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Jagadish Ramu
                     Sun Microsystems
Java EE 6 - Deep Dive

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Compatible Java EE 6 Impls


Goals for the Java EE 6
   Flexible & Light-weight
        Web Profile 1.0
        Pruning: JAX-RPC, EJB 2.x Entity Beans, JAXR, JSR 88
   Extensible
        • Embrace Open Source Frameworks

   Easier to use, develop on
        • Continue on path set by Java EE 5

Java EE 6 Web Profile 1.0
   Fully functional mid-sized profile
    • Actively discussed in the Java EE 6 Expert
      Group and outside it
    • Technologies
      • Servlets 3.0, JSP 2.2, EL 2.2, Debugging Support for Other
        Languages 1.0, JSTL 1.2, JSF 2.0, Common Annotations
        1.1, EJB 3.1 Lite, JTA 1.1, JPA 2.0, Bean Validation 1.0,
        Managed Beans 1.0, Interceptors 1.1, Context &
        Dependency Injection 1.0, Dependency Injection for
        Java 1.0

Java EE 6 - Done

   Specifications approved by the JCP
   Reference Implementation is GlassFish v3

   TCK

Java EE 6 Specifications
   The Platform
   Java EE 6 Web Profile 1.0
   Managed Beans 1.0

Java EE 6 Specifications

   Contexts and Dependency Injection for
    Java EE (JSR 299)
   Bean Validation 1.0 (JSR 303)
   Java API for RESTful Web Services (JSR 311)
   Dependency Injection for Java (JSR 330)

Java EE 6 Specifications
    Extreme Makeover

   Java Server Faces 2.0 (JSR 314)
   Java Servlets 3.0 (JSR 315)
   Java Persistence 2.0 (JSR 317)
   Enterprise Java Beans 3.1 & Interceptors 1.1
    (JSR 318)
   Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6 (JSR 322)

Java EE 6 Specifications
   Java API for XML-based Web Services 2.2 (JSR 224)
   Java API for XML Binding 2.2 (JSR 222)
   Web Services Metadata MR3 (JSR 181)
   JSP 2.2/EL 2.2 (JSR 245)
   Web Services for Java EE 1.3 (JSR 109)
   Common Annotations 1.1 (JSR 250)
   Java Authorization Contract for Containers 1.3 (JSR 115)
   Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for
    Containers 1.0 (JSR 196)
Servlets in Java EE 5
   At least 2 files
<!--Deployment descriptor     /* Code in Java Class */
  web.xml -->
                              package com.sun;
<web-app>                     public class MyServlet extends
  <servlet>                   HttpServlet {
    <servlet-name>MyServlet   public void
                              req,HttpServletResponse res)
         com.sun.MyServlet    {
       </servlet-class>       ...
  <servlet-mapping>           }
       </servlet-name>        ...
       </url-pattern>         }
Servlets 3.0 (JSR 315)
     Annotations-based @WebServlet

package com.sun;
@WebServlet(name=”MyServlet”, urlPatterns={”/myApp/*”})
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
      public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
                         HttpServletResponse res)
                          <!--Deployment descriptor web.xml -->
            ...           <web-app>
   }                           <servlet-name>MyServlet</servlet-name>

Servlets 3.0
    Annotations-based @WebServlet

       @WebInitParam(name="n2", value="v2")

public class TestServlet extends
       javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet {
           ....                           13

Servlets 3.0
Annotations-based @WebListeners

package server;

. . .

public class LoginServletListener implements
ServletContextListener {

Servlets 3.0
      Annotations-based @WebFilter
package server;                     </init-param>
. . .                           </filter>
@WebFilter(                     <filter-mapping>
  filterName="PaymentFilter",       <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
  InitParams={                  </filter-mapping>
    @WebInitParam(              <filter-mapping>
       name="param1",               <servlet-name>PaymentServlet</servlet-name>
       value="value1")              <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher>
    }                           </filter-mapping>
public class PaymentFilter implements Filter {
. . .

Servlets 3.0
     Asynchronous Servlets

     Useful for Comet, long waits
     Must declare
AsyncContext context = request.startAsync();
context.addListener(new AsyncListener() { … });
//context.start(Runnable action);
context.complete(); //marks completion
Servlets 3.0

   Plugin libraries using web fragments
        Modular web.xml
   Bundled in framework JAR file in META-INF
   Zero-configuration, drag-and-drop for web
    • Servlets, servlet filters, context listeners for a
      framework get discovered and registered by the
   Only JAR files in WEB-INF/lib are used                 17
Servlets 3.0


Servlets 3.0      Resource Sharing

   Static and JSP no longer confined to
    document root of the web application
   May be placed in WEB-INF/lib/
   Resources in document root take
    precedence over those in bundled JAR

EJB 3.1 (JSR 318)
    Package & Deploy in a WAR
          Java EE 5                                        Java EE 6
      foo_web.war                                       com.sun.FooServlet
      WEB-INF/web.xml                                   com.sun.FooBean
      WEB-INF/classes                                   com.sun.FooHelper

      com.sun.FooBean                                      web.xml ?
EJB 3.1

public class App {
    public String sayHello(String name) {
        return "Hello " + name;

EJB 3.1
   No interface view – one source file per bean
       Only for Local and within WAR
       Required for Remote
       No location transparency
   Component initialization in @PostConstruct
       No assumptions on no-arg ctor

Java EE 6 Namespaces
   Global
       java:global/..(for all applications)
   Application scoped
       java:app/.. (visibile only for the app.)
       App-1 binds an Object by name
        “java:app/myObject”, App-2 cannot
        see it.
       All modules of the app has visibility.
           mod-1, mod-2 of app-1 can see “java:app/myObject”
Java EE 6 Namespaces
   Module Scoped
       java:module/.. (visible only for the
       App-1 has module-1 and module-2
            Module-1's namespace not accessible by module-2
       All components of the module has
   Component
EJB 3.1
Portable Global JNDI Name Syntax
   Portable
   Global
   Application/Module-scoped
   Derived from metadata such as name,
     component name etc.

