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Information Technology Planning
Course Name: Information Technology Planning
Course Code: COMP 1647
Due Date: 1 Nov 2018
Centre: KMD Institute (Yangon, Myanmar)
Words used: (2828) words
Information Technology Planning
Table of Contents
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Issues.....................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Move forward ........................................................................................................................4
2. Strategic Evaluation.....................................................................................................................5
2.1 SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................................................5
3. Impact of IS ...................................................................................................................................7
3.1 Major system.........................................................................................................................7
3.2 Comparison to the information needs between Managing Director and Hotel
3.3 Biggest organizational changes.........................................................................................9
3.4 Outsourcing.........................................................................................................................10
3.5 Disaster Recovery..............................................................................................................11
3.6 Persuade the Managing Director.....................................................................................12
Bibliography ..........................................................................................................................................12
Information Technology Planning
1. Introduction
In Scenario, Grunge Hotel Group’s vision is that it should become the number one hotel in
UK with the cheapest possible prices offers basic accommodation.
1.1 Issues
Decrease employees
Most of the Grunge hotel employees are Eastern Europeans. UK has opted out of the
European Union. And as part of its mandate all European citizens without a U.K passport will
be forced to leave the country. So most of the hotel employees can decrease.
Hard to find unemployed
The new government has appalled many people by giving a free week’s holiday at a
good quality hotel. Some rich residents are helping with this plan by including Russian
Oligarch who has committed $500 million to this plan.
Work with school leavers
The new government changed policy. They decided to refocus schools away from
academia and promote trades. The Grunge Hotel Group expect to target school leavers with
the potential to be a good tradesperson to join their company. They will accept pay levels on
a par to Eastern Europeans. They have no experience and the hotel can get damage and
Now the hotel recording bookings with manually that can only be taken over the
phone. It can be duplicated with the booking records.
Financial Transactions
All financial transactions are processed manually with accounts books kept up to
date by clerks who have to send details to Head Office on a daily basis. This can be made
mistake because there are many income and outcome history. They can be complicated and
make mistake.
Cost money high
The hotel doesn’t have staff who have no appropriate qualifications to keep costs
down. The lack of IT systems, they cost will rise to charge more for people to stay at hotels.
Information Technology Planning
Weather disease
The heavy rain made the leave of water become high in the autumn of 2000. And
during the summer of 2008, there has thunderstorms.
Mind set of managers
Some managers don’t want to change the way that they doing now. And as for using
I.T systems. Some managers disagree with the idea of changing system.
1.2 Move forward
Change to IT system for booking
Change the system of booking from manually to IT system. If the hotel change to IT
booking system, there will be less rooms duplication and customers can book online. They
don’t need to call reception to make reservation rooms.
Change to IT system for financial transactions
If the hotel change IT system for financial transactions, they can get better report and
accurate income and outcome. They can get exact record about financial transactions.
Make sure to keep the skillful employees
A recent change of government, people who don’t have UK passport will be forced to
leave the country. So the hotel needs to help them to get UK passport to keep them in the
hotel. Because they know about hotel very well and skillful.
Give training to school leavers
Give training to school leavers because they don’t have any experience about the
work. If the hotel gives training to them, the damage will be less and benefit will be more.
Hire professional external auditors
Clerks of hotel can’t make the details of transactions accurately. So the Managing
Director don’t know about the employing finance also. If the hotel hire professional external
auditor, they can get accurate report for finance.
Information Technology Planning
2. Strategic Evaluation
2.1 SWOT Analysis
Good ratings on websites
Grunge Hotel Group has good ratings on websites that produce reports on hotels.
Good recommendation about hotel
Some medical professionals often recommend this hotel group to those patients that
need a break from everyday life but do not have much spare cash.
Have skillful employees
Many of the Grunge hotel employees are highly skilled in renovating properties,
accept rates of pay below the market average and work very diligently.
Lack of IT system
For booking and financial transactions, the hotel using manually system. It cause a
lot of mistakes and damage.
