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The coursework depicted ethics as being a moral philosophy that considers concepts of right and

wrong behavior. The curriculum incorporated a specific module involving ethics in the field of

T&D to show the applicability of the T&D professional’s role and how through their functions,

unethical behavior in an organization could be potentially reduced when faced with morally

intense issues, disparate ethical climates, and diverse cultures. The human resources

development professional is oftentimes looked at as being leaders within the organization who

set the tone for ethical behaviors where the standard is “no compromise” when it comes to

decision making. Therefore, the role of a T&D practitioner wraps ethical responsibility into their

function by establishing codes of ethics, guidelines, and parameters in order to assist the

organization in developing socially responsible processes, practices, and employees.

The theme of ethics was reflected throughout the curriculum where there were a number of

ethical theories presented involvingKantian and Deontological that focuses on duty-based ethics

and Utilitarianism involving decisions that produce the greatest good for the greatest number that

helped explain the behaviors exhibited by society where ethics are involved. During the course,

intangible factors involving ethics were presented involving the conscience, feelings, cultures,

societal factors, obligations and moral ideals within T&D, all of which funnel up to determining

what our actions should be when weighing moral issues. Ethical decisions are present for the

T&D professional in every facet of their role as they carry out human performance improvement

within the organization that ranges from how training initiatives are determined to how honest

evaluation data is analyzed and who it benefits. Supplemental material is added to support this

theme and will reflect the impact that ethics has on organizational behavior, ethic’s effects on

moral responsibility, and the importance of setting ethical standards for society.
Ethics Narrative: The Effects of Moral Responsibility on Organizational Behavior

                                             (EAC 555)

I included the term paper “The Effects of Moral Responsibility” under this theme to support the

importance of understanding the role that ethics and Human ResourceDevelopment (HRD)

professionals play in organizations. The attempt was to reveal if literature showed a linkage

between moral responsibility’s impact on employee behavior and the effects for

HRDprofessionals as they face ethical dilemmas in organizations. As I worked on this term

paper and conducted research, I realized that the potential for individuals and organizations to

behave unethically is limitless. Unfortunately, this potential is too frequently realized. I looked

at how well-known cases involving greed overtaking the concerns for human welfare and how an

organization’s profitability can trump interests over public safety and well-being. It was clear

that organizational behavior depends greatly on the initiatives that are implemented and enforced

to mold desirable ethical behaviors. Comparisons were reflected on positive and negative

behaviors as a result of how decisions were made. I found it interesting how corporations

reported that when the a positive ethical climate is set, employees exhibit morally responsible

behaviors and just the opposite; when an ethical climate lacks clarity or fails to be positive, there

is little doubt that the resultwill often yield in ethical behavior.This uncovered a simple way of

looking at ethics within an organization which was to lead by example. The research conducted

in this paper also revealed the importance for organizations to incorporate trainingfocusedon

providing ethical foundations and frameworks for employees so the most morally responsible

decisions are madewhen faced with ethical dilemmas. Therefore this prompted the realization

that as a T&D professional and HRD leader, I would be empowered to set the ethical climate and

have the ability to influence ideal behaviors for employees within corporations.
Ethics Narrative: Diversity’s Effect on Organizational Behavior: Managing Workplace
                         Diversity in the 21st Century (EAC 582)

This selection was added in the portfolio to support ethics as the element of diversity is an ever-

present factor that could potentially create negative behaviors within organizations. I researched

diversity and how it could potentially create disparities for employees, pose issues with ethics

within organizations, and the implications this would have on an HRD practitioner who is

managing workforces in today’s society. Therefore, I uncovered a number of reasons why

organizations may oftentimes act unethically to include: cultural differences, globalization, and

even technological shifts. I found it imperative to build more knowledge around differences in

ethical norms where cross-cultural conditions are presentedas my organization continues to

globalize and the importance of implementing guidelines based on supporting cultural

awareness. I also found it interesting how technology acts as a double-edge sword as it has

definitely improved the way business is conducted but as a result misuse and internet abuse has

become a widespread issue that is both costly and unproductive. This research paper reiterated

the need for the HRD professional to produce the desired organizational behaviors within

blended workplace environments and mold desirable behaviors by incorporating methods to

include training revolving around diversity, ethics, cultural awareness, and implementing efforts

focusedon changing attitudes and perceptions pertaining to diverse elements that have entered

the environment. This is both impressing and complex to me at the same time as it revealed the

many functions that an HRD professional is tasked with upholding within the organization.The

organization that I work in spans over 130,000 employees in 160 countries and global brand

strength. I have since acquired a new appreciation for my internal organizations’ HRD practices
and guidelines even more as I feel they have effectively set a positive ethical climate to make

sure that all ethical behaviors span the entire organization on a global scale.

