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International Relations is a very important form of relationship in world politics today. So far as the world is made up of individuals, states,
countries and various cultures there will also be a form of interactions with one another thereby leading to International Relations. Over the years,
International Relations has been governed by two major theories. These theories are known as Idealism and Realism. In addition, theories are
very important in international relations this is because theories are made to have contributions and solutions to world issues. Also, Theories can
be defined as the development of series of statements about rational behaviour based upon a dominant motive such as Power; such theory
provides a description of the political behaviour of rational actors. (Akinboye & Ottoh, 2005:53). Theories are also seen as a set of norms or
values indicating how political actor ought to behave. The essence of theory for realism and idealism is to show their views on International
Relations Issues. These two approaches have been seen as competing traditional approaches, furthermore, each of these approaches wants to be
recognised as the major and sound approach to the study of International Relations (Dinesh). Each of these theories has its particular views on
International Relations therefore believing they can explain and understand, International Relations. Idealism also known as Liberalism is a
theory of International that majorly believe that the interactions
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Debating since middle school made me concluded that I want to study international relations and I hate debating yet I love story–telling. What I
don't like about debating is not only because we have to be ruthless for the reason all that matter is how we win the motion from the other side
without taking concern of other party's opinion, but also the win–lose situation that debate forced. What I like about story–telling is not only it is
fun since all that matter is everybody should put their best in telling their own share of story because there is no right or wrong side of the story,
but also it is a win–win situation. For me, my bachelor study was also a win–win; I did well on all university students aspects: academic,
organizational, more content...
Diplomacy and negotiation is a smoother way of debate. In diplomacy we shall not be rude in expressing our opinion and we should mind others
opinion highly. Therefore I like diplomacy and negotiation better because in negotiation we should compromise each other's interest to success, in
other words it's more likely a win–win situation. To be able to exercise diplomacy and negotiation in the best way of possible I took part in
several international conference simulations. After trying my hand at diplomacy for the first time in the new student orientation program, I was
selected to represent my university to participated in Short Diplomatic Simulation of 21st Indonesian International Relations Students National
Meeting. I received Best Performance award as Head Delegate of Lao PDR in an ASEAN Conference Simulation. I want to practice my
diplomacy in a more global sphere so I participated in Indonesia Model United Nations in 2010. Although as the Head Delegate of Turkey in
General Assembly I didn't receive any award, but I gained a tremendous experience and an unexpected description of United Nations'
decision–making process, which is very complicated.
I think organizational and leadership qualities are important in conducting diplomacy. Hence I have many organizational activities during my
bachelor study. After holding several head division positions, on the third year I was the Vice President of the Students
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The Importance Of International Relations
In the international system, international relations (IR) theories play an important role in helping people understand how nation–states interact
with each other. In their 2017 book, The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, Baylis, Smith, and Owens
explore two prominent IR theories, liberalism and realism, both of which recognize the existence of anarchy and the importance of the state in the
international system. Realists define anarchy as a lack of "overarching central authority above individual sovereign states" (Baylis et al. 105). The
international system is governed by both anarchy and by law and cooperation. This is evidenced by the following: law and cooperation exists in
the more content...
113). For instance, as a member of the United Nations (UN), Kuwait received military and humanitarian aid from other UN states during the Gulf
War (1991–2) through the principle of collective security, which follows that "each [member] state in the system accepts that the security of one
is the concern of all, and agrees to join in a collective response to aggression" (Baylis et al. 120–22). At the same time, IOs and liberals understand
the importance of a state's right maintain self–determination of its own territory and population (Baylis et al. 121; 546). Lastly, with combined
economic and military power, all member states help "punish" or subdue any state that threatens their universal liberal doctrine of human rights
and democratic freedoms (Baylis et al. 121). According to the liberal democratic peace theory, democratic states avoid war and maintain peace
with each other in comparison to undemocratic regimes (Baylis et al. 119; 533). Thus, when each member state maintains the common interests of
the IO, peace and the establishment of some international authority remains a possiblity.
However, when international organizations unite to impose liberal values on non–democratic or authoritarian regimes through the instigation of
wars, this form of law and cooperation leads to anarchy or unchecked power in the international system. The democratic peace theory is a fallacy
as liberal democratic states
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Introduction: From the European colonial era to the Syrian refugees' crisis, the motion of modern international system always moves forward
with the changes of world politics. There is a number of scholars would use "Eurocentric" as a key word to define this system because of several
reasons. Since Karl Haushofer (NV & Leiden, 2006) firstly wrote "Europe–centric" in German during the 1920s, the debate of this topic has been
one of the most crucial projects for every scholar of international relations in these centuries. More precisely, "Eurocentric" could be explained as
the centre of modern international system is in Europe or the current order of international society is given by European communities. However,
there are more and more studies showed the political importance and influence from oriental world. This essay is going to discuss whether the
terminology of "Eurocentric" could be a good idea t o explain the international system of international relations for modern world politics by
focusing on both the historical reasons and political issues. For instance, the effects of the European colonial era to the world politics and
international system. In my opinion, although "Eurocentric" was a reasonable idea of international system for a long time. With the development
of goblobalization indeed changed the order of world politics such as the rise of Chinese economy. In fact, the argument that evolution of
international system in international relations are Eurocentric
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International Relations
AIS 3121 Theories of International Relations
Are companies more powerful than nation–state in international relations?
Chak Shu Fai, 52626878
This essay will focus on the influential relations between companies and nation–states in international relations. It is a serious issue because
companies have raised the importance in international relations, especially non–governmental organizations (NGOs) and intergovernmental
organizations (IGOs). According to the data collected by the Union of International Associations, there were over 66,000 international
organizations, include NGOs and IGOs, in 300 countries and territories in 2013. More approximately 1,200 new organizations are added each year
(Sheldon, 2014). The major increasing numbers of the international organizations is one of the evidence to show their powerful status in
international more content...
