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Trey Grainger
SVP of Engineering @ Lucidworks
The Intent Algorithms of
Search & Recommendation Engines
Furman University: CSC272 Guest Lecture
Trey Grainger
SVP of Engineering
• Previously Director of Engineering @ CareerBuilder
• MBA, Management of Technology – Georgia Tech
• BA, Computer Science, Business, & Philosophy – Furman University
• Information Retrieval & Web Search - Stanford University
Other fun projects:
• Co-author of Solr in Action, plus numerous research papers
• Frequent conference speaker
• Founder of, the gluten-free search engine
• Lucene/Solr contributor
• Startup Advisor (including Presearch, the decentralized web search engine)
About Me
• 1. Teach the fundamentals of how a search engine works
- Inverted Index
- Ranking
• 2. Discuss Real-world use cases
• 3. Walk through how search / recommendation
engines continuously learn
from user behavior and content
• 4. Fun Examples
• Reflected Intelligence
- Signals
- Learning to Rank (Demo)
• Semantic Search
- Entity Extraction
- Query Parsing
- Knowledge Graphs
User Intent
Dimensions of
User Intent
what do you do?
Based in San Francisco, offices
and employees worldwide
Over 300 customers across the
Fortune 1000
Fusion, a Solr-powered platform
for search-driven apps
Consulting and support for
organizations using Solr
Produces the world’s largest open
source user conference dedicated
to Lucene/Solr
Lucidworks is the primary commercial
contributor to the Apache Solr project
Employs over 40% of the active
committers on the Solr project
Contributes over 70% of Solr's
open source codebase
Fraud Surveillance
Online Retail
Highly scalable
search engine and
NoSQL datastore that
gives you instant
access to all your
Surface the insights
that matter most with
the power of machine
learning and artificial
Create bespoke data and
discovery applications with
modular UI components for
web and mobile.
The Lucidworks platform provides all of the components needed to design, develop
and deploy smart search experiences for Enterprise and Consumer search
Lucidworks Fusion product suite
Fusion Cloud
combines the power of
Fusion with the
simplicity you’d expect
in a SaaS-based
Fusion powers search for the brightest companies in the
Apache Solr
“Solr is the popular, blazing-fast,
open source enterprise search
platform built on Apache Lucene™.”
Key Solr Features:
● Multilingual Keyword search
● Relevancy Ranking of results
● Faceting & Analytics (nested / relational)
● Highlighting
● Spelling Correction
● Autocomplete/Type-ahead Prediction
● Sorting, Grouping, Deduplication
● Distributed, Fault-tolerant, Scalable
● Geospatial search
● Complex Function queries
● Recommendations (More Like This)
● Graph Queries and Traversals
● SQL Query Support
● Streaming Aggregations
● Batch and Streaming processing
● Highly Configurable / Plugins
● Learning to Rank
● Building machine-learning models
● … many more
*source: Solr in Action, chapter 2
The standard
for enterprise
of Fortune 500
uses Solr.
search & relevancy
Basic Keyword Search
(inverted index, tf-idf, bm25,
multilingual text analysis, query
formulation, etc.)
Taxonomies /
Entity Extraction
(entity recognition,
ontologies, synonyms, etc.)
Query Intent
(query classification, semantic
query parsing, concept
expansion, rules, clustering,
Relevancy Tuning
(signals, AB testing/genetic
algorithms, Learning to Rank,
Neural Networks)
Intent Algorithm Spectrum
Basic Keyword Search
The beginning of a typical search journey
Term Documents
a doc1 [2x]
brown doc3 [1x] , doc5 [1x]
cat doc4 [1x]
cow doc2 [1x] , doc5 [1x]
… ...
once doc1 [1x], doc5 [1x]
over doc2 [1x], doc3 [1x]
the doc2 [2x], doc3 [2x],
doc4[2x], doc5 [1x]
… …
Document Content Field
doc1 once upon a time, in a land far,
far away
doc2 the cow jumped over the moon.
doc3 the quick brown fox jumped over
the lazy dog.
doc4 the cat in the hat
doc5 The brown cow said “moo”
… …
What you SEND to Lucene/Solr:
How the content is INDEXED into
Lucene/Solr (conceptually):
The inverted index
/solr/select/?q=apache solr
Field Documents
… …
apache doc1, doc3, doc4,
hadoop doc2, doc4, doc6
… …
solr doc1, doc3, doc4,
doc7, doc8
… …
doc7 doc8
doc1 doc3
apache solr
Matching queries to documents
Text Analysis
Generating terms to index from raw text
Text Analysis in Solr
A text field in Lucene/Solr has an Analyzer containing:
① Zero or more CharFilters
Takes incoming text and “cleans it up”
before it is tokenized
② One Tokenizer
Splits incoming text into a Token Stream
containing Zero or more Tokens
③ Zero or more TokenFilters
Examines and optionally modifies each
Token in the Token Stream
*From Solr in Action, Chapter 6
A text field in Lucene/Solr has an Analyzer containing:
① Zero or more CharFilters
Takes incoming text and “cleans it up”
before it is tokenized
② One Tokenizer
Splits incoming text into a Token Stream
containing Zero or more Tokens
③ Zero or more TokenFilters
Examines and optionally modifies each
Token in the Token Stream
Text Analysis in Solr
*From Solr in Action, Chapter 6
A text field in Lucene/Solr has an Analyzer containing:
① Zero or more CharFilters
Takes incoming text and “cleans it up”
before it is tokenized
② One Tokenizer
Splits incoming text into a Token Stream
containing Zero or more Tokens
③ Zero or more TokenFilters
Examines and optionally modifies each
Token in the Token Stream
Text Analysis in Solr
*From Solr in Action, Chapter 6
A text field in Lucene/Solr has an Analyzer containing:
① Zero or more CharFilters
Takes incoming text and “cleans it up”
before it is tokenized
② One Tokenizer
Splits incoming text into a Token Stream
containing Zero or more Tokens
③ Zero or more TokenFilters
Examines and optionally modifies each
Token in the Token Stream
Text Analysis in Solr
*From Solr in Action, Chapter 6
Per-language Analysis Chains
*Some of the 32 different languages configurations in Appendix B of Solr in Action
Per-language Analysis Chains
*Some of the 32 different languages configurations in Appendix B of Solr in Action
Relevancy Ranking
Scoring the results, returning the best matches
Classic Lucene/Solr Relevancy Algorithm:
*Source: Solr in Action, chapter 3
Score(q, d) =
∑ ( tf(t in d) · idf(t)2 · t.getBoost() · norm(t, d) ) · coord(q, d) · queryNorm(q)
t in q
t = term; d = document; q = query; f = field
tf(t in d) = numTermOccurrencesInDocument ½
idf(t) = 1 + log (numDocs / (docFreq + 1))
coord(q, d) = numTermsInDocumentFromQuery / numTermsInQuery
queryNorm(q) = 1 / (sumOfSquaredWeights ½ )
sumOfSquaredWeights = q.getBoost()2 · ∑ (idf(t) · t.getBoost() )2
t in q
norm(t, d) = d.getBoost() · lengthNorm(f) · f.getBoost()
Classic Lucene/Solr Relevancy Algorithm:
*Source: Solr in Action, chapter 3
Score(q, d) =
∑ ( tf(t in d) · idf(t)2 · t.getBoost() · norm(t, d) ) · coord(q, d) · queryNorm(q)
t in q
t = term; d = document; q = query; f = field
tf(t in d) = numTermOccurrencesInDocument ½
idf(t) = 1 + log (numDocs / (docFreq + 1))
coord(q, d) = numTermsInDocumentFromQuery / numTermsInQuery
queryNorm(q) = 1 / (sumOfSquaredWeights ½ )
sumOfSquaredWeights = q.getBoost()2 · ∑ (idf(t) · t.getBoost() )2
t in q
norm(t, d) = d.getBoost() · lengthNorm(f) · f.getBoost()
• Term Frequency: “How well a term describes a document?”
