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International Law And Nuclear Weapons
Internationally, nuclear weapons have been an important topic of concern and debate for the past several decades. The concerns and debates within the
international community regarding the proliferation of nuclear weapons to more sovereign states in the post–Cold War era have led to many
international law instruments in attempts to contain these weapons of mass destruction. Treaties such as the Treaty on the Non–Proliferation of
Nuclear Weapons and the Test Ban Treaty of 1963, international organizations such as theInternational Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA), and the Korean
Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO), along with United Nations Security Council resolutions and advisory opinions from the
International Court of Justice (ICJ) have all played roles in attempting to contain and reduce nuclear weapons in the international community. However,
have these treaties, advisory opinions, resolutions, and creation of international organizations been effective in curtailing sovereign states from
obtaining and testing nuclear weapons? This paper will highlight the relationship between specific instruments of International Law pertaining to
nuclear weapons through a case study of North Korea to show that instruments of International Law in particular, such as the Korean Peninsula Energy
Development Agency (KEDO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), along with United States and United Nations economic restrictions,
have been ineffective at controlling the
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The Three Major Types Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction
There are three major types of weapons of mass destruction and those are nuclear weapons, biological warfare agents, and chemical warfare agents.
These weapons share their potential for large–scale destruction and the indiscriminate nature of their effects, notably against civilians. WMD's
challenges our peace and security here in the United States. There is a strategy for dealing with weapons of mass destructions, and it is the three pillars,
which are counter proliferation, nonproliferation, and WMD consequence management. The United States has tried to stop other countries; however, it
has gotten to a point that if the United States is attacked with nuclear weapons, then the U.S. will use WMD as a response to the attack. When it
comes to weapons of mass destruction in the possession of hostile countries and even terrorists, it is one of the greatest security challenges facing the
United States. The first strategy to combat WMD is counter proliferation to combat WMD use, counter proliferations are fully integrated into the basic
doctrines, in trainings, and even equipping of all forces, since it is important for the U.S military and appropriate agencies to be prepared to deter and
defend against any possible WMD event. With strengthened nonproliferation to combat WMD proliferation, in order to prevent states from acquiring
WMD and missiles, we must enhance diplomacy, arms control, multilateral agreements, threat reduction assistance, and export controls. That is to slow
and make it more costly to access sensitive technologies, materials, and expertise. In addition, the laws and treaties that are consistently violated by
Iran for years, are the treaty of the non–profeliration of nuclear weapons, because they developed a nuclear program that is without the consent of the
IAEA. They also has held into chemical agents and acculturated their chemical stockpile. In the other hand, North Korea has yet to give up its nuclear
weapons, and North Korea has violated the obligations to the IAEA, by actively developing nuclear weapons. North Korea is likely exchanging
nuclear expertise to Iran, Libya, and Pakistan. It has also sold missiles to Iran. they even have tested their first nuclear weapon. As we can
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Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear weapons are one of, if not the most dangerous weapons in the world today and they are one of the biggest issues the world faces at this
current moment. They have the capability of destroying entire cities and then some that could result in millions of deaths within seconds.
Radiation from the blasts would kill even more people throughout years to come. They were first used in 1945 at the end of World War II, when
the United States dropped Little Boy and Fat Man in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to 'save' the lives of American soldiers. Since then, a nuclear arms
race was born and it's becoming more of a concern as time moves forward. Albert Einstein, who was the creator of the nuclear bomb once said "I
know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Countries should not have access to
nuclear weapons because it destroys the environment, there is a possibility of a nuclear war that will end in mass destruction of the world, and
countries could save both revenue and resources. There are many nuclear bombing tests that happen throughout each year and it's extremely unhealthy
for the environment let alone if a nuclear war happened. According to scientists, even if a small percentage of the worlds nuclear bombs were set off
during a war, it would have an extremely devastating effect on humanity (Jha). Temperatures would drop quickly because there would be so much
black smoke in the air that the smoke would absorb
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Nuclear Issue in the North Korea from the Eyes of...
Introduction Nuclear issue in the North Korea has been a problem widely discussed around the world in recent years, while the whole progress from
the start of the nuclear crisis (The withdrawal of the North Korea from the Nuclear Non–Proliferation Treaty in 2003) to the cooperation (Six Party
Talks) and its failure is quite dramatic and worth exploring (Fang, 2009). This paper attempted to use two perspectives including neorealism and
neoliberalism to look at the issue, and examine their explanatory power. Accordingly, this paper recognized the importance of the two perspectives in
explaining the issue. On one hand, neorealism showed the restraints and balancing behaviors of the states during the process of negotiation, implying the
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Firstly, anarchy leads to International cooperation. Under anarchical status, states feeling unsafe due to no supreme authority. Thus, they tend to set up
regime regulating states' behavior to prevent defection. In this case, states are willing, though not able to cooperate with others. Regarding the unit of
analysis, neoliberalism believed states are important, but other actors such as IOs, NGOs, non–state actors are also worth discussing since many issues
under globalization cannot be merely solved by the states and military power. To explore more about the mindset of neoliberalism, Robert Keohane
(2000) suggested the idea of complex interdependence. To begin with, non–state actors can participate in international politics directly, while
transnational world breaks down the assumption of state as the only actor, and increases the importance of non–state actors like NGOs and TNCs.
Besides, international issues are complicated, breaking down the level of politics. In other words, there is no absolute difference or hierarchy between
high politics like military security and low politics like public affairs and economy. Thirdly, military power is important for balancing, but it is not the
only method to solve the problems. Military power, for example, cannot solve economic problems. While interdependence between states becomes
more and more prominent under the increasingly globalizing world, the costs of using force to resolve disputes therefore become much
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How Did The Cold War Affect The Korean War
Bryan Sanchez Espinoza
Mr. Munoz
World History
Period 7
5 May 2017
Korean War affect on the Cold War and the two superpowers As said by Chegg Study "The Cold War is the name given to the relationship that
developed primarily between the USA and the USSR after World War Two. TheCold War was to dominate international affairs for decades and many
major crises occurred – the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, Hungary and the Berlin Wall being just some. For many, the growth in weapons of mass
destruction was the most worrying issue."
The Korean War started on June 25, 1950. The Cold War had no military action but as of June 25, 1950 that all changed. The first military action of
the Cold War began when 75,000 soldiers of North Korea crossed the 38th parallel ( The 38th parallel was the boundary between the
democratic North Korea and the Republic South Korea ( TheUnited States sent American troops immediately ... Show more content on ...
America losing people in this war is probably the biggest lost they had. The United States was affected politically. Since the Korean War was the first
war during the Cold War it set the norm for conflicts that would happen later on. This War created the idea of what is called a limited war. This meant
that there were two powerhouse countries that would fight which created the idea of a limited war, where the two superpowers would fight in another
country, forcing the people in that nation to suffer the bulk of the destruction and death involved in a war between such large nations. The superpowers
avoided descending into an all–out war with one another, as well as the mutual use of nuclear weapons. It also expanded the Cold War, which to that
point had mostly been concerned with Europe. The Korean war also caused the United States to keep a military presence in Korea to guard against any
future North Koreans attacks which it has maintained up until the
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World War II : Will Humanity End Itself Through The...
World War III Will World War III ever happen? Will humanity end itself through the destruction of nuclear war? Will the world start another global
war. A major war could lead civilization to ruin, taking many people 's lives through the process. As technology advances, weapons are stronger
than ever before, able to wreak havoc on large cities. Even though World War III is associated with nuclear warfare in the people 's mind, it is
unlikely there would be a massive nuclear war. The superpowers of the world just fight proxy war, for example Vietnam. However, World War III is
improbable, there could be leaders who will make insane decisions, and the over aggression of Russia, that could lead to WW3. World War III is a
hypothetical War among different countries. Also, Nuclear warfare, or other times Thermonuclear or Atomic warfare, is a artillery conflict or
bureaucratic strategy to cause massive destruction from nuclear weaponry. On July 28, 1914, World War I started from the assassination of Franz
Ferdinand, who was the archduke of Austria–Hungary. The assassin, Gavrilo Princip, was a serbian nationalist who had connections with a military
group, the Black Hands. Then on September 1, 1939, World War II started from Germany invading Poland, and Britain and France declared war to
germany, as Hitler refused his invasion of Poland. World War 1 was supposed to be, "a war that will end war"(H.G. Wells) Then World War II started,
which went to a much larger scale than World War
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Nuclear Icb Cons
I found Roy's argument that a North Korean nuclear ICBM would not be a major game changer convincing because the author has clearly outlined the
cost and benefits of four possible policies in dealing with the North Korean nuclear and missile program. I would add a supporting argument of nuclear
weapons as a "life–insurance" for North Korea to his thesis, before I evaluate the option of military force as a fifth option to deprive Pyongyang of
its nuclear ambitions. In his 2002 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush named Iran, Iraq and North Korea, as states he deemed to
be part of an "axis of evil." He specifically mentioned those states alleged weapons of mass destruction programs as a threat to USA. Iraqi weapons of
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Should The United States Neutralize Wmds?
As many people are very aware, there have been gruesome terrorist actions across many different nations in recent months. Some of these events
include things like the crash of EgyptAir Flight 804 that was suspected to be shot down by a terror group, the bombings in Paris, France and
Brussels, Belgium, as well as the mass shooting in a French political cartoon company. These radical terrorist groups do not follow any sort of laws,
or rules of any kind, giving them free reign over any weapons they can get their hands on. In the future, these organizations could evolve into using
alternative sources of weaponry. These weapons can and will cause mass destruction and killing in a very short amount of time. These devices of mass
killing are detrimental to higher refined civilizations that do not support foreign radical beliefs.... Show more content on ...
The United States's nuclear umbrella should not be withdrawn from foreign countries because of the risk of more nuclear weapon development. The
United States can not keep world peace by dominating every country's decision on WMDs but the ones that are under nuclear umbrella protection can
be prevented from creating more. A favorable reason the United States should be allowed to intervene is the country of North Korea. The North
Koreans are not afraid of the U.S and their policies, indicated by North Korea's actions of nuclear missile tests. Republican candidate Donald Trump,
has expressed his extreme dislike for nuclear weapons throughout multiple interviews. Trump said that the world's enemy is not global warm, but
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The US Rogue States and the Dialogue with North Korea
Once the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s the bipolar world order disintegrated with it, leaving the United States as the sole global
superpower. Yet, the communism was not the only concern of Americans. In the early 1980s, this capitalist power already started sensing an
overcoming threat of the international terrorism, which led to the emergence of a new group of enemies, namely, the rogue states. These countries are
seen as a danger to the new unipolar world. The United States of America assumed a responsibility to contain these states and/or transform them into
successfully functioning democracies. Currently this is being done by military interventions and sanctions. However, one special state arises – North
Korea . It is the ... Show more content on ...
However, North Korea receives an absolutely different treatment from other rogue states or the axis of evil members .
Before delving into the case study of the United States' approach towards the rogue state par excellence – North Korea, one needs to understand the
American aims behind this issue and what makes it contestable? After the collapse of the Soviet Union the world of duo–polarity and the perceived
threat of communism has disappeared, creating a new world system "with one superpower and several major powers" (Huntington 36). The emerged
order created a new global threat – international terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The US, being the only superpower,
saw itself as the democratiser of the world which can prevent the threatening regimes from spreading. To them this foreign policy was a way of
protecting national interests and expand the community of democratic and capitalist countries that are committed to peace (Lake 46). Albeit the
general goal of democratisation is quite straight–forward, the aims towards every single rogue state are lacking much uniformity. This happens due to
their dissimilar geographical location and the goals of the "perpetrators" themselves. For example, the majority of the rogue states
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North Korea & Ir The Best Developers Of The Worst Nuclear...
Arshdeep Singh Mrs. Mason English 10 A 24 February 2016 North Korea & Iran in a race to be the best developers of the worst Nuclear weapons
From the 1700 's to the 1900 's, humankind has gained much knowledge of nuclear energy, all of which started from mere curiosity to understanding
the electrons, protons and neutrons. The knowledge gained over the span of 200 years was so vast that the humankind has evolved usage of nuclear
energy from being beneficial to the humankind to becoming weapons of mass destruction. It has left the world leaders bewildered as to whether
these advancements in development of nuclear weapons is for welfare of the country or it is to serve purposes that are far more dangerous than can
be encompassed. But the enrichment of nuclear weapons each year by countries has definitely spurred the scientific community and these actions have
been under scrutiny by the world leaders. In the present day world, out of 196 countries that exist on this planet, two countries have arisen to be the
biggest threats all owing to nuclear weapons. North Korea and Iran joined this race of exponential development of nuclear weapons and have posed
threats of all sorts to rest of the world with their constant development of nuclear weapons. In this race, the North Korea has definitely left Iran behind.