                          Ethics Narrative: CPA Ethics (EAC 581)
This team project was included to supplement the ethics theme due to the growing need to have

internal governances set within organizations. The project is included to reflect how a T&D

professional can uphold ethics in setting up training initiatives; in this case a proposal to create a

continuing education course for CPAs that would be held at the Colorado State University and

includes the intended course content development and review along with a course outline and

materials. This project gave me a solid understanding of how ethics could be incorporated as I

designed course content for participants. For instance, the topics that we decided to include

would provide the participants with an understanding of ethics risk areas in accounting, how to

combat ethical challenges, resources available and communication techniques to use when

dealing with an ethical challenge, the consequences of conducting fiscal misconduct, and the

appropriate and inappropriate uses of resources.Once again, I was reminded of how HRD

professionals are in a strategic position to ensure that their organizations maintain cultures that

demand ethical behavior. More instances of moral misconduct are requiring mandated federal

regulations such as those set by Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002 where publically traded

companies are required to have a code of ethics that is designed to deter wrong doing. I viewed

SOX as being a government regulation very similar to the Department of Labor’s policy handed

down by Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) to ensure ethical practices

around affirmative action and equal employment opportunity for job seekers. While the project

was primarily focused on CPAs I was constantly reminded of how it related to my current

position as a recruiter and I could clearly see the relevance of abiding by similar code of ethics to
avoid unfair treatment, discrimination, and unfair practices during the candidate selection


                                    Performance Improvement

Performance improvement is critical to the overall success of any organization. Specifying

performance requirements and evaluation standards are pivotal in identifying and implementing

business needs. There is a definite correlation between training and human performance

improvement initiatives to the overall profitability for any business and requires a tremendous

amount of reengineering, organizational change efforts, and the ability to identify key areas that

have an impact (both positive and negative) to the sustainability of any organization. Placing the

task of improving performance within the organization is a function that is oftentimes carried out

by the HRD professional. Specifically in T&D, the practitioner is expected to assess the current

temperature of the organization, identify risk areas, and provide methods of improving the

organization through process and/or people. Performance improvement initiatives must look at

the organization as a system and consider every component that make up the inner-workings for

overall success. Performance improvement is a critical area within T&D because it not only

focuses on the business elements for organizational success but most importantly the human

factors and how through professional development and training an organization can run

optimally in the practices and processes that employees carry out. The T&D professional is

linked to performance improvement as they assist the organization in reaching performance goals

by improving work processes, analyzing workers’ needs (skills, attitudes, and knowledge) and

coordinating performance improvement plans; all of which have an impact on satisfying business

needs. However, when changing the system in order to operate better or more efficient, there are

many factors to consider that include economic, political, cultural forces that the HRD
professional must contend with. Therefore, supporting material and narratives are included to

examine how components such as Knowledge Management, Action Learning, the role of the

Performance Consultant and even how the ADDIE Model can assist in organizations reaching

and sustaining ideal levels of performance.

       Performance Improvement Narrative: Knowledge Management and Business

                                    Performance (EAC 551)

This paper contributes to the theme by identifying the importance of employee development for

business success and examines how the component of Knowledge Management (KM) empowers

organizations internally by the human capital they have within the company.Researching KM

yielded words and phrases such as business performance, Return on Investment (ROI),

knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, intellectual capital, and competitive advantage. I found

the definition of knowledge as being the ability of people and organizations to understand and

act effectively. But I asked the question, what is acting effectively? How does it relate to the

HRD professional? As I crafted the paper, it revealed one of the roles that the Human Resources

Development (HRD) professional has which isbeing responsible for enhancing the potential of

employees within organizations in order to ensure sustainment, competitive advantages, and

productivity. Knowledge Management was selected as the area of focus due to companies using

internal knowledge and employee development as a competitive tool when compared to

counterparts in the marketplace. As I worked on this paper, I recalled many systems and

resources that my current organization deploys such as our intranet that hold company resources,

learning and developmental tools, and a compilation of best practices and processes in one

centralized location. Through this portal employees are able to access information pertaining to

company financials, technical databases, proprietary applications all of which provides answers
and solutions for employees and in the end yield organizational productivity. As an HRD

professional I really wanted to understand the area of KM and how it would tie into the field of

T&D. I realized that as employees gain more knowledge of their organization’s processes,

practices, and procedures their confidence grows and creates improved attitudes, skills, and

knowledge that can prove to be beneficial for their organization. Therefore the link between

T&D and employees gaining knowledge in their roles within the organization is apparent which

creates the need for constant training and development to occur.

             Performance Improvement Narrative: ADDIE Experts (EAC 583)

This project was chosen to show the connection of using existing models and frameworks that

guide performance improvement to enhanced business performance and profitability. The

project was very complex and involved me and three team members undertaking a real client’s

performance issues for an auto membership company and creating a performance improvement

plan using the ADDIE Model as our guide. This selection showcases our systematic process that

began with assessing a variety of issues through methods that ranged from interviewing key

employees within the organization, web surveys, to phone interviews so that we could identify

obstacles that were hinderingthe personal success of employees and the organization as a whole.

Theresearch methods helped us to conduct a needs analysis to uncover components that would

aid in the success in the environment and recommendations were provided so that upper

management could see the issues and implement the proposed revisions to their current practices

and procedures. Throughout this project, I gained insight involving the critical components of

conducting a needs assessment from the lens of being an external consultant starting from

understanding who to interview, which are the best methods to used when conducting an

assessment to interpreting data analysis and arriving at the most sensible results that reflect gaps
that need to be addressed within the organization. Many T&D positions that are posted on career

boards ask for applicants to have some knowledge of the ADDIE process. Now that I have gone

through the program and this project in particular, I am confident that I can work with an

organization to assess and analyze needs, develop learning objectives, design and develop the

program, implement the design, and evaluate the performance. This type of systems model for

performance improvement has provided me with the knowledge needed to lead improvement

initiatives using a guided approach to analyze gaps and issues in order to provide solutions.

