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Ilm 5 Effective Presentations
M5.27 Making a Professional Presentation
Contents Page
Be able to plan a professional presentation o Aims and objectives of the presentation are identified o The intended audience for the presentation is
identified and their level of understanding of the presentation topic is assessed o Information of the presentation topic of researched, evaluated and
selected o The content and structure of the presentation is planned o Visual aids and other materials required for the presentation are prepared o The
location and any equipment for the presentation is prepared
Be able to deliver a professional presentation o Your Subject matter is presented at an appropriate level of understanding for the audience and is more content...
Additionally i used the room to practice my presentation utilising the actual equipment I would use on the day to make sure a was familiar with the it
and how it worked.
Be able to deliver a professional presentation
I pitched my presentation knowing who the audience was and preconceived assumptions of their knowledge and understanding, as mentioned above.
Feedback from the audience at the end of the presentation suggested the content level was appropriate. I used multiple sources of data (ILM Handouts
/ Internet) to verify that the presentation was factually correct.
I ensured whilst I made my presentation that I spoke clearly and steadily. I have a tendency to talk quickly so I paid particular attention to controlling
the speed of my voice. I also ensured I maintained eye contact with my audience and tried not to focus just on one individual.
Please see attached Presentation.
Be able to evaluate own ability to make a professional presentations
The feedback I received was varied. The planning, structure and content of the presentation was good and well structured. Based on this feedback I
was happy with the flow and how the presentation came across from this perspective. As a result I don't think I would change how I went about
creating the presentation. I do a lot of planning and project work as part of my day to day job so structuring it I found quite
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Reflection Of Group Presentation
My group's presentation was on ' Nutrition' which focused on Maori adolescent aged 10–12. It was structured into four sections. We used powerpoint
slides alongside clear explanation for each section. In order to capture audience's attention, we avoided adding too many texts on the slides and used
pictures, tables or quotes instead. In the final section we tried to engage the audience by showing a video rather than constant verbal explanation.
I felt really anxious during my presentation. I couldn't control my hands and legs shaking when I stood at the front of the classroom and faced around
70 students. In order to cover up my anxiety and deliver a good presentation, I tried to calm down and imagined that no audience in the classroom. more content...
Regarding to the speech delivery rate, my lecturer and 4 class members all pointed that my speech was too quick which I should pay highly attention
to. I was too anxious and not confident enough during my presentation which leaded to a poor circulation that I tended to finish my speech as soon as
possible. Too fast speech disclose a person's nervousness and a lack of control, which will influence audiences to receive messages and understand it.
Aryadoust (2015) identified that maintaining a suitable speech delivery rate is a key factor that can affect speech intelligibility. A study also showed
that presenters' lack of this skill leads to listeners' confusion and misinterpretation of verbal input (Aryadoust, 2015).
Completing this group presentation has taught me how to deliver an effective communication. The most important thing I have learned was the way I
present rather than information itself. I will not realize this problem if without this experience. The feedback given by lecturer and class member
has helped me a lot in recognising my strength and weakness. Being a good presenter requires that I prepare well before each speech and practice
speaking in front of a mirror as often as possible, especially practice to present in proper tone and speed. There are a range of videos from YouTube that
I now think I ought to look at to observe how people give an effective presentation especially to notify
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Essay on Presentation of Self
Writing Assignment 3
December 3, 2010
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
"When an individual enters the presence of others, they commonly seek to acquire
information about him or to bring into play information about
him already possessed. They
will be interested in his general socio–economic status, his conception of self, his attitude
towards them, his
competence, his trustworthiness, etc. Although some of this information is
sought as an end in itself, there are usually quite practical reasons for
acquiring it. Information
about the individual helps to define the situation, enabling others to know in advance what he
will expect of them and
what they may expect of him. Informed in these ways, the others will more content...
The image my parents may have thought me to be, at times, actually was not me. I wanted to be my parent's princess and the golden child, so I
acted in a way to seek their approval which in some ways was not the "real" me. These conditions occur because of the existence of self presentational
rules according to Goffman. "When one individual enters the presence of others, he will want to discover the facts of the situation. Were he to possess
this information."Also when meeting an individual we try to get information about them so we can act accordingly to their approval. How we act with
one friend may not be the way we act with another. We determine the person's status and attitude and decide for ourselves if we want to be a part of
that. When we gather the information when first meeting someone, it determines the way we think and act towards them. Erving Goffman revolves his
view of the human life around the belief that we are all actors who have both a front stage behavior and a back stage behavior. From an early age we
have become skilled actors and move in and out of roles with precision such as with our family and friends. We follow the formal societal rules
when we are on the front stage reciting a script, playing a role. This would include going to work, presenting ourselves as the person we should
uphold to take part in society. On the other side, Goffman says our back stage behavior is informal, as we'd act when we are
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Presentation In The Military
Presentations can be unforgettable. They cause us to envision possibilities and contemplate the future. Unfortunately they can also be unforgettable in
how they make us suffer. They can be tedious. Both examples were apparent during my 24 year career in the military.
Bovee and Thill state, "Planning oral presentations are much like planning any other business message: You analyze the situation, gather information,
select the right medium, and organize the information" (p.434). Presentations in my organization accomplish this and other times don't. Usually one
can tell when this has been done and when it hasn't. Several are effective and others aren't.
There are basic reasons why specific presentations capture attention and certain don't. One of the biggest problems with presentations in our workplace
is, redundancy. They pound the same information repeatedly. There have been presentations delivered, where person decided that a word or point
needed to change that would create little to no difference in the presentation; however, we would be required to view another presentation of the same
material, occasionally less than a month after having it presented. This goes against one of Bovee and Thills purpose for a message, "Will anything
change as a result of your message" (p. 94).
Others are quite the opposite. There are times we more content...
Several had no experience or training at all. Other had a little. However, when presented a task to craft a presentation they would always try the best
they could. One could realize their inexperience in areas of confidence and practice. In our reading it says, "Stop worrying about being perfect"
(Bovee & Thill, 2016 p. 448). Several of the junior members would become frustrated over making mistakes. If one happened, you could notice them
unravel during their presentations. They would forget that we all make mistakes, even when we
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How important is Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills are extremely essential for you to succeed professionally. In today's business environment, the competition in the workplace is
getting more competitive. It is no longer enough for you to have the necessary capability to do the job, you should also be able to talk well, write
well, and present yourself attractively to your superiors. What better way to let other people know what you're capable of than by presenting a great
idea or a plan during a meeting. However, you need to have the necessary presentation skills to succeed in this endeavor.
The most important element during a presentation is you. You are the one that theaudience is concentrating on. You convey who you are based on more content...
It does not matter if you are the most attractive person in the room with the personality to match it if the content of your presentation itself means
nothing. So you should prepare an in–depth and comprehensive study of the topic you are assigned and present it in an intelligent and confident
manner. It is only then that people can say that you are really indeed, a great worker or business owner.
Actually though, a lot of people take weeks if not months to come up with the appropriate content for a presentation. First, the speaker should have an
objective for the presentation. This will determine the content and the structure of the entire presentation. It is also important to look at the audience so
that the mode of presentation would be appropriate to the knowledge and interest. Now, going through all these are also part of developing great
presentation skills.
Developing presentation skills and giving an effective presentation is not an easy matter. It is said that some people are born with presentation skills
but you should also remember that presentation skills can be learned. And take note that presentation skills can be developed further when it is being
practiced regularly so develop your presentation skills and become an
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Evaluation Of A Presentation On Presentation
Part 3: Evaluate your presentation Evaluation of one to one presentation The final part of this assessment requires you to evaluate your presentations.