Therefore, threat of nuclear war with North Korea is greater than with Iran. These countries have used their capability of nuclear weapons development
to intimidate their foes
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Essay On Usa Vs North Korea
The USA and North Korea are vastly different. For starters, the North Korean people didn't even have cell phones until five years ago. Did you
know how poor/corrupt their economy is, they just got over a famine that ravaged North Korea for four years, and North Korea has a lot of
nuclear power as well. Even though smart phones have been around for about ten years, the North Korean people didn't have cell phones until about
five years ago. Why is because North Korea's government is so strict about their country, that you can be arrested for showing video outside of North
Korea. This is because the North Korean people want outsiders to believe that everything in Korea is fine, and that there a happy place that everyone
would like, but in reality, it's a very broken and mislead country. Besides video, it's also illegal to call someone from... Show more content on ...
Most countries now have nuclear power but never use these weapons of mass destruction. As a result of this, countries hype up their power of
nuclear weapons so much, that it forces competing countries to back down or surrender without actually using nuclear weapons (scare tactics) .
Not only do we know that North Korea has massive nuclear power, but they are actively demonstrating this power to the world by testing them. So,
what we have learned is that North Korea is massively corrupt. North Korea is also a very poor country as well as a very destructive one.
Everything there is monitored to the point when there is no privacy. It's a big example of a mislead country. They not only have the nuclear power to
cause mass devastation, but are currently testing out nuclear weapons and aren't scared of causing acts of terrorism. They even use fear tactics on
their own people. Now, compare North Korea to North America and you can see the differences. In conclusion, be glad that you live in such a privileged
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The Relationship Between Mass Media And The Media
Introduction The media and I have a history of disagreeing. I have referred to them with many derogatory names, of which they deserve, and continue
to see their faults in 2017 (Truman, 1951). I am particularly interested in how Breitbart and CNN use their influence on the public to further the partisan
divide. Politics seem based more on who the public does not like, rather than who they are in favor of. Profound changes in the relationship between
news media and policy makers have emerged as byproducts of new, faster communications technology. These changes present some advantages like fast
and widespread coverage nationally and globally, interactive feedback between journalists and audiences, and convenience. The disadvantages are
detrimental, however. The sheer volume of information available to the public poses a threat due to the fact that oftentimes citizens know more than
their government officials, and information is leaked and hacked more easily. This is another way that the media can influence the public:
"accidentally" leaking information that may or may not be completely false. Many news organizations feign impartiality, and act as though they would
never intentionally spread deceptive information, but I know this to be a falsehood (Truman, 1961, 115). Mass media has motivations from their CEOs
and sponsors, but also from corrupt politicians who buy out journalists and entire franchises to ensure that they aren't attacked by that particular
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Tension Between The United States And The Cold War
After World War II, only two world superpowers remained: the United States of America and the Soviet Union. The contradictory political regimes of
the democratic United States and the communist Soviet Union were believed to be mutually exclusive which increased bitterness between them.
Inevitably, the apparent tension between the two superpowers led to the Cold War which lasted about 45 years. It was war without bloodshed or battle,
instead it was a metaphorical war where the U.S and the Soviet Union increased their weapons and fought for political influence, one always wanting
to excel or maintain within the range of the other. The United States' desperate need to contain the communist political ideology from spreading any
further and meet the Soviet Union's increased development of nuclear weapons led to the their involvement in the Cold War. The impact the Cold War
had on life during the 1950's and 1960's can be measured through the creation of the House Un–American ... Show more content on ...
The democratic ideals of the U.S and the communistic regimen of the USSR competed for nuclear dominance and international influence. The tension
and fear of nuclear war created mass hysteria within the American population within the 1950's and 1960's that led to the development of the House
Un–American Activities Committee and the procedure of nuclear drills. HUAC was created to prevent the spread of communism within the United
States, and nuclear drills were performed in schools to help prepare children for nuclear war. To this day, the struggle between communism and
democracy exist as North Korea builds tension with the U.S government through its tenacious development of nuclear weapons. The fear the Cold War
enacted did not end with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. It continues today with North Korea's recklessness, and the terror of one wrong move
ending in nuclear war still
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North Kore A Threat Of World Security Essay
North Korea is a nation where their once family and ally, South Korea, has become their biggest enemyies. North Korea has taken extensive measures
to make sure they are included in some of the most powerful nations of the modern century. They have done this using the power of nuclear weapons
and other weapons of mass destruction. They have been claimed as a physical and no longer theoretical threat to its surrounding nations. North Korea
has become a threat of world security and, we should raise arms against North Korea and make them join the NATO in their quest for world peace
and a civilized world, To raise arms against North Korea we would cut off their supplies which would end the war very quickly and with very little
cost., The result of North Korea surrendering would show the power of the NATO., After the war against North Korea, China would take over the
small country and would use it as a NATO military outpost. (what is supposed to happen in theory).
Leadership in North Korea
The three dictatorial leaders of North Korea have been Kim II–Sung, Kim Jong Iil, and& Kim Jong un. Kim Jong il was the leader during WWII and
the kKorean war. He died in 2011, which gave his son Kim Jong– un direct leadership to the throne. Kim Jong un has made life in North Korea easier
for all of his citizens by providing jobs for those who need them most. He has started to gradually give North Koreans more and more resources to
improve their life. Kim Jong un is much better than his father
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The Dangers Of Nuclear Weapons
Since the creation of nuclear weapons, nuclear force has only been used twice. Nuclear bombs were dropped on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan
by the United States, ending World War II. The destruction, both material and living, produced a sudden realization of the consequences of using
nuclear weapons. Following World War II, states soon realized the potential of and the dangers of nuclear weapons. With the potential to destroy entire
states, people and all, in a matter of seconds, treaties and agreements were quickly drawn up to prevent the use of nuclear arms. Treaties such as the
Intermediate–Range Nuclear Force Treaty (INF), the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), and the
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) called for a decrease in the production and a cease in testing of nuclear weapons to prevent the
possibility of nuclear world wars and unnecessary destruction to the environment. When a nuclear bomb explodes, there are immediate effects from the
nuclear blast such as thermal radiation and several kinds of radiation. Long term effects also occur such as fallout which destroys the climate and
atmosphere of the earth. As such, the United States and Soviet Russia entered a Cold War once both states obtained nuclear capabilities since neither
one would gain anything by using nuclear force because of mutually assured destruction (MAD). MAD meant that if one state were to launch a nuclear
attack, the immediate
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Wmd (Weapons Of Mass Destruction)
WMD(Weapons of Mass Destruction)
"A world without nuclear weapons would be less stable and more dangerous for all of us."(Margaret Thatcher). Although this quote sounds ridiculous, it
is absolutely right. Arguments have been made by President Obama that "nuclear weapons are the greatest threat to U.S. security." However, history
proves that weapons of mass destruction whether– biological, nuclear, chemical or radioactive, are a necessary evil to sustain global stability, deter
attacks from rogue nations and encourage diplomacy.
Weapons of Mass Destruction sustain global peace by keeping the most powerful nations honest. Currently the United States, Russia, China, UK, North
Korea, India, Pakistan, Israel and France all possess WMD. Of these nations the U.S. is the most prepared to deploy its weapons, while Russia
reportedly has the most WMD's. These nations are the most ... Show more content on ...
North Korean Leader Kim Jong II, and Iran's Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad both threaten to attack the United States and its allies, conduct tests, and
oppress their own people. However, when feeling threatened each leader has ultimately come to the bargaining table to discuss sanctions. Why?
Because these rogue leaders know that attacking a world power in possession of WMD's would be suicide. And they want to live.
Weapons of Mass Destruction encourage world leaders to talk rather than attack. There are two deadly implications of using WMD's. First, the innocent
victims are killed in the other country. Second, more innocent victims are killed when the country responds with their own WMD's. Diplomacy is the
profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations. In this case it's an action, the action of threating the use of such weapons calms down
both sides in conflict. This is a win–win. Each side gets to talk tough and save face and maintain their status in their
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North Korea Will Meet Its End Is On The Minds Of Many East...
How North Korea will meet its end is on the minds of many East Asian policy makers, analysts, experts, and military minds. Why is North Korea
worth the attention? North Korea is one of the most heavily armed nations on earth. North Korea possesses a large conventional force of 1.2 million
soldiers (Scobell 2007, 8), making her a threat to neighboring South Korea. In addition, North Korea maintains a large Special Operations Force to
operate behind the lines in a major confrontation with South Korea (Scobell 2007, 8). But it is North Korea's chemical weapons and missile inventory
that pose a threat to not only South Korea but also Japan (Scobell 2007, 9–10) and island nations in the Pacific. The US is close allies with both Japan
and South Korea and North Korea's advances in unconventional military might are troubling. While it is unlikely North Korea will attack South
Korea in an all out attempt to reunite the peninsula (Scobell 2007, 12), another possibility exists for North Korea: total collapse of the state as we
understand it. The security of North Korea's weapons of mass destruction will be of paramount importance to the US and the rest of the world as
North Korea maintains a robust WMD program to include nuclear weapons (Scobell 2007, 9–11). North Korea's collapse would require massive
resources from the US and South Korea and other neighboring countries to secure WMD facilities and the population. Since all out war launched by
either US–ROK alliance or North
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The Independence and Isolation of North Korea Essay
North Korea, also referred to as the bridge between Japan and China, is located in the eastern part of Asia. North Korea is half a pennisula, particularly
the northern half, in the Korean Peninsula. North Korea, is a bit smaller than Mississippi, and about eighty percent of its land it mountainous (Kummer,
19–20) Signs of human activity date back to 3000 B.C., but Korea was known as Choson. Historians are not yet sure where the origins of the Korean
culture come from but, "..archeologists have determined that some prehistoric peoples of the Altaic language group probably migrated to the Korean
peninsula from Siberia, Manchuria and Mongolia." (DuBois, 19) Like any other civilization, the first people fished, gathered food, and hunted. As...
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Under Yi SЕЏng–Gye's son King Sejong, considered Korea's greatest ruler, inventions like the rain gauge, the use of a movable type, and the birth of
Korean alphabet called Hangeul, still in use today, surfaced. (Piddock, 27–28) They ruled the entire peninsula for 500 years. Then Korea was annexed
by neighbors Japan in 1910. Korea continued to be under Japan until 1945 when it was liberated at the end of World War II. ("North Korea",
Culturegrams) "With the defeat of Japan in 1945, the Allies agreed to divide the Korean Peninsula between the Soviet Union and the United States at
the thirty–eighth parallel as a temporary measure." (Piddock, 30) The Soviet Union received the Northern part of Korea, and the United States the
South. ".. Soviet forces closed off northern Korea at the thirty–eighth parallel and placed Korean communists in power there." Evidently, North Korea
was bound to turn communist. Kim Ill–sung took power of North Korea in 1948, and two years later the Korean War commenced. (Piddock, 31–32)
"on June 25 [1950], soldiers from communist North Korea (known as the North Koreans People's Army, or NKPA) had launched an invasion of their
noncommunist neighbor, South Korea. South Korean troops(known as Republic of Korea, or ROK, forces) were surprised, outnumbered, and
outgunned by the invaders. .. In the
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Nuclear Weapons During The Cold War
Since the invention of nuclear weapons, they have presented the world with a significant danger, one that was shown in reality during the bombing of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, nuclear weapons have not only served in combat, but they have also played a role in keeping the world peaceful
by the concept of deterrence. The usage of nuclear weapons would lead to mutual destruction and during the Cold War, nuclear weapons were
necessary to maintain international security, as a means of deterrence. However, by the end of the Cold War, reliance on nuclear weapons for
maintaining peace became increasingly difficult and less effective (Shultz, et. al, 2007). The development of technology has also provided increasing
opportunities for states ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, it also presents perspectives on important policies and strategies of Iran and North Korea, in regard to the development of their armory of
nuclear weapons.
Since the end of the Cold War, the cases ofnuclear proliferation in Iran and North Korea have gathered enormous international attention. Iran 's
nuclear program appeared as a result of the Cold War alliance between the United States and the late Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. In
2003, Iran was suspected of developing a military nuclear capability and is now developing medium and intermediate ballistic missiles, which are
capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. On the other hand, North Korea set off a nuclear device and declared suspicions about a military nuclear
program in 2006. Iran and North Korea have recently started cooperation to develop multi–stage ballistic missiles and have conducted several missile
flight tests over the last few years (Schmid, 2008).
