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Every step counts
When a journey begins, all
there is, is the road before us,
the desire to travel it and
travelling it. This booklet is a
series of companion
collectable books that will
positively reaffirm you
through your life journey,
encourage you to keep going
and by the contagious nature
of enthusiasm, make you
travel this blissfully, knowing
that “you are not alone”
Mr. GetItDunn
Make Life work … LIVE!!!
The permission to succeed
This manuscript is written with the intention to liberate you in your
thinking so that YOU shall know that the success that you so desire,
resides within you.
Only you have the power to dream your dreams, for your dreams can
only come true for you and nobody else. This invariably should
therefore also mean that, since the power to dream dreams is at your
disposal, the pursuit of the same
is your chosen destiny. If the
dreams that we have are not
pursued, they are relegated to
whimsical fictional fairytales or
castles in the sky. Your duty is to
pursue the dreams that you
When a person desires something,
(at that very moment of desire),
the ability to make it come true also comes with the conjuring up of the
desire. Anything that the mind can conceive, that same, can be
converted into the equivalent experience. The detail of the dream is
very important in pursuit of dreams, for how else shall you know that
they come true? Are you not tired of déjà vu being the only clue of your
own revelations? Are you happy with thinking that this phenomenon
(déjà vu) is just a random event and yet it keeps happening?
I am going to show you and indicate that you have, all along, been the
master designer of the life that you have led. Everything has its reason
for happening, as much as your reading of these words ought to produce
the results that are intended for you as I write.
“The giver of dreams
surely must have
made provision for
the attainment of
If you have been needing permission to start off on your dream, no
matter what kind of permission it has been, I want to introduce you to
the only person that can grant such permission. It is said that “greater
is He that is in me than he that is in the world”, but what or who is in
me if not me as I seek such permission?
The giver of dreams surely must have made provision for the attainment
of dreams. Could I not really be clearly giving you the answer in saying,
YOU Are?
You are responsible for the success that you shall achieve by the
measure of belief in your dream that you accord to the day-to-day
occurrences that add up to a fulfilled dream.
Is it not high time that you took charge of your own life expression and
experiences? Anything that you imagine to be worth doing, is worth
doing well, and if you find it to be worthwhile, “just do it”. Get it Dunn.
Most are amazed how it is that the things they did for fun or as pass-
time ended up changing the world. They always express their success
with so much humility that is accounted for by the amazement that
comes with something that starts off so small.
The mind (the creative workshop)
There are laws that govern the natural world just as there are spiritual
laws that govern all existence. “Transform yourself by the renewal of
your mind” the Paul says in his letter. You have to realize that you are a
spiritual being that is having a physical experience. This means that the
underlying law that you have to abide by is the spiritual law. This is a
supreme law. To be able to observe natural law is beneficial to the one
that observes it but better yet is to be observant of spiritual laws.
Creation occurs at the spiritual level because the physical is only a
reflection of the spiritual or the mere manifestation of what the spirit
Man has a mind so that he may think limitless possibilities. Man’s
limitlessness of thought may just be the very image that is referred to in
our likeness to the creator. You fashion with your mind the life that you
are to explore on this physical plane or experience by first holding the
like images in your mind.
Give thought to the thoughts that you let into your mind. As we live, we
have a part to play in collecting the data of all experiences and creating
our responses for self-preservation to make this life an awesome one;
seeking to get as far from pain and as close as possible to pleasure. He
who masters his mind will endure and defeat any adversity for he shall
always seek to find the seed of victory in all things. Be thankful in all
things for it is through the things that you go through that lifelong
learning occurs.
Frame of reference
Let me take advantage of the technological age that we are in with an
analogy for what I refer to as a frame of reference and its play or
A “smartphone” is capable of storing as much information as was
previously possible only on a laptop or desktop computer. Let us
assume that the capacity to store is 32gig. The whole 32gig is to be
filled with whatever information, videos, pictures, or music.
