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Anatomy of the eye
• The choroid lies between
the sclera and the retinal
pigment epithelium.
• Uveal tissue spills out
into most scleral canals,
as into this scleral canal
of the long posterior
ciliary artery.
The choroid is
composed, from outside
to inside, of
• The suprachoroidal
(potential) space and
lamina fusca,
• The choroidal stroma
(which contains uveal
fibrocytes, collagen,
blood vessels,and
• The fenestrated
choriocapillaries &
• The outer aspect of
Bruch’s membrane.
• The capillaries of the
choriocapillaries -the largest
capillaries in the body-permit
simultaneous passage of
numerous erythrocytes.
• The choriocapillaries ,BM and
associated connective tissue
compose the outer half of
bruch’s membrane,
• The inner half is composed of
the BM and associated
connective tissue of the RPE
• The pigment granules are
larger in the retinal pigment
epithelial cells than in the
uveal melanocytes
1. Internal limiting
2. Nerve fiber layer
3. Ganglion cell layer,
4. Inner plexiform layer,
5. Inner nuclear layer
6. Outer plexiform layer;
7. Outer nuclear layer;
8. External limiting
9. Photoreceptors
10. Retinal pigment
Tumours of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid (uveal
Tumours of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium
Tumours of the optic disc and optic nerve
Tumours of the Iris
Pigmented epithelial cyst
Implantation cyst
Ectopic lacrimal gland
Melanocytic naevus
Ocular melanocytosis
Lisch nodule
Iris melanoma
Histiocytic tumours
Tumours of the ciliary body
Adenomatous hyperplasia
Reactive epithelial hyperplasia
Ciliary body adenoma
Uveal melanocytoma
Tumours of the choroid
Bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic hyperplasia
Choroidal and ciliary body naevi
Neurofibroma and ganglioneuroma
Choroidal and ciliary body melanomas
Primary choroidal lymphoma
Secondary lymphomatous infiltration
Leukaemic infiltration
Secondary tumors
Tumours of the Retina & RPE
Tumours of the neurosensory
 Nodular and massive retinal
 Astrocytic hamartoma and
 Haemangioblastoma
 Cavernous haemangioma
 Retinocytoma
 Retinoblastoma
 Vitreoretinal lymphoma
 Leukaemic infiltration
 Secondary tumours
Tumours of the retinal
pigment epithelium
 Reactive hyperplasia
 Congenital hypertrophy
 Simple and combined
 Adenoma
 Adenocarcinoma
Tumours of the optic disc and
optic nerve
Primary tumours
◦ Astrocytoma and glioblastoma
◦ Meningioma of the optic nerve
◦ Medulloepithelioma
◦ Solitary fibrous tumour/haemangiopericytoma
◦ Melanocytoma
Secondary tumours
Broadly can be classified as
Tumor like lesions
Epithelial tumours
Melanocytic tumors
Mesenchymal tumors
Neural tumors
Glial tumors
Histiocytic tumors
Haematolymphoid tumours
Secondary tumors
 The pink colored lesion,
with a clear cyst in the
inferior part of the mass.
 FNAB -Benign epithelial
cells consistent with
lacrimal gland.
 Relatively stable ;if large -
local resection
Lesion showing dense fibrous tissue (above) and normal
lacrimal gland tissue (below)
Normal lacrimal acini and ducts
Photomicrograph of the solid portion of the lesion,
showing glandular tissue identical to normal lacrimal
 Age
 Site
Pars plicata of the ciliary body
 Microscopy
The tumor is proliferative rather than neoplastic
Benign proliferation of cords of the nonpigmented ciliary
Intervening stroma shows abundant, amorphous,
eosinophilic, acellular basement membrane material, acid
mucopolysaccharides, and glycoprotein.
A. Grossly -white tumor in the pars plicata of the ciliary body
B. Histologic section shows a proliferation of nonpigmented ciliary
epithelium that is elaborating considerable basement
membrane material
Fuchs adenoma; generally incidental lesions
comprised of nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells
and amorphous, hyaline material.
 Each of the IPE cysts is lined by a monolayer of IPE cells
and usually has clear fluid in the lumen
 Medulloepithelioma is a congenital neuroepithelial tumor
 Origin -primitive medullary epithelium (ie, the inner layer of the
optic cup).
 Site –CB>Retina>Optic nerve
 Presentation -lightly pigmented or amelanotic cystic mass
 Types
 Nonteratoid medulloepithelioma (diktyoma)
 Teratoid medulloepithelioma
 Undifferentiated round to oval
cells with little cytoplasm
 Arranged in ribbons cords
 Cell nuclei are stratified in 3 to
5 layers, and the entire
structure is lined on one side
by a thin basement
 Mucinous substance, rich in
hyaluronic acid
 Mucinous cysts
 Homer wright and flexner-
wintersteiner rosettes may
also be present.
Malignant large, round cells.
Positive for desmin and muscle-
specific actin, confirming that
they represent rhabdomyoblasts
Large focus of hyaline cartilage
lined by skeletal muscle
Photomicrograph of the lesion,
showing a vitreous-filled cyst
near the surface
Closely compact cells with
malignant features
Tumor showing tissue
compatible with brain
Tubules and acini of proliferating
epithelial cells and extracellular
mesenchyme-like tissue
Positive histochemical stain for
mucin sensitive to hyaluronidase
Colloidal iron stain showing
large amounts of
surrounding the
neuroepithelial elements
◦ Associated with pleuropulmonary blastoma family tumor and
dysplasia syndrome caused by DICER -1 mutations
◦ Positive -LIN28A,Vimentin,NSE,Pancytokeratin & CK18
◦ Equivocal-Chromogranin,synaptophysin,S100,HMB45,GFAP
◦ Negative -CK7,CK20,EMA
◦ Retinoblastoma
◦ Persistent fetal vasculature
◦ Cataract
 Site –Cb>choroid>rpe
 Tubular (papillary) pattern,
vacuolated (solid) pattern, or
mixture of both;
 The heavily pigmented cells
are frequently vacuolated.
 Nuclear atypia is common,
mitotic figures are rare.
RPE adenoma
 S-100,
 Neuron-specific enolase,
 Synaptophysin,
 Ema,
 Vimentin
CB adenoma
 S-100 protein,
 Melanoma-specific antigen
 HMB45
 Cytokeratin.
Differential Diagnosis
Reactive prolioferations of PE
 The cells of the adenoma are variably pigmented and are
packed together tightly with little or no stroma
 The individual cells in pseudoadenomatous hyperplasia
are separated by an amorphous basement membrane-
like material and show little atypia and no mitotic figures
Site - Ciliary body >RPE
Tumor cells showing tubular
and papillary pattern
HP showing round to oval tumor
cells with vesicular nuclei,
prominent nucleoli, scant
cytoplasm, and high N:C ratio
 Most common primary
intraocular tumor.
 Localized proliferation of
melanocytic cells
 Darkly pigmented lesion
 <2 mm in thickness
 If >10 mm (giant choroidal
 Site –iris,CB,choroid
 Accumulation of branching dendritic cells or spindle cells with
melanin granules in the cytoplasm.
 The nuclei are oblong or ovoid,bland with indistinct nucleoli.
 Plump polyhedral: abundant cytoplasm is filled with
pigment and has a small, round to oval nucleus with
 Slender spindle: cytoplasm contains scant pigment and a
small, dark, elongated nucleus
 Plump fusiform dendritic: morphology is intermediate
between plump polyhedral and slender spindle
 Balloon cells: abundant, foamy cytoplasm lacks pigment
and has a bland nucleus
Choroidal nevus, showing closely
compact benign spindle cells.
Iris nevus with a surface plaque. The
surface plaque is composed of bland
spindled cells. The iris stroma is diffusely
populated by nevus cells.
