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Part 6: Team Development Plan
For the project selected in Unit I, create a simple project team
development plan. Your plan should follow the process for
developing and managing a team, as referred to in Figures 6.1
and 6.2 in the textbook. Your plan should include an
introduction and should answer the following questions:
1. What human resource tools will you draw upon in the overall
development and management of the project team?
2. What approach will you take to kick off the project team?
3. What ground rules will you establish for team meetings and
4. What specific ways will you demonstrate emotional
intelligence in the development of the project team?
5. What methods will you employ to resolve conflict throughout
the stages of team development?
6. What will be the conflict sources within the team
development process?
7. How will you set and measure goals and reward achievement?
Compile the team development plan that addresses the questions
above. Feel free to use a table to summarize your policy and
approach. (As one example, refer to Table 6.2 in the textbook).
Submit your team development plan in the form of a minimum
two-page document. Adhere to APA Style when constructing
this assignment, including in-text citations and references for
all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.
Note: In Unit VIII of this course, you will include a summary of
your team development plan as part of a PowerPoint
Figure 6
The scope of developing project human resources includes the
following key activities:
Improving project team skills and competencies
By comparing the wanted (target) skills and competencies with
current (baseline) skills and competencies
By offering training and development opportunities to fill the
skills and competencies gaps
Improving interaction among project team members
By creating a culture based on trust, respect, and collaboration
By offering team-building opportunities
Improving project team environment
By creating a
project environment that is conducive for diverse teams
to work together amicably
Motivating project team members
By providing challenges and opportunities, providing coaching
and feedback in a timely manner
By recognizing and rewarding the good behavior.
Started early in the project life cycle, the project team
development process is performed throughout the project life
cycle for ongoing improvements in the team performance and
also for quicker onboarding of the new team members.
The following sections explain how to develop project human
How to Develop Project Human Resources
The project human resource acquisition process contains the
following key steps:
1. Review project staff assignments.
2. Review human resource management plan.
3. Determine resource availability.
4. Utilize project human resource management tools.
5. Conduct team performance assessments.
6. Update project environment information.
Figure 6.1 illustrates the overall flow of the project human
resources development process. The arrows on the lines show
the direction of the information flow.
Figure 6.1 Project Human Resources Development Process Flow
Review Project Staff Assignments
For a project manager to conduct the project human resource
development process, the information on all human resources on
the project and their assignments to various roles must be
reviewed. Project Staff Assignments documents (project team
directory, team memos, project organization charts, and project
schedules) provide this information to the project manager.
Review Human Resource Management Plan
Described in
Chapter 2, “
Planning Human Resource Management,” the
human resource management plan provides the guidance
for all human resource management processes. This plan
discusses how the project human resources should be identified,
acquired, trained, managed, and released. It includes project
roles and responsibilities, organization charts, staffing
management plan, and project team development plans and
strategies. It may also include information on performance
baseline, performance feedback, rewards and recognition,
bonus, disciplinary actions, conflict of interest, standards of
business conduct, information security, overtime, flex time,
telecommuting, and so on.
Determine Resource Availability
A project team usually includes diverse team members who may
differ in their working hours, time zones, vacation days, local
holidays, and involvement in other projects. The project
manager must determine the availability of the project team
members for them to take part in various team development
Resource calendars contain this information and depict
the availability of individual team members.
Utilize Project Human Resource Management Tools
A project manager can use a variety of tools to develop project
human resources. Some key tools are described in the following
Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skills are sometimes also called soft skills. These
skills include
emotional intelligence (EI), communication skills,
negotiation skills, motivational skills, facilitation skills, team
building, and conflict resolution. These skills help a lot during
the team development activities by fostering mutual
understanding, tolerance, and influence. For instance, EI
enables a project manager to identify, assess, and control the
emotions of the team members by engaging in active listening
with them, anticipating their actions and reactions, and
understanding as well as addressing their concerns.
Emotional Intelligence
The project managers must not only possess traditional work
management and administrative skills to be successful but they
also possess strong leadership qualities such as emotional
intelligence, toughness, determination, and vision for
sustainable success. High degree of emotional intelligence,
which includes self-awareness,
, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill, truly
sets a project manager apart as an effective leader.