For instance, it functions as a response to problems of incomplete information, transaction costs and other barriers to improve the efficiency and
welfare for their members (Barnett & Finnemore, 1999). The concept of powerful international organizations also can be found from professor
Weiler (2003), international organizations have increasingly themselves interpreted their powers in an expansive manner that blurs the role of
State consent, and States have increasingly conferred broader public powers of governance on international organizations. There is no doubt that
international organizations have taken a deeper role in international relation, but it has different degrees of influence toward small nation states
and big countries. In order to have a clearer picture of international organization's influence in international relations, the essay is divide in two
part. First, it comments on small nation–state would be largely affected by
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Essay about International Relations
International Relations
As I look back on high school, I remember walking through the hallways and seeing people and groups of all kinds. The hallways were lined,
side to side, with different groups of different people with different ideas and opinions. I, myself, was part of a clique also. However, my clique
inter–mingled with other cliques as we exchanged our ideas, opinions, and experiences. There were some other cliques that did the same as they
did not isolate themselves from the rest of high school life. However, there were also the other kinds of groups which committed themselves to
that group, and they did isolate themselves from everyone else.
Now, let's take these cliques and turn them into full–scale nations. The more content...
This isolation from the rest of the world instills a sense of security within the people and within the government. They do not have to trust any
other nations, nor do they have to rely on any other nations for anything. Basically, they decide that it would be best for them to work out political
situations by themselves instead of looking to a foreign government as a model to deal with the situation.
However, this also shows one of the weaknesses of localization. If a nation isolates itself politically from the rest of the nation, then there is a
good chance that they will fall behind with the times; thus, they may lose face when it comes to their status on the world stage.
Economically, globalization supports the expansion of trade, production, and investments to markets outside their own. This expansion is
apparent when we look at the formation of such institutions as the European single market, the North American free trade area, the newly emerging
Asian groupings, and the "long overdue" formation of the World Trade Organization. These institutions have allowed nations (that accept
globalization) to experiment with several different markets in order to achieve economic gain.
Large corporations now participate in foreign markets instead of remaining within a domestic market. They know that people are fascinated by the
cultures of other races, and they implement facilities into other nations. For instance, James Rosenau
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International Relations Essay
The first paradigm of international relations is the theory of Realism. Realism is focused on ideas of self–interest and the balance of power.
Realism is also divided into two categories, classical realism and neo–realism. Famous political theorist, Hans Morgenthau was a classical realist
who believed that national interest was based on three elements, balance of power, military force, and self interest (Kleinberg 2010, 32). He
uses four levels of analysis to evaluate the power of a state. The first is that power and influence are not always the same thing. Influence means
the ability to affect the decision of those who have the power to control outcomes and power is the ability to determine outcomes. An example of
influence and more content...
The power of a state is always contextual and relative. The final level of analysis Morgenthau considers to be important is whether or not the
power is legitimate and moral or if it is illegitimate and immoral. Legitimate and moral power carries considerable weight in the international
community. However, if the power of a state is derived from illegitimate sources such as a dictatorship the international community will be less
responsive to that state, weakening its power. Weak or small states may enter into alliances with stronger states to increase their power and
influence within the international community (Kleinberg 2010, 33–34). Morgenthau also believed that the charisma and personality of a leader
was very important when reviewing the balance of power and understanding a state's self interest (Kleinberg 2010, 32). Realism focuses on the
balance of power and how it impacts of actions of state actors within the international political system. Morgenthau said that, "The aspirations for
power on the part of several nations, each trying to either maintain or overthrow the status quo, leads of necessity to a configuration that is called
the balance of power and to policies that aim at preserving it" (Morgenthau 1967,131). He goes on by explain that not only is the balance of
power and the policies that protect it inevitable but also that they are essential for
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An Introduction Of International Relations
The English school
Throughout this course, an introduction of International Relations, my views have consistently been fluid. From week to week with new
information and new theories presented, researched and analysed along with my increasing knowledge of attributes and models of these
principles. I have had assimilations, with the key concepts of nearly all theories, yet none sat wholly in my perception of international relations. I
found concepts of the disciplines to be too black and white. International relations is such a complicated study due to the fact, that nearly every
theory, thought or notion can be countered by another discipline. I feel that there needs to be a more holistic approach to contemporary
international relation. more content...
Which ever is the case, what is known is that the first contributing members were not all English as the name suggests, Henry Bull an Australian
and Charles Manning a South African. Certainly scholars such as Bull, Manning, Martin Wight, Herbert Butterfield, John Vincent, Geoffrey
Goodwin, Fred Northedge and Alan James are all contributing authors of important pieces of academia, later to be known and categorised
collectively as the English School of International Relations. And all of which were working in Britain at the time of conception. As Barry Buzan
elaborates the English School was more of a network of scholars across generations rather than a particular grouping in place and time (Buzan
2014 p8). Since the English School's inception, the 'School' has incorporated two major theories of International relations; that being realism and
liberalism. This is the 'modern twist' that Andrew Linklater describes about the English school. To take into account the states highest priority that
being sovereignty and the anarchical nature of international relations, yet factor in the individual, Human rights and morality into the schools
theory of contemporary International relations. Which is why the English school is described as one of the most important approaches to
international politics (Linklater 2013 p88).
The English school is a
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International Relations Affects Our Lives
International Relations is the sort of topic that is not often talked about in daily conversations, but is incredibly important to every single
individual on the planet. It is so far reaching that no matter who you are it is going to affect you. No matter if you are the CEO of a massive
corporation or a single mother slaving away with two jobs. There are very few things that are so encompassing to the world. International
Relations affects everyone because countries are no longer isolated like they used to be hundreds of years ago. Nowadays we as a human
species have realized that it is extremely beneficial when we interact with other countries. If America were to simply focus all on themselves
and have no communication with other countries, it is safe to say that things would be much different and perhaps worse. We gain so many
things from being in contact with other countries. For example we trade with other countries, we form groups overseeing International Security,
form groups to end poverty, form groups to keep the economies all over the world in check and thriving etc. What it really comes down to is
uniting as a human race to better ourselves. America is one of the strongest countries in the world and we probably could isolate ourselves from
the world and still be fine. However not only would this limit our quality of life but more importantly we would be abandoning the rest of the
world and the countries that need help the most. So this is why International
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International Relations ( Ir )
International relations (IR) is one of the fascinating fields of political science that different ancient and modern philosophers have written
about. When reading for David Hume or RenГ© Descartes, I have found many ideas that could be applicable to global politics and the
relations between states. Even though these ideas might not be aligned with Hume or Descartes's individual political philosophies, they are
worth applying to the current global political system. The first idea is Descartes's doubting of everything and anything around us except for
the "I", or what he also referred to as the "ego." Second, is Hume's idea of relying solely on our sense experience in determining the reality
around us. These two ideas are both applicable to the current global political system which has been characterized as anarchic. The system is
considered anarchic because there is no government of governments, and there is no one sole power controlling all matters of the world politics.