         Performance Improvement Narrative: Action Learning Poster (EAC 586)

An Action Learning Poster was included under this theme to examine the theoretical

explanations that are relevant to improving performance in organizations. The poster project was

a team based effort, where my classmates and I were able to effectively pull together information

that expounded upon the theory that shared knowledge is empowering. During the project, I

realized that the Action Learning method is more a management organization tool than

educational and can be used for problem solving. Action learning puts together a group of people

with a problem to solve and then asks questions in order to find solutions. I could see

parallelism between Action Learning and Knowledge Management where shared knowledge can

lead to organizational success. This project made me realize that performance improvement is

system-wide and while much of upper management is held responsible for making change efforts

happen within the organization, just as much is dependent on me and my peers as we all should

share a common interest in reaching performance goals. I immediately thought about an annual

meeting that my organization has that is corporate-wide and involves pulling all employees

together with the CEO to discuss changes for the upcoming year. During this “all hands on

deck” call, it is very informal and allows an open forum for individuals to address issues
pertaining to the financial climate of the organization and if there is trouble, what can be done to

offset potential negative impacts. Many of my colleagues offer up solutions such as suspending

company issued cell phones or limiting travel and training to once a quarter. After these calls

take place, senior management is able to reflect on the proposed solutions many of which are

rolled out to avoid other solutions such as layoffs.

Therefore, this poster corresponded to a method that my organization deployed and I had not

realized it until creating this presentation. I felt that the end product of the project provided a

great presentation that was concise and could be used by organizations wishing to use a theory

that takes into account collective learning and knowledge sharing when complex problems arise

in order to foster collaboration and solutions.

 Performance Improvement Narrative: Performance Consulting Presentation (EAC582)

The material from a group project involved a mock presentation used for building a competency

model that would improve sales and profits of an organization through the improved abilities of

the current staff. This material is used to support the theme of performance improvement as I

can see the relevance of HRD and Learning professionals engaging competency or performance

models when implementing performance improvement efforts within organizations. Prior to this

course and working on a project that involved performance consulting, I did not view the T&D

professional as being the one that could lead efforts in turning company profits around as I

attributed this function to an outside firm that would come in, analyze gaps, and make

recommendations on why the organization was not performing optimally. However, this project

proved to me that as a T&D professional and using such models, I am able to identify and

recommend the best solutions for enhancing the abilities required for job success. The project

allowed me to see my role as either a consultant or internal HRD professional leading both
theoretical and practical processes for how learning and change are to occur within systems. I

found it very interesting how the role of a performance consultant implementing either

competency or performance based initiatives follows models very similar to that of the ADDIE

Model as I had to identify the issue and determine if it was competency or performance in nature,

fully understand the current state of the organization, reveal where the organization needs to be,

propose solutions, implement change efforts, and then measure the improvements. The project

allowed me the opportunity to seek out ways to reprioritize the efforts in meeting strategic goals,

and make consultative recommendations in order to create motivation, enhance productivity,

create positive behavior, and meet the client’s profit goals as well.

                                           Task Analysis

Task Analysis involves a step-by-step examination of how a particular task is accomplished

where the findings can be used to understand how a particular function is performed. A task

analysis can be used for models and design purposes, or to create standard processes and

procedures so that optimal performance can be achieved in a specific role. The importance of

including this theme in the portfolio provided knowledge ina variety of areas and allowed insight

into understanding the job requirements for the T&D professional, their activities, and an

analysis of the tasks and challenges for the HRD practitioner in this field. Material to support

this theme includes an actual task analysis performed on two T&D practitioners; one a Corporate

Trainer and the second an Instructional Designer and Corporate Trainer. An additional interview

is included to examine the role of an instructional designer and to understand how much theory

or practical methods is incorporated throughout the instructional design process. A closer review

of how task analysis can be used as an organizational performance tool is included and reflected

in a project that identifies ways to perfect the tasks in roles so that effective performance is
exhibited.The task analysis component of the coursework was both interactive and provided a

learning style that best fit my individual needs which was hands-on, collaborative, and I was able

to employ many of the data-collection methods that I had learned throughout the program. I

examined learning theories, looked at the ADDIE model more closely and the impact that task

analysis has on the training and development professional within learning environments. Most

importantly through the dissection of performing a task analysis the interviews presented realities

found in the typical roles (both positive and negative). The overall projects involving task

analysis assisted me in formulating an opinion about this career field and the opportunity to

consider if I was ready to take on a role as a T&D practitioner.

