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Digital Marketing Interview Question & Answers for 3+ Experience
1. If I plan to expand my business to Singapore, is there a need to get listed
on local search engines and directories?
People across the world rely on the US-based search companies. Google
has versions of its search engines for many different countries whereas
Yahoo and the Open Directory have international branches of their
By getting listed on a smaller regional or local website directory, the
company can boost their search engine placement on all of the major
search engines by increasing popularity i.e. the number and quality of links
to your site. There are some local directories providing direct links to a
website listed whereas others use scripts to track clicks on the sites listed.
This helps in driving visitors to your website.
2. What are the hallmarks of a good PPC landing page?
The hallmarks of a good PPC landing page considers the following aspects:
 An attractive and powerful headline
 A supportive tagline
 Trust symbols
 A list of advantages
 A clear CTA (call to action)
 A lead capture form
Use an image showing the context of use or a graphic that appeal to the
visitors’ emotional side.
3. What type of Ad Copy you’d prefer for an E-Commerce PPC Campaign?
Product Listing Ads (PLAs) are best for E-commerce PPC campaign.
PLAs are actually the square units that let you include titles, prices and
images of E-commerce products, which makes it perfect for E-Commerce
PPC Campaigns. PLA Ad Copy uses Google product feeds and is connected Email:
Contact: +91 40 32 990 399
to Google Merchant Center account. The very same feature in Bing is
known as Product Ads, and Bing Merchant Centre manages it.
4. If my PPC goal is to increase traffic to my website, then what should be
my PPC marketing plan?
The PPC marketing plan to increase traffic to your website should be
focusing on Click Through Rate (CTR).
According to WordStream, “PPC click-through rate is the rate at which your
PPC ads are clicked. This number is the percentage of people who view your
ad (impressions) and then actually go on to click the ad (clicks). The formula
for CTR looks like this:
(Total Clicks on Ad) / (Total Impressions) = Click Through Rate”
5. How to track conversions in Google AdWords?
In Google AdWords, conversion tracking can be done by:
Enabling your ad rotation setting to optimize for clicks which means
AdWords will serve the ads it feels are likely to be clicked.
View-through conversions window option tracks when a person sees your
ad but doesn’t click it. This is called impression.
Tracking purchases by involving basic tracking code provided by AdWords
and modifying it with an additional code unique to your particular e-
commerce platform.
A person can know when customers click on their ad for the first time and
how frequently they saw your ad before converting by accessing search
funnels inside tools and analysis.
6. How many keywords should I have per ad group?
Depending upon the level of ad control (by changing your keyword count),
the number of keywords in an ad group varies.
For almost 50% of the advertisers, 10-20 keywords per ad group will work
fine. However, newbies to PPC often fill ad groups with over 100 keywords
but this doesn’t work well. This is because your ad group is serving one ad
message, therefore that one single ad has to represent all of your different
keywords. Email:
Contact: +91 40 32 990 399
AdWords’ Quality Score system loves it when your ad, your keyword & your
landing page work in perfect harmony and are closely relevant. Too many
keywords lead to too little relevance in your ad.
7. What factors affect Quality Score?
Here are some factors affecting the Quality Score or QS:
 Historic Account data
 Landing page quality
 Relevance of keywords and ads
 CTR of the keyword
8. If I want to tell AdWords the amount of money I am willing to pay for a
conversion, then what bidding method should I choose?
CPA bidding method will enable you tell the AdWords the amount of
money you want to pay for a conversion.
CPA is actually Cost-per-Acquisition bidding that helps you in reaching to
the customers who are most likely to convert.
2 types of CPA bidding are-
Target CPA- It is the average amount you want to pay for a conversion
Maximum CPA- It is the maximum amount you would want to pay for each
9. Explain the role of negative keywords in PPC with an example?
Negative keywords are used to eradicate unqualified traffic.
For example, if you are running an advertising campaign for ‘High Value
Custom Furniture’, adding ‘Free’, ‘Cheap’ or ‘Bargain’ as your negative
keywords will not include your Ad in search results for queries like ‘Free
Furniture’, ‘Cheap Furniture’, or ‘Bargain Furniture’.
Note- It is one of the most important PPC interview questions and your
concept has to be clear about the same. Email:
Contact: +91 40 32 990 399
10. What could be done to reduce the costs for paid media campaigns
without losing traffic tomorrow?
