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                            Executive Summary               2
                            United Kingdom
                                     Internet Usage         3
                                     Online Activities      4
                                     Advertising Spend      5
                                     Internet Advertising   6
                                     Paid Search            7
                                     Display Advertising    8
                                     Mobile Marketing       9
                                     Social Media           10
                                     Internet Usage         14
                                     Internet Advertising   15
                                     Social Media           16
                                     France Overview        17
Source of all statistics:
                                     Spain Overview         20
                                     Belgium Overview       23
                            About WSI                       26
UK & EUROPE                                    Executive Summary

                                             Despite Economic Turmoil, Digital Ad
                                             Spending on the Rise; Mobile
                                             Marketing to Spike in 2012

                                             As Europe continues to struggle with a stubborn sovereign debt
                                             crisis, the region’s online ad spending is actually prospering,
                                             despite the difficult general economic environment. Given the
                                             harsh fiscal climate, however, total media ad spending is not
                                             expected to rise substantially. As a result, Europe’s still burgeoning
                                             online ad spending market will take a greater share of total ad
                                             spending and remain one of the only growing forms of ad spend.
                                             Overall, market conditions in Europe highlight the importance of
                                             and place more emphasis on forms of Internet marketing and

                                             In similar fashion to the past few years, Internet advertising
                                             formats such as paid search, display ads and social media
                                             marketing experienced an increase in spending among UK and
                                             European Marketers in 2011, continuing the shift away from
                                             offline advertising like newspaper, radio and television. Recent
                                             statistics suggest that this trend will continue through 2012 and

                                             A relative newcomer to online advertising, mobile marketing
                                             exploded in 2011 and all signs indicate that it will become one of
                                             the leading forms of Internet ad spending in the very near future.
                                             The use of smartphones and tablets is increasing so rapidly that, in
                                             most European countries, over 90% of the population operates a
                                             mobile device. As people get more comfortable searching and
                                             interacting on the go, the Internet’s landscape is once again
                                             changing, and mobile marketing is certainly at the forefront.

                                             This Internet Marketing Trends Report is a brief summary of the
                                             current online marketing stats and patterns in the UK and Europe,
                                             as well predictions for the next few years. Specifically, the report
                                             covers Internet usage and penetration, advertising spending,
                                             Internet marketing, social media trends and activities and the
                                             expansion of mobile marketing.

Copyright ©2012 by Research and Management                                                                  Page 2
                                                                      WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012
UNITED KINGDOM                         Internet Usage

UK Internet Users by Age
and Gender

 The majority of the UK’s online
population is between the ages of 16-
44 (57%)

 17% of UK Internet users are
between the ages of 16-24, 20% are
between 25-34 and another 20% are
between 35-44

 The third highest share of UK
Internet users is the 45-54 age bracket
at 19%

UK Internet Users and

 The UK’s Internet use is still on the
rise, with a projected increase of 1.2
million people from 2011 to 2012

 By 2016, the number of UK Internet
users is expected to climb to 50.4
million, which would be an increase of
9 million users over the five year
period between 2011-2016

 The percentage of the UK’s overall
population who uses the Internet is
also increasing; by 2016, almost 80%
of the UK is projected to be using the

 Copyright ©2012 by Research and Management                                        Page 3
                                                  WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012
UNITED KINGDOM                              Online Activities

Online Services Used by
UK Internet Users
Facebook is the most popular online
activity among Internet users in the UK
(65% of respondents)

 YouTube is the second most popular
online activity among Internet users in
the UK (50% of respondents in
February 2012)

 Twitter is the distant third most
popular online activity among Internet
users in the UK (only 23% of
respondents in February 2012)

 Other popular online activities
among Internet users in the UK include,       Windows
Live, LinkedIn and Google+

Top Ten Websites Among                              Top 10 Websites Among UK Internet
UK Internet Users                                            Users, Dec 2011
 Google UK is the most popular site in      10
the UK with 9.67% market share of             6
visits in December 2011                       4
 The next most popular site is                                                                   %
Facebook (7.58% share)

 YouTube ranked in third place
(3.41%) and eBay UK in fourth (1.81%)
                                                             Source: Experian Hitwise, Jan
 Other sites listed in the top ten
include Windows Live mail, MSN UK,
BBC News and Yahoo! UK and Ireland

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                                                          WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
UNITED KINGDOM                          Advertising Spend

UK Ad              Spending,              by
 Ad spending in the UK is heading into
a period of low growth (only 2%
change is expected). Internet ad
spending      in     the     UK      in
2012, however, is projected to climb
by 11.3% over 2011’s final ad spend of
£3,772 million

 Conversely, press ad spending, which
has been on a steady decline since
2009, is expected to drop from £3,307
million in 2011 to €3,012 million in
2012 (a 9% drop). Radio ad spending is
also projected to take a 1% hit in 2012

 TV and cinema ad spending project
to hold steady, with 1.5% and 0%
growth rates

UK Display Ad Revenue
Share, by Industry
 According    to    the    Interactive
Advertising Bureau, the finance
industry led 2011 in online display ad
revenue, with a 15.6% share

 Ranked a close second in online
display ad revenue for 2011 was the
consumer goods industry, which held a
14.5% share

 Other industries with a significant
share of 2011’s display ad revenue
included entertainment and the media
(12.4%), travel and transport (10.3%)
and retail (9.7%)

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                                                   WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012
UNITED KINGDOM                                 Internet Advertising