– Measure: how often a term occurs per document
• Inverse Document Frequency: “How important is a term overall?”
– Measure: how rare the term is across all documents
*Source: Solr in Action, chapter 3
BM25 (Okapi “Best Match” 25th Iteration)
Score(q, d) =
∑ idf(t) · ( tf(t in d) · (k + 1) ) / ( tf(t in d) + k · (1 – b + b · |d| / avgdl )
t in q
t = term; d = document; q = query; i = index
tf(t in d) = numTermOccurrencesInDocument ½
idf(t) = 1 + log (numDocs / (docFreq + 1))
|d| = ∑ 1
t in d
avgdl = = ( ∑ |d| ) / ( ∑ 1 ) )
d in i d in i
k = Free parameter. Usually ~1.2 to 2.0. Increases term frequency saturation point.
b = Free parameter. Usually ~0.75. Increases impact of document normalization.
News Search : popularity and freshness drive relevance
Restaurant Search: geographical proximity and price range are critical
Ecommerce: likelihood of a purchase is key
Movie search: More popular titles are generally more relevant
Job search: category of job, salary range, and geographical proximity matter
TF * IDF of keywords can’t hold it’s own against good
domain-specific relevance factors!
That’s great, but what about domain-specific knowledge?
*Example from chapter 16 of Solr in Action
Domain-specific relevancy calculation (News Website Example)
News website:
AND _query_:"{!func}div(100,map(geodist(),0,1,1))"
AND _query_:"{!func}recip(rord(publicationDate),0,100,100)"
AND _query_:"{!func}scale(popularity,0,100)"&
myQuery="street festival"&
Fancy boosting functions (Restaurant Search Example)
Distance (50%) + keywords (30%) + category (20%)
q=_val_:"scale(mul(query($keywords),1),0,30)" AND
_val_:"scale(sum($radiusInKm,mul(query($distance),-1)),0,50)” AND
&keywords=filet mignon
&category=”fine dining"
&fq={!cache=false v=$keywords}
This is powerful, but feels like
a lot of work to get right…
what is “reflected intelligence”?
The Three C’s
Keywords and other features in your documents
How other’s have chosen to interact with your system
Available information about your users and their intent
Reflected Intelligence
“Leveraging previous data and interactions to improve how
new data and interactions should be interpreted”
● Recommendation Algorithms
● Building user profiles from past searches, clicks, and other actions
● Identifying correlations between keywords/phrases
● Building out automatically-generated ontologies from content and queries
● Determining relevancy judgements (precision, recall, nDCG, etc.) from click
● Learning to Rank - using relevancy judgements and machine learning to train
a relevance model
● Discovering misspellings, synonyms, acronyms, and related keywords
● Disambiguation of keyword phrases with multiple meanings
● Learning what’s important in your content
Examples of Reflected Intelligence
John lives in Boston but wants to move to New York or possibly another big city. He is
currently a sales manager but wants to move towards business development.
Irene is a bartender in Dublin and is only interested in jobs within 10KM of her location
in the food service industry.
Irfan is a software engineer in Atlanta and is interested in software engineering jobs at a
Big Data company. He is happy to move across the U.S. for the right job.
Jane is a nurse educator in Boston seeking between $40K and $60K
*Example from chapter 16 of Solr in Action
Consider what you know about users
jobtitle:"nurse educator"^25 OR jobtitle:(nurse educator)^10
(city:"Boston" AND state:"MA")^15
OR state:"MA")
AND _val_:"map(salary, 40000, 60000,10, 0)”
*Example from chapter 16 of Solr in Action
Query for Jane
Jane is a nurse educator in Boston seeking between $40K and $60K
{ ...
{"jobtitle":" Clinical Educator
(New England/ Boston)",
*Example documents available @
Search Results for Jane
{"jobtitle":"Nurse Educator",
{"jobtitle":"Nurse Educator",
You just built a
recommendation engine!
Collaborative Filtering
Term Documents
user1 doc1, doc5
user2 doc2
user3 doc2
user4 doc1, doc3,
doc4, doc5
user5 doc1, doc4
… …
Document “Users who bought this product” field
doc1 user1, user4, user5
doc2 user2, user3
doc3 user4
doc4 user4, user5
doc5 user4, user1
… …
What you SEND to Lucene/Solr:
How the content is INDEXED into
Lucene/Solr (conceptually):
Step 1: Find similar users who like the same documents
Document “Users who bought this product” field
doc1 user1, user4, user5
doc2 user2, user3
doc3 user4
doc4 user4, user5
doc5 user4, user1
… …
Top-scoring results (most similar users):
1) user4 (2 shared likes)
2) user5 (2 shared likes)
3) user 1 (1 shared like)
user1 user4
user4 user5
q=documentid: ("doc1" OR "doc4")
*Source: Solr in Action, chapter 16
OR "user5"^2 OR "user1"^1)
Step 2: Search for docs “liked” by those similar users
Term Documents
user1 doc1, doc5
user2 doc2
user3 doc2
user4 doc1, doc3,
doc4, doc5
user5 doc1, doc4
… …
Top recommended documents:
1) doc1 (matches user4, user5, user1)
2) doc4 (matches user4, user5)
3) doc5 (matches user4, user1)
4) doc3 (matches user4)
// doc2 does not match
Most similar users:
1) user4 (2 shared likes)
2) user5 (2 shared likes)
3) user 1 (1 shared like)
*Source: Solr in Action, chapter 16
Using matrix factorization is typically more efficient (but less real-time)
Feedback Loops
takes an
Users’ actions
inform system
takes an
Signals & Recommendations
• 200%+ increase in
click-through rates
• 91% lower TCO
• 50,000 fewer support
• Increased customer
Full text search on Mobile
• 5 percent of visitors use
• They account for 15% of
• Fusion increases
(pageviews) engagement by
• Bounce rate decreased 8%
• Search users convert to
reservation/ticket - 33%
Retail search for a home
improvement store chain
• Clicks increased 12.16%
• Add to Cart increased
• Checkout increased 18.35%
• Fusion will add an
incremental $6.5M to the
We saw a 50-60% increase in
just from turning on Fusion”
Jacob Wagner, Director of IT - Content,
Bluestem Brands
We saw a 50-60% increase in
just from turning on Fusion”
Jacob Wagner, Director of IT - Content,
Bluestem Brands
-160 million annual
website visits
-2.61 million square foot
distribution space
-$2+ billion in annual revenue
3rd largest bank in the US
• 2016: 38 Million Searches.