Let us examine closer what happens when we for example, you select
all the music files and place them onto your playlist. Let us just say that
you have 1000 songs. You then press shuffle or random on your music
player. Now the music that you have is due to your selection of
whatever genre that you selected to have stored until you had the 1000
songs. On pressing play, where are the chances in a particular genre
most favorable or most likely? In life, you shall have to dance to the
songs that you play.
Similarly, if all your pictures are placed on a slideshow that plays
randomly, what are the chances of beautiful, happy, inspirational, or
whatever types of pictures to appear that are pleasing to see?
In creating your frame of reference, it is and entails all the information
and the interpretation thereof that you choose to place into your
memory bank or collect as you go through life. I will add a cherry on top
by saying that remember, even the imagination’s pictures, videos and
songs also become part of the playlist of your life’s experience.
What else do you think is the use and purpose of the imagination, if not
to create, fabricate and project possibilities onto that playlist of life,
which even though seems random, can be influenced and thereby
The grantor of success
Man succeeds not because of how clever he is or how crafty, but
because of the grace of God. Ask, believe, and receive. All living beings
seem to call to a higher being, a creator, in time of need or danger. To
almighty shall all prayers be directed for he is the creator of all things
that ever have and that shall ever be. I like to see Him as the grandest
existence that takes care of the minutest detail. Every fibre of my being
is made of what he is made of. Amazingly, this is true for everything in
existence. All that exists is an expression of God.
The Almighty is not an emotional being as most may like to think, but no
man can define Almighty for ALL is a manifestation of His creation.
When you are in atonement with ALL, then whatever you shall ask is
yours as you have believed. The impartial Almighty declares that all
things are possible to those that believe. Did Jesus not say “I tell you, it
is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. It is even easier
for a camel to go through the eye of the needle. Yet still, with God,
nothing is impossible”.
He is the creator of all things and without him, there was nothing made
because everything was made out of Him and of Him. All there ever
was, currently is and is to come, is made from Him, by Him, of Him and
even for Him. There is nothing that IS without Him.
You ARE His very image, His masterpiece. “All that ye desire, is a
pleasure of the Lord to give to you”.
When you know yourself in and within Almighty, you will discover that
the things that you have ever desired are as eager to attach themselves
to you as you have desired them.
The essence of things
Everything is made of the same thing. As science is slowly revealing
finer and finer particles that are common in all things, it simultaneously
reveals that all matter has its origin from an invisible source. Many
writers have called this invisible source by many names just as the
various religious sects have also referred to the same, as God or the
creator. This source is impartial and by nature fulfils divine design.
All things are created after the likeness of the
creative force. Is it not written that you are
created in the image or likeness of God? And
after what likeness do you suppose everything
else is created? Is everything therefore not a
manifestation of the creative force itself?
When you stand in front of a mirror and smile,
does the image not smile? Shall it ever be
possible that the shadow walks away in
protest of where you choose to go? I desire to
ask you who you are but I need to be certain
that you know WHAT you are. You are an
image forged after what likeness?
The prime cause of all existence is the
creative source. In short, in everything there
is God due to omniscience, omnipotence and
omnipresence, meaning in everything,
everywhere and all the time. Nothing is
created without the creative source having a
hand in. Through the creation of mankind and
the endowed independence of thought thereon, the creator placed all
the possibilities in his workmanship, His masterpiece, YOU!
In all the words written herein, be aware that it is all on the basis that
you have the authority to dictate the thoughts that you entertain in your
mind. These thoughts therefore become your submissions to Almighty
for the life that you are to lead. Man cannot by and of himself create
anything, except that he may, by the nature of the image after which he
is fashioned do as that which he is fashioned after. You are limitless, the
very image of God.
Food for
“Through the
creation of
mankind and
the endowed
of thought
thereon, the
creator placed
all the
possibilities in
Do more than required
If you require or desire more out of life then you must become more.