With sources dating back to the late 1960s, North Korea's nuclear weapons program has expanded to be a useful instrument of the government's
security. Its principal motivations for developing the nuclear weapons are as follows: to block foreign pressure, create an international impact and
preserve the terms and conditions of the DPRK (ruling party of North Korea). In contrast, Iran 's motivations to develop strategic weapons appear to
be more complex than that of North Korea. Iran 's efforts to develop nuclear, chemical and
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North Korean Nuclear Program Essay
The North Korean government continues to financially fund the research and testing of nuclear and ballistic missiles. Little information is known
about the North Korean nuclear program and has been made available to foreign nations due to the secrecy and isolation of international affairs. The
threat of a nuclear strike from North Korea has become an increasingly serious matter for many nations including the U.S. and its Asian allies, Japan
and South Korea. Currently, there are only nine nations known by intelligent analysis that possesses the resources to manufacture nuclear weapons
which do include the U.S. However, North Korea is the only nation in the 21st century to conduct a nuclear missile test that has been reported by North
Korean ... Show more content on ...
Back in Washington, President Clinton's administration concluded that North Korea was reviving their nuclear missile program and demanded
access to the suspected facilities being built. Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, granted access to multiple locations to U.S. officials for
inspection of facilities in exchange for financial aid and food (Hathaway & Tama 724). North Korea's negotiation for aid from the U.S. does not come
as a surprise for the simple fact that citizens living under the supreme leadership of Kim Jong–un live in absolute poverty. Although the state–run
government experiences hardship by trying to provide an adequate supply of food for citizens; the government spends a huge sum of money to
maintain a large military force. North Korea was not pleased with the accusations that they were constructing underground nuclear development
facilities and demanded the U.S. to compensate a large sum of financial aid to the state–government for defamation. The nation demand for $300
million or other economic benefits and food aid equivalent to that amount is claimed "very just, because once [North Koreans] open an object, which is
very sensitive in view of their national security... they cannot use it for its original purpose (Park 538). In addition, North Korea counteracted the U.S.
accusations of conducting nuclear missile testing by accusing the
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War On Terrorism And Terrorism
War on Terrorism The most current and imminent threat to the future of the United States is foreign terrorism, which occurs primarily outside the US
territory, due to the increasing development in weapons of mass destruction. Although, the US in the last two decades has seen an increase of terrible
acts of terrorism here in own country. These foreign and domestic entities utilize intimidation and violence for their political gain or religious beliefs,
by instilling fear in innocent lives. Terrorists also utilize suicide bombing and cyber–attacks in their trail of torment. The United States is a target of
these acts due to our magnitude and authority, and it is imperative that our Nations security is vigilant and constantly prepared at a moment's notice
to maintain our safety. Prior to September 11, 2001, terrorist activity produced a wave of attacks on the "United States' marine barracks in Lebanon
in 1983, the World Trade Center in 1993, American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, and the USS Cole in 2000" (397). Assassinating
important individuals or small number of people was the focus of early terroristic attacks. On September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center towers in
New York buckled after they were hit by anal–Qaeda organization that seized the airplanes. Osama bin Laden, was the leader of the militant Islamic
terrorist group that lead the attacks. The group proceeded with one plane that crashed into the Pentagon near Washington, D. C., and a fourth
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Essay On The Hobbit Vs The Korean War
of 4
Wavy GriggsMr. ArmstrongEnglish comp. II T–R 9:2523 September, 2017The Hobbit Vs. The ToupeeNorth Korea and America seem to be all that is
talked about in modern day media. Does anyone know the true motives of the participants, no, but what is known is that tensions are high. While North
Korea claims to want overall protection from capitalist society, America claims that the North Korean Government is a terror regime with weapons of
mass destruction. Both sides have defensive standpoints and reasonable suspicion. Clearly, with tensions rising action being taken is only a matter of
time. A compromise must be agreed on to settle the two nations. With all but peace talks being put into play, a mandated compromise allowing the
North Korean government an ability to defend itself, and allowing America the safety of non–aggression must be met.Subsequently, this disagreement
goes farther back than many acknowledge. The Korean War, which led up to modern day confusions, was commonly perceived as a communist
attrition war. This very label would, of course, bring forth America to the fight. America got involved to preserve "order" and prevent another "Iron
Curtain" from forming. America and Russia played huge roles in the skirmish, with America and Russia both influencing the side aided. North Korea
was backed by Russia. With the
Griggs 2help given by Russia, North Korea had huge communist ties. America disliked this and aided the South Korean people in
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Terrorism Essay
Terrorism is the unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof,
in the furtherance of political or social objectives". This definition includes three elements: (1) Terrorist activities are illegal and involve the use
of force. (2) The actions are intended to intimidate or coerce. (3) The actions are committed in support of political or social objectives.
The main topic here is Terrorism and Foreign Policy. The two terms that are going to be discussed is how the waragainst terrorism is expanding and
how American President George W. Bush misnamed his National Security Strategy.
In his State of the Union address, President Bush threatened to expand ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, if the president attacks North Korea, Iran, or Iraq, he could exacerbate the proliferation problem rather than reduce it. Other nations
would believe that they could be next and think that working on missiles and weapons of mass destruction was the only way to keep out a superpower
bent on intervening in civil wars everywhere in the name of fighting terrorism.
And would the United States really intervene unilaterally in friendly nations that it believed were too timid in fighting terrorism–for example, the
Philippines or Yemen? In the Philippines, would the United States intervene against the wishes of a democracy that it helped institute?
A perpetual state of war–as the president seems to envision when he asserted that the war may run beyond the duration of his term–could undermine
economic recovery, does not comport with the values of a republic, and will likely lead to the erosion of constitutional liberties and the accumulation
of too much power in the executive branch. And a war in perpetuity is not needed to minimize the threat from North Korea, Iran and Iraq. If the United
States could contain the threat from a rival superpower during the Cold War, it can certainly contain three small, poor countries. In addition, a
seemingly unprovoked war against another Moslem nation, Iran, Iraq or both could act as a recruiting poster for
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Nuclear Weapons, Biological And Chemical And Biological...
As many scholars have suggested, Libya's renouncement of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons shows us a possible solution for the so–called
rogue regimes including North Korea. North Korea presumably continues to possessing nuclear, biological and chemical weapons programs and
continues to develop its nuclear program to the extent that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) conducted its fifth nuclear test. Experts
warn that DPRK can reach its capacity to complete its Inter–Continental Ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and target the U.S. by 2020. Under these
circumstances, can any policy recommendations be drawn from the precedents regarding Libya? Three authors, Malfrid Braut–Hegghammer, Dafna
Hochman and Peter Viggo Jakobsen have written about Libya's renouncement of nuclear weapons and they all address the following questions: What
was the condition that made Libya dismantle nuclear weapons? Was the 2003 attack on Iraq the only reason that forced Libya to renounce nuclear
weapons as supported by the Bush administration? Moreover, Jakobson and Hochman suggest what policy implications would be to curb the DPRK's
ambitions for Weapons of Mass Destruction(WMDs). What was the condition that drove Libya to renounce the nuclear weapons? The three essays
commonly address the condition that made Libya dismantle nuclear weapons. Braut–Hegghammer and Hochman focus on the reason why the Libyan
regime decided to dismantle nuclear weapons.
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Write An Essay On 1984 By George Orwell
According to CNN News Fumio Kishida a foreign minister of Japan sites the city of Hiroshima sits in a beautiful location, surrounded by sea and
mountains. It has rich culture and history, and has been a symbol of peace and hope since its recovery from the atomic bombing in 1945. However,
this is another issue of nuclear and mass destruction of weapons can lead fear and control over people. During the cold war is when everyone was in
fear and had hatred over other countries besides their own. Nuclear weapons do not create no peace.
For example, the author of 1984, Orwell explains how O'Brien the leader of the party. The party is the government of Oceania. O'Brien discusses how
power controls everything over human beings, but above all power controls over the mind. Fear, rage, triumph, and self–abasement is what builds the
society of Oceania. "Nothing exists outside the mind", O'Brien explains. I agree ... Show more content on ...
Over all though if I was living in a society such as North Korea, I would not noticed there is anything wrong. Everyone around me would all be the
same. I could survive in a society compare to North Korea and Oceania. In all the celebrations of North Korea, I would be just as all the other people
excited for their level of deadly weapons.
Although there are some countries that are examples of the opposite of a society full of fear and hate. For example, the United states is rule by the
people, but even the government limits the power of the people. The U.S. government yearns to be the central control of everything. The U.S. little
by little relates more to the book 1984. In 1984 there are telescreens in every room watching over everyone. Likewise, the U.S. has cameras in public
areas and hack into anyones phone without permission to see what anyone is doing. In all societies there are still similarities to the one O'Brien
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The United States Government ( Usg ) And Department Of...
East Asia continues to present a broad spectrum of opportunities and challenges to the United States, our allies, and partners. The United States
Government (USG) and Department of Defense (DoD) continues to work closely with its allies and partners to build relationships and capacity vital to
advancing U.S. national interests of security, prosperity, international order, and the promotion of universal values. The most profound and alarming
trend within the East Asia region over the past several years is the increasing belligerence and defiance of the Kim Jung–un regime of North Korea. The
United States regards the coercive activities by North Korea, in particular its pursuit of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and ballistic missile
capabilities, to comprise the most urgent security threat in the region. The USG is fully committed to maintaining peace throughout the Korean
Peninsula by effectively working with our allies and other regional states to deter and defend against North Korean military provocations, weapons
proliferation, and illicit trafficking; and to support enforcement of international sanctions restricting North Korean arms trade and other prohibited
In order to protect and advance U.S. national interests, while operating within the increasingly volatile environment on the Korean Peninsula, the
United States must remain vigilant in deterring activities by the Kim Jung–un regime that threaten U.S. interests. Additionally, the DoD must remain
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North Korean Crisis Research Paper
The ongoing North Korean Crisis, has, in recent years, escalated as a result of North Korea's development of nuclear weapons and long–range missiles
in violation of UN's Security Council resolutions. In addition, there were periods of tension such as the shelling of Yeongyeong Island, and it is
possible that any incidents along the border between the two Koreas could potentially result in dangerous consequences, ultimately leading to war.
However, as the Crisis escalates and with rising tensions, the impacts can already be felt. North Korea currently has defence capabilities such as
chemical and biological weapons, which are frightening on their own, yet even more deadly is the nuclear weapons North Korea added to their defence
arsenal, capable
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Nuclear Weapons : The Three Types Of Weapons Of Mass...
Weapons of mass destruction, (WMD), as the name would imply are extremely powerful and very deadly. There are three types of WMDs,
chemical, biological, and nuclear (Chernotsky and Hobbs 2013: 103). The difference between WMD and conventional weapons is that WMD kill a
lot more and with no discrimination. Chemical weapons, such as mustard gas, are banned in war because of how inhumane it was during the world
wars. Biological weapons can be just as deadly as chemical weapons if the disease is released in a highly populated area. This can cripple a country
without even firing a single bullet (104). Nuclear weapons are commonly viewed as the most destructive force on the Earth. There are currently
15,000 nuclear weapons in the world with 1,800 are on high alert and can be launched at a moment's notice (Kristensen and Norris 2017: 289). This
is more than enough nuclear weapons to end the world. Nuclear weapons are very powerful and if the initial blast does not kill a person, the
shockwaves, and radiation will(Nuclear Threat Initiative, "Nuclear 101", Module 4). Most of the nuclear weapons belong to the United States and
Russia, each with around 7,000. The rest of the UN security council have nuclear weapons as well, but not nearly as many. France comes the closest
with 300 and China and England have around 200 each. Pakistan, India, and Israel all have nuclear weapons but they have even fewer than China and
England. It is unknown how many nuclear weapons North Korea has, but
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The North Korea Nightmare Summary
The general argument made by Harry J. Kazianis in his work , "The North Korea Nightmare", is that North Korea chose to isolate themselves
thinking that is better for their country but in reality it is not . He writes "there is only one thing that is clear: Tensions on the Korean peninsula are
only going to get worse". In this passage , Kazianis is suggesting that Kim Jong Un is not doing a great job running his country and is causing his
country to become isolated from the other countries . Kim enjoys flaunting around his new weapons ."Every time Kim tests a new weapons system – or
decides to parade them down the street – the world goes into a panic." This shows that Kim enjoys the reactions of other countries causing mass
destruction and contemplating
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Conflict Between North And South Korea
Conflict in Korea The U.S.'s conflict with North Korea is as old as their leader is short. It all started in the late 40's and early 50's with the war on
Communism. The U.S. feared the rise of Communism in its neighboring states and the effect it might have on American politics; this phenomenon
was referred to as the Domino Effect. As a result of this fear, the U.S. took action in an attempt to avert this perceived inevitability. One of the
Nations we took action in was Korea; the North was backed by the Soviets and the South was backed by the U.S.. This country was now torn between
two radically different ideologies; separated by the 38th parallel and a little over 100,000 men. The Korean War may have ended in 1953, however, we
[the ... Show more content on ...