293K Unique Users
• .014% Zero Result
• Employee Survey: Search is
the #1 most valuable feature
of their intranet
semantic search
The Semantic Search Problem
User’s Query:
machine learning research and development Portland, OR software
engineer AND hadoop, java
Traditional Query Parsing:
(machine AND learning AND research AND development AND portland)
OR (software AND engineer AND hadoop AND java)
Semantic Query Parsing:
"machine learning" AND "research and development" AND "Portland, OR"
AND "software engineer" AND hadoop AND java
Semantically Expanded Query:
("machine learning"^10 OR "data scientist" OR "data mining" OR "artificial intelligence")
AND ("research and development"^10 OR "r&d") AND
AND ("Portland, OR"^10 OR "Portland, Oregon" OR {!geofilt pt=45.512,-122.676 d=50 sfield=geo})
AND ("software engineer"^10 OR "software developer")
AND (hadoop^10 OR "big data" OR hbase OR hive) AND (java^10 OR j2ee)
Building a Taxonomy of Entities
Many ways to generate this:
• Statistical Analysis of interesting phrases
- Word2Vec / Glove
• Topic Modelling
• Clustering of documents / phrases
• Buy a dictionary (often doesn’t work for
domain-specific search problems)
• Generate a model of domain-specific phrases by
mining query logs for commonly searched phrases within the domain*
* K. Aljadda, M. Korayem, T. Grainger, C. Russell. "Crowdsourced Query Augmentation through Semantic Discovery of Domain-specific Jargon," in IEEE Big Data 2014.
entity extraction
semantic query parsing
Probabilistic Query Parser
Goal: given a query, predict which
combinations of keywords should be
combined together as phrases
senior java developer hadoop
Possible Parsings:
senior, java, developer, hadoop
"senior java", developer, hadoop
"senior java developer", hadoop
"senior java developer hadoop”
"senior java", "developer hadoop”
senior, "java developer", hadoop
senior, java, "developer hadoop" Source: Trey Grainger, “Searching on Intent: Knowledge Graphs, Personalization,
and Contextual Disambiguation”, Bay Area Search Meetup, November 2015.
Semantic Query Parsing
Identification of phrases in queries using two steps:
1) Check a dictionary of known terms that is continuously
built, cleaned, and refined based upon common inputs from
interactions with real users of the system. The SolrTextTagger
works well for this.*
2) Also invoke a probabilistic query parser to dynamically
identify unknown phrases using statistics from a corpus of data
(language model)
*K. Aljadda, M. Korayem, T. Grainger, C. Russell. "Crowdsourced Query Augmentation
through Semantic Discovery of Domain-specific Jargon," in IEEE Big Data 2014.
query augmentation
A Graph
DSAA 2016
Quebec Canada
Graph Paper
Node / Vertex
id: 1
job_title: Software Engineer
desc: software engineer at a
great company
skills: .Net, C#, java
id: 2
job_title: Registered Nurse
desc: a registered nurse at
hospital doing hard work
skills: oncology, phlebotemy
id: 3
job_title: Java Developer
desc: a software engineer or a
java engineer doing work
skills: java, scala, hibernate
field term postings list
doc pos
1 4
2 1
3 1, 5
1 3
2 4
company 1 6
2 6
3 8
1 2
3 3, 7
great 1 5
hard 2 7
hospital 2 5
java 3 6
nurse 2 3
or 3 4
registered 2 2
1 1
3 2
2 10
3 9
job_title java developer 3 1
… … … …
field doc term
job_title 1
… … …
Terms-Docs Inverted IndexDocs-Terms Forward IndexDocuments
Source: Trey Grainger,
Khalifeh AlJadda, Mohammed
Korayem, Andries Smith.“The
Semantic Knowledge Graph: A
compact, auto-generated
model for real-time traversal
and ranking of any relationship
within a domain”. DSAA 2016.
Source: Trey Grainger,
Khalifeh AlJadda, Mohammed
Korayem, Andries Smith.“The
Semantic Knowledge Graph: A
compact, auto-generated
model for real-time traversal
and ranking of any relationship
within a domain”. DSAA 2016.
Set-theory View
Graph View
How the Graph Traversal Works
skill: Java
skill: Scala
doc 1
doc 2
doc 3
doc 4
doc 5
doc 6
skill: Java
skill: Scala
Data Structure View
Scala Hibernate
1, 2, 6
3, 4
doc 5
Source: Trey Grainger,
Khalifeh AlJadda, Mohammed
Korayem, Andries Smith.“The
Semantic Knowledge Graph: A
compact, auto-generated
model for real-time traversal
and ranking of any relationship
within a domain”. DSAA 2016.
Multi-level Traversal
Data Structure View
Graph View
doc 1
doc 2
doc 3
doc 4
doc 5
doc 6
skill: Java
skill: Scala
doc 1
doc 2
doc 3
doc 4
doc 5
doc 6
Inverted Index
Forward Index
Forward Index
Inverted Index
Scoring of Node Relationships (Edge Weights)
Foreground vs. Background Analysis
Every term scored against it’s context. The more
commonly the term appears within it’s foreground
context versus its background context, the more
relevant it is to the specified foreground context.
countFG(x) - totalDocsFG * probBG(x)
z = --------------------------------------------------------
sqrt(totalDocsFG * probBG(x) * (1 - probBG(x)))
{ "type":"keywords”, "values":[
{ "value":"hive", "relatedness":0.9773, "popularity":369 },
{ "value":"java", "relatedness":0.9236, "popularity":15653 },
{ "value":".net", "relatedness":0.5294, "popularity":17683 },
{ "value":"bee", "relatedness":0.0, "popularity":0 },
{ "value":"teacher", "relatedness":-0.2380, "popularity":9923 },
{ "value":"registered nurse", "relatedness": -0.3802 "popularity":27089 } ] }
We are essentially boosting terms which are more related to some known feature
(and ignoring terms which are equally likely to appear in the background corpus)
Foreground Query:
Source: Trey Grainger,
Khalifeh AlJadda, Mohammed
Korayem, Andries Smith.“The
Semantic Knowledge Graph: A
compact, auto-generated
model for real-time traversal
and ranking of any relationship
within a domain”. DSAA 2016.
Multi-level Graph Traversal with Scores
software engineer*
(materialized node)
has_related_skill Job Title
0.88 0.93
Use Cases
Use Case: Summarizing Document Intent /
Content-based Recommendations
Experiment: Pass in raw text
(extracting phrases as needed), and
rank their similarity to the documents
using the SKG.