Table 6.1 depicts the definitions of these five
components of EI and the results of possessing them.
Table 6.1: The Five Components of Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Most large organizations today realize the significance of
competencies demonstrating emotional intelligence, such as the
ability to work with others and effectiveness in leading change,
and they consider these competencies in identifying, training,
and promoting the worthy individuals in the leadership arena.
Note: The Power of Brainstorming: Optimize Through
In his article published in the November 2010 issue of
PM Network, “Creative force: Tired of blank stares and
shrugs during brainstorming sessions? Here is how to get your
team thinking like the true visionaries they are,” Chauncey
Hollingsworth discusses how project managers can utilize
brainstorming effectively to enable the team members to
generate a wealth of ideas that can help them, the project
managers, realize cost, time, and quality efficiencies. Here are
some tips provided by Chauncey Hollingsworth:
1. Encourage all team members to talk a lot, think freely, and
start putting their ideas in form of visual artwork and prints on
the wall for other team members to see.
2. Inspire team members to think out-the-box and appreciate
that thinking even if the idea generated and provided by that
thinking is not used.
3. Kick start creativity by:
a. Having an open mind
b. Listening actively
c. Appreciating inquisitiveness
d. Acknowledging and recognizing when a creative thought is
4. Provide quick resolution to conflicts to provide sustainable
nonhostile environment, which is pre-requisite for free creative
Coaching and Training
Generally, training is required when a project team member
does not possess the skills and expertise to perform certain type
of job responsibilities. However, the need for training can arise
from multiple other reasons, such as to improve the
competencies of the project team members to perform better in
the existing job or to learn about new product, process, or
equipment, to prepare project team members for promotional
opportunities, or just to enhance the credibility of the
organization to secure more business. The training can be
formal or informal and can either be provided by an internal or
an external provider. Formal or scheduled training programs are
developed and managed by the human resources department,
whereas informal or unplanned training usually occurs as a
result of skill gaps observed during the performance evaluation
of the project team members. The funding for training can come
either from the individual project budget or from the performing
organization’s budget, but it usually comes from the project
budget for a projectized organization and from the
organization’s budget for a matrix or functional organization.
Various training methods include but are not limited to
instructor-led classroom training, instructor-led online virtual
training, computer-based training (CBT), and on-the-job
training (OJT) provided by peers, mentors, or internal subject
matter experts. Most large organizations both in the private and
public sector, such as Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, IBM,
Google, state and federal government agencies, and so on,
provide free access to online learning resources, such as
Books24x7 to their employees for continuous ongoing
competency enhancement and for keeping their skills up to date.
Team-Building Activities
Team-buildings activities are instrumental in enhancing the
team cohesiveness, improving working relationships, and
building trust among the team members. These activities are
even more important now than ever before due to the global
nature of many projects involving remote team members.
Technology advancements have enabled the virtual work
environments in which the project team members do not
necessarily need to be co-located. Nonetheless, the importance
of some level of face-to-face interaction among the team
members cannot be discounted. Humans tend to work better
with the people whom they have face-to-face interactions with.
Arranging face-to-face interactions periodically through
team-building activities can do wonders in enhancing
the working relationships among the team members and hence
improve their productivity and satisfaction.
Various methods to conduct team-building activities include but
are not limited to dedicating some periodic team meetings for
this purpose, engaging in some fun activities at a scheduled
offsite together (for example, luncheons, golf, movies, and
picnics), arranging team appreciation events, and so on. If not
more, at least one session of team-building activities at the time
of the project kick-off is highly recommended to establish some
rapport among the team members.
Because of the dynamic nature of the project life, some existing
team members may leave the project due to various reasons, and
some new members may join the project team anytime until the
project is finished. Thus, it is essential that the team-building
activities are commenced during the early stages of the project
and are conducted periodically throughout the project life cycle
on an ongoing basis to assimilate the new team members.