North vs. South While many people view North and South Korea as one in the same, they are not. North and South Korea may share a border, but that
is all they share; they are dramatically different. Where North Korea can barely feed their own people, South Korea is a hot spot for technological
development. For example, Hyundai Motor (the world 's fifth biggest car manufacturer), Samsung Electronics (the world 's biggest technology firm by
revenue), and POSCO (one of the worlds leading manufactures of steel) are some of the few multi–billion dollar companies operating out of South
Korea. While North Korea has committed atrocities against humanity, South Korea has cultivated an economy that has allowed talented individuals
to revolutionize technology. These claims can be substantiated by taking a look at the GDP of both countries; in 2011, North Korea 's GDP was
estimated at $1,800 per capita whereas South Korea 's was $31,700 per capita. The one sector of North Korea 's economy that public money is
actually funneled into is their military. This money, which accounts for half of their GDP, is used to develop ICBMs, nuclear warheads, and other
weapons with baleful intent. South Korea may not be a world superpower, but they are miles and leagues ahead of North Korea. At least, the North
understands that weapons of mass destruction are not toys to be played with by short men with God complexes.
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Ben Vajraca. Prof.Robinson. North Korean Nuclear Threat
Ben vajraca
North Korean Nuclear threat Memeo
Since the 1950's North Korea has posed as dangerous threat to The United States and its allies. With North Korea development of Nuclear arms and its
consistent hostile rhetoric and actions towards the United States. With the North Korea's development of a long range ICBM, more now than ever the
United States has been put into a position where its and many of its allies national security has been put at risk. We are now put into a position in
deciding how to react and move forward with these development while at the same time mitigating and preventing potential destruction and casualties.
As the advisor to the president my job/goal is to provide the president with advice and ... Show more content on ...
With this these considerations in mind expanding this program would cost heavily as these programs like Stuxnet can cost hundreds of millions of
dollars to develop. Furthermore this type of program does provide a guarantee of safety as we would not know of its success till an activation of the
missiles and has the possibility of being comprised forcing the U.S to redevelop its program. The Second option when dealing with this threat would
organizing talks among many of the world powers and countries within East Asia in order to develop a bilateral solution to dealing with Korea. At this
time it is evident the North Korea's biggest ally,China has been distancing themselves either through heavy sanctions giving the U.S a window of
opportunity where China may use its influence to force change in North Korea, if not to at least working towards other nations to form a solution.This
solution lends to many problematic outcomes with the first being a non–guarantee in terms of reaching an agreement which looking at previous talks
would be highly probable causing immense setbacks. Additionally agreeing to bilateral talks may put the United States in a position where heavy
comprise may be necessary creating an agreement that does not fulfill our agenda to the fullest and may create an imagine where the U.S is seen as a
The final possible solution to solving this threat
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Pros And Cons Of The Weaponization Of North Korea
Ladies and gentlemen, honorable chairs and delegates it is an honor to be participating in the GLIS MUN 12 and debate about the global issues that
this society confronts.
The weaponization of the DPRK and its continual development of nuclear weapons threaten the global society even at the moment and this delegate
feels strong responsibility of coaxing this problem that has not shown significant improvement ever since its first controversy
The North Korea's exit from the NPT means that they are able to build nuclear arms without international restrictions which pose a potential threat.
Since then, the United States have poured its effort in improving bilateral relationships but still North Korea is unresponsive in discussing in the
Six–Party talks. Economic sanctions were executed which isolated North Korea from international parties, but the results were not significant. This ...
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For these reasons military interventions are out of the question. The United States will continue to remain strong alliances with South Korea and
include a close coordination of policy towards North Korea. The DPRK will not be giving up their weapons but promised to not make any further
developments if the previous sanctions are nullified and an aiding program is provided. The current situation shows that both countries are
experiencing the prisoner's dilemma whereas mutual credibility and cooperation will bring benefits to both countries and solve this dilemma. Not
knowing when another attack or a devastating incident might occur, the United States will like to finally ask for the other delegations' support of such
measures that has a bright prospective focusing on deterring the usage of nuclear weaponry of DPRK. The United States of America is resolute of
making changes and this delegate hopes to reach an effective
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Three Approaches To Dealing With North Korea
I personally believe that all three approaches for negotiating with North Korea were inept foreign policies. As all Bill Clinton's administration did was
delay the nuclearizing of North Korea by exchanging oil. Eventually, North Korea abandoned the agreement with Clinton's administration and still
gained economic aid while making the United States looking foolish. The Bush Administration had the right idea about seeking a regime change, but
underestimated North Koreas government cohesion and failed to carry it out properly. Of the three approaches, Obama's method for dealing with North
Korea was the most incompetent. For the Obama administration just simply refused to engage in any negotiations (strategic patience) until North
Korea showed ... Show more content on ...
As a military invasion would be impossible because of what is known as Mutual Assured Destruction. Ever since nuclear weapons were invented
any nation that has obtained them has never gone to war with another country that also has weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, the only
solution to the denuclearization of North Korea would be a regime change. For North Korea is the most sanctioned country in the world and has
remained defiant of denuclearization. Any more sanctions (i.e. Obama's policy) is useless as they will never give into the world's demands.
Consequently, a regime change could occur from the military or a revolution from the peasants. This could be achieved by using stealth bombers to
drop propaganda pamphlets to the North Korean Populous to incite a revolution. Once a Civil War or Coup de ta is instigated then have the U.S.
provide weapons to the opposing side of the current regime. Even if the Civil War or Coup De ta fails the war could last several years. As a result, it
should destabilize the nation and militarily weaken it, which would reduce its nuclear arsenal in the
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How Does North Korea Pose A Global Threat
The belligerent nation known as North Korea doesn't pose a global threat because their state of privacy and their display and distribution of arms.
Many great leaders, have tactics of showing their threats, but many are hoaks and have been disproved. Isolation in history has proven to have many
disadvantages in past history.
North Korea doesn't pose a global threat because of their isolation, the most biased nation is considerably North Korea, they have been proven time by
time to provide incorrect information for the amount of malleable resources they obtain. One state that had massive isolation is Cuba, they have been
the laughing stalk of a country, due to their dictatorships. Cuba has been limited as a nation, due to their actions such ... Show more content on ...
Time after time the videos that North Korea sends out to threaten the United States or United Nations have been proved to be hoaxes or propaganda.
The true potential of their weapons of mass destructions are known, but the last test had resulted in a 5.3 magnitude which is relatively weak and
is most likely not able to travel far enough to wreck havoc in any states that it has tensions with. The isolation of the nation within the past
centuries has been a proven practice all the way from the Choson Dynasty. The constant isolation can cause fear in many, but others take it as a way
of slowly dying off, as the amount of resources that is available in one land is limited. Recently China has banned imports of coal from North Korea
due to rising tensions between these two nations. Overall the current status of North Korea is unknown the amount of actual damage they could cause
is limited, but we are not aware of the actual impact they can cause. The sheer isolation of the nation has proven to be a disadvantage, but has been
able to keep many information secret from the world. In conclusion the North Korean pose of arms does not pose a global threat because the leaders
behind it, the amount of technology available, and the lack of new technology being able to keep up with the
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The Cultures And Aspects Of The North Korean Culture
Cultures around the world are divide by their distinctive characteristic of people, and how people interact within their society. Most cultures are driven
by the way their environment has been set for them. Many of cultures have to adapt to the way their environment are due to the conditions that are set
for them and the amount of resources that they are provided. The biggest drive for culture are the historical custom. Most countries continue to carry
their ancestor custom so that the tradition may stay with them throughout their years, in which making other countries distinctive from one another.
One of the particular country that will be discuss in this report is North Korea. In this report, I will be discussing the North Korean culture, with
describing their living condition in the country, common issues that they face with on a daily bases, and common threat that they pose on other
countries. North Korea Culture In 1945, during World War II era, North Korea shared the peninsula of Korea with South Korea. The divided peninsula
was heavily influence by United States, United Nation, and (USSR) Russia. Russia had great influence with the northern peninsula of Korea, while
United States and United Nation held grounds in southern Korea. All three nation took control of the upper and lower regions after defeating the
Japanese armed forces. In web article EveryCulture 2017, states "In 1945, upon the surrender of the Japanese armed forces, Korea was partitioned into
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Nuclear Arms are Weapons of Mass Destruction
Nuclear arms can easily be classified as weapons of mass destruction, as they destroy all ecosystems that come in contact with it in a matter of
seconds, this fairly new and evolving breed of warfare is continuously becoming a bigger threat to society due to the fact that; the government can turn
to nuclear power if opposing countries do not comply with their needs. The Cold War was essentially defined bynuclear weapons and the nuclear arm
race between United States and the Soviet Union. A high degree of anxiety existed between the two superpowers and millions of citizens around the
world were put to risk by nuclear arm race. The use of these nuclear weapons were exceedingly destructive and the consequences were so enormous
that the protection of human rights were questioned. However the use of these weapons were merely to prevent their use by others. In other words
nuclear weapons were devices of deterrence not warfighting. There was a mutual nuclear weapon ownership with both states possessing nuclear
weapons, therefore the odds of war dropped quickly. Both superpowers quickly came to the realization that nuclear war between the two countries
could lead to a devastation effect on the world which concluded the cold war. "From 1968 the only universal treaty that stops the spread of nuclear
weapons is the Non– Proliferation Treaty (NPT) with about 130 members. China is a nuclear weapon state but not a party to the treaty. Also missing
are India, Pakistan, Brazil, Argentina
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1994 Agreed Framework Case Study
In 2001, shortly after the Bush administration took office, they reviewed the Clinton administrations' engagement policy toward North Korea in order
to halt North Korea's missile program. Intending to distance itself from his predecessor, the Bush administration pursued hard–line policy. He came up
with the reformulated policy, which was the US will lift further sanctions and provide more assistance to North Korea if they agreed to "1) start to take
serious, verifiable steps to reduce the conventional weapons threat to the South, 2) undertake "improved implementation" of the 1994 Agreed
Framework, and 3) allow verifiable "constraints" on North Korea's missile exports". The 1994 Agreed Framework stated that the US commitment to
provide economic,
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North Korea Has No Ambition for Nuclear Proliferation...
There has been an increase in the support of taking forceful actions towards North Korea which has seemed to be unpredictable in its steps and
decision taken especially in terms of security. It has maintained its stand on the nuclear arsenal and other programs associated to it, creating a threat to
the security of the whole region and the whole in general (Kim, 2002 pg.6). It has also refused to involve itself in any form of negotiation making the
other nations abandon further negotiations and are determined to take some forceful action against it. I greatly disagree with the stand of forceful
cause of action being taken against North Korea and the withdrawal of any further talks. The involvement of the North Korea in the nuclear plan...
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It has emphasized in economic policies and relations which some of these nations that show more interest in the economic policies than political
interests. This is a great indicator that North Korea given if not taken as a threat by these international can help improve their economic policy and
activities from the interactions.
The economy of North Korea is well structured to favor their economic activities. There is existence of a monopoly system in such an economy that
allows for strict scrutiny of economic policies applicable there. Therefore there is no way North Korea will be a treat to the rest of the international
nations when it is allowed to carry on with nuclear programs. In the recent past North Korea has revealed its nuclear ambitions where it can be
recognized as a nuclear weapons producing state. This can be linked to its gains into the economy. This emphasizes on the role of a larger trading
market and investments. The outcome generated from the sale of these nuclear weapons can be reinvested back to the economy to increase the general
By North Korea involving itself in large production of nuclear weapons say for example for these international nations it will also improve the
conditions in the economy that enable a smooth production process. In the other hand if North Korea is taken as a threat to the other nations which are
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The Proliferation Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction
To what extent do WMDs and their proliferation present a threat to global security and what are possible solutions? Proliferation of Weapons of Mass
Destruction and Threats to Global Security The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is one of the foremost threats challenging global security
today. The United States should take an offensive strategy and re–emphasize its nuclear program due to the current affairs around the globe and the
growing threat of the use of weapons of mass destruction against our citizens, allies and vital interests. The existing arms control agreements, such as
the 1968 Non–Proliferation Treaty and the prohibition of biological weapons of 1972, have not been able to address the issues of weapons of mass...