With this question, the interview wants to know your ways of hitting the
ground and making an instant difference to their business. Do research.
Your answers don’t have to be complicated or extremely detailed. Have a
glance at the company’s current activity and list three quick changes which
would act as instant wins. While answering such questions, outline the
points you have come up with and emphasize that there are a lot more
ideas which would take longer to implement but will yield better ROI.
The aim is to show the interviewer that you have both short-term and long-
term plans in mind.
11. Let’s say I represent the competitor who is buying the same trademarked
keyword owned by your department. Despite a polite email, I have
refused to stop bidding on your trademark term. What possible ways will
you adopt?
Trademark infringement is an issue in PPC industry and leads to inevitable
consequences. This question tests the candidate’s knowledge on Google
trademark infringement policy as well as the best practices for bidding on a
competitor’s keywords. You have to reflect your conflict resolution skills.
12. Differentiate Google Attribution and Google Attribution 360?
To fulfill advertisers’ need to analyze their campaigns, Google introduced
Google Attribution. It incorporates most advanced machine learning that
lets marketers measure the impact of their marketing campaigns across
different devices and marketing channels.
Google Attribution 360 is updated version of Google Attribution. It
integrates Google Analytics, DoubleClick Bid Manager, DoubleClick
Campaign Manager, and DoubleClick Search to let you receive all your
marketing event data within 48 hours.
Key Differences between Google Attribution & Google Attribution 360 are- Email:
Contact: +91 40 32 990 399
Google Attribution is Free and it offers Data Collection, Expanded Data
Collection, 1P Bidding Integration, and Standard Reports.
Google Attribution 360 is paid and it offers Data Collection, Expanded Data
Collection, 1P bidding integration, and standard reports along with Digital
Optimizer, 3P Cost Data & Custom Data Upload, Custom Configuration &
Custom Dimensions, Advanced Reports, 3P bidding integration, Data
Export, and Reprocessing.
13. Explain why to use Google Adwords?
Google Adwords behave differently to traffic that comes from Google
Adwords or “Pay Per Click”. The traffic that comes through surfing often
visits the website for information, whereas the traffic via pay per click
knows what they are clicking on and what they want to buy. So few visitors
through Adwords might be more valuable than million visitors.
14. Explain how you can improve conversion rates?
By creating ads that match properly with keywords and create tightly
themed ad groups, you can target users to the campaign that helps in
15. Explain what is the meaning of CTR and how you can calculate?
CTR stands for Click through rate that tells the number of visitors visited on
your ad on the web page. The formula for calculating CTR is
Number of click / Number of impressions X 100
These will give you an answer in percentage like what percentage of
customers have viewed your ad.
16. Mention what all things can be done using Google Ad API?
With Google Ad API, you can build an application that can do following
You can automatically generate keywords, ad text, custom reports and
landing pages
Develop additional applications and tools to help you manage accounts
Synchronize Adwords data with your inventory system to manage
campaigns based on stock. Email:
Contact: +91 40 32 990 399
17. How will you cross-check whether your SEO campaign is working or not?
To check whether your SEO campaign is working or not, the first approach
is to check the websites statistics, which tells you about the origin of traffic.
The other way of checking is to make a search based on the relevant
keywords and key phrases and look for the search result. The number of
search result will tell you whether your SEO campaign is working or not.
18. What will be your next steps if your SEO methods or technique does not
My first attempt would to try analysis the problem and resolve them step
by step
Firstly I would try to see whether it is a new project, and then like to re-
check the key words.
Also, I would look for relevant key-words that can be helpful.
Even though the webpage and website has been indexed well and still not
appearing on the first 10 pages of search engine result page, then I would
make some changes in page text, titles and description.
If website is not indexed well or dropped from the index, than it might
comprises serious issues and re-work might be required.
19. What will you do, for the company website you are working for, decides
to move all the contents to new domain?
The first step would be to update the previous site with a permanent
redirect to new page for all the pages. After that, I will remove the previous
content from search engine in order to avoid duplicate content issues.
20. Can you optimize the website which has pages in millions?
From SEO point of view, for dynamic website, special additional SEO stuffs
have to be implemented.
