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Inherited Change
• explain what is meant by homologous pairs of chromosomes
• explain the meanings of the terms haploid and diploid and the need
for a reduction division (meiosis) prior to fertilisation in sexual
• Outline the role of meiosis in gametogenesis in humans and in the
formation of pollen grains and embryo sacs in flowering plants
• describe, with the aid of photomicrographs and diagrams, the
behaviour of chromosomes in plant and animal cells during meiosis,
and the associated behaviour of the nuclear envelope, cell surface
membrane and the spindle
• explain how crossing over and random assortment of homologous
chromosomes during meiosis and random fusion of gametes at
fertilisation lead to genetic variation including the expression of rare,
recessive alleles
• Diploid organisms contain pairs of homologous
• Homologous chromosomes:
– a pair of chromosomes in a diploid cell
– same structure, genes, loci
– pair together to form bivalent during the first
division of meiosis
• Haploid: possesses 1 complete set of
chromosomes: n
• Diploid: possesses 2 complete sets of
chromosomes: 2n
• Meiosis: reduction division
• introduces genetic variation mutation
Life cycle of an animal
• Used in sexual reproduction to allow for
• Homologous chromosome – chromosomes that
have the same genes but not the same alleles.
One from mum and one from dad.
• Bivalent – when the homologous chromosomes
have replicated they join together by a chiasma
and this forms a bivalent made of 4 chromatids.
• Crossing over – the non-sister chromatids that
lie next to each other in the bivalent may join
temporarily and then break off swopping some
of their genetic information.
• Due to:
– Crossing over of non-sister chromatids in the
– Independent Assortment of bivalents and
sister chromotids during metaphase I and II
– Random fertilisation
• explain what is meant by homologous pairs of chromosomes
• explain the meanings of the terms haploid and diploid and the need
for a reduction division (meiosis) prior to fertilisation in sexual
• Outline the role of meiosis in gametogenesis in humans and in the
formation of pollen grains and embryo sacs in flowering plants
• describe, with the aid of photomicrographs and diagrams, the
behaviour of chromosomes in plant and animal cells during meiosis,
and the associated behaviour of the nuclear envelope, cell surface
membrane and the spindle
• explain how crossing over and random assortment of homologous
chromosomes during meiosis and random fusion of gametes at
fertilisation lead to genetic variation including the expression of rare,
recessive alleles
How meiosis causes variation
Crossing over:
prophase of meoisis I
chromatids of 2 homologous chromosomes break and rejoin --> part of
one chromatid swaps places with the same part of the
chiasmata: point where crossing over occurs
Recombinant organisms result from crossing over and so 'recombines' the
characteristics of the parent organisms. The cross over value is the
percentage of offspring that belong to the recombinant class.
Independent assortment:
random alignment of bivalents on the equator during meiosis I
different alleles of genes on different chromosomes may end up in any
combination in gametes
• Studies of human genetic conditions have
revealed the links between genes,
enzymes and the phenotypes
• gene: length of DNA that codes for a particular
• locus: position at which a particular gene is found
on a particular chromosome; same gene on same
• allele: particular variety of a gene
• dominant: the allele whose effect on the phenotype
of a heterozygote is identical to its effect on a
• recessive: the allele that is only expressed when
no dominant allele is present
• codominant: alleles that both have an effect on the
phenotype of a heterozygous organism
• linkage: the presence of 2 genes on the same
chromosome so that they tend to be inherited
together and do not assort independently
• test cross: a genetic cross in which an organsim
showing a characteristic caused by a dominant
allele is corssed with an organism that is
homozygous recessive --> phenotype of offspring
is a guide to whether the 1st organism is
homozygous or heterozygous
• F1: generation of offspring produced from
homozygous dominant x homozygous
recessive genotype
• F2: generation of offspring produced from
cross between 2 F1 organisms
• phenotype: organisms' characteristics;
often resulting from an interaction between
its genotype and the environment
• genotype: alleles possessed by an
Monohybrid crosses
• Genetic crosses that involve just one
• Eg. Eye colour
Let B represent brown eyes. (parent is dominant homozygous)
Let b represent blue eyes (parent is recessive homozygous)
Parent phenotypes?