Your self– evaluation report should be typed document and include around 500 words. It should address the following questions and be written in
plain English: 1.What worked well during the presentation? The following areas worked well during the presentation: Confidence: I have shown the
required confidence during the presentation and questioning time after the presentation. Because I have spent a lot of time to prepare the information
of the presentation topics and get myself familiarized with the information, so when I was presenting I feel comfortable and confident. Answered
audiences' questions: as I have been knowledgeable with the presentation topics I have been able to answer all the questions raised by the
participants and ensure my answers are detailed and thorough. 2.What did not work well? The following areas didn't work well during the
presentation: Voice: due to the space of the presentation location some participants who were sitting at the back or in the corner areas are unable to
hear my presentation clearly. I will arrange some audio equipment next time when I need to provide the presentation in a similar location. Time
management: As I have prepared the topics very well and I would like to provide as much information to the participants as possible during the
presentation, I have spent
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Group Presentation Report
Throughout the course of this class, my group and I had done a lot of research, analyzing, and discussing before the creation of our poster. The day
we had learned that we were partners for this project, we all exchanged phone numbers and used a texting group chat as our main way of
communication. We much preferred meeting face to face every so often as compared to using Blackboard and when we actually wanted to meet, we
often used the library in Gorham. We decided to work mostly independently throughout most of the course, conducting our own research and recording
information that we found to be useful eventually. Our group decided not to assign each member a task to do independently, instead, all of our work
would be compiled together more content...
We decided on using the group study rooms located in the library so we could work on the poster with a television as well as it around a table and
talk. December 1st and December 6th were our important days where we met and actually constructed the poster. We met at 9:30 AM and utilized
the free time we had from having no class. I brought up the idea of using Google Slides instead of a PowerPoint. I informed my group that creating
the project this way, we would be able to all connect to the presentation and work on it together from separate computers. I also figured out how to
download the Google Slide presentation into a PowerPoint so it could be presented in class. I discussed the information I had collected as well as
my opinions and analysis on how Clinton conducted their campaign. My group had some small troubles when it came to creating the basic layout
of the poster. I found the document which had the rubric for the poster and the presentation. I advised using the main points of the rubric as the
main points and sections for the poster. The rubric elevated if we talked about things such as the results, data, and campaign efforts so I made sure
we titled the different sections of the poster with what was being evaluated. This why I was sure we would hit all the major points that we wanted
to talk about. We began finding pictures and data and tried to figure out how it would all be incorporated in. After some trial and error, we had the
basis of our poster. I realized that the poster did not really flow so I suggested moving the sections around so they could be read left to right, starting
with the objective of the project and ending with the conclusion. In around 4 hours we had completed the poster to our satisfaction, making sure
everyone's input was accounted for. We assigned sections for each member to discuss during
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School Presentation Essay
On Tuesday before class started, we had a group meeting concerning our oral presentation. Most of us have met a week earlier to discuss what we
were going to talk about during the presentation. We put it together on PowerPoint and quickly went over all the slides. One thing I learned about our
group is that some of us tend to shy away when doing presentations in front of the class. Voluntarily I wouldn't go up, depending what the topic is and
if I knew much about it. If I prepare for it, I don't mind doing it. Communication is very important when working in groups. This is what keeps most of
them together. Communication wasn't a problem in our group because most of us knew each other. Some of the members I do not usually
communicate more content...
Although this wasn't a big presentation, I believed that body movement might have helped make it more interesting. I know for myself, if I do a big
presentation, I try to move my hands around. When I communicate through emails, I try to be really courteous to my members because something I
say, someone else might take it differently. I use a lot of short cuts when I type and sometimes people might not understand what it means. When I
emailed two group members that I don't usually talk to online, they kind of had trouble understanding what I was trying to say. To solve that, I just
called them up and explained why I chose United Way to give our money to. The rest of the members were ok with email. The best way for our
group to communicate with each other was either in class or through the email system. So far, all team members have participated in most of the
meetings and we all did our part to put the presentation together so there was no social loafing going on. When we presented, this was upward
communication as this information was going to a higher level which was the professor.
I learned that the communication process is very important when working with groups. It allows each member to give their say and input to the task
at hand. Not only is it important in groups, also individually as well such as giving information to your supervisor or to a colleague. I know for myself
that when I'm doing a PowerPoint presentation, I tend to
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Presentation Analysis Essay examples
This memo examines the strengths and weaknesses of my presentation on March 19, 2010. In addition, the memo discusses my goals for improvement
in future presentations as well as a review of Aly Sherali's presentation.
Presentation Strengths
My organization, voice, and passion were all strong points of my presentation. This allowed me to effectively engage my audience and convey my
content in an efficient and logical way.
Tim Koegel, author of The Exceptional Presenter, explains that there are two essential facets of organizing a presentation: developing a structure that
allows you to frame your objective and cover your material smoothly, and looking organized to your audience (Koegel, 31–32). I structured my slides more content...
Even if a presenter is the leading authority on a topic, being unprepared can signal the opposite to the audience and cause them to disengage before
the presentation even starts (Koegel, 45). I arrived to the venue early, made sure my presentation was easily accessible, and checked to see if my slides
worked correctly on the computer. This allowed me to efficiently and confidently lead off my presentation and ensure that I could capture the
audience's attention.
The voice is a valuable tool to becoming an exceptional presenter (Koegel, 84). I used my voice as an effective asset throughout my presentation. My
volume was at an effective level throughout the presentation and sounded confident. I also employed inflection in my voice on key points to maintain
audience attention. According to studies, eighty–four percent of the impact you have comes from your voice, not your words. I was very careful to
avoid monotone voice, which significantly shortens the attention span of an audience (Koegel, 84). I also took great care to eliminate any "verbal
graffiti" as Koegel refers to it. Verbal graffiti is any non–essential "filler" words that distract the audience and dilute your impact (Koegel, 87). I
practiced my presentation many times and was confident enough with the material that I did not fill my pauses with any filler words. I stayed focused
on my content, which helped my audience to do
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Presentation And Performance
Group Presentation and Performance Our Presentation and Performance demonstrates our knowledge of the test through our ability to identify major
themes, characters, literary elements, and quotations to support each element of the Presentation and Performance. Each member of our group was
assigned a separate task to complete in order to achieve a high quality project through the most efficient method. The presentation demonstrates our
knowledge of overall themes in the text, and those that are present in the scene because we were able to identify them and include support with quotes
from the text. The presentation and performance also shows that we understand the characters through our ability to identify their role in the scene as
well more content...
She assisted in making the powerpoint, and she helped with the scene summary, characters, and theme slides. Her role is short, but humorous.
Because she is playing a small performing role, she is going to present a character slide and the context slide of the powerpoint to the class.
Shubha is playing the part of Capulet, which is the largest acting role. She focused on explaining the characters and finding a video to include
along with the presentation, and because she is playing the largest role in the performance, Shubha is not going to present the powerpoint. Komal
is playing the role of Lady Capulet. She assisted in editing the powerpoint, creating the context of the scene slide, and she found pictures for
several of the slides. She will be presenting the summary slide and the first character slide to the class, due to the fact that her speaking part is
minimal. Megan is playing the role of the Nurse, and she helped in making the literary term slide and writing the paper. She will be presenting the
theme slide and the literary term slide of the powerpoint.. Reilly is playing the role of Juliet, and she assisted in creating the theme slide and the
literary element slide, as well as helping with writing the paper. Because she is playing the second largest role in the performance, she will not be
presenting the powerpoint. Not only did each of us memorize their lines and create the powerpoint but we also explained our own role
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Senior Presentation Essay
Chelan High class of 2016 have had a busy week. Students who are currently seniors are all required to complete a presentations prior to graduation.