Decrease in number of employees
Due to a change of government, most of skillful employees will leave the country
because they don’t have UK passport.
Take bookings on phone
Taking all bookings on phone and make the record with manual system can become
complicated and can occur errors.
Get more properties
Action of jointly by government agencies and the police have been cleared over 200
properties by an anarchist group’s members. They put an auction for the properties at very
low prices. Grunge Hotel Group can get properties in very low prices at auction.
Information Technology Planning
Build more branches of hotel
Grunge Hotel Group can buy properties in very low prices. And they can build
branches of hotel. So it can get more customers and income.
Get more customers
Grunge Hotel Group has already good ratings on websites. And get recommendation
from medical professionals. So they already have positive side to customers.
Lack of IT system
If they don’t change from manually system to IT system, there will be a lot of damage
and loss will be increased.
Less skillful employees
Most of skillful employees need to leave to country due to government change. The
hotel will be in trouble with school leavers instead of skillful employees.
Weather changes
The Head office has servers originally but due to the weather disease they all are
destroyed. If they don’t have another plan for weather changes, they can get same damage
for changing to IT system again.
Information Technology Planning
3. Impact of IS
3.1 Major system
Online Hotel Booking and financial transactions management
Now, the hotel receives bookings on phone and makes a record with manual system.
Making record with manual system is the worst because staffs who receive the bookings
need to memorize all rooms in hotels and remember which rooms are taken or free and
need to manage the rooms when customers make bookings. That can occur errors like
duplicated bookings, forget to free rooms, lost bookings data paper and give wrong room.
The hotel needs to change the manual system to computerized system to solve problems. In
this system, staffs can control bookings from online, show available rooms to customers,
manage all rooms which rooms are taken or free and all data can save easily. And
customers can make bookings from online and choose rooms as their taste, can choose
rooms from available rooms as customers like. This system needs to give the report of
bookings, income and outcome history, customer check-in and check-out. When customer
makes booking, the payments also follow after choosing rooms step.
The hotel use financial management with manual system also. That can also occur
errors like income and outcome data can wrong because when staffs write down numbers in
paper, can be wrong sometimes can’t accurate. Financial management also need to change
to computerized system. This system will save income and outcome data accurately.
Customers can pay the hotels fees online when making booking at same time. Customers
can choose rooms with affordable price and can make payment. Staffs can know which
customers already give money or not.
Information Technology Planning
3.2 Comparison to the information needs between Managing Director
and Hotel Managers
Managing Director Hotel Managers
1. Needs to know monthly income and
1. Needs to know daily income and outcome
2. Needs to know which hotels have the
highest income monthly
2. Needs to know which week has the
highest income
3. Report of monthly profit and loss of all
3. Report of profit and loss weekly
4. Report of every hotels progress 4. Report of every departments progress
5. what type of customers stay for long time 5. complaints and feedbacks from customers
6. Customer check-in and check-out from all
6. Customer check-in and check-out daily
Managing Director needs to know monthly income and outcome to manage the
financial transaction of all hotels. And which hotels have the highest income monthly to focus
the services of this hotel. Report of monthly profit and loss of all hotels is to discover which
hotel needs what kinds of needs. Report of every hotels progress is to know which hotels
have problems. Report of what type of customers stay for long time is to change the
decoration to the customers. Customer check-in and check-out from all hotels for analyzing
how long they stay at hotels.
Hotel Managers needs to know daily income and outcome to make a report to Head
Office. And need to know which week has the highest income to analyze the financial
transaction. Report of profit and loss weekly is to make the report of financial transaction.
Report of every department progress is to know which department lack service. Complaints
and feedbacks from customers is to fix the lack things for better feedbacks.
Information Technology Planning
3.3 Biggest organizational changes
When new system launched, the organization will face with problems which it must
overcome. Because this changing system is change the system from manual system to
computerized system. Grunge hotel is going to use IT system in some process. There will be
some biggest organizational changes like employee’ training, lack employee in IT
department, etc.
