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In loving memory of Joseph Lim Kheng Lip
Specially dedicated to sister Ruth, Joshua and Timothy and other family members,
and his brethren and friends in Pilgrim Covenant Church (PCC) and other churches,
his students and colleagues at Ngee Ann Secondary School (NASS),
and his teachers and friends at NIE.
For to me to live is Christ,
and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21
Joseph Lim Kheng Lip born 1970,
returned to be with Christ Jesus his Lord
on 5 October 2010, at the age of 40
Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at
home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: (For we walk by
faith, not by sight:) We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be
absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Wherefore we
labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.
2 Corinthians 5:7-9
For to him to live was Christ
Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ for saving him. He
confessed that he was a sinner and readily confessed that
his sin was forgiven in the blood of Christ.
He loved the Lord Jesus, and sought to serve Him
gratefully and diligently at home, at work and in Church as
a deacon.
He knew that when his work for the Lord Jesus Christ on this earth is completed what
awaited him would be incomparably glorious and joyous in the presence of God in Heaven.
Therefore he served his Master faithfully wherever He places him.
By God’s providence, Joseph met Ruth at Berean BP Church.
They were the famous "perfect" couple there :)
On 28 November 1998 they got married and started a
covenant family. They were blessed with 2 lovely boys ie.
Joshua and Timothy.
He worked hard to provide for his family. He was a loving and
devoted husband and father.
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1
Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them
that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust
in thee before the sons of men! Psalm 31:19
His colleague shared “When Joseph initially came to Ngee
Ann, he impressed me as a person devoted to his family. He
has proudly displayed his wedding photo on his desk all
this time. Whenever he shared his thought about his plans
for the future, it was always with his family in his heart and
Joseph’s Family
“As I reflect on Joseph's life, one thing stand out in my mind - how he allow his son, Joshua to
serve alongside washing dishes and doing other menial tasks. He is indeed a wise father who
taught his son to be humble and be willing to serve like a servant, just like his Master and Lord
who washed the feet of His disciples. This is a scene that I will poignantly miss every sabbath...”
He was a loving father and taught his sons in the ways of the Lord.
“He stands in my memory as a kind man
and a loving father.”
Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
His colleagues and students at Ngee Ann Secondary School remember
him as a loving father too.
“Dear Joshua and Timothy, your dad was a very friendly and
jovial man. I remember him telling me about you and I can tell
he really loves both of you.”
“Dear Joshua and Timothy, Your dad loves both of you very
much. He used to tell me how both of your shared his bed and
he ends up sleeping at the foot of the bed. We laughed but I
know that he really enjoyed those moments with you boys. He
also worked hard as a parent-volunteer so that you could get to
the primary school he wants. ...Cherish the love”
“I remembered the time when all the
Secondary 3 classes in my batch had an
excursion to a place which I can't remember,
Mr Lim went with his son too. I saw that he
really doted on his son. In school, he is
serious and does his job dutifully. At home,
he's a great father.”
He brought his two sons to school to play games and he also brought
them along for some school outings.
His Family in Christ:
His brothers and sisters in Christ in
Pilgrim Covenant Church (PCC),
Berean BPC and Maranatha BPC,
and other churches.
He was a man with few words who served humbly in Church in whatever he can do, even
in washing dishes and doing other menial tasks. He gave rides to brethren who do not
drive and needed a lift. In October 2009, he took on the office of a deacon to serve in
Church and he did his best in this capacity.
His brothers and sisters in Christ know him as a quiet, unassuming, kind, caring, reliable
and trustworthy man with passion and courage. Some remember his meekness and
gentleness, and his friendly and encouraging smile that warmed their heart.
“…he was a man of few words, he spoke volumes for Christ through his life.”
