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Impact of internet use on
Team and course details
Research Supervisor:
Professor D. Ahmadullah Mia,PHD
-Dean, Social Science Department, UODA
Research Team:
 Miftah Uddin
 Mahadi Hasan
Course Details:
Dissertation in journalism
Code: CMS401
Communication and media Studies (CMS)
University of Development Alternative (UODA)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Concept of Internet Use
2.2 Internet Addiction in Bangladesh
2.3 Young Students
2.4 Impact of Internet Use
2.4.1 Interpersonal Impact
2.4.2 Behavior Impact
2.4.3 Physical Impact
2.4.4 Psychological and Social Impact
2.4.5 Impact on Work and Education
Chapter 3: Conducting Procedures
3.1 Background Study
3.2 Objectives
3.3 Hypothesis
3.4 Research Method
3.5 Sampling
3.6 Area of Research
3.7 Time frame
3.8 Limitations
Chapter 4: Findings
Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusion
Since 1990s Internet users rapidly increasing and it is become one of the most important topic
for the research. As the growing phenomenon of vast browsing of the Internet; now-a-days
researchers are trying to identify what are the impacts of heavy Internet usage, specifically for
the young adults. A previous study has found 83.4% of the frequent Internet users’ age
between twenty years to forty years. In addition, 30 of them browsing the Internet without any
specific reason, 67% of them are male and one more vital issue is that young adults act much
like teens in their tendency to use sites, where 72% of them are engaged in social networking,
days and nights.
During the last two decades, the way we live and the way we work have changed due to the
developments in the communication and information industries. The reasons behind this are
the wide distribution of computers, whereby communication among people takes place in
virtual space, better known as cyberspace. This cyberspace has appeared as a new environment
which is basically different from the real world we live in, as it is has linked peoples all over the
world, increase efficiency at learning, we can use cyberspace for acquiring and disseminating
knowledge in order for further development. Currently, based on the latest data published by
Internet World Stats, there are approximately 2 billion people in the world having Internet
access. The growth of Internet usage has increased tremendously to 56.4% from year 2000 to
2012. The fastest growing group is the category of adult aged 55 and above, while those in
group 18-34 of age represent the most active online users. Principally, Asia has the highest
number of Internet users in the world, approximately 922.3 million, representing 44% share of
the world’s Internet user population, according to data by Internet World Stats. In Asia, there
has been a growing concern on what has been labeled “Internet addiction.” It has been seen as
a serious public health issue in certain Asian countries. In Beijing, Shan Xiuyun, a leading judge,
has said that 90% of juvenile crime in the Beijing city was Internet-related.
According to Chinese Ministry of Health, staying online more than six hours a day and having
adverse reactions from not being able to go online are symptoms of Internet addiction disorder.
The Governments of China, Japan and South Korea have set up boot camps, to provide therapy
to deal with Internet addiction as a result of this. China will begin to ban the opening of new
Internet cafes as a government campaign to clamp down on Internet addiction. A number of
researches has also been conducted on the impact of Internet addiction and other related
problems and has found that Internet user’s exhibit disturbed behavior on the Internet.
Furthermore, another study has found that 15% of university students in the United States and
Europe know that they are somehow addicted to the Internet; yet, there are also some who
doubt whether this outcry is justified. Most of the academic research on Internet using impact
conducted in USA, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Italy, and Cyprus. However, in Bangladesh
no study has examined the impact of Internet addiction. Mind Share (Research house of BD)
claimed that much of the research done in this subject utilizes self-selected samples with no
control groups. However, a psychiatrist in Bangladesh, Dr Jhunu Shamsunnahar (Ibne Sina
Hospital) does recognize Internet addiction as a problem; she added that there are lacking of
paper, academically and scientifically that could determine the level of Internet addiction in
In Bangladesh Internet users have increased tremendously resulting 6.5% of the entire
population encompass access to the Internet (World Bank, June, 2014). Thus, we conducted an
amateur study and discovered the impact of excessive Internet usage among Bangladeshi
young students. Consequently, it is important that due to this controversy, several questions
can be raised to examine the level of Internet addiction in Bangladesh. This could mean reviews
by academic and empirical literature to address few questions:
• Does Internet addiction cause in social problem.
• Which personality type correlates with Internet addiction; and
• What are the characteristics of Internet users and possible addict?
The purpose of this paper is to review the literatures available by other researches in the
globe to date and, to explore the impact of Internet use on young students in Bangladesh.
Literature Review
2.1 Concept of Internet Use
The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide system of computer networks - a
network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get info1rmation
from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers). It was conceived by
the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. government in 1969 and was first known as
the ARPANet. The original aim was to create a network that would allow users of a research computer at
one university to "talk to" research computers at other universities. A side benefit of ARPANet's design
was that, because messages could be routed or rerouted in more than one direction, the network could
continue to function even if parts of it were destroyed in the event of a military attack or other disaster.
There are numerous models that have been proposed to categorize various types of online
activities. It can be concluded that, a similarity across these models has been thedifferentiation
between interactive and information gathering functions.
• Cyber-sexual addiction (use of adult chat rooms or cyber-porn);
• Cyber-relationship addiction (over involvement in online relationship);
• Net compulsions (online gambling, online shopping, online trading);
• Information overload (compulsive web surfing or searches) and
• Computer addiction (obsessive computer game).
Indeed, previous researches approach of five phases of Internet using process belongs toward
the users such as:
• Discovery;
• Experimentation,
• Escalation;
• Compulsion; and
• Hopelessness.