Presenting has been required for the last 10 years and even before Principal Barry DePaoli was principal. Presentations were located depending which
advisor the students has. The times were started from 3:55 to 8:00 pm between those dozens of students presented the past three days. A letter is sent
home to paretns and students to encourage to invite anyone.
Panel members are constied of community members, teachers, or even past students. The members are handed a grading rubric in which they listen to
what the students discuss within the time range of 15 minutes. DePaoli said, "Senior more content...
"I was ameazed at how funny they were and I really think we have an amazing group of students."
Students who presented shared their experiences.
Current senior Thomas Armstrong said, "I was nervous at first, but as I began to share all that went away" He adds, "I wdas grateful to have this
opportunity to thank those who made high school such a sucess."
Current senior Dianna Sanchez said, "My senior presentation went well, I was not really nervous at all because I am used to performing and I was
comfortable with all the people who came" She continues, "I was really happy to do my senior presentation because it made me reflect back on my
past years of high school, and how lucky I am to go to Chelan and be surrounded by amazing people everyday."
Former senior Josie Gallop said, "I cried a lot becasue my niece died this year and my two lambs died, it was happy, but it was sad, it was really
emotional" She adds, "I really like talking in front of people, but it was hard to talk about when somethinghad happended in my life and I never
really expressed how I feel, but all of sudden getting in fornt of a tone of people telling them how you feel is way
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Essay On Education Presentation
Meetings Two and Three: Education Presentation The first presentation should take place by Dec. 31. The second should be completed prior to March
1. Persons Responsible Education Chairman Education Committee Campus or Community Professional Outcomes Two education presentations will be
conducted prior to March 1. oThe topics are selected as part of the Senior Survey. TheEducation Chairman and her committee may use the quick
programming guides and facilitator scripts to conduct the education presentations. Additionally, a campus or community professional may conduct an
education presentation using a provided community guide. Pillar of Education Various options available Time 60 Minutes Materials Quick
Programming Guide more content...
Ask participants to turn to a partner and share which tip they feel is most critical when buying or leasing a car. Ask two or three people to share
their thoughts. PowerPoint Slides Three, Four and Five 10 Minutes IV.Discussion Questions Break the large group into small groups of five or six
people. Ask members to discuss the questions listed in the quick programming guide. After small groups have discussed, ask two or three groups to
share their responses with the larger group. PowerPoint Slide Six 15–20 Minutes V.Let's Play: Zoom, Zoom, Zoom Using the quick programming
guide, facilitate the activity called "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom." PowerPoint Slide Seven 10 Minutes VI.Problem–Solving: Case Study Divide participants
into new small groups of three people and provide each group with a copy of the case study. Allow groups five minutes to discuss the case study.
When done, ask members of each group to share one mistake they identified. Case Study
PowerPoint Slide Eight 2 Minutes VII.Wrap Up Thank everyone for coming and close with the quote provided in the quick programming guide.
PowerPoint Slide Nine Option Two: Housing Persons Responsible Education Chairman Education Committee Campus or Community Professional
Senior members will develop skills to help aid them in the transition to life outside of the college setting. Pillar of Education
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Essay on PowerPoint in Education
PowerPoint in Education
Over the years education has been making rapid technological advances, it seems like every year there is some new tool entering the classroom. Most
of us today don't remember when classrooms were using chalk and slate boards because of the new technology that we have developed. Now we have
grown accustom to overheard projectors, television and computers, but what seems to be the new trend of education is Power Point. It is every where
we turn, "more than 90% of computer–based presentation visuals in the country are created using PowerPoint."(Ricky Telg, Ph.D., andTracy Irani,
Ph.D.) The basic break down of power–point, has to do with visuals, it is a program that offers templates for doing a presentation more
In our technologically based society, power point presentations are slowly beginning to take over the out–dated and tedious job of scribbling on
chalkboards. A power point presentation is a simple process which can be done by the non–computer oriented people as well as the experts. It involves
creating slides, then projecting the slides on to a large projection screen and the presenter is in complete charge of slide transition in the presentation
with a simple click of the mouse. It can be filled with bright colored fonts and animated effects to promote interest. When used effectively, it can
provide a great deal of information to the audience by using the graphically enhanced effects. It also helps the presenter to organize their presentation
instead of dealing with note cards or papers. A power point presentation is highly powerful tool in the classroom, and as technology progresses so will
the program. Ensuring that teaching in the classroom will gradually become a much easier task (Telg, 2001).
Many teachers like to use PowerPoint in the classroom because it is easy to use and it portrays information in a very organized manner. From the
growing popularity of PowerPoint in the classroom, it is clear that there are many pros to this teaching tool. When used correctly, PowerPoint benefits
both the teacher and the students because the teacher will be able "to explain abstract concepts, while accommodating all learning
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Presentation Skills
Presentation skills relate to us as a person, its what other people see as they approach us, for example appropriate clothes and a smart appearance and
the welcoming with give them and our face expression, every single thing we do sends a message to them about us.
1. Body language – Using your body and hands to express yourself. 2. Verbal and non–verbal – Verbalcommunication is when you make speech with
another person and non–verbal can be done by body language and/or sign language. 3. Listening – Pay interest to someone or something in order to
hear them. 4. Seeking clarifications – Looking for something clearer or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation.
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You would need to speak to your customers politely and have a nice smooth tone just the way you talk to your tutor and the way you would talk if
you was in a interview. You would have to know when you should be formal and informal on the phone or speaking to your manager. Verbal
communication is when you make a speech with another person and non verbal can be done by body language and sign language. Being assertive
in listening and speaking will mean that your intentions are clear to others and you understand others clearly and correctly. You would have to speak
clearly so that your customer understands. Also the pace of your voice which you speak it is not a good impression if you speak slow which will
make employers think your shy or nervous. In a company you would not be able to speak slang around business staffs.
Communicating with all the other organisers will help meet the organisation function more effectively as the business will run a lot smoother and
everyone in the business will know what is happening, and what they have to do to keep the business running. Keeping a steady frame of mind is good
communication and when a problem crops up, each area leader should get together and talk through the problems and come to some sort of agreement.
It is important that staff prevent themselves appropriately and prepare their work area before the djz arrive and visitors.
In life fm majority of customers are members of the public coming to advertise staff
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Level| Midterm Presentation| Final Presentation| Presentation Criteria| 12| 10%| 15%| English Conversation II Fall 2012–2 = Level 3 * Midterm
Presentation will cover Units: 1, 2, 4, or 7 * Final Presentation will cover Units: 3, 9 ,11, 8, or 12| | Drama or Video5–10 minutes(Groups of 3–4)|
Minimum 5 minutes presentation (Groups of 3–4)| | * 3 * 4| Drama or Video5 –10 minutes(Groups of 3–4)| Minimum 15 minutes presentation (Groups
of 3–4)| | | | | | Presentation Implementation Criteria (Level – based) The following is an outline of the how the Presentations are expected to be
conducted depending on the LEVEL. *Credit Course – English Conversation I &II: Begins at Level 3 & 4* more content...