The first change of organization is organizational structure because positions of staffs
will be change according to system change. The hotel used manual system to take bookings
and financial records. Now Grunge hotel change the system to IT system where taking
bookings and making financial record. For the new system, staffs who understand IT will
need to manage the new system. So the staffs from the manual system management team
will disband to get the staffs for new system.
The second change of organization is people because staffs who don’t know about IT
need to train for new system. Grunge hotel won’t fire the staffs from manual system
management team. Those staffs will get training for new system until staffs can handle and
manage the new system.
The third change of organization is knowledge because some staffs don’t have the
knowledge of IT. So staffs can’t use to IT system changes. So staffs need to study to get
knowledge of IT not to lose their jobs. If staffs don’t want to lose jobs, staffs need to study
because Grunge hotel change the system to IT system. Grunge hotel need to give help to
those staffs because these staffs already used to the managing system of the hotel.
The fourth change of organization is policies and legal agreements because the
system change to IT system and customer can make bookings from online. And they fill their
information to confirm the bookings. So the hotel needs to manage carefully not to leak
customer information. If some information of customers leak, the hotel need to solve with
The last change of organization will be giving new position to hotel staffs because of
system changes some department will disappear and some new department will create. So
staffs will get new position according to their knowledge, abilities and experience.
Information Technology Planning
3.4 Outsourcing
According to the scenario, Grunge hotels are 1 star hotel. So the hotel doesn’t have
enough resources to change the system. The hotels have already faced with difficulties with
the current way of working such as take booking over the phone and keep financial data
wrongly. So the managing director wants to change the system to IT system for organization.
But changing to IT system cost a lot and need to worry about the budget of hotel. Changing
IT system for 43 hotels is not easy. So, organization needs to outsource IT system because
the hotels don’t have IT technician and staffs who have knowledge about IT. Hiring IT
technicians who can develop new IT system for hotels will cost more than outsourcing to
professional company. This may cause to the financial team because they don’t have
enough budgets or other problems. If hire IT technicians to develop IT system, the
management team will have difficulties to manage IT technicians because they don’t have
staffs who have IT knowledge. So management team can get overload of work to handle.
And if the hotel costs a lot for new system, it can destroy the vision of hotel that becomes the
number one hotel in UK with cheapest prices for accommodation.
There is no perfect in IT system, they always have the needs even though well-
developed. IT system always needs maintenance for update information and better
performance. For changing system, Hiring IT experts to develop the new system for some
period will also cost a lot. So, the hotel will outsource some required services and
maintenance for IT system and done within three months or six months. It can save costs
and overload for management team and easier. That can help the hotel to be the number
one hotel in UK which offers accommodation at the cheapest prices.
Information Technology Planning
3.5 Disaster Recovery
There are many types of disaster such as flood, fire, hurricane, storm, human attacks
and earthquake. According to the case study, flooding can occur anytime. The organization
can’t forecast the disaster before happening. The disaster can be high or low but the
organization need to make the recovery plan before happening. That way will be helpful for
For having a successful disaster recovery plan, the organization needs to make the
plan before disaster happening. In the plan, the organization needs to make having enough
resources and need to consider about the budgets also. Need to make a planning committee.
The planning committee needs to have functional of the organization. And the planning
committee needs to define the detailed plan. The organization and planning committee
needs to consider about risk situations. And they need to think about risk analysis and plan
for risk situations. Because anytime can occur natural disasters or human made disasters.
And have the backup data for all resource. After having all the plans for disaster, the
organization needs to test the plan for real time situations to ready.
For having at least in loss, the organization needs to report quickly during disaster
happening. And enforce to act according to the plan. The organization will contact the
emergency help from near Emergency Services Agency such as police, fire department and
etc. Before contacting to the IT professionals to make the data recovery, the employees
which responsible for IT department need to save the server to have less loss. And IT
professionals and responsible employees can recover the data completely.