Parent genotypes?
F1 genotype?
F1 phenotype?
Let B represent brown eyes. (parent is dominant homozygous)
Let b represent blue eyes (parent is recessive homozygous)
Parent phenotypes Brown eyes x Blue eyes
Parent genotype BB x bb
F1 genotype Bb
F1 phenotype Brown eye
Ratio 100%
b b
B Bb Bb
B Bb Bb
B b
Dihybrid Crosses
• Mendel
• Looked at pea plants
• Colour of seeds and round or wrinkled
• Colour of flowers and tall or short
• Dihybrid means showing two
characteristics in one genetic cross.
• Round seeds are dominant over wrinkled
• Yellow seeds are dominant over green
• Let the dominent allele for shape be?
• Let the recessive allele for shape be?
• Let the dominant allele for colour be?
• Let the recessive allele for colour be?
• Purple stem is dominant over green stem
• cut leaves is dominant over potatoleaves
• Let the dominent allele for shape be?
• Let the recessive allele for shape be?
• Let the dominant allele for colour be?
• Let the recessive allele for colour be?
Both parents are
• Parent Phenotypes
• Parent Genotype
• Gametes?
(there are four
• Parent Phenotypes?
• Parent Genotype (pure breeding)?
• Gametes?
(there are four
• F1 genotype (see punnett square)
• F1 phenotype
Monohybrid phenotype outcomes
• 4 : 0 homozygous dominant crossed with
homozygous recessive
or homozygous dominant crossed with
• 3 : 1 heterozygous crossed with heterozygous
• 1 : 1 homozygous recessive crossed with
• Codominance – heterozygous cross
heterozygous 1 : 2 : 1
• If both alleles show in the phenotype in the
heterozygous condition this is called
• Eg. Red and white alleles make pink.
• Still use one letter though.
• RR is red, rr is white, Rr is pink
• Main example is blood groups
Sex Linkage
• When genes are located on the either the X
chromosome or Y chromosome they are said to
be sex linked.
• Eg. Ability to see particular colours and blood
• These are both found on the X chromosome.
• Therefore a recessive allele will be more likely to
show in a male than in a female. As there is no
other X chromosome to mask it.
• When blood does not clot normally.
• Sex-linked character caused by a recessive
allele carried on the X chromosome.
• If the male has the recessive allele then he has
the disease.
• The female only gets the disease if she inherits
two recessive alleles.
• If the female is heterozygous she is known as a
Let Xh represent haemophiliac
Let XH represent normal clotting
• Parent Phenotype
• Parent Genotype
• Gametes
Test cross
• If we don’t know the genotype of an
individual but we can find out by doing a
test cross.
• This is a cross with a homozygous
recessive individual.
Let T represent tall
Let t represent dwarf
• Parent phenotype Tall Dwarf
• Parent genotype TT tt
• Gametes
Chi – squared Test
• To see if there is a difference between
numbers observed in an experiment and
the numbers given in an hypothesis.
• And if that difference is real or if it is due to
chance or sampling error.
• Chi-squared =
• probability of 0.05 means that we would expect these
differences to occur in five out of every 100 experiments, or one
in 20, just by chance.
• A probability of 0.01 means that we would expect these
differences to occur in one out of every 100 experiments, just
by chance.
• In biological experiments, we usually take a probability of 0.05
as being the critical one.
• If our χ2 value represents a probability of 0.05 or larger, then
we can be fairly certain that the differences between our
observed and expected results are due to chance – the
differences between them are not significant.
• However, if the probability is smaller than 0.05, then it is likely
that the difference is significant, and we must reconsider our
assumptions about what was going on in the cross
• To work out the number of degrees of
freedom, simply calculate the number of
classes of data minus 1.
• Here we have four classes of data (the
four possible sets of phenotypes), so the
degrees of freedom are: 4 − 1 = 3.
• find the χ2 value that represents a
probability of 0.05.
• You can see that this is 7.82. Our
calculated value of χ2 was 0.79. So our
value is a much, much smaller value than
the one we have read from the table.
• Null hypothesis – where we assume there
is no difference between the expected and
the observed.