EJB 3.1
  Portable Global JNDI Name Syntax
                                                  Base name of ejb-jar/WAR
   Only within EAR                                 (or ejb-jar.xml/web.xml)
 Base name of EAR
 (or application.xml)


                                  Unqualified name of the bean class
                                     Annotation/name attribute
• Until now, only java:comp                  Or ejb-jar.xml
• Local & Remote business
• No-interface
• Also in java:app, java:module
EJB 3.1
 Portable Global JNDI Name Syntax

     package com.acme;
     public class FooBean implements Foo { ... }
    FooBean is packaged in fooejb.jar
EJB 3.1
     Embeddable API – Deploy the Bean

     public void testEJB() throws NamingException {
             EJBContainer ejbC =
             Context ctx = ejbC.getContext();
             App app = (App)
             String NAME = "Duke";
             String greeting = app.sayHello(NAME);
             assertTrue(greeting.equals("Hello " + NAME));

JSP, Servlets, EJB

EJB 3.1
    Singleton Beans
   One instance per app/VM, not pooled
       Useful for caching state
       CMT/BMT
       Access to container services for injection, resource
        manager, timers, startup/shutdown callbacks, etc.
       Enable eager initialization using @Startup
       Always supports concurrent access
       Define initialization ordering using @DependsOn
    public class MyEJB {
      . . .
EJB 3.1
Asynchronous Session Beans
   Control returns to the client before the
     container dispatches invocation to a
     bean instance
   @Asynchronous – method or class
   Return type – void or Future<V>
   Transaction context does not propagate
   Security principal propagates
EJB 3.1
Asynchronous Session Beans – Code Sample
 public class SimpleAsyncEJB {
     public Future<Integer> addNumbers(int n1, int n2) {
         Integer result;

             result = n1 + n2;
             try {
                 // simulate JPA queries + reading file system
             } catch (InterruptedException ex) {

             return new AsyncResult(result);
EJB 3.1
   Automatically created EJB Timers
   Calendar-based Timers – cron like semantics
       Every Mon & Wed midnight
       2pm on Last Thur of Nov of every year
        (hour=”14”, dayOfMonth=”Last Thu”,
       Every 5 minutes of every hour
        (minute=”*/5”, hour=”*”)
       Every 10 seconds starting at 30
       Every 14th minute within the hour, for the hours 1 & 2 am
        (minute=”*/14”, hour=”1,2”)
EJB 3.1
 Single     persistent timer across JVMs
   Automatically created EJB Timers
       @Schedule(hour=”15”,dayOfWeek=”Fri”)

   Can be chained
       @Schedules({

   May be associated with a TimeZone
   Non-persistent timer, e.g. Cache
       @Schedule(..., persistent=false)               34
EJB 3.1
EJB 3.1 Lite – Feature Comparison

Managed Beans 1.0

  EJB         CDI      JSF       JAX-WS JAX-RS      JPA       ...

                      @Managed    @Web
@Stateless   @Named                         @Path   @Entity   ...
                       Bean       Service


Managed Beans 1.0
   POJO as managed component for the Java
    EE container
       JavaBeans component model for Java EE
       Simple and Universally useful
       Advanced concepts in companion specs
   Basic Services
       Resource Injection, Lifecycle Callbacks, Interceptors
   Available as
       @Resource / @Inject
       java:app/<module-name>/<bean-name>
       java:module/<bean-name>                            37
Managed Beans 1.0 - Sample
@javax.annotation.ManagedBean                              @Resource
public class MyManagedBean {                               MyManagedBean bean;
  public void setupResources() {
    // setup your resources
  }                                                        @Inject
                                                           MyManagedBean bean;
    public void cleanupResources() {
       // collect them back here

    public String sayHello(String name) {
      return "Hello " + name;
Java Persistence API 2 (JSR
     Sophisticated mapping/modeling options
   Collection of basic types

public class Person {
    @Id protected String ssn;
    protected String name;
    protected Date birthDate;
    . . .
    protected Set<String> nickNames;
Java Persistence API 2
    Sophisticated mapping/modeling options

   Collection of embeddables

@Embeddable public class Address {
    String street;
    String city;
    String state;
    . . .

@Entity public class RichPerson extends Person {
    . . .
    protected Set<Address> vacationHomes;
    . . .
}                                                  40
Java Persistence API 2
    Sophisticated mapping/modeling options

   Multiple levels of embedding

@Embeddable public class ContactInfo {
    @Embedded Address address;
    . . .

@Entity public class Employee {
    @Id int empId;
    String name;
    ContactInfo contactInfo;
    . . .
Java Persistence API 2
     Sophisticated mapping/modeling options

   Improved Map support

    @Entity public class VideoStore {
        @Id Integer storeId;
        Address location;
        . . .
        Map<Movie, Integer> inventory;

    @Entity public class Movie {
        @Id String title;
        @String director;
        . . .
Java Persistence API 2

   Abstract “schema-level” model over
    managed classes of a Persistence Context
       Entities, Mapped classes, Embeddables, ...
   Accessed dynamically
       EntityManager or
   And/or statically materialized as
    metamodel classes
       Use annotation processor with javac
Java Persistence API 2
    Metamodel Example
public class Customer {
  @Id Integer custId;
  String name;
  Address address;
  @ManyToOne SalesRep rep;
  @OneToMany Set<Order> orders;
import javax.persistence.metamodel.*;

public class Customer_ {
  public static SingularAttribute<Customer, Integer> custId;
  public static SingularAttribute<Customer, String> name;
  public static SingularAttribute<Customer, Address> address;
  public static SingularAttribute<Customer, SalesRep> rep;
  public static SetAttribute<Customer, Order> orders;
Java Persistence API 2

   1st-level Cache by PersistenceContext
        Only one object instance for any database row
   2nd-level by “shared-cache-mode”
        ALL, NONE
        UNSPECIFIED – Provider specific defaults
        ENABE_SELECTIVE - Only entities with Cacheable(true)
        DISABLE_SELECTIVE - All but with Cacheable(false)
        Optional feature for PersistenceProvider

Java Persistence API 2
    Much more ...

   New locking modes
        PESSIMISTIC_READ – grab shared lock
        PESSIMISTIC_WRITE – grab exclusive lock
        PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT – update version
        em.find(<entity>.class, id,
        em.lock(<entity>, LockModeType.XXX)
   Standard configuration options
        javax.persistence.jdbc.[driver | url | user | password]
Screencast - JPA

password="dbpassword" )

• Equivalents in DDs as <datasource-definition> element
• Can be defined in Servlet, EJB, Managed Beans,
Application Client and their DDs.
• Can be defined in 'global', 'app', 'module', 'comp'
Interceptors 1.1
   Interpose on invocations and lifecycle
    events on a target class
   Defined
       Using annotations or DD
       Default Interceptors (only in DD)
   Class & Method Interceptors
       In the same transaction & security context
   Cross-cutting concerns: logging, auditing,
Interceptors 1.1 - Code
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface MyInterceptorBinding {

public class MyInterceptor {
  public Object intercept(InvocationContext context) {
    Object result = context.proceed();

      return result;
  }                                               50
 . . .
Interceptors 1.1 – Sample
public class MyManagedBean {
  . . .

MyManagedBean bean;
Interceptors 1.1 – Sample
public class MyManagedBean {
  . . .
                                   Single instance of
                                    Interceptor per
                                 target class instance
public class MyManagedBean {
  public String sayHello(String name) {
    . . .

Interceptors 1.1 – Sample
public class MyManagedBean {
  . . .

    public void someMethod() {
      . . .

Java Server Faces 2.0
   Facelets as “templating language” for the
    • Custom components much easier to develop
      <html xmlns=""
          <title>Enter Name &amp; Password</title>
          <h1>Enter Name &amp; Password</h1>
            <h:panelGrid columns="2">
              <h:outputText value="Name:"/>
              <h:inputText value="#{}" title="name"
                           id="name" required="true"/>
              <h:outputText value="Password:"/>
              <h:inputText value="#{simplebean.password}" title="password"
                           id="password" required="true"/>
            <h:commandButton action="show" value="submit"/>
        </h:body>                                                            54
JSF 2 Composite Components

JSF 2 Composite Components
<html xmlns=""
    <title>Enter Name &amp; Password</title>
    <h1>Enter Name &amp; Password</h1>
      <h:commandButton action="show" value="submit"/>
                                     . . .
Screencast - JSF

Contexts & Dependency
    Injection – CDI (JSR 299)
   Type-safe Dependency Injection
       No String-based identifiers
       Selected at development/deployment time
   Strong typing, Loose coupling
   Context & Scope management - extensible
   Works with Java EE modular and
    component architecture
       Integration with Unified Expression Language (UEL)
Injection Points
   Field, Method, Constructor
   0 or more qualifiers
   Type                      Which one ?

                @Inject @LoggedIn User user
    Request                             What ?
    Injection                           (Type)
CDI – Sample Client Code
    Field and Method Injection

public class CheckoutHandler {

    @Inject @LoggedIn User user;

    @Inject PaymentProcessor processor;

    @Inject void setShoppingCart(@Default Cart cart) {


CDI – Sample Client Code
 Constructor Injection

public class CheckoutHandler {

    CheckoutHandler(@LoggedIn User user,
                    PaymentProcessor processor,
                    @Default Cart cart) {


• Only one constructor can have @Inject
CDI - Sample Client Code
Multiple Qualifiers and Qualifiers with Arguments

public class CheckoutHandler {

    CheckoutHandler(@LoggedIn User user,
                    PaymentProcessor processor,
                    @Default Cart cart) {


CDI - Scopes
   Beans can be declared in a scope
       Everywhere: @ApplicationScoped, @RequestScoped
       Web app: @SessionScoped
       JSF app: @ConversationScoped : begin(), end()
             Transient and long-running
       Pseudo-scope (default): @Dependent
       Custom scopes via @Scope
   CDI runtime makes sure the right bean is
    created at the right time
   Client do NOT have to be scope-aware
CDI - Named Beans
    Built-in support for the Unified EL

   Beans give themselves a name with
   Then refer to it from a JSF or JSP page
    using the EL:

CDI - Events
    Even more decoupling
   Annotation-based event model
   A bean observes an event
void logPrintJobs(@Observes PrintEvent event){…}

   Another bean fires an event
    @Inject @Any Event<PrintEvent> myEvent;

    void doPrint() {
      . . . PrintEvent());

   Events can have qualifiers too
void logPrintJobs(@Observes @LargeFile PrintEvent event){…}
    Much more ...
   Producer methods and fields
   Alternatives
   Interceptors
   Decorators
   Stereotypes
   ...

Screencast - CDI

Bean Validation (JSR 303)
   Tier-independent mechanism to define
    constraints for data validation
    • Represented by annotations
    • javax.validation.* package
   Integrated with JSF and JPA
    • JSF: f:validateRequired, f:validateRegexp
    • JPA: pre-persist, pre-update, and pre-remove
   @NotNull(message=”...”), @Max, @Min,
   Fully Extensible        @Email String recipient;
Bean Validation
    Integration with JPA
   Managed classes may be configured
        Entities, Mapped superclasses, Embeddable classes
   Applied during pre-persist, pre-update,
    pre-remove lifecycle events
   How to enable ?
        “validation-mode” in persistence.xml
        “javax.persistence.validation.mode” key in
   Specific set of classes can be targeted
Bean Validation
    Integration with JSF
   Individual validators not required
   Integration with EL
        f:validateBean, f:validateRequired
             <h:inputText value=”#{}” />
             <h:selectOneRadio value=”#{model.radioProperty}” > …
             <!-- other input components here -->

JAX-RS 1.1

   Java API for building RESTful Web Services
   POJO based
   Annotation-driven
   Server-side API
   HTTP-centric

JAX-RS 1.1
    Code Sample - Simple
public class HelloWorldResource {
    @Context UriInfo ui;

      public String sayHello() {
          return "Hello World";

      public String morning() {
           return “Good Morning!”;

JAX-RS 1.1
    Code Sample – Specifying Output MIME type
public class HelloWorldResource {
    public String doGetAsPlainText() {
      . . .

      public String doGetAsHtml() {
        . . .
      }                           @GET
}                                 @Produces({
                                  public String doGetAsXmlOrJson() {
                                    . . .
JAX-RS 1.1
 Code Sample – Specifying Input MIME type

public String saveMessage() {
    . . .

JAX-RS 1.1
    Code Sample
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;

public class ActorResource {
    @Inject DatbaseBean db;

      public Actor getActor(int id) {
          return db.findActorById(id);

JAX-RS 1.1
    Code Sample
import   javax.inject.Inject;
import   javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;

public class ActorResource {
    @Inject DatbaseBean db;

      public Actor getActor(@PathParam("id") int id) {
           return db.findActorById(id);
JAX-RS 1.1
          Integration with Java EE 6 – Servlets 3.0

         No or Portable “web.xml”
<web-app>                                                     @ApplicationPath(“resources”
    <servlet-name>Jersey Web Application</servlet-name>
                                                              public class MyApplication
    <servlet-class>                                              extends
      com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer {
    <init-param>                                              }
    <servlet-name>Jersey Web Application</servlet-name>

Screencast - JAX-RS

GlassFish Distributions
Distribution              License      Features

GlassFish Open Source     CDDL &       • Java EE 6 Compatibility
Edition 3.0.1             GPLv2        • No Clustering
                                       • Clustering planned in 3.1
                                       • mod_jk for load balancing
GlassFish Open Source     CDDL &       • Java EE 5 Compatibility
Edition 2.1.1             GPLv2        • In memory replication
                                       • mod_loadbalancer
Oracle GlassFish Server   Commercial   • GlassFish Open Source Edition 3.0.1
3.0.1                                  • Oracle GlassFish Server Control      Coming
                                       • Clustering planned in 3.1             Soon!
Oracle GlassFish Server   Commercial   • GlassFish Open Source Edition 2.1.1
2.1.1                                  • Enterprise Manager
                                       • HADB

GlassFish 3 & OSGi
   No OSGi APIs are used in GlassFish
         HK2 provides abstraction layer
   All GlassFish modules are OSGi bundles
   Felix is default, also runs on Knopflerfish & Equinox
         Can run in an existing shell
         200+ modules in v3

Light Weight & On-demand
   Event-driven light-weight and non-intrusive
   Modules provide domain specific probes
    (monitoring events)
    • EJB, Web, Connector, JPA, Jersey, Orb, Ruby
   End-to-end monitoring on Solaris using
   3rd party scripting clients
    • JavaScript to begin with                      81
Boost your productivity
    Retain session across deployment
asadmin redeploy –properties keepSessions=true helloworld.war

Boost your productivity

GlassFish Roadmap Detail

©2010 Oracle Corporation
GlassFish 3.1 = 3.0 + 2.1.1
   Main Features
       Clustering and Centralized Administration
       High Availability
   Other ...
       Application Versioning
       Application-scoped Resources
       SSH-based remote management and monitoring
       Embedded (extensive)
       Admin Console based on RESTful API
References & Queries
   Follow @glassfish
                        Sun Microsystems
Java EE 6 - Deep Dive