This is because if you do what you have always done, you will get what
you have always got. There is no benefit to give half attempts at things
in your life because if you never strive to do more than you have Dunn
before, you doom yourself to complacency, mediocrity and even
Everything has its origin in an idea, in a thought. When you use the mind
to your fullest capacity, you shall discover that you are perpetually
creating your life by the thoughts that you entertain or allow yourself to
dwell on in your mind. In life, it can be easily traceable even by your-
self that, ‘we attract not what we want but that which we are’. This is to
say that; from your predominant thoughts, you have created the lines of
delivery of your experiences. When I speak of Being, I refer to the
subconscious mind state or paradigms that govern you.
We have to understand the process of attainment as; “we have to Be,
Do then Have”. Whatever you may have in your life starts with your
becoming the person who does the things you do to have the things that
you have. Often time, people find it easy to put the cart before the
horses. For example, when you ask many people why they are not yet
in the business, that they one day speak of starting, a common barrier-
answer will be found to be lack of capital! Let me show you how the
cart is before the horses in this common answer, so that you may know
my thought pattern; according to my economic studies, Capital is owned
by the rich. Furthermore, the process of getting rich is referred to as
capital-formation. This for me means that when you have capital, you
are rich. The cart here is capital. How can you expect to Have before
Doing what it takes to have?
It is vitally important what you spend your time doing. Some even carry
the notion that there is nothing to do! I think the fact that the law of
cause and effect cannot be put on pause must be studied by those that
think there is nothing to do who in essence are busy passing time and
the reward thereof belonging to them.
If you are not happy with the way things are, you have to change
yourself. There is no other business that you are called to do other than
to add the best of
yourself into the
world. This world will
get better, when each
one only but adds the
best of themselves
into it. In its diversity,
the world has all sorts
of people to lead all sorts of lives, so why deny the world your
individual expression?
If you feel you are not paid your worth out of life or work, you may
have to do things in such a way that they have and add value to the
world. The reason, purpose or intention of every act, should be infused
into the doing of everything that you ever do, in order to make the most
of yourself or add the power of intention into your being.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well. What is the use of doing
below your best when you can only be remembered for what you have
done and perhaps how you Get-it-Dunn. Do something each day that
gets you closer to your dream. It is the surest way to make any dream
come true. If you ever have a chance to speak to someone that seems
to have achieved their dreams or goals, you will immediately trace their
achievement to a particular aspiration, ambition, desire or dream.
Doing breeds results
Success is an effect which comes from the application of a cause. It is
attaining the desires of one’s desired life-expression, i.e. getting what
you want.
A careful study into success will reveal that the cause is found within
the individual that succeeds; for the individual possesses a limitless
mind of possibilities. It is a power within, that can be developed and
made strong enough to do whatever the individual desires. Any
sufficient cause must surely create an effect.
A burning desire for success is a necessary ingredient to its attainment
(the desire). Imagination presents limitless possibilities of life that the
mind only needs but to ponder and impress onto the subconscious in
order to set the creative forces into action.
The first requirement of success is to be convinced that you can
succeed, in whatever you have desired to succeed in or pursue. This is
not meaning to merely be convinced about a belief that is based on a
cognitive or objective mindset but on the subconscious level of being; to
be in tune with that which you desire.
My brother bought a guitar before he had any classes, before he could
even play. What strikes me is that he can now play and yet has never
gone to any class. I guess he knew the desire to play was the ability’s
In order to be convinced that you can, you need to be in tune with the
forces that govern all existence. There are laws that you need to obey
and be in synch with and tools that you must use in applying these laws.
These tools are invisible tools of the mind and spirit. The tools; you are
to use to cultivate the success desired in the life that you by-so-
cultivating, create.
The people that succeed only do so because they use the tools
successfully. There is no one that is deprived of these tools but many
perish for they know not that they have tools let alone how to use them,
but that is where this manuscript is relevant. And because we can
establish that like causes have like effects, then if you do as they (those
that achieve) have done you can get as they have got. This though will
limit you for you too can create your own masterpiece from your
imagination, faith, believe and living by doing. There is no need to think
that the only means for your advancement is for another to lose, there
is enough of everything that ever was needed in this world. A product
or service, that can be created by an individual and exchanged for
value, is an example of the proper use of the acumen and skill that each
can develop or cultivate. This is to say that there is a price to be paid
for the success that you desire. The good news is that the only thing
that is required of you, is to use the things that you have in your current
environment to propel yourself to the aspirations or ambitions of your
own design. There is always something that you can do.
Anything that is undeveloped is capable of being developed. In order to
develop the mastery of use of any of the tools of success, it is therefore
vitally important to understand success and its causes.
The desire that I have infused in my writings, is that I may cause you to
know that you can succeed. If you will allow me to convince you that
you can succeed, I shall have irreversibly brought you closer to your
success. Success is the same for each and every one of us that live on
this beautiful planet of ours. The only difference as you shall discover,
is that, the desires, that each is entitled to having, are unique and
exclusive to the individual who so desires. Amazingly, we do not all
want the same things! This implies that success is limitless in form and
in degree, as any individual is capable of imagining.
If you have thoughts that other people are more privileged than you are
or that their conditions are better than your own and that is your excuse
for not moving yourself forward, then it shall be that your condition
shall remain the same.
History can attest that all the world’s great always seemed to have had
a story of humble beginnings or a certain hardship or challenges they
overcame to be who they came to be remembered as.
Are you not a blessed generation that has had so many manuscripts and
texts to refer to of the lives of generations past? Are you not more
advantaged knowing that with the digital age, you are able to have any
information at the tips of your fingers?
Imagine the greatness of this generation.
 : Make life work
“Do something, each day that
gets you closer to your dream”
 : Mind over matter
“Rediscover yourself from
 : Development for
corporate gains
“Get the best out of your team,
share the vision”
efficiency for life
“The cheerful
Sustained career
“Anything worth
doing, is worth
doing well”
Learning and
study skills
“The search
within the texts”
Motiv8 angles
“Perspectives of
Workshop menu
: Productivity improvement through
: Employee Motivation
: Stress management
: Teams and team building
: Leadership
: Civil contribution
Contact; Mr. GetItDunn
(Author, transformational coach, inspiration-orator)
Tel; +27 76 450 8282
Be ready for Dream-catching

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  • 1. YOUR STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO GETTING IT DONE Every step counts ABSTRACT When a journey begins, all there is, is the road before us, the desire to travel it and travelling it. This booklet is a series of companion collectable books that will positively reaffirm you through your life journey, encourage you to keep going and by the contagious nature of enthusiasm, make you travel this blissfully, knowing that “you are not alone” Mr. GetItDunn Make Life work … LIVE!!!
  • 2. 1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The permission to succeed This manuscript is written with the intention to liberate you in your thinking so that YOU shall know that the success that you so desire, resides within you. Only you have the power to dream your dreams, for your dreams can only come true for you and nobody else. This invariably should therefore also mean that, since the power to dream dreams is at your disposal, the pursuit of the same is your chosen destiny. If the dreams that we have are not pursued, they are relegated to whimsical fictional fairytales or castles in the sky. Your duty is to pursue the dreams that you create. When a person desires something, (at that very moment of desire), the ability to make it come true also comes with the conjuring up of the desire. Anything that the mind can conceive, that same, can be converted into the equivalent experience. The detail of the dream is very important in pursuit of dreams, for how else shall you know that they come true? Are you not tired of déjà vu being the only clue of your own revelations? Are you happy with thinking that this phenomenon (déjà vu) is just a random event and yet it keeps happening? I am going to show you and indicate that you have, all along, been the master designer of the life that you have led. Everything has its reason for happening, as much as your reading of these words ought to produce the results that are intended for you as I write. “The giver of dreams surely must have made provision for the attainment of dreams”
  • 3. 2 If you have been needing permission to start off on your dream, no matter what kind of permission it has been, I want to introduce you to the only person that can grant such permission. It is said that “greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world”, but what or who is in me if not me as I seek such permission? The giver of dreams surely must have made provision for the attainment of dreams. Could I not really be clearly giving you the answer in saying, YOU Are? You are responsible for the success that you shall achieve by the measure of belief in your dream that you accord to the day-to-day occurrences that add up to a fulfilled dream. Is it not high time that you took charge of your own life expression and experiences? Anything that you imagine to be worth doing, is worth doing well, and if you find it to be worthwhile, “just do it”. Get it Dunn. Most are amazed how it is that the things they did for fun or as pass- time ended up changing the world. They always express their success with so much humility that is accounted for by the amazement that comes with something that starts off so small. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The mind (the creative workshop) There are laws that govern the natural world just as there are spiritual laws that govern all existence. “Transform yourself by the renewal of your mind” the Paul says in his letter. You have to realize that you are a spiritual being that is having a physical experience. This means that the underlying law that you have to abide by is the spiritual law. This is a supreme law. To be able to observe natural law is beneficial to the one
