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Future Fashionistas
How the Indian Jute
Revolu on Can Be the Global
Fashion's Sustainability Solu on?
Indian Jute Revivalist
Winning Hearts Across Globe
Think Green
Indian Jute-The Best Plas c
Replacement for the Worldwide
Pollu on Free Environment
No magic฀wand will work.
We have to make our efforts.฀
It will be a long and
difficult struggle฀for us.
In a world teeming with stories of
innovation, resilience, and
transformative change, there are
narratives that transcend borders and capture
the collective imagination. The world today
faces a pressing environmental crisis, with
plastic pollution emerging as one of its most
formidable adversaries.
The staggering influx of plastic waste into
oceans, landfills, and ecosystems has
sparked an urgent call for sustainable
alternatives. Amid this crisis, a singular
voice has risen, advocating for an eco-
friendly, biodegradable solution that dates
back centuries: jute.
This visionary figure is a champion of
jute—a versatile and sustainable natural
fiber that holds the promise of replacing
plastics in various applications. Her name is
synonymous with revitalizing an industry
and reshaping consumer behavior globally.
Chaitali Das, the Indian Jute Revivalist, is the
embodiment of such a remarkable tale—a story
that not only tugs at heartstrings but also ignites
a global movement for sustainable living.
As a far-sighted and a relentless advocate for
environmental conservation, she has taken up
the mantle of reviving jute—an eco-friendly,
biodegradable alternative to plastic. Her journey
toward global recognition reached a zenith
when she achieved the prestigious Guinness
World Record.
Through her innovative initiative, she created
the world’s largest jute bag, a symbol of her
unwavering commitment to sustainable living
and environmental stewardship. Her saga is a
testament to the power of one individual’s
determination to make a difference on a global
Join Women World India team in this
exploration of the life and work of Chaitali
Das-the Indian Jute Revivalist Winning
Hearts Across Globe, whose endeavours are
not only captivating minds on a global scale but
also reshaping our collective approach to
environmental conservation and sustainable
living. Her story is an inspiration, a call to
action, and a beacon of hope for a world
grappling with environmental challenges.
Also included in this exclusive edition are two
trendy articles to deepen your perspectives.
Read ahead and enjoy!
ABeacon฀of Hope฀for a World
Grappling withEnvironmental฀
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October, 2023
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Pooja M. Bansal
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Managing Editor: Gaurav PR Wankhade
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Cover Price: Rs.250/-
the Indian
n Be
the Globa
shion's Su
bility So
Indian Jute
Winning Hearts Across Globe
Think Green
- Th
e Be
t for Th
e Worldwide
Future Fashionistas
How the Indian Jute
Revolu on Can
Be the Global
Fashion's Sustainability
Solu on?
Indian Jute Revivalist
Winning Hearts Across Globe
Think Green
Indian Jute - The
Best Plas c
ent for The
Pollu on Free Environment
Future Fashionistas
How the Indian Jute
Revolu on Can Be the Global
Fashion's Sustainability Solu on?
Indian Jute Revivalist
Winning Hearts Across Globe
Think Green
Indian Jute - The Best Plas c
Replacement for The Worldwide
Pollu on Free Environment
Future Fashionistas
the Indian Jute
Revolu on Can Be the Global
Fashion's Sustainability Solu
Indian Jute Revivalist
Winning Hearts Across Globe
Think Green
Indian Jute - The Best Plas
Replacement for The Worldwide
Pollu on Free Environment
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Future Fashionistas
How the Indian Jute
Revolu on Can Be the Global
Fashion's Sustainability Solu on?
Indian Jute Revivalist
Winning Hearts Across Globe
Think Green
Indian Jute-The Best Plas c
Replacement for the Worldwide
Pollu on Free Environment
How the Indian
Revolution Can
Be theGlobal฀
Fashion’s Sustainability
8 October | 2023
n a world where fast fashion has become the norm, and
Ienvironmental concerns are mounting, there is a
growing need for a sustainable fashion revolution.
Enter the Indian Jute Revolution—a movement that not
only pays homage to the country’s rich textile heritage but
also offers a promising solution to the global fashion
industry’s sustainability woes.
The Fashion Industry’s Environmental Wake-up Call:
The global fashion industry is at a crossroads. The fashion
industry, known for its rapid cycles of production and
consumption, has long been criticized for its unsustainable
practices. From excessive water usage in cotton farming to
the vast carbon footprint of textile manufacturing and the
proliferation of non-biodegradable synthetic fabrics,
fashion’s ecological impact is undeniable.
The Fashion Industry’s Unsustainable Practices:
Fast Fashion: The "fast fashion" model, characterized by
rapid production and consumption, has led to
overproduction, excessive waste, and unethical labor
practices. It encourages disposable clothing, contributing to
landfills overflowing with discarded garments.
Environmental Impact: The fashion industry is a major
contributor to environmental degradation. It consumes vast
amounts of water, emits greenhouse gases, and relies
heavily on non-renewable resources, such as petroleum-
based synthetic fabrics.
Synthetic Materials: Polyester, nylon, and other synthetic
fabrics dominate the fashion industry, and these materials
are notorious for their non-biodegradability. They
contribute to the proliferation of microplastics in oceans
and harm ecosystems.
Low-wage Labour: Many fashion brands outsource
production to countries with low labor costs, often resulting
in exploitative working conditions and inadequate wages
for garment workers.
It is against this backdrop that the Indian Jute Revolution
emerges as a beacon of hope for a more sustainable and
eco-conscious future. In this critical moment, the revival of
the Indian jute industry offers a sustainable lifeline that can
help erase the fashion industry’s unsustainable footprint.
October | 2023
Ways to Erase Unsustainable Practices:
Transition to Jute: Fashion brands can integrate jute into
their collections, offering sustainable and stylish
alternatives to synthetic materials. Promoting jute-based
products as eco-friendly fashion choices can encourage
consumer adoption.
Circular Fashion: Encourage circular fashion practices,
such as clothing repair, recycling, and upcycling, to extend
the lifespan of garments and reduce waste.
Transparency: Fashion brands should prioritize
transparency in their supply chains, ensuring fair wages and
ethical working conditions for all workers.