     Task Analysis Narrative: Task Analysis of a Corporate Trainer and Instructional
                                       Designer (EAC 583)
This particular project was added to the theme as it provides a direct reflection to the importance

of conducting a task analysis in order to gather my thoughts around if this is truly a career field

that I would be able to function in successfully and to examine what it really involved being in

the role of a T&D professional. The project involved me conducting interviews with two T&D

professionals who shared information regarding their backgrounds, their corporate environments,

the typical tasks they are expected to perform, and common challenges found in this field. The

project proved to be very beneficial to me as I quickly found out that it is one thing to desire

taking on a position just by looking in from the outside compared to having full knowledge

around the functions and expectations that the role exhibits on a daily basis. Once I drilled down

into the various components of the T&D professionals’ functions during the interviews, I was

able to see their rolesas being robust and complex where the expectation did not stop at

designing, delivering, and evaluating training programs to yield positive impacts on job and

organizational performance, but also involved being a change agent when faced with challenges,
constraints, limitations, and the vast differences found in learning audiences they are expected to

deliver training to. The impact that these interviews had on me when we discussed the best

means of dealing with challenges incorporated both methods of theory involving adult learning

philosophies and practicality in order to have successful implementations for training and end

results that would yield effectiveness around organizational development through the workforce

they are expected to train. It came with no surprise that as I take on this career, I would be faced

with many challenges but now understanding the complications first hand, I am able to offset

some obstacles that were provided in the form of advice and suggestions by the T&D

participants for this project.

          Task Analysis Narrative: Instructional Designer Interview (EAC 580)
The material found in the following project reinforces the theme and importance of task analysis.

During this project an Instructional Designer was selected in order to reveal the tasks,

implications, and suggestions for bridging the gap while working in this role. The most

intriguing part of this particular assignment that I was able to craft questions in order to get first

hand details regarding this profession and to understand how I would be able to take what I had

learned up until that point within the program and use it within my new profession. During the

project I was constantly reminded of how many of the theoretical models and frameworks are

highly important to the ID professional and use of ADDIE Model definitely has its place as

training initiatives are implemented. I also used this project as a means to examine what happens

when the training and learning environment does not fall within the scope of an established

framework or model. The ID professional that was interviewed provided input that oftentimes it

is acceptable to use models but that every environment is not going to be the same. In other

words, cookie-cutter training environments are not a realistic outlook for the ID professional as

many challenges present themselves prior, during, and after training initiatives are implemented
in the organization. Prior to this particular assignment, I had no real knowledge around how to

apply of what I had learned within the coursework and just how an actual T&D professional

utilized theory and practicality when training is concerned. I can appreciate the background

information of the professional’s work environment and how their role is performed within the

organization. I can clearly see how it involves a blend of frameworks, real-world knowledge,

and experience that is gained overtime that will allow me to be successful as I function in this


                Task Analysis Narrative: Acme Research Proposal(EAC 551)

I included this material to support the theme of task analysis as it considered the role of probably

one of the most important components involved in the training and development process: the

student. Task analysis involves examining the steps of how a particular task is accomplished in

order to arrive at optimal performance. Therefore, I learned that understanding the needs,

actions, tasks, and abilities of the student is just as important. This project considered the fact

that training programs must produce environments that are conducive to participants, include a

variety of delivery techniques, and consider the differing learning style of students.

I looked at a task analysis as a means of understanding the learning audience and could be used

to reveal a number of things such as a depicting learner’s attitudes, learning styles, and the role

they will play throughout the training and development process. I was able to see how a T&D

professional can assist the learner in understanding their role as a student, what their current

skills are, and how to reach optimal aptitudes during the training process. I saw the need to

conduct a task analysis for the role of a student during this project as it required a staff of

teachers to understand the inconsistencies in training effectiveness between locations where

training was offered. The result of the mock study assumed that training effectiveness would
result after each instructor took the time to understand the variances in learning styles and have

the ability to implement training channels and resources that meet the needs of all participants

involved.This reconfirmed the importance of delving into two factors that impacts adult learning

theory which were: 1) understanding the role and competencies of the instructor and 2)

understanding the learner’s perception of their own learning needs and what they felt would be

successful qualities for instructors to exemplify. Both of these areas aided in understanding

inconsistent effectiveness that could hinder learning programs.

Task Analysis Narrative: Learner-Centered Approach & Guiding Principles in Adult Learning

                                            (EAC 559)

This content was included to support the importance of understanding the adult learner and

understand different learning styles that are important for achieving the best learning experience

possible. During this project, I was able to view how much of the success for the learner is a

function that is required of the T&D professional. The focused method was the learner-centered

approach which considered adult learner values that are concentrated on the developmental,

social, cognitive, motivational and emotional aspects of learning while going through the

learning process. Therefore, as I conducted adult learner interviews I was able to see how the two

participants that were interviewed came from different walks of life, had a variety of life

experiences that has impacted both how they learn and view training and development at the

adult stages of life. As a T&D professional and working within corporate organizations, much of

my learning audience is going to be adult learners. Therefore, by conducting a task analysis on

the learner should be at the forefront as I begin to work in this career. I realize that many

frameworks focused on the adult learning theories and styles to include learner-centered

approaches such as this project involved, provide a tremendous amount of insight that can guide
me in understanding the role, skills, and abilities of the adult learner which can yield the

opportunity to maximize their learning potential and gear them toward the most appropriate

methods of learning. As a T&D professional I view the adult learner as a critical element in the

training process and the importance of viewing their learning styles, life experiences,

developmental changes, and how learners progress. I clearly saw that the training professional

must consider each learner as an individual with differing needs and therefore seek out ways to

recognize their functions just as much as their role during the learning process.