 Good Internal link structure
 Generation of dynamic title and description
 Dynamic XML sitemap generation Email:
Contact: +91 40 32 990 399
21. What are Automatic bidding strategies?
The Automated bidding strategies are as follows:
I.Maximize Clicks:-
Automatically set bid to help to get as many clicks as your budget.
II.Target Search Page Location:-
Automatically set your bid to help increase the chances that your ad appear
at the top the page or on the 1st page of search results.
III.Target Out Ranking Share:-
You choose a domain you want to outrank and how often you want to
IV.Target CPA:-
Automatically set bids to help to get as many conversions as possible at the
target CPA you set.Some conversations may cost more or less than your
target CPA.
V.Enhance CPC:-
Automatically adjust manual bids to try to maximize conversions.
22. What are the Targeting options in Search network ads?
 Keywords
 Demographics
 Interests and topics
 placements
23. What are the Targeting options in Display network ads?
 Remarketing
 Demographics
 Interests and topics
 placements
 Auto & Manual
24. What are the access levels in AdWords?
 Email Access
 Read-only Access Email:
Contact: +91 40 32 990 399
 Standard Access
 Admin Access
25. What are the different types of billing strategies?
There are three different types of billing strategies:
I.Automatic billing
II.Manual billing
III.Monthly invoice
I.Automatic billing
It automatically increases the billing based upon your ads.
II.Manual billing:
By manually we can do the billing.
III.Monthly invoice
if we want to do monthly invoice the company must complete at least one
year of registration. You must spend 5000$ at least in a month.
26. What is Ad rotation?
If you have multiple ads within an ad group your ad will rotate because no
more than one add from your account can show at a time.
27. What is Rotate Evenly?
When an ad group is enabled will rotate the ads in the ad group evenly for
a 90 day period.
28. What is Rotate Indefinitely?
The setting delivers your add more evenly into an adoption but does so far
an indefinite amount of time and does not optimize.
29. What is IP Exclusions?
You can exclude IP address by campaigns so, that all adds to the campaign
are blocked from computers and networks associated with those IP
address. You can take care adds of certain neighborhoods of the internet
map by excluding the IP address.
30. What is Adwords Experiments?
Adwords Experiments it allows you to test changes to your account on the
portion of the auction that your ads participate. Email:
Contact: +91 40 32 990 399
31. What is Keyword Insertion?
It lets you automatically update your ads with the keywords in an ad group;
this can help make your ads more relevant to user searching for what you
There are three different types of keyword insertion:
I.Title case
II.Sentence case
III.Lower case
I.Title case:
The first letter of all your keywords should be capital.
{Keyword: Default Text}
II.Sentence case
Only First letter of keyword will be capital.
III.Lower case
No letter should be capital.
32. What is an Opportunities tab?
It is an entire section dedicated to helping to improve your can
help you to discover new keywords improve bid budget etc.
33. What are Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool?
A tool in your account that helps to identify why your add or ad extension
might not be appearing the tool also shows a preview of
Google search results page for specific terms this helps you to see which ad
and ad extension is showing for the keyword.
34. What is Over delivery credit?
Over delivery credit is when AdWords show your ad more than what your
daily budget would normally allow, your daily cost would be up to 20%
more than average daily budget but in complete monthly billing period you
will never be charged more than your monthly charging limit. Email:
Contact: +91 40 32 990 399
35. What are Invalid Clicks?
Clicks on the ad that Google considers to be ill legitimate such as
unintentional clicks or clicks resulting from malicious software.
36. What is PLA?
PLA Stands for Product Listing Ads. This ad strategy is used to advertise
products ads on Google search and partners.
This campaign is also called as shopping campaign mostly used by E-
commerce website.
37. What has been the biggest challenge of your digital marketing career so
far? And how did you overcome it?
When an employer asks you this question, they want to know how you deal
with challenges and roadblocks and potentially even how you deal with
failure. Why? Because challenges are guaranteed to crop up in every role &
the employer wants to make sure you're not going to crumble and struggle
to cope when they do. Think carefully about the challenges you've
encounted in your career and what the outcome of these challenges have
38. How do you think your experience of digital marketing will benefit our
It's all going to come down to your own personal experience, so think about
what you've done in the past and what skills you've picked up which they
might not necessarily have in-house which could benefit the business
overall. Also consider any particular digital marketing campaigns that you
learnt a lot from and how this particular knowledge could help the
39. How many ads should I have in every ad group?
Over the years, my response to this question has changed. In recent times,
I’ve come to embrace the more-can-be-better approach, allowing the
platform to assist in sorting out what’s performing best. When using a
“Rotate Evenly” setting, I try to stick to a manageable 2-3 ads at a time.
