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Innova&ng	the	Future	
Ten	Major	Opportunity	Areas	for	Innova5on	
16	November	2016	 The	world’s	leading	open	foresight	program
Future	Agenda	
The	Future	Agenda	is	the	world’s	largest	open	foresight	program.		
Run	as	a	global	dialogue	across	all	con5nents,	it	accesses	mul5ple	views	of	the	next	
decade	so	we	can	all	be	beIer	informed	and	so	focus	on	and	s5mulate	innova5on.
Ten	Innova&on	Opportuni&es	
Over	the	past	year	we	have	shared	insights	across	many	countries	and	sectors	and	have	
iden5fied	and	discussed	the	biggest	innova5on	opportuni5es	for	the	next	decade.		
Here	are	the	top	10	based	on	need	and	poten5al	impact.
Selec&on	Criteria	
We	have	chosen	those	areas	that	meet	three	criteria:		
being	global	/	mul5	regional	in	impact,	s5ll	requiring	significant	progress		
and	having	the	poten5al	to	create	new	value.			
Global	or		
Mul&	Regional	
Poten&al	to	
Create	New	
S&ll	Require	
Reducing	Air	Pollu&on	
	Rising	air	pollu5on	in	many	ci5es	is	already	killing	people.	It	will	become	
	a	visible	catalyst	for	changing	mind-sets	and	policies	across		
health,	energy,	transporta5on	and	urban	design.
Reducing	Air	Pollu&on	
Air	pollu5on	currently	causes	5.5m	premature	deaths	each	year.	Such	is	the	scale	of	
the	problem	that	the	OECD	believes	it	will	become	the	biggest	cause	of	premature	
death.	It	is	already	a	focus	for	5ghter	regula5on	and	behaviour	change.	
Already	Underway:	
•  Regula5on	to	reduce	emissions	
especially	from	diesel	vehicles.	
•  Improved	monitoring	of	air	quality	
and	sharing	of	data	on	key	metrics.	
•  More	ci5es	more	enforcing	low	/	
zero	emission	zones.	
•  Policy	changes	on	industrial	pollu5on	
and	energy	use	in	China	and	India.	
•  Educa5on	programmes	on	air	
pollu5on	and	risk	to	health.	
•  Awareness	of	linkage	to	smoking	and	
domes5c	cooking	fuels	like	kerosene.	
Future	Innova&on	Opportuni&es:	
•  Organisa5ons	globally	will	come	
under	increasing	pressure	to	play	
their	part	in	reducing	air	pollu5on.		
•  Integra5on	of	scrubbing	technologies	
within	ven5la5on	systems	in	
buildings	/	external	environments.	
Some	Early	Examples:	
Natural	Air	Purifica5on	
External	Cleaning	Tower	
More	Informa&on:	
Air	Quality	(Future	Agenda)
Providing	Basic	Sanita&on	
Poor	sanita5on	con5nues	to	impact	public	health	and	restrict	social	progress,	
par5cularly	for	women.	Governments	and	donor	organisa5ons	priori5se	
measurement,	educa5on	and	innova5on	in	a	bid	to	drive	change.
Providing	Basic	Sanita&on	
Forty	percent	of	the	world’s	popula5on,	2.5bn	people,	s5ll	prac5ce	open		
defeca5on	or	lack	adequate	sanita5on	facili5es,	and	the	consequences		
can	be	devasta5ng	for	human	health	as	well	as	the	environment.	
Already	Underway:	
•  Investment	in	infrastructure	taking	
place	across	SE	Asia	and	Africa	
•  Shi]ing	cultural	a^tudes	in	key	
regions	towards	sanita5on	
•  UN	/	World	Bank	support	for	India’s	
Universal	Sanita5on	Ini5a5ves	
•  Increased	global	awareness	of	
challenge	as	6th	UN	SDG	
•  Overcoming	toilet	access	deficiency	
for	girls	in	schools	
•  Changing	poli5cal	cache	of	sanita5on	
policy	in	mul5ple	countries	
Future	Innova&on	Opportuni&es:	
•  Developing	non-sewered	sanita5on	
approaches	and	new	delivery	models	
•  Developing	technologies	that	lead	to	
radical	improvements	in	sanita5on	in	
the	developing	world.	
Some	Early	Examples:	
SEI	Sustainable	Sanita5on	Ini5a5ve	
Gates	Founda5on’s	Sanita5on	program	
Fecal	sludge	by-products	at	scale		
More	Informa&on:	
Basic	Sanita5on	(Future	Agenda)
Minimising	Food	Waste	
	30-50%	of	our	food	is	wasted	either	in	the	supply	chain	or	in	consump5on	and		
could	feed	another	3	billion.	Op5mising	distribu5on	and	storage	in	developing	
countries	and	enabling	beIer	consumer	informa5on	in	others	could	solve	this.