Consumer Education: Educate consumers about the
environmental and social impact of their clothing choices,
empowering them to make sustainable decisions.
The Rise of Jute: From Humble Fiber to Sustainable
Jute, often referred to as the ‘golden fiber,’ is one of India’s
oldest cultivated crops, with a history dating back to ancient
times. Traditionally used for sacks, ropes, and packaging,
jute remained largely confined to utilitarian purposes.
However, the reimagining of this humble fiber has brought
it to the forefront of sustainable fashion.
The Indian Jute Revolution: Key Pillars:
Eco-friendly Fiber Production: The jute plant, unlike
water-intensive cotton or resource-draining synthetic fibers,
is a low-impact crop that requires minimal chemical
fertilizers and pesticides. This makes it an ideal candidate
for sustainable fashion.
Biodegradability: Jute is entirely biodegradable, offering a
compelling alternative to synthetic fabrics that persist in
landfills for centuries. As the fashion industry grapples with
its waste problem, jute’s ability to decompose naturally is a
Versatility and Aesthetic Appeal: Jute’s versatility is
remarkable. It can be spun into various forms, from rustic
textiles to refined, luxurious fabrics. Designers and fashion
enthusiasts alike are discovering its potential to create eco-
friendly, stylish clothing.
Empowering Rural Communities: The jute industry has
the potential to uplift rural communities, providing income
and employment opportunities. This aligns with the fashion
industry’s growing emphasis on ethical and fair trade
Renewable and Sustainable: Jute is a renewable resource
that can be harvested annually. It grows abundantly in the
Indian subcontinent, making it a sustainable choice for
textile production.
Ethical Labour Practices: The revival of the jute industry
has the potential to create employment opportunities and
improve working conditions for rural communities, aligning
with ethical labor practices.
Jute’s Influence on Global Fashion:
The Indian Jute Revolution is not confined to the country’s
borders. It is steadily making its mark on global fashion, as
designers and brands recognize the potential of this
sustainable fiber. From haute couture runways to eco-
conscious streetwear, jute is finding its place in a wide array
of fashion segments.
Challenges and Opportunities:
While the Indian Jute Revolution presents immense
potential, it is not without its challenges. Scaling up jute
production, addressing issues related to dyeing and
finishing, and changing consumer perceptions are among
the hurdles that need to be overcome. However, with
concerted efforts from both the fashion industry and
consumers, these challenges can be surmounted.
The Road Ahead
The Indian Jute Revolution is not just a fashion trend; it’s a
sustainable fashion movement with the power to transform
the industry. As global fashionistas increasingly prioritize
sustainability and ethical practices, jute emerges as a
symbol of hope—a future where fashion is not just about
looking good but also doing good for the planet.
In the hands of visionary designers and conscious
consumers, the Indian Jute Revolution is poised to lead
fashion’s sustainability solution, ensuring that the industry
evolves into a force for positive change on a global scale.
10 October | 2023
Chaitali Das,
Mul faceted, Mul -award winning
Interna onally acclaimed Jute Revivalist,
Philanthropist, Social Entrepreneur,
Director, Rakshak Group,
Guinness World Record Holder,
Former Mrs Interna onal Title Holder,
popularly known as Queen of Jute,
who had stormed the world stage
with innova ve diversified jute
products taking jute to a greater
heights, across globe.
e enjoy stories that entertain, enchant, mesmer-
Wize, inspire, and move us to the core. This is an
incredibly illuminating story of a Woman
Social Reformer who has shown everyone a very noble
way of solving global issues of the climate crisis by
targeting one of the most pressing concerns we are
facing–plastic pollution and contamination of our lands,
water, and forests due to extensive use of plastic products.
The severity of plastic pollution has increased to such an
extent that according to United Nations Environment
Programme study, approximately Seven billion of the 9.2
billion tonnes of plastic produced in 67 years from 1950 to
2017 has ended up in dumping grounds, water bodies like
rivers, lakes, and oceans, forests, or landfills, thus,
becoming plastic waste.
Grasping the urgency of the critical issue and taking up the
challenge of diverting society from using plastic products to
an eco-friendly and sustainable material, Chaitali Das
became the internationally acclaimed Jute Revivalist and
Social Entrepreneur by accomplishing the prestigious
Guinness World Record for the world’s largest jute
bag–under Jute Story-Beyond Bars. A revolutionary
eco-friendly initiative was taken behind the tall walls of
confinement, Jute Story has initiated a global campaign,
‘Jute for Climate Action’
To reach out with diversified jute products such as fashion
statements, packaging, accessories, stationery, home decor,
and utility sectors,
DasIndian Jute
Revivalist Winning
Hearts Across Globe
Her Mission: Women
empowerment through
Advocacy and skill development,
reforma on & reintegra ng the
prison inmates back to the
society a er serving the term,
their social acceptance beyond
s gma, catapul ng jute into
fashion and lifestyle space.
the innovative and trendy products created under this label
have infused a new life and vibrancy in the way Jute is
perceived. It has not only aided the conservation of the
environment but also promoted Jute as a sustainable and
fashionable material, creating responsible livelihoods and
eco-conscious consumption trends.
An ordinary woman engaged in philanthropy and humani-
tarian service took up as her mission to revive Jute to a
trendy, fashionable eco-friendly lifestyle space on the
global stage through Chaitali’s relentless work and various
Today, as the Global Chairperson and Managing Trustee
of Rakshak Foundation and Founder, Chairperson, and
Managing Director of Route2Jute Pvt. Ltd., Chaitali has
consistently advocated and promoted equitable, gender-
focused and just Climate Action measures through the
Revival and Reformation of Jute.
Recently, Chaitali Das was featured on the India Corporate
Governance & Sustainability Vision Summit 2023’s
speakers’ panel, besides distinguished guests from BPCL,
Infosys, Birla Corp, Hindalco, and TNPL at the Le
Meridien, New Delhi, organized by ICC.
In the event, Chaitali said: “It’s high time to implement the
best practices, reimagine possibilities, unleash expression
and script the story of a cleaner, greener planet. Across
India, people, communities, and businesses are consciously
trying to achieve net zero and contribute to the planet and
a better tomorrow, focusing on ESG parameters such as
climate stewardship, circular economy, green supply chain,
employee, and social welfare, workforce health and safety.”