Presentation keeps to time limit of 5–7 minutes.| Students have made an excellent effort to use props/costumes/ technology to make their presentation
more understandable and enjoyable.| Presentation shows some originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in an interesting way.
Presentation is interesting and creative| Teachers will evaluate MIDTERM PRESENTATIONS based on this rubric. 210| Oral Presentation Skills|
Communicates ideas with proper voice projection. Adequate preparation and delivery.| Some difficulty communicating ideas, due to voice projection,
lack of preparation, orincomplete work | Great difficulty communicating ideas. Poor voice projection. Little preparation or incomplete work. | Cannot
communicate ideas. No projection. No preparation.| Language| Language usageis appropriate; no grammatical errors.| Language usage is mostly
appropriate; few grammatical errors.| Language usage is somewhat appropriate; many grammatical errors.| Language usage is mostly inappropriate|
Preparedness/ Length| Members are prepared in advance. Presentation keeps to time limit of 8–10 minutes.| Members are prepared in advance.
Presentation runs too long or too short.| Members are prepared in advance. Presentation runs excessively long or short.| Members are not prepared in
advance.| Technology| Students have made anexcellent effort to use
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Essay On Online Presentation
An interactive online presentation and assessment tool
Teachers can use a premade presentation or teachers can create their own presentations.
Teachers can create presentations that include:
Embedded video
Website links
Teachers navigate the presentation while the students interact with the presentation on their own devices.
Creates an interactive classroom environment.
Engaging multimedia content to focus student learning.
Encourages technology use infused with lecture.
Students can access Nearpod from anywhere.
Teachers can use and adapt already created presentations.
Real time assessment data collected during the presentation.
Nearpod help center for questions and frequently asked questions.
Personalized training and support through Nearpod with a school membership.
Nearpod self–paced courses that help teachers get started and create presentation.
Regularly scheduled demos and webinars with Nearpod.
Students need internet access and a device to use the program outside of school.
Students need permission from parents to download the app on their device.
Due to the need for 1:1, teachers will need to gather the needed equipment.
Teachers need time to preview the presentations to ensure that they are grade level and content appropriate.
The app is free to download for students
Lessons: A few in the library are free and others are available to purchase for $2.99 or less
Silver: Free to use for up to 30 students
Gold: $120/teacher/year for up to 50 students
School: estimated $120/teacher/year for up to 100 students A CLOSER LOOK AT THE PLANS
PTA could help fund individual teacher plans.
School/district plan funding could come from the budget for technology programming or E–Splost funds.
Grants written by teachers or schools to fund Nearpod.
Use websites such as to raise needed funds.
Teachers can find or create
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Presentation Commentary Essay
"There are two secrets to making a good presentation: preparation and practice" (p.6) this from Hindle (1998) gives clear instruction on to how best go
about starting a presentation. First the subject matter must be refined, the purpose of the presentation decided and the tone set. From this point it is
easier to start gathering materials, the sources will be dictated by the type of presentation being given. If the presentation is lighter in nature it would be
acceptable to gather information from a similarly informal source such as the internet. However if the presentation is more formal and intended to be
informative rather than entertaining, sources must be thoroughly researched and gathered from reputable publications. Whilst it more content...
Many may be unable to identify the differences offhand but the written word passed off as spoken will jar to an audience who may then disengage
from a presentation that sounds stilted and impersonal. The spoken word allows for colloquialisms, words which under the under the usual
grammatical restraints would be frowned upon, become acceptable, even preferable as they bring the presenter closer to their audience. It implies that
the speaker is not reading off a script but actually talking to the audience. It creates the illusion that they are participating in a conversation rather than
being talked at, which may cause them to become detached from the speaker. A more relaxed conversational tone builds rapport and will go a long
way towards maintaining the attention of the room. When reading written text the reader is able to go at their own pace, look up certain words or
re–read a sentence. When listening to spoken word this is not possible. As Jay and Jay (2004) point out, "...for writing for that sort of communication
you have to think in new ways about clarity and lucidity: in a presentation you not only have to present all the relevant information clearly, you also
have to present it in the best order for instant assimilation (p.41)." A good presentation is one which fulfils its brief, whether that be to entertain, inform
or persuade. There are many different ways in which these objectives can be achieved but
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Group Presentation Essay
Assignment 3
1. Watch two of Pal's commercials. What do they emphasize? After watching two of the commercials for Pal's you see that they emphasize a lot on
how fast their product is made and how popular their food products are too many people including old to young. Pal's product line consists of a
focused group of food, hamburgers, ham and chicken sandwiches, hot dogs, French fries, and breakfast biscuits and beverages, soft drinks, tea, coffee,
milk shakes with a unique flavor profile designed to meet their customers' taste requirements. Pal's has developed the ability to effectively integrate
manufacturing, service, and retail into its operational systems. They have also learned to apply world–class management principles more
Owner/operators also maintain a communications log. They record what they have learned about sales, expenses, customers, staff, products, services,
equipment, and suppliers, and they list ideas for improvement. Weekly logs are sent to senior Pal's executives, who comb the entries for issues and
opportunities to be addressed at formal monthly management reviews of organizational and business results. Data are gathered systematically at all
levels––process, shift, individual store, and entire business. The company's enterprise resource planning system, SysDine, is a key tool, generating
store–level and company–wide data on sales, customer count, product mix, ideal food and material cost, and turnover rates. This information supports
daily operational decisions. It also is used to update Pal's Balanced Scorecard of Core Performance Measures, which links directly to its key business
drivers: quality, service, cleanliness, value, people, and speed.
Managers regularly review the value of the data collected, and the company employs an outside statistician to evaluate the type of information tracked,
how it is used, and how it is collected.
7. How does Pal's "drive–thru only concept" affect speed of service?
The quick–service restaurant business, the facilities and equipment must be capable, reliable, and sanitary. The drive–thru facility at Pal's has been
designed to be efficient and
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Microsoft Powerpoint
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint, usually just called PowerPoint, is a non–free commercial presentation program developed by Microsoft. It is part of the
Microsoft Office suite, and runs on Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS X operating system. The current versions are Microsoft Office
PowerPoint 2010 for Windows and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2011 for Mac.
Originally designed for the Macintosh computers, the initial release was called "Presenter", developed by Dennis Austin[not in citation given] and
Thomas Rudkin[not in citation given] of Forethought, Inc.[1] In 1987, it was renamed to "PowerPoint" due to problems with trademarks, the idea for
the name coming from Robert Gaskins.[2] In August of the same year, more content...
There are no compelling results to prove or disprove that PowerPoint is more effective for learner retention than traditional presentation methods.[9]
The effect on audiences of poor PowerPoint presentations has been described as PowerPoint hell.
Although PowerPoint has the aforementioned benefits, some argue that PowerPoint has negatively impacted society. The terms "Death by PowerPoint"
and "PowerPoint Hell" refer to the poor use of the software. Many large companies and branches of the government use PowerPoint as a way to brief
employees on important issues that they must make decisions about. Opponents of PowerPoint argue that reducing complex issues to bulleted points is
detrimental to the decision making process; in other words, because the amount of information in a presentation must be condensed, viewing a
PowerPoint presentation does not give one enough detailed information to make a truly informed decision.
A frequently cited example is Edward Tufte's analysis of PowerPoint slides prepared for briefing NASA officials concerning possible damage to the
Space Shuttle Columbia during its final launch.[10] Tufte argues that the slides, prepared by the Boeing Corporation, had the effect of oversimplifying
the situation, and provided false assurance that the ultimately fatal damage to the shuttle was only minimal. Tufte argued:
The most critical
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Ilm 5 Effective Presentations

  • 1. Ilm 5 Effective Presentations M5.27 Making a Professional Presentation Contents Page Be able to plan a professional presentation o Aims and objectives of the presentation are identified o The intended audience for the presentation is identified and their level of understanding of the presentation topic is assessed o Information of the presentation topic of researched, evaluated and selected o The content and structure of the presentation is planned o Visual aids and other materials required for the presentation are prepared o The location and any equipment for the presentation is prepared Be able to deliver a professional presentation o Your Subject matter is presented at an appropriate level of understanding for the audience and is more content... Additionally i used the room to practice my presentation utilising the actual equipment I would use on the day to make sure a was familiar with the it and how it worked. Be able to deliver a professional presentation I pitched my presentation knowing who the audience was and preconceived assumptions of their knowledge and understanding, as mentioned above. Feedback from the audience at the end of the presentation suggested the content level was appropriate. I used multiple sources of data (ILM Handouts / Internet) to verify that the presentation was factually correct. I ensured whilst I made my presentation that I spoke clearly and steadily. I have a tendency to talk quickly so I paid particular attention to controlling the speed of my voice. I also ensured I maintained eye contact with my audience and tried not to focus just on one individual. Please see attached Presentation. Be able to evaluate own ability to make a professional presentations The feedback I received was varied. The planning, structure and content of the presentation was good and well structured. Based on this feedback I was happy with the flow and how the presentation came across from this perspective. As a result I don't think I would change how I went about creating the presentation. I do a lot of planning and project work as part of my day to day job so structuring it I found quite
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  • 3. Reflection Of Group Presentation My group's presentation was on ' Nutrition' which focused on Maori adolescent aged 10–12. It was structured into four sections. We used powerpoint slides alongside clear explanation for each section. In order to capture audience's attention, we avoided adding too many texts on the slides and used pictures, tables or quotes instead. In the final section we tried to engage the audience by showing a video rather than constant verbal explanation. I felt really anxious during my presentation. I couldn't control my hands and legs shaking when I stood at the front of the classroom and faced around 70 students. In order to cover up my anxiety and deliver a good presentation, I tried to calm down and imagined that no audience in the classroom. more content... Regarding to the speech delivery rate, my lecturer and 4 class members all pointed that my speech was too quick which I should pay highly attention to. I was too anxious and not confident enough during my presentation which leaded to a poor circulation that I tended to finish my speech as soon as possible. Too fast speech disclose a person's nervousness and a lack of control, which will influence audiences to receive messages and understand it. Aryadoust (2015) identified that maintaining a suitable speech delivery rate is a key factor that can affect speech intelligibility. A study also showed that presenters' lack of this skill leads to listeners' confusion and misinterpretation of verbal input (Aryadoust, 2015). Completing this group presentation has taught me how to deliver an effective communication. The most important thing I have learned was the way I present rather than information itself. I will not realize this problem if without this experience. The feedback given by lecturer and class member has helped me a lot in recognising my strength and weakness. Being a good presenter requires that I prepare well before each speech and practice speaking in front of a mirror as often as possible, especially practice to present in proper tone and speed. There are a range of videos from YouTube that I now think I ought to look at to observe how people give an effective presentation especially to notify Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Presentation of Self Writing Assignment 3 DSSAE100J December 3, 2010 The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life "When an individual enters the presence of others, they commonly seek to acquire
information about him or to bring into play information about him already possessed. They
will be interested in his general socio–economic status, his conception of self, his attitude
towards them, his competence, his trustworthiness, etc. Although some of this information is
sought as an end in itself, there are usually quite practical reasons for acquiring it. Information
about the individual helps to define the situation, enabling others to know in advance what he
will expect of them and what they may expect of him. Informed in these ways, the others will more content... The image my parents may have thought me to be, at times, actually was not me. I wanted to be my parent's princess and the golden child, so I acted in a way to seek their approval which in some ways was not the "real" me. These conditions occur because of the existence of self presentational rules according to Goffman. "When one individual enters the presence of others, he will want to discover the facts of the situation. Were he to possess this information."Also when meeting an individual we try to get information about them so we can act accordingly to their approval. How we act with one friend may not be the way we act with another. We determine the person's status and attitude and decide for ourselves if we want to be a part of that. When we gather the information when first meeting someone, it determines the way we think and act towards them. Erving Goffman revolves his view of the human life around the belief that we are all actors who have both a front stage behavior and a back stage behavior. From an early age we have become skilled actors and move in and out of roles with precision such as with our family and friends. We follow the formal societal rules when we are on the front stage reciting a script, playing a role. This would include going to work, presenting ourselves as the person we should uphold to take part in society. On the other side, Goffman says our back stage behavior is informal, as we'd act when we are Get more content on
  • 5. Presentation In The Military Presentations can be unforgettable. They cause us to envision possibilities and contemplate the future. Unfortunately they can also be unforgettable in how they make us suffer. They can be tedious. Both examples were apparent during my 24 year career in the military. Bovee and Thill state, "Planning oral presentations are much like planning any other business message: You analyze the situation, gather information, select the right medium, and organize the information" (p.434). Presentations in my organization accomplish this and other times don't. Usually one can tell when this has been done and when it hasn't. Several are effective and others aren't. There are basic reasons why specific presentations capture attention and certain don't. One of the biggest problems with presentations in our workplace is, redundancy. They pound the same information repeatedly. There have been presentations delivered, where person decided that a word or point needed to change that would create little to no difference in the presentation; however, we would be required to view another presentation of the same material, occasionally less than a month after having it presented. This goes against one of Bovee and Thills purpose for a message, "Will anything change as a result of your message" (p. 94). Others are quite the opposite. There are times we more content... Several had no experience or training at all. Other had a little. However, when presented a task to craft a presentation they would always try the best they could. One could realize their inexperience in areas of confidence and practice. In our reading it says, "Stop worrying about being perfect" (Bovee & Thill, 2016 p. 448). Several of the junior members would become frustrated over making mistakes. If one happened, you could notice them unravel during their presentations. They would forget that we all make mistakes, even when we Get more content on
  • 6. How important is Presentation Skills Presentation Skills are extremely essential for you to succeed professionally. In today's business environment, the competition in the workplace is getting more competitive. It is no longer enough for you to have the necessary capability to do the job, you should also be able to talk well, write well, and present yourself attractively to your superiors. What better way to let other people know what you're capable of than by presenting a great idea or a plan during a meeting. However, you need to have the necessary presentation skills to succeed in this endeavor. The most important element during a presentation is you. You are the one that theaudience is concentrating on. You convey who you are based on more content... It does not matter if you are the most attractive person in the room with the personality to match it if the content of your presentation itself means nothing. So you should prepare an in–depth and comprehensive study of the topic you are assigned and present it in an intelligent and confident manner. It is only then that people can say that you are really indeed, a great worker or business owner. Actually though, a lot of people take weeks if not months to come up with the appropriate content for a presentation. First, the speaker should have an objective for the presentation. This will determine the content and the structure of the entire presentation. It is also important to look at the audience so that the mode of presentation would be appropriate to the knowledge and interest. Now, going through all these are also part of developing great presentation skills. Developing presentation skills and giving an effective presentation is not an easy matter. It is said that some people are born with presentation skills but you should also remember that presentation skills can be learned. And take note that presentation skills can be developed further when it is being practiced regularly so develop your presentation skills and become an Get more content on