Now-a-days individuals are getting hooked on the Internet such as on pornography, Internet
gambling, online shopping, searching for non-important information or chatting for a very long
time. It could be happen because, it is compulsory for the students to use Internet, working
with the Internet is effective and productive, and feeling comfortable with online friends than
the real one, playing games online and also easy Internet access to all mobile devices including
smartphone, tablet or other mobile devices.
In addition, when it is during online states the addicted young student feels excited, thrilled,
uninhibited, attractive, supported, and more desirable.
Whereas, offline situations make him and/or her frustrated, worried, angry, anxious, and
depressed; these strong positive emotions reinforce the compulsive behavior refers to that
Internet addiction of young adults create a numbing effect.
On the other hand, the Internet brings the world so close together today, by its positive aspects
such as conducting research on related educational purpose & communications, accessing
library journals, and communicating with social relations, etc.
Unfortunately, the Internet is misused by some groups of individuals. Some individuals tend to
get obsessed in midst of getting exposed and family raised with the Internet. There are also
various opinions on Internet addiction. As common saying, it is not an addiction if someone is
addicted to anything and it is knowledge. However, researcher thinks that it could be hazardous
to someone’s mental and physical health if Internet is being used excessively.
2.2 Young Students
Student is one who is enrolled or attends classes at a school, college, or university or a person
formally engaged in learning, esp. one enrolled in an institution of secondary or higher
education. In our study we defined young students on the basis of their level of study. Students
from high school, College and university are considered as young students.
2.3 Impact of Internet Use
There are numerous impacts of Internet use found from the previous research. The Negative
impacts of Internet use includes, the impact on interpersonal relationship where the
relationship of an individual is getting further from surrounding. Individual might face
behavioral problem due to over usage of Internet where they are reacting differently than the
normal behavior. Some other physical problem might occur due to long use of the Internet.
Some physical problems are migraine or headache, sleep pattern disrupt etc.
Some other problems include psychological problems where an individual are unable to control
their emotions and the way of thinking due to long hour use of the Internet. They tend to
increase the net serving time and eliminate the set schedule. Moreover, the impact of Internet
use does not limit to affect an individual only but might also affect the study performance of an
individual. The condition is getting worried when the work problem has brought some impacts
to the people working together and to the company that the individual is working with. Putting
aside the negative impacts, Internet use however brought some positive impacts to the user.
The Internet provides users with information, connecting worldwide, promoting research, and
work with other people from overseas country effectively. Previous studies were conducted in
various countries like Taiwan, Malaysia, Italy and Pakistan to determine the impact of Internet
use for heavy users. Theories are developed throughout the researches to assess the negative
and positive impacts of Internet use. Those are taken as measures for this study and are
discussed below:
2.3.1 Interpersonal Impact
Interpersonal problems are recurrent difficulties in relating to others. It could be argued that
interpersonal problems are the problem people react differently in a situation where other
peoples in that situation expecting other ways. The interpersonal aspect was important for the
Internet users. Those who use the internet for long time for social function purposes might be
having some problems such as the compulsive use of Internet, withdrawal from social activities,
decrease the tolerance, facing time management problem, interpersonal and health problems.
The researcher also argued that excessive Internet users exhibit more severe Internet addictive
behaviors. The extent of Internet use increases depression and decreases self- esteem.
Wellman and Gulia reported that online relationships can be strong and could strengthen real
world relationships but later it could be faded it. As such, 75.5% of respondents prefer to use
the Internet when they feel isolated; 50% of respondents reported complaints from family
members for being online for longer hours; less than 50% of respondents think that they were
more effective online than offline. The relationships between excessive Internet usage and
interpersonal problem are increasing rapidly. Li and Chung stated that it is very important to
know how Internet users formed their relationship with their friends through online or normal
social life. According to them it is also necessary to check whether the people are missing their
social engagement, whether they more comfortable with online friend and reduce the contact
with the people in reality or not. In addition, the interpersonal problems are also identifiable
based on the family members’ complaints toward excessive Internet users’. Furthermore,
isolated feeling that leads to excessive Internet usage can also be used to determine
interpersonal problems.
2.3.2 Behavior Impact
Bandura suggests that “Behavior” is based on internal personal factors including cognitive,
affective and biological events and conditions of the external environment that influence each
other bi-directionally. A study conducted by Brenner and Scherer concluded that time
mismanagement effects are generally associated with heavy Internet use. A health research has
suggested that heavy recreational use of the Internet among a group of 572 college students
was correlated with additional problems including; late evening use, social isolation and sleep
disturbances and a decline in academic performance. Half of the respondents in the Pakistan
study had to reschedule their activities to compromise with online hours, and they skipped
meals for being online. This research analyzed whether the respondents always need to
reschedule their time due to heavy Internet usage. Other researchers also conducted
researches on the time spent on the Internet usage in behavioral perspective.
2.3.3 Physical Impact
Heavy Internet users were much less likely to engage in the following health promoting
behaviors than the rest; attempting to eat a healthier diet, taking nutritional supplements,
trying to increase physical activity levels, and were shown to be significantly more likely to be
overweight Body Mass Index (BMI >25), have hypersomnia (>10 h of sleep/day) and have
adverse effects on their studies. The adverse effect would be; migraine or headache, less sleep,
and backaches because of prolong hours of Internet usage. Sleep patterns are disrupted due to
late night logins which resulted to excessive fatigue, impairing academic or decreasing
occupational performance, and may decrease the immune system, leaving the addict prone to
disease. Sitting at the computer for longer hours also means that addicts are at higher risk in
developing carpal tunnel syndrome. The previous studies have found that excessive Internet
use brings several physical problems such as backache and other body aches after Internet
users spent a long time in the Internet.
