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What our motherland wants?
Bunch of Biologically young
people or Treasure of real
Young People?
                             By, Kaushal Mandalia
                             By 2025, more than 50% of Indian Population will be young
                             and in working age group. But are we really young? There is
                             significant difference between biological youngness and
                             mental youngness. This article reveals few arguments on
                             India’s ability to be true young nation.

    Kaushal Mandalia


            +919558687766                     By, Kaushal Mandalia (, +919825300447)
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include freedom to make mistakes
                                                                                       Mahatma Gandhi

Me and Ramdas are very good friends. Ramdas is fond of travelling and meeting new people. At the age
of 30, he is a principal banker with a growing multinational bank. Once he went to China and there he
met a 90 years old man. He was astonished to see that old man is learning French at the age of 90. He
went there and asked, “Hello sir, I am Ramdas from India, May I ask you one question please?” Old
Man Replied, “Yes, why not”. “I am quite amazed to see that at the age of 90, you are learning French
language. How does it add any value to your life as you are approaching towards the extreme of your
life span?” Ramdas Asked. Old man smiled and said, “Dear Ramdas, Do you want to ask me that why I
am learning French, when I am quite near to my death, as most of the people die by age of 80 or 90?”
Ramdas was little hesitant but said, “Certainly sir.” Old man replied, “Ramdas, my country is growing
and it’s growing at the highest rate, it has created its own space in a globalized world. I am learning
French, because there are very few people in my country who knows French language, and I think by this
way, I can add value to my country. About my proximity to death, why should I fear death now? The
moment you born, you have fear of death. I have 90 years of successful track record of defeating death.
With my experience, I am sure I am going to live for another 10 years at least.” Old Man asked question
to Ramdas now, “What is your age?” Ramdas replied, “My age is 30 years sir” Old man said, “At the age
of 30 years, Should you keep death in focus to take current decision? Do you stop learning; stop
contributing because death is approaching? Life and death are moving towards each other. Just because
death is approaching, should you stop living? Stop making progress in life?

Who is young in above story? Ramdas or Old Man? I am sure the answer is, ‘certainly Old Man’. I was
reading a book written by Deepak Chopra, titled “Ageless body, timeless mind”. Deepak Chopra has
beautifully explained the fact that Being YOUNG is not the state of biological age; it’s a state of mind.
Ramdas, though at the age of 30 – biologically young, is really OLD and Old Man at the age of 90 –
biologically old, is really YOUNG.

As a nation, what INDIA should comprise of? Bunch of Biologically Young people or Treasure of Real
YOUNG people? We really need young people – Not Biologically young. There are visible parameters
on which you can define someone as biologically young or old, looking at their hair color, wrinkles
etc, however there are invisible though significant parameters on which you can define someone as
Real YOUNG or not. Let me highlight few of those invisible, yet significant parameters on which you
can define someone as Really YOUNG.

                                                             By, Kaushal Mandalia (, +919825300447)
Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a
   particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit
                                                                                             Mahatma Gandhi

                                        India has a traditional history of short supply of Real Young
                                        People. We have bunch of old people though biologically young,
                                        but all day trying to adjust things, adjust environment, adjust
                                        with people – be it their bosses, siblings, parents, relatives,
                                        spouse, children etc. They are suppressed with irrational
                                        ideologies. The moment they develop a capacity of thinking, they
                                        have been programmed by spiritual leaders that being on planet
earth is the effect of cumulative sins you performed in previous life. What a tragedy, God sent you to
enjoy freedom, enjoy life and rather focusing on today and enjoy the beauty of today, you are cursing
your past or worrying about your future. In this process, what you do today is to ADJUST. Since you are
worried about future, you can’t afford to make any mistake in present. You have been told that every
mistake has mostly negative or rarely positive effect on Future. You never have been trained to learn
from your mistakes. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include freedom to
make mistakes.” As we are often worried about our future illusionary happiness, we can’t afford to make
mistakes, and as we are not allowed to make mistake, how I can define you as FREE? You are nothing
but a slave living in an environment which is perceived as free-environment or freedom. Slavery is real
sin. You are not living in FREEDOM and as you don’t enjoy FREEDOM you are not really YOUNG. I fear
one day, though India will have maximum number of young people in the globe, but they can’t bring any
significant change in the world, as they are only biologically YOUNG. Dependency is a courtesy of Old
People and Freedom is birthright of Young Generation.

   • Imagine if Bill Gates believed in Adjustment, we would not have enjoyed Windows and its
   • Imagine if Steve jobs believed in Adjustment, we would not have beautifully designed ‘Apple’
   • Imagine if Mahatma Gandhi believed in Adjustment, India would not have blessed with 15th Aug
   • Imagine if Sardar Patel believed in adjustment, we would not have United INDIA, which is World’s
     Largest Democracy, second fastest growing economy and third largest army.

They succeeded, because they remained young and most importantly they did not believed in
ADJUSTMENT. They believed in exploring life, they were not feared of making mistakes.

                                                               By, Kaushal Mandalia (, +919825300447)
Seven social sins: politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience,
     knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, and
     worship without sacrifice. Knowledge and Skills is lethal combination in absence of ethics and
     morality                                                            Mahatma Gandhi

                               REVOLUTION (REBEL) FROM WITHIN

                               Bhagatsingh and Mahatma Gandhi were having different ideology. But they had
                               one common thing. They were not agreed to make adjustment, they wanted to
                               bring positive changes, they fought for FREEDOM, they lit a spark within them
                               and that spark ignited rebel. When I am saying rebel, it’s not violence on street,
                               but constructive violence in mind. I termed it as Constructive Impatience. That
                               Rebel created a burning desire and helped them to focus on GOAL and its
                               outcome. Where is Rebel in Indian Youth? Sometimes it surprises me that we
                               had people like Gandhiji, Sardar, and Bhagatsingh on this land. There might be
                               some bug in the processor of God during those days otherwise such people
                               would never have been on the land of white hairs.
I remember one quote of Shahid Bhagatsingh. He used to tell this to his fellow freedom fighters often,
“Crush your individuality first. Shake off the dreams of personal comfort. Then start to work. Inch by inch you shall have to
proceed. It needs courage, perseverance and very strong determination. No difficulties and no hardships shall discourage
you. No failure and betrayals shall dishearten you. No such things imposed upon you shall slaughter out the revolutionary
will in you. Through the ordeal of sufferings and sacrifice you shall come out victorious. And these individual victories shall
be the valuable assets of the revolution” At the age of 22, Bhagatsingh has such thoughts. Can we have
youngsters like Bhagatsingh? Who talks about revolution and not the personal comfort. Who does not
wish to spend their days in the mother’s womb but want to fight for their existence and fight for their

To be at a state of young, a state of constructive rebel & non adjustment, People of India must have
capacity of Thinking. But do we really have capacity of thinking? Our Education System has literally killed
our capacity of thinking. It promotes CAPACITY OF REMEMBERING and not CAPACITY OF THINKING. You
score good marks, if you remember well…. Can’t we have INDIA, where parents say, “You can only score
good marks, if you think well” For last 100 of years, we have rewarded people who remember well. We
are producing doctors, engineers etc who are good crammers (Muggers) and not good thinkers. We are
establishing the fact that if you remember well, you will earn more money, you will get good job, you will
get good life partner and so on. Hence, if you give importance to education only, prosperity and
happiness in INDIA is directly proportional to the capacity of remembering things and not capacity of
thinking. However in developed countries its reverse, for them prosperity is directly proportion to the
capacity of thinking. Last year in USA and Europe more than 100,000 patent (including technical patents)
were registered where India had only 1200 patents. This establishes my concern over capacity of
                                                                           By, Kaushal Mandalia (, +919825300447)
Revolution is an inalienable right of mankind. Freedom is an imperishable birth
    right of all.
                                                                                                  Shahid Bhagatsingh

                                                      Krishna Said to Arjun in Geeta, “Yada Yada hi dharmasya,
                                                      glanir bhavati bharat….” When there is rise in evil force, I
                                                      will come on planet earth to re-establish Dharma. Let’s
                                                      pause at this moment and think, why God needs to come
                                                      to Establish ‘Dharma’? Why can’t we do it by ourselves?
                                                      We can not do this simply because, we are struggling to
                                                      adjust. We are struggling to raise children and feed them.
                                                      God created all this mess so it’s his moral, professional,
                                                      social responsibilities to do it. And most importantly, we
                                                      can’t do this because we are OLD and Old people can not
                                                      bring Revolution. So definitely we need GOD. If India
                                                      would have been filled with Young people, God would not
                                                      have told that I will come to re-establish Dharma. He
                                                      would have been confident that my children have
                                                      capacity to do it, why should I bother?
“Doobta hai to pani ko dosh deta hai, Girta hai to Patthar to dosh deta hai, Insaan bhi ajeeb hai, Kuchh kar nahi paata to
Kismat aur Bhagvan ko dosh deta hai (When you drawn, you blame water, when you fall you blame stone,
Humans are so strange, if they cant do anything significant in life, they blame Fortune and God”

“Be the change you want to see in the world”, Mahatma Gandhi said. If we are not happy with the
present situation of India, let’s not discuss with spouse and friends over a glass of wine or a cold drink
and satisfy our intellectual capacity. Lets rise, and walk towards the change. Let’s ask QUESTIONS – The
forbidden art of Ancient Indians. Let’s come out of the glorified world of Obedience which kills our ability
to ask questions. You gain wisdom only if you ask Question. We need students like Nachiketa and Guru
like Vivekananda and Ramakrishna. Vivekananda said once, “Give me 200 Nachiketa and I will change the
fate of India and Indians. Nachiketa had one fabulous art – Asking Questions. Due to the habit of
remaining in comfort of mother’s womb, Youth is yet to borne in India.

I found many people who have told me that they are not happy with their jobs, with their boss, it’s
impossible to adjust his belief. My boss told me to do things which I don’t believe doing. But I can’t afford
to resign and follow my passion. What will happen in future? How should I raise my children? I wish to do
business but what will happen if I fail? What will be the reaction of my family and friends over this
mistake? I can’t afford to make mistake, so I can’t afford to enjoy FREEDOM so I can not be YOUNG. We
are coward people living in the state of FEAR and not in the state of REVOLUTION. Creation begins with
revolution and dies in the presence of FEAR.

                                                                       By, Kaushal Mandalia (, +919825300447)
Merciless criticism and independent thinking are the two necessary traits of
   revolutionary thinking.
                                                                                       Shahid Bhagatsingh

                                   Let me also correlate this to biology. Our brain has three layers.
                                   Outer layer is called Neo-Cortex which is responsible for language,
                                   verbal communication, understanding complex information, rational
                                   behavior etc. Middle layer is Limbic System which takes care of
                                   emotions, belief, value system, principle. It does not understand
                                   language. However, limbic system takes most of the decision. Neo
                                   cortex can only supply relevant information to limbic system. The
                                   innermost layer is Reptilian Complex which is focused on our
                                   Survival and it’s governed by FEAR. Scientist has found that primitive
                                   man had only reptilian complex which was fully developed. With the
                                   evolution of man, Limbic System and Neo-cortex were developed.

If you governed by FEAR, you are governed by Reptilian Complex. Though you have three fully
developed layers which can do wonders, you choose to live a life of primitive man only. Charles Darwin
has found evolution of human being, but I believe, he was referring to only physical reality. We are
biologically young, and we are biologically homo-sapience sapience. Only youngness can have emotions,
values, beliefs. I am not referring to emotions of love and hate. …. It’s an outcome. I am more
concerned with the emotions like Self Satisfaction, Happiness, Blissfulness, willingness, character,
enthusiasm, ability to think, revolution etc.

If we want to bring change, let this change become our strong belief. Let us THINK – ACT –
COMMUNICATE in same way. If we wish to give better environment to our generations – environment
that foster youngness, promotes transparency, honesty, ethics, morals, learning from mistakes, an
environment which does not look mistakes sinfully but blissfully, we must inculcate these changes into
our belief.

I wish one day, India will be known for their really young population. One day India will have students
like Nachiketa, Gurus like Chanakya, Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna, King like Asoka and Tipu
Sultan, People who believed in innovation rather than adaptation, shows highest level of ethics,
integrity and morality. People, who can not make adjustments easily, have courage to challenge status
quo and bring positive change. People who doesn’t worry about future but believe in contributing
today. Real Young People, who have passions like Shahid Bhagatsingh, Curiosity like Nachiketa, Wisdom
like Sardar Patel, Intelligence like Swami Vivekananda and Patience like Mahatma Gandhi. People, who
are not running behind the age old mythology or traditional belief, but have their own belief and self-
religion. People who does not waste time in discussing about petrol price and corruption, but shows
their strength to government. People, who make all positive attempts so that the world recognize them.

                                                            By, Kaushal Mandalia (, +919825300447)

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India land of white hairs

  • 1. INDIA What our motherland wants? Bunch of Biologically young people or Treasure of real Young People? By, Kaushal Mandalia By 2025, more than 50% of Indian Population will be young and in working age group. But are we really young? There is significant difference between biological youngness and mental youngness. This article reveals few arguments on India’s ability to be true young nation. Kaushal Mandalia +919825300447 +919558687766 By, Kaushal Mandalia (, +919825300447)
  • 2. Freedom is not worth having if it does not include freedom to make mistakes Mahatma Gandhi Me and Ramdas are very good friends. Ramdas is fond of travelling and meeting new people. At the age of 30, he is a principal banker with a growing multinational bank. Once he went to China and there he met a 90 years old man. He was astonished to see that old man is learning French at the age of 90. He went there and asked, “Hello sir, I am Ramdas from India, May I ask you one question please?” Old Man Replied, “Yes, why not”. “I am quite amazed to see that at the age of 90, you are learning French language. How does it add any value to your life as you are approaching towards the extreme of your life span?” Ramdas Asked. Old man smiled and said, “Dear Ramdas, Do you want to ask me that why I am learning French, when I am quite near to my death, as most of the people die by age of 80 or 90?” Ramdas was little hesitant but said, “Certainly sir.” Old man replied, “Ramdas, my country is growing and it’s growing at the highest rate, it has created its own space in a globalized world. I am learning French, because there are very few people in my country who knows French language, and I think by this way, I can add value to my country. About my proximity to death, why should I fear death now? The moment you born, you have fear of death. I have 90 years of successful track record of defeating death. With my experience, I am sure I am going to live for another 10 years at least.” Old Man asked question to Ramdas now, “What is your age?” Ramdas replied, “My age is 30 years sir” Old man said, “At the age of 30 years, Should you keep death in focus to take current decision? Do you stop learning; stop contributing because death is approaching? Life and death are moving towards each other. Just because death is approaching, should you stop living? Stop making progress in life? Who is young in above story? Ramdas or Old Man? I am sure the answer is, ‘certainly Old Man’. I was reading a book written by Deepak Chopra, titled “Ageless body, timeless mind”. Deepak Chopra has beautifully explained the fact that Being YOUNG is not the state of biological age; it’s a state of mind. Ramdas, though at the age of 30 – biologically young, is really OLD and Old Man at the age of 90 – biologically old, is really YOUNG. As a nation, what INDIA should comprise of? Bunch of Biologically Young people or Treasure of Real YOUNG people? We really need young people – Not Biologically young. There are visible parameters on which you can define someone as biologically young or old, looking at their hair color, wrinkles etc, however there are invisible though significant parameters on which you can define someone as Real YOUNG or not. Let me highlight few of those invisible, yet significant parameters on which you can define someone as Really YOUNG. By, Kaushal Mandalia (, +919825300447)
  • 3. Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit Mahatma Gandhi ADJUSTMENT India has a traditional history of short supply of Real Young People. We have bunch of old people though biologically young, but all day trying to adjust things, adjust environment, adjust with people – be it their bosses, siblings, parents, relatives, spouse, children etc. They are suppressed with irrational ideologies. The moment they develop a capacity of thinking, they have been programmed by spiritual leaders that being on planet earth is the effect of cumulative sins you performed in previous life. What a tragedy, God sent you to enjoy freedom, enjoy life and rather focusing on today and enjoy the beauty of today, you are cursing your past or worrying about your future. In this process, what you do today is to ADJUST. Since you are worried about future, you can’t afford to make any mistake in present. You have been told that every mistake has mostly negative or rarely positive effect on Future. You never have been trained to learn from your mistakes. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include freedom to make mistakes.” As we are often worried about our future illusionary happiness, we can’t afford to make mistakes, and as we are not allowed to make mistake, how I can define you as FREE? You are nothing but a slave living in an environment which is perceived as free-environment or freedom. Slavery is real sin. You are not living in FREEDOM and as you don’t enjoy FREEDOM you are not really YOUNG. I fear one day, though India will have maximum number of young people in the globe, but they can’t bring any significant change in the world, as they are only biologically YOUNG. Dependency is a courtesy of Old People and Freedom is birthright of Young Generation. • Imagine if Bill Gates believed in Adjustment, we would not have enjoyed Windows and its application. • Imagine if Steve jobs believed in Adjustment, we would not have beautifully designed ‘Apple’ products. • Imagine if Mahatma Gandhi believed in Adjustment, India would not have blessed with 15th Aug 1947 • Imagine if Sardar Patel believed in adjustment, we would not have United INDIA, which is World’s Largest Democracy, second fastest growing economy and third largest army. They succeeded, because they remained young and most importantly they did not believed in ADJUSTMENT. They believed in exploring life, they were not feared of making mistakes. By, Kaushal Mandalia (, +919825300447)
  • 4. Seven social sins: politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice. Knowledge and Skills is lethal combination in absence of ethics and morality Mahatma Gandhi REVOLUTION (REBEL) FROM WITHIN Bhagatsingh and Mahatma Gandhi were having different ideology. But they had one common thing. They were not agreed to make adjustment, they wanted to bring positive changes, they fought for FREEDOM, they lit a spark within them and that spark ignited rebel. When I am saying rebel, it’s not violence on street, but constructive violence in mind. I termed it as Constructive Impatience. That Rebel created a burning desire and helped them to focus on GOAL and its outcome. Where is Rebel in Indian Youth? Sometimes it surprises me that we had people like Gandhiji, Sardar, and Bhagatsingh on this land. There might be some bug in the processor of God during those days otherwise such people would never have been on the land of white hairs. I remember one quote of Shahid Bhagatsingh. He used to tell this to his fellow freedom fighters often, “Crush your individuality first. Shake off the dreams of personal comfort. Then start to work. Inch by inch you shall have to proceed. It needs courage, perseverance and very strong determination. No difficulties and no hardships shall discourage you. No failure and betrayals shall dishearten you. No such things imposed upon you shall slaughter out the revolutionary will in you. Through the ordeal of sufferings and sacrifice you shall come out victorious. And these individual victories shall be the valuable assets of the revolution” At the age of 22, Bhagatsingh has such thoughts. Can we have youngsters like Bhagatsingh? Who talks about revolution and not the personal comfort. Who does not wish to spend their days in the mother’s womb but want to fight for their existence and fight for their ideology? To be at a state of young, a state of constructive rebel & non adjustment, People of India must have capacity of Thinking. But do we really have capacity of thinking? Our Education System has literally killed our capacity of thinking. It promotes CAPACITY OF REMEMBERING and not CAPACITY OF THINKING. You score good marks, if you remember well…. Can’t we have INDIA, where parents say, “You can only score good marks, if you think well” For last 100 of years, we have rewarded people who remember well. We are producing doctors, engineers etc who are good crammers (Muggers) and not good thinkers. We are establishing the fact that if you remember well, you will earn more money, you will get good job, you will get good life partner and so on. Hence, if you give importance to education only, prosperity and happiness in INDIA is directly proportional to the capacity of remembering things and not capacity of thinking. However in developed countries its reverse, for them prosperity is directly proportion to the capacity of thinking. Last year in USA and Europe more than 100,000 patent (including technical patents) were registered where India had only 1200 patents. This establishes my concern over capacity of thinking. By, Kaushal Mandalia (, +919825300447)
  • 5. Revolution is an inalienable right of mankind. Freedom is an imperishable birth right of all. Shahid Bhagatsingh Krishna Said to Arjun in Geeta, “Yada Yada hi dharmasya, glanir bhavati bharat….” When there is rise in evil force, I will come on planet earth to re-establish Dharma. Let’s pause at this moment and think, why God needs to come to Establish ‘Dharma’? Why can’t we do it by ourselves? We can not do this simply because, we are struggling to adjust. We are struggling to raise children and feed them. God created all this mess so it’s his moral, professional, social responsibilities to do it. And most importantly, we can’t do this because we are OLD and Old people can not bring Revolution. So definitely we need GOD. If India would have been filled with Young people, God would not have told that I will come to re-establish Dharma. He would have been confident that my children have capacity to do it, why should I bother? “Doobta hai to pani ko dosh deta hai, Girta hai to Patthar to dosh deta hai, Insaan bhi ajeeb hai, Kuchh kar nahi paata to Kismat aur Bhagvan ko dosh deta hai (When you drawn, you blame water, when you fall you blame stone, Humans are so strange, if they cant do anything significant in life, they blame Fortune and God” “Be the change you want to see in the world”, Mahatma Gandhi said. If we are not happy with the present situation of India, let’s not discuss with spouse and friends over a glass of wine or a cold drink and satisfy our intellectual capacity. Lets rise, and walk towards the change. Let’s ask QUESTIONS – The forbidden art of Ancient Indians. Let’s come out of the glorified world of Obedience which kills our ability to ask questions. You gain wisdom only if you ask Question. We need students like Nachiketa and Guru like Vivekananda and Ramakrishna. Vivekananda said once, “Give me 200 Nachiketa and I will change the fate of India and Indians. Nachiketa had one fabulous art – Asking Questions. Due to the habit of remaining in comfort of mother’s womb, Youth is yet to borne in India. I found many people who have told me that they are not happy with their jobs, with their boss, it’s impossible to adjust his belief. My boss told me to do things which I don’t believe doing. But I can’t afford to resign and follow my passion. What will happen in future? How should I raise my children? I wish to do business but what will happen if I fail? What will be the reaction of my family and friends over this mistake? I can’t afford to make mistake, so I can’t afford to enjoy FREEDOM so I can not be YOUNG. We are coward people living in the state of FEAR and not in the state of REVOLUTION. Creation begins with revolution and dies in the presence of FEAR. By, Kaushal Mandalia (, +919825300447)
  • 6. Merciless criticism and independent thinking are the two necessary traits of revolutionary thinking. Shahid Bhagatsingh Let me also correlate this to biology. Our brain has three layers. Outer layer is called Neo-Cortex which is responsible for language, verbal communication, understanding complex information, rational behavior etc. Middle layer is Limbic System which takes care of emotions, belief, value system, principle. It does not understand language. However, limbic system takes most of the decision. Neo cortex can only supply relevant information to limbic system. The innermost layer is Reptilian Complex which is focused on our Survival and it’s governed by FEAR. Scientist has found that primitive man had only reptilian complex which was fully developed. With the evolution of man, Limbic System and Neo-cortex were developed. If you governed by FEAR, you are governed by Reptilian Complex. Though you have three fully developed layers which can do wonders, you choose to live a life of primitive man only. Charles Darwin has found evolution of human being, but I believe, he was referring to only physical reality. We are biologically young, and we are biologically homo-sapience sapience. Only youngness can have emotions, values, beliefs. I am not referring to emotions of love and hate. …. It’s an outcome. I am more concerned with the emotions like Self Satisfaction, Happiness, Blissfulness, willingness, character, enthusiasm, ability to think, revolution etc. If we want to bring change, let this change become our strong belief. Let us THINK – ACT – COMMUNICATE in same way. If we wish to give better environment to our generations – environment that foster youngness, promotes transparency, honesty, ethics, morals, learning from mistakes, an environment which does not look mistakes sinfully but blissfully, we must inculcate these changes into our belief. I wish one day, India will be known for their really young population. One day India will have students like Nachiketa, Gurus like Chanakya, Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna, King like Asoka and Tipu Sultan, People who believed in innovation rather than adaptation, shows highest level of ethics, integrity and morality. People, who can not make adjustments easily, have courage to challenge status quo and bring positive change. People who doesn’t worry about future but believe in contributing today. Real Young People, who have passions like Shahid Bhagatsingh, Curiosity like Nachiketa, Wisdom like Sardar Patel, Intelligence like Swami Vivekananda and Patience like Mahatma Gandhi. People, who are not running behind the age old mythology or traditional belief, but have their own belief and self- religion. People who does not waste time in discussing about petrol price and corruption, but shows their strength to government. People, who make all positive attempts so that the world recognize them. By, Kaushal Mandalia (, +919825300447)