Additionally, can traverse the graph
to “related” entities/keyword phrases
NOT found in the original document
Applications: Content-based and
multi-modal recommendations
(no cold-start problem), data cleansing
prior to clustering or other ML methods,
semantic search / similarity scoring
Use Case: Document Classification & Enrichment Knowledge
Use Case: Predictive Analytics
Use Case: Data Cleansing
{ "type":"keywords”, "values":[
{ "value":"hive", "relatedness": 0.9765, "popularity":369 },
{ "value":”spark", "relatedness": 0.9634, "popularity":15653 },
{ "value":".net", "relatedness": 0.5417, "popularity":17683 },
{ "value":"bogus_word", "relatedness": 0.0, "popularity":0 },
{ "value":"teaching", "relatedness": -0.1510, "popularity":9923 },
{ "value":"CPR", "relatedness": -0.4012, "popularity":27089 } ] }
Foreground Query: "Hadoop"
Experiment: Data analyst
manually annotated 500
pairs of terms found together
in real query logs as
“relevant” or “not relevant”
Results: SKG removed 78%
of the terms while maintaining
a 95% accuracy at removing
the correct noisy pairs from
the input data.
Use Case: Query Expansion
Experiment: Take an initial query, and expand keyword
phrases to include the most related entities to that query
Use Case: Query Expansion
User’s Query:
machine learning research and development Portland, OR software
engineer AND hadoop, java
Traditional Query Parsing:
(machine AND learning AND research AND development AND portland)
OR (software AND engineer AND hadoop AND java)
Semantic Query Parsing:
"machine learning" AND "research and development" AND "Portland, OR"
AND "software engineer" AND hadoop AND java
Semantically Expanded Query:
("machine learning"^10 OR "data scientist" OR "data mining" OR "artificial intelligence")
AND ("research and development"^10 OR "r&d") AND
AND ("Portland, OR"^10 OR "Portland, Oregon" OR {!geofilt pt=45.512,-122.676 d=50 sfield=geo})
AND ("software engineer"^10 OR "software developer")
AND (hadoop^10 OR "big data" OR hbase OR hive) AND (java^10 OR j2ee)
Query Disambiguation
Example Query Logs
Example Related Keywords (representing multiple meanings)
driver truck driver, linux, windows, courier, embedded, cdl,
architect autocad drafter, designer, enterprise architect, java
architect, designer, architectural designer, data architect,
oracle, java, architectural drafter, autocad, drafter, cad,
… …
Source: M. Korayem, C. Ortiz, K. AlJadda, T. Grainger. "Query Sense Disambiguation Leveraging Large Scale User Behavioral Data". IEEE Big Data 2015.
Example Query Logs
Example Related Keywords (representing multiple meanings)
driver truck driver, linux, windows, courier, embedded, cdl,
architect autocad drafter, designer, enterprise architect, java
architect, designer, architectural designer, data architect,
oracle, java, architectural drafter, autocad, drafter, cad,
… …
Source: M. Korayem, C. Ortiz, K. AlJadda, T. Grainger. "Query Sense Disambiguation Leveraging Large Scale User Behavioral Data". IEEE Big Data 2015.
A few techniques:
1) Query Log Mining
2) Semantic Knowledge Graph
Knowledge Graph
Query Log Mining: Discovering ambiguous phrases
1) Classify users who ran each
search in the search logs
(i.e. by the job title
classifications of the jobs to
which they applied)
3) Segment the search term => related search terms list by classification,
to return a separate related terms list per classification
2) Create a probabilistic graphical model of those classifications mapped
to each keyword phrase.
Source: M. Korayem, C. Ortiz, K. AlJadda, T. Grainger. "Query Sense Disambiguation Leveraging Large Scale User Behavioral Data". IEEE Big Data 2015.
Semantic Knowledge Graph: Discovering ambiguous phrases
1) Exact same concept, but use
a document classification
field (i.e. category) as the first
level of your graph, and the
related terms as the second
level to which you traverse.
2) Has the benefit that you don’t need query logs to mine, but it will be representative
of your data, as opposed to your user’s intent, so the quality depends on how clean
and representative your documents are.
Additional Benefit: Multi-dimensional disambiguation and dynamic materialization of
categories. Effectively an dynamically-materialized probabilistic graphical model
Disambiguated meanings (represented as term vectors)
Example Related Keywords (Disambiguated Meanings)
architect 1: enterprise architect, java architect, data architect, oracle, java, .net
2: architectural designer, architectural drafter, autocad, autocad drafter, designer,
drafter, cad, engineer
driver 1: linux, windows, embedded
2: truck driver, cdl driver, delivery driver, class b driver, cdl, courier
designer 1: design, print, animation, artist, illustrator, creative, graphic artist, graphic,
photoshop, video
2: graphic, web designer, design, web design, graphic design, graphic designer
3: design, drafter, cad designer, draftsman, autocad, mechanical designer, proe,
structural designer, revit
… …
Source: M. Korayem, C. Ortiz, K. AlJadda, T. Grainger. "Query Sense Disambiguation Leveraging Large Scale User Behavioral Data". IEEE Big Data 2015.
Using the disambiguated meanings
In a situation where a user searches for an ambiguous phrase, what information can we
use to pick the correct underlying meaning?
1. Any pre-existing knowledge about the user:
• User is a software engineer
• User has previously run searches for “c++” and “linux”
2. Context within the query:
User searched for windows AND driver vs. courier OR driver
3. If all else fails (and there is no context), use the most commonly occurring meaning.
driver 1: linux, windows, embedded
2: truck driver, cdl driver, delivery driver, class b driver, cdl, courier
Source: M. Korayem, C. Ortiz, K. AlJadda, T. Grainger. "Query Sense Disambiguation Leveraging Large Scale User Behavioral Data". IEEE Big Data 2015.
Who’s in Love with Jean Grey?
Build a Co-occurrence Matrix
Related term vector (for query concept expansion)
Score keywords from within a document
Basic Keyword Search
(inverted index, tf-idf, bm25,
multilingual text analysis, query
formulation, etc.)
Taxonomies /
Entity Extraction
(entity recognition,
ontologies, synonyms, etc.)
Query Intent
(query classification, semantic
query parsing, concept
expansion, rules, clustering,
Relevancy Tuning
(signals, AB testing/genetic
algorithms, Learning to Rank,
Neural Networks)
Intent Algorithm Spectrum
Contact Info
Trey Grainger
Other presentations:
Additional References:
Southern Data Science

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The Intent Algorithms of Search & Recommendation Engines

  • 1. Trey Grainger SVP of Engineering @ Lucidworks The Intent Algorithms of Search & Recommendation Engines Furman University: CSC272 Guest Lecture 2017.12.01
  • 2.
  • 3. Trey Grainger SVP of Engineering • Previously Director of Engineering @ CareerBuilder • MBA, Management of Technology – Georgia Tech • BA, Computer Science, Business, & Philosophy – Furman University • Information Retrieval & Web Search - Stanford University Other fun projects: • Co-author of Solr in Action, plus numerous research papers • Frequent conference speaker • Founder of, the gluten-free search engine • Lucene/Solr contributor • Startup Advisor (including Presearch, the decentralized web search engine) About Me
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. • 1. Teach the fundamentals of how a search engine works - Inverted Index - Ranking • 2. Discuss Real-world use cases • 3. Walk through how search / recommendation engines continuously learn from user behavior and content • 4. Fun Examples Goals … • Reflected Intelligence - Signals -Recommendations - Learning to Rank (Demo) • Semantic Search - Entity Extraction - Query Parsing - Knowledge Graphs
  • 10. what do you do?
