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Indigenous view to
wholistic medicine
Iroquois Medical

Chapters 1 & 2

   Chapters 2 & 3
             Monday March 5, 2012
 Amanda, Emily, Jewell, Sujane, Terry
Chapter 2: Folk conceptions of health and medicine
 How and why folk medicines work
 Discussion question

Chapter 3: Conceptions of illness in traditional Iroquois culture
 Iroquois notions regarding causes of imbalances in human beings
 Offensive behavioural acts or taboo violation
 Unfulfilled desires
 Things, events, people and places that radiate or exude evil
 Witchcraft
 Borrowed notions
 Internal manifestations of imbalances as they relate to native, etiological
 Relationships existing between etiological categories and symptoms
 Iroquois “disease” categories
What is folk medicine?

 An umbrella term used to define traditional

 Treatment of ailments outside clinical medicine
  by remedies and simple measures based on
  experience and knowledge handed down
  from generation to generation.

 Includes Indigenous medicine
  (i.e. Haudenosaunee).
Folk conceptions of health and
illness: Understanding logic

 Must put aside
  cultural notions of

  discrete categories,
  causes and effects
    Amoebae, viruses
     and bacteria
    Distinctions
     between physical
     and mental
Folk conceptions of health and

 Foundational principle in folk medicine- the
  notion that every thing and event of the universe
  has a life force, soul or power. A balanced
  universe or cosmos is at the base of good health.
Folk conceptions of health and
Ill health implies that the
inherent balanced life force or
power of some thing, event,
person or place has become

 Balance can be upset in an
  unlimited number of ways.

 Exertion of life force or
  power upon any person,
  place, thing or event may
  either: (1) upset, (2) maintain
  or (3) restore balance.
A delicate state of balance
 Earthquakes
 Volcanoes
 Tornadoes
 Hurricanes
 Too much/little rain
 Insufficient amount of wild or domesticated plants
  and/or animals
 Loss of an battle
 Bad luck at hunting
Disease causations
 Fegos (1959)

(1) How illnesses are thought to be manifested
    Object intrusion
    Spirit/demon intrusion
    Soul capture or straying

(2) How the experienced imbalance/illness is
    thought to be brought about*
    Sorcery/black magic
    Sleep and dreams
    Ritually bad states and moral delinquency
Haudenosaunee medical beliefs:
 disease causation (1)
How the experienced imbalance/illness is thought to be
brought about (previous).
 Violation of rules and regulations established by the
  Creator or other supernaturals to govern mankind‟s
  behaviour in relation to all other things and events in
  the universe.
 Violation of above while spirit is in the spirit world (i.e.
  while individual is sleeping).
Haudenosaunee medical beliefs:
disease causation (2)

             Illness is the result of offensive,
             abusive or improper behavioural
              Illnesses in children, up to a
               certain age, are introduced
               by the offensive, improper, or
               immoral behaviour of adult
              Negative power responsible
               for death resides in or near
               the corpse for a period of
               time after death.
Medical treatment
 aka restoring spiritual balance

To restore balance, the sick individual or societal
member(s) must observe signs of imbalance.

 Symptoms are manifestations of the individual‟s
  spirit force becoming imbalanced through such
  actions as:
   Abusive, improper, offensive or immoral
     behaviour (e.g. alcohol or drugs).

 Once symptoms appear, certain variables will
  determine the action of the sick individual.
Symptom severity
Stages of symptom severity           Restoring spiritual balance
“Mild”– symptoms are few in          Self-treatment
number and do not require drastic    No treatment – where occasional
alterations in everyday routine      imbalances are seen as normal
• Low degree of discomfort in a      and expected
   relatively short period of time
“Serious”– number and intensity,     Turn to others for help in restoring
and/or duration of symptoms          spirit to a balanced state
experienced or observed              • Friend
increases                            • Relative
                                     • Professional or culturally
                                        recognized individual
“Severe” –                           See “serious” treatment above
• Immobilization
• Great discomfort (e.g.
  degenerative illness, imminent
How and why folk medicines work

 Healing through restoring
  spiritual balance (v. human
 Involves faith in otherworldly
  powers (v. reason and faith
  in worldly powers).
   Faith is critical in reducing
     anxiety and stress.
 Recovery from a wide
  variety of aliments is at the
  base of medicines success
  (both folk and scientific).
Manifestations of folk illness

 Recall: folk conceptions of disease causation in
  human beings often involve the notion that an
  individual has somehow upset his/her inherent
  spiritual balance.
 Once culturally instituted, an individual who
  knowingly violated or offended a particular person,
  place, thing or event would expect to have his/her
  balanced spirit force upset in some way.
 Symptomatic manifestations would expect to
   Examples: hypertension, increased heart rate, increased
    secretion of gastric juices and anorexia.
Factors contributing to the success of
 folk medicine (1)

 Ceremonial techniques and procedures
  reduce the degree of symptomatic discomfort
  or remove symptoms all together.
   Therapeutic techniques (performed individually or
   Heightened by psychoactive drugs, rhythmic dancing,
    singing or chanting and the monotony of beating
    drums or rattles.
Factors contributing to the success of
folk medicine (2)
 Practical application of various plant and
  animal drug materials.
   Work on a symptomatic basis.
   Counteract/intensify built in biological mechanisms of
    defense, resistance, and recovery.
     Examples: coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, sleep and
Factors contributing to the success of folk
 medicine (3 & 4)

 Use of all drug materials is accompanied by the
  placebo effect.
   Combines both factors (1) and (2).
   All medicines enhance the expectations and hopes of
    the patient, reduce anxiety and stress, and ultimately
    enable built in mechanisms of recovery and resistance
    to function effectively.

 Other practical medical techniques.
   Include the placebo effect.
   Examples: surgical techniques, sweat baths and the
    avoidance of certain foods.
How and why folk medicines work:

 Treatment reduces anxiety, fear and stress.

 Discomfort (or symptoms) may be easily put to rest or
  removed through individual or communal ceremonies
  and therapeutic techniques.

 Drug materials work to counteract or intensify built in,
  biological mechanisms of resistance and recovery.
How and why folk medicines work:
summary (continued)

                 Both active and inactive
                  drug materials involve the
                  placebo effect in that they
                  relieve anxiety and stress.

                 There are the additional
                  benefits of other “practical”
                  therapeutic techniques.

                 There is a placebo effect
                  accompanying all
                  techniques, whether
                  considered practical or not.
Discussion question

What are some of the similarities and/or
differences between how (and why)
medicines work in folk and western culture?
notions regarding causes of imbalances in
human beings

 Dichotomy separating „natural‟ and/or
  „empirical‟ aspects of Haudenosaunee
  medicine from the „supernatural‟ or „magical‟
  Haudenosaunee is a result of Western influence
  on the Haudenosaunee people.
 What Westerners often see as empirical or non-
  magical causes of human imbalances, such as
  those we would call accidents or „bad luck‟,
  the Iroquois would not separate from the
  spiritual realm or from power in the universe.
Factors leading to the false understanding that
Haudenosaunee medical practice traditionally separated
their medical practice into spiritual/magical and
empirical/pragmatic ways;

 Gradual adoption of European practice and
  understanding of medicine, accompanied by Iroquois
  herbalists and medical practitioners desiring European
  scientific credibility.
 Iroquois fear of being ridiculed by outsiders for sharing
  their traditional and spiritual notions of health and
 Recent practice of avoiding all talk of traditional ways
  with non-Native Americans.
 Cultural belief that medicine or ingredients of
  medicines should not be shared with non-believers
  because if one did share, the medicine and its
  administrators would lose their power.
 Iroquois fear of losing social status by giving away
  secret medical knowledge.
 Critical to native physiology is the belief that the blood is
  the carrier of the life force of an individual.
    Vitality exists within the blood when in a state of equilibrium
     and when the blood is disturbed = a state of disequilibrium.

 The traditional Iroquois would consider our „symptoms‟ to
  be external manifestations of a disturbed state in the
  inner vitality carried by an individual‟s blood.
How internal validity can be disturbed

               1.   Violating the ways set out by the
                    Creator for maintenance of a
                    balanced universe ( i.e. violation
                    of a taboo).
               2.   Denying oneself of either their
                    earthly or spiritual desires.
               3.   Interacting with anything
                    thought to radiate negativity
                    and evil (e.g. a corpse,
                    menstrual blood, powerful
               4.   Offending someone who has the
                    power to manipulate spirit forces.
Riddle 1
  I am often hidden in the
      depths of your soul.

To reveal myself through your
      dreams is my goal.

I may give you some pain if
     you don‟t fulfill me.

  So you may want to seek
   help if you intend to feel

         Who am I?
Unfulfilled desires

 Dreams and dream
   Symptomatic
   Visitation

 Unfulfilled desires can
  lead to imbalances and
  mental derangement

 Possible treatment
Riddle 2
 There are many things that possess a great deal
                    of power.
   Some may appear sweet, others more sour.
Some examples include rats, racoons, and spiders
                   that bite.
  Pregnant women, menstrual blood, and the
               colour white.
   May seem mysterious, but it‟s far from a lie.
      Ladies and gentlemen, “Who am I?”
Riddle 3

 The following paragraph will provide
      you with a good foundation.
    It‟s a quote by Synderman who
     elaborates on his observation:
 Listen intently and maybe you‟ll see,
That a pointed black hat is superficial
   “It may be seen that the Seneca
regarded certain types of illnesses as
  due to the failure of the individual‟s
power to protect him from _ _ _ _ _ _ _
   who place material objects in his

             What am I?

 Witch  derived from the verb root -atko- meaning “to
  possess evil power”

 Symptoms associated with witchcraft  “The Specific
  Seventeen Symptoms”

 Capability of transformation

 “Love medicines”

 The category of “unfulfilled desires”
Offensive behavioural acts or taboo

                 Rules established by Creator

                 Rules around menstruation
                   No sexual relations
                   No preparation of food
                   Not to come in contact with
                   Not to touch medicines1
Offensive behavioural acts or taboo
 Mistakes in rituals

 Cheating or using unfair
  magical tactics

 Neglecting False Face

 Improper acts of supplication
  before hunting

 Not participating in medicine
  society after having been
  cured by it

 Not properly making up or
  completing a previously
  performed “hurry up”
Some Symptomatic characteristics in
conjunction with offensive behavioral act:
 Shortness of breath     Vomiting

 Stricture               Fever

 Swelling of the body    Swelling, stiffness of joints

 Suppressed menses       Insanity

 Facial eruptions        Totting of a limb

 Diarrhea                Bloody urine

 Sterility               Stomachache

 Piles, sore mouth       Pains in the sides

 Bad luck in hunting     Intensified soreness of
Offensive behaviour

                       Witchcraft

                       Once
                        broken some
                        things can
                        not be set
Borrowed Notions

 European beliefs have entered into the statements of the
  causes of disease

 This includes the following diseases:
   Smallpox
   TB
   Chickenpox
   Measles
   Malaria
   Yellow fever
   Scarlet fever
   Typhoid1
Internal Manifestations of Imbalances
What makes us ill?
The agent or mechanism involved in upsetting our
bodies vital force must be examined:

 Taboo violation- the spirit of a major or minor deity
  or the spirit force of the offended things or event
  may be the agent causing sickness
 Spiritual imbalance- from unfulfilled desires when
  the soul is strained as a result of going against the
  will of the spirit world
 ?otkõ? things/events- imbalanced spiritual forces
  from the presence of physical objects
Internal Manifestations of Imbalances

Witchcraft the spirit of the
victim can be affected in 3
ways, the witch may:

 Directly upset the spiritual
  balance of another

 Have magically implanted
  an object or the spirit of
  an object into a person

 Transform him/herself into     “The Evil Witch” by Earnest Smith Retrieved from:
  an object or deemed
  ?otkõ? and directly
  invade the victim to
  cause spiritual imbalance
Internal Manifestations of Imbalances

Self Inflicted       Examples   Other-inflicted      Examples
Taboo violation                 Taboo Violation
                                due to
Unfulfilled desire              Unfulfilled desire

Coming into                     Coming into
contact with                    contact with
things/events                   things/events
considered                      considered
?otkõ?                          ?otkõ?

Witchcraft                      Witchcraft
Etiological Categories and Symptoms

“As true of Haudenosaunee culture in general,
there do not exist precise categories of disease
causation for precise categories of symptoms”.
(pg. 46)

 There is much overlapping of etiological
  categories and symptoms

 The relationships between the categories and
  symptoms are dependent on the behavioural
  history of the person experiencing the
Etiological Categories and Symptoms

Symptom                             Etiological Category
External, well localized wound      Witchcraft
Behavioural or mental illness       Witchcraft
Excessive drinking and craziness    Witchcraft
Chronic illness (rheumatism,        Unfulfilled desires
arthritis, respiratory disorders)
Psychosomatic or psychogenic        Unfulfilled desires
illness                             Taboo violation
Lingering mild illness              Taboo violation
                                    Unfufilled desire
Haudenosaunee disease categories

 There are no precise disease names with specific sets of
  symptoms in traditional Haudenosaunee medicine.

 For the traditional Haudenosaunee there are disease
  phrases, instead of specific disease names.

 There are two very general kinds of sickness;
   1.   General sickness
   2.   The second/ fatal sickness from which there is no recovery
Further criteria for evaluating the symptoms
that an individual is experiencing

 1.   Their number and severity
 2.   Their duration of existence
 3.   Whether they are internal or external symptoms
 4.   Whether symptoms are localized or generalized
 5.   Whether they were experienced by a male or
 6.   Whether they were experienced by a child or an
 7.   The climate or season in which the symptoms are
 8.   Location symptoms were on body
 The behavioral history of the
  imbalanced or ill individual was
  also evaluated.

 This past behavior of the
  patient is important, because
  an ill individual would be
  thought to have taken part in
  one of the 4 known acts that
  would disturb internal vitality.

 The amount of importance
  placed on the past behavior
  of the individual is dependent
   1.   The severity of the symptoms.
   2.   Length of time that the
        symptoms stay with the
Just as disease diagnoses would change
 over time, so would the treatment of
 disease – Eg.
      “If the Indian had exhausted his
 knowledge of herbs and the patient did
  not improve, it was felt that the disease
      was beyond the pale of natural
    maladies and must be due to some
   supernatural cause. So a clairvoyant
     would be sought, who, by careful
     scrutiny of the patient’s past and
    interpretation of his dreams, would
   determine what spirit was causing the
    evil and prescribe the appropriate
 medical ceremony for the appeasement
            of the deity.” (pg. 50)
Examples of Haudenosaunee disease
phrasing and causation

“If a pregnant woman feels sore inside, legs or elsewhere, it
 is a sign that the baby is sick in the same place.” (pg. 54)

   “If a child is obstinate it may be that it had a difficult
                       childbirth” (pg.52)

        “When a person has had a sunstroke, he should not
run any chances of exposure at the same date on the next
  of succeeding years. There is particular danger at such
                     times” (pg. 53)
The end!

    Thank you for your
    Final questions or

 (1) Herrick, J.W. (1995). Iroquois Medical Botany.
  Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

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Indigenous presentation 1

  • 1. Indigenous view to wholistic medicine Iroquois Medical Botany Chapters 1 & 2 Chapters 2 & 3 Monday March 5, 2012 Amanda, Emily, Jewell, Sujane, Terry
  • 2. Outline Chapter 2: Folk conceptions of health and medicine  How and why folk medicines work  Discussion question Chapter 3: Conceptions of illness in traditional Iroquois culture  Iroquois notions regarding causes of imbalances in human beings  Offensive behavioural acts or taboo violation  Unfulfilled desires  Things, events, people and places that radiate or exude evil  Witchcraft  Borrowed notions  Internal manifestations of imbalances as they relate to native, etiological categories  Relationships existing between etiological categories and symptoms  Iroquois “disease” categories
  • 3. What is folk medicine?  An umbrella term used to define traditional medicine.  Treatment of ailments outside clinical medicine by remedies and simple measures based on experience and knowledge handed down from generation to generation.  Includes Indigenous medicine (i.e. Haudenosaunee).
  • 4. Folk conceptions of health and illness: Understanding logic  Must put aside cultural notions of ✗ discrete categories, causes and effects  Amoebae, viruses and bacteria  Distinctions between physical and mental illnesses
  • 5. Folk conceptions of health and illness  Foundational principle in folk medicine- the notion that every thing and event of the universe has a life force, soul or power. A balanced universe or cosmos is at the base of good health.
  • 6. Folk conceptions of health and illness Ill health implies that the inherent balanced life force or power of some thing, event, person or place has become upset.  Balance can be upset in an unlimited number of ways.  Exertion of life force or power upon any person, place, thing or event may either: (1) upset, (2) maintain or (3) restore balance.
  • 7. A delicate state of balance  Earthquakes  Volcanoes  Tornadoes  Hurricanes  Too much/little rain  Insufficient amount of wild or domesticated plants and/or animals  Loss of an battle  Bad luck at hunting
  • 8. Disease causations Fegos (1959) (1) How illnesses are thought to be manifested  Object intrusion  Spirit/demon intrusion  Soul capture or straying (2) How the experienced imbalance/illness is thought to be brought about*  Sorcery/black magic  Sleep and dreams  Ritually bad states and moral delinquency
  • 9. Haudenosaunee medical beliefs: disease causation (1) How the experienced imbalance/illness is thought to be brought about (previous).  Violation of rules and regulations established by the Creator or other supernaturals to govern mankind‟s behaviour in relation to all other things and events in the universe.  Violation of above while spirit is in the spirit world (i.e. while individual is sleeping).
  • 10. Haudenosaunee medical beliefs: disease causation (2) Illness is the result of offensive, abusive or improper behavioural interactions.  Illnesses in children, up to a certain age, are introduced by the offensive, improper, or immoral behaviour of adult kinsmen.  Negative power responsible for death resides in or near the corpse for a period of time after death.
  • 11. Medical treatment aka restoring spiritual balance To restore balance, the sick individual or societal member(s) must observe signs of imbalance.  Symptoms are manifestations of the individual‟s spirit force becoming imbalanced through such actions as:  Abusive, improper, offensive or immoral behaviour (e.g. alcohol or drugs).  Once symptoms appear, certain variables will determine the action of the sick individual.
  • 12. Symptom severity Stages of symptom severity Restoring spiritual balance (treatment) “Mild”– symptoms are few in Self-treatment number and do not require drastic No treatment – where occasional alterations in everyday routine imbalances are seen as normal • Low degree of discomfort in a and expected relatively short period of time “Serious”– number and intensity, Turn to others for help in restoring and/or duration of symptoms spirit to a balanced state experienced or observed • Friend increases • Relative • Professional or culturally recognized individual “Severe” – See “serious” treatment above • Immobilization • Great discomfort (e.g. degenerative illness, imminent death)
  • 13. How and why folk medicines work  Healing through restoring spiritual balance (v. human mastery).  Involves faith in otherworldly powers (v. reason and faith in worldly powers).  Faith is critical in reducing anxiety and stress.  Recovery from a wide variety of aliments is at the base of medicines success (both folk and scientific).
  • 14. Manifestations of folk illness  Recall: folk conceptions of disease causation in human beings often involve the notion that an individual has somehow upset his/her inherent spiritual balance.  Once culturally instituted, an individual who knowingly violated or offended a particular person, place, thing or event would expect to have his/her balanced spirit force upset in some way.  Symptomatic manifestations would expect to follow.  Examples: hypertension, increased heart rate, increased secretion of gastric juices and anorexia.
  • 15. Factors contributing to the success of folk medicine (1)  Ceremonial techniques and procedures reduce the degree of symptomatic discomfort or remove symptoms all together.  Therapeutic techniques (performed individually or communally).  Heightened by psychoactive drugs, rhythmic dancing, singing or chanting and the monotony of beating drums or rattles.
  • 16. Factors contributing to the success of folk medicine (2)  Practical application of various plant and animal drug materials.  Work on a symptomatic basis.  Counteract/intensify built in biological mechanisms of defense, resistance, and recovery.  Examples: coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, sleep and sweating.
  • 17. Factors contributing to the success of folk medicine (3 & 4)  Use of all drug materials is accompanied by the placebo effect.  Combines both factors (1) and (2).  All medicines enhance the expectations and hopes of the patient, reduce anxiety and stress, and ultimately enable built in mechanisms of recovery and resistance to function effectively.  Other practical medical techniques.  Include the placebo effect.  Examples: surgical techniques, sweat baths and the avoidance of certain foods.
  • 18. How and why folk medicines work: summary  Treatment reduces anxiety, fear and stress.  Discomfort (or symptoms) may be easily put to rest or removed through individual or communal ceremonies and therapeutic techniques.  Drug materials work to counteract or intensify built in, biological mechanisms of resistance and recovery.
  • 19. How and why folk medicines work: summary (continued)  Both active and inactive drug materials involve the placebo effect in that they relieve anxiety and stress.  There are the additional benefits of other “practical” therapeutic techniques.  There is a placebo effect accompanying all therapeutic techniques, whether considered practical or not.
  • 20. Discussion question What are some of the similarities and/or differences between how (and why) medicines work in folk and western culture?
  • 21. Haudenosaunee notions regarding causes of imbalances in human beings  Dichotomy separating „natural‟ and/or „empirical‟ aspects of Haudenosaunee medicine from the „supernatural‟ or „magical‟ Haudenosaunee is a result of Western influence on the Haudenosaunee people.  What Westerners often see as empirical or non- magical causes of human imbalances, such as those we would call accidents or „bad luck‟, the Iroquois would not separate from the spiritual realm or from power in the universe.
  • 22. Factors leading to the false understanding that Haudenosaunee medical practice traditionally separated their medical practice into spiritual/magical and empirical/pragmatic ways;  Gradual adoption of European practice and understanding of medicine, accompanied by Iroquois herbalists and medical practitioners desiring European scientific credibility.  Iroquois fear of being ridiculed by outsiders for sharing their traditional and spiritual notions of health and medicine.  Recent practice of avoiding all talk of traditional ways with non-Native Americans.  Cultural belief that medicine or ingredients of medicines should not be shared with non-believers because if one did share, the medicine and its administrators would lose their power.  Iroquois fear of losing social status by giving away secret medical knowledge.
  • 23.  Critical to native physiology is the belief that the blood is the carrier of the life force of an individual.  Vitality exists within the blood when in a state of equilibrium and when the blood is disturbed = a state of disequilibrium.  The traditional Iroquois would consider our „symptoms‟ to be external manifestations of a disturbed state in the inner vitality carried by an individual‟s blood.
  • 24. How internal validity can be disturbed 1. Violating the ways set out by the Creator for maintenance of a balanced universe ( i.e. violation of a taboo). 2. Denying oneself of either their earthly or spiritual desires. 3. Interacting with anything thought to radiate negativity and evil (e.g. a corpse, menstrual blood, powerful charms.) 4. Offending someone who has the power to manipulate spirit forces.
  • 25. Riddle 1 I am often hidden in the depths of your soul. To reveal myself through your dreams is my goal. I may give you some pain if you don‟t fulfill me. So you may want to seek help if you intend to feel free. Who am I?
  • 26. Unfulfilled desires  Dreams and dream analysis  Symptomatic  Visitation  Unfulfilled desires can lead to imbalances and mental derangement  Possible treatment
  • 27. Riddle 2 There are many things that possess a great deal of power. Some may appear sweet, others more sour. Some examples include rats, racoons, and spiders that bite. Pregnant women, menstrual blood, and the colour white. May seem mysterious, but it‟s far from a lie. Ladies and gentlemen, “Who am I?”
  • 28.
  • 29. Riddle 3 The following paragraph will provide you with a good foundation. It‟s a quote by Synderman who elaborates on his observation: Listen intently and maybe you‟ll see, That a pointed black hat is superficial debris. “It may be seen that the Seneca regarded certain types of illnesses as due to the failure of the individual‟s power to protect him from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ who place material objects in his body.” What am I?
  • 30. Witchcraft  Witch  derived from the verb root -atko- meaning “to possess evil power”  Symptoms associated with witchcraft  “The Specific Seventeen Symptoms”  Capability of transformation  “Love medicines”  The category of “unfulfilled desires”
  • 31. Offensive behavioural acts or taboo violations  Rules established by Creator  Rules around menstruation  No sexual relations  No preparation of food  Not to come in contact with anyone  Not to touch medicines1
  • 32. Offensive behavioural acts or taboo violations  Mistakes in rituals  Cheating or using unfair magical tactics  Neglecting False Face  Improper acts of supplication before hunting  Not participating in medicine society after having been cured by it  Not properly making up or completing a previously performed “hurry up” ceremony1
  • 33. Some Symptomatic characteristics in conjunction with offensive behavioral act:  Shortness of breath  Vomiting  Stricture  Fever  Swelling of the body  Swelling, stiffness of joints  Suppressed menses  Insanity  Facial eruptions  Totting of a limb  Diarrhea  Bloody urine  Sterility  Stomachache  Piles, sore mouth  Pains in the sides  Bad luck in hunting  Intensified soreness of pregnancy1
  • 34. Offensive behaviour  Witchcraft  Once broken some things can not be set right1
  • 35. Borrowed Notions  European beliefs have entered into the statements of the causes of disease  This includes the following diseases:  Smallpox  TB  Chickenpox  Measles  Malaria  Yellow fever  Scarlet fever  Typhoid1
  • 36. Internal Manifestations of Imbalances What makes us ill? The agent or mechanism involved in upsetting our bodies vital force must be examined:  Taboo violation- the spirit of a major or minor deity or the spirit force of the offended things or event may be the agent causing sickness  Spiritual imbalance- from unfulfilled desires when the soul is strained as a result of going against the will of the spirit world  ?otkõ? things/events- imbalanced spiritual forces from the presence of physical objects
  • 37. Internal Manifestations of Imbalances Witchcraft the spirit of the victim can be affected in 3 ways, the witch may:  Directly upset the spiritual balance of another  Have magically implanted an object or the spirit of an object into a person  Transform him/herself into “The Evil Witch” by Earnest Smith Retrieved from: an object or deemed ?otkõ? and directly invade the victim to cause spiritual imbalance
  • 38. Internal Manifestations of Imbalances Self Inflicted Examples Other-inflicted Examples Taboo violation Taboo Violation due to Witchcraft Unfulfilled desire Unfulfilled desire Coming into Coming into contact with contact with things/events things/events considered considered ?otkõ? ?otkõ? Witchcraft Witchcraft
  • 39. Etiological Categories and Symptoms “As true of Haudenosaunee culture in general, there do not exist precise categories of disease causation for precise categories of symptoms”. (pg. 46)  There is much overlapping of etiological categories and symptoms  The relationships between the categories and symptoms are dependent on the behavioural history of the person experiencing the imbalance
  • 40. Etiological Categories and Symptoms Symptom Etiological Category External, well localized wound Witchcraft ?otkõ? Behavioural or mental illness Witchcraft Excessive drinking and craziness Witchcraft Chronic illness (rheumatism, Unfulfilled desires arthritis, respiratory disorders) Psychosomatic or psychogenic Unfulfilled desires illness Taboo violation ?otkõ? Witchcraft Lingering mild illness Taboo violation Unfufilled desire
  • 41. Haudenosaunee disease categories  There are no precise disease names with specific sets of symptoms in traditional Haudenosaunee medicine.  For the traditional Haudenosaunee there are disease phrases, instead of specific disease names.  There are two very general kinds of sickness; 1. General sickness 2. The second/ fatal sickness from which there is no recovery
  • 42. Further criteria for evaluating the symptoms that an individual is experiencing 1. Their number and severity 2. Their duration of existence 3. Whether they are internal or external symptoms 4. Whether symptoms are localized or generalized 5. Whether they were experienced by a male or female 6. Whether they were experienced by a child or an adult 7. The climate or season in which the symptoms are experienced 8. Location symptoms were on body
  • 43.  The behavioral history of the imbalanced or ill individual was also evaluated.  This past behavior of the patient is important, because an ill individual would be thought to have taken part in one of the 4 known acts that would disturb internal vitality.  The amount of importance placed on the past behavior of the individual is dependent on; 1. The severity of the symptoms. 2. Length of time that the symptoms stay with the individual.
  • 44. Just as disease diagnoses would change over time, so would the treatment of disease – Eg. “If the Indian had exhausted his knowledge of herbs and the patient did not improve, it was felt that the disease was beyond the pale of natural maladies and must be due to some supernatural cause. So a clairvoyant would be sought, who, by careful scrutiny of the patient’s past and interpretation of his dreams, would determine what spirit was causing the evil and prescribe the appropriate medical ceremony for the appeasement of the deity.” (pg. 50)
  • 45. Examples of Haudenosaunee disease phrasing and causation “If a pregnant woman feels sore inside, legs or elsewhere, it is a sign that the baby is sick in the same place.” (pg. 54) “If a child is obstinate it may be that it had a difficult childbirth” (pg.52) “When a person has had a sunstroke, he should not run any chances of exposure at the same date on the next of succeeding years. There is particular danger at such times” (pg. 53)
  • 46. The end! Thank you for your attention. Final questions or thoughts?
  • 47. References  (1) Herrick, J.W. (1995). Iroquois Medical Botany. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

Editor's Notes

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  2. Note about alternative name for Iroquois will be using Haudenosaunee for the rest of the presentation. Today, Haudenosaunee is more culturally appropriate.
  3. Chapter one is an introduction to Folk medicine and why it works. For the most part it introduces the reader to the underlying ideas and principles surrounding folk healing/medicine. It helps to build a foundation of how and why folk medicines work and provides some specific examples with respect to Haudenosaunee culture. However,Chapter 3 addresses this topic in greater detail (by other group members later in the presentation).
  4. Understanding the logic behind traditional/folk conceptions of health and medicine:Such distinctions and notions are often not relevant when analyzing traditional or folk conceptions of health and medicine.
  5. - Universe and every thing, event in it are thought to be in delicate state of balance When balance is upset to some degree by the spirit force of any other person, place thing or event, that imbalanced thing or event will be observed to be in some way malfunctioning In such cases the earth or any thing or event on earth would be considered ‘ill’ in the same way that an improperly functioning or imbalanced person would be considered ill
  6. Even when very general notions of disease causations in traditional societies are discussed, there is a problem of inappropriate categorizing. Resulting in lack of complete appreciation of and sensitivity to the ways members of other cultures see the universe and their place in it. * Concentrating on how the illness is thought to be brought about, we will be getting at the heart of how traditional people see personal illness
  7. Check to make sure this is IndigenousHaudenosaunee.
  8. Variables: number of persistent symptoms, individuals ability to recognize symptoms, the perceived seriousness of symptoms, the cultural background of the defining person, group, or agency in terms of an emphasis on tolerance, stoicism, etc., available information and medical knowledge and availability of sources of help and their social and physical accessibility- Any or all of these variables determine what sort of treatments behaviour will be carried out or sought by the sick individual
  9. Depending on symptomatic factors and individual biological and behavioural considerations, the sick individual may seek medical treatment at any one of these stages without necessarily passing through any other or others.
  10. In order for folk medicine to work, the sick must have faith in the Creator and in the healer (otherwise healing will be unsuccessful).
  11. - It will be remembered that folk conceptions of disease causation in human beings often involve the notion that an individual has somehow upset his/her inherent spiritual balance via an offensive, abusive, immoral or improper behavioral act.Once this ideas became culturally instituted, an individual who knowingly violated or offended a particular person, place, thing, event could expect to have his/her balanced spirit force upset in some waySymptomatic manifestations listed are considered psychosomatic illnesses or physiological responses (when individual is anticipating punishment)
  12. (2) note: when plant or animal derived medicines are used, it is always assumed by the native that it is the spirit or power of the plant or animal that is effecting the cure.
  13. Placebo effect: Important for understanding both Western and non-Western medical beliefs and practices. Significant principle which plays a large role in the success of many medical endeavors, folk or otherwise - underlying this idea is faith, and the belief in the Creator and healer.Note – some of the Haudenosaunee medicine has merit, and it does work cures even when suggestion is the sole ingredient having therapeutic power.
  14. Reminder of what folk medicine is: Treatment of ailments outside clinical medicine by remedies and simple measures based on experience and knowledge handed down from generation to generation.
  15. Exude
  16. The creator has established rules that are to be followed. If someone violates one of these rules or does an offensive behavioral act then they will become sick.There are rules around menstruation. These rules include no sexual relations; no preparation of food; not to come in contact with anyone else. The book states this is because women are to thought to be contaminated with evil. This text used Fenton’s work as a one of the bases for information as Leroy has said that Fenton gathered information and put it into his own understandings. So, from my understandings from what I have been taught. Women are not evil. There are these rules around menstruating women because at this time they are very powerful and will disrupt the regular energies or different things.Illness may result from having sexual relations with a woman who is menstruating.Food that is prepared by a menstruating woman will be spoiled; as well as most medicine touched by a menstruating woman would be spoiled. Even if the woman is no longer present the food will still be spoiled. To come in physical contact with a woman who is menstruating will spoil the blood of the other person – make them sick or an internal object may be involved in causing the sickness from not avoiding menstruating women.
  17. Some other offensive behavioral acts or taboo violations include:Mistakes in rituals (For example, Eddie Thomas told us in a class last year of a ceremony when his grandmother passing being shortened by one day, later his uncle died suddenly. – this was believed to be because the ceremony was not performed correctly)Cheating or using unfair tactics for the purposes of winning a gameNeglecting False Faces by not “feeding” them corn mush or tobacco, or by not guessing their desires, neglecting spirits of the dead, neglecting powerful medicine charms or the tutelaries of charms that may be held knowingly or unknowingly by a familyNot making the proper prayers before huntingWhen you have been cured by medicine from a medicine society then you are required to participate in this society. Not properly making up or completing a previously performed “hurray up” ceremony that was designed to expedite matters in certain critical cases of illness. Not performing this ritual properly can affect the immediate family or future generations of the offender as well .
  18. There are many different kinds of symptoms that someone can have in conjunction with offensive behavioral acts.Some of these for example can include: shortness of breath, swelling, stiffness or joints, diarrhea, or insanity
  19. You must be careful not to offend or make a witch jealous for fear of retaliation in the form of making you sick or your family sick. Dave Williams spoke of this happening to him. When he did readings someone went after his children and made them sick.When some taboos are broken some things can be done to make them right, but in other cases once the taboos is broken nothing can be done to fix it. As sated in the book one of these offensive acts is threatening to burn down the long house
  20. European beliefs have entered into the statements of cause of disease. In particular, with European introduced diseases. The causes of European diseases align with the causes assumed by Europeans at that time.The term “catching a cold” is often used for certain symptoms as well.It is believed that there was a lot of contact between the Haudenosaunee herbalists and the dispensary, since some of the disease causations are similar.Along with European causations they often included traditional Haudenosaunee beliefs as well.For example Piles may be caused by eating food prepared by a menstruating women; diarrhea and eating a lot of fruit. The European beliefs, Pierce wrote the causes of Piles is: diarrhea and indigestible foods.
  21. Beyond these general terms, there are further criteria for evaluating the symptoms that an individual is experiencing, including;