Minimising	Food	Waste	
By	2050	the	world	will	need	60%	more	calories	every	day	to	feed	9bn	people.	
	With	constraints	on	land	supply,	more	efficient	produc5on	can	only	partly	meet		
this	demand	and	hence	the	growing	focus	on	mimimising	food	waste.		
Already	Underway:	
•  Increased	refrigera5on	of	supply	
chains	in	developing	countries	
•  FAO	investment	in	new	food	storage	
infrastructure	systems		
•  Improved	awareness	of	sell	by	/	use	
before	dates	on	supermarket	foods	
•  Smart,	ac5ve	and	intelligent	
packaging	and	labeling		
•  Food	sharing	and	reuse	programmes	
ac5ng	with	food	safety	guidelines		
•  Anaerobic	diges5on	repurposing	
food	as	energy	and	agricultural	
Future	Innova&on	Opportuni&es:	
•  Cellular	agriculture	to	reproduce	
healthy	food	in	the	lab	
•  Safe	circular	food	supply	/	resupply	
systems	and	networks	including	
shops	and	restaurants	
Some	Early	Examples:	
Cellular	Agriculture	
Food	Recovery	Hierarchy	
More	Informa&on:	
Food	Waste	(Future	Agenda)
Delivering	Affordable	Healthcare		
	The	escala5ng	cost	of	healthcare	is	further	stressed	by	the	need	to	support		
the	old	and	the	chronically	ill.	Spending	20%	of	GDP	on	healthcare	is	seen	as	
unsustainable	so	hard	decisions	are	taken	around	budgets	and	priori5es.
Delivering	Affordable	Healthcare		
In	the	West	80%	of	healthcare	spend	is	associated	with	the	last	2	years	of	life		
but	70%	of	the	global	popula5on	is	without	access	to	decent	healthcare.		
Redesigning	healthcare	systems	for	lower	cost	is	therefore	a	common	need.	
Already	Underway:	
•  Investment	in	more	preventa5ve	
healthcare	business	models	
•  Bespoke	drugs	and	personalised	
medicines	based	on	genomics	
•  Introduc5on	of	micro-health	
insurance	in	key	regions	
•  Adop5on	and	development	of	
pa5ent	co-pay	systems		
•  Gene	therapy	and	gene	edi5ng	to	
avoid	future	disease	development	
•  Development	of	robo5c	carers	and	
beIer	end	of	life	provision	
Future	Innova&on	Opportuni&es:	
•  New	protocols	to	keep	pa5ents	out	
of	hospitals	un5l	as	late	as	possible.	
•  Pa5ent-centric	business	models	that	
deliver	quality	care	at	lower	costs		
Some	Early	Examples:	
Carer	marketplaces	
Narayana	Healthcare	
Grand	Aides	
More	Informa&on:	
Care	in	the	Community	(Future	Agenda)	
Affordable	Healthcare	(Future	Agenda)
Educa&on	Revolu&on	
Broader	access	to	improved	educa5on	acts	as	a	major	catalyst	for		
empowerment,	sustained	economic	growth,	overcoming	inequality	and		
reducing	conflict.	We	need	an	educa5on	system	fit	for	the	digital	revolu5on.
Educa&on	Revolu&on	
	 	Although	technology	can	help	improve	educa5on	it	is	not	a	silver	bullet	alone.	
The	reality	for	the	next	decade	will	probably	be	a	hybrid	of	face-to-face	and	online	
learning	where	digital	connec5vity	enable	a	different	approach	to	teaching.	
Already	Underway:	
•  Wider	adop5on	of	MOOCS	(Massive	
online	open	courses)	globally	
•  Developing	of	con5nuous	learning	
plaiorms	beyond	school	years.	
•  Common	standards	being	agreed	
across	different	schools	/	systems.	
•  Renewed	industry	leadership	in	co-
designing	educa5on	formats	
•  Significant	private	sector	investment	
in	new	educa5onal	plaiorms	
•  Inclusive	and	quality	educa5on	for	all	
and	lifelong	learning	a	UN	SDG	
Future	Innova&on	Opportuni&es:	
•  Decoupling	dependency	on	fully	
trained	teachers	and	so	enabling	
higher	student	ra5os.	
•  Developing	credible	systems	that	
parents	will	be	willing	to	allow	
children	to	follow.	