An Exceptional Saga
In this regard, her Jute Story’s journey was challenging and
extraordinary to revive the Jute of India, which is consid-
ered a base material used mainly for carrying agricultural
products alongside transforming Convicts into Artisans and
their social inclusion. As a speaker, she propagated the story
of reformation by engaging prison inmates to make jute
artefacts and diversified jute products in various national
and international forums. She is continuously propagating
and popularising Jute through innumerable projects, events,
and campaigns, creating massive outreach which slowly
inculcated adaptability to the use of Jute in the process,
increasing the demand in India and overseas and social
inclusion for released prisoners beyond stigma and
Breaking the Back of Barriers
Chaitali’s journey was challenging; her close ones and peers
vehemently opposed it. She is also faced with the challenge
of inadequate financial resources. She went ahead with her
mission with a firm resolve. She faced controversies and
social isolation in her circles, ridiculing her and was looked
down upon for working with people carrying the tag of
Convict. She faced discouragement when she decided to
work on reviving Jute, as it constituted a dying industry and
a very base material to work hence not worth it. She grew
up in a family of legal practitioners.
As a child, Chaitali had visited her father, who was a Public
Prosecutor in Alipore Police Court; a sight caught her
attention; she saw some people getting off the police van
handcuffed, with a thick rope around their waists, their kin
and close ones trying to reach them and police officers
driving them away. The humiliation that labelled the
undertrials and the agony of their families, the unavoidable
lifelong stigma they carry when they return to the family
and mainstream after serving the tenure post-release
disturbed her.
Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe
My mission story is to
revive eco-friendly jute
and catapult it to the
world stage in fashion
and lifestyle space just
when the world started
adopting eco-fashion has
been a paradigm shift to
green business.
Rekindling Optimism
Her endeavour slowly invoked hope and
confidence in the prison inmates who carried the
label of criminal and outcasted by society; her
designer product lines and her team of dedicated
Artisans contributed to catapulting Jute into the
fashion and lifestyle space Internationally.
Approx. five thousand prison inmates were
trained in skill and wellness programs under her
leadership in the correctional home. Many of
them have started their own enterprises post-
release. Many are employed and are rehabili-
tated at her foundation to give hands-on training
to the new artisans. Her working team also
included women survivors of acid attacks and
domestic violence, youth from urban slums
turned into a skilled workforce and micro-
entrepreneurs. Thus, it propelled economic
empowerment to move ahead in life with
As a speaker, Chaitali
Das propagated the
reformation story by
engaging prison inmates
to make jute artefacts
and diversified jute
products in various
national and
international forums.
The modern diversified jute product lines produced by the
inmates made their presence across the globe on various
prestigious platforms across all strata of society, created
maximum outreach in the country, and were set to storm the
world stage with the wake-up call to prevent plastic usage.
Spreading the Cause of Sustainability
The local harvest of Bengal made its glorious journey of
progress and inclusion from behind bars to beyond bars to
National and International Arena including SAARC, Sri
Lanka to BIMSTEC Kolkata, BIMSTEC Mumbai, G20,
from the historical Oxford book store to Eminent Designers
store Toil Mumbai Toil Kolkata to Y-East sustainable store
of Techno India Group. Boat store at Patuli Floating Market
to Heritage Tram PAATRANI, store on the wheel to Studio
Jute Story Beyond Bars at Alipore, and KIOSK at Alipore
Jail Museum. It journeyed from the prestigious ramp walk
alongside top designers of the Country to the International
stage to Central Asia Fashion Khazakstan, presenting Indian
Jute before Central Asian Fashionistas, Designers, and
Entrepreneurs, making it to the Guinness World Record,
drawing global attention by creating the largest jute bag in
the world, and conveying a message to the global commu-
nity to adopt Jute and make Greener, more inclusive world.
Chaitali Das is
propagating and
popularising Jute
through innumerable
projects, events and
campaigns, creating
massive outreach.
The journey was challenging; it was vehe-
mently opposed by her close ones and peers,
recalls Chaitali. “I went ahead with my mission
with a firm resolve. I’ve faced controversies
and social isolation in my circles and was
looked down upon for working with people
carrying the tag of Convict.”
The Global Fashion Disruptor
However, it was with her professional values
Ÿ Transparency,
Ÿ Commitment,
Ÿ Communication,
Ÿ Quality, and
Ÿ Innovative design,
that Chaitali won over her adversaries and
supporters alike.
And with these traits, she has developed USPs
that highlight her brand Jute Story’s uniqueness
in the industry. “My mission story is to revive eco-friendly
jute and catapult it to the world stage in fashion and
lifestyle space just when the world started adopting eco-
fashion has been a paradigm shift to green business,” she
says. And for the blue economy to address climate threats,
Jute Story has shown a simple yet profound way.
Jute Story Setting Significant Benchmarks
Route2jute Private Limited is registered with ROC having
the Indian Institute of Management as its shareholder; its
brand is called ‘Jute Story.’ The company has its clientele
majorly from Government Departments, prestigious
Institutions, Corporates, Business Houses, Corporate
Events, and Social Events. The company has already
exported consignment to North America. The company is
registered with ROC, incubated and guided by experts from
the Indian Institute of Management Centre of Innovation
Park; it is registered with the National Jute Board of India,
Jute Corporation of India, Jute Diversified and Export
Promotional Council, MSME, IEC, and Export Promotion
Celebrating Spring @ Jute Story Studio
With a smile, Chaitali recalls how she and her team
celebrated the inception of Spring recently–the Colours
Festival, at their Studio Jute Story. Chaitali shares, “Our
denim and camo products developed with Jute as the base
material were immensely liked and loved by our guests. So
much so that, they went ahead and posed by carrying items
they liked from our display shelves.”
Chaitali Das–The Crowning Jewel of Indian Jute Story
Ÿ The Indian Express published a news report on Jute
Story on 8th July 2022 and another on Chaitali Das
titled ‘A Sustainable Future for Women’ on 8th March
Ÿ Similarly, Newspapers like The Telegraph, Amar Ujala,
Mint, The TOI, Literary Mirror, and India Today carried
news on Chaitali Das and Jute Story.