All of the main IR theories are trying to answer the question of how we could live in peace with each other. This question is important when
knowing that there is no one centralized government that we can relate to when in dispute. RenГ© Descartes idea of doubting everything around
us came from his belief that there is nothing we are sure about except for our inner–selves, or clearly put, our ego. It implies questioning
everything made of matter and not relying on our human senses because they are vague and
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International Relations And Global Politics
Kegley and Raymond stated: "The shape of the world's future will be determined not only by changes in the objective conditions of world
politics, but also by the meanings people ascribe to these conditions." Terrorism is presently a major factor in international relations and has
impacted the world to change in many significant ways. Terrorism is a political ideology that has been problematic in defining definitely
because of its various interpretations around the world, as well as the fact that it is constantly evolving. Since the terrorist events of 9/11, the
lives of many have been changed forever. A small group of individuals, which are a mere fraction of the population of the world, have
managed to impact and shape the way international and domestic relations are looked at and handled. People question how secure and safe they
feel due to uncertainty of public safety because of events such as 9/11. The war on terrorism in the 21st century has certainly and inevitably
changed the landscape for global politics. However, the relationship between terrorism and global politics is troublesome and in ways
problematic to describe accurately. Both terrorism and global politics individually are complicated phenomenon. It is erroneous to propose that
one is responsible for the other or vice versa, but they are inextricably and inevitably linked. In the study of international relations, there are
multiple theories and theoretical perspectives. In this essay, realism and liberalism
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International Relations Essay
Introduction: At the end of WWII in 1945, Western Europe and arguably the entire world looked to the United States for a recovery plan. Great
Britain was loosing control over its colonies, France and Germany had been destroyed by the war, and the Soviet Union was gaining power. This
put the United States in a position of power, the question that arises with this is, does the United States try to gain control as the hegemonic power
in the international system? Is there a real necessity in the region of the Middle East to gain the hegemonic power in terms of U.S national interest
/security? International Relation realists would say of course there is. Within the discipline of International Relations there are several paradigms more content...
These three factors all interact in several cases to support the conclusion that the post–WWII United States was in fact trying to gain control as the
hegemonic power which supports the Realist claim that states are self–interested power seeking rational actors.
Regionalism can mean two different things; in one sense of the word it is the joining of states in a geographic region to form a relationship
whether it be an alliance or just an acknowledgment that each other's policies will affect one another. In the other sense of the word it is a
concept of how to view the world. An example of this would be Spiegel's quotation of Greek foreign minister, Dora Bakoyannis, " In the
Middle East, there is no way of definitely solving an issue while ignoring the others, This is why we need an integrated strategy for dealing
with the Middle East as a whole...." In this case I will be examining the first situation, the cooperation of several states in a geographical region,
and how it impacted U.S foreign policy toward the region. According to Hinnebusch, a state's geopolitical position specifically defines the threats
and opportunities it faces. Thus, a states power position in the regional system is shaped by its resources, size of territory and population, and the
strategic importance or vulnerability of its location, shapes its ambitions. Therefore small states are more
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Reflection On International Relations
Interacting with the first group of international partners in India was a difficult but intriguing experience. The interaction was difficult because of
complications with technology. We were unable to accurately distinguish what our Indian colleagues were saying. Their responses to many
questions had to be inferred during each visual interaction. Despite these issues, the interaction with the students from India allowed me to gain
insight on international relations.
The students from India gave us a very good impression. These students were very nice and respectful and seem to be very interested in the
topics that were discussed. On each topic, all the students gave us a personal perspective of their way of life. The students from India openly
shared their opinions and ideas with us and even laughed at jokes with us. They were very accepting of our opinions and ideas even though our
beliefs had some differences. It was easier to chat through other social networking sites rather than class meetings. One downfall of the
interactions with our partners was that we never engaged in the chat rooms in class. Each class meeting, we were consistently on video with the
entire class instead of being able to just communicate with our assigned partner. This created issues because I was unable to get to know more
about my partner because of our contrasting schedules outside of class.
My partner Gouri Sohani was an excellent individual to collaborate with. We chose to communicate with
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The Importance Of International Relations
International relation is a major discipline in social science, which illustrates international politics on a worldwide scale. International relations
study the history, culture, government, economy, and social aspects of nations around the globe. Studying of international relations became so
vital for every nation to understand other countries' national interests in terms of politics and economy. In the twenty first century, there having
been conflicts around the world with so many great powers are involved. Scholars in the field of international relations face challenges, while they
analyze or conduct researches about other nations' politics because every day international politics are changing so rapidly(Hall,2015).
Throughout human history, there have been always conflicts and dissatisfaction among human kind. People always want more and to be
powerful, especially powerful countries. In today's politics, great powers have changed the world dynamic in terms of their presence in some
parts of the world and international relations became a significant major school for every nation to understand the global politics. It determines
how countries react in international level due to implementation of their interests within the region and globally. Scholars in the field read books,
articles and listen to daily news while they do research on a region or country. This sometimes makes harder for scholars to gather all their
information from that specific nation due to security or
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This paper will compare and contrast two International Relations concepts, Neo–Realism as the problem–solving theory and Feminism as the
critical. Within this analysis, the comparative strengths and weaknesses of the two theories will be discussed. As the contemporary approach of
Realism, Neo–Realism also considers the nation–state to be the key–actor, and the overall to be goal be survival. However, with conflict being
inevitable, rather than focusing on human nature, Neo–Realism states that the lack of a central authority, results in an anarchic international
system of nations contending for power. Furthermore, Feminism can be argued as a critique towards these traditional theories. As it focuses on the
world through a lens of gender and equality, not just the state. Removing the state as the key player, allows the individuals of a nation to no
longer be undervalued. This in turn will allow the development of females, in a system that is dominated by male control, influence and
disproportionate worldview.