However, if I’m utilizing any kind of setting with an automated “optimize” Email:
Contact: +91 40 32 990 399
element, I typically double the number of ads in rotation and allow them to
fall into their own ranking.
40. When do you conclude an ad test?
For a search campaign it is typically 1,000-2,000 impressions or 200 clicks
within the ad group. These are simply thresholds for knowing when to
wrap, and sometimes you don’t have a clear winner. At that time, I look for
statistical significance, using one of many online options, or my favorite:
the Teasley calculator.
41. What’s the best way to decide what ad wins in a test? (What’s the best
metric to use?)
In the article linked above, Brad Geddes outlines one of my favorite metrics
for ad testing: Impression until conversion. This essentially blends CTR and
conversion rate, indicating that the lower the number, the fewer number of
times an ad needs to be shown to generate a lead. This metric incorporates
cost efficiency, quality score (CTR attribute), and messaging.
42. Should I have different match types in different ad groups, campaigns?
This is ultimately a personal preference while balancing your management
needs and capabilities. I prefer to segment match type by campaign, as it
allows for greater spend-to-query control. Others prefer to keep all the
same content in a single campaign with ad groups split into BMM, Exact,
etc. Both of these approaches take advantage of embedded negatives for
additional control. And some managers still use the original method of
putting all match type variations in a single ad group, often utilizing tiered
bidding to push for exact matching.
43. How do I know if conversion tracking is working correctly?
My favorite approach to for this is utilizing extensions. The Google Tag
Assistant for Chrome is easy to use and understand. It’s not perfect but it
does quickly alert you to issues that are worth digging in to further. There’s
also a Google Analytics Debugger extensions with provides a similar service
focusing on GA tracking specifically. Similarly Facebook has rolled out the
Pixel Helper extension, which can aid in diagnosing tracking for FB. Email:
Contact: +91 40 32 990 399
44. Do Product Listing Ads work?
Shopping campaigns are an integral part an e-commerce businesses digital
marketing strategy. Not only can you use them in Google and Bing
platforms, but there are countless opportunities through social media as
well as other ad exchanges. If you’re still not using PLAs, you are missing
out on revenue every single day.
45. Should I bid on competitor’s brand names?
Many find success in doing this. CTR and Quality Score will likely be low on
these terms but if your goal is to beat your competitors to the punch, this
may be a good fit. A safe start to competitor bidding is focusing only on
your remarketing lists, meaning they’ve looked at your site but they’re still
shopping around. Use this opportunity to serve compelling ad copy with
your best deals, pricing, or USPs before you lose the customer for good.
Important: Make sure you don’t use dynamic keyword insertion in your ads
on these campaigns or else you could violate trademark policies.
46. Should I bid on my own brand terms?
In a word, yes. If you’re in a highly competitive industry, you are potentially
losing sales from others getting their ads above your organic listings. And if
you are in a low-competition field, you may not see much activity, which
means it didn’t do any harm.
47. What is DFA?
Double Click for Advertisers. DFA is an ad server which is used to track
impressions and clicks for your creatives on various networks. You can’t buy
inventory through DFA. You can only track the performance of your
campaigns. Main functions of DFA is ad trafficking and reporting.
48. What is DFP?
DFP stands for Double Click for Publishers. If the publisher prefers to
manage themselves the ads which will be broadcasted on their websites,
they use DFP. For example most of the public sites like, etc use DFP for ads. Email:
Contact: +91 40 32 990 399
49. What is DBM?
DBM (DoubleClick Bid Manager) is a demand-side platform (DSP) from
Google. This helps in buying display media ads using programmatic
50. What is meant by Campaign Management?
Campaign management is a process of creating and managing an
advertising campaign for a company on Google AdWords. In this we have to
divide the campaign based on AdGroups and select relevant keywords for
each adgroups. Manage the ad formats and bidding for keywords etc.
Campaign manager overall responsibility is to manage the campaign and
provide a Positive ROI.
51. Do you think DFA is an ad exchange?
No DFA is a not an ad exchange. The purpose of DFA is to track and analyze
the impressions/clicks received on the ad creative’s.