Bruce Tuckman, an educational psychologist, proposed a team
development model that is one of the most commonly used
models for team development. It includes five stages of the
team development: forming, storming, norming, performing, and
Forming: The project team members learn about the
project and they learn about their roles and responsibilities.
Storming: The team starts the project work, but there
may be some conflicts and misunderstandings among the team
Norming: The dust of conflicts and misunderstandings
settles, and the team members normalize or adjust their work
habits or behaviors to achieve mutual trust and effective
working relationships. The project manager exhibits more
leadership role during this phase.
Performing: This is the phase in which the team is
performing at an optimal level by resolving the issues, if any,
smoothly and effectively. The project manager’s role in this
phase is more of delegating, monitoring, and controlling.
Adjourning: The project work is completed, the project
is closed, and the team is released. At this point, the team
members either go on to work on other projects or they go back
to their individual functional departments.
Tips for Effective Team Building
The following are some tips for building teamwork effectively:
• Do not over-direct and smother the team; the same goes for
too much freedom.
• Establish common ground rules and code of conduct.
• Define and communicate the project vision, goals, and
objectives clearly.
• Define roles and responsibilities clearly.
• Establish accountability by empowering the team.
• Arrange training as appropriate.
• Provide continuous mentoring and coaching.
• Resolve conflicts and under-performance issues in a timely
• Promote and reward team efforts.
Presentation of research findings
ENGL 212
In order to successfully complete this assignment, you will do
the following:
· present an engaging and informative presentation of your
research findings
· prepare note cards which you will use as you present
· include a visual aimed at capturing the audience’s attention
· 3-4 minutes
Rubric - Research Presentation
-captures audience attention
-thesis stated
__________/10 points
-information presented clearly
-information is engaging and compelling to given audience
__________/10 points
-conclusions are drawn
-feeling of closure
__________/10 points
-adheres closely to time frame
-note cards are well-organized and help the speaker
__________/10 points
-the visual is clear and provides necessary information
__________/10 points
__________/50 points
This assignment addresses the following Category 10 course
1. • develop abilities in a range of written and oral modes of
academic discourse, with an emphasis on developing the ability
to construct coherent, well-documented arguments in the
presence of a wide range of perspective and experiences
2. • refine students' abilities to consider audience and to employ
rhetorical strategies which communicate appropriately;
introduce students to issues in written communication
3. • include critical reading, viewing, and/or listening to several
modes of communication with attention to developing skills
necessary to identify premises and assumptions in complex
arguments made from a range of perspectives
4. • require critical use of library and internet resources
5. • refine students' abilities to incorporate cited materials
responsibly and effectively (including introducing students to
various documentation formats--APA, MLA, etc.)
6. • require attention to both process and product in instruction
and evaluation
7. • extend and refine students' editing skills
8. • require the use of computer-based technologies in the
creation of written text
9. • include interactive and/or collaborative reading and writing
activities and discussion of same
10. • require that each student complete a minimum of 20
double-spaced pages of formal writing and the equivalent of
20 double-spaced pages of drafts and informal writing (such as
posts to email dialogue groups, responses, journals, etc.)
divided into multiple assignments which include appropriate
11. • require that each student engage in significant speaking
activities (in a variety of forms) which include appropriate
Synthesis of Ideas Essay
ENGL 212
This semester, we have explored many facets of “nature” and
“humanity.” As the culmination of this course, you will have
the opportunity to connect some of these concepts from your
perspective. You will be expected to refer to course content
while also contributing new sources to the discussion. Through
this exploration, you will extend on the ideas presented in class
by exploring what has piqued your interest and synthesizing
these ideas in an informative, and possibly persuasive, writing.
` 8 pages (2000 words)
In order to successfully complete this assignment, you will do
the following:
· present a logical, complex and compelling argument on a
particular topic relating to the topics covered in this course
· Cite a variety of sources, including scholarly sources which
consider a variety of viewpoints - literature studied this
semester must be referenced
· cite sources purposefully,ethicallyand accurately
· use MLA format to create a Works Cited at the end of the
paper listing sources referenced within the paper
60 points
Organization and paragraphs
30 points
Style and sentences
30 points
30 points
-The paper presents a logical, persuasive and scholarly
argument about the topic.
-The paper is insightful and complex
-The paper addresses relevant authorities on the topi c and
clearly explains the connection between the source and the
paper’s main idea.
-The paper weighs a wide variety range of viewpoints, and
persuasively articulates the reasons for its position on the topic.
-The paper creates genuine interest in the topic
-The structure of the paper’s argument is clear and logical.
-Individual paragraphs are unified and coherent.
-Transitions between paragraphs underscore the links in the
paper’s argument.
-The paper possesses a skillful and interesting introduction and
-The sentences are consistently clear, coherent, and
syntactically varied
-Precise word choice and an appropriate tone support the
paper’s purpose and display a command of the conventions of
academic writing.
•The grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage conform to
conventions of academic writing and lend credibility to the
•References to sources are accurately cited and documented
using MLA format
•Format is consistently correct and appropriate.
This assignment addresses the following Category 10 course
1. • develop abilities in a range of written and oral modes of
academic discourse, with an emphasis on developing the ability
to construct coherent, well-documented arguments in the
presence of a wide range of perspective and experiences
2. • refine students' abilities to consider audience and to employ
rhetorical strategies which communicate appropriately;
introduce students to issues in written communication
3. • include critical reading, viewing, and/or listening to several
modes of communication with attention to developing skills
necessary to identify premises and assumptions in complex
arguments made from a range of perspectives
4. • require critical use of library and internet resources
5. • refine students' abilities to incorporate cited materials
responsibly and effectively (including introducing students to
various documentation formats--APA, MLA, etc.)
6. • require attention to both process and product in instruction
and evaluation
7. • extend and refine students' editing skills
8. • require the use of computer-based technologies in the
creation of written text
9. • include interactive and/or collaborative reading and writing
activities and discussion of same
10. • require that each student complete a minimum of 20
double-spaced pages of formal writing and the equivalent of
20 double-spaced pages of drafts and informal writing (such as
posts to email dialogue groups, responses, journals, etc.)
divided into multiple assignments which include appropriate
11. • require that each student engage in significant speaking
activities (in a variety of forms) which include appropriate

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InstructionsPart 6 Team Development PlanFor the project sel

  • 1. Instructions Part 6: Team Development Plan For the project selected in Unit I, create a simple project team development plan. Your plan should follow the process for developing and managing a team, as referred to in Figures 6.1 and 6.2 in the textbook. Your plan should include an introduction and should answer the following questions: 1. What human resource tools will you draw upon in the overall development and management of the project team? 2. What approach will you take to kick off the project team? 3. What ground rules will you establish for team meetings and interaction? 4. What specific ways will you demonstrate emotional intelligence in the development of the project team? 5. What methods will you employ to resolve conflict throughout the stages of team development? 6. What will be the conflict sources within the team development process? 7. How will you set and measure goals and reward achievement? Compile the team development plan that addresses the questions above. Feel free to use a table to summarize your policy and approach. (As one example, refer to Table 6.2 in the textbook). Submit your team development plan in the form of a minimum two-page document. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. . Note: In Unit VIII of this course, you will include a summary of your team development plan as part of a PowerPoint presentation.
  • 2. Figure 6 The scope of developing project human resources includes the following key activities: • Improving project team skills and competencies By comparing the wanted (target) skills and competencies with current (baseline) skills and competencies By offering training and development opportunities to fill the skills and competencies gaps • Improving interaction among project team members By creating a culture based on trust, respect, and collaboration By offering team-building opportunities • Improving project team environment By creating a project environment that is conducive for diverse teams to work together amicably • Motivating project team members By providing challenges and opportunities, providing coaching and feedback in a timely manner By recognizing and rewarding the good behavior. Timing Started early in the project life cycle, the project team development process is performed throughout the project life cycle for ongoing improvements in the team performance and also for quicker onboarding of the new team members. Mechanism The following sections explain how to develop project human resources. How to Develop Project Human Resources The project human resource acquisition process contains the
  • 3. following key steps: 1. Review project staff assignments. 2. Review human resource management plan. 3. Determine resource availability. 4. Utilize project human resource management tools. 5. Conduct team performance assessments. 6. Update project environment information. Figure 6.1 illustrates the overall flow of the project human resources development process. The arrows on the lines show the direction of the information flow. Figure 6.1 Project Human Resources Development Process Flow Review Project Staff Assignments For a project manager to conduct the project human resource development process, the information on all human resources on the project and their assignments to various roles must be reviewed. Project Staff Assignments documents (project team directory, team memos, project organization charts, and project schedules) provide this information to the project manager. Review Human Resource Management Plan Described in Chapter 2, “ Planning Human Resource Management,” the human resource management plan provides the guidance for all human resource management processes. This plan discusses how the project human resources should be identified, acquired, trained, managed, and released. It includes project
  • 4. roles and responsibilities, organization charts, staffing management plan, and project team development plans and strategies. It may also include information on performance baseline, performance feedback, rewards and recognition, bonus, disciplinary actions, conflict of interest, standards of business conduct, information security, overtime, flex time, telecommuting, and so on. Determine Resource Availability A project team usually includes diverse team members who may differ in their working hours, time zones, vacation days, local holidays, and involvement in other projects. The project manager must determine the availability of the project team members for them to take part in various team development activities. Resource calendars contain this information and depict the availability of individual team members. Utilize Project Human Resource Management Tools A project manager can use a variety of tools to develop project human resources. Some key tools are described in the following sections. Interpersonal Skills Interpersonal skills are sometimes also called soft skills. These skills include emotional intelligence (EI), communication skills, negotiation skills, motivational skills, facilitation skills, team building, and conflict resolution. These skills help a lot during the team development activities by fostering mutual understanding, tolerance, and influence. For instance, EI enables a project manager to identify, assess, and control the emotions of the team members by engaging in active listening with them, anticipating their actions and reactions, and understanding as well as addressing their concerns. Emotional Intelligence
  • 5. The project managers must not only possess traditional work management and administrative skills to be successful but they also possess strong leadership qualities such as emotional intelligence, toughness, determination, and vision for sustainable success. High degree of emotional intelligence, which includes self-awareness, , self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill, truly sets a project manager apart as an effective leader. Table 6.1 depicts the definitions of these five components of EI and the results of possessing them. Table 6.1: The Five Components of Emotional Intelligence (EI) Most large organizations today realize the significance of competencies demonstrating emotional intelligence, such as the ability to work with others and effectiveness in leading change, and they consider these competencies in identifying, training, and promoting the worthy individuals in the leadership arena. Note: The Power of Brainstorming: Optimize Through Motivation In his article published in the November 2010 issue of PM Network, “Creative force: Tired of blank stares and shrugs during brainstorming sessions? Here is how to get your team thinking like the true visionaries they are,” Chauncey Hollingsworth discusses how project managers can utilize brainstorming effectively to enable the team members to generate a wealth of ideas that can help them, the project managers, realize cost, time, and quality efficiencies. Here are some tips provided by Chauncey Hollingsworth: 1. Encourage all team members to talk a lot, think freely, and start putting their ideas in form of visual artwork and prints on the wall for other team members to see.
  • 6. 2. Inspire team members to think out-the-box and appreciate that thinking even if the idea generated and provided by that thinking is not used. 3. Kick start creativity by: a. Having an open mind b. Listening actively c. Appreciating inquisitiveness d. Acknowledging and recognizing when a creative thought is offered 4. Provide quick resolution to conflicts to provide sustainable nonhostile environment, which is pre-requisite for free creative thinking. Coaching and Training Generally, training is required when a project team member does not possess the skills and expertise to perform certain type of job responsibilities. However, the need for training can arise from multiple other reasons, such as to improve the competencies of the project team members to perform better in the existing job or to learn about new product, process, or equipment, to prepare project team members for promotional opportunities, or just to enhance the credibility of the organization to secure more business. The training can be formal or informal and can either be provided by an internal or an external provider. Formal or scheduled training programs are developed and managed by the human resources department, whereas informal or unplanned training usually occurs as a result of skill gaps observed during the performance evaluation of the project team members. The funding for training can come either from the individual project budget or from the performing
  • 7. organization’s budget, but it usually comes from the project budget for a projectized organization and from the organization’s budget for a matrix or functional organization. Various training methods include but are not limited to instructor-led classroom training, instructor-led online virtual training, computer-based training (CBT), and on-the-job training (OJT) provided by peers, mentors, or internal subject matter experts. Most large organizations both in the private and public sector, such as Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, IBM, Google, state and federal government agencies, and so on, provide free access to online learning resources, such as Books24x7 to their employees for continuous ongoing competency enhancement and for keeping their skills up to date. Team-Building Activities Team-buildings activities are instrumental in enhancing the team cohesiveness, improving working relationships, and building trust among the team members. These activities are even more important now than ever before due to the global nature of many projects involving remote team members. Technology advancements have enabled the virtual work environments in which the project team members do not necessarily need to be co-located. Nonetheless, the importance of some level of face-to-face interaction among the team members cannot be discounted. Humans tend to work better with the people whom they have face-to-face interactions with. Arranging face-to-face interactions periodically through team-building activities can do wonders in enhancing the working relationships among the team members and hence improve their productivity and satisfaction. Various methods to conduct team-building activities include but are not limited to dedicating some periodic team meetings for this purpose, engaging in some fun activities at a scheduled offsite together (for example, luncheons, golf, movies, and picnics), arranging team appreciation events, and so on. If not more, at least one session of team-building activities at the time
  • 8. of the project kick-off is highly recommended to establish some rapport among the team members. Because of the dynamic nature of the project life, some existing team members may leave the project due to various reasons, and some new members may join the project team anytime until the project is finished. Thus, it is essential that the team-building activities are commenced during the early stages of the project and are conducted periodically throughout the project life cycle on an ongoing basis to assimilate the new team members. Bruce Tuckman, an educational psychologist, proposed a team development model that is one of the most commonly used models for team development. It includes five stages of the team development: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning: • Forming: The project team members learn about the project and they learn about their roles and responsibilities. • Storming: The team starts the project work, but there may be some conflicts and misunderstandings among the team members. • Norming: The dust of conflicts and misunderstandings settles, and the team members normalize or adjust their work habits or behaviors to achieve mutual trust and effective working relationships. The project manager exhibits more leadership role during this phase. • Performing: This is the phase in which the team is performing at an optimal level by resolving the issues, if any, smoothly and effectively. The project manager’s role in this phase is more of delegating, monitoring, and controlling.
  • 9. • Adjourning: The project work is completed, the project is closed, and the team is released. At this point, the team members either go on to work on other projects or they go back to their individual functional departments. Tips for Effective Team Building The following are some tips for building teamwork effectively: • Do not over-direct and smother the team; the same goes for too much freedom. • Establish common ground rules and code of conduct. • Define and communicate the project vision, goals, and objectives clearly. • Define roles and responsibilities clearly. • Establish accountability by empowering the team. • Arrange training as appropriate. • Provide continuous mentoring and coaching. • Resolve conflicts and under-performance issues in a timely manner. • Promote and reward team efforts. image2.jpeg image1.jpeg Presentation of research findings ENGL 212 In order to successfully complete this assignment, you will do the following: · present an engaging and informative presentation of your research findings · prepare note cards which you will use as you present · include a visual aimed at capturing the audience’s attention
  • 10. · 3-4 minutes Rubric - Research Presentation Introduction -captures audience attention -thesis stated __________/10 points Body -information presented clearly -information is engaging and compelling to given audience __________/10 points Conclusion -conclusions are drawn -feeling of closure __________/10 points Organization -adheres closely to time frame -note cards are well-organized and help the speaker __________/10 points Visual -the visual is clear and provides necessary information __________/10 points TOTAL
  • 11. __________/50 points This assignment addresses the following Category 10 course outcomes: 1. • develop abilities in a range of written and oral modes of academic discourse, with an emphasis on developing the ability to construct coherent, well-documented arguments in the presence of a wide range of perspective and experiences 2. • refine students' abilities to consider audience and to employ rhetorical strategies which communicate appropriately; introduce students to issues in written communication 3. • include critical reading, viewing, and/or listening to several modes of communication with attention to developing skills necessary to identify premises and assumptions in complex arguments made from a range of perspectives 4. • require critical use of library and internet resources 5. • refine students' abilities to incorporate cited materials responsibly and effectively (including introducing students to various documentation formats--APA, MLA, etc.) 6. • require attention to both process and product in instruction and evaluation 7. • extend and refine students' editing skills 8. • require the use of computer-based technologies in the creation of written text 9. • include interactive and/or collaborative reading and writing activities and discussion of same 10. • require that each student complete a minimum of 20
  • 12. double-spaced pages of formal writing and the equivalent of 20 double-spaced pages of drafts and informal writing (such as posts to email dialogue groups, responses, journals, etc.) divided into multiple assignments which include appropriate feedback 11. • require that each student engage in significant speaking activities (in a variety of forms) which include appropriate feedback Synthesis of Ideas Essay ENGL 212 This semester, we have explored many facets of “nature” and “humanity.” As the culmination of this course, you will have the opportunity to connect some of these concepts from your perspective. You will be expected to refer to course content while also contributing new sources to the discussion. Through this exploration, you will extend on the ideas presented in class by exploring what has piqued your interest and synthesizing these ideas in an informative, and possibly persuasive, writing. ` 8 pages (2000 words) In order to successfully complete this assignment, you will do the following: · present a logical, complex and compelling argument on a particular topic relating to the topics covered in this course · Cite a variety of sources, including scholarly sources which consider a variety of viewpoints - literature studied this semester must be referenced · cite sources purposefully,ethicallyand accurately · use MLA format to create a Works Cited at the end of the paper listing sources referenced within the paper Rubric
  • 13. Argument 60 points Organization and paragraphs 30 points Style and sentences 30 points Conventions 30 points -The paper presents a logical, persuasive and scholarly argument about the topic. -The paper is insightful and complex -The paper addresses relevant authorities on the topi c and clearly explains the connection between the source and the paper’s main idea. -The paper weighs a wide variety range of viewpoints, and persuasively articulates the reasons for its position on the topic. -The paper creates genuine interest in the topic -The structure of the paper’s argument is clear and logical. -Individual paragraphs are unified and coherent. -Transitions between paragraphs underscore the links in the paper’s argument. -The paper possesses a skillful and interesting introduction and conclusion. -The sentences are consistently clear, coherent, and syntactically varied -Precise word choice and an appropriate tone support the
  • 14. paper’s purpose and display a command of the conventions of academic writing. •The grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage conform to conventions of academic writing and lend credibility to the writer. •References to sources are accurately cited and documented using MLA format •Format is consistently correct and appropriate. This assignment addresses the following Category 10 course outcomes: 1. • develop abilities in a range of written and oral modes of academic discourse, with an emphasis on developing the ability to construct coherent, well-documented arguments in the presence of a wide range of perspective and experiences 2. • refine students' abilities to consider audience and to employ rhetorical strategies which communicate appropriately; introduce students to issues in written communication 3. • include critical reading, viewing, and/or listening to several modes of communication with attention to developing skills necessary to identify premises and assumptions in complex arguments made from a range of perspectives 4. • require critical use of library and internet resources 5. • refine students' abilities to incorporate cited materials responsibly and effectively (including introducing students to various documentation formats--APA, MLA, etc.) 6. • require attention to both process and product in instruction and evaluation 7. • extend and refine students' editing skills 8. • require the use of computer-based technologies in the creation of written text 9. • include interactive and/or collaborative reading and writing
  • 15. activities and discussion of same 10. • require that each student complete a minimum of 20 double-spaced pages of formal writing and the equivalent of 20 double-spaced pages of drafts and informal writing (such as posts to email dialogue groups, responses, journals, etc.) divided into multiple assignments which include appropriate feedback 11. • require that each student engage in significant speaking activities (in a variety of forms) which include appropriate feedback