  • 11. Based in San Francisco, offices and employees worldwide Over 300 customers across the Fortune 1000 Fusion, a Solr-powered platform for search-driven apps Consulting and support for organizations using Solr Produces the world’s largest open source user conference dedicated to Lucene/Solr Lucidworks is the primary commercial contributor to the Apache Solr project Employs over 40% of the active committers on the Solr project Contributes over 70% of Solr's open source codebase 40% 70%
  • 13. Highly scalable search engine and NoSQL datastore that gives you instant access to all your data. Surface the insights that matter most with the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence Create bespoke data and discovery applications with modular UI components for web and mobile. The Lucidworks platform provides all of the components needed to design, develop and deploy smart search experiences for Enterprise and Consumer search applications Lucidworks Fusion product suite Fusion Cloud combines the power of Fusion with the simplicity you’d expect in a SaaS-based application.
  • 14. Fusion powers search for the brightest companies in the world.
  • 16. “Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene™.”
  • 17. Key Solr Features: ● Multilingual Keyword search ● Relevancy Ranking of results ● Faceting & Analytics (nested / relational) ● Highlighting ● Spelling Correction ● Autocomplete/Type-ahead Prediction ● Sorting, Grouping, Deduplication ● Distributed, Fault-tolerant, Scalable ● Geospatial search ● Complex Function queries ● Recommendations (More Like This) ● Graph Queries and Traversals ● SQL Query Support ● Streaming Aggregations ● Batch and Streaming processing ● Highly Configurable / Plugins ● Learning to Rank ● Building machine-learning models ● … many more *source: Solr in Action, chapter 2
  • 18. The standard for enterprise search. of Fortune 500 uses Solr. 90%
  • 20. Basic Keyword Search (inverted index, tf-idf, bm25, multilingual text analysis, query formulation, etc.) Taxonomies / Entity Extraction (entity recognition, ontologies, synonyms, etc.) Query Intent (query classification, semantic query parsing, concept expansion, rules, clustering, classification) Relevancy Tuning (signals, AB testing/genetic algorithms, Learning to Rank, Neural Networks) Self-learning Intent Algorithm Spectrum
  • 21. Basic Keyword Search The beginning of a typical search journey
  • 22. Term Documents a doc1 [2x] brown doc3 [1x] , doc5 [1x] cat doc4 [1x] cow doc2 [1x] , doc5 [1x] … ... once doc1 [1x], doc5 [1x] over doc2 [1x], doc3 [1x] the doc2 [2x], doc3 [2x], doc4[2x], doc5 [1x] … … Document Content Field doc1 once upon a time, in a land far, far away doc2 the cow jumped over the moon. doc3 the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. doc4 the cat in the hat doc5 The brown cow said “moo” once. … … What you SEND to Lucene/Solr: How the content is INDEXED into Lucene/Solr (conceptually): The inverted index
  • 23. /solr/select/?q=apache solr Field Documents … … apache doc1, doc3, doc4, doc5 … hadoop doc2, doc4, doc6 … … solr doc1, doc3, doc4, doc7, doc8 … … doc5 doc7 doc8 doc1 doc3 doc4 solr apache apache solr Matching queries to documents
  • 24. Text Analysis Generating terms to index from raw text
  • 25. Text Analysis in Solr A text field in Lucene/Solr has an Analyzer containing: ① Zero or more CharFilters Takes incoming text and “cleans it up” before it is tokenized ② One Tokenizer Splits incoming text into a Token Stream containing Zero or more Tokens ③ Zero or more TokenFilters Examines and optionally modifies each Token in the Token Stream *From Solr in Action, Chapter 6
  • 26. A text field in Lucene/Solr has an Analyzer containing: ① Zero or more CharFilters Takes incoming text and “cleans it up” before it is tokenized ② One Tokenizer Splits incoming text into a Token Stream containing Zero or more Tokens ③ Zero or more TokenFilters Examines and optionally modifies each Token in the Token Stream Text Analysis in Solr *From Solr in Action, Chapter 6
  • 27. A text field in Lucene/Solr has an Analyzer containing: ① Zero or more CharFilters Takes incoming text and “cleans it up” before it is tokenized ② One Tokenizer Splits incoming text into a Token Stream containing Zero or more Tokens ③ Zero or more TokenFilters Examines and optionally modifies each Token in the Token Stream Text Analysis in Solr *From Solr in Action, Chapter 6
  • 28. A text field in Lucene/Solr has an Analyzer containing: ① Zero or more CharFilters Takes incoming text and “cleans it up” before it is tokenized ② One Tokenizer Splits incoming text into a Token Stream containing Zero or more Tokens ③ Zero or more TokenFilters Examines and optionally modifies each Token in the Token Stream Text Analysis in Solr *From Solr in Action, Chapter 6
  • 29. Per-language Analysis Chains *Some of the 32 different languages configurations in Appendix B of Solr in Action
  • 30. Per-language Analysis Chains *Some of the 32 different languages configurations in Appendix B of Solr in Action
  • 31. Relevancy Ranking Scoring the results, returning the best matches
  • 32. Classic Lucene/Solr Relevancy Algorithm: *Source: Solr in Action, chapter 3 Score(q, d) = ∑ ( tf(t in d) · idf(t)2 · t.getBoost() · norm(t, d) ) · coord(q, d) · queryNorm(q) t in q Where: t = term; d = document; q = query; f = field tf(t in d) = numTermOccurrencesInDocument ½ idf(t) = 1 + log (numDocs / (docFreq + 1)) coord(q, d) = numTermsInDocumentFromQuery / numTermsInQuery queryNorm(q) = 1 / (sumOfSquaredWeights ½ ) sumOfSquaredWeights = q.getBoost()2 · ∑ (idf(t) · t.getBoost() )2 t in q norm(t, d) = d.getBoost() · lengthNorm(f) · f.getBoost()
  • 33. Classic Lucene/Solr Relevancy Algorithm: *Source: Solr in Action, chapter 3 Score(q, d) = ∑ ( tf(t in d) · idf(t)2 · t.getBoost() · norm(t, d) ) · coord(q, d) · queryNorm(q) t in q Where: t = term; d = document; q = query; f = field tf(t in d) = numTermOccurrencesInDocument ½ idf(t) = 1 + log (numDocs / (docFreq + 1)) coord(q, d) = numTermsInDocumentFromQuery / numTermsInQuery queryNorm(q) = 1 / (sumOfSquaredWeights ½ ) sumOfSquaredWeights = q.getBoost()2 · ∑ (idf(t) · t.getBoost() )2 t in q norm(t, d) = d.getBoost() · lengthNorm(f) · f.getBoost()
  • 34. • Term Frequency: “How well a term describes a document?” – Measure: how often a term occurs per document • Inverse Document Frequency: “How important is a term overall?” – Measure: how rare the term is across all documents TF * IDF *Source: Solr in Action, chapter 3
  • 35. BM25 (Okapi “Best Match” 25th Iteration) Score(q, d) = ∑ idf(t) · ( tf(t in d) · (k + 1) ) / ( tf(t in d) + k · (1 – b + b · |d| / avgdl ) t in q Where: t = term; d = document; q = query; i = index tf(t in d) = numTermOccurrencesInDocument ½ idf(t) = 1 + log (numDocs / (docFreq + 1)) |d| = ∑ 1 t in d avgdl = = ( ∑ |d| ) / ( ∑ 1 ) ) d in i d in i k = Free parameter. Usually ~1.2 to 2.0. Increases term frequency saturation point. b = Free parameter. Usually ~0.75. Increases impact of document normalization.