Some	Early	Examples:	
Teachers	as	coaches	/	mentors	
Kahn	Academy	
More	Informa&on:	
Educa5on	Revolu5on	(Future	Agenda)
True	Value	of	Clean	Water	
As	water	stress	impacts	40%	of	the	world,	we	will	have	to	pay	the	true	value	for	this	
key	resource.	In	a	more	water-conscious	world,	the	cost	of	water	is	recognised,	full	
water	footprints	are	measured	and	companies	significantly	reduce	consump5on.
True	Value	of	Clean	Water	
	While	the	total	volume	of	water	on	the	planet	remains	constant,	increasing	
demand	drives	the	value	of	clean	water	up.	Already	priced	at	$15	per	litre	in	some	
areas,	more	investment	in	preserving	/	cleaning	potable	water	is	a	priority	for	many.	
Already	Underway:	
•  BeIer	managing	water	supply	/	
demand	in	areas	of	water	stress	
•  Using	less	water	per	capita	and	
reducing	products’	water	footprints	
•  Lower	cost	desalina5on	investment	
in	key	loca5ons	like	Singapore	
•  Applica5on	of	data	analy5cs	to	
measure	/	create	smart	water	grids		
•  Interna5onal	collabora5on	on	shared	
water	catchment	programmes			
•  Growing	awareness	of	water	security	
for	ci5es	alongside	food	and	energy	
Future	Innova&on	Opportuni&es:	
•  Taking	chemical	pollutants	-	
especially	hydrocarbons	-	out	of	
water	used	by	industry	
•  Low	energy	desalina5on	
technologies	to	improve	access	
beyond	the	richest	na5ons	
Some	Early	Examples:	
More	Informa&on:	
Full	Cost	(Future	Agenda)
Suppor&ng	Working	Longer	
	People	are	having	to	work	for	longer	to	support	longer	re5rements.		
Flexible	working	prac5ces	and	policies	are	emerging,	but	some		
employers	con5nue	to	remain	ambivalent	about	older	workers.
Suppor&ng	Working	Longer	
		As	re5rement	for	30	years	based	on	working	for	40	becomes	impossible,		
more	orgnsai5ons	and	networks	seek	to	retain	experienced	employees	within		
the	mix	through	more	flexible	approaches	to	work	and	value	crea5on	
Already	Underway:	
•  Shi]s	in	official	re5rement	ages	for	
state	pensions	in	several	countries	
•  Growth	of	gig-economy	providing	
new	plaiorms	for	older	workers	
•  Support	for	third	career	training	and	
con5nuous	learning	programmes	
•  Wider	use	of	co-working	spaces	and	
hubs	in	many	ci5es	
•  Business	crea5on	by	older	adults	
increased	60%	from	1996	to	2012	
•  Subsidies	of	up	to	75%	for	employing	
older	workers	in	Sweden	
Future	Innova&on	Opportuni&es:	
•  Marketplaces	for	skilled	knowledge	
workers	extend	into	wider	economy	
•  VC	and	broader	social	investment	
vehicles	for	older	entrepreneurs	
Some	Early	Examples:	
Agewell	Global	
More	Informa&on:	
Working	Longer	(Future	Agenda)	
Organisa5on	3.0	(Future	Agenda)	
Agelessness	(Future	Agenda)
Building	Data	Marketplaces		
Data	is	a	currency,	it	has	a	value	and	a	price,	and	therefore	requires	a		
market	place.	An	ecosystem	for	trading	data	is	emerging	and	anything		
that	is	informa5on	is	represented	in	a	new	data	marketplace.
Building	Data	Marketplaces		
		As	many	seek	to	capture	as	much	data	as	possible,	most	organisa5ons	lack	
ac5onable	methods	to	tap	into,	mone5ze,	and	strategically	exploit	this	new	value.		
Not	only	is	core	data	value	unclear	but	access	vs.	ownership	is	confusing	for	many.		
Already	Underway:	
•  Bilateral	trading	of	data	between	
brands	and	technology	plaiorms	
•  Established	norms	for	selling	
aggregated	customer	data		
•  Localised	data	marketplaces	within	
specific	industries	and	regions	
•  Growth	in	real-5me	analy5cs	and	the	
enabling	of	wider	dynamic	pricing	
•  Plaiorms	to	exert	control	on	and	
create	value	from	individual	iden5ty		
•  Strengthening	interna5onal	
frameworks	on	personal	privacy	
Future	Innova&on	Opportuni&es:	
•  Crea5ng	the	protocols	that	can	
underpin	credible	global	plaiorms	
•  Trea5ng	personal	data	as	a	product	
within	a	privacy	marketplace	
Some	Early	Examples:	
More	Informa&on:	
Increasing	Value	of	Data	
Data	Ownership	(Future	Agenda)	
Crea5ng	an	IoT	Marketplace	(McKinsey)
Inves&ng	in	Nature’s	Capital	
	In	the	Anthropocene,	humankind	is	presiding	over	the		
Earth's	sixth	major	ex5nc5on.	But	as	biodiversity	declines,		
nature	becomes	increasingly	valued	and	valuable.
Inves&ng	in	Nature’s	Capital	
Leveraging	private	capital	for	conserva5on	grows	alongside	government		
investments	to	have	greater	impact.	Businesses	start	to	pay	the	true	cost	of	the	
resources	they	use	and	so	compensate	for	their	nega5ve	impact	on	society.	
Already	Underway:	
•  Corporate	environmental,	social	and	
governance	becoming	more	focused	
•  Triple-boIom	line	accoun5ng	
framework	aligned	to	create	value	
•  3P	(people,	planet,	profit)	strong	
foothold	in	The	Netherlands	
•  Integrated	Repor5ng	(IIRC)	approach	
being	adopted	by	leading	companies	
•  Nature	Conservancy	growing	in	
influence	in	US	and	interna5onally	
•  Impacts	of	climate	change	accepted	
and	implica5ons	being	widely	shared	
Future	Innova&on	Opportuni&es:	
•  Funds	focused	on	impact	investment	
in	nature	
•  Crea5on	of	plaiorms	that	aid	
transparency	on	corporate	ac5vi5es.	
Some	Early	Examples:	
Net	Posi5ve	Project	
More	Informa&on:	
Nature’s	Capital	(Future	Agenda)	
Full	Cost	(Future	Agenda)	
ESG	(Wikipedia)
Governance	of	Machines	
Automa5on	spreads	beyond	trading	and	managing	systemic	risk.		
As	we	approach	technology	singularity,	autonomous	robots	and		
smarter	algorithms	make	ethical	judgments	that	impact	life	or	death.
Governance	of	Machines	
As	AI	and	deep	learning	become	more	embedded	in	the	world,	concern	is		
growing	about	who	is	accountable	for	the	decisions	made.	As	technology		
races	ahead	who	sets	the	rules	is	becoming	a	priority	concern	for	many.	
Already	Underway:	
•  Widespread	embracing	of	the	big	
data	trend	across	many	sectors		
•  Notable	ar5ficial	intelligence	moves	
towards	singularity	
•  Technology	firms	investments	in	
machine	learning	/	deep	learning			
•  AI	taking	over	key	middle	class	jobs	
such	as	lawyers	and	accountants	
•  Eric	Schmidt	believes	the	Turing	test	
will	be	passed	in	2018	
•  AI	experts	called	for	autonomous	
drone	development	to	stop	
Future	Innova&on	Opportuni&es:	
•  Society	needs	to	develop	ways	of	
dealing	with	the	ethics	of	robo5cs	
•  Collabora5on	between	engineers,	
ethicists,	lawyers	and	policymakers	
Some	Early	Examples:	
Self-determining	machines	
Nao	Robot	
MIT	Moral	Machine		
More	Informa&on:	
Ethical	Machines	(Future	Agenda)	
Three	laws	of	robo5cs	(Asimov)
Sustainable	Development	Goals	
Seven	of	these	align	strongly	with	the	UN	Sustainable	Development	Goals	and		
highlight	areas	that	have	been	recognised	as	significant	for	some	5me	but		
which	are	also	going	to	be	ever	more	important	to	address	in	the	future
Join	Us	in	Moving	Things	Forward	
We	are	now	helping	to	choreograph	several	partnerships	to	take	a	selec5on	of	these	
top	10	opportunity	areas	forward.	To	do	this	we	need	your	input	and	support.		
Let	us	know	which	are	most	important	and	why	and	how	you	may	want	to	help.
More	Informa&on	and	Insights		 hIp://		hIp://
Future	Agenda	in	Numbers	
The	first	Future	Agenda	programme	engaged	a	wide	range	of	views	in	
	25	countries.	Future	Agenda	2.0	doubled	the	face-to-face	interac5on		
and	significantly	raised	online	sharing,	debate	and	discussion.	
Future	Agenda	1.0	
Future	Agenda	2.0	
Future	Agenda	2.0	Topics	
The	recent	Future	Agenda	program	took	place	during	2015		
and	addressed	24	key	topics	via	120	events	in	45	ci5es	in	35	countries		
across	5	con5nents	–	all	conducted	in	partnership	with	50	core	hosts.	
Future	Agenda	
84	Brook	Street	
W1K	5EH	
+44	203	0088	141	
The	world’s	leading	open	foresight	program	
What	do	you	think?	
Join	In	|	Add	your	views	into	the	mix

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