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Rs.50 / US$3 / £2 / €2A Forum for Forward Thinking Indians Globally
w w w. n e w g l o b a l i n d i a n . c o m
Vol. 1 / No. 4 JULY 2008
‘IT’ Feels Good
Its raining jobs in India
Yesterday, Today
& Tommorow
10 Things that
will change India
Australian High
Commissioner to
India speaks
AUG '08 / 01
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Moutrisha Sinha Chowdhuri
A Forum for Forward Thinking Indians Globally
India today and tomorrow
The National Awakening
Where do we stand?
Proud to be an Indian
Legendary Hero PVC Captain Bana Singh
The Freedom Fighter
My religion is honesty in dance
Its our double standards that has resulted in mediocrity
Communication is a magic wand
Sharing More Than Just a Beginning
India in the Australian market
Australia : The Wonder Down Under
Namaste Australia
Cleaning up the Act.
"The Airport Economist"
Australia is a Lucky Country
Indian Speak
Jharkhand Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Jharkhand to Golden Coonch
Jharkhand Government needs farsighted plans.
"Everybody is a leader in Jharkhand"
IT Feels good
Wanted in India Young Educated Talent
Interview of P.R. Agarwal
The story of the Indian multinational
The Great Indian Cricket Bazaar"
Bengal Cricket Needs Me.
Saving the Sundarbans
Tiger ISO 9001
Draw as many drops
Withering Blossoms
Library at your door step (spare)
Hare Krishna
NGI making News 90
Yellow Magic
Indians Have it
4 Ten things that will change India.
60 years have passed. Freedom from foreign political gave birth to ideas of the `other world' and that it had
domination for a nation, particularly one as large and as ignored the `worldly matters'. Probably this is a very
ancient as India, is a matter of great joy and pride. People all opportune time to uncover history and realize that
over the world will celebrate this important event with Indians have been the most practical people on earth.
pomp and show, speeches and garlands, bands and They have contributed in the foundation of almost every
parades, canons and fireworks, music and dances; but for singlepillarofourhumancivilization
what? Just to have an occasion to indulge in our emotional But truly, the 'other world' is misunderstood and
attachment to the soil? Seizing another opportunity to relax dismissed by many people although a closer look will
from our stressful lives? How about those people of Indian only tell us that in this area too Indians were practical, for
origin who were not born in India, and those who have not life and social enhancement. Julian Huxley, in his article,
visited the land of their fathers even once? Those people of 'Evolution after Darwin' has written on the centennial of
Indian origin who care for their roots will definitely feel Darwin's 'The Origin of Species': "Man's most
great on 15 August. Nobel-laureate sage poet comprehensive aim is seen not as mere survival, not as
Rabindranath Tagore once said: "There are some who are numerical increase, not as increased complexity of
insularly modern, who believe that past is the bankrupt organization or increased control over his environment,
time, leaving no assets for us, but a legacy of debts. They but as greater fulfillment - the fuller realization of more
refuse to believe that the army marching forward can be fed possibilities by the human species collectively and more
from the rear. It is well to remind them that the great ages of of its component members individually. Once greater
renaissance in history were when men suddenly discovered fulfillment is recognized as man's ultimate or dominant
the seeds of thought in the granary of past. The unfortunate aim, we shall need a science of human possibilities to
people who have lost the harvest of their past, have lost their help guide the long course of psycho- social evolution
seeds for cultivation and go a-begging for their bare that lies ahead." The Indian yoga and philosophical
livelihood. We must not imagine that we are one of those system is exactly what Huxley wants: `a science of
disinheritedpeopleofthe world." human possibilities'. It embraces all aspects of culture,
Also, many people who are not of Indian origin do ethics, justice, knowledge and spirituality as an integral
recognize and appreciate India's gifts to the world. Will whole, not dividing off science and art from religion, or
Durant, prominent American historian and philosopher from each other. This system which was developed over
said: "India was the mother of our race and Sanskrit the thousands of years is based on eternal spiritual and
mother of Europe's languages. She was the mother of our natural laws wrapped in the most misunderstood term
philosophy, mother through the Arabs, of much of our Dharma. Thisisthe greatest gift ofIndiatothe world.
mathematics, mother through Buddha, of the ideals The world must recognize the role that India is to play in
embodied in Christianity, mother through village this world. Buddha, Mahaveer, Gandhi, and so many
communities of self- government and democracy. Mother other proponents of peace and non-violence required
Indiaisin many waysthe motherofusall." country like India in which to be born. For total peace,
We also cannot ignore the fact that some people are hesitant harmony and progress, India will play a great role and
to celebrate the day because of a great tragedy partition, we must strengthen her to live up to that expectation. The
uprooting of millions of lives and death of millions. This world needs a vision today, and India has preserved the
tragedy happened to a population who through the long spiritual light for the world.Arnold Toynbee, thinker and
course of their history gave shelter to the persecuted Jews, historian said: "Today we are still living in a transitional
the Syrian Christians and the Persian Zoroastrians. Many of chapter of the world's history, but it is already becoming
the oldest churches, mosques and synagogues in the world clear that a chapter which had a Western beginning will
are found in India. India is a mother indeed. India openly have to have an Indian ending if it is not to end in the self-
entertained almost every idea and thought of the world destructionofthe race."
because of the ancient Vedic message that: "Ekam sat viprah Just like each person, each nation has a purpose and a
bahudha vadanti: Truth is one, but the learned explain it in mission. What is India's mission? Shri Aurobindo, the
thmany ways”.Some people have the notion that India only great sage of modern India whose birthday is also 15
What is the meaning of
02 / AUG ‘08
August, said: "India of the ages is not dead nor has she in all aspects. We sometimes take it for granted, but
spoken her last creative word; she lives and has still external freedom; the visible freedom may not be the real
something to do for herself and the human race. And that freedom. We must be careful enough, creative enough
which must seek now to awake is not anglicised oriental and visionary enough to understand it. True freedom
people, docile pupil of the West and doomed to repeat the does not consist of merely being able to live where we
cycle of the occident's success and failure, but still the like, get the job we want, or have as much enjoyment as
ancient immemorable Shakti recovering her deepest self, we can. It consists of being inwardly free, being free to
lifting her head higher towards the supreme source of light know who we are and why we are alive, and free to create
and strength and turning to discover the complete meaning a world in which there is peace, harmony and respect for
and a vaster form of her Dharma." All other civilizations in all life and where there is cooperation among the
the world have ceased to flow; either by entering the desert inhabitants.
of time or due to external forces they changed their course Political, social and economical freedom is useful and
of path. India is the only living civilization on earth which meaningful and can be fully utilized only if we must
has continued to live and flourish throughout the millennia. learn to be free within. Possessiveness, greed and ego-
Those of us having roots in India and living in foreign lands satisfaction which culminate in the form of imperialism,
should be the true ambassadors of India and immediate dictatorship or colonialism are ultimately self-
heirs of her wealth and gifts. We must not only tell people destructive. Hatred and anger has undermined human
loudly about India's vision of unity and progress, but must civilizations many times before. Tolerance, acceptance
alsostrive to live andtoteach otherstoliveup tothat ideal. and peace are the real virtues of human beings. We are
What are the events that have shaped us the way we are evolving as a species. We must in the next century break
today? What is our identity? Even for our comfortable lives through our inner limitations to higher realms of
in foreign lands and our excellence in various honorable consciousness. We must evolve from animal-like living
professions is due to the gift of India, that has made us hard notonly to human-likeliving but togodlyliving.
working and inquiring. We, including the new generation, At this stage the role of India comes again. She calls on us:
owe what we are today to the land and the people of India. "Oh children of immortality. Arise, awake and stop not
Swami Vivekananda said : "Children of India, I am here to till the goal is reached." The goal here is to realize who we
speak to you today about some practical things, and my are, why we are here and become truly free; attain Mukti,
object is reminding you about the glorious past is simply Liberation, Nirvana. In the final judgment, the
this: many times I have been told that looking into the past achievements, failures and freedom of India becomes
only degenerates and leads to nothing. That is true. Out of one with the achievements, failures and the freedom of
the past is built the future. Look back therefore, as far as you all people on Earth. Thus August 15 is not an important
can, drink deep of the eternal fountains that are behind, and day for the Indians only, not only of all those who have
after that, look forward, march forward. Our ancestors were roots in India or those who love India, the day is indeed
great. We must first recall that; we must have faith in that important for all freedom and peace loving people on
blood and what it did in past; and out of that faith and Earth, nay -forallhumanity.
consciousness of past greatness we must build an India yet
But would freedom have any meaning if the material
greater than what she has been before." (Swami
prosperity is mirage for millions and if millions go after
Vivekananda's last day in this world was on July 4 the day
prosperity at the cost of all values and ethical concerns,
including destroying the land, river and the vegetation?
Now let us take a quick look at the land of the Statue of All philosophy will become useless exercise of brain and
Liberty. "Live free or die" said General Stark during the emotions, unless the country puts itself in the orbit where
Battle of Bennington - during theAmerican Revolution.Are food, proper home, electricity, health care, skill
people really free in the land of liberty? "In God we trust" or developing education leads the country in to a
"In Gold we trust"? Are the dreams of the nation's knowledge based, happy, healthy and prosperous
forefathers being realized? Would the Iraq war make them society.
happy? Franklin Roosevelt said: "The truth is found when
menarefreetopursueit." Isthe pursuit fortruth still alive?
Every living soul yearns for freedom and freedom is the
first condition for any individual or a nation to achieve their
fullest potential. Freedom is for those who appreciate it and
let flower in all the possibilities of a free soul. Freedom is for
those who can protect it. Freedom is for those who earn it.
Therefore each one of us must live and contribute to the
achievements of a free people and protect that very freedom
AUG '08 / 03
Kanchan Banerjee
A Goldman Sachs Economic Research
Global Economics Paper points out that by
the year 2020 the workforce in India will
be equivalent to the combined working
population of France, Germany, Italy and
the UK.
India is at a turning point when it comes to its economic The ten things that Goldman Sachs thinks India should do
growth and one false move now might prove to be very are:
costly. Our nation needs to move cautiously; but with a 1.Improve governance
sense of bravado and courage, carefully thinking out its
It is only with better governance, delivery systems and
movesandthe consequencesthat follow.
effective implementation that India will be able to educate
A Goldman Sachs Economic Research Global Economics its citizens, build infrastructure, increase agricultural
Paper points out that by the year 2020 the workforce in productivity, and equitably distribute the fruits of
India will be equivalent to the combined working economicgrowth.
population of France, Germany, Italy and the UK. Around
Asystem of accountability needs to be worked out when it
140 million will migrate to Indian cities in another 12 years
comes to the politicians, especially in the context of voters.
In mid June, a news item mentioned an incident of voters
In a recent study, Goldman Sachs and Co. economists Jim recalling three of their representatives in a city corporation
O'Neill and Tushar Poddar in Madhya Pradesh, when they were dissatisfied with
have formulated 10 things their performance. The wheel seems to be in motion,
India needs to do to achieve a already.
per capita GDP of at least
It is imperative for politicians to realise that their future is
$20,000 (Rs 8.58 lakh, according
dependent on the promises they deliver, and not on the
to the current foreign exchange
ones they make. Citizens must organise themselves to
ratio) by 2050; from the current
demand better services and not let political posts be used
level of less than $1,000, if India
to access jobs or contracts. Politics is to be viewed as a
is to achieve its potential 42
means to improve services; rather than to cater to caste and
years from now. Poddar and O'Neill have stated that by
undertaking required reforms, India can still reach its
Presently,the roleofthe State isblurredasaregulator andtarget by increasingits annual growth potential by 2.8%.
India will need a new political ethos with politicians putting the national interest before their own narrow
ones, if the country has to march towards becoming an economic giant and occupy its due place in the
world, says Ramesh Menon.
Ten things
that will
change India
04 / AUG ‘08
service provider. Because the citizens do school and out of that number, many
not finance the service providers directly, drop out before finishing schooling.
they cannot hold them accountable. Many schools have only one teacher
Reform is the answer and it could come in and one classroom with too many
the shape of Public-private partnerships. children. Female children are fewer and
Allowing the private sector into areas such literacy rates among them are as low as
a s h e a l t h , p r i m a r y e d u c a t i o n , 61%.
infrastructure, water supply and transport According to Pratham, an NGO
wouldsolve severalproblems. involved in primary education, half of
Decentralising public services and the total 200 million children who are in
empowering citizens could be a way out the primary school age group are
with the Government acting as the unable to read or write. As many as 11
regulator. out of 100 children do not enter a school,
while another 35 drop out beforeThe Report has specifically mentioned that
completing 4-5 years of schooling.the Right to InformationAct passed in 2005
Additional 30 leave schools beforewas a step in the right direction as it
reaching class eight. Less than half ofallowed a citizen to have access to official
those remaining actually end updata. It called for e-governance that would
finishing their seniorschooling.increase transparency and reduce
transaction costs. It is only 'reform Pratham has recently launched an
champions' in the administration who can initiative called 'Read India', which
successfully lead and manage governance aims to teach children to read fluently in
reforms,the Report added. 4-16 weeks. The goal is to impact about
100 million children by 2009. The NGOSome observers feel that India's
claims that more than 21million havegovernance problems have their root in
alreadybeen benefited.democracy; but it is actually only a well-
functioning democracy that would lend its 3. Increase both quality and quantity
citizens a voice in evaluating the quality of of Universities
services they receive, make governments In another 12 years time, those seeking
and service providers accountable, and higher education in India is likely to
lead to citizens paying directly for the grow three to four times the current size
services rendered. Economic growth, in of 10 million. The National Knowledge
fact, increases expectations of better health Commission has proposed an increase
care,educationandbetter governance. in the number of universities from 350
2.Raiseeducationalachievement (currently) to1,500 by 2016.
Outside India, it is widely believed by The NKC has also suggested an increase
many that education is the country's in the 18-24 age groups to be educated to
biggest achievement, as they see the best University level from 7% to 15%.
from India working in their countries. But Though 2.5 million graduates pass out
the reality is that India has more every year, India is starved of talent. The
uneducated people than any other country situation will only get more acute as the
in the world. If India does not ensure basic populationsoars.
elementary and secondary education to its Indian Universities will have to pick up
teeming millions, it will be virtually the best practices from leading
impossible for the nation to achieve its Universities abroad, open up education
potential. to reputed private players and reward
According to figures released by the those who are showing an inclination
Government, 94% of India's population towards bringing in excellence, while
lives within one kilometre of a primary penalising those who are converting it
school and 84% have upper primary intoacommercialproposition.
schools within a distance of three 4.Control inflation
kilometers. But the harsh reality is that
only 80% of those between 6-14 years go to
AUG '08 / 05
There is less expenditure on health,
education and infrastructure. The
bulk is on subsidies, which do not
improve long-term growth potential.
India's central subsidy on food, oil
and fertiliser is equivalent to the
entire income tax revenue!
independence for the Reserve Bank of India. It would help with such a high fiscal deficit, the Government has no
our nation if its one billion plus population learns that fiscal space to respond to high oil and commodity prices,
macro economic stability for the RBI is dominated by the without endangering its fiscal health, resulting in a large
goal of keeping inflation low and stable. The Report increaseindebt.
considers it worthwhile to develop an official credible 6. Liberalisefinancialmarkets
ndia's financial sector is still small and underdeveloped.
5. Introducea crediblefiscalpolicy With 70% of banking assets under its belt, the State still
India's gross fiscal deficit is dominates the sector. Because markets lack in corporate
one of the highest in the world. debt, currency and derivatives, there is a lack of credit and
Government liabilities have low financial savings. Total credit, at 50% of GDP, remains
been increasing at an alarming well below that of its Asian neighbours, especially China.
rate. The Report predicted that Consumer credit remains abysmally low at 11% of GDP,
it might accelerate above 7% compared to an Asian average of over 40% of GDP.
due to the proposal to waive Household savings tend to be in physical assets and gold,
debt for farmers, hike in salary andriskdiversificationchannelsarenotavailable.
for Government employees, To meet its growth potential, India needs to pursue
fertiliser and oil subsidies, and financial reforms to channelise savings effectively into
higher exemptionsonincometax. investment, meet funding requirements for infrastructure,
There is less expenditure on health, education and and enhance financial stability. Savers need to have access
infrastructure. The bulk is on subsidies, which do not to a broad range of financial instruments, while borrowers
improve long-term growth potential. India's central should be able to access local debt and equity. The Report
subsidy on food, oil and fertiliser is equivalent to the entire called for reforms in pension, insurance, bond market and
incometax revenue! banking,
A fiscal policy that reduces the overall deficit to a 7. Increasetradewithneighbours
sustainable level is critical for India.It woulddisciplinethe Look at China. It is more open than India in terms of trade.
Government and politicians, restrain populist spending, The Report stated that India would do well to open up
improve governance and make the fiscal deficit largely trade with China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. With lower
independent of political and election cycles. Currently, tariff barriers as an incentive, trade with the rest of the
worldhasimprovedin recent times.
Trade with China is presently low with India taking in just
1.93% of China's exports and just 1.46% of its imports.
Total trade of India with the US in 2007 was just $42 billion.
The US trade with China in that period was a whopping
$405 billion! India's trade with China is just $37 billion.
Political differences and disputes have been at the heart of
the problem with trade with India's neighbours not
developing as it could have. But as the rest of the world
grows, India has to iron out its differences and use trade
andcommercetobuildnew lasting ties.
06 / AUG ‘08
8.Enhanceagriculturalproductivity privatisation of the telecom sector and its rapid growth
and penetration. These examples amply prove India'sIncreasing agricultural growth is critical for India to
expertise in building soundinfrastructure.sustain high growth rates and rescue millions from the
clutches of poverty. Currently, 60% of the labour force is 10. Improve environmentalquality
employed in agriculture, which contributes less than 1% of As India grows, it is imperative to improve its
overall growth. India's agricultural yields are a fraction of environmental quality and efforts at sustainability. India
those of its more dynamic Asian neighbours. A lot of land should learn from other countries, which in the name of
is also being lost due to industrialisation and urbanisation, growth depletedits natural resources.
apart from soil erosion due to intensive farming and
Environmental degradation affects the economy in several
environmental degradation. The key, therefore, is raising
ways. For India, the impact would be in the form of
agricultural productivity with technological inputs.
declining agricultural areas and loss in productivity due to
Public investment in agriculture has to be substantially
soil erosion; reduced labour productivity due to poor
higher. Currently, subsidies are four times the investment
urban air quality, and the threat of toxic and chemical
figure and that does not enhance productivity.
waste inthe environment,amongothers.
Investments have to be made in electricity, irrigation, rural
In the next five years, India plans to add some 70,000 MWroadsandfoodgrain storage.
of power, for which it will largely use coal that is harmful
9.Improve infrastructure
to the environment. The World Bank estimates that small
Clogged airports, poor roads, power cuts, delays in and medium enterprises account for 70% of the total
construction of ports and other infrastructure, clearing industrial pollution, and are a major source of
exports through customs, are all problem areas. Indian environmental degradation.
companies, the Report points out, lose 30 days in obtaining The regulatory bodies need to
an electricity connection, 15 days in clearing exports be able to enforce pollution
through customs and lose 7% of the value of their sales due standards by having the
to power outages. India's growth will demand energy, requisite capacity, using
transport, logisticsandcommunication. credible threats and also make a
The Planning Commission estimates that India needs to greater use of economic
nearly double its ports, roads; power, airports and telecom incentives.
infrastructure in the next five years to sustain growth and If not given the right priority, environmental sustainability
that will require an additional $500 billion. Also that has the potential to become India's greatest challenge, the
private investment is hesitant to enter the infrastructure Report emphasised.
arena because there are frequent changes in regulatory
The Goldman Sachs Report makes for interesting reading.
policy in areas like telecom, roads and power which leads
It is apparent from the Report that to achieve its 2050
objective, India has a long way to go.And, it is not going to
It is necessary to replicate our success stories. For instance, be easy. To begin with, Indian Political Parties will have to
in the last few years India has constructed more than 3,600 give precedence to the national cause, ahead of their own
miles of highways for the Golden Quadrilateral Highway personal interests. Anyone in India knows that this is
project; whereas in the previous 50 years it had built only indeed a tall order. India needs a new political order
300 miles. Another example is the Delhi Metro, which was similar to the one in Singapore if the country has to reach
completed earlier than envisaged. Then, there was the new heights.