“He was a brother who demonstrated his care for others through deeds rather
than words. He didn't say much, but one could tell by his actions. ”
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance:
Galatians 5:22-23
“…in the elderly mercy ministry, he has shown much care and kindness towards the
sick and elderly. In the recent weeks as my health weakens, he has kindly been driving
another sister and I every Lord's day afternoon to visit Madam Tan a sickly elderly
lady who comes to our evening service. His thoughtfulness and kindness was used of
the Lord to enable us to continue to serve Him despite our failing health”
“…. he showed himself to be a man of few words but a man of big heart, seeking to reflect the Lord
Jesus in his life and service to him. Indeed he is a good comrade to me, reliable and trustworthy. ”
He was very supportive to help
organise the church camp activities
in 2008.
When he took on the office of a deacon he was helping out in the elderly mercy
ministry to help those who are elderly and in need. He showed concern for them
and did his best to help them by bringing their needs to the diaconate and
discussing with them on how best to meet those needs.
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus
Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your
labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15 : 57-58
He testified of his faith in Christ and love for Him by seeking to keep His
commandments, by being a witness for Him, and by his meek and humble
service wherever the Lord placed him.
Thank God for using him, by His grace, to encourage many of his students and
colleagues at Ngee Ann Secondary School (NASS) and be a great blessing to them.
He was well-loved by his students in NASS. As a teacher there for over
10 years, and received the Long Service Award, he taught Science, and
Physics to the upper secondary students. He spent a lot of time on the
students, and many said that he is a good teacher.
He was also the teacher-in-charge (Commanding Officer) for
the National Cadet Corps (NCC) at NASS.
He had developed a strong bond with the cadets
from NCC. Under his leadership they clinched their
first GOLD award for NCC (Land).
“He made all of us at Ngee Ann Secondary proud by clinching the
GOLD award for NCC (Land). It was a first for NAS!”
….we labour, that, whether present or absent,
we may be accepted of him. 2 Corinthians 5:9
He was harmonious and amiable, kind and humble, and had a great passion
in his job. He was well respected by his colleagues and students. Even
graduated students who are working still keep in contact with him.
His colleagues and students love him and miss him very much and wrote many
encouraging notes on Facebook as well as created slides in remembrance of him: Within a week
there were three hundred over entries showing how much he is loved and appreciated
by them. Even students that he had not taught also posted their notes of appreciation.
“You taught me how life can be so unpredictable and fragile, and that everyday is a gift. We
should never take things for granted.”
“As a friendly but firm man, Mr Lim has inspired many of us and encouraged us to excel in
everything we do.”
“He had made an impact in many people's lives and he will continue to live in our hearts.”
Thank God for enabling him to bear forth a good testimony for Him at
NASS, always reflecting Christ and the Fruit of the Spirit in His
relationship with them. In their own words:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace… Galatians 5:22
“He always love us, more than he love himself,
He always make us happy when we're sad”
“Your generous expression of joy in your voice brought and still echoes the
gust of fresh air to all of us in Ngee Ann Secondary School.”
“Mr Lim, you've been a cheerful and fun teacher , I will always remember you”
“Last week a few classmates and I were taking a test outside the staff room, you realised how stressed up
we looked. You came over and encouraged us, you said, "You know, it's not that difficult if you put your
mind and soul into it .” Just a few encouraging words from you pushed us into doing our best.
You see, that is what makes you special. You will never be forgotten. You are loved by all.”
“Thank you for all you have taught us over the two years as my science teacher. You were inspiring and
motivational. You never failed to bring laughter to our class. I still remembered when you encouraged
me to do better for science and said keep it up together with a wide smile on your face when you handed
me my exam paper. Thank you for being so dedicated in your teaching. Your smile has been that little
source of hope to spur me on to do better for science ever since. :)”
“He enjoy life to the fullest, yet never neglect us,
Teaching us everything in life and making us a better person”
“Mr Lim, thanks for all the lessons that you had taught us. You will
always be in our hearts. You are one who encourage, motivates and
inspires. I will always remember the times i had with you. You are
really a great teacher.”
“Thank you, Mr Lim for being a caring and great teacher you have
change me to be a smarty child and i will always remember you in my
heart :)”
“Thank you for your guidance. If not for you I would've not become who I am today.”