With both theories being very different in framework, strengths and weaknesses will vary, however they will also show small similarities. An
important beginning factor of comparison is that these theories both have referent objects or key actors. For Neo–realism, the referent object is
the 'state', and co–operation is not a number one agenda, rather a method of self–help is initiated. The importance of the state in this lens, allows
for the de–emphasizing of the
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Statement Of Purpose For International Relations
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE International Relations is an important discipline in order to understand how the global system works. By studying
International Relations, it is possible to analyze political, social and economic issues throughout the world and develop possible solutions for
those issues. My aim to pursue master degree in International Relations is to enhance my current analyze and problem solution skills on
international politics and international economic relations. Thus, by pursuing master degree in International Relations, I will be able to develop
more sophisticated point of view towards international politics and economic effects on international politics. By pursuing International Relations
master degree at University of more content...
In addition, I had the opportunity of case studies. Which gave me a well–rounded perspective on particular cases in International Relations. For
instance, at Turkish Foreign Policy class, we analyzed Cyprus Issue with all aspects, actors, approaches and events. By learning international
security theories, I was able to realize that, every conflict and situation can be systematically and sophistically analyzed by IR theories. Without
studying security theories, international disputes cannot be analyzed and understood properly. Throughout my studies as an undergraduate
student, the importance of economic effects on International Relations became obvious to me. Current market liberal economic system and
multi–national companies affect policy making processes of the states. Economic crisis affects nearly every country on the globe because of
economic interdependence between countries. Thus, in order to understand and gain more sophisticated perspective about economic effects on
IR, I attended classes as, International Economics, History of International Economic Relations and History of Economic
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International Relations Theories
International Relations
There are many theories that defines international relations. Most of these relations based on ideas that acts in accordance to the national interest
of that particular country. These theories represents a set of ideas that explains how should International Relations should be conducted. The
major theories are Realism, Liberalism, Constructivism and Marxism.
According to realism, the system for any country works for their benefits only by increasing their power relative to that of other countries. The
reasons realism theory works this way because it claims that the world is a very dangerous place and the only way to survive is to be strong and
powerful by having a reliable military power. There are many reasons that realism thinks that way (Sparknotes, 2017). First, there is no controlling
power that can inforce global rules or punishments. Second, other countries might take advantage because moral behavior is very risky and can
cripple the country's ability to protect itself. Third, it looks like the international system is causing countries to engage in military force and war.
So realism believes that the leaders may be ethical, but they must not let their honesty concerns guide their foreign policy.
On the other hand, Liberalism indicates that the deep ties among countries have both made it difficult to define national interest and decreased the
usefulness of military power. Actually, liberalism was developed because some scholars argued that
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Liberalism is more of a dominant philosophy in modern world more concentrating to European and American political system. Liberalism have
many variations and many proposal for state. In this essay I will try to discourse different views towards liberalism is viewed. This essay views
liberalism in more surficial manner but will try to touch the essential values and norms regarding liberalism. Liberalism is based on human
experience and habit absorbed from society. So in same manner in this essay I will be trying to review and address liberalism and different
philosophers Kant, Locke, Doyle and many more. When there is liberalism, one of the important issue that liberalism talks is international
institutions and their impact on international politics and international relations of states. As liberalism argues for influence of international
institutions on global arena of resolving war and conflict. Liberalism being the dominant philosophy in 21st century it is fascinating at the same to
know more about liberalism and its inspiration for global space. Liberalism is vague and huge topic for discussion but this essay will try to
highlight crucial issues that liberalism has been exercising throughout its development. From the age of enlightenment to modern era.
Liberalism is very different from what realism says. Just for instance realism denies any form of international institutions as an actor other than
state itself. But contrary to realism,
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Study International Relations Essay
Why Should One Study International Relations? Have you ever thought about studying international relations? What is international relations?
International relations is an interdisciplinary course which encompasses a lot of subjects such as history, economics, politics and sociology. One
may argue that it is an intricate course; however, one has to bear in mind that international relations is a gratifying course which has a lot of
benefits for those students who study international relations but in this essay only two major ones will be introduced. It is significant to study a
course like international relations which can provide students with different job opportunities. There are many different types of occupations for
those who more content...