(Disaster recovery plan, 2018)
Information Technology Planning
3.6 Persuade the Managing Director
The area is so wide if says IT systems are costs a lot for the organization. The
managing director of Grunge Hotel wants to change IT system for the hotels. And managing
director decided to change the system to IT system to fix the problems occurring in the
organization and to get more customers for the basic accommodation at hotels. The
managing director decided to have IT system for hotels, needs to persuade to invest for
required IT system in organization.
Changing IT system for 43 hotels is really needs to buy necessary equipment such
as computer accessories, network accessories and etc. The managing director needs to
make the list of necessary things and buy all them at the same time to get the reasonable
prices and have discount. So, the managing director can save costs. The budget for IT
developing and installation will not cost a lot because the same team will do everything and
install the system in 43 hotels. Train the employees on how to use the system according to
the roles of employees. That won’t cost a lot because the same team with development team
will train employees.
The current system of taking bookings over the phone make the customer annoyed
and they need to wait for the response. If the phone lines are busy, they need to wait to get
in line. If the system changes to IT system, customers can make bookings around the world
immediately and easily. And the employees can manage the bookings in easy way and can
send response message through the network if require. And recording financial data also
need to hire the external auditor to have more accurate data. Hiring the external auditor will
cost more. If the system changes, external auditor doesn’t need to hire. And the system will
make the financial transactions accurately. So, in the future it will save cost and have more
extra benefits.
In the current system, the hotels do everything in manual system. So, they need to
make the record with paper. For the data which need to keep for long time, data with paper
will use more paper and take place to keep and store the records. And keeping the paper
has a lot of work and can lose easily. With IT system, there’s no need more paper and
places to keep the paper. All data can save easily and specific data with this system.
In conclusion, with the new system all work can be done easily and accurately. The
organization can get benefits in the future. And it is the best way to invest in new system for
(Linkedin SlideShare, 2018)
Disaster recovery plan. (2018, October 28). Retrieved from Wikipedia:
Linkedin SlideShare. (2018, October 30). Retrieved from Linkedin SlideShare:

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Information Technology Planning

  • 1. Information Technology Planning 1 Course Name: Information Technology Planning Course Code: COMP 1647 Due Date: 1 Nov 2018 Centre: KMD Institute (Yangon, Myanmar) Words used: (2828) words
  • 2. Information Technology Planning 2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Issues.....................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Move forward ........................................................................................................................4 2. Strategic Evaluation.....................................................................................................................5 2.1 SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................................................5 3. Impact of IS ...................................................................................................................................7 3.1 Major system.........................................................................................................................7 3.2 Comparison to the information needs between Managing Director and Hotel Managers...........................................................................................................................................8 3.3 Biggest organizational changes.........................................................................................9 3.4 Outsourcing.........................................................................................................................10 3.5 Disaster Recovery..............................................................................................................11 3.6 Persuade the Managing Director.....................................................................................12 Bibliography ..........................................................................................................................................12
  • 3. Information Technology Planning 3 1. Introduction In Scenario, Grunge Hotel Group’s vision is that it should become the number one hotel in UK with the cheapest possible prices offers basic accommodation. 1.1 Issues Decrease employees Most of the Grunge hotel employees are Eastern Europeans. UK has opted out of the European Union. And as part of its mandate all European citizens without a U.K passport will be forced to leave the country. So most of the hotel employees can decrease. Hard to find unemployed The new government has appalled many people by giving a free week’s holiday at a good quality hotel. Some rich residents are helping with this plan by including Russian Oligarch who has committed $500 million to this plan. Work with school leavers The new government changed policy. They decided to refocus schools away from academia and promote trades. The Grunge Hotel Group expect to target school leavers with the potential to be a good tradesperson to join their company. They will accept pay levels on a par to Eastern Europeans. They have no experience and the hotel can get damage and loss. Booking Now the hotel recording bookings with manually that can only be taken over the phone. It can be duplicated with the booking records. Financial Transactions All financial transactions are processed manually with accounts books kept up to date by clerks who have to send details to Head Office on a daily basis. This can be made mistake because there are many income and outcome history. They can be complicated and make mistake. Cost money high The hotel doesn’t have staff who have no appropriate qualifications to keep costs down. The lack of IT systems, they cost will rise to charge more for people to stay at hotels.