Steady Increase in Online
Ad Spending
                                                                UK Online Ad Spending, 2010-2014
                                             Source: eMarketer, Nov (£ billions and % change)
 eMarketer predicts that £5.09 billion      2011
will be spent advertising online this                                                                  6.72
year in the UK, a 12% increase over          6                                               6.2
2011                                         5
                                             4          4.1                                             10%
 According to the same study, £6.22                                                 12%
billion will be spent advertising online     3                         11%
next year (11% increase)                     2
 This growth is expected to continue
into 2014, when £6.72 billion will be        0
spent advertising online (an increase                   2010           2011          2012    2013       2014
of 10% over 2013)

Internet Advertising to
Take Lead Share of Total
                                                           Projected UK Advertising Spend Share, by
UK Ad Spend                                                        Media, 2012 (% of total)
 35% of total advertising spending in                                        1.5%                      Internet
the UK is expected to be allocated                                      7%
toward online advertising in 2012,
which would give it the leading share                                                 35%               TV
by 7% over TV (28%)                                                    28%
                                                                               25%                      Radio
 Press is expected to garner the third
largest share of ad spend (25%), while                                                                  Cinema
the remainder will be divided among
outdoor, radio and cinema

Copyright ©2012 by Research and Management                                                               Page 6
                                                                        WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012
UNITED KINGDOM                         Paid Search

Paid Search Remains
Leading UK Online Ad
Spend Format
 Paid search advertising is expected
to increase at a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 9.7% over the
next few years and will climb to nearly
$6 billion by 2015

 In 2012, paid search advertising
spend is projected to reach $4.45
billion, which would be an 11%
increase of 2011

 Overall, paid search advertising will
continue to hold more than a 50%
share of total UK online ad spending.
By 2015, the next closest share is
expected to be held by display
advertising (a 27% share)
Industries Using Search
Advertising in the UK
 UK’s paid search spending share is
still dominated by one device, with
computers holding a share of over

 A noticeable trend is occurring as
both smartphones and tablets are
rapidly taking an equal portion of the
paid search spending share away from

 As the overall usage of smartphones
and tablets steadily rises, more
searches will be conducted on these
devices, which means the trend will
likely continue into 2012 and beyond

 Copyright ©2012 by Research and Management                                        Page 7
                                                  WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012
UNITED KINGDOM                               Display Advertising

 UK Continues to Spend
 More       on  Display
                                                     UK Display Ad Spending Share, 2011-2015
 Advertising                                  Source: eMarketer, Nov  (by %)

  According to eMarketer, display ad’s
 spending share in the UK          will
 experience small but steady growth in
 2012, rising from 23.7% to 24.8%              25
                                               24                                                            (%)
  Display ad spending in the UK is            23
 expected to increase its share all the        22
 way to 26.6% by 2015, nearly a full 3%                  2011          2012   2013   2014    2015
 jump from 2011

Video Advertising
Experiences Rapid

 Display – more specifically, video
advertising – will experience the
highest growth rate among all UK
online ad spending by a significant

 In 2012, eMarketer forecasts that
video    advertising   spend    will
experience 70.7% growth, which is
more than 50% higher than the
second highest projection (email at

 The growth of video advertising’s
spend is predicted to drop slightly over
the next few years, but its expected
growth rate of 45.2% for 2015 is still
extremely high and indicative of a
powerful trend
 Copyright ©2012 by Research and Management                                                               Page 8
                                                                         WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012
UNITED KINGDOM                         Mobile Marketing

Mobile Advertising Takes
a Larger Budget Share
 In 2011, 29% of UK marketers will
  spend 6-10% of their total digital
  budget on mobile advertising

 This is a considerable increase
  over the 13% that said they would
  allocate that share toward mobile
  advertising in 2009

 13% of marketers will spend 11-
  20% of their total digital budget
  on mobile advertising this
  year, while 6% of respondents
  said that 21-40% of their budget
  will be spent on mobile

Mobile Advertising
Spending Will Soar in the
Next Few Years
 Mobile advertising spending saw
 a slight increase between 2009 to
 2010 but is expected to jump
 even more over the coming years

 In 2010, £49.8 million was spent
  on mobile advertising in the UK, a
  £12.2 million increase over 2009

 This number is expected to surge
  by 2014 with an estimated £285
  million to be spent on mobile
  advertising in the UK

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                        Page 9
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
UNITED KINGDOM                         Social Media

More People Using Social
Networks in the UK
 This year, more than half of all
  Internet users (52.6%) in the UK
  will be on the social networks
  totaling to 24 million people

 In 2012, 55.3% of the online
  population will be using social
  networking sites (25.9 million)

 27.7 million people will use social
  networks in 2013 and by 2014,
  almost 60% of the UK online
  population will become social
  network users

Social Networks Are Being
Used Several Times a Day
 Social network usage is becoming
 a daily activity in the UK

 69% of UK social network users
  said they use social network sites
  several times or at least once a day

 21% of respondents use social
  networks several times or once a
  week, whereas 7% use social
  networks several times or once a

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 10
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
UNITED KINGDOM                         Social Media

Most Popular Social
Networks in the UK
 The #1 social network in the UK is
  Facebook with 33.1 million
  unique visitors, reaching 76.3% of
  the population

 The 2nd most popular social site is
  Windows Live with 6.8 million
  unique visitors (15.8% reach)

 Twitter came in 3rd place with an
  11.6% reach (5 million visitors)

 Other popular social networks
  include LinkedIn (4th), MySpace
  (5th) and Bebo (6th)