52. What is Google AdWords Double Serving Policy?
It means that an advertiser cannot advertise for same keywords/websites
from multiple accounts. The purpose of this policy is to avoid showing ads
of same companies or companies with common ownership. So the users
can see the ads from different providers
53. What is Remarketing Audience and how to generate this list?
Remarketing audience are the users who visited our website. Using Google
Remarketing tag in our website, we can add the users as our audience list.

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Interview question & Answers for 3+ years experienced in Digital Marketing | LearningSlot

  • 1. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399 Digital Marketing Interview Question & Answers for 3+ Experience 1. If I plan to expand my business to Singapore, is there a need to get listed on local search engines and directories? People across the world rely on the US-based search companies. Google has versions of its search engines for many different countries whereas Yahoo and the Open Directory have international branches of their directories. By getting listed on a smaller regional or local website directory, the company can boost their search engine placement on all of the major search engines by increasing popularity i.e. the number and quality of links to your site. There are some local directories providing direct links to a website listed whereas others use scripts to track clicks on the sites listed. This helps in driving visitors to your website. 2. What are the hallmarks of a good PPC landing page? The hallmarks of a good PPC landing page considers the following aspects:  An attractive and powerful headline  A supportive tagline  Trust symbols  A list of advantages  A clear CTA (call to action)  A lead capture form Use an image showing the context of use or a graphic that appeal to the visitors’ emotional side. 3. What type of Ad Copy you’d prefer for an E-Commerce PPC Campaign? Product Listing Ads (PLAs) are best for E-commerce PPC campaign. PLAs are actually the square units that let you include titles, prices and images of E-commerce products, which makes it perfect for E-Commerce PPC Campaigns. PLA Ad Copy uses Google product feeds and is connected
  • 2. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399 to Google Merchant Center account. The very same feature in Bing is known as Product Ads, and Bing Merchant Centre manages it. 4. If my PPC goal is to increase traffic to my website, then what should be my PPC marketing plan? The PPC marketing plan to increase traffic to your website should be focusing on Click Through Rate (CTR). According to WordStream, “PPC click-through rate is the rate at which your PPC ads are clicked. This number is the percentage of people who view your ad (impressions) and then actually go on to click the ad (clicks). The formula for CTR looks like this: (Total Clicks on Ad) / (Total Impressions) = Click Through Rate” 5. How to track conversions in Google AdWords? In Google AdWords, conversion tracking can be done by: Enabling your ad rotation setting to optimize for clicks which means AdWords will serve the ads it feels are likely to be clicked. View-through conversions window option tracks when a person sees your ad but doesn’t click it. This is called impression. Tracking purchases by involving basic tracking code provided by AdWords and modifying it with an additional code unique to your particular e- commerce platform. A person can know when customers click on their ad for the first time and how frequently they saw your ad before converting by accessing search funnels inside tools and analysis. 6. How many keywords should I have per ad group? Depending upon the level of ad control (by changing your keyword count), the number of keywords in an ad group varies. For almost 50% of the advertisers, 10-20 keywords per ad group will work fine. However, newbies to PPC often fill ad groups with over 100 keywords but this doesn’t work well. This is because your ad group is serving one ad message, therefore that one single ad has to represent all of your different keywords.
  • 3. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399 AdWords’ Quality Score system loves it when your ad, your keyword & your landing page work in perfect harmony and are closely relevant. Too many keywords lead to too little relevance in your ad. 7. What factors affect Quality Score? Here are some factors affecting the Quality Score or QS:  Historic Account data  Landing page quality  Relevance of keywords and ads  CTR of the keyword 8. If I want to tell AdWords the amount of money I am willing to pay for a conversion, then what bidding method should I choose? CPA bidding method will enable you tell the AdWords the amount of money you want to pay for a conversion. CPA is actually Cost-per-Acquisition bidding that helps you in reaching to the customers who are most likely to convert. 2 types of CPA bidding are- Target CPA- It is the average amount you want to pay for a conversion Maximum CPA- It is the maximum amount you would want to pay for each conversion 9. Explain the role of negative keywords in PPC with an example? Negative keywords are used to eradicate unqualified traffic. For example, if you are running an advertising campaign for ‘High Value Custom Furniture’, adding ‘Free’, ‘Cheap’ or ‘Bargain’ as your negative keywords will not include your Ad in search results for queries like ‘Free Furniture’, ‘Cheap Furniture’, or ‘Bargain Furniture’. Note- It is one of the most important PPC interview questions and your concept has to be clear about the same.