 Variant of melanocytic nevus
 Site -optic disc,ciliary body
choroid ,iris
 No specific diagnostic criteria
 Deeply pigmented due to
abundant large melanosomes
in the cytoplasm
 Magnocellular nevus
 Necrosis is a common feature,
sometimes with pseudocysts
containing free-floating
Dense cytoplasmic melanin that
precludes a view of cell detail
Bleached section of the lesion
allowing better visualization of
cell detail
This bleached section shows
plump, round cells with relative
uniform nuclei
Area of necrosis within the
Congenitally increased population of non
proliferating hyperpigmented melanocytes
U/L (occasionally bilateral) hyperpigmentation of the
sclera and uveal tract
Flat, gray-to brown patches of pigmentation on
Heterochromia iris
The presence of foci of orange pigment over
choroidal melanocytosis is a suggestion that the
lesion is becoming thicker and potentially evolving
into choroidal melanoma
FORME FRUSTE (iris mammillations )
Cell of origin
Abnormal migration of neural crest derived
melanocytes to the eye
Increased choroidal thickness and
hyperpigmentation secondary to increased
number of choroidal melanocytes
It is an iris hamartoma consisting of proliferation of
melanocytes occurring in the setting of NF-1
Risk factors
NF1 mutation
UV radiation
Iris color
Lisch nodule, showing an elevated lesion composed of
spindle nevus cells on the anterior surface of iris in a
patient with NF type 1.
Most frequent primary intraocular neoplasms in
adults; rare in adolescents and children.
Most common in the choroid, with less than a
quarter found in ciliary body or iris
Risk factors
• Fair complexion
• Light irides
• Oculodermal and ocular melanocytosis
• Von recklinghausen disease
• Preexisting benign nevi
Ciliary body
Cell of origin
Neural crest derived melanocytes
Modified callender classification:
1. Spindle cell melanoma
2. Epithelioid melanoma
3. Mixed-cell type (mixture of spindle and epithelioid cells)
Clinical features
Presents as
• An elevated mass with varying degrees of
• Multiple small nodules (tapioca iris melanoma)
• A broad carpet of growth on the surface
An irregular, slate-gray, solid, subretinal tumor
producing an overlying retinal detachment
Decreased vision
They generally appear as a discoid, globular, or
mushroom-shaped mass
Sometimes spread diffusely or extend out along
scleral canals into the orbit.
Melanoma of iris
encroaching the pupil
Malignant melanoma of
choroid erupting through
Bruch’s membrane forming a
mushroom-shaped subretinal
Fundus photograph of the
same individual several years
later; the tumor has grown
and has ruptured through the
Bruch membrane.
Fundus photograph with a
relatively flat pigmented lesion
of the choroid near the optic
Iris melanoma – Cytology
showing melanoma cells with
with atypia and prominent
Cytopathology, showing
pigmented spindle melanoma
FNAC : Epithelioid type
Gross photograph of a
choroidal melanoma that has
ruptured the Bruch
membrane. The overlying
retina is detached.
Pigmented ciliary body
melanoma causing subluxation
of the lens
Spindle-A cells have slender, elongated nuclei with small
nucleoli. A central stripe may be present down the long
axis of the nucleus
Spindle-B cells -higher N:C ratio, more coarsely
granular chromatin, and plumper, large nuclei. Nucleoli
are prominent, and mitoses are present,
A choroidal melanoma comprised predominantly of
epithelioid cells.
 S-100(cytoplasmic and nuclear)
 HMB-45 (cytoplasmic)
 Mart-1 (Melan-A)(cytoplasmic)
 Tyrosinase (cytoplasmic)
 SOX10 (nuclear)
 BAP1(nuclear)
 MITF(nuclear )
 Chromosome 3 loss
 Chromosome 6p & 8q gain
 Mutations in the GNAQ or GNA11
 Mutations in BAP1
Differential diagnosis
◦ Metastatic carcinoma
◦ Localized hemorrhage beneath the retina or
between the pigment epithelium and choroid,
◦ Focal areas of proliferation of the RPE
◦ Posterior scleritis,
◦ Nevi
◦ Hemangiomas
◦ Melanocytoma
◦ Bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation
 The mean of the 10 largest melanoma cell nucleoli (MLN)
 Intrinsic tumor extravascular matrix patterns ;tumors
containing more complex extravascular matrix patterns
as closed loops or networks (3 back-to-back loops)
 Microvascular density
 Tumor infiltrating macrophages
 Extrascleral extension
 Anterior or juxtapapillary location of the tumor
 The presence of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
Extravascular matrix patterns in uveal melanoma.
 Closed loop (L) (PAS stain).
 Network (3 or more back-to-back loops) (PAS stain).
 T1 Tumour limited to iris
T1a not more than 3 clock hours in size
T1b more than 3 clock hours in size
T1c with secondary glaucoma
 T2 Tumour confluent with or extending into the CB, choroid, or both
T2a Tumour confluent with or extending into the CB without
secondary glaucoma
T2b Tumour confluent with or extending into the choroid without
secondary glaucoma
T2c Tumour confluent with or extending into the CB and/or choroid
with secondary glaucoma
 T3 Tumour confluent with or extending into the CB, choroid or both, with
scleral extension
 T4 Tumour with extrascleral extension
T4a ≤ 5mm in diameter
T4b > 5 mm in diameter
Classification for ciliary body and choroid uveal melanoma
based on thickness and diameter.
T1 Tumour size category 1
T1a without CB involvement and extraocular extension
T1b with CB involvement
T1c without CB involvement but with extraocular extension ≤ 5
mm in diameter
T1d with ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension ≤ 5
mm in diameter
T2 Tumour size category 2
T2a without CB involvement and extraocular extension
T2b with ciliary body involvement
T2c without ciliary body involvement but with extraocular
extension ≤ 5 mm in diameter
T2d with ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension ≤5
mm in diameter
 T3 Tumour size category 3
T3a without ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension
T3b with ciliary body involvement
T3c without ciliary body involvement but with extraocular ≤ 5
mm in diameter
T3d with ciliary body involvement and extraocular ≤5 mm in
 T4 Tumour size category 4
T4a without ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension
T4b with ciliary body involvement
T4c without ciliary body involvement but with extraocular
extension ≤5 mm in diameter
T4d with ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension ≤ 5
mm in diameter
T4e Any tumour size category with extraocular extension > 5 mm
in diameter
N – Regional Lymph Nodes
 NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
 N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
 N1 Regional lymph node metastasis
M – Distant Metastasis
 M0 No distant metastasis
 M1 Distant metastasis
 M1a Largest metastases 3 cm or < in greatest
 M1b Largest metastases is >3 cm in greatest
dimension but not > 8 cm
 M1c Largest metastases is >8 cm in greatest
Stage I T1a N0 M0
Stage IIA T1b–d,
T2a N0 M0
Stage IIB T2b,
T3a N0 M0
Stage IIIA T2c–d N0 M0
T3b–c N0 M0
T4a N0 M0
Stage IIIB T3d N0 M0
T4b–c N0 M0
Stage IIIC T4d–e N0 M0
Stage IV Any T N1 M0
Any T Any N M1
 Female preponderance
 Site -CB> anterior choroid
 DD-amelanotic spindle cell nevus
low-grade melanoma
 IHC -muscle-specific antigen,
smooth muscle actin,
Mesectodermal leiomyoma
 Cell of origin –neural crest derived
CB muscle
 DD –Astrocytic tumors
Mesectodermal leiomyoma
Widely spaced tumor cell nuclei set in a
fibrillar cytoplasmic matrix
 Female preponderance ;
 20-30yrs
 Site –M/c-choroid
 Slightly elevated, yellow-white
juxtapapillary lesion
 HPE-choroid is replaced by
mature bone that contains
marrow spaces.
The plaque of mature bone at the level of the choroid.
 Site :M/C –Choroid ;followed by
 Occurs in 2 specific forms:
circumscribed (ie, localized) and
 Circumscribed - occurs in
patients without systemic
 Diffuse-seen in patients with
Sturge-Weber syndrome
 Rx –Photodynamic therapy
Microscopic section through a
superficial aspect of the mass,
showing dilated veins compatible
with choroidal hemangioma and
overlying fibrous metaplasia of the
retinal pigment epithelium and
cystoid retinopathy
Section through the main aspect of
the tumor, showing large, thin-
walled vascular channels filled
with blood, compatible with
choroidal hemangioma.