  • 4. Information Technology Planning 4 Weather disease The heavy rain made the leave of water become high in the autumn of 2000. And during the summer of 2008, there has thunderstorms. Mind set of managers Some managers don’t want to change the way that they doing now. And as for using I.T systems. Some managers disagree with the idea of changing system. 1.2 Move forward Change to IT system for booking Change the system of booking from manually to IT system. If the hotel change to IT booking system, there will be less rooms duplication and customers can book online. They don’t need to call reception to make reservation rooms. Change to IT system for financial transactions If the hotel change IT system for financial transactions, they can get better report and accurate income and outcome. They can get exact record about financial transactions. Make sure to keep the skillful employees A recent change of government, people who don’t have UK passport will be forced to leave the country. So the hotel needs to help them to get UK passport to keep them in the hotel. Because they know about hotel very well and skillful. Give training to school leavers Give training to school leavers because they don’t have any experience about the work. If the hotel gives training to them, the damage will be less and benefit will be more. Hire professional external auditors Clerks of hotel can’t make the details of transactions accurately. So the Managing Director don’t know about the employing finance also. If the hotel hire professional external auditor, they can get accurate report for finance.
  • 5. Information Technology Planning 5 2. Strategic Evaluation 2.1 SWOT Analysis Strengths Good ratings on websites Grunge Hotel Group has good ratings on websites that produce reports on hotels. Good recommendation about hotel Some medical professionals often recommend this hotel group to those patients that need a break from everyday life but do not have much spare cash. Have skillful employees Many of the Grunge hotel employees are highly skilled in renovating properties, accept rates of pay below the market average and work very diligently. Weaknesses Lack of IT system For booking and financial transactions, the hotel using manually system. It cause a lot of mistakes and damage. Decrease in number of employees Due to a change of government, most of skillful employees will leave the country because they don’t have UK passport. Take bookings on phone Taking all bookings on phone and make the record with manual system can become complicated and can occur errors. Opportunities Get more properties Action of jointly by government agencies and the police have been cleared over 200 properties by an anarchist group’s members. They put an auction for the properties at very low prices. Grunge Hotel Group can get properties in very low prices at auction.
  • 6. Information Technology Planning 6 Build more branches of hotel Grunge Hotel Group can buy properties in very low prices. And they can build branches of hotel. So it can get more customers and income. Get more customers Grunge Hotel Group has already good ratings on websites. And get recommendation from medical professionals. So they already have positive side to customers. Threats Lack of IT system If they don’t change from manually system to IT system, there will be a lot of damage and loss will be increased. Less skillful employees Most of skillful employees need to leave to country due to government change. The hotel will be in trouble with school leavers instead of skillful employees. Weather changes The Head office has servers originally but due to the weather disease they all are destroyed. If they don’t have another plan for weather changes, they can get same damage for changing to IT system again.
  • 7. Information Technology Planning 7 3. Impact of IS 3.1 Major system Online Hotel Booking and financial transactions management Now, the hotel receives bookings on phone and makes a record with manual system. Making record with manual system is the worst because staffs who receive the bookings need to memorize all rooms in hotels and remember which rooms are taken or free and need to manage the rooms when customers make bookings. That can occur errors like duplicated bookings, forget to free rooms, lost bookings data paper and give wrong room. The hotel needs to change the manual system to computerized system to solve problems. In this system, staffs can control bookings from online, show available rooms to customers, manage all rooms which rooms are taken or free and all data can save easily. And customers can make bookings from online and choose rooms as their taste, can choose rooms from available rooms as customers like. This system needs to give the report of bookings, income and outcome history, customer check-in and check-out. When customer makes booking, the payments also follow after choosing rooms step. The hotel use financial management with manual system also. That can also occur errors like income and outcome data can wrong because when staffs write down numbers in paper, can be wrong sometimes can’t accurate. Financial management also need to change to computerized system. This system will save income and outcome data accurately. Customers can pay the hotels fees online when making booking at same time. Customers can choose rooms with affordable price and can make payment. Staffs can know which customers already give money or not.