  • 4. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399 10. What could be done to reduce the costs for paid media campaigns without losing traffic tomorrow? With this question, the interview wants to know your ways of hitting the ground and making an instant difference to their business. Do research. Your answers don’t have to be complicated or extremely detailed. Have a glance at the company’s current activity and list three quick changes which would act as instant wins. While answering such questions, outline the points you have come up with and emphasize that there are a lot more ideas which would take longer to implement but will yield better ROI. The aim is to show the interviewer that you have both short-term and long- term plans in mind. 11. Let’s say I represent the competitor who is buying the same trademarked keyword owned by your department. Despite a polite email, I have refused to stop bidding on your trademark term. What possible ways will you adopt? Trademark infringement is an issue in PPC industry and leads to inevitable consequences. This question tests the candidate’s knowledge on Google trademark infringement policy as well as the best practices for bidding on a competitor’s keywords. You have to reflect your conflict resolution skills. 12. Differentiate Google Attribution and Google Attribution 360? To fulfill advertisers’ need to analyze their campaigns, Google introduced Google Attribution. It incorporates most advanced machine learning that lets marketers measure the impact of their marketing campaigns across different devices and marketing channels. Google Attribution 360 is updated version of Google Attribution. It integrates Google Analytics, DoubleClick Bid Manager, DoubleClick Campaign Manager, and DoubleClick Search to let you receive all your marketing event data within 48 hours. Key Differences between Google Attribution & Google Attribution 360 are-
  • 5. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399 Google Attribution is Free and it offers Data Collection, Expanded Data Collection, 1P Bidding Integration, and Standard Reports. Google Attribution 360 is paid and it offers Data Collection, Expanded Data Collection, 1P bidding integration, and standard reports along with Digital Optimizer, 3P Cost Data & Custom Data Upload, Custom Configuration & Custom Dimensions, Advanced Reports, 3P bidding integration, Data Export, and Reprocessing. 13. Explain why to use Google Adwords? Google Adwords behave differently to traffic that comes from Google Adwords or “Pay Per Click”. The traffic that comes through surfing often visits the website for information, whereas the traffic via pay per click knows what they are clicking on and what they want to buy. So few visitors through Adwords might be more valuable than million visitors. 14. Explain how you can improve conversion rates? By creating ads that match properly with keywords and create tightly themed ad groups, you can target users to the campaign that helps in conversions. 15. Explain what is the meaning of CTR and how you can calculate? CTR stands for Click through rate that tells the number of visitors visited on your ad on the web page. The formula for calculating CTR is Number of click / Number of impressions X 100 These will give you an answer in percentage like what percentage of customers have viewed your ad. 16. Mention what all things can be done using Google Ad API? With Google Ad API, you can build an application that can do following things You can automatically generate keywords, ad text, custom reports and landing pages Develop additional applications and tools to help you manage accounts Synchronize Adwords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns based on stock.