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[스프링/Spring교육학원,자바교육,근로자교육,실업자교육추천학원_탑크리에듀]#6.스프링프레임워크 & 마이바티스 (Spring Framew...
[스프링/Spring교육학원,자바교육,근로자교육,실업자교육추천학원_탑크리에듀]#6.스프링프레임워크 & 마이바티스 (Spring Framew...[스프링/Spring교육학원,자바교육,근로자교육,실업자교육추천학원_탑크리에듀]#6.스프링프레임워크 & 마이바티스 (Spring Framew...
[스프링/Spring교육학원,자바교육,근로자교육,실업자교육추천학원_탑크리에듀]#6.스프링프레임워크 & 마이바티스 (Spring Framew...탑크리에듀(구로디지털단지역3번출구 2분거리)
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[스프링/Spring교육학원,자바교육,근로자교육,실업자교육추천학원_탑크리에듀]#6.스프링프레임워크 & 마이바티스 (Spring Framew...
[스프링/Spring교육학원,자바교육,근로자교육,실업자교육추천학원_탑크리에듀]#6.스프링프레임워크 & 마이바티스 (Spring Framew...[스프링/Spring교육학원,자바교육,근로자교육,실업자교육추천학원_탑크리에듀]#6.스프링프레임워크 & 마이바티스 (Spring Framew...
[스프링/Spring교육학원,자바교육,근로자교육,실업자교육추천학원_탑크리에듀]#6.스프링프레임워크 & 마이바티스 (Spring Framew...
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Java EE 6 = Less Code + More Power (Tutorial) [5th IndicThreads Conference On Java, 2010, Pune, India]

  • 1. Jagadish Ramu Sun Microsystems Java EE 6 - Deep Dive 1
  • 2. The following/preceding is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle. 2
  • 3. Compatible Java EE 6 Impls Today: Announced: 3
  • 4. Goals for the Java EE 6 Platform  Flexible & Light-weight  Web Profile 1.0  Pruning: JAX-RPC, EJB 2.x Entity Beans, JAXR, JSR 88  Extensible • Embrace Open Source Frameworks  Easier to use, develop on • Continue on path set by Java EE 5 4
  • 5. Java EE 6 Web Profile 1.0  Fully functional mid-sized profile • Actively discussed in the Java EE 6 Expert Group and outside it • Technologies • Servlets 3.0, JSP 2.2, EL 2.2, Debugging Support for Other Languages 1.0, JSTL 1.2, JSF 2.0, Common Annotations 1.1, EJB 3.1 Lite, JTA 1.1, JPA 2.0, Bean Validation 1.0, Managed Beans 1.0, Interceptors 1.1, Context & Dependency Injection 1.0, Dependency Injection for Java 1.0 5
  • 6. Java EE 6 - Done 09  Specifications approved by the JCP  Reference Implementation is GlassFish v3 20  TCK ec D 6
  • 7. Java EE 6 Specifications  The Platform  Java EE 6 Web Profile 1.0  Managed Beans 1.0 7
  • 8. Java EE 6 Specifications New  Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE (JSR 299)  Bean Validation 1.0 (JSR 303)  Java API for RESTful Web Services (JSR 311)  Dependency Injection for Java (JSR 330) 8
  • 9. Java EE 6 Specifications Extreme Makeover  Java Server Faces 2.0 (JSR 314)  Java Servlets 3.0 (JSR 315)  Java Persistence 2.0 (JSR 317)  Enterprise Java Beans 3.1 & Interceptors 1.1 (JSR 318)  Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6 (JSR 322) 9
  • 10. Java EE 6 Specifications Updates  Java API for XML-based Web Services 2.2 (JSR 224)  Java API for XML Binding 2.2 (JSR 222)  Web Services Metadata MR3 (JSR 181)  JSP 2.2/EL 2.2 (JSR 245)  Web Services for Java EE 1.3 (JSR 109)  Common Annotations 1.1 (JSR 250)  Java Authorization Contract for Containers 1.3 (JSR 115)  Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers 1.0 (JSR 196) 10
  • 11. Servlets in Java EE 5 At least 2 files <!--Deployment descriptor /* Code in Java Class */ web.xml --> package com.sun; <web-app> public class MyServlet extends <servlet> HttpServlet { <servlet-name>MyServlet public void doGet(HttpServletRequest </servlet-name> req,HttpServletResponse res) <servlet-class> com.sun.MyServlet { </servlet-class> ... </servlet> <servlet-mapping> } <servlet-name>MyServlet </servlet-name> ... <url-pattern>/myApp/* </url-pattern> } </servlet-mapping> ... </web-app> 11
  • 12. Servlets 3.0 (JSR 315) Annotations-based @WebServlet package com.sun; @WebServlet(name=”MyServlet”, urlPatterns={”/myApp/*”}) public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) <!--Deployment descriptor web.xml --> { ... <web-app> <servlet> } <servlet-name>MyServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class> com.sun.MyServlet </servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>MyServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/myApp/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> ... </web-app> 12
  • 13. Servlets 3.0 Annotations-based @WebServlet @WebServlet(name="mytest", urlPatterns={"/myurl"}, initParams={ @WebInitParam(name="n1", value="v1"), @WebInitParam(name="n2", value="v2") } ) public class TestServlet extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet { .... 13 }
  • 14. Servlets 3.0 Annotations-based @WebListeners <listener> <listener-class> server.LoginServletListener </listener-class> </listener> package server; . . . @WebListener() public class LoginServletListener implements ServletContextListener { 14
  • 15. Servlets 3.0 Annotations-based @WebFilter <filter> <filter-name>PaymentFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>server.PaymentFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>param1</param-name> <param-value>value1</param-value> package server; </init-param> . . . </filter> @WebFilter( <filter-mapping> <filter-name>PaymentFilter</filter-name> filterName="PaymentFilter", <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> InitParams={ </filter-mapping> @WebInitParam( <filter-mapping> <filter-name>PaymentFilter</filter-name> name="param1", <servlet-name>PaymentServlet</servlet-name> value="value1") <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher> } </filter-mapping> urlPatterns={"/*"}, servletNames={"PaymentServlet"}, dispatcherTypes={DispatcherType.REQUEST} ) public class PaymentFilter implements Filter { . . . 15
  • 16. Servlets 3.0 Asynchronous Servlets  Useful for Comet, long waits  Must declare @WebServlet(asyncSupported=true) AsyncContext context = request.startAsync(); context.addListener(new AsyncListener() { … }); context.dispatch(“/request.jsp”); //context.start(Runnable action); ... context.complete(); //marks completion 16
  • 17. Servlets 3.0 Extensibility  Plugin libraries using web fragments  Modular web.xml  Bundled in framework JAR file in META-INF directory  Zero-configuration, drag-and-drop for web frameworks • Servlets, servlet filters, context listeners for a framework get discovered and registered by the container  Only JAR files in WEB-INF/lib are used 17
  • 18. Servlets 3.0 Extensibility <web-fragment> <filter> <filter-name>wicket.helloworld</filter-name> <filter-class>org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>applicationClassName</param-name> <param-value>...</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>wicket.helloworld</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> </web-fragment> 18
  • 19. Servlets 3.0 Resource Sharing  Static and JSP no longer confined to document root of the web application  May be placed in WEB-INF/lib/ [*.jar]/META-INF/resources  Resources in document root take precedence over those in bundled JAR myapp.war WEB-INF/lib/catalog.jar /META-INF/resources/catalog/books.html http://localhost:8080/myapp/catalog/books.html 19
  • 20. EJB 3.1 (JSR 318) Package & Deploy in a WAR Java EE 5 Java EE 6 foo.war foo.ear WEB-INF/classes foo_web.war com.sun.FooServlet com.sun.TickTock WEB-INF/web.xml com.sun.FooBean WEB-INF/classes com.sun.FooHelper com.sun.FooServlet com.sun.TickTock foo_ejb.jar com.sun.FooBean web.xml ? com.sun.FooHelper 20
  • 21. EJB 3.1 @Stateless public class App { public String sayHello(String name) { return "Hello " + name; } } 21
  • 22. EJB 3.1  No interface view – one source file per bean  Only for Local and within WAR  Required for Remote  No location transparency  Component initialization in @PostConstruct  No assumptions on no-arg ctor 22
  • 23. Java EE 6 Namespaces  Global  java:global/..(for all applications)  Application scoped  java:app/.. (visibile only for the app.)  App-1 binds an Object by name “java:app/myObject”, App-2 cannot see it.  All modules of the app has visibility.  mod-1, mod-2 of app-1 can see “java:app/myObject” 23
  • 24. Java EE 6 Namespaces  Module Scoped  java:module/.. (visible only for the module)  App-1 has module-1 and module-2  Module-1's namespace not accessible by module-2  All components of the module has visibility  Component 24
  • 25. EJB 3.1 Portable Global JNDI Name Syntax  Portable  Global  Application/Module-scoped  Derived from metadata such as name, component name etc. 25
  • 26. EJB 3.1 Portable Global JNDI Name Syntax Base name of ejb-jar/WAR Only within EAR (or ejb-jar.xml/web.xml) Base name of EAR (or application.xml) java:global[/<app-name>]/<module-name>/<bean-name> [!<fully-qualified-interface-name>] Unqualified name of the bean class Annotation/name attribute • Until now, only java:comp Or ejb-jar.xml • Local & Remote business • No-interface • Also in java:app, java:module 26
  • 27. EJB 3.1 Portable Global JNDI Name Syntax package com.acme; @Stateless public class FooBean implements Foo { ... }  FooBean is packaged in fooejb.jar java:global/fooejb/FooBean java:global/fooejb/FooBean!com.acme.Foo java:app/fooejb/FooBean java:app/fooejb/FooBean!com.acme.Foo java:module/FooBean java:module/FooBean!com.acme.Foo 27
  • 28. EJB 3.1 Embeddable API – Deploy the Bean public void testEJB() throws NamingException { EJBContainer ejbC = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer(); Context ctx = ejbC.getContext(); App app = (App) ctx.lookup("java:global/classes/App"); assertNotNull(app); String NAME = "Duke"; String greeting = app.sayHello(NAME); assertNotNull(greeting); assertTrue(greeting.equals("Hello " + NAME)); ejbC.close(); } 28
  • 30. EJB 3.1 Singleton Beans  One instance per app/VM, not pooled  Useful for caching state  CMT/BMT  Access to container services for injection, resource manager, timers, startup/shutdown callbacks, etc.  Enable eager initialization using @Startup  Always supports concurrent access  Define initialization ordering using @DependsOn @Singleton public class MyEJB { . . . 30 }
  • 31. EJB 3.1 Asynchronous Session Beans  Control returns to the client before the container dispatches invocation to a bean instance  @Asynchronous – method or class  Return type – void or Future<V>  Transaction context does not propagate  REQUIRED → REQUIRED_NEW  Security principal propagates 31
  • 32. EJB 3.1 Asynchronous Session Beans – Code Sample @Stateless @Asynchronous public class SimpleAsyncEJB { public Future<Integer> addNumbers(int n1, int n2) { Integer result; result = n1 + n2; try { // simulate JPA queries + reading file system Thread.currentThread().sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return new AsyncResult(result); } } 32
  • 33. EJB 3.1 Timers  Automatically created EJB Timers  Calendar-based Timers – cron like semantics  Every Mon & Wed midnight @Schedule(dayOfWeek=”Mon,Wed”)  2pm on Last Thur of Nov of every year (hour=”14”, dayOfMonth=”Last Thu”, month=”Nov”)  Every 5 minutes of every hour (minute=”*/5”, hour=”*”)  Every 10 seconds starting at 30 (second=”30/10”)  Every 14th minute within the hour, for the hours 1 & 2 am (minute=”*/14”, hour=”1,2”) 33
  • 34. EJB 3.1 Timers  Single persistent timer across JVMs  Automatically created EJB Timers  @Schedule(hour=”15”,dayOfWeek=”Fri”)  Can be chained  @Schedules({ @Schedule(hour=”6”,dayOfWeek=”Tue,Thu,Fri-Sun”), @Schedule(hour=”12”,dayOfWeek=”Mon,Wed”) })  May be associated with a TimeZone  Non-persistent timer, e.g. Cache  @Schedule(..., persistent=false) 34
  • 35. EJB 3.1 EJB 3.1 Lite – Feature Comparison 35
  • 36. Managed Beans 1.0 EJB CDI JSF JAX-WS JAX-RS JPA ... @Stateful @Managed @Web @Stateless @Named @Path @Entity ... Bean Service @Singleton @javax.annotation.ManagedBean 36
  • 37. Managed Beans 1.0  POJO as managed component for the Java EE container  JavaBeans component model for Java EE  Simple and Universally useful  Advanced concepts in companion specs  Basic Services  Resource Injection, Lifecycle Callbacks, Interceptors  Available as  @Resource / @Inject  java:app/<module-name>/<bean-name>  java:module/<bean-name> 37
  • 38. Managed Beans 1.0 - Sample @javax.annotation.ManagedBean @Resource public class MyManagedBean { MyManagedBean bean; @PostConstruct public void setupResources() { // setup your resources } @Inject MyManagedBean bean; @PreDestroy public void cleanupResources() { // collect them back here } public String sayHello(String name) { return "Hello " + name; } } 38
  • 39. Java Persistence API 2 (JSR 317) Sophisticated mapping/modeling options  Collection of basic types @Entity public class Person { @Id protected String ssn; protected String name; protected Date birthDate; . . . @ElementCollection @CollectionTable(name=”ALIAS”) protected Set<String> nickNames; } 39
  • 40. Java Persistence API 2 Sophisticated mapping/modeling options  Collection of embeddables @Embeddable public class Address { String street; String city; String state; . . . } @Entity public class RichPerson extends Person { . . . @ElementCollection protected Set<Address> vacationHomes; . . . } 40
  • 41. Java Persistence API 2 Sophisticated mapping/modeling options  Multiple levels of embedding @Embeddable public class ContactInfo { @Embedded Address address; . . . } @Entity public class Employee { @Id int empId; String name; ContactInfo contactInfo; . . . } 41
  • 42. Java Persistence API 2 Sophisticated mapping/modeling options  Improved Map support @Entity public class VideoStore { @Id Integer storeId; Address location; . . . @ElementCollection Map<Movie, Integer> inventory; } @Entity public class Movie { @Id String title; @String director; . . . } 42
  • 43. Java Persistence API 2 Metamodel  Abstract “schema-level” model over managed classes of a Persistence Context  Entities, Mapped classes, Embeddables, ...  Accessed dynamically  EntityManager or EntityManagerFactory.getMetamodel()  And/or statically materialized as metamodel classes  Use annotation processor with javac 43
  • 44. Java Persistence API 2 Metamodel Example @Entity public class Customer { @Id Integer custId; String name; ... Address address; @ManyToOne SalesRep rep; @OneToMany Set<Order> orders; } import javax.persistence.metamodel.*; @StaticMetamodel(Customer.class) public class Customer_ { public static SingularAttribute<Customer, Integer> custId; public static SingularAttribute<Customer, String> name; public static SingularAttribute<Customer, Address> address; public static SingularAttribute<Customer, SalesRep> rep; public static SetAttribute<Customer, Order> orders; } 44
  • 45. Java Persistence API 2 Caching  1st-level Cache by PersistenceContext  Only one object instance for any database row  2nd-level by “shared-cache-mode”  ALL, NONE  UNSPECIFIED – Provider specific defaults  ENABE_SELECTIVE - Only entities with Cacheable(true)  DISABLE_SELECTIVE - All but with Cacheable(false)  Optional feature for PersistenceProvider 45
  • 46. Java Persistence API 2 Much more ...  New locking modes  PESSIMISTIC_READ – grab shared lock  PESSIMISTIC_WRITE – grab exclusive lock  PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT – update version  em.find(<entity>.class, id, LockModeType.XXX)  em.lock(<entity>, LockModeType.XXX)  Standard configuration options  javax.persistence.jdbc.[driver | url | user | password] 46
  • 48. @DataSourceDefinition @DataSourceDefinition( name="java:global/MyApp/MyDataSource", className="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource" databaseName=”testdb”, serverName=”localhost”, portNumber=”1527”, user="dbuser", password="dbpassword" ) • Equivalents in DDs as <datasource-definition> element • Can be defined in Servlet, EJB, Managed Beans, Application Client and their DDs. • Can be defined in 'global', 'app', 'module', 'comp' scopes 48
  • 49. Interceptors 1.1  Interpose on invocations and lifecycle events on a target class  Defined  Using annotations or DD  Default Interceptors (only in DD)  Class & Method Interceptors  In the same transaction & security context  Cross-cutting concerns: logging, auditing, profiling 49
  • 50. Interceptors 1.1 - Code @InterceptorBinding @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE}) public @interface MyInterceptorBinding { } @Interceptor @MyInterceptorBinding public class MyInterceptor { @AroundInvoke public Object intercept(InvocationContext context) { System.out.println(context.getMethod.getName()); System.out.println(context.getParameters()); Object result = context.proceed(); return result; } 50 . . .
  • 51. Interceptors 1.1 – Sample Code @Interceptors(MyInterceptor.class) public class MyManagedBean { . . . } @Inject MyManagedBean bean; 51
  • 52. Interceptors 1.1 – Sample Code @MyInterceptorBinding public class MyManagedBean { . . . } Single instance of Interceptor per target class instance public class MyManagedBean { @Interceptors(MyInterceptor.class) public String sayHello(String name) { . . . } } 52
  • 53. Interceptors 1.1 – Sample Code @Named @Interceptors(MyInterceptor.class) public class MyManagedBean { . . . @Interceptors(AnotherInterceptor.class) @ExcludeDefaultInterceptors @ExcludeClassInterceptors public void someMethod() { . . . } } 53
  • 54. Java Server Faces 2.0  Facelets as “templating language” for the page • Custom components much easier to develop <html xmlns="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:h=""> <h:head> <title>Enter Name &amp; Password</title> </h:head> <h:body> <h1>Enter Name &amp; Password</h1> <h:form> <h:panelGrid columns="2"> <h:outputText value="Name:"/> <h:inputText value="#{}" title="name" id="name" required="true"/> <h:outputText value="Password:"/> <h:inputText value="#{simplebean.password}" title="password" id="password" required="true"/> </h:panelGrid> <h:commandButton action="show" value="submit"/> </h:form> </h:body> 54 </html>
  • 55. JSF 2 Composite Components 55
  • 56. JSF 2 Composite Components <html xmlns="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:ez=""> <h:head> <title>Enter Name &amp; Password</title> </h:head> <h:body> <h1>Enter Name &amp; Password</h1> <h:form> <ez:username-password/> <h:commandButton action="show" value="submit"/> </h:form> . . . </h:body> WEB-INF </html> index.xhtml resources/ ezcomp/ username-password.xhtml 56
  • 58. Contexts & Dependency Injection – CDI (JSR 299)  Type-safe Dependency Injection  No String-based identifiers  Selected at development/deployment time  Strong typing, Loose coupling  Context & Scope management - extensible  Works with Java EE modular and component architecture  Integration with Unified Expression Language (UEL) 58
  • 59. CDI Injection Points  Field, Method, Constructor  0 or more qualifiers  Type Which one ? (Qualifier) @Inject @LoggedIn User user Request What ? Injection (Type) 59
  • 60. CDI – Sample Client Code Field and Method Injection public class CheckoutHandler { @Inject @LoggedIn User user; @Inject PaymentProcessor processor; @Inject void setShoppingCart(@Default Cart cart) { … } } 60
  • 61. CDI – Sample Client Code Constructor Injection public class CheckoutHandler { @Inject CheckoutHandler(@LoggedIn User user, PaymentProcessor processor, @Default Cart cart) { ... } } • Only one constructor can have @Inject 61
  • 62. CDI - Sample Client Code Multiple Qualifiers and Qualifiers with Arguments public class CheckoutHandler { @Inject CheckoutHandler(@LoggedIn User user, @Reliable @PayBy(CREDIT_CARD) PaymentProcessor processor, @Default Cart cart) { ... } } 62
  • 63. CDI - Scopes  Beans can be declared in a scope  Everywhere: @ApplicationScoped, @RequestScoped  Web app: @SessionScoped  JSF app: @ConversationScoped : begin(), end()  Transient and long-running  Pseudo-scope (default): @Dependent  Custom scopes via @Scope  CDI runtime makes sure the right bean is created at the right time  Client do NOT have to be scope-aware 63
  • 64. CDI - Named Beans Built-in support for the Unified EL  Beans give themselves a name with @Named(“cart”)  Then refer to it from a JSF or JSP page using the EL: <h:commandButton value=”Checkout” action=“#{cart.checkout}”/> 64
  • 65. CDI - Events Even more decoupling  Annotation-based event model  A bean observes an event void logPrintJobs(@Observes PrintEvent event){…}  Another bean fires an event @Inject @Any Event<PrintEvent> myEvent; void doPrint() { . . . PrintEvent()); }  Events can have qualifiers too void logPrintJobs(@Observes @LargeFile PrintEvent event){…} 65
  • 66. CDI Much more ...  Producer methods and fields  Alternatives  Interceptors  Decorators  Stereotypes  ... 66
  • 68. Bean Validation (JSR 303)  Tier-independent mechanism to define constraints for data validation • Represented by annotations • javax.validation.* package  Integrated with JSF and JPA • JSF: f:validateRequired, f:validateRegexp • JPA: pre-persist, pre-update, and pre-remove  @NotNull(message=”...”), @Max, @Min, @Size  Fully Extensible @Email String recipient; 68
  • 69. Bean Validation Integration with JPA  Managed classes may be configured  Entities, Mapped superclasses, Embeddable classes  Applied during pre-persist, pre-update, pre-remove lifecycle events  How to enable ?  “validation-mode” in persistence.xml  “javax.persistence.validation.mode” key in Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory  Specific set of classes can be targeted [persist| 69 update|remove]
  • 70. Bean Validation Integration with JSF  Individual validators not required  Integration with EL  f:validateBean, f:validateRequired <h:form> <f:validateBean> <h:inputText value=”#{}” /> <h:selectOneRadio value=”#{model.radioProperty}” > … </h:selectOneRadio> <!-- other input components here --> </f:validateBean> </h:form> 70
  • 71. JAX-RS 1.1  Java API for building RESTful Web Services  POJO based  Annotation-driven  Server-side API  HTTP-centric 71
  • 72. JAX-RS 1.1 Code Sample - Simple @Path("helloworld") public class HelloWorldResource { @Context UriInfo ui; @GET @Produces("text/plain") public String sayHello() { return "Hello World"; } @GET @Path("morning") public String morning() { return “Good Morning!”; } } 72
  • 73. JAX-RS 1.1 Code Sample – Specifying Output MIME type @Path("/helloworld") @Produces("text/plain") public class HelloWorldResource { @GET public String doGetAsPlainText() { . . . } @GET @Produces("text/html") public String doGetAsHtml() { . . . } @GET } @Produces({ "application/xml", "application/json"}) public String doGetAsXmlOrJson() { . . . } 73
  • 74. JAX-RS 1.1 Code Sample – Specifying Input MIME type @POST @Consumes("text/plain") public String saveMessage() { . . . } 74
  • 75. JAX-RS 1.1 Code Sample import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped; @RequestScoped public class ActorResource { @Inject DatbaseBean db; public Actor getActor(int id) { return db.findActorById(id); } } 75
  • 76. JAX-RS 1.1 Code Sample import; import; import; import; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped; @Path("/actor/{id}") @RequestScoped public class ActorResource { @Inject DatbaseBean db; @GET @Produces("application/json") public Actor getActor(@PathParam("id") int id) { return db.findActorById(id); } } 76
  • 77. JAX-RS 1.1 Integration with Java EE 6 – Servlets 3.0  No or Portable “web.xml” <web-app> @ApplicationPath(“resources” <servlet> <servlet-name>Jersey Web Application</servlet-name> ) public class MyApplication <servlet-class> extends com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer { </servlet-class> <init-param> } <param-name></param-name> <param-value></param-value> </init-param> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>Jersey Web Application</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/resources/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> </web-app> 77
  • 79. GlassFish Distributions Distribution License Features GlassFish Open Source CDDL & • Java EE 6 Compatibility Edition 3.0.1 GPLv2 • No Clustering • Clustering planned in 3.1 • mod_jk for load balancing GlassFish Open Source CDDL & • Java EE 5 Compatibility Edition 2.1.1 GPLv2 • In memory replication • mod_loadbalancer Oracle GlassFish Server Commercial • GlassFish Open Source Edition 3.0.1 Clustering 3.0.1 • Oracle GlassFish Server Control Coming • Clustering planned in 3.1 Soon! Oracle GlassFish Server Commercial • GlassFish Open Source Edition 2.1.1 2.1.1 • Enterprise Manager • HADB 79
  • 80. GlassFish 3 & OSGi  No OSGi APIs are used in GlassFish  HK2 provides abstraction layer  All GlassFish modules are OSGi bundles  Felix is default, also runs on Knopflerfish & Equinox  Can run in an existing shell  200+ modules in v3 80
  • 81. Light Weight & On-demand Monitoring  Event-driven light-weight and non-intrusive monitoring  Modules provide domain specific probes (monitoring events) • EJB, Web, Connector, JPA, Jersey, Orb, Ruby  End-to-end monitoring on Solaris using DTrace  3rd party scripting clients • JavaScript to begin with 81
  • 82. Boost your productivity Retain session across deployment asadmin redeploy –properties keepSessions=true helloworld.war 82
  • 84. GlassFish Roadmap Detail 84 84 ©2010 Oracle Corporation
  • 85. GlassFish 3.1 = 3.0 + 2.1.1  Main Features  Clustering and Centralized Administration  High Availability  Other ...  Application Versioning  Application-scoped Resources  SSH-based remote management and monitoring  Embedded (extensive)  Admin Console based on RESTful API 85
  • 86. References & Queries       Follow @glassfish   86
  • 87. Jagadish.Ramu@Sun.COM Sun Microsystems Java EE 6 - Deep Dive 87

Editor's Notes

  1. P2A: Can you talk about the ecosystem of compatible implementations? What has been the feedback of various vendors as they have gone through the EE 6 spec lifecycle? J2EE 1.4 Implementations (17) Apache BEA CAS Once Hitachi IBM JBoss Kingdee NEC ObjectWeb Oracle Pramati SAP Sun Sybase TmaxSoft TongTech Trifork
  2. Talk about the introduction of profiles. Eg: Web Profile Eg: Telco Profile with SIP Servlet Specification + few specifications from Java EE Share common features : naming, resource injection, packaging rules, security requirements. Pruning : Process of making a specification/tech. Optional. Mark as Proposed for Optional in Nth release, Later decide to mark it as Optional in N+1 th release or further. Extensible : Ability to plugin other frameworks eg: web-fragments.xml Ease of use : annotations, packaging becoming easier (ejbs in war)
  3. Recently (during Java EE 6 timeframe), JCP requires the specification, reference-implementation and TCK need to be submitted together.
  4. *Interceptors has been elevated such that its not just for EJB interception, but for any ManagedBean Interception ?
  5. Standard Java EE 5 way of defining a Servlet with its DD. Refer servlet-name, servlet-mapping
  6. Equivalent of web.xml is available in Dds. @WebServlet, url pattern, explain how the mapping is done automatically. Classes in WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib are scanned for all “web” related annotations The class must extend HttpServlet Different instances, per “servlet-name” in DD (if any) “ servlet-name” if unspecified becomes fully classified class-name
  7. *WebInitParam : equivalent of init-param in DD so as to have default values for parameters.
  8. * Web Listener to listen to session, servletContext, request related events Which may be lifecycle related changes or attribute related changes. AsyncListener, Session Migration, Object Binding AsyncListeners can be registered only programmatically
  9. WebFilters to transform (adapt) HTTPRequest, Response to, from a Web Resource. (eg: Servlet). Equivalent annotations are introduced. Sample filtering : auditing, logging, encyrption, decryption, compression etc., RequestDispatcher : to forward processing a request to another servlet / include output from one servlet etc.,
  10. Web Fragments web-fragments.xml in META-INF directory Starts with &lt;web-fragment&gt; Order of elements differ from that of web.xml schema Web-fragments bundled with the framework library (automatically detected). This way frameworks are made available in a self contained manner and no special plumbing in web.xml per framework is required. Jars in WEB-INF/lib will be detected Possible to have a web-fragment.xml to define the order (&lt;ordering&gt; element) in which web-fragments will be initialized. [It is also possible to have the ordering defined in web.xml using &lt;absolute-ordering&gt; element]
  11. In Java EE 5, In order for a web module to use EJB, there need to be ejb-jar Ear : war + ejb-jar Java EE 6 : Ejbs can be part of .war No web.xml (as explained before). EJBs part of WEB-INF/classes
  12. * Simple POJO annotated with @Stateless makes it an EJB * This is of type no interface view EJB * Components can directly inject the bean, but only a reference is provided and not actual object
  13. One source per bean makes it easier for development. No interface defined This mode is supported only for Local Beans and within the WAR No support of location transparency (EJBs can be anywhere, outside the WAR etc.,) @PostConstruct : Component initialization logic must be in @PostConstruct as the constructor might be called multiple times by the container (eg: for each injection).
  14. Global jndi name of the ejb defined in vendor specific way (eg: sun-ejb-jar.xml) and then Referred by clients like application clients. Instead, exposed globally with a portable naming convention and hence will work in all vendor implementations.
  15. App-name is valid only if its an ear
  16. @Asynchronous Future&lt;T&gt; new AsyncResult(T), a wrapper which will provide the appropriate type of Future AsyncResult is defined in javax.ejb package
  17. Timer : Helps running cron jobs like generating reports, sending emails etc.,
  18. Attribute for timezone
  19. Java EE 6 introduces guidelines for various kinds of Beans in the system. ManagedBeans defines those basic characteristics which can be inherited by other specifications and build more features on top of it. Eg: EJB and CDI beans will be based on ManagedBeans. ManagedBeans will have : life-cycle callbacks, interceptor, Resource Injection capability.
  20. * Beans are exported in JNDI namespace. App-scoped and module scoped variants are available.
  21. Default Interceptors : Invoked first. Invoked in the order in which they are specified Interceptors on class first followed by Interceptors on method Superclass interceptors first.
  22. Default Interceptors : Invoked first. Invoked in the order in which they are specified Interceptors on class first followed by Interceptors on method Superclass interceptors first.
  23. In order to decouple interceptor from the bean, bean can be annotated with @MyInterceptorBinding (ie., the binding annotation itself). All @Interceptors having @MyInterceptorBinding will be called It is possible to have Method level interceptors. There will only one instance of interceptor per target class instance.
  24. Exclude default interceptors defined in the descriptor Exclude class level interceptors (eg: MyInterceptor in this case) So, the resulting interceptor will be only AnotherInterceptor for this “method” someMethod
  25. Strong typing, loose coupling - A bean specifies only the type and semantics of other beans it depends upon, and that too using typing information available in the the Java object model, and no String-based identifiers. It need not be aware of the actual lifecycle, concrete implementation, threading model or other clients of any bean it interacts with. Even better, the concrete implementation, lifecycle and threading model of a bean may vary according to the deployment scenario, without affecting any client. This loose-coupling makes your code easier to maintain. Events, interceptors and decorators enhance the loose-coupling inherent in this model: • event notifications decouple event producers from event consumers, • interceptors decouple technical concerns from business logic, and • decorators allow business concerns to be compartmentalized.
  26. Inject to Field, Method, Constructor Qualifier : Determines which bean to be injected whenever multiple beans match the request. Inject the currently logged in user. Qualifier : @LoggedIn Type : User @Inject : requests injection
  27. * Only One qualifier, @Default as good as not specifying it.
  28. To be able to invoke non-default constructor. Use @Inject on the constructor. Can also request injection of its parameters. Only one constructor can have @Inject
  29. Constructor CheckoutHandler requests a loggedin User and a Secure (reliable) credit-card based payment processor Among multiple PaymentProcessors, get Credit card based payment processor. Among multiple credit card based payment processor, get secure ones. What if multiple secure credit card based payment processors are available in the application ? Deployment will fail. Or Use “Alternative” in beans.xml
  30. Scope is declared on a bean. AppScoped, SessionScoped, ConversationScoped, Dependent AppScoped : throughout the application, bean will be active, shared. SessionScoped : throughout the session, bean will be active, shared ConversationScoped : Bean will inject a Conversation and do conversation.begin() and conversation.end() Dependent : Scope is based on the caller&apos;s scope. Eg: Method parameter : method Instance : till the life of the instance. More scopes via @Scope
  31. @Any : all events of type PrintEvent
  32. * Producer private Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); @Produces @Named @Random int getRandomNumber() { return random.nextInt(100); } @Inject @Random int randomNumber; * Alternatives : To choose a particular bean when multiple beans will match the requested (even “qualified”) injection. Interceptors : cross cutting concerns : orthogonal to business concerns Decorators : Helps separate business related concerns : do extra things. Eg: monitor highValueTransactions alone in all accounts. Stereotypes : helps to compartmentalize beans. Helps to apply Scope and Interceptor Bindings.
  33. After pre-persist, pre-update, pre-remove are called, validation of JPA entity will be done. Can be defined on Fields, Methods Can define multiple constraints on Injection Points Can extend it to validate combination of multiple attributes Extensible : eg: @Email to make sure that “@” is present etc.,
  34. &lt;property name=&amp;quot;;quot; value&amp;quot;javax.validation.groups.Default, com.acme.model.Structural&amp;quot;/&gt; &lt;property name=&amp;quot;;quot; value&amp;quot;javax.validation.groups.Default, com.acme.model.Structural&amp;quot;/&gt; &lt;property name=&amp;quot;;quot; value&amp;quot;com.acme.model.SafeDestruct&amp;quot;/&gt;
  35. * validateBean has “validateGroups” indicating the validation groups that need to be included while validating the bean that it is enclosing. * When the tag is unspecified, default validations will take place For more advanced use cases, like disabling constraint validation for one or several fields or using a specific group or set of groups instead of the default one, you can use the &lt;f:validateBean/&gt; tag
  36. OSGi : Module system and service platform for Java Helps to define modules, add, remove, update modules to the runtime dynamically, ability to execute multiple versions of same module simultaneously. Modules expose services which can be consumed by other modules dynamically. Security : to allow access to specific packages/ classes alone.