  • 36. News Search : popularity and freshness drive relevance Restaurant Search: geographical proximity and price range are critical Ecommerce: likelihood of a purchase is key Movie search: More popular titles are generally more relevant Job search: category of job, salary range, and geographical proximity matter TF * IDF of keywords can’t hold it’s own against good domain-specific relevance factors! That’s great, but what about domain-specific knowledge?
  • 37. *Example from chapter 16 of Solr in Action Domain-specific relevancy calculation (News Website Example) News website: /select? fq=$myQuery& q=_query_:"{!func}scale(query($myQuery),0,100)" AND _query_:"{!func}div(100,map(geodist(),0,1,1))" AND _query_:"{!func}recip(rord(publicationDate),0,100,100)" AND _query_:"{!func}scale(popularity,0,100)"& myQuery="street festival"& sfield=location& pt=33.748,-84.391 25% 25% 25% 25%
  • 38. Fancy boosting functions (Restaurant Search Example) Distance (50%) + keywords (30%) + category (20%) q=_val_:"scale(mul(query($keywords),1),0,30)" AND _val_:"scale(sum($radiusInKm,mul(query($distance),-1)),0,50)” AND _val_:"scale(mul(query($category),1),0,20)" &keywords=filet mignon &radiusInKm=48.28 &distance=_val_:"geodist(latitudelongitude.latlon_is,33.77402,-84.29659)” &category=”fine dining" &fq={!cache=false v=$keywords}
  • 39. This is powerful, but feels like a lot of work to get right…
  • 40. what is “reflected intelligence”?
  • 41. The Three C’s Content: Keywords and other features in your documents Collaboration: How other’s have chosen to interact with your system Context: Available information about your users and their intent Reflected Intelligence “Leveraging previous data and interactions to improve how new data and interactions should be interpreted”
  • 42. ● Recommendation Algorithms ● Building user profiles from past searches, clicks, and other actions ● Identifying correlations between keywords/phrases ● Building out automatically-generated ontologies from content and queries ● Determining relevancy judgements (precision, recall, nDCG, etc.) from click logs ● Learning to Rank - using relevancy judgements and machine learning to train a relevance model ● Discovering misspellings, synonyms, acronyms, and related keywords ● Disambiguation of keyword phrases with multiple meanings ● Learning what’s important in your content Examples of Reflected Intelligence
  • 43. John lives in Boston but wants to move to New York or possibly another big city. He is currently a sales manager but wants to move towards business development. Irene is a bartender in Dublin and is only interested in jobs within 10KM of her location in the food service industry. Irfan is a software engineer in Atlanta and is interested in software engineering jobs at a Big Data company. He is happy to move across the U.S. for the right job. Jane is a nurse educator in Boston seeking between $40K and $60K *Example from chapter 16 of Solr in Action Consider what you know about users
  • 44. http://localhost:8983/solr/jobs/select/? fl=jobtitle,city,state,salary& q=( jobtitle:"nurse educator"^25 OR jobtitle:(nurse educator)^10 ) AND ( (city:"Boston" AND state:"MA")^15 OR state:"MA") AND _val_:"map(salary, 40000, 60000,10, 0)” *Example from chapter 16 of Solr in Action Query for Jane Jane is a nurse educator in Boston seeking between $40K and $60K
  • 45. { ... "response":{"numFound":22,"start":0,"docs":[ {"jobtitle":" Clinical Educator (New England/ Boston)", "city":"Boston", "state":"MA", "salary":41503}, …]}} *Example documents available @ Search Results for Jane {"jobtitle":"Nurse Educator", "city":"Braintree", "state":"MA", "salary":56183}, {"jobtitle":"Nurse Educator", "city":"Brighton", "state":"MA", "salary":71359}
  • 46. You just built a recommendation engine!
  • 47. Collaborative Filtering Term Documents user1 doc1, doc5 user2 doc2 user3 doc2 user4 doc1, doc3, doc4, doc5 user5 doc1, doc4 … … Document “Users who bought this product” field doc1 user1, user4, user5 doc2 user2, user3 doc3 user4 doc4 user4, user5 doc5 user4, user1 … … What you SEND to Lucene/Solr: How the content is INDEXED into Lucene/Solr (conceptually):
  • 48. Step 1: Find similar users who like the same documents Document “Users who bought this product” field doc1 user1, user4, user5 doc2 user2, user3 doc3 user4 doc4 user4, user5 doc5 user4, user1 … … Top-scoring results (most similar users): 1) user4 (2 shared likes) 2) user5 (2 shared likes) 3) user 1 (1 shared like) doc1 user1 user4 user5 user4 user5 doc4 q=documentid: ("doc1" OR "doc4") *Source: Solr in Action, chapter 16
  • 49. /solr/select/?q=userlikes:("user4"^2 OR "user5"^2 OR "user1"^1) Step 2: Search for docs “liked” by those similar users Term Documents user1 doc1, doc5 user2 doc2 user3 doc2 user4 doc1, doc3, doc4, doc5 user5 doc1, doc4 … … Top recommended documents: 1) doc1 (matches user4, user5, user1) 2) doc4 (matches user4, user5) 3) doc5 (matches user4, user1) 4) doc3 (matches user4) // doc2 does not match Most similar users: 1) user4 (2 shared likes) 2) user5 (2 shared likes) 3) user 1 (1 shared like) *Source: Solr in Action, chapter 16
  • 50. Using matrix factorization is typically more efficient (but less real-time)
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56. • 200%+ increase in click-through rates • 91% lower TCO • 50,000 fewer support tickets • Increased customer satisfaction
  • 57.
  • 58. Full text search on Mobile • 5 percent of visitors use Search • They account for 15% of sales. • Fusion increases (pageviews) engagement by 63% • Bounce rate decreased 8% • Search users convert to reservation/ticket - 33% higher
  • 59.
  • 60. Retail search for a home improvement store chain • Clicks increased 12.16% • Add to Cart increased 16.94% • Checkout increased 18.35% • Fusion will add an incremental $6.5M to the checkout
  • 61. We saw a 50-60% increase in conversions just from turning on Fusion” “ Jacob Wagner, Director of IT - Content, Bluestem Brands —
  • 62. We saw a 50-60% increase in conversions just from turning on Fusion” “ Jacob Wagner, Director of IT - Content, Bluestem Brands — -160 million annual website visits -2.61 million square foot distribution space -$2+ billion in annual revenue
  • 63.