  • 7. Evaluation Of A Presentation On Presentation Part 3: Evaluate your presentation Evaluation of one to one presentation The final part of this assessment requires you to evaluate your presentations. Your self– evaluation report should be typed document and include around 500 words. It should address the following questions and be written in plain English: 1.What worked well during the presentation? The following areas worked well during the presentation: Confidence: I have shown the required confidence during the presentation and questioning time after the presentation. Because I have spent a lot of time to prepare the information of the presentation topics and get myself familiarized with the information, so when I was presenting I feel comfortable and confident. Answered audiences' questions: as I have been knowledgeable with the presentation topics I have been able to answer all the questions raised by the participants and ensure my answers are detailed and thorough. 2.What did not work well? The following areas didn't work well during the presentation: Voice: due to the space of the presentation location some participants who were sitting at the back or in the corner areas are unable to hear my presentation clearly. I will arrange some audio equipment next time when I need to provide the presentation in a similar location. Time management: As I have prepared the topics very well and I would like to provide as much information to the participants as possible during the presentation, I have spent Get more content on
  • 8. Group Presentation Report Throughout the course of this class, my group and I had done a lot of research, analyzing, and discussing before the creation of our poster. The day we had learned that we were partners for this project, we all exchanged phone numbers and used a texting group chat as our main way of communication. We much preferred meeting face to face every so often as compared to using Blackboard and when we actually wanted to meet, we often used the library in Gorham. We decided to work mostly independently throughout most of the course, conducting our own research and recording information that we found to be useful eventually. Our group decided not to assign each member a task to do independently, instead, all of our work would be compiled together more content... We decided on using the group study rooms located in the library so we could work on the poster with a television as well as it around a table and talk. December 1st and December 6th were our important days where we met and actually constructed the poster. We met at 9:30 AM and utilized the free time we had from having no class. I brought up the idea of using Google Slides instead of a PowerPoint. I informed my group that creating the project this way, we would be able to all connect to the presentation and work on it together from separate computers. I also figured out how to download the Google Slide presentation into a PowerPoint so it could be presented in class. I discussed the information I had collected as well as my opinions and analysis on how Clinton conducted their campaign. My group had some small troubles when it came to creating the basic layout of the poster. I found the document which had the rubric for the poster and the presentation. I advised using the main points of the rubric as the main points and sections for the poster. The rubric elevated if we talked about things such as the results, data, and campaign efforts so I made sure we titled the different sections of the poster with what was being evaluated. This why I was sure we would hit all the major points that we wanted to talk about. We began finding pictures and data and tried to figure out how it would all be incorporated in. After some trial and error, we had the basis of our poster. I realized that the poster did not really flow so I suggested moving the sections around so they could be read left to right, starting with the objective of the project and ending with the conclusion. In around 4 hours we had completed the poster to our satisfaction, making sure everyone's input was accounted for. We assigned sections for each member to discuss during Get more content on
  • 9. School Presentation Essay On Tuesday before class started, we had a group meeting concerning our oral presentation. Most of us have met a week earlier to discuss what we were going to talk about during the presentation. We put it together on PowerPoint and quickly went over all the slides. One thing I learned about our group is that some of us tend to shy away when doing presentations in front of the class. Voluntarily I wouldn't go up, depending what the topic is and if I knew much about it. If I prepare for it, I don't mind doing it. Communication is very important when working in groups. This is what keeps most of them together. Communication wasn't a problem in our group because most of us knew each other. Some of the members I do not usually communicate more content... Although this wasn't a big presentation, I believed that body movement might have helped make it more interesting. I know for myself, if I do a big presentation, I try to move my hands around. When I communicate through emails, I try to be really courteous to my members because something I say, someone else might take it differently. I use a lot of short cuts when I type and sometimes people might not understand what it means. When I emailed two group members that I don't usually talk to online, they kind of had trouble understanding what I was trying to say. To solve that, I just called them up and explained why I chose United Way to give our money to. The rest of the members were ok with email. The best way for our group to communicate with each other was either in class or through the email system. So far, all team members have participated in most of the meetings and we all did our part to put the presentation together so there was no social loafing going on. When we presented, this was upward communication as this information was going to a higher level which was the professor. I learned that the communication process is very important when working with groups. It allows each member to give their say and input to the task at hand. Not only is it important in groups, also individually as well such as giving information to your supervisor or to a colleague. I know for myself that when I'm doing a PowerPoint presentation, I tend to Get more content on
  • 10. Presentation Analysis Essay examples This memo examines the strengths and weaknesses of my presentation on March 19, 2010. In addition, the memo discusses my goals for improvement in future presentations as well as a review of Aly Sherali's presentation. Presentation Strengths My organization, voice, and passion were all strong points of my presentation. This allowed me to effectively engage my audience and convey my content in an efficient and logical way. Organization Tim Koegel, author of The Exceptional Presenter, explains that there are two essential facets of organizing a presentation: developing a structure that allows you to frame your objective and cover your material smoothly, and looking organized to your audience (Koegel, 31–32). I structured my slides more content... Even if a presenter is the leading authority on a topic, being unprepared can signal the opposite to the audience and cause them to disengage before the presentation even starts (Koegel, 45). I arrived to the venue early, made sure my presentation was easily accessible, and checked to see if my slides worked correctly on the computer. This allowed me to efficiently and confidently lead off my presentation and ensure that I could capture the audience's attention. Voice The voice is a valuable tool to becoming an exceptional presenter (Koegel, 84). I used my voice as an effective asset throughout my presentation. My volume was at an effective level throughout the presentation and sounded confident. I also employed inflection in my voice on key points to maintain audience attention. According to studies, eighty–four percent of the impact you have comes from your voice, not your words. I was very careful to avoid monotone voice, which significantly shortens the attention span of an audience (Koegel, 84). I also took great care to eliminate any "verbal graffiti" as Koegel refers to it. Verbal graffiti is any non–essential "filler" words that distract the audience and dilute your impact (Koegel, 87). I practiced my presentation many times and was confident enough with the material that I did not fill my pauses with any filler words. I stayed focused on my content, which helped my audience to do
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  • 12. Presentation And Performance Group Presentation and Performance Our Presentation and Performance demonstrates our knowledge of the test through our ability to identify major themes, characters, literary elements, and quotations to support each element of the Presentation and Performance. Each member of our group was assigned a separate task to complete in order to achieve a high quality project through the most efficient method. The presentation demonstrates our knowledge of overall themes in the text, and those that are present in the scene because we were able to identify them and include support with quotes from the text. The presentation and performance also shows that we understand the characters through our ability to identify their role in the scene as well more content... She assisted in making the powerpoint, and she helped with the scene summary, characters, and theme slides. Her role is short, but humorous. Because she is playing a small performing role, she is going to present a character slide and the context slide of the powerpoint to the class. Shubha is playing the part of Capulet, which is the largest acting role. She focused on explaining the characters and finding a video to include along with the presentation, and because she is playing the largest role in the performance, Shubha is not going to present the powerpoint. Komal is playing the role of Lady Capulet. She assisted in editing the powerpoint, creating the context of the scene slide, and she found pictures for several of the slides. She will be presenting the summary slide and the first character slide to the class, due to the fact that her speaking part is minimal. Megan is playing the role of the Nurse, and she helped in making the literary term slide and writing the paper. She will be presenting the theme slide and the literary term slide of the powerpoint.. Reilly is playing the role of Juliet, and she assisted in creating the theme slide and the literary element slide, as well as helping with writing the paper. Because she is playing the second largest role in the performance, she will not be presenting the powerpoint. Not only did each of us memorize their lines and create the powerpoint but we also explained our own role Get more content on