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Intro to narratives

  • 1. Ethics The coursework depicted ethics as being a moral philosophy that considers concepts of right and wrong behavior. The curriculum incorporated a specific module involving ethics in the field of T&D to show the applicability of the T&D professional’s role and how through their functions, unethical behavior in an organization could be potentially reduced when faced with morally intense issues, disparate ethical climates, and diverse cultures. The human resources development professional is oftentimes looked at as being leaders within the organization who set the tone for ethical behaviors where the standard is “no compromise” when it comes to decision making. Therefore, the role of a T&D practitioner wraps ethical responsibility into their function by establishing codes of ethics, guidelines, and parameters in order to assist the organization in developing socially responsible processes, practices, and employees. The theme of ethics was reflected throughout the curriculum where there were a number of ethical theories presented involvingKantian and Deontological that focuses on duty-based ethics and Utilitarianism involving decisions that produce the greatest good for the greatest number that helped explain the behaviors exhibited by society where ethics are involved. During the course, intangible factors involving ethics were presented involving the conscience, feelings, cultures, societal factors, obligations and moral ideals within T&D, all of which funnel up to determining what our actions should be when weighing moral issues. Ethical decisions are present for the T&D professional in every facet of their role as they carry out human performance improvement within the organization that ranges from how training initiatives are determined to how honest evaluation data is analyzed and who it benefits. Supplemental material is added to support this theme and will reflect the impact that ethics has on organizational behavior, ethic’s effects on moral responsibility, and the importance of setting ethical standards for society.
  • 2. Ethics Narrative: The Effects of Moral Responsibility on Organizational Behavior (EAC 555) I included the term paper “The Effects of Moral Responsibility” under this theme to support the importance of understanding the role that ethics and Human ResourceDevelopment (HRD) professionals play in organizations. The attempt was to reveal if literature showed a linkage between moral responsibility’s impact on employee behavior and the effects for HRDprofessionals as they face ethical dilemmas in organizations. As I worked on this term paper and conducted research, I realized that the potential for individuals and organizations to behave unethically is limitless. Unfortunately, this potential is too frequently realized. I looked at how well-known cases involving greed overtaking the concerns for human welfare and how an organization’s profitability can trump interests over public safety and well-being. It was clear that organizational behavior depends greatly on the initiatives that are implemented and enforced to mold desirable ethical behaviors. Comparisons were reflected on positive and negative behaviors as a result of how decisions were made. I found it interesting how corporations reported that when the a positive ethical climate is set, employees exhibit morally responsible behaviors and just the opposite; when an ethical climate lacks clarity or fails to be positive, there is little doubt that the resultwill often yield in ethical behavior.This uncovered a simple way of looking at ethics within an organization which was to lead by example. The research conducted in this paper also revealed the importance for organizations to incorporate trainingfocusedon providing ethical foundations and frameworks for employees so the most morally responsible decisions are madewhen faced with ethical dilemmas. Therefore this prompted the realization that as a T&D professional and HRD leader, I would be empowered to set the ethical climate and have the ability to influence ideal behaviors for employees within corporations.
  • 3. Ethics Narrative: Diversity’s Effect on Organizational Behavior: Managing Workplace Diversity in the 21st Century (EAC 582) This selection was added in the portfolio to support ethics as the element of diversity is an ever- present factor that could potentially create negative behaviors within organizations. I researched diversity and how it could potentially create disparities for employees, pose issues with ethics within organizations, and the implications this would have on an HRD practitioner who is managing workforces in today’s society. Therefore, I uncovered a number of reasons why organizations may oftentimes act unethically to include: cultural differences, globalization, and even technological shifts. I found it imperative to build more knowledge around differences in ethical norms where cross-cultural conditions are presentedas my organization continues to globalize and the importance of implementing guidelines based on supporting cultural awareness. I also found it interesting how technology acts as a double-edge sword as it has definitely improved the way business is conducted but as a result misuse and internet abuse has become a widespread issue that is both costly and unproductive. This research paper reiterated the need for the HRD professional to produce the desired organizational behaviors within blended workplace environments and mold desirable behaviors by incorporating methods to include training revolving around diversity, ethics, cultural awareness, and implementing efforts focusedon changing attitudes and perceptions pertaining to diverse elements that have entered the environment. This is both impressing and complex to me at the same time as it revealed the many functions that an HRD professional is tasked with upholding within the organization.The organization that I work in spans over 130,000 employees in 160 countries and global brand strength. I have since acquired a new appreciation for my internal organizations’ HRD practices
  • 4. and guidelines even more as I feel they have effectively set a positive ethical climate to make sure that all ethical behaviors span the entire organization on a global scale. Ethics Narrative: CPA Ethics (EAC 581) This team project was included to supplement the ethics theme due to the growing need to have internal governances set within organizations. The project is included to reflect how a T&D professional can uphold ethics in setting up training initiatives; in this case a proposal to create a continuing education course for CPAs that would be held at the Colorado State University and includes the intended course content development and review along with a course outline and materials. This project gave me a solid understanding of how ethics could be incorporated as I designed course content for participants. For instance, the topics that we decided to include would provide the participants with an understanding of ethics risk areas in accounting, how to combat ethical challenges, resources available and communication techniques to use when dealing with an ethical challenge, the consequences of conducting fiscal misconduct, and the appropriate and inappropriate uses of resources.Once again, I was reminded of how HRD professionals are in a strategic position to ensure that their organizations maintain cultures that demand ethical behavior. More instances of moral misconduct are requiring mandated federal regulations such as those set by Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002 where publically traded companies are required to have a code of ethics that is designed to deter wrong doing. I viewed SOX as being a government regulation very similar to the Department of Labor’s policy handed down by Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) to ensure ethical practices around affirmative action and equal employment opportunity for job seekers. While the project was primarily focused on CPAs I was constantly reminded of how it related to my current position as a recruiter and I could clearly see the relevance of abiding by similar code of ethics to