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Movement of illegal imports and the exchange of money can be completed with virtually no restrictions depending on the place and time due to relaxed
import and export laws, lack of enforcement controls, and electronic system networks. Furthermore, many governments seem to be unwilling or unable
to implement control over the development, storage, or use of these weapons. More problematic are the shifting ideologies and international
relationships that have occurred over the decades following the cold war. Today there is little doubt terrorist groups or states would use weapons of
mass destruction to further their interests if they were available. The 9/11 Commission Report documented that Usama bin Laden in an interview with
ABC television had called for Muslims to kill Americans without regard to their status claiming all Americans were "targets." He had also attempted to
purchase weapons–grade enriched uranium for over $1.5 million dollars in an effort to make an atomic bomb. Although the material later turned out not
to be uranium, it clearly indicated the terrorist's intent to discharge nuclear weapons without regard to the subsequent fallout of loss of lives,
environmental or economic impacts worldwide.[footnoteRef:2] According to Frederick Mattis, in Banning Weapons of Mass Destruction, nuclear
weapons are still considered to be the ultimate weapon of mass
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International Law And Nuclear Weapons

  • 1. International Law And Nuclear Weapons Internationally, nuclear weapons have been an important topic of concern and debate for the past several decades. The concerns and debates within the international community regarding the proliferation of nuclear weapons to more sovereign states in the post–Cold War era have led to many international law instruments in attempts to contain these weapons of mass destruction. Treaties such as the Treaty on the Non–Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the Test Ban Treaty of 1963, international organizations such as theInternational Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA), and the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO), along with United Nations Security Council resolutions and advisory opinions from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have all played roles in attempting to contain and reduce nuclear weapons in the international community. However, have these treaties, advisory opinions, resolutions, and creation of international organizations been effective in curtailing sovereign states from obtaining and testing nuclear weapons? This paper will highlight the relationship between specific instruments of International Law pertaining to nuclear weapons through a case study of North Korea to show that instruments of International Law in particular, such as the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Agency (KEDO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), along with United States and United Nations economic restrictions, have been ineffective at controlling the ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Three Major Types Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction There are three major types of weapons of mass destruction and those are nuclear weapons, biological warfare agents, and chemical warfare agents. These weapons share their potential for large–scale destruction and the indiscriminate nature of their effects, notably against civilians. WMD's challenges our peace and security here in the United States. There is a strategy for dealing with weapons of mass destructions, and it is the three pillars, which are counter proliferation, nonproliferation, and WMD consequence management. The United States has tried to stop other countries; however, it has gotten to a point that if the United States is attacked with nuclear weapons, then the U.S. will use WMD as a response to the attack. When it comes to weapons of mass destruction in the possession of hostile countries and even terrorists, it is one of the greatest security challenges facing the United States. The first strategy to combat WMD is counter proliferation to combat WMD use, counter proliferations are fully integrated into the basic doctrines, in trainings, and even equipping of all forces, since it is important for the U.S military and appropriate agencies to be prepared to deter and defend against any possible WMD event. With strengthened nonproliferation to combat WMD proliferation, in order to prevent states from acquiring WMD and missiles, we must enhance diplomacy, arms control, multilateral agreements, threat reduction assistance, and export controls. That is to slow and make it more costly to access sensitive technologies, materials, and expertise. In addition, the laws and treaties that are consistently violated by Iran for years, are the treaty of the non–profeliration of nuclear weapons, because they developed a nuclear program that is without the consent of the IAEA. They also has held into chemical agents and acculturated their chemical stockpile. In the other hand, North Korea has yet to give up its nuclear weapons, and North Korea has violated the obligations to the IAEA, by actively developing nuclear weapons. North Korea is likely exchanging nuclear expertise to Iran, Libya, and Pakistan. It has also sold missiles to Iran. they even have tested their first nuclear weapon. As we can ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Weapons Nuclear weapons are one of, if not the most dangerous weapons in the world today and they are one of the biggest issues the world faces at this current moment. They have the capability of destroying entire cities and then some that could result in millions of deaths within seconds. Radiation from the blasts would kill even more people throughout years to come. They were first used in 1945 at the end of World War II, when the United States dropped Little Boy and Fat Man in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to 'save' the lives of American soldiers. Since then, a nuclear arms race was born and it's becoming more of a concern as time moves forward. Albert Einstein, who was the creator of the nuclear bomb once said "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Countries should not have access to nuclear weapons because it destroys the environment, there is a possibility of a nuclear war that will end in mass destruction of the world, and countries could save both revenue and resources. There are many nuclear bombing tests that happen throughout each year and it's extremely unhealthy for the environment let alone if a nuclear war happened. According to scientists, even if a small percentage of the worlds nuclear bombs were set off during a war, it would have an extremely devastating effect on humanity (Jha). Temperatures would drop quickly because there would be so much black smoke in the air that the smoke would absorb ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Nuclear Issue in the North Korea from the Eyes of... Introduction Nuclear issue in the North Korea has been a problem widely discussed around the world in recent years, while the whole progress from the start of the nuclear crisis (The withdrawal of the North Korea from the Nuclear Non–Proliferation Treaty in 2003) to the cooperation (Six Party Talks) and its failure is quite dramatic and worth exploring (Fang, 2009). This paper attempted to use two perspectives including neorealism and neoliberalism to look at the issue, and examine their explanatory power. Accordingly, this paper recognized the importance of the two perspectives in explaining the issue. On one hand, neorealism showed the restraints and balancing behaviors of the states during the process of negotiation, implying the ... Show more content on ... Firstly, anarchy leads to International cooperation. Under anarchical status, states feeling unsafe due to no supreme authority. Thus, they tend to set up regime regulating states' behavior to prevent defection. In this case, states are willing, though not able to cooperate with others. Regarding the unit of analysis, neoliberalism believed states are important, but other actors such as IOs, NGOs, non–state actors are also worth discussing since many issues under globalization cannot be merely solved by the states and military power. To explore more about the mindset of neoliberalism, Robert Keohane (2000) suggested the idea of complex interdependence. To begin with, non–state actors can participate in international politics directly, while transnational world breaks down the assumption of state as the only actor, and increases the importance of non–state actors like NGOs and TNCs. Besides, international issues are complicated, breaking down the level of politics. In other words, there is no absolute difference or hierarchy between high politics like military security and low politics like public affairs and economy. Thirdly, military power is important for balancing, but it is not the only method to solve the problems. Military power, for example, cannot solve economic problems. While interdependence between states becomes more and more prominent under the increasingly globalizing world, the costs of using force to resolve disputes therefore become much ... Get more on ...
  • 5. How Did The Cold War Affect The Korean War Bryan Sanchez Espinoza Mr. Munoz World History Period 7 5 May 2017 Korean War affect on the Cold War and the two superpowers As said by Chegg Study "The Cold War is the name given to the relationship that developed primarily between the USA and the USSR after World War Two. TheCold War was to dominate international affairs for decades and many major crises occurred – the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, Hungary and the Berlin Wall being just some. For many, the growth in weapons of mass destruction was the most worrying issue." The Korean War started on June 25, 1950. The Cold War had no military action but as of June 25, 1950 that all changed. The first military action of the Cold War began when 75,000 soldiers of North Korea crossed the 38th parallel ( The 38th parallel was the boundary between the democratic North Korea and the Republic South Korea ( TheUnited States sent American troops immediately ... Show more content on ... America losing people in this war is probably the biggest lost they had. The United States was affected politically. Since the Korean War was the first war during the Cold War it set the norm for conflicts that would happen later on. This War created the idea of what is called a limited war. This meant that there were two powerhouse countries that would fight which created the idea of a limited war, where the two superpowers would fight in another country, forcing the people in that nation to suffer the bulk of the destruction and death involved in a war between such large nations. The superpowers avoided descending into an all–out war with one another, as well as the mutual use of nuclear weapons. It also expanded the Cold War, which to that point had mostly been concerned with Europe. The Korean war also caused the United States to keep a military presence in Korea to guard against any future North Koreans attacks which it has maintained up until the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. World War II : Will Humanity End Itself Through The... World War III Will World War III ever happen? Will humanity end itself through the destruction of nuclear war? Will the world start another global war. A major war could lead civilization to ruin, taking many people 's lives through the process. As technology advances, weapons are stronger than ever before, able to wreak havoc on large cities. Even though World War III is associated with nuclear warfare in the people 's mind, it is unlikely there would be a massive nuclear war. The superpowers of the world just fight proxy war, for example Vietnam. However, World War III is improbable, there could be leaders who will make insane decisions, and the over aggression of Russia, that could lead to WW3. World War III is a hypothetical War among different countries. Also, Nuclear warfare, or other times Thermonuclear or Atomic warfare, is a artillery conflict or bureaucratic strategy to cause massive destruction from nuclear weaponry. On July 28, 1914, World War I started from the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, who was the archduke of Austria–Hungary. The assassin, Gavrilo Princip, was a serbian nationalist who had connections with a military group, the Black Hands. Then on September 1, 1939, World War II started from Germany invading Poland, and Britain and France declared war to germany, as Hitler refused his invasion of Poland. World War 1 was supposed to be, "a war that will end war"(H.G. Wells) Then World War II started, which went to a much larger scale than World War ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Nuclear Icb Cons I found Roy's argument that a North Korean nuclear ICBM would not be a major game changer convincing because the author has clearly outlined the cost and benefits of four possible policies in dealing with the North Korean nuclear and missile program. I would add a supporting argument of nuclear weapons as a "life–insurance" for North Korea to his thesis, before I evaluate the option of military force as a fifth option to deprive Pyongyang of its nuclear ambitions. In his 2002 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush named Iran, Iraq and North Korea, as states he deemed to be part of an "axis of evil." He specifically mentioned those states alleged weapons of mass destruction programs as a threat to USA. Iraqi weapons of mass ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Should The United States Neutralize Wmds? As many people are very aware, there have been gruesome terrorist actions across many different nations in recent months. Some of these events include things like the crash of EgyptAir Flight 804 that was suspected to be shot down by a terror group, the bombings in Paris, France and Brussels, Belgium, as well as the mass shooting in a French political cartoon company. These radical terrorist groups do not follow any sort of laws, or rules of any kind, giving them free reign over any weapons they can get their hands on. In the future, these organizations could evolve into using alternative sources of weaponry. These weapons can and will cause mass destruction and killing in a very short amount of time. These devices of mass killing are detrimental to higher refined civilizations that do not support foreign radical beliefs.... Show more content on ... The United States's nuclear umbrella should not be withdrawn from foreign countries because of the risk of more nuclear weapon development. The United States can not keep world peace by dominating every country's decision on WMDs but the ones that are under nuclear umbrella protection can be prevented from creating more. A favorable reason the United States should be allowed to intervene is the country of North Korea. The North Koreans are not afraid of the U.S and their policies, indicated by North Korea's actions of nuclear missile tests. Republican candidate Donald Trump, has expressed his extreme dislike for nuclear weapons throughout multiple interviews. Trump said that the world's enemy is not global warm, but nuclear ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The US Rogue States and the Dialogue with North Korea Once the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s the bipolar world order disintegrated with it, leaving the United States as the sole global superpower. Yet, the communism was not the only concern of Americans. In the early 1980s, this capitalist power already started sensing an overcoming threat of the international terrorism, which led to the emergence of a new group of enemies, namely, the rogue states. These countries are seen as a danger to the new unipolar world. The United States of America assumed a responsibility to contain these states and/or transform them into successfully functioning democracies. Currently this is being done by military interventions and sanctions. However, one special state arises – North Korea . It is the ... Show more content on ... However, North Korea receives an absolutely different treatment from other rogue states or the axis of evil members . Before delving into the case study of the United States' approach towards the rogue state par excellence – North Korea, one needs to understand the American aims behind this issue and what makes it contestable? After the collapse of the Soviet Union the world of duo–polarity and the perceived threat of communism has disappeared, creating a new world system "with one superpower and several major powers" (Huntington 36). The emerged order created a new global threat – international terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The US, being the only superpower, saw itself as the democratiser of the world which can prevent the threatening regimes from spreading. To them this foreign policy was a way of protecting national interests and expand the community of democratic and capitalist countries that are committed to peace (Lake 46). Albeit the general goal of democratisation is quite straight–forward, the aims towards every single rogue state are lacking much uniformity. This happens due to their dissimilar geographical location and the goals of the "perpetrators" themselves. For example, the majority of the rogue states ... Get more on ...