  • 13. Senior Presentation Essay Chelan High class of 2016 have had a busy week. Students who are currently seniors are all required to complete a presentations prior to graduation. Presenting has been required for the last 10 years and even before Principal Barry DePaoli was principal. Presentations were located depending which advisor the students has. The times were started from 3:55 to 8:00 pm between those dozens of students presented the past three days. A letter is sent home to paretns and students to encourage to invite anyone. Panel members are constied of community members, teachers, or even past students. The members are handed a grading rubric in which they listen to what the students discuss within the time range of 15 minutes. DePaoli said, "Senior more content... "I was ameazed at how funny they were and I really think we have an amazing group of students." Students who presented shared their experiences. Current senior Thomas Armstrong said, "I was nervous at first, but as I began to share all that went away" He adds, "I wdas grateful to have this opportunity to thank those who made high school such a sucess." Current senior Dianna Sanchez said, "My senior presentation went well, I was not really nervous at all because I am used to performing and I was comfortable with all the people who came" She continues, "I was really happy to do my senior presentation because it made me reflect back on my past years of high school, and how lucky I am to go to Chelan and be surrounded by amazing people everyday." Former senior Josie Gallop said, "I cried a lot becasue my niece died this year and my two lambs died, it was happy, but it was sad, it was really emotional" She adds, "I really like talking in front of people, but it was hard to talk about when somethinghad happended in my life and I never really expressed how I feel, but all of sudden getting in fornt of a tone of people telling them how you feel is way Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Education Presentation Meetings Two and Three: Education Presentation The first presentation should take place by Dec. 31. The second should be completed prior to March 1. Persons Responsible Education Chairman Education Committee Campus or Community Professional Outcomes Two education presentations will be conducted prior to March 1. oThe topics are selected as part of the Senior Survey. TheEducation Chairman and her committee may use the quick programming guides and facilitator scripts to conduct the education presentations. Additionally, a campus or community professional may conduct an education presentation using a provided community guide. Pillar of Education Various options available Time 60 Minutes Materials Quick Programming Guide more content... Ask participants to turn to a partner and share which tip they feel is most critical when buying or leasing a car. Ask two or three people to share their thoughts. PowerPoint Slides Three, Four and Five 10 Minutes IV.Discussion Questions Break the large group into small groups of five or six people. Ask members to discuss the questions listed in the quick programming guide. After small groups have discussed, ask two or three groups to share their responses with the larger group. PowerPoint Slide Six 15–20 Minutes V.Let's Play: Zoom, Zoom, Zoom Using the quick programming guide, facilitate the activity called "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom." PowerPoint Slide Seven 10 Minutes VI.Problem–Solving: Case Study Divide participants into new small groups of three people and provide each group with a copy of the case study. Allow groups five minutes to discuss the case study. When done, ask members of each group to share one mistake they identified. Case Study PowerPoint Slide Eight 2 Minutes VII.Wrap Up Thank everyone for coming and close with the quote provided in the quick programming guide. PowerPoint Slide Nine Option Two: Housing Persons Responsible Education Chairman Education Committee Campus or Community Professional Outcome Senior members will develop skills to help aid them in the transition to life outside of the college setting. Pillar of Education Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on PowerPoint in Education PowerPoint in Education Over the years education has been making rapid technological advances, it seems like every year there is some new tool entering the classroom. Most of us today don't remember when classrooms were using chalk and slate boards because of the new technology that we have developed. Now we have grown accustom to overheard projectors, television and computers, but what seems to be the new trend of education is Power Point. It is every where we turn, "more than 90% of computer–based presentation visuals in the country are created using PowerPoint."(Ricky Telg, Ph.D., andTracy Irani, Ph.D.) The basic break down of power–point, has to do with visuals, it is a program that offers templates for doing a presentation more content... In our technologically based society, power point presentations are slowly beginning to take over the out–dated and tedious job of scribbling on chalkboards. A power point presentation is a simple process which can be done by the non–computer oriented people as well as the experts. It involves creating slides, then projecting the slides on to a large projection screen and the presenter is in complete charge of slide transition in the presentation with a simple click of the mouse. It can be filled with bright colored fonts and animated effects to promote interest. When used effectively, it can provide a great deal of information to the audience by using the graphically enhanced effects. It also helps the presenter to organize their presentation instead of dealing with note cards or papers. A power point presentation is highly powerful tool in the classroom, and as technology progresses so will the program. Ensuring that teaching in the classroom will gradually become a much easier task (Telg, 2001). Many teachers like to use PowerPoint in the classroom because it is easy to use and it portrays information in a very organized manner. From the growing popularity of PowerPoint in the classroom, it is clear that there are many pros to this teaching tool. When used correctly, PowerPoint benefits both the teacher and the students because the teacher will be able "to explain abstract concepts, while accommodating all learning Get more content on
  • 16. Presentation Skills Presentation skills relate to us as a person, its what other people see as they approach us, for example appropriate clothes and a smart appearance and the welcoming with give them and our face expression, every single thing we do sends a message to them about us. 1. Body language – Using your body and hands to express yourself. 2. Verbal and non–verbal – Verbalcommunication is when you make speech with another person and non–verbal can be done by body language and/or sign language. 3. Listening – Pay interest to someone or something in order to hear them. 4. Seeking clarifications – Looking for something clearer or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation. more content... You would need to speak to your customers politely and have a nice smooth tone just the way you talk to your tutor and the way you would talk if you was in a interview. You would have to know when you should be formal and informal on the phone or speaking to your manager. Verbal communication is when you make a speech with another person and non verbal can be done by body language and sign language. Being assertive in listening and speaking will mean that your intentions are clear to others and you understand others clearly and correctly. You would have to speak clearly so that your customer understands. Also the pace of your voice which you speak it is not a good impression if you speak slow which will make employers think your shy or nervous. In a company you would not be able to speak slang around business staffs. Communicating with all the other organisers will help meet the organisation function more effectively as the business will run a lot smoother and everyone in the business will know what is happening, and what they have to do to keep the business running. Keeping a steady frame of mind is good communication and when a problem crops up, each area leader should get together and talk through the problems and come to some sort of agreement. It is important that staff prevent themselves appropriately and prepare their work area before the djz arrive and visitors. In life fm majority of customers are members of the public coming to advertise staff Get more content on
  • 17. Presentation Level| Midterm Presentation| Final Presentation| Presentation Criteria| 12| 10%| 15%| English Conversation II Fall 2012–2 = Level 3 * Midterm Presentation will cover Units: 1, 2, 4, or 7 * Final Presentation will cover Units: 3, 9 ,11, 8, or 12| | Drama or Video5–10 minutes(Groups of 3–4)| Minimum 5 minutes presentation (Groups of 3–4)| | * 3 * 4| Drama or Video5 –10 minutes(Groups of 3–4)| Minimum 15 minutes presentation (Groups of 3–4)| | | | | | Presentation Implementation Criteria (Level – based) The following is an outline of the how the Presentations are expected to be conducted depending on the LEVEL. *Credit Course – English Conversation I &II: Begins at Level 3 & 4* more content... Presentation keeps to time limit of 5–7 minutes.| Students have made an excellent effort to use props/costumes/ technology to make their presentation more understandable and enjoyable.| Presentation shows some originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in an interesting way. Presentation is interesting and creative| Teachers will evaluate MIDTERM PRESENTATIONS based on this rubric. 210| Oral Presentation Skills| Communicates ideas with proper voice projection. Adequate preparation and delivery.| Some difficulty communicating ideas, due to voice projection, lack of preparation, orincomplete work | Great difficulty communicating ideas. Poor voice projection. Little preparation or incomplete work. | Cannot communicate ideas. No projection. No preparation.| Language| Language usageis appropriate; no grammatical errors.| Language usage is mostly appropriate; few grammatical errors.| Language usage is somewhat appropriate; many grammatical errors.| Language usage is mostly inappropriate| Preparedness/ Length| Members are prepared in advance. Presentation keeps to time limit of 8–10 minutes.| Members are prepared in advance. Presentation runs too long or too short.| Members are prepared in advance. Presentation runs excessively long or short.| Members are not prepared in advance.| Technology| Students have made anexcellent effort to use Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Online Presentation NEARPOD KRISTEN BUTERA WHAT IS NEARPOD? An interactive online presentation and assessment tool Teachers can use a premade presentation or teachers can create their own presentations. Teachers can create presentations that include: Embedded video Quizzes Surveys Website links Images Teachers navigate the presentation while the students interact with the presentation on their own devices. BENEFITS OF NEARPOD Creates an interactive classroom environment. Engaging multimedia content to focus student learning. Encourages technology use infused with lecture. Students can access Nearpod from anywhere. Teachers can use and adapt already created presentations. Real time assessment data collected during the presentation. VISION FOR TECHNOLOGY more content... Nearpod help center for questions and frequently asked questions. Personalized training and support through Nearpod with a school membership. Nearpod self–paced courses that help teachers get started and create presentation. Regularly scheduled demos and webinars with Nearpod.