  • 4. 3 that observes it but better yet is to be observant of spiritual laws. Creation occurs at the spiritual level because the physical is only a reflection of the spiritual or the mere manifestation of what the spirit conceives. Man has a mind so that he may think limitless possibilities. Man’s limitlessness of thought may just be the very image that is referred to in our likeness to the creator. You fashion with your mind the life that you are to explore on this physical plane or experience by first holding the like images in your mind. Give thought to the thoughts that you let into your mind. As we live, we have a part to play in collecting the data of all experiences and creating our responses for self-preservation to make this life an awesome one; seeking to get as far from pain and as close as possible to pleasure. He who masters his mind will endure and defeat any adversity for he shall always seek to find the seed of victory in all things. Be thankful in all things for it is through the things that you go through that lifelong learning occurs. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Frame of reference Let me take advantage of the technological age that we are in with an analogy for what I refer to as a frame of reference and its play or functions. A “smartphone” is capable of storing as much information as was previously possible only on a laptop or desktop computer. Let us assume that the capacity to store is 32gig. The whole 32gig is to be filled with whatever information, videos, pictures, or music.
  • 5. 4 Let us examine closer what happens when we for example, you select all the music files and place them onto your playlist. Let us just say that you have 1000 songs. You then press shuffle or random on your music player. Now the music that you have is due to your selection of whatever genre that you selected to have stored until you had the 1000 songs. On pressing play, where are the chances in a particular genre most favorable or most likely? In life, you shall have to dance to the songs that you play. Similarly, if all your pictures are placed on a slideshow that plays randomly, what are the chances of beautiful, happy, inspirational, or whatever types of pictures to appear that are pleasing to see? In creating your frame of reference, it is and entails all the information and the interpretation thereof that you choose to place into your memory bank or collect as you go through life. I will add a cherry on top by saying that remember, even the imagination’s pictures, videos and songs also become part of the playlist of your life’s experience. What else do you think is the use and purpose of the imagination, if not to create, fabricate and project possibilities onto that playlist of life, which even though seems random, can be influenced and thereby directed? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The grantor of success Man succeeds not because of how clever he is or how crafty, but because of the grace of God. Ask, believe, and receive. All living beings seem to call to a higher being, a creator, in time of need or danger. To almighty shall all prayers be directed for he is the creator of all things that ever have and that shall ever be. I like to see Him as the grandest
  • 6. 5 existence that takes care of the minutest detail. Every fibre of my being is made of what he is made of. Amazingly, this is true for everything in existence. All that exists is an expression of God. The Almighty is not an emotional being as most may like to think, but no man can define Almighty for ALL is a manifestation of His creation. When you are in atonement with ALL, then whatever you shall ask is yours as you have believed. The impartial Almighty declares that all things are possible to those that believe. Did Jesus not say “I tell you, it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. It is even easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle. Yet still, with God, nothing is impossible”. He is the creator of all things and without him, there was nothing made because everything was made out of Him and of Him. All there ever was, currently is and is to come, is made from Him, by Him, of Him and even for Him. There is nothing that IS without Him. You ARE His very image, His masterpiece. “All that ye desire, is a pleasure of the Lord to give to you”. When you know yourself in and within Almighty, you will discover that the things that you have ever desired are as eager to attach themselves to you as you have desired them. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The essence of things Everything is made of the same thing. As science is slowly revealing finer and finer particles that are common in all things, it simultaneously reveals that all matter has its origin from an invisible source. Many writers have called this invisible source by many names just as the various religious sects have also referred to the same, as God or the creator. This source is impartial and by nature fulfils divine design.
  • 7. 6 All things are created after the likeness of the creative force. Is it not written that you are created in the image or likeness of God? And after what likeness do you suppose everything else is created? Is everything therefore not a manifestation of the creative force itself? When you stand in front of a mirror and smile, does the image not smile? Shall it ever be possible that the shadow walks away in protest of where you choose to go? I desire to ask you who you are but I need to be certain that you know WHAT you are. You are an image forged after what likeness? The prime cause of all existence is the creative source. In short, in everything there is God due to omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence, meaning in everything, everywhere and all the time. Nothing is created without the creative source having a hand in. Through the creation of mankind and the endowed independence of thought thereon, the creator placed all the possibilities in his workmanship, His masterpiece, YOU! In all the words written herein, be aware that it is all on the basis that you have the authority to dictate the thoughts that you entertain in your mind. These thoughts therefore become your submissions to Almighty for the life that you are to lead. Man cannot by and of himself create anything, except that he may, by the nature of the image after which he is fashioned do as that which he is fashioned after. You are limitless, the very image of God. Food for thought “Through the creation of mankind and the endowed independence of thought thereon, the creator placed all the possibilities in his workmanship, His masterpiece, YOU!”
  • 8. 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Do more than required If you require or desire more out of life then you must become more. This is because if you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got. There is no benefit to give half attempts at things in your life because if you never strive to do more than you have Dunn before, you doom yourself to complacency, mediocrity and even degeneration. Everything has its origin in an idea, in a thought. When you use the mind to your fullest capacity, you shall discover that you are perpetually creating your life by the thoughts that you entertain or allow yourself to dwell on in your mind. In life, it can be easily traceable even by your- self that, ‘we attract not what we want but that which we are’. This is to say that; from your predominant thoughts, you have created the lines of delivery of your experiences. When I speak of Being, I refer to the subconscious mind state or paradigms that govern you. We have to understand the process of attainment as; “we have to Be, Do then Have”. Whatever you may have in your life starts with your becoming the person who does the things you do to have the things that you have. Often time, people find it easy to put the cart before the horses. For example, when you ask many people why they are not yet in the business, that they one day speak of starting, a common barrier- answer will be found to be lack of capital! Let me show you how the cart is before the horses in this common answer, so that you may know my thought pattern; according to my economic studies, Capital is owned
  • 9. 8 by the rich. Furthermore, the process of getting rich is referred to as capital-formation. This for me means that when you have capital, you are rich. The cart here is capital. How can you expect to Have before Doing what it takes to have? It is vitally important what you spend your time doing. Some even carry the notion that there is nothing to do! I think the fact that the law of cause and effect cannot be put on pause must be studied by those that think there is nothing to do who in essence are busy passing time and the reward thereof belonging to them. If you are not happy with the way things are, you have to change yourself. There is no other business that you are called to do other than to add the best of yourself into the world. This world will get better, when each one only but adds the best of themselves into it. In its diversity, the world has all sorts of people to lead all sorts of lives, so why deny the world your individual expression? If you feel you are not paid your worth out of life or work, you may have to do things in such a way that they have and add value to the world. The reason, purpose or intention of every act, should be infused into the doing of everything that you ever do, in order to make the most of yourself or add the power of intention into your being. DO SOMETHING EACH DAY THAT GETS YOU CLOSER TO YOUR DREAM
  • 10. 9 Anything worth doing is worth doing well. What is the use of doing below your best when you can only be remembered for what you have done and perhaps how you Get-it-Dunn. Do something each day that gets you closer to your dream. It is the surest way to make any dream come true. If you ever have a chance to speak to someone that seems to have achieved their dreams or goals, you will immediately trace their achievement to a particular aspiration, ambition, desire or dream. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Doing breeds results Success is an effect which comes from the application of a cause. It is attaining the desires of one’s desired life-expression, i.e. getting what you want. A careful study into success will reveal that the cause is found within the individual that succeeds; for the individual possesses a limitless mind of possibilities. It is a power within, that can be developed and made strong enough to do whatever the individual desires. Any sufficient cause must surely create an effect. A burning desire for success is a necessary ingredient to its attainment (the desire). Imagination presents limitless possibilities of life that the mind only needs but to ponder and impress onto the subconscious in order to set the creative forces into action. The first requirement of success is to be convinced that you can succeed, in whatever you have desired to succeed in or pursue. This is
  • 11. 10 not meaning to merely be convinced about a belief that is based on a cognitive or objective mindset but on the subconscious level of being; to be in tune with that which you desire. My brother bought a guitar before he had any classes, before he could even play. What strikes me is that he can now play and yet has never gone to any class. I guess he knew the desire to play was the ability’s birth. In order to be convinced that you can, you need to be in tune with the forces that govern all existence. There are laws that you need to obey and be in synch with and tools that you must use in applying these laws. These tools are invisible tools of the mind and spirit. The tools; you are to use to cultivate the success desired in the life that you by-so- cultivating, create. The people that succeed only do so because they use the tools successfully. There is no one that is deprived of these tools but many perish for they know not that they have tools let alone how to use them, but that is where this manuscript is relevant. And because we can establish that like causes have like effects, then if you do as they (those that achieve) have done you can get as they have got. This though will limit you for you too can create your own masterpiece from your imagination, faith, believe and living by doing. There is no need to think that the only means for your advancement is for another to lose, there is enough of everything that ever was needed in this world. A product or service, that can be created by an individual and exchanged for value, is an example of the proper use of the acumen and skill that each can develop or cultivate. This is to say that there is a price to be paid for the success that you desire. The good news is that the only thing that is required of you, is to use the things that you have in your current environment to propel yourself to the aspirations or ambitions of your
  • 12. 11 own design. There is always something that you can do. Anything that is undeveloped is capable of being developed. In order to develop the mastery of use of any of the tools of success, it is therefore vitally important to understand success and its causes. The desire that I have infused in my writings, is that I may cause you to know that you can succeed. If you will allow me to convince you that you can succeed, I shall have irreversibly brought you closer to your success. Success is the same for each and every one of us that live on this beautiful planet of ours. The only difference as you shall discover, is that, the desires, that each is entitled to having, are unique and exclusive to the individual who so desires. Amazingly, we do not all want the same things! This implies that success is limitless in form and in degree, as any individual is capable of imagining. If you have thoughts that other people are more privileged than you are or that their conditions are better than your own and that is your excuse for not moving yourself forward, then it shall be that your condition shall remain the same. History can attest that all the world’s great always seemed to have had a story of humble beginnings or a certain hardship or challenges they overcame to be who they came to be remembered as. Are you not a blessed generation that has had so many manuscripts and texts to refer to of the lives of generations past? Are you not more advantaged knowing that with the digital age, you are able to have any information at the tips of your fingers? Imagine the greatness of this generation. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  • 13. 12  : Make life work “Do something, each day that gets you closer to your dream”  : Mind over matter “Rediscover yourself from within”  : Development for corporate gains “Get the best out of your team, share the vision” Personal enhancement “Personal efficiency for life gains” Efficiency through enthusiasm “The cheerful Doer” Sustained career joy “Anything worth doing, is worth doing well” Learning and study skills “The search within the texts” Motiv8 angles “Perspectives of eight” Workshop menu : Productivity improvement through wellness : Employee Motivation : Stress management : Teams and team building : Leadership : Civil contribution MOTIVATIONAL EDGES Contact; Mr. GetItDunn (Author, transformational coach, inspiration-orator) Email; Tel; +27 76 450 8282 Be ready for Dream-catching