  • 64. 3rd largest bank in the US • 2016: 38 Million Searches. 293K Unique Users • .014% Zero Result Searches • Employee Survey: Search is the #1 most valuable feature of their intranet
  • 66. The Semantic Search Problem User’s Query: machine learning research and development Portland, OR software engineer AND hadoop, java Traditional Query Parsing: (machine AND learning AND research AND development AND portland) OR (software AND engineer AND hadoop AND java) Semantic Query Parsing: "machine learning" AND "research and development" AND "Portland, OR" AND "software engineer" AND hadoop AND java Semantically Expanded Query: ("machine learning"^10 OR "data scientist" OR "data mining" OR "artificial intelligence") AND ("research and development"^10 OR "r&d") AND AND ("Portland, OR"^10 OR "Portland, Oregon" OR {!geofilt pt=45.512,-122.676 d=50 sfield=geo}) AND ("software engineer"^10 OR "software developer") AND (hadoop^10 OR "big data" OR hbase OR hive) AND (java^10 OR j2ee)
  • 67. Building a Taxonomy of Entities Many ways to generate this: • Statistical Analysis of interesting phrases - Word2Vec / Glove • Topic Modelling • Clustering of documents / phrases • Buy a dictionary (often doesn’t work for domain-specific search problems) • Generate a model of domain-specific phrases by mining query logs for commonly searched phrases within the domain* * K. Aljadda, M. Korayem, T. Grainger, C. Russell. "Crowdsourced Query Augmentation through Semantic Discovery of Domain-specific Jargon," in IEEE Big Data 2014.
  • 68.
  • 70.
  • 72. Probabilistic Query Parser Goal: given a query, predict which combinations of keywords should be combined together as phrases Example: senior java developer hadoop Possible Parsings: senior, java, developer, hadoop "senior java", developer, hadoop "senior java developer", hadoop "senior java developer hadoop” "senior java", "developer hadoop” senior, "java developer", hadoop senior, java, "developer hadoop" Source: Trey Grainger, “Searching on Intent: Knowledge Graphs, Personalization, and Contextual Disambiguation”, Bay Area Search Meetup, November 2015.
  • 73. Semantic Query Parsing Identification of phrases in queries using two steps: 1) Check a dictionary of known terms that is continuously built, cleaned, and refined based upon common inputs from interactions with real users of the system. The SolrTextTagger works well for this.* 2) Also invoke a probabilistic query parser to dynamically identify unknown phrases using statistics from a corpus of data (language model) *K. Aljadda, M. Korayem, T. Grainger, C. Russell. "Crowdsourced Query Augmentation through Semantic Discovery of Domain-specific Jargon," in IEEE Big Data 2014.
  • 75.
  • 76. A Graph DSAA 2016 Montreal Quebec Canada Semantic Knowledge Graph Paper Trey Grainger Mohammed Korayem Andries Smith Khalifeh AlJadda in_country Node / Vertex Edge
  • 77. id: 1 job_title: Software Engineer desc: software engineer at a great company skills: .Net, C#, java id: 2 job_title: Registered Nurse desc: a registered nurse at hospital doing hard work skills: oncology, phlebotemy id: 3 job_title: Java Developer desc: a software engineer or a java engineer doing work skills: java, scala, hibernate field term postings list doc pos desc a 1 4 2 1 3 1, 5 at 1 3 2 4 company 1 6 doing 2 6 3 8 engineer 1 2 3 3, 7 great 1 5 hard 2 7 hospital 2 5 java 3 6 nurse 2 3 or 3 4 registered 2 2 software 1 1 3 2 work 2 10 3 9 job_title java developer 3 1 … … … … field doc term desc 1 a at company engineer great software 2 a at doing hard hospital nurse registered work 3 a doing engineer java or software work job_title 1 Software Engineer … … … Terms-Docs Inverted IndexDocs-Terms Forward IndexDocuments Source: Trey Grainger, Khalifeh AlJadda, Mohammed Korayem, Andries Smith.“The Semantic Knowledge Graph: A compact, auto-generated model for real-time traversal and ranking of any relationship within a domain”. DSAA 2016. Knowledge Graph
  • 78. Source: Trey Grainger, Khalifeh AlJadda, Mohammed Korayem, Andries Smith.“The Semantic Knowledge Graph: A compact, auto-generated model for real-time traversal and ranking of any relationship within a domain”. DSAA 2016. Knowledge Graph Set-theory View Graph View How the Graph Traversal Works skill: Java skill: Scala skill: Hibernate skill: Oncology doc 1 doc 2 doc 3 doc 4 doc 5 doc 6 skill: Java skill: Java skill: Scala skill: Hibernate skill: Oncology Data Structure View Java Scala Hibernate docs 1, 2, 6 docs 3, 4 Oncology doc 5
  • 79. Source: Trey Grainger, Khalifeh AlJadda, Mohammed Korayem, Andries Smith.“The Semantic Knowledge Graph: A compact, auto-generated model for real-time traversal and ranking of any relationship within a domain”. DSAA 2016. Knowledge Graph Multi-level Traversal Data Structure View Graph View doc 1 doc 2 doc 3 doc 4 doc 5 doc 6 skill: Java skill: Java skill: Scala skill: Hibernate skill: Oncology doc 1 doc 2 doc 3 doc 4 doc 5 doc 6 job_title: Software Engineer job_title: Data Scientist job_title: Java Developer …… Inverted Index Lookup Forward Index Lookup Forward Index Lookup Inverted Index Lookup Java Java Developer Hibernate Scala Software Engineer Data Scientist has_related_job_title has_related_job_title
  • 80. Scoring of Node Relationships (Edge Weights) Foreground vs. Background Analysis Every term scored against it’s context. The more commonly the term appears within it’s foreground context versus its background context, the more relevant it is to the specified foreground context. countFG(x) - totalDocsFG * probBG(x) z = -------------------------------------------------------- sqrt(totalDocsFG * probBG(x) * (1 - probBG(x))) { "type":"keywords”, "values":[ { "value":"hive", "relatedness":0.9773, "popularity":369 }, { "value":"java", "relatedness":0.9236, "popularity":15653 }, { "value":".net", "relatedness":0.5294, "popularity":17683 }, { "value":"bee", "relatedness":0.0, "popularity":0 }, { "value":"teacher", "relatedness":-0.2380, "popularity":9923 }, { "value":"registered nurse", "relatedness": -0.3802 "popularity":27089 } ] } We are essentially boosting terms which are more related to some known feature (and ignoring terms which are equally likely to appear in the background corpus) + - Foreground Query: "Hadoop" Knowledge Graph
  • 81. Source: Trey Grainger, Khalifeh AlJadda, Mohammed Korayem, Andries Smith.“The Semantic Knowledge Graph: A compact, auto-generated model for real-time traversal and ranking of any relationship within a domain”. DSAA 2016. Knowledge Graph Multi-level Graph Traversal with Scores software engineer* (materialized node) Java C# .NET .NET Developer Java Developer Hibernate ScalaVB.NET Software Engineer Data Scientist Skill Nodes has_related_skillStarting Node Skill Nodes has_related_skill Job Title Nodes has_related_job_title 0.90 0.88 0.93 0.93 0.34 0.74 0.91 0.89 0.74 0.89 0.780.72 0.48 0.93 0.76 0.83 0.80 0.64 0.61 0.780.55
  • 85. Knowledge Graph Use Case: Summarizing Document Intent / Content-based Recommendations Experiment: Pass in raw text (extracting phrases as needed), and rank their similarity to the documents using the SKG. Additionally, can traverse the graph to “related” entities/keyword phrases NOT found in the original document Applications: Content-based and multi-modal recommendations (no cold-start problem), data cleansing prior to clustering or other ML methods, semantic search / similarity scoring
  • 86. Use Case: Document Classification & Enrichment Knowledge Graph
  • 88. Knowledge Graph Use Case: Data Cleansing { "type":"keywords”, "values":[ { "value":"hive", "relatedness": 0.9765, "popularity":369 }, { "value":”spark", "relatedness": 0.9634, "popularity":15653 }, { "value":".net", "relatedness": 0.5417, "popularity":17683 }, { "value":"bogus_word", "relatedness": 0.0, "popularity":0 }, { "value":"teaching", "relatedness": -0.1510, "popularity":9923 }, { "value":"CPR", "relatedness": -0.4012, "popularity":27089 } ] } Foreground Query: "Hadoop" Experiment: Data analyst manually annotated 500 pairs of terms found together in real query logs as “relevant” or “not relevant” Results: SKG removed 78% of the terms while maintaining a 95% accuracy at removing the correct noisy pairs from the input data.