“Thank you for teaching us. Thank you for putting so much effort into talking to us all the time.
Trying to see us change for the better.”
“Thank you for once making a difference in my life.”
“He was probably the most caring & encouraging teacher I have ever came across. His
encouragement never failed to give me hope.”
“He was a teacher who would make an effort to take an extra step to help his students excel.”
But the fruit of the Spirit is …gentleness, goodness… Galatians 5:22
“He'll give chances when we make mistakes,
Allowing us to learn from the mistakes we've made
His life make all our lifes a better life
Paving the path of our life, never letting us walk alone”
“Thanks for being so patient with us during your science lesson.”
“I want to thank you for everything that you have done for all of us and for the
perseverance that you put in despite our behaviour.”
But the fruit of the Spirit is … longsuffering, gentleness, goodness…meekness,
temperance: Galatians 5:22-23
“You are a extremely patience and gentle teacher that never raise your voice at us. We all know that you
have lived a meaningful life. your contributions for the school will be remembered by us always.”
“Even though we came to the venue late, he was so generous to let us start the paper at around 8.10am
when the exam was supposed to start at 8am. there's no other teacher that will do that.”
“You're amazing… always taking the soft approach instead of the hard and loud way. That's inspiring
because you impact students in the smallest and subtle way. You are always having a smile on your face
whenever I see you and I’ll always remember that.. Thank you for everything you have done. You'll be
remembered by many.”
“A diligent, helpful and kind physics teacher who never give up on his students…”
"It is with great sadness that we share with the NIE community the news of the sudden demise of
Joseph Lim Kheng Lip from the MEd (Curriculum &Teaching) Programme. He was from the
Class of 2010 who graduated in July this year. Joseph Lim was a well-liked student, both by those
who taught him and his classmates. He was unassuming, thoughtful and helpful, and would
volunteer to help in any class activities. He gave rides to classmates who did not drive and lived in
the eastern part of the island. He was interested and committed to doing well in the programme,
and he did well, scoring a string of A’s. Joseph Lim, 40, leaves behind his wife, a homemaker,
and two young sons, aged 9 and 5. Our thoughts are with Joseph Lim’s family as well as our CTL
colleagues who are deeply shocked and saddened by the loss of one of their alumni.
A/P Christine Goh
Associate Dean (Higher Degrees)
Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning "
NIE remembers Joseph: He just graduated from his Master Degree
Course in July 2010. Thank God for enabling him to be a good testimony
for Him there too and he was a well-liked student.
In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust… I trusted in thee, O LORD:
I said, Thou art my God. My times are in thy hand.
Psalm 31:1, 14-15
Joseph has completed the work that the Lord Jesus
Christ, the author and finisher of his faith had
marked out for him. He has fought the good fight.
He has finished the race. He was prepared to meet
the Lord Who loves him though he did not know when
it would be.
In the words of his beloved wife, Ruth:
“I wish to share this with you all, for it has been a source of comfort and consolation to me. A few
days before Joseph was called home, the Lord was gracious and merciful to let me have this
private conversation with him. We were talking about the behaviour of some people who fear
death, who live in fear as if there is no hope. Joseph told me, “A true believer should not fear
death, because he knows that it is better to depart and to be with the Lord, and to die is gain.”
As I recalled this conversation, I am greatly comforted because I know he was ready to die, even though
it had to be so sudden. I see this conversation as God's token of mercy to me, to assure me that my
beloved was not afraid, and was ready for the Lord to take him home. Joseph's work on earth is done,
but the Lord still has work for me to do. It is difficult to be left behind, and the pain and sorrow and
loneliness can be unbearable. But I know God has a purpose in all these things. I do not know what will
happen in the future, but I know He is the One who holds all our tomorrows. He is a God who cares for
the widow and the fatherless, and I'm clinging on to this promise.”
On 5 October 2010, he was called home to be with his Lord
Jesus Christ, Who loved him and gave His life for him. He is
in Heaven, in the presence of God and his beloved Lord Jesus
Christ, to worship God and enjoy His love and fellowship for
all eternity.