With variety of job opportunities, chances to see different countries and more prominently, opportunities to learn more and more every day,
international relations is an enjoyable field to study at college, especially for those people who want to broaden their horizons and foster their
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English School Theory Essay
Theory, in general has various meanings in Social Sciences, most in particular in, International Relations. That is the term "Theory" can be
defined in various ways and means. Simply put, theory can be defined as a concept of explaining something. Furthermore, theory can be
defined as a series of propositions about political behaviour inductively derived either from empirical studies or the comparative examination of
case materials from the past (Akinboye & Ottoh, 2005). It can also be defined as a set of proposals of action for the statesman. The essence of
the definition of the term "Theory" is to understand weather or not, the English School qualifies as a theory of International Relations. The origin
of English School started in LSE, London School of Economics, in the department of International Relations by C.A.W Manning, Martin Wight,
Hedley Bull, Adam Watson, Alan James and John Vincent. It should be mentioned that one critique of the English School theorist is on how not
so English they were, with their developer; Manning being South Africa., which is proof of the loose geographic link between the theory and its
name (Wilson, 2013). In addition, the English School was designed to incorporate the two major theories that were trying to explain International
Outcomes namely, Realism and Liberalism; in order to come to a better, more complete understanding of International Relations, English School
theorists sought to answer an essential: How is one to incorporate the
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International Relations Essay Topics

  • 1. International Relations is a very important form of relationship in world politics today. So far as the world is made up of individuals, states, countries and various cultures there will also be a form of interactions with one another thereby leading to International Relations. Over the years, International Relations has been governed by two major theories. These theories are known as Idealism and Realism. In addition, theories are very important in international relations this is because theories are made to have contributions and solutions to world issues. Also, Theories can be defined as the development of series of statements about rational behaviour based upon a dominant motive such as Power; such theory provides a description of the political behaviour of rational actors. (Akinboye & Ottoh, 2005:53). Theories are also seen as a set of norms or values indicating how political actor ought to behave. The essence of theory for realism and idealism is to show their views on International Relations Issues. These two approaches have been seen as competing traditional approaches, furthermore, each of these approaches wants to be recognised as the major and sound approach to the study of International Relations (Dinesh). Each of these theories has its particular views on International Relations therefore believing they can explain and understand, International Relations. Idealism also known as Liberalism is a theory of International that majorly believe that the interactions Get more content on
  • 2. Debating since middle school made me concluded that I want to study international relations and I hate debating yet I love story–telling. What I don't like about debating is not only because we have to be ruthless for the reason all that matter is how we win the motion from the other side without taking concern of other party's opinion, but also the win–lose situation that debate forced. What I like about story–telling is not only it is fun since all that matter is everybody should put their best in telling their own share of story because there is no right or wrong side of the story, but also it is a win–win situation. For me, my bachelor study was also a win–win; I did well on all university students aspects: academic, organizational, more content... Diplomacy and negotiation is a smoother way of debate. In diplomacy we shall not be rude in expressing our opinion and we should mind others opinion highly. Therefore I like diplomacy and negotiation better because in negotiation we should compromise each other's interest to success, in other words it's more likely a win–win situation. To be able to exercise diplomacy and negotiation in the best way of possible I took part in several international conference simulations. After trying my hand at diplomacy for the first time in the new student orientation program, I was selected to represent my university to participated in Short Diplomatic Simulation of 21st Indonesian International Relations Students National Meeting. I received Best Performance award as Head Delegate of Lao PDR in an ASEAN Conference Simulation. I want to practice my diplomacy in a more global sphere so I participated in Indonesia Model United Nations in 2010. Although as the Head Delegate of Turkey in General Assembly I didn't receive any award, but I gained a tremendous experience and an unexpected description of United Nations' decision–making process, which is very complicated. I think organizational and leadership qualities are important in conducting diplomacy. Hence I have many organizational activities during my bachelor study. After holding several head division positions, on the third year I was the Vice President of the Students Get more content on
  • 3. The Importance Of International Relations In the international system, international relations (IR) theories play an important role in helping people understand how nation–states interact with each other. In their 2017 book, The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, Baylis, Smith, and Owens explore two prominent IR theories, liberalism and realism, both of which recognize the existence of anarchy and the importance of the state in the international system. Realists define anarchy as a lack of "overarching central authority above individual sovereign states" (Baylis et al. 105). The international system is governed by both anarchy and by law and cooperation. This is evidenced by the following: law and cooperation exists in the more content... 113). For instance, as a member of the United Nations (UN), Kuwait received military and humanitarian aid from other UN states during the Gulf War (1991–2) through the principle of collective security, which follows that "each [member] state in the system accepts that the security of one is the concern of all, and agrees to join in a collective response to aggression" (Baylis et al. 120–22). At the same time, IOs and liberals understand the importance of a state's right maintain self–determination of its own territory and population (Baylis et al. 121; 546). Lastly, with combined economic and military power, all member states help "punish" or subdue any state that threatens their universal liberal doctrine of human rights and democratic freedoms (Baylis et al. 121). According to the liberal democratic peace theory, democratic states avoid war and maintain peace with each other in comparison to undemocratic regimes (Baylis et al. 119; 533). Thus, when each member state maintains the common interests of the IO, peace and the establishment of some international authority remains a possiblity. However, when international organizations unite to impose liberal values on non–democratic or authoritarian regimes through the instigation of wars, this form of law and cooperation leads to anarchy or unchecked power in the international system. The democratic peace theory is a fallacy as liberal democratic states Get more content on
  • 4. Introduction: From the European colonial era to the Syrian refugees' crisis, the motion of modern international system always moves forward with the changes of world politics. There is a number of scholars would use "Eurocentric" as a key word to define this system because of several reasons. Since Karl Haushofer (NV & Leiden, 2006) firstly wrote "Europe–centric" in German during the 1920s, the debate of this topic has been one of the most crucial projects for every scholar of international relations in these centuries. More precisely, "Eurocentric" could be explained as the centre of modern international system is in Europe or the current order of international society is given by European communities. However, there are more and more studies showed the political importance and influence from oriental world. This essay is going to discuss whether the terminology of "Eurocentric" could be a good idea t o explain the international system of international relations for modern world politics by focusing on both the historical reasons and political issues. For instance, the effects of the European colonial era to the world politics and international system. In my opinion, although "Eurocentric" was a reasonable idea of international system for a long time. With the development of goblobalization indeed changed the order of world politics such as the rise of Chinese economy. In fact, the argument that evolution of international system in international relations are Eurocentric Get more content on