  • 6. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399 17. How will you cross-check whether your SEO campaign is working or not? To check whether your SEO campaign is working or not, the first approach is to check the websites statistics, which tells you about the origin of traffic. The other way of checking is to make a search based on the relevant keywords and key phrases and look for the search result. The number of search result will tell you whether your SEO campaign is working or not. 18. What will be your next steps if your SEO methods or technique does not work? My first attempt would to try analysis the problem and resolve them step by step Firstly I would try to see whether it is a new project, and then like to re- check the key words. Also, I would look for relevant key-words that can be helpful. Even though the webpage and website has been indexed well and still not appearing on the first 10 pages of search engine result page, then I would make some changes in page text, titles and description. If website is not indexed well or dropped from the index, than it might comprises serious issues and re-work might be required. 19. What will you do, for the company website you are working for, decides to move all the contents to new domain? The first step would be to update the previous site with a permanent redirect to new page for all the pages. After that, I will remove the previous content from search engine in order to avoid duplicate content issues. 20. Can you optimize the website which has pages in millions? From SEO point of view, for dynamic website, special additional SEO stuffs have to be implemented.  Good Internal link structure  Generation of dynamic title and description  Dynamic XML sitemap generation
  • 7. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399 21. What are Automatic bidding strategies? The Automated bidding strategies are as follows: I.Maximize Clicks:- Automatically set bid to help to get as many clicks as your budget. II.Target Search Page Location:- Automatically set your bid to help increase the chances that your ad appear at the top the page or on the 1st page of search results. III.Target Out Ranking Share:- You choose a domain you want to outrank and how often you want to outraken. IV.Target CPA:- Automatically set bids to help to get as many conversions as possible at the target CPA you set.Some conversations may cost more or less than your target CPA. V.Enhance CPC:- Automatically adjust manual bids to try to maximize conversions. 22. What are the Targeting options in Search network ads?  Keywords  Demographics  Interests and topics  placements 23. What are the Targeting options in Display network ads?  Remarketing  Demographics  Interests and topics  placements  Auto & Manual 24. What are the access levels in AdWords?  Email Access  Read-only Access
  • 8. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399  Standard Access  Admin Access 25. What are the different types of billing strategies? There are three different types of billing strategies: I.Automatic billing II.Manual billing III.Monthly invoice I.Automatic billing It automatically increases the billing based upon your ads. II.Manual billing: By manually we can do the billing. III.Monthly invoice if we want to do monthly invoice the company must complete at least one year of registration. You must spend 5000$ at least in a month. 26. What is Ad rotation? If you have multiple ads within an ad group your ad will rotate because no more than one add from your account can show at a time. 27. What is Rotate Evenly? When an ad group is enabled will rotate the ads in the ad group evenly for a 90 day period. 28. What is Rotate Indefinitely? The setting delivers your add more evenly into an adoption but does so far an indefinite amount of time and does not optimize. 29. What is IP Exclusions? You can exclude IP address by campaigns so, that all adds to the campaign are blocked from computers and networks associated with those IP address. You can take care adds of certain neighborhoods of the internet map by excluding the IP address. 30. What is Adwords Experiments? Adwords Experiments it allows you to test changes to your account on the portion of the auction that your ads participate.
  • 9. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399 31. What is Keyword Insertion? It lets you automatically update your ads with the keywords in an ad group; this can help make your ads more relevant to user searching for what you offer. There are three different types of keyword insertion: I.Title case II.Sentence case III.Lower case I.Title case: The first letter of all your keywords should be capital. {Keyword: Default Text} II.Sentence case Only First letter of keyword will be capital. III.Lower case No letter should be capital. 32. What is an Opportunities tab? It is an entire section dedicated to helping to improve your can help you to discover new keywords improve bid budget etc. 33. What are Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool? A tool in your account that helps to identify why your add or ad extension might not be appearing the tool also shows a preview of Google search results page for specific terms this helps you to see which ad and ad extension is showing for the keyword. 34. What is Over delivery credit? Over delivery credit is when AdWords show your ad more than what your daily budget would normally allow, your daily cost would be up to 20% more than average daily budget but in complete monthly billing period you will never be charged more than your monthly charging limit.