  • 19. LIMITATIONS Students need internet access and a device to use the program outside of school. Students need permission from parents to download the app on their device. Due to the need for 1:1, teachers will need to gather the needed equipment. Teachers need time to preview the presentations to ensure that they are grade level and content appropriate. COST The app is free to download for students Lessons: A few in the library are free and others are available to purchase for $2.99 or less Silver: Free to use for up to 30 students Gold: $120/teacher/year for up to 50 students School: estimated $120/teacher/year for up to 100 students A CLOSER LOOK AT THE PLANS FUNDING SUGGESTIONS PTA could help fund individual teacher plans. School/district plan funding could come from the budget for technology programming or E–Splost funds. Grants written by teachers or schools to fund Nearpod. Use websites such as to raise needed funds. HOW CAN TEACHERS USE NEARPOD? Teachers can find or create Get more content on
  • 20. Presentation Commentary Essay "There are two secrets to making a good presentation: preparation and practice" (p.6) this from Hindle (1998) gives clear instruction on to how best go about starting a presentation. First the subject matter must be refined, the purpose of the presentation decided and the tone set. From this point it is easier to start gathering materials, the sources will be dictated by the type of presentation being given. If the presentation is lighter in nature it would be acceptable to gather information from a similarly informal source such as the internet. However if the presentation is more formal and intended to be informative rather than entertaining, sources must be thoroughly researched and gathered from reputable publications. Whilst it more content... Many may be unable to identify the differences offhand but the written word passed off as spoken will jar to an audience who may then disengage from a presentation that sounds stilted and impersonal. The spoken word allows for colloquialisms, words which under the under the usual grammatical restraints would be frowned upon, become acceptable, even preferable as they bring the presenter closer to their audience. It implies that the speaker is not reading off a script but actually talking to the audience. It creates the illusion that they are participating in a conversation rather than being talked at, which may cause them to become detached from the speaker. A more relaxed conversational tone builds rapport and will go a long way towards maintaining the attention of the room. When reading written text the reader is able to go at their own pace, look up certain words or re–read a sentence. When listening to spoken word this is not possible. As Jay and Jay (2004) point out, "...for writing for that sort of communication you have to think in new ways about clarity and lucidity: in a presentation you not only have to present all the relevant information clearly, you also have to present it in the best order for instant assimilation (p.41)." A good presentation is one which fulfils its brief, whether that be to entertain, inform or persuade. There are many different ways in which these objectives can be achieved but Get more content on
  • 21. Group Presentation Essay Assignment 3 1. Watch two of Pal's commercials. What do they emphasize? After watching two of the commercials for Pal's you see that they emphasize a lot on how fast their product is made and how popular their food products are too many people including old to young. Pal's product line consists of a focused group of food, hamburgers, ham and chicken sandwiches, hot dogs, French fries, and breakfast biscuits and beverages, soft drinks, tea, coffee, milk shakes with a unique flavor profile designed to meet their customers' taste requirements. Pal's has developed the ability to effectively integrate manufacturing, service, and retail into its operational systems. They have also learned to apply world–class management principles more content... Owner/operators also maintain a communications log. They record what they have learned about sales, expenses, customers, staff, products, services, equipment, and suppliers, and they list ideas for improvement. Weekly logs are sent to senior Pal's executives, who comb the entries for issues and opportunities to be addressed at formal monthly management reviews of organizational and business results. Data are gathered systematically at all levels––process, shift, individual store, and entire business. The company's enterprise resource planning system, SysDine, is a key tool, generating store–level and company–wide data on sales, customer count, product mix, ideal food and material cost, and turnover rates. This information supports daily operational decisions. It also is used to update Pal's Balanced Scorecard of Core Performance Measures, which links directly to its key business drivers: quality, service, cleanliness, value, people, and speed. Managers regularly review the value of the data collected, and the company employs an outside statistician to evaluate the type of information tracked, how it is used, and how it is collected. 7. How does Pal's "drive–thru only concept" affect speed of service? The quick–service restaurant business, the facilities and equipment must be capable, reliable, and sanitary. The drive–thru facility at Pal's has been designed to be efficient and Get more content on
  • 22. Microsoft Powerpoint Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft PowerPoint, usually just called PowerPoint, is a non–free commercial presentation program developed by Microsoft. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite, and runs on Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS X operating system. The current versions are Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 for Windows and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2011 for Mac. History Originally designed for the Macintosh computers, the initial release was called "Presenter", developed by Dennis Austin[not in citation given] and Thomas Rudkin[not in citation given] of Forethought, Inc.[1] In 1987, it was renamed to "PowerPoint" due to problems with trademarks, the idea for the name coming from Robert Gaskins.[2] In August of the same year, more content... There are no compelling results to prove or disprove that PowerPoint is more effective for learner retention than traditional presentation methods.[9] The effect on audiences of poor PowerPoint presentations has been described as PowerPoint hell. [edit]Criticism Although PowerPoint has the aforementioned benefits, some argue that PowerPoint has negatively impacted society. The terms "Death by PowerPoint" and "PowerPoint Hell" refer to the poor use of the software. Many large companies and branches of the government use PowerPoint as a way to brief employees on important issues that they must make decisions about. Opponents of PowerPoint argue that reducing complex issues to bulleted points is detrimental to the decision making process; in other words, because the amount of information in a presentation must be condensed, viewing a PowerPoint presentation does not give one enough detailed information to make a truly informed decision. A frequently cited example is Edward Tufte's analysis of PowerPoint slides prepared for briefing NASA officials concerning possible damage to the Space Shuttle Columbia during its final launch.[10] Tufte argues that the slides, prepared by the Boeing Corporation, had the effect of oversimplifying the situation, and provided false assurance that the ultimately fatal damage to the shuttle was only minimal. Tufte argued: The most critical Get more content on