• Which means our hypothesis (genetic
diagram) will be backed up by actual
results if we did the experiment.
• Eg. If we said there should be a 3:1 ratio
then the actual result will be 9 white
rabbits and 3 pink ones.
• To calculate the chi-squared value
• first determine the number expected in
each category.
• If the ratio is 3:1 and the total number of
observed individuals is 880, then
the expected numerical values should be
660 white and 220 pink.
• Say that the actual cross between two
rabbits yields a population of 880 rabbitss,
639 with white fur and 241 with pink fur.
• Now plug it into the equation:
• The chi-squared value will be changed into
a probability value using a chi-squared
• The table contains degrees of freedom.
• Degrees of freedom ≡ mathematical term
relating to the number of free variables in
the system. It is always (n – 1).
• n is the number of categories or
phenotypes in a given example. In our
example 2 (white and pink) therefore
degrees of freedom would be 2 – 1 = 1
• Use the chi-square distribution table to
determine significance of the value.
a) Determine degrees of freedom and
locate the value in the appropriate column.
b) Locate the value closest to your
calculated chi-squared value on that
degrees of freedom row.
• Move up the column to determine the p
• Probability value means the probability that our
observed will match up to our expected every
time we do the practical.
• State your conclusion in terms of your
• If the p value is p > 0.05, accept your
– 'The deviation is small enough that chance alone
accounts for it. A p value of 0.6, for example, means
that there is a 60% probability that any deviation from
expected is due to chance only. This is within the
range of acceptable deviation.
• If the p value is p < 0.05, reject your hypothesis,
– conclude that some factor other than chance is
operating for the deviation to be so great. For
example, a p value of 0.01 means that there is only a
1% chance that this deviation is due to chance alone.
Therefore, other factors must be involved.
• So bigger than 0.05 backs the null
• Smaller than 0.05 means there is a
significant difference between the
hypothesis and the actual results so chuck
your hypothesis out and start again.
• Eg. Pg 233 and 235
• Phenotype results from the interaction between
the genotype and the environment.
• The genotype determines the potential of an
individual but the environment determines to
what extent that potential is fulfilled.
• Divided into
– Discontinuous – usually genetic only with an either or
outcome. Distinct groups.
– Continuous – environmental effects come in to play.
Groups merge in to one another.
Mutation and phenotype
• Gene mutation is a change in the base
sequence of DNA
• Alters primary structure of proteins
– Substitution - one base is swopped for
– Deletion – one base is removed
– Insertion – one base is added
– Duplication – one or more bases are repeated
– Inversion – a sequence of bases is reversed
• Sickle-cell anaemia – base substitution
• Normal haemoglobin is:
– Val – His – Leu – Thr – Pro – Glu – Glu – Lys
• Sickle-cell is:
– Val – His - Leu – Thr – Pro – Val – Glu – Lys
Valine is non-polar and hydrophobic
In low oxygen concentrations haemoglobin becomes
less soluble and crystallises
Sticky fibres then distort the red blood cell shape.
• Cystic fibrosis
– Recessive mutation on chromosome 7
• Normal gene codes for a chloride channel
protein called CFTR
• In cystic fibrosis sufferers channel defective.
• Result –
– as chloride ions do not flow out
– sodium ions rush in to balance charge and this
prevents water leaving the cell
– Mucus becomes thick and sticky.
– Affects lungs, pancreas, liver
– Mucus clogs ducts and passages
• Down’s syndrome
– Chromosome mutation on 21
• Sufferers have 47 chromosomes instead
of 46 as there is an extra copy of 21.
• Called trisomy
• Symptoms
– Mental retardation
– Short stature
– heart defects
– Coarse hair
• A mutation in the gene for the enzyme
tyrosinase results in either the absence of
tyrosinase or the presence of inactive
tyrosinase in the cells responsible for melanin
Tyrosine cannot be converted into DOPA and
• tyrosine → DOPA → dopaquinone → melanin
Huntington’s disease
• Dominant allele
• HD is a neurological disorder resulting in
involuntary movements (chorea) and
progressive mental deterioration.
• Brain cells are lost and the ventricles of
the brain become larger.