For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved,
we have a building of God, an house not made with hands,
eternal in the heavens. We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be
absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
2 Corinthians 5:1,8
After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could
number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood
before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and
palms in their hands;  And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our
God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. Revelations 7:9-10
He knew that one day he shall meet his beloved wife
and children, and all who have believed in the Lord
Jesus Christ in the great gathering in Heaven.
Like Joseph, it is the blessed hope of all who truly trusted in Jesus Christ as
their personal Saviour and Lord that their sins are forgiven through the blood
of Jesus Christ shed on the cross for them, and they have eternal life in
Christ when they leave this world. Death is a door to glory. When their time
comes, they too will go into the joy of God’s presence.
Have you trusted in Jesus as your personal Saviour and Lord? Do you have the
assurance of sins forgiven and eternal life in Jesus Christ? If you do not, don’t
delay. Today is the day of salvation! Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and He
will save you.
The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest
my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly
heritage… Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of
joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
Psalm 16:5,6, 11
Joseph is in heaven because he believed in Christ and loved
Him! He testified of his faith in Christ and love for Him by
seeking to keep His commandments, by being a witness for
Him, and by his meek and humble service despite all his
personal limitations. We can, therefore, have a very firm
assurance that he is now enjoying the rewards of his labours
in heaven. He knew that what awaited him would be
incomparably glorious and joyous.
With special thanks on behalf of Ruth, Joshua and Timothy to
Joseph and Ruth’s family members for their love,
Pastor JJ Lim, Elders, Deacons, Members, friends
and regular visitors of Pilgrim Covenant Church (PCC),
Pastor Wee Eng Moh, Pastor Chris Coleborn,
and brothers and sisters-in-Christ in other churches
for their love, prayers, kindness and encouragement to them,
Joseph’s colleagues and students in Ngee Ann Secondary School (NASS)
and teachers and friends at NIE for their love and friendship,
Deacon Paul Phua, his brother-in-Christ in PCC and
Mr Alvin Tan, his close colleague at NASS
for creating the pages on Facebook for Ruth, Joshua and Timothy
in remembrance of their beloved husband and father,
and mostly to God our Heavenly Father
and our Beloved Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ for saving him,
giving him joy in believing and now receiving him into glory.
To God be the glory.
This slide is produced by
Nancie, his sister-in-Christ, 27 October 2010
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In Loving Memory Of Joseph Lim Kheng Lip

  • 1. In loving memory of Joseph Lim Kheng Lip Specially dedicated to sister Ruth, Joshua and Timothy and other family members, and his brethren and friends in Pilgrim Covenant Church (PCC) and other churches, his students and colleagues at Ngee Ann Secondary School (NASS), and his teachers and friends at NIE. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21
  • 2. Joseph Lim Kheng Lip born 1970, returned to be with Christ Jesus his Lord on 5 October 2010, at the age of 40 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. 2 Corinthians 5:7-9 For to him to live was Christ Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ for saving him. He confessed that he was a sinner and readily confessed that his sin was forgiven in the blood of Christ. He loved the Lord Jesus, and sought to serve Him gratefully and diligently at home, at work and in Church as a deacon. He knew that when his work for the Lord Jesus Christ on this earth is completed what awaited him would be incomparably glorious and joyous in the presence of God in Heaven. Therefore he served his Master faithfully wherever He places him.
  • 3. By God’s providence, Joseph met Ruth at Berean BP Church. They were the famous "perfect" couple there :) On 28 November 1998 they got married and started a covenant family. They were blessed with 2 lovely boys ie. Joshua and Timothy. He worked hard to provide for his family. He was a loving and devoted husband and father. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men! Psalm 31:19 His colleague shared “When Joseph initially came to Ngee Ann, he impressed me as a person devoted to his family. He has proudly displayed his wedding photo on his desk all this time. Whenever he shared his thought about his plans for the future, it was always with his family in his heart and mind.” Joseph’s Family
  • 4. “As I reflect on Joseph's life, one thing stand out in my mind - how he allow his son, Joshua to serve alongside washing dishes and doing other menial tasks. He is indeed a wise father who taught his son to be humble and be willing to serve like a servant, just like his Master and Lord who washed the feet of His disciples. This is a scene that I will poignantly miss every sabbath...” He was a loving father and taught his sons in the ways of the Lord. “He stands in my memory as a kind man and a loving father.” Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
  • 5. His colleagues and students at Ngee Ann Secondary School remember him as a loving father too. “Dear Joshua and Timothy, your dad was a very friendly and jovial man. I remember him telling me about you and I can tell he really loves both of you.” “Dear Joshua and Timothy, Your dad loves both of you very much. He used to tell me how both of your shared his bed and he ends up sleeping at the foot of the bed. We laughed but I know that he really enjoyed those moments with you boys. He also worked hard as a parent-volunteer so that you could get to the primary school he wants. ...Cherish the love” “I remembered the time when all the Secondary 3 classes in my batch had an excursion to a place which I can't remember, Mr Lim went with his son too. I saw that he really doted on his son. In school, he is serious and does his job dutifully. At home, he's a great father.” He brought his two sons to school to play games and he also brought them along for some school outings.
  • 6. His Family in Christ: His brothers and sisters in Christ in Pilgrim Covenant Church (PCC), Berean BPC and Maranatha BPC, and other churches. He was a man with few words who served humbly in Church in whatever he can do, even in washing dishes and doing other menial tasks. He gave rides to brethren who do not drive and needed a lift. In October 2009, he took on the office of a deacon to serve in Church and he did his best in this capacity. His brothers and sisters in Christ know him as a quiet, unassuming, kind, caring, reliable and trustworthy man with passion and courage. Some remember his meekness and gentleness, and his friendly and encouraging smile that warmed their heart. “…he was a man of few words, he spoke volumes for Christ through his life.” “He was a brother who demonstrated his care for others through deeds rather than words. He didn't say much, but one could tell by his actions. ” But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: Galatians 5:22-23
  • 7. “…in the elderly mercy ministry, he has shown much care and kindness towards the sick and elderly. In the recent weeks as my health weakens, he has kindly been driving another sister and I every Lord's day afternoon to visit Madam Tan a sickly elderly lady who comes to our evening service. His thoughtfulness and kindness was used of the Lord to enable us to continue to serve Him despite our failing health” “…. he showed himself to be a man of few words but a man of big heart, seeking to reflect the Lord Jesus in his life and service to him. Indeed he is a good comrade to me, reliable and trustworthy. ” He was very supportive to help organise the church camp activities in 2008. When he took on the office of a deacon he was helping out in the elderly mercy ministry to help those who are elderly and in need. He showed concern for them and did his best to help them by bringing their needs to the diaconate and discussing with them on how best to meet those needs. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15 : 57-58
  • 8. He testified of his faith in Christ and love for Him by seeking to keep His commandments, by being a witness for Him, and by his meek and humble service wherever the Lord placed him. Thank God for using him, by His grace, to encourage many of his students and colleagues at Ngee Ann Secondary School (NASS) and be a great blessing to them. He was well-loved by his students in NASS. As a teacher there for over 10 years, and received the Long Service Award, he taught Science, and Physics to the upper secondary students. He spent a lot of time on the students, and many said that he is a good teacher. He was also the teacher-in-charge (Commanding Officer) for the National Cadet Corps (NCC) at NASS. He had developed a strong bond with the cadets from NCC. Under his leadership they clinched their first GOLD award for NCC (Land). “He made all of us at Ngee Ann Secondary proud by clinching the GOLD award for NCC (Land). It was a first for NAS!” ….we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. 2 Corinthians 5:9
  • 9. He was harmonious and amiable, kind and humble, and had a great passion in his job. He was well respected by his colleagues and students. Even graduated students who are working still keep in contact with him. His colleagues and students love him and miss him very much and wrote many encouraging notes on Facebook as well as created slides in remembrance of him: Within a week there were three hundred over entries showing how much he is loved and appreciated by them. Even students that he had not taught also posted their notes of appreciation. “You taught me how life can be so unpredictable and fragile, and that everyday is a gift. We should never take things for granted.” “As a friendly but firm man, Mr Lim has inspired many of us and encouraged us to excel in everything we do.” “He had made an impact in many people's lives and he will continue to live in our hearts.”
  • 10. Thank God for enabling him to bear forth a good testimony for Him at NASS, always reflecting Christ and the Fruit of the Spirit in His relationship with them. In their own words: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace… Galatians 5:22 “He always love us, more than he love himself, He always make us happy when we're sad” “Your generous expression of joy in your voice brought and still echoes the gust of fresh air to all of us in Ngee Ann Secondary School.” “Mr Lim, you've been a cheerful and fun teacher , I will always remember you” “Last week a few classmates and I were taking a test outside the staff room, you realised how stressed up we looked. You came over and encouraged us, you said, "You know, it's not that difficult if you put your mind and soul into it .” Just a few encouraging words from you pushed us into doing our best. You see, that is what makes you special. You will never be forgotten. You are loved by all.” “Thank you for all you have taught us over the two years as my science teacher. You were inspiring and motivational. You never failed to bring laughter to our class. I still remembered when you encouraged me to do better for science and said keep it up together with a wide smile on your face when you handed me my exam paper. Thank you for being so dedicated in your teaching. Your smile has been that little source of hope to spur me on to do better for science ever since. :)”
  • 11. “He enjoy life to the fullest, yet never neglect us, Teaching us everything in life and making us a better person” “Mr Lim, thanks for all the lessons that you had taught us. You will always be in our hearts. You are one who encourage, motivates and inspires. I will always remember the times i had with you. You are really a great teacher.” “Thank you, Mr Lim for being a caring and great teacher you have change me to be a smarty child and i will always remember you in my heart :)” “Thank you for your guidance. If not for you I would've not become who I am today.” “Thank you for teaching us. Thank you for putting so much effort into talking to us all the time. Trying to see us change for the better.” “Thank you for once making a difference in my life.” “He was probably the most caring & encouraging teacher I have ever came across. His encouragement never failed to give me hope.” “He was a teacher who would make an effort to take an extra step to help his students excel.” But the fruit of the Spirit is …gentleness, goodness… Galatians 5:22
  • 12. “He'll give chances when we make mistakes, Allowing us to learn from the mistakes we've made His life make all our lifes a better life Paving the path of our life, never letting us walk alone” “Thanks for being so patient with us during your science lesson.” “I want to thank you for everything that you have done for all of us and for the perseverance that you put in despite our behaviour.” But the fruit of the Spirit is … longsuffering, gentleness, goodness…meekness, temperance: Galatians 5:22-23 “You are a extremely patience and gentle teacher that never raise your voice at us. We all know that you have lived a meaningful life. your contributions for the school will be remembered by us always.” “Even though we came to the venue late, he was so generous to let us start the paper at around 8.10am when the exam was supposed to start at 8am. there's no other teacher that will do that.” “You're amazing… always taking the soft approach instead of the hard and loud way. That's inspiring because you impact students in the smallest and subtle way. You are always having a smile on your face whenever I see you and I’ll always remember that.. Thank you for everything you have done. You'll be remembered by many.” “A diligent, helpful and kind physics teacher who never give up on his students…”
  • 13. "It is with great sadness that we share with the NIE community the news of the sudden demise of Joseph Lim Kheng Lip from the MEd (Curriculum &Teaching) Programme. He was from the Class of 2010 who graduated in July this year. Joseph Lim was a well-liked student, both by those who taught him and his classmates. He was unassuming, thoughtful and helpful, and would volunteer to help in any class activities. He gave rides to classmates who did not drive and lived in the eastern part of the island. He was interested and committed to doing well in the programme, and he did well, scoring a string of A’s. Joseph Lim, 40, leaves behind his wife, a homemaker, and two young sons, aged 9 and 5. Our thoughts are with Joseph Lim’s family as well as our CTL colleagues who are deeply shocked and saddened by the loss of one of their alumni. A/P Christine Goh Associate Dean (Higher Degrees) Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning " NIE remembers Joseph: He just graduated from his Master Degree Course in July 2010. Thank God for enabling him to be a good testimony for Him there too and he was a well-liked student.