The duration of sleeping time will be used to see the respondents’ passion in surfing the
Internet. On the other hand, the fatigue faced by the Internet users also will determine the
Internet addiction impact to the young students. Migraine or headache problems also will show
the correlation effects with excessive Internet usage.
2.3.4 Psychological and Social Impact
Rotter (1966) originally described the psychological construct of locus of control as an element
of personality. Locus of control refers to the perception of the extent to which individuals can
control events in their lives. The research by Rotsztein (2003) suggested that the higher the
(external) locus of control score (i.e., those who feel that events in their lives are out of their
hands) a student has, the more likely they were to have reported problems due to Internet use.
Internet addiction also appears to frequently co-occur with psychological disorders such as;
other compulsive behaviors and depression (Young, 1998). Studied by Ferraro et al. (2007) in
Italy argued that if anybody spent a lot of time using the Internet are probably the most
addicted, the addicted person felt the coercive need to be connected again with Internet.
Psychology is the science of mind and behavior (Young, 1998). Therefore, to evaluate its’
correlation with heavy Internet usage, this research asked the respondents whether they are
experiencing restlessness, irritability, anxiety, and low mood when they are staying for a long
time on the Internet. The mind of respondents whether in pleasure and satisfaction mood
during online is also used as an analysis of this research. The attempt to avoid stress and
problems by using Internet is also one of the psychological problems evaluated in this research.
2.3.5 Impact on Education
Many teaching authority have recognized that unlimited use of the Internet by young students
has the potential to reduce, rather to than enhance productivity. A study conducted by Landers
in testing personality traits with Internet usage suggested that the negative relationship
between education Drive and Internet usage may simply reflect that Internet users who spend
a lot of time on the Internet do so at the expense of time that could be spent on studying hard
and giving extra effort to get good grades.
Conducting Procedures
3.1 Background Study
With Liberal government Policy in regard to mass media since 1990’s the internet emerged in
Bangladesh as a new media. This has gained increased popularity particularly in urban area.
During the early 1990s the access of internet was mainly limited to the privately grown Cyber
cafes, as there was no individual access to them. As a new interactive media, the internet has
by now become a source of great attraction especially to the young generation (i.e. the college
and university students.), job seekers and businessmen. A report (July 8, 2009) of the cyber café
owners Association of Bangladesh (CCOAB) shows that the number of cyber cafes is around
2000, most of them located in the six metropolitan (divisional) cities of the country. Researcher
Frank Tulus also reports that the cyber cafes are located in the urban meetings.
Now- a days, using internet is no longer limited to cyber cafes since the young users having
affordability can have access to it through personal computers, laptops and even mobile
phones. Bangladesh on this Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) designed a
guideline where the license had been made mandatory for all the cyber cafes, but there is no
such policy for the personal users, Different mobile companies have made available internet
connections by launching different types of packages in the name of `sim/zoom/modem’.
*Haque, Fahmidul: Media Scenario and pedagogy: Bangladesh experience.
3.2 Objectives
 The impacts on young students using internets
 The factor associated with such impacts
3.3 Hypothesis
 Using internet makes student less social
 Student don’t Use internet for educational purpose
 Internet makes a negative impact on students real life relationship
 Its impact bad on their attitude & manners
3.4 Research Method
The research has been conducted in both quantitative & Quantitative way.
3.5 Sampling
Data for this study was gathered by primary data collection method through consumer survey
administered among Young students from High school, college and universities.
A total of 84 respondents were approached. Due to the personally administered survey
researchers personally checked all questionnaires to make sure that every item in the questions
filled up by the respondents properly but even so, there were four questionnaires did not filled
up completely.
In this study, students were selected as the population in view of the experience that they have
in using the Internet and very much addicted to the Internet. This will greatly support the
objectives of the research. In addition, some studies did suggest that young are suitable group
to be considered for the research because they play an important role to change society and
culture. A cross-sectional research design was used to examine the impact of Internet Using.
Data were gathered based on personal administered questionnaires.
3.6 Area of Research
The research has been conducted within the Dhanmondi area of Dhaka. We went to different
school, college and Universities to interview the young students to know there internet using
3.7 Time frame
The research study conducted within four months. It started pm May 2015 and Concluded in
August 2015
3.8 Limitations
The present study lends interesting insight into assessing to the limited body of knowledge on
impact of Internet Using on young Students in Bangladesh. Like other empirical researches, this
study is not without its limitations. Our sample is consisted of students from only Dhaka. So, the
sample is small in number. The study can be strengthened by increasing the sample size and
including participants from other different parts in Bangladesh. Longitudinal studies that use
both quantitative and qualitative techniques are required to understand the changes on prior
and post Internet using behavior. Finally, it is expected from other researchers to do survey on
different age group to contribute to this area of research. The data for this study are collected
by self-administered questionnaires, a method with well-known shortcomings. Secondly, the
sample size itself is relatively small. This study can be strengthened by increasing the sample
size and including participants in other geographical areas in Bangladesh.
The Research conducted within 84 Study units. 23 of them were female and 59 of them were
male. That means 70% male and 30% female. 10 percent of the male units were high school
students. 35 percent were college students and 55 percent goes to university. On the other
hand 10 percent of female student are from high school, 6% from college and others were from
Only 3 percent High school male student use internet for education purpose, 5% use for
entertainment purpose but no one uses it for professional purpose. 2% high school male
students use it for some other purpose. On the other hand among 10% of female high school
student, no on uses internet for education or professional need. They only use internet for
entertainment purpose.
In college among 35 percent of male students 5% of them use it for education, 21% use it for
entertainment and 9 percent use it for other purpose. On the other hand female college
students don’t use it for education and professional need. All of them use it for entertainment
12% of Male students of University use internet for education while only 5% Female students
use for education. 23 percent male student use it for entertainment and 42% female student
use it for entertainment. 8 percent male student use internet for professional need while 10%
female student use internet for this purpose.
12 percent of male university students and 27% female students use it for other purpose.
Table 1: Level & Gender based internet using purpose of young students:
Purpose of using internet
Gender Level of study Education Entertainment Professional others percentage%
High School 3 5 0 2 10
College 5 21 0 9 35
University 12 23 8 12 55
High School 0 10 0 0 10
College 0 6 0 0 6
University 5 42 10 27 84
Now its mandatory to know how many of mentioned users are using internet as trustable
media & how many even don’t rely on it, we asked our every units about their feelings on
internet contents, and found max of them are not thinking internet as trustable content
We categorized users in‘much time spender’ & ‘less time spender’ based on their using
duration, & 64% of our sample answered they are used to spend much time (more than 6 hour
in a day) on internet & surprisingly only 26% rely on it, 15% said sometimes they rely when the
content related to their education & professional purpose & 23% don’t rely any way.
Others 36% who are less time spender (bellow 6 hour) only 7% of them rely, 12% sometimes &
rest 16% don’t rely as well.
Table2: credibility percentage of internet users on virtual content
Levels of user Duration Rely Sometimes Don’t rely Total percantage%
High school
Much 2 1 3
Not much 1 1 2
Much 4 4 5
Not much 0 3 4
Much 20 10 15
Not much 7 8 10
We asked our units about their friends interaction comparing real life & virtual friend, 55%
answered they have maximum friends from internet & maximum of those interact only for time
pass, & others 45% who have max of friends from real world they are used to interact them for
educational purpose mostly.
Table3: purpose of friend’s interaction on
Purpose of interaction
Friends interaction Time pass
(55% has max friend
from internet)
57.5 10 26 2.5 4
(45% has max friend
from real life)
32 10 40 15 3
Discussion and Conclusion
Internet using Addiction refers to irrepressible urge which is often accompanied by loss of
control. Hence, using Internet imparts that students develop problems from their
uncontrollable abuse of Internet usage which is associated with other pathologies such as
depression, loneliness and social anxiety. As a result, it is difficult to determine the causality of
Internet addictedness. Indeed, the negative impact of Internet using recognized as the bundle
of dilemma such as; psychological aspects, interpersonal, physical, work and behavioral
Essentially, this study found that the major group of compulsive Internet usages is young
students. Therefore, their dependence on the Internet and problematic Internet use are the
causes behind their Internet using addiction, i.e.; firstly, problems related to relationships
which refer to spending excessive amount of time starting and maintaining online friendships in
chat rooms, which replace real life friends and family. Second, wasting of money by engaging in
compulsively using the Internet for gambling online, trading and part-taking in online auctions,
Third, dilemma associated with information searching by obsessive web surfing or database
searches. Forth, habitual gaming practices such as computer game playing, including multi user
games. Finally, sex addiction of young adults is a massive problem through adult chat rooms,
cybersex or pornography on the Internet.
Alongside if we look forward for its positive impact only education related some habit of
searching & Being updated to contemporary world is refer to our findings, though we found
very poor quantity of young students who using internet for these contents.
Society in general will need to brace itself for the explosion of online affects coming through
devices. Additionally, those who exercise compulsive usages of the Internet are declining their
educational performance and as consequences, would turn down their results by getting poor
performance and withdrawal from academic social activities and events as well. Subsequently,
academic institution such as universities, colleges and school campuses will need to regulate
students’ use of such kind of wireless devices to reduce the abuse of the Internet.
Internet abuse or Internet addiction of young adults can lead to serious problems for the
individuals, particularly the young generations who are at the time of growing their mental and
physical health. In fact, as the Internet permeates our lives at home and work environment,
personal and social phenomenon this study focuses on these Internet abuse impact issues on
young adults. Especially, the awful impact of psychological aspects, interpersonal relationships,
physical problems and educational problems such as poor result performance. Moreover, the
academic impact of student Internet abuse and addiction as well. Research on impact of
Internet using impact on young adults is in an early stage of development. Thus, it is needed
that empirical research on various patterns of distressed users and the patterns of behavior
and/or disorder for future research to remark advanced phenomenon.
 The Social Impact of Internet Use by Robert Kraut and Sara Kiesler, Carnegie
Mellon University
 Internet Evolution and Social Impact Sara Kiesler, Robert Kraut, Jonathon
Cummings, Bonka Boneva, Vicki Helgeson, and Anne Crawford Carnegie Mellon
 Negative and positive impact of internet addiction on young adults: Empirical
study in Malaysia
 The Impact of the Internet on Society: A Global Perspective By Manuel Castells,
Wallis Annenberg Chair Professor of Communication Technology and Society at
the University of Southern California
 THE INTERNET AND SOCIAL LIFE John A. Bargh and Katelyn Y.A. McKenna New
York University,
 Children and Internet Use: Social, Psychological and Academic Consequences for
Low-income Children by Linda A. Jackson, PhD, Alexander vo Eye, PhD, and Frank
Biocca, PhD
 The Social Impact of the Internet on Our Society by Carmella Kedem
 World Bank, yearly Journal 2014
 World health organization (WHO) 2013
©All rights reserved
University of development
alternative (UODA)

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  • 2. Team and course details Research Supervisor: Professor D. Ahmadullah Mia,PHD -Dean, Social Science Department, UODA Research Team:  Miftah Uddin  Mahadi Hasan Course Details: Dissertation in journalism Code: CMS401 Communication and media Studies (CMS) University of Development Alternative (UODA)
  • 3. Content: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Concept of Internet Use 2.2 Internet Addiction in Bangladesh 2.3 Young Students 2.4 Impact of Internet Use 2.4.1 Interpersonal Impact 2.4.2 Behavior Impact 2.4.3 Physical Impact 2.4.4 Psychological and Social Impact 2.4.5 Impact on Work and Education Chapter 3: Conducting Procedures 3.1 Background Study 3.2 Objectives 3.3 Hypothesis 3.4 Research Method 3.5 Sampling 3.6 Area of Research 3.7 Time frame 3.8 Limitations Chapter 4: Findings Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusion Reference
  • 4. Introduction Since 1990s Internet users rapidly increasing and it is become one of the most important topic for the research. As the growing phenomenon of vast browsing of the Internet; now-a-days researchers are trying to identify what are the impacts of heavy Internet usage, specifically for the young adults. A previous study has found 83.4% of the frequent Internet users’ age between twenty years to forty years. In addition, 30 of them browsing the Internet without any specific reason, 67% of them are male and one more vital issue is that young adults act much like teens in their tendency to use sites, where 72% of them are engaged in social networking, days and nights. During the last two decades, the way we live and the way we work have changed due to the developments in the communication and information industries. The reasons behind this are the wide distribution of computers, whereby communication among people takes place in virtual space, better known as cyberspace. This cyberspace has appeared as a new environment which is basically different from the real world we live in, as it is has linked peoples all over the world, increase efficiency at learning, we can use cyberspace for acquiring and disseminating knowledge in order for further development. Currently, based on the latest data published by Internet World Stats, there are approximately 2 billion people in the world having Internet access. The growth of Internet usage has increased tremendously to 56.4% from year 2000 to 2012. The fastest growing group is the category of adult aged 55 and above, while those in group 18-34 of age represent the most active online users. Principally, Asia has the highest number of Internet users in the world, approximately 922.3 million, representing 44% share of the world’s Internet user population, according to data by Internet World Stats. In Asia, there has been a growing concern on what has been labeled “Internet addiction.” It has been seen as a serious public health issue in certain Asian countries. In Beijing, Shan Xiuyun, a leading judge, has said that 90% of juvenile crime in the Beijing city was Internet-related. According to Chinese Ministry of Health, staying online more than six hours a day and having adverse reactions from not being able to go online are symptoms of Internet addiction disorder. The Governments of China, Japan and South Korea have set up boot camps, to provide therapy to deal with Internet addiction as a result of this. China will begin to ban the opening of new Internet cafes as a government campaign to clamp down on Internet addiction. A number of researches has also been conducted on the impact of Internet addiction and other related problems and has found that Internet user’s exhibit disturbed behavior on the Internet. Furthermore, another study has found that 15% of university students in the United States and Europe know that they are somehow addicted to the Internet; yet, there are also some who doubt whether this outcry is justified. Most of the academic research on Internet using impact
  • 5. conducted in USA, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Italy, and Cyprus. However, in Bangladesh no study has examined the impact of Internet addiction. Mind Share (Research house of BD) claimed that much of the research done in this subject utilizes self-selected samples with no control groups. However, a psychiatrist in Bangladesh, Dr Jhunu Shamsunnahar (Ibne Sina Hospital) does recognize Internet addiction as a problem; she added that there are lacking of paper, academically and scientifically that could determine the level of Internet addiction in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh Internet users have increased tremendously resulting 6.5% of the entire population encompass access to the Internet (World Bank, June, 2014). Thus, we conducted an amateur study and discovered the impact of excessive Internet usage among Bangladeshi young students. Consequently, it is important that due to this controversy, several questions can be raised to examine the level of Internet addiction in Bangladesh. This could mean reviews by academic and empirical literature to address few questions: • Does Internet addiction cause in social problem. • Which personality type correlates with Internet addiction; and • What are the characteristics of Internet users and possible addict? The purpose of this paper is to review the literatures available by other researches in the globe to date and, to explore the impact of Internet use on young students in Bangladesh.
  • 6. Literature Review 2.1 Concept of Internet Use The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide system of computer networks - a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get info1rmation from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers). It was conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. government in 1969 and was first known as the ARPANet. The original aim was to create a network that would allow users of a research computer at one university to "talk to" research computers at other universities. A side benefit of ARPANet's design was that, because messages could be routed or rerouted in more than one direction, the network could continue to function even if parts of it were destroyed in the event of a military attack or other disaster. There are numerous models that have been proposed to categorize various types of online activities. It can be concluded that, a similarity across these models has been thedifferentiation between interactive and information gathering functions. • Cyber-sexual addiction (use of adult chat rooms or cyber-porn); • Cyber-relationship addiction (over involvement in online relationship); • Net compulsions (online gambling, online shopping, online trading); • Information overload (compulsive web surfing or searches) and • Computer addiction (obsessive computer game). Indeed, previous researches approach of five phases of Internet using process belongs toward the users such as: • Discovery; • Experimentation, • Escalation; • Compulsion; and • Hopelessness. Now-a-days individuals are getting hooked on the Internet such as on pornography, Internet gambling, online shopping, searching for non-important information or chatting for a very long time. It could be happen because, it is compulsory for the students to use Internet, working with the Internet is effective and productive, and feeling comfortable with online friends than the real one, playing games online and also easy Internet access to all mobile devices including smartphone, tablet or other mobile devices. In addition, when it is during online states the addicted young student feels excited, thrilled, uninhibited, attractive, supported, and more desirable. Whereas, offline situations make him and/or her frustrated, worried, angry, anxious, and depressed; these strong positive emotions reinforce the compulsive behavior refers to that Internet addiction of young adults create a numbing effect.