  • 8. Information Technology Planning 8 3.2 Comparison to the information needs between Managing Director and Hotel Managers Managing Director Hotel Managers 1. Needs to know monthly income and outcome 1. Needs to know daily income and outcome 2. Needs to know which hotels have the highest income monthly 2. Needs to know which week has the highest income 3. Report of monthly profit and loss of all hotels 3. Report of profit and loss weekly 4. Report of every hotels progress 4. Report of every departments progress 5. what type of customers stay for long time 5. complaints and feedbacks from customers 6. Customer check-in and check-out from all hotels 6. Customer check-in and check-out daily Managing Director needs to know monthly income and outcome to manage the financial transaction of all hotels. And which hotels have the highest income monthly to focus the services of this hotel. Report of monthly profit and loss of all hotels is to discover which hotel needs what kinds of needs. Report of every hotels progress is to know which hotels have problems. Report of what type of customers stay for long time is to change the decoration to the customers. Customer check-in and check-out from all hotels for analyzing how long they stay at hotels. Hotel Managers needs to know daily income and outcome to make a report to Head Office. And need to know which week has the highest income to analyze the financial transaction. Report of profit and loss weekly is to make the report of financial transaction. Report of every department progress is to know which department lack service. Complaints and feedbacks from customers is to fix the lack things for better feedbacks.
  • 9. Information Technology Planning 9 3.3 Biggest organizational changes When new system launched, the organization will face with problems which it must overcome. Because this changing system is change the system from manual system to computerized system. Grunge hotel is going to use IT system in some process. There will be some biggest organizational changes like employee’ training, lack employee in IT department, etc. The first change of organization is organizational structure because positions of staffs will be change according to system change. The hotel used manual system to take bookings and financial records. Now Grunge hotel change the system to IT system where taking bookings and making financial record. For the new system, staffs who understand IT will need to manage the new system. So the staffs from the manual system management team will disband to get the staffs for new system. The second change of organization is people because staffs who don’t know about IT need to train for new system. Grunge hotel won’t fire the staffs from manual system management team. Those staffs will get training for new system until staffs can handle and manage the new system. The third change of organization is knowledge because some staffs don’t have the knowledge of IT. So staffs can’t use to IT system changes. So staffs need to study to get knowledge of IT not to lose their jobs. If staffs don’t want to lose jobs, staffs need to study because Grunge hotel change the system to IT system. Grunge hotel need to give help to those staffs because these staffs already used to the managing system of the hotel. The fourth change of organization is policies and legal agreements because the system change to IT system and customer can make bookings from online. And they fill their information to confirm the bookings. So the hotel needs to manage carefully not to leak customer information. If some information of customers leak, the hotel need to solve with legally. The last change of organization will be giving new position to hotel staffs because of system changes some department will disappear and some new department will create. So staffs will get new position according to their knowledge, abilities and experience.