  • 5. International Relations AIS 3121 Theories of International Relations Are companies more powerful than nation–state in international relations? Chak Shu Fai, 52626878 Introduction This essay will focus on the influential relations between companies and nation–states in international relations. It is a serious issue because companies have raised the importance in international relations, especially non–governmental organizations (NGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs). According to the data collected by the Union of International Associations, there were over 66,000 international organizations, include NGOs and IGOs, in 300 countries and territories in 2013. More approximately 1,200 new organizations are added each year (Sheldon, 2014). The major increasing numbers of the international organizations is one of the evidence to show their powerful status in international more content... For instance, it functions as a response to problems of incomplete information, transaction costs and other barriers to improve the efficiency and welfare for their members (Barnett & Finnemore, 1999). The concept of powerful international organizations also can be found from professor Weiler (2003), international organizations have increasingly themselves interpreted their powers in an expansive manner that blurs the role of State consent, and States have increasingly conferred broader public powers of governance on international organizations. There is no doubt that international organizations have taken a deeper role in international relation, but it has different degrees of influence toward small nation states and big countries. In order to have a clearer picture of international organization's influence in international relations, the essay is divide in two part. First, it comments on small nation–state would be largely affected by
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  • 7. Essay about International Relations International Relations As I look back on high school, I remember walking through the hallways and seeing people and groups of all kinds. The hallways were lined, side to side, with different groups of different people with different ideas and opinions. I, myself, was part of a clique also. However, my clique inter–mingled with other cliques as we exchanged our ideas, opinions, and experiences. There were some other cliques that did the same as they did not isolate themselves from the rest of high school life. However, there were also the other kinds of groups which committed themselves to that group, and they did isolate themselves from everyone else. Now, let's take these cliques and turn them into full–scale nations. The more content... This isolation from the rest of the world instills a sense of security within the people and within the government. They do not have to trust any other nations, nor do they have to rely on any other nations for anything. Basically, they decide that it would be best for them to work out political situations by themselves instead of looking to a foreign government as a model to deal with the situation. However, this also shows one of the weaknesses of localization. If a nation isolates itself politically from the rest of the nation, then there is a good chance that they will fall behind with the times; thus, they may lose face when it comes to their status on the world stage. Economically, globalization supports the expansion of trade, production, and investments to markets outside their own. This expansion is apparent when we look at the formation of such institutions as the European single market, the North American free trade area, the newly emerging Asian groupings, and the "long overdue" formation of the World Trade Organization. These institutions have allowed nations (that accept globalization) to experiment with several different markets in order to achieve economic gain. Large corporations now participate in foreign markets instead of remaining within a domestic market. They know that people are fascinated by the cultures of other races, and they implement facilities into other nations. For instance, James Rosenau
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  • 9. International Relations Essay The first paradigm of international relations is the theory of Realism. Realism is focused on ideas of self–interest and the balance of power. Realism is also divided into two categories, classical realism and neo–realism. Famous political theorist, Hans Morgenthau was a classical realist who believed that national interest was based on three elements, balance of power, military force, and self interest (Kleinberg 2010, 32). He uses four levels of analysis to evaluate the power of a state. The first is that power and influence are not always the same thing. Influence means the ability to affect the decision of those who have the power to control outcomes and power is the ability to determine outcomes. An example of influence and more content... The power of a state is always contextual and relative. The final level of analysis Morgenthau considers to be important is whether or not the power is legitimate and moral or if it is illegitimate and immoral. Legitimate and moral power carries considerable weight in the international community. However, if the power of a state is derived from illegitimate sources such as a dictatorship the international community will be less responsive to that state, weakening its power. Weak or small states may enter into alliances with stronger states to increase their power and influence within the international community (Kleinberg 2010, 33–34). Morgenthau also believed that the charisma and personality of a leader was very important when reviewing the balance of power and understanding a state's self interest (Kleinberg 2010, 32). Realism focuses on the balance of power and how it impacts of actions of state actors within the international political system. Morgenthau said that, "The aspirations for power on the part of several nations, each trying to either maintain or overthrow the status quo, leads of necessity to a configuration that is called the balance of power and to policies that aim at preserving it" (Morgenthau 1967,131). He goes on by explain that not only is the balance of power and the policies that protect it inevitable but also that they are essential for Get more content on
  • 10. An Introduction Of International Relations The English school Throughout this course, an introduction of International Relations, my views have consistently been fluid. From week to week with new information and new theories presented, researched and analysed along with my increasing knowledge of attributes and models of these principles. I have had assimilations, with the key concepts of nearly all theories, yet none sat wholly in my perception of international relations. I found concepts of the disciplines to be too black and white. International relations is such a complicated study due to the fact, that nearly every theory, thought or notion can be countered by another discipline. I feel that there needs to be a more holistic approach to contemporary international relation. more content... Which ever is the case, what is known is that the first contributing members were not all English as the name suggests, Henry Bull an Australian and Charles Manning a South African. Certainly scholars such as Bull, Manning, Martin Wight, Herbert Butterfield, John Vincent, Geoffrey Goodwin, Fred Northedge and Alan James are all contributing authors of important pieces of academia, later to be known and categorised collectively as the English School of International Relations. And all of which were working in Britain at the time of conception. As Barry Buzan elaborates the English School was more of a network of scholars across generations rather than a particular grouping in place and time (Buzan 2014 p8). Since the English School's inception, the 'School' has incorporated two major theories of International relations; that being realism and liberalism. This is the 'modern twist' that Andrew Linklater describes about the English school. To take into account the states highest priority that being sovereignty and the anarchical nature of international relations, yet factor in the individual, Human rights and morality into the schools theory of contemporary International relations. Which is why the English school is described as one of the most important approaches to international politics (Linklater 2013 p88). The English school is a Get more content on
