137. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  138. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  139. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  140. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  141. Ephraim in green, centre Omri moved capital to Samaria (1 Kings 16)
  142. 4. The kingdom revealed through prophets: Prophetic era: I Kings 12 / 2 Chronicles 10 – Malachi †† Key passage: 2 Kings 17:7–18 Groups of prophets - ‘company of the prophets’ 2 Kings 4:1; 6:1 ≈≈ Ecstatic behaviour (1 Samuel 10:9–12) ≈≈ Consulted by kings – Ahab 1 Kings 22:6–8 ≈≈ Not always true (Ezekiel 13:1–7; Jeremiah 23:9–40; Hos. 4:5; Amos 7:12–13) Called people to repent – 2 Kings 17:13 cf Jeremiah 3:1–4:4
  143. Prophets (nabi) called (to call=nabu) by God, not acting on own authority (Jer 14:14) Unoriginal message
  144. Prophets (nabi) called (to call=nabu) by God, not acting on own authority (Jer 14:14) Unoriginal message
  145. Amos 4:13 – ‘He formed the mountains and created the wind. he reveals his plans to men’ Jeremiah speaking for God: 26:16; 27:2–4, 11; 43:1 cf 28:15–16. Special place in nation (prophetic immunity) - challenging all levels of society, installing/deposing kings (1 Ki 19:16; 21:17–22), declaring war (2 Ki 3:18; Hos 5:5–8), stating correct foreign policy Jer 27:8–22. cf Jeremiah 1:10
  146. Amos 4:13 – ‘He formed the mountains and created the wind. he reveals his plans to men’ Jeremiah speaking for God: 26:16; 27:2–4, 11; 43:1 cf 28:15–16. Special place in nation (prophetic immunity) - challenging all levels of society, installing/deposing kings (1 Ki 19:16; 21:17–22), declaring war (2 Ki 3:18; Hos 5:5–8), stating correct foreign policy Jer 27:8–22. cf Jeremiah 1:10
  147. Amos 4:13 – ‘He formed the mountains and created the wind. he reveals his plans to men’ Jeremiah speaking for God: 26:16; 27:2–4, 11; 43:1 cf 28:15–16. Special place in nation (prophetic immunity) - challenging all levels of society, installing/deposing kings (1 Ki 19:16; 21:17–22), declaring war (2 Ki 3:18; Hos 5:5–8), stating correct foreign policy Jer 27:8–22. cf Jeremiah 1:10
  148. The prophet speaks God’s words
  149. If God is the source, words and lifestyle of prophet must be consistent
  150. Not what greatest prophet Moses was primarily doing
  151. Prophets addressed their contemporaries. Ezekiel 3:17 Note specific dates of many oracles Danger of false contrast between present and future
  152. Testament = covenant; OT is first stage of revelation; NT sees OT as pointing forward to its fulfilment in 2nd stage of revelation; anticipates 3rd stage in return of Christ
  153. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  154. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  155. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  156. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  157. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  158. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  159. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  160. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  161. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  162. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  163. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  164. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  165. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  166. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  167. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  168. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  169. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  170. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  171. Structure comes from Septuagint but plays key part is shaping Xn theological reading of OT Wisdom concerns ‘timeless present’ (Sweeney); Prophets: fall+restoration pointing to Christ Equivalent structure in NT
  172. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  173. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  174. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  175. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  176. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  177. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  178. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  179. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  180. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  181. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  182. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  183. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  184. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  185. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  186. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  187. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  188. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  189. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  190. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  191. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  192. Torah = instruction, not law No NT because revelation through Moses is still the operative covenant
  193. Former prophets: history from entry to exile; theological reasons for destruction of Israel/Judah; Latter prophets: failure to live by Torah & possibility of restoration; POINT TO WRITINGS not new revelation. Ketuvim concerned with holy life of Israel wrt temple and creation