• The age of onset is variable, but occurs
most commonly in middle age.
• The mutation is an unstable segment in a gene
on chromosome 4 coding for a protein,
• In people who do not have HD, the segment is
made up of a small number of repeats of the
triplet of bases CAG.
• People with HD have a larger number of repeats
of the CAG triplet. This is called a ‘stutter’.
• There is a rough inverse correlation between the
number of times the triplet of bases is repeated
and the age of onset of the condition: the more
stutters, the earlier the condition appears.
Mutation in the gene for the enzyme tyrosinase
either the absence of tyrosinase or the presence of
inactive tyrosinase
the first two steps of the conversion of the amino acid,
tyrosine into melanin cannot take place.
Tyrosine cannot be converted into DOPA and dopaquinone.
Gene control in prokaryotes
• Transcription
• Controlled by transcription factors
– These are proteins that bind to a specific DNA
sequence and control the flow of information
from DNA to RNA by controlling the formation
of mRNA.
• Structural Genes - that code for proteins
required by a cell
• Regulatory Genes - that code for proteins that
regulate the expression of other genes.
• The synthesis of a repressible enzyme can be
prevented by binding a repressor protein to a
specific site, called an operator, on a bacterium’s
• The synthesis of an inducible enzyme occurs
only when its substrate is present.
• Transcription of the gene occurs as a result of
the inducer (the enzyme’s substrate) interacting
with the protein produced by the regulatory gene.
• An operon is a length of DNA making up a
unit of gene expression in a bacterium.
• It consists of one or more structural genes
and also control regions of DNA that are
recognised by the products of regulatory
• The different roles of structural and
regulatory genes can be seen by looking
at the control of gene expression in a
prokaryote using the lac operon.
• lacZ, coding for β-galactosidase
• lacY, coding for permease (which allows
lactose to enter the cell)
• lacA, coding for transacetylase.
No Lactose in the medium
• the regulatory gene codes for a protein
called a repressor
• the repressor binds to the operator region,
close to the gene for β-galactosidase
• in the presence of bound repressor at the
operator, RNA polymerase cannot bind to
DNA at the promoter region
• no transcription of the three structural
genes can take place.
Lactose in the medium
• Lactose binds to the repressor protein
• Alters its shape
• Prevents repressor protein binding to the
operator region
• RNA polymerase can bind to the promoter
and the structural genes can be
• Lactase is made
• the number of diff erent proteins that act
as transcription factors increases with
increasing size of the genome.
• Th is means that eukaryotes have many
more ways of regulating gene expression
than have prokaryotes.
• General transcription factors are
necessary for transcription to occur.
• They form part of the protein complex that
binds to the promoter region of the gene
• Other factors activate appropriate genes in
sequence, allowing the correct pattern of
development of body regions.
• A transcription factor is responsible for the
determination of sex in mammals.
• Transcription factors allow responses to
environmental stimuli, such as switching
on the correct genes to respond to high
environmental temperatures.
• Some transcription factors, including the
products of proto-oncogenes and tumour
suppressor genes, regulate the cell cycle,
growth and apoptosis (programmed cell
• Hormones have their effect through
transcription factors.
• The plant hormone, gibberellin, controls
seed germination in plants such as wheat
and barley by stimulating the synthesis of
• It is a good example of how a hormone
can influence transcription.
• It has been shown that, in barley seeds,
application of gibberellin causes an
increase in the transcription of mRNA
coding for amylase.
• Gibberellin causes breakdown of DELLA proteins .
• A DELLA protein inhibits the binding of a transcription factor, such as
phytochrome interacting protein (PIF), to a gene promoter.
• By causing the breakdown of the DELLA protein, gibberellin allows PIF to
bind to its target promoter.
• Transcription of the gene can then take place, resulting in an increase in
amylase production.
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Module 4: Mendelian Genetics and Punnett Square
Module 4:  Mendelian Genetics and Punnett SquareModule 4:  Mendelian Genetics and Punnett Square
Module 4: Mendelian Genetics and Punnett Square

Inheritance, selection and evolution.pptx

  • 2.