  • 10. Information Technology Planning 10 3.4 Outsourcing According to the scenario, Grunge hotels are 1 star hotel. So the hotel doesn’t have enough resources to change the system. The hotels have already faced with difficulties with the current way of working such as take booking over the phone and keep financial data wrongly. So the managing director wants to change the system to IT system for organization. But changing to IT system cost a lot and need to worry about the budget of hotel. Changing IT system for 43 hotels is not easy. So, organization needs to outsource IT system because the hotels don’t have IT technician and staffs who have knowledge about IT. Hiring IT technicians who can develop new IT system for hotels will cost more than outsourcing to professional company. This may cause to the financial team because they don’t have enough budgets or other problems. If hire IT technicians to develop IT system, the management team will have difficulties to manage IT technicians because they don’t have staffs who have IT knowledge. So management team can get overload of work to handle. And if the hotel costs a lot for new system, it can destroy the vision of hotel that becomes the number one hotel in UK with cheapest prices for accommodation. There is no perfect in IT system, they always have the needs even though well- developed. IT system always needs maintenance for update information and better performance. For changing system, Hiring IT experts to develop the new system for some period will also cost a lot. So, the hotel will outsource some required services and maintenance for IT system and done within three months or six months. It can save costs and overload for management team and easier. That can help the hotel to be the number one hotel in UK which offers accommodation at the cheapest prices.
  • 11. Information Technology Planning 11 3.5 Disaster Recovery There are many types of disaster such as flood, fire, hurricane, storm, human attacks and earthquake. According to the case study, flooding can occur anytime. The organization can’t forecast the disaster before happening. The disaster can be high or low but the organization need to make the recovery plan before happening. That way will be helpful for business. For having a successful disaster recovery plan, the organization needs to make the plan before disaster happening. In the plan, the organization needs to make having enough resources and need to consider about the budgets also. Need to make a planning committee. The planning committee needs to have functional of the organization. And the planning committee needs to define the detailed plan. The organization and planning committee needs to consider about risk situations. And they need to think about risk analysis and plan for risk situations. Because anytime can occur natural disasters or human made disasters. And have the backup data for all resource. After having all the plans for disaster, the organization needs to test the plan for real time situations to ready. For having at least in loss, the organization needs to report quickly during disaster happening. And enforce to act according to the plan. The organization will contact the emergency help from near Emergency Services Agency such as police, fire department and etc. Before contacting to the IT professionals to make the data recovery, the employees which responsible for IT department need to save the server to have less loss. And IT professionals and responsible employees can recover the data completely. (Disaster recovery plan, 2018)
  • 12. Information Technology Planning 12 3.6 Persuade the Managing Director The area is so wide if says IT systems are costs a lot for the organization. The managing director of Grunge Hotel wants to change IT system for the hotels. And managing director decided to change the system to IT system to fix the problems occurring in the organization and to get more customers for the basic accommodation at hotels. The managing director decided to have IT system for hotels, needs to persuade to invest for required IT system in organization. Changing IT system for 43 hotels is really needs to buy necessary equipment such as computer accessories, network accessories and etc. The managing director needs to make the list of necessary things and buy all them at the same time to get the reasonable prices and have discount. So, the managing director can save costs. The budget for IT developing and installation will not cost a lot because the same team will do everything and install the system in 43 hotels. Train the employees on how to use the system according to the roles of employees. That won’t cost a lot because the same team with development team will train employees. The current system of taking bookings over the phone make the customer annoyed and they need to wait for the response. If the phone lines are busy, they need to wait to get in line. If the system changes to IT system, customers can make bookings around the world immediately and easily. And the employees can manage the bookings in easy way and can send response message through the network if require. And recording financial data also need to hire the external auditor to have more accurate data. Hiring the external auditor will cost more. If the system changes, external auditor doesn’t need to hire. And the system will make the financial transactions accurately. So, in the future it will save cost and have more extra benefits. In the current system, the hotels do everything in manual system. So, they need to make the record with paper. For the data which need to keep for long time, data with paper will use more paper and take place to keep and store the records. And keeping the paper has a lot of work and can lose easily. With IT system, there’s no need more paper and places to keep the paper. All data can save easily and specific data with this system. In conclusion, with the new system all work can be done easily and accurately. The organization can get benefits in the future. And it is the best way to invest in new system for organization. (Linkedin SlideShare, 2018) Bibliography Disaster recovery plan. (2018, October 28). Retrieved from Wikipedia: Linkedin SlideShare. (2018, October 30). Retrieved from Linkedin SlideShare: