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Indigenous Nation-Building:
Issues of Self-Rule, Institution-Building, and Leadership
By: Dr. Manley Begay
Minnesota Indian Business Conference
Treasure Island Resort & Casino
Red Wing, Minnesota
29 October 2008
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Some Stories
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
Meadow Lake Tribal Council
Citizen Band of Potawatomi Nation
Membertou First Nation
Cochiti Pueblo
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
The Puzzle
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
What explains the success that some
Native nations in the US have had in
building sustainable, self-determined
Research carried out by the Native Nations
Institute at the University of Arizona and the
Harvard Project on American Indian Economic
Development indicates that the keys to successful,
sustainable development lie in how Native nations
govern themselves. The economic development
challenge is first and foremost a political
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
What the research says…
Keys to Success
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
▪ Practical Self-Rule (Jurisdiction)
▪ Effective Institutions of Self-Governance
▪ Cultural Match
▪ Strategic Orientation
▪ Leadership
in other words… Nation-Building
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
The enhanced capacity of Indigenous nations
to realize their own economic, educational,
cultural, environmental, and political
objectives through foundational actions of
their own design.
Today, What Does Self-Rule Mean for Indigenous
Control of Cultural and Religious Affairs
Use of Environmental and Natural Resources
Business Permitting and Regulation
Setting Citizenship/Membership Criteria
Law Making and Legislation
Governmental Form
Civil Law and Courts
Criminal Law and Courts
Postal Service
Issuance of Currency
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Status Chronology
International Treaties c. 1776…
(and Military Expansion)
c. 1830…
Military Invasion c. 1865…
Termination through Allotment c. 1885…
Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 1934…
Termination through Derecognition 1953…
Self-Determination Policy c. 1970…
Self-Governance/Self-Determination c. 1988…
Despite the intense efforts to
change Native peoples into other
than who we are, we have, by and
large, maintained our sense of
peoplehood, culture, and
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Federal Policy:
Termination or Self-Determination?
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
What is clear in the constant
vacillation of U.S. Federal Indian policy
is that the
policy of self-rule (jurisdiction)
is the only Federal policy that has worked in
Native affairs.
There seems to be a 20-year Lag
Rule present, which requires
patience and tolerance because
Indigenous development
solutions have been diverse and
creative; rather than, the shoddy
and easy answers that have often
been put forth by the Federal
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Another Story:
▪ One Nation Split in Two
By Two Colonizing
▪ Self-Rule for One and Control for the
▪ Two Different Development Results
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Other Examples can be found in:
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
South Africa
Eastern Europe
New Zealand
The Puzzle
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
So, what explains the success that
some Native nations in the US have
had in building sustainable, self-
determined economies?
Two Approaches to Indigenous
Economic Development
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
▪ The Standard Approach dominated Indian
Country through most of the 20th Century
▪ The Nation-Building Approach is emerging in
practice in Indian Country today.
How do these approaches differ, and why does
one work so much better than the other?
Building Native Nation Economies
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
…the old way
A new tribal administration is elected, promising to build
a viable economy. The new leadership looks around and
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
“We sure do need to build an
economy. What should we do?”
“Anybody got any ideas for some businesses?”
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
“We’d better have a planner”
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Hire a
“Tell the planner to get some grants”
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
a grantHire a
“Now get something going!”
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Start a business, any business
a grantHire a
“Let’s get our political supporters to run it”
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Hand out jobs to
supporters and relatives
Start a business, any business
a grantHire a
“If it’s not doing so well, find another grant to keep it
going and get some more jobs”
Hand out jobs to
supporters and relatives
Start a business, any business
a grantHire a
Try to
another grant
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
“Spend the proceeds solving other problems”
Hire a
a grant
Start a business, any business
Hand out jobs to
supporters and relatives
Try to
another grant
Spend the
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
“Be content with operational administration”
Hire a
a grant
Start a business, any business
Hand out jobs to
supporters and relatives
Try to
another grant
Spend the
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
“If it starts to fail, run for cover…”
Fire the
“Blame the
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
At the next election, a new Council is elected, promising to
build an economy. They look around and say,
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
“Those guys before us sure made a
mess of things. Good thing we got
elected. What should we do now?”
and here we go again…
“Anybody got any ideas for some businesses?”
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
“We’d better have a planner”
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Hire a
“Tell the planner to get some grants”
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
a grantHire a
“Now get something going!”
a grantHire a
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
“Keep going with operational administration!”
a grantHire a
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
1. Short-term, non-strategic
2. Views economic development as an economic problem
3. Instead of building an economy step-by-step, looks for
“home runs.”
4. Lets others (usually other governments) set the
development agenda
5. Views Indigenous cultures as obstacles to development
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
The Standard Approach to
Economic Development
▪ Failed enterprises
▪ A politics of spoils
▪ Brain drain
▪ Outside perceptions of incompetence and chaos that
undermine the defense of sovereignty
▪ Inside perceptions of incompetence and chaos that
undermine the confidence of the community
▪ Continuing poverty
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Typical Results of the
Standard Model
In short, the standard approach produces a poor
foundation for sustainable development…
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Isn’t there a better way?
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Yes, and some Native Nations
are pursuing it…
1. Sovereignty in practice (the nation calls the shots)
2. Capable governing institutions (back up authority with
3. Cultural match (governing institutions match community
beliefs about how authority should be organized)
4. Strategic orientation (decisions are made with long-term
priorities in mind)
5. Public-spirited leadership (instead of politics as boxing ring
where factions fight to control the goodies)
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
The Nation-Building Approach to
Economic Development
▪ Puts the development agenda and the
necessary resources in Indian hands.
▪ Marries decisions to consequences, leading
to better decisions.
▪ Has concrete, bottom-line payoffs.
▪ Evidence says it’s necessary (but not
sufficient) for sustained development.
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
1. Sovereignty in Practice
What Does Self-Governance Mean?
Two Versions…
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
▪ Operational Administration – Native Nations
take over administration of programs designed and
funded by federal government and states.
Primary relationship = recipient
▪ Self-Rule – Native Nations have increased
jurisdiction, constitutional authority, and decision-
making power.
Primary relationship = partner
But what does this mean…?
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
A Focus on Government
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Research shows that
effective governing institutions
are the essential components
in sustainable economic development.
But why does the quality of governance
matter so much?
▪ Stability.
▪ Careful management of the politics-business
▪ Effective and non-politicized resolution of
disputes (a strong and independent judiciary).
▪ The ability to make binding decisions in a timely
▪ A bureaucracy that can get things done.
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
2. Capable Governing Institutions
▪ To be effective, governing institutions must have
legitimacy with the people.
▪ This means they have to match Indigenous ideas
about how authority should be organized and
▪ Institutions that match contemporary Indigenous
cultures are more successful than those that don’t.
▪ Economic strategies that match contemporary
Indigenous cultures are more successful than those
that don’t.
…But there’s no blank check; institutions and
strategies also have to work.
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
3. Cultural Match
Differences in Governmental Form
Traditional Contemporary
Cochiti Pueblo Hopi Flathead
Onondaga Isleta Pueblo Citizen Potawatomi
▪ There is great variation in governmental form among
Indigenous nations because of the diversity of
traditional political systems and the uneven application
of federal policy
▪ Combining traditional and contemporary is a common
Indigenous strategy for solving governance challenges
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Which of these are
the “best” governments?
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
➢The ones that solve their nations’ governance
➢The ones that promote their communities’ interests
➢The ones that hold their communities together
➢The ones that match their communities’ cultures and
work (meet the nations’ needs)
There’s no one, specific “best” way.
Whatever decisions you make, remember that the
organization of government has to pass two tests:
Cultural Match Effectiveness
Organization of
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
…from reactive to proactive thinking (not just
responding to crisis but trying to gain control over
the future)
…from short-term to long-term thinking (twenty-five
years from now, what kind of society do you want?)
…from opportunistic to systemic thinking (focusing
not on what can be funded but on how each option
fits the community’s future)
…from a narrow problem focus to a broader focus on
the community (fixing not just problems but
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
4. Strategic Orientation: A Shift…
Key Strategic Questions
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
▪ What kind of society are you trying to build?
▪ What do you hope will be different 25 or 50
years from now? What do you hope will be the
▪ What do you wish to protect? What are you
willing to change?
▪ What assets do you have to work with?
▪ What makes sense to the community at large?
…all in the context of a hard-nosed look at the
reality and requirements of your situation.
5. Leadership
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
…individuals or groups who are willing to
break with status quo practices in Indian
Country, who can articulate a new vision of
the nation’s future, and who both
understand and can effectively encourage
the foundational changes such visions
The Strategic Role of Leaders in Fostering
Economic Activity
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
▪ They create (or destroy) a climate in which development
can take place
▪ They set a vision (or not) of where the nation is headed.
▪ They create (or undermine) institutions capable of
effectively implementing a national vision
▪ They respect (or abuse) rules of the game by which
members must play
▪ They send messages that “investors” will (or will not) be
treated fairly, regardless of who they voted for or who
their relatives are
▪ They eliminate (or introduce) obstacles to development
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
What Legacy Will You Leave
Your Nation?
The Role of Non-Indigenous Governments
The Nation-Building Approach
▪ Fund development via block grants (decisions about
priorities move into Native hands)
▪ Invest in institutional capacity-building
▪ Transfer significant jurisdictional powers to Native
▪ Abandon the “one-size-fits-all fantasy”: It won’t
▪ Act like partners (be accountable to Native nations
as well as higher-ups)
▪ Realize there will be mistakes, but what does self-
rule mean if not the freedom to make mistakes and
learn from them?
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Implications for Native Nations
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
▪ Pursue jurisdiction, constitutional authority,
decision-making power
▪ Development is first and foremost a political
▪ Jurisdiction is toothless without capable government
behind it
▪ Therefore, invest in institutional capacity building
▪ Act as a partner
▪ Govern well
▪ Change the conversation about government, about
development, about what makes a healthy society
Building Native Nation Economies
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
…the Nation Building way means…
Building Native Nation Economies
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Jurisdiction (Practical Self-Rule)
Building Native Nation Economies
Capable and appropriate
governing institutions
Jurisdiction (Practical Self-Rule)
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Building Native Nation Economies
Stability Fairness Efficiency
Capable and appropriate
governing institutions
Jurisdiction (Practical Self-Rule)
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Building Native Nation Economies
Attract investors
(especially your
own citizens)
Gain respect and trust
from both outsiders
and citizens
Stability Fairness Efficiency
Capable and appropriate
governing institutions
Jurisdiction (Practical Self-Rule)
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Building Native Nation Economies
Create enterprises (tribal or private) that last
Attract investors
(especially your
own citizens)
Gain respect and trust
from both outsiders
and citizens
Stability Fairness Efficiency
Capable and appropriate
governing institutions
Jurisdiction (Practical Self-Rule)
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Results of the
Nation-Building Approach
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
▪ More effective access to and use of
▪ Increased chances of sustained and self-
determined economic development
▪ A more effective defense of sovereignty
▪ Communities – not just economies – that
None of the characteristics of the Nation-
Building approach is something we usually
describe as “economic”
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
In the Nation-Building approach economic
development is first and foremost a
political problem
Once the political problem is solved,
then economic assets begin to pay off
They are all political
is a
economic development
wealth generating strategy
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Successful Indigenous Nations
Assert the Right to Govern Themselves and
Exercise That Right Effectively
By Building Capable Governing Institutions
That Match Their Cultures.
Leadership and strategic thinking are keys.
The task is Nation Building.
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
Hold on to what is good,
Even if it is a handful of earth
Hold on to what you believe,
Even if it is only a tree by itself
Hold on to what you must do,
Even if it is a long way from here
Hold on to life,
Even if it is easier letting go
Hold on to my hand,
Even when I have gone away from you
Anselmo Valencia Tori
Pascua Yaqui Forefather

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Indigenous Nation-Building: Issues of Self-Rule, Institution-Building, and Leadership (By: Dr. Manley Begay)

  • 1. Indigenous Nation-Building: Issues of Self-Rule, Institution-Building, and Leadership By: Dr. Manley Begay Minnesota Indian Business Conference Treasure Island Resort & Casino Red Wing, Minnesota 29 October 2008 Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 2. Some Stories Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 3. Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Meadow Lake Tribal Council Citizen Band of Potawatomi Nation Membertou First Nation Cochiti Pueblo Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 4. The Puzzle Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy What explains the success that some Native nations in the US have had in building sustainable, self-determined economies?
  • 5. Research carried out by the Native Nations Institute at the University of Arizona and the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development indicates that the keys to successful, sustainable development lie in how Native nations govern themselves. The economic development challenge is first and foremost a political challenge. Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy What the research says…
  • 6. Keys to Success Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy ▪ Practical Self-Rule (Jurisdiction) ▪ Effective Institutions of Self-Governance ▪ Cultural Match ▪ Strategic Orientation ▪ Leadership in other words… Nation-Building
  • 7. NATION BUILDING Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Definition: The enhanced capacity of Indigenous nations to realize their own economic, educational, cultural, environmental, and political objectives through foundational actions of their own design.
  • 8. Today, What Does Self-Rule Mean for Indigenous Governments? Control of Cultural and Religious Affairs Use of Environmental and Natural Resources Business Permitting and Regulation Setting Citizenship/Membership Criteria Law Making and Legislation Governmental Form Taxation Civil Law and Courts Criminal Law and Courts Postal Service Issuance of Currency Military Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 9. THE EBB AND FLOW: A QUICK HISTORY OF U.S. FEDERAL INDIAN POLICY Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Status Chronology International Treaties c. 1776… Law (and Military Expansion) c. 1830… Military Invasion c. 1865… Termination through Allotment c. 1885… Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 1934… Termination through Derecognition 1953… Self-Determination Policy c. 1970… Self-Governance/Self-Determination c. 1988…
  • 10. Despite the intense efforts to change Native peoples into other than who we are, we have, by and large, maintained our sense of peoplehood, culture, and relationships Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 11. Federal Policy: Termination or Self-Determination? Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy What is clear in the constant vacillation of U.S. Federal Indian policy is that the policy of self-rule (jurisdiction) is the only Federal policy that has worked in Native affairs.
  • 12. There seems to be a 20-year Lag Rule present, which requires patience and tolerance because Indigenous development solutions have been diverse and creative; rather than, the shoddy and easy answers that have often been put forth by the Federal government. Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 13. Another Story: ▪ One Nation Split in Two By Two Colonizing Forces ▪ Self-Rule for One and Control for the Other ▪ Two Different Development Results Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 14. Other Examples can be found in: Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy South Africa Eastern Europe Iraq Afghanistan New Zealand Canada
  • 15. The Puzzle Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy So, what explains the success that some Native nations in the US have had in building sustainable, self- determined economies?
  • 16. Two Approaches to Indigenous Economic Development Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy ▪ The Standard Approach dominated Indian Country through most of the 20th Century ▪ The Nation-Building Approach is emerging in practice in Indian Country today. How do these approaches differ, and why does one work so much better than the other?
  • 17. Building Native Nation Economies Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy …the old way
  • 18. A new tribal administration is elected, promising to build a viable economy. The new leadership looks around and says, Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy “We sure do need to build an economy. What should we do?”
  • 19. “Anybody got any ideas for some businesses?” Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Find some ideas
  • 20. “We’d better have a planner” Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Find some ideas Hire a planner
  • 21. “Tell the planner to get some grants” Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Find some ideas Get a grantHire a planner
  • 22. “Now get something going!” Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Start a business, any business Find some ideas Get a grantHire a planner
  • 23. “Let’s get our political supporters to run it” Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Hand out jobs to supporters and relatives Start a business, any business Find some ideas Get a grantHire a planner
  • 24. “If it’s not doing so well, find another grant to keep it going and get some more jobs” Hand out jobs to supporters and relatives Start a business, any business Find some ideas Get a grantHire a planner Try to get another grant Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 25. “Spend the proceeds solving other problems” Find some ideas Hire a planner Get a grant Start a business, any business Hand out jobs to supporters and relatives Try to get another grant Spend the proceeds Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 26. “Be content with operational administration” Find some ideas Hire a planner Get a grant Start a business, any business Hand out jobs to supporters and relatives Try to get another grant Spend the proceeds Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Operational Administration
  • 27. “If it starts to fail, run for cover…” Fire the planner “Uh-oh!” “Blame the manager!” Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 28. At the next election, a new Council is elected, promising to build an economy. They look around and say, Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy “Those guys before us sure made a mess of things. Good thing we got elected. What should we do now?” and here we go again…
  • 29. “Anybody got any ideas for some businesses?” Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Find some ideas
  • 30. “We’d better have a planner” Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Find some ideas Hire a planner
  • 31. “Tell the planner to get some grants” Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Find some ideas Get a grantHire a planner
  • 32. “Now get something going!” Find some ideas Get a grantHire a planner Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 33. “Keep going with operational administration!” Find some ideas Get a grantHire a planner Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 34. 1. Short-term, non-strategic 2. Views economic development as an economic problem 3. Instead of building an economy step-by-step, looks for “home runs.” 4. Lets others (usually other governments) set the development agenda 5. Views Indigenous cultures as obstacles to development Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy The Standard Approach to Economic Development
  • 35. ▪ Failed enterprises ▪ A politics of spoils ▪ Brain drain ▪ Outside perceptions of incompetence and chaos that undermine the defense of sovereignty ▪ Inside perceptions of incompetence and chaos that undermine the confidence of the community ▪ Continuing poverty Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Typical Results of the Standard Model
  • 36. In short, the standard approach produces a poor foundation for sustainable development… Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 37. Isn’t there a better way? Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Yes, and some Native Nations are pursuing it…
  • 38. 1. Sovereignty in practice (the nation calls the shots) 2. Capable governing institutions (back up authority with competence) 3. Cultural match (governing institutions match community beliefs about how authority should be organized) 4. Strategic orientation (decisions are made with long-term priorities in mind) 5. Public-spirited leadership (instead of politics as boxing ring where factions fight to control the goodies) Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy The Nation-Building Approach to Economic Development
  • 39. ▪ Puts the development agenda and the necessary resources in Indian hands. ▪ Marries decisions to consequences, leading to better decisions. ▪ Has concrete, bottom-line payoffs. ▪ Evidence says it’s necessary (but not sufficient) for sustained development. Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy 1. Sovereignty in Practice
  • 40. What Does Self-Governance Mean? Two Versions… Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy ▪ Operational Administration – Native Nations take over administration of programs designed and funded by federal government and states. Primary relationship = recipient ▪ Self-Rule – Native Nations have increased jurisdiction, constitutional authority, and decision- making power. Primary relationship = partner
  • 41. But what does this mean…? Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 42. A Focus on Government Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Research shows that effective governing institutions are the essential components in sustainable economic development. But why does the quality of governance matter so much?
  • 43. ▪ Stability. ▪ Careful management of the politics-business connection. ▪ Effective and non-politicized resolution of disputes (a strong and independent judiciary). ▪ The ability to make binding decisions in a timely fashion. ▪ A bureaucracy that can get things done. Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy 2. Capable Governing Institutions
  • 44. ▪ To be effective, governing institutions must have legitimacy with the people. ▪ This means they have to match Indigenous ideas about how authority should be organized and exercised. ▪ Institutions that match contemporary Indigenous cultures are more successful than those that don’t. ▪ Economic strategies that match contemporary Indigenous cultures are more successful than those that don’t. …But there’s no blank check; institutions and strategies also have to work. Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy 3. Cultural Match
  • 45. Differences in Governmental Form Traditional Contemporary Cochiti Pueblo Hopi Flathead Onondaga Isleta Pueblo Citizen Potawatomi ▪ There is great variation in governmental form among Indigenous nations because of the diversity of traditional political systems and the uneven application of federal policy ▪ Combining traditional and contemporary is a common Indigenous strategy for solving governance challenges Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 46. Which of these are the “best” governments? Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy ➢The ones that solve their nations’ governance challenges ➢The ones that promote their communities’ interests ➢The ones that hold their communities together ➢The ones that match their communities’ cultures and work (meet the nations’ needs) There’s no one, specific “best” way.
  • 47. Whatever decisions you make, remember that the organization of government has to pass two tests: Cultural Match Effectiveness The Organization of Government Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 48. …from reactive to proactive thinking (not just responding to crisis but trying to gain control over the future) …from short-term to long-term thinking (twenty-five years from now, what kind of society do you want?) …from opportunistic to systemic thinking (focusing not on what can be funded but on how each option fits the community’s future) …from a narrow problem focus to a broader focus on the community (fixing not just problems but communities) Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy 4. Strategic Orientation: A Shift…
  • 49. Key Strategic Questions Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy ▪ What kind of society are you trying to build? ▪ What do you hope will be different 25 or 50 years from now? What do you hope will be the same? ▪ What do you wish to protect? What are you willing to change? ▪ What assets do you have to work with? ▪ What makes sense to the community at large? …all in the context of a hard-nosed look at the reality and requirements of your situation.