  • 5. avoid unfair treatment, discrimination, and unfair practices during the candidate selection process. Performance Improvement Performance improvement is critical to the overall success of any organization. Specifying performance requirements and evaluation standards are pivotal in identifying and implementing business needs. There is a definite correlation between training and human performance improvement initiatives to the overall profitability for any business and requires a tremendous amount of reengineering, organizational change efforts, and the ability to identify key areas that have an impact (both positive and negative) to the sustainability of any organization. Placing the task of improving performance within the organization is a function that is oftentimes carried out by the HRD professional. Specifically in T&D, the practitioner is expected to assess the current temperature of the organization, identify risk areas, and provide methods of improving the organization through process and/or people. Performance improvement initiatives must look at the organization as a system and consider every component that make up the inner-workings for overall success. Performance improvement is a critical area within T&D because it not only focuses on the business elements for organizational success but most importantly the human factors and how through professional development and training an organization can run optimally in the practices and processes that employees carry out. The T&D professional is linked to performance improvement as they assist the organization in reaching performance goals by improving work processes, analyzing workers’ needs (skills, attitudes, and knowledge) and coordinating performance improvement plans; all of which have an impact on satisfying business needs. However, when changing the system in order to operate better or more efficient, there are many factors to consider that include economic, political, cultural forces that the HRD
  • 6. professional must contend with. Therefore, supporting material and narratives are included to examine how components such as Knowledge Management, Action Learning, the role of the Performance Consultant and even how the ADDIE Model can assist in organizations reaching and sustaining ideal levels of performance. Performance Improvement Narrative: Knowledge Management and Business Performance (EAC 551) This paper contributes to the theme by identifying the importance of employee development for business success and examines how the component of Knowledge Management (KM) empowers organizations internally by the human capital they have within the company.Researching KM yielded words and phrases such as business performance, Return on Investment (ROI), knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, intellectual capital, and competitive advantage. I found the definition of knowledge as being the ability of people and organizations to understand and act effectively. But I asked the question, what is acting effectively? How does it relate to the HRD professional? As I crafted the paper, it revealed one of the roles that the Human Resources Development (HRD) professional has which isbeing responsible for enhancing the potential of employees within organizations in order to ensure sustainment, competitive advantages, and productivity. Knowledge Management was selected as the area of focus due to companies using internal knowledge and employee development as a competitive tool when compared to counterparts in the marketplace. As I worked on this paper, I recalled many systems and resources that my current organization deploys such as our intranet that hold company resources, learning and developmental tools, and a compilation of best practices and processes in one centralized location. Through this portal employees are able to access information pertaining to company financials, technical databases, proprietary applications all of which provides answers
  • 7. and solutions for employees and in the end yield organizational productivity. As an HRD professional I really wanted to understand the area of KM and how it would tie into the field of T&D. I realized that as employees gain more knowledge of their organization’s processes, practices, and procedures their confidence grows and creates improved attitudes, skills, and knowledge that can prove to be beneficial for their organization. Therefore the link between T&D and employees gaining knowledge in their roles within the organization is apparent which creates the need for constant training and development to occur. Performance Improvement Narrative: ADDIE Experts (EAC 583) This project was chosen to show the connection of using existing models and frameworks that guide performance improvement to enhanced business performance and profitability. The project was very complex and involved me and three team members undertaking a real client’s performance issues for an auto membership company and creating a performance improvement plan using the ADDIE Model as our guide. This selection showcases our systematic process that began with assessing a variety of issues through methods that ranged from interviewing key employees within the organization, web surveys, to phone interviews so that we could identify obstacles that were hinderingthe personal success of employees and the organization as a whole. Theresearch methods helped us to conduct a needs analysis to uncover components that would aid in the success in the environment and recommendations were provided so that upper management could see the issues and implement the proposed revisions to their current practices and procedures. Throughout this project, I gained insight involving the critical components of conducting a needs assessment from the lens of being an external consultant starting from understanding who to interview, which are the best methods to used when conducting an assessment to interpreting data analysis and arriving at the most sensible results that reflect gaps