Cavernous hemangioma of retina
A grape like cluster of clumped
vascular saccules
 Site –retina,rarely optic nerve
 Sporadic /AD
 Red to orange tumors arising
within the retina with large-
caliber, tortuous afferent and
efferent blood vessels
 Associated with VHL syndrome
 Rx -photocoagulation for smaller
lesions; cryotherapy for larger
and more peripheral lesions
• The pale, vacuolated
neoplastic cells are
interspersed with
proliferating vessels.
• Secondary bone
formation is present
in this case.
 The tumor (primary or
secondary) is usually
 Composed of plump cells with
indistinct cytoplasmic margins
(syncytial growth pattern)
 Arranged in whorls.
 Psammoma bodies are sparse
 Meningioma (between arrows) of the optic nerve (ON) originates
from the arachnoid
 The whorls of tumor cells, characteristic of meningothelial
Low-power photomicrograph of
the sectioned eye, showing
elevated choroidal mass.
Whorls of benign spindle cells
Intraocular and orbital plexiform
neurofibroma, showing diffuse
thickening of the choroid
The cells that thicken the uveal
tract are believed to represent a
combination of neurons and
Tumor shows tissue similar to brain tissue, containing ganglion
 Site -optic nerve head , optic nerve,retina
 1st decade of life
 M/C -Low-grade juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas
 Associated with NF1
 The nerve shows fusiform or sausage-shaped
 Primary malignant gliomas of the anterior visual pathways
occur mainly in adults and show
Nuclear pleomorphism,
High mitotic activity
Cytopathology of the lesion demonstrating ovoid to round cells with
benign nuclear features.
IHC showed positive reaction to glial fibrillary acidic protein and negative
reaction to the melanoma-specific antigen HMB-45, and epithelial
markers, supporting the diagnosis of astrocytic neoplasm
Cytopathology with IHC of a fine-needle aspiration biopsy
specimen demonstrating positive reaction to glial fibrillary acidic
protein. (×200.) Markers for epithelial cells were negative
Photomicrograph of the lesion, showing
well-differentiated astrocytes
The right side of this photomicrograph demonstrates a normal
optic nerve (asterisk); the left side shows a pilocytic astrocytoma
The neoplastic glial cells are elongated to resemble hair
Degenerating eosinophilic filaments, which are known as
Rosenthal fibers (arrows), may be observed in these tumors.
Retinocytoma is characterized histologically by
numerous fleurettes admixed with individual cells
that demonstrate varying degrees of photoreceptor
differentiation .
Retinocytoma should be differentiated from the
spontaneous regression of retinoblastoma that is the
end result of coagulative necrosis.
HP : Cells have bland round nuclei and poorly defined
clear cytoplasm
The exquisite degree of photoreceptor differentiation with
apparent stubby inner segments (arrow) (H&E stain).
Retinocytoma differs from retinoblastoma in the
following ways:
Retinocytoma cells have more cytoplasm and
more evenly dispersed nuclear chromatin than
retinoblastoma cells.
Mitoses are not observed in retinocytoma
Although calcification may be identified in
retinocytoma, necrosis is usually absent
Mc intraocular malignancy in children
Cell of origin -retinal precursor cells
Familial /sporadic
U/L or B/L
Trilateral –B/L retinoblastoma with pinelaoblastoma
Clinical features
Poor vision
Neovascular glaucoma
Iris neovascularisation
◦ Exophytic (into the subretinal area)
◦ Endophytic (into the vitreous)
◦ Diffuse infiltrating (tumor grows in a flat,infiltrating
pattern and does not appear as an elevated mass)
Bilateral leukocoria in a 3-month-
old child
Total retinal detachment with
iris neovascularization
secondary to exophytic
Gross appearance of the
retrolental area, showing
characteristic seeding of white
tumor cells in the ciliary body
and zonule
Fluorescein angiogram of the
eye depicting the dilated retinal
blood vessels over the tumor
and leakage of dye from the
abnormal iris vasculature.
Bilateral retinoblastoma showing a white mass consisting
of detached retina and neoplastic tissue immediately behind
the lens in each eye.
Cytology of the vitreous fluid.
Neoplastic cells forming loosely cohesive clusters with scant
cytoplasm, high N : C ratio,“salt-and-pepper” chromatin
pattern,nuclear molding and small single conspicuous nucleoli
Retinoblastoma. Sheets of cells with suggestions of
rosette formation. The cytoplasm is scant. The nuclei are
round with occasional nucleoli and numerous mitotic
figures (MGG)
Chalky white mass, often friable
Can present with different growth patterns
exophytic, endophytic, mixed and diffuse.
Extension to the uvea, epibulbar structures and optic
nerve is grossly visible in advanced cases.
Choroidal invasion may also be grossly visible
Gross photograph of
Section of the enucleated eye
the hyphema and the diffuse
white mass involving the entire
sensory retina
Homer Wright rosettes
Highly differentiated retinoblastoma with
photoreceptor differentiation;the eosinophilic “stalks”
representing photoreceptors.
Anaplastic retinoblastoma with highly
pleomorphic cells showing angular molding and
wrapping as well as prominent nucleoli.
Retinocytoma Mild anaplasia
Moderate anaplasia Severe anaplasia
Artefactual seeding of the choroid
Intact retinoblastoma in the upper and
left portion of the micrograph.
Toward the lower right side of the,
scattered tumor cells appear to have
no relationship to the collagenous
strands of the choroid.
Retinoblastoma with true invasion
into the choroid.
The RPE is evident as a pigmented
demarcation extending from upper
left to lower right.
The choroid is beneath the retinal
pigment epithelium
Retinal dysplasia
Small round blue cell tumor metastases
 Synaptophysin,
 Retinal-binding protein,
 Retinal s-antigen,
 Interphotoreceptor retinal-binding protein,
 Cone opsin, and rod opsin
Somatic or germline mutation of chromosome 13
 Alfred Knudson’s two-hit model
Retinoblastoma arises as a result of two mutational
events involving the RB1 gene(13q14)(27 exons)
Autosomal dominant
 In the hereditary form,
The first mutation occurs in a germinal (prezygotic) cell
The second mutation occurs in a somatic (postzygotic)
neural retinal cell,
 Resulting in multiple neural retinal tumors (multifocal in
one eye,bilateral, or both), as well as in primary tumors
elsewhere in the body (e.g., Pineal tumors ,sarcomas and
tumors in the lung, bladder, bone, soft tissues, skin,
brain )
In the sporadic form;
If both mutations occur in the same somatic
(postzygotic) cell, a single, unifocal, unilateral
retinoblastoma results.
Because the mutations occur in a somatic cell,the
resultant condition is nonheritable.
 New constitutional mutations arise mostly in a parental
germ cell, usually paternal.
 Less frequently, the RB1 mutation arises in one cell of the
multicell embryo, resulting in mosaicism in the proband.
 RB1mutations include the full range of deleterious
mutations: point mutations, small and large deletions, and
deep intronic and splice mutations.