Trust for Social
Networks, Forums, Blogs &
 19% of consumers between the
  ages of 18-34 in the UK, Canada
  and USA said they trust
  information found on social

 Meanwhile 14% of those in the
  same age bracket said they trust
  online forums, blogs, reviews and
  chat rooms

 Overall, consumers agreed they
  had more trust in social networks
  (12% of respondents) than online
  forums, blogs, reviews or chat
  rooms (8% of respondents)
Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 11
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
UNITED KINGDOM                         Social Media

Brand Categories That
Social Media Users Are
Interested In
 23% of Internet users in the UK
  are interested in engaging with
  entertainment, film and music
  brands using social media

 Clothing brands is the second
  most popular category for social
  media users to engage with (17%)

 16% of respondents said they are
  interested in engaging with food
  and drink brands, while 14% said
  the same about sports brands

 Other industries mentioned in
  the study are
  retail, leisure, travel, technology
  and cosmetics
Reasons People Follow a
Company or Brand Online
 Receiving discounts and special
  offers is the most popular reason
  people follow a company on social
  media sites (50% of respondents)

 48% of respondents said they
  follow companies/brands to
  receive news about them

 Loyalty is another major reason
  with 39% saying they follow a
  company because they are a
  customer of that brand

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 12
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
UNITED KINGDOM                         Social Media

Companies Using Social
Media for Engagement
 According to eMarketer, more
  than half of UK companies (53%)
  use social media to a certain
  extend to engage audiences

 More than a quarter of
  respondents (26%) said they
  aggressively use social media to
  engage customers

Goals for Social Media
 Branding was a top objective for
  UK companies to use social media
  marketing in 2010, according to
  72% of respondents

 53% of UK companies said they use
  social media to drive more traffic
  to their web properties

 Lead generation (35%) and direct
  online sales (19%) were other
  social media objectives

Social Network Ad Spend
 £185 million will be spent
  advertising on social networks this
  year, taking 5% of total ad budgets

 By 2012, marketers will spend
  £275 million on social network
  advertising (6% of total budget)

 Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 13
                                                  WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
EUROPE                      Internet Usage

European Online
Population Growing
 In 2010, 429 million people were
  online in Europe, and this year
  this number is expected to
  increase to 457 million

 This growth is projected to
  continue next year, as 483 million
  people in Europe will become
  Internet users

 The European online population is
  expected to reach 509 million in
  2013, 530 million in 2014 and 547
  million by 2015

Internet Users in Select
European Countries
 According to eMarketer, half of the
  entire European population were
  Internet users in 2010

 Internet user penetration in Europe
  will increase to 55% this year and
  58% in 2012

 As the European online population
  continues to grow in 2013, user
  penetration will increase to 61%

 This trend will continue as Internet
  user penetration reaches 63% in
  2014 and 65% in 2015

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 14
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
EUROPE                      Internet Advertising

Marketers Plan to Spend
More Advertising Online
 In 2010, 94% of respondents said
  they planned to increase their
  online advertising spending

 This year, 93% of marketers plan
  to spend more money advertising
  online over previous years

Online Ad Spend in Europe
 In 2011, $18.7 billion will be spent
  advertising online in Western
  Europe, while Eastern Europeans
  will spend $3.2 billion on the same

 Next year, marketers will spend
  $20.9 billion (Western Europe) and
  $3.7 billion (Eastern Europe)
  advertising online

The Growth Continues
 In 2012, online ad spending growth
  will reach its highest in the last few
  years (17.5% in Eastern Europe and
  12.1% in Western Europe)

 Online advertising is expected to
  increase by 12.9% and 8.1% in
  Eastern and Western Europe
  respectively in 2013

 By 2014, online ad spend growth
  will reach 20.5% in all of Europe

 Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 15
                                                  WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
EUROPE                      Social Media

Social Network Users in
Europe Increasing
 This year, 100.1 million people in
  Europe will become social
  network users (half of all
  European Internet users)

 In 2012, 54.5% of Internet users
  in Europe will become social
  network users (112.1 million)

 By 2013, 123.1 million people will
  use social networks in Europe
  (58.2% of the online population)

 Social network users will continue
  to grow to 133.1 and 141.9
  million in 2014 and 2015

Top 2 Social Networks
 Facebook appears to be the #1
  social network in major European
  countries (60-96% of respondents)

 In the Netherlands, Hyves is the #1
  social network according to 82% of

 The 2nd most popular social
  networks in Europe range between
  several region-specific sites such as
  TuentiAdictos, Copains
  d’avant, and studiVZ

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 16
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
EUROPE                      France

Internet Ad Spending
Share in France
 TV and press advertising still take
  up a fair share of total advertising
  dollars in France

 Internet advertising took a 12%
  share of total advertising budgets
  in 2010, surpassing outdoor and
  cinema ad spend, as reported by
  the Interactive Advertising Bureau
  France (IAB France)

Internet Ad Spend Grows
to Become Second Highest
 Internet advertising spending in
  France has consistently increased
  over the years and the trend will
  continue in 2012

 According to ZenithOptimedia,
  $2,125 million was spent
  advertising online in 2009 in France

 As the 2nd strongest channel in
  terms of ad spend, Internet
  advertising will see $2,778 million
  in spending in 2012, surpassing
  magazine, outdoor, newspaper,
  radio and cinema ads

 Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 17
                                                  WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
EUROPE                      France