  194. Former prophets: history from entry to exile; theological reasons for destruction of Israel/Judah; Latter prophets: failure to live by Torah & possibility of restoration; POINT TO WRITINGS not new revelation. Ketuvim concerned with holy life of Israel wrt temple and creation
  195. Former prophets: history from entry to exile; theological reasons for destruction of Israel/Judah; Latter prophets: failure to live by Torah & possibility of restoration; POINT TO WRITINGS not new revelation. Ketuvim concerned with holy life of Israel wrt temple and creation
  196. Former prophets: history from entry to exile; theological reasons for destruction of Israel/Judah; Latter prophets: failure to live by Torah & possibility of restoration; POINT TO WRITINGS not new revelation. Ketuvim concerned with holy life of Israel wrt temple and creation
  197. Former prophets: history from entry to exile; theological reasons for destruction of Israel/Judah; Latter prophets: failure to live by Torah & possibility of restoration; POINT TO WRITINGS not new revelation. Ketuvim concerned with holy life of Israel wrt temple and creation
  198. Former prophets: history from entry to exile; theological reasons for destruction of Israel/Judah; Latter prophets: failure to live by Torah & possibility of restoration; POINT TO WRITINGS not new revelation. Ketuvim concerned with holy life of Israel wrt temple and creation
  199. Former prophets: history from entry to exile; theological reasons for destruction of Israel/Judah; Latter prophets: failure to live by Torah & possibility of restoration; POINT TO WRITINGS not new revelation. Ketuvim concerned with holy life of Israel wrt temple and creation
  200. Former prophets: history from entry to exile; theological reasons for destruction of Israel/Judah; Latter prophets: failure to live by Torah & possibility of restoration; POINT TO WRITINGS not new revelation. Ketuvim concerned with holy life of Israel wrt temple and creation
  201. Former prophets: history from entry to exile; theological reasons for destruction of Israel/Judah; Latter prophets: failure to live by Torah & possibility of restoration; POINT TO WRITINGS not new revelation. Ketuvim concerned with holy life of Israel wrt temple and creation
  202. Former prophets: history from entry to exile; theological reasons for destruction of Israel/Judah; Latter prophets: failure to live by Torah & possibility of restoration; POINT TO WRITINGS not new revelation. Ketuvim concerned with holy life of Israel wrt temple and creation
  203. Former prophets: history from entry to exile; theological reasons for destruction of Israel/Judah; Latter prophets: failure to live by Torah & possibility of restoration; POINT TO WRITINGS not new revelation. Ketuvim concerned with holy life of Israel wrt temple and creation
  204. Former prophets: history from entry to exile; theological reasons for destruction of Israel/Judah; Latter prophets: failure to live by Torah & possibility of restoration; POINT TO WRITINGS not new revelation. Ketuvim concerned with holy life of Israel wrt temple and creation
  205. 1 Sam 3:1 – In those days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not many visions. ≈≈ 1 Sam 3:7 – Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD: The word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him. ≈≈ 1 Sam 15:10 – Then the word of the LORD came to Samuel . . . Elijah: See 1 Kings 17: 2, 8, 14, 24 – centrality of the Word from here onAMos 3:7 Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.
  206. Enforcers of the covenant; Guard dogs of the covenant Recalled people to repentance, obedience, covenant faithfulness, God’s word
  207. Enforcers of the covenant; Guard dogs of the covenant Recalled people to repentance, obedience, covenant faithfulness, God’s word
  208. Amos 4:12 (‘Prepare to meet your God’); Isaiah 3:1-9; 39:1-8; Habakkuk 1:5-17Judgment inevitable if people will not turn - logical extension of presentCriticisms of social/political life come from emphasis on holiness of God’s character Same categories as in covenant curses - 10 ‘D’s
  209. Some prophets had explicit message of hope if nation turned Same categories as covenant blessings: Life, Health, Abundance, Prosperity, Security, Respect (eg Amos 9:11–15) Mostly curse until 587; then reverting to original plan of mercy
  210. Future expectation is very important in the Old Testament; Much is unfulfilled at the end. <2% is messianic; <5% ref. to new covenant; <1% ref. to still-future events NT stresses fulfilment of OT expectations and promises; NT is based on the OT The big themes are the bridge from their situation to ours
  211. Future expectation is very important in the Old Testament; Much is unfulfilled at the end. <2% is messianic; <5% ref. to new covenant; <1% ref. to still-future events NT stresses fulfilment of OT expectations and promises; NT is based on the OT The big themes are the bridge from their situation to ours
  212. Future expectation is very important in the Old Testament; Much is unfulfilled at the end. <2% is messianic; <5% ref. to new covenant; <1% ref. to still-future events NT stresses fulfilment of OT expectations and promises; NT is based on the OT The big themes are the bridge from their situation to ours