  • 7. On the other hand, the Internet brings the world so close together today, by its positive aspects such as conducting research on related educational purpose & communications, accessing library journals, and communicating with social relations, etc. Unfortunately, the Internet is misused by some groups of individuals. Some individuals tend to get obsessed in midst of getting exposed and family raised with the Internet. There are also various opinions on Internet addiction. As common saying, it is not an addiction if someone is addicted to anything and it is knowledge. However, researcher thinks that it could be hazardous to someone’s mental and physical health if Internet is being used excessively. 2.2 Young Students Student is one who is enrolled or attends classes at a school, college, or university or a person formally engaged in learning, esp. one enrolled in an institution of secondary or higher education. In our study we defined young students on the basis of their level of study. Students from high school, College and university are considered as young students. 2.3 Impact of Internet Use There are numerous impacts of Internet use found from the previous research. The Negative impacts of Internet use includes, the impact on interpersonal relationship where the relationship of an individual is getting further from surrounding. Individual might face behavioral problem due to over usage of Internet where they are reacting differently than the normal behavior. Some other physical problem might occur due to long use of the Internet. Some physical problems are migraine or headache, sleep pattern disrupt etc. Some other problems include psychological problems where an individual are unable to control their emotions and the way of thinking due to long hour use of the Internet. They tend to increase the net serving time and eliminate the set schedule. Moreover, the impact of Internet use does not limit to affect an individual only but might also affect the study performance of an individual. The condition is getting worried when the work problem has brought some impacts to the people working together and to the company that the individual is working with. Putting aside the negative impacts, Internet use however brought some positive impacts to the user. The Internet provides users with information, connecting worldwide, promoting research, and work with other people from overseas country effectively. Previous studies were conducted in various countries like Taiwan, Malaysia, Italy and Pakistan to determine the impact of Internet use for heavy users. Theories are developed throughout the researches to assess the negative and positive impacts of Internet use. Those are taken as measures for this study and are discussed below:
  • 8. 2.3.1 Interpersonal Impact Interpersonal problems are recurrent difficulties in relating to others. It could be argued that interpersonal problems are the problem people react differently in a situation where other peoples in that situation expecting other ways. The interpersonal aspect was important for the Internet users. Those who use the internet for long time for social function purposes might be having some problems such as the compulsive use of Internet, withdrawal from social activities, decrease the tolerance, facing time management problem, interpersonal and health problems. The researcher also argued that excessive Internet users exhibit more severe Internet addictive behaviors. The extent of Internet use increases depression and decreases self- esteem. Wellman and Gulia reported that online relationships can be strong and could strengthen real world relationships but later it could be faded it. As such, 75.5% of respondents prefer to use the Internet when they feel isolated; 50% of respondents reported complaints from family members for being online for longer hours; less than 50% of respondents think that they were more effective online than offline. The relationships between excessive Internet usage and interpersonal problem are increasing rapidly. Li and Chung stated that it is very important to know how Internet users formed their relationship with their friends through online or normal social life. According to them it is also necessary to check whether the people are missing their social engagement, whether they more comfortable with online friend and reduce the contact with the people in reality or not. In addition, the interpersonal problems are also identifiable based on the family members’ complaints toward excessive Internet users’. Furthermore, isolated feeling that leads to excessive Internet usage can also be used to determine interpersonal problems. 2.3.2 Behavior Impact Bandura suggests that “Behavior” is based on internal personal factors including cognitive, affective and biological events and conditions of the external environment that influence each other bi-directionally. A study conducted by Brenner and Scherer concluded that time mismanagement effects are generally associated with heavy Internet use. A health research has suggested that heavy recreational use of the Internet among a group of 572 college students was correlated with additional problems including; late evening use, social isolation and sleep disturbances and a decline in academic performance. Half of the respondents in the Pakistan study had to reschedule their activities to compromise with online hours, and they skipped meals for being online. This research analyzed whether the respondents always need to reschedule their time due to heavy Internet usage. Other researchers also conducted researches on the time spent on the Internet usage in behavioral perspective.