  • 10. North Korea & Ir The Best Developers Of The Worst Nuclear... Arshdeep Singh Mrs. Mason English 10 A 24 February 2016 North Korea & Iran in a race to be the best developers of the worst Nuclear weapons From the 1700 's to the 1900 's, humankind has gained much knowledge of nuclear energy, all of which started from mere curiosity to understanding the electrons, protons and neutrons. The knowledge gained over the span of 200 years was so vast that the humankind has evolved usage of nuclear energy from being beneficial to the humankind to becoming weapons of mass destruction. It has left the world leaders bewildered as to whether these advancements in development of nuclear weapons is for welfare of the country or it is to serve purposes that are far more dangerous than can be encompassed. But the enrichment of nuclear weapons each year by countries has definitely spurred the scientific community and these actions have been under scrutiny by the world leaders. In the present day world, out of 196 countries that exist on this planet, two countries have arisen to be the biggest threats all owing to nuclear weapons. North Korea and Iran joined this race of exponential development of nuclear weapons and have posed threats of all sorts to rest of the world with their constant development of nuclear weapons. In this race, the North Korea has definitely left Iran behind. Therefore, threat of nuclear war with North Korea is greater than with Iran. These countries have used their capability of nuclear weapons development to intimidate their foes ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay On Usa Vs North Korea The USA and North Korea are vastly different. For starters, the North Korean people didn't even have cell phones until five years ago. Did you know how poor/corrupt their economy is, they just got over a famine that ravaged North Korea for four years, and North Korea has a lot of nuclear power as well. Even though smart phones have been around for about ten years, the North Korean people didn't have cell phones until about five years ago. Why is because North Korea's government is so strict about their country, that you can be arrested for showing video outside of North Korea. This is because the North Korean people want outsiders to believe that everything in Korea is fine, and that there a happy place that everyone would like, but in reality, it's a very broken and mislead country. Besides video, it's also illegal to call someone from... Show more content on ... Most countries now have nuclear power but never use these weapons of mass destruction. As a result of this, countries hype up their power of nuclear weapons so much, that it forces competing countries to back down or surrender without actually using nuclear weapons (scare tactics) . Not only do we know that North Korea has massive nuclear power, but they are actively demonstrating this power to the world by testing them. So, what we have learned is that North Korea is massively corrupt. North Korea is also a very poor country as well as a very destructive one. Everything there is monitored to the point when there is no privacy. It's a big example of a mislead country. They not only have the nuclear power to cause mass devastation, but are currently testing out nuclear weapons and aren't scared of causing acts of terrorism. They even use fear tactics on their own people. Now, compare North Korea to North America and you can see the differences. In conclusion, be glad that you live in such a privileged ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Relationship Between Mass Media And The Media Introduction The media and I have a history of disagreeing. I have referred to them with many derogatory names, of which they deserve, and continue to see their faults in 2017 (Truman, 1951). I am particularly interested in how Breitbart and CNN use their influence on the public to further the partisan divide. Politics seem based more on who the public does not like, rather than who they are in favor of. Profound changes in the relationship between news media and policy makers have emerged as byproducts of new, faster communications technology. These changes present some advantages like fast and widespread coverage nationally and globally, interactive feedback between journalists and audiences, and convenience. The disadvantages are detrimental, however. The sheer volume of information available to the public poses a threat due to the fact that oftentimes citizens know more than their government officials, and information is leaked and hacked more easily. This is another way that the media can influence the public: "accidentally" leaking information that may or may not be completely false. Many news organizations feign impartiality, and act as though they would never intentionally spread deceptive information, but I know this to be a falsehood (Truman, 1961, 115). Mass media has motivations from their CEOs and sponsors, but also from corrupt politicians who buy out journalists and entire franchises to ensure that they aren't attacked by that particular organization ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Tension Between The United States And The Cold War After World War II, only two world superpowers remained: the United States of America and the Soviet Union. The contradictory political regimes of the democratic United States and the communist Soviet Union were believed to be mutually exclusive which increased bitterness between them. Inevitably, the apparent tension between the two superpowers led to the Cold War which lasted about 45 years. It was war without bloodshed or battle, instead it was a metaphorical war where the U.S and the Soviet Union increased their weapons and fought for political influence, one always wanting to excel or maintain within the range of the other. The United States' desperate need to contain the communist political ideology from spreading any further and meet the Soviet Union's increased development of nuclear weapons led to the their involvement in the Cold War. The impact the Cold War had on life during the 1950's and 1960's can be measured through the creation of the House Un–American ... Show more content on ... The democratic ideals of the U.S and the communistic regimen of the USSR competed for nuclear dominance and international influence. The tension and fear of nuclear war created mass hysteria within the American population within the 1950's and 1960's that led to the development of the House Un–American Activities Committee and the procedure of nuclear drills. HUAC was created to prevent the spread of communism within the United States, and nuclear drills were performed in schools to help prepare children for nuclear war. To this day, the struggle between communism and democracy exist as North Korea builds tension with the U.S government through its tenacious development of nuclear weapons. The fear the Cold War enacted did not end with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. It continues today with North Korea's recklessness, and the terror of one wrong move ending in nuclear war still ... Get more on ...
  • 14. North Kore A Threat Of World Security Essay North Korea is a nation where their once family and ally, South Korea, has become their biggest enemyies. North Korea has taken extensive measures to make sure they are included in some of the most powerful nations of the modern century. They have done this using the power of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. They have been claimed as a physical and no longer theoretical threat to its surrounding nations. North Korea has become a threat of world security and, we should raise arms against North Korea and make them join the NATO in their quest for world peace and a civilized world, To raise arms against North Korea we would cut off their supplies which would end the war very quickly and with very little cost., The result of North Korea surrendering would show the power of the NATO., After the war against North Korea, China would take over the small country and would use it as a NATO military outpost. (what is supposed to happen in theory). Leadership in North Korea The three dictatorial leaders of North Korea have been Kim II–Sung, Kim Jong Iil, and& Kim Jong un. Kim Jong il was the leader during WWII and the kKorean war. He died in 2011, which gave his son Kim Jong– un direct leadership to the throne. Kim Jong un has made life in North Korea easier for all of his citizens by providing jobs for those who need them most. He has started to gradually give North Koreans more and more resources to improve their life. Kim Jong un is much better than his father ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Dangers Of Nuclear Weapons Since the creation of nuclear weapons, nuclear force has only been used twice. Nuclear bombs were dropped on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan by the United States, ending World War II. The destruction, both material and living, produced a sudden realization of the consequences of using nuclear weapons. Following World War II, states soon realized the potential of and the dangers of nuclear weapons. With the potential to destroy entire states, people and all, in a matter of seconds, treaties and agreements were quickly drawn up to prevent the use of nuclear arms. Treaties such as the Intermediate–Range Nuclear Force Treaty (INF), the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) called for a decrease in the production and a cease in testing of nuclear weapons to prevent the possibility of nuclear world wars and unnecessary destruction to the environment. When a nuclear bomb explodes, there are immediate effects from the nuclear blast such as thermal radiation and several kinds of radiation. Long term effects also occur such as fallout which destroys the climate and atmosphere of the earth. As such, the United States and Soviet Russia entered a Cold War once both states obtained nuclear capabilities since neither one would gain anything by using nuclear force because of mutually assured destruction (MAD). MAD meant that if one state were to launch a nuclear attack, the immediate ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Wmd (Weapons Of Mass Destruction) WMD(Weapons of Mass Destruction) "A world without nuclear weapons would be less stable and more dangerous for all of us."(Margaret Thatcher). Although this quote sounds ridiculous, it is absolutely right. Arguments have been made by President Obama that "nuclear weapons are the greatest threat to U.S. security." However, history proves that weapons of mass destruction whether– biological, nuclear, chemical or radioactive, are a necessary evil to sustain global stability, deter attacks from rogue nations and encourage diplomacy. Weapons of Mass Destruction sustain global peace by keeping the most powerful nations honest. Currently the United States, Russia, China, UK, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Israel and France all possess WMD. Of these nations the U.S. is the most prepared to deploy its weapons, while Russia reportedly has the most WMD's. These nations are the most ... Show more content on ... North Korean Leader Kim Jong II, and Iran's Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad both threaten to attack the United States and its allies, conduct tests, and oppress their own people. However, when feeling threatened each leader has ultimately come to the bargaining table to discuss sanctions. Why? Because these rogue leaders know that attacking a world power in possession of WMD's would be suicide. And they want to live. Weapons of Mass Destruction encourage world leaders to talk rather than attack. There are two deadly implications of using WMD's. First, the innocent victims are killed in the other country. Second, more innocent victims are killed when the country responds with their own WMD's. Diplomacy is the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations. In this case it's an action, the action of threating the use of such weapons calms down both sides in conflict. This is a win–win. Each side gets to talk tough and save face and maintain their status in their ... Get more on ...
  • 17. North Korea Will Meet Its End Is On The Minds Of Many East... How North Korea will meet its end is on the minds of many East Asian policy makers, analysts, experts, and military minds. Why is North Korea worth the attention? North Korea is one of the most heavily armed nations on earth. North Korea possesses a large conventional force of 1.2 million soldiers (Scobell 2007, 8), making her a threat to neighboring South Korea. In addition, North Korea maintains a large Special Operations Force to operate behind the lines in a major confrontation with South Korea (Scobell 2007, 8). But it is North Korea's chemical weapons and missile inventory that pose a threat to not only South Korea but also Japan (Scobell 2007, 9–10) and island nations in the Pacific. The US is close allies with both Japan and South Korea and North Korea's advances in unconventional military might are troubling. While it is unlikely North Korea will attack South Korea in an all out attempt to reunite the peninsula (Scobell 2007, 12), another possibility exists for North Korea: total collapse of the state as we understand it. The security of North Korea's weapons of mass destruction will be of paramount importance to the US and the rest of the world as North Korea maintains a robust WMD program to include nuclear weapons (Scobell 2007, 9–11). North Korea's collapse would require massive resources from the US and South Korea and other neighboring countries to secure WMD facilities and the population. Since all out war launched by either US–ROK alliance or North ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Independence and Isolation of North Korea Essay North Korea, also referred to as the bridge between Japan and China, is located in the eastern part of Asia. North Korea is half a pennisula, particularly the northern half, in the Korean Peninsula. North Korea, is a bit smaller than Mississippi, and about eighty percent of its land it mountainous (Kummer, 19–20) Signs of human activity date back to 3000 B.C., but Korea was known as Choson. Historians are not yet sure where the origins of the Korean culture come from but, "..archeologists have determined that some prehistoric peoples of the Altaic language group probably migrated to the Korean peninsula from Siberia, Manchuria and Mongolia." (DuBois, 19) Like any other civilization, the first people fished, gathered food, and hunted. As... Show more content on ... Under Yi SЕЏng–Gye's son King Sejong, considered Korea's greatest ruler, inventions like the rain gauge, the use of a movable type, and the birth of Korean alphabet called Hangeul, still in use today, surfaced. (Piddock, 27–28) They ruled the entire peninsula for 500 years. Then Korea was annexed by neighbors Japan in 1910. Korea continued to be under Japan until 1945 when it was liberated at the end of World War II. ("North Korea", Culturegrams) "With the defeat of Japan in 1945, the Allies agreed to divide the Korean Peninsula between the Soviet Union and the United States at the thirty–eighth parallel as a temporary measure." (Piddock, 30) The Soviet Union received the Northern part of Korea, and the United States the South. ".. Soviet forces closed off northern Korea at the thirty–eighth parallel and placed Korean communists in power there." Evidently, North Korea was bound to turn communist. Kim Ill–sung took power of North Korea in 1948, and two years later the Korean War commenced. (Piddock, 31–32) "on June 25 [1950], soldiers from communist North Korea (known as the North Koreans People's Army, or NKPA) had launched an invasion of their noncommunist neighbor, South Korea. South Korean troops(known as Republic of Korea, or ROK, forces) were surprised, outnumbered, and outgunned by the invaders. .. In the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Nuclear Weapons During The Cold War Since the invention of nuclear weapons, they have presented the world with a significant danger, one that was shown in reality during the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, nuclear weapons have not only served in combat, but they have also played a role in keeping the world peaceful by the concept of deterrence. The usage of nuclear weapons would lead to mutual destruction and during the Cold War, nuclear weapons were necessary to maintain international security, as a means of deterrence. However, by the end of the Cold War, reliance on nuclear weapons for maintaining peace became increasingly difficult and less effective (Shultz, et. al, 2007). The development of technology has also provided increasing opportunities for states ... Show more content on ... Additionally, it also presents perspectives on important policies and strategies of Iran and North Korea, in regard to the development of their armory of nuclear weapons. Since the end of the Cold War, the cases ofnuclear proliferation in Iran and North Korea have gathered enormous international attention. Iran 's nuclear program appeared as a result of the Cold War alliance between the United States and the late Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. In 2003, Iran was suspected of developing a military nuclear capability and is now developing medium and intermediate ballistic missiles, which are capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. On the other hand, North Korea set off a nuclear device and declared suspicions about a military nuclear program in 2006. Iran and North Korea have recently started cooperation to develop multi–stage ballistic missiles and have conducted several missile flight tests over the last few years (Schmid, 2008). With sources dating back to the late 1960s, North Korea's nuclear weapons program has expanded to be a useful instrument of the government's security. Its principal motivations for developing the nuclear weapons are as follows: to block foreign pressure, create an international impact and preserve the terms and conditions of the DPRK (ruling party of North Korea). In contrast, Iran 's motivations to develop strategic weapons appear to be more complex than that of North Korea. Iran 's efforts to develop nuclear, chemical and ... Get more on ...