  • 50. 5. Leadership Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy …individuals or groups who are willing to break with status quo practices in Indian Country, who can articulate a new vision of the nation’s future, and who both understand and can effectively encourage the foundational changes such visions require.
  • 51. The Strategic Role of Leaders in Fostering Economic Activity Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy ▪ They create (or destroy) a climate in which development can take place ▪ They set a vision (or not) of where the nation is headed. ▪ They create (or undermine) institutions capable of effectively implementing a national vision ▪ They respect (or abuse) rules of the game by which members must play ▪ They send messages that “investors” will (or will not) be treated fairly, regardless of who they voted for or who their relatives are ▪ They eliminate (or introduce) obstacles to development
  • 52. LEADERSHIP Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy What Legacy Will You Leave for Your Nation?
  • 53. The Role of Non-Indigenous Governments The Nation-Building Approach ▪ Fund development via block grants (decisions about priorities move into Native hands) ▪ Invest in institutional capacity-building ▪ Transfer significant jurisdictional powers to Native Nations ▪ Abandon the “one-size-fits-all fantasy”: It won’t work ▪ Act like partners (be accountable to Native nations as well as higher-ups) ▪ Realize there will be mistakes, but what does self- rule mean if not the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them? Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 54. Implications for Native Nations Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy ▪ Pursue jurisdiction, constitutional authority, decision-making power ▪ Development is first and foremost a political challenge ▪ Jurisdiction is toothless without capable government behind it ▪ Therefore, invest in institutional capacity building ▪ Act as a partner ▪ Govern well ▪ Change the conversation about government, about development, about what makes a healthy society
  • 55. Building Native Nation Economies Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy …the Nation Building way means…
  • 56. Building Native Nation Economies Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Jurisdiction (Practical Self-Rule)
  • 57. Building Native Nation Economies Capable and appropriate governing institutions Strategic thinking Public-spirited leadership Jurisdiction (Practical Self-Rule) Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 58. Building Native Nation Economies Stability Fairness Efficiency Capable and appropriate governing institutions Strategic thinking Public-spirited leadership Jurisdiction (Practical Self-Rule) Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 59. Building Native Nation Economies Attract investors (especially your own citizens) Retain talent Gain respect and trust from both outsiders and citizens Stability Fairness Efficiency Capable and appropriate governing institutions Strategic thinking Public-spirited leadership Jurisdiction (Practical Self-Rule) Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 60. Building Native Nation Economies Create enterprises (tribal or private) that last Attract investors (especially your own citizens) Retain talent Gain respect and trust from both outsiders and citizens Stability Fairness Efficiency Capable and appropriate governing institutions Strategic thinking Public-spirited leadership Jurisdiction (Practical Self-Rule) Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 61. Results of the Nation-Building Approach Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy ▪ More effective access to and use of resources ▪ Increased chances of sustained and self- determined economic development ▪ A more effective defense of sovereignty ▪ Communities – not just economies – that work
  • 62. None of the characteristics of the Nation- Building approach is something we usually describe as “economic” Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy In the Nation-Building approach economic development is first and foremost a political problem Once the political problem is solved, then economic assets begin to pay off They are all political
  • 63. Nation-Building is a economic development and wealth generating strategy Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 64. KEYS TO NATION BUILDING IN NATIVE AMERICA Successful Indigenous Nations Assert the Right to Govern Themselves and Exercise That Right Effectively By Building Capable Governing Institutions That Match Their Cultures. Leadership and strategic thinking are keys. The task is Nation Building. Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy
  • 65. Conclusion: Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy Hold on to what is good, Even if it is a handful of earth Hold on to what you believe, Even if it is only a tree by itself Hold on to what you must do, Even if it is a long way from here Hold on to life, Even if it is easier letting go Hold on to my hand, Even when I have gone away from you Anselmo Valencia Tori Pascua Yaqui Forefather