  • 3. OBJECTIVE • explain what is meant by homologous pairs of chromosomes • explain the meanings of the terms haploid and diploid and the need for a reduction division (meiosis) prior to fertilisation in sexual reproduction • Outline the role of meiosis in gametogenesis in humans and in the formation of pollen grains and embryo sacs in flowering plants • describe, with the aid of photomicrographs and diagrams, the behaviour of chromosomes in plant and animal cells during meiosis, and the associated behaviour of the nuclear envelope, cell surface membrane and the spindle • explain how crossing over and random assortment of homologous chromosomes during meiosis and random fusion of gametes at fertilisation lead to genetic variation including the expression of rare, recessive alleles
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  • 8. • Diploid organisms contain pairs of homologous chromosomes. • Homologous chromosomes: – a pair of chromosomes in a diploid cell – same structure, genes, loci – pair together to form bivalent during the first division of meiosis
  • 9. • Haploid: possesses 1 complete set of chromosomes: n • Diploid: possesses 2 complete sets of chromosomes: 2n • Meiosis: reduction division • introduces genetic variation mutation
  • 10. Life cycle of an animal
  • 12. Meiosis • Used in sexual reproduction to allow for variation. • Homologous chromosome – chromosomes that have the same genes but not the same alleles. One from mum and one from dad. • Bivalent – when the homologous chromosomes have replicated they join together by a chiasma and this forms a bivalent made of 4 chromatids. • Crossing over – the non-sister chromatids that lie next to each other in the bivalent may join temporarily and then break off swopping some of their genetic information.
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  • 15. Variation • Due to: – Crossing over of non-sister chromatids in the bivalent – Independent Assortment of bivalents and sister chromotids during metaphase I and II – Random fertilisation
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  • 22. OBJECTIVE • explain what is meant by homologous pairs of chromosomes • explain the meanings of the terms haploid and diploid and the need for a reduction division (meiosis) prior to fertilisation in sexual reproduction • Outline the role of meiosis in gametogenesis in humans and in the formation of pollen grains and embryo sacs in flowering plants • describe, with the aid of photomicrographs and diagrams, the behaviour of chromosomes in plant and animal cells during meiosis, and the associated behaviour of the nuclear envelope, cell surface membrane and the spindle • explain how crossing over and random assortment of homologous chromosomes during meiosis and random fusion of gametes at fertilisation lead to genetic variation including the expression of rare, recessive alleles
  • 23. How meiosis causes variation Crossing over: prophase of meoisis I chromatids of 2 homologous chromosomes break and rejoin --> part of one chromatid swaps places with the same part of the other chiasmata: point where crossing over occurs Recombinant organisms result from crossing over and so 'recombines' the characteristics of the parent organisms. The cross over value is the percentage of offspring that belong to the recombinant class.
  • 24. Independent assortment: random alignment of bivalents on the equator during meiosis I different alleles of genes on different chromosomes may end up in any combination in gametes
  • 26. • Studies of human genetic conditions have revealed the links between genes, enzymes and the phenotypes
  • 27.
  • 28. Definitions • gene: length of DNA that codes for a particular protein/polypeptide • locus: position at which a particular gene is found on a particular chromosome; same gene on same locus • • allele: particular variety of a gene • • dominant: the allele whose effect on the phenotype of a heterozygote is identical to its effect on a homozygote • recessive: the allele that is only expressed when no dominant allele is present
  • 29. • codominant: alleles that both have an effect on the phenotype of a heterozygous organism • linkage: the presence of 2 genes on the same chromosome so that they tend to be inherited together and do not assort independently • • test cross: a genetic cross in which an organsim showing a characteristic caused by a dominant allele is corssed with an organism that is homozygous recessive --> phenotype of offspring is a guide to whether the 1st organism is homozygous or heterozygous
  • 30. • F1: generation of offspring produced from homozygous dominant x homozygous recessive genotype • F2: generation of offspring produced from cross between 2 F1 organisms • phenotype: organisms' characteristics; often resulting from an interaction between its genotype and the environment • genotype: alleles possessed by an organism
  • 31. Monohybrid crosses • Genetic crosses that involve just one gene. • Eg. Eye colour
  • 32. Let B represent brown eyes. (parent is dominant homozygous) Let b represent blue eyes (parent is recessive homozygous) Parent phenotypes? Parent genotypes? Gametes? F1 genotype? F1 phenotype? Ratio?