  • 20. North Korean Nuclear Program Essay The North Korean government continues to financially fund the research and testing of nuclear and ballistic missiles. Little information is known about the North Korean nuclear program and has been made available to foreign nations due to the secrecy and isolation of international affairs. The threat of a nuclear strike from North Korea has become an increasingly serious matter for many nations including the U.S. and its Asian allies, Japan and South Korea. Currently, there are only nine nations known by intelligent analysis that possesses the resources to manufacture nuclear weapons which do include the U.S. However, North Korea is the only nation in the 21st century to conduct a nuclear missile test that has been reported by North Korean ... Show more content on ... Back in Washington, President Clinton's administration concluded that North Korea was reviving their nuclear missile program and demanded access to the suspected facilities being built. Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, granted access to multiple locations to U.S. officials for inspection of facilities in exchange for financial aid and food (Hathaway & Tama 724). North Korea's negotiation for aid from the U.S. does not come as a surprise for the simple fact that citizens living under the supreme leadership of Kim Jong–un live in absolute poverty. Although the state–run government experiences hardship by trying to provide an adequate supply of food for citizens; the government spends a huge sum of money to maintain a large military force. North Korea was not pleased with the accusations that they were constructing underground nuclear development facilities and demanded the U.S. to compensate a large sum of financial aid to the state–government for defamation. The nation demand for $300 million or other economic benefits and food aid equivalent to that amount is claimed "very just, because once [North Koreans] open an object, which is very sensitive in view of their national security... they cannot use it for its original purpose (Park 538). In addition, North Korea counteracted the U.S. accusations of conducting nuclear missile testing by accusing the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. War On Terrorism And Terrorism War on Terrorism The most current and imminent threat to the future of the United States is foreign terrorism, which occurs primarily outside the US territory, due to the increasing development in weapons of mass destruction. Although, the US in the last two decades has seen an increase of terrible acts of terrorism here in own country. These foreign and domestic entities utilize intimidation and violence for their political gain or religious beliefs, by instilling fear in innocent lives. Terrorists also utilize suicide bombing and cyber–attacks in their trail of torment. The United States is a target of these acts due to our magnitude and authority, and it is imperative that our Nations security is vigilant and constantly prepared at a moment's notice to maintain our safety. Prior to September 11, 2001, terrorist activity produced a wave of attacks on the "United States' marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983, the World Trade Center in 1993, American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, and the USS Cole in 2000" (397). Assassinating important individuals or small number of people was the focus of early terroristic attacks. On September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center towers in New York buckled after they were hit by anal–Qaeda organization that seized the airplanes. Osama bin Laden, was the leader of the militant Islamic terrorist group that lead the attacks. The group proceeded with one plane that crashed into the Pentagon near Washington, D. C., and a fourth ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Essay On The Hobbit Vs The Korean War Page 1 of 4 ZOOM Wavy GriggsMr. ArmstrongEnglish comp. II T–R 9:2523 September, 2017The Hobbit Vs. The ToupeeNorth Korea and America seem to be all that is talked about in modern day media. Does anyone know the true motives of the participants, no, but what is known is that tensions are high. While North Korea claims to want overall protection from capitalist society, America claims that the North Korean Government is a terror regime with weapons of mass destruction. Both sides have defensive standpoints and reasonable suspicion. Clearly, with tensions rising action being taken is only a matter of time. A compromise must be agreed on to settle the two nations. With all but peace talks being put into play, a mandated compromise allowing the North Korean government an ability to defend itself, and allowing America the safety of non–aggression must be met.Subsequently, this disagreement goes farther back than many acknowledge. The Korean War, which led up to modern day confusions, was commonly perceived as a communist attrition war. This very label would, of course, bring forth America to the fight. America got involved to preserve "order" and prevent another "Iron Curtain" from forming. America and Russia played huge roles in the skirmish, with America and Russia both influencing the side aided. North Korea was backed by Russia. With the Griggs 2help given by Russia, North Korea had huge communist ties. America disliked this and aided the South Korean people in ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Terrorism Essay Terrorism is the unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social objectives". This definition includes three elements: (1) Terrorist activities are illegal and involve the use of force. (2) The actions are intended to intimidate or coerce. (3) The actions are committed in support of political or social objectives. The main topic here is Terrorism and Foreign Policy. The two terms that are going to be discussed is how the waragainst terrorism is expanding and how American President George W. Bush misnamed his National Security Strategy. In his State of the Union address, President Bush threatened to expand ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, if the president attacks North Korea, Iran, or Iraq, he could exacerbate the proliferation problem rather than reduce it. Other nations would believe that they could be next and think that working on missiles and weapons of mass destruction was the only way to keep out a superpower bent on intervening in civil wars everywhere in the name of fighting terrorism. And would the United States really intervene unilaterally in friendly nations that it believed were too timid in fighting terrorism–for example, the Philippines or Yemen? In the Philippines, would the United States intervene against the wishes of a democracy that it helped institute? A perpetual state of war–as the president seems to envision when he asserted that the war may run beyond the duration of his term–could undermine economic recovery, does not comport with the values of a republic, and will likely lead to the erosion of constitutional liberties and the accumulation of too much power in the executive branch. And a war in perpetuity is not needed to minimize the threat from North Korea, Iran and Iraq. If the United States could contain the threat from a rival superpower during the Cold War, it can certainly contain three small, poor countries. In addition, a seemingly unprovoked war against another Moslem nation, Iran, Iraq or both could act as a recruiting poster for ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Nuclear Weapons, Biological And Chemical And Biological... As many scholars have suggested, Libya's renouncement of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons shows us a possible solution for the so–called rogue regimes including North Korea. North Korea presumably continues to possessing nuclear, biological and chemical weapons programs and continues to develop its nuclear program to the extent that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) conducted its fifth nuclear test. Experts warn that DPRK can reach its capacity to complete its Inter–Continental Ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and target the U.S. by 2020. Under these circumstances, can any policy recommendations be drawn from the precedents regarding Libya? Three authors, Malfrid Braut–Hegghammer, Dafna Hochman and Peter Viggo Jakobsen have written about Libya's renouncement of nuclear weapons and they all address the following questions: What was the condition that made Libya dismantle nuclear weapons? Was the 2003 attack on Iraq the only reason that forced Libya to renounce nuclear weapons as supported by the Bush administration? Moreover, Jakobson and Hochman suggest what policy implications would be to curb the DPRK's ambitions for Weapons of Mass Destruction(WMDs). What was the condition that drove Libya to renounce the nuclear weapons? The three essays commonly address the condition that made Libya dismantle nuclear weapons. Braut–Hegghammer and Hochman focus on the reason why the Libyan regime decided to dismantle nuclear weapons. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Write An Essay On 1984 By George Orwell According to CNN News Fumio Kishida a foreign minister of Japan sites the city of Hiroshima sits in a beautiful location, surrounded by sea and mountains. It has rich culture and history, and has been a symbol of peace and hope since its recovery from the atomic bombing in 1945. However, this is another issue of nuclear and mass destruction of weapons can lead fear and control over people. During the cold war is when everyone was in fear and had hatred over other countries besides their own. Nuclear weapons do not create no peace. For example, the author of 1984, Orwell explains how O'Brien the leader of the party. The party is the government of Oceania. O'Brien discusses how power controls everything over human beings, but above all power controls over the mind. Fear, rage, triumph, and self–abasement is what builds the society of Oceania. "Nothing exists outside the mind", O'Brien explains. I agree ... Show more content on ... Over all though if I was living in a society such as North Korea, I would not noticed there is anything wrong. Everyone around me would all be the same. I could survive in a society compare to North Korea and Oceania. In all the celebrations of North Korea, I would be just as all the other people excited for their level of deadly weapons. Although there are some countries that are examples of the opposite of a society full of fear and hate. For example, the United states is rule by the people, but even the government limits the power of the people. The U.S. government yearns to be the central control of everything. The U.S. little by little relates more to the book 1984. In 1984 there are telescreens in every room watching over everyone. Likewise, the U.S. has cameras in public areas and hack into anyones phone without permission to see what anyone is doing. In all societies there are still similarities to the one O'Brien ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The United States Government ( Usg ) And Department Of... East Asia continues to present a broad spectrum of opportunities and challenges to the United States, our allies, and partners. The United States Government (USG) and Department of Defense (DoD) continues to work closely with its allies and partners to build relationships and capacity vital to advancing U.S. national interests of security, prosperity, international order, and the promotion of universal values. The most profound and alarming trend within the East Asia region over the past several years is the increasing belligerence and defiance of the Kim Jung–un regime of North Korea. The United States regards the coercive activities by North Korea, in particular its pursuit of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and ballistic missile capabilities, to comprise the most urgent security threat in the region. The USG is fully committed to maintaining peace throughout the Korean Peninsula by effectively working with our allies and other regional states to deter and defend against North Korean military provocations, weapons proliferation, and illicit trafficking; and to support enforcement of international sanctions restricting North Korean arms trade and other prohibited activities. In order to protect and advance U.S. national interests, while operating within the increasingly volatile environment on the Korean Peninsula, the United States must remain vigilant in deterring activities by the Kim Jung–un regime that threaten U.S. interests. Additionally, the DoD must remain ... Get more on ...