 2 common mutations are
Methylation (addition of a methyl group at CpG sites) of the
promoter in somatic cells,
Translocation leading to transcriptional silencing in germ cells
◦ Most RB1 mutations result in an inactive retinoblastoma
protein (pRB)
◦ Compared with completely inactive pRB, partly inactive
pRB reduces penetrance (fewer affected gene carriers) and
expressivity (fewer tumours in those affected, with more
unilaterally affected)
◦ Children with loss of RB1 and flanking genes because of
large deletions on chromosome 13q can also have
developmental anomalies (eg, facial dysmorphia,
congenital abnormalities, mental retardation, and motor
The International classification of Retinoblastoma
T – Primary Tumour
pTx Primary tumour cannot be assessed
pT0 No evidence of primary tumour
pT1 Tumour confined to eye with no optic nerve or
choroidal invasion
pT2 Tumour with intraocular invasion
pT2a Focal choroidal invasion and pre or intralaminar
invasion of the optic nerve head
pT2b Tumour invasion of stroma of iris and/or trabecular
meshwork and/or Schlemm’s canal
pT3 - Tumour with significant local invasion
pT3a Choroidal invasion >3 mm in diameter or multiple
foci of invasion totalling >3 mm or any full thickness
pT3b Retrolaminar invasion of optic nerve without
invasion of transected end of optic nerve
pT3c Partial thickness involvement of sclera within the
inner 2/3rd
pT3d Full thickness invasion into 1/3rd of the
sclera and/or invasion into or around emissary
pT4 - Extraocular extension: Tumour invades optic nerve at
transected end, in meningeal space around the optic
nerve, full thickness invasion of the sclera with invasion of
the episclera, adipose tissue, extraocular muscle, bone,
conjunctiva, or eyelid.
pN– Regional Lymph Nodes
pNx Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
pN0 No regional lymph node involvement
pN1 Regional lymph node involvement
pM – Metastasis
cM0 No distant metastasis
pM1 Distant metastasis
pM1a Single or multiple metastasis to sites other
than CNS
pM1b Metastasis to CNS parenchyma or CSF
Stage I T1,T2, T3 N0 M0
Stage II T4 N0 M0
Stage III Any T N1 M0
Stage IV Any T Any N M1
Juvenile xanthogranuloma
Rosai dorfmann disease
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Erdheim chester disease
 Touton giant cells with ring
of nuclei, inner eosinophilic
cytoplasm, and outer
vacuolated or foamy
 Foamy histiocytes
 Lymphocytes
It is a granulomatous and infiltrative disorder of unknown
etiology with proliferation of cholesterol-containing
histiocytes and peculiar bone involvement.
 Intra ocular Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is
an extremely rare disease .
 Proliferation of morphologically distinctive
histiocytes showing emperipolesis (large
histiocytosis with intact phagocytosed
 An inflammatory background of
lymphocytes and conspicuous numbers of
plasma cells
Langerhans cells with folded or grooved nuclei and
moderately abundant pale cytoplasm are mixed with
a few eosinophils.
 Site – Choroid,Retina
 Choroidal lymphoma is mostly secondary to systemic
disease,primary is rare
 Primary vitreoretinal lymphoma -about 65% of cases of
intraocular lymphoma. Bilateral in about 90% of cases
 Mostly malignant proliferation of B lymphocytes
 Cell of origin
Choroid –reactive lymphocytes
PVRL-cells at a late stage in germinal B cell
◦ DD-Benign reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of uvea (BRLH)
(Vitreous FNAB)
 Large cell lymphoma
 Necrosis
 Replacement of
the choroid by
lymphoma. The
overlying retinal
epithelium is intact
 HP –malignant
lymphoma cells
Infiltration of the uvea, retina and optic disc by
leukemic blast cells with extensive hemorrhage.
◦ The tumor cells often fill the retinal and uveal blood
vessels and have a tendency to invade deep into the optic
 Leukemic retinopathy
intraretinal and subhyaloid hemorrhages,
hard exudates,
cotton-wool spots, and
white-centered retinal hemorrhages
 True leukemic infiltrates are less common
appear as yellow deposits in the retina and the
subretinal space.
Due to anemia
Cytopathology of a needle biopsy of the anterior chamber
material demonstrating leukemic blast cells.
Photomicrograph of the involved retina, showing intravascular and
extravascular infiltration of leukemic blast cells.
◦ Metastatic cancer probably represents the most common
form of intraocular malignancy.
◦ Metastatic cancer reaches the intraocular structures
through hematogenous routes
◦ Most common develops in the uveal tract,
 >90% involving the posterior aspect of the choroid
 <10% arising in the iris and/or ciliary body
◦ Metastases to retina,optic disc, and vitreous are very
◦ Most intraocular metastases are carcinomas, with
sarcomas and melanomas being less common.
◦ Most common
Men - Lung
Women –breast
◦ Less often, the primary malignancy arises from carcinoma
of the alimentary tract, kidney, thyroid gland, pancreas,
prostate, and other organs
◦ Others like cutaneous melanoma and bronchial carcinoids
tumors .
Lung carcinoma metastasis to the retina
Vitreous aspirate, showing an aggregate of tumor cells,
characteristic of adenocarcinoma of the lung.
• Enucleation of eyeball
• Exenteration of orbital contents (for lid, ocular &
orbital tumors)
◗ 1st cut: posteroanteriorly,starting
adjacent to the optic nerve to the
periphery of the cornea.
◗ 2nd cut: a second plane of section,
parallel to the first,to include the
◗ Both cuts are made in such a way
that the neoplasm is included in
central slice.
Identify as right or left eye by
locating the positions of insertion
of the superior and, inferior oblique
muscles and insertion of the optic
nerve which is inferomedial
A. The goal of sectioning is
to obtain a pupil–optic
nerve (PO) section that
contains the maximum
area of interest.
B. Two caps, or calottes,
are removed to obtain a
PO section.
C. The first cut is generally
performed from
posterior to anterior.
D. The second cut yields
the PO section
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Intraocular tumors 18

  • 3. • The choroid lies between the sclera and the retinal pigment epithelium. • Uveal tissue spills out into most scleral canals, as into this scleral canal of the long posterior ciliary artery. HISTOLOGY OF THE CHOROID
  • 4. The choroid is composed, from outside to inside, of • The suprachoroidal (potential) space and lamina fusca, • The choroidal stroma (which contains uveal melanocytes, fibrocytes, collagen, blood vessels,and nerves) • The fenestrated choriocapillaries & • The outer aspect of Bruch’s membrane.
  • 5. • The capillaries of the choriocapillaries -the largest capillaries in the body-permit simultaneous passage of numerous erythrocytes. • The choriocapillaries ,BM and associated connective tissue compose the outer half of bruch’s membrane, • The inner half is composed of the BM and associated connective tissue of the RPE • The pigment granules are larger in the retinal pigment epithelial cells than in the uveal melanocytes
  • 6. 1. Internal limiting membrane, 2. Nerve fiber layer 3. Ganglion cell layer, 4. Inner plexiform layer, 5. Inner nuclear layer 6. Outer plexiform layer; 7. Outer nuclear layer; 8. External limiting membrane 9. Photoreceptors 10. Retinal pigment epithelium im Nf gc Ip In op on Pr rpe c mm em nr HISTOLOGY OF RETINA
  • 7. WHO CLASSIFICATION (2018) Tumours of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid (uveal tract) Tumours of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium Tumours of the optic disc and optic nerve
  • 8. Tumours of the Iris Pigmented epithelial cyst Implantation cyst Ectopic lacrimal gland Melanocytic naevus Ocular melanocytosis Lisch nodule Iris melanoma Histiocytic tumours
  • 9. Tumours of the ciliary body Adenomatous hyperplasia Reactive epithelial hyperplasia Ciliary body adenoma Leiomyoma Schwannoma Glioneuroma Medulloepithelioma Uveal melanocytoma Adenocarcinoma
  • 10. Tumours of the choroid Bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic hyperplasia Choroidal and ciliary body naevi Neurofibroma and ganglioneuroma Schwannoma Haemangioma Osteoma Choroidal and ciliary body melanomas Primary choroidal lymphoma Secondary lymphomatous infiltration Leukaemic infiltration Secondary tumors
  • 11. Tumours of the Retina & RPE Tumours of the neurosensory retina  Nodular and massive retinal gliosis  Astrocytic hamartoma and astrocytoma  Haemangioblastoma  Cavernous haemangioma  Retinocytoma  Retinoblastoma  Vitreoretinal lymphoma  Leukaemic infiltration  Secondary tumours Tumours of the retinal pigment epithelium  Reactive hyperplasia  Congenital hypertrophy  Simple and combined hamartomas  Adenoma  Adenocarcinoma
  • 12. Tumours of the optic disc and optic nerve Primary tumours ◦ Astrocytoma and glioblastoma ◦ Meningioma of the optic nerve ◦ Medulloepithelioma ◦ Solitary fibrous tumour/haemangiopericytoma ◦ Melanocytoma Secondary tumours
  • 13. Broadly can be classified as Tumor like lesions Epithelial tumours Melanocytic tumors Mesenchymal tumors Neural tumors Glial tumors Retinoblastoma Histiocytic tumors Haematolymphoid tumours Secondary tumors
  • 15. INTRAOCULAR LACRIMAL GLAND CHORISTOMA  The pink colored lesion, with a clear cyst in the inferior part of the mass.  FNAB -Benign epithelial cells consistent with lacrimal gland.  Relatively stable ;if large - local resection
  • 16. Lesion showing dense fibrous tissue (above) and normal lacrimal gland tissue (below)
  • 18. Photomicrograph of the solid portion of the lesion, showing glandular tissue identical to normal lacrimal gland.