  • 9. 2.3.3 Physical Impact Heavy Internet users were much less likely to engage in the following health promoting behaviors than the rest; attempting to eat a healthier diet, taking nutritional supplements, trying to increase physical activity levels, and were shown to be significantly more likely to be overweight Body Mass Index (BMI >25), have hypersomnia (>10 h of sleep/day) and have adverse effects on their studies. The adverse effect would be; migraine or headache, less sleep, and backaches because of prolong hours of Internet usage. Sleep patterns are disrupted due to late night logins which resulted to excessive fatigue, impairing academic or decreasing occupational performance, and may decrease the immune system, leaving the addict prone to disease. Sitting at the computer for longer hours also means that addicts are at higher risk in developing carpal tunnel syndrome. The previous studies have found that excessive Internet use brings several physical problems such as backache and other body aches after Internet users spent a long time in the Internet. The duration of sleeping time will be used to see the respondents’ passion in surfing the Internet. On the other hand, the fatigue faced by the Internet users also will determine the Internet addiction impact to the young students. Migraine or headache problems also will show the correlation effects with excessive Internet usage. 2.3.4 Psychological and Social Impact Rotter (1966) originally described the psychological construct of locus of control as an element of personality. Locus of control refers to the perception of the extent to which individuals can control events in their lives. The research by Rotsztein (2003) suggested that the higher the (external) locus of control score (i.e., those who feel that events in their lives are out of their hands) a student has, the more likely they were to have reported problems due to Internet use. Internet addiction also appears to frequently co-occur with psychological disorders such as; other compulsive behaviors and depression (Young, 1998). Studied by Ferraro et al. (2007) in Italy argued that if anybody spent a lot of time using the Internet are probably the most addicted, the addicted person felt the coercive need to be connected again with Internet. Psychology is the science of mind and behavior (Young, 1998). Therefore, to evaluate its’ correlation with heavy Internet usage, this research asked the respondents whether they are experiencing restlessness, irritability, anxiety, and low mood when they are staying for a long time on the Internet. The mind of respondents whether in pleasure and satisfaction mood during online is also used as an analysis of this research. The attempt to avoid stress and problems by using Internet is also one of the psychological problems evaluated in this research. 2.3.5 Impact on Education Many teaching authority have recognized that unlimited use of the Internet by young students has the potential to reduce, rather to than enhance productivity. A study conducted by Landers in testing personality traits with Internet usage suggested that the negative relationship between education Drive and Internet usage may simply reflect that Internet users who spend a lot of time on the Internet do so at the expense of time that could be spent on studying hard and giving extra effort to get good grades.
  • 10. Conducting Procedures 3.1 Background Study With Liberal government Policy in regard to mass media since 1990’s the internet emerged in Bangladesh as a new media. This has gained increased popularity particularly in urban area. During the early 1990s the access of internet was mainly limited to the privately grown Cyber cafes, as there was no individual access to them. As a new interactive media, the internet has by now become a source of great attraction especially to the young generation (i.e. the college and university students.), job seekers and businessmen. A report (July 8, 2009) of the cyber café owners Association of Bangladesh (CCOAB) shows that the number of cyber cafes is around 2000, most of them located in the six metropolitan (divisional) cities of the country. Researcher Frank Tulus also reports that the cyber cafes are located in the urban meetings. Now- a days, using internet is no longer limited to cyber cafes since the young users having affordability can have access to it through personal computers, laptops and even mobile phones. Bangladesh on this Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) designed a guideline where the license had been made mandatory for all the cyber cafes, but there is no such policy for the personal users, Different mobile companies have made available internet connections by launching different types of packages in the name of `sim/zoom/modem’. *Haque, Fahmidul: Media Scenario and pedagogy: Bangladesh experience. 3.2 Objectives  The impacts on young students using internets  The factor associated with such impacts 3.3 Hypothesis  Using internet makes student less social  Student don’t Use internet for educational purpose  Internet makes a negative impact on students real life relationship  Its impact bad on their attitude & manners 3.4 Research Method The research has been conducted in both quantitative & Quantitative way.
  • 11. 3.5 Sampling Data for this study was gathered by primary data collection method through consumer survey administered among Young students from High school, college and universities. A total of 84 respondents were approached. Due to the personally administered survey researchers personally checked all questionnaires to make sure that every item in the questions filled up by the respondents properly but even so, there were four questionnaires did not filled up completely. In this study, students were selected as the population in view of the experience that they have in using the Internet and very much addicted to the Internet. This will greatly support the objectives of the research. In addition, some studies did suggest that young are suitable group to be considered for the research because they play an important role to change society and culture. A cross-sectional research design was used to examine the impact of Internet Using. Data were gathered based on personal administered questionnaires. 3.6 Area of Research The research has been conducted within the Dhanmondi area of Dhaka. We went to different school, college and Universities to interview the young students to know there internet using 3.7 Time frame The research study conducted within four months. It started pm May 2015 and Concluded in 31st August 2015 3.8 Limitations The present study lends interesting insight into assessing to the limited body of knowledge on impact of Internet Using on young Students in Bangladesh. Like other empirical researches, this study is not without its limitations. Our sample is consisted of students from only Dhaka. So, the sample is small in number. The study can be strengthened by increasing the sample size and including participants from other different parts in Bangladesh. Longitudinal studies that use both quantitative and qualitative techniques are required to understand the changes on prior and post Internet using behavior. Finally, it is expected from other researchers to do survey on different age group to contribute to this area of research. The data for this study are collected by self-administered questionnaires, a method with well-known shortcomings. Secondly, the sample size itself is relatively small. This study can be strengthened by increasing the sample size and including participants in other geographical areas in Bangladesh.