There is less expenditure on health,
education and infrastructure. The bulk is
on subsidies, which do not improve long-
term growth potential. India's central
subsidy on food, oil and fertiliser is
equivalent to the entire income tax
AUG '08 / 07
.To the outside world, India has made tremendous these institutions may still remain unemployed after
progress. But those who know the inside story are aware spending time and money, or may not get the type of job
that India still has a long way to go. Let us look at things as that they deserve all due to a lack of standardisation. India
they arehappening andgauge whereIndiaisheading. needs to encourage its young folks towards
entrepreneurship, innovationandcreativity.Educationandworkforce:
India has a workforce of 422 million, but has an acuteIt is certainly music to the ears that the growth in the
shortage of both skilled (employable) technocrats as wellIndian higher education
as skilled labour, such as those needed in the booming(private) sector has been
housing industry. What is the plan of the Government?exemplary. The demands of a
What is the foresightedness of the private entrepreneursbullish economy have fueled
andbusinesses?the establishment of hundreds
of new colleges. But the bad After agriculture, the manufacturing industry in India is
news is that we have been the life force of the economy. The growth that we are
unable to maintain the standard of education. witnessing today can only be sustained through ventures
Mushrooming of questionable institutes, which produce which employ massive number of people, especially
thousands of graduates, but do not furnish them with uneducated, poor and unskilled individuals. While all the
requisite skills while entering the job market, is actually focus is on the so-called 'white collar' jobs, the 'blue collar'
detrimental to growth. People who are graduating from onesmustnotbe neglected, either.Skillstraining and
The Indian real estate sector which is the
second largest employing sector has
witnessed a revolution, driven by the
booming economy and liberalised foreign
direct investment (FDI) regime.
India Today
08 / AUG ‘08
employment are very much the need of the day. India's The tourism and hospitality industry is booming due to
literacy rate is about 60 %. Only 12 % of the total workforce many factors, such as improved domestic business
is college educated, and many do not have the training and confidence, foreign investment inflows, greater
skills to match the demands of the growing industries. In disposable income, lower air tariffs, greater air
other words,Indianeedsmorevocationalschools. connectivity andaccelerating paceofbusiness.
Realestate: Over 5 million tourists are coming to India now, on an
annual basis. The number of air travelers is expected to riseIndian real estate, which is the second largest sector when
from the current 15 million a year, to around 40-50 millionit comes to generating employment, has undergone a
in the next five years. According to the World Travel andrevolution of sorts, buoyed by the booming economy and
Tourism Council (WTTC), India is one of the emergingthe liberalised Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) regime.
markets for tourism, having a potential of $ 24 billionThe sector, which is estimated to be worth US$ 15 billion, is
foreignexchange earningsthrough tourismby 2015.growing at a rate of 35 % and is steadily emerging as one of
the most appealing investment areas for domestic as well The number of medical tourists visiting India will reach
as foreign investors. International architects and planners one million by 2012, representing a CAGR hike of 28.09%
are also flocking to India, due to which foreign from 2007. Tourist influx to India is expected to increase at
investmentshave risentoaroundUS$10 billion. a CAGRof 22.65% between 2007 and 2011. These bode well
for the economy. But challengesReal estate in India is linked to about 250 ancillary
do exist. India's share in globalindustries, including cement, brick and steel, through
tourism is expected to reachbackward and forward linkages. Every unit increase in
1.5% by 2010. Is not this a shameexpenditure in this sector has a multiplier effect, and the
with over 5000 years of historycapacity to generate ashigh asfive timesthe income.
and such a variety of tourist
It is indeed good news that real estate is booming in India.
But the question is: who will ensure that the standards of
housing are strictly maintained? Are the builders
following the minimum safety code? How much of
asbestos and lead and other hazardous materials are still
attrition rate.being used in the new structures? Who is managing the
The hotel industry is facing an acute shortage of rooms. Itprofiteering? Who is responsible for pricing? Who makes
is estimated that India today needs at least 1,50,000 hotelsure that the environment is not being irretrievably
roomsto caterto the everincreasingtouristpopulation.damaged in the process? Who is guaranteeing that the
cultivable landisnotbeing unnecessarilyreduced? HealthCare:
Income andexpenditure: The Journal of the Associationof Physicians of India has made a
shocking revelation that the nation is the diabetes capitalWith per head disposable income projected to grow at
of the world.As many as 41 million Indians suffer from theCAGR of 12.11% from fiscal year (FY) 2007 to FY 2010, it is
disease.Also, every fifth diabetic in the world is an Indian.likely to boost purchasing powers of the Indian
The Journal also maintains that 20 million Indians arepopulation. The pension fund industry in India grew at an
"either obese or abdominally obese, with children beingastounding CAGR of 122.44% from 1999-00 to 2006-07. By
themostaffected.”Thesearenot goodnews!2010, rural and semi-urban India is expected to account for
58.33% of the insurance sector. The ATM outlets in India Over 27,000 new entrants are added to the pool of doctors
increased at a CAGR of 53.99% to reach 20,000 in 2006, in India each year. Still, millions walk miles to visit a
from2000. doctor, even today. While more than 70% Indians in need
of health care are located in rural areas, most of the doctorsThe increase of buying power of some classes of people
(75%) are to be found in the cities. Less than 1% of thewill fuel the sale of motorcycles and cars. It is projected
populationiscoveredby health insurance.that car-stock is to rise at a CAGR of 9.14% from FY2007 to
FY2010. New passenger car registration is also expected to Indian health care sector grew at a compounded annual
grow at aCAGRof11.41%duringthe sameperiod. rate of 16% over the last decade. Total health outlays now
touch US$34 billion, which translates into roughly 6% ofThis is definitely good news for the rich and the middle
the GDP. Also, the Department of Commerce projectsclass. The bad news is: how will the associated increase in
spendingin this sectorwillreachUS$40billionby 2012.pollution and global warming be contained? How will the
road congestion and inevitable accidents going to affect An alarming news was presented at the Global Healthcare
us?What will be the impactonhealth carecost? Conference in January 2007. It stated that while the
projected physician shortfall would be around 45,000 inTravel&hospitality:
2012,the shortfallfornurseswouldbeeven greater
Everything said and done, the
Indian travel industry suffers from a number of problems
which need to be addressed soon. These include shortage
of skilled professionals and a high employee
People who are graduating from these
institutions may still remain unemployed
after spending the time and money, or
may not get the type of job that they
AUG '08 / 09
2012, the shortfall for nurses would be even greater technologically advanced project which will dramatically
roughly 350,000 nurses would be required forprimary and lower launch costs. While current launch prices range
secondarycareby 2015. from $4,300 per kilogram, to about $40,000 per kilogram,
ISRO's plans promise to carry a payload weighing up toIndia has about one bed for every 1000 patients, whereas
one metric tonne. Thereby, Avatar could deliver a 500the corresponding figure for China, Korea and Thailand is
to1000 kilogram payload into orbit for about $67 per4.3 beds. To reach that level,
kilogram. Gregory Benford, an astrophysicist at theIndia will need over 3 million
University of California, Irvine recently commented: "Thebeds, and an additional
Avatar RLV project will enable the Indian programme toinvestment of$240 billion.
leap ahead of the Chinese nostalgia trip. Once low cost to
Improving the quality of health
orbit comes alive, it will drive cheaper methods of
care providers, providing
adequate training to the
As President Kalam noted, while fossil fuels will getphysicians, paying proper attention to the standards of
depleted in the next few decades, a space industrialteaching and designing new courses to cope with the
revolution is a very important requirement to exploit therapidly changing disease profile, and fostering an
heavenly resources. He has predicted that India willenvironment for quality in health care and patient safety
construct giant solar collectors in orbit and on the moon.are of utmost importance for the country. The facilities that
Mining Helium-3, a rare fuel on earth (which generatesIndia provide are attracting medical tourists from abroad.
power from nuclear fusion) is feasible from the lunarIt is also a matter of concern: how many of these people are
surfaceandstationsin geostationary andother orbits.depriving our own countrymen, while pushing the health
carecostto higher levels? Whether President Kalam's dream would be realised
remains to be seen, but India definitely cannot afford toAerospace:
ignore the exploration of the great potential that lies in
India is fast becoming a key sourcing hub for global
aerospace companies. The areas include control system
In conclusion, it might be mentioned that IT is only a smalldesign, embedded development, high level aeronautical
part of our economy, though an important one. While thesystem design, simulation, testing devices, cockpit
IT sector should not be neglected, other sectors, too, mustequipment support software, air traffic management
be given adequate attention so that the progress issystems, and composite structuring. One global aerospace
balanced. While technology is changing; we, as a society,market forecast report predicts that the Indian aerospace
and our physical and mental set-up and cope-ability maytechnology outsourcing market, which currently stands at
not have changed.Thepriceforthat might be high.US $155 million, will reach US $1 billion soon.
Additionally, India's space budget is a fraction of that of
most other countries. Fir example, the US space budget
($16billion)is18 timesthat ofISRO's.
The debate over whether India should spend so much
energy or funds on aerospace sector will continue, because
issues related to poverty, health and literacy keep
haunting us. First of all, India needs to keep its borders
safe. And, for that, space technology, including
surveillancetechnologyandsatellites aremandatory.
Today's world is the world of communications. To keep up
with this world, India needs to safeguard its considerable
space assetsmostly the satellites, surveillance machinery
and the telescopes. With the ambitious plans to put an
Indian on moon, and other futurist exploration, the assets
areonlygoing to growmanifold.
The next phase of warfare is going to be space technology
based. Can India neglect to build a solid defense system to
protect its space assets? Such assets are vital for space-
based tracking, and reconnaissance missions that ensure
ISRO's scramjet RLV, called Avatar, is the most
ISRO's scramjet RLV, called Avatar is the
most technologically advanced project
which will dramatically lower the
launch cost.
10 / AUG ‘08
'AflockofBalaakaasflewfast in the sky and not Party oriented. Party system is just a political
machinery.Thenation isaboveall.Tosomevales,orhills
I like to mention herein the famous writing ofOr some place unknown, radiant with the current of
Rabindranath Tagoreincorporatedin Gitanjali:freedomanddelight'
“Where the mindiswithout fear andthe headisheldhigh;Will not India advance with such current of delight and
freedom to a state of self-sufficiency providing all its Where knowledgeisfree;
people with comfort, security, food, employment and civic Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
amenitiesto aprosperousfuture forthe entire nation? by narrowdomesticwalls;
Our country has acquired sufficiency in some fields, but Where words come out from the
manymajormattersareleft to be accomplished. depth oftruth;
Education for all has not been achieved. Health care is in a Where tireless striving stretches its
bad shape. Although the Central Government allocates armstowardsperfection;
funds for people below the poverty line for mere survival,
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into
the drearydesertsandofdeadhabit;
In this context, minimum assured employment of 100
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening
days in a year, minor irrigation schemes for farmers,
thought andaction--
electricity and hospital facilities in all villages are yet to be
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my countryachieved.
Village roads and bridges and other infrastructure-related
issues, both in the cities and villages, need to be improved.
Unused funds are being returned. Strong labour force and Every enlightened individual should read the above. This
technology are boons for a country. Lapses on these is the key human concept to achieve a great goal.
accounts are obviously human failure. Taking human Otherwise, the filth and dirt that have accumulated so
failures like this for granted, how can we attain long inoursocietycannotbe swept away.
development? In the concluding line the poet wrote, 'My father, let my
More than 60 years have already gone by. 'Our country has country awake'. It can be said that different faces of my
already reached the golden age, and every thing countrymen are different faces of God; and they are rising,
achievable has been accomplished' - this is quite irrespectiveofParty,religion,casteorcreed.
incoherent nonsense! Workers should be work-oriented,
Where the mindiswithout fear andthe headisheldhigh;
J Sanyal, a senior citizen of India, points out some of the pressing issues that still plague the nation even after
The National Awakening
Party system is just a political
machinery. Nation is above all.
AUG '08 / 11
It was in an elevator, when I heard the relatively older the adverse economic conditions compelled them to take
woman asking me, “You must be from India?” up the long journey across the sea, with the only hope of
getting ajob.“Yes,howdoyouknow?”
The shroud of financial insecurity surrounded everyShereplied,“Youareallsosmart!”
Indian much like others in the colonies, British or
This is a compliment I still take pride in, even though the
otherwise. They took up the challenges to secure their
incident occurred five years ago. When people used to ask
lives, and sure enough success was theirs. Not too long
me of my origin even 10 years
ago, every child encountered the same question: 'What
back, my answer almost
will you become when you grow up?' An answer, like a
invariably elicited the response,
sports person, or an artist was not satisfying enough.
'Where?' Most people had not
Typically, a Government job was more secure. Though less
paying, it promised long term employment.Ahigh paying
During the two centuries of job offered a good alternative, but the opportunities were
migration, people of Indian few. Neither pure science nor social science offered job
origin have grown, along with the economy of the new security. It was not the parents' fault. Nor was it fair for the
land they settled in. India's economy has also grown in the children to consider career options they had little interest
last two decades; at a rate, and with the help of policies that in. As a result, children sought high paying professions,
will enable India to become a world leader sooner than and thus increased competition in these arenas. Simply
2050. With the resultant financial security; Indians, and put, that was the state of things then impoverished, they
peopleofIndianorigin, arenowassertingtheir identity. were struggling to make their lives secure. They suffered
As history tells us, Indian economy reached its nadir in the through the bad times imposed upon them and were
19 century under the British bayonet, after enjoying the beginning tounderstandthe new worldorder.
position of being the world's leading economy for over a Success of the people of Indian origin was always noticed
millennium. The British offered migration to indentured and appreciated. With the onset of globalisation, the
labor to work in agricultural fields in various parts of their growing Indian economy, and the then Indian
colony. The uncertainty of economy, increasing atrocities Government's foreign policy led to a greater appreciation
under the bayonet and, perhaps, inability to deal with amongst the general populace in these countries of
their newly acquired poverty under a foreign rule migration. The success was widely welcomed, even
engulfed the villagers. They had the requisite skills, and though at timeswith cautionandconcernabout their own
Indians within India and abroad are
standing up for their heritage and identity,
observes Mayank Shekhar.
People, even within India, are now
asserting their identity, political ideology
aside. They take pride in their Hindu
heritage. They are looking for who they
are, and how they came here.
Proud to
be an
12 / AUG ‘08
economy. The upturn had more to do with the opening up
of the Indian economy and ensuring that it continues to
While the benefits of this development is yet to reach the
lower income population in India, those who are able to
avail of the opportunities face another set of problems,
much like their cousins abroad. It is that of identity. In the
more popular western scholarship, unfortunately, and
ungratefully, their religion, culture and history have been
denigrated many times over. Engrossed in securing their
lives, most turned away from their roots; and when
insisted, accepted that something was wrong without a
profoundsenseofwhat, when andwhy.
As often experienced, individuals searching for an answer
just beyond what meets the eye find the derogatory
treatment unfounded and wonder about the reason. There
is material available that details different aspects of Indian
history, but is not popular. One such Western researcher
even described the popular Sanskritists' work as “the
whilom tyranny of the Sanskritists” commenting on those
who searched for the origin of human race were
prejudiced about their religious ideology. Some argue it as
clash of civilisations, while others attribute it to
geopolitics,andyet othersconsiderit asthe state ofaffairs.
How could the systems of past in India be so, as the
popular scholarship suggests, when towering
personalities like Einstein appreciated it in words no less
than “we owe a lot to Indians ...” and “... without which no
worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made”.
Mark Twain called India the 'cradle of human race'.
Muslim traders talked about India enough that Baghdad,
the trade center in the medieval era, became the centre of
attraction for Westerners to seek the knowledge in
translated documents giving rise to wrong notions like the
Arabicnumber system.
Today, with all that has changed for individuals abroad
and within India, people are standing up for their heritage
and identity. The struggle of the past two centuries is
coming to an end. People, even within India, are now
asserting their identity, political ideology aside. They take
pride in their Hindu heritage. They are looking for who
they are, and how they came here. They are seeking what
they mean to the world, and what the world is looking up
to them for. To lead the world, it is necessary to invest in
research in social sciences, and in pure and applied
sciences, as well. They have responded well to the
challenges so far. After two centuries, the world is looking
up toIndiansagain.
[Mayank Shekhar lives in Raleigh, NC, USA and he is the General
Secretary of Educators' Society for the Heritage of India
( and can be reached at]
do we stand?
With dismantling of the Soviet Union in 1989, the bipolar
world has continued to reshape itself, looking for countries
that can provide leadership to the human societies at a
global level. In the beginning of this process, the United
States of America was leading the world. However, the
efforts to promote Western culture as universal, through
industrial globalisation have not been viewed favourably
by many aroundthe world.
The problem with the idea of dictating the lives of billions
of people with diverse religious,
c u l t u r a l , h i s t o r i c a l a n d
developmental backgrounds with
the tenets of few minds is
definitely unacceptable and
unpalatable to the human society
at large.
The power of the American culture is felt by every nation
undergoing the process of economic development,
through the deployment of Western technologies and with
the help of the Western financial institutions and foreign
investments. The economic development models
promoted under the Western capitalist system bring with
them all the inherent fundamental conceptual problems
related to the values based on materialism, consumerism,
Moreover, there is a growing skepticism about the Western
paradigm achieving its own cherished goals in the process.
The dazzling achievements of science and technology are
not without their sideeffects.
Theuncontrolleduseofthe natural resourceswith the
Is India in a position to make a mark on the global
platform; is it capable of becoming a world leader?
Dr. Mahesh Mehta finds out.
The current paradigm has brought the
entire human race to a stage where an
alternative world view is becoming
imperative for the future growth and
welfare of all.
AUG '08 / 13
has a unique and ancient heritage of wisdom andcorresponding development of unsustainable growth and
knowledge, that has continued over thousands of years,its impact on the future generations is now becoming
in times of peace and war, with freedom and under foreignobvious to many Western thinkers. Also, the maladies
aggressions and subjugation. Indian seers and sagesassociated with the paradigm of development are too
presented a world view of all inclusive happiness andnumeroustoenumerate.
declared “The World is One Family.” This is the true spirit
The world is looking for a new vision about human
of global humanity, and not the current world view of a
happiness and also about the well-being of the entire
global market place with humans as consumers. The
creation. The current paradigm has brought the entire
thinkers of the ancient culture developed a system based
human race to a stage where an alternative world view is
not justoneconomicvalues,but alsoonethical values.
becoming imperative for the future growth and welfare of
At the root of the stable democracy of a nation of over oneall.
billion people and with the most diverse religious and
The question is, can India provide this new paradigm, the
cultural population is the universal vision of the Indian
new vision of sustainable development and universal
leadersthrough the ages.