  • 19. FUCHS ADENOMA (FUCHS’ REACTIVE HYPERPLASIA,CORONAL ADENOMA, FUCHS’ EPITHELIOMA, BENIGN CILIARY EPITHELIOMA)  Age Elderly  Site Pars plicata of the ciliary body  Microscopy The tumor is proliferative rather than neoplastic Benign proliferation of cords of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium Intervening stroma shows abundant, amorphous, eosinophilic, acellular basement membrane material, acid mucopolysaccharides, and glycoprotein.
  • 20. A. Grossly -white tumor in the pars plicata of the ciliary body B. Histologic section shows a proliferation of nonpigmented ciliary epithelium that is elaborating considerable basement membrane material
  • 21. Fuchs adenoma; generally incidental lesions comprised of nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells and amorphous, hyaline material.
  • 22. IRIS PIGMENT EPITHELIAL CYST  Each of the IPE cysts is lined by a monolayer of IPE cells and usually has clear fluid in the lumen
  • 24. MEDULLOEPITHELIOMA  Medulloepithelioma is a congenital neuroepithelial tumor  Origin -primitive medullary epithelium (ie, the inner layer of the optic cup).  Site –CB>Retina>Optic nerve  Presentation -lightly pigmented or amelanotic cystic mass  Types  Nonteratoid medulloepithelioma (diktyoma) Benign Malignant  Teratoid medulloepithelioma Benign Malignant
  • 25. Microscopy  Undifferentiated round to oval cells with little cytoplasm  Arranged in ribbons cords sheets  Cell nuclei are stratified in 3 to 5 layers, and the entire structure is lined on one side by a thin basement membrane.  Mucinous substance, rich in hyaluronic acid  Mucinous cysts  Homer wright and flexner- wintersteiner rosettes may also be present.
  • 26. Malignant large, round cells. Positive for desmin and muscle- specific actin, confirming that they represent rhabdomyoblasts Large focus of hyaline cartilage lined by skeletal muscle
  • 27. Photomicrograph of the lesion, showing a vitreous-filled cyst near the surface Closely compact cells with malignant features
  • 28. Tumor showing tissue compatible with brain Tubules and acini of proliferating epithelial cells and extracellular mesenchyme-like tissue
  • 29. Positive histochemical stain for mucin sensitive to hyaluronidase Colloidal iron stain showing large amounts of mucopolysaccharide surrounding the neuroepithelial elements
  • 30. CYTOGENETICS ◦ Associated with pleuropulmonary blastoma family tumor and dysplasia syndrome caused by DICER -1 mutations IHC ◦ Positive -LIN28A,Vimentin,NSE,Pancytokeratin & CK18 ◦ Equivocal-Chromogranin,synaptophysin,S100,HMB45,GFAP ◦ Negative -CK7,CK20,EMA DD ◦ Retinoblastoma ◦ Persistent fetal vasculature ◦ Cataract
  • 31. ADENOMA  Site –Cb>choroid>rpe  Tubular (papillary) pattern, vacuolated (solid) pattern, or mixture of both;  The heavily pigmented cells are frequently vacuolated.  Nuclear atypia is common, mitotic figures are rare.
  • 32. IHC RPE adenoma Positive  S-100,  Neuron-specific enolase,  Synaptophysin,  Ema,  Vimentin CB adenoma Positive  S-100 protein,  LMW CK Negative  Melanoma-specific antigen  HMB45  Cytokeratin.
  • 33. Differential Diagnosis Reactive prolioferations of PE  The cells of the adenoma are variably pigmented and are packed together tightly with little or no stroma  The individual cells in pseudoadenomatous hyperplasia are separated by an amorphous basement membrane- like material and show little atypia and no mitotic figures
  • 34. ADENOCARCINOMA Site - Ciliary body >RPE Tumor cells showing tubular and papillary pattern HP showing round to oval tumor cells with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, scant cytoplasm, and high N:C ratio
  • 36. NEVUS  Most common primary intraocular tumor.  Localized proliferation of melanocytic cells  Darkly pigmented lesion  <2 mm in thickness  If >10 mm (giant choroidal nevus)  Site –iris,CB,choroid Microscopy  Accumulation of branching dendritic cells or spindle cells with melanin granules in the cytoplasm.  The nuclei are oblong or ovoid,bland with indistinct nucleoli.
  • 37. NEVUS CELLS - TYPES  Plump polyhedral: abundant cytoplasm is filled with pigment and has a small, round to oval nucleus with appearance  Slender spindle: cytoplasm contains scant pigment and a small, dark, elongated nucleus  Plump fusiform dendritic: morphology is intermediate between plump polyhedral and slender spindle  Balloon cells: abundant, foamy cytoplasm lacks pigment and has a bland nucleus
  • 38. Choroidal nevus, showing closely compact benign spindle cells. Iris nevus with a surface plaque. The surface plaque is composed of bland spindled cells. The iris stroma is diffusely populated by nevus cells.
  • 39. MELANOCYTOMA  Variant of melanocytic nevus  Site -optic disc,ciliary body choroid ,iris  No specific diagnostic criteria  Deeply pigmented due to abundant large melanosomes in the cytoplasm  Magnocellular nevus  Necrosis is a common feature, sometimes with pseudocysts containing free-floating melanophages.
  • 40. Dense cytoplasmic melanin that precludes a view of cell detail Bleached section of the lesion allowing better visualization of cell detail
  • 41. This bleached section shows plump, round cells with relative uniform nuclei Area of necrosis within the tumor
  • 42. OCULAR MELANOCYTOSIS (MELANOSIS OCULI ) Congenitally increased population of non proliferating hyperpigmented melanocytes U/L (occasionally bilateral) hyperpigmentation of the sclera and uveal tract Flat, gray-to brown patches of pigmentation on sclera Heterochromia iris
  • 43. The presence of foci of orange pigment over choroidal melanocytosis is a suggestion that the lesion is becoming thicker and potentially evolving into choroidal melanoma FORME FRUSTE (iris mammillations ) Cell of origin Abnormal migration of neural crest derived melanocytes to the eye
  • 44. Increased choroidal thickness and hyperpigmentation secondary to increased number of choroidal melanocytes
  • 45. LISCH NODULE (IRIS HAMARTOMA ;MELANOCYTIC HAMARTOMA) It is an iris hamartoma consisting of proliferation of melanocytes occurring in the setting of NF-1 Risk factors NF1 mutation UV radiation Iris color
  • 46. Lisch nodule, showing an elevated lesion composed of spindle nevus cells on the anterior surface of iris in a patient with NF type 1.
  • 47. UVEAL MELANOMA Most frequent primary intraocular neoplasms in adults; rare in adolescents and children. Most common in the choroid, with less than a quarter found in ciliary body or iris Risk factors • Fair complexion • Light irides • Oculodermal and ocular melanocytosis • Von recklinghausen disease • Preexisting benign nevi
  • 48. Site Iris Ciliary body Choroid Cell of origin Neural crest derived melanocytes Modified callender classification: 1. Spindle cell melanoma 2. Epithelioid melanoma 3. Mixed-cell type (mixture of spindle and epithelioid cells)
  • 49. Clinical features Presents as • An elevated mass with varying degrees of pigmentation • Multiple small nodules (tapioca iris melanoma) • A broad carpet of growth on the surface An irregular, slate-gray, solid, subretinal tumor producing an overlying retinal detachment Decreased vision They generally appear as a discoid, globular, or mushroom-shaped mass Sometimes spread diffusely or extend out along scleral canals into the orbit.