Online Ad Spend Increases
 eMarketer has similar predictions
  regarding online ad spending
  increases in France

 According to an eMarketer
  study, this year, €2.05 billion will be
  spent advertising online, a 7%
  increase over 2010

 Online ad spend will increase by
  8% in 2013 (€2.42 billion)

 eMarketer predicts that by
  2014, €2.61 billion will be spent
  advertising online in France

More Dollars Spent on
Paid Search and Display
 In 2010, $1,510 million was spent
  on paid search advertising in
  France, while $894 was allocated
  toward online display ads

 This year, paid search ad spend
  will reach $1,624 million, while
  display ad spend will decrease
  slightly to $870 million

 However, display advertising will
  rise again in 2012 to $920 million

 Next year, social media and
  mobile advertising will increase as
  well to $162 and $118 million

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 18
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
EUROPE                      France

Social Network Users in
France Increases
 20.4 million people in France will
  become social network users this
  year, a 14.6% increase over 2010

 This equates to 51.2% of all
  Internet users and 31.3% of the
  country’s entire population

 In 2012, the social network
  population will increase to 22.7
  million (11.4% change and 55.9%
  of all Internet users)

 By 2015, an estimated 43.9% of
  the country’s entire population
  (29.1 million people) will become
  social network users

Most People Use Social
Networks on a Daily Basis
 Visiting social networking sites is
  becoming a daily activity in France

 The majority of social network
  users (68%) said they use social
  sites several times or once a day

 23% of respondents said they use
  social networks several times or at
  least once a week

 Only 9% of users said they visit
  social networks several times or
  once a month

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 19
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
EUROPE                      Spain

Internet Advertising
Surpasses Newspaper Ad
Spend in Spain
 Internet advertising spending will
  almost double over 3 years from
  $916 million in 2009 to an
  estimated $1,674 million in 2012

 Next year, online advertising will
  surpass newspaper ad spend by
  $122 million, making it the 2nd
  strongest advertising channel

 Overall, more money will be spent
  on Internet advertising over
  newspaper, radio, magazine and
  outdoor advertising

Online Ad Spend
Continues to Increase
 Similarly, eMarketer reports that
  Internet advertising spending will
  increase by 10% next year to reach
  €0.88 billion

 According to the same
  study, online ad spend will rise
  again by 8% in 2013 to reach €0.96

 By 2014, €1.02 billion will be spent
  on Internet advertising, a 7%
  increase over the previous year

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 20
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
EUROPE                      Spain

Paid Search and Display
Ads Remain a Focus
 This year, marketers in Spain will
  allocate $589 million toward paid
  search advertising and $289
  million for online display ads

 Next year, both numbers are
  projected to increase to $672
  million for paid search and $376
  million for display ads

 Interestingly, mobile ad spending
  will see a considerable increase
  next year, from $78 million in
  2011 to $121 million in 2012

 Social media advertising will also
  see increase though incrementally

Industries Leveraging
Online Display Advertising
 14% of total display ad spend share
  in Spain comes from travel and
  tourism companies

 Companies within the telecom
  industry take up a 13% share of
  total online display ad spend, while
  automotive companies consume a
  12% share of the same

 Other industries using display ads
  include educational
  businesses, financial services and
  public/private services

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 21
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
EUROPE                      Spain

Social Networking Grows
in Popularity in Spain
 This year, 15.5 million people in
  Spain will use social networking
  sites (33.1% of the population)

 In 2012, 2 million more people
  will become social network users
  and in 2013, another 2 million will
  use social networking sites

 By 2015, almost half (46.9%) of
  the population will use social
  networks (22.6 million people)

Approximate Time Spent
on Social Network Sites
 26% of social network users in
  Spain spent about 1-3 hours on
  Badoo, while 37% spent the same
  amount of time on Facebook in
  September 2010

 23% spent 1-3 hours on hi5 and
  MySpace each, while 35% spent 1-
  3 hours on LinkedIn

 The majority of those surveyed in
  this study (ranging between 32-
  84% of respondents) spent under 1
  hour on social networking sites in

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 22
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
EUROPE                      Netherlands

The Netherlands Has the
Most Daily Internet Users
in Western Europe
 According to eMarketer, 76% of
  respondents in the Netherlands
  said they use the Internet on a
  daily basis, an increase over the
  53% that stated the same in 2005

 This places the Netherlands as the
  #1 country in Western Europe for
  daily Internet usage with the UK
  in 2nd place (66% of respondents)

Popular Online Activities
in the Netherlands
 As of September 2010, portals
  were ranked as the #1 web
  category among Internet users in
  the Netherlands with an average of
  433.7 minutes per visitor

 Instant messenger was another
  popular online activity (410.8
  minutes per visitor)

 Approximately 209 minutes were
  spent on social networking sites by
  a visitor during September 2010

 Email came in 4th place with an
  average of 209 minutes per visitor

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 23
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
EUROPE                      Netherlands

Internet Ad Spend Will
Surpass TV Ad Spend
 Between 2005 and 2009, Internet
  advertising in the Netherlands
  drastically soared with an
  increase of $954 million (from
  $136 million to $1,090 million)

 Next year, online advertising
  spending is expected to increase
  again to $1,269 million surpassing
  TV ad spending ($1,103 million)

 More money will be spent
  advertising online over
  TV, outdoor, radio and magazine

More Money Will Be Spent
on Search Advertising
 This year, €356.4 million will be
  spent on search advertising, a 3.2%
  change over 2010

 Meanwhile, €294.6 million will be
  spent on other Internet/digital
  advertising in the Netherlands

 In 2012, search advertising
  revenues will rise by 6.5% to reach
  €379.7 million

 By 2013, an estimated €416.3
  million will be spent on search
  advertising (9.6% increase)

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 24
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
EUROPE                      Netherlands

Social Media Activities in
the Netherlands
 Among the online population in
  the Netherlands, 47% said they
  are members of a social network

 Meanwhile, 30% of respondents
  uploaded a video to YouTube
  during a one-month period

 5% of Internet users said they
  update their social networking
  status or profile daily

Social Networks Used for
Customer Acquisition
 Companies are finding successful
  use of business social networks to
  get new customers

 Almost half (48%) of companies in
  the Netherlands said they
  successfully use business social
  networks for customer acquisition

 Other European countries
  mentioned in this study include UK
  with 33% of companies using social
  media to acquire customers,
  France (33%) and Spain (50%)

Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management                                       Page 25
                                                 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
WSI leads the global Internet industry offering best of breed digital marketing solutions to
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                                                          ©2011 RAM. All rights reserved.

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Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012

  • 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 2 United Kingdom Internet Usage 3 Online Activities 4 Advertising Spend 5 Internet Advertising 6 Paid Search 7 Display Advertising 8 Mobile Marketing 9 Social Media 10 Europe Internet Usage 14 Internet Advertising 15 Social Media 16 France Overview 17 Source of all statistics: Spain Overview 20 Belgium Overview 23 About WSI 26
  • 2. UK & EUROPE Executive Summary Despite Economic Turmoil, Digital Ad Spending on the Rise; Mobile Marketing to Spike in 2012 As Europe continues to struggle with a stubborn sovereign debt crisis, the region’s online ad spending is actually prospering, despite the difficult general economic environment. Given the harsh fiscal climate, however, total media ad spending is not expected to rise substantially. As a result, Europe’s still burgeoning online ad spending market will take a greater share of total ad spending and remain one of the only growing forms of ad spend. Overall, market conditions in Europe highlight the importance of and place more emphasis on forms of Internet marketing and communication. In similar fashion to the past few years, Internet advertising formats such as paid search, display ads and social media marketing experienced an increase in spending among UK and European Marketers in 2011, continuing the shift away from offline advertising like newspaper, radio and television. Recent statistics suggest that this trend will continue through 2012 and beyond. A relative newcomer to online advertising, mobile marketing exploded in 2011 and all signs indicate that it will become one of the leading forms of Internet ad spending in the very near future. The use of smartphones and tablets is increasing so rapidly that, in most European countries, over 90% of the population operates a mobile device. As people get more comfortable searching and interacting on the go, the Internet’s landscape is once again changing, and mobile marketing is certainly at the forefront. This Internet Marketing Trends Report is a brief summary of the current online marketing stats and patterns in the UK and Europe, as well predictions for the next few years. Specifically, the report covers Internet usage and penetration, advertising spending, Internet marketing, social media trends and activities and the expansion of mobile marketing. Copyright ©2012 by Research and Management Page 2 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012
  • 3. UNITED KINGDOM Internet Usage UK Internet Users by Age and Gender  The majority of the UK’s online population is between the ages of 16- 44 (57%)  17% of UK Internet users are between the ages of 16-24, 20% are between 25-34 and another 20% are between 35-44  The third highest share of UK Internet users is the 45-54 age bracket at 19% UK Internet Users and Penetration  The UK’s Internet use is still on the rise, with a projected increase of 1.2 million people from 2011 to 2012  By 2016, the number of UK Internet users is expected to climb to 50.4 million, which would be an increase of 9 million users over the five year period between 2011-2016  The percentage of the UK’s overall population who uses the Internet is also increasing; by 2016, almost 80% of the UK is projected to be using the internet Copyright ©2012 by Research and Management Page 3 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012
  • 4. UNITED KINGDOM Online Activities Online Services Used by UK Internet Users Facebook is the most popular online activity among Internet users in the UK (65% of respondents)  YouTube is the second most popular online activity among Internet users in the UK (50% of respondents in February 2012)  Twitter is the distant third most popular online activity among Internet users in the UK (only 23% of respondents in February 2012)  Other popular online activities among Internet users in the UK include, Windows Live, LinkedIn and Google+ Top Ten Websites Among Top 10 Websites Among UK Internet UK Internet Users Users, Dec 2011 12  Google UK is the most popular site in 10 8 the UK with 9.67% market share of 6 visits in December 2011 4 2 0  The next most popular site is % Facebook (7.58% share)  YouTube ranked in third place (3.41%) and eBay UK in fourth (1.81%) Source: Experian Hitwise, Jan  Other sites listed in the top ten include Windows Live mail, MSN UK, BBC News and Yahoo! UK and Ireland Copyright ©2012by Research and Management Page 4 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 5. UNITED KINGDOM Advertising Spend UK Ad Spending, by Media  Ad spending in the UK is heading into a period of low growth (only 2% change is expected). Internet ad spending in the UK in 2012, however, is projected to climb by 11.3% over 2011’s final ad spend of £3,772 million  Conversely, press ad spending, which has been on a steady decline since 2009, is expected to drop from £3,307 million in 2011 to €3,012 million in 2012 (a 9% drop). Radio ad spending is also projected to take a 1% hit in 2012  TV and cinema ad spending project to hold steady, with 1.5% and 0% growth rates UK Display Ad Revenue Share, by Industry  According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, the finance industry led 2011 in online display ad revenue, with a 15.6% share  Ranked a close second in online display ad revenue for 2011 was the consumer goods industry, which held a 14.5% share  Other industries with a significant share of 2011’s display ad revenue included entertainment and the media (12.4%), travel and transport (10.3%) and retail (9.7%) Copyright ©2012 by Research and Management Page 5 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012
  • 6. UNITED KINGDOM Internet Advertising Steady Increase in Online Ad Spending UK Online Ad Spending, 2010-2014 Source: eMarketer, Nov (£ billions and % change)  eMarketer predicts that £5.09 billion 2011 7 will be spent advertising online this 6.72 year in the UK, a 12% increase over 6 6.2 5. 2011 5 4.5 4 4.1 10% 11%  According to the same study, £6.22 12% billion will be spent advertising online 3 11% 15% next year (11% increase) 2 1  This growth is expected to continue into 2014, when £6.72 billion will be 0 spent advertising online (an increase 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 of 10% over 2013) Internet Advertising to Take Lead Share of Total Projected UK Advertising Spend Share, by UK Ad Spend Media, 2012 (% of total) 3.5  35% of total advertising spending in 1.5% Internet the UK is expected to be allocated 7% Press toward online advertising in 2012, which would give it the leading share 35% TV by 7% over TV (28%) 28% Outdoor 25% Radio  Press is expected to garner the third largest share of ad spend (25%), while Cinema the remainder will be divided among outdoor, radio and cinema Copyright ©2012 by Research and Management Page 6 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012
  • 7. UNITED KINGDOM Paid Search Paid Search Remains Leading UK Online Ad Spend Format  Paid search advertising is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.7% over the next few years and will climb to nearly $6 billion by 2015  In 2012, paid search advertising spend is projected to reach $4.45 billion, which would be an 11% increase of 2011  Overall, paid search advertising will continue to hold more than a 50% share of total UK online ad spending. By 2015, the next closest share is expected to be held by display advertising (a 27% share) Industries Using Search Advertising in the UK  UK’s paid search spending share is still dominated by one device, with computers holding a share of over 90%  A noticeable trend is occurring as both smartphones and tablets are rapidly taking an equal portion of the paid search spending share away from computers  As the overall usage of smartphones and tablets steadily rises, more searches will be conducted on these devices, which means the trend will likely continue into 2012 and beyond Copyright ©2012 by Research and Management Page 7 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012
  • 8. UNITED KINGDOM Display Advertising UK Continues to Spend More on Display UK Display Ad Spending Share, 2011-2015 Advertising Source: eMarketer, Nov (by %)  According to eMarketer, display ad’s 27 spending share in the UK will 26 experience small but steady growth in 2012, rising from 23.7% to 24.8% 25 24 (%)  Display ad spending in the UK is 23 expected to increase its share all the 22 way to 26.6% by 2015, nearly a full 3% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 jump from 2011 Video Advertising Experiences Rapid Growth  Display – more specifically, video advertising – will experience the highest growth rate among all UK online ad spending by a significant margin  In 2012, eMarketer forecasts that video advertising spend will experience 70.7% growth, which is more than 50% higher than the second highest projection (email at 17.9%)  The growth of video advertising’s spend is predicted to drop slightly over the next few years, but its expected growth rate of 45.2% for 2015 is still extremely high and indicative of a powerful trend Copyright ©2012 by Research and Management Page 8 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2012
  • 9. UNITED KINGDOM Mobile Marketing Mobile Advertising Takes a Larger Budget Share  In 2011, 29% of UK marketers will spend 6-10% of their total digital budget on mobile advertising  This is a considerable increase over the 13% that said they would allocate that share toward mobile advertising in 2009  13% of marketers will spend 11- 20% of their total digital budget on mobile advertising this year, while 6% of respondents said that 21-40% of their budget will be spent on mobile Mobile Advertising Spending Will Soar in the Next Few Years  Mobile advertising spending saw a slight increase between 2009 to 2010 but is expected to jump even more over the coming years  In 2010, £49.8 million was spent on mobile advertising in the UK, a £12.2 million increase over 2009  This number is expected to surge by 2014 with an estimated £285 million to be spent on mobile advertising in the UK Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 9 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 10. UNITED KINGDOM Social Media More People Using Social Networks in the UK  This year, more than half of all Internet users (52.6%) in the UK will be on the social networks totaling to 24 million people  In 2012, 55.3% of the online population will be using social networking sites (25.9 million)  27.7 million people will use social networks in 2013 and by 2014, almost 60% of the UK online population will become social network users Social Networks Are Being Used Several Times a Day  Social network usage is becoming a daily activity in the UK  69% of UK social network users said they use social network sites several times or at least once a day  21% of respondents use social networks several times or once a week, whereas 7% use social networks several times or once a month Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 10 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 11. UNITED KINGDOM Social Media Most Popular Social Networks in the UK  The #1 social network in the UK is Facebook with 33.1 million unique visitors, reaching 76.3% of the population  The 2nd most popular social site is Windows Live with 6.8 million unique visitors (15.8% reach)  Twitter came in 3rd place with an 11.6% reach (5 million visitors)  Other popular social networks include LinkedIn (4th), MySpace (5th) and Bebo (6th) Trust for Social Networks, Forums, Blogs & Reviews  19% of consumers between the ages of 18-34 in the UK, Canada and USA said they trust information found on social networks  Meanwhile 14% of those in the same age bracket said they trust online forums, blogs, reviews and chat rooms  Overall, consumers agreed they had more trust in social networks (12% of respondents) than online forums, blogs, reviews or chat rooms (8% of respondents) Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 11 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 12. UNITED KINGDOM Social Media Brand Categories That Social Media Users Are Interested In  23% of Internet users in the UK are interested in engaging with entertainment, film and music brands using social media  Clothing brands is the second most popular