  • 14. In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust… I trusted in thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my God. My times are in thy hand. Psalm 31:1, 14-15 Joseph has completed the work that the Lord Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of his faith had marked out for him. He has fought the good fight. He has finished the race. He was prepared to meet the Lord Who loves him though he did not know when it would be. In the words of his beloved wife, Ruth: “I wish to share this with you all, for it has been a source of comfort and consolation to me. A few days before Joseph was called home, the Lord was gracious and merciful to let me have this private conversation with him. We were talking about the behaviour of some people who fear death, who live in fear as if there is no hope. Joseph told me, “A true believer should not fear death, because he knows that it is better to depart and to be with the Lord, and to die is gain.” As I recalled this conversation, I am greatly comforted because I know he was ready to die, even though it had to be so sudden. I see this conversation as God's token of mercy to me, to assure me that my beloved was not afraid, and was ready for the Lord to take him home. Joseph's work on earth is done, but the Lord still has work for me to do. It is difficult to be left behind, and the pain and sorrow and loneliness can be unbearable. But I know God has a purpose in all these things. I do not know what will happen in the future, but I know He is the One who holds all our tomorrows. He is a God who cares for the widow and the fatherless, and I'm clinging on to this promise.”
  • 15. On 5 October 2010, he was called home to be with his Lord Jesus Christ, Who loved him and gave His life for him. He is in Heaven, in the presence of God and his beloved Lord Jesus Christ, to worship God and enjoy His love and fellowship for all eternity. For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:1,8 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;  And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. Revelations 7:9-10 He knew that one day he shall meet his beloved wife and children, and all who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ in the great gathering in Heaven.
  • 16. Like Joseph, it is the blessed hope of all who truly trusted in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord that their sins are forgiven through the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross for them, and they have eternal life in Christ when they leave this world. Death is a door to glory. When their time comes, they too will go into the joy of God’s presence. Have you trusted in Jesus as your personal Saviour and Lord? Do you have the assurance of sins forgiven and eternal life in Jesus Christ? If you do not, don’t delay. Today is the day of salvation! Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and He will save you. The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage… Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:5,6, 11 Joseph is in heaven because he believed in Christ and loved Him! He testified of his faith in Christ and love for Him by seeking to keep His commandments, by being a witness for Him, and by his meek and humble service despite all his personal limitations. We can, therefore, have a very firm assurance that he is now enjoying the rewards of his labours in heaven. He knew that what awaited him would be incomparably glorious and joyous.
  • 17. With special thanks on behalf of Ruth, Joshua and Timothy to Joseph and Ruth’s family members for their love, Pastor JJ Lim, Elders, Deacons, Members, friends and regular visitors of Pilgrim Covenant Church (PCC), Pastor Wee Eng Moh, Pastor Chris Coleborn, and brothers and sisters-in-Christ in other churches for their love, prayers, kindness and encouragement to them, Joseph’s colleagues and students in Ngee Ann Secondary School (NASS) and teachers and friends at NIE for their love and friendship, Deacon Paul Phua, his brother-in-Christ in PCC and Mr Alvin Tan, his close colleague at NASS for creating the pages on Facebook for Ruth, Joshua and Timothy in remembrance of their beloved husband and father, and mostly to God our Heavenly Father and our Beloved Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ for saving him, giving him joy in believing and now receiving him into glory. To God be the glory. This slide is produced by Nancie, his sister-in-Christ, 27 October 2010 This Slide will repeat automatically Click Esc at any time to End