  • 8. that need to be addressed within the organization. Many T&D positions that are posted on career boards ask for applicants to have some knowledge of the ADDIE process. Now that I have gone through the program and this project in particular, I am confident that I can work with an organization to assess and analyze needs, develop learning objectives, design and develop the program, implement the design, and evaluate the performance. This type of systems model for performance improvement has provided me with the knowledge needed to lead improvement initiatives using a guided approach to analyze gaps and issues in order to provide solutions. Performance Improvement Narrative: Action Learning Poster (EAC 586) An Action Learning Poster was included under this theme to examine the theoretical explanations that are relevant to improving performance in organizations. The poster project was a team based effort, where my classmates and I were able to effectively pull together information that expounded upon the theory that shared knowledge is empowering. During the project, I realized that the Action Learning method is more a management organization tool than educational and can be used for problem solving. Action learning puts together a group of people with a problem to solve and then asks questions in order to find solutions. I could see parallelism between Action Learning and Knowledge Management where shared knowledge can lead to organizational success. This project made me realize that performance improvement is system-wide and while much of upper management is held responsible for making change efforts happen within the organization, just as much is dependent on me and my peers as we all should share a common interest in reaching performance goals. I immediately thought about an annual meeting that my organization has that is corporate-wide and involves pulling all employees together with the CEO to discuss changes for the upcoming year. During this “all hands on deck” call, it is very informal and allows an open forum for individuals to address issues
  • 9. pertaining to the financial climate of the organization and if there is trouble, what can be done to offset potential negative impacts. Many of my colleagues offer up solutions such as suspending company issued cell phones or limiting travel and training to once a quarter. After these calls take place, senior management is able to reflect on the proposed solutions many of which are rolled out to avoid other solutions such as layoffs. Therefore, this poster corresponded to a method that my organization deployed and I had not realized it until creating this presentation. I felt that the end product of the project provided a great presentation that was concise and could be used by organizations wishing to use a theory that takes into account collective learning and knowledge sharing when complex problems arise in order to foster collaboration and solutions. Performance Improvement Narrative: Performance Consulting Presentation (EAC582) The material from a group project involved a mock presentation used for building a competency model that would improve sales and profits of an organization through the improved abilities of the current staff. This material is used to support the theme of performance improvement as I can see the relevance of HRD and Learning professionals engaging competency or performance models when implementing performance improvement efforts within organizations. Prior to this course and working on a project that involved performance consulting, I did not view the T&D professional as being the one that could lead efforts in turning company profits around as I attributed this function to an outside firm that would come in, analyze gaps, and make recommendations on why the organization was not performing optimally. However, this project proved to me that as a T&D professional and using such models, I am able to identify and recommend the best solutions for enhancing the abilities required for job success. The project allowed me to see my role as either a consultant or internal HRD professional leading both
  • 10. theoretical and practical processes for how learning and change are to occur within systems. I found it very interesting how the role of a performance consultant implementing either competency or performance based initiatives follows models very similar to that of the ADDIE Model as I had to identify the issue and determine if it was competency or performance in nature, fully understand the current state of the organization, reveal where the organization needs to be, propose solutions, implement change efforts, and then measure the improvements. The project allowed me the opportunity to seek out ways to reprioritize the efforts in meeting strategic goals, and make consultative recommendations in order to create motivation, enhance productivity, create positive behavior, and meet the client’s profit goals as well. Task Analysis Task Analysis involves a step-by-step examination of how a particular task is accomplished where the findings can be used to understand how a particular function is performed. A task analysis can be used for models and design purposes, or to create standard processes and procedures so that optimal performance can be achieved in a specific role. The importance of including this theme in the portfolio provided knowledge ina variety of areas and allowed insight into understanding the job requirements for the T&D professional, their activities, and an analysis of the tasks and challenges for the HRD practitioner in this field. Material to support this theme includes an actual task analysis performed on two T&D practitioners; one a Corporate Trainer and the second an Instructional Designer and Corporate Trainer. An additional interview is included to examine the role of an instructional designer and to understand how much theory or practical methods is incorporated throughout the instructional design process. A closer review of how task analysis can be used as an organizational performance tool is included and reflected in a project that identifies ways to perfect the tasks in roles so that effective performance is
  • 11. exhibited.The task analysis component of the coursework was both interactive and provided a learning style that best fit my individual needs which was hands-on, collaborative, and I was able to employ many of the data-collection methods that I had learned throughout the program. I examined learning theories, looked at the ADDIE model more closely and the impact that task analysis has on the training and development professional within learning environments. Most importantly through the dissection of performing a task analysis the interviews presented realities found in the typical roles (both positive and negative). The overall projects involving task analysis assisted me in formulating an opinion about this career field and the opportunity to consider if I was ready to take on a role as a T&D practitioner. Task Analysis Narrative: Task Analysis of a Corporate Trainer and Instructional Designer (EAC 583) This particular project was added to the theme as it provides a direct reflection to the importance of conducting a task analysis in order to gather my thoughts around if this is truly a career field that I would be able to function in successfully and to examine what it really involved being in the role of a T&D professional. The project involved me conducting interviews with two T&D professionals who shared information regarding their backgrounds, their corporate environments, the typical tasks they are expected to perform, and common challenges found in this field. The project proved to be very beneficial to me as I quickly found out that it is one thing to desire taking on a position just by looking in from the outside compared to having full knowledge around the functions and expectations that the role exhibits on a daily basis. Once I drilled down into the various components of the T&D professionals’ functions during the interviews, I was able to see their rolesas being robust and complex where the expectation did not stop at designing, delivering, and evaluating training programs to yield positive impacts on job and organizational performance, but also involved being a change agent when faced with challenges,