  • 89. Knowledge Graph Use Case: Query Expansion Experiment: Take an initial query, and expand keyword phrases to include the most related entities to that query Example:
  • 90. Use Case: Query Expansion User’s Query: machine learning research and development Portland, OR software engineer AND hadoop, java Traditional Query Parsing: (machine AND learning AND research AND development AND portland) OR (software AND engineer AND hadoop AND java) Semantic Query Parsing: "machine learning" AND "research and development" AND "Portland, OR" AND "software engineer" AND hadoop AND java Semantically Expanded Query: ("machine learning"^10 OR "data scientist" OR "data mining" OR "artificial intelligence") AND ("research and development"^10 OR "r&d") AND AND ("Portland, OR"^10 OR "Portland, Oregon" OR {!geofilt pt=45.512,-122.676 d=50 sfield=geo}) AND ("software engineer"^10 OR "software developer") AND (hadoop^10 OR "big data" OR hbase OR hive) AND (java^10 OR j2ee)
  • 92. Example Query Logs Example Related Keywords (representing multiple meanings) driver truck driver, linux, windows, courier, embedded, cdl, delivery architect autocad drafter, designer, enterprise architect, java architect, designer, architectural designer, data architect, oracle, java, architectural drafter, autocad, drafter, cad, engineer … … Source: M. Korayem, C. Ortiz, K. AlJadda, T. Grainger. "Query Sense Disambiguation Leveraging Large Scale User Behavioral Data". IEEE Big Data 2015.
  • 93. Example Query Logs Example Related Keywords (representing multiple meanings) driver truck driver, linux, windows, courier, embedded, cdl, delivery architect autocad drafter, designer, enterprise architect, java architect, designer, architectural designer, data architect, oracle, java, architectural drafter, autocad, drafter, cad, engineer … … Source: M. Korayem, C. Ortiz, K. AlJadda, T. Grainger. "Query Sense Disambiguation Leveraging Large Scale User Behavioral Data". IEEE Big Data 2015.
  • 94. A few techniques: 1) Query Log Mining 2) Semantic Knowledge Graph Knowledge Graph
  • 95. Query Log Mining: Discovering ambiguous phrases (Behavior-based) 1) Classify users who ran each search in the search logs (i.e. by the job title classifications of the jobs to which they applied) 3) Segment the search term => related search terms list by classification, to return a separate related terms list per classification 2) Create a probabilistic graphical model of those classifications mapped to each keyword phrase. Source: M. Korayem, C. Ortiz, K. AlJadda, T. Grainger. "Query Sense Disambiguation Leveraging Large Scale User Behavioral Data". IEEE Big Data 2015.
  • 96. Semantic Knowledge Graph: Discovering ambiguous phrases (Content-based) 1) Exact same concept, but use a document classification field (i.e. category) as the first level of your graph, and the related terms as the second level to which you traverse. 2) Has the benefit that you don’t need query logs to mine, but it will be representative of your data, as opposed to your user’s intent, so the quality depends on how clean and representative your documents are. Additional Benefit: Multi-dimensional disambiguation and dynamic materialization of categories. Effectively an dynamically-materialized probabilistic graphical model
  • 97. Disambiguated meanings (represented as term vectors) Example Related Keywords (Disambiguated Meanings) architect 1: enterprise architect, java architect, data architect, oracle, java, .net 2: architectural designer, architectural drafter, autocad, autocad drafter, designer, drafter, cad, engineer driver 1: linux, windows, embedded 2: truck driver, cdl driver, delivery driver, class b driver, cdl, courier designer 1: design, print, animation, artist, illustrator, creative, graphic artist, graphic, photoshop, video 2: graphic, web designer, design, web design, graphic design, graphic designer 3: design, drafter, cad designer, draftsman, autocad, mechanical designer, proe, structural designer, revit … … Source: M. Korayem, C. Ortiz, K. AlJadda, T. Grainger. "Query Sense Disambiguation Leveraging Large Scale User Behavioral Data". IEEE Big Data 2015.
  • 98. Using the disambiguated meanings In a situation where a user searches for an ambiguous phrase, what information can we use to pick the correct underlying meaning? 1. Any pre-existing knowledge about the user: • User is a software engineer • User has previously run searches for “c++” and “linux” 2. Context within the query: User searched for windows AND driver vs. courier OR driver 3. If all else fails (and there is no context), use the most commonly occurring meaning. driver 1: linux, windows, embedded 2: truck driver, cdl driver, delivery driver, class b driver, cdl, courier Source: M. Korayem, C. Ortiz, K. AlJadda, T. Grainger. "Query Sense Disambiguation Leveraging Large Scale User Behavioral Data". IEEE Big Data 2015.
  • 99. Demos
  • 102. Who’s in Love with Jean Grey?
  • 103. Build a Co-occurrence Matrix http://localhost:8983/solr/job-postings/skg
  • 104. Related term vector (for query concept expansion) http://localhost:8983/solr/stack-exchange-health/skg
  • 105. Score keywords from within a document http://localhost:8983/solr/job-postings/skg
  • 106. Basic Keyword Search (inverted index, tf-idf, bm25, multilingual text analysis, query formulation, etc.) Taxonomies / Entity Extraction (entity recognition, ontologies, synonyms, etc.) Query Intent (query classification, semantic query parsing, concept expansion, rules, clustering, classification) Relevancy Tuning (signals, AB testing/genetic algorithms, Learning to Rank, Neural Networks) Self-learning Intent Algorithm Spectrum