category for social media users to engage with (17%)  16% of respondents said they are interested in engaging with food and drink brands, while 14% said the same about sports brands  Other industries mentioned in the study are retail, leisure, travel, technology and cosmetics Reasons People Follow a Company or Brand Online  Receiving discounts and special offers is the most popular reason people follow a company on social media sites (50% of respondents)  48% of respondents said they follow companies/brands to receive news about them  Loyalty is another major reason with 39% saying they follow a company because they are a customer of that brand Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 12 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 13. UNITED KINGDOM Social Media Companies Using Social Media for Engagement  According to eMarketer, more than half of UK companies (53%) use social media to a certain extend to engage audiences  More than a quarter of respondents (26%) said they aggressively use social media to engage customers Goals for Social Media  Branding was a top objective for UK companies to use social media marketing in 2010, according to 72% of respondents  53% of UK companies said they use social media to drive more traffic to their web properties  Lead generation (35%) and direct online sales (19%) were other social media objectives Social Network Ad Spend  £185 million will be spent advertising on social networks this year, taking 5% of total ad budgets  By 2012, marketers will spend £275 million on social network advertising (6% of total budget) Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 13 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 14. EUROPE Internet Usage European Online Population Growing  In 2010, 429 million people were online in Europe, and this year this number is expected to increase to 457 million  This growth is projected to continue next year, as 483 million people in Europe will become Internet users  The European online population is expected to reach 509 million in 2013, 530 million in 2014 and 547 million by 2015 Internet Users in Select European Countries  According to eMarketer, half of the entire European population were Internet users in 2010  Internet user penetration in Europe will increase to 55% this year and 58% in 2012  As the European online population continues to grow in 2013, user penetration will increase to 61%  This trend will continue as Internet user penetration reaches 63% in 2014 and 65% in 2015 Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 14 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 15. EUROPE Internet Advertising Marketers Plan to Spend More Advertising Online  In 2010, 94% of respondents said they planned to increase their online advertising spending  This year, 93% of marketers plan to spend more money advertising online over previous years Online Ad Spend in Europe  In 2011, $18.7 billion will be spent advertising online in Western Europe, while Eastern Europeans will spend $3.2 billion on the same  Next year, marketers will spend $20.9 billion (Western Europe) and $3.7 billion (Eastern Europe) advertising online The Growth Continues  In 2012, online ad spending growth will reach its highest in the last few years (17.5% in Eastern Europe and 12.1% in Western Europe)  Online advertising is expected to increase by 12.9% and 8.1% in Eastern and Western Europe respectively in 2013  By 2014, online ad spend growth will reach 20.5% in all of Europe Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 15 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 16. EUROPE Social Media Social Network Users in Europe Increasing  This year, 100.1 million people in Europe will become social network users (half of all European Internet users)  In 2012, 54.5% of Internet users in Europe will become social network users (112.1 million)  By 2013, 123.1 million people will use social networks in Europe (58.2% of the online population)  Social network users will continue to grow to 133.1 and 141.9 million in 2014 and 2015 respectively Top 2 Social Networks  Facebook appears to be the #1 social network in major European countries (60-96% of respondents)  In the Netherlands, Hyves is the #1 social network according to 82% of respondents  The 2nd most popular social networks in Europe range between several region-specific sites such as TuentiAdictos, Copains d’avant, and studiVZ Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 16 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 17. EUROPE France Internet Ad Spending Share in France  TV and press advertising still take up a fair share of total advertising dollars in France  Internet advertising took a 12% share of total advertising budgets in 2010, surpassing outdoor and cinema ad spend, as reported by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France (IAB France) Internet Ad Spend Grows to Become Second Highest  Internet advertising spending in France has consistently increased over the years and the trend will continue in 2012  According to ZenithOptimedia, $2,125 million was spent advertising online in 2009 in France  As the 2nd strongest channel in terms of ad spend, Internet advertising will see $2,778 million in spending in 2012, surpassing magazine, outdoor, newspaper, radio and cinema ads Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 17 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 18. EUROPE France Online Ad Spend Increases  eMarketer has similar predictions regarding online ad spending increases in France  According to an eMarketer study, this year, €2.05 billion will be spent advertising online, a 7% increase over 2010  Online ad spend will increase by 8% in 2013 (€2.42 billion)  eMarketer predicts that by 2014, €2.61 billion will be spent advertising online in France More Dollars Spent on Paid Search and Display  In 2010, $1,510 million was spent on paid search advertising in France, while $894 was allocated toward online display ads  This year, paid search ad spend will reach $1,624 million, while display ad spend will decrease slightly to $870 million  However, display advertising will rise again in 2012 to $920 million  Next year, social media and mobile advertising will increase as well to $162 and $118 million respectively Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 18 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 19. EUROPE France Social Network Users in France Increases  20.4 million people in France will become social network users this year, a 14.6% increase over 2010  This equates to 51.2% of all Internet users and 31.3% of the country’s entire population  In 2012, the social network population will increase to 22.7 million (11.4% change and 55.9% of all Internet users)  By 2015, an estimated 43.9% of the country’s entire population (29.1 million people) will become social network users Most People Use Social Networks on a Daily Basis  Visiting social networking sites is becoming a daily activity in France  The majority of social network users (68%) said they use social sites several times or once a day  23% of respondents said they use social networks several times or at least once a week  Only 9% of users said they visit social networks several times or once a month Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 19 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 20. EUROPE Spain Internet Advertising Surpasses Newspaper Ad Spend in Spain  Internet advertising spending will almost double over 3 years from $916 million in 2009 to an estimated $1,674 million in 2012  Next year, online advertising will surpass newspaper ad spend by $122 million, making it the 2nd strongest advertising channel  Overall, more money will be spent on Internet advertising over newspaper, radio, magazine and outdoor advertising Online Ad Spend Continues to Increase  Similarly, eMarketer reports that Internet advertising spending will increase by 10% next year to reach €0.88 billion  According to the same study, online ad spend will rise again by 8% in 2013 to reach €0.96 billion  By 2014, €1.02 billion will be spent on Internet advertising, a 7% increase over the previous year Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 20 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 21. EUROPE Spain Paid Search and Display Ads Remain a Focus  This year, marketers in Spain will allocate $589 million toward paid search advertising and $289 million for online display ads  Next year, both numbers are projected to increase to $672 million for paid search and $376 million for display ads  Interestingly, mobile ad spending will see a considerable increase next year, from $78 million in 2011 to $121 million in 2012  Social media advertising will also see increase though incrementally Industries Leveraging Online Display Advertising  14% of total display ad spend share in Spain comes from travel and tourism companies  Companies within the telecom industry take up a 13% share of total online display ad spend, while automotive companies consume a 12% share of the same  Other industries using display ads include educational businesses, financial services and public/private services Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 21 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 22. EUROPE Spain Social Networking Grows in Popularity in Spain  This year, 15.5 million people in Spain will use social networking sites (33.1% of the population)  In 2012, 2 million more people will become social network users and in 2013, another 2 million will use social networking sites  By 2015, almost half (46.9%) of the population will use social networks (22.6 million people) Approximate Time Spent on Social Network Sites  26% of social network users in Spain spent about 1-3 hours on Badoo, while 37% spent the same amount of time on Facebook in September 2010  23% spent 1-3 hours on hi5 and MySpace each, while 35% spent 1- 3 hours on LinkedIn  The majority of those surveyed in this study (ranging between 32- 84% of respondents) spent under 1 hour on social networking sites in general Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 22 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 23. EUROPE Netherlands The Netherlands Has the Most Daily Internet Users in Western Europe  According to eMarketer, 76% of respondents in the Netherlands said they use the Internet on a daily basis, an increase over the 53% that stated the same in 2005  This places the Netherlands as the #1 country in Western Europe for daily Internet usage with the UK in 2nd place (66% of respondents) Popular Online Activities in the Netherlands  As of September 2010, portals were ranked as the #1 web category among Internet users in the Netherlands with an average of 433.7 minutes per visitor  Instant messenger was another popular online activity (410.8 minutes per visitor)  Approximately 209 minutes were spent on social networking sites by a visitor during September 2010  Email came in 4th place with an average of 209 minutes per visitor Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 23 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 24. EUROPE Netherlands Internet Ad Spend Will Surpass TV Ad Spend  Between 2005 and 2009, Internet advertising in the Netherlands drastically soared with an increase of $954 million (from $136 million to $1,090 million)  Next year, online advertising spending is expected to increase again to $1,269 million surpassing TV ad spending ($1,103 million)  More money will be spent advertising online over TV, outdoor, radio and magazine ads More Money Will Be Spent on Search Advertising  This year, €356.4 million will be spent on search advertising, a 3.2% change over 2010  Meanwhile, €294.6 million will be spent on other Internet/digital advertising in the Netherlands  In 2012, search advertising revenues will rise by 6.5% to reach €379.7 million  By 2013, an estimated €416.3 million will be spent on search advertising (9.6% increase) Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 24 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 25. EUROPE Netherlands Social Media Activities in the Netherlands  Among the online population in the Netherlands, 47% said they are members of a social network  Meanwhile, 30% of respondents uploaded a video to YouTube during a one-month period  5% of Internet users said they update their social networking status or profile daily Social Networks Used for Customer Acquisition  Companies are finding successful use of business social networks to get new customers  Almost half (48%) of companies in the Netherlands said they successfully use business social networks for customer acquisition  Other European countries mentioned in this study include UK with 33% of companies using social media to acquire customers, France (33%) and Spain (50%) Copyright ©2011 by Research and Management Page 25 WSI Internet Marketing Trends Report 2011
  • 26. ABOUT WSI WSI leads the global Internet industry offering best of breed digital marketing solutions to suit the needs of multiple industries. The company has the world’s largest Internet Consultants’ network across 80 countries with its head office in Toronto, Canada. WSI Consultants have helped thousands of businesses realize their online marketing potential. By using innovative Internet technologies and advanced digital marketing strategies, businesses can have a WSI Digital Marketing Plan tailored to their individual needs to elevate their Internet presence and profitability to new levels. With the support and cooperation of its customers, franchise network, employees, suppliers and charitable organizations, WSI aims to help make child poverty history through its global outreach program ( For more information about WSI’s offerings and business opportunities, please visit our website at The information herein is the property of Research and Management Corporate (RAM). Each WSI franchise office is an independently owned and operated business. ©2011 RAM. All rights reserved.