  • 12. constraints, limitations, and the vast differences found in learning audiences they are expected to deliver training to. The impact that these interviews had on me when we discussed the best means of dealing with challenges incorporated both methods of theory involving adult learning philosophies and practicality in order to have successful implementations for training and end results that would yield effectiveness around organizational development through the workforce they are expected to train. It came with no surprise that as I take on this career, I would be faced with many challenges but now understanding the complications first hand, I am able to offset some obstacles that were provided in the form of advice and suggestions by the T&D participants for this project. Task Analysis Narrative: Instructional Designer Interview (EAC 580) The material found in the following project reinforces the theme and importance of task analysis. During this project an Instructional Designer was selected in order to reveal the tasks, implications, and suggestions for bridging the gap while working in this role. The most intriguing part of this particular assignment that I was able to craft questions in order to get first hand details regarding this profession and to understand how I would be able to take what I had learned up until that point within the program and use it within my new profession. During the project I was constantly reminded of how many of the theoretical models and frameworks are highly important to the ID professional and use of ADDIE Model definitely has its place as training initiatives are implemented. I also used this project as a means to examine what happens when the training and learning environment does not fall within the scope of an established framework or model. The ID professional that was interviewed provided input that oftentimes it is acceptable to use models but that every environment is not going to be the same. In other words, cookie-cutter training environments are not a realistic outlook for the ID professional as many challenges present themselves prior, during, and after training initiatives are implemented
  • 13. in the organization. Prior to this particular assignment, I had no real knowledge around how to apply of what I had learned within the coursework and just how an actual T&D professional utilized theory and practicality when training is concerned. I can appreciate the background information of the professional’s work environment and how their role is performed within the organization. I can clearly see how it involves a blend of frameworks, real-world knowledge, and experience that is gained overtime that will allow me to be successful as I function in this role. Task Analysis Narrative: Acme Research Proposal(EAC 551) I included this material to support the theme of task analysis as it considered the role of probably one of the most important components involved in the training and development process: the student. Task analysis involves examining the steps of how a particular task is accomplished in order to arrive at optimal performance. Therefore, I learned that understanding the needs, actions, tasks, and abilities of the student is just as important. This project considered the fact that training programs must produce environments that are conducive to participants, include a variety of delivery techniques, and consider the differing learning style of students. I looked at a task analysis as a means of understanding the learning audience and could be used to reveal a number of things such as a depicting learner’s attitudes, learning styles, and the role they will play throughout the training and development process. I was able to see how a T&D professional can assist the learner in understanding their role as a student, what their current skills are, and how to reach optimal aptitudes during the training process. I saw the need to conduct a task analysis for the role of a student during this project as it required a staff of teachers to understand the inconsistencies in training effectiveness between locations where training was offered. The result of the mock study assumed that training effectiveness would
  • 14. result after each instructor took the time to understand the variances in learning styles and have the ability to implement training channels and resources that meet the needs of all participants involved.This reconfirmed the importance of delving into two factors that impacts adult learning theory which were: 1) understanding the role and competencies of the instructor and 2) understanding the learner’s perception of their own learning needs and what they felt would be successful qualities for instructors to exemplify. Both of these areas aided in understanding inconsistent effectiveness that could hinder learning programs. Task Analysis Narrative: Learner-Centered Approach & Guiding Principles in Adult Learning (EAC 559) This content was included to support the importance of understanding the adult learner and understand different learning styles that are important for achieving the best learning experience possible. During this project, I was able to view how much of the success for the learner is a function that is required of the T&D professional. The focused method was the learner-centered approach which considered adult learner values that are concentrated on the developmental, social, cognitive, motivational and emotional aspects of learning while going through the learning process. Therefore, as I conducted adult learner interviews I was able to see how the two participants that were interviewed came from different walks of life, had a variety of life experiences that has impacted both how they learn and view training and development at the adult stages of life. As a T&D professional and working within corporate organizations, much of my learning audience is going to be adult learners. Therefore, by conducting a task analysis on the learner should be at the forefront as I begin to work in this career. I realize that many frameworks focused on the adult learning theories and styles to include learner-centered approaches such as this project involved, provide a tremendous amount of insight that can guide
  • 15. me in understanding the role, skills, and abilities of the adult learner which can yield the opportunity to maximize their learning potential and gear them toward the most appropriate methods of learning. As a T&D professional I view the adult learner as a critical element in the training process and the importance of viewing their learning styles, life experiences, developmental changes, and how learners progress. I clearly saw that the training professional must consider each learner as an individual with differing needs and therefore seek out ways to recognize their functions just as much as their role during the learning process.