  • 50. Melanoma of iris encroaching the pupil Malignant melanoma of choroid erupting through Bruch’s membrane forming a mushroom-shaped subretinal mass.
  • 51. Fundus photograph of the same individual several years later; the tumor has grown and has ruptured through the Bruch membrane. Fundus photograph with a relatively flat pigmented lesion of the choroid near the optic disc.
  • 52. Iris melanoma – Cytology showing melanoma cells with with atypia and prominent nucleoli Cytopathology, showing pigmented spindle melanoma cells
  • 54. Gross photograph of a choroidal melanoma that has ruptured the Bruch membrane. The overlying retina is detached. Pigmented ciliary body melanoma causing subluxation of the lens
  • 55. Spindle-A cells have slender, elongated nuclei with small nucleoli. A central stripe may be present down the long axis of the nucleus
  • 56. Spindle-B cells -higher N:C ratio, more coarsely granular chromatin, and plumper, large nuclei. Nucleoli are prominent, and mitoses are present,
  • 57. A choroidal melanoma comprised predominantly of epithelioid cells.
  • 58. IHC  S-100(cytoplasmic and nuclear)  HMB-45 (cytoplasmic)  Mart-1 (Melan-A)(cytoplasmic)  Tyrosinase (cytoplasmic)  SOX10 (nuclear)  BAP1(nuclear)  MITF(nuclear ) CYTOGENETICS  Chromosome 3 loss  Chromosome 6p & 8q gain  Mutations in the GNAQ or GNA11  Mutations in BAP1
  • 59. Differential diagnosis ◦ Metastatic carcinoma ◦ Localized hemorrhage beneath the retina or between the pigment epithelium and choroid, ◦ Focal areas of proliferation of the RPE ◦ Posterior scleritis, ◦ Nevi ◦ Hemangiomas ◦ Melanocytoma ◦ Bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation (BDUMP).
  • 60. PROGNOSTIC FACTORS  The mean of the 10 largest melanoma cell nucleoli (MLN)  Intrinsic tumor extravascular matrix patterns ;tumors containing more complex extravascular matrix patterns as closed loops or networks (3 back-to-back loops)  Microvascular density  Tumor infiltrating macrophages  Extrascleral extension  Anterior or juxtapapillary location of the tumor  The presence of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
  • 61. Extravascular matrix patterns in uveal melanoma.  Closed loop (L) (PAS stain).  Network (3 or more back-to-back loops) (PAS stain).
  • 62. IRIS  T1 Tumour limited to iris T1a not more than 3 clock hours in size T1b more than 3 clock hours in size T1c with secondary glaucoma  T2 Tumour confluent with or extending into the CB, choroid, or both T2a Tumour confluent with or extending into the CB without secondary glaucoma T2b Tumour confluent with or extending into the choroid without secondary glaucoma T2c Tumour confluent with or extending into the CB and/or choroid with secondary glaucoma  T3 Tumour confluent with or extending into the CB, choroid or both, with scleral extension  T4 Tumour with extrascleral extension T4a ≤ 5mm in diameter T4b > 5 mm in diameter TNM CLASSIFICATION OF UVEAL MELANOMA
  • 63. Classification for ciliary body and choroid uveal melanoma based on thickness and diameter. CILIARY BODY AND CHOROID
  • 64. T1 Tumour size category 1 T1a without CB involvement and extraocular extension T1b with CB involvement T1c without CB involvement but with extraocular extension ≤ 5 mm in diameter T1d with ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension ≤ 5 mm in diameter T2 Tumour size category 2 T2a without CB involvement and extraocular extension T2b with ciliary body involvement T2c without ciliary body involvement but with extraocular extension ≤ 5 mm in diameter T2d with ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension ≤5 mm in diameter
  • 65.  T3 Tumour size category 3 T3a without ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension T3b with ciliary body involvement T3c without ciliary body involvement but with extraocular ≤ 5 mm in diameter T3d with ciliary body involvement and extraocular ≤5 mm in diameter  T4 Tumour size category 4 T4a without ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension T4b with ciliary body involvement T4c without ciliary body involvement but with extraocular extension ≤5 mm in diameter T4d with ciliary body involvement and extraocular extension ≤ 5 mm in diameter T4e Any tumour size category with extraocular extension > 5 mm in diameter
  • 66. N – Regional Lymph Nodes  NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed  N0 No regional lymph node metastasis  N1 Regional lymph node metastasis M – Distant Metastasis  M0 No distant metastasis  M1 Distant metastasis  M1a Largest metastases 3 cm or < in greatest dimension  M1b Largest metastases is >3 cm in greatest dimension but not > 8 cm  M1c Largest metastases is >8 cm in greatest dimension
  • 67. Stage I T1a N0 M0 Stage IIA T1b–d, T2a N0 M0 Stage IIB T2b, T3a N0 M0 Stage IIIA T2c–d N0 M0 T3b–c N0 M0 T4a N0 M0 Stage IIIB T3d N0 M0 T4b–c N0 M0 Stage IIIC T4d–e N0 M0 Stage IV Any T N1 M0 Any T Any N M1 PATHOLOGICAL STAGING
  • 69. LEIOMYOMA  Female preponderance  Site -CB> anterior choroid  DD-amelanotic spindle cell nevus low-grade melanoma  IHC -muscle-specific antigen, smooth muscle actin, vimentin Mesectodermal leiomyoma  Cell of origin –neural crest derived CB muscle  DD –Astrocytic tumors
  • 70. Mesectodermal leiomyoma Widely spaced tumor cell nuclei set in a fibrillar cytoplasmic matrix
  • 71. OSTEOMA  Female preponderance ;  20-30yrs  Site –M/c-choroid  Slightly elevated, yellow-white juxtapapillary lesion  HPE-choroid is replaced by mature bone that contains marrow spaces.
  • 72. The plaque of mature bone at the level of the choroid.
  • 73. HEMANGIOMA  Site :M/C –Choroid ;followed by retina  Occurs in 2 specific forms: circumscribed (ie, localized) and diffuse.  Circumscribed - occurs in patients without systemic disorders;  Diffuse-seen in patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome  Rx –Photodynamic therapy
  • 74. Microscopic section through a superficial aspect of the mass, showing dilated veins compatible with choroidal hemangioma and overlying fibrous metaplasia of the retinal pigment epithelium and cystoid retinopathy Section through the main aspect of the tumor, showing large, thin- walled vascular channels filled with blood, compatible with choroidal hemangioma.
  • 75. Cavernous hemangioma of retina A grape like cluster of clumped vascular saccules
  • 76. HEMANGIOBLASTOMA (ANGIOMATOSIS RETINAE ,RETINAL CAPILLARY HEMANGIOMA)  Site –retina,rarely optic nerve  Sporadic /AD  Red to orange tumors arising within the retina with large- caliber, tortuous afferent and efferent blood vessels  Associated with VHL syndrome  Rx -photocoagulation for smaller lesions; cryotherapy for larger and more peripheral lesions
  • 77. Hemangioblastoma • The pale, vacuolated neoplastic cells are interspersed with proliferating vessels. • Secondary bone formation is present in this case.
  • 79. MENINGIOMA  The tumor (primary or secondary) is usually meningothelial  Composed of plump cells with indistinct cytoplasmic margins (syncytial growth pattern)  Arranged in whorls.  Psammoma bodies are sparse
  • 80.  Meningioma (between arrows) of the optic nerve (ON) originates from the arachnoid  The whorls of tumor cells, characteristic of meningothelial meningioma
  • 81. Low-power photomicrograph of the sectioned eye, showing elevated choroidal mass. Whorls of benign spindle cells SCHWANNOMA
  • 82. Intraocular and orbital plexiform neurofibroma, showing diffuse thickening of the choroid The cells that thicken the uveal tract are believed to represent a combination of neurons and melanocytes. NEUROFIBROMA
  • 84. GLIONEUROMA Tumor shows tissue similar to brain tissue, containing ganglion cells GLIONEUROMA
  • 85. ASTROCYTOMA  Site -optic nerve head , optic nerve,retina  1st decade of life  M/C -Low-grade juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas  Associated with NF1  The nerve shows fusiform or sausage-shaped enlargement  Primary malignant gliomas of the anterior visual pathways occur mainly in adults and show Nuclear pleomorphism, High mitotic activity Necrosis Hemorrhage
  • 86. Cytopathology of the lesion demonstrating ovoid to round cells with benign nuclear features. IHC showed positive reaction to glial fibrillary acidic protein and negative reaction to the melanoma-specific antigen HMB-45, and epithelial markers, supporting the diagnosis of astrocytic neoplasm
  • 87. Cytopathology with IHC of a fine-needle aspiration biopsy specimen demonstrating positive reaction to glial fibrillary acidic protein. (×200.) Markers for epithelial cells were negative
  • 88. Photomicrograph of the lesion, showing well-differentiated astrocytes
  • 89. The right side of this photomicrograph demonstrates a normal optic nerve (asterisk); the left side shows a pilocytic astrocytoma
  • 90. The neoplastic glial cells are elongated to resemble hair
  • 91. Degenerating eosinophilic filaments, which are known as Rosenthal fibers (arrows), may be observed in these tumors.
  • 92. RETINOCYTOMA Retinocytoma is characterized histologically by numerous fleurettes admixed with individual cells that demonstrate varying degrees of photoreceptor differentiation . Retinocytoma should be differentiated from the spontaneous regression of retinoblastoma that is the end result of coagulative necrosis.
  • 93. Retinocytoma HP : Cells have bland round nuclei and poorly defined clear cytoplasm
  • 94. Retinocytoma. The exquisite degree of photoreceptor differentiation with apparent stubby inner segments (arrow) (H&E stain).
  • 95. Retinocytoma differs from retinoblastoma in the following ways: Retinocytoma cells have more cytoplasm and more evenly dispersed nuclear chromatin than retinoblastoma cells. Mitoses are not observed in retinocytoma Although calcification may be identified in retinocytoma, necrosis is usually absent
  • 97. Mc intraocular malignancy in children Cell of origin -retinal precursor cells Familial /sporadic U/L or B/L Trilateral –B/L retinoblastoma with pinelaoblastoma
  • 99. Types ◦ Exophytic (into the subretinal area) ◦ Endophytic (into the vitreous) ◦ Diffuse infiltrating (tumor grows in a flat,infiltrating pattern and does not appear as an elevated mass)
  • 100. Bilateral leukocoria in a 3-month- old child Total retinal detachment with iris neovascularization secondary to exophytic retinoblastoma.
  • 101. Gross appearance of the retrolental area, showing characteristic seeding of white tumor cells in the ciliary body and zonule Fluorescein angiogram of the eye depicting the dilated retinal blood vessels over the tumor and leakage of dye from the abnormal iris vasculature.
  • 102. Bilateral retinoblastoma showing a white mass consisting of detached retina and neoplastic tissue immediately behind the lens in each eye.
  • 103. Cytology of the vitreous fluid. Neoplastic cells forming loosely cohesive clusters with scant cytoplasm, high N : C ratio,“salt-and-pepper” chromatin pattern,nuclear molding and small single conspicuous nucleoli
  • 104. Retinoblastoma. Sheets of cells with suggestions of rosette formation. The cytoplasm is scant. The nuclei are round with occasional nucleoli and numerous mitotic figures (MGG)
  • 105. Gross Chalky white mass, often friable Can present with different growth patterns exophytic, endophytic, mixed and diffuse. Extension to the uvea, epibulbar structures and optic nerve is grossly visible in advanced cases. Choroidal invasion may also be grossly visible
  • 106. Gross photograph of retinoblastoma Section of the enucleated eye the hyphema and the diffuse irregular white mass involving the entire sensory retina
  • 109. Highly differentiated retinoblastoma with photoreceptor differentiation;the eosinophilic “stalks” representing photoreceptors.
  • 110. Anaplastic retinoblastoma with highly pleomorphic cells showing angular molding and wrapping as well as prominent nucleoli.
  • 111. GRADING OF ANAPLASIA IN RETINOBLASTOMA Retinocytoma Mild anaplasia Moderate anaplasia Severe anaplasia
  • 112. Artefactual seeding of the choroid Intact retinoblastoma in the upper and left portion of the micrograph. Toward the lower right side of the, scattered tumor cells appear to have no relationship to the collagenous strands of the choroid. Retinoblastoma with true invasion into the choroid. The RPE is evident as a pigmented demarcation extending from upper left to lower right. The choroid is beneath the retinal pigment epithelium
  • 114. IHC  Synaptophysin,  Retinal-binding protein,  Retinal s-antigen,  Interphotoreceptor retinal-binding protein,  Cone opsin, and rod opsin
  • 115. Cytogenetics Somatic or germline mutation of chromosome 13  Alfred Knudson’s two-hit model Retinoblastoma arises as a result of two mutational events involving the RB1 gene(13q14)(27 exons) Autosomal dominant
  • 116.  In the hereditary form, The first mutation occurs in a germinal (prezygotic) cell The second mutation occurs in a somatic (postzygotic) neural retinal cell,  Resulting in multiple neural retinal tumors (multifocal in one eye,bilateral, or both), as well as in primary tumors elsewhere in the body (e.g., Pineal tumors ,sarcomas and tumors in the lung, bladder, bone, soft tissues, skin, brain )
  • 117. In the sporadic form; If both mutations occur in the same somatic (postzygotic) cell, a single, unifocal, unilateral retinoblastoma results. Because the mutations occur in a somatic cell,the resultant condition is nonheritable.
  • 119.  New constitutional mutations arise mostly in a parental germ cell, usually paternal.  Less frequently, the RB1 mutation arises in one cell of the multicell embryo, resulting in mosaicism in the proband.  RB1mutations include the full range of deleterious mutations: point mutations, small and large deletions, and deep intronic and splice mutations.  2 common mutations are Methylation (addition of a methyl group at CpG sites) of the promoter in somatic cells, Translocation leading to transcriptional silencing in germ cells
  • 120. ◦ Most RB1 mutations result in an inactive retinoblastoma protein (pRB) ◦ Compared with completely inactive pRB, partly inactive pRB reduces penetrance (fewer affected gene carriers) and expressivity (fewer tumours in those affected, with more unilaterally affected) ◦ Children with loss of RB1 and flanking genes because of large deletions on chromosome 13q can also have developmental anomalies (eg, facial dysmorphia, congenital abnormalities, mental retardation, and motor impairment).
  • 121. The International classification of Retinoblastoma
  • 122. T – Primary Tumour pTx Primary tumour cannot be assessed pT0 No evidence of primary tumour pT1 Tumour confined to eye with no optic nerve or choroidal invasion pT2 Tumour with intraocular invasion pT2a Focal choroidal invasion and pre or intralaminar invasion of the optic nerve head pT2b Tumour invasion of stroma of iris and/or trabecular meshwork and/or Schlemm’s canal TNM CLASSIFICATION OF RETINOBLASTOMA
  • 123. pT3 - Tumour with significant local invasion pT3a Choroidal invasion >3 mm in diameter or multiple foci of invasion totalling >3 mm or any full thickness involvement pT3b Retrolaminar invasion of optic nerve without invasion of transected end of optic nerve pT3c Partial thickness involvement of sclera within the inner 2/3rd pT3d Full thickness invasion into 1/3rd of the sclera and/or invasion into or around emissary channels pT4 - Extraocular extension: Tumour invades optic nerve at transected end, in meningeal space around the optic nerve, full thickness invasion of the sclera with invasion of the episclera, adipose tissue, extraocular muscle, bone, conjunctiva, or eyelid.