  • 33. Let B represent brown eyes. (parent is dominant homozygous) Let b represent blue eyes (parent is recessive homozygous) Parent phenotypes Brown eyes x Blue eyes Parent genotype BB x bb Gametes? F1 genotype Bb F1 phenotype Brown eye Ratio 100% b b B Bb Bb B Bb Bb B b
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  • 36. Dihybrid Crosses • Mendel • Looked at pea plants • Colour of seeds and round or wrinkled • Colour of flowers and tall or short • Dihybrid means showing two characteristics in one genetic cross.
  • 37. • Round seeds are dominant over wrinkled seeds • Yellow seeds are dominant over green seeds • Let the dominent allele for shape be? • Let the recessive allele for shape be? • Let the dominant allele for colour be? • Let the recessive allele for colour be? R r Y y
  • 38. • Purple stem is dominant over green stem • cut leaves is dominant over potatoleaves • Let the dominent allele for shape be? • Let the recessive allele for shape be? • Let the dominant allele for colour be? • Let the recessive allele for colour be?
  • 40. • Parent Phenotypes • Parent Genotype • Gametes? (there are four Possible)
  • 41. • Parent Phenotypes? • Parent Genotype (pure breeding)? • Gametes? (there are four Possible)
  • 42. • F1 genotype (see punnett square) • F1 phenotype
  • 43. Monohybrid phenotype outcomes • 4 : 0 homozygous dominant crossed with homozygous recessive or homozygous dominant crossed with heterozygous • 3 : 1 heterozygous crossed with heterozygous • 1 : 1 homozygous recessive crossed with heterozygous • Codominance – heterozygous cross heterozygous 1 : 2 : 1
  • 44. Codominance • If both alleles show in the phenotype in the heterozygous condition this is called codominance. • Eg. Red and white alleles make pink. • Still use one letter though. • RR is red, rr is white, Rr is pink • Main example is blood groups
  • 46. Sex Linkage • When genes are located on the either the X chromosome or Y chromosome they are said to be sex linked. • Eg. Ability to see particular colours and blood clotting. • These are both found on the X chromosome. • Therefore a recessive allele will be more likely to show in a male than in a female. As there is no other X chromosome to mask it.
  • 47. Haemophilia • When blood does not clot normally. • Sex-linked character caused by a recessive allele carried on the X chromosome. • If the male has the recessive allele then he has the disease. • The female only gets the disease if she inherits two recessive alleles. • If the female is heterozygous she is known as a carrier.
  • 48. Let Xh represent haemophiliac Let XH represent normal clotting • Parent Phenotype • Parent Genotype • Gametes
  • 49. Test cross • If we don’t know the genotype of an individual but we can find out by doing a test cross. • This is a cross with a homozygous recessive individual.
  • 50. Let T represent tall Let t represent dwarf • Parent phenotype Tall Dwarf • Parent genotype TT tt • Gametes
  • 51. Chi – squared Test • To see if there is a difference between numbers observed in an experiment and the numbers given in an hypothesis. • And if that difference is real or if it is due to chance or sampling error. • Chi-squared =
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  • 57. • probability of 0.05 means that we would expect these differences to occur in five out of every 100 experiments, or one in 20, just by chance. • A probability of 0.01 means that we would expect these differences to occur in one out of every 100 experiments, just by chance. • In biological experiments, we usually take a probability of 0.05 as being the critical one. • If our χ2 value represents a probability of 0.05 or larger, then we can be fairly certain that the differences between our observed and expected results are due to chance – the differences between them are not significant. • However, if the probability is smaller than 0.05, then it is likely that the difference is significant, and we must reconsider our assumptions about what was going on in the cross
  • 58.
  • 59. • To work out the number of degrees of freedom, simply calculate the number of classes of data minus 1. • Here we have four classes of data (the four possible sets of phenotypes), so the degrees of freedom are: 4 − 1 = 3.
  • 60. • find the χ2 value that represents a probability of 0.05. • You can see that this is 7.82. Our calculated value of χ2 was 0.79. So our value is a much, much smaller value than the one we have read from the table.
  • 61. • Null hypothesis – where we assume there is no difference between the expected and the observed. • Which means our hypothesis (genetic diagram) will be backed up by actual results if we did the experiment. • Eg. If we said there should be a 3:1 ratio then the actual result will be 9 white rabbits and 3 pink ones.
  • 62. • To calculate the chi-squared value • first determine the number expected in each category. • If the ratio is 3:1 and the total number of observed individuals is 880, then the expected numerical values should be 660 white and 220 pink.
  • 63. • Say that the actual cross between two rabbits yields a population of 880 rabbitss, 639 with white fur and 241 with pink fur. • Now plug it into the equation:
  • 64. • The chi-squared value will be changed into a probability value using a chi-squared table. • The table contains degrees of freedom. • Degrees of freedom ≡ mathematical term relating to the number of free variables in the system. It is always (n – 1). • n is the number of categories or phenotypes in a given example. In our example 2 (white and pink) therefore degrees of freedom would be 2 – 1 = 1
  • 65.
  • 66. • Use the chi-square distribution table to determine significance of the value. a) Determine degrees of freedom and locate the value in the appropriate column. b) Locate the value closest to your calculated chi-squared value on that degrees of freedom row. • Move up the column to determine the p value.
  • 67. • Probability value means the probability that our observed will match up to our expected every time we do the practical. • State your conclusion in terms of your hypothesis. • If the p value is p > 0.05, accept your hypothesis. – 'The deviation is small enough that chance alone accounts for it. A p value of 0.6, for example, means that there is a 60% probability that any deviation from expected is due to chance only. This is within the range of acceptable deviation. • If the p value is p < 0.05, reject your hypothesis, – conclude that some factor other than chance is operating for the deviation to be so great. For example, a p value of 0.01 means that there is only a 1% chance that this deviation is due to chance alone. Therefore, other factors must be involved.
  • 68. • So bigger than 0.05 backs the null hypothesis. • Smaller than 0.05 means there is a significant difference between the hypothesis and the actual results so chuck your hypothesis out and start again. • Eg. Pg 233 and 235
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  • 73. Variation • Phenotype results from the interaction between the genotype and the environment. • The genotype determines the potential of an individual but the environment determines to what extent that potential is fulfilled. • Divided into – Discontinuous – usually genetic only with an either or outcome. Distinct groups. – Continuous – environmental effects come in to play. Groups merge in to one another.
  • 74. Mutation and phenotype • Gene mutation is a change in the base sequence of DNA • Alters primary structure of proteins – Substitution - one base is swopped for another – Deletion – one base is removed – Insertion – one base is added – Duplication – one or more bases are repeated – Inversion – a sequence of bases is reversed
  • 75. examples • Sickle-cell anaemia – base substitution • Normal haemoglobin is: – Val – His – Leu – Thr – Pro – Glu – Glu – Lys • Sickle-cell is: – Val – His - Leu – Thr – Pro – Val – Glu – Lys Valine is non-polar and hydrophobic In low oxygen concentrations haemoglobin becomes less soluble and crystallises Sticky fibres then distort the red blood cell shape.
  • 76. • Cystic fibrosis – Recessive mutation on chromosome 7 • Normal gene codes for a chloride channel protein called CFTR • In cystic fibrosis sufferers channel defective. • Result – – as chloride ions do not flow out – sodium ions rush in to balance charge and this prevents water leaving the cell – Mucus becomes thick and sticky. – Affects lungs, pancreas, liver – Mucus clogs ducts and passages
  • 77. • Down’s syndrome – Chromosome mutation on 21 • Sufferers have 47 chromosomes instead of 46 as there is an extra copy of 21. • Called trisomy • Symptoms – Mental retardation – Short stature – heart defects – Coarse hair
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  • 79. Albinism • A mutation in the gene for the enzyme tyrosinase results in either the absence of tyrosinase or the presence of inactive tyrosinase in the cells responsible for melanin production. Tyrosine cannot be converted into DOPA and dopaquinone. (tyrosinase) • tyrosine → DOPA → dopaquinone → melanin
  • 80. Huntington’s disease • Dominant allele • HD is a neurological disorder resulting in involuntary movements (chorea) and progressive mental deterioration. • Brain cells are lost and the ventricles of the brain become larger. • The age of onset is variable, but occurs most commonly in middle age.