The process of globalisation is as old as the human race. In
The favourable demographic situation of India with a
days of yore, the process was slow. But now, due to the
large chunk of its population below the age of 35, makes it
high speed of communications and transportation, it is
a huge resource of those who provide the necessary
very swift. Theworldtodaylivesin ourliving rooms.
strength and talent for the
The challenge before the Indian leaders is to provide angrowth of a nation. Besides
alternative paradigm for human happiness, followed bynumbers, this is the brain power
some working models. This entire process requiresrequired for scientific, technical
fundamental change in the approach towards education ofand all other developments in
the young, the research methodology, and the topics ofthe fields of art, music, politics
researchconductedat the universities.and the spiritual dimensions of
life. When we talk about today's society, we refer to it as
knowledge based. But, we must remember that theIndia is also among the top few nations with the necessary
ancient society was also a knowledge-based one. How elsescientific and technical human power required for overall
can one explain the development in astronomy,development.
mathematics, science, ayurveda, artha-niti (economics),
The most important factor providing the necessary global
the treasuresofart andliterature ofthe ancient period?
base is the Indian Diaspora, the global Indian community,
One of the challenges for the academicians and researchthe people of Indian origin, established in every
scholars is in looking at the policy documents in each areasdevelopedanddevelopingcountriesaroundthe world.
of national life. The national policies in the vital fields need
The Indians in the industrial nations have achieved an
to be reexamined and redefined to match with the new
outstanding status in all human endeavours. The pool of
vision of leading the world. In the areas of education,
scientists, engineers, doctors, medical personnel,
health, environment, public policy and administration,
academicians, research scholars, business leaders and
legal systems, and leadership development, India needs to
entrepreneurs are all well positioned to provide the large-
make fundamental changes in the approach based on their
scale network necessary to promote the global leadership
first hand knowledge of Indian conditions, and abstain
fromadopting modelsborrowedfromother countries.
The Indian cultural and spiritual values have started
The leadership position of India becomes the
influencing the lives of many non-Indians. The benefits of
responsibility of the university teachers and research
Yoga in health management systems and the techniques of
scholars. Several universities in India can be linked to
meditation for spiritual development and stress relaxation
develop programs aimed at changing the national
are being adopted by millions. India is attracting foreign
policies.Theresearchworkcanbe dividedat twolevels.
students for university education, patients for health
The students working for their doctoral programs maybenefits andprofessionalsforbusinessopportunities.
take up topics requiring limited resources and time; while
After the Nuclear Tests at Pokharan India established itself
those who are already accomplished scholars should focus
among the nuclear nations of the world. It is among the
on more fundamental work to change the direction of the
few nations that have independent military power, with
nation in the long run. Each university of high standing
the world's best military personnel in training, skills,
must become a specialised think-tank for guiding the
politicalleadersandthe administratorsofthe country.
But above all these favourable factors for leadership, India
The pool of scientists, engineers, doctors,
medical personnel, academicians,
research scholars, business leaders and
entrepreneurs are all well positioned to
provide the large-scale network necessary
to promote the global leadership of India.
14 / AUG ‘08
AUG'08 / 15
Born on 6th January 1969, Captain Bana Singh is one of the IndianArmy that dates back to the British period.As much
handful of living decorated soldiers in the Indian Army as 90% of my family members are in the Army. I fought
who has received the highest award the Param Veer during the 1971 war against Pakistan from the Samba
Chakra. The Bana Post (Top) located in the Siachen Glacier sector.
region is virtually a fortress with ice walls on both sides. NGI: Give us a glimpse of your feelings when you were
This region used to be called the 'Quaid-e-azam post' by climbing the 90degreewallto capturethe Quaidpost.
Jinnah after an intrusion and take over by the Pakistani
BS: It was a very difficult task. We used ropes and also
forces. Located at an altitude of 21,153 feet from the sea-
climbed on the snow mounted rocks. The only thing we
level and covered entirely with ice, not even a helicopter
had in mind was 'Do, or die'. For not even a single moment
can land here. This is one of the highest military posts on
was there any doubt in our minds regarding capturing the
earth, with temperature that falls as low as -45 degrees
post. We had complete conviction we knew we would be
Celsius. The strategic position of this post is extremely
successful. All of us had perfected our abilities through
important, to keep an eye on several other top army posts.
tough training.
After being occupied by
NGI: Please describe the whole mission, from how itPakistan for a long time, in
started to howit ended.1987, the IndianArmy in a bid
to take over this post came up BS: There had been efforts made earlier, but they were not
with a top secret plan.Asmall successful. In my team, there were altogether 62
b a t t a l i o n , individuals, taking part in the whole
t r a i n e d i n operation. The condition in that area is
high altitude very hard to describe. Besides being
freezing environment arrived in the unimaginably cold, it appears that
region on 14th April 1987. Naib Subedar snowfall never stops. It is very hard to
(Honorary Captain now) Bana Singh differentiate between dayandnight.
volunteered to recapture the post. He led On 24th June, we had an air burst from our
his fellow army men through an extremely artillery.Air burst is a special firing, which
difficult 90 degree climb on the snow hits the target 30-60 feet above the ground
covered wall. They used ropes and and destroys it completely. Once we
crawled from one trench to another. The started this, the enemy never suspected
post was eventually cleared of the that we would climb the walls from the
intruders on the evening of 27th June, 1987 opposite side. As soon as the air burst
after three days of strategic manoeuvers stopped, we quickly moved from trench
and extreme hard work. Bana Singh's to trench. Two of our jawans suffered frost
gallantry and leadership under the most adverse of bite, and were sent back. Then, we received orders to
conditions led to a triumphant mission, which earned him continue the attack only during the day time. We were
the ParamVeerChakra. seven in total; and requested for more jawans. When we
NGI:What motivated youtojointheArmyat the age of20? reached the peak, we used grenades to destroy the
occupiedtrench. Wehada hand-to-handencounterontheBS: My family has a long standing tradition of serving the
Capt. Bana Singh, recipient of the highest gallantry award in India, 'Param Veer
“Even some high level
politicians do not know
what the PVC is!”
“The only thing we had in mind was 'Do, or
die'. For not even a single moment was
there any doubt in our minds regarding
capturing the post. We had complete
Bana Singh
16 / AUG ‘08
slippery peak, during which we eliminated several enemy received any extra support from the Government. When
jawans,whilesomefelltotheir deathsby slippingdown. jawans die, their family members get a petrol pump, or
something like that. For a living soldier and hero like me,Finally, on 27th June, 1987, along with Rifleman Chunni
there is nothing special. I have built a house with my ownLal, Laxman Das and Kashmir Chand led by myself, we
little money. We have raised four children. My twocaptured the post and hoisted the Indian flag.
daughters and one son are married. My other son is in theBrigadier Chandan Singh Nogyal congratulated us all for
Armynow.the victory.
NGI: In your opinion, whatNGI: What were the first words you spoke once victory
could the Government havewas achieved? What did you say to communicate that you
done to better your life andhavewonthe post?
celebrate aherolike you?
BS: Once we realised that the enemy had been destroyed
BS: At times, I feel like myand they had fled, we shouted out the slogan: 'Bharat Mata
family would have received moreki Jai' and 'Shaktishali Eight J & K Light'
support had I died in the battlefield. I do(infantry which Capt. Bana Singh
not care whether the Government givesbelonged to). However, we could not
anything to me or not, I have money ortalk to any one outside about it,
notmy life is devoted to the nation.including my wife, for a long time due
However, it would have inspired moret o s t r a t e g i c r e a s o n s .
young folks if the Government took careI was invited to Delhi on 23rd January
of the retired or injured jawans in a1988 to attend an event. I flew with my
better way. There is no special allowancewife. At the airport, Major General
forpeoplelike me.Dhan Singh Thapa approached me and
asked, “So, you are PVC Bana Singh?'. I Many people, even some high level
was puzzled. It was then that I realised politicians, do not know what the PVC
that I was to be given the PVC award. is! Stories like mine should be told to all
Only then did I tell my wife what we people. That would inspire our young
did in Siachen. Both of us were folks to join the Army. Salary and other
extremely delighted. We felt the facilities must be increased so that
greatest honour when the President people do not think that the life of a
gaveusthe medal. jawan isnot only hard,but alsodifficultfinancially!
NGI: What do you think of the facilities provided at NGI: To you, what is the significance of Independence
Siachen,then andnow? Day?
BS: We were well trained and well equipped in those days, BS: For me, every day is Independence Day. We need to
and even now. Clothes, tools, equipments everything was protect our mother land every moment. That is our duty,
modern. That is why we survived even in those extreme not only for the jawans but also for every citizen. It does
conditions. not make much sense just to put flowers and wreaths on
the altars and conduct a parade once a year and forgetNGI:Postretirement howislifetreating you?
about them.
BS: I get a small pension of Rs 166 per month! I have not
The citation for the Param Vir Chakra:
8 JAK LI (JC-155825)
Naib Subedar Bana Singh volunteered to be a member of a task force constituted in June 1987 to clear an intrusion
by an adversary in the Siachen Glacier area at an altitude of 21,000 feet. The post was virtually an impregnable
glacier fortress with ice walls, 1500 feet high, on both sides. Naib Subedar Bana Singh led his men through an
extremely difficult and hazardous route. He inspired them by his indomitable courage and leadership. The brave
Naib Subedar and his men crawled and closed in on the adversary. Moving from trench to trench, lobbing hand
Nb Subedar Bana Singh displayed the most conspicuous gallantry and leadership under the most adverse
“I get a small pension of Rs 166 per month!
I have not received any extra support from
the Government.”
AUG '08 / 17
NGI: You were a Security Prisoner during the Quit India imprisoned. Gujral was a detainee for few weeks. He later
Movementin 1942. Tellusmoreabout thosetimes. gave in writing to the British Government that he was a
communist and communists were not against them in theBB: Security Prisoner was a Special Class Prisoner with
1942 agitation and was released from prison. He had thenmany facilities like Rs 5 per day and Rs 25 per month for
startedabicycle shop.books.Thiswasabig amouintinthosedays.
In fact, the Britishers did not keep all communists out ofThese prisoners were directly under the Viceroy and every
jails. Communists who were strong activists like Drsix months a letter came from the Governor saying, "The
Surjeet, Comrade Dhanwantri, Baba Gurdayal Singh andGovernor is pleased to announce the
Baba Gurjeet were imprisoned and Coffee Houseincrease of imprisonment for another
(intellectual types who used to be speakers, philosopherssix months." All the other prisoners
and writers) Communists like Rajvansh Krishna Khanna,Class A, B and C were under the
Comrade Ramesh Chandra were spared the rod. TheyGovernor. I was about 19 year old and
were mainly from elite sections of the society and fromwe wereShahiPrisoners.
We were about 100 prisoners put in a
Actually after Germany attacked the Soviet Union, bothpolitical camp in Gujarat Zila near Gujranwala in the
the British and the Indian Communists came out openlyundivided (pre partition) Punjab. Jawahar Lal Nehru was
against FascismandFascistpowers(AxisForces)asthealso a detainee. Even former Prime Minister IK Gujral was
Shashi Bhushan, Freedom Fighter and Chairperson of Freedom Movement Memorial Committee, also a Former Member of Parliament in conversation with Ajit Kumar talks
The Freedom Fighter
India Gate is very saddening as it
only talks about the sacrifices of
the British Soldiers in the First
World War and is a symbol of
18 / AUG ‘08
Soviet Union joined the British and the French to form community is generally happy, as with independence we
Allied Forces. It was a strange paradox that it was got democracy too. These were the ideals about which we
imperialism and the imperialist forces that gave birth to useto think duringourimprisonment.
Fascism and even supported them initially. Congress Other goals that we cherished for our nation was a
leaders like Feroze Gandhi and Krishna Menon even went Socialist and Secure political structure which we wanted
to Spain in solidarity after General Franco attacked the to add to our Constitution. We were finally able to achieve
Britishin 1937. during Indira Gandhi's regime. We had dreamt of a strong
NGI: How and when did you leave your home? What was public sector. It was also given lot of support, but it
the situation of the country and the leading groups before couldn't stand up. If the people
that? running these Public Sector
Undertaking's could notSB: I was about 17 years of age when I left Gwalior in 1941.
maintain, what canwe do?I had to leave my studies midway. Our local rulers
Scindias were slaves of the Britishers and we, the common Casteism has affected our
citizens in their state were their slaves. The Britishers after d e m o c r a c y b a d l y a n d
the Struggle for Independence in 1857 had given some bureaucracy has obstructed the
autonomy to their favourite Kings and Zamindars (Rich smooth process of development. The caste system has not
Landlords). They were free to have their own army and only divided the society, but also big social groups and
currency. All farmers and artisans were crushed by these organisations for e.g. like one of the largest associations,
rulers and Zamindars, and were brought by them under the Trade Unions like the P & T, which had once a large
their control. membership of about 20 lakh people. At one point I was
also the President of the P&T Trade Union. With theRastriya Swamyasevak Sangh (RSS) was still very
advent of the Shiv Sena in Maharastra, Trade Unionsdisciplined and strong. But they never participated in the
slowlydisintegrated anddisappeared.freedom struggle. In fact, they were opponents of Gandhi
and did not wear Gandhi Topi (Cap). Instead they wore NGI: Do you alsobelieve that the conditionsin the country
Black Topi. They tried to put maximum Hindus in the are bad because most of the good and honest Freedom
British Army. There was a good commission (Rs 15) on Fighters went back to their villages and left active politics
bringing people for recruitment in the Army. They after India became independent. They thought that their
believed that the Hindus can be used after jobwasoverandthey cannowsit back andrelax?
Independence. SB: All Freedom Fighters were not leaders and so how
Hindu Mahasabha was also involved in the could they act or perform like one. But they know and
recruitments during the First World War. They had understand the Anti Imperialistic, Anti Feudal and
some very patriotic leaders also. It is a regret that Secular practices. We follow and respect both
had these two Bahadur Shah Zafar
groups did not and Mahatma Gandhi
support the War and are firm believers
for Independence, in HinduMuslimUnity.
otherwise we would NGI: Still, do you have any
have got Independence regrets?What doyouplannow?
earlier and we would also have
SB: See, nobody knows about the
been a strongernation.
numerous dead. We are trying to
At this point I would also appreciate that recollect and document history. When killers
the Sangh Swamyasevaks (RSS) fought very have come to power, then how can you think of
valiantly later during the war for the other people? About 15% powerful people
liberation ofGoa. Bureaucracy, Big businessmen and exporters,
NGI: You have been at the core of the politicians and media owners share a large
Freedom Struggle during the 40's amount of money and resources. They
and also at the Centre of the also loot the poor and weak 85%. We
Freedom Fighter's Association want and are trying to talk of this 85%
and a Member of the Lok Sabha public who are deprived and
from South Delhi. Please tell us dispossessed.
what Freedom Fighters think We have made Memorials for
about Indiaandits future. Jaliawala Bagh Massacre, on the
SB:The Freedom Fighter SacrificeofSardarBhagat Singhand
The Freedom Fighter community is
generally happy as with independence,
we got democracy too. These were the
ideals about which we use to think
during our imprisonment.
AUG '08 /19
have also established a Bahadur Shah Zafar Chair in anything through our struggle. Only thing is that people
colllbaoration with the Indira Gandhi National Open shouldcometogether.
University (IGNOU). Prof. Mridula Mukherjee is the first It was during these Hunger Strikes and movements in
Zafar Chair Professor in the memory of this leader of the 1968-69 that many Young leaders like Chandrasekhar and
First War of Independence.A122 acre land will be allotted George Fernandes emerged who later came to be known
near the Tughlaqabad Shooting Range in Delhi. We also as Young Turks. More than 100 MPs and eminent figures
appreciate the sacrificesmadeby the unknown martyrs. supported this demand. And they managed to do what
India Gate is very saddening as it only talks about the topleaderslike NehruandLohiacouldnotdo.
sacrifices of the British Soldiers in the First World War and The dream to establish the National Museum of Freedom
isasymbolofimperialism. movement took 26 years before it was fulfilled in 1992,
NGI: Are you confident that you will when the then Prime Minister announced this on 9
be able to convince/force the August. I had started a movement during the Silver
Government to achieve thesegoals? Jubilee of the Quit India Movement on 9 August 1966 to
establish this Museum. These should become world classSB:Yes, we are very confident. We got
museumssoon.Birla House (Gandhi Balidan Sthal)
and Red Fort converted into Memorial for Mahatma We find patriots everywhere. Common people are
Gandhi and the Freedom Fighters respectively through patriots.
our persistent efforts and Hunger Strikes. And we can get
PayingHomageto ShaheedAsfaqulla:ShashiBhushan (Center)
Seth Govind Das BIrth Centenary Celebrations (17 May 1997)
ShashiBhushan(Extreme Right)
All Party Meet at Birla House to support fasting MP Shashi Bhushan's
demandfor conversionof BirlkaHouseintoanationalmonument.
We find patriots everywhere.
Common people are patriots
20 / AUG ‘08
AUG '08 / 21
“Despite being a Padma Vibhushan
awardee, I do not have a place which
I can call my own where I can teach
My family's involvement in dance goes back at least seven I grew up in the times when India was struggling for its
generations. In the small town in the northern Indian state independence. My father, Acchan Maharaj was in Delhi,
of Uttar Pradesh, where my ancestors resided, there were teaching Hindustani music and dance at Nirmala Joshi's
about 900 families.All of them were involved, in some way school. When the riots started, we left for Lucknow. I
or the other, with the musical and dance presentations in remember lots of flags, langars and loads of jubilation
the temples, retelling the mythological stories of Siva, when India gained its independence. I was eight years old
KrishnaandotherHindudeities. then.
According to the lyrics of the An intrinsic part of the culture of Lucknow at that time was
songs, the dancers portrayed all the belief that girls should not be allowed to dance,
the nuances of these religious educate themselves and had to follow the purdah system.
s t o r i e s t h r o u g h t h e i r The transition from the purdah to today's modernity has
movements, gestures and been a result of steps taken by activists to demand rights
expressions. Eventually, the forthe girl child.
dance form moved out of the Since my childhood, I have been inclined towards music
temples and into the palaces of India's royal families. It and dance. Of course, it is because I belong to the Kalka-
becamemoreabout entertainment andlessabout worship. BindadinGharana ofLucknow, whichhasbeen serving
My religion is
honesty in dance...
Birju Maharaj, the leading exponent of Kathak speaks to Medhavi Gandhi about his love for 'loy.'
“Despite being a Padma Vibhushan
awardee, I do not have a place which
I can call my own where I can teach
22 / AUG ‘08
the art of Kathak for centuries now. Today, I see myself as a out ofhand,they leadto alapseincoordination.
guru-father-follower. My religion is honesty in dance and To me, dance is the foremost medium of expression. Other
infusing creativity and a desire to learn in people. For four- forms are the adornments I have received in the course of
and-a-half years, I worked with my father at Sangeet my journey. While many maestros have gained
Bharti. Then, Bhartiya Kala Kendra was established, and it proficiency in expressing their emotions through musical
gradually earned fame through its innovative instruments; I have found my path to people's hearts
compositions. Today, Kala Ashram houses 200 students. It through dance.
is ironical that in the last fifty years I have not had a house
Today, I think that the value of the word 'kalakaar' (artist)
of my own. Despite being a Padma Vibhushan awardee, I
has been degraded. An artist is not a person who simply
do not have a place which I can call my own where I can
performs on stage; he is a devotee of that art, a worshipper
teach children.
who has given his life to learn the art. However, for me,
I have taught many people, helped them in their careers dance is not simply a part of life, it is my life. “Main is kala
and owing to that, Kathak has been firmly entrenched in ka deewana hun, hamesha se, meri kala meri deewangi rahi hai.”
India today and as a dance form it continues to grow. I Today, art is more a commercial presentation of the age-
have students in USA, China, Japan, Korea, London and old wisdom passed down to today's artists. It is a sad
Germany,soIlike to believe that Ihave workedhard. development,but maybe that's the valueinvogue.
I believe that if in today's time where Bollywood, TV Society will move with the times, and so should we. We
channels, programmes like Boogie Woogie and others started with bullock carts and now travel in airplanes.
have taken over the dance field, having 200 students learn Today, we use more instruments than ever before. Earlier it
Kathak isan indicatorthat the danceformisstill thriving. was just a sarangi and tabla but now we use as many as
'Loy - swar' are gods for us. Yog, dhyaan, and abhyaas are the eight musicians, when two are enough. From stories of
only things in life. But sound today has become so loud. It Radha Krishna, we have moved to modern
is merely good technology, and not music. Music is compositions. Now, we use different
something that soothes the mind. It is like a soft breeze lighting techniques. Earlier there was a lot
which is as fragrant as a rose and its effect leaves one with of stress on lyrics. Today, even that has
an intoxicated feeling, comforting the senses. Speed must changed. Phrases of different lengths are
be handled very carefully. When loy and gati (speed) get put together andaregivena rhythm.”
Full name: Brij Mohan Nath Mishra
Referred to as the Baryshnikov of Kathak
Born Feb 4, 1938, in Lucknow
First recital at the age of seven
At 13, started teaching Kathak at Sangeet
Bharti, Delhi
Served as the Director of Kathak Kendra,
Delhi a unit of the Sangeet Natak
Composed the music, and sang for two dance sequences in Satyajit Ray's
Shatranj Ke Khiladi (The Chess Players). Other films for which he composed
music include Devdas (2002), Gadar (2001), and Dil To Pagal Hai (1997).
Has performed in (former) USSR, USA, Japan, UAE, UK, France, Germany,
Italy, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Burma, Ceylon, etc.
Awards: Sangeet Natak Academy Award, Padma Vibhushan, Kalidas Samman,
Soviet Land Nehru Award, SNA Award, Sangam Kala Award, Lata
Mangeshkar Puraskaar.
AUG '08 / 23
Seated amidst stacks of files, a tall bespectacled gentleman seen dribbling the ball. But little did he know that he
was busy answering phone calls, directing his staff, while I would have to soon pay a price for his country's
sat rehearsing the questions in my mind. Not a single item Independence. While he was on a vacation at Danapur,
in the room made me feel that I was meeting a senior Bihar, the country was split into two. “I was 12 years old.
Olympian. No proud medal was displayed; there were no We had never anticipated this huge population shift
pictures on the polished teak walls to bear testimony to his during the Partition. It was a painful experience. So many
achievements. As I kept pondering, I heard him say, “You lives were lost on both sides of the border”, he stated in an
maybegin yourinterview session.” aggrieved tone. With the border being sealed, his family
moved to Lucknow, where he did his schooling from. But
soon, his parents relocated to Meerut, which remained his
Gurbux Singh was born in
basetill he relocatedtoCalcutta.
Peshawar (now in Pakistan) on
It was in Meerut that he started playing for the college11 February, 1935. He spent 12
team and the local clubs. He has no qualms in saying thatyears of his childhood in a town
he had no intention of taking up hockey as a profession. “Icalled Mangwal in Rawalpindi.
found badminton more interesting. But then, I was equallyIn a reminiscing mood, he
good with the hockey stick,” he said with a sparkle in hisrecalled, “My ancestral place is just a few kilometres away
eyes. He did his primary schooling from Denny's Highfrom Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's place of origin.”
School Rawalpindi, and went on to study at HarishHis father, Late Major Kartar Singh was also a hockey
ChandraCollege,Lucknow;andfinally graduatedinplayer. So, it came as no surprise when young Gurbux was
A tiny perforation in his left ear deprived him of his much desired army career. But then, that was how India got
one of its finest international hockey players. FaisalAhsan Siddiqui in conversation with Gurbux Singh,member
“Even the neighbouring state Orissa
has three Astroturfs, while the State
that wonat least 37 gold medals for the
“It's our double
standards that has
resulted in
24 / AUG ‘08
Political Science from Agra University. It was during this Bengali without any hint of an accent On being prodded as
time that he started playing hockey with full zeal and to how he had managed to master the language, he gave a
interest. On being asked whether he had always aspired to mystical smile.And then, after a brief pause, he remarked,
be a hockey player he replied nostalgically, “Hockey was “This city is amazing. It has an inherent tendency to accept
the only sports that could bring glory to a sportsman the sportsmen and artists with immense love. It nurtures
during my days. So, when it became evident that I would them to grow; and, in the process, the city grows on you. I
makeacareerinsports,hockey wasthe obviouschoice.” have been here for the past 50 years; and, believe me, I do
not want to change base,” he explained. No wonder then,This former Indian field hockey player was a member of
that he had a Ramkrishnathe Indian national hockey team that won the gold medal
Paramhansa's portrait behindduring the Tokyo Summer Olympics in 1964. Exactly four
him.years later, the Indian hockey team managed to bag the
bronze medal at the Mexico City Olympics. However, “It's not only Calcutta that is
much to his dismay he was dropped from the squad in the losing interest in hockey.
subsequent Olympic Games. On being questioned, was he Even Sansarpur has had a
disappointed on not being selected, he said, “Yes, I was. f r e e f a l l f r o m b e i n g
But it was the selectors' decision. I, as a player hold no recognised once as a cradle of
grudge against them.” the best hockey players internationally to being just
another village ground where some boys also play“I was always a field back player. The selectors noticed me
hockey,” he added. “When the one day internationaland thus began my fulltime career in hockey,” he said with
format came into existence, I never anticipated that thea smile. After being discovered, he began playing at the
game would take away everything from hockey. I neverState level and represented Madhya Bharat in the National
thought that hockey would be given a shoddy treatment.Hockey Championship in 1955. However, his golden days
Comeon,it'sournational game!”,heexclaimed.began from 1957, when he represented Bengal in the
National Hockey championship. He captained and “A country as small as Holland has 300 Astroturfs.
coached the Bengal Hockey team right from 1957 to 1972. Amsterdam alone has 32 such turfs for the players to
During his tenure, he won 10 Beighton cups, the practise. But, we, in India have only 32; and out of those
Obaidullah Gold Cup in 1955 and the Aga Khan Cup in only 25 are functional! Now, you tell me who will perform
1961. better? They, or us?”Avalid point, indeed! “Today, hockey
is no longer just about how you dribble; but how youThe stick-and-ball game has a long association with the
imbibe the new techniques. Our boys, till they reach theCity of Joy, where it was groomed in barracks, schools and
State-level play on normal fields.clubs. But the relationship that
Then, one fine day, we tell themCalcutta and Bengal had for hockey
that they need to unlearndissipated somewhere down the
everything, for they need toline, and got substituted by football
perform on Astroturf. And sinceand cricket. Not surprising really,
playing on it is a totally differents i n c e we h a ve a l l g r o w n
ballgame, so they better learn newaccustomed to living in a one-sport-
stuff. This double standard isnation where Sourav Ganguly's bat
responsible for bringing inand Yuvraj Singh's love life would
mediocreplayers.”probably fetch more attention and
mediacoverage. According to Singh, sports today
is all about appeasing the fans, and“Today, Calcutta is the only
performance comes with learningmetropolitan city in India that lacks
the nuances of the game and beinga n A s t r o t u r f . E v e n t h e
open to chances. At this point, heneighbouring state Orissa has three,
got a bit excited and said, “Youwhile the State that won at least 37
know, there is a problem withgold medals for the country does
Indian players. They do not takenot have a single one. The one
their coaches seriously. Whilepromised by the State Authority of
players across the globe follow theIndia (SAI) is yet to come up at the
words of a coach, just like a believer follows the gospel.”promisedsite,” he addedwith a heavy heart.
His words reminded me of the hit Bollywood flick 'Chak
As he tried to add some more facts, he was cut short by a
de!'Towhich,cameapromptreply,“Yes,the filmdidheir
phone call. I was amazed at how the man could speak
“When the one day international format
came into existence, I never anticipated
that the game would take away
everything from hockey. Come on, it's
Gurbux Singh
AUG '08 /25
manage to depict the problems that are killing the national
game. Most of the players in the Indian team have never
been coached in their entire life. So, all of a sudden when
they have a coach training them, they consider him an
alien and find it difficult to change position or technique as
per the coach'sinstruction.”
In his own words, “During our time, it was 70% skill, and
30% team spirit. The ratio has got reversed now.” Another
reason behind hockey losing out to cricket is the duration
of the game, he believes. “Hockey is a 70-minute game,
during which you have just a single break. So, advertisers
cannot bag slots to capture the viewers' attention. In
cricket, however, advertisements keep hitting the screen
every time a bowler wraps up an over. Advertisement
being aired in between cricket matches somehow does not
interfere with the game's rhythm. This makes the
advertisers invest money and thus creates a hype which
manages to garner public interest and manages to make it
a hit”, headded.
“We need to
popularise the
game. We need
to attract the
youth towards
it. Schools can start taking it up as a school game.Astroturf
is a must. I honestly feel that the Indian players are still
playing the old game. We may be lacking the stamina in
comparison to the foreign players, but we are naturally
skilled. So, skill is our unique selling point and we need to
hone our skill, and that comes with proper infrastructure”,
he opined.
While he continued, his wife stepped in, and he
introduced me to her. “Do you know we share the same
name?” he remarked with his eyes lighting up. As Singh
got back to the hockey conversation Gurbux Kaur, kept
waiting patiently for her husband to accompany her to the
Returning to the topic of hockey, he commented, “At that
time, we got only Rs 560 as the winning amount. And we
did a lot of shopping at Hong Kong. But, today the
equations have changed. Players are ready to retire if they
are offered something else with a bigger pay packet.
Today, everything boilsdowntomoney,' he bemoaned.
“I am a part of the Bengal Hockey Association and have
been running from pillar to post to get a plot for an
Astroturf”, he added. Perhaps, he needs a few young
volunteers to help him fight a lone war of reviving the
national game. Perhaps, making a movie on the national
game is not enough. It is time to translate the dream of
achieving a gold medal in Olympics; and for that; at the
moment; we need turfs to make budding stars of the latent
talent residinginthe youth oftoday. Gurbux Singh with his better half
Gurbux Singh dribbling the ball away from the
opponent in one of the State-level matches.
Lady Claudius presenting felicitating a
jubilant Gurbux Singh for a Beighton Cup
match held in Calcutta.
1964 Olympic Gold medal winners at a
television interview at Tokyo (Gurbux Singh,
fourth from the right).
“There is a problem with Indian
players. They do not take their
26 / AUG ‘08
AUG '08 / 27
“I was about four years free. Being a part of PTI brought me face to face with the
o l d w h e n t h e reality ofthe Indianpoliticalscenario.
Independence struggle The India of 1947 was a country with a great leadership,
began on a massive effective administrative structure, the most powerful
scale in 1932-33. My armyin this part ofthe world,andthe strongest currency
f a t h e r w a s i n
Leaders like Nehru, Maulana Azad, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai,
Government service,
Vallabhbhai Patel were individuals of immense stature,
and, hence, there was
unimpeachable integrity and high competence; who were
little that he could contribute to the Independence
able to deliver what they stood for. It was a time when one
movement. Besides, we were living in Bombay at that
felt proudtobe anIndian.
time, which was, anyway, never at the forefront of the
My job at PTI Reuters was initially that of a feature writer.struggle. So, my young age and my immediate family
After a while, I joined the news section, where my workenvironment did not allow me to contribute greatly in our
was to report on sports and commerce,with Bombay beingeffortsat gaining Independence.
the commercial capital of the country. Very soon, I got
Moreover, I was studying at St. Mary's, Mazgaon, which
transferred to the editorial desk. The best thing about the
was an Anglo-Indian school. Undoubtedly, all of us
editorial desk at PTI of that time was that all the news from
wanted to be free of British colonialism; but, at the same
all offices in the country came first to Bombay, where it was
time, we were fully aware of the benefits of colonialism.
editedandthen retransmitted tooursubscribers.
Despite being under the heels of the colonial masters; in
I was also a part of the Reuters Desk, where news from allmany ways, the India of those times was way better than
over the world arrived from Reuters London. Since wewhere we are today - under the heels of political leaders,
were a news agency, our work took over our lives becausewho are infinitely more
there was no such thing as 'an hour when the paper went tocriminally inclined than the
sleep'. Unlike newspapers, in a news agency you areBritish.
meeting deadlines from various countries with time
I completed my BSc in
differences,andhencePTIReutersneverwent to sleep.
Chemistry and Microbiology
My five year stint in journalism was a very happy onefrom St. Xavier's College.
professionally, but quite opposite on the personal front,W h i l e wa i t i n g f o r m y
both in terms of salary and a personal life, because at thatadmissions to a pharmaceutical college, I got a job at PTI
time journalists were not seen as workmen. I think, in theReuters. By the time my turn for admissions arrived, I had
end,what ledmetopart way with journalismwasthebecome so deeply interested in journalism that I decided
to stay at PTI Reuters. In the meantime, India had become realisation that my ideals began to get betrayed in PTI,
Gerson da Cunha, the journalist, ad-man, theatre personality, actor, poet,
writer and social activist - in conversation with Drashti Vora.
is a magic wand!”
Gerson da Cunha
“In many ways, the India of those
times was way better than where we
are today - under the heels of political
leaders, who are infinitely more
criminally inclined than the British.”
28 / AUG ‘08
because I was not allowed to present the world the way I the part ofthe Government.
sawit, orwantedto report. It became clear to me that no matter how feasible, how
While these thoughts were haunting my mind, one day, logical and necessary your action strategy is, if its politics
the Copy Chief of JWT, who I was acquainted with, asked isnotcorrect,it won'twork!
me to sit for a copy test. I went and got selected. After When I laid down office, I became part of the people's
working with JWT as a copywriter for a year, I joined movements, and thereby formed a citizen movement in
Lintas in 1955. That was the beginning of my 26 year-long the form of AGNI. Since then, I have been the trustee of
relationship with Lintas, where I worked first as a AGNI, CRY, Citizen Space and I continue to believe that
copywriter, then the Copy Chief, Creative Head, Deputy the greatest of all, is governance change. No volunteer or
Head, Chief Executive, and, eventually, the Head of Lintas NGO can tackle more than 10% of the root problems, since
for10years. 90% of the problems need to be
During that time, I regret to say, I was so involved in my job tackled by the State, which has
within the commercial world of Bombay that I was the administrative staff and the
completely detached from the political and national swell money at its disposal, as well as
of the country. A great deal had happened by then with the power to bring about
Indira Gandhi becoming the Prime Minister. Her politics, change. AGNI does exactly
no matter how well-intentioned, actually plunged the this; it gets the citizen groups to ask the governing bodies
country into a state of disaster. Power was vested upon the to do what they are supposed to do. I believe that my
hands of corrupt and criminal politicians. That was the experience in advertising and marketing plays an
turning pointin Indianpolitics. important role, because democracy is all about citizen
mobilisation, and leading them into the right direction.By 1979, I got this feeling that I had sold enough cooking
And for leading a large number of people, you need afat and soaps and wanted to take a hiatus to sort out my
magic wand, and that is communication.Besidesthese, theown thoughts. I took a six month leave from Lintas.
13 years as the Chairman of MICAhas been a very excitingThereafter, I got a study grant from the Government of
experience.Brazil and the University of Sao Paulo and went off for a
sabbatical. While I was studying at Sao Paulo, I pursued I concur that there has been considerable advancement in
something which I had begun to sense and feel while I was recent years in the field of advertising, theatre and cinema,
in India, namely, the use of marketing and advertising, commercially and financially, as well as technologically.
concepts and methods, as well as technologies, in the We are the largest producers of films. Indian cinema has
socialanddevelopmentalarena. progressed tremendously from the black and white era.
But I still stay up late nights to watch films of Guru Dutt,I decided to do my thesis on the use of communications in
Dilip Kumar etc. Ibelieve wehaveregressed.Today,maternal child care, in which I concentrated on the issue of
breast feeding. By sheer accident I got an opportunity to
present my ideas to UNICEF in Brazil. They bought my
thesis and offered me the opportunity to work with them. I
worked with UNICEF for 11 years, during which I made
some of the most wonderful discoveries of my
professional life. I realised that working with children is
not 'work', but a gift; and child welfare is an immensely
After I retired from UNICEF, I worked with Sam Pitroda in
India on the communications aspect of his five technology
missions. In 1999, I returned to Bombay, and continued to
do a lot of work for UNICEF as a consultant on HIV AIDS
and other issues. Then I got involved with 'Bombay First',
which was a joint initiative of 10 companies to make the
city a better placeto live, workandrest in.
As the Chief Executive of Bombay First, I was involved in
setting up Committees which would work towards
improvement of financial services, transport, land use and
housing, research, telecom and solid waste management.
In those two years, we understood that nothing could be
done for this city unless there was political consensus on
“Working with children is not 'work',
but a gift; and child welfare is an
immensely rewarding field of work.”
AUG '08 / 29
Bollywoodhasbecomeamoneylaunderingindustry. where glory is measured in terms of Sensex or the nuclear
blasts. The easiest way to strengthen your political base isTheatre, too, has evolved greatly in the meantime. My
to create a communal conflict or an inter-caste feud, sincepersonal involvement with theatre started from my
caste barriers have been hardened by our particular formcollege days, and I strongly hold that it is an extremely
of democracy. Indian politics today is totally dominatedimportant medium. Theatre compels you to present
by caste,musclepower,crimeandcash.yourself in public; and, therefore, requires a great deal of
personal involvement; which, in its unique way, has been a When India became free, we hoped for freedom of the
lifelonglessonforme. individual, of human beings to attain their fullness of
mind, spirit and soul. But freedom has not given any ofAt this moment, I have a feeling of deep despondency
these. If being a superpower in the world means moreregarding what freedom and Independence have brought
nuclear weapons and an incessant pursuit of money, then Ius. Nothing substantial has happened for the most
sincerely hope that we do not become one. One of thedepressed groups of our country. I get very impatient with
implications of being a superpower is colonialism, andpeople who talk about a Shining India, because we have
that seems to be disrespectful towards smaller nationsdone nothing on the most critical fronts. We may have
around the world. The only way India will succeed isdone well in financial terms, agriculture production,
when the Government keeps its hands off and does notavailability of money and power; but these do not get
interfere in the development of our nation. There shouldfunneled and focused into human happiness and welfare.
be a regulatory framework, but it is the citizens who mustWe put ourselves in a dangerously euphoric frame of mind
take charge.where we feel that there are no more battles to be won,
whereasthe mostimportant battles areyet tobe won. The youth of India are our hope for tomorrow but they
need to be motivated and mobilised in the right direction.We have an oppressed minority in the form of women who
And I truly believe that it is us, the senior citizens, whoare humiliated day in and day out. Is this the kind of nation
have the experience, wisdom and the time to do so. Hence,we envisaged 60 years after Independence? It is definitely
we should reach out to the youth and encourage themnot the kind of country that we looked forward to in 1947,
towardsbetter governance.”
1949 Joined PTI Reuters as a feature writer, later on shifting to the Editorial News Desk.
1954 Joined JWT as a copywriter
1955 - 1981 Worked with Lintas, as copywriter, Copy Chief, Creative Head, Deputy
Head, Chief Executive - Head of Lintas
1981 Studied at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
1981 - 1992 Worked with UNICEF
1999 - 2001 Came back to Mumbai and joined 'Bombay First' as the Chief Executive
1999 Oonwards Established a citizen group called AGNI, of whic he is now a trustee.
Trustee of CRY
Chairman of Mudra Institute of Communication and Advertising (MICA).
30 / AUG ‘08
AUG '08 / 31

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  • 1. TM Rs.50 / US$3 / £2 / €2A Forum for Forward Thinking Indians Globally w w w. n e w g l o b a l i n d i a n . c o m Vol. 1 / No. 4 JULY 2008 ‘IT’ Feels Good Its raining jobs in India Jharkhand Yesterday, Today & Tommorow 10 Things that will change India Australian High Commissioner to India speaks
  • 2.
  • 3. CONTENTS AUG '08 / 01 Editor-in-Chief Publisher Managing Editor Project Co-ordinator Editorial Consultant IT Consultant Creative & Print Consultant NGI media is a collaborative initiative of 'iPremm Inc.' a US based PR & Media company and Delhi based 'ICONS Media Initiative Pvt. Ltd.' Contact Nos. and Email ids: For Advertising, Marketing & Subscriptions Office Address Kanchan Banerjee Haimanti Banerjee Ujjwal K. Chowdhury Bharat Thakkar Srinivas Jagirdar Mahesh Gupta Krish Velmurugan Milind Joshi Pankaj Juyal Haimanti Banerjee 16173066609 Ujjwal K Chowdhury 91 9373311239 Bharat Thakkar 91 93769 22853 New Delhi 210, Pocket-E, Mayur Vihar-II, New Delhi - 110091. Pune 40, B/2 wing, Vrindavan Park, Mahatma Society, Kothrud, Pune - 411029. Chief Copy Editor Sub Editor Bureau Chief Senior Correspondent Correspondents Accounts Head Regional Coordinators (Publicity & Adsales ) Photographers Rupak Ghosh Deepti Chaudhari Dr. Arpita Sutradhar (Delhi) Vitthal Dempo (Mumbai) Alladi Jayasri (Bangalore) Sreemoyee Roy (Kolkata) Chaiti Narula (Mumbai) Vaishalee Mehta (Mumbai) Medhavi Gandhi (Delhi) Priya Goswami (Delhi) Subhasree Ghosh (Kolkata) Anit Basu (Kolkata) Shekhar Srivastava (Lucknow) Utpal A. Chowdhury (Himachal) Samir Thakore (Gujarat) (Kolkata) Sudhangsu Malhotra (Delhi) Sharan (Bangalore) Moutrisha Sinha Chowdhuri A Forum for Forward Thinking Indians Globally TM INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL PEOPLE 8 11 12 14 India today and tomorrow The National Awakening Where do we stand? Proud to be an Indian Legendary Hero PVC Captain Bana Singh The Freedom Fighter My religion is honesty in dance Its our double standards that has resulted in mediocrity Communication is a magic wand 16 18 22 24 28 FOCUS ON AUSTRALIA 32 35 39 40 42 44 46 45 Sharing More Than Just a Beginning India in the Australian market Australia : The Wonder Down Under Namaste Australia Cleaning up the Act. "The Airport Economist" Australia is a Lucky Country Indian Speak STATE FOCUS Jharkhand Yesterday Today Tomorrow Jharkhand to Golden Coonch Jharkhand Government needs farsighted plans. "Everybody is a leader in Jharkhand" 50 51 52 54 ECONOMY IT Feels good Wanted in India Young Educated Talent Interview of P.R. Agarwal The story of the Indian multinational 56 60 62 64 The Great Indian Cricket Bazaar" Bengal Cricket Needs Me. 88 87 SPORTS ENVIRONMENT 70 71 72 Saving the Sundarbans Tiger ISO 9001 Draw as many drops SOCIETY Withering Blossoms Library at your door step (spare) SAHELI 74 77 79 CULTURE 84 83 Hare Krishna Bodhi NGI making News 90 NGI EVENTS Yellow Magic HEALTH Indians Have it SPECIAL FEATURE COVER STORY 4 Ten things that will change India.
  • 4. 60 years have passed. Freedom from foreign political gave birth to ideas of the `other world' and that it had domination for a nation, particularly one as large and as ignored the `worldly matters'. Probably this is a very ancient as India, is a matter of great joy and pride. People all opportune time to uncover history and realize that over the world will celebrate this important event with Indians have been the most practical people on earth. pomp and show, speeches and garlands, bands and They have contributed in the foundation of almost every parades, canons and fireworks, music and dances; but for singlepillarofourhumancivilization what? Just to have an occasion to indulge in our emotional But truly, the 'other world' is misunderstood and attachment to the soil? Seizing another opportunity to relax dismissed by many people although a closer look will from our stressful lives? How about those people of Indian only tell us that in this area too Indians were practical, for origin who were not born in India, and those who have not life and social enhancement. Julian Huxley, in his article, visited the land of their fathers even once? Those people of 'Evolution after Darwin' has written on the centennial of Indian origin who care for their roots will definitely feel Darwin's 'The Origin of Species': "Man's most th great on 15 August. Nobel-laureate sage poet comprehensive aim is seen not as mere survival, not as Rabindranath Tagore once said: "There are some who are numerical increase, not as increased complexity of insularly modern, who believe that past is the bankrupt organization or increased control over his environment, time, leaving no assets for us, but a legacy of debts. They but as greater fulfillment - the fuller realization of more refuse to believe that the army marching forward can be fed possibilities by the human species collectively and more from the rear. It is well to remind them that the great ages of of its component members individually. Once greater renaissance in history were when men suddenly discovered fulfillment is recognized as man's ultimate or dominant the seeds of thought in the granary of past. The unfortunate aim, we shall need a science of human possibilities to people who have lost the harvest of their past, have lost their help guide the long course of psycho- social evolution seeds for cultivation and go a-begging for their bare that lies ahead." The Indian yoga and philosophical livelihood. We must not imagine that we are one of those system is exactly what Huxley wants: `a science of disinheritedpeopleofthe world." human possibilities'. It embraces all aspects of culture, Also, many people who are not of Indian origin do ethics, justice, knowledge and spirituality as an integral recognize and appreciate India's gifts to the world. Will whole, not dividing off science and art from religion, or Durant, prominent American historian and philosopher from each other. This system which was developed over said: "India was the mother of our race and Sanskrit the thousands of years is based on eternal spiritual and mother of Europe's languages. She was the mother of our natural laws wrapped in the most misunderstood term philosophy, mother through the Arabs, of much of our Dharma. Thisisthe greatest gift ofIndiatothe world. mathematics, mother through Buddha, of the ideals The world must recognize the role that India is to play in embodied in Christianity, mother through village this world. Buddha, Mahaveer, Gandhi, and so many communities of self- government and democracy. Mother other proponents of peace and non-violence required Indiaisin many waysthe motherofusall." country like India in which to be born. For total peace, We also cannot ignore the fact that some people are hesitant harmony and progress, India will play a great role and to celebrate the day because of a great tragedy partition, we must strengthen her to live up to that expectation. The uprooting of millions of lives and death of millions. This world needs a vision today, and India has preserved the tragedy happened to a population who through the long spiritual light for the world.Arnold Toynbee, thinker and course of their history gave shelter to the persecuted Jews, historian said: "Today we are still living in a transitional the Syrian Christians and the Persian Zoroastrians. Many of chapter of the world's history, but it is already becoming the oldest churches, mosques and synagogues in the world clear that a chapter which had a Western beginning will are found in India. India is a mother indeed. India openly have to have an Indian ending if it is not to end in the self- entertained almost every idea and thought of the world destructionofthe race." because of the ancient Vedic message that: "Ekam sat viprah Just like each person, each nation has a purpose and a bahudha vadanti: Truth is one, but the learned explain it in mission. What is India's mission? Shri Aurobindo, the thmany ways”.Some people have the notion that India only great sage of modern India whose birthday is also 15 EDITORIAL What is the meaning of freedom? 02 / AUG ‘08
  • 5. August, said: "India of the ages is not dead nor has she in all aspects. We sometimes take it for granted, but spoken her last creative word; she lives and has still external freedom; the visible freedom may not be the real something to do for herself and the human race. And that freedom. We must be careful enough, creative enough which must seek now to awake is not anglicised oriental and visionary enough to understand it. True freedom people, docile pupil of the West and doomed to repeat the does not consist of merely being able to live where we cycle of the occident's success and failure, but still the like, get the job we want, or have as much enjoyment as ancient immemorable Shakti recovering her deepest self, we can. It consists of being inwardly free, being free to lifting her head higher towards the supreme source of light know who we are and why we are alive, and free to create and strength and turning to discover the complete meaning a world in which there is peace, harmony and respect for and a vaster form of her Dharma." All other civilizations in all life and where there is cooperation among the the world have ceased to flow; either by entering the desert inhabitants. of time or due to external forces they changed their course Political, social and economical freedom is useful and of path. India is the only living civilization on earth which meaningful and can be fully utilized only if we must has continued to live and flourish throughout the millennia. learn to be free within. Possessiveness, greed and ego- Those of us having roots in India and living in foreign lands satisfaction which culminate in the form of imperialism, should be the true ambassadors of India and immediate dictatorship or colonialism are ultimately self- heirs of her wealth and gifts. We must not only tell people destructive. Hatred and anger has undermined human loudly about India's vision of unity and progress, but must civilizations many times before. Tolerance, acceptance alsostrive to live andtoteach otherstoliveup tothat ideal. and peace are the real virtues of human beings. We are What are the events that have shaped us the way we are evolving as a species. We must in the next century break today? What is our identity? Even for our comfortable lives through our inner limitations to higher realms of in foreign lands and our excellence in various honorable consciousness. We must evolve from animal-like living professions is due to the gift of India, that has made us hard notonly to human-likeliving but togodlyliving. working and inquiring. We, including the new generation, At this stage the role of India comes again. She calls on us: owe what we are today to the land and the people of India. "Oh children of immortality. Arise, awake and stop not Swami Vivekananda said : "Children of India, I am here to till the goal is reached." The goal here is to realize who we speak to you today about some practical things, and my are, why we are here and become truly free; attain Mukti, object is reminding you about the glorious past is simply Liberation, Nirvana. In the final judgment, the this: many times I have been told that looking into the past achievements, failures and freedom of India becomes only degenerates and leads to nothing. That is true. Out of one with the achievements, failures and the freedom of the past is built the future. Look back therefore, as far as you all people on Earth. Thus August 15 is not an important can, drink deep of the eternal fountains that are behind, and day for the Indians only, not only of all those who have after that, look forward, march forward. Our ancestors were roots in India or those who love India, the day is indeed great. We must first recall that; we must have faith in that important for all freedom and peace loving people on blood and what it did in past; and out of that faith and Earth, nay -forallhumanity. consciousness of past greatness we must build an India yet But would freedom have any meaning if the material greater than what she has been before." (Swami prosperity is mirage for millions and if millions go after Vivekananda's last day in this world was on July 4 the day prosperity at the cost of all values and ethical concerns, ofAmericanIndependence) including destroying the land, river and the vegetation? Now let us take a quick look at the land of the Statue of All philosophy will become useless exercise of brain and Liberty. "Live free or die" said General Stark during the emotions, unless the country puts itself in the orbit where Battle of Bennington - during theAmerican Revolution.Are food, proper home, electricity, health care, skill people really free in the land of liberty? "In God we trust" or developing education leads the country in to a "In Gold we trust"? Are the dreams of the nation's knowledge based, happy, healthy and prosperous forefathers being realized? Would the Iraq war make them society. happy? Franklin Roosevelt said: "The truth is found when menarefreetopursueit." Isthe pursuit fortruth still alive? Every living soul yearns for freedom and freedom is the first condition for any individual or a nation to achieve their fullest potential. Freedom is for those who appreciate it and let flower in all the possibilities of a free soul. Freedom is for those who can protect it. Freedom is for those who earn it. Therefore each one of us must live and contribute to the achievements of a free people and protect that very freedom AUG '08 / 03 Kanchan Banerjee Editor-in-chief
  • 6. A Goldman Sachs Economic Research Global Economics Paper points out that by the year 2020 the workforce in India will be equivalent to the combined working population of France, Germany, Italy and the UK. COVER STORY India is at a turning point when it comes to its economic The ten things that Goldman Sachs thinks India should do growth and one false move now might prove to be very are: costly. Our nation needs to move cautiously; but with a 1.Improve governance sense of bravado and courage, carefully thinking out its It is only with better governance, delivery systems and movesandthe consequencesthat follow. effective implementation that India will be able to educate A Goldman Sachs Economic Research Global Economics its citizens, build infrastructure, increase agricultural Paper points out that by the year 2020 the workforce in productivity, and equitably distribute the fruits of India will be equivalent to the combined working economicgrowth. population of France, Germany, Italy and the UK. Around Asystem of accountability needs to be worked out when it 140 million will migrate to Indian cities in another 12 years comes to the politicians, especially in the context of voters. asopportunitiesexplode. In mid June, a news item mentioned an incident of voters In a recent study, Goldman Sachs and Co. economists Jim recalling three of their representatives in a city corporation O'Neill and Tushar Poddar in Madhya Pradesh, when they were dissatisfied with have formulated 10 things their performance. The wheel seems to be in motion, India needs to do to achieve a already. per capita GDP of at least It is imperative for politicians to realise that their future is $20,000 (Rs 8.58 lakh, according dependent on the promises they deliver, and not on the to the current foreign exchange ones they make. Citizens must organise themselves to ratio) by 2050; from the current demand better services and not let political posts be used level of less than $1,000, if India to access jobs or contracts. Politics is to be viewed as a is to achieve its potential 42 means to improve services; rather than to cater to caste and years from now. Poddar and O'Neill have stated that by communalneeds. undertaking required reforms, India can still reach its Presently,the roleofthe State isblurredasaregulator andtarget by increasingits annual growth potential by 2.8%. India will need a new political ethos with politicians putting the national interest before their own narrow ones, if the country has to march towards becoming an economic giant and occupy its due place in the world, says Ramesh Menon. Ten things that will change India 04 / AUG ‘08
  • 7. service provider. Because the citizens do school and out of that number, many not finance the service providers directly, drop out before finishing schooling. they cannot hold them accountable. Many schools have only one teacher Reform is the answer and it could come in and one classroom with too many the shape of Public-private partnerships. children. Female children are fewer and Allowing the private sector into areas such literacy rates among them are as low as a s h e a l t h , p r i m a r y e d u c a t i o n , 61%. infrastructure, water supply and transport According to Pratham, an NGO wouldsolve severalproblems. involved in primary education, half of Decentralising public services and the total 200 million children who are in empowering citizens could be a way out the primary school age group are with the Government acting as the unable to read or write. As many as 11 regulator. out of 100 children do not enter a school, while another 35 drop out beforeThe Report has specifically mentioned that completing 4-5 years of schooling.the Right to InformationAct passed in 2005 Additional 30 leave schools beforewas a step in the right direction as it reaching class eight. Less than half ofallowed a citizen to have access to official those remaining actually end updata. It called for e-governance that would finishing their seniorschooling.increase transparency and reduce transaction costs. It is only 'reform Pratham has recently launched an champions' in the administration who can initiative called 'Read India', which successfully lead and manage governance aims to teach children to read fluently in reforms,the Report added. 4-16 weeks. The goal is to impact about 100 million children by 2009. The NGOSome observers feel that India's claims that more than 21million havegovernance problems have their root in alreadybeen benefited.democracy; but it is actually only a well- functioning democracy that would lend its 3. Increase both quality and quantity citizens a voice in evaluating the quality of of Universities services they receive, make governments In another 12 years time, those seeking and service providers accountable, and higher education in India is likely to lead to citizens paying directly for the grow three to four times the current size services rendered. Economic growth, in of 10 million. The National Knowledge fact, increases expectations of better health Commission has proposed an increase care,educationandbetter governance. in the number of universities from 350 2.Raiseeducationalachievement (currently) to1,500 by 2016. Outside India, it is widely believed by The NKC has also suggested an increase many that education is the country's in the 18-24 age groups to be educated to biggest achievement, as they see the best University level from 7% to 15%. from India working in their countries. But Though 2.5 million graduates pass out the reality is that India has more every year, India is starved of talent. The uneducated people than any other country situation will only get more acute as the in the world. If India does not ensure basic populationsoars. elementary and secondary education to its Indian Universities will have to pick up teeming millions, it will be virtually the best practices from leading impossible for the nation to achieve its Universities abroad, open up education potential. to reputed private players and reward According to figures released by the those who are showing an inclination Government, 94% of India's population towards bringing in excellence, while lives within one kilometre of a primary penalising those who are converting it school and 84% have upper primary intoacommercialproposition. schools within a distance of three 4.Control inflation kilometers. But the harsh reality is that hisiscrucial.TheReporturgedgreater only 80% of those between 6-14 years go to AUG '08 / 05
  • 8. There is less expenditure on health, education and infrastructure. The bulk is on subsidies, which do not improve long-term growth potential. India's central subsidy on food, oil and fertiliser is equivalent to the entire income tax revenue! independence for the Reserve Bank of India. It would help with such a high fiscal deficit, the Government has no our nation if its one billion plus population learns that fiscal space to respond to high oil and commodity prices, macro economic stability for the RBI is dominated by the without endangering its fiscal health, resulting in a large goal of keeping inflation low and stable. The Report increaseindebt. considers it worthwhile to develop an official credible 6. Liberalisefinancialmarkets consumerpriceindex. ndia's financial sector is still small and underdeveloped. 5. Introducea crediblefiscalpolicy With 70% of banking assets under its belt, the State still India's gross fiscal deficit is dominates the sector. Because markets lack in corporate one of the highest in the world. debt, currency and derivatives, there is a lack of credit and Government liabilities have low financial savings. Total credit, at 50% of GDP, remains been increasing at an alarming well below that of its Asian neighbours, especially China. rate. The Report predicted that Consumer credit remains abysmally low at 11% of GDP, it might accelerate above 7% compared to an Asian average of over 40% of GDP. due to the proposal to waive Household savings tend to be in physical assets and gold, debt for farmers, hike in salary andriskdiversificationchannelsarenotavailable. for Government employees, To meet its growth potential, India needs to pursue fertiliser and oil subsidies, and financial reforms to channelise savings effectively into higher exemptionsonincometax. investment, meet funding requirements for infrastructure, There is less expenditure on health, education and and enhance financial stability. Savers need to have access infrastructure. The bulk is on subsidies, which do not to a broad range of financial instruments, while borrowers improve long-term growth potential. India's central should be able to access local debt and equity. The Report subsidy on food, oil and fertiliser is equivalent to the entire called for reforms in pension, insurance, bond market and incometax revenue! banking, A fiscal policy that reduces the overall deficit to a 7. Increasetradewithneighbours sustainable level is critical for India.It woulddisciplinethe Look at China. It is more open than India in terms of trade. Government and politicians, restrain populist spending, The Report stated that India would do well to open up improve governance and make the fiscal deficit largely trade with China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. With lower independent of political and election cycles. Currently, tariff barriers as an incentive, trade with the rest of the worldhasimprovedin recent times. Trade with China is presently low with India taking in just 1.93% of China's exports and just 1.46% of its imports. Total trade of India with the US in 2007 was just $42 billion. The US trade with China in that period was a whopping $405 billion! India's trade with China is just $37 billion. Political differences and disputes have been at the heart of the problem with trade with India's neighbours not developing as it could have. But as the rest of the world grows, India has to iron out its differences and use trade andcommercetobuildnew lasting ties. 06 / AUG ‘08
  • 9. 8.Enhanceagriculturalproductivity privatisation of the telecom sector and its rapid growth and penetration. These examples amply prove India'sIncreasing agricultural growth is critical for India to expertise in building soundinfrastructure.sustain high growth rates and rescue millions from the clutches of poverty. Currently, 60% of the labour force is 10. Improve environmentalquality employed in agriculture, which contributes less than 1% of As India grows, it is imperative to improve its overall growth. India's agricultural yields are a fraction of environmental quality and efforts at sustainability. India those of its more dynamic Asian neighbours. A lot of land should learn from other countries, which in the name of is also being lost due to industrialisation and urbanisation, growth depletedits natural resources. apart from soil erosion due to intensive farming and Environmental degradation affects the economy in several environmental degradation. The key, therefore, is raising ways. For India, the impact would be in the form of agricultural productivity with technological inputs. declining agricultural areas and loss in productivity due to Public investment in agriculture has to be substantially soil erosion; reduced labour productivity due to poor higher. Currently, subsidies are four times the investment urban air quality, and the threat of toxic and chemical figure and that does not enhance productivity. waste inthe environment,amongothers. Investments have to be made in electricity, irrigation, rural In the next five years, India plans to add some 70,000 MWroadsandfoodgrain storage. of power, for which it will largely use coal that is harmful 9.Improve infrastructure to the environment. The World Bank estimates that small Clogged airports, poor roads, power cuts, delays in and medium enterprises account for 70% of the total construction of ports and other infrastructure, clearing industrial pollution, and are a major source of exports through customs, are all problem areas. Indian environmental degradation. companies, the Report points out, lose 30 days in obtaining The regulatory bodies need to an electricity connection, 15 days in clearing exports be able to enforce pollution through customs and lose 7% of the value of their sales due standards by having the to power outages. India's growth will demand energy, requisite capacity, using transport, logisticsandcommunication. credible threats and also make a The Planning Commission estimates that India needs to greater use of economic nearly double its ports, roads; power, airports and telecom incentives. infrastructure in the next five years to sustain growth and If not given the right priority, environmental sustainability that will require an additional $500 billion. Also that has the potential to become India's greatest challenge, the private investment is hesitant to enter the infrastructure Report emphasised. arena because there are frequent changes in regulatory The Goldman Sachs Report makes for interesting reading. policy in areas like telecom, roads and power which leads It is apparent from the Report that to achieve its 2050 touncertainty. objective, India has a long way to go.And, it is not going to It is necessary to replicate our success stories. For instance, be easy. To begin with, Indian Political Parties will have to in the last few years India has constructed more than 3,600 give precedence to the national cause, ahead of their own miles of highways for the Golden Quadrilateral Highway personal interests. Anyone in India knows that this is project; whereas in the previous 50 years it had built only indeed a tall order. India needs a new political order 300 miles. Another example is the Delhi Metro, which was similar to the one in Singapore if the country has to reach completed earlier than envisaged. Then, there was the new heights. There is less expenditure on health, education and infrastructure. The bulk is on subsidies, which do not improve long- term growth potential. India's central subsidy on food, oil and fertiliser is equivalent to the entire income tax AUG '08 / 07
  • 10. .To the outside world, India has made tremendous these institutions may still remain unemployed after progress. But those who know the inside story are aware spending time and money, or may not get the type of job that India still has a long way to go. Let us look at things as that they deserve all due to a lack of standardisation. India they arehappening andgauge whereIndiaisheading. needs to encourage its young folks towards entrepreneurship, innovationandcreativity.Educationandworkforce: India has a workforce of 422 million, but has an acuteIt is certainly music to the ears that the growth in the shortage of both skilled (employable) technocrats as wellIndian higher education as skilled labour, such as those needed in the booming(private) sector has been housing industry. What is the plan of the Government?exemplary. The demands of a What is the foresightedness of the private entrepreneursbullish economy have fueled andbusinesses?the establishment of hundreds of new colleges. But the bad After agriculture, the manufacturing industry in India is news is that we have been the life force of the economy. The growth that we are unable to maintain the standard of education. witnessing today can only be sustained through ventures Mushrooming of questionable institutes, which produce which employ massive number of people, especially thousands of graduates, but do not furnish them with uneducated, poor and unskilled individuals. While all the requisite skills while entering the job market, is actually focus is on the so-called 'white collar' jobs, the 'blue collar' detrimental to growth. People who are graduating from onesmustnotbe neglected, either.Skillstraining and The Indian real estate sector which is the second largest employing sector has witnessed a revolution, driven by the booming economy and liberalised foreign direct investment (FDI) regime. India Today & Tomorrow WillIndiabeabletocopeupwiththechallengesthatlieontheroadtoprogress?ArguesKanchanBanerjee INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL 08 / AUG ‘08
  • 11. employment are very much the need of the day. India's The tourism and hospitality industry is booming due to literacy rate is about 60 %. Only 12 % of the total workforce many factors, such as improved domestic business is college educated, and many do not have the training and confidence, foreign investment inflows, greater skills to match the demands of the growing industries. In disposable income, lower air tariffs, greater air other words,Indianeedsmorevocationalschools. connectivity andaccelerating paceofbusiness. Realestate: Over 5 million tourists are coming to India now, on an annual basis. The number of air travelers is expected to riseIndian real estate, which is the second largest sector when from the current 15 million a year, to around 40-50 millionit comes to generating employment, has undergone a in the next five years. According to the World Travel andrevolution of sorts, buoyed by the booming economy and Tourism Council (WTTC), India is one of the emergingthe liberalised Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) regime. markets for tourism, having a potential of $ 24 billionThe sector, which is estimated to be worth US$ 15 billion, is foreignexchange earningsthrough tourismby 2015.growing at a rate of 35 % and is steadily emerging as one of the most appealing investment areas for domestic as well The number of medical tourists visiting India will reach as foreign investors. International architects and planners one million by 2012, representing a CAGR hike of 28.09% are also flocking to India, due to which foreign from 2007. Tourist influx to India is expected to increase at investmentshave risentoaroundUS$10 billion. a CAGRof 22.65% between 2007 and 2011. These bode well for the economy. But challengesReal estate in India is linked to about 250 ancillary do exist. India's share in globalindustries, including cement, brick and steel, through tourism is expected to reachbackward and forward linkages. Every unit increase in 1.5% by 2010. Is not this a shameexpenditure in this sector has a multiplier effect, and the with over 5000 years of historycapacity to generate ashigh asfive timesthe income. and such a variety of tourist It is indeed good news that real estate is booming in India. attractions? But the question is: who will ensure that the standards of housing are strictly maintained? Are the builders following the minimum safety code? How much of asbestos and lead and other hazardous materials are still attrition rate.being used in the new structures? Who is managing the The hotel industry is facing an acute shortage of rooms. Itprofiteering? Who is responsible for pricing? Who makes is estimated that India today needs at least 1,50,000 hotelsure that the environment is not being irretrievably roomsto caterto the everincreasingtouristpopulation.damaged in the process? Who is guaranteeing that the cultivable landisnotbeing unnecessarilyreduced? HealthCare: Income andexpenditure: The Journal of the Associationof Physicians of India has made a shocking revelation that the nation is the diabetes capitalWith per head disposable income projected to grow at of the world.As many as 41 million Indians suffer from theCAGR of 12.11% from fiscal year (FY) 2007 to FY 2010, it is disease.Also, every fifth diabetic in the world is an Indian.likely to boost purchasing powers of the Indian The Journal also maintains that 20 million Indians arepopulation. The pension fund industry in India grew at an "either obese or abdominally obese, with children beingastounding CAGR of 122.44% from 1999-00 to 2006-07. By themostaffected.”Thesearenot goodnews!2010, rural and semi-urban India is expected to account for 58.33% of the insurance sector. The ATM outlets in India Over 27,000 new entrants are added to the pool of doctors increased at a CAGR of 53.99% to reach 20,000 in 2006, in India each year. Still, millions walk miles to visit a from2000. doctor, even today. While more than 70% Indians in need of health care are located in rural areas, most of the doctorsThe increase of buying power of some classes of people (75%) are to be found in the cities. Less than 1% of thewill fuel the sale of motorcycles and cars. It is projected populationiscoveredby health insurance.that car-stock is to rise at a CAGR of 9.14% from FY2007 to FY2010. New passenger car registration is also expected to Indian health care sector grew at a compounded annual grow at aCAGRof11.41%duringthe sameperiod. rate of 16% over the last decade. Total health outlays now touch US$34 billion, which translates into roughly 6% ofThis is definitely good news for the rich and the middle the GDP. Also, the Department of Commerce projectsclass. The bad news is: how will the associated increase in spendingin this sectorwillreachUS$40billionby 2012.pollution and global warming be contained? How will the road congestion and inevitable accidents going to affect An alarming news was presented at the Global Healthcare us?What will be the impactonhealth carecost? Conference in January 2007. It stated that while the projected physician shortfall would be around 45,000 inTravel&hospitality: 2012,the shortfallfornurseswouldbeeven greater Everything said and done, the Indian travel industry suffers from a number of problems which need to be addressed soon. These include shortage of skilled professionals and a high employee People who are graduating from these institutions may still remain unemployed after spending the time and money, or may not get the type of job that they deserve AUG '08 / 09
  • 12. 2012, the shortfall for nurses would be even greater technologically advanced project which will dramatically roughly 350,000 nurses would be required forprimary and lower launch costs. While current launch prices range secondarycareby 2015. from $4,300 per kilogram, to about $40,000 per kilogram, ISRO's plans promise to carry a payload weighing up toIndia has about one bed for every 1000 patients, whereas one metric tonne. Thereby, Avatar could deliver a 500the corresponding figure for China, Korea and Thailand is to1000 kilogram payload into orbit for about $67 per4.3 beds. To reach that level, kilogram. Gregory Benford, an astrophysicist at theIndia will need over 3 million University of California, Irvine recently commented: "Thebeds, and an additional Avatar RLV project will enable the Indian programme toinvestment of$240 billion. leap ahead of the Chinese nostalgia trip. Once low cost to Improving the quality of health orbit comes alive, it will drive cheaper methods of care providers, providing conductingallourunmannedactivitiesinspace." adequate training to the As President Kalam noted, while fossil fuels will getphysicians, paying proper attention to the standards of depleted in the next few decades, a space industrialteaching and designing new courses to cope with the revolution is a very important requirement to exploit therapidly changing disease profile, and fostering an heavenly resources. He has predicted that India willenvironment for quality in health care and patient safety construct giant solar collectors in orbit and on the moon.are of utmost importance for the country. The facilities that Mining Helium-3, a rare fuel on earth (which generatesIndia provide are attracting medical tourists from abroad. power from nuclear fusion) is feasible from the lunarIt is also a matter of concern: how many of these people are surfaceandstationsin geostationary andother orbits.depriving our own countrymen, while pushing the health carecostto higher levels? Whether President Kalam's dream would be realised remains to be seen, but India definitely cannot afford toAerospace: ignore the exploration of the great potential that lies in India is fast becoming a key sourcing hub for global outerspace. aerospace companies. The areas include control system In conclusion, it might be mentioned that IT is only a smalldesign, embedded development, high level aeronautical part of our economy, though an important one. While thesystem design, simulation, testing devices, cockpit IT sector should not be neglected, other sectors, too, mustequipment support software, air traffic management be given adequate attention so that the progress issystems, and composite structuring. One global aerospace balanced. While technology is changing; we, as a society,market forecast report predicts that the Indian aerospace and our physical and mental set-up and cope-ability maytechnology outsourcing market, which currently stands at not have changed.Thepriceforthat might be high.US $155 million, will reach US $1 billion soon. Additionally, India's space budget is a fraction of that of most other countries. Fir example, the US space budget ($16billion)is18 timesthat ofISRO's. The debate over whether India should spend so much energy or funds on aerospace sector will continue, because issues related to poverty, health and literacy keep haunting us. First of all, India needs to keep its borders safe. And, for that, space technology, including surveillancetechnologyandsatellites aremandatory. Today's world is the world of communications. To keep up with this world, India needs to safeguard its considerable space assetsmostly the satellites, surveillance machinery and the telescopes. With the ambitious plans to put an Indian on moon, and other futurist exploration, the assets areonlygoing to growmanifold. The next phase of warfare is going to be space technology based. Can India neglect to build a solid defense system to protect its space assets? Such assets are vital for space- based tracking, and reconnaissance missions that ensure effectivenessandcredibility. ISRO's scramjet RLV, called Avatar, is the most ISRO's scramjet RLV, called Avatar is the most technologically advanced project which will dramatically lower the launch cost. 10 / AUG ‘08
  • 13. 'AflockofBalaakaasflewfast in the sky and not Party oriented. Party system is just a political machinery.Thenation isaboveall.Tosomevales,orhills I like to mention herein the famous writing ofOr some place unknown, radiant with the current of Rabindranath Tagoreincorporatedin Gitanjali:freedomanddelight' “Where the mindiswithout fear andthe headisheldhigh;Will not India advance with such current of delight and freedom to a state of self-sufficiency providing all its Where knowledgeisfree; people with comfort, security, food, employment and civic Where the world has not been broken up into fragments amenitiesto aprosperousfuture forthe entire nation? by narrowdomesticwalls; Our country has acquired sufficiency in some fields, but Where words come out from the manymajormattersareleft to be accomplished. depth oftruth; Education for all has not been achieved. Health care is in a Where tireless striving stretches its bad shape. Although the Central Government allocates armstowardsperfection; funds for people below the poverty line for mere survival, Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into implementationisfarfromsatisfactory. the drearydesertsandofdeadhabit; In this context, minimum assured employment of 100 Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening days in a year, minor irrigation schemes for farmers, thought andaction-- electricity and hospital facilities in all villages are yet to be Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my countryachieved. awake.” Village roads and bridges and other infrastructure-related issues, both in the cities and villages, need to be improved. Unused funds are being returned. Strong labour force and Every enlightened individual should read the above. This technology are boons for a country. Lapses on these is the key human concept to achieve a great goal. accounts are obviously human failure. Taking human Otherwise, the filth and dirt that have accumulated so failures like this for granted, how can we attain long inoursocietycannotbe swept away. development? In the concluding line the poet wrote, 'My father, let my More than 60 years have already gone by. 'Our country has country awake'. It can be said that different faces of my already reached the golden age, and every thing countrymen are different faces of God; and they are rising, achievable has been accomplished' - this is quite irrespectiveofParty,religion,casteorcreed. incoherent nonsense! Workers should be work-oriented, Where the mindiswithout fear andthe headisheldhigh; J Sanyal, a senior citizen of India, points out some of the pressing issues that still plague the nation even after morethansixdecadesofIndependence. The National Awakening Party system is just a political machinery. Nation is above all. AUG '08 / 11
  • 14. It was in an elevator, when I heard the relatively older the adverse economic conditions compelled them to take woman asking me, “You must be from India?” up the long journey across the sea, with the only hope of getting ajob.“Yes,howdoyouknow?” The shroud of financial insecurity surrounded everyShereplied,“Youareallsosmart!” Indian much like others in the colonies, British or This is a compliment I still take pride in, even though the otherwise. They took up the challenges to secure their incident occurred five years ago. When people used to ask lives, and sure enough success was theirs. Not too long me of my origin even 10 years ago, every child encountered the same question: 'What back, my answer almost will you become when you grow up?' An answer, like a invariably elicited the response, sports person, or an artist was not satisfying enough. 'Where?' Most people had not Typically, a Government job was more secure. Though less evenheardofIndia. paying, it promised long term employment.Ahigh paying During the two centuries of job offered a good alternative, but the opportunities were migration, people of Indian few. Neither pure science nor social science offered job origin have grown, along with the economy of the new security. It was not the parents' fault. Nor was it fair for the land they settled in. India's economy has also grown in the children to consider career options they had little interest last two decades; at a rate, and with the help of policies that in. As a result, children sought high paying professions, will enable India to become a world leader sooner than and thus increased competition in these arenas. Simply 2050. With the resultant financial security; Indians, and put, that was the state of things then impoverished, they peopleofIndianorigin, arenowassertingtheir identity. were struggling to make their lives secure. They suffered As history tells us, Indian economy reached its nadir in the through the bad times imposed upon them and were th 19 century under the British bayonet, after enjoying the beginning tounderstandthe new worldorder. position of being the world's leading economy for over a Success of the people of Indian origin was always noticed millennium. The British offered migration to indentured and appreciated. With the onset of globalisation, the labor to work in agricultural fields in various parts of their growing Indian economy, and the then Indian colony. The uncertainty of economy, increasing atrocities Government's foreign policy led to a greater appreciation under the bayonet and, perhaps, inability to deal with amongst the general populace in these countries of their newly acquired poverty under a foreign rule migration. The success was widely welcomed, even engulfed the villagers. They had the requisite skills, and though at timeswith cautionandconcernabout their own Indians within India and abroad are standing up for their heritage and identity, observes Mayank Shekhar. People, even within India, are now asserting their identity, political ideology aside. They take pride in their Hindu heritage. They are looking for who they are, and how they came here. Proud to be an Indian INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL 12 / AUG ‘08
  • 15. economy. The upturn had more to do with the opening up of the Indian economy and ensuring that it continues to grow. While the benefits of this development is yet to reach the lower income population in India, those who are able to avail of the opportunities face another set of problems, much like their cousins abroad. It is that of identity. In the more popular western scholarship, unfortunately, and ungratefully, their religion, culture and history have been denigrated many times over. Engrossed in securing their lives, most turned away from their roots; and when insisted, accepted that something was wrong without a profoundsenseofwhat, when andwhy. As often experienced, individuals searching for an answer just beyond what meets the eye find the derogatory treatment unfounded and wonder about the reason. There is material available that details different aspects of Indian history, but is not popular. One such Western researcher even described the popular Sanskritists' work as “the whilom tyranny of the Sanskritists” commenting on those who searched for the origin of human race were prejudiced about their religious ideology. Some argue it as clash of civilisations, while others attribute it to geopolitics,andyet othersconsiderit asthe state ofaffairs. How could the systems of past in India be so, as the popular scholarship suggests, when towering personalities like Einstein appreciated it in words no less than “we owe a lot to Indians ...” and “... without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made”. Mark Twain called India the 'cradle of human race'. Muslim traders talked about India enough that Baghdad, the trade center in the medieval era, became the centre of attraction for Westerners to seek the knowledge in translated documents giving rise to wrong notions like the Arabicnumber system. Today, with all that has changed for individuals abroad and within India, people are standing up for their heritage and identity. The struggle of the past two centuries is coming to an end. People, even within India, are now asserting their identity, political ideology aside. They take pride in their Hindu heritage. They are looking for who they are, and how they came here. They are seeking what they mean to the world, and what the world is looking up to them for. To lead the world, it is necessary to invest in research in social sciences, and in pure and applied sciences, as well. They have responded well to the challenges so far. After two centuries, the world is looking up toIndiansagain. [Mayank Shekhar lives in Raleigh, NC, USA and he is the General Secretary of Educators' Society for the Heritage of India ( and can be reached at] Where do we stand? With dismantling of the Soviet Union in 1989, the bipolar world has continued to reshape itself, looking for countries that can provide leadership to the human societies at a global level. In the beginning of this process, the United States of America was leading the world. However, the efforts to promote Western culture as universal, through industrial globalisation have not been viewed favourably by many aroundthe world. The problem with the idea of dictating the lives of billions of people with diverse religious, c u l t u r a l , h i s t o r i c a l a n d developmental backgrounds with the tenets of few minds is definitely unacceptable and unpalatable to the human society at large. The power of the American culture is felt by every nation undergoing the process of economic development, through the deployment of Western technologies and with the help of the Western financial institutions and foreign investments. The economic development models promoted under the Western capitalist system bring with them all the inherent fundamental conceptual problems related to the values based on materialism, consumerism, homo-centrismandunalloyedindividualism. Moreover, there is a growing skepticism about the Western paradigm achieving its own cherished goals in the process. The dazzling achievements of science and technology are not without their sideeffects. Theuncontrolleduseofthe natural resourceswith the Is India in a position to make a mark on the global platform; is it capable of becoming a world leader? Dr. Mahesh Mehta finds out. The current paradigm has brought the entire human race to a stage where an alternative world view is becoming imperative for the future growth and welfare of all. AUG '08 / 13
  • 16. has a unique and ancient heritage of wisdom andcorresponding development of unsustainable growth and knowledge, that has continued over thousands of years,its impact on the future generations is now becoming in times of peace and war, with freedom and under foreignobvious to many Western thinkers. Also, the maladies aggressions and subjugation. Indian seers and sagesassociated with the paradigm of development are too presented a world view of all inclusive happiness andnumeroustoenumerate. declared “The World is One Family.” This is the true spirit The world is looking for a new vision about human of global humanity, and not the current world view of a happiness and also about the well-being of the entire global market place with humans as consumers. The creation. The current paradigm has brought the entire thinkers of the ancient culture developed a system based human race to a stage where an alternative world view is not justoneconomicvalues,but alsoonethical values. becoming imperative for the future growth and welfare of At the root of the stable democracy of a nation of over oneall. billion people and with the most diverse religious and The question is, can India provide this new paradigm, the cultural population is the universal vision of the Indian new vision of sustainable development and universal leadersthrough the ages. well-being? The process of globalisation is as old as the human race. In The favourable demographic situation of India with a days of yore, the process was slow. But now, due to the large chunk of its population below the age of 35, makes it high speed of communications and transportation, it is a huge resource of those who provide the necessary very swift. Theworldtodaylivesin ourliving rooms. strength and talent for the The challenge before the Indian leaders is to provide angrowth of a nation. Besides alternative paradigm for human happiness, followed bynumbers, this is the brain power some working models. This entire process requiresrequired for scientific, technical fundamental change in the approach towards education ofand all other developments in the young, the research methodology, and the topics ofthe fields of art, music, politics researchconductedat the universities.and the spiritual dimensions of life. When we talk about today's society, we refer to it as knowledge based. But, we must remember that theIndia is also among the top few nations with the necessary ancient society was also a knowledge-based one. How elsescientific and technical human power required for overall can one explain the development in astronomy,development. mathematics, science, ayurveda, artha-niti (economics), The most important factor providing the necessary global the treasuresofart andliterature ofthe ancient period? base is the Indian Diaspora, the global Indian community, One of the challenges for the academicians and researchthe people of Indian origin, established in every scholars is in looking at the policy documents in each areasdevelopedanddevelopingcountriesaroundthe world. of national life. The national policies in the vital fields need The Indians in the industrial nations have achieved an to be reexamined and redefined to match with the new outstanding status in all human endeavours. The pool of vision of leading the world. In the areas of education, scientists, engineers, doctors, medical personnel, health, environment, public policy and administration, academicians, research scholars, business leaders and legal systems, and leadership development, India needs to entrepreneurs are all well positioned to provide the large- make fundamental changes in the approach based on their scale network necessary to promote the global leadership first hand knowledge of Indian conditions, and abstain ofIndia. fromadopting modelsborrowedfromother countries. The Indian cultural and spiritual values have started The leadership position of India becomes the influencing the lives of many non-Indians. The benefits of responsibility of the university teachers and research Yoga in health management systems and the techniques of scholars. Several universities in India can be linked to meditation for spiritual development and stress relaxation develop programs aimed at changing the national are being adopted by millions. India is attracting foreign policies.Theresearchworkcanbe dividedat twolevels. students for university education, patients for health The students working for their doctoral programs maybenefits andprofessionalsforbusinessopportunities. take up topics requiring limited resources and time; while After the Nuclear Tests at Pokharan India established itself those who are already accomplished scholars should focus among the nuclear nations of the world. It is among the on more fundamental work to change the direction of the few nations that have independent military power, with nation in the long run. Each university of high standing the world's best military personnel in training, skills, must become a specialised think-tank for guiding the dedicationanddiscipline. politicalleadersandthe administratorsofthe country. But above all these favourable factors for leadership, India The pool of scientists, engineers, doctors, medical personnel, academicians, research scholars, business leaders and entrepreneurs are all well positioned to provide the large-scale network necessary to promote the global leadership of India. 14 / AUG ‘08
  • 18. Born on 6th January 1969, Captain Bana Singh is one of the IndianArmy that dates back to the British period.As much handful of living decorated soldiers in the Indian Army as 90% of my family members are in the Army. I fought who has received the highest award the Param Veer during the 1971 war against Pakistan from the Samba Chakra. The Bana Post (Top) located in the Siachen Glacier sector. region is virtually a fortress with ice walls on both sides. NGI: Give us a glimpse of your feelings when you were This region used to be called the 'Quaid-e-azam post' by climbing the 90degreewallto capturethe Quaidpost. Jinnah after an intrusion and take over by the Pakistani BS: It was a very difficult task. We used ropes and also forces. Located at an altitude of 21,153 feet from the sea- climbed on the snow mounted rocks. The only thing we level and covered entirely with ice, not even a helicopter had in mind was 'Do, or die'. For not even a single moment can land here. This is one of the highest military posts on was there any doubt in our minds regarding capturing the earth, with temperature that falls as low as -45 degrees post. We had complete conviction we knew we would be Celsius. The strategic position of this post is extremely successful. All of us had perfected our abilities through important, to keep an eye on several other top army posts. tough training. After being occupied by NGI: Please describe the whole mission, from how itPakistan for a long time, in started to howit ended.1987, the IndianArmy in a bid to take over this post came up BS: There had been efforts made earlier, but they were not with a top secret plan.Asmall successful. In my team, there were altogether 62 b a t t a l i o n , individuals, taking part in the whole t r a i n e d i n operation. The condition in that area is high altitude very hard to describe. Besides being freezing environment arrived in the unimaginably cold, it appears that region on 14th April 1987. Naib Subedar snowfall never stops. It is very hard to (Honorary Captain now) Bana Singh differentiate between dayandnight. volunteered to recapture the post. He led On 24th June, we had an air burst from our his fellow army men through an extremely artillery.Air burst is a special firing, which difficult 90 degree climb on the snow hits the target 30-60 feet above the ground covered wall. They used ropes and and destroys it completely. Once we crawled from one trench to another. The started this, the enemy never suspected post was eventually cleared of the that we would climb the walls from the intruders on the evening of 27th June, 1987 opposite side. As soon as the air burst after three days of strategic manoeuvers stopped, we quickly moved from trench and extreme hard work. Bana Singh's to trench. Two of our jawans suffered frost gallantry and leadership under the most adverse of bite, and were sent back. Then, we received orders to conditions led to a triumphant mission, which earned him continue the attack only during the day time. We were the ParamVeerChakra. seven in total; and requested for more jawans. When we NGI:What motivated youtojointheArmyat the age of20? reached the peak, we used grenades to destroy the occupiedtrench. Wehada hand-to-handencounterontheBS: My family has a long standing tradition of serving the Capt. Bana Singh, recipient of the highest gallantry award in India, 'Param Veer Chakra',sharedhisexperiencesbothonandoffthejobwithHaimantiBanerjee “Even some high level politicians do not know what the PVC is!” “The only thing we had in mind was 'Do, or die'. For not even a single moment was there any doubt in our minds regarding capturing the post. We had complete conviction.” Bana Singh PEOPLE 16 / AUG ‘08
  • 19. slippery peak, during which we eliminated several enemy received any extra support from the Government. When jawans,whilesomefelltotheir deathsby slippingdown. jawans die, their family members get a petrol pump, or something like that. For a living soldier and hero like me,Finally, on 27th June, 1987, along with Rifleman Chunni there is nothing special. I have built a house with my ownLal, Laxman Das and Kashmir Chand led by myself, we little money. We have raised four children. My twocaptured the post and hoisted the Indian flag. daughters and one son are married. My other son is in theBrigadier Chandan Singh Nogyal congratulated us all for Armynow.the victory. NGI: In your opinion, whatNGI: What were the first words you spoke once victory could the Government havewas achieved? What did you say to communicate that you done to better your life andhavewonthe post? celebrate aherolike you? BS: Once we realised that the enemy had been destroyed BS: At times, I feel like myand they had fled, we shouted out the slogan: 'Bharat Mata family would have received moreki Jai' and 'Shaktishali Eight J & K Light' support had I died in the battlefield. I do(infantry which Capt. Bana Singh not care whether the Government givesbelonged to). However, we could not anything to me or not, I have money ortalk to any one outside about it, notmy life is devoted to the nation.including my wife, for a long time due However, it would have inspired moret o s t r a t e g i c r e a s o n s . young folks if the Government took careI was invited to Delhi on 23rd January of the retired or injured jawans in a1988 to attend an event. I flew with my better way. There is no special allowancewife. At the airport, Major General forpeoplelike me.Dhan Singh Thapa approached me and asked, “So, you are PVC Bana Singh?'. I Many people, even some high level was puzzled. It was then that I realised politicians, do not know what the PVC that I was to be given the PVC award. is! Stories like mine should be told to all Only then did I tell my wife what we people. That would inspire our young did in Siachen. Both of us were folks to join the Army. Salary and other extremely delighted. We felt the facilities must be increased so that greatest honour when the President people do not think that the life of a gaveusthe medal. jawan isnot only hard,but alsodifficultfinancially! NGI: What do you think of the facilities provided at NGI: To you, what is the significance of Independence Siachen,then andnow? Day? BS: We were well trained and well equipped in those days, BS: For me, every day is Independence Day. We need to and even now. Clothes, tools, equipments everything was protect our mother land every moment. That is our duty, modern. That is why we survived even in those extreme not only for the jawans but also for every citizen. It does conditions. not make much sense just to put flowers and wreaths on the altars and conduct a parade once a year and forgetNGI:Postretirement howislifetreating you? about them. BS: I get a small pension of Rs 166 per month! I have not The citation for the Param Vir Chakra: NB SUB BANA SINGH 8 JAK LI (JC-155825) Naib Subedar Bana Singh volunteered to be a member of a task force constituted in June 1987 to clear an intrusion by an adversary in the Siachen Glacier area at an altitude of 21,000 feet. The post was virtually an impregnable glacier fortress with ice walls, 1500 feet high, on both sides. Naib Subedar Bana Singh led his men through an extremely difficult and hazardous route. He inspired them by his indomitable courage and leadership. The brave Naib Subedar and his men crawled and closed in on the adversary. Moving from trench to trench, lobbing hand grenades,andchargingwiththebayonet,heclearedthepostallintruders. Nb Subedar Bana Singh displayed the most conspicuous gallantry and leadership under the most adverse conditions. “I get a small pension of Rs 166 per month! I have not received any extra support from the Government.” AUG '08 / 17
  • 20. NGI: You were a Security Prisoner during the Quit India imprisoned. Gujral was a detainee for few weeks. He later Movementin 1942. Tellusmoreabout thosetimes. gave in writing to the British Government that he was a communist and communists were not against them in theBB: Security Prisoner was a Special Class Prisoner with 1942 agitation and was released from prison. He had thenmany facilities like Rs 5 per day and Rs 25 per month for startedabicycle shop.books.Thiswasabig amouintinthosedays. In fact, the Britishers did not keep all communists out ofThese prisoners were directly under the Viceroy and every jails. Communists who were strong activists like Drsix months a letter came from the Governor saying, "The Surjeet, Comrade Dhanwantri, Baba Gurdayal Singh andGovernor is pleased to announce the Baba Gurjeet were imprisoned and Coffee Houseincrease of imprisonment for another (intellectual types who used to be speakers, philosopherssix months." All the other prisoners and writers) Communists like Rajvansh Krishna Khanna,Class A, B and C were under the Comrade Ramesh Chandra were spared the rod. TheyGovernor. I was about 19 year old and were mainly from elite sections of the society and fromwe wereShahiPrisoners. goodfamilies. We were about 100 prisoners put in a Actually after Germany attacked the Soviet Union, bothpolitical camp in Gujarat Zila near Gujranwala in the the British and the Indian Communists came out openlyundivided (pre partition) Punjab. Jawahar Lal Nehru was against FascismandFascistpowers(AxisForces)asthealso a detainee. Even former Prime Minister IK Gujral was Shashi Bhushan, Freedom Fighter and Chairperson of Freedom Movement Memorial Committee, also a Former Member of Parliament in conversation with Ajit Kumar talks aboutthestruggleforfreedom,andotherrelatedaspects. The Freedom Fighter India Gate is very saddening as it only talks about the sacrifices of the British Soldiers in the First World War and is a symbol of imperialism. PEOPLE 18 / AUG ‘08
  • 21. Soviet Union joined the British and the French to form community is generally happy, as with independence we Allied Forces. It was a strange paradox that it was got democracy too. These were the ideals about which we imperialism and the imperialist forces that gave birth to useto think duringourimprisonment. Fascism and even supported them initially. Congress Other goals that we cherished for our nation was a leaders like Feroze Gandhi and Krishna Menon even went Socialist and Secure political structure which we wanted to Spain in solidarity after General Franco attacked the to add to our Constitution. We were finally able to achieve Britishin 1937. during Indira Gandhi's regime. We had dreamt of a strong NGI: How and when did you leave your home? What was public sector. It was also given lot of support, but it the situation of the country and the leading groups before couldn't stand up. If the people that? running these Public Sector Undertaking's could notSB: I was about 17 years of age when I left Gwalior in 1941. maintain, what canwe do?I had to leave my studies midway. Our local rulers Scindias were slaves of the Britishers and we, the common Casteism has affected our citizens in their state were their slaves. The Britishers after d e m o c r a c y b a d l y a n d the Struggle for Independence in 1857 had given some bureaucracy has obstructed the autonomy to their favourite Kings and Zamindars (Rich smooth process of development. The caste system has not Landlords). They were free to have their own army and only divided the society, but also big social groups and currency. All farmers and artisans were crushed by these organisations for e.g. like one of the largest associations, rulers and Zamindars, and were brought by them under the Trade Unions like the P & T, which had once a large their control. membership of about 20 lakh people. At one point I was also the President of the P&T Trade Union. With theRastriya Swamyasevak Sangh (RSS) was still very advent of the Shiv Sena in Maharastra, Trade Unionsdisciplined and strong. But they never participated in the slowlydisintegrated anddisappeared.freedom struggle. In fact, they were opponents of Gandhi and did not wear Gandhi Topi (Cap). Instead they wore NGI: Do you alsobelieve that the conditionsin the country Black Topi. They tried to put maximum Hindus in the are bad because most of the good and honest Freedom British Army. There was a good commission (Rs 15) on Fighters went back to their villages and left active politics bringing people for recruitment in the Army. They after India became independent. They thought that their believed that the Hindus can be used after jobwasoverandthey cannowsit back andrelax? Independence. SB: All Freedom Fighters were not leaders and so how Hindu Mahasabha was also involved in the could they act or perform like one. But they know and recruitments during the First World War. They had understand the Anti Imperialistic, Anti Feudal and some very patriotic leaders also. It is a regret that Secular practices. We follow and respect both had these two Bahadur Shah Zafar groups did not and Mahatma Gandhi support the War and are firm believers for Independence, in HinduMuslimUnity. otherwise we would NGI: Still, do you have any have got Independence regrets?What doyouplannow? earlier and we would also have SB: See, nobody knows about the been a strongernation. numerous dead. We are trying to At this point I would also appreciate that recollect and document history. When killers the Sangh Swamyasevaks (RSS) fought very have come to power, then how can you think of valiantly later during the war for the other people? About 15% powerful people liberation ofGoa. Bureaucracy, Big businessmen and exporters, NGI: You have been at the core of the politicians and media owners share a large Freedom Struggle during the 40's amount of money and resources. They and also at the Centre of the also loot the poor and weak 85%. We Freedom Fighter's Association want and are trying to talk of this 85% and a Member of the Lok Sabha public who are deprived and from South Delhi. Please tell us dispossessed. what Freedom Fighters think We have made Memorials for about Indiaandits future. Jaliawala Bagh Massacre, on the SB:The Freedom Fighter SacrificeofSardarBhagat Singhand The Freedom Fighter community is generally happy as with independence, we got democracy too. These were the ideals about which we use to think during our imprisonment. AUG '08 /19
  • 22. have also established a Bahadur Shah Zafar Chair in anything through our struggle. Only thing is that people colllbaoration with the Indira Gandhi National Open shouldcometogether. University (IGNOU). Prof. Mridula Mukherjee is the first It was during these Hunger Strikes and movements in Zafar Chair Professor in the memory of this leader of the 1968-69 that many Young leaders like Chandrasekhar and First War of Independence.A122 acre land will be allotted George Fernandes emerged who later came to be known near the Tughlaqabad Shooting Range in Delhi. We also as Young Turks. More than 100 MPs and eminent figures appreciate the sacrificesmadeby the unknown martyrs. supported this demand. And they managed to do what India Gate is very saddening as it only talks about the topleaderslike NehruandLohiacouldnotdo. sacrifices of the British Soldiers in the First World War and The dream to establish the National Museum of Freedom isasymbolofimperialism. movement took 26 years before it was fulfilled in 1992, NGI: Are you confident that you will when the then Prime Minister announced this on 9 be able to convince/force the August. I had started a movement during the Silver Government to achieve thesegoals? Jubilee of the Quit India Movement on 9 August 1966 to establish this Museum. These should become world classSB:Yes, we are very confident. We got museumssoon.Birla House (Gandhi Balidan Sthal) and Red Fort converted into Memorial for Mahatma We find patriots everywhere. Common people are Gandhi and the Freedom Fighters respectively through patriots. our persistent efforts and Hunger Strikes. And we can get PayingHomageto ShaheedAsfaqulla:ShashiBhushan (Center) Seth Govind Das BIrth Centenary Celebrations (17 May 1997) ShashiBhushan(Extreme Right) All Party Meet at Birla House to support fasting MP Shashi Bhushan's demandfor conversionof BirlkaHouseintoanationalmonument. We find patriots everywhere. Common people are patriots 20 / AUG ‘08
  • 23. AUG '08 / 21 YOUTH SPEAK AWAITED
  • 24. “Despite being a Padma Vibhushan awardee, I do not have a place which I can call my own where I can teach children.” My family's involvement in dance goes back at least seven I grew up in the times when India was struggling for its generations. In the small town in the northern Indian state independence. My father, Acchan Maharaj was in Delhi, of Uttar Pradesh, where my ancestors resided, there were teaching Hindustani music and dance at Nirmala Joshi's about 900 families.All of them were involved, in some way school. When the riots started, we left for Lucknow. I or the other, with the musical and dance presentations in remember lots of flags, langars and loads of jubilation the temples, retelling the mythological stories of Siva, when India gained its independence. I was eight years old KrishnaandotherHindudeities. then. According to the lyrics of the An intrinsic part of the culture of Lucknow at that time was songs, the dancers portrayed all the belief that girls should not be allowed to dance, the nuances of these religious educate themselves and had to follow the purdah system. s t o r i e s t h r o u g h t h e i r The transition from the purdah to today's modernity has movements, gestures and been a result of steps taken by activists to demand rights expressions. Eventually, the forthe girl child. dance form moved out of the Since my childhood, I have been inclined towards music temples and into the palaces of India's royal families. It and dance. Of course, it is because I belong to the Kalka- becamemoreabout entertainment andlessabout worship. BindadinGharana ofLucknow, whichhasbeen serving PEOPLE My religion is honesty in dance... Birju Maharaj, the leading exponent of Kathak speaks to Medhavi Gandhi about his love for 'loy.' “Despite being a Padma Vibhushan awardee, I do not have a place which I can call my own where I can teach children.” 22 / AUG ‘08