  • 10. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399 35. What are Invalid Clicks? Clicks on the ad that Google considers to be ill legitimate such as unintentional clicks or clicks resulting from malicious software. 36. What is PLA? PLA Stands for Product Listing Ads. This ad strategy is used to advertise products ads on Google search and partners. This campaign is also called as shopping campaign mostly used by E- commerce website. 37. What has been the biggest challenge of your digital marketing career so far? And how did you overcome it? When an employer asks you this question, they want to know how you deal with challenges and roadblocks and potentially even how you deal with failure. Why? Because challenges are guaranteed to crop up in every role & the employer wants to make sure you're not going to crumble and struggle to cope when they do. Think carefully about the challenges you've encounted in your career and what the outcome of these challenges have been. 38. How do you think your experience of digital marketing will benefit our business? It's all going to come down to your own personal experience, so think about what you've done in the past and what skills you've picked up which they might not necessarily have in-house which could benefit the business overall. Also consider any particular digital marketing campaigns that you learnt a lot from and how this particular knowledge could help the business. 39. How many ads should I have in every ad group? Over the years, my response to this question has changed. In recent times, I’ve come to embrace the more-can-be-better approach, allowing the platform to assist in sorting out what’s performing best. When using a “Rotate Evenly” setting, I try to stick to a manageable 2-3 ads at a time. However, if I’m utilizing any kind of setting with an automated “optimize”
  • 11. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399 element, I typically double the number of ads in rotation and allow them to fall into their own ranking. 40. When do you conclude an ad test? For a search campaign it is typically 1,000-2,000 impressions or 200 clicks within the ad group. These are simply thresholds for knowing when to wrap, and sometimes you don’t have a clear winner. At that time, I look for statistical significance, using one of many online options, or my favorite: the Teasley calculator. 41. What’s the best way to decide what ad wins in a test? (What’s the best metric to use?) In the article linked above, Brad Geddes outlines one of my favorite metrics for ad testing: Impression until conversion. This essentially blends CTR and conversion rate, indicating that the lower the number, the fewer number of times an ad needs to be shown to generate a lead. This metric incorporates cost efficiency, quality score (CTR attribute), and messaging. 42. Should I have different match types in different ad groups, campaigns? This is ultimately a personal preference while balancing your management needs and capabilities. I prefer to segment match type by campaign, as it allows for greater spend-to-query control. Others prefer to keep all the same content in a single campaign with ad groups split into BMM, Exact, etc. Both of these approaches take advantage of embedded negatives for additional control. And some managers still use the original method of putting all match type variations in a single ad group, often utilizing tiered bidding to push for exact matching. 43. How do I know if conversion tracking is working correctly? My favorite approach to for this is utilizing extensions. The Google Tag Assistant for Chrome is easy to use and understand. It’s not perfect but it does quickly alert you to issues that are worth digging in to further. There’s also a Google Analytics Debugger extensions with provides a similar service focusing on GA tracking specifically. Similarly Facebook has rolled out the Pixel Helper extension, which can aid in diagnosing tracking for FB.
  • 12. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399 44. Do Product Listing Ads work? Shopping campaigns are an integral part an e-commerce businesses digital marketing strategy. Not only can you use them in Google and Bing platforms, but there are countless opportunities through social media as well as other ad exchanges. If you’re still not using PLAs, you are missing out on revenue every single day. 45. Should I bid on competitor’s brand names? Many find success in doing this. CTR and Quality Score will likely be low on these terms but if your goal is to beat your competitors to the punch, this may be a good fit. A safe start to competitor bidding is focusing only on your remarketing lists, meaning they’ve looked at your site but they’re still shopping around. Use this opportunity to serve compelling ad copy with your best deals, pricing, or USPs before you lose the customer for good. Important: Make sure you don’t use dynamic keyword insertion in your ads on these campaigns or else you could violate trademark policies. 46. Should I bid on my own brand terms? In a word, yes. If you’re in a highly competitive industry, you are potentially losing sales from others getting their ads above your organic listings. And if you are in a low-competition field, you may not see much activity, which means it didn’t do any harm. 47. What is DFA? Double Click for Advertisers. DFA is an ad server which is used to track impressions and clicks for your creatives on various networks. You can’t buy inventory through DFA. You can only track the performance of your campaigns. Main functions of DFA is ad trafficking and reporting. 48. What is DFP? DFP stands for Double Click for Publishers. If the publisher prefers to manage themselves the ads which will be broadcasted on their websites, they use DFP. For example most of the public sites like, etc use DFP for ads.
  • 13. Email: Contact: +91 40 32 990 399 49. What is DBM? DBM (DoubleClick Bid Manager) is a demand-side platform (DSP) from Google. This helps in buying display media ads using programmatic strategy. 50. What is meant by Campaign Management? Campaign management is a process of creating and managing an advertising campaign for a company on Google AdWords. In this we have to divide the campaign based on AdGroups and select relevant keywords for each adgroups. Manage the ad formats and bidding for keywords etc. Campaign manager overall responsibility is to manage the campaign and provide a Positive ROI. 51. Do you think DFA is an ad exchange? No DFA is a not an ad exchange. The purpose of DFA is to track and analyze the impressions/clicks received on the ad creative’s. 52. What is Google AdWords Double Serving Policy? It means that an advertiser cannot advertise for same keywords/websites from multiple accounts. The purpose of this policy is to avoid showing ads of same companies or companies with common ownership. So the users can see the ads from different providers 53. What is Remarketing Audience and how to generate this list? Remarketing audience are the users who visited our website. Using Google Remarketing tag in our website, we can add the users as our audience list.