  • 81. • The mutation is an unstable segment in a gene on chromosome 4 coding for a protein, huntingtin. • In people who do not have HD, the segment is made up of a small number of repeats of the triplet of bases CAG. • People with HD have a larger number of repeats of the CAG triplet. This is called a ‘stutter’. • There is a rough inverse correlation between the number of times the triplet of bases is repeated and the age of onset of the condition: the more stutters, the earlier the condition appears.
  • 82. Mutation in the gene for the enzyme tyrosinase either the absence of tyrosinase or the presence of inactive tyrosinase the first two steps of the conversion of the amino acid, tyrosine into melanin cannot take place. Tyrosine cannot be converted into DOPA and dopaquinone.
  • 83. Gene control in prokaryotes • Transcription • Controlled by transcription factors – These are proteins that bind to a specific DNA sequence and control the flow of information from DNA to RNA by controlling the formation of mRNA.
  • 84. • Structural Genes - that code for proteins required by a cell • Regulatory Genes - that code for proteins that regulate the expression of other genes. • The synthesis of a repressible enzyme can be prevented by binding a repressor protein to a specific site, called an operator, on a bacterium’s DNA. • The synthesis of an inducible enzyme occurs only when its substrate is present. • Transcription of the gene occurs as a result of the inducer (the enzyme’s substrate) interacting with the protein produced by the regulatory gene.
  • 85. Operon • An operon is a length of DNA making up a unit of gene expression in a bacterium. • It consists of one or more structural genes and also control regions of DNA that are recognised by the products of regulatory genes. • The different roles of structural and regulatory genes can be seen by looking at the control of gene expression in a prokaryote using the lac operon.
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  • 89. • lacZ, coding for β-galactosidase • lacY, coding for permease (which allows lactose to enter the cell) • lacA, coding for transacetylase.
  • 90. No Lactose in the medium • the regulatory gene codes for a protein called a repressor • the repressor binds to the operator region, close to the gene for β-galactosidase • in the presence of bound repressor at the operator, RNA polymerase cannot bind to DNA at the promoter region • no transcription of the three structural genes can take place.
  • 91. Lactose in the medium • Lactose binds to the repressor protein • Alters its shape • Prevents repressor protein binding to the operator region • RNA polymerase can bind to the promoter and the structural genes can be transcribed. • Lactase is made
  • 92. Eukaryotes • the number of diff erent proteins that act as transcription factors increases with increasing size of the genome. • Th is means that eukaryotes have many more ways of regulating gene expression than have prokaryotes.
  • 93. • General transcription factors are necessary for transcription to occur. • They form part of the protein complex that binds to the promoter region of the gene concerned. • Other factors activate appropriate genes in sequence, allowing the correct pattern of development of body regions.
  • 94. • A transcription factor is responsible for the determination of sex in mammals. • Transcription factors allow responses to environmental stimuli, such as switching on the correct genes to respond to high environmental temperatures. • Some transcription factors, including the products of proto-oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, regulate the cell cycle, growth and apoptosis (programmed cell death). • Hormones have their effect through transcription factors.
  • 95. Gibberellin • The plant hormone, gibberellin, controls seed germination in plants such as wheat and barley by stimulating the synthesis of amylase. • It is a good example of how a hormone can influence transcription. • It has been shown that, in barley seeds, application of gibberellin causes an increase in the transcription of mRNA coding for amylase.
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  • 97. • Gibberellin causes breakdown of DELLA proteins . • A DELLA protein inhibits the binding of a transcription factor, such as phytochrome interacting protein (PIF), to a gene promoter. • By causing the breakdown of the DELLA protein, gibberellin allows PIF to bind to its target promoter. • Transcription of the gene can then take place, resulting in an increase in amylase production.