  • 27. North Korean Crisis Research Paper The ongoing North Korean Crisis, has, in recent years, escalated as a result of North Korea's development of nuclear weapons and long–range missiles in violation of UN's Security Council resolutions. In addition, there were periods of tension such as the shelling of Yeongyeong Island, and it is possible that any incidents along the border between the two Koreas could potentially result in dangerous consequences, ultimately leading to war. However, as the Crisis escalates and with rising tensions, the impacts can already be felt. North Korea currently has defence capabilities such as chemical and biological weapons, which are frightening on their own, yet even more deadly is the nuclear weapons North Korea added to their defence arsenal, capable ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Nuclear Weapons : The Three Types Of Weapons Of Mass... Weapons of mass destruction, (WMD), as the name would imply are extremely powerful and very deadly. There are three types of WMDs, chemical, biological, and nuclear (Chernotsky and Hobbs 2013: 103). The difference between WMD and conventional weapons is that WMD kill a lot more and with no discrimination. Chemical weapons, such as mustard gas, are banned in war because of how inhumane it was during the world wars. Biological weapons can be just as deadly as chemical weapons if the disease is released in a highly populated area. This can cripple a country without even firing a single bullet (104). Nuclear weapons are commonly viewed as the most destructive force on the Earth. There are currently 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world with 1,800 are on high alert and can be launched at a moment's notice (Kristensen and Norris 2017: 289). This is more than enough nuclear weapons to end the world. Nuclear weapons are very powerful and if the initial blast does not kill a person, the shockwaves, and radiation will(Nuclear Threat Initiative, "Nuclear 101", Module 4). Most of the nuclear weapons belong to the United States and Russia, each with around 7,000. The rest of the UN security council have nuclear weapons as well, but not nearly as many. France comes the closest with 300 and China and England have around 200 each. Pakistan, India, and Israel all have nuclear weapons but they have even fewer than China and England. It is unknown how many nuclear weapons North Korea has, but ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The North Korea Nightmare Summary The general argument made by Harry J. Kazianis in his work , "The North Korea Nightmare", is that North Korea chose to isolate themselves thinking that is better for their country but in reality it is not . He writes "there is only one thing that is clear: Tensions on the Korean peninsula are only going to get worse". In this passage , Kazianis is suggesting that Kim Jong Un is not doing a great job running his country and is causing his country to become isolated from the other countries . Kim enjoys flaunting around his new weapons ."Every time Kim tests a new weapons system – or decides to parade them down the street – the world goes into a panic." This shows that Kim enjoys the reactions of other countries causing mass destruction and contemplating ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Conflict Between North And South Korea Conflict in Korea The U.S.'s conflict with North Korea is as old as their leader is short. It all started in the late 40's and early 50's with the war on Communism. The U.S. feared the rise of Communism in its neighboring states and the effect it might have on American politics; this phenomenon was referred to as the Domino Effect. As a result of this fear, the U.S. took action in an attempt to avert this perceived inevitability. One of the Nations we took action in was Korea; the North was backed by the Soviets and the South was backed by the U.S.. This country was now torn between two radically different ideologies; separated by the 38th parallel and a little over 100,000 men. The Korean War may have ended in 1953, however, we [the ... Show more content on ... North vs. South While many people view North and South Korea as one in the same, they are not. North and South Korea may share a border, but that is all they share; they are dramatically different. Where North Korea can barely feed their own people, South Korea is a hot spot for technological development. For example, Hyundai Motor (the world 's fifth biggest car manufacturer), Samsung Electronics (the world 's biggest technology firm by revenue), and POSCO (one of the worlds leading manufactures of steel) are some of the few multi–billion dollar companies operating out of South Korea. While North Korea has committed atrocities against humanity, South Korea has cultivated an economy that has allowed talented individuals to revolutionize technology. These claims can be substantiated by taking a look at the GDP of both countries; in 2011, North Korea 's GDP was estimated at $1,800 per capita whereas South Korea 's was $31,700 per capita. The one sector of North Korea 's economy that public money is actually funneled into is their military. This money, which accounts for half of their GDP, is used to develop ICBMs, nuclear warheads, and other weapons with baleful intent. South Korea may not be a world superpower, but they are miles and leagues ahead of North Korea. At least, the North understands that weapons of mass destruction are not toys to be played with by short men with God complexes. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Ben Vajraca. Prof.Robinson. North Korean Nuclear Threat Ben vajraca Prof.Robinson North Korean Nuclear threat Memeo Since the 1950's North Korea has posed as dangerous threat to The United States and its allies. With North Korea development of Nuclear arms and its consistent hostile rhetoric and actions towards the United States. With the North Korea's development of a long range ICBM, more now than ever the United States has been put into a position where its and many of its allies national security has been put at risk. We are now put into a position in deciding how to react and move forward with these development while at the same time mitigating and preventing potential destruction and casualties. As the advisor to the president my job/goal is to provide the president with advice and ... Show more content on ... With this these considerations in mind expanding this program would cost heavily as these programs like Stuxnet can cost hundreds of millions of dollars to develop. Furthermore this type of program does provide a guarantee of safety as we would not know of its success till an activation of the missiles and has the possibility of being comprised forcing the U.S to redevelop its program. The Second option when dealing with this threat would organizing talks among many of the world powers and countries within East Asia in order to develop a bilateral solution to dealing with Korea. At this time it is evident the North Korea's biggest ally,China has been distancing themselves either through heavy sanctions giving the U.S a window of opportunity where China may use its influence to force change in North Korea, if not to at least working towards other nations to form a solution.This solution lends to many problematic outcomes with the first being a non–guarantee in terms of reaching an agreement which looking at previous talks would be highly probable causing immense setbacks. Additionally agreeing to bilateral talks may put the United States in a position where heavy comprise may be necessary creating an agreement that does not fulfill our agenda to the fullest and may create an imagine where the U.S is seen as a subordinate. The final possible solution to solving this threat ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Pros And Cons Of The Weaponization Of North Korea Ladies and gentlemen, honorable chairs and delegates it is an honor to be participating in the GLIS MUN 12 and debate about the global issues that this society confronts. The weaponization of the DPRK and its continual development of nuclear weapons threaten the global society even at the moment and this delegate feels strong responsibility of coaxing this problem that has not shown significant improvement ever since its first controversy The North Korea's exit from the NPT means that they are able to build nuclear arms without international restrictions which pose a potential threat. Since then, the United States have poured its effort in improving bilateral relationships but still North Korea is unresponsive in discussing in the Six–Party talks. Economic sanctions were executed which isolated North Korea from international parties, but the results were not significant. This ... Show more content on ... For these reasons military interventions are out of the question. The United States will continue to remain strong alliances with South Korea and include a close coordination of policy towards North Korea. The DPRK will not be giving up their weapons but promised to not make any further developments if the previous sanctions are nullified and an aiding program is provided. The current situation shows that both countries are experiencing the prisoner's dilemma whereas mutual credibility and cooperation will bring benefits to both countries and solve this dilemma. Not knowing when another attack or a devastating incident might occur, the United States will like to finally ask for the other delegations' support of such measures that has a bright prospective focusing on deterring the usage of nuclear weaponry of DPRK. The United States of America is resolute of making changes and this delegate hopes to reach an effective ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Three Approaches To Dealing With North Korea I personally believe that all three approaches for negotiating with North Korea were inept foreign policies. As all Bill Clinton's administration did was delay the nuclearizing of North Korea by exchanging oil. Eventually, North Korea abandoned the agreement with Clinton's administration and still gained economic aid while making the United States looking foolish. The Bush Administration had the right idea about seeking a regime change, but underestimated North Koreas government cohesion and failed to carry it out properly. Of the three approaches, Obama's method for dealing with North Korea was the most incompetent. For the Obama administration just simply refused to engage in any negotiations (strategic patience) until North Korea showed ... Show more content on ... As a military invasion would be impossible because of what is known as Mutual Assured Destruction. Ever since nuclear weapons were invented any nation that has obtained them has never gone to war with another country that also has weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, the only solution to the denuclearization of North Korea would be a regime change. For North Korea is the most sanctioned country in the world and has remained defiant of denuclearization. Any more sanctions (i.e. Obama's policy) is useless as they will never give into the world's demands. Consequently, a regime change could occur from the military or a revolution from the peasants. This could be achieved by using stealth bombers to drop propaganda pamphlets to the North Korean Populous to incite a revolution. Once a Civil War or Coup de ta is instigated then have the U.S. provide weapons to the opposing side of the current regime. Even if the Civil War or Coup De ta fails the war could last several years. As a result, it should destabilize the nation and militarily weaken it, which would reduce its nuclear arsenal in the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. How Does North Korea Pose A Global Threat The belligerent nation known as North Korea doesn't pose a global threat because their state of privacy and their display and distribution of arms. Many great leaders, have tactics of showing their threats, but many are hoaks and have been disproved. Isolation in history has proven to have many disadvantages in past history. North Korea doesn't pose a global threat because of their isolation, the most biased nation is considerably North Korea, they have been proven time by time to provide incorrect information for the amount of malleable resources they obtain. One state that had massive isolation is Cuba, they have been the laughing stalk of a country, due to their dictatorships. Cuba has been limited as a nation, due to their actions such ... Show more content on ... Time after time the videos that North Korea sends out to threaten the United States or United Nations have been proved to be hoaxes or propaganda. The true potential of their weapons of mass destructions are known, but the last test had resulted in a 5.3 magnitude which is relatively weak and is most likely not able to travel far enough to wreck havoc in any states that it has tensions with. The isolation of the nation within the past centuries has been a proven practice all the way from the Choson Dynasty. The constant isolation can cause fear in many, but others take it as a way of slowly dying off, as the amount of resources that is available in one land is limited. Recently China has banned imports of coal from North Korea due to rising tensions between these two nations. Overall the current status of North Korea is unknown the amount of actual damage they could cause is limited, but we are not aware of the actual impact they can cause. The sheer isolation of the nation has proven to be a disadvantage, but has been able to keep many information secret from the world. In conclusion the North Korean pose of arms does not pose a global threat because the leaders behind it, the amount of technology available, and the lack of new technology being able to keep up with the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Cultures And Aspects Of The North Korean Culture Cultures around the world are divide by their distinctive characteristic of people, and how people interact within their society. Most cultures are driven by the way their environment has been set for them. Many of cultures have to adapt to the way their environment are due to the conditions that are set for them and the amount of resources that they are provided. The biggest drive for culture are the historical custom. Most countries continue to carry their ancestor custom so that the tradition may stay with them throughout their years, in which making other countries distinctive from one another. One of the particular country that will be discuss in this report is North Korea. In this report, I will be discussing the North Korean culture, with describing their living condition in the country, common issues that they face with on a daily bases, and common threat that they pose on other countries. North Korea Culture In 1945, during World War II era, North Korea shared the peninsula of Korea with South Korea. The divided peninsula was heavily influence by United States, United Nation, and (USSR) Russia. Russia had great influence with the northern peninsula of Korea, while United States and United Nation held grounds in southern Korea. All three nation took control of the upper and lower regions after defeating the Japanese armed forces. In web article EveryCulture 2017, states "In 1945, upon the surrender of the Japanese armed forces, Korea was partitioned into Northern ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Nuclear Arms are Weapons of Mass Destruction Nuclear arms can easily be classified as weapons of mass destruction, as they destroy all ecosystems that come in contact with it in a matter of seconds, this fairly new and evolving breed of warfare is continuously becoming a bigger threat to society due to the fact that; the government can turn to nuclear power if opposing countries do not comply with their needs. The Cold War was essentially defined bynuclear weapons and the nuclear arm race between United States and the Soviet Union. A high degree of anxiety existed between the two superpowers and millions of citizens around the world were put to risk by nuclear arm race. The use of these nuclear weapons were exceedingly destructive and the consequences were so enormous that the protection of human rights were questioned. However the use of these weapons were merely to prevent their use by others. In other words nuclear weapons were devices of deterrence not warfighting. There was a mutual nuclear weapon ownership with both states possessing nuclear weapons, therefore the odds of war dropped quickly. Both superpowers quickly came to the realization that nuclear war between the two countries could lead to a devastation effect on the world which concluded the cold war. "From 1968 the only universal treaty that stops the spread of nuclear weapons is the Non– Proliferation Treaty (NPT) with about 130 members. China is a nuclear weapon state but not a party to the treaty. Also missing are India, Pakistan, Brazil, Argentina ... Get more on ...
  • 37. 1994 Agreed Framework Case Study In 2001, shortly after the Bush administration took office, they reviewed the Clinton administrations' engagement policy toward North Korea in order to halt North Korea's missile program. Intending to distance itself from his predecessor, the Bush administration pursued hard–line policy. He came up with the reformulated policy, which was the US will lift further sanctions and provide more assistance to North Korea if they agreed to "1) start to take serious, verifiable steps to reduce the conventional weapons threat to the South, 2) undertake "improved implementation" of the 1994 Agreed Framework, and 3) allow verifiable "constraints" on North Korea's missile exports". The 1994 Agreed Framework stated that the US commitment to provide economic, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. North Korea Has No Ambition for Nuclear Proliferation... There has been an increase in the support of taking forceful actions towards North Korea which has seemed to be unpredictable in its steps and decision taken especially in terms of security. It has maintained its stand on the nuclear arsenal and other programs associated to it, creating a threat to the security of the whole region and the whole in general (Kim, 2002 pg.6). It has also refused to involve itself in any form of negotiation making the other nations abandon further negotiations and are determined to take some forceful action against it. I greatly disagree with the stand of forceful cause of action being taken against North Korea and the withdrawal of any further talks. The involvement of the North Korea in the nuclear plan... Show more content on ... It has emphasized in economic policies and relations which some of these nations that show more interest in the economic policies than political interests. This is a great indicator that North Korea given if not taken as a threat by these international can help improve their economic policy and activities from the interactions. The economy of North Korea is well structured to favor their economic activities. There is existence of a monopoly system in such an economy that allows for strict scrutiny of economic policies applicable there. Therefore there is no way North Korea will be a treat to the rest of the international nations when it is allowed to carry on with nuclear programs. In the recent past North Korea has revealed its nuclear ambitions where it can be recognized as a nuclear weapons producing state. This can be linked to its gains into the economy. This emphasizes on the role of a larger trading market and investments. The outcome generated from the sale of these nuclear weapons can be reinvested back to the economy to increase the general productivity. By North Korea involving itself in large production of nuclear weapons say for example for these international nations it will also improve the conditions in the economy that enable a smooth production process. In the other hand if North Korea is taken as a threat to the other nations which are ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Proliferation Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction To what extent do WMDs and their proliferation present a threat to global security and what are possible solutions? Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Threats to Global Security The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is one of the foremost threats challenging global security today. The United States should take an offensive strategy and re–emphasize its nuclear program due to the current affairs around the globe and the growing threat of the use of weapons of mass destruction against our citizens, allies and vital interests. The existing arms control agreements, such as the 1968 Non–Proliferation Treaty and the prohibition of biological weapons of 1972, have not been able to address the issues of weapons of mass... Show more content on ... Movement of illegal imports and the exchange of money can be completed with virtually no restrictions depending on the place and time due to relaxed import and export laws, lack of enforcement controls, and electronic system networks. Furthermore, many governments seem to be unwilling or unable to implement control over the development, storage, or use of these weapons. More problematic are the shifting ideologies and international relationships that have occurred over the decades following the cold war. Today there is little doubt terrorist groups or states would use weapons of mass destruction to further their interests if they were available. The 9/11 Commission Report documented that Usama bin Laden in an interview with ABC television had called for Muslims to kill Americans without regard to their status claiming all Americans were "targets." He had also attempted to purchase weapons–grade enriched uranium for over $1.5 million dollars in an effort to make an atomic bomb. Although the material later turned out not to be uranium, it clearly indicated the terrorist's intent to discharge nuclear weapons without regard to the subsequent fallout of loss of lives, environmental or economic impacts worldwide.[footnoteRef:2] According to Frederick Mattis, in Banning Weapons of Mass Destruction, nuclear weapons are still considered to be the ultimate weapon of mass ... Get more on ...