  • 12. Findings The Research conducted within 84 Study units. 23 of them were female and 59 of them were male. That means 70% male and 30% female. 10 percent of the male units were high school students. 35 percent were college students and 55 percent goes to university. On the other hand 10 percent of female student are from high school, 6% from college and others were from university. Only 3 percent High school male student use internet for education purpose, 5% use for entertainment purpose but no one uses it for professional purpose. 2% high school male students use it for some other purpose. On the other hand among 10% of female high school student, no on uses internet for education or professional need. They only use internet for entertainment purpose. In college among 35 percent of male students 5% of them use it for education, 21% use it for entertainment and 9 percent use it for other purpose. On the other hand female college students don’t use it for education and professional need. All of them use it for entertainment purpose. 12% of Male students of University use internet for education while only 5% Female students use for education. 23 percent male student use it for entertainment and 42% female student use it for entertainment. 8 percent male student use internet for professional need while 10% female student use internet for this purpose. 12 percent of male university students and 27% female students use it for other purpose. Table 1: Level & Gender based internet using purpose of young students: Purpose of using internet Gender Level of study Education Entertainment Professional others percentage% Male High School 3 5 0 2 10 College 5 21 0 9 35 University 12 23 8 12 55 Female High School 0 10 0 0 10 College 0 6 0 0 6 University 5 42 10 27 84 Now its mandatory to know how many of mentioned users are using internet as trustable media & how many even don’t rely on it, we asked our every units about their feelings on internet contents, and found max of them are not thinking internet as trustable content provider.
  • 13. We categorized users in‘much time spender’ & ‘less time spender’ based on their using duration, & 64% of our sample answered they are used to spend much time (more than 6 hour in a day) on internet & surprisingly only 26% rely on it, 15% said sometimes they rely when the content related to their education & professional purpose & 23% don’t rely any way. Others 36% who are less time spender (bellow 6 hour) only 7% of them rely, 12% sometimes & rest 16% don’t rely as well. Table2: credibility percentage of internet users on virtual content Levels of user Duration Rely Sometimes Don’t rely Total percantage% High school Much 2 1 3 10 Not much 1 1 2 College Much 4 4 5 20 Not much 0 3 4 University Much 20 10 15 70 Not much 7 8 10 We asked our units about their friends interaction comparing real life & virtual friend, 55% answered they have maximum friends from internet & maximum of those interact only for time pass, & others 45% who have max of friends from real world they are used to interact them for educational purpose mostly. Table3: purpose of friend’s interaction on Purpose of interaction Friends interaction Time pass Further Relationship Education Professional need others Virtual (55% has max friend from internet) 57.5 10 26 2.5 4 Real (45% has max friend from real life) 32 10 40 15 3
  • 14. Discussion and Conclusion Internet using Addiction refers to irrepressible urge which is often accompanied by loss of control. Hence, using Internet imparts that students develop problems from their uncontrollable abuse of Internet usage which is associated with other pathologies such as depression, loneliness and social anxiety. As a result, it is difficult to determine the causality of Internet addictedness. Indeed, the negative impact of Internet using recognized as the bundle of dilemma such as; psychological aspects, interpersonal, physical, work and behavioral problems. Essentially, this study found that the major group of compulsive Internet usages is young students. Therefore, their dependence on the Internet and problematic Internet use are the causes behind their Internet using addiction, i.e.; firstly, problems related to relationships which refer to spending excessive amount of time starting and maintaining online friendships in chat rooms, which replace real life friends and family. Second, wasting of money by engaging in compulsively using the Internet for gambling online, trading and part-taking in online auctions, Third, dilemma associated with information searching by obsessive web surfing or database searches. Forth, habitual gaming practices such as computer game playing, including multi user games. Finally, sex addiction of young adults is a massive problem through adult chat rooms, cybersex or pornography on the Internet. Alongside if we look forward for its positive impact only education related some habit of searching & Being updated to contemporary world is refer to our findings, though we found very poor quantity of young students who using internet for these contents. Society in general will need to brace itself for the explosion of online affects coming through devices. Additionally, those who exercise compulsive usages of the Internet are declining their educational performance and as consequences, would turn down their results by getting poor performance and withdrawal from academic social activities and events as well. Subsequently, academic institution such as universities, colleges and school campuses will need to regulate students’ use of such kind of wireless devices to reduce the abuse of the Internet. Internet abuse or Internet addiction of young adults can lead to serious problems for the individuals, particularly the young generations who are at the time of growing their mental and physical health. In fact, as the Internet permeates our lives at home and work environment, personal and social phenomenon this study focuses on these Internet abuse impact issues on young adults. Especially, the awful impact of psychological aspects, interpersonal relationships, physical problems and educational problems such as poor result performance. Moreover, the academic impact of student Internet abuse and addiction as well. Research on impact of Internet using impact on young adults is in an early stage of development. Thus, it is needed that empirical research on various patterns of distressed users and the patterns of behavior and/or disorder for future research to remark advanced phenomenon.
  • 15. Reference  The Social Impact of Internet Use by Robert Kraut and Sara Kiesler, Carnegie Mellon University  Internet Evolution and Social Impact Sara Kiesler, Robert Kraut, Jonathon Cummings, Bonka Boneva, Vicki Helgeson, and Anne Crawford Carnegie Mellon University  Negative and positive impact of internet addiction on young adults: Empirical study in Malaysia  The Impact of the Internet on Society: A Global Perspective By Manuel Castells, Wallis Annenberg Chair Professor of Communication Technology and Society at the University of Southern California  THE INTERNET AND SOCIAL LIFE John A. Bargh and Katelyn Y.A. McKenna New York University,  Children and Internet Use: Social, Psychological and Academic Consequences for Low-income Children by Linda A. Jackson, PhD, Alexander vo Eye, PhD, and Frank Biocca, PhD  The Social Impact of the Internet on Our Society by Carmella Kedem  World Bank, yearly Journal 2014  World health organization (WHO) 2013
  • 16. ©All rights reserved University of development alternative (UODA)