  • 11. International Relations Affects Our Lives International Relations is the sort of topic that is not often talked about in daily conversations, but is incredibly important to every single individual on the planet. It is so far reaching that no matter who you are it is going to affect you. No matter if you are the CEO of a massive corporation or a single mother slaving away with two jobs. There are very few things that are so encompassing to the world. International Relations affects everyone because countries are no longer isolated like they used to be hundreds of years ago. Nowadays we as a human species have realized that it is extremely beneficial when we interact with other countries. If America were to simply focus all on themselves and have no communication with other countries, it is safe to say that things would be much different and perhaps worse. We gain so many things from being in contact with other countries. For example we trade with other countries, we form groups overseeing International Security, form groups to end poverty, form groups to keep the economies all over the world in check and thriving etc. What it really comes down to is uniting as a human race to better ourselves. America is one of the strongest countries in the world and we probably could isolate ourselves from the world and still be fine. However not only would this limit our quality of life but more importantly we would be abandoning the rest of the world and the countries that need help the most. So this is why International Get more content on
  • 12. International Relations ( Ir ) International relations (IR) is one of the fascinating fields of political science that different ancient and modern philosophers have written about. When reading for David Hume or RenГ© Descartes, I have found many ideas that could be applicable to global politics and the relations between states. Even though these ideas might not be aligned with Hume or Descartes's individual political philosophies, they are worth applying to the current global political system. The first idea is Descartes's doubting of everything and anything around us except for the "I", or what he also referred to as the "ego." Second, is Hume's idea of relying solely on our sense experience in determining the reality around us. These two ideas are both applicable to the current global political system which has been characterized as anarchic. The system is considered anarchic because there is no government of governments, and there is no one sole power controlling all matters of the world politics. All of the main IR theories are trying to answer the question of how we could live in peace with each other. This question is important when knowing that there is no one centralized government that we can relate to when in dispute. RenГ© Descartes idea of doubting everything around us came from his belief that there is nothing we are sure about except for our inner–selves, or clearly put, our ego. It implies questioning everything made of matter and not relying on our human senses because they are vague and Get more content on
  • 13. International Relations And Global Politics Kegley and Raymond stated: "The shape of the world's future will be determined not only by changes in the objective conditions of world politics, but also by the meanings people ascribe to these conditions." Terrorism is presently a major factor in international relations and has impacted the world to change in many significant ways. Terrorism is a political ideology that has been problematic in defining definitely because of its various interpretations around the world, as well as the fact that it is constantly evolving. Since the terrorist events of 9/11, the lives of many have been changed forever. A small group of individuals, which are a mere fraction of the population of the world, have managed to impact and shape the way international and domestic relations are looked at and handled. People question how secure and safe they feel due to uncertainty of public safety because of events such as 9/11. The war on terrorism in the 21st century has certainly and inevitably changed the landscape for global politics. However, the relationship between terrorism and global politics is troublesome and in ways problematic to describe accurately. Both terrorism and global politics individually are complicated phenomenon. It is erroneous to propose that one is responsible for the other or vice versa, but they are inextricably and inevitably linked. In the study of international relations, there are multiple theories and theoretical perspectives. In this essay, realism and liberalism Get more content on
  • 14. International Relations Essay Introduction: At the end of WWII in 1945, Western Europe and arguably the entire world looked to the United States for a recovery plan. Great Britain was loosing control over its colonies, France and Germany had been destroyed by the war, and the Soviet Union was gaining power. This put the United States in a position of power, the question that arises with this is, does the United States try to gain control as the hegemonic power in the international system? Is there a real necessity in the region of the Middle East to gain the hegemonic power in terms of U.S national interest /security? International Relation realists would say of course there is. Within the discipline of International Relations there are several paradigms more content... These three factors all interact in several cases to support the conclusion that the post–WWII United States was in fact trying to gain control as the hegemonic power which supports the Realist claim that states are self–interested power seeking rational actors. Regionalism: Intro: Regionalism can mean two different things; in one sense of the word it is the joining of states in a geographic region to form a relationship whether it be an alliance or just an acknowledgment that each other's policies will affect one another. In the other sense of the word it is a concept of how to view the world. An example of this would be Spiegel's quotation of Greek foreign minister, Dora Bakoyannis, " In the Middle East, there is no way of definitely solving an issue while ignoring the others, This is why we need an integrated strategy for dealing with the Middle East as a whole...." In this case I will be examining the first situation, the cooperation of several states in a geographical region, and how it impacted U.S foreign policy toward the region. According to Hinnebusch, a state's geopolitical position specifically defines the threats and opportunities it faces. Thus, a states power position in the regional system is shaped by its resources, size of territory and population, and the strategic importance or vulnerability of its location, shapes its ambitions. Therefore small states are more Get more content on
  • 15. Reflection On International Relations Interacting with the first group of international partners in India was a difficult but intriguing experience. The interaction was difficult because of complications with technology. We were unable to accurately distinguish what our Indian colleagues were saying. Their responses to many questions had to be inferred during each visual interaction. Despite these issues, the interaction with the students from India allowed me to gain insight on international relations. The students from India gave us a very good impression. These students were very nice and respectful and seem to be very interested in the topics that were discussed. On each topic, all the students gave us a personal perspective of their way of life. The students from India openly shared their opinions and ideas with us and even laughed at jokes with us. They were very accepting of our opinions and ideas even though our beliefs had some differences. It was easier to chat through other social networking sites rather than class meetings. One downfall of the interactions with our partners was that we never engaged in the chat rooms in class. Each class meeting, we were consistently on video with the entire class instead of being able to just communicate with our assigned partner. This created issues because I was unable to get to know more about my partner because of our contrasting schedules outside of class. My partner Gouri Sohani was an excellent individual to collaborate with. We chose to communicate with Get more content on
  • 16. The Importance Of International Relations International relation is a major discipline in social science, which illustrates international politics on a worldwide scale. International relations study the history, culture, government, economy, and social aspects of nations around the globe. Studying of international relations became so vital for every nation to understand other countries' national interests in terms of politics and economy. In the twenty first century, there having been conflicts around the world with so many great powers are involved. Scholars in the field of international relations face challenges, while they analyze or conduct researches about other nations' politics because every day international politics are changing so rapidly(Hall,2015). Throughout human history, there have been always conflicts and dissatisfaction among human kind. People always want more and to be powerful, especially powerful countries. In today's politics, great powers have changed the world dynamic in terms of their presence in some parts of the world and international relations became a significant major school for every nation to understand the global politics. It determines how countries react in international level due to implementation of their interests within the region and globally. Scholars in the field read books, articles and listen to daily news while they do research on a region or country. This sometimes makes harder for scholars to gather all their information from that specific nation due to security or Get more content on