  • 25. the art of Kathak for centuries now. Today, I see myself as a out ofhand,they leadto alapseincoordination. guru-father-follower. My religion is honesty in dance and To me, dance is the foremost medium of expression. Other infusing creativity and a desire to learn in people. For four- forms are the adornments I have received in the course of and-a-half years, I worked with my father at Sangeet my journey. While many maestros have gained Bharti. Then, Bhartiya Kala Kendra was established, and it proficiency in expressing their emotions through musical gradually earned fame through its innovative instruments; I have found my path to people's hearts compositions. Today, Kala Ashram houses 200 students. It through dance. is ironical that in the last fifty years I have not had a house Today, I think that the value of the word 'kalakaar' (artist) of my own. Despite being a Padma Vibhushan awardee, I has been degraded. An artist is not a person who simply do not have a place which I can call my own where I can performs on stage; he is a devotee of that art, a worshipper teach children. who has given his life to learn the art. However, for me, I have taught many people, helped them in their careers dance is not simply a part of life, it is my life. “Main is kala and owing to that, Kathak has been firmly entrenched in ka deewana hun, hamesha se, meri kala meri deewangi rahi hai.” India today and as a dance form it continues to grow. I Today, art is more a commercial presentation of the age- have students in USA, China, Japan, Korea, London and old wisdom passed down to today's artists. It is a sad Germany,soIlike to believe that Ihave workedhard. development,but maybe that's the valueinvogue. I believe that if in today's time where Bollywood, TV Society will move with the times, and so should we. We channels, programmes like Boogie Woogie and others started with bullock carts and now travel in airplanes. have taken over the dance field, having 200 students learn Today, we use more instruments than ever before. Earlier it Kathak isan indicatorthat the danceformisstill thriving. was just a sarangi and tabla but now we use as many as 'Loy - swar' are gods for us. Yog, dhyaan, and abhyaas are the eight musicians, when two are enough. From stories of only things in life. But sound today has become so loud. It Radha Krishna, we have moved to modern is merely good technology, and not music. Music is compositions. Now, we use different something that soothes the mind. It is like a soft breeze lighting techniques. Earlier there was a lot which is as fragrant as a rose and its effect leaves one with of stress on lyrics. Today, even that has an intoxicated feeling, comforting the senses. Speed must changed. Phrases of different lengths are be handled very carefully. When loy and gati (speed) get put together andaregivena rhythm.” Full name: Brij Mohan Nath Mishra Referred to as the Baryshnikov of Kathak Born Feb 4, 1938, in Lucknow First recital at the age of seven At 13, started teaching Kathak at Sangeet Bharti, Delhi Served as the Director of Kathak Kendra, Delhi a unit of the Sangeet Natak Akademi Composed the music, and sang for two dance sequences in Satyajit Ray's Shatranj Ke Khiladi (The Chess Players). Other films for which he composed music include Devdas (2002), Gadar (2001), and Dil To Pagal Hai (1997). Has performed in (former) USSR, USA, Japan, UAE, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Burma, Ceylon, etc. Awards: Sangeet Natak Academy Award, Padma Vibhushan, Kalidas Samman, Soviet Land Nehru Award, SNA Award, Sangam Kala Award, Lata Mangeshkar Puraskaar. AUG '08 / 23
  • 26. PEOPLE Seated amidst stacks of files, a tall bespectacled gentleman seen dribbling the ball. But little did he know that he was busy answering phone calls, directing his staff, while I would have to soon pay a price for his country's sat rehearsing the questions in my mind. Not a single item Independence. While he was on a vacation at Danapur, in the room made me feel that I was meeting a senior Bihar, the country was split into two. “I was 12 years old. Olympian. No proud medal was displayed; there were no We had never anticipated this huge population shift pictures on the polished teak walls to bear testimony to his during the Partition. It was a painful experience. So many achievements. As I kept pondering, I heard him say, “You lives were lost on both sides of the border”, he stated in an maybegin yourinterview session.” aggrieved tone. With the border being sealed, his family moved to Lucknow, where he did his schooling from. But soon, his parents relocated to Meerut, which remained his Gurbux Singh was born in basetill he relocatedtoCalcutta. Peshawar (now in Pakistan) on th It was in Meerut that he started playing for the college11 February, 1935. He spent 12 team and the local clubs. He has no qualms in saying thatyears of his childhood in a town he had no intention of taking up hockey as a profession. “Icalled Mangwal in Rawalpindi. found badminton more interesting. But then, I was equallyIn a reminiscing mood, he good with the hockey stick,” he said with a sparkle in hisrecalled, “My ancestral place is just a few kilometres away eyes. He did his primary schooling from Denny's Highfrom Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's place of origin.” School Rawalpindi, and went on to study at HarishHis father, Late Major Kartar Singh was also a hockey ChandraCollege,Lucknow;andfinally graduatedinplayer. So, it came as no surprise when young Gurbux was A tiny perforation in his left ear deprived him of his much desired army career. But then, that was how India got one of its finest international hockey players. FaisalAhsan Siddiqui in conversation with Gurbux Singh,member oftwoOlympic-winningnationalteams. “Even the neighbouring state Orissa has three Astroturfs, while the State that wonat least 37 gold medals for the countrydoesnothaveasingleone.” “It's our double standards that has resulted in mediocrity” 24 / AUG ‘08
  • 27. Political Science from Agra University. It was during this Bengali without any hint of an accent On being prodded as time that he started playing hockey with full zeal and to how he had managed to master the language, he gave a interest. On being asked whether he had always aspired to mystical smile.And then, after a brief pause, he remarked, be a hockey player he replied nostalgically, “Hockey was “This city is amazing. It has an inherent tendency to accept the only sports that could bring glory to a sportsman the sportsmen and artists with immense love. It nurtures during my days. So, when it became evident that I would them to grow; and, in the process, the city grows on you. I makeacareerinsports,hockey wasthe obviouschoice.” have been here for the past 50 years; and, believe me, I do not want to change base,” he explained. No wonder then,This former Indian field hockey player was a member of that he had a Ramkrishnathe Indian national hockey team that won the gold medal Paramhansa's portrait behindduring the Tokyo Summer Olympics in 1964. Exactly four him.years later, the Indian hockey team managed to bag the bronze medal at the Mexico City Olympics. However, “It's not only Calcutta that is much to his dismay he was dropped from the squad in the losing interest in hockey. subsequent Olympic Games. On being questioned, was he Even Sansarpur has had a disappointed on not being selected, he said, “Yes, I was. f r e e f a l l f r o m b e i n g But it was the selectors' decision. I, as a player hold no recognised once as a cradle of grudge against them.” the best hockey players internationally to being just another village ground where some boys also play“I was always a field back player. The selectors noticed me hockey,” he added. “When the one day internationaland thus began my fulltime career in hockey,” he said with format came into existence, I never anticipated that thea smile. After being discovered, he began playing at the game would take away everything from hockey. I neverState level and represented Madhya Bharat in the National thought that hockey would be given a shoddy treatment.Hockey Championship in 1955. However, his golden days Comeon,it'sournational game!”,heexclaimed.began from 1957, when he represented Bengal in the National Hockey championship. He captained and “A country as small as Holland has 300 Astroturfs. coached the Bengal Hockey team right from 1957 to 1972. Amsterdam alone has 32 such turfs for the players to During his tenure, he won 10 Beighton cups, the practise. But, we, in India have only 32; and out of those Obaidullah Gold Cup in 1955 and the Aga Khan Cup in only 25 are functional! Now, you tell me who will perform 1961. better? They, or us?”Avalid point, indeed! “Today, hockey is no longer just about how you dribble; but how youThe stick-and-ball game has a long association with the imbibe the new techniques. Our boys, till they reach theCity of Joy, where it was groomed in barracks, schools and State-level play on normal fields.clubs. But the relationship that Then, one fine day, we tell themCalcutta and Bengal had for hockey that they need to unlearndissipated somewhere down the everything, for they need toline, and got substituted by football perform on Astroturf. And sinceand cricket. Not surprising really, playing on it is a totally differents i n c e we h a ve a l l g r o w n ballgame, so they better learn newaccustomed to living in a one-sport- stuff. This double standard isnation where Sourav Ganguly's bat responsible for bringing inand Yuvraj Singh's love life would mediocreplayers.”probably fetch more attention and mediacoverage. According to Singh, sports today is all about appeasing the fans, and“Today, Calcutta is the only performance comes with learningmetropolitan city in India that lacks the nuances of the game and beinga n A s t r o t u r f . E v e n t h e open to chances. At this point, heneighbouring state Orissa has three, got a bit excited and said, “Youwhile the State that won at least 37 know, there is a problem withgold medals for the country does Indian players. They do not takenot have a single one. The one their coaches seriously. Whilepromised by the State Authority of players across the globe follow theIndia (SAI) is yet to come up at the words of a coach, just like a believer follows the gospel.”promisedsite,” he addedwith a heavy heart. His words reminded me of the hit Bollywood flick 'Chak As he tried to add some more facts, he was cut short by a de!'Towhich,cameapromptreply,“Yes,the filmdidheir phone call. I was amazed at how the man could speak “When the one day international format came into existence, I never anticipated that the game would take away everything from hockey. Come on, it's ournationalgame!” Gurbux Singh AUG '08 /25
  • 28. manage to depict the problems that are killing the national game. Most of the players in the Indian team have never been coached in their entire life. So, all of a sudden when they have a coach training them, they consider him an alien and find it difficult to change position or technique as per the coach'sinstruction.” In his own words, “During our time, it was 70% skill, and 30% team spirit. The ratio has got reversed now.” Another reason behind hockey losing out to cricket is the duration of the game, he believes. “Hockey is a 70-minute game, during which you have just a single break. So, advertisers cannot bag slots to capture the viewers' attention. In cricket, however, advertisements keep hitting the screen every time a bowler wraps up an over. Advertisement being aired in between cricket matches somehow does not interfere with the game's rhythm. This makes the advertisers invest money and thus creates a hype which manages to garner public interest and manages to make it a hit”, headded. “We need to popularise the game. We need to attract the youth towards it. Schools can start taking it up as a school game.Astroturf is a must. I honestly feel that the Indian players are still playing the old game. We may be lacking the stamina in comparison to the foreign players, but we are naturally skilled. So, skill is our unique selling point and we need to hone our skill, and that comes with proper infrastructure”, he opined. While he continued, his wife stepped in, and he introduced me to her. “Do you know we share the same name?” he remarked with his eyes lighting up. As Singh got back to the hockey conversation Gurbux Kaur, kept waiting patiently for her husband to accompany her to the doctor. Returning to the topic of hockey, he commented, “At that time, we got only Rs 560 as the winning amount. And we did a lot of shopping at Hong Kong. But, today the equations have changed. Players are ready to retire if they are offered something else with a bigger pay packet. Today, everything boilsdowntomoney,' he bemoaned. “I am a part of the Bengal Hockey Association and have been running from pillar to post to get a plot for an Astroturf”, he added. Perhaps, he needs a few young volunteers to help him fight a lone war of reviving the national game. Perhaps, making a movie on the national game is not enough. It is time to translate the dream of achieving a gold medal in Olympics; and for that; at the moment; we need turfs to make budding stars of the latent talent residinginthe youth oftoday. Gurbux Singh with his better half Gurbux Singh dribbling the ball away from the opponent in one of the State-level matches. Lady Claudius presenting felicitating a jubilant Gurbux Singh for a Beighton Cup match held in Calcutta. 1964 Olympic Gold medal winners at a television interview at Tokyo (Gurbux Singh, fourth from the right). “There is a problem with Indian players. They do not take their coachesseriously.” 26 / AUG ‘08
  • 30. “I was about four years free. Being a part of PTI brought me face to face with the o l d w h e n t h e reality ofthe Indianpoliticalscenario. Independence struggle The India of 1947 was a country with a great leadership, began on a massive effective administrative structure, the most powerful scale in 1932-33. My armyin this part ofthe world,andthe strongest currency f a t h e r w a s i n Leaders like Nehru, Maulana Azad, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai, Government service, Vallabhbhai Patel were individuals of immense stature, and, hence, there was unimpeachable integrity and high competence; who were little that he could contribute to the Independence able to deliver what they stood for. It was a time when one movement. Besides, we were living in Bombay at that felt proudtobe anIndian. time, which was, anyway, never at the forefront of the My job at PTI Reuters was initially that of a feature writer.struggle. So, my young age and my immediate family After a while, I joined the news section, where my workenvironment did not allow me to contribute greatly in our was to report on sports and commerce,with Bombay beingeffortsat gaining Independence. the commercial capital of the country. Very soon, I got Moreover, I was studying at St. Mary's, Mazgaon, which transferred to the editorial desk. The best thing about the was an Anglo-Indian school. Undoubtedly, all of us editorial desk at PTI of that time was that all the news from wanted to be free of British colonialism; but, at the same all offices in the country came first to Bombay, where it was time, we were fully aware of the benefits of colonialism. editedandthen retransmitted tooursubscribers. Despite being under the heels of the colonial masters; in I was also a part of the Reuters Desk, where news from allmany ways, the India of those times was way better than over the world arrived from Reuters London. Since wewhere we are today - under the heels of political leaders, were a news agency, our work took over our lives becausewho are infinitely more there was no such thing as 'an hour when the paper went tocriminally inclined than the sleep'. Unlike newspapers, in a news agency you areBritish. meeting deadlines from various countries with time I completed my BSc in differences,andhencePTIReutersneverwent to sleep. Chemistry and Microbiology My five year stint in journalism was a very happy onefrom St. Xavier's College. professionally, but quite opposite on the personal front,W h i l e wa i t i n g f o r m y both in terms of salary and a personal life, because at thatadmissions to a pharmaceutical college, I got a job at PTI time journalists were not seen as workmen. I think, in theReuters. By the time my turn for admissions arrived, I had end,what ledmetopart way with journalismwasthebecome so deeply interested in journalism that I decided to stay at PTI Reuters. In the meantime, India had become realisation that my ideals began to get betrayed in PTI, Gerson da Cunha, the journalist, ad-man, theatre personality, actor, poet, writer and social activist - in conversation with Drashti Vora. PEOPLE “Communication is a magic wand!” Gerson da Cunha “In many ways, the India of those times was way better than where we are today - under the heels of political leaders, who are infinitely more criminally inclined than the British.” 28 / AUG ‘08
  • 31. because I was not allowed to present the world the way I the part ofthe Government. sawit, orwantedto report. It became clear to me that no matter how feasible, how While these thoughts were haunting my mind, one day, logical and necessary your action strategy is, if its politics the Copy Chief of JWT, who I was acquainted with, asked isnotcorrect,it won'twork! me to sit for a copy test. I went and got selected. After When I laid down office, I became part of the people's working with JWT as a copywriter for a year, I joined movements, and thereby formed a citizen movement in Lintas in 1955. That was the beginning of my 26 year-long the form of AGNI. Since then, I have been the trustee of relationship with Lintas, where I worked first as a AGNI, CRY, Citizen Space and I continue to believe that copywriter, then the Copy Chief, Creative Head, Deputy the greatest of all, is governance change. No volunteer or Head, Chief Executive, and, eventually, the Head of Lintas NGO can tackle more than 10% of the root problems, since for10years. 90% of the problems need to be During that time, I regret to say, I was so involved in my job tackled by the State, which has within the commercial world of Bombay that I was the administrative staff and the completely detached from the political and national swell money at its disposal, as well as of the country. A great deal had happened by then with the power to bring about Indira Gandhi becoming the Prime Minister. Her politics, change. AGNI does exactly no matter how well-intentioned, actually plunged the this; it gets the citizen groups to ask the governing bodies country into a state of disaster. Power was vested upon the to do what they are supposed to do. I believe that my hands of corrupt and criminal politicians. That was the experience in advertising and marketing plays an turning pointin Indianpolitics. important role, because democracy is all about citizen mobilisation, and leading them into the right direction.By 1979, I got this feeling that I had sold enough cooking And for leading a large number of people, you need afat and soaps and wanted to take a hiatus to sort out my magic wand, and that is communication.Besidesthese, theown thoughts. I took a six month leave from Lintas. 13 years as the Chairman of MICAhas been a very excitingThereafter, I got a study grant from the Government of experience.Brazil and the University of Sao Paulo and went off for a sabbatical. While I was studying at Sao Paulo, I pursued I concur that there has been considerable advancement in something which I had begun to sense and feel while I was recent years in the field of advertising, theatre and cinema, in India, namely, the use of marketing and advertising, commercially and financially, as well as technologically. concepts and methods, as well as technologies, in the We are the largest producers of films. Indian cinema has socialanddevelopmentalarena. progressed tremendously from the black and white era. But I still stay up late nights to watch films of Guru Dutt,I decided to do my thesis on the use of communications in Dilip Kumar etc. Ibelieve wehaveregressed.Today,maternal child care, in which I concentrated on the issue of breast feeding. By sheer accident I got an opportunity to present my ideas to UNICEF in Brazil. They bought my thesis and offered me the opportunity to work with them. I worked with UNICEF for 11 years, during which I made some of the most wonderful discoveries of my professional life. I realised that working with children is not 'work', but a gift; and child welfare is an immensely rewardingfieldofwork. After I retired from UNICEF, I worked with Sam Pitroda in India on the communications aspect of his five technology missions. In 1999, I returned to Bombay, and continued to do a lot of work for UNICEF as a consultant on HIV AIDS and other issues. Then I got involved with 'Bombay First', which was a joint initiative of 10 companies to make the city a better placeto live, workandrest in. As the Chief Executive of Bombay First, I was involved in setting up Committees which would work towards improvement of financial services, transport, land use and housing, research, telecom and solid waste management. In those two years, we understood that nothing could be done for this city unless there was political consensus on “Working with children is not 'work', but a gift; and child welfare is an immensely rewarding field of work.” AUG '08 / 29
  • 32. Bollywoodhasbecomeamoneylaunderingindustry. where glory is measured in terms of Sensex or the nuclear blasts. The easiest way to strengthen your political base isTheatre, too, has evolved greatly in the meantime. My to create a communal conflict or an inter-caste feud, sincepersonal involvement with theatre started from my caste barriers have been hardened by our particular formcollege days, and I strongly hold that it is an extremely of democracy. Indian politics today is totally dominatedimportant medium. Theatre compels you to present by caste,musclepower,crimeandcash.yourself in public; and, therefore, requires a great deal of personal involvement; which, in its unique way, has been a When India became free, we hoped for freedom of the lifelonglessonforme. individual, of human beings to attain their fullness of mind, spirit and soul. But freedom has not given any ofAt this moment, I have a feeling of deep despondency these. If being a superpower in the world means moreregarding what freedom and Independence have brought nuclear weapons and an incessant pursuit of money, then Ius. Nothing substantial has happened for the most sincerely hope that we do not become one. One of thedepressed groups of our country. I get very impatient with implications of being a superpower is colonialism, andpeople who talk about a Shining India, because we have that seems to be disrespectful towards smaller nationsdone nothing on the most critical fronts. We may have around the world. The only way India will succeed isdone well in financial terms, agriculture production, when the Government keeps its hands off and does notavailability of money and power; but these do not get interfere in the development of our nation. There shouldfunneled and focused into human happiness and welfare. be a regulatory framework, but it is the citizens who mustWe put ourselves in a dangerously euphoric frame of mind take charge.where we feel that there are no more battles to be won, whereasthe mostimportant battles areyet tobe won. The youth of India are our hope for tomorrow but they need to be motivated and mobilised in the right direction.We have an oppressed minority in the form of women who And I truly believe that it is us, the senior citizens, whoare humiliated day in and day out. Is this the kind of nation have the experience, wisdom and the time to do so. Hence,we envisaged 60 years after Independence? It is definitely we should reach out to the youth and encourage themnot the kind of country that we looked forward to in 1947, towardsbetter governance.” 1949 Joined PTI Reuters as a feature writer, later on shifting to the Editorial News Desk. 1954 Joined JWT as a copywriter 1955 - 1981 Worked with Lintas, as copywriter, Copy Chief, Creative Head, Deputy Head, Chief Executive - Head of Lintas 1981 Studied at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1981 - 1992 Worked with UNICEF 1999 - 2001 Came back to Mumbai and joined 'Bombay First' as the Chief Executive 1999 Oonwards Established a citizen group called AGNI, of whic he is now a trustee. Trustee of CRY Chairman of Mudra Institute of Communication and Advertising (MICA). CAREER SNAPSHOT 30 / AUG ‘08
  • 33. AUG '08 / 31 FOCUS AUSTRALIA