For more information, click on or for
enquiry, please contact +91 7439967423/ or
email -
I’ve faced controversies
and social isolation in
my circles and was
looked down upon for
working with people
carrying the tag of
Convict, yet, I went
ahead with my mission
with a firm resolve.
ur beloved Mother Earth, a
Onurturing and life-sustaining
force, has provided us with
bountiful resources and a hospitable
environment for millennia. Yet, in
recent times, a menacing threat has
emerged–plastic waste.
The world is at a critical juncture in its
battle against plastic pollution. Plastic
waste in single-use bags, bottles, or
packaging has inundated our oceans,
harmed wildlife, and compromised our
ecosystems. This non-biodegradable
material once hailed for its conve-
nience, has become an environmental
scourge that endangers the very planet
we call home.
The Perils of Plastic Waste:
Persistent Pollution: Plastic waste is
virtually indestructible. Once dis-
carded, it lingers for centuries,
accumulating in landfills, oceans, and
natural landscapes. This persistence
exacerbates the pollution crisis.
Oceanic Nightmare: Our oceans,
teeming with life and vital to Earth's
climate regulation, have become
dumping grounds for plastic. Marine
creatures ingest or become entangled
in plastic debris, leading to injury,
death, and disruptions in the ecosys-
Toxic Time Bomb: As plastics degrade
under the sun's rays, they release toxic
chemicals into the environment,
contaminating soil and water sources.
Indian Jute-The Best Plastic
Replacement for The Worldwide
Pollution Free Environment
October | 2023
These toxins seep into the food chain,
ultimately impacting human health.
Microplastics Menace: Plastic waste
breaks down into microscopic particles
known as microplastics. These
insidious particles infiltrate the oceans,
soil, and air, severely threatening
ecosystems and human health.
Land and Wildlife Affliction:
Terrestrial wildlife, from birds to
mammals, often mistake plastic waste
for food, leading to ingestion and
starvation. Plastic litter blights
landscapes, tarnishing Earth's natural
Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The
production and incineration of plastic
contribute to greenhouse gas emis-
sions, exacerbating climate change and
further jeopardizing the planet's
delicate balance.
Thus, plastic waste is a global crisis
that demands innovative solutions, and
one such solution lies in the heart of
India–jute. Often referred to as the
‘Golden Fiber,’ Indian jute promises to
be the best replacement for plastic and
a catalyst for a worldwide pollution-
free environment.
In an era of environmental challenges
and the urgent need for sustainable
solutions, the time has come to
reevaluate our choices and ‘Think
Green.’ Embracing Indian jute as a
viable alternative to plastics can lead
us towards a cleaner, healthier planet.
October | 2023
The Plastic Predicament:
Plastic pollution has become an undeniable environmental
menace. Our planet is drowning in plastic pollution,
adversely affecting ecosystems, wildlife, and human health.
Single-use plastics, synthetic packaging, and disposable
products have inundated our environment. It’s a crisis that
demands immediate action. Here are some alarming facts:
Mountains of Plastic: Over 380 million tons of plastic are
produced annually, and a substantial portion ends up as
waste, often in our oceans and landfills.
Toxicity and Harm: Plastics take centuries to break down,
releasing harmful chemicals into the environment. Marine
life ingests plastic particles, causing harm to ecosystems
and human health through the food chain.
Landfills Overflowing: Landfills worldwide overflow with
plastic waste, leading to soil contamination and groundwa-
ter pollution.
The Perils of Plastic:
Endless Lifespan: Plastics can take up to centuries to
decompose fully, lingering in our oceans, landfills, and
natural landscapes for generations.
Toxic Legacy: As plastics break down, they release harmful
chemicals that seep into soils and water sources, posing a
severe threat to our environment and health.
Wildlife Suffering: Marine animals often mistake plastic
debris for food, leading to ingestion and entanglement, with
disastrous consequences.
Landfills Overflowing: Our landfills are overwhelmed by
plastic waste, exacerbating soil and groundwater pollution.
Indian Jute-A Sustainable Alternative:
Let us see how Indian jute emerges as a sustainable and
eco-friendly alternative to plastics.
Biodegradable Brilliance: Jute is a natural fibre extracted
from the jute plant’s stem. It’s fully biodegradable, breaking
into organic matter within months, unlike plastic, which
persists for centuries.
Renewable and Sustainable: Jute is an incredibly
sustainable crop, requiring minimal water and no synthetic
pesticides for cultivation. It can be harvested annually,
providing a renewable source of eco-friendly material.
Versatile Applications: Jute is highly versatile and can
replace plastics in various applications, from packaging to
textiles, home decor, and more. It offers durability, strength,
and natural aesthetics.
Reduced Carbon Footprint: The production of jute
generates significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions
compared to the production of synthetic materials like
Global Initiatives with Jute:
Eco-friendly Packaging: Many companies worldwide are
adopting jute packaging as a sustainable alternative to
plastic bags and containers, reducing their plastic footprint.
Fashion Revolution: Fashion designers and brands use
jute-based textiles to create eco-conscious clothing and
Jute in Construction: Jute-based materials are being
explored for their strength and environmental benefits.
Innovations in Jute Products: Ongoing research aims to
develop new jute-based products to replace plastics in
various industries.
Challenges and the Way Forward:
While Indian jute offers immense promise, there are
challenges to overcome:
Consumer Awareness: Raising awareness about jute’s
benefits and promoting its use as a plastic alternative is
Scaling Up Production: Increasing jute production to meet
global demands requires investment in infrastructure and
Policy Support: Governments and industries must
collaborate to create policies that incentivize using jute-
based products.
With concerted efforts from consumers, industries, and
governments, we can transition to a worldwide pollution-
free environment where jute replaces plastic as the sustain-
able material of choice. It’s time to ‘Think Green’ and
embrace Indian jute for a cleaner, healthier planet.
22 October | 2023
The most successful
I know are optimistic.฀
It’s part of the job description.

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  • 1. W O R L D I N D I A Future Fashionistas How the Indian Jute Revolu on Can Be the Global Fashion's Sustainability Solu on? Indian Revivalist Winning Hearts฀ Across Globe Jute฀ Chaitali Das Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Think Green Indian Jute-The Best Plas c Replacement for the Worldwide Pollu on Free Environment
  • 2. No magic฀wand will work. We have to make our efforts.฀ It will be a long and difficult struggle฀for us.
  • 3.
  • 4. Editor's Note In a world teeming with stories of innovation, resilience, and transformative change, there are narratives that transcend borders and capture the collective imagination. The world today faces a pressing environmental crisis, with plastic pollution emerging as one of its most formidable adversaries. The staggering influx of plastic waste into oceans, landfills, and ecosystems has sparked an urgent call for sustainable alternatives. Amid this crisis, a singular voice has risen, advocating for an eco- friendly, biodegradable solution that dates back centuries: jute. This visionary figure is a champion of jute—a versatile and sustainable natural fiber that holds the promise of replacing plastics in various applications. Her name is synonymous with revitalizing an industry and reshaping consumer behavior globally.
  • 5. Gaurav฀PR฀Wankhade Chaitali Das, the Indian Jute Revivalist, is the embodiment of such a remarkable tale—a story that not only tugs at heartstrings but also ignites a global movement for sustainable living. As a far-sighted and a relentless advocate for environmental conservation, she has taken up the mantle of reviving jute—an eco-friendly, biodegradable alternative to plastic. Her journey toward global recognition reached a zenith when she achieved the prestigious Guinness World Record. Through her innovative initiative, she created the world’s largest jute bag, a symbol of her unwavering commitment to sustainable living and environmental stewardship. Her saga is a testament to the power of one individual’s determination to make a difference on a global scale. Join Women World India team in this exploration of the life and work of Chaitali Das-the Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe, whose endeavours are not only captivating minds on a global scale but also reshaping our collective approach to environmental conservation and sustainable living. Her story is an inspiration, a call to action, and a beacon of hope for a world grappling with environmental challenges. Also included in this exclusive edition are two trendy articles to deepen your perspectives. Read ahead and enjoy! ABeacon฀of Hope฀for a World Grappling withEnvironmental฀ Challenges
  • 6. CONTENT DESIGN Visualizer : Sandeep Tikode Art & Design Director : Rashmi Singh Associate Designer : Sameen Arif SALES Sr. Vice President : Swapnali Vasaikar Sr. Sales Manager : Tejaswini Whaval Team Leader : Nitin Patil BDE : Pranali Koyande TECHNICAL October, 2023 Copyright © 2023 WomenWorld India, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from WomenWorld India. Reprint rights remain solely with WomenWorld India. WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Email For Subscription Pooja M. Bansal Editor-in-Chief SME-SMO Technical Head : Prachi Mokashi Technical Specialist: Rajeshwari Avhad Technical Consultant : Tanaji Fartade Research Analyst : Renuka Kulkarni SEO Lead : Nikita Khadalkar Managing Editor: Gaurav PR Wankhade Assisting Editor : Prajakta Zurale Cover Price: Rs.250/- W O R L D I N D I A Future Fashionistas How the Indian Jute Re vo lu on Ca n Be the Globa l Fa shion's Su staina bility So lu on ? Indian Revivalist Winning Hearts฀ Across Globe Jute฀ Chaitali Das Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Think Green Indian Jute - Th e Be st Plas c Re placem en t for Th e Worldwide Po llu on Free En vironm en t W O R L D I N D I A Future Fashionistas How the Indian Jute Revolu on Can Be the Global Fashion's Sustainability Solu on? Indian Revivalist Winning Hearts฀ Across Globe Jute฀ Chaitali Das Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Think Green Indian Jute - The Best Plas c Replacem ent for The Worldwide Pollu on Free Environment W O R L D I N D I A Future Fashionistas How the Indian Jute Revolu on Can Be the Global Fashion's Sustainability Solu on? Indian Revivalist Winning Hearts฀ Across Globe Jute฀ Chaitali Das Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Think Green Indian Jute - The Best Plas c Replacement for The Worldwide Pollu on Free Environment W O R L D I N D I A Future Fashionistas How the Indian Jute Revolu on Can Be the Global Fashion's Sustainability Solu on? Indian Revivalist Winning Hearts฀ Across Globe Jute฀ Chaitali Das Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Think Green Indian Jute - The Best Plas c Replacement for The Worldwide Pollu on Free Environment
  • 7. Stay in the known. Subscribe to WOMENWORLDINDIA Get Magazine in print and digital on WOMENWORLDINDIA Subscribe Today W O R L D I N D I A
  • 8. Read it First Embrace this opportunity to let your business bask in the Reflected Glory of Universal Resonance Submit your Interview and get featured in the Most Trusted Business Magazine of India Cover Story Cover Story W O R L D I N D I A W O R L D I N D I A Future Fashionistas How the Indian Jute Revolu on Can Be the Global Fashion's Sustainability Solu on? Indian Revivalist Winning Hearts฀ Across Globe Jute฀ Chaitali Das Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Think Green Indian Jute-The Best Plas c Replacement for the Worldwide Pollu on Free Environment
  • 10. How the Indian Revolution Can Be theGlobal฀ Fashion’s Sustainability Solution? Jute฀ 8 October | 2023
  • 11. Future Fashionistas n a world where fast fashion has become the norm, and Ienvironmental concerns are mounting, there is a growing need for a sustainable fashion revolution. Enter the Indian Jute Revolution—a movement that not only pays homage to the country’s rich textile heritage but also offers a promising solution to the global fashion industry’s sustainability woes. The Fashion Industry’s Environmental Wake-up Call: The global fashion industry is at a crossroads. The fashion industry, known for its rapid cycles of production and consumption, has long been criticized for its unsustainable practices. From excessive water usage in cotton farming to the vast carbon footprint of textile manufacturing and the proliferation of non-biodegradable synthetic fabrics, fashion’s ecological impact is undeniable. The Fashion Industry’s Unsustainable Practices: Fast Fashion: The "fast fashion" model, characterized by rapid production and consumption, has led to overproduction, excessive waste, and unethical labor practices. It encourages disposable clothing, contributing to landfills overflowing with discarded garments. Environmental Impact: The fashion industry is a major contributor to environmental degradation. It consumes vast amounts of water, emits greenhouse gases, and relies heavily on non-renewable resources, such as petroleum- based synthetic fabrics. Synthetic Materials: Polyester, nylon, and other synthetic fabrics dominate the fashion industry, and these materials are notorious for their non-biodegradability. They contribute to the proliferation of microplastics in oceans and harm ecosystems. Low-wage Labour: Many fashion brands outsource production to countries with low labor costs, often resulting in exploitative working conditions and inadequate wages for garment workers. It is against this backdrop that the Indian Jute Revolution emerges as a beacon of hope for a more sustainable and eco-conscious future. In this critical moment, the revival of the Indian jute industry offers a sustainable lifeline that can help erase the fashion industry’s unsustainable footprint. 9 October | 2023
  • 12. Ways to Erase Unsustainable Practices: Transition to Jute: Fashion brands can integrate jute into their collections, offering sustainable and stylish alternatives to synthetic materials. Promoting jute-based products as eco-friendly fashion choices can encourage consumer adoption. Circular Fashion: Encourage circular fashion practices, such as clothing repair, recycling, and upcycling, to extend the lifespan of garments and reduce waste. Transparency: Fashion brands should prioritize transparency in their supply chains, ensuring fair wages and ethical working conditions for all workers. Consumer Education: Educate consumers about the environmental and social impact of their clothing choices, empowering them to make sustainable decisions. The Rise of Jute: From Humble Fiber to Sustainable Luxury: Jute, often referred to as the ‘golden fiber,’ is one of India’s oldest cultivated crops, with a history dating back to ancient times. Traditionally used for sacks, ropes, and packaging, jute remained largely confined to utilitarian purposes. However, the reimagining of this humble fiber has brought it to the forefront of sustainable fashion. The Indian Jute Revolution: Key Pillars: Eco-friendly Fiber Production: The jute plant, unlike water-intensive cotton or resource-draining synthetic fibers, is a low-impact crop that requires minimal chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This makes it an ideal candidate for sustainable fashion. Biodegradability: Jute is entirely biodegradable, offering a compelling alternative to synthetic fabrics that persist in landfills for centuries. As the fashion industry grapples with its waste problem, jute’s ability to decompose naturally is a game-changer. Versatility and Aesthetic Appeal: Jute’s versatility is remarkable. It can be spun into various forms, from rustic textiles to refined, luxurious fabrics. Designers and fashion enthusiasts alike are discovering its potential to create eco- friendly, stylish clothing. Empowering Rural Communities: The jute industry has the potential to uplift rural communities, providing income and employment opportunities. This aligns with the fashion industry’s growing emphasis on ethical and fair trade practices. Renewable and Sustainable: Jute is a renewable resource that can be harvested annually. It grows abundantly in the Indian subcontinent, making it a sustainable choice for textile production. Ethical Labour Practices: The revival of the jute industry has the potential to create employment opportunities and improve working conditions for rural communities, aligning with ethical labor practices. Jute’s Influence on Global Fashion: The Indian Jute Revolution is not confined to the country’s borders. It is steadily making its mark on global fashion, as designers and brands recognize the potential of this sustainable fiber. From haute couture runways to eco- conscious streetwear, jute is finding its place in a wide array of fashion segments. Challenges and Opportunities: While the Indian Jute Revolution presents immense potential, it is not without its challenges. Scaling up jute production, addressing issues related to dyeing and finishing, and changing consumer perceptions are among the hurdles that need to be overcome. However, with concerted efforts from both the fashion industry and consumers, these challenges can be surmounted. The Road Ahead The Indian Jute Revolution is not just a fashion trend; it’s a sustainable fashion movement with the power to transform the industry. As global fashionistas increasingly prioritize sustainability and ethical practices, jute emerges as a symbol of hope—a future where fashion is not just about looking good but also doing good for the planet. In the hands of visionary designers and conscious consumers, the Indian Jute Revolution is poised to lead fashion’s sustainability solution, ensuring that the industry evolves into a force for positive change on a global scale. 10 October | 2023
  • 13.
  • 14. Cover Story Chaitali Das, Mul faceted, Mul -award winning Interna onally acclaimed Jute Revivalist, Philanthropist, Social Entrepreneur, Director, Rakshak Group, Guinness World Record Holder, Former Mrs Interna onal Title Holder, popularly known as Queen of Jute, who had stormed the world stage with innova ve diversified jute products taking jute to a greater heights, across globe.
  • 15. e enjoy stories that entertain, enchant, mesmer- Wize, inspire, and move us to the core. This is an incredibly illuminating story of a Woman Social Reformer who has shown everyone a very noble way of solving global issues of the climate crisis by targeting one of the most pressing concerns we are facing–plastic pollution and contamination of our lands, water, and forests due to extensive use of plastic products. The severity of plastic pollution has increased to such an extent that according to United Nations Environment Programme study, approximately Seven billion of the 9.2 billion tonnes of plastic produced in 67 years from 1950 to 2017 has ended up in dumping grounds, water bodies like rivers, lakes, and oceans, forests, or landfills, thus, becoming plastic waste. Grasping the urgency of the critical issue and taking up the challenge of diverting society from using plastic products to an eco-friendly and sustainable material, Chaitali Das became the internationally acclaimed Jute Revivalist and Social Entrepreneur by accomplishing the prestigious Guinness World Record for the world’s largest jute bag–under Jute Story-Beyond Bars. A revolutionary eco-friendly initiative was taken behind the tall walls of confinement, Jute Story has initiated a global campaign, ‘Jute for Climate Action’ To reach out with diversified jute products such as fashion statements, packaging, accessories, stationery, home decor, and utility sectors, Chaitali DasIndian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Her Mission: Women empowerment through Advocacy and skill development, reforma on & reintegra ng the prison inmates back to the society a er serving the term, their social acceptance beyond s gma, catapul ng jute into fashion and lifestyle space.
  • 16. the innovative and trendy products created under this label have infused a new life and vibrancy in the way Jute is perceived. It has not only aided the conservation of the environment but also promoted Jute as a sustainable and fashionable material, creating responsible livelihoods and eco-conscious consumption trends. An ordinary woman engaged in philanthropy and humani- tarian service took up as her mission to revive Jute to a trendy, fashionable eco-friendly lifestyle space on the global stage through Chaitali’s relentless work and various projects. Today, as the Global Chairperson and Managing Trustee of Rakshak Foundation and Founder, Chairperson, and Managing Director of Route2Jute Pvt. Ltd., Chaitali has consistently advocated and promoted equitable, gender- focused and just Climate Action measures through the Revival and Reformation of Jute. Recently, Chaitali Das was featured on the India Corporate Governance & Sustainability Vision Summit 2023’s speakers’ panel, besides distinguished guests from BPCL, Infosys, Birla Corp, Hindalco, and TNPL at the Le Meridien, New Delhi, organized by ICC. In the event, Chaitali said: “It’s high time to implement the best practices, reimagine possibilities, unleash expression and script the story of a cleaner, greener planet. Across India, people, communities, and businesses are consciously trying to achieve net zero and contribute to the planet and a better tomorrow, focusing on ESG parameters such as climate stewardship, circular economy, green supply chain, employee, and social welfare, workforce health and safety.” An Exceptional Saga In this regard, her Jute Story’s journey was challenging and extraordinary to revive the Jute of India, which is consid- ered a base material used mainly for carrying agricultural products alongside transforming Convicts into Artisans and their social inclusion. As a speaker, she propagated the story of reformation by engaging prison inmates to make jute artefacts and diversified jute products in various national and international forums. She is continuously propagating and popularising Jute through innumerable projects, events, and campaigns, creating massive outreach which slowly inculcated adaptability to the use of Jute in the process, increasing the demand in India and overseas and social inclusion for released prisoners beyond stigma and discrimination. Breaking the Back of Barriers Chaitali’s journey was challenging; her close ones and peers vehemently opposed it. She is also faced with the challenge of inadequate financial resources. She went ahead with her mission with a firm resolve. She faced controversies and social isolation in her circles, ridiculing her and was looked down upon for working with people carrying the tag of Convict. She faced discouragement when she decided to work on reviving Jute, as it constituted a dying industry and a very base material to work hence not worth it. She grew up in a family of legal practitioners. As a child, Chaitali had visited her father, who was a Public Prosecutor in Alipore Police Court; a sight caught her attention; she saw some people getting off the police van handcuffed, with a thick rope around their waists, their kin and close ones trying to reach them and police officers driving them away. The humiliation that labelled the undertrials and the agony of their families, the unavoidable lifelong stigma they carry when they return to the family and mainstream after serving the tenure post-release disturbed her. Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe My mission story is to revive eco-friendly jute and catapult it to the world stage in fashion and lifestyle space just when the world started adopting eco-fashion has been a paradigm shift to green business.
  • 17. Rekindling Optimism Her endeavour slowly invoked hope and confidence in the prison inmates who carried the label of criminal and outcasted by society; her designer product lines and her team of dedicated Artisans contributed to catapulting Jute into the fashion and lifestyle space Internationally. Approx. five thousand prison inmates were trained in skill and wellness programs under her leadership in the correctional home. Many of them have started their own enterprises post- release. Many are employed and are rehabili- tated at her foundation to give hands-on training to the new artisans. Her working team also included women survivors of acid attacks and domestic violence, youth from urban slums turned into a skilled workforce and micro- entrepreneurs. Thus, it propelled economic empowerment to move ahead in life with dignity. As a speaker, Chaitali Das propagated the reformation story by engaging prison inmates to make jute artefacts and diversified jute products in various national and international forums.
  • 18. The modern diversified jute product lines produced by the inmates made their presence across the globe on various prestigious platforms across all strata of society, created maximum outreach in the country, and were set to storm the world stage with the wake-up call to prevent plastic usage. Spreading the Cause of Sustainability The local harvest of Bengal made its glorious journey of progress and inclusion from behind bars to beyond bars to National and International Arena including SAARC, Sri Lanka to BIMSTEC Kolkata, BIMSTEC Mumbai, G20, from the historical Oxford book store to Eminent Designers store Toil Mumbai Toil Kolkata to Y-East sustainable store of Techno India Group. Boat store at Patuli Floating Market to Heritage Tram PAATRANI, store on the wheel to Studio Jute Story Beyond Bars at Alipore, and KIOSK at Alipore Jail Museum. It journeyed from the prestigious ramp walk alongside top designers of the Country to the International stage to Central Asia Fashion Khazakstan, presenting Indian Jute before Central Asian Fashionistas, Designers, and Entrepreneurs, making it to the Guinness World Record, drawing global attention by creating the largest jute bag in the world, and conveying a message to the global commu- nity to adopt Jute and make Greener, more inclusive world. Chaitali Das is continuously propagating and popularising Jute through innumerable projects, events and campaigns, creating massive outreach.
  • 19. The journey was challenging; it was vehe- mently opposed by her close ones and peers, recalls Chaitali. “I went ahead with my mission with a firm resolve. I’ve faced controversies and social isolation in my circles and was looked down upon for working with people carrying the tag of Convict.” The Global Fashion Disruptor However, it was with her professional values like Ÿ Transparency, Ÿ Commitment, Ÿ Communication, Ÿ Quality, and Ÿ Innovative design, that Chaitali won over her adversaries and supporters alike. And with these traits, she has developed USPs that highlight her brand Jute Story’s uniqueness
  • 20. in the industry. “My mission story is to revive eco-friendly jute and catapult it to the world stage in fashion and lifestyle space just when the world started adopting eco- fashion has been a paradigm shift to green business,” she says. And for the blue economy to address climate threats, Jute Story has shown a simple yet profound way. Jute Story Setting Significant Benchmarks Route2jute Private Limited is registered with ROC having the Indian Institute of Management as its shareholder; its brand is called ‘Jute Story.’ The company has its clientele majorly from Government Departments, prestigious Institutions, Corporates, Business Houses, Corporate Events, and Social Events. The company has already exported consignment to North America. The company is registered with ROC, incubated and guided by experts from the Indian Institute of Management Centre of Innovation Park; it is registered with the National Jute Board of India, Jute Corporation of India, Jute Diversified and Export Promotional Council, MSME, IEC, and Export Promotion Council. Celebrating Spring @ Jute Story Studio With a smile, Chaitali recalls how she and her team celebrated the inception of Spring recently–the Colours Festival, at their Studio Jute Story. Chaitali shares, “Our denim and camo products developed with Jute as the base material were immensely liked and loved by our guests. So much so that, they went ahead and posed by carrying items they liked from our display shelves.” Chaitali Das–The Crowning Jewel of Indian Jute Story Ÿ The Indian Express published a news report on Jute Story on 8th July 2022 and another on Chaitali Das titled ‘A Sustainable Future for Women’ on 8th March 2018. Ÿ Similarly, Newspapers like The Telegraph, Amar Ujala, Mint, The TOI, Literary Mirror, and India Today carried news on Chaitali Das and Jute Story. For more information, click on or for enquiry, please contact +91 7439967423/ or email - I’ve faced controversies and social isolation in my circles and was looked down upon for working with people carrying the tag of Convict, yet, I went ahead with my mission with a firm resolve.