  • 17. This paper will compare and contrast two International Relations concepts, Neo–Realism as the problem–solving theory and Feminism as the critical. Within this analysis, the comparative strengths and weaknesses of the two theories will be discussed. As the contemporary approach of Realism, Neo–Realism also considers the nation–state to be the key–actor, and the overall to be goal be survival. However, with conflict being inevitable, rather than focusing on human nature, Neo–Realism states that the lack of a central authority, results in an anarchic international system of nations contending for power. Furthermore, Feminism can be argued as a critique towards these traditional theories. As it focuses on the world through a lens of gender and equality, not just the state. Removing the state as the key player, allows the individuals of a nation to no longer be undervalued. This in turn will allow the development of females, in a system that is dominated by male control, influence and disproportionate worldview. With both theories being very different in framework, strengths and weaknesses will vary, however they will also show small similarities. An important beginning factor of comparison is that these theories both have referent objects or key actors. For Neo–realism, the referent object is the 'state', and co–operation is not a number one agenda, rather a method of self–help is initiated. The importance of the state in this lens, allows for the de–emphasizing of the Get more content on
  • 18. Statement Of Purpose For International Relations STATEMENT OF PURPOSE International Relations is an important discipline in order to understand how the global system works. By studying International Relations, it is possible to analyze political, social and economic issues throughout the world and develop possible solutions for those issues. My aim to pursue master degree in International Relations is to enhance my current analyze and problem solution skills on international politics and international economic relations. Thus, by pursuing master degree in International Relations, I will be able to develop more sophisticated point of view towards international politics and economic effects on international politics. By pursuing International Relations master degree at University of more content... In addition, I had the opportunity of case studies. Which gave me a well–rounded perspective on particular cases in International Relations. For instance, at Turkish Foreign Policy class, we analyzed Cyprus Issue with all aspects, actors, approaches and events. By learning international security theories, I was able to realize that, every conflict and situation can be systematically and sophistically analyzed by IR theories. Without studying security theories, international disputes cannot be analyzed and understood properly. Throughout my studies as an undergraduate student, the importance of economic effects on International Relations became obvious to me. Current market liberal economic system and multi–national companies affect policy making processes of the states. Economic crisis affects nearly every country on the globe because of economic interdependence between countries. Thus, in order to understand and gain more sophisticated perspective about economic effects on IR, I attended classes as, International Economics, History of International Economic Relations and History of Economic Get more content on
  • 19. International Relations Theories International Relations There are many theories that defines international relations. Most of these relations based on ideas that acts in accordance to the national interest of that particular country. These theories represents a set of ideas that explains how should International Relations should be conducted. The major theories are Realism, Liberalism, Constructivism and Marxism. According to realism, the system for any country works for their benefits only by increasing their power relative to that of other countries. The reasons realism theory works this way because it claims that the world is a very dangerous place and the only way to survive is to be strong and powerful by having a reliable military power. There are many reasons that realism thinks that way (Sparknotes, 2017). First, there is no controlling power that can inforce global rules or punishments. Second, other countries might take advantage because moral behavior is very risky and can cripple the country's ability to protect itself. Third, it looks like the international system is causing countries to engage in military force and war. So realism believes that the leaders may be ethical, but they must not let their honesty concerns guide their foreign policy. On the other hand, Liberalism indicates that the deep ties among countries have both made it difficult to define national interest and decreased the usefulness of military power. Actually, liberalism was developed because some scholars argued that Get more content on
  • 20. Abstract Liberalism is more of a dominant philosophy in modern world more concentrating to European and American political system. Liberalism have many variations and many proposal for state. In this essay I will try to discourse different views towards liberalism is viewed. This essay views liberalism in more surficial manner but will try to touch the essential values and norms regarding liberalism. Liberalism is based on human experience and habit absorbed from society. So in same manner in this essay I will be trying to review and address liberalism and different philosophers Kant, Locke, Doyle and many more. When there is liberalism, one of the important issue that liberalism talks is international institutions and their impact on international politics and international relations of states. As liberalism argues for influence of international institutions on global arena of resolving war and conflict. Liberalism being the dominant philosophy in 21st century it is fascinating at the same to know more about liberalism and its inspiration for global space. Liberalism is vague and huge topic for discussion but this essay will try to highlight crucial issues that liberalism has been exercising throughout its development. From the age of enlightenment to modern era. Introduction Liberalism is very different from what realism says. Just for instance realism denies any form of international institutions as an actor other than state itself. But contrary to realism, Get more content on
  • 21. Study International Relations Essay Why Should One Study International Relations? Have you ever thought about studying international relations? What is international relations? International relations is an interdisciplinary course which encompasses a lot of subjects such as history, economics, politics and sociology. One may argue that it is an intricate course; however, one has to bear in mind that international relations is a gratifying course which has a lot of benefits for those students who study international relations but in this essay only two major ones will be introduced. It is significant to study a course like international relations which can provide students with different job opportunities. There are many different types of occupations for those who more content... With variety of job opportunities, chances to see different countries and more prominently, opportunities to learn more and more every day, international relations is an enjoyable field to study at college, especially for those people who want to broaden their horizons and foster their cultural Get more content on
  • 22. English School Theory Essay Theory, in general has various meanings in Social Sciences, most in particular in, International Relations. That is the term "Theory" can be defined in various ways and means. Simply put, theory can be defined as a concept of explaining something. Furthermore, theory can be defined as a series of propositions about political behaviour inductively derived either from empirical studies or the comparative examination of case materials from the past (Akinboye & Ottoh, 2005). It can also be defined as a set of proposals of action for the statesman. The essence of the definition of the term "Theory" is to understand weather or not, the English School qualifies as a theory of International Relations. The origin of English School started in LSE, London School of Economics, in the department of International Relations by C.A.W Manning, Martin Wight, Hedley Bull, Adam Watson, Alan James and John Vincent. It should be mentioned that one critique of the English School theorist is on how not so English they were, with their developer; Manning being South Africa., which is proof of the loose geographic link between the theory and its name (Wilson, 2013). In addition, the English School was designed to incorporate the two major theories that were trying to explain International Outcomes namely, Realism and Liberalism; in order to come to a better, more complete understanding of International Relations, English School theorists sought to answer an essential: How is one to incorporate the Get more content on