  • 124. pN– Regional Lymph Nodes pNx Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed pN0 No regional lymph node involvement pN1 Regional lymph node involvement pM – Metastasis cM0 No distant metastasis pM1 Distant metastasis pM1a Single or multiple metastasis to sites other than CNS pM1b Metastasis to CNS parenchyma or CSF fluid
  • 125. Stage I T1,T2, T3 N0 M0 Stage II T4 N0 M0 Stage III Any T N1 M0 Stage IV Any T Any N M1 PATHOLOGICAL STAGE
  • 127. Juvenile xanthogranuloma Rosai dorfmann disease Langerhans cell histiocytosis Erdheim chester disease
  • 128. JUVENILE XANTHOGRANULOMA  Touton giant cells with ring of nuclei, inner eosinophilic cytoplasm, and outer vacuolated or foamy cytoplasm  Foamy histiocytes  Lymphocytes
  • 129. It is a granulomatous and infiltrative disorder of unknown etiology with proliferation of cholesterol-containing histiocytes and peculiar bone involvement. ERDHEIM CHESTER DISEASE ROSAI DORFMANN DISEASE  Intra ocular Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is an extremely rare disease .  Proliferation of morphologically distinctive histiocytes showing emperipolesis (large histiocytosis with intact phagocytosed lymphocytes),  An inflammatory background of lymphocytes and conspicuous numbers of plasma cells
  • 130. LANGERHANS CELL HISTIOCYTOSIS Langerhans cells with folded or grooved nuclei and moderately abundant pale cytoplasm are mixed with a few eosinophils.
  • 132. LYMPHOMA  Site – Choroid,Retina  Choroidal lymphoma is mostly secondary to systemic disease,primary is rare  Primary vitreoretinal lymphoma -about 65% of cases of intraocular lymphoma. Bilateral in about 90% of cases  Mostly malignant proliferation of B lymphocytes  Cell of origin Choroid –reactive lymphocytes PVRL-cells at a late stage in germinal B cell differentiation ◦ IHC-CD79a,CD20,PAX5,BCL2,BCL6,MUM1,IgM ◦ DD-Benign reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of uvea (BRLH)
  • 133. CYTOLOGY (Vitreous FNAB)  Large cell lymphoma  Necrosis
  • 134.  Replacement of the choroid by lymphoma. The overlying retinal pigment epithelium is intact  HP –malignant lymphoma cells
  • 135. LEUKEMIA Infiltration of the uvea, retina and optic disc by leukemic blast cells with extensive hemorrhage. ◦ The tumor cells often fill the retinal and uveal blood vessels and have a tendency to invade deep into the optic nerve  Leukemic retinopathy intraretinal and subhyaloid hemorrhages, hard exudates, cotton-wool spots, and white-centered retinal hemorrhages  True leukemic infiltrates are less common appear as yellow deposits in the retina and the subretinal space. Due to anemia Hyperviscosity thrombocytopenia
  • 136. Cytopathology of a needle biopsy of the anterior chamber material demonstrating leukemic blast cells.
  • 137. Photomicrograph of the involved retina, showing intravascular and extravascular infiltration of leukemic blast cells.
  • 138. SECONDARY TUMORS ◦ Metastatic cancer probably represents the most common form of intraocular malignancy. ◦ Metastatic cancer reaches the intraocular structures through hematogenous routes ◦ Most common develops in the uveal tract,  >90% involving the posterior aspect of the choroid  <10% arising in the iris and/or ciliary body ◦ Metastases to retina,optic disc, and vitreous are very uncommon
  • 139. ◦ Most intraocular metastases are carcinomas, with sarcomas and melanomas being less common. ◦ Most common Men - Lung Women –breast ◦ Less often, the primary malignancy arises from carcinoma of the alimentary tract, kidney, thyroid gland, pancreas, prostate, and other organs ◦ Others like cutaneous melanoma and bronchial carcinoids tumors .
  • 140. Lung carcinoma metastasis to the retina Vitreous aspirate, showing an aggregate of tumor cells, characteristic of adenocarcinoma of the lung.
  • 141. GROSSING OF OCULAR SPECIMENS Specimens • Enucleation of eyeball • Exenteration of orbital contents (for lid, ocular & orbital tumors)
  • 142. ◗ 1st cut: posteroanteriorly,starting adjacent to the optic nerve to the periphery of the cornea. ◗ 2nd cut: a second plane of section, parallel to the first,to include the neoplasm ◗ Both cuts are made in such a way that the neoplasm is included in central slice. B Identify as right or left eye by locating the positions of insertion of the superior and, inferior oblique muscles and insertion of the optic nerve which is inferomedial
  • 144. A. The goal of sectioning is to obtain a pupil–optic nerve (PO) section that contains the maximum area of interest. B. Two caps, or calottes, are removed to obtain a PO section. C. The first cut is generally performed from posterior to anterior. D. The second cut yields the PO section GROSS DISSECTION OF A GLOBE.
  • 145. References 1. Grossniklaus HE, Eberhart CG, Kivelä TT. WHO Classification of Tumours of the Eye. Fourth Edition : 2018 : 61-144 2. Robert Folberg.Chapter 29.The Eye. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease.9th edition : 2015 : 1330 -1339 3. Charles G.E. Chapter 45. Eye and Ocular Adnexa . John R.G et al . Rosai and Ackerman’s surgical pathology . 11th edition :2018 : 2131-2138 4. Robert Folberg.Chapter 29. Tumors of the eye and ocular adnexa. Fletcher.C.D.M Diagnostic histopathology of tumors.4th edition .Vol 2 :2013:1801-1809 5. Chapter 17.Ocular melanocytic tumors. Myron .Y, Joseph W. S. Ocular pathology. Seventh edition.2015:589-648 6. Shields.J.A, Shields.C.L. Intraocular Tumors ;An atlas and textbook .3rd edition :2016 7. Ophthalmic pathology and Intraocular tumors . Basic and clinical science course. American academy of ophthalmology . Section 04 : 2017-2018 : 120-285 8. Narsinh K F, Mandell D B, Glasgow B J.chapter 17.Eye. Bibbo M ,Wilbur D C. Comprehensive cytopathology. 3rd edition :2008 :466-467
  • 146. 9. Kluin P.M.,Deckert M,Ferry JA. Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphomaof the CNS. Steven H. S et al. WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. Revised 4th edition : 2017 : 300-302 10. Ophthalmic Tumours. James D. B. TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours.8th edition :2017:206-222 11. Prieto V G .Chapter 7. Immunohistology of melanocytic neoplasms. Dabbs D J . Diagnostic immunohistochemistry ;Theranostic and Genomic applications. 5th edition . 2019 :203-218 12. Mendoza P R, Specht C S, Hubbard G B, et al. Histopathologic grading of anaplasia in retinoblastoma. Am J Ophthalmol. 2014;159(4):764–776 13. Dimaras H, Kimani K, Dimba EOA, et al: Retinoblastoma. Lancet .2012 : 379:1436
  • 147. 147

Editor's Notes

  1. Massons trichrome stain
  2. Retinocytoma-the nuclei are not enlarged, there is no pleomorphism nor mitotic activity, cells have abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, and prominent photoreceptor differentiation (fleurettes); Top right: Mild anaplasia-the nuclei are not enlarged, but there can be mild pleomorphism, occasional rare mitotic figures, and photoreceptor differentiation (Flexner-Wintersteiner and Homer Wright rosettes); Bottom left: Moderate anaplasia-there is unambiguous enlargement of nuclei compared to mild anaplasia, definite pleomorphism, frequent mitotic figures, and poor differentation; Bottom right: Severe anaplasia-there is enlargement of nuclei similar in size to moderate anaplasia, extreme pleomorphism (angular, rhomboid, or fusiform), cell wrapping, numerous mitotic figures, and poor differentiation. 
  3. S100 positive CD 68 positive CD 1a negative