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  • 22. ur beloved Mother Earth, a Onurturing and life-sustaining force, has provided us with bountiful resources and a hospitable environment for millennia. Yet, in recent times, a menacing threat has emerged–plastic waste. The world is at a critical juncture in its battle against plastic pollution. Plastic waste in single-use bags, bottles, or packaging has inundated our oceans, harmed wildlife, and compromised our ecosystems. This non-biodegradable material once hailed for its conve- nience, has become an environmental scourge that endangers the very planet we call home. The Perils of Plastic Waste: Persistent Pollution: Plastic waste is virtually indestructible. Once dis- carded, it lingers for centuries, accumulating in landfills, oceans, and natural landscapes. This persistence exacerbates the pollution crisis. Oceanic Nightmare: Our oceans, teeming with life and vital to Earth's climate regulation, have become dumping grounds for plastic. Marine creatures ingest or become entangled in plastic debris, leading to injury, death, and disruptions in the ecosys- tem. Toxic Time Bomb: As plastics degrade under the sun's rays, they release toxic chemicals into the environment, contaminating soil and water sources. Indian Jute-The Best Plastic Replacement for The Worldwide Pollution Free Environment October | 2023 These toxins seep into the food chain, ultimately impacting human health. Microplastics Menace: Plastic waste breaks down into microscopic particles known as microplastics. These insidious particles infiltrate the oceans, soil, and air, severely threatening ecosystems and human health. Land and Wildlife Affliction: Terrestrial wildlife, from birds to mammals, often mistake plastic waste for food, leading to ingestion and starvation. Plastic litter blights landscapes, tarnishing Earth's natural beauty. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The production and incineration of plastic contribute to greenhouse gas emis- sions, exacerbating climate change and further jeopardizing the planet's delicate balance. Thus, plastic waste is a global crisis that demands innovative solutions, and one such solution lies in the heart of India–jute. Often referred to as the ‘Golden Fiber,’ Indian jute promises to be the best replacement for plastic and a catalyst for a worldwide pollution- free environment. In an era of environmental challenges and the urgent need for sustainable solutions, the time has come to reevaluate our choices and ‘Think Green.’ Embracing Indian jute as a viable alternative to plastics can lead us towards a cleaner, healthier planet. 20
  • 24. The Plastic Predicament: Plastic pollution has become an undeniable environmental menace. Our planet is drowning in plastic pollution, adversely affecting ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. Single-use plastics, synthetic packaging, and disposable products have inundated our environment. It’s a crisis that demands immediate action. Here are some alarming facts: Mountains of Plastic: Over 380 million tons of plastic are produced annually, and a substantial portion ends up as waste, often in our oceans and landfills. Toxicity and Harm: Plastics take centuries to break down, releasing harmful chemicals into the environment. Marine life ingests plastic particles, causing harm to ecosystems and human health through the food chain. Landfills Overflowing: Landfills worldwide overflow with plastic waste, leading to soil contamination and groundwa- ter pollution. The Perils of Plastic: Endless Lifespan: Plastics can take up to centuries to decompose fully, lingering in our oceans, landfills, and natural landscapes for generations. Toxic Legacy: As plastics break down, they release harmful chemicals that seep into soils and water sources, posing a severe threat to our environment and health. Wildlife Suffering: Marine animals often mistake plastic debris for food, leading to ingestion and entanglement, with disastrous consequences. Landfills Overflowing: Our landfills are overwhelmed by plastic waste, exacerbating soil and groundwater pollution. Indian Jute-A Sustainable Alternative: Let us see how Indian jute emerges as a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to plastics. Biodegradable Brilliance: Jute is a natural fibre extracted from the jute plant’s stem. It’s fully biodegradable, breaking into organic matter within months, unlike plastic, which persists for centuries. Renewable and Sustainable: Jute is an incredibly sustainable crop, requiring minimal water and no synthetic pesticides for cultivation. It can be harvested annually, providing a renewable source of eco-friendly material. Versatile Applications: Jute is highly versatile and can replace plastics in various applications, from packaging to textiles, home decor, and more. It offers durability, strength, and natural aesthetics. Reduced Carbon Footprint: The production of jute generates significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to the production of synthetic materials like plastic. Global Initiatives with Jute: Eco-friendly Packaging: Many companies worldwide are adopting jute packaging as a sustainable alternative to plastic bags and containers, reducing their plastic footprint. Fashion Revolution: Fashion designers and brands use jute-based textiles to create eco-conscious clothing and accessories. Jute in Construction: Jute-based materials are being explored for their strength and environmental benefits. Innovations in Jute Products: Ongoing research aims to develop new jute-based products to replace plastics in various industries. Challenges and the Way Forward: While Indian jute offers immense promise, there are challenges to overcome: Consumer Awareness: Raising awareness about jute’s benefits and promoting its use as a plastic alternative is crucial. Scaling Up Production: Increasing jute production to meet global demands requires investment in infrastructure and technology. Policy Support: Governments and industries must collaborate to create policies that incentivize using jute- based products. With concerted efforts from consumers, industries, and governments, we can transition to a worldwide pollution- free environment where jute replaces plastic as the sustain- able material of choice. It’s time to ‘Think Green’ and embrace Indian jute for a cleaner, healthier planet. 22 October | 2023
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  • 27. The most successful entrepreneurs฀ I know are optimistic.฀ It’s part of